It is known that the ring is at the door. Signs that symbolize the all-world. "Soul come to say goodbye"

For wealthy people, yakі live with to the current world, doors - this is the object, which prikhovuє vіd cіkavih eyes i vuh i є important element in the interior. However, if the doors were given more mystical meaning, they were wide open, but the doors were no different, like an entrance / exit from that mysterious and terrible world. Vіdtodi note about doors dіyshli i doninі. Doors carried a special sensation at the people's children and at the hour of death of a person, because. symbolizes the entrance to the world and the exit from the new.

For example, it’s really reconciliation, that it’s impossible for the door to open by itself into the house - until the dead man. They believed that death itself would come in such a rank, and soon there would be a funeral in this.

Likewise, for a note about the door, as if by raptom it is zrivaєtsya from the hinges, it's serious trouble after. As if it was like a meal before the 10th birch (the day of St. Tarasius), but on the same day, then it’s famously like: check or the sea, or death.

Such an important meaning for doors ...

At the door of wealthy peoples, the doors of the boules were tied with the exit at the sweating world, to which rich prikmet and zabobonivs were tied with it. For example, as if people feel a knock at the door, it means that in the next hour you need to check for bad news.

There was a knock, which calls out the unknown stars, I see death. It’s important that such a knock is heard, and a person opens the door (if no one shows up at the door), then that grief will go to that house. Tom in folk prikmets a joy is given: do not open the door, because there is no one behind it, and no one answers your voice.

Even though the doors were still opened, it was necessary to cross and read a short prayer “Our Father”. Tse vіdlyakaє unclean power.

As if knocking at the door is felt not in reality, but in a dream, then such sounds about you are ahead of the sleeper. For example, a restless knock at the door in front, which does not require breaking the next hour on a distant road. Your traveler can have checks for people...

I read a friend's story. As if the stench was celebrating the stench, I’m going to go. We sat with the guests at the table, moving and so on. and at the price of nobody, having lost respect, having children indulge). Through hvilin 20 їm, the watchman came and called (because they didn’t have a telephone, and wine was only on watch), they called you, they said to pass the term, the mother’s father drank the stench in the doctor’s office. Well, the stench started picking up quickly, packing the bags (did m grandmother lived in a different place). Here the mother again feels a knock at the door. Vidkrivaє, I know no one.

Then the grandmother explained that she was knocking at the door and that it was impossible to do it.

As if R_k to that, M_y I'm going to be the same in a filthy place. I was alone at home, robbed, raptom at the door ringing. We had an intercom, so the sucidka thought better. .

Today they said filthy prikmet, now I realized that it was so ... in a flash I came to the father's house, the martyr went to another place, the fathers to the dacha, asked the fish to be born. their houses are even more elegant, the creak of protection, the entrance at the door is either with a key, or in a car, whose numbers at the guard’s mind are awake, they couldn’t have anyone outside, they won’t be their own, they live in the middle of the ministry, they don’t play around.
about 4 o'clock at night, there is a knock at the door, navit gurkit, I'm going, I turn on the intercom, no one, I thought it was, I entered the door, it's good to be, the intercom is not yet switched off, rozumієte, knock ide and no one, moreover, the vibration is coming nothing is true at the door of the entrance, I stood there like that, so strong ... At the third knock, I already roared out of fear and called my fathers and martyrs, well, naturally, the stinks could not come right there and calmed me down ... the whale hissed, the wail was pressed ... so until the night I sat on the bed, perelakan until I died, I was afraid to leave the apartment for ...

Today, about the 4th wound, they began to ring at the door, on the back of the ear, a part of the ring, they woke me up, I threw myself, but I didn’t come. a person works in a different place, and I'm alone .... through a sprig of hvilin I call again, I opened the first door - I feed someone - it's quiet, I marvel at the vіchko - no one, it became even motoroshno. I lay back in the bed - the twinks began to move again! I called out to the police - they came quickly, but there was no one. Doors to the door with an intercom and make sure that you want to come in and go out - but ... there was no one! The police have gone... and call again! I've become bad! Ledve - Ledve got through to a friend, asked to come. Arriving and taking me. In the morning, I turned back home, rather motorically. I called my friends and told me everything that had happened. Vaughn made me walk with a candle for the year's arrow around the apartment (better to start from the front doors, finish on them, then see the candle outside the door). she said that she sprinkled the doors with holy water and smeared the teeth (purely white) ...

For the rest of the decade the problem of fear of knocking at the door become more relevant. With a wide style tie, if they can easily get ahead of us about their own opinion, it is practically impossible for guests not to arrive at the booth. Know that you live in a metropolis in to a rich apartment booth, mixing with sucides is reduced to a minimum. At the result of skin mismatches, there is a knock, or a ring at the door is crying: who is there and what is being heard? Sometimes fear can be so strong that you often have heartbeat and it’s important to go wild. And as the night knocks and there is no one behind the door, then the anxiety of the bagatar is aggravated.

Few people are wise enough that our psyche does not care about the quiet psyche of an ancient person, regardless of modern technology. We are experiencing those internal processes, which were used by our ancestors for thousands of years. One of such fundamental features of a person is symbolization, if for direct meanings that zmist ...

Qiu zmov to read trichі pospil over caught wax, which we will carry all the time with us. Sophisticated words are like this:

Є on a similar side

Presvitle kingdom,

Command power.

That kingdom has golden icons,

The domes are high and large.

І qі domes change, apply

I put the frock coat on the right,

So it is not possible to misfortune the servant of God (im'ya),

I will expose yoga, the body is naughty.

Kremin sіche, b'є,

Iskri vibivaє,

And the servant of God (im'ya) the Lord himself hovaє.

Key, lock, language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Why work, how they phoned at the door, but there was no one there

Buvay, that people, having felt the ringing of a knock at the door, act and reveal that there is no one on the marching maidan. This is a filthy sign, that it’s famously looking at the swede. Sob there was no misfortune, it is necessary to say in every moment:

Knock, bita, not to me, but to ...

I don’t particularly believe in the example, but still I try to keep up with the principle: I’ll believe it. Ale here, it was clearly marvelous. Girlfriend girlfriends know, I wrote to the one who had collections, tk. brother, having collected credits and not to pay ... but I already have doubts, what stinks, but what’s the axis on the right. From 11 o'clock in the evening, we begin to ring at the door, come, feed: Who is there? Hush. For nothing, they can call three times. On the back, I thought to the collectors, but it became doubtful to me that the collectors were ordered to spend the night under our doors, to ring them at night. Potim buv variant: Children to be born. Ale about the 4th wound, children will indulge, moreover, it’s quiet and calm on the day. And so as not to torment yourself with suspicions, I asked a person to check the call, because. I'm already beginning to panic at the hour of calls. Vіdrіzav, perevіriv, everything ... the call does not work. Twelve years of the night, I call again at the door. Well, I think, having confused and cut the wire the wrong way, I made the rules again cut, now ...

Significant podії have zhitti zavzhdi mayut sign. People, death, inaccuracies, waste of health and pennies - everything can be done, guarding us for signs. The stench of the different: good, bad, but all make adjustments to our life and get ahead of us about it.

It’s more respectful to follow the ranks of the bad guys. Itself to such prikmet it is possible to see a knock that you feel.

Knock at the windows the people are not in any way associated with goodness. Tsya prikmet forever condemned grief.

As soon as you feel a knock at the window, then in the fallow, you may have the following characteristics: a sign of a serious illness; financial problems and spend pennies.

A thick and stubborn rumble of a serious unacceptability in the business sphere.

A drawn-out knock is an important test, as I can blame myself for a special and suspenseful life.

Dzvіnkiy stukit - sly news, but the stench will not become a big surprise.


A knock at the door could mean something, it’s necessary to be respectful and not to miss the respect, it would be better, dribnitsa. Magic is more mystical than that mysterious manifestation. The one who has acquired this gift, we will honor and specialize, even if it is not skin, it is given to become a friend of chaklunstvo.

Because of what, if there is a special homeland, you can take it from the magician that you start. It is necessary to sprinkle the houses with fresh water and use these words: grief, misfortune and bad luck, leave my house forever. It is necessary to say doti, doki will not be sprinkled all over the house.

Even more often, people come to the magicians and tell that on the mountain in the house one is alive, one knocks on the booth, one should constantly marvel at the window at night. Ale, most of all, clients complain about the nightly knocks at the windows, or the doors.

An unintelligent knock at the door of a turbulent lot of someone, and, of course, if you see a maidanchik on the way, or at the door of a booth, you can chime in ...

Ganna: If you rush into the voice of "magic" in a vipadkovo way, then you didn’t realize: why do we have the 16th century on the subway, why does our population zdichavilo. "Eternal love spell", "In one session I'll win if it's food", "Magic against enemies is strong". I people believe. At once, for n-well, the amount of money for one session of your enemies should be reduced.

I know that my clients and colleagues do not love me myself through those that I do not propagate such methods. So that I didn’t babysit you, so that I didn’t succumb to your wives, so that I took a penny, calmly worked, and through river and again they came to me with this problem, which is cooler. Let's do good: I'm a penny and you have a whole lot of peace of mind that Hanna Mykolaivna and you will be greeted with her.

Tilki bach, how to go out - Hanna Mykolaivna such a robot sensu does not get robiti. Would you like a special order for river? Abo self-tightness took off - so they don’t drive us in - to rob us with the strongest - otherwise they’ll do the same with the senses, with plain sense, with the arrangement, and not like that, like a palamar.

And z pochuttyam, tse means how to lie down. And so, schobi already for a while virishiti tse pitanya. That’s why I’m good to mess around with you, but for all your life you’ve learned how to properly behave in a situation if you are attacked. And all the sounds at the door and the presence of someone behind them - this is an attack. And it doesn’t matter: what was the truth when you phoned and on the vtіk tse bulo on the subtle plane.

Otzhe. You raptom guessed that your mother lied about you as a policeman, that you will behave badly. Baba Yagoa also lapped and fears took shape in you. Nothing special, but like this: you are afraid of the darkness, you are afraid of DAI. If a person feels fear, then she sees a sprinkling of energy. Approximately such a picture of the p_dsvіdomosti comes out: I am a filth, I can do that, which I do not deserve. Tse "rozuminnya" attracts to itself all those who try to fool you, rob you, rob you.

And also "rozuminnya" "I am a filth" includes a program of warning and all attacks on you in accessible ways and there are new and new people who attack. And sometimes mom will try to follow your steps to herself and go all the way out on the right. Also.

3. Now guess what you were told nasty things about you by all the people that we are in front of a member of your homeland.

4. Write down. Sleep. Grow with the wind.

5. Write all the good things that anyone said about you.

6. Hang papyrus on a table. Read її 2 times a day before going to bed and after sleep. 21 day. Frazi mayut buti like this: "I'm kind", "I'm a good guy".

7. Now write these phrases with different felt-tip pens on different papers and spread around the house. For 3 days, change the writings with the passages. 21 day.

8. Mustaches were folded in cotton and neatly taken.

9. And now read God's commandments. Whenever you thought that you could live peacefully without them, they had mercy. Therefore, now you will tell the commandments. I will tell you why people live. You live in order to learn to obey all these commandments. Golovna z yakikh: To love one alone. And try to pile up everything at home, buy a dacha, join the most prestigious VNZ, but all the antrochs do not bring us closer to the ideal model of a person, not to God, not to happiness. Truth? І tse easy to bring. Axis to sit a girl and vvazha, that if she can reach such heights in a kar'єrі, then tse її to make you happy. I agreed. Now she has guessed, what can't she do! I made my own family. I know no luck. Happy! Ay! You de? Maybe in children? She gave birth to children. No luck. I didn’t bulo - it’s like a girl.

Why do you want to? In what places?

Buvae joys of whilina,

Hvilina happiness -

Shards of happiness -

not a whimper

and all your fates.

It won't be divided into parts,

The whole million won -

good luck

what do you live on it.

Mykola Dorizo. 1971

You can also joke about being happy. You can follow the path of good tastes and pardons, or you can follow the footsteps of your ancestors: happiness - I won’t stop if you want to fly. No more. Happiness - if you are so kind, it hurts even more. Well, maybe I didn’t exactly say it, but in principle for those who don’t know a little, if it comes, then you will understand according to these criteria. Tse torkaє soul to such depths, yakі Vi navit did not suspect. Tse, how to talk about vodchuttya. Like a shvidko finish.

And the camp of happiness may be more buti less near paradise. And in the first place we have our way of life. Our manner of staining our resources. Our way of talking, our way of giving, our way of loving. We can't live in a fasting state of euphoria. I am not guilty of viklikati. While we cannot forgive, love that pratsyuvati - mi - deeply unhappy people. The more we learn about three subjects at the school of life, the richer we live.

Love, forgive that pratsyuvati. The axis is all and we will spare you from the enemies.

Astrologer Svitlana Abramova: As often one can feel the ringing at the door, especially on the wounds, then it’s better to forgive entrance doors and the handle of the doors with water, with the addition of water water, work on the fall month with the words: “ All the filth, all the slander, bypass the house, the belongings, and the soul!". With these words, miєmo the door behind the scheme - from the bottom uphill along the left doorway, then the upper cross, then down the right doorway and sweat especially the lower part of the door - the threshold, we pass through the yogo sprat, flashing the line. Then, from the lower left corner of the door, we draw a line with a ganchirka to the upper right corner of the doors, and we go down to the lower right corner, and we draw a line navskіs to the upper left corner. In such a rite, we seal the doors with a slanting cross from the water.

Behind the beliefs of our ancestors, be it the doors - and the entrances, and in the middle of the place - were associated with the place of the day with the sweating world.

People believed that through the door the soul of a person would come to the world of the living and through it leave it.

In addition, the doors are in the same place, through like evil spirits, that dark forces can penetrate the life of that naughty child. For the same reason, behind the old clock, the doors were especially protected with amulets and amulets, and they were even a little afraid. knocks at the door, if there is no one behind it, - mark they said that this is a sign of bіdi, that it is coming.

This zabobonny fear of the flooring strongly creaked at the sky bridge, which instills a lot of modern people lakayutsya, if you smell a knock or a ring at the door, you hear it, and there is no one there, you start to worry, you feel it.

And it’s not surprising, even if it’s impossible to confuse with knocks and tinkles at the door of children who have become mad, or susidiv-zhartivnikiv. Tsі sounds go nibi and calls, and in the middle - from pіdsvіdomostі. But it means that the Share itself is ahead of it more importantly, it’s worth saying.

The very same thing should be respectfully placed before the knock at the door and show caution.

Nayvіdomіshe povіr'ya ahead, scho yakscho at the door they knock and call, but behind it there is no one, then it’s badly trying to get into the booths, bring bad luck with you.

Particularly unsafe prikmeta, like a knock at the door, buv at night and sunken three times. Our ancestors said that this is how the soul of a person, like a threat to death, guesses about the quick farewell with the light of the living and the future path to the kingdom of the dead. That is why the nightly knocking at the door is a direct warning about the death of this family.

Bring the least negativity knocking or a ring at the door, scho eating vranci. The example seems to be the same - before the other problems of a but-but nature, it is incomprehensible, with which you can easily get into trouble.

Yakscho they knocked at the door in the day, and it appeared that no one was calling, - tse example to filthy stars, inaccuracies and problems for sіm'ї.

Evening knock or ring at the door growing financial and professional problems, waste of power, evil, and sometimes - stealing valuable speeches or ruining.

Yakshcho I dreamed that I heard a knock at the door, but there was no one there Tse means that Vishchi forces are trying to give a sleeping person a signal. As if the whole dream was positive and bright, then the knock, which you dreamed of, announced radio sounds, like a strong sound.

As if the dream was important and gloomy, with streak and glimmering visions, and if you feel anxious about yourself, then it knocks at such a dream in advance about future inaccuracies.

What a job, you can feel the knock of a ring at the door, and no one

At some hour, you didn’t feel the knocking of the chirps, didn’t open the doors, didn’t marvel at the door, or didn’t chirp, who’s there. And our ancestors did not open the door at the first knock.

As they said for the old hours: "Who needs it - two knocks". And in front of him, like opening the door, they marveled obov'yazkovo at the window, to cross over, that a person had come, and not an evil day.

If there is no one behind the door, then it’s better not to act, so as not to let in trouble. Aja, having opened the door, and having not wobbled beyond the threshold of a person, you let misfortune into the hut.

In that mood, it seemed like it happened so that, having felt a knock or a ring at the door, and yet they fixed the door and didn’t shake anyone, then you needed to say: “Like an Angel, come in, start for the sake of it. Yakshcho bis, - go get out ".

After that, sprinkle the booth with holy water and walk around all the stones with a candle, rushing behind the arrow of the year, attaching special respect to the door openings. The sorceresses are also glad to smoke the entrance doors, the threshold and the front door with Pauline.

To complete the rite of trichi read "Our Father".

Feeling there is a knock at the door, if you don’t check anyone, - at night, in the day it’s a lie- don't forget that this example in some cases can mean just a call, or else it doesn't mean anything. And then all the filthy things start to sound accompanied by another filthy prejudice.

To that, if you don’t see anything nasty, it means that it’s entirely possible, nothing nasty will happen, and the unsafe example won’t work for you.

I am writing about the signs of the valley, tied with a knock at the door. Like you are a wicked person, like you can easily lie, be careful. A lot of choices in one place of history can help your anxiety. A knock (or a ring) at the door, if there is no one behind it, rіdkіsny phenomenon. Ring out such signs especially people in the family, who, on a deep level, are aware of the dynamics of the family, endowed with certain strengths. And the sound of the big unreasonable knocks - tse abo (just rumors and hallucinations).

Doors - between living space. Vidkrita - will show us from the outer world, asking us to come in. Zakrita - protect, isolate, save. On the symbolic level, everyone enters at the door of life and saying that they are deprived of її. Canopies, bury - change between the shares. Mustaches, which change like a chic and chic, from the last hours, were accompanied by magic spirits from the door. The memory of my life is alive, unimportant in today's technologically advanced life. That is why the signs of the valley are often tied with a door as a sacred symbol.

A knock at the door is a sign to the death of a loved one

“My grandmother had such a story. Tricky, she clearly chulad a ring at the door, went around and worked, and worked on the door, but there was no one there. In three days, її son died. So the bida came.”

“My girlfriend is so bulo! Knocking at the door, she made a move, and the next day they brought Seryozha (її man). V_n progin under the wheels of a far-reacher.

We have a booth with a small window in the kitchen, so you can see the entrance doors when you go out onto the street. I was in the kitchen and felt a knock at the door, but the dog slept peacefully under the table, wanting to ring out the windows from the windows, if you ring or knock. I marveled at the window and shook my temple thin to stand at the black hood, in the profile only a great one can be seen. I also thought, what a lad to carry advertising and why should the hood be so dressed up, even if the board is mute. Viishla at the door through the garden, but there was no one, to wind the street, there was no one ... Only later I realized what it was, if after 10 days the mother-in-law died.

“Ah, how I didn’t believe in everything and ignored similar reports of people I knew. Bye bye! I went to my cousin, sat down, indulged, and then the sister of that її tato came to see me off to the front door, and then she blew a ring at the intercom. Live stench at a private booth and intercom from video warnings. Immediately after the call, a maximum of a second passed, we turned on the video broadcast, no one was there. They blurted out. After 30 seconds, I will ring again - the same. Turn on - no one. I became scared, and they played the video the rest of the year. Otozh nіhto to the intercom zvnі not podhodiv. They threw down the video warning for injustice. After the examination, it was confirmed that the video intercom was in order and in good order. The next day in the world of the sister's mother. Dosi I can’t know an explanation to these podіy.

“On the right was a 2008 roci. Years rolled over about the fifth wound, through the ring at the door. I thought, judge from below. Come, I marvel at the vichko: there is no one. Went to sleep. And in the evening, it became nasty for the father, they called out the shvidka, he died on the way to the hospital. And the call didn’t work from that hour, and it didn’t burn, it just didn’t work and that’s all.

“Before, I didn’t believe in my example, if a friend told me that before her death, mothers had a ring at the door, until she herself closed. Vranci rushed through the ring at the door, 5-50 boulo. I think, susidiv drowned, maybe. I went to the door, looked at the vetch, but there was no one there. The doors were not fixed. On that day, the evening of tato, fuel and lubricants died. So the axis of the last call did not work anymore.

“My mother’s brother was seriously ill with a squad. І axis from some hour becoming a little knocking on the streets (they have a private sector). Start chopping wood. It was morning at three o'clock, until the man was awake: "Is there good in evil?" The knocking stopped, and here, in three days, the squad died.

“This year I was alone at home, and I felt a striking knock at the door in the middle of the apartment, I didn’t marvel, I felt a little motorosh. In children, it was like this. There was a knock at the window at evening, if the whole motherland was at the table, the sister drowned without a hitch. Before the death of the son, the chula knocked at the front door, unfortunately, she did it.

Three months ago, my favorite person died. Everything that was lost after the kohanoi people, tse sinulya. Before the death of a person, there was a good time. The man said that he will come at once, and in a day's time I can hear the voice of the man, that he is like "Svetlana" and knocks at the door. I veer out of the house, on the other side of the two doors, out of the house, out of the corridor of a man. And there is no yoga. And I guessed, as people said, what is bad, if you feel a knock at the door, and if you open the door, let death be at the booths. I didn’t start in faith and forgot about it, after a certain hour, becoming an unfortunate fall, the man died.

“I was 18, I somehow went abroad and gave birth to a baby girl (I was 2 months old). The person went to the nursery (prinaimni, maw vikhati). On the day of the turn of the year, about the 5th morning, I phoned at the front door (having tapped? I don’t remember). The hour is the same, if a person turns around from the train in an instant. I rushed to cry, and the grandmother began to bark at me, so that I wondered at the vіchko, which was not enough. I began to recount that it was definitely a man, but I marveled in the eye. There was no one there. I wondered who would have knocked on the 5th wound at the weekend, and went farther to sleep. The man of that day did not turn around like this from the day of work. Started yoga shukati - they knew from Morse. It's already late in there, having died before the exit at the rehab.

“At Krim, at their booth, they stood on the street with their mother-in-law here about 21-22 years old. The squad put the child to sleep in a booth. Father-in-law, lying, not getting up on the veranda. A relative went for an ampoule of analgin (prick the father-in-law). Trichi tapped at the heart, the mother-in-law seemed to sing Vіtka come, 5 meters to the wind. Pidіyshov, vіdkriv, no one, viyshov nadvir, levoruch - no one on the right. Druzhina tezh felt - she was asleep - Vitka arrived? And the coming day about 15.00 father-in-law died. I didn’t foresee anything, everything was like that.”

A knock at the door is a sign of Swedish death

“Kilka once at night, my father felt at the knock at the door, but there was no one behind the door. Vin died after an hour.”

“My fathers felt a knock at the door. This was the spring of 2014. Tato opened the door, there was no one there. After an hour, all the apartments began to dry at the hut, an unreasonable, hot smell appeared, even though the apartments were started only for nothing. In the faith of which fate, my mothers did not become.

Knock at the door - sign of separation

“I’ve had a particularly rich time like this, but I know that it’s impossible to open it, you start the evil spirits at home. So I'm wondering in the eye, but I feed "Who?". If it’s quiet, then I don’t speak. Axis butt, I was vagitna on the 7th month, with the father of the child, the girls went to the next. My friend and I are sitting in the hall and clearly feel offended, as if we had closed the door by the handle and knocked. I immediately jumped and did not think twice, but there was no one there for a short time. For the first day I parted ways with my boyfriend and didn’t do yoga anymore.”

A knock at the door is a sign of a close ailment

They spent the night at a friend’s apartment, and the fathers were at the dacha. It was already too late. My friend went to sleep, and I'm sitting on the TV, wondering, ummknula quietly. In a deaky hour, you will quickly go out of the room and live to the front door. She marveled at Vichko and turned around. Tell me: “Why didn’t you go to the door, if you don’t sleep?” I zdivuvavsya, nothing chula. And there: "So dzvinok bov!" But I didn’t sleep and I didn’t have a good call. And there was a distinct ring at the door. And the lies told me that at night її tata had a bad heart in his heart.

Knock at the door - until the death of home vihovantsya

“I’ve been talking about our wrongful waste of days here in another topic (the spaniel has died). That same evening, I feel like a door for cats. That one is so marvelous, first with a fist with the strength of strength, and it’s swish-shvidko. It’s like a man: “Go let our stafford’s wife in (they took the price a while ago), otherwise they vilamai.” I went, and there was no one there, the puppy went far away, in the other part of the territory, she took care of her rights. It was even more marvelous that it felt like a hoarseness, like a door was made into a temryava: anxiety, discomfort. And in 3 days our kitty died.”

"Soul come to say goodbye"

“A relative had such a stench - stink with a man, chuli knocks the year on the third night - win big to turn over - some at the door, some at the window. Then we found out that one uncle died at about the same hour. If she was still small, she gave her blood for a transfusion, and then she died here and the stench did not come together for a long time. Well, it’s better to say goodbye to her like that.”

“We have a similar bulo, if there are some from close ones. Grandmother died, three people were clearly crazy, like a flu vomited. I'm sorry. I and my mother with a titkoy, being in different rooms, chuli, as if passing through the door through the door (a private booth). Pishov a man’s father, we were afraid to sleep without light)) like a couple of days later we felt like a real vimikach was clicking at the yoga room, we were already pidbnuli together. Just think, hiba is yours native person hurt you badly? Soul to say goodbye to come. I want to believe, motoroshno.

“I myself was a witness, if I was visiting a friend, serving with my sons in the army. When the ringing sounded at the door (I myself was ringing), she did it, there was no one behind the threshold. Then it became clear that on the very same day and at about the same hour I had died, having served in Afghanistan.

“We ourselves live near Moscow. I was with a man and with children at the dacha, spent the night in the lake's blueprints. You don’t knock on us, but all the night I felt restless. True tim, sho little kid sleep on the streets, near the bastards, I also worry. And my mother was watching her mother (after a stroke) in Mozhaisk. So the axis of the first night they blew a ring at the door. My mother and my brother were sitting in the kitchen. The stench felt fear, they didn’t want to do it halfway. Ale, all the same, they went, ringing at such a door, where you can’t pick up the phone, until you enter at the door, and the windows are all (fenced on the temples) fixed. Potim baptized said that chula croki. They did it, there was no one. Those nights, in Moscow, in our apartment there were also crumbs and a knock at the door. At home, my brother was with his maiden, his brother was a maiden - and no one. It's greedy! Then it happened again, but the stench didn’t go away, then the same time in the kitchen it turned on the orange, throwing everything away. I nachebto closed. THE NEXT DAY WE WAS TOLD ABOUT THE DEATH OF OUR UNDER. You might as well say goodbye when you come."

A knock at the door is a sign of change, strong disappointment, problems on the robot

“A month before my death, my mother was knocked: either at the door, or at the windows in the middle of the night. So it was before the death of my brother. We are getting ahead of ourselves. We have already started to understand, if and to what it is necessary. As if we were knocked at the door to the fifth wound, then to a filthy star, as if after that, then to the radio bottom. I’m chula that the house-builder is in front of his master, I don’t know the truth.

“I have the same bulo, if on rental apartments lived. Possibly, I dreamed of knocking, but I threw myself into the new one and ran through the door of the office, and there was no one behind her. For a long time, my life has changed dramatically, both on the better side (it hurt my person), and on the worse side (problems on the job, but then we’ll pay the cost)”.

It happened two days before the rest of the season with a lot. Vranci, I threw myself at my room with my fathers, the doors to my room were firmly fixed like a zavzhd. There was no one at home. She wanted to lie down and lay down again, flattening her eyes. Raptom - knocking at the door. It’s bright, eloquent, like tassels of fingers. There was no long stretch. I immediately hoarded a lie. The knock was not at the entrance door of the apartment, but at my own door. On the Internet, I also read that it can be either a warning about death, or even a call. At the same time, I thought, what can I do, tse to the garno zvіstka and wines to break me the proposition ... It's a pity, nothing, cream of tears, tsya zustrіch did not bring me.

A knock at the door is a sign of vaginess

“And I knock on the door, and I open the door at the hour of vacancy (before the twilight of the days, so 2-3). Ale tse happiness, mabut, knocked.

“You know, I had a girlfriend, I couldn’t get it in any way. It seems that as soon as the stench stopped having sex with a man, literally after 1 hvilina there was a knock at the door. Vaughn ran as fast as she could to open the door, but there was no one there. And my friend said that if she made the door, she felt as guilty as she did it herself. I remember how she told me about literally the next day, how it happened. We seemed to laugh, that she was already fixated on the fact that she couldn’t be taken care of, that the glitches started already. And after 2 days, she completed the test for vaginess and the truth turned out to be vacant. The axis is such a story!"

Knock at the door - before moving

“If I had a call at the door, they rang and knocked at the apartment, buv. I spent the whole hour running to the door. Tse before moving bulo. Z'їhala potim from tієї apartment " .

This story was trapiled by me in 2008.
Ale, back to back, it is necessary to expand the history. Then I lived together with my mother and grandmother. My grandmother was born in 1925 to the rock of the people. At that time, she was over 80, but she didn’t have gray hair, and the doctors were always amazed at how healthy she was. Grandmother kilka once told me that: it was quiet at night, if everyone was already sleeping, there was a ring at the door. The ring will be long-drawn out - so, like a call, as if you press on the button of the call and do not let it in for a long time, and you will be alone. І supra-lingually full and virazim. Grandmother got up from her bed, went to the door, marveled at the vіchko - there was no one there. So, for її words, a sprig of times traplelas. Vaughn said that it didn’t hurt a little, so that there was a little bit on the marching maidan, there wasn’t a little bit (even if it was possible to let it go, it’s just that you just want to hooligan) nothing. Grandmother used to say that she marveled in the eye of the yonder, but she didn’t open the door at all, as if she didn’t beat anyone, behind her words - “raptom bida I want to remember that I didn’t chula.
And the axis seemed to tell me again, what she felt at night, as if they rang at the door. Vaughn jumped over like a ring, walked up to the door, marveled at the vetch and ... obviously, didn’t shake anyone. I did not feel anything.
For a few days, the sus_dka from the bottom - the old one - the apartment that was known under our two tops below, died. I don’t know exactly what was going on with her, she died because of her heartbeat, and she only showed up in two days (the old woman lived alone, but she often saw her judges).
To the same time, they didn’t give me a call to follow: a wondrous night call and death that followed him.
Father, after that the hour has come. Bula was nothing, I was lying at the bed near my room - I was sleeping. Ale, here I prokinulsya. I don’t remember exactly why I threw myself before of what I felt (nebi specially woke me up) or to that What did you feel. I felt a knock. Knocking at the door of my room. Nache htos pіdіyshov from that side and tapping. I distinctly heard that sound - that sound that the brushes of fingers see when they tap on wood. Moreover, the nibis knocked on the upper part of the doors, dumbly knocking, pulling their hand up the hill.
I didn't scoff, no. I don’t know why, but at that moment I felt so calm ... I didn’t want to open the door and wonder, what is there ... what is it. Khvilin for this, I was already sleeping.
After a day or two, two days later, my grandmother had a heart attack. They took early the money for a snack, and in the evening of the same day she died in the liquor.

It would be possible to say that it was a bug and everything just "felt" ... On the Internet, a few times, stories about such night calls were trawled. If I had previously read such a story in Merezh, I was even surprised (if I had read a sprat, it became scary), and not only to the fact that the floorings similar to my steps were familiar with other people, but also to the fact that they were similar to my whiskers were broken by the authors of these stories . In those stories of those who, in the dead of night, the ringing at the door, and died, but if they didn’t, then all the same, clinging to someone else’s death.
I think that death comes like this. Ahead of the day. Let me know about the swedish visit. And if I still think that my grandmother would then fix the door, then it would not be the woman who would have died, but she herself would have died in our homeland. And yakby, I somehow fixed the doors of my stone on a knock, then ...
The axis is such a story.

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