Zmusіt mlyn pratsyuvati. Rechetsvetik: Senior group. Mlyn on donkey tyaz

Zvishnoye Chornoshkіmoye Clates Villam in the village of Mazitala in Malavi, at the 18th Rock, Ale Kolya Vin, ahead of the vіdnovani jereli yoma yoma Bulo. .

Really, like a lad at yoga vіtsі, if he sat at the mystical library and throats of the side of a tedious assistant, he didn’t blame the daily global thoughts ... But, it’s not possible for yoga to respect having turned the chair of the windmill .... The axis of this little baby started everything.
However, let's take a step back from the head of the conversation and immerse ourselves in the life of the village of Mazitala. Even though it won’t be noticeable in any way: it’s not a village, and it’s the same for all the senses of the inhabitants, who are the only ones to make kintsy z kintsy. Ale, here is an important moment, who wants to emphasize the respect of the reader: Malawi has less than 2% of the districts connected to electricity. Tse means that 98% of the population does not have access to great, but life-needed speeches. You can show yourself that in this village about the electrician, it’s not possible to think about the good.
І axis here, turning to our hero, we can find out, about what we think, wondering at mlyn ... We think about those, as for the help of an electrician, we can use a pump, which can help yoga and other people I give birth. Gartuyuyuchy tedious sides, vin raptom razozumіv, sho on bagatio і from them images of different schemes, connected with electricity and electromagnetism whirlpools... But William himself told about his previous knowledge of science: “I went to the library of the United States, prompted all books are on English language and half of the text is not clear. I had a chance to read it like a bi navpak: I scribbled pictures and diagrams, wielded an electromagnetic induction. It is written at the book - “scheme 10”, and I joke about scheme 10, I twist it with my mind, as if it were practice, and with such a rank of mind, as it is written at the book”.
The fathers of William paid for the school’s education because of the flu, and that’s why the lad calls the library special for luck, as it became the end of the new world for the new one. Wanting to have a library for our sensiary, it’s impossible to name the place: even then there were only three metal police, for the words of the boy, on which the donations of the book and the rubbed assistants were heaped up. Before the speech, William, himself from his assistants, rozpochav his own good education, without worrying about friends, whose fathers could allow their children to get enlightened. Ale on that day, if you know the books of science, it changed your life.
After the development of different technologies and projects from pictures, William got excited about the idea to inspire the power windmill. Vіn mirkuvav even more simply: “Here, having prompted this contraption, it was prompted by hand. The one who stubbed out was a human being. I am that kind of person."
Naturally, the most important part in everyday life for a lad from a remote village, having become a choice of materials, from such wines, a choice of their own mlin. William
Vikoristovuvav a mustache that only knew: parts of a broken bicycle, PVC trumpets and a different z zalishcha.

If the improvisations were ready, it was important to celebrate yoga. One pidlіtku tse bulo was clearly not under force. "My cousin and friend helped me," - knowing William. Ale vin also guesses about those who were smart and morally. The moustache of the small village marveled at the fool, as if at a madman.
“I thought that the stinks would always laugh at me, respecting me as divine,” said William. And just like a million times of launches, and a light bulb went off in the booth, the shutters of fellow villagers changed dramatically, for those who, after inducing a 14-year-old warning, came to marvel at the surroundings.

By stretching the coming rolls of rock, William electrified his own, adding batteries. Vіn zіbrav elektrichnyj peremikach, which is exhibited at the Museum of Science and Technology (Museum of Science and Industry). And for the whole hour, William did not forget about his assistants - studying them every day. Now knowing sing-songly - the books helped you and Yogo Sim'ї change your life to a better place.
And they gave everything like a Kazakh: even beyond the rock, the village was seen by an official of the Ministry of Education of Malawi. Having read the memento of the mother - a windmill and calling on journalists, the news about the gifted youth reached Emeka Okafor, director of the TEDGlobal company. The first axis at that moment in the life of a simple black-haired lad was shattered by a sharp turn. Okafor zatsіkavitsya William and proіvvestuvav yogo away uchannya pochatku in school, and then entered the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg in PAR.
Today, throughout the village of William, windmills stand, providing clean water and electricity to the skin of the donkey. And now the lad himself can now be allowed to read, whether it be books and farther away, VIE.

Mlyn is a mechanism in which different grains are milled, for example, wheat, in order to make it boroughly, or dry food for creatures.

Mlini buy different forms and obsyagiv.

Іsnuє kіlka types:

All types of milling have milling mechanisms, called zhorns. The stench collapses for the help of other forces.

Manual mlini pratsyyuyut in the form of applied force. While a person is turning the handle, the mill is working, as if only in the sun, and virushiv, the mill is not grinding the grain.

Vodyany mlini vindicate the power of water. Such a shower will sound like a river from a swedish flow. The water mill has special blades on the wheel, if the water is flowing, the wine rests on the blades, and by the same token they put the whole wheel in rush, and the stench wraps the zhorn at its edge.

Let's do the same rank

Windmills pratsyyuyut for help wind. The stench of the shovel with bevelled edges. If it’s windy, we’re talking about pokhili surfaces and vіdshtovhuє їх. The stinks start spinning.

Electric Mlini to wrap the zhorn for the help of special motors, as they work in the form of electricity.

In Denmark, the vicorist is mainly electric mills.

If a person wants to take it off, they go to the milk, weep the wheat in a special container, from which grain they are served in a small amount in a millstone. There, the stench is churned up into shreds, as they are cleansed and sifted. For example, we need to be purer and whiter, for which our mothers bake us savory buns and pies.


1. What is the purpose of the mlyn?
2. How do you see millions of people?

Olena Lopareva
Perspective plan of the robotic team “Move to the edge of the doslidіv and eksperimentіv” on the 2nd half of April (senior group)

Sichen1. Light. Light that shade

Target: Recognize the creation of shadows of objects, establish a similarity to the shadows of that object, create for the help of the shadows

Materials: An electric light, three brightly colored images of a bear, a hare and a fox, and in a different order, three color images, of an almond color.

The light fades, the room darkens. Children, for the help of a whistleblower, hang with a lighter and look at various objects. Why is everything good for me, if the light shines?

The teacher places his hand in front of the lighter

What is on the wall? (shadow)

Why is the shadow established? (The hand conquers the light and does not let you reach the wall)

Visnovok: The object, which is known between the light and the wall, throws a shadow on it.

2. Water. Where does water appear?

Target: Show that water has the power to be removed and steamed, signify how materials take in water.

Materials: sponge, cloth, plasticine, plate, wood, newspaper, polyethylene, cotton wool, water bottle

Vіzmemo different objects: sponge, fabric, plasticine, plate, wood, newspaper, polyethylene. Gently with a spoon, take the giblets on objects. What objects do not absorb water? Like splashing water on a part of an object, so that the whole object gets wet, how many of those places, where did the water go? Nallemo take it at the saucer, it does not take in water. Significantly between the drive that is surplus for a day or two. Where did the water go?

Visnovok: water can get in and out

3. Water. Water mlyn.

Target: Dates of notification about those that water can lead to other objects

Materials: igrashkovy water clay, basin, glechik with water, ganchirka, aprons for a large number of children

Can you clean the water and other things? The teacher shows the children the water jet. Yak zmusiti mlyn pratsyuvati? Children put on their aprons and roll up their sleeves; take a glech with water and pour water on the spades of milk. Mlyn is collapsing?

As if pouring water with a small stream, then it is right to use it, it is right to pour it, and if it is poured with a great stream, then it is better to use it. Water bring її to the ruh.

Visnovok: water can zmusiti pratsyuvati mln.

Lyuty 1. Can papyrus be glued with water?

Target: Show that water can bond, develop the child’s cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with natives, learn children from the power of natives on the butt of water.

Materials: two arkush papers, water

We take two arches of paper, we squeeze them between the palms and ruhaymo їx: one in one beak, the other in the other. Wet the leaves with water, press lightly, weak the water, we try to crush the leaves. The stinks don't collapse.

Visnovok: Water can glue.

2. Water. Dzvenyacha water

Target: Show the children that a lot of water in the glass is pouring into the sound that is seen.

Materials: dancing, on which to stand bottles, water, a ladle, a stick with a thread, a plastic bag is fixed on the end.

Before the children stand two flasks filled with water. How do the flasks sound? All options are reviewed (tap with a finger, objects, as if to propagate children). How do you make the sound of dzvinkishim?

A stick with a bag on the tip is being propagated. Mustaches hear, like jingling bottles with water. Do we hear the same sounds? Then the teacher pours in and adds water from the flask. What is poured into the ring?

Visnovok: A lot of water is poured into the strength of the sound, the sounds come out differently.

3. Water-retailer

Target: Develop the children's cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with natives, learn children from the powers of the natives on the butt of water, show that water can have the power to develop acts of speech Materials: tsukor, sil, ascorbic acid, roslinna oliya, borosno, containers for water, spoon.

1. Prop on one child mixed in one zukor, another strength, third-ascorbic acid and taste the water for relish. Have vodi z'yavivsya relish. The water became licorice, salty, sour. And the speeches, like they put them near the water, broke up and changed the taste of water.

2. And now we’ll tell the water about that oil. Boroshno did not open up again in the robe, but the siege sank to the bottom of the flask. So the oil does not separate itself - it floats on the surface.

Visnovok: not all speeches can be spoken by the water.

4. Water. Water transparency.

Target: Bring the children to the point where “clear water-clearance”, “brudna-non-clearance”


Two cans of water, gudziks, fireplaces, metal objects, a piece of earth

Z'yasuvati, how to understand the concept of "discovery": to propagate to know the insights of objects in a group (slope at the window, bottle, aquarium)

Show that the water is at the jar of transparency (lower dribnі objects into the jar, and the stench will be visible)

Let's put a piece of clay in a jar of water and mix it up. The water became kalamut. Dip objects in such water and perekonatisya, scho stink is not visible.

Chi clear water in rivers, lakes, seas, Kalyuzh?

Visnovok: clear water - clearness, it is not possible to see objects, kalamutna water - opacity.

berezen1. Water filtering

Target: Formulate a statement about different ways of water purification

Materials: paper filters, watering can, ganchirochka, river sand, starch, containers, bottle of water, algorithms for controlling various filters

Mix the starch in the water, and then clean it different ways. Children look at the algorithms for the implementation of various filters - from a pipe, fabric, paper. Children prepare filters and revise their day. Z'yasovoyut, which filter cleans the water better.

Visnovok: it is better to clean the water with the help of a paper filter

2. Farbuvannya drive.

Target: Formulate a statement about the deacons of power. Materials: containers with water (warm and cold, farba, sticks for mixing, plastic cups)

Children look at 2-3 objects that lie near the reservoir with water. Z'yasovuyut why the subjects are well remembered. Dali z'yasovut, how you can farbivat water (for help farbi). The vikhovator proponuє pour water in plastic cups with warm water, and then with cold water and z'yasuvati, in some glass of farb it's better to make it, like water is fermented, there will be more barvnik.

Visnovok: Water can be warm or cold. Deyakі barvniki razchinyayutsya by the water, the more tsієї speech, the more intense the color, the warmer the water, the more the more the speech.

3. Where did the water go?

Target: Viyaviti process viparovuvannya vodi. Depth of water vaporization from the minds (high water and closed water surface)

Materials: two identical containers, plastic cups.

Children, for the help of plastic cups, pour equal amounts of water at two containers. Together, we are grown up to shatter the sign of equal water at the reservoir. One jar is closed with a lid, the other is left with a lid. Obidvі banks put on pіdvіkonnya. For a long time, they watch the process of viparovuvannya vody, roblyachi badges on the walls of containers and fix the results of the worker's watch. They discuss what the amount of water has changed (river water has become the lowest for the sign, where water has arisen from open banks(Particles of water rose from the surface in a circle). If the chamber is closed, the vaporization is more frequent (often it is impossible to vaporize from a closed vessel).

Visnovok: water can be steamed up.

4. Are water taken?

Target: Formulate a notice of condensation.

Materials: container with hot water, cooled metal lid

Vihovatel nakrivaє єmnіst z cooled water metal lid. After a certain hour, the children are encouraged to look at the inner beak of the lid, to rub it with their hand. Z'yasovyut, the stars appeared water on the krishtsi (these parts of the water rose from the surface, could not be evaporated from the jar near the roof and settled on the krishtsi). The vihovator proponuє repeat dosvіd іz warm krishkoy. Children watch out that there is no water on the warm roof.

Visnovok: The process of converting the bet at the water is carried out when the bet is cooled

Kviten1. Water. Zhittedayna vlastivst vodi.

Target: Show the important power of the driver - give life to the living. Watch out for the sightings of the tree, put in an ode (the stench comes to life, give roots)

Watch out for the germination of the same incense in two saucers: empty and with cotton wool.

Watch out for the germination of cibulini in an empty bank and in a bank with water

2. Water. Roslini of various colors

Target: Show the roc to the juice in the stalks of the roslin


Jar of child food, water, blue grub barvnik, roslina (cloves, narcissus, celeriac, parsley)

Spread a grub barvnik near a jar with water. Put the stalks of roslini in a jar and bud. After 12 years, the result will be visible.

Visnovok: Contaminated water is lifted by a stalk of a leafy plant to thin channels. Axis why the stems of roslin melt into a blue color.

3. natural material. Guessing.

Target: Show the children that the objects can be worn, how to lie in the material.

Materials: Objects of the same shape to the world from different materials: wood, metal, foam rubber, plastic

Perebuvayut before children different bets subjects. Children look at them and recognize which stinks are similar and which they excite. (Similar to the rozmіrom, vіdіznyayutsya vаgou) Take objects to the hands, check the vase's size. to preach to children close ochima behind the sound of the object, which, having fallen on the sublog, is significant, a light wine or an important one.

Visnovok: however, the shape and size of an object can make a difference.

4. Natural material. Paper tuft.

Target: Recognize children from the power of the paper (strongness, vihovuvat caution

Materials: Pieces of thin colored paper and colored cardboard.

Give children small pieces of colored paper and cardboard. Children are blowing them for a helping wind, ”what happens to the winds, they watch over the water. Shmatochki like a paper to fly faster. Why?

Visnovok: Pieces of thin paper are lighter, so the stink is better to fly. Pieces of cardboard are important, that stench will fly higher.

Traven1. Water. Fountains

Target: Develop dopitlivist, self-reliance, create a positive mood

Materials: plastic balls, sirniki, water, basin

The facilitator shows the children pictures of different fountains. Can you make a fountain yourself? What yoga can be mastered? The vikhovator gives respect to children on the bringing of the dances, the sirniki she pronounces for the help of these materials, to prepare a fountain. The facilitator is far away to rob the little girls in dances, and the children tick off with sirenki, reminiscent of the dances with water, sirenki wiggle and a fountain comes out. Why does the water not writhe, if there are sirniki in the openings?

Visnovok: water does not wriggle out of the dances, so open them shut up with sirniki

2. Natural material. Charming sieve.

Target: Get to know children in the way of strengthening stones in the sand, grains in the great groats behind the help of a sieve. Develop independence

Materials: Scoops, various sieves, cebra, bowls, manna groats, rice, sand, stone chips.

The master became unhappy. Vaughn inadvertently missed the cans of cereals and all of them were mixed up. Wonder why we don’t have any objects that can help us?

We know speeches, yakі you can ask. It can be seen that the pisku has a lot of stones. Yak vіdokremiti pіsok vіd kamіntsіv? Why are great objects left in the sieve, and small things are immediately taken away from the bowl? Newly needed sieve?

Visnovok: when passed through a sieve, the fine words are sifted to the bottom, and large objects are left behind the sieve.

3.4. Diagnostics


Front view:

municipal treasury preschool installation lighting -

nursery school No. 17 combined type "Sunitsya"


non-intermediate-illumination activity

lighting area

« Educational development»

with different technologies TRVZ (system operator)

Kamenki 2016

Topic: "Where is the energy going?" abo "They have energy"

Group type: incandescent lighting

Vikova group:pre-school group (6-7 years)

Trivality: 25 - 30 hvilin

NOD form: TRVZ technologies

Form of organization: subgroup

Starter kit: Veraksa N. Є., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. "The type of people before school." Orientation educational program of preschool education. – Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014; L. N. Pavlova. Early childhood: a development of the movie and myslennia: Methodical help. - M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000.; SaNPiN;


zor row: presentation “system operator”, video clips “Vtryaki. Windmills"; video clips "Water Mlyn", "Hydroelectric power station"; video "Fixies"

literary series:artistic word

musical row:minus for physical vilink

Distribution material:"chart-schemes" (sheet A4) with a set of cards-symbols of handouts for the skin of a couple of children;

Cars one for two;a bottle of water on a skin child;

Ownership: tables 5 pcs., basin, water mlyn,light bulb rozzharyuvannya, provіd, vimikach; notebook; multimedia

Scheduled result:Take the fate of the elementary sleepy activities with grown-ups and one-year-olds. From satisfaction, she enters into mating with grown-ups, the language of the child is active, emotional.Viyavlyaє bajannya take part in the games, inheriting the grown-up.Zdiysnyuє independent diї, emotional, rozkuty.



understand the concept of "energy" and її forms.



Date notice about those deviating electricity, how to come at the booths?

A creation of minds for the formation of a manifestation in children about energy, її form that dzherela, TRVZ technology


The development of death in children is carried out with elementary electrical appliances;

Development of rozumovo and movnoi activity of children;

The development of the mind of the hypotheses, the work of the visnovka..


Vihovannya umіn domlyatisya, vrakhovuvati partner's thought.

Stage of sleeping activity

Organization of sleep activities

The duty of the teacher

(method, accept)

Vihovants' activity, vikonannya I brought to the attainment of the planned results

planned result

I. Motivation to action

Boys, do you like grati? Do you know how to play?

Yak rich igor you know, but you want to play in the game:"Freeze - die"? What is more foldable to win: to collapse and stand unruly?

Everything in the world is collapsing: rivers are flowing, winds are flowing, the earth is wrapping around itself.

There is no life without traffic.

Why so vіdbuvaetsya? What do you need for ruhu?


Positive emotional mood.

Get to sleepy gaming activity

They show interest in future activities.

Play actively

Reply to the teacher's request

The children have been splintered.

Developed the coordination of movement

II . Poshuk, task accomplishment, problems

Do you know what kind of stars are taken? Do you want to find out, how the energy will be and de won?

In a group you have the same energy. Let's try to know?

She listens to speak correctly.

Vminnya hearing that vіdpovіdati is not hasty.

ІІІ. Activity planning.

Spіlne obogovorennya rozvyazannya tasks, problems.

V .: Our helpers will be “chart charts”

V .: There are “chart diagrams” prepared for you on the tables, which will help you remember, and then tell you about those that you know today.

There are screens on maps: 3 on the top, 3 in the middle, 3 on the bottom.

Ale "maps - schemes" total 3.

How can we hope that we can work with them?

Q: Can you split the bet? I'll shoot up to three, and you'll find yourself a couple. Take care of yourself, who will be your captain.

Join hands and promote the motto:

Not boring at the same time

Together it’s not tight

Start that creak of cicavo at once.

V .: The captains are ready to search for energy in a group.

Z: At home, I knew how to use a light bulb and a vimikachem. How do you know if the light comes on, so turn on the vimic? Why?

Z .: What can help lamps to work?

V .: Think about it and say, what is the name of such energy? (electric)

Stimulates the romatic processes of children, vicory at first sight.

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

Getting children to work activities.

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

Listen carefully.

Practice with your choice

Children react to the teacher's actions.

It is important to listen and actively discuss, put food and evidence on them at the borders of their recognition and knowledge;

in line with the rules of the day

IV. "Vidkrittya" by a child of new knowledge, mastered in the mind, a way of activity

(practical work)

The teacher speaks brightly.

Q: Where does your group need electricity? (At the wires)

Power: Do you still need electricity? What else can be used in the form of electrical energy? (Electric train, electric car, metro, trolley bus, tram)

V .: Look out that electrical energy helps to power all electrical appliances, transport.

Axis mi i knew 1 energy in our group - electricity.

Z .: How do you think, what sign can be used to signify electrical energy? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

Z .: Guess what happens under the hour of thunderstorms? Who has checked the warning sign on the electrical panel?

Why is the warning sign? (Nebezpeka!)

Z: Computer, show the electrical energy sign.

  • Slide 1 (electrical energy symbol).

V .: Why do we have a group with a mild feeling? (Because it's warm, the batteries are warming up.)

Nutrition: Why stink grіyut? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

Z .: Why are there more batteries? (Dry speech)

Q.: Do you care if energy is alive in the battery? How can you call such energy?

Z: Energy in batteries is called thermal energy. We with you in the group knew 2 energy - thermal!

Z.: Where can you capture thermal energy? (Steam locomotive, steamboat, prask)

What sign do you propose to recognize thermal energy? (Options for children)

P .: Computer, how can you recognize thermal energy with a sign?

V.: Tsim is signifi- cantly familiar with thermal energy.

Z: The skin group has so many toys and cars, do they stink all at once?

V .: "Captains", take 1 car and stand in front of your assistants.

Take care of them, bring them to the Rukh, so that the stench will go.

"Pomіchniki kapitanіv" 1,2,3 - Take the cars to the garage!

Z .: Explain why the cars went, earned?

Q.: How do you think, how is this energy called?

Z .: We were given energy. Tsya energy is called mechanical. The axis and the third energy were known to be in your group!

What sign can be used to signify mechanical energy? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

P .: Computer, help us, recognize the sign of mechanical energy?

  • Slide 3 (Vizok)

V .: We and you in the group knew three forms of energy, guess what .... (Electric, thermal and mechanical)


V .: Respect, zavdannya: “Find the cards that mean the forms of energy and stick them on the top row. How many cards do you need to know? (three)

V .: You remember what you practice with the team. You can stay at home, whoever sees you: 1st I need a card, the other sticks on the screen I need.

V .: I'm into three. Anyone who has signed up with bindings, can proceed to complete the “cart-scheme”.

Q: Let's check, did you fill in the screens correctly?

  • Slide 4 (top row)

Z: And yet, do the stars show energy? How do you care? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

V .: Those, in the form of which energy is manifested - tse and є dzherelo. Do you want to know, how are you going to be?

Z .: Nature has a lot of energy. Let's try to know them?

Million axis. How to bring mlyn into ruh i zmusiti pratsyuvati? (Options for children)

Z .: We blew, created a wind. Wind is the source of energy.

Z .: How can you signify “wind”? (Options for children)

P .: Computer, help us, signify the sign-wind?

  • Slide 5 (wind)

V.: For a long time, the energy of the wind was won by people to lighten their work. They came up with a windmill to grind the grain into borosno.

You bachili if the windmill? Do you want to indulge?

  • Showing the video clip "Vtryaki and windmills".

V .: We pumped the windmill. There are windmills for extracting electrical energy.

V .: For the help of such a station, it is possible to provide electric energy to a small place, for example, like our place Bogdanovich.

AT.: For help, what else can you think of millions of pratsyuvati? (Options for children)

Dosvid іz water.

Q: Did the water bring mlyn into the ruh?

Water is a source of energy.

V .: What sign do you propagate to signify water? (options for children)

P .: Computer, help us, sign the sign of energy - water?

  • slide 6 (water)

V .: For the old hours, if there was no wind, then water came to the rescue, to grind the grain into a boar. Nine water is vicorated at hydroelectric power stations for the extraction of electrical energy.

Have you been pumping water milk to the right hydroelectric power station? Do you want to indulge?

Showing of the video clip "Water Mlyn", "Hydroelectric power stations

V .: It was known for a year that the Earth saves in itself a rich brown copalin, which can be used as a source of energy.

Z .: What to heat up the water? (Into the fire). From what can fire be removed? (Firewood, gas).

Why bother with the right car?

Do you know what gasoline wins from oil?

Gas, vugіllya, naphtha - dzherela energy. On the map it is accepted to designate the copalins.

  • Slide 7

Vugіllya - naphtha, - gas.

V .: All the dzherel can, if it ends: the wind stops blowing, the water dries up, the roots of the digging end.

V .: People constantly joke about the possibility of knowing such energy, as if the energy would be safe for the health of people and living nature. Lyudina already saw the cicada battery, as if vibrating electrical energy. Who knows what the battery is called? (drowsy)

What's with the sony battery? (son)

P: Right. Tse sony batteries, like vikoristovuyut on the Earth and navіt near the cosmos for the work on the space station.

The sun is the main energy source of the Earth. Aje without Sontsya wouldn't be alive! Do you know Fiksikov? Do you want to know what the stench will tell you about the sony battery?

  • Fixies' video about the sony battery.

Z.: How many energy sources did we know? Name yaks?

V .: Now you know 4 energy dzherel, how to put a rush and help bring energy to our booths.

V .: How do you think, where is it necessary to spread the firebrand of the energy? (near the center)

  • Slide 8 (sun)

Z .: Then, in the bottom row, give out other energy dzherel, as we have already recognized on the “desktop computer”. Commands are ready until the end of the day!

Nutrition: Let's check that the screens are correct.

  • Slide 9 (4 dzherel energy)

Q.: Your maps-schemes have no screen fills.

Z .: Guess how the energy of the wind was won earlier. Find a card, with windy and watery mlins. Glue them to the left middle wall.

P .: Guess how to win the energy to drive that wind at once. Glue them to the right middle panel.

Power: Are all screens locked?

V.: We compare our “chart-schemes” with the computer.

  • Slide 10

Now do you know what kind of energy your group has? Yaka?

Now do you know how much energy is in nature? Yaki?

Ask food.

Organization of activity of children;

Get to the gaming activity.

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

Create a display, accompanied by verbal instructions;

Conversation with good food

Create a display, accompanied by verbal instructions;

Set power

Create a display, accompanied by verbal instructions;

Get to sleepy activity

The teacher teaches the children to their own “chart-schemes” to add “cards-symbols”

Create a display, accompanied by verbal instructions;

Set power

Create a display, accompanied by verbal instructions;

Show video

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

Show video

We give the opportunity to put food

We give the opportunity to put food

Show video

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

Pragne hang out your thoughts.

Reply to questions

Reply to questions

Vlasnі judgment

Conquering children, given by the teacher

Reply to questions

Stash cards in the appointed order

Reply to questions

Watch the video

Reply to questions

Reply to questions

Children put pictures on maps-diagrams.

Reply to questions

Expansion of the active vocabulary.

Vminnya vimiryuvaty objects mental worlds.

Vminnya to do good with my son's soul.

Vminnya to speak your thoughts

Vminnya actively vzaimodiyati z odnoletkami and grown up, taking part in the sleeping games.

Vminnya take the fate of the spіlnіy activity;

Actively interact with peers and grown-ups

Vminnya vikoristovuvaty language for the expression of their thoughts

open awareness and follow-up activities

Vminnya take a good decision, relying on your knowledge

V . Reflection, analysis.

Z .: What helped you remember the different forms of energy today? (finish, films, "maps")

V .: Wave your hand, who has fared away to practice at once from a partner under the motto:

Not boring at the same time

Together it’s not tight

At once zavzhd that creak tsikavo?

Z: I’ve already been bullied with you in the energy group. Now you know that you can create your own maps. Dakyu you lads for hoary good.

Set the food that stimulates the process of thought.

They show zatsіkavlenіst.

Vlasnі thoughts.

Really evaluate the result of your activity;

Vminnya robiti visnovki.



Windmills can be seen from afar and often є order from the church or the chapel of the dominant village. They put them in the eyes of everyone, on a high open place, trochs in the sight. Bіlya small forces stood one or two mln, bіla great up to three dozen (the village of Azopіllya, the village of Shchelkove).

Mlini bіla village Shchelkovo on the outskirts of Feraponov. Vologda region

Windmills vikoristovuyuchi gift power to the wind, milled on millstones of 100 to 400 poods of grain. The stench of the boules is also the steps (croupers) to conquer the croup. In order for the mlini to work, their wings needed to be turned under the wind, which, changing straight ahead, seemed to be maddening in the skin of the millions of non-destructive and ruomous parts.

Irrespective of the great variety of windmills, due to the combination of stable signs, they can be combined into a kilka of typological subdivisions.

The greatest gradation, tse subdivided the mliniv into “stovpi” and “target”. The stench is divided by the principle of its constructive arrangement.

Stovpchiki are characterized by the presence of a central unbreakable stovp, dug into the ground, as if on a special support from a pyramidal wall (“row”) of decks, wrapped around a chotiric comir with millions of hands.

Mlini-stovpi on racks and rows

The tents were not small on the shear axis, the barn was placed on the ground, the wind was caught by turning the upper part with the shaft and wings - a humpback.

Facade and rosrіz mlina-namet

The name “namet” came out not in the form of a covering, it could have been something like that, but in the form of a frail wall, from the base to the top, which was guessing the name. Smocks are significantly larger and more beautiful than the stovpchiki their silhouette is more calm and static.


Mlini-stovpi can create an original, self-made architectural form. The stench is formed from the lower part of the supporting row of the wicked tim chi in a different way, which sounds at the upper part, and the clay that hangs over it, with wings. A similar fantastic image is more like a malovnicheskaya, so for an hour they make up the Cossack hut of Babi Yaga, the stench can also wrap around the side of the ribs.

Mlini stovpiv are subdivided into three main subtypes: mlini on stands, on rows, on frames.

1. Mlini on stands were found near the settlements, roztashovannyh near the basin of the Onega river, from the Kargapill to the White Sea coast, and also near the villages of the Vologda and Kostroma regions.

Mlinovy ​​komora stand on frail stovpakh-stіykah. At the upper part of the staves of the vlashtovans there is a small cut, which sounds in 3-4 vents. On the side of the komori, on the outlets of the lower decks, there is a balcony with old hanging gangways. For the production of bags made of grain, on the balcony, a special attachment was made at the sight of a horizontal drum with pins for manual wrapping. A small chotirikutny zrub of mlina maw double-shouldered, which is folded from the legs strengthened on them with triggers, streams, which support the tes, and ohlupnya, having crooked the upper stick of the dash.

Mlyn-stovp on racks. Solіgalіchny district. Kostomskaya region. The beginning of the XX century.

It was transported to the architectural and ethnographic museum in the city of Kostroma.

As a variety of such clays, one can see the Vologda clays with greater rotting of the decks, which spirals on the support pillars at a distance of 50-100 cm from the ground.

Ryazh mlina at Bulkin. Vologda region

2. Mlyn on ryazhі (fires). Ryazh with a pyramid from the decks of the ruban in the "rizh", in the yakіy the strizhneva is fixed. The boules were widened by the pools of the Mezen river and near the Vologda region.

Mlyn-stovp on the ridge from the village of Azopillya. Mezensky district. Arkhangelsk region.

End of XIX century.

The form of srobleny s logs of ryazh in different areas was revitalized one way. In the Arkhangelsk region, the row of maws sounds a straight-cut shape and starts to sound less at the upper part of the cut. In the Vologda region, a row of mav pyramidal shapes, a sounding of a cut went across the ground.

Mlyn-stovp from the village of Shchelkovo. Vologda region

The possession of millstones on stands and rows was formed from one millstone for grinding grains in a borough or from a shtovkhanini of a special outbuilding with crumbly pestles for grinding cereals. In the mills of shtovkhanin, on the entire length of the shaft, massive teeth are crushed, which are lifted and thrown off at a given order of important goods. A majestic tovsta deck is used to serve the Ossu kril, fixed in the walls and wrapped around the birch burls cut into them. On the shaft there is fastened and wired a toothed gear, with which the wrapping is transferred to the toothed drum and the vertical pivot, and from the top to the upper horn.

Rozrіz mlina-stovpi with zhorn from the village of Yuksozero. Arkhangelsk region

Rozrіzi mlina - shtovkhanini near the village of Bulkin. Vologda region

3. Mlyn on a frame, the basis of such a mlyn is a low zrub of a crown of about a meter. Their mlinovі komori are significantly higher and larger, lower in the front mlnіv.

Mlini on the "frame"

For the sake of depriving yourself of your artistic image, but allowing you to add up to one, put a sheller with pestles or a tovkot, and then another setting.

Rozrіz mlina shtovkhanina with zhornami from the village of Volkostrіv. Karelia

Mlyn-stovp on the frame from the village of Kalgachikha. Onezky region. Arkhangelsk region. Ear of the XIX century.

Transported to the architectural and ethnographic museum "Mali Kareli"

A similar type of molten maw is wider in Russian Pivnochi, in the central regions and in Russian Pivdni.

Mlini mark.

Mlini - names, the titles are also "Dutch" at the Russian Pivnochi, they rarely grow up, the stench has entered the life of the villagers with the development of capitalism, and is no longer an attribute of natural dominance, highly productive, promiscuous enterprise.

The architecture of tented clay is a transition from the village life to the factory for the form, looking and artistic image. By the nature of their architecture, the tent-shaped mills are similar to the fire towers or the water towers of the railway stations. Ale, not respecting the whole world, his gaze is also enchanting with a misunderstanding. Shatrovy mlini play an important local role in the vast organization of rural landscapes.

The central shearing will be around the mills for all days. Vin accepts the ruh from the horizontal shaft at the upper part and passes it on to the zhorns, milled at the lower surfaces of the clay. The loaf of milky smocks was an octagon, which sounds like a year for increasing the softness of the lower one over the steel to expand.

Mlini nameti

A new type of mliniv octagon on a quadruple appeared. Covering, and sometimes the whole vezha of tented clay was grimacing with shingles (thin slats) or tes.

Rice. 7. Mlini nameti

Widen the mlini mark the boules in central Russia and in the Urals.

The basis of designations can be based on the form and constructions of different ones. For example, a pyramid can be built from equal parts of the earth, and the construction is not chiselled, but framed. The pyramid can spire on the last quarter, and before the new one there can be the arrival of the necessary accommodation, tambour, accommodation for the mistress, etc.

Rozrіz mlina - mark. Vesnine village. Kotelnitsky district. Kirov region

Smut in mlins and their mechanisms. The outlines have an internal space of divisions with overlappings on a sprat of tiers. They were informed by steep mountain-type descents through hatches, filled in the ceilings. Parts of the mechanism can be roztashovuvatsya on all tiers. And їх mozhe buti vіd chotirioh to five. The shearing mark can serve as a vertical shaft, which pierces the clay through to the "cap". The wine spirals through the metal foot, fastenings at the balts, which lie on the paving frame. The beam for additional wedges can move at the different sides. Tse allows you to push the shaft strictly vertically. Those same can be robiti and for the help of the upper beam, de shtir the shaft is immured in a metal loop.

At the lower tier, a large gear is put on the shaft with cams-teeth, fixed along the outer contour of the round base of the gear. During the operation of the large gear, the multiplications of the kilka are different, it is transferred to the small gear or the other vertical, even metal shaft. This shaft is sewn through the lower zhorno and pierces into the metal bar, on which the upper ruhome (overt) zhorno is lifted through the shaft. Offended zhorn dressed a wooden casing from the sides and beast. Zhornova are installed on another tier of clay. The beam is in the first tier, on which a small vertical shaft spirals with a small gear, mounted on a metal ribbed bar and behind an additional ribbed washer with handles, it can be slightly lifted or lowered. From it rises or lowers the upper zhorno. This is how the fineness of the pomelo of grain is regulated.

In the casing of the zhorniv, a deaf wooden zholob with a doshka zasuvka on the ends and two metal bars was missed, on which a bear is suspended, which looks like a boar.

The order from the block of zhornіv the crane-jib with metal arches-zakhoplennya is installed. With this help, the zhorn can know their own places for vodkovuvannya.

Above the casing of the zhoren from the third tier, a zhorstko zakrіpleniya goes down to the bunker, which feeds the grain. Vіn maє zasuvku, for help you can block the supply of grain. Vіn mає the shape of a thrown truncated pyramid. From the bottom to the new rise of the tray, which is collapsing. Vin for the spring maє yalіvtsev bar і shtir, omissions in the opening of the upper horn. In the opening, a metal ring is eccentrically installed. Kіltse mozhe buti and z two-trioma slanting fir'yam. Then they are installed symmetrically. Shtir from the kilts are called obіchaykoy. Passing along the inner surface of the ring, the line constantly changes the position and moves the tray obliquely. Tsei ruh zipai grain into a pozolo zhorn. Smack it out into the gap between the stones, grind it into flour, it goes near the casing, from the new one into the closed tray and the bear.

The grain is sifted into the bunker, pierced at the bottom of the third tier. Bears made of grain are served here for help, brama and hanks with hook. The gates can be connected and connected to a pulley mounted on a vertical shaft. To rush from below for the help of a motuzka that is important. A hatch was pierced at the roofing boards, the ceiling was shattered by double chairs. The bears, passing through the hatch, shake the chairs, as if sweating quite curled up. The miller turns on the comir, and the bear appears on the roofs of the hatch. The operation is repeated.

In the remaining tier, which is in the "hat", on the vertical shaft is installed that fixed another, small gear with beveled cams-teeth. It shakes the vertical shaft and starts the whole mechanism. Ale її zmushuє pratsyuvati large gear on the "horizontal" shaft. The word at the paw is laid to the fact that the shaft actually lies with a kind of stubble of the inner tip down. Shtyrem tsgogo kіntsa vіn laying at the metal cherevik wood'yanoї ramy, the base of the cap. Raising the rampart, which is called out, lies calmly on the stone-bearing, slightly rounded beast. There are metal plates on the shaft in the same place, which protect the shaft from swedish erasure.

Two mutually perpendicular beams-brackets are attached to the head of the shaft, to which they are fastened with clamps and bolts and other beams - the basis of the articulated wings. Creelas can take the wind and wrap the shaft less than once, if the canvas is spread on them, it will sound like a fire at the jguti at the last, non-working hour. On top of the krill, the fall is due to the strength and the wind speed.

The pinion of the "horizontal" shaft has teeth, vrіzan in the side of the stake. From above, there is a galmivna wooden block, as if for help it could be zvilnen or tightened. Razke galvanizing with a strong and rugging wind, the temperature was high when rubbing wood against a tree, and winding up. Tsgogo better unikati.

Mlyn model from the village of Moshok. Volodymyr region.

Before the robotic krill of the mlina, turn the nasustrіch wind. For tsgogo є vazhіl іz pіdkosami - "carrier".

Small piles of little more than 8 pieces were dug up around the mlina. Before them, "carried" and croaked like a lansy with a chinese sack. With the strength of 4-5 people, to wind up the upper ring, I’ll lay that part of the frame well coated with solid oil or similar (earlier they were smeared with pig fat), turn the “cap” of the clay even more importantly, it’s impossible. "Kіnska silya" is not suitable here either. To that they were greeted with a small portable comir, which was alternately dressed on the feet with a trapezium-like frame, which served as the basis of the entire structure.

A block of zhoren with a casing with mustache parts and details, stitched more and lower than yogo, called in one word - postav. Sound small and medium-sized windmills scrambled "about one postav". Great windmills could be from two posts. There were windmills and "crowds", on which there were lilyans or hemp plants for the removal of the wild olive. Come out - top, - they also victorious in the home state.

The most important part of the borosnomelny mil - milovy setting or tackle - is composed of two zhoren: the upper one, or the runner, and the lower one, or the lower one. Zhornov to represent a stone stake of significant comradeship, which has a sharp opening in the middle, called an eyepiece, and on the surface, to grind, a notch (div. below). The lower millstone lies unruly; close this point with a wooden bushing, rimmed, open in the center so that the spindle is tied to the upper zhorny and gear that wraps around.

The top of the millstone is divided by deep gouges, called furrows, on the surrounding flat pits, which are called surfaces to grind. It looks like a furrow, expanding, drooping grooves appear, like they call feathers. Furrows and flat surfaces are shaped like a baby, which, it repeats, is called an accordion. A typical borosnomelny millstone has six, eight or ten such accordions. The system of zholobiv and zholobkiv, in a first way, fixes the cutting edge, but in another way, it ensures the step by step of the sipanny of the finished borosh z-pid zhorniv. With a constant victorious zhorn, it is necessary to indulge in one’s own indulgence, so that the edges of all the zholobiv are brought to the edge of the sharpness of the cutting edge.

The millstones vikoristovuyutsya in pairs. The lower millstone is installed permanently. The upper millstone, but the beater, is rickety, and the very same millstone is milled without middle. Rukhomiy zhornіv collapses with a cross-like metal “pin”, we will install on the head of the head shear or a wire shaft, which wraps around under the main mechanism of the milk (which vicorist energy wind or drive). The embossed little ones are repeated on the skin of two zhoren, in such a way the “knife” effect is safe when milling the grains.

Zhornova mayut buti however zbalansirovanimi. Properly rotting stones is critically important for the safety of a high quality broom.

The best material for zhornіv is a special stone rock - viscous, hard and unpredictable polished pishchanik, called a zhornovym stone. So, like stones, they are born, in some kind of authority, they are born to do it, and at the same time, they are even, rarely growl, then kindness is expensive.

"To ruin a filthy stone, to make a good one," they said among the people. Therefore, for the preparation of zhornіv shukali solid quartz rocks. Zhornov could be natural and pieced. Їхні razmіri were characterized by diameter and dosi vіmіryuyutsya quarters of a arshin. They are called three-quarters, fours, sixes. For example, the width of the horn should be one meter in diameter, the width of the upper horn - runner -40 cm, the lower one - lying -25 cm, the width of the upper horn - 600 to 800 kg. For greater spirituality, the horns were shod with outer hoops, and the working surface was built up. The speed of the wrapping of the zhorn was stale in the force of the wind and became 10-12 meters per second. Zavdyaki vydtsentrovіy force grain through the neck, the eye of the upper millstone was on the working surface of the couch, scattered, milled and looked like a borow zipalos on a wooden zholobi in the screen or directly into the bears. Yak_st pomelo lay in the air between the horns, as it was regulated by bolts.

On the surfaces of the zhornіv, rubbing, robbing the nasіchka, to pierce a row of buried furrows, and to bring gaps between these furrows to a coarse-short camp. The grain is consumed under the hour of grinding between the furrows of the upper and lower zhorniv and is ripped and ripped by the sharper edges of the furrows, the indentations are large-smaller large particles, which are residually chaffed after leaving the furrows.

Grinding furrows in the process of grinding grains

Nasіchka harrows also serve as bi ways, with which milled grain collapses like a point to a stake and goes off the millstone. Beau jorna, navit z short material, are erased, then the nas_chka is guilty of buti vіdnovlyuvana іnоdі.

Vodyany mlini

The cream of the force of the wind for milling the grain was often beaten with water mills. They put them on the birches of the river or stream, in a quiet, friendly place, entrusted with thin chagars and dark virs. Water mines in privniani z windy mayut velmy modest architecture, ale and їхній image venerated by legends and taєmnitsy.

Water Mlyn near the village of Stara Minusa. Irkutsk region

The stench is a double-topped crite of Crete, we will dvoskhilim or chotiriskhilim will cover, one side of the clay will stand on a birch and near the water on fire. The wrapper of the zhornіv look like falling water on the water wheel, for dosing the water to get on the wheel, rowing was instructed with mlins.

Fallow, in view of the peculiarities of the mine and the possibilities of organizing a haul of clay, they fought with the lower battlefield, tobto. with the supply of drive to the wheel from the bottom of the fire.

The largest element of the water mill is a wheel, which reached a diameter of 4 m. Two wooden rims were attached to the hard horizontal shaft with knitting needles, standing between them about 50 cm. . If the water drank into the pitcher, the wheel collapsed, and at the same time the horizontal shaft.

Scheme of water mlin

In the middle of the shaft, a wheel was fastened, as if with special teeth it was connected with a horizontal gear. The vertical shaft of the gear passed through the opening at the center of the lower stone and tightly creaked to the upper one (the upper stone was wrapped around, and the lower one was left unruly).

The wheel and gear of the water mine at Levusozero

The gap between the stones showed the fineness of the broom. The broom was important for the vigor and equal supply of grain to the zhorn: from the bottom to the bunker from the grain, a screen was lifted, as it is kolivaetsya - a dispenser. Moreover, the rozashuvannya tsієї shukhlyadi allowed to brute forcefully one ruler from the offensive, who had already put his grain into the bunker and prepared to thresh. The clarity of the mutual modality of the mechanisms began with the mastery of the mistress.

Falling on the wheel of the beast, the water gave it a greater torque, while the water caused the flooding of important territories. The onslaught of water is regulated by special shutters on the dam. At the hour of supply, drive from the bottom (before the speech, the wheel is small in this direction and the construction - the replacement of buckets on the axle was replaced by shovels) the shovel could not be. Rowing blocked off more than a part of the river, the waters of which the water flowed, taking away more swede. The same wheel wrapped around more.

Surrounding the zhornіv vodіnі mlini could be possessed by crowds, for which one more watercourse with a wheel was added, which brought the shaft from the teeth with its teeth, which raises the tovstі to pestle.

Putting the water-milk tongs on the Levusozero

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