Zmovniki - on the creeks of truth, a grandiose domesl is vibrated (Sechin against Putin, etc.). Relationships with the sovereign apparatus

According to the official version, Russia is a democratic country, which, in the minds of the general consensus, President Medvedev legally envisions and heads the order Putin (“tandem”). Zgіdno with the official version, the two halves of the "tandem" are still not equal: Putin the elder and the more informed - and that "equal" and the head.

Another option is close to the right speech, but not exact. The very top of the ruling elite of power does not look like a "tandem", a duumvirate, but rather like a triumvirate Putin - Sechin - Medvedev: President Dmitro Medvedev is not a friend of a person in the hierarchy, but only a third. Other political scientists lead Medvedev in the fourth month (following the third Viktor Ivanov) and inspire the fifth (following the fourth from Sergiy Narishkin, or from Oleksandr Bortnikov, or from Vladislav Surkov, or from Roman Abramovich) - such a reversal of publicity.

The real ієrarchіya and functions of all Russian officials do not seem to be nominal.

Volodymyr Putin is called the head of the order, but really the sovereign, the tsar-father - let’s not be a one-sided autocrat, not an absolute monarch, but not a constitutional one: the government of Yogo is often surrounded, not by the constitution, not by laws, but by corporate-becoming criminals “understandings”), behind-the-scenes domiciles with shadowy groups, arguing, friendly and administrative connections. In addition, Putin is the tsar, the supreme minister of foreign affairs (and the nominal minister Sergiy Lavrov is no more than a leader of foreign policy).

Igor Sechin is called the intercessor (not the first intercessor) of the head in a row, but in fact he himself is the “first minister”. Vіn zovsіm the head of the ranks (shards in the general obsіzі mіnіstrі yomu pіdpriyadkovanі - deyakі pіdіrаdkovuyutsya without intermediary to the sovereign), but the order of the vins must still be the first among equals. In the sphere of yoga, there is a large part of the economy, but finances are to blame; even more so, that under the control of yoga, the organs of security are being rebuilt.

Dmitro Medvedev is called the president and the head of the state, but in fact he is the vice-premier from a wide number of people, a lawyer from the legal sphere, as well as the sovereign’s servant from personnel and other people (for example, “democracy”). In the legal sector, Medvedev has a practically sovereign, whole domain, and as a leader of personnel, he is a vplivovy, but not a leader (the main leader of personnel is Viktor Ivanov, and navit Sergiy Sobyanin, perhaps, more invested in the recognition of governors, lower than the one who signs tsі recognition of Medvedev).

The biggest names in the world are the names and functions of the director of the FSB, Oleksandr Bortnikov. Formally, Bortnikov interrupted the direct order of President Medvedev, but his bosses were Putin and Sechin.

Viktor Ivanov is called at once a guardian of Rosnarkokontrol, but he was not officially called the rest of the 15th century of Yogo Posad, and he is deprived of Putin’s head guard for personnel nutrition. In addition, Rosnarkokontrol is actually “another KDB”, which is to follow the “first KDB” - FSB Bortnikova. The need for the “other KDB” to winkle at the link with them, that the MVS, as from Radian hours, played the role of opposing the “committee members”, for Putin leaned at that moment under their absolute control, moreover, under the control of one particular clan - the “Petersko-Karelian "(Patrushev - Nurgaliev).

Sergiy Narishkin - clerk of the Presidential Administration (AP), for naming him a technical clerk and a conductor of the President's will, or rather Narishkin, Putin's classmate in Your school KDB є "didlyachim" for the president in the form of the sovereign-premier.

Vladislav Surkov is officially called the first intercessor of the President of Armenia, but it is impossible to plant an unofficial vice-premier of ideology in a democratic state - the minister of parliament and political parties.

Vice Premier - Minister of Finance Oleksiy Kudrin, First Vice Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov (leading rank from the old economy) and Vice Prime Minister Sergiy Sobyanin (head of the apparatus) can also enter up to the first administratively, dozens of administrative positions rule in Russia.

Advice about oligarchy

Oligarchy - I will become collective authoritarianism. The most important camp in Russia is the main bureaucracy, the nomenklatura. The nomenklatura oligarchy of control practically the entire economy of the country is indirectly (through the influence of the sovereign authority) chi indirectly (through the representative osib, squads, children, cousins’ nephews, etc.).
Zokrema, Putin is a oil and gas magnate and a financial tycoon of the light industry, Medvedev is a pulp and paper producer, Sєchin is a naphthovim, Sobyanin is a gas producer, Shuvalov is a financial producer, and Surkov is a starch and syrup thinner.
The situation is similar for the larger and wider circle of regional oligarchs.

Clans, clients and coalitions

The oligarchy is by no means united, it is forever fragmented into clans, grouped, clients - how to lead an international struggle, having united at the timchas chi more or less permanent coalitions.

There are three main struggles between two coalitions of administrative and economic clans - the Sector and the Medved.
The coalition of clans, groupings and clients that formed around Sechin, stand up for the third presidential term of Putin after the election of 2012 to the fate and victory of Medvedev and yogo prihilnikov from the supreme power.

Navpaki, the method of the Medvedev's coalition and the adoption of Sechin and yogo allies, the reorganization of Medvedev in 2012, the transformation of the triumvirate into a duumvirate with Medvedev's greater equal roll in the new.

NB: until Putin's introduction, the medical profession cannot be dismissed, although it is not included, which for some of them is a distant method.

The basis of the Sechin coalition is to become an alliance of two groups of St. Petersburg Chekists: in the power of the Sechin clan and the group of Viktor Ivanov - Mikoli Patrushev (Secretary of Radi Bezpeka, the largest director of the FSB), to which other clans and clients join. Before the administrative and economic clan of Sechin, one of the appointees of the FSB, Oleksandr Bortnikov, the envoy of the Pivdenny Okruz, Volodymyr Ustinov (Sechin’s brother-in-law), ex-premier Viktor Zubkov (next first vice-premier) and Mikhailo Fradkov (next director of the state branch of intelligence) , Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, President of Rosneft Sergiy Bogdanchikov, Head of the Board of Zovnishtorgbank Andriy Kostin.

Before the group of V.Ivanov - Patrushev enter the head of the State Duma Boris Grizlov, the intercessor of the Federal Drug Control Service Oleg Safonov, the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev; This group is based on a small group and a client, among which the most famous are the St. Petersburg-Karelian group of Patrushev - Nurgaliev (“Peter-Karelian Chekist”) and the St. Petersburg-“Afghan” Chekist of Viktor Ivanov (yogi comrade Avanov).

Clients of Sergiy Narishkin and Oleksandr Bastrikin (head of the Liaison Committee at the Prosecutor General's Office, Putin's classmate from the LDU Faculty of Law) enter or adjoin to the Sech coalition.
The sechen coalition also includes Putin's friend Sergiy Chemezov with his razgaluzhennoy clientele, as it consists of the directors of enterprises, which include the state corporation "Rostechnologii", and even more governors.

The Medvedev coalition is being formed so. "St. Petersburg lawyers" (most importantly Medvedev's classmates from the law faculty of LDU), "Petersburg economy", "Petersburg stars", as well as the group of Viktor Cherkesov.

The most prominent of the “Petersburg lawyers” is a classmate and friend of Medvedev, a clerk of the Control Administration of the Academy of Sciences Kostyantin Chuichenko. The head of Vishchogo enters the group as well Arbitration Court, the closest friend of the student youth of the president Anton Ivanov, ambassador to the Ural district Mikola Vinnichenko, another classmate of a lower rank, as well as vice-premier of the Olympiad Dmitro Kozak, minister of justice Oleksandr Konovalov, prosecutor general Yury Chaika (tezh.

The leader of the "Petersburg Economists" group is Oleksiy Kudrin, before it comes the head of the Central Bank Sergiy Ignatyev, his first intercessor Oleksiy Ulyukaev, the Minister of Derzhmayne Elvira Nabіullina, the General Director of the State Corporation "Rosnano" Arkadіy Dvorkovich of the President, Anatoly Dvorkovich of the President.

"Peters'kі zv'yazkіvtsі" - president's guardian Leonid Reiman and his clientele (in the clan of chi groups, if you want to often add up to equally large posts, the clientele is more "vertical" outbuildings: the master and the servants, the boss and the boss). Cherkesov's group is the quickest of the client, the protege of the union with Cherkesov, the head of the Security Service of the President Viktor Zolotov and, possibly, vice-premier Sergiy Ivanov.

The Medvedev coalition also includes the first vice-premier Igor Shuvalov (“Igor Ivanovich Nespravzhny” - on the front line of Sechin, “Igor Ivanovich Spravzhny”) and the press secretary of Medvedev Natalia Timakova. Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov, as well as a large clerk of the AP, the head for the directors of Norilsk Nickel, Oleksandr Voloshin, were Medvedev's hoarders. Voloshin with Abramovich, Usmanov, Shuvalov, and Timakova's group, it is permissible to take into account one group at the warehouse of the Medvedev's coalition - "Voloshin's group".

From the newly appointed heads of regions as Medvedev's followers and his declared course towards "modernization" - Mikita Bilikh and Dmitro Mezentsev.

The Crimea of ​​the two main coalitions is based on the position of that group, although they have not been nominated, they are trying to achieve a neutral position and will be able to focus directly on Putin. Zakrema, the group of “Petersburg physicists” (Kovalchuk family and Fursenka brothers) and “Petersburg Orthodox security officers” (President of the RAT RZ Volodymyr Yakunin, representative of the Central District Georgy Poltavchenko, clerk of the rights of the President Volodymyr Kozhin) are worthy of discussion. These two groups have historically been closely related to each other (through the Association of Consolidated Enterprises of Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Rosiya Bank) and especially to Putinim (through the Ozero dacha cooperative).

Vladislav Surkov, with his clientele, also orients himself completely on Putin. Most of the governors - both old and newly appointed (for example, the new governor of Pskov Andriy Turchak and the new president of Tatarstan Rustam Minikhanov) - vvazhayut for the best show at once Putin's loyalty, Medvedev's loyalty and peaceless povag to Sechin.

Deyakі ideyni raznitsyu between clans no doubt іnіvnіvіnі іnіvі, аlє є є iznachalnymi і іn'kalіtsіyomu budіvnitstvі. It is important that the medical professionals (especially the group of Kudrin) - promote liberalism in the economy, as well as the sichenci - more importantly the conductors. However, it is more than just a theoretical insight. Indeed, specific officials, regardless of their special economic views, show “liberalism” whenever companies choose to use it, and “dirigisme” is exactly the same as companies that are against hardware opponents.

Most of the medvedivtsiv are the leaders of the “zahіdniki” and the death of the imperials, like Sechin is the supporter of the alliance with China against Sunset, and the majority of the sechintsiv are the imperial hawks according to the number of republics of the SRSR.
However, look, especially zvnіshnіshnіpolitіchіnі, vedmedіvtsa Cherkesov little chim vіdznyayutsya vіd glancing yogo nayutіshih vorogіv sechintsіv (for example, control him "Rosbalt" in Serpnі 2008 rock calling before the attack on Tbilisi).

Surkov at the singing sensi zahіdnik and for internal reconciliation to end up liberal, ale vіn speaks out against the minimal modernizing reforms in the sphere of ideology and politics, as they are propagated by the liberal supporters of Medvedev and INSOR, as a patron of the Tim.

«Православні чекісти» Якунін та Полтавченко мліють від хрестів та мощів, а у зовнішній політиці симпатизують ідеї стратегічного блокування з арабами-мусульманами проти Америки, що не заважає їм в економіці та внутрішньо-політичних інтригах зберігати тісний союз із Ковальчуками – помірними як до Православ' I, so and up to Arab-Muslims.

Putin over the essence

Putin himself is over the essence of the two nomenklatura-oligarchic coalitions (supernicity between some of the wines he often organized himself and organized) and is corroborated by all the political achievements of this camp.

Historically, to my closest neighbor, more than one of the leaders of the coalition, Viktor Ivanov, is one of the closest to the new people. However, in the power of the economy (and in a special plan) Putin is trusted and friendly to stand up to Kudrіn’s anti-sechinism, that recognition of Medvedev as the successor would be impossible without the singing peace of doviri - greater recognition, nizh until the service .

Without a doubt, Putin was simply afraid to wear an unfortunate presidential regalia to some of them - regardless of all the "friendship" that special service "brotherhood".

In the cultural and civilizational context, Putin is a lover (similar to Kudrin and Medvedev), but a guide to a deadly democracy (similar to Sechin, Patrushev, V.Ivanov).

The calls of the Polіtititsky borrowed the LINIY MIZH Kremlinsky Zakhidniki, the antizahits, Yastrubov, he is unhealthy, and compromisingly, the result of the result of the vision, the order of the courtesy of the weswovannia, the order

sacred cow

There are a few reasons why medical professionals are afraid not to speak out against Putin (and an anti-Putin minority of medical professionals do not speak out against Putin).

In other words, it’s just not safe - for the political today and the future, for business, just for life.

In a different way, many participants in the Medvedev's coalition feel comfortable with Putin's whole family, those who lead them closer to Putin, lower to Medvedev (for example, Kudrin) - they make Sechin live, not Putin.

Thirdly, the stench is not in the air, that without Putin they can manage to control the Chekists and other security officials under their control (at the same time the army is quiet and the generals don’t lie to the politician, but if it’s possible, you won’t be the leader).

Fourthly, stench all or not to the people (from Chuichenko to Shuvalov), or unpopular (Chubais, chastkovo Kudrin) and they will be afraid that among the people, the stench of the stench without Putin will not run into not only the security officers, but the people.

Nareshti, p'yate, deyakі from them (for example, Chubais, the same Kudrin, the same Shuvalov) ascertain that the same dovgostrokovі іnteresi will not show Medvedev with them, and they will rightly be afraid that there will be no Sechin, no Putin, nothing can make Medvedeva rob them at different times with daggers-buffaloes.

Tim is no less, in Medvedev's brilliance - and especially in the "brilliant brilliance" - Putin's dissatisfaction with that taєmne bazhannya will help yogo rule. More dissatisfaction breaks through in the writings of Medvedev's experts from INSOR, in the mouths of official law enforcement officers from the President's sake for the development of community society, in the publications controlled by Voloshin and Usmanov, in the pleasurable papers of the Merezhevs.

In this case, however, it is not clear what Medvedev himself wants: if only to overcome Sechin and become really different in the duumvirate, or if in an hour to become the first and united.

Possibly, what Medvedev himself does not yet know, who is still far from being able to win a battle for another place in the real hierarchy.

An old Radian anecdote: dear comrade L.I. Brezhnev on the black party: “Chinese orthodoxies are stubborn that there will be no pennies for communism. And European revisions seem to be. Well, as a right Marxist-Leninist, we come to nutrition dialectically. For communism, who will have pennies, and who will not ... ".

If you believe the above, then at once we live for ourselves, which is blamed by communism. Prime Minister Dmitro Medvedev does not get involved repeat about those who "don't have a penny" and call out "trimatis". From the other side, vistachaє and quiet, to whom "trimatization" is called and not necessary, and they have more pennies lower "є". There are more floorings that stench is stained on the slate of roses. Why varte, for example, eating truffles by Volodymyr Potanin for $95,000. The classics of the oligarchic genre are not mushrooms, but yachts. This Galusian Russian Millionaire has long been ahead of the entire planet. Hiba scho treshki donate to Arab sheikhs.

Well, recently, for example, a crisis broke out and the sanctioned billionaire Alisher Usmanov got rent a yacht from the world, which cost you a total of $ 600 million. “The Russian people will not give up. Sanctions, there, norms, rights, yak? We have always had a norm - 125 grams of bread for production, and the right to win, ”the sailor said pathetically earlier.

Vtim, not all Russian millardiers like to brag about their yachts. Among them, they are humble and modest, as if they do not display their belongings for show. For example, for a long time, an 85.6-meter-high beauty, launched in 2013, was left with an invisible sack. Starry look Russian designer Igor Lobanov (who previously worked on Deripaska's yacht), and the elite Italian designer Alberto Pinto worked on the interiors. At the stern of the yacht, there is a swimming pool, which, for the sake of consumption, transforms into a helicopter maidan. On the cob, the yacht was given the code name Y708. And after the transfer to the Vlasnik, the name was changed to St. Princess Olga ("Holy Princess Olga"). Today, "Princess Olga" sits on the 72nd place in the rating of the 100 largest yachts on the planet.

Until recently Vlasnik St. Princess Olga, having become invisible until Novaya Gazeta showed social measures photographs from the yacht "Holy Princess Olga", published by Olga Sechina - team Igor Sechin- one of the best people in Russia. Vidkrittya vіdrazu has become a glasnost. The reaction of the young man was blissful.

Igor Sechin

How to commend Vedomosti Olga Sechina filed a challenge against Novaya Gazeta. Claims Sєchіna called out the article “The Secret of “Princess Olga”. How was Igor Sechin, a “Rosnafta” certifier, involved with one of the most luxurious yachts in the world?”. Sechina is inscribed: the note destroys the right to lack of torment private life, in view of the fact that the text was seen from the site of Novaya Gazeta, as well as the list of all the numbers in which the article was published.

representative "Rosnaft" Having confirmed the fact of filing, I will call those who are Sechin and the retinue of the oil company.

Article by journalist Roman Anin about the yacht St. Princess Olga editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta Dmitro Muratov published on the cob of sickle. The vessel was launched at 2013 roci, yogo rozmir - "from the football field (85.6 m)". The yacht Sichina was cleared to sail under the ensign of the Cayman Islands and formally belong to the offshore Serlio Shipping Ltd.

According to experts, such a yacht costs “not less than $100 million”. When tsimu autumn 2015 p. Rosneft published documents on how it paid its members for the sake of directors. From them, as well as on the basis of the Standard for payment and compensation to top managers of the company, it is clear that with the improvement of premiums, the income of the Sich can become 471 million rubles. (nearly $7.4 million for the CP rate for Monday, 15 September).

Sergius and Anita Tsoi

Today, it became known that the largest press secretary of the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, Sergiy Tsoi, was appointed vice-president of the government of Rosneft. Behind the words of the dzherel RBC, close to the Kremlin, Sєchin znayomiy z Tsoym sche z quiet hours.

Anita Tsoi and Olga Sechina-Rozhkova

Sergiy Tsoi is the partner of Anita Tsoi, a close friend of Olga Sechinoi-Rozhkovo. The squads of two sovereign top managers are regularly engaged in the joint sea work in Russia.

Timerbulat Karimov, having stingy on the root of the Volzka settlement Ples, Dmitro Medvedev ruled over his residence in order.

On September 13, 2017, in the life of the reader, behind the confusion of the municipal deputy of the town of Ples Tamari Gubinoy, a banner podium was raised: її requested to the Kremlin.

- Tsyu trip, - I’m guessing, - we organized our head for the sake of the Plіskogo mіskogo settlement. The best people They called the place there, the priest bov... Unforgettable anger. Aje us skrіz led, including mіstsya, where we will forgive tourists the entrance is fenced. They showed, for example, the hall, where the ceremony of Putin's inauguration took place, you do! That us there especially the commandant of the Kremlin zustrichav and more asked to come. Axis is a gift to us, our head vlashtuvav.

Mabut, for today's day, the head of Pliska for the sake of it is the only riverman of provincial deputies in the whole country, a kind of building authority to give his hijackers an excursion of such a high level. On the right, it’s not about what the name of this person is Timerbulat Karimov. On the right, his father-in-law is Igor Sechin, who is also the head, but also the ruling company Rosneft. In front of this people, all the doors are at the Kremlin's office. Well chi mayzhe everything.

One Day Candidate

When it came to visiting Ples, Sechin was not in the middle of the city. Medvedev is alive, but the tsey is not dead. It seems that the initiative addressed to the local deputies did not come from the head of Rosneft, but rather from his son-in-law:

“Karimov’s dacha here was bila of the Shokhonka river, ale ... Either to burn the road to it, then on the square, de vins are chosen to go out, cover it, they picked it up, the axis and vyrivishiv to vlad - to put things right. It’s true, they don’t even want to vote for their own, Moscow intervened: for the sake of Karimov, to create two unanimous peoples, they won out of choice, so that there was no competition.

“The other voices bathed in quiet elections,” added Irina Maltseva, a local activist of the “Voice” movement. - De 500 rubles, and de і 1000. I especially sent a person to the police, as I knew on camera that they had bought me. Truthfully, the police did not know anything about the purchase of viborts.

- In small districts, the purchase of votes is just as effective as the transferring technology. ale in to this particular type I can’t say anything about the pennies,” Stanislav Radkevich, CEO of PR-3000, explained, the team of the spring of 2015 helped Karimov to push through Plisi. - In my memory, there is only one candidate, whose election campaign lasted one day: on Friday, he spoke before the election and won his sympathy, and in a week you voted unanimously for the new one. And then other elected deputies, singing, even trusting Karimov, crushed him with their heads.

Get up protection

The squad of the head of Inga Karimov (from the daughter of Sechin) was taken in from Ples. Not like your own, obviously, but still respect:

- Mila, kind-hearted, with her children it is possible to communicate with her children, while smoothing out conflicting speeches. First smut, not close to administrative references.

And the axis of the її man Bulat Karimov walks like a museum-museum not in soft capts, but in a firm gospodar's way. If, of course, they show up there. Well, it’s true, it doesn’t happen that often: it’s good, like once or twice a month.

- Protection in the new - did not try, - denounces local resident Petro Shevchenko. - I want to sleep with someone who doesn’t know how to lay a water supply, but I seem to say: “It’s not allowed, you’re not so laid!” And how buti nailed it, as if he himself did not solve the problem, but without any hesitation. Other deputies say: "You need to talk to Karimov about it." The head of the settlement seems to say: "You need a check for Timerbulat Olegovich." The secretary seems to say: "And I know the stars, if I come. Tilki my all grind. They rearranged a nice place, where normal people used to come, to burnish an inanimate object: the replacement of food beaches on concrete piers was set up, likhtars were put in, like they didn’t burn at once. Cover. Ples for Karimov is just a springboard for the future kar'єri.

Pleasure that dislike

Vtіm, vіdkryto criticize the new splash of the mіtla in the place it's not leather. He is the head of the settlement, Olena Yudina, did not catch up with Karimov, she spent her tenure and the axis has not been able to dominate the work anywhere for a few months:

- Karimov? Vibachte, don't talk about anything. I do not want.

Deputies vіdkryto only praise:

- We have a garni, a miracle head. It would be bad for us without him. I bought a great yalinka with a bag of money.

And behind the back they say that not all the first things were true, that Karimov is ready to help the school museum, and the axis of serious problems is not solved.

Axis and mystic "architect" (so they call yogo here) Volodymyr Grishin of dissatisfaction:

- Nothing has changed for fate for the second time. And in chomus it became harder. For example, the street of Karl Marx in the center of Ples chomus was brought to the zone, de rest is not allowed. Aje there, the house was seen as a purpose for the life of a min-hotel. At the result, tourists come, but there is no one to settle.

Well, you don't have to worry about tourists. Near the homeland of the Karimovs, near Plisi, there is a sprig of budinkiv, one of which is on the map of the designations like "Guest's house" Lastivka "(unforgettable vіdkrittya). Also, not everyone near the city will be fenced.

“I’m getting irritated that the orderly goes over the streets of Karl Marx to develop a castle character,” Volodymyr Grishin added. - I've been sent to the prosecutor's office. Can it be broken in order to trim the place in the same hands?

I gave a great deal to the big park, a booth for Karl Marx, I entrusted to LTD "Zavolzka", a daughter company of the "Gradislava" fund, from the levitanivsky birch trees. "Gradislava" is currently listed as the formal head of the Milivka sadibi, de Dmitro Medvedev, Milovka is located on the outskirts, and Karl Marx is the center. It would be bad to encourage a boarding house there, but Karimov doesn’t give it.

The general director of "Gradislav" Ivan Karabinsky said that he did not discuss service meals with journalists. In the late afternoon, activity flared up near the park: a watchman appeared, a wake-up trailer, a generator was brought in ... So Ples is impatiently checking who wins the battle on the Volz - the Sichin clan and the Medvedev clan. Such a small place and such great passions.

Dossier: yak hartuvsya Bulat

Timerbulat Karimov was born in 1974 in Ufa. Onuk of the national poet of Bashkiria Musta Karim. Started in the States. Popratsyuvav kerіvnitstvі low firms, buv president of "Suma Kapital". Member for the sake of the directors of the Russian Mining Company. Engage in a good business.

  • Medvedev Dmitro
  • Sechin Igor
  • Karimova Inga
  • Karimov Temirbulat
  • Order of the Russian Federation
  • Rosneft
  • Russian midna company
  • Ivanivska region

Po'yazanі statti

    The ruble was prescribed a change

    The Ministry of Finance is planning a financial intervention for 70 billion rubles to weaken the dollar. Tse become for a short period, the Borg paid the abbots of the company. What will be with the karbovanets after?

    Experts said about the risk of weakening the positions of Sechin, Volodin and Rotenberg

    The positions of Igor Sechin, Vyacheslav Volodin and Arkady Rotenberg in the near future may be weakened after the elections of 2018. Find the best positions with Dmitry Medvedev, find new additional information from Minchenko Consulting.

    Operation "Vidplata": how will Igor Sechin's attack on Volodymyr Yevtushenkov's assets end?

    The siloviki got stuck with Bashneft more than 10 years ago, but then it got to billionaire Yevtushenkov, at that time close to the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, and the current president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev. What is the best chance to save your camp now, if there are no signs of a political zakhist?

    Plesi has its own people

    As the son-in-law of the head of Rosneft, Timerbulat Karimov, having become the head of the city for the sake of Ples, the “secret dacha” of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was de-stashed.

Marina Sechina is an infrequent guest on television, she has the will to conduct business with the youth, acting in the light of the respect of the press and depriving the public of all sensitivity and thought.

The first squad of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, does not stand on the laurels of home support, but is actively engaged in a business life, like a lot of people who are inspired by that number and with the sovereign apparatus. Vtim, run ahead not varto.

Biography and early rock

Yak is not amazing exact rіk that place of the people of Marini Sєchіnoї is unknown. In the 90s, the squad was engaged in unruliness, if she herself got to know another person in the Russian Federation for a splash, it’s impossible. Prote shlyub іz the head of "Rosnaft" continued until 2011. As a result of separation, Marina Sechina took away her family nest in Sribny Bor, as well as low preferences. Ale about this deshcho pіznіshe.

Marina Sechina, whose biography is presented in the press by a couple of rows, takes an active position in both the political and economic life of the Russian Federation.

Who is she like that?

Varto signify that Russian ZMI, among them and "Komersant", show a lot of interest in Marini Sechin, Sechin's squad, not so through the well-known ex-person, but through business activity. In addition, the press is aware that the separation from a person of the same rank did not appear at the business mutuals of the Steady Development holding, that Maryna Sechinoy, that Rosnafta, should be married to Igor Sechin. Friends continue to conduct business, regardless of the opening of the mutual. Vtіm, the ex-friend of Sichnih does not comment on this fact.

Project Partners Group: recruiting and staff development

Crimean holding "Sustainable development" and a part of the company "RK-Telecom", Sechina Marina Volodymyrivna is also a leading recruiting company, in charge of development and development of business personnel. Behind the words of Secchinoi Marini herself, Project Partners Group, and a consulting complex with training for personnel, which, vtіm, buv tasks and in the preparation project for the OI-2014 in Sochi, which provoked a hell of a scandal for about її imeni.

Did the friends of the Sechins take off their “piece of cake”?

During the winter months of OI-2014, there is a little bit of walking near Sochi, most of which are worth grandiose tours for the preparation of zmagan. Press vvazhaє, scho planning the budget "proshov poz" without the middle of the project itself that "donkey" in the guts of contractors, middle boules "Ekzekt Partners Group" and "Rosneft". Sechin's conglomerate leaned among the clients of the Yogo ex-druzhina holding, which, naturally, called out the suspicions of behind-the-scenes moves about tenders for the completion of part of the project for the preparation of Igor.

Film sports - and I'm a little bit more sensitive about corruption

For the press service of the Federation of Film Sports of Russia, Marina Sechina on December 10, 2016, the head of this organization was planted. When she voted for her candidacy, Marina Sechina denounced “bring film sports to the Russian Federation on new rіven". What is the head of the Federation doing at the moment - it’s impossible, but the shards of information from the press Marina Sechina, the photo of which can be done only in a few moods, is practically unique.

The press and here did not forget to guess about the "nepotism" among Russian officials. For a little bit, Marina Sechina occupied the landing of an ex-person, just “putting” a hole in her rivals. Prote vybori vіdbulisya, and there were no previous precedents to look at their credibility.

Business lady will get "Triumphal"?

Maybe, the scandal like "Triumphal" - "Kutuzovskoye mile" - to the skin of the Russians, shards of the same day in its time, becoming the reason for the trivial review of the reliability of the articles on display for the project, as well as the honesty of the contracting companies. From September 2016 to the year, for the tribute of dzherel, like May "RIA News", Marina Sechina vykonuє tyazhes of the head of the company ZAT "FTsSR". Vaughn is the general contractor for the Triumfalniy project and the head zabudovnik of the housing complex.

On the paper, Marina Sechina took a controlling stake in JSC "MC "Upravlinnya", prote after the fact is engaged in the rights of the "FTsSR" without intermediary. Let's guess, the project "Kutuzovsky Mile", and in fact, the elder brother of "Triumfalny", was signed in 2005, the same time the main robots were born, from which the company of Polonsky "Avant" took the fate. In 2008, the project was frozen, look at it and do it. The previous estimate for the project is $1.6 billion.

Interests in the silskogo state

The Crimean interest to the point of restlessness in the sphere of training of professional personnel, Marina Sechina is also very well-known in the industrial segment of the Russian economy. Zokrema, in the countryside of the country.

Marina Sєchina, team of Igor Sєchin, Volodymyr Vologda agricultural holding, as well as TOV "Paritet V'yatka". The first company is a complex of poultry farms and dairy farms. Another specializes in the production of ready-made meat and preserves. Offending counterparties to successfully operate for a long time the rest of the years, but the details of their activities will not be voiced. The agro-segment is filled with one of the largest packages of Marini Sechinoi, which only comes in handy.

Relationships with the sovereign apparatus

In 2017, Marina Sechina beat Stankoflot, becoming the owner of 51% of the counterparty's shares. "Stankoflot" has access to state secrets, and the main area of ​​activity is the import of foreign materials for the needs of "Rostec", a state-owned corporation that specializes in applications, including for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At zv'yazku z tsim rosijska press it is important to know that a businesswoman will join the state apparatus as a deputy, or else one of the Duma committees. Meanwhile, Sechina herself does not comment on her interests in politics.

It supports the interest of the press and the fact that virtually nothing is known about the coverage of a business lady. What did Marina Sechina finish and chi may the first team of the head of Rosneft sanctuary- relativly stays at the secret.

"Clan" Sichinikh

Marina Sechin gave birth to two children with Igor Sєchinim - Inga and Ivana. The daughter, who became friends with the business sphere, took the power industry. Having completed the VNZ of guiding industrial directing in St. Petersburg, the girl took up residence in Surgutnaftogazbank, and the girls were friendly. The press firmly believes that, regardless of home turboti, Inga Sechina continues to delve into the energy business and encourages kindness with her father.

Ivan Sєchin finished his apprenticeship in im. Lomonosov, after which he bought a high-rise estate in Rosnafta for direct geo-exploration of brown copalins. Sin is also not influenced by the father - Igor Sechin, he takes an active position in the politics of the company and instills in the promotion of the business.

The fact that the children of Sichin's friends occupied such high plantations, later fortified with hats from the children of other high-growing planters, gave a new ring to call to the greed of "nepotism". So, for example, Inga Sechina was friends with the son of the big Prosecutor General, a graduate of the Academy of the FSB

What am I allowed?

Marina Sєchina - the figure is visible and is popular with ZMI. On the right, not only in the fact that the ex-squad of Igor Sechin, a friend of the people in the Russian Federation after Volodymyr Putin, for the Forbes tribute, supports the too many people, And also in the fact that this woman reported her hand to the formation and implementation of low business projects, middle-class unruliness, as well as communications, energy.

There is a lot of interest in the business sphere, but there is not a lot about Marina Sechina. Jerela Z ї Otochennya Underwhelm, Sho Businessvumen I to Zustychi Zubutnim Cholovika led Pidpronnika Dyalnist, at that number in the “Likhi 90”, Prosta Postilditi Abo Svyanko, “Clans,“ Clans, “Clana”

Marina Sechina is busy at the same time - it's unknown. Officially, the main area of ​​interest for the business woman is Stankoflot and the power and communications holding. How often the ex-squad of the head of Rosneft is talking about a lot of people and children - it’s unbelievable, like those, like girls at Marini Sєchіnoї with a new image of Igor Sechin, like, for the tribute of ZMІ, it’s also zadiya in the energy sphere and act in the middle this segment.

The Minister of Economic Development of Russia, Oleksiy Ulyukayev, threatened to get swag from Rosneft for stealing the privatization of Bashnaft, and Rosneft scammed the minister from the FSB. So we are given those who are coming. The largest oil company in Russia, as a victim of the corrupt minister, who changes his position in the fallow land, humbly, in view of the expansion of the khabariv, that they are propagated. The problem lies in the fact that it is possible to believe in the background of a corrupt minister, and Rosnafta’s axis is richer. Ulyukayev's head is coming to Sechin - the head intrigue of what is happening.

Volunteers versus managers

The last 2016, the Rock Mi is the jacket of the Vidbudovo Robot of the controlless flapekes of the FSB, the Ziyatitivatiy Bulo rocchotchato ghudo piano gubernator, Merib that Rosslidvannya, the yaki is sustained by the Obstyati, the Yaki Murov Ta -Tyovliy Ta -Taji Ta and the Andriy Ta and the Andriy Ta and the Andriy Ta and the Andriy Ta Ta and the Andriy Ta Ta and ZMI actively wrote about the work of the enigmatic guardian of the Federal Security Service of the FSB, whose head until the fall of 2016 was Ivan Tkachov.

Igor Sechin

At the herb, the process of polishing the ceramics of the CSS of the FSB Economic Security Service was broken, after which the CSS was not beaten at competitive banks. Sergiy Korolev became the head of the WEB. And that same Tkachov himself, to whom the role of the new demiurge is attributed - fighting against corrupt officials, regardless of his merits, choking the management of the "K" SEB (banks and finance).

However, later it became unbearable: the intercessor of the head of the CSS, the blunt general Oleg Feoktist, was placed at the post office, although they themselves prophesied the place of the head of the CSS - a naive and, in fact, no one was a supportive structure. Nezabara it was seen that Feoktistiv moved to work as vice president from security to Rosnafta. I Feoktistov and Tkachov were called "Sechin's special forces" - security forces, especially close to the head of Rosneft. The appointment of Feoktistov proved to be true.

Now "Nova Gazeta" with the help of its own power (and TFR tse pіdverdzhuє) proves that "Rosneft" itself initiated right against Ulyukayev. Feoktistiv collecting data, the newspaper wrote. When Tkachov is a curator in the field of finance and banking activities and research.

In this way, the list of rights of the group priris Ulyukaevim - with a look at the status of the accused person on the right of the FSB. What sleep between the processes in which Oleksandr Khoroshavin, V'yacheslav Gayzer, Mikita Belikh, Andriy Belyaninov play? Only those who are in charge of the FSB, and the initiator of the retrial is Igor Tkachov.

Possibly, cause the arrest of Ulyukayev varto shukati not in yoga of high days, but in quiet days, who has reached yoga arrest. The middle of the vladnoi vertical is guarded by the separation between two open spaces: we are strong and civil. The security officers, having propagated their services to Putin, and having taken away the goodness for cleansing, began to form a political nadbudova, an organ of informal observation of the civil administrative vertical.

The news agencies reported to Dzherel that the FSB had opened the investigation of Ulyukayev on the basis of this, that it had been taken away for the wiretapping. There were also reports that the FSB eavesdropped on the security of the TFR and the heads of the Economic Security Service. What is enough, to let it go, not less to listen to Ulyukayev, and to decide the ministers, the heads of state corporations, competitors-siloviks, the president's administration.

"Power elite" in Russia after the beginning of the war in Ukraine and Syria began to take over the main important management of the security sector. Vіyskovі zakrіpilis near the sphere foreign policy, exploding diplomats In internal politics, the security function in the widest sense is monopolized by the FSB generals, politically involved with Sєchinim: internal corporate competition was neutralized on the back, then the TFR was promoted.

Sechina and the FSB can be connected with a cable and an electric jet: security officers - charge, energy; Sєchin is a conductor, who also signifies the flow of the stream. The time of war and the logic of fortification may be legitimized by those security and її beneficiaries, which are planned and may be unceremoniously increase the pressure in the measure, and those who can be given the right direction, take new dividends. Silova Nadbudova, as a kind of savior of the regime due to internal inconsistency and provocation, is legitimized on the most equal level, and it is especially demanded in the minds, if it is not for Putin to deal with internal politics. The scale is not the same. What price of wine are you ready to pay for the efficiency of which defender? Taku herself, like for the stability of her dominion.

What about Putin

On the basis of aphids and vibudovuetsya vzaimodiya the weakest in today's Russia in the order of the most intense and politically addictive corporation - the company "Rosneft". And now it is acceptable to those that are important to reveal: what if Putin did not give direct and unequivocal support for the sales of Bashnaft and Rosneft? It turns out that this scenario turned out a priori as impossibly. The sale of Bashnaft is a political decision, and only one person makes political decisions in the country - the president.

Ale sales of "Bashnafta" culled by the very fact that the pleasing did not take away public guarantees from the head of the state. In the public space, Putin has always distanced himself from her. Guess what the presidential position meant that it was “from one side” (“Rosneft” does not have the right to take part in privatization) and “from the other side” (formally, it was not a government company). The president himself, as if to guard between rows, scoffed to the point that Rosneft was allowed to be sold, but left the chain of food in front of the cabinet of ministers. Svidoma and, it seems, the provocative side of the president could have been the key to re-verification for the ministers.

For example, spring, the order changed the position. On the following month, from the moment of privatization, preparations for the sale of Bashnaft were unfrozen, and Rosneft was allowed to participate. Less than two tyzhnі company Igor Sechin to complete the favor. To please, like “three wonders” of Putin, who was directly recognized in the forum “VTB Capital” on July 12.

Admittedly, the order of zovsim not taking into account Putin's direct and unambiguous instructions to sell Bashnafta to Rosnafta, but rather be satisfied with an abstract recommendation in the soul "to build it as it is better for the budget." Medvedev's office was shriveled up like a sensible one. Putin, such a decision, completely dominated, but the subject of the experiment, it turns out, was not Bashnafta, but the order, which the roundabouts spun, allowing the “normal privatization” to start, and then to the actual national “Rosnaftizatsia” “Bashnafta Vse Well, still vvazhat the rest of the holding company. The hostile hunchiness and weakness of the ministers at the right side of "Bashnafta", the readiness to take action in a huge position - it was one of the main results of pleasing, the mechanism of self-depreciation.

Opir repeat

Why today Head problem"Rosnafti" in vіdnosinah s order? It would have been better if the company had reached its goal of arresting Ulyukayev. "Bashnafta" was bought in the regime of effectively and effectively launched special operations, a decision is being prepared to buy "Rosnafta" the power shares from "Rosnaftogaz". Opir buv, ale win evil.

And now let's look at the situation from the other side. Mayzhe rіk pіshov from "Rosneft" for those who can reach the implementation of the site. Putin, who does not directly and zhorstko lobby for the interests of Rosneft in the order, having left Sechin on the same night with the ministers, did not quarrel with the Vislovlyuvans. Bilousov called the sales of "Bashnafta" "Rosnafta" "foolishness", the same Ulyukaev saying that "Rosneft" is "an unreliable buyer".

And there is only one plot of strained waters between the power and the oil company. There were many other problematic points: the admission of private oil companies to shelf development, the withdrawal of dividends from Rosnaftogaz, the tax reform, the transfer of stakes in energy companies to Rosnaftogaz, and so on. Chotiri rocky Sechin saving up dissatisfaction with the ministers, embarrassment, maybe, not the stylka of their hole, but the helplessness.

"Rosneft", covered with gigantic borgs and at one time with a special sovereign mission, regularly stunned people's operas with ministerial valіzkami. There is no ideology here, no reason to conquer. The motives of "Rosneft" - to reduce the number of hopes - the invisible part of Dovkil, the state is presented as a club of narrow-minded nerobs.

Tse Vіn, Igor Ivanovich Sєchin, ryatuє Russian budget, overpaying with a premium of 50% for "Bashnafta". For months on end, they break through virtual walls, like ministerial bureaucracies are building up, like they are murmuring about the market and reforms. The postiyny drіbny and drіvliviy opіr didn’t instantly call out the bazhannya to knock once, so that it didn’t cortil. Now, if the minister is caught in the Rosnafta office, the company gains a special status.

At Rosnafta's Rosnafta, Ulyukayev, in a moment, separate divisions of stubborn ranks appeared, in the presence of such Sechins, they were forced to look out. Poednaєmo now the new power resource is now available from the bazhannyam to leave with this support once and for all. At the same time, if Bashnafta has been sold, if there are few people to start. And then there's the crisis, which starts the internal resistance.

Arest Ulyukaeva is a consequence, not an end in itself. Moreover, the aftermath of the process, far from being so good kerovan, as it seems at first glance. The force, which is gaining strength, is privileged over the civil vertical, has accumulated too much energy too much, under the vagary it can collapse, as if it were under the vagary of snow. Forceful pressure on the public administration institutions, here and there there will be local collapses. Take the governor, then the minister. From only the Kremlin is guilty of reason, that without new pidpirok, you can kill everyone early, and also, in the mid-term perspective, the reform of law enforcement agencies is great.

Tetyana Stanova

In a word, for the Viysk-Chekist government, liberal economy is simply not up to date and will not be known soon.

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