The King of Xa. It's time for the recession to end. The Qatari crisis is like a screen for the fight against the vlady. Z cursіv - u spadkovі princi

The Near Exodus is the foundation stone of international politics. The entire region is closely intertwined with the political interests of the Volodar rulers of the Arab world. Before the advent of Islam, the Arabian Pivostrіv entered the corners of the earth, moving on the periphery of international politics. The main political podії roared far into the pose of Arabia. Only Muslim shrines - Mecca and Medina, which are located in the rainy-western part of the Arabian Pivostrov, were the center of gravity for the Muslims of the whole world.

In the political and economic plan, Arabia, for 1000 years, was flooded with a white flame on the international political map of the world. At the same time, there are roztashovanі naybagatshi kraїnі svіtu, saudi arabia kingdom, kuwait sheikhdom, sultanate of oman and united arab emirates. And even 100 years ago, these great territories were not of political or economic interest to the world. The status of the king of Saudi Arabia today is the status of the most authoritative and the richest political figure, and the kingdom itself is one of the richest in the world.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: the current status of a power

Saudi Arabia - the largest state of the Arab Immediately, which may have an area of ​​​​2149690 square meters. kilometers Most of the territory of the country is occupied by the Rub-el-Khali desert, in order to make the region less suitable for living. The population of the region is centered on the coastal territories, at the pivnіchny descent and the pivdenny entry of the region. Here the main political-administrative centers of the state are being reshuffled. However, the wealth of the country is the greatest wealth of oil, for the obliga- tion of which the Saudi kingdom sits in another place in the world, doing less than Venezuela.

The same with the "black gold" of covering the period of the rise of the state, for less than 100 years it was like a feudal princedom. The oil producers of today, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have their say in the international arena. The great reserves of oil became the foundation, which instigated a colossal camp of the ruling dynasty. Naphtha has become a handy tool of international politics for the queens of Saudi Arabia.

However, naphtha is not the main reason for the political and social-huge camp of the largest region of the Arab world. Stability and successful development of the state, becoming more possible than a wise man and a competent policy of the ruling political elite. Dynasty Sauditiv zumila how to achieve the unity of the disparate lands of the Arabian Pivostrov, and stood at the political and economic opposition to international capital. From the moment the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed in 1932, the country was fully and completely known under the patronage of the royal rulers. The fall of the Ottoman Volodya marked the beginning of an independent path to the development of the state. The Kingdom of the Saudis did not have the status of a colony, a dominion or a protectorate. On the territory of the country, 30 years of great reserves of oil opened up new opportunities for the ruling regime, which effectively accelerated the city's upper class.

The history of the kingdom began with an important process of unification, which slandered the great territories of the Arabian Pivostrova, traversing the number of tribes and other powers in the region. The association was born in the wake of the Al Saud dynasty, whose members especially took their fate at the pods that were born. The result of trials and crooked international wars was the consecration of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. The head of the majestic state, becoming the head of the house of Saudis, which became a recessionary, ruling dynasty.

Today, Saudi Arabia is sovereignly illumined, as if we live by the laws of the Basic Nizam, adopted in 1992. In accordance with the Head Law of Saudi Arabia, the absolute monarchy, which is based on the sovereign religion of Sunni Islam. The ruling elite of the country are the representatives of the house of the Saudis, they are the great-grandchildren of the king - the founder of the state, Abdel Aziz. The king is corroborated by unparalleled power and authority, which is not limited by the norms of sharia.

Remembrance of the King of Saudi Arabia

On this day, the king of the country is the son of the first king, Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. The king especially takes the fate of the cheruban power. Royal decrees may the ceremoniality of sovereign laws, prote to be introduced into the day only after the weather and consultations from a group of religious leaders of the country. Quite often, the orders of the king of Saudi Arabia become the subject of discussion by important people of the community, as they represent the community and the community elite of the kingdom.

The king's throne belongs to the dignified monarch without a line of doti, the docks of the head of the state are physically able to win their functions and bindings. The successor to the throne is the brother of the ruling monarch, the candidacy of which is confirmed by the “Rada of Viddanosti”, which is at court. This legitimny and doradchy body, having opened its work recently, since 2006. At the time of the presence of fraternal connections, a person who is senior for a century from the advancing generation can become a fall-bearer. The main binding of the monarch is to acknowledge your adversary. Before the decline, the monarch himself appointed, acting on his own rizik and following the laws of sharia and the Basic Nizam. The transfer of royal power is more likely to follow a human line. The living quarters of the house of the Saudis do not take part in the order of succession.

The authoritarian rule of the Saudi king is based on the current institutions of sovereign government. The whole line of vikonavchos in the state is in the hands of Radi Ministers, the warehouse of which is especially designated by the ruling monarch. Mustache ministerial plantings, including the post of prime minister, are embraced by representatives of the ruling dynasty. Vykonavcha vlada is rebuked under the control of the king. Decree the order, ordering the order of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia obov'yazkovo uzgodzhuyutsya with the monarch and yogo rapprochement. Domestic policy, to carry out the order of the country, є povniy to the will of the king. The old politics of the country is also a program, broken up by the monarch close contact from nearby persons.

The interests of the family are the interests of the ruling elite. However, in front of other authoritarian political regimes, the king of Saudi Arabia, the representatives of the dynasty of Saudis are distinguished by the single whole people of Saudi Arabia. Tse allows you to be competent and vital domestic policy, saving the balance of the community society. Similarly, there will be legislative power in the kingdom, as represented by the Consultative Assembly. This body, as if it were like a parliament, is made up of 150 members, which are appointed without intermediary by the king, there are no political blocs, no parties, no suspense-gromadyansky ruhiv. Political culture is commonplace every day, not only in the organs state power, And at the edge of the country. The term for renewal of the Consultative Assembly is chotiri roki. Until 2011, only representatives of strong status were assigned to the country's legislature. Today May 1/5 of the members of the Consultative Assembly are women.

The ship's power of the land is again controlled by the monarch and inspired by Sharia law. The king has the right to recognize the judges, the candidacies of which are presented by the Higher Judicial Council. At its own court, the court itself is glad to lie in the presence of the will of the king, what do you do. Usі 12 members of the Supreme Court for the sake of being appointed by the king from high and authoritative spiritual and religious dignitaries. Regardless of such a vibirkovy pidkhid, the court authority in Saudi Arabia is respected as an independent one, the supreme judicial authority in the state is the king. The monarch has a guilty right to intercede at the head of the review of the disputed rights, to deafen at the borders of his new amnesty.

In 2005, the king Abdullah broke up the attempt to reform the judicial legislation of the country and the judicial system. However, the day of the grand royal decree hit a strong protidium on the side of the court corps. The reason for the opposition to the reform of the judiciary was the conservative policy of the judiciary, which traditionally called their work to adhere to the norms of Shariah. Zahidna system of the judiciary, as little as possible to practice in the country, in my opinion, does not comply with the fundamental Law and cannot be vikoristan in the minds of the ninth. A similar rank today should be taken from the reform of the state administration of the country. The king's bazhanya robit the monarchy sanctified, build on the basis of Islam, which gives the ruling dynasty of Saudi Arabia the right to the royal throne.

Historical excursion into the history of the royal power of Saudi Arabia

The ruler of the place of Ad-Diriya, Muhammad ibn Saud, who laid his hand before the creation on the territory of central Arabia of the mighty and united state, stood before the turns of the creation of the royal dynasty of Saudis. Apparently before the beginning of the ninth ruling dynasty in Saudi Arabia, it falls in the middle of the 18th century. However, at that time, the young state did not have the strength to withstand the might of the Ottoman Empire. After that, like in 1817, the Turkish troops invaded the country, the first Saudi state pinned the ground. The Arabian Pivostrіv with its main Muslim shrines became one of the provinces of the majestic Ottoman Empire.

The period of the Turkish panuvannya turned out to be short-lived. After so many years, after an ear of occupation, in 1824, a new Saudi state was founded near the small town of Er-Riyad. Another sample of the creation of a new sovereign enlightenment appeared to be nothing less than the front. After 67 years, Saudis, under the pressure of their old enemies, were embarrassed to leave the country, hiding at the court of Kuwait. Only in the 20th century, the test of the state creation of the Saudis was crowned with success, but the trials and the bloody struggle for power and territory were overwhelmed.

Young Abdul Aziz Saud zumіv 1902 rock by his own power to turn control over Er-Riyad. Following a number of distant zіtknen with Turkish troops, they arrived in the region to help the supermen of the Saudis, the Saudis were not less than smart to save their inflow from the capital, and in 1912 they sacked the entire Sultanate of Nejd. From that moment on, do-center processes began, directing the unification of all the lands of Arabia under the rule of the Saudi dynasty. Having entered into an alliance with the English, Abdul Aziz is responsible for the residual defeat of his political opponents. After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War, the great region leaned under the political control of Great Britain. The deputy of a large Turkish province on the Arabian Pivostrov viniklo five independent powers.

The struggle for the pivdenno-zahіdnu part of the pіvostrov was baked by the approaching five rokіv, Mecca and Medina were roztashovulysya. The slaughter of the head Muslim shrine of Mecca in 1925 by the soldiers of Abdul Aziz became a prerequisite for the bloody struggle. Having gained political knowledge of the English, Abdul continued the struggle for the unification under his patronage of the other territories of the Arabian Pivostrov. In 1932, a new united state appeared on the political map - the united kingdom of Nejd and Hijaz, which took away the new name of Saudi Arabia. A single political figure, building a new power, becoming Abdul Aziz Saud, who took the title of king. Now the Saudi clan is becoming a ruling dynasty, the whole system of sovereignty of the kingdom is being detrimented.

Mustache kings of Saudi Arabia

As it was said, the representative of this Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, is the founder of the state of Saudi Arabia. Wins the first monarch who took the royal throne in Riyadh. The mustache of the advancing Saudi kings is yogo sinami. Vіdpovіdno up to the main bottom, the king's power in the country can be reduced only by the straight pommel of a crowned individual - blue chi onuks.

There is no exact order of fall. The official royal title, which the monarchs wear, is the king of Saudi Arabia. From 1986 to the royal title was given the second title - the Guardian of the two shrines. The chronology of the rebirth on the throne of the kings of Saudi Arabia and the fates of the reign of monarchs looks like this:

  • the first king of the United Saudi Arabia - Abdul Aziz (royalty 1932-1953);
  • In 1953, crown prince Saud, another son of the first king Abdul Aziz, took the royal throne;
  • becoming the third king of Saudi Arabia, becoming another son of the successor of the state of Faisal (royalty 1964-1975), murdered by his nephew on 25 February 1975;
  • in 1975, Khalid occupied the city - a representative of the Al Jiluvi clan - the king of the ruling dynasty of Al Saud - died on 13 worms, 1982;
  • the fifth king of Saudi Arabia - Fahd, who conquered the kingdom from black 1982 to serpen 2005;
  • we became the monarch of the year 2005 Abdullah became the year of birth, he died in 2019 the year of 90 years;
  • ninі king є Salman, head of the clan Saud ta sin of the first king Abdul Aziz.

It can be seen from the long list that only one monarch Khalid maw indirectly ascended to the ruling dynasty. All other individuals, yakі occupied the throne in Er-Riyadі, є direct shovels of the founder of the state. Followed by the faithfulness of the first king of Saudi Arabia at the yogo pragmatic robity to rule the dynasty of mitznoy and staid. If the monarch has given himself 37 blues, leather from some maw is legally entitled to embrace the high plantation.

Another King Saud became one of the most important people in the kingdom. The fates of the yogic rule will tell from the formation of the Saudi Arabia became the system of sovereign power and government. For the new in the kingdom, a stringent state apparatus appeared. Irrespective of those that ministerial plantations were occupied by relatives and individuals close to the monarch, the result did not hurt itself for a long time. Yogo reforms in the sphere of finance and economy allowed the state to become one of the locomotives of the Arab world. At the fate of the government of Saud, the monarchy remains the contours of a totalitarian regime. For criticizing the king to be introduced criminal liability. However, in the midst of the negative, the royal decree of 1962, a kind of institution of slavery in the country, is seen as a bright flame.

The share of which monarch, as the second successor of King Faisal, is the noteworthy history of the royal Saudi settlement. These two brothers - the blue of the successor of the dynasty - ceased to be kings not from the will of the sovereign. The first after 11 years of rule, he was knocked down from the throne by his own brothers, dissatisfied with the style and methods of his rule. Faisal became the fall-bearer for the law, who took the seat of Saud on the royal throne. However, the third king of Saudi Arabia did not manage to hug the high plantation for a long time. The share gave you and yourself 11 years. Yogo was driven in at the hour of the urochist ceremony, moreover, he became the nephew of the monarch.

The reign of Faisal was marked by a rapid growth in oil and gas production. For this show, the country in the middle of the 60s became the leader of the world. Naftodolari flowed into the country in a majestic river, allowing the royal power to state apparatus put more ambitious goals and virishuvati folded internal and ovnіshnopolіtichnі zavdannya. For King Faisal, naftovidobuvna galuzy pass under the control of the state. In the country, a modern city and transport infrastructure are being created. From the name of the feudal kingdom, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is being transformed into a category of economically developed lands. King Faisal made the Saudi kingdom the leader of the Arab Gathering.

Prote the policy of dual standards, to hold the royal house of the Saudis on the occasion of Faisal, did not give great dividends. In the period of the six-day war, Saudi Arabia acted as a united front with the other Arab lands, harshly criticizing Israel and the Western lands, as if they encouraged Israeli aggression. During this period, it is getting colder in the waters between Saudi Arabia and the Received States.

The redeemed monarch Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz became the most beautiful feature of the new history of the kingdom. For the first time in the country, the cult of the worship of the person of the royal blood was abolished. Abdullah having fenced his numerous relatives, who have over 7 thousand. to be crowned with sovereign treasury for special purposes. For an hour before, the leader of the Islamic state met with the Pope of Rome. Tsya zustrіch v_dbulasya at the leaf fall 2007 rock near the Vatican. For King Abdullah, the country took off the launched program for the development of the social sphere, the results of which did not bother to be recognized in the field of education and health care.

The royal king Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud ziyshov on the royal throne on September 23, 2019. Before I take the throne, the new monarch will become the governor of the capital district and embrace the post of the Minister of Defense in the order of his brother King Abdulli. The reign of the rest, the healthy king of Saudi Arabia, looked super-smilingly. Regardless of the significance of the reforms in the social sphere and in the economy, the country is going into the era of totalitarianism. In the period of 2014-1016, the wind of death swayed through the countryside, as if it signified the positive political outlook of the ruling regime.

The residence of the ruling monarch of Saudi Arabia is the royal palace, an ultra-modern skyscraper, rising hundreds of meters above the capital of the country. Here one can know not only the peace of the king and the downtrodden, the greater number of ranks of the service, the apparatus of the ministries. Urochist and receptions and meetings of the greater bodies of the sovereign power are also held right there.

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On September 23, 2015, in Er-Riyadh, the oldest monarch in the world at that time, the king of Saudi Arabia, who ruled since 2005, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, died due to a legenous infection.

Approximate century of the king becoming 91 rok, vіn mav three dozen squads and more than forty children.

United state

The very name of the greatest power resembles the ruling ruling dynasty. The ancestors of the Saudis from the 15th century, and from the middle of the 18th stink, began to fight the creation of a single power. In this struggle, the stench spiraled on various trends in Islam, including Wahhabism. To achieve victory, the Saudis entered into favor with foreign powers - including the United Kingdom and the United States, as it was already in the 20th century.

Persh lower Saudi Arabia pridbala ninist state and political device, there were two years ago trying to establish the kingdom of the Saudis: in 1744, the rotation of the king of Mohammad ibn Saud, and in 1818, the rotation, if Turki ibn Adallah ibn Muhammad ibn Saud became the ruler of the Arabian lands, and the son of Faisalyogo became the ruler of the Arabian lands. Until the end of the 19th century, the Saudis were brought from Er - Riyadh to Kuwait by representatives of the next mighty family - Rashidi.

The successor of the royal dynasty

At the beginning of the new - the twentieth - centenary of the middle Saudis, as if they were creating a single Arabian state under their rulers, a young man appeared, as a result of that military science, they received more, lower religious treatises and subtle similar philosophy. Yogo was called Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdu-Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud, or simply Ibn Saud - the first king of Saudi Arabia.

Starting from one province - Nejd - spearing on the spirit of "pure" Islam, raising the basis of your army of Bedouins, grafting some wines to asylum, at the right time splicing on the English podtrimka, vicorist technical scientific achievement of the new century - radio, cars, aviation, telephone calls - Abdul Aziz in 1932 became a member of the mighty Islamic state founded by him. From that hour, in the choli of Saudi Arabia, the representatives of one family were chanting by hand: Ibn Saud and sixth blue.

Center of the Islamic World

Among other epithets, with which the autocratic ruler of the Saudi Kingdom is rewarded, there is one of the most important names in the Muslim world - "Save the two shrines." The king of Saudi Arabia Volodya has two main places for right Muslims - Mecca and Medina, where the main shrines of Islam are known.

At the bek of Mecca itself, look at the prayers of the Muslims. At the center of Mecca there is the Head, the Zapovidna, the Great Mosque - Al-Haram, at the inner courtyard there is a Kaaba - “sacred smoke” - a cubic spore with a black stone built into one of the kutіv її, which is the message of Allah to the prophet Adam, and which the prophet bumped into Mohammed. Tsі shrines - the main meta, to what a pragmatic pilgrim, like to repair the Hajj.

Medina - a place in which a friend is known for significance for Muslims - a mosque - Masjid an-Nabawi - the Mosque of the Prophet, under the green dome, where the burial place of Mohammed is known.

The king of Saudi Arabia, the Crimea of ​​the last one, is a person who is responsible for the preservation of Muslim shrines, for the life of that safety of the majestic human masses, who is to perform the Hajj.

Xing of the eighth squad

The successor of Saudi Arabia - Abdel Aziz ibn Saud - was the right ruler of the same ruler: the number of squads, of which there were a few dozen, gave birth to yoma 45 synov-spadkoєmtsiv. The eighth retinue of Ibn Saud was Bula Fahd bint Aziz Ashura, who recognized for the retinue after that, as the Saudis killed the first man - the worst enemy of Abdel Aziz - the ruler of one of the Arabian emirates on the im'ya Saud Rashid. She herself was born King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah, who died in the year 2015 and left a memorable trace in the history of the monarchy.

If in 1982 the fate of Abdullah maw was stunned as a late prince with the right of seniority, having entered the throne of this star, brother Fahd thought for a long time: all the Al-Sauds, who ascended the throne, were born one, the Kohanoi squad of Ibn Saud - Khusa from the Sudeira family. All the same, Abdallah, who is born by his mother to a different family - Shamar - becoming king, moreover, he became the actual ruler before the official coronation (2005): after a stroke.

Yakby i buv sultan...

Life on all equals looks unseen for Europeans. It is important to reveal the hero of the European country, like a friend of friends 30 times, like King Abdullah.

Saudi Arabia is a country, as if living in a house in a person, you can’t live more than 4 squads, so it was organized family life the king of the Saudis. Abdullah is a wealthy father, in a dream, about a dozen children were born from him, out of which 15 blues.

The childhood of Abdalli passed through the midst of the Bedouins, which plunged into the ruins of the monarch - until the last hour, spending a lot of time in Morocco, de engaging in falconry, and the yogo pack of racehorses was seen all over the world.

Dobrobutu basis

Whether someone who can help the capital of the SA - Er-Riyadh - or if you want a photo that shows the king of Saudi Arabia in the middle of the life, it will be important to show that at the time of establishment in 1932, the rotation of Saudi Arabia was set to the highest of the borders. For example, in the 1930s, the Arabian Pivostrov had huge reserves of oil and gas. The development of that development of the genera was given to the American oil companies, who took away most of the profit. Incremental control over the oil and gas transitions to the state, so that the oil dollars became the basis of the wealth of the Saudi kingdom.

The Saudis play a leading role in the Organization of Ukrainian Oil Exporters, as they control close to two thirds of light oil reserves. The influence of the Saudi monarchs on the formation of prices for carbohydrates means their importance in the world politics. It changed over the course of the 20th century, but grew steadily.

The king is a reformer

It is impossible to show the possibility of drastic changes in the current politics and the internal way of the country, when an autocratic monarch is in power; Tim is more famous for the glory of the king-reformer, which was honored by King Abdullah. Saudi Arabia, in the meantime, has recognized some indulgence - like a suvorost of a similar etiquette, so in the traditional for Islam, a strict staging of women.

One of the first decrees of the 6th king of the Saudis was the ceremonial kissing of the royal hand, replacing it with a more democratic push of hands. The most important decision for Abdulli was the fence for members of the royal family to win on the special needs of the steward's money.

The right revolution was the establishment of the University of Science and Technology of King Abdullah near the city of Jeddah, where it is allowed to study girls and young people. No less a sensation was the recognition of a woman to the sovereign settlement: Nora bint (bint - an analogy of a human bin - "sin") Abdallah bin Musaid Al-Faiz became the intercessor of the minister on the right of the girls. The admission of women to certain sights, having grown the image of the Saudi king, is even more suitable for adopting democratic reforms. The sight of the koshtіv at the head of the cordon of significant koshtіv allowed the SA to raise even more words for the world.

The daughter of King Abdulli - Princess Adilla - became the face of the conservative system of government. The squad of the minister of enlightenment, virile, imbued in a woman’s own, bagatma is accepted as a symbol of renewal, although there is no need to go about the fundamental reconsideration of the woman’s role in Islam.

Traditions are unbreakable

Still, the smut for the rulers in the kingdom of this world is the holiness and invariability of traditions based on pre-trimanic Shariah norms.

Zhіnok for "irregular behavior" chi frivolity in clothes, vіdsіkannya hands for stealing, suvora punishment for cheating like for "chaklunstvo" too much - this is a common practice in the life of Saudi society.

Before such traditions, there is a show of rozkish, which reminds the royal throne of the Saudis. The peculiarity of the king of Saudi Arabia from the technical point of view is the most important military device of the last century of the XX century, but behind the internal amenities it looks like a kazkovy palace of the sultan from the tales "Thousand and one and one nights".

And it is worth mentioning to the number of villas, yachts and cars that belong to the royal homeland.

One of the most important monarchs

Precisely, it is practically impossible to improve the special position of the monarch, especially in such a closed country for foreigners, like Saudi Arabia. The figures are from 30 to 65 billion dollars. Whether it’s for someone who doesn’t have a bad person, to bring up how to protect the number of members of the royal homeland. There є to whom to spend naftodolari - the squads of the king of Saudi Arabia put together a significant harem, wanting formally the Koran to protect mothers more than chotirioh. To be brought actively to win the institute of separation, which is a kind of concession to uncommon formalism.

Help your family

Today's world is an uninterrupted process of exchange of information that is conducted on different levels. On the eve of 2013, the British newspapers published an interview, with the daughter of the King of Saudi Arabia Abdulli, Princess Sahara, speaking. It was hard for a new one that there were three sisters for 13 years under house arrest, as if the father had laid them on them.

Newspapers and news portals published stories about the members of the royal harems. They have a bula zadiyana and mother Sahari. colossal squad King of Saudi Arabia. The photo of Al-Anud Daham Al-Bakhit Al-Faiz, who at the 15th century became the retinue of Abdulli, and after ten years, the donok was relieved that vignana after separation, added drama.

This scandal caused a stir and especially respect for the problem of discrimination against women in the Muslim world. Articles about the terrible nervousness between a man and a woman in the Saudi industry flooded other people and electronic devices. Photographs were especially popular, de they knew the letter of the king of Saudi Arabia - a symbol of the middle-class style of government, based on unimpressive luxury.

But not everything seemed so simple, the world is still rich in facets. There was one more whine. Activists of Islamic organizations, among some boobies and faceless women, with no less predilection called journalists and politicians to practice their morality on the suspense, like the stench is not worthy of self-sufficiency. A protest against the aggressive instillation of foreign glances at the style of life, being so open and true.

The king is dead, long live the king

Today on the Throne in Er-Riyadh Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is the somy king of Saudi Arabia. The photos, which were taken of the new ruler, are little seen by the eyes of the Europeans, who were taken for the life of King Abdulli.

The history of the Saudi state continues.

At noon of 22, on the 23rd of September, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died. Vіn buv lіberalnіshim, nіzh yоgo advocate Fahd, аlе аlе іn't bothered іn thе cardinal reforms after the “Arab spring”. Natomist Abdullah Zumiv save the friendship of the United States, not being afraid to develop contacts with China and Russia.

Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz (Photo: REUTERS 2015)

King Abdullah was born in 1924. Exact date the people are not at home, but among the vidkrit dzherelakh they are called 1 sickle. On the same day in 2005, the fate of the vin having ascended the throne of Saudi Arabia. The monarch came into his own as the "Keeper and protector of two sacred mosques" [At the Mezza and Medina]. This title was given by the legislator - Fahd - with the method of upholding the religious authority of the rulers of Saudi Arabia. Abdullah did not get a systematic study. In youth, in the provinces of the ancestry of the middle of the Bedouins. The very same, according to the official version, the new man appeared to help the development of his people.

The entry of Abdalli before the reign began in 1962, if Yogo Bulo was recognized as the head National Guard- Evil forces, calling to protect the royal family of Saudis. Visibly late development of the late monarch's career was attributed to his new oratorical talents (Abdallah was suffering from defects in his language), as well as to his adventures. Mati Abdalli bula of the Rashid family, who was superb with the Saudi family. Shlyub batkіv future king bv political union, organized by the ruling ruler of the same land, King Abdul-Aziz.

In 1975 Abdullah was appointed another vice-premier, in 1982 he became a successor to the throne under King Fahdi, and in 1995, if he became a stroke in the rest, he became regent and de facto ruler of the kingdom.

Numerical obituaries call King Abdullah a "reformer" and a "diplomat." Specifically, setting up the special position of those children on the throne to lie in the position of sight. But a lot of experts agree on the fact that the Saudi monarch was far away to save his power, prevent extremism from spreading and support stosunki with the leading foreign powers.

For example, regardless of the likes of many organizers and viconators of terrorist acts on 11 September 2001, if they were the bulk of Saudi Arabia, or to make contacts with their ruling homeland, Washington and Er-Riyad were left with allies. The monarchy gave behind the scenes assistance to the American military during the invasion before Iraq 2003. Eleven years, therefore, the Saudi UPU will take part in the struggle against the “Islamic state” IDIL. In 2007, Abdullah became the first Saudi monarch, who was in contact with the Pope of Rome (at that time he was Benedict XVI).

Garni vіdnosinі With the help of the States, they didn’t start the kingdom to establish ties with the countries, as the United States is helping out in the world arena - China and Russia. Before the beginning of the "Arab Spring" in 2011, the Riyadh's roci were able to establish contacts with the President of Syria, Bashar Assad.

Friendship with foreign powers became one of the factors that allowed Abdullah to become an absolute monarch, without conducting serious changes in the country. Another reason is that it is stable domestic policy became more liberal Abdallah and also conservative, authoritarian and not even a popular advocate. Abdalla pretended to be more modest. Sterzhuetsya, scho navit asked not to turn up before the new "Your Majesty" and having protected the piddanim to kiss your hand.

Zakhidni ZMI repeatedly wrote about the problems with the rights of people in Saudi Arabia, including those who became women. For the whole hour of Abdalli's reign, the bik liberalization did not break any serious epochs.

The discussion about the role of women in the Saudi society was a new continuation of the spring of the past fate. Then in the British ZMI published an interview with Abdalli's daughter, Princess Saara. Vaughn was stubborn, that at once with her sister Dzhavakhi, she was already staying for 13 years with London under house arrest, imposed on her by the monarch. Behind Saari's words, Abdalli's two daughters settle down at London's.

To this criticism, the king's followers point out that at the Technological University, which bears the name of Abdalli, women can learn, and at the same time from men. 2012 the fate of the women first stooped at the warehouse of the Olympic selection. In 2011, the fate of the monarch declared to give women the right to vote in the local elections, as it may be possible for that fate to be born. 10-25% of Saudi women allowed 10-25% of Saudi women to break down against greater conservatism anyway. However, the stench can only be reached by public transport, or by the escort of people, the shards of water rights for women, like before, are not seen. Nareshti, the monarch repeatedly vyslovlyuv his grace until the arraignment of violating the laws of sharia, moreover, both women and men.

The strimanity of Abdalli's policy and the unpreparedness for reforms was evident in the reaction of the kingdom to the "Arab Spring" - a series of massive street protests among the lower powers of the Close brewery Africa, as a result of which Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemeni had power overthrown. After the fall of 2011-2012, Saudi Arabia did not hold political revolutions, instead focusing on growing social vitrates. In 2015, the cost of spending the Saudi budget will be $229 billion. Most of the money will be spent on lighting, health care and development of infrastructure.

The order about the zhorstok vbibivaniye of the Saudi journalist and oppositionist Jamal Khashoggi - who, behind the front lines, was dismembered and little not dismantled in acid on the territory of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul - especially Crown Prince Muhammad, fall to the throne of Saudi Arabia, guardian, future. Itself so vvazhayut more posters, including American politicians - wanting, for official tribute, a journalist having died in a fistfight with the king's other supporters, such wines were sent to the consulate. It is characteristic that earlier Muhammad was not considered a zhorsty and pitiless dictator - on the other hand, he was called a reformer, a modern reformist and reformer in a conservative country. virishila prostizhity life way ambiguous future king.

After the arrest of hundreds of officials and businessmen - members of the royal homeland, ringing with corruption, - they started talking in the world that the Wahhabist monarchy of the Persk Zatoka would be reckoned with a revolutionary change. Bagato imams were allowed to carry out their duties, women were allowed to drive by car, go to the stadiums and to the cinema. In the eyes of the western lands, Muhammad until recently considered the ideal current ruler of a nearby state: he was young, smart, progressive and ambitious, and he had only one retinue. Vіn repeatedly declaring that the kingdom will turn to a peaceful Islam, open to the whole world, and will be modernized at a sunset. Zokrema politik novoi khvili self-proclaimed that even until 2020 it will be possible to live without oil.

September 2015 to rock. All visible princes, ministers and representatives of the clergy are coming to the palace of the new Saudi king Salman. The stench put their hand on the Quran and sing the monarch with their vіddannosti and fidelity. For the ceremony of coronation from kuta, the master of palace intrigues - yogo sin Prince Muhammad bin Salman, mriyuchi about those who, in the next hour, the king's relatives will vshanovuvatimut yogo, singing with a wide friend that friendship. The ambitious politician did not have mercy: in a day's time, you will truly become the richest in the house of the Saudis and, in fact, will hold all the power in your hands in the Wahhabi kingdom.

Childhood, youth

About the children of the fates of Muhammad bin Salman, otherwise, like Yogo was nicknamed in Saudi Arabia, “MBS” or “Mr. Everything and the Same Time” (Mr. Everything), not much, all the information about the life of the richest people of the kingdom is brought to scoop from their biography look over slick. It seems that the future crown prince was born in the family of one of the number of Saudi princes - Salman, the son of King Abdulaziz. We draw yoga and carry progressive ideas.

From 12 years of vins, having seen the strength of the meeting, in which they took the fate of Yogo Batko. Zamіst poїkhati vchitisya for the cordon, like the greater number of his brothers, virushiv vanish in the fatherland. Graduated from King Saud University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Laws. Muhammad will tell you that, having planned to make friends before the vines, we will cross the cordon, then we will turn to the kingdom and go into business. However, yoga father virishiv іnakshe.

Of all the plans, the prince had only one thing - he managed to make friends. taken away good lighting the representative of the monarch's family was appointed to the state service. By stretching two rokiv vin pratsyuvav radnik for the sake of ministers. Behind the words of yoga many colleagues, the prince would be ambitious and intolerant: those who had gone two months earlier, win vikonati in a couple of days. The prince zapevnyaє, scho about the throne vіntodі y not dream: the rights to the throne are small relatives.

In the eyes of the western lands, even until recently, Mohammed has distinguished himself as the ideal current ruler of a nearby state.

On the fol- low of whom I became the father’s guardian, the governor of Er-Riyad. The very same, following the words of Muhammad, having shaken off his head from the courtiers that apparatus intrigues. They wove the opposite of the big one: we’ll burn the politicians, falling not to the soul of a young temple. Muhammad defeated that round: they voted for the boycott, in fact, they denounced the father, and they denounced King Abdullah.

Palace coup

A few hours later, Yogo Batko became Minister of Defence, and Muhammad, who rose to the occasion in the career of an official, threw all his strength into those who would create their own high image and turn back the western lands to themselves. For some wines, honing yourself with foreign PR people and image makers, turning right-handed and left-handed to give interviews to out-of-the-way sights, praising good values. Krіm tsgogo, with a clear aim at the throne of wines, having fallen asleep a fund to help young people, it will be required: 70 people of the population of the kingdom to make up to 30 people, of which 20 to 25 years are unemployed.

Later, the father became the last prince. A few hours later, a holy thing came to the street of Muhammad: King Abdullah specifically asked Yogo to turn in a holding parat and conduct a cleansing in. Leaning at the office, venting the belligerent activity: the wealthy officials vytrusiv from their duties for stealing and swindling. Behind the vipadkovy zbіg furnishing the embezzlers of embezzlement, there appeared the thieves and mighty supermen of Muhammad on the path to the vlad.

In September 2015, father Muhammad Salman became king after the death of Abdulli. Vіn once put a son on the choli of the military department. Muhammad at the age of 29 became the youngest head of the defense department in the history of the kingdom.

Photo: Wang Bo / Xinhua /

However, once a son was put in the post of crown prince, the new monarch did not die. His nephew, 56-year-old Mohammed bin Naif al Saud, became Salman's official, one of the most important people in the kingdom. For 13 years, we have established a program to fight terrorism and rebels, having won the title of "King of Counter-Terrorism". Ben Naif was respected in the American administration and European capitals.

On yoga aphids the son of King Muhammad looked like an unacknowledged young man. However, ben Naif spent a lot of time at the rehearsals, chim and scurrying the son of the king, step by step, guiding the crown prince into the darkness.

Step by step zakrypivshis in power, King Salman zmіg pіti on revolutionary krok - a handful of wines, giving the title of hereditary prince to his nephew Mohammed bin Naif, having made his lover Muhammad crown prince. The new recession with enthusiasm has begun to reform the ossified power systems.

Change will require our hearts

The need for a change has been long overdue in the kingdom. Economic policy, which was carried out by Er-Riyad for a decade, did not accept the creation of working missions. At the Naftian superpower, the rіven without work is moving 12 vіdsotkіv. Bagato Saudis look at Muhammad with the program of the President of the United States. From the prince's mouth more than once slogans from the series "Saudi Arabia is for us forward!" і "Let's build the kingdom again great."

Mohammed, having voted for the program of radical reforms "Bachennya - 2030", the main meta of this is the struggle against the unemployed, the diversification of the economy and the improvement of the regional leadership of the kingdom, the introduction of the country of the western world.

Within the framework of the “Mister Everything” concept, stating that we can build Saudi Arabia as a “stronghold of a darkened Islam”, which called out a turbulent reaction in the country and in the former close region. Aje Wahhabism has historically played an important role in the ideology of the kingdom and in the middle of the state, and posture between the borders. The progressive innovations of the crown prince called out to the religious leaders more than razdratuvannya. So that the clergy did not go into a deaf opposition and did not force the prince to take the throne, mass transfers and thousands of imams from the mosques began near Saudi Arabia. The future wines are planning to carry out a reform for the sake of the Ulema, in order to minimize that political significance as much as possible.

The wind has already begun to change: women were allowed to go to the stadiums and play with cars, as well as to work at the fighting clubs. Krym tsgogo, piddanim of the kingdom allowed to open cinemas. The kingdom also has a department of roses, creations in order to showcase foreign culture.

Zgіdno z the reform plan is transferred to the privatization of the energy sector, the protection of health and the enlightenment, private business, non-private state lands. And in order to reduce the staleness of the kingdom in terms of the production of oil, Muhammad virishiv developed new areas of the economy: I would improve the industry, the banking sector and tourism.

The crown prince chooses to create in the middle of the desert a super modern place with an area of ​​​​over 25 thousand square kilometers, to live and practice thousands of fakhivtsiv in other areas.

"Rozkulacheni" princes

The proteges of the largest transformations pushed against holding the parade. At noon on the 5th leaf fall of the past fate in Saudi Arabia became a podia, as if it struck the whole world. Dozens of high-ranking residents and businessmen, who were so short-lived, were imprisoned for suspicion of corruption, swindle and embezzlement of the state budget. Among them are 11 princes and four ministers who are to die. Їх zvinuvativ National Anti-Corruption Committee, on which Muhammad stood.

Frame: Umar 2000 / YouTube

The politician of the new era self-confessedly declared that until 2020 it would be possible to live without oil.

The crown prince himself, as he writes zahіdni ZMI, do not be ashamed to beat the budget money for a full cat. Having bought the castle of Louis XIV from France, he himself is respected by the dearest of the world. Krym tsgogo, vin having bought a yacht for 550 million dollars and a painting for 450 million dollars.

"A new era has come to fight corruption," said Sheikh Saud al Mojeb, Attorney General of the Kingdom. Tse became a serious precedent. The low number of arrests of the pleasurable Saudis was clearly behind the clan principle - most of them lie down to the neck of the late King Abdulli.

The first on the list of occupants was the king's nephew and one of the richest people in Saudi Arabia - Prince al-Walid bin Talal, the largest Saudi businessman and supporter of Citigroup, with his atypically liberal views. Yogo at once with the reshtoi rang at the evil power and the receipt of pennies.

350 osibs were slumped under the bar, some of them were immediately transferred to the status of witnesses from the right, about 200 osibs became “bashings”. Truthfully, the word "vyaznitsya" is hardly suitable for describing the place in which fortune-telling habarniks avenged themselves. They settled in a five-star Ritz Carlton hotel in the very center of the capital. "V'yazni" could earnestly serve as the servants of an expensive restaurant, fitness club, spa, and bowling alley.

So, Prince Al-Walid bin Talal rose, as if you were wearing whiskey at a luxury hotel room. Skіlki kіmnat bulo yogo gilded number - not specified. Vіdomo only about the office, the kitchen is far away. “I feel even more comfortable, because I know my country, my place, here I am like at home. Tse don’t give me everyday handicaps, ”explaining the billionaire.

For yoga words, under a glass of wine, live for a new life: work, communicate with your relatives by phone, go in for sports, swim in the pools and go for walks. Colleagues and special perucar periodically see yoga. Yogo diet is also not changed - you are trying to get a vegan diet.

Having lodged pіdozryuvanih at the five-star hotel, MBS showed them the reason and readiness to take calls in exchange for loyalty. On September 30, all arrestees were admitted. However, a handful of them was churned for 100 billion dollars. Vrahovyuchi, which is the budget of the kingdom - a little more than 190 billion dollars - a sum of chimala. Mustache pennies went to the treasury.

Zahid don't mind

American President Donald Trump was one of the first world leaders in reacting to the anti-corruption campaign that broke out in the kingdom. Riyadh, having omitted the USA’s accompaniment: Trump, having said “high confidence” to Salman, ta yoga blue, like, in the president’s thought, “to know exactly what to shy away.” In addition, vin sued quietly, who "finished his country with rock."

The kingdom's confederates have stumbled upon a novelty from the hoardings: corruption and zanureniya in the luxury regime has long been vyklikav razdratuvannya suspіlstva. “The youth of Muhammad's soul does not match. Vіn diligently practise, plan economical transformation, vіn wіdkritiy for them, vіn razumіє їх (...) And the prince's quick early visits to the ministries with revisions have already become a parable among the tongues, viz zmushuє Er-Riyad constantly pratsyuvati World", - write BBC World.

Muhammad became the most popular politician in the country: his portraits embellish the walls of all state institutions, yogo photographs to glue on the slopes of cars, billboards from the images of the crown prince can be seen in different corners of the kingdom.

Своєю антикорупційною кампанією Мухаммед досяг відразу кількох цілей: він позбавився майбутніх противників, зміцнив репутацію реформатора, проводячи політику «нульової терпимості» стосовно корупціонерів, поповнив скарбницю за рахунок конфіскованих грошей, а також демонстрував як усередині країни, так і за її межами, що в його all the power in the kingdom is in the hands of the zoseredzhen.

Prince's Misses

For the one who has a lot of internal political adventures, everything is going well for Mohammed, the proteo of yogo political initiatives will know collapse. On the back of the fierce fate of 2015, the country got entangled in the war with Yemen, the end of which dossi is not visible. The greatest land of the Arab world has been loaded from the conflict and now a few years cannot overcome the rebels from the most distant land of the region: the Houthis continue to control the capital Yemen Sana, it is not included that Er-Riyadh cannot be overcome.

Lebanon has significantly expanded its influence of Shit's pro-Iranian grouping, as a result, the leading super player of Saudi Arabia, Iran, is no longer emphasizing its positions and heading a blow to the international prestige of Er-Riyadh.

Krym tsgogo, the crown prince also did not zoom in on a significant coalition for the fall of the Syrian leader, and also actually recognized the failure in the diplomatic war with Qatar. Mohammed chose the coalition and voted for the boycott of the emirate, the Qatari proteges stood up and were ready to continue the opposition to Er-Riyadh, voicing that they should fight against unrealistic powers. Tim himself, the kingdom spent a plethora of ally in the region and demonstrated its strife.

Muhammad, having cleared his way to power, only has a few checks and prepares himself until he becomes king in no time. Shvidshe for everything will become narrower axis-axis. Yogo 82-year-old father is seriously ill - he suffered a stroke, I will perform an operation on the ridge. For a bit, Salman has Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

So far, everything is going according to plan. However, a well-wishing reformer, who enlisted the support of young people, does not fit the conservatively trained elites of Saudi Arabia. The security forces of yoga take it like a bezvіdpovidalny temple, and the Wahhabi clergy are not up to like the transformation of the kingdom into the power of the darkened іslam, it is not possible to turn on the scenario, from which the prince can be put into the military chi religious elite.

Vrakhovuyuchy surge zovnіshnogo discontent through ymovіrne vbivstvo Hashkudzhі, the position of the prince look more hitkіshimi - it is not excluded that this story will win political opponents in their own purposes. At the same time, you can call out more praise: the prince of wisdom, you can easily spend love Sunset with just one human twist, and take the screws on the first row of nearby dictators.

The prince, having won a few battles, prote the result of all the battles until the end: until Muhammad defends the anger.

King Abdullah was the next monarch. Vin is also the son of the first king Abdel-Aziz. On the throne of Abdullah Zijshov on 1 September 2005 after the death of his brother King Fahd.

The Saudi ruler, who suffered from back pain, repeatedly went to the aid of surgeons. In the year 2011 and leaf fall in 2012, a serious operation was carried out on the ridge. Earlier, the king passed a three-month course of rejoicing behind the cordon.

In 2010, roci in the USA were transferred to the first surgical intervention in a ligament with a herniated disc and a thrombus. As soon as I wrote about the monarch’s exaltation in the press, there were a few reports either about his death, or about a sharp decline in health.

New King of Saudi Arabia

Having occupied the throne of the 76-year-old prince Salman bin Abdel-Aziz al-Saud, he helped the country's television station.

"Yogo high prince Salman bin Abdel-Aziz al-Saud, all members of this family and the whole nation will succeed for the custodian of two shrines, who is calmly sleeping, (official title, shrines - religious complexes in the places of Mecca and Medina) to King Abdullah ibn Abdel- Azizu, who died exactly about 1.00, "- go to the application.

Prince Salman was recognized as successor to the throne in Chernivtsi 2012. Vin of the 25th son of King Abdel-Azizia (the first monarch) in the name of Princess Khasi as-Sudahiri.

Svіtova reaction that svіvchuttya

U.S. President Barack Obama brought the message to the people of Saudi Arabia. As they say in the letter of the American leader, for the life of the monarch, Saudi Arabia turned into "critical important force world economy and the leader of the Arab and Islamic powers".

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