"Mystic island. Captain Nemo's last year. — The last will of the dying. — A gift to friends, who knew him for only one day. — Captain Nemo's trouble.

Jules Verne

"Hidden Island"

Berezen 1865 USA pid hour hromada war five smilivtsiv-siveryans bіzhat іz uzjatіvіv іvdnyа іn Richmond on povitryany kuli. A terrible storm swept some of them onto the shore of a deserted island in Pivdenny pivkul. P'yata people and її dog hovayutsya in the sea not far from the shore. This fifth is Cyres Smith, a talented engineer and teachings, a soul and a carpenter of the pen of mandrivniks - for many days he passes by the pressure of his companions, as they can’t see the same dog Top. The slave suffers the most, and Smith's servant is the Negro Nab. The proverbial coolies also knew the Soviet journalist and friend of Smith, Gideon Spilet, a man with a lot of energy and a rishuch, with an ebullient mind; sailor Pencroff, good-natured and inquisitive smilie; Fifteen-fifteenth Herbert Brown, son of the captain of the ship, with whom Pencroff sailed, who was left an orphan, and whom the sailor is put like before his son. After stubborn whispers, Nab will come to know his imperceptible rank of the ruler, who vryatuvavsya, in miles overlooking the shore. The skin of the new settlers of the island may have irreplaceable talents, and under the curiosity of Cyres and Spilet tsі vіdvazhn people flock and become a single team. Together with the help of the simplest hand-me-downs, then we will prepare more foldable items of work in the small factories of ours, and the settlers will develop their lives. stink spit, pick up natural roslini, oysters, then learn to breed domestic animals and are engaged in farming. The disturbance of the stench rises high at the rock, at the splendid view of the water of the stove. Nezabarom, zavdyaks of their practicality and reason, the colonists already do not know how to consume neither in zhі, nor in odor, nor in warmth and calmness. They have everything, a crim zvistok about the fatherland, about the share of such a stench they are already turbulent.

Like, turning around in their lives, they called them the Palace of Granite, stink, that mavpis rule in the middle. In a deaky hour, nibi under a surge of divine fear, the mavpi begin to vistribuvati z vikon, and with a shaking hand give the mandrillers a motuzkov, go down, like the mavpi they kicked up to the hut. The middle people know one more mavpa - the orangutan, which they deprive and call Uncle Jup. Nadali Jup becomes a friend to people, a servant of that irreplaceable memorial.

The other day, the settlers know a box of tools, firearms, various accessories, clothes, kitchen fillings and books on English language. The settlers are amazed, the zvіdki could have taken the screen. According to the map, as it has also stooped in a box, the stench shows that the order is on this island, not indicated on the map, of the tabor island. The sailor Pencroft was sparing the bajans of virushiti on the new one. With the help of my friends, I will be a bot. If the boat is ready, all at once they will break on the new one at the trial swimming near the island. In the hour of a new stink, you know a dance from a note, where to go, that a person, as if she had suffered a ship accident, checks a poryatunka on the island of Tabor. Tsya podіya zmіtsnyuє Pencrof's vpevnenіє vpevnenіє y nebhіdnostі vіdvіduvannya suіdny island. Pencroft, journalist Gideon Spilet and Harbert break at the swimming pool. Arriving at Tabor, the stench viyavlyayut a small hut, de behind all the signs no one has been alive for a long time. The stench roam the island, not spodіvayuchis podіvayuchis live people, and try to know wanting to b yogo remains. Unexpectedly, the stench smells Harbert's cry and rushes to help you. Stink bachat, scho Harbert fight z as if overgrown with hair іtotoyu, similar to mavpu. However, the mavpa appears to be a wild person. Mandrіvniki po'yazuyut yogo and transport it to their island. The stench is to open the room for you near the Granitny Palace. Zavdyaki їhnіy uvazі ta turbotam dikun not without a hitch anew transform into a civilized people and tell them their history. It appears that Yogo is called Ayrton, a great evil-doer, who wants to smash the Duncan with a glass of wine and for the help of the same, like a boon, leaving the soul to transform Yogo on a pirate ship. However, yogi plans were not destined to come true, and in the early twelve years, yogo was deprived of on the deserted island of Tabor, so that he could see his guilt and redeem his sin. However, the master of the "Duncan" Edward Glenarvan said, if you want to turn around for Ayrton. The settlers swear that Ayrton repents widely of his past sins, and that wine is smeared with all his might. That stink is not strong enough to judge Yogo for the past, the guilty ones are willing to accept Yogo from their conscience. However, Ayrton's hour is needed, and to that he should ask to give him the opportunity to live in the corral, which the settlers had for their domesticated creatures on the singing vіdstanі in the Granitny Palace.

If the boat at night turned around in a storm from Tabor Island, yogo vryatuvav bagattya, like, as they thought, they poured on him, ignited their friends. Prote vyyavlyaєєєєєє, scho stink to tsgogo boules indecent. It is also clear that Ayrton did not throw a dance from a note by the sea. The settlers are unable to explain these secrets. The stinks are shaking more and more to the thought that they are on the Lincoln Island, like the stinks of Yogo have been baptized, alive still, this secret benefactor, who often comes to help them in difficult situations. Stinks to roam the expedition of the hunters, being able to know the place of yoga. Prote's quests will end to no avail.

At the onset of summer (because of that hour, like Ayrton appeared on this island, and until that moment, like he had told me his story, five months had already passed and summer was over, and in the cold season, sailing was unsafe) stench virishuyut a new distance to the island of Tabor, to leave a note in the hut. At the record, the stench may be ahead of Captain Glenarvan at times, as if the wines turn around, that Ayrton and five other victims check for help on the dry island.

The settlers have been loitering on their island for three years. Your life, your state has reached prosperity. The stench already chooses rich native wheat, grown from a single grain, three years ago revealed in Kharbert's intestines, prompted the mlyn, breed a pig bird, re-lined their life, from the mouflon flanks they made their own warm clothes and carpets. However, the peaceful life of their zammaryu one podium, as if threatening to destroy them. Like, marveling at the sea, the stink of a well-equipped ship far away, and a black ensign over the ship. The ship stands on the yakir of the shore. On the new one one can see beautiful far-reaching harmonies. Ayrton, under the cover of night, makes his way to the ship in order to conduct a reconnaissance. It appears that there are fifty pirates on the ship. Surprised by the sight of them, Ayrton turns to the shore and tells his friends what they need to prepare for the battle. Two boats are descending from the ship. On the first settlers, three people shoot, and they turn back, another landed on the shore, and six pirates, who were left behind on it, hove in the fox. From the ship to fire from the harmat, and it is closer to go to the shore. It turns out that a small number of settlers can no longer be lied to. An indescribably majestic wind rises under the ship, and in tone. All the pirates who know the new, perish. As the weather vibrates, the ship sank on the mines, and this way, the rest of the baggers of the island are changed, because the stench is not here by itself.

On the back of the stench they do not dare to blame the pirates, trying to give them the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that the robbers of whom are not in the building. The stench is repairing and robbing the state of the settlers. Ayrton virushaє to the coral to see the creatures. Pirates grab yoga and bring it to the oven, with de torturs they want to try to get to the next place in the future. Ayrton doesn't give up. Your friends go to help you, but Harbert is seriously wounded at the coral, and friends are left in the new, not able to destroy the path with the young man, who is rebuked at death. After a few days, the stench still rages up to the Granitny Palace. As a result of the transition, Harbert begins to suffer from an evil lihomania, and the wine changes at death. Every now and then in life, providence is brought in and the hand of their good secret friend gives them the necessary faces. Harbert will dress again. Settlers may be the leader of the residual blow to the pirates. Go to the coral, let them know, or know there the tormented and alive Ayrton, and not far away - the corpses of the robbers. Ayrton admits that he does not know, as if he had stumbled in the corral, who transferred yoga from the oven and drove in pirates. However, I will give you one sum of zvistka. The day before, the bandits sailed into the sea, but, not viciously taunting the boat, they smashed Yogo on the coast of the reef. A trip to Tabor will be brought to the life of a new car. For the coming seven months, the taєmnichiy unknower does not let himself be known. Tim an hour on the island, a volcano rolls over, which the colonists respected, we will die. The stench will be a new great ship, which at times needs a moment to deliver them to the earth.

One evening, already getting ready to go to sleep, the bagmen of the Granitny Palace smell a tinkle. Spratsovuє telegraph, like a stench led the king to his booth. Їх termіnovo shout at the coral. There the stench knows a note from the prohannyam to go back to the dodatkovogo dart. Cable lead їх at the majestic grotto, de stink, on your own, bachat underwater chauvin. She stinks to know her sovereign and her patron, Captain Nemo, the Indian prince Dakkar, who fought all her life for the independence of her fatherland. Vin is already sixty years old, who, having buried the rest of his comrades-in-arms, is resurrected at death. Nemo grants to new friends a picture of koshtovnosti and ahead, that when the volcano erupted, the island (such a structure) vibuhne. In the world, the settlers batten down the hatches of the chink and lower the water, and for days on end they themselves will be a new ship. Prote do not take yoga to finish. All the while, the hour of the island's vibration, in view of which a small reef in the ocean is abandoned. Settlers, who spent the night at the name on the birch, covered with windy wind, saw the sea. All the stench, for Jupe's wine, are left alive. For more than ten days the stench has been sitting on the reef, perhaps dying of hunger and no longer sleeping. Already raptom stink to pump the ship. Tse "Duncan". Win all. How sweat appears, captain Nemo, when the robot is safe, floating on the new to Tabor and leaving a note to the rattler.

Turning to America, on the cost, given by Captain Nemo, the friends buy a great lot of land and live on it just like they lived on the Lincoln Island.

In the spring of 1865, at the time of the massacre of the war, the inhabitants of the USA sacked Richmond. Five lads come out of the place on a windy shoal, and a storm beats them out of the way, and the stench stinks at Pivdenniy pivkul on a deserted island. The fifth smile, Cyres Smith, who had become dearer and dearer, could not get ashore. Sign and yoga dog Top. Dekіlka dnіv mandrіvniki continue joking: the servant of the known Neb, the journalist Gedeon Spіlet, the sailor Pencroft and yogo 15-year-old pіdopіchny Herbert Brown. I was not able to know Smith from a mile away from the coast. The settlers are trying to settle down in a new place, cultivating their dwelling on the heights in the oven, and begin to engage in animal husbandry and farming. As if the mavpis were living at their place, and after the arrival of the lords, they broke up, the Crimea of ​​one orangutan, whom people called Yupa and allowed to live with them.

The settlers made a box of valuable speeches on the island: tools, armor, books, clothes and kitchen utensils. There they stink to know the map, on the island of Tabor, where there is a charge. The settlers will be working and starting a trial swimming, and for some time to catch a dance by the sea from a note in the accident of a ship of a person from a dry land. Harbert, Pencroff, and Spilet will sail to Tabor, but there is no one near the manifested huts. For an hour of searching for a 15-year-old boy, a wild person is attacked, they will sting like a stink and in the evening they will be transported to their island. As soon as people turn around, they eat at the storm, and only the stink of the stinker of the stinking bugger knows the way home. Ale on the islands zasovuєtsya, that the fire was kindled by their friends. The villainous Ayrton appears as a dikun, who 12 years ago wanted to buy the Duncan ventilator and become a pirate, and for that reason he was imprisoned on a deserted island, obliging him to turn after him. Also, I sang that I didn’t write any note about the squirrel. The settlers mischief Ayrton and take them to their team. Ale dikun to ask for a deaky hour to live far away from them at the everyday life, created by them for the creatures.

Friends begin to suspect that there is still someone alive on the island that secretly helps them. The stench is making jokes, but they don’t reveal anything. For three years of life on the island, the friends have made their lives more comfortable: they have increased the yield of wheat, they have thrived, they have learned to make robes. As soon as the ships of the pirates came to the island, the settlers stifled themselves, but the forces were nervous. Unsuccessfully, the ship sank on the mines and drowned. The pirates that have lived do not want a peaceful life, they are constantly in charge of the shkody's reign and sigh at the full of Ayrton. At the beginning of the first wave, it is hard to injure Harbert, after which the young man develops a fatal fever. Ale of life to you ryatuє faces, as if inexplicably the stars came. At the onset of Ayrton's willfulness, the settlers reveal the ice of a living friend, who does not remember how all the pirates were beaten.

For a few months, a volcano rolls over on the island, and friends build a ship for their sailing. At the ship after the zustrichi with the pirates, a tie-in was installed from the life. Like a stench, they sensed a signal, and when they arrived at the place, they revealed a note and a cable, which grafted them to the grotto with an underwater cloak. Use the middle of the stench to get to know your secret patron, the 60-year-old captain Nemo, who before his death gave them the gift of a cat. Friends do not try to get their ship if the volcano swells. The stench could turn on a small reef, on which they could see Captain Duncan, who tide after Ayrton.


Life of Jules Verne's novels What do you think and what can "Nautilus" "Nautilus" by Captain Nemo is not only a literary phenomenon

The day has come. Zhodin promin sun without penetrating the deep cave. The tide came, and the sea flooded the entrance to it. Piece of light, for a long time the sheaves of such a vibrated from the walls of the "Nautilus", did not fade, and the water, like before, shone near the underwater ship.

Knowing how tired, captain Nemo fell on the pillows. I didn’t even think about those who would transfer yoga to the Granitny Palace, shards of vines hanging from the bazhannya zaschitisya among the treasures of the Nautilus, which could not be bought for millions, and there the coin of imminent death.

To finish a long hour of wine lying zovsim unruly, mayzhe untidy. Cyrus Smith and Gideon Spilet respectfully watched over the sickness. It was clear that the captain's life was gradually fading away. Forces to blame would have to leave your body, if they can, and now there is no more crying shell of the soul, ready to die. All of Yogo's life was enshrined in his head and in his heart.

The engineer and the journalist spoke loudly. What will I need in the mirauchy at the watcher? If it is possible not to vryatuvat yoga life, then I want to continue yoga for a few days? Having said himself, that there are no ills against him, and calmly check death, not being afraid of it.

- We are powerless, - Gideon Spilet said.

- But why are you dying? - Asking Pencroff.

- Vіn zgasaє, - a prominent journalist.

- And what, if yoga is transferred to the open air, to the sun? Maybe you'll come alive again? - uttered the sailor.

- No, Pencrofe, don’t varto and kushtuvati, - an excellent engineer. “Before then, Captain Nemo won’t be long enough to leave his ship. Thirty years of living on the "Nautilus" and on the "Nautilus" I want to die.

Captain Nemo, perhaps, sensing the words of Cyrus Smith. We moved a little more and, having said in a weaker voice, we still make it clear:

- You have goodness, kindness. I fly and want to die here. I may have one hell of a time before you.

Cyrus Smith and his comrades moved closer to the sofa and adjusted the pillows so that the dying man could lie more comfortably.

Capitan Nemo looked around at the walls of the hall, osyayanoy electric light, which was shining, passing through the glassy stele; marveling at the paintings on the walls, covered with luxurious tapestries; to the masterpieces of French, Flemish, Italian, Spanish masters; on marble and bronze sculptures that stood on pedestals; a miraculous organ, attached to the back wall; on the showcase, where the pool was located near the center of the stone, in which there were miracle gifts of the sea: seaweeds, zoophytes, ringless pearls. Nareshti yogo eyes dazzled at the motto, which embellished the pediment of the museum, - the motto of "Nautilus": - "Mobilis in mobilei".

It was given, if you want to wake up to please your eyes with the sight of these masterpieces of the mysticism and nature, with which the adorable rocks of the rocks near the depths of the seas.

Cyrus Smith did not destroy the movement of Captain Nemo. Vіn chekav, while vmirayuchy to speak.

Passed sprat whilin. For tsey hour before the old man, maybe, all yoga life passed. Nareshti captain Nemo turned his head to the colonists and said:

- Do you care, sir, that goiter is for me?

– Captain, we would willingly sacrifice ourselves to save your life.

- Good, - in the distance, Captain Nemo, - good. Rebuke me for victorious over my remaining will, and I will be repaid for those who have grown for you.

- We promise you tse, - said Cyrus Smith. Tsya obіtsyanka goiter yazuvala not only yogo, but yogo comrades.

- Panov, - in the distance, Captain Nemo, - tomorrow I will die.

With the rush of the hand of the wines, having picked up Herbert, he began to retell.

- Tomorrow I'll die, and I want Nautilus to be my grave. Tse will be my string. All my friends rest on the bottom of the sea, and I also want to lie there.

Gliboka Movchanka bula in response to the words of Captain Nemo.

- Listen to me respectfully, gentlemen, - vіv far vin. - "Nautilus" at the crowd in this oven, out of any short circuits. And if you can’t get rid of the vine, then you can throw the vine into the day and take my remains with you.

The colonists reverently listened to the words of the dying man.

“Tomorrow, if I die,” the captain is far away, “you, Mr. Smith, and your comrades will leave the Nautilus.” All the riches, which are saved here, may come together with me. It’s less of a gift to deprive you of a riddle about yourself, Prince Dakkar, the story of which you now know. At this screen lie a shard of millions of diamonds - most of them were saved from that hour, if I was a man and a father and may be able to be happy - and a collection of pearls, like I picked together with my friends on the days of the seas. Tsey belongings will help you with the need for good work to do right. In the hands of such people, like you and your comrades, Mr. Smith, pennies cannot be for evil spirits.

Weakness zmusila captain Nemo troch perepochit. For a kіlka hvilin vіn prodovzhuvav:

- Tomorrow you'll take the screen, leave the hall and fix the doors. Let's climb up to the upper Maidan of the Nautilus, close the hatch and screw on the lid.

- We are so ir zrobimo, captain, - Cyres Smith said.

- Good. Let's sit down in a chauvin, which brought you here. Ale first, leave the Nautilus, open the two great cranes that are on the waterline. Water penetrates into the reservoirs, and Nautilus giblets sink more often and lie down on the bottom.

Cyrus Smith shook his hand, and Captain Nemo calmed yoga:

- Don't fight, you'll flicker. None of Cyres Smith, none of his comrades thought of him for being able to overthrow the captains of Nemo. Tse buli yogo rest of the order, and was left with less vikonati їх.

- What do you promise you, gentlemen? - sleeping captain Nemo.

- Yes, captain, - an outstanding engineer. Captain Nemo knowingly chimed in with the colonists and asked them to deprive them of one for a couple of years. Gideon Spilet urged the ailing one to fall into a trance, as if a crisis had come, but Captain Nemo was encouraged.

- Until tomorrow, I will live, sir, - having said wine.

Everyone left the hall, went through the library and farther and leaned on their noses, at the engine room, where electric cars stood. Zigrіvayuchi that illuminating "Nautilus", the stench at once was the core of this spirit force.

"Nautilus" was a marvel of technology, in which it was supposed to be a lot of other miracles. The stinks hooted at the engineer.

The colonists appeared on the Maidanchik, which hung over the water on a sim-high foot, and bulged out like a great rock at the shape of a compost, through which a beam of light shone through. Behind the slope one could see a cabin with a helm, at the same seat a kermovie, if you had a chance to drive the "Nautilus" in a kirz water, which was illuminated by electricity for a significant amount of time.

Cyres Smith and his friends did not say anything on the back: everything that the stench swelled and chuli stole, hit them with strong hostility, and their hearts clenched in their chests at the thought, that the patron, what kind of stench once they ryatuvav, have known such a stench for only a few years . back, torment die so soon.

- Axis is a man! said Pencroft. - Just think, that wine is so alive at the bottom of the ocean! Or maybe it was so restless there, like on earth.

- Possibly, "Nautilus" helped us to deprive us of Lincoln Island and get to the living, - Ayrton said.

- A thousand devils! - Whiggling Pencroft. - If only I didn’t have the courage to lead such a ship! On the surface of the water I am fit, but under the water - no!

“I think, Pencroffe, it doesn’t matter what we care about with such an underwater ship, like the Nautilus, and we would soon call to the other,” the journalist said. - Under the water, you are not afraid of storms, nor attacks of pirates. For a few feet from the surface, the ocean is as calm as a lake.

- Possibly, - having blocked the sailor, - but I see the victory of a glorious storm on a well-equipped ship. Ships roam in order to float on water, and not under water.

“Don’t talk about underwater ships, take the rocks off the Nautilus,” the engineer interjected. - "Nautilus" is not enough for us, and I do not. Maєmo rights їm order. Tue, vіn not a moment to serve us for the occasional furnishing: the dedication of the basalt slabs will make you come out of the oven. In addition, Captain Nemo says that after death the ship will sink down to the bottom at once. Yogo's will is expressed absolutely exactly, and mi її vikonaєmo.

After pampering the next hour, Cyrus Smith and his comrades descended into the middle of the Nautilus. Slightly creaking zheyu, the stench turned to the hall. Captain Nemo Viyshov from zatsipeninnya; Yogo's eyes shone like before. A faint smile played on the old man's lips.

The colonists went to the new one.

- Panov, - the captain said to him, - you are good, noble, Garni people. All of you dedicated your sleeping right. I often watch over you, I love you and love you. Your hand, Mr Smith.

Cyrus Smith stretched out his hand to the captain, and that one friendly potis її.

- Good ... - whispering wines. — Let’s talk about me, — far away Captain Nemo, — let’s talk about yourself and about Lincoln Island, on which you knew the porch. Chi razrakhovuete you deprive yoga?

- Just turn around, captain, - with the zhavastyu vіdpovіv Pencroff.

“Turn around? ... So, Pencroff, I know how much you love this island,” the captain said with a grin. - Zavdyaki you are guilty of changing and rightfully belong to you.

“Chi, would you like to trust us?” - the engineer was awake. - Pass it on to your friends, what you lost in the mountains of India.

— No, Mr Smith. I can't have more friends. I am the last representative of my kind and I died long ago for those who knew me ... Ale turn to you. Samota, self-sufficiency is a rich thing that outweighs human forces. I'm dying, thinking that you can live on your own. It is for this reason that you are to blame for everything you can, to deprive the island of Lincoln and renew those months, de vie were born. I know that these non-gods were destroying the ship, as if you were waking up.

“We will be a new ship,” said Gideon Spilet, “a ship that will reach the great one, to carry us to the nearest land. And just to inspire us to get away, if we deprive Lincoln Island, we will turn here. Zabagato spogadіv tying us to the island, so that we could forget it.

“That's where we got Captain Nemo,” Cyrus Smith said.

“Only here we know the memory of you,” Herbert added.

— And here I’ll rest in my eternal sleep, like… — having said Captain Nemo.

Vіn zamovk i, without finishing the phrase, turned to the engineer:

- Mister Smith, I want to talk to you alone.

In honor of the sick man, the companions of the engineer went.

Cyrus Smith, alone with the captain, was less than a sprig of wheezing. Nezabara vіn again called out to my friends, but did not share with them, so that I could give you the dying one.

Gideon Spilet looked at the sick man. It was unbelievable that the captain was encouraged with less spiritual strength, and that he could not fight against bodily weakness.

The day has passed, and in the camp of the ailing the annual changes have not come. The colonists did not flood the Nautilus for a single moment.

Nothing came suddenly, but in the underground cave it was impossible to remember that it was dark.

Captain Nemo did not suffer, but his strength was exhausted.

Gentleman's disguise of an old man, reveal the dying glare, it was calm. From Yogo's lips, for an hour, ice chutney words were angry; Vіn talking about the differences under his supernatural life. It was obvious that life was step by step depriving one's body; the legs and arms of Captain Nemo were sluggish.

Having once spoken to the colonists for two times, they stood there like a new one, and laughed at him with the remaining smile, as if not to leave their faces until their death.

Nareshti, nevdovzі after opіvnochі, captain Nemo robiv sudomny rukh; Youmu was far away to cross his arms on his chest, he didn’t want to die in this position.

Until the first year of night, all my life was in the middle of my eyes. Zіnitsі vostannє blazed with fire, what if they were shining so brightly. Let's sweat wine quietly, breathing in the spirit.

Cyrus Smith sneered and squashed the eyes of the one who had once been Prince Dakkar, and now was no longer Captain Nemo.

Herbert and Pencroff wept. Ayrton slyly wiped away the tears that she had. Nab standing in the order of a journalist, like a buv unruly, dumb statue.

After a sprat of years, the colonists, vykonuyuchi obіtsyanku, given captains, zdіysnili yogo the rest of the will.

Cyrus Smith and his comrades have deprived the Nautilus, carrying with them a gift, which they have left for a riddle of their blessing: a screen that stored in itself unspeakable wealth.

The Miraculous Hall, like before, was flooded with light, bulgingly closed. Because of this, the colonists screwed up the roofing roof of the hatch so that no drops of water could penetrate inside the Nautilus.

Then we stink into a chauvin, a kind of binding to a submarine ship. Chauvin was taken to feed. There, on the level of the waterline, two great cranes were seen, as if they were familiar with the reservoirs, as if they were making sure the Nautilus was anchored to the water. The colonists opened the taps, the tanks filled up, and the "Nautilus", step by step, zanyuryuchis, a sign under the water.

Captain Nemo at the books

Nemo - on the cob buv thoughts yak Polish revolutionary, ale pіznіshe pretended to be Bundelkhandskogo prince Dakkara 50s rock XIX century rebellion of indian sepoys against the British zagarbnikov, yak did not fight the native land. The insurrection ended in a blow to the sipah, India again stooped under the rule of Britain, and by the head crown prince and the gang of rebels was recognized as a great price. For deakim vіdomosti, the squad of that two children of Dakkar was taken in handcuffs and driven in by the crowd, he himself was mad about madness. Zavdyaki bliskuchіy raznobіchnіy osvіtі, zdobutіy Dakkar in Єvropі, and numerical talents in іn zmіg induce the first fiery in the world underwater ship at once from a small number of people on a distant island Pacific Ocean, stars and rozpochav your swimming.

From that hour on, the first person, who churned the rock at the depths of the ocean, spent, beyond the Vistula, and faith, and the Fatherland, and im'ya - and became known as the captain Nihto (Nemo). Vіn stverdzhuvav, that the earth and all people died forever, having voiced the protest of the world with such a rank. In principle, not living for any needs of his life, speeches of land travel and trying not to go to land, Nemo could not know peace of mind in the ocean expanses. Decaying by the sea, Nemo vzavav, that only there people can vryatuvatisya in the injustices of the court and live a good life.

Nemo is described as a strong-willed person, a zhorstka and for an hour to wind a zhorstok (they squandered on “ Nautilus» professor Aronaks and yoga companions Nemo frigate), but also to the power of power and the breadth of the soul, and skywardness to the share of the world: declaring his opportune position, Nemo still helps the fighters for freedom in Crete, pirnacha for pearls, risking life.

Nemo is a mysterious person. Pride, daringness, free will, versatility - and mercy, building growlingly limply, lively interest in everything.

Through a span of rock after meeting with Professor Aronax, Captain Nemo is left alone, all members of his team die, and the guilt of embarrassment is to know your backyards at the underground lake of a volcanic island at the exit from Australia, de day to help the mandrills on the island, yak. . Їm vin reveals the mystery of your life and nevdovzі in the world. Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags svogo zhittya, kapitan Nemo kazhe:

Regardless of the plot completion of Jules Verne's novels, the foldable specialty of that share of Captain Nemo cannot be described to the end, and this image is often won over by a rich dossier.

Captain Nemo is a talented engineer, a designer, a legacy to the ocean, but he also knows how to understand science. On yoga "Nautilus" selected reference masterpieces of literature, poetry, reference paintings and sculptures of the great masters. Nemo reads rich language in the world, knows the least French, English, German and Latin. Let's celebrate music, and on board the Nautilus, I can play the harmonium and scores of great composers, and I'm singing that music myself.

Chronology of novels and century of the captain

The image of Captain Nemo, to be more precise, for its mysterious old age, invariably reinforces the chronological swindle in the Jules Verne trilogy. So the novel “20,000 Limes Under the Water” will end in 1868, if the Captain is a man at the height of strength and health, no older than 50 years, and beyond the worlds of that hour - even less. Ale in the novel Mystery island»Already ahead of time 1869 Nemo becomes an ancient, dying old man, and he may already be 70 years old.

At divisions 15-17 of the third part of the novel "The Secret Island" Jules Verne gives exact date captain's death - 16 zhutnya 1868 roku, and in chapter 16 he writes the story of Prince Dakkar, showing that he turned to India. 1849 roku vikom 30 years. The date of the birth of the captain is very clear - close to 1819, and, even at the hour of death in 1868, the fate of captain Nemo is not enough but close to 49 years. Ale zgіdno s vykladenim in tsomu well divided by facts the captain is richly senior for this century and is guilty of being recognized as "the same age as the century", or to bring the people like the XVIII century. Maybe, with a single attempt by Vern himself, to loosen his super-sharpness, there was a phrase, put by him at the mouth of Professor Aronax at the first speaker with the captain:

The chronology of the novels "20,000 le under the water" and "The Mysterious Island" is also written to protirich. As in the same division of the 16th novel "The Secret Island" it is confirmed that Prince Dakkar took an active part in the insurgents, who rose up in 1857 roku, then in the first part of the first part of the first novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Water" 1857, the first star of the ship "Castillan" from "Nautilus" is called the first ship. However, in chapter 11 it is confirmed that Nautilus was not inspired before 1865. The first was firmly confirmed by Jules Verne the sounding of the "Nautilus" with the steamboat "Moraviya" dated 5 birch 1867 roku The novel "The Hidden Island" clearly defines the chronological framework of P'er Aronax and his companions on board the submarine vessel. 6 leaf fall 1866 roku on 22 worms 1867 roku. However, the stench does not compare with the dates that are more expensive than Aronax in the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Water”, which indicates the period between 6 leaf fall 1867 and 17 - 22 worms, 1868. For some time, captain Nemo could not help the inhabitants of the island during this period, the shards were far from their place. What's more, I can't lie to Cyrus Smith Chapter 24 1865 roku, oskolki schoyno promptings "Nautilus" still becoming in the pit of the island oven, only rozpochinav its way seas and oceans.

Unbeknownst to me, the rank of Aronax's rozpovіd became known to the islanders, even professor, who vtіk vіd captain Nemo, mav for the term vіd chotiroh until 16 months not only turn to Paris, but write and publish a book, because then it's small to go on sale and expand. The only way to deliver the book Cyrus Smith and other comrades was the ship that was buried by pirates when it approached the island 17 zhutnya 1867 roku, if for one version Aronax has not yet spent on "Nautilus", but for another he has gone through three more than three months in the wild. Prote in the night from 15 to 16 July 1868, having drunk Cyrus Smith and Gideon Spillet in the island’s cave, independently, one and the same, Nautilus is recognized and Smith whispers the name of the captain, like, “obviously, it was known to journalists, but it was done on a new light hostility."

For the same term - three months and 24 days for the reliability of the date of 22 chervny 1868, indicated in the novel "20,000 leagues under the water", Captain Nemo is guilty of spending his entire crew and aging on the Lincoln Island. With whom, Captain Nemo himself is stubborn in his deathbed conversation, that already thirty fates (tobto 1838 roku) live in the sea depths and do not make a connection with the outer world, but on the islands there are already six rocks (tobto 1862 roku). At your own besid, having superimposed himself on his own, the captain will reconsider the island, which Professor Aronax, having spent up to the new on the ship 16 years ago, tobto in 1852 roku(and not in 1866, as Nemo himself helped him later), five years before the revolt of the sepaiv, as if suddenly he was torn apart by the light of people. Bulo would be reasonable, yakbi tsey term nadsilav bi chichacha do 1882 roku, as before the fate of the death of the captain, who knew the days of timchas and the paradox of captain Nemo, but in the same year Cyrus Smith and his companions spent 17 years on Lincoln Island and turned into people of a frail age, and Herbert's pidlet was already close to thirty.

The image of Nemo in films

The interpretation of the image of Captain Nemo in cinema varies widely.

In some of the films, the image of the Captain is practically similar to the literary one - he is strong, ox-eyed, zhorstoy to his enemies, but not condoned by a man who speaks to people, right, buried by his right opinions, a legacy of sea depths. Yogo cannot be unambiguously identified as an infinitely positive chi of a negative hero.

The Radyansko Filmi “Kapіtan Nemo” of the indications of the obvious sympathy of such a spіvchutti, the yogo specialist, is the fierce of the angelic columnar, the miraculous in the radio-vecual burglary of the souvenir, the vice-iz. character of the captain. , what vin zmusheny bring to people. Vidpovly, to the Tsyogo treat Film of the doving with the epіzodes of the “nonsense” Zhitty Kapitana, the transfer of the combat aronax to those, the professor Zhivi, the sourthevo PID -Kintzivka ostori: Kapihtan is the tesel, the roller allow them to flow, tobto, in fact, voluntarily let the brutes go free. More than that, through a throw on a birch, a metal screen of vins is handed over to the inmates a sheet of that їхні speech. The film does not clearly show that the captain helped the vtіkachs to turn around, if their chauvin was broken at the viri, but such a visnovo is asked for from the furnishing of the row.

However, some of Nemo's films have testimonies as a villain, hisist, as a pragne rule, or as a divine one.


In the works of other authors

This is a series of novels "Children of Captain Nemo" by V. Holdbein, which tells about the son of Captain Nemo, Mike.

At the music

  • The song "Captain Nemo" by composer Y. Dubravin, lyrics by U. Suslov
  • Guessing at the song Nemo Finnish sympho -power metal groupie nightwish.
  • "Captain Nemo" - song Petersburg groupie Chimera.
  • "Captain Nemo" - song American sleepers Sari Brightman(Sarah Brightman).
  • "Captain Nemo" - the song of the Russian VIA "Bombay Shpіngaleti", written in the verse of Mykoli Stolіtsin.
  • Ace of Base.
  • "Captain Nemo" - the song of the group Dschinghis Khan (album "Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser").
  • It starts at the song group "Zimov'ya Zviriv" "The myth of self-sufficiency".


  • Sergiy MAKIEV At Captain Nemo's whispers// Fully taemno.
  • Yak Jules Verne having created the image of Captain Nemo // News of Yekaterinburg. 25 March 2005.


  • Jules Verne Characters
  • Characters of fantastic creations
  • Vigadan people
  • Vigadani Indians
  • Vigadani princes
  • Vigadani sailors
  • Vigadani captains
  • Vigadani vcheni
  • Vigadanі vinakhіdniki
  • Vigadani mandrivniki
  • League of Eminent Gentlemen
  • Characters of the Club of famous captains

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

It's early. Joden Promin daylight without penetrating the darkness of the oven. Ale electric light, vipprominyuvane "Nautilus", with the same brightness hung all over the floating ship.

Neskinchenna vtom slandered Captain Nemo. Vin looked up at the sofa cushions. I didn’t even think about those who would move yoga to the Granitny Palace - they didn’t want to leave Nautilus.

Captain Nemo, lying without a rut for a long time, it is possible, to become untidy. Gideon Spilet and Cyrus Smith respectfully guarded the yoga camp. I realized that the life of Captain Nemo was fading away. Forces zovsіm left tse if it was hard for the body, and life all turned into the middle in having saved the clearness of thoughts of the brain and heart, which weakly beats.

The engineer and the journalist were silently excited. Chi can bulo chimos ease the camp of the miraculous? If you can bulo, so as not to vryatuvat your life, then do you want to continue yoga for a few days?

Captain Nemo himself stverdzhuvav, that he does not have any kind of faces in the face of ailments, and without fear, cheque to death.

There is nothing we can do to help you,” Gideon said to Spilet.

But why are you dying? - sleeping Pencroff.

In the absence of a lack of life forces, - an outstanding journalist.

Ale, it’s possible, the stench will show up, how can I transfer yoga to a fresh air, to the sun? - the sailor asked.

Ni, Pencrofe, - a distinguished engineer. - You can't help Zim. Vtіm, and the captain Nemo himself will not wait long enough to part from his ship. For thirty years you have lived on the Nautilus and on the Nautilus you want to die.

Obviously, Captain Nemo felt like an engineer, more than a trio of them moved on the sofa and said in a weak, albeit eloquent voice:

You make a move. I fly and want to die here. I in me є prohannya to you.

Cyrus Smith and the other colonists again approached the sofa. The stench adjusted the pillows so that the dying man could lie more comfortably.

Yogo glanced up at the miracles taken from his salon, illuminated by electric lamps hung in the stele. I marveled at all the paintings that hung on the miraculous fabric, which were upholstered in the walls of the salon, on the treasures of mysticism, which lay on the penzles of the great masters - Italians, Flemings, French and Spanish, on marmur and bronze statues on the statues, єdestalakh, on majesty, which occupied the whole wall, on the windows, which laid the symbols of the most valuable gifts of the sea - sea roslins, zoophytes, threads of pearls of unblemished beauty, - and nareshti yogo’s eyes were fixed on the motto of “Nautilus”, placed on the cross over the door:

It seemed that Captain Nemo wanted to wake up to take a look at the treasures of the world and nature, that they had shrunk Yogo for thirty years.

Cyrus Smith checks frantically until he begins to speak again.

A sprinkling of hvilin passed, stretching them out in front of the captain Nemo, perhaps, all the years of life were gone. Nareshti vin turning to the faces of the colonists and saying:

Wee, you know, do you care for your goiter?

Captains, - the colonists answered, - we would gladly give up our lives, so that we could continue yours.

Good, - having said Captain Nemo, - good!

I swear! - V_dpov_v for all Cyrus Smith.

Tomorrow I will die ... - the captain said.

Herbert wanted to protest, but Captain Nemo signed yoga.

Tomorrow I will die, - having continued the wine, - and I don’t want another trouble, krim "Nautilus". All my friends rest on the bottom of the sea, and I want to share my share.

The words of Captain Nemo were intimidating to the deep souls of Movchan.

Listen to me respectfully, - continuing the dying man. - "Nautilus" of closures near this cave with a basalt skeleton that rose from the bottom of the sea. And if you can’t repair the bar’er, then you can throw the wine to the bottom of the pit, covered with crypts of the oven, and save my gunpowder there.

The colonists reverently listened to the dying man.

Tomorrow, Mr. Smith, you and your comrades will leave the Nautilus. All the riches, picked up in the new, owe the knowledge of the future together with me. For the riddle about Prince Dakkar, whose history you now know, you will be left with only one river - the axis of this screen ... Diamonds and pearls are saved from someone, picked by me and my comrades on the sea day. I am convinced that in your hands all the belongings serve the right to good, and not evil!

After a few hours of hvilin movchannya, Captain Nemo rebounded with strength and continued:

Tomorrow you will take this screen and, look out of the salon, estimate the doors behind you. Climbing onto the site of the Nautilus, you close the hatch cover and tighten it tightly with bolts.

We are safe, captain! - Vіdpovіv Cyrus Smith.

Dobre. Then you will sit down in the same chauvin, on which you were brought here. Tilki, persh lower vіdchaliti in the "Nautilus", pіdplivіt to feed and vіdkryte faucet, scho know under the waterline. The water flows into the reservoirs, and the "Nautilus" step by step dives into the water, to know the eternal calm at the very bottom of the sea.

To the protesting gesture of Cyrus Smith, Captain Nemo responded:

Don't fight! You pohovaet shimmering!

None of the colonists spoke of Captain Nemo. Tse was the rest of the will of the dying, and їy was required to be unreservedly supported.

Chi obіtsyaєte vy me all vikonati exactly? - sleeping captain Nemo.

We promise! – V_dpov_v for all engineers.

Vmirayuchy yakuvav nodding his head and asking him to deprive him of one for a year. Gideon Spilet urged to get rid of him, to the point, if you become nasty with it, but the captain was moved.

I will live until tomorrow, - having said vin.

Everyone left the saloon, went through the library and walked the distance to the engine room in the bow part of the chovna.

Nautilus was a true diva of technology, and an engineer, looking around Yogo, without ceasing to chuckle.

The colonists then climbed onto the deck, which hung ten or twelve feet above the surface of the water, and on the railing there was an electric searchlight installed in the rudder scar.

On the back, Cyrus Smith and his comrades, under the fresh defeat of the well-experienced whimpering, moaned in earnest.

Their hearts clenched in pain, if the stench guessed that their patron, who once stretched out his hand to help them, is guilty of dying ... And the stench got to know him less than a year ago!

Axis is a man! said Pencroft softly. - You can believe that a great part of your life is spent in the depths of the ocean! Just cover the flock, if you think that you don’t know peace there.

- "Nautilus", - saying Ayrton, - could take us to some kind of earth.

Well, I'll admit it's not I who will take the ship! Swim on the water - skils are always welcome! Ale under the water - a servant of the submissive! said Pencroff.

And I think, - having respected the journalist, - that cherubing such a thing as Nautilus, we can forgive, Pencroff, and you will quickly get used to it. On the "Nautilus" you can not be afraid of any drills: you get down on a sprat of feet under the water - and it's so calm there, like by a quiet lake!

Mozhlivo, - barring the sailor. - Ale, I will see the fresh wind on board a well-equipped vessel. Ships made for sailing on water, not pid water.

My friends, - the engineer intervened, - do not quarrel about the advantages over - and submarine ships, taking a link from the Nautilus. "Nautilus" does not belong to us, and we do not have the right to spread it. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those that the ship can’t vibrate out of the oven, Captain Nemo believes that his remains lay here, and the will of Captain Nemo is law for us!

The colonists descended to the distance, the trochs had a bite to eat and then turned back to the saloon.

Captain Nemo looked dazed, and his eyes were filled with a huge gleam, a faint smile played on his lips.

The colonists approached the new one.

My friends, - having said to the mistress, - you are husbands, honestly, kind people. You are all selflessly vіddanі spіlnіy spravі. I have often guarded you, and have come to love you. I love you now! Your hand, Mr. Smith!

Cyrus Smith extended his hand to the captain, and he squeezed his hand together.

Yak good! - Captain Nemo whispered.

Potim vin prodovzhuvav:

Ale not varto talk about me! I want to talk to you about yourself and about the Lincoln Islands, giving you a seat... Do you think you'll get rid of yoga?

Only in order to turn around again! - Vidpoviv Pencroff.

To turn around here? .. So, I forgot, Pencrofe, - the captain laughed, - why are you dying in this island ... You have changed your look, and you will lie right down!

We vvazhaemo, - Cyrus Smith said, - organize here a proper colony of Prosperous States.

You don’t forget about your fatherland, - having said with a shrill voice to the dying, - but there is no fatherland in me, and I die far away from the sky, which I love.

Perhaps you need to hand over your remaining will to someone? - Having asked the engineer. - What will be given to friends, how to live near the mountains of India?

No, Mr. Smith, I haven't lost my friends! I stay with my family. And I died a long time ago for everyone who knew me ... Ale, let's turn to food about you. Self-sufficiency, self-destruction in the light of the world - ce sumny camp. You can't blame yoga... You are guilty of everything to get out of Lincoln Island and turn into human life! I know that the wicked have found your ship.

We will be newer, bigger, - saying Gideon Spilet, - on whom it will be possible to reach the settlement of the lands. Ale, early on, we’ll turn around here. Too much we survived here, to forget the island of Lincoln!

Then we knew Captain Nemo, - Cyrus Smith said.

Here we are constantly building up all the good that you have ruined, ”Herbert added.

And here I am resting in my eternal sleep… - after washing captain Nemo.

Mr Smith, I want to talk to you... alone.

The colonists hurried to viconate the will of the dying man, and they moved out of the room.

For a long time, Cyrus Smіt roamed all night with Captain Nemo. Then we asked again to the salon of our comrades, but without saying a word about taєmnitsі, yakі yoma povidomiv vmirayuchy.

Gideon Spilet looked at the sick man. It was quite obvious that life in the new world is only shaped by a strong will, but soon there will be little physical expulsion.

The day passed without change. The colonists did not flood the Nautilus. Inevitably, nothing came. Captain Nemo did not suffer from pain, but life was clearly leaving Yogo. Yogo noble disguise, looked at the approaching death, was calm; yoga exercises started getting colder.

Shortly before midnight, Captain Nemo from Zusillam, clasped his hands on his chest, almost died in this position.

Until the first year of the night, all the manifestations of life in the new one were only in the eyes.

Rising up, flashing with fire, you looked at what if you were half-mind.

Captain Nemo is dead.

Herbert and Pencroff wept. Ayrton rubbed a tear that she got. Nab sank down on his knees in the order of the indestructible, like a statue, a journalist.

Cyrus Smith, raising your hand, burn up, saying:

We will save the memory of you forever!

For a few years, the colonists slew the rest of the will of Captain Nemo.

Cyrus Smith and his comrades robbed the Nautilus, having hoarded the last gift of their patron - a screen of bones.

The stench resolutely closed the doors of the marvelous saloon, flooded with bright light, and tightly screwed the hatch cover so that no drop of water could seep into the Nautilus.

After the stink of the stench was forced to the skin, tied to the board of the underwater ship, and they were taken to the stern. There they knew two taps, which seemed to be connected with reservoirs, when filled with water, the chauvin descended under the water.

Cyrus Smith

The water rushed into the middle of the reservoirs, and the Nautilus started to get bogged down.

For a long time, the colonists saw off Yogo’s eyes: the bright exchanges of Yogo’s searchlights hung the light ahead of the tow. Then gradually their light began to fade, until the call arose.

Nautilus, who became the troop of Captain Nemo, sank to the bottom of the sea abyss.

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