Private life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, biography, miracles, deeds. Rose of that resurrection of Jesus Christ

How many fates of Jesus Christ?

It would have been better, it seems that here it can be simple: the styles, the number of years behind the calendar appear from the beginning of the new era, but 1999 itself.

In the future, it was necessary to say that Jesus Christ is alive at the end of the rolled civilization, if chronicles were formed, historians wrote about the recent past and today. A lot of such creations have come down to us from looking at manuscripts, richly rewritten by different people. Some of the rewrites arbitrarily removed part of the text, some, navpaki, adding to themselves. That is why one and the same tvir of one and the same author is available in a number of variants, far from being the same one alone. So it was in one of the variants of the “Jewish old-timers” by Josip Flavius, who is alive in the 1st century. n. That is, there is a paragraph about the life of Jesus Christ, but in the other version there is no such paragraph. There are no reports about Christ and other authors. Therefore, all the information about the life of Jesus Christ can be taken from the gospel texts.

A. A. Ivanov. "The Appearance of Christ to the People". 1837–1857

What is there in the Gospels?

“Jesus was born to Yudin Bethlehem during the days of King Herod” (Matthew 2:1). Tsar Irod, as a record of history, died at 4 p. BC e. Walk out that Jesus was born either the same or earlier.

Tsar Irod, wreaking havoc, “having sent to beat them all, they are not at Bethlehem and in the middle of the yog, in the two rocks and below” (Matt. 2:16). From which it is possible to grow visnovok, that Jesus was born in 4-6 p. BC e.

Josip and Mary arrived to Bethlehem for a population census. They were refurbished, Josip and Mary roamed in the hut, when Jesus was born (Luke 2:1-7). Josip Flavius ​​dated the census of the 6th–7th years. to the sound e. Through the firroku after the cob of his service at the head of the 30th anniversary of Jesus vignav minyav z the temple. It was not worthy of everyone, they began to feed at Jesus, as if he had dared to do so. “I said to them Jesus at the confession: Build up this temple, and in three days I will be yoga.” “They said to the Jews: this temple has been 46 years old, but you will argue yoga in three days?” (Johann 2:13-21). Zgidno with the same Josip Flaviem, the temple was founded in the 19th p. BC e. If you call on all three dates, then we see that Jesus was born in 3 p. BC e.

Jesus was executed near the procuratorship of Pontius Pilate (Mark, 15:1-15; Mat., 27:1-24). It is reliable that Pontius Pilate was the procurator of Judea at 26–36 pp. n. e. Oskіlki Christ was born at the age of 33 years, then he was born in the interval of 7 p. BC e., - 3 p. n. e.

In the description of the underside of Jesus, one thinks about those who “darkness came over the whole earth on the sixth year, and it was three months until the ninth year” (Mark, 15:33; Luke, 23:44). Tse, obviously, was outwardly darkened, as it had been in Palestine for three years. Modern astronomy allows you to accurately set, if tse Bulo: 28 p. n. e. For the sake of the faith of Christ, we are restoring the river of the yogo people - 5 p. BC e.

Uzagalnyuyuchi all rehabilitated more, we are guilty of accepting as the most important river of the people of Jesus Christ - 4 p. BC e. Tse means that the year 2000 was the day of the first day of the people already three years ago.

At the end, you need to guess N. A. Morozov, what became unfashionably fashionable, formulated by him according to the same. Shards of ancient historians attacked us less at looking like bagatorase rewriting of manuscripts of no ancient originals, then Morozov hesitated at that correctness. Vіn vvazhav pіdrobkoy pіd podrobkoy podrobkoy pіd old rich monuments of sculpture and arіkіtektury, navіt Kolіzej, yakіy, on yоgo thought, so i buv vyglyadі vіglyаі ruїn zapapi Bonifatsiї VIII at the day of the celebration of the jubilee fate. History ancient light And the middle, according to Morozov, became really a little bit less than traditionally important. Jesus Christ, as a tribute to Morozov, was born 353 p. n. e. Otzhe, at the same time youmu 1646 years.

From the book of the Introduction to the Gospel. New information about Andronika-Christ [with great illustrations] author

57. The Roman ruler spoke to Apollonius-Isus and took a new accusation Describing the trial of Apollonius, Philostratus says that Apollonius’s voices called out to a new speech like a Roman ruler, so part of the people.

From the books of Katin. Bullshit that became history author Prudnikova Olena Anatoliivna

How many dead bodies and how many shooting teams? Chotiri rocky Svetik, Vin love arithmetic. Agniya Barto Arithmetic requires kohati, tse great science. The axis, for example, is the simplest food: how many Poles were shot at the Katinsky fox? Tsya figure vіdrіznyaєetsya even strongly. At

From the book of the King of Words. author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

2.8. Jude to lead the pursuit to Christ If Jesus with the teachings of pishov near the village of Gepsimaniev, Yuda straightened up to the archpriests, roared them about the Taemna Supper and looked up to you 30 silver coins for an instruction, where Christ was to be known. Pennies buli yomu saw that buv messages vіyskovy zagіn

From the book of the King of Words. author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

6. At 1169 roci God Matir turned back to Jesus Christ without storming Novgorod, and Andriy Bogolyubsky soon waited. In 1169 Andriy Bogolyubsky sent a military force to capture Novgorod. “The great army of Andriy, when approaching Novgorod, terribly devastated the whole country.

From the book of the King of Words. author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

8.14. Love and povaga to Christ-Andriy Vіk Christ Russian chronicles characterize Andriy Bogolyubsky, that, as it is now reasonable, Jesus Christ, even positively. “Andriy, when he started sighing, following the orders of the Chroniclers, he was not only pious, but

From books Reconstruction of global history [text only] author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

4.6. A WORSHIP OF RUSSIA-SKIFISH TO JESUS ​​CHRIST AT THE XI CENTURY. VELIKE \u003d "MONGOLIAN" CONQUER FROM THE XIII-XIV CENTURIES The picture is coming out. In the 11th century, it wasn’t like “shepherds” appeared to worship Christ in their own way, as they mikay, - as they began to portray the plot on their own

From the book of the Introduction to the Gospel. New information about Andronika-Christ [with illustrations] author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

57. The Roman ruler spoke to Apollonia-Isus and took a new ring Describing the trial of Apollonia, Philostratus said that Apollonia's speeches called out to a new speech like a Roman ruler, so part of the people.

From the book Miracle of light in Russia to Kazan author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

4. It appears that Andronik-Christ was worshiped at the first Kaaba. behind some traditions, at the center of the Kaabi there was an idol

From books Rus. China. England Date of the Feast of Christ and the First Ecumenical Council author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

2.8. JUDAH TO LEAD THE CHASE TO CHRIST If Jesus with the teachings of pishov near the village of Gepsimaniev, Yuda straightened up to the archpriests, recited to them about the Mystery Supper and longing to see you 30 silver coins per order, where Christ was to be known. Pennies buli yomu saw that buv messages vіyskovy zagіn

From the book of the King of words author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

6. AT 1169 ROCUS THE MOTHER GOD TURNED BEFORE JESUS ​​CHRIST DO NOT STORM NOVGOROD, I ANDREY BOGOLYUBSKY WAS GOOD AT 1169 rotations Andriy BOGOLYUBSKY. “The great army of Andriy, when approaching Novgorod, terribly devastated the whole country.

author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

1.4. The Middle Emperor Otto together with the magi offer a gift to Jesus Christ. In the center is depicted the Mother of God with the inability of Jesus in her arms. Evil in the eyes of her, one can see a lot of posts. Closest to the Mother of God - three Magus with gifts, fig. 3.3 and fig. 3.4. Following them to the Mother of God

Book 1. Bible Russia. [Great Empire XIV-XVII century on the sides of the Bible. Russia-Horde and Osmania-Atamania are two wings of a single empire. Bible FSU author Nosivskiy Glib Volodymyrovich

3 books Road to Dodom author Zhikarentsev Volodymyr Vasilovich

From the book Afghanistan. My honor! author Balenko Sergiy Viktorovich

"Like to Christ!" Vіn buv is so himself, like me, Started in our school. Comrade dobrim buv I Komsomol member tezh. If the time has come to serve, Pishov good will Toudi, it was important for the Afghan people to live. Having vanished, like a hero, at the battlefield, Curving the commander with himself. Loving the wines of my Fatherland, I

From the book Christian church at the High Serednyovichcha author Simonova N.V.

About the inheritance of Christ

The Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem were irreconcilable with their witches until the vchennya of Christ. Chi means that Jesus is not Jewish? How ethically do you place sumniv in the Divine Mary?

Synom of Man often calling himself Jesus Christ. The nationality of the fathers, in the opinion of the theologians, proliferated the Savior's belonging to another ethnic group.

Following the Bible, all people resemble Adam. In the past, people themselves divided themselves into races, nationalities. That Christ for life, looking back at the gospel of the apostles, without commenting on his nationality.

Nation of Christ

The land of Judea, the Son of God, has long been a province of Rome. Emperor August ordered to carry out Vinhotiv z'yasuvati, how many inhabitants from the skin of the city of Yudei.

Maria and Josip, the fathers of Christ, lived near the city of Nazareth. But they happened to turn to the fatherland of their ancestors, to Bethlehem, to add their names to the lists. Having leaned at Bethlehem, the friends could not find their own backyards - so many people came to the census. The stench vyrishili zupinitis behind the mist at the stove, yak served as an abutment for the shepherds for the hour of the wicked.

At night, Mary gave birth to a son. Burning the baby in pelushki, she put yoga to sleep there, put food for thinness - at the manger.

Shepherds were the first to tell about the people of the Messiah. The stench pastured the rows on the outskirts of Bethlehem, if an angel appeared to them. Vin saying that the champion of mankind was born. This is a joy for all people, but a sign for recognition will not be those who lie at the manger.

The shepherds once broke as far as Bethlehem and came across the oven, into the yakіy and they pumped the future Savior. The stench told Mary and Josip about the words of the angel. On the 8th day, the friendship gave them a child - Jesus, which in the translation means "ryativnik" or "God ryatuє".

What is Hebrew Jesus Christ? Nationality by father's mother started at that hour?

Star of Bethlehem

Those are the nights, when Christ was born, a bright, invisible star appeared in the sky. The wise men, who twisted the hands of heavenly bodies, violated after her. The stinks knew that such a sight would speak about the people of the Messiah.

The Magi started their way from the lost land (Babylonia and Persia). Zirka, moving through the sky, showed the way to the wise men.

Tim is an hour of the numerical people, who came to Bethlehem for the census, rose. The first fathers of Jesus turned to the place. Over this place, de bulo silence, the star chimed, and the wise men went into the house to give gifts to the future Messiah.

The stench brought gold as a tribute to the future tsar. They gave incense, as if to God (incense and then got used to the liturgy). I myrrh (storage oliya, with which they rubbed the dead), like a mortal person.

King Herod

Mystic tsar bowed to Rome, knowing about the great prophecy yaskrava zirka the sky marks the birth of the new Jewish king. Vіn calling to himself sorcerers, priests, evangelists. Irod wanted to know, where to know not the Messiah.

With deceitful promos, under the influence of wines, I tried to see Christ's misfortune. Having not reached the vіdpovіdі, tsar Іrod having conceived the blame of all, they do not go around. 14 thousand children per year up to 2 years were killed near Bethlehem and in the outskirts.

However, ancient historians, zokrema, do not guess about the crooked path. Possibly, it is connected with it, that the number of killed children was significantly less.

It is important that after such recklessness God's wrath punished the king. Vіn having died a painful death, building bastards with live bait at his luxurious palace. After his terrible death, power passed to the three blues of Herod. There were subdivisions of the earth. The regions of Perea and Galilee fell to the Youngest. In these lands there are close to 30 rokіv provіv his life Christ.

Irod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, for the duration of his retinue, Irodiad, having beheaded the Blues of the Great Irod, did not take away the royal title. Judea was cured by the Roman procurator. Iod Antipas and other majestic rulers were added to the order.

Mother of the Savior

Fathers of the Divine Mary for a long time were childless. That same time was respected by sin, such a union was a sign of the wrath of God.

Joachim and Anna lived in the city of Nazareth. The stinks prayed and believed that a child would appear in them. After ten years, an angel appeared to him and said that, having made friends, you would become fathers in no time.

For orders, the Virgin Mary Happy Fathers swore an oath that this child would lie with God. Until the 14th birthday, Mary, mother Jesus Christ, temple. Since her youth, she has been raising angels. Behind the legend, the Archangel Gabriel opidated that, having protected the future Mother of God.

Mary's fathers died at the hour when the Divine needed to leave the temple. The priests could not deprive themselves of її. Ale and let the orphan їm blo Skoda. Then the priests entrusted її z Tesley Josip. Vіn buv guardian Devi, nizh її man. Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, was left unborrowed.

What was the nationality of the Mother of God? Її fathers were natives of Galilee. And that means that the Virgin Mary was not a Jew, but a Galilean. Behind the confessional sign, she lay before the law of Moses. Її life in the temple is also to witness about the vihovannia at the faith of Moses. That kim buv Jesus Christ? The nationality of the mother, as she lived in the Galilee of the Gentiles, is being left behind in the absence of home. The Scythians prevailed among the sparsely populated regions. It is possible that Christ, having fallen in the form of a mother, has fallen into his disguise.

Batko ryativnik

Theologians from long ago to conduct a debate about those who would honor Josip as the biological father of Christ? Vіn in Batkіvsky was put before Mary, knowing that she was innocent. Therefore, the news about її vagіtnіst shocked tesla Josip. Law of Moses suvoro karav zhіnok for overlove. Josip Mav hammer your young squad with stones.

Praying for a long time and virishiv to let Mary in, do not trim її bіla to yourself. An angel appeared to Yosip, telling him about the ancient prophecy. Teslyar is sensible, how great is the promise to lie on a new one for the protection of a mother and a child.

Josip for the nationality of the Jews. Chi can vvazhat yogo biological father, like Mary was small immaculately conceived? Who is the father of Jesus Christ?

The second version is that the Roman soldier Pantir became the Messiah. In addition, it is immovirnist, that Christ maw Aramean exodus. Tse pardon is tied to them, that having preached the Savior to my Aramaic. However, at that hour, the mova bula was widened at the entire Close Convergence.

The Jews of Jerusalem did not doubt that here was the right father of Jesus Christ. But all versions are more doubtful, so be true.

The sound of Christ

The document of quiet hours, which describes the calling of Christ, may be called "Message of Leptula". Tse calls to the Roman Senate, writings by the proconsul of Palestine Leptulus. Vіn stverdzhuє that Christ was of middle height with noble appearances and a garish figure. The new one has blue-green eyes. Hair, colors of dead peas, combed straight ahead. The lines of the mouth and the nose are bezdogann. Rozmov's wines are serious and modest. Povchaє m'yako, friendly. Wrath is terrible. Sometimes weep, but never laugh. Disguise without zmorshok, calm that is stronger.

At the Seventh Ecumenical Council (VIII century), the official image of Jesus Christ was confirmed. On the icons there were traces of the Savior written clearly to the human eye. After the Cathedral, a little bit of work began. Vaughn argued at the reconstruction of a verbal portrait, with the help of which the image of Jesus Christ was created.

Anthropologists zapevnyayut, that in the iconography vikoristovuetsya not the Semitic, but Greek-Syrian thin, straight and deep-set large eyes.

The early Christian icon painting was able to accurately convey the individual ethnic drawings of the portrait. The earliest depiction of Christ was found on an icon dated as an ear of the 6th century. She is taken to Sinai, at the monastery of St. Catherine. The appearance of an icon is similar to the canonized appearance of the Savior. Calling for everything, the early Christians secured Christ to the European type.

Nationality of Christ

Before these feasts, people are shouting, as if they are affirming that Jesus Christ is a Jew.

At the beginning of the 1st century of our eri, as the centuries of Hebraism were declared, Palestine broke up into 3 regions, yak quarreled over their confessional and ethnic signs.

  1. Judea in the country with the city of Jerusalem Bula is inhabited by Orthodox Jews. The stinks obeyed the law of Moses.
  2. Samaria was closer to the Mediterranean Sea. The Jews and the Samaritans were ancient enemies. They fought to navіt zmіshanі shlyubi z-pomіzh them. Samaria had no more than 15% of Jews in savage number residents
  3. Galilee was formed from a mixed population, a part of which took fidelity to Judaism.

Deyakі theologians zavnyayut, scho typical yudeєm bv Іsus Christ. The nationality of yoga inspires sumnivu, shards of wines, having overturned the whole system to Judaism. And only a few words are not suitable for the actual postulates of the Law of Moses. So why did Christ react so calmly to those who called Yogo Samaritan to the Jews of Jerusalem? This word was an image for a right young man.

God chi man?

So who is right? Tі, who affirms that Jesus Christ is God? But how can nationality be vimagati in the sight of God? Vіn posture ethnic belonging. Yakshcho God - the basis of all things, the foundation of people, about nationality vzagali years and years to speak.

And how is Jesus Christ a human being? Who is the biological father? Why vin, having taken away the Greek name Christ, does it mean “anointed one”?

Jesus did not in any way affirm that he was guilty of God. Ale wine and not a human being with a great understanding of the word. Yogo subvine nature Pole at the wellness human body that divine essence is in the middle of that body. Because the man Christ could see hunger, bіl, anger. I am like a judge of God - to work miracles, reminding yourself of the expanse of love. Christ, saying that he heals not by himself, but only for the help of the Divine gift.

Jesus worshiped and prayed to Batkov. Vіn povnіstyu pіdkorіv yogo vіlі їїї іѕ іn thе fates of life and calling thе people to believe in the One God іn heaven.

Yak Sin Human vin rozіpyaty in іm'ya saving people. Yak Sin of God was resurrected and succumbed to the trinity of God the Father, God the Sin and God the Holy Spirit.

Miracles of Jesus Christ

Nearly 40 miracles are described in the Gospels. It happened first at the city of Kania, where Christ and mother were asked by the apostles for a wedding. Vin turning water into wine.

Another marvelous Christ having foreseen the ailment of the sick, the ailment of such a trival 38 years. The Jews of Jerusalem became angry at the Savior - they broke the rule about the Sabbath. Himself in the same day, Christ pratsyuvav himself (took the ailing) and took care of the others (the ailment himself made his bed).

The Savior resurrected the dead girl, Lazarus, that son of the widow. Ztsiliv besnuvatogo and tidy up a storm on Galileisky lake. Christ nasitiv five breads of bread, the people followed the preaching - about 5,000 of them were chosen, the Crimean children and women. Walking by the water, having healed ten lepers of those jericho's sleepers.

The miracles of Jesus Christ bring the Divine essence. Vіn mav dominion over bisami, sickness, death. Ale nikoli without doing a miracle for his glory, but for the collection of an offering. Navit to drink at the Iroda Christ did not show the banner as a sign of his strength. Vin did not try to protect himself, but asked for more than a wide faith.

Sunday of Jesus Christ

The very resurrection of the Savior became the basis of a new faith - Christianity. The facts about the new one are reliable: the stench appeared at that hour, if the eyewitnesses were still alive. We have fixed episodes, but there may be little variability, but it’s super to write one by one.

The empty tomb of Christ bears witness to those who took the body (enemies, friends), for Jesus has risen from the dead.

Enemies took the yakbi body - the stench would not forget to mock the teachings, having thus chimed in a new faith that was born. Friends did not believe much at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the stench was disappointed and humiliated by a tragic death.

Honorary Roman citizen and Jewish historian Josip Flavius ​​writes in his book about the expansion of Christianity. We confirm that on the third day Christ is alive to his teachings.

Navіt suchasnі vchenі not zachyuyut what the active followers of Jesus after death. Ale stink explain tse hallucinations chi іnshim phenomenon, not zaperchuyuchi sravzhnosti svіdchen.

The appearance of Christ after death, an empty tomb, a belligerent development of a new faith, a proof of yogo resurrection. I don’t know what the fact is, I deny this information.

Appointed by God

Already from the first Ecumenical Councils, the Church has united the human and divine nature of the Savior. Vіn є odnієyu z 3 іpostases of the One God - Old Man, Sina and the Holy Spirit. This form of Christianity was fixed and denounced by the official version at the Council of Nicaea (325 roci), Constantinople (381 roci), Ephesian (431 roci) and Chalcedon (451 roci).

Prote superechki about the Savior did not stick. The deyakі christians affirmed that Jesus Christ is God. Others sang that the sin is less than the Son of God and the obedience of the orders of yoga will. The main idea about the trinity of God is often compared with paganism. That superechki about the essence of Christ, like about yoga nationality, don't sniff at the Donin.

The cross of Jesus Christ is a symbol of martyrdom in the name of peace of human sins. Why is there a discussion about the nationality of the Savior, like faith in a new building united ethnic groups? All people on the planet are children of God. The human nature of Christ stands above national characteristics and classifications.

Jesus Christ (Church-Slav. і҆і҃с хрⷭ҇tos'; other Greek. Ἰησοῦς Χριστός), Jesus from Nazareth. Born 1 rock to the stars. e. (Traditional dating) - rose in 33 turns. Sin of the Human, Sin of God, Lord. Messiah. Central specialty in Christianity.

According to traditional dates, Jesus was born in the 1st century BC. e.

Іsnuє kіlka іnshih rozpovsyudzhenih dating of the life of Jesus, among them: 7-4 pp. to the sound e. - Born in the other half of the reign of Emperor Augustus I in stay rocky king of Irod.

The date of the birth of Jesus Christ is approximate. Nayranishim sound is called 12 rіk to zv. e. (the river of the passage of Halley's comet, yak, for some deacons, could be the so-called Star of Bethlehem), and the most famous - 4 BC. e. (Rik death of Iroda the Great).

Batko - God Batko.

Priyomny father - Josip Betrothed.

Mati - Mary (the third quarter of the 1st century BC - the middle of the 1st century AD; aram., d.-heb. מרים - "World", sound like a strong, beautiful, and also like Pan) . In the historical churches of those other churches, the Mother of God (Mother of God), the Queen of Heaven (lat. Regina Coeli) roams. Zgidno of the Gospel (Matt. 1:16-25, Luke 1:26-56, Luke 2:1-7) she was a Galilean maiden from Nazareth, entrusted to Josip, yak, being unmarried, she conceived her Son Jesus with a miraculous rite, for the help of the Holy Spirit.

Mary was the kinsman of Elizabeth, the warrior of Zechariah, the priest of Aviev's heart, the bait of Aaron, from the Levi's tribe (Luke 1:5,8; 1 Chr. 24:10). Deyakі admit, scho Maria, yak і Josip, z yakim Vona was entrusted, to be like the House of David, and in such a rank, from the Yuda tribe, and sho rodovid, representations in the Gospel in Luke, buv Її, oskilki rodovіd Josip buv indications in the Gospel in vіd Yudi. Matthew.

Vaughn lived in Nazareth in Galilee, imovirno with her fathers and at that hour, if Vaughn was entrusted - the first stage of the Jewish slubu - the angel Gabriel voiced that Vauna would become the Mother of the obitsan Messiah, having conceived Yoga for the help of the Holy Spirit.

If Josip knew about the conception, he would win, but the angel said to you: “Joseph, the son of David, do not fight to take your squad Mary into your house, to him who is out of the way of the Holy Spirit. Vaughn to give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus, for you will vryatu your people in sin. After whom Josip leaned over and robbed him so, as an angel commanded him. Vіn having taken his retinue to his home, having completed the spring rite, but not close to Her. If she gave birth to a son, she called Yogo Jesus (Mt. 1:18-24).

If the angel Gabriel came to Mary (Luke 1:19), that Elizabeth, we had no future, now miraculously zavagіtnіla, Mary hastened to see Elizabeth, as she lived with her man Zechariah in the mountainous world, in one earthly ). If Elizabeth sensed Mary's welcome, silence in her womb sounded, and Elizabeth breathed the Holy Spirit and yelled loudly: “Blessed are you middle women and blessed is your womb! How did I deserve such an honor that the mother of my Lord came before me? (Luke 1:41-45). Todі Mary vymovila words, among the Catholics and Protestants like "Magnificat" (Luke 1:46-55).

After 3 months, Mary turned back home (Luke 1: 56-57). A census was carried out at the order of the emperor Augustus of the region. Josip and Yogo relatives broke up to their native place Bethlehem. If the stench came to Bethlehem, there was no month in the hotel, and they had a chance to swell in the oven for thinness, when Jesus was born and the orders of the year for thinness (Luke 2:1-7).

After eight days, the child was circumcised and took away the name of Jesus, as if calling Yogi Angel before conception in the womb. When the days of their cleansing were over, according to the law of Moses, the stench was brought to Deetin to the temple of Jerusalem, apparently to the vomage for firsthand, as in the law of Moses (Luke 2:21-38). Then the stench turned to Bethlehem, and after seeing the sorcerers, the whole homeland was bewildered to Egypt. The stench turned to Nazareth after the death of King Herod (Mt. 2:1-19).

Nationality of Jesus Christ:

Superchki schodo ethnіchnoї prilezhnnostі Іsus sharpen dosi. Christians can say that Jesus was born at Bethlehem, and having tried more at Galilee, the populace did not hesitate. That is why critics of Christianity try to admit that Christ could not be an ethnic Jew. Ale Evangelion in Matvey, it seems that the fathers of Jesus were born in Bethlehem of Judea, and only after the first people moved to Nazareth. Vidpovidno up to 1Mac. 13:41, Simon the Hasmoneans, having thrown off the yoke of the Seleucids, sent the pagans from Galilee to Ptolemais, Tyre and Sidon and grafted them “for great joy” to Judea, quiet Jews, they encouraged them to migrate (1 Mk.2:5:4).

If the Samaritan woman fed Jesus: How do you, being a Jew, ask to drink in me, Samaritan women? (Gospel of Ivan, Rudiment BI = John 4:9), - Vіn did not disregard his affiliation to the Jewish nation. In addition, the gospels are trying to bring the Jewish journey of Jesus: zgіdno z ancestor, Vіn buv Semit (Lk. 3:36), Israeli (Mt. 1:2; Lk. 3:34) and the Jews (Mt. 1:2; Lk. 3:33).

Evangelism according to Luke, that Mother of Jesus - Mary bula was Jewish and a relative of Elisabeth (Luke 1:36), mother of John the Baptist, and Elisabeth was from the family of Aaron (Luke 1:5) - from the main Levitical family of priests.

It is obvious that the entrance to the Jerusalem temple for the fence of the balustrade was fenced off for non-Jews under fear of death. Jesus buv evreєm, otherwise Vin did not dare to preach in the Temple, on the walls of which there were inscriptions: whoever is in confusion, he himself will become the culprit of his own death.

The sound of Jesus Christ:

Unbeknownst to Jesus Christ, as if he truly looked. The Bible does not have a lot of details.

Bulo richly try to install the image of Christ.

In their own time, as they work with the Italian police, they created a computer program, as it allowed them to "age", so and "rejuvenate" the guise - to show how they looked (looked) at the people depicted in the photo. Like a "photo" for virtual rejuvenation, fakhivtsy victorious images from the famous Shroud of Turin, on which, as many believe, the denunciation of the Savior was entrusted. And with such a rank they beat, as if looking at the young Jesus Christ.

In the spring of 2018, the experts of the Science Center in Colorado (USA) created a large figure of Christ behind the image entrusted to the Shroud of Turin. With the aid of new computer technologies, the Americans vibrated all the parameters of the body of the Savior, and then wrought a plaster model behind them.

Їm far away z'yasuvati, chi Christ was high, stringy and garnim man. Behind the roses of fakhіvtsіv, the growth of Jesus was 182 cm, and the vaga did not exceed 79.4 kg. In this rank, Vin was more than his co-workers on the whole head.

Growth of Jesus Christ: 182 centimeters.

Features of the life of Jesus Christ:

About the coming of the life of Christ right up to the Baptism of Yogo, the grown-up Evangelium is not told, for the vinnyat episode, induced in the Gospel in Luke (2:41-52), de evangelist rozpovida about the opening of the Jerusalem temple by the Holy Family of the 12th.

Starting from the Evangelical legends, approximately in the 30th century (Luke 3:23) Jesus viyshov was on a public service, as if he had received the christening of John the Baptist on the river Jordan.

If before Ivan, having preached richly about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus came, then Ivan said: “I need to be baptized in the presence of You, and why do You come to me?”. On tse Іsus vіdpovіv, scho "belong to us vikonat be-like the truth" and having received christening in the form of Ivan. At the hour of the baptism, “the sky opened up, and the Holy Spirit zіyshov zіyshov on New in a bodily look, like a blue, and a voice from heaven, which proclaims: Ti Sin Mіy Loves; You have My favor!” (Luke 3:21-22).

After your baptism (Mark at his gospel bald, what became negligent after the christening) Jesus Christ, leading by the Spirit, pishov at the empty place, sob on your own, prayers for that fast are prepared until the victorious mission, for which he came to earth. At the end of forty days, Jesus “became calm in the presence of the devil, and there was nothing in the days, but at the end of them he took them to rest” (Luke 4:2). Todі before Jesus, the devil approached and three of them calmly tried to calm down on sin, like a human being. Seeing all the calmness of the devil, Jesus proceeded to his preaching of that great service.

Jesus spoke from a sermon about repentance before the dawn of the Kingdom of God (Matt. 4:13). Jesus having begun to teach that the Son of God may suffer horribly and die on the cross, and that Yogo's sacrifice is even more necessary for all for eternal life. In addition, Christ confirmed and expanded the law of Moses: I will command you, let us in front of you, and use your strength to love God (Luke 18:10-14) and your neighbors (all people) as yourself. If you do not love the world and everything that is with the world (to not be supernaturally attached to the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the material world) and “do not be afraid of the quiet, who beats the body, but cannot kill souls” (Matt. 10:28).

Irrespective of those who centered on the preaching of Christ, the sacred place of Rusalim was, Vin found his preaching by raising the price of Galilee, de Yogo received more radio. So Jesus passed through Samaria, Decapolis, and at the borders of Tiru and Sidon.

In the name of Christ, a lot of followers were chosen, from which they formed a handful of 12 closest scholars - apostles (Luke 6:13-16), then 70 others (Luke 10:1-17) and less close ones, who are also called apostles, deacons from them , Vіm, already indefinitely they saw the sight of Christ (Jv. 6:66). The apostle recalls that at the time of the death of Christ, that resurrection of Christ, New had about 500 followers (1 Corinthians 15:6).

Vchennya of Jesus Christ

Important meaning for the Christian faith Nahirna sermon Jesus ta Yogo speaking about love for God and your neighbors: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your minds - this is the first and greatest commandment; a friend is similar to her: love your neighbor as yourself; on these two commandments the whole law and the prophets are established” (Mt. 22:37-40).

At Nagіrnіy propovіdі Іsus confirming the onset of Yogo vchennі vchennі Tanakh (Law, Prophets and Scripture): “Do not think that I came to destroy the law of the prophets: do not destroy I come, ale vikonati. For truly I tell you: the docks will not mine the sky, that earth, you’ll get an iota of rice, you won’t pass the law, the docks won’t go all the way” (Matt. 5:17,18).

At Nahirnіy sermon and in the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus spoke about the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God and blatantly spoke in speeches, as if they were standing up not for the outward religion, but for the inner life of the people, which cheered on Yoh's faith in the faith of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The words of Jesus about the Kingdom of Heaven are the basis Christian faith about the Kingdom of Grace, as it has already begun on earth, and only after another coming of Christ, the Kingdom of God will come to earth as the eternal Kingdom of Glory.


1. The need for repentance: “From that hour Jesus began to preach and say, Repent” (Mt. 4:17);
2. The need for the people to burn (narodzhennia in the presence of that Spirit): “If anyone is not born in the spirit of that Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (Jv. 3:5);
3. Necessity of baptism: “Whoever will believe and be baptized, be saved; but whoever does not believe, there will be judgments” (Mark 16:16);
4. The need to believe: "your faith vryatulyal you, go with the light." (Luke 7:50);
5. Necessity of sacrificing the body and blood of Christ at the sacraments: “Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink the Blood of Yogo, you will not be a mother in your own life” (Jv. 6:48-58);
6. For the acceptance of the gift given to a person, a person needs a special will, as it is manifested as an addition to the power of the power of following God: “The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and you, who live in a zusilla, hoot yoga” (Matt. 11:12);
7. The need for patience: “To your patience, repent your souls” (Luke 21:19), (Luke 16:25);
8. The need to show mercy to your neighbors: "Be merciful, as your Father is merciful" (Luke 6:31-36) "Blessed are the merciful, for the stench will have mercy" (Matt. 5:7) For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with such peace you make peace, with such peace I make peace with you” (Mt. 7:1-2).

Special Piety:

1. Love to your neighbor: “To the same with everything, as you wish, if people repaired you, so repair it with them, for in whom the law and the prophets” (Mt. 7:12);
2. The need to say to oneself (self-sacrifice): “whoever does not take his cross and follow me, that one is not good for me” (Mt. 10:38);
3. Kindness: “Love your enemies” (Mt. 5:44), (Mk. 8:34) “Do not resist evil. But someone to give you your right to the shock, beast to the new th іnshu; and whoever wants to sue you, take a shirt in you, let me know outer garment; and whoever urges you to walk one field with him, walk two fields with him” (Mt. 5:39);
4. Separation from the method of laying down a new school union, that school from separation and destruction of the commandment "Do not make a love change." “Leather, who is separated from his wife and makes friends with another, repair a love, and skin, who makes friends with a separated man, make a love” (Luke 16:18);
5. The need to preach the Gospel to all peoples and to be baptized: “So go, teach all the people, the Christians in the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and begin to reach them in everything that I have punished you” (Mt. 20-20);
6. Vidmova in the form of material goods: "You cannot serve God and wealth" (Mt. 6:24) "Do not take away your own belongings on the earth" (Mt. 6:19) for your body, which will cloak itself” (Mt. 6:25) “It is easier for camels to go through their necks, but for rich ones to enter into the Kingdom of God” (Mt. 19:24) “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matt. 5:3) "Woe to you, rich people!" (Luke 6:24) “Woe to you, you who are crossed! for you will hunger” (Luke 6:25);
7. Necessity of goodness: “As you killed one of my younger brothers, you killed me” (Mt. 25:40) and matimesh treasures in heaven; and come and follow me!” (Mt. 19:21) "Good, and rest, not worrying about anything" (Lk. 6:35). (Luke 6:30) “Let it be given to you” (Luke 6:38) “Give more mercy from what you have, then everything will be clean with you.” (Luke 11:41);
8. Judgment of hypocrisy: "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, as it is hypocrisy" (Luke 12:1) If you pray, don’t be like hypocrites, like loving at synagogues and on the streets of the streets, chirping, praying, so that you can stand before people ”(Matt. 6: 5)“ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who purify the outerness of the cup and stray in the meantime, as in the midst of the stench of the spread of that untruth” (Mt. 23:25).

Essovlyuvannya of Jesus on the topic of fasting and prayers are read in the Nagirniya sermon and other parables (the parable about the mitar and the Pharisee, about the unrighteous judge, about bread for drunkenness against a friend), as well as at the teachings. Instructing his teachers, Jesus Christ said to them: “Keep and pray so that you don’t fall into peace: the spirit is badorian, but the body is German.” (Matthew 26:41).

As with his butt, so it is with his arms, Jesus Christ, constantly pointing out the meaning of prayer on the ryativne: pray” (Luke 21:36).

We set about prayer and fasting with a burning theme and warning about the inadmissibility of hypocrisy (Mt. 6:5, Mt. 6:16).

Starting with the books of the New Testament, Jesus Christ taught his teachings of prayer "Our Father", as until the present hour, it is looked upon as the head prayer of Christianity. The text of the prayer is placed in the Gospels in Matthew (6:9-13) and in Luke (11:2-4). Variant of prayer at the Synodal translation: Our Father, what is in heaven! do not let thy name be hallowed; hai come thy kingdom; let Thy will be done on earth, as in heaven; give us our daily bread today; and probach us our borg, as if we were forgiven to our borg; and do not bring us in at peace, but let us see the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.(Mt. 6:9-13).

One of the most extensive prayers of Orthodox Christianity is the Jesus Prayer, to avenge the death to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the true God for pardon: Lord, Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

His vchennya Jesus pidkriplyuvav various miracles and glorified as a prophet and healer of the unfortunate ailments. Vіn resurrected the dead, tidying up the storm, turning water into wine, bringing five 5,000 people and a lot more with five loaves of bread. In the Gospel in the name of Ivan, it is stated that Jesus chotiri razi buv at Jerusalem on the holy day of the Great Day, zvіdsi rush to wisps, that Christ's public service lasted about three and a half years.

Under the rest of the days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, as they brought physical and spiritual suffering to you, bring you to the Passion of Christ. The Church will foretell them in the rest of the days before the Great Day, at the Terrible Day. A special place in the midst of the Passion of Christ is to sit down, which happened after the Last Supper: arrest, trial, scourging that stratum. The Rose is the culmination of the Passion of Christ. Christians believe that a lot of passions were passed on by the prophets of the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ himself.

Rose of that resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Jewish high priests, having condemned Jesus Christ to death at the Sanhedrin, could not viconate themselves without confirmation by the Roman monastic. At the thought of the deacons, the Sanhedrin recognized Jesus as a false prophet on the basis of the words of the Repetition of the Law: “Ale the prophet, who dares to speak to My names, those whom I will not punish you to speak, and who will speak to them of the gods of others, such a prophet shall be brought to death” (Deut. 18:20-22).

After recent attempts by the high priests to call Jesus at the formal violation of the Jewish law (Div. Old Testament), Jesus sent transmissions to the Roman procurator Judea Pontius Pilate (26-36 pp.). At the trial, the procurator asked: Are you the King of the Jews? The reason was that the claim to power as the King of the Jews, zgіdno with Roman laws, was qualified as an unsafe villain against the Roman Empire. Vіdpoviddu on tse the words of Christ became: You say that I am the King. I was born on those and came to the world, so that I could witness about the truth ”(Jv. 18:29-38). Pilate, not knowing the fault in Jesus, shied away to the point of allowing yoga, and said to the high priests: “I do not know the fault in this people” (Luke 23:4).

The decision of the Pontius Pilate called out the praise of the Jewish Natovpu, directed by the elders and high priests. Trying not to allow the troubles, Pilate turned to the NATO with the proposition of letting Christ in, following the old sound of letting one of the bad guys on the Great Day. Ale natovp shouting: “Let there be roses” (Mt. 27:22).

As a last attempt to spare Jesus death, Pilate, having punished Yogo in the eyes of the attackers, spodіvayuchis, scho dissatisfied with the look of the crooked condemned. But the Jews declared that Jesus could not die without fail, for he had made Himself the Sin of God. Pilate, sensing the word, snarled more. I vvіyshov vіn I call again before the praetoria and saying before Jesus: Zvіdki Ty? Ale Jesus did not give you a confession. Pilate to Yomu: Why don't you tell me? You don't know that I can crucify You, and I can give You power? Іsus vidpovіv: You are not maw bi nadі I have no power, yakbi was not given to you burn; the greater the sin on the one who gave me thee. At what hour Pilate shukav let Yogo in. The Jews were shouting: Let Yogo go, you are not a friend of Caesar's; skin, who rob himself of the king, the enemy of Caesar's" (Іv. 19: 7-12).

Having sneered at people, Pilate was punished by death - having condemned Jesus to death, and he himself "washed his hands before the people, and said: I am innocent in the blood of the Righteous One." Why did the people cry: Yogo's blood is on us and on our children. (Mt. 27:24-25).

Behind the virok of Pontius Pilate Jesus bov rose behind the walls of Rusalim on Mount Golgotha, where the wines, zgіdno z evangelical evangelism, he himself nіs svіy cross. Together with him, two robbers rose up.

Ignorant of the heavy suffering before death, already on the cross Christ having washed a sprat of phrases: “Father! vibach їm, more do not know what to shy away. (Luke 23:34). To the robber, who repented, saying: “Truly I tell you, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43). Mothers Svoєї: “Druzhina! axis, blue Your. (Jn. 19:26). I’ll teach my own: “Axis, your mother!” (Jn. 19:27). "I'm burning." (Jv. 19:28). "Yalinki! Hello! lama savakhfani? - what does it mean: My God! My God! Nascho Tee depriving me? (Mark 15:34). “Father! into your hands I see the spirit of My. (Luke 23:46). "It worked!" (Jn. 19:30).

At the time of Jesus' death, the sun faded, and the veil was pulled apart in the Jerusalem temple, as if it was cremating the holy of holies in the decision of the temple, becoming an earth coward and the resurrection of the saints of the departed saints (Mt. 27:51-53).

After the death of Jesus, on the cross, one of the warriors built it in his ribs (for the consecration of Yoh's death). Then they wondered about these warriors, that “deacons from the varti, having risen to the place, voiced the high priests about all the money. I tі, having been selected from the elders and having grown joyful, gave pennies to the soldiers, and said: Tell me, what Yogo learned, who came at night, stole Yogo, if we slept; And if there is a rumor about going to the ruler, we will change it, and you will be spared in case of unacceptability. The stench, having taken the pennies, charged it, as if they were trained; And the word has gone out among the Jews until this very day” (Mt. 28:11-15).

With the permission of the Pilate, the body of Jesus was taken by Josip of Arimathea for burial, as if he had built at once with Nicodemus at the earlier vikoristaniy tomb, as a bula virubana near the rock, which was on the ground near the moisture of Josip, a garden close to Golgotha.

Zgidno with a Christian retelling, after being buried, Jesus descended into the inferno and, blasting through the gates, brought his evangelical sermon from the inferno, raising the souls there and living in the inferno of all the Old Testament righteous, including Adam that one.

In the Orthodox iconography on the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, the moment of the Savior's descent into hell and the appearance of the souls of the Old Testament righteous from the hell is depicted.

In Catholicism, the images of sunken, blinded, sloppy, stubborn warriors are most often broadened, as if they were guarding the raptly spreading throne of Jesus (Mt. 28:2-4).

The gospels describe only after the resurrection of Jesus, but the resurrection itself is not described.

The weekly stichera of Octoїkha shows that the moment of the resurrection of Jesus (as well as the moment of Yogo's infancy of that people) was not succumbed not only by people, but also by angels. Tsim is reinforced by the undefiled mystery of Christ.

The moment of the manifestation of the stale labor of Christ in the different Gospels of descriptions from the differences. Starting with Ivan (Іv. 20:1-15), Mary Magdalene alone (behind other versions, the myrrh-bearing woman was more) came after Saturday to the tomb of Christ and waded, that the wine was empty. And then two angels appeared and Jesus himself, whom I did not immediately recognize. Supper Christ miraculously appeared to his teachings, among them there was no Homi Bliznyuk. Homa, come, not believing in the revelations about the Resurrection of the Savior, not drooping on the eyes of Jesus and not anointing the wounded with the flowers on Yogo Tіli and piercing the ribs of Christ with a list. At the time of the rich appearances, we are faithful to our successors: in Jerusalem, in its outskirts, and on the sea of ​​Galilee, the resurrected Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to them and gave the Great entrustment to reach all the Yogi spirits (“to reach all, that I punished you”) and preached to Yogo lands and peoples.

The resurrection of Christ in Christianity is respected by the greatest success in the history of mankind (as an option - at once from the Resurrection). The skin of the liturgical tizhnya is celebrated for a week, and also on this day the honor is sanctified by the brand of the holy liturgical fate. Resurrection of Christ (Great Day).

After his resurrection, Jesus stretched out for forty days and chose the apostles at once, replacing the faith in Nyogo. At the fortieth day, Christ once again appeared to the teachings, confirming everything that He had said and moving them for a place to Mount Oleonska.

The apostles were counting in the sight of their Teacher, something special: “Why, at this hour, O Lord, do you restore the kingdom to Israel? Vіn said to them: It is not your right to know the hour of the term, like the Father having laid down in His dominion, but you will receive power if the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in the mountains of Judea and Samaria, and lead me to the ends of the earth. Having said this, Vin rose in their eyes, and the darkness took Yogo from the sight of them. And if the stench marveled at the sky, at the hour of Yogo's descent, two men stood up to him at the white dress and said: Men of Galilee! Why are you standing and marveling at the sky? Tsey Jesus, who has risen from you into heaven, come just like you, as you were chasing Yogo to descend into heaven” (Dії 1:6-11).

Jesus Christ in other religions

Judaism I take into account that the specialness of Jesus has no significant religious significance, I do not recognize his monastic role, and obviously, I take into account that the honoring of the title “Christ” is completely unacceptable. In the Jewish texts of the tієї epoch there are no riddles about this specialness, which could be reliably identified with Jesus and Nazareth.

The uncensored version of the Babylonian Talmud has a preacher in the name of Heb. יש"ו‏‎ (Ієshu), which Jewish pastors commemorate Jesus from Nazareth, regardless of the significant factual and temporal differences between reports about the new Evangelical plot.

"The evil-doer is Yeshua z Notsratu - a Jew. Wanting a father yogo bouv a non-Jew and only a mother bula a Jew, the law to certify that he was born from a non-Jew (bring a slave) and daughters to Israel - a Jew. in order to clarify the ambiguities in the Torah, stverzhuyuchy, scho vіn Mashіach, obіtsyany us usma prophets, yogo clouding of Tori, at the top evidence to yogo I think, led to skasuvanna її and all її commandments and allowed the destruction of all our wealth, bless our fortune. remember, guessed yogo conceived first, lower vin reach. wide popularity among the people, and they charged him like that, as if they had deserved it" (Rambam, part 1 // Message to Yemen, or Brahma Nadiya).

Hinduism vvazha, that Jesus was an avatar or a sadhu, and point to the similarity between the visions of Krishna and Jesus. Paramahans Yogananda, Indian guru, vvich, that Jesus was the reincarnation of Elisha and taught John the Baptist, who, in his line, was the reincarnation of Ill.

Buddhism May I look at Jesus. Buddhists, including the Dalai Lama XIV, respect that Jesus is a bodhisattva, who dedicates his life to the benefit of people. The teacher of Zen of the XIV century Gesan, having felt the spit of Jesus from the Gospel, remembering that he was an enlightened person and even close to Buddhism.

Islam Vyznaє Іsus (arab. عيسى‎ Іsa) and pіd іm'yam Іsa ibn Mar'yam shanuє as close and the messenger of Allah, and also as one of the five head prophets (order after Adam, Moses and іn.). About Isu go like about al-Masiha, that is the Messiah. Iom Bulo was sent an acknowledgment - Іndzhil ("Gospel of the sight of Jesus Christ").

Zgіdno with the Koran, Isa not bv nі vbity, nі rozіyaty, but bv live bringing to heaven by Allah (Koran Sura 4 “Women” Ayati: 157-158 translated by M.-N. O. Osmanov).

At Damascus, one of the three minarets of the mosque of Omeyaidiv (the one that is ruffled from the pivdenno-shidny side), wear it Isa ibn Maryam. Zgidno with a prophecy, according to the new day ahead of the Last Judgment, Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth.

Mormoni to celebrate it with the Old Testament of God and respect that it is the fault of God the Father, having created the Earth behind the words of the New Testament “Everything through the New began to be, and without the New nothing began to be, it began to be” (Іv. 1: 3).

Certificates of Yegovi to honor Jesus Christ as the Sin of God, and not as God or the Creator. God knows the Bible, the Father does not maє nі the cob nі kintsya (Psalm 89: 3), in his own line Jesus, in the їkhny rozumіnі, є tim, whom the Batko created the first: "Vin is the image of the invisible God, the first of all creation" ( Colossians 1:15 NM). Jesus orders Batkov and not good for you, on the confirmation of which the words are directed: “My father is greater for Me” (Ivan 14:28). In the same way, the witnesses of YEHOVH are respected, which is the foundation of the Bible (Daniel 10:13,21; 12:1 and the Announcement of Ivan 12:7) the nature of an angel, having become a spiritual specialty, different from the All-Sveta, after the Old Man. In addition, the stench believes that Jesus rose not on the cross, but on the stovp without a horizontal crossbar, and, obviously, do not celebrate the symbolism of the cross in worship of God, as if it were another image (December 20:4,5) . So they respect that it is with the prophecies of Jesus in the hour of Denmark, the King of the Kingdom of God, established in 1914 roci (Daniel 7:13, 14), and building up the right preaching of the Good News, as if for life he commanded his messengers (Mat 28 19) 20; 24:14).

Verification of witnesses of the Lord about those that Christ was the creation of the hour, perebuvayuchi in super-christology with the most important Christology of the Christian denominations, guessing one of the early (IV-VI centuries) in the Christian theologian's mind - the spirit of Aryanism . ecumenical councils).

How many fates of Christ?

As you can see, science and the church have always had a difficult blueprint. Ale the axis of the opposing sides came to a compromise. For example, in the XIV century, there is an unspoken agreement: knowledge is taken from the knowledge of science, and moral values ​​are given to religion.

A healthy mind is imperatively suggested - sciences and religions must be trimatized together, otherwise a person "does not get to the bottom" of the truth in any way. And our knowledge is even better and more familiar. So we don’t know if Jesus, the founder of the Christian religion, was born? How many youmu bulo rokiv at the moment of rozp'yattya on the cross? Why did Vin die?

When was the Messiah born?
In be-yakіy scientific discipline, as it seems, the initial proof. Meanwhile, history, like a scientific discipline, due to subjective and objective reasons, is still worth it. Irrespective of the price, the need for demonstrativeness in history has been recognized for a long time. How about practically accomplishing this task? What rank can you turn off the possibility of various kinds of falsifications? Vyhid іz, zdavalos b, deadlock situation ї іsnuє. History is guilty of actively promoting the achievements of other sciences. Remembering about tse, let's move on to the right.

Father, no one knows for sure when Jesus was born. For a long time the scholars of the Bible, trying to mark the date of the birth of Jesus, celebrated the coming rank. Vіn z'avivsya in the world at Bіfleєmi not pіznіshe 4 r. BC, shards of the death of Iroda the Great (I century BC) in whose reign Jesus was born, is dated by the appointed fate.

The fathers of the future Messiah, who sang the Gospel of Luke, were violating in this Palestinian place in order to take part in the census of the population, which was carried out by the Romans with the method of collecting taxes in Judea. For authentic dzherelami, tsey zahid zdiisnyuvavsya the Roman procurator Kvіrіnієm in 6 or 7 p. BC Yak bachimo, exact date(Rik) the people of the Savior do not go into such a rank.

Before the word, the day of the Feast of Christ is less likely to be celebrated. In the East, it began to be timed to the 25th breast only in the end of the IV century. In Rome, this date was adopted for the sake of the pagan saint of the Feast of the Impossible Sun, and not on the basis of a church order, as it was on the day of the Feast of the 6th of September.

But astronomers came to help the historians. In the Gospel of Matthew, one of the earliest descriptions of the life of Christ, it is said: “Where was the King of the Jews born? for we sipped Yoh's star at the gathering, and came to bow down to Yoh" (2:2). As you can see, the laws of celestial mechanics are superbly precise and subtle words, which are supported by mathematical rhetoricians.

The pioneers of this were the great mathematician and mystic, one of the founders of modern astronomy, Johannes Kepler. On the night of 17 March 1603, I spotted through a telescope behind the ruins of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, which were approaching the point of astronomical sundown. Descho pіznіshe to them having joined Mars. Passed two fates new star. And the whole focus is on the fact that if two or a few planets converge even close one to one, sometimes they get angry in the same target, the earthly posterigach will shine brightly in the sky.

Following the old Rabin's commentary before the book of the prophet Danilo, it was stated that the birth of Jupiter and Saturn in Susir Rib is especially significant for the Israelis, Kepler hung up the hypothesis that the sorcerers were eyewitnesses of the described phenomenon. Behind the rozrahunki, the mathematics of the formation of the planets is of little use in the 7th r. BC Vіn zrobiv vysnovok, scho tse date of the holy conception, and Rіzdvo vіdbulosya in 6 p. BC

Significantly later, in the middle of the 20th century, the doctor David Hugers, who lectured on astronomy at the Sheffield University of Foggy Albion, took other results. Vykoristovuyuchi іnformatsiyu Evangelіy, vіn zrobiv pripuschennya - Bіfleєmskaya zіrka nothing else, like a comet.

The closest thing to the solution of the mysteries of the people of Jesus is similar to English astronomer Chris Clayton. Helped you in tsoma nadsuchasna tehnіka. In 1998, roci, speeding up the supercomputer of Rutherford-Appleton Laboratoru, worked out the trajectories of the planets of the Sonyach system in the remaining two thousand years. I have revealed a little cicava! It appears that the reds have 2 p. BC e. Jupiter and Benera came so close in the sky, one to one, that for the unbroken eye of the earthly watcher they would sing pissed off into one super-sharp star.

The very astronomical podia, in Clayton's thought, formed the basis of the biblical rhyme about the Bethlehem star. Evangelist Matthew wrote the axis from the first drive: “I її, zіrka, like they stank at the gathering, went in front of them, as if they were coming, they came and rattled over the mass, de buv Nemovlya” (2:9).

In such a rite, the “Rizdvyana Zirka”, in a first way, was not a Zirka; in a different way, it was not a comet, as it had been before; thirdly, she went to the sky in no way in the chest, as it was customary to respect the Christian tradition.

How many fates did Jesus have at the time of the rose?
Zgіdno z widely widened among the believers thought, Jesus lived 33 rocks, from which the rest 3 preached to people about salvation. True, the holy evangelist Luke (I st.) writes: “Jesus, beginning His ministry, forty of thirty…” (3:23)

Everything is true, but the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (I st.) affirms more in his Gospel: “At the same time they said to Yom Yudei: You are dumb and fifty rokiv, - and Ti Bachiv Abraham?” (08:57)

Yak Bachimo, between Lukoy and John, there is a clear discrepancy in dates. Who among them can give a ride? Until a recent hour, set it exactly, in which place Jesus bov roses, it was hardly possible to respect. Ale axis for the right, taking the doslidnik from Athens Hikos Kokkinos. Until the word, back in 1980 the roci vins completed in detail the Roman dzherela and the New Testament and reconciledly finished that Christ was rozіpiali in 36 r. according to R.Kh. (and not in the 33rd, as is traditionally respected).

After twenty fates, H. Kokkinos declared - Jesus, at the river of his birth, he did not have a moment to become a young man of 33 years. Why can you feed the chitach? And everything is right in the fact that a religious teacher in the old Jewish suspense was respected only by someone who had attained no less than the age of the Pentecostal Age. For confirmation of whom to serve and the wedding of Irenaeus of Leon, the scholar Polycarp, who, having known people, swayed Jesus Christ in the light of his eyes. Vіn saying that the Savior was close to fifty years, if Vіn began to count people. The information is similar to the Gospel of Ivan (8:57) that we have already guessed. In a different way, St. John 2:20 life way, with the Jerusalem temple, which would be "forty-six roki".

The original solved the problem by uttering Kokkinos. The Ryativnik said that the fault of the temple was one century - so that both men were forty-six years old. Zvedennya tsієї budіvli, which is known in Jerusalem during the life of Jesus, ended for King Herod in 12 p. BC - First rіk provіdі Christ. In this rank, on the thought of Kokkinos, the next - Іsus buv roses in 36 r. according to R.Kh. have forty-eight rokiv.

Following the theory of the Athenian scientist, Jesus was born in 12 p. to P.X. It does not mean that after that, as Kokkinos, having grounded the rest of the wine date, having gained one more sign of knowledge. Appeared at 12-11 p. Halley's comet appeared in the sky.

In 2005, however, the other way of proof was presented to the jury by the Romanian astronomers Liviu Mircea and Tiberiu Oprau. Guessing to readers - the New Testament says that Jesus Christ died rozіp'yatim on the cross, and then resurrected and ascended to heaven. It is also said there - vіn vіdіyshov іn the world on the day after the first night after noon after the spring equal day. Zgidno with the Bible, at the hour of the Savior's stratum, there was a sleepy blackout. Vikoristovuyuchi data vіdomosti, astronomers conducted a tsіkave rіzlіduvannya i set the same.

In the period between 26 and 25 p. not. The last month fell on the coming day after the spring equal day twice: 7 April 30th and 3rd April 33rd. And the darkening of sleepiness was only in the 33rd rotation! It sounds like Jesus died on Friday 3rd April 33rd, about the third year of the day. The Savior has risen on the 5th April of the fourth year of the day!

Why did the Savior die?
There are three versions on this board. In the 20th century, in the German concentration camps, people were crucified and warned about what to do with them. Yak z'yasuvalosya, on the cross, a person is full of guinea in the form of poison. The center of the support of the crucified is not the arms and legs, but the breasts. Chest pains in the form of tension for an hour suffocate the sudoma, which does not give the possibility to expand the diaphragm and ventilate the lungs, the stars cannot come out again.

I think that is how the Savior died, and not because of the blow of a Roman soldier. I will give a point The dawn is confirmed by the completion of the Shroud of Turin. On the contour of the body on the right side in the area of ​​the breasts there is a crooked flame. The analysis showed that the blood flowed, it didn’t suffocate anymore, as if it would have been more when a living person was injured. So the warrior, having built the list, is already in a dead body.

For a different version - її publicly in 2005, the rotation of teachings for Israel Benjamin Brenner, - Ryativnik died in the form of a blood clot, which he ate from his lungs. As a contributor to the medical center in Haifa, Brenner wrote his point of view in a professional journal devoted to thrombosis and other similar problems. As seen from the Holy Letter, the death of Jesus came visibly swiftly - stretching for a long time after the rose, wanting with such a stratum a person to die through a sprat of dib. Another Brenner's mirkuvannya: Jesus was a resident of Galilee, a quarter of the population suffers from thrombophlebia (more viscous blood swells up to a quick pharynx and clotting). So win tezh moment buti among them.

Tim for an hour the third version seems to be: Ryativnik died in the great shedding of blood. In 1986, a roci examination of the first nutritional research paper "Journal of the American Medical Association."

Who's got a ration? Show, imovirno, further follow. But one thing is clear - it's too early to put an end to it.

Runet for materials.

“God loved the light so much that he saw His Only Begotten Sin, that he was skinned, who believes in New, without perishing, but he will live eternally.”(Jv 3:16).

Jesus Christ- The Son of God, God, who appeared in the body, who took upon Himself the sin of the people, and with His sacrificial death, pleaded for salvation. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is called Christ, or Messiah (χριστός, μεσσίας), the son (υἱός), the son of God (υἱὸς θεοῦ), the son of human (ἱὸνθρώπου), the lamb (ἀμνός, ἀρνίος), the Lord (κύριοs) παῖς Θεοῦ), Sin Davidov (υἱὸς Δαυίδ), the Savior (Σωτήρ) ta іn.

Notes about the life of Jesus Christ:

  • Canonical Gospels ( )
  • Forgive Jesus Christ, as if they did not reach the canonical gospels, but were saved in other New Testament books (Diary and message of the apostles), as well as in the works of ancient Christian writers.
  • a number of texts of the Gnostic and non-Christian campaign.

From the will of God the Father and I pity before us, sinful people, Jesus Christ came to the world and became a human being. With His word and butt, Jesus Christ taught people how to believe and live, so that they could become righteous and be worthy of the calling of the children of God, participants in Yogo immortal and blessed life. To cleanse our sins and overcome, Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Now, yak Bogolyudina Vin is rebuying in heaven with His Father. Jesus Christ, the head of the Kingdom of God founded by Him, called the Church, in a way of faith they roar, cherished and marked by the Holy Spirit. Before the end of the world, Jesus Christ will come to earth again to judge the living and the dead. When Yogo comes, the Kingdom of Glory, paradise, in which vryatovani will always be happy. So it has been passed on and we believe that it will be so.

How to check the coming of Jesus Christ

At The smallest rise in the life of mankind is the coming to the earth of the Sin of God. Until then, God prepared people, especially the Jewish people, a lot of thousands. Z-pomіzh єvreyskogo people God visuvav prophets, yakі handed over the coming of the Savior to the world - the Messiah and tsim laid the foundation of faith in New. In addition, God stretched out rich generations, starting from Noah, then - Abraham, David and the other righteous, handing over that corporeal vessel, since the Messiah was small to take the body. So, nareshti, the Virgin Mary was born, as she became the glorious position of the mother of Jesus Christ.

At one time, God and the political under the ancient light were straightened out until the coming of the Messiah would be successful and so that the blessed Kingdom would expand widely among the people.

So, for the hour of the coming of the Messiah, a lot of pagan peoples were reduced to the warehouse of a single power - the Roman Empire. This situation made it possible for the teachings of Christ to raise the price of all the lands of the great Roman Empire. The wide breadth of one arrogantly sensible Greek movement sprang up roaming around the great Christian communities to encourage contact with each other. The gospel and the apostolic message were written by my Greek bull. Through the war, the rapprochement of the cultures of different peoples, and the expansion of science and philosophy, the belief in pagan gods, were greatly shattered. People began to yearn for the good news of their religious diet. Thinking people of the Gentile world realized that the Suspіlstvo would come in the absence of life and began to raise their hopes on those who would come Revamp and the Savior of mankind.

Earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ

D For the people of the Messiah, God chose the pure virgin Mary, from the family of King David. Mary was an orphan, and її was taken in by her distant relative, old Josip, who lives near Nazareth, one of the small towns near the brewery part of the Holy Land. Archangel Gabriel, having appeared, spoke to the Virgin Mary about those that Vona was chosen by God to become the mother of Yogo Sin. If the Virgin Mary humbly waited, the Holy Spirit zіyshov on Her, and Vaughn conceived the Sin of God. After the people of Jesus Christ came to the small Jewish town of Bethlehem, in which earlier King David, the ancestor of Christ, was born. (Hour of the Nation of Jesus Christ is celebrated by historians until the 749-754th anniversary of Rome.

Life, the miracles and the demons of the Lord Jesus Christ are described in several books, which are called the Gospels. The first three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, describe the podії Yogo zhittya, scho vіdbuvalsya, the main rank, in Galilee — near the pivnіchnіy part of the Holy Land. Evangelist Ivan adds to these revelations, describing the manner of Christ's discourse, which was important in Jerusalem.


Until the Thirty Years Age, Jesus Christ is alive at once in His Mother, Virgin Mary, at Nazareth, in Josip's house. If Yomu passed 12 years, Vіn at once from the fathers fell to Jerusalem on the Holy Great Day and tried at the temple for three days, roaming with the scribes. About other details of the Savior's life in Nazareth, nothing is known, except for the fact that Vin helped Josip's density. Like a person, Jesus Christ grew and developed in a natural way, like a mustache people.

On the 30th cycle of life, Jesus Christ took the form of a prophet. John the Baptist at the River Jordan. First, lower your public service, Jesus Christ breaking at the desert and fasting for forty days, being calm by Satan. Public service Jesus began in Galilee to the 12 apostles. The miraculous instillation of the wine, created by Jesus Christ on the friendship in Cani of Galilee, marked the faith of Yogi the disciples. After that, having spent one hour at Capernaum, Jesus Christ broke to Jerusalem on the Holy Great Day. Here Vin has destroyed against Himself the fortune-telling of the Jewish elders, and especially the Pharisees, Tim, who outcast the merchants from the temple. On the Great Day, Jesus Christ called His apostles, gave them the necessary instructions and sent them to propagate the coming Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ Himself also mandruved the Holy Land, preaching, choosing teachings and expanding the message about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ revealing His Divine message to the impersonal miracles and prophecies. Soulless nature impeccably Youmu reproached. So, for example, behind Yogo's words, the storm zupinilas; Jesus Christ walking on water as on dry land; having multiplied five loaves of bread and a sprat of rib, Vіn having sung richly thousands of natovp; Yakos Vin turned water into wine. Vіn resurrected the dead, viganyav bіsіv i ztіliv impersonal ailments. With whom Jesus Christ is unique in human glory. For His own use, Jesus Christ never goes as far as His omnipotent power. All Yogo miracles are enlightened by the deep to the sleepy up to people. The greatest diva of the Savior was Yogo Vlasne Sunday from the dead. On these Sundays, Vin has overcome the power of death over people and having begun our Sunday from the dead, as if it will be like a prince of the world.

The Gospels have been written down richly transfer Jesus Christ. The deyakі of them coped already for the life of the Apostles and their intercessors. Among them: a speech about Peter's speech and Juda's salvation, about Christ's rose and resurrection, about the passage of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, about miracles that the apostles will perform, about persecution for the faith, about the destruction of Jerusalem and other. The deeds of the prophecy of Christ, which are hovering over the rest of the hour, begin to vikonuvatisya, for example: about the expansion of the Gospel in the earthly world, about the disillusionment of people and about the cooling of the wind, about the stingy wars, the earthshaking toshcho. Nareshti, some prophecies, like, for example, about the deadly resurrection of the dead, about the friend of Christ coming, about the end of the world and about the terrible judgment, happen to come again.

By His dominion over nature, the Lord Jesus Christ entrusts the truth of His vchennia to His transmission of the future, and those who are the only begotten Son of God.

The community service of our Lord Jesus Christ lasted three years. The first priests, the scribes and the Pharisees did not accept Yogo's vchennya, and, calling on Yogo for miracles and success, they joked about hitting Yogo. Nareshti such a vipadok eating. After the resurrection by the Savior of the choti-ridden Lazarus, six days before the Great Day, Jesus Christ, weaned by the people, urochisto, like the son of David, that king of Israel, took us to Jerusalem. The people honored Yoma with royal honors. Jesus Christ directly straightened up at the temple, ale, babbling that the high priests turned their prayers to the "den of robbers", calling out the stars of all the merchants and changing them. It called out the wrath of the Pharisees and the high priests, and the stench in the gatherings blew Yogo to destruction. Tim an hour Jesus Christ for whole days led the people at the temple. On Wednesday, one of the Yogi of the twelve scholars, Yuda Iskariot, instructed the members of the Sanhedrin to taєmno zaradit his Teacher for thirty silver coins. The pershopriests happily waited.

At four, Jesus Christ, bazhayuchi build Great Day at once with His teachings, violating from Bethany to Jerusalem, de Yogo, the teachings of Peter and Ivan prepared a great room for New. Appearing here in the evening, Jesus Christ, having shown His teachings the greatest example of humility, having put their feet in the way that the servants robbed in Hebrew. Sweat, lie down with them at once, Vіn zdіysniv Old Testament Great Day. After the evening, Jesus Christ established the New Testament Great Day - the sacrament of the Eucharist or Communion. Taking the bread, Vin blessing Yogo, breaking it, serving the teachings, saying: “ Accept, їzhte (їzhte): all my body, as if for you, "Let's sweat, taking the cup and drinking it, giving it to them and saying:" Drink from it all, for the sake of the blood of My new covenant, for the riches that wiggle, for the sake of sin.» The letter of which Jesus Christ has risen, speaking with His teachings about the Kingdom of God. Then we broke the Zamіsky Garden of Gethsemane and, at the escort of the three scholars - Peter, Jacob and Joanna, pishov coaled the garden, calling to the ground, praying to His Batkov until a crooked sweat for those that Yogo's cup of suffering has passed, that it is small.

At the same time, at the garden, the attacked servants of the high priest were escaping under the wire of Judy. Yuda kissed when he saw his Teacher. While the High Priest Kayat called the members of the Sanhedrin, the warriors led Jesus to the palace of Anni (Anana); The stars of Yogo were led to Kayafi, where, in the night, the judgment of Him was carried out. Although there was a need to call out impersonal false witnesses, but no one could point to such malice, for which Jesus Christ one could be judged to the strata. Tim is not less, the mortal virok was less than that, like Jesus Christ recognizing Himself as the Sin of God and the Messiah. For the sake of Christ Formally, they called in the blues, for which the death penalty followed the law.

At Friday afternoon, the high priest virushis at once among the members of the Sanhedrin to the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, to confirm the faith. Ale Pilate, on the other hand, did not wait for the death, not bachachi in Jesus blame, good death. These same Jews began to threaten Pilate with a denunciation of the new one to Rome, and Pilate, having affirmed the mortal virtuosity. Jesus Christ was a vision for the Roman soldiers. Close to the 12th year of the day, at once from two robbers, Jesus buv vіdvedeniya to Golgotha ​​- a small pagorb іz zahodny side of the Jerusalem wall - and there bv rosіp'yaty on the cross. Pokіrno accepting Jesus Christ qiu punishment. Standing noon. The sun dimmed raptly, and the temryava for three years spread across the earth. After whom Jesus Christ shouted to the Old Man: “My God, My God, having left me now!” Let's sweat, bachachi, that everything has turned up behind the Old Testament prophecy, Vin yelling: " It worked! My Father, into Your hands I bring the spirit of My! I, having shattered His head, having given the spirit. Terrible banners were pierced: the curtain in the temple was torn in two, the earth was shaking, the stone was split. Bachachi tse, navit the pagan - the Roman centurion - yelling: " Truly Vin buv Sin of God.» There was no doubt about the death of Jesus Christ. Two members of the Sanhedrin, Josip and Nikodim, the taemnі uchnі Іsus Christ, took away from Pilate the removal of his body from the cross and were buried in the tomb of Josip near Golgotha, in the garden. The members of the Sanhedrin told about those that the body of Jesus Christ would not be stolen by Yogi teachings, they sealed the entrance and put a varta. Everything worked quickly, for the Holy Great Day began in the evening of that day.

At the week (imovirno, 8 April), on the third day after His fucking death, Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and leaving the thread. After that, the Angel, who came from the sky, opened the stone at the door of the drone. The first witnesses were the wars that guarded the throne of Christ. Although the wars did not fight Jesus Christ, who had risen from the dead, but the stinks were eyewitnesses to the fact that, if the Angel had rolled the stone, the string was already empty. Zlyakavshis Angel, warriors begley. Mary Magdalene and the other myrrh-bearing women, who broke to the slumber of Jesus Christ even before the christening, in order to anoint the body of their Lord, that Guardian, knew the empty slumber and were honored with the resurrection of the Resurrection Himself and a little of the New blessing: “ Radiate!» Crim Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ was rich in His teachings at different times. Somebody from them was honored to recognize Yogo body and perekonatisya, that Vin was not a ghost. For a stretch of forty days, Jesus Christ roamed a few times with His teachings, giving them the rest.

At the fortieth day is Jesus Christ, on the vase of all His teachings, pіdnіssya to heaven from the Mount of Olives. As we believe, Jesus Christ sits as the right hand of God the Father, so that I can have one power with Him. Suddenly Vіn come to earth before the end of the world, shob judge the living and the dead, after which Yogo is glorious and eternal Kingdom, in which the righteous shine, like the sun.

About the callous sight of the Lord Jesus Christ

Holy the apostles, as they wrote about the life and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, did not guess anything about Yoh's good-looking appearance. For them, the headstone was Yogo's spiritual image and vision.

The skhidny church has a command about " miraculous image» Savior. Behind him, the artist of Edessa King Abgar sent a few messages unsuccessfully trying to paint over the image of the Savior. If Christ, having called the artist, having applied the canvas to his own guise, Yogo's guise appeared on the canvas. Having looked at his artist's image, Tsar Avgar recovered his health from leprosy. From that hour, the miraculous image of the Savior was well seen at the same church and spears-icons were laboring from the new one. About the original Image Not Made by Hands, the ancient historian Moses Khorensky, the Greek historian Єvargіy and St. John of Damascus.

At the back of the church there is a retelling about the image of St. Veronica, as the Savior gave me, that I was going to Golgotha, a towel, so that Vin would wipe out His appearance. On the rushnyk was poured a ticket to Yogo's face, having spent some pіznіshe on the way.

At Orthodox Church It is customary to depict the Savior on icons and frescoes. You can’t help but convey exactly your evocative look. Stench sooner with guesswork, symbols, how to lead our thoughts to the One Who is on them images. Marveling at the image of the Savior, we guess Yogo life, Yogo love and sleep, Yogo miracles that vchennya; Guess that Vin, like the ubiquitous one, is taking care of us, helping us to overcome our difficulties. Tse nalashtov us to pray to Yomu: “Jesus, Sin of God, have mercy on us!”

The disguise of the Savior and all Yogo's body was also fixed on the so-called "," - the old canvas, in which, behind the instructions, the body of the Savior was burned, as if it was taken from the cross. The image on the shroud was farther away than it had recently been for the help of photography, special filters, and a computer. Seeing the face of the Savior, embossed with the Shroud of Turin, there may be a hostile similarity with some ancient Byzantine icons (striking sometimes at 45 or 60 points, which, in the opinion of fakhivtsiv, cannot be outrageous). Weaving the Shroud of Turin, fakhіvtsі dіyshlі vysnovka, scho on іy imagined a man of roіv 30, 5 feet, 11 inches (181 cm - signifi- cantly more for his co-workers), string and mіtsnoї statuary.

Bishop Oleksandr Mileant

Why did Jesus Christ begin

From the book of Protodeacon Andriy Kuraev “Tradition. Dogma. Rite.

Christ did not accept Himself as simply a Teacher. Such a Teacher, who commands people like “Vchennya”, as it is possible to spread with light and centuries. Vіn not so “to read”, like “ryatuє”. And all of Yogo's words are tied to it, as the very same podia of salvation is tied to the mystery of Yogo's sovereign Life.

Everything that is new in the Holy Jesus Christ is tied only to the mystery of Yogo Vlasny Butt. One God already preached by the prophets, and monotheism has long been established. About the establishment of God and people can be said in words, even more, having said the prophet Mіhey: “People! told you what is good and what the Lord has done for you: act justly, love the works of mercy, and walk humbly before your God” (Micah 6:8)? In the moral preaching of Jesus, it is practically possible to point out “parallel places” to the books of the Old Testament to the point where it is necessary. In addition to great aphorisms, accompanied by marvelous and marvelous butts and parables - but in Yogo there is nothing moral that the Prophets would not have had.

If we respectfully read the Gospel, then it’s better that the main subject of the preaching of Christ is not exclamations to mercy, love of repentance. The main subject of Christ's preaching is Himself. “I am dear, and truth, and life” (IV. 14, 6), “Believe in God, and believe in Me” (IV. 14, 1). "I am the light of light" (Ів. 8, 12). "I am the bread of life" (John 6:35). "No one comes before the Father, only by Me" (Іv. 14.6); “Read the Scriptures: stench about me” (IV. 5, 39).

Like a place from ancient writings Jesus is collecting for preaching at the synagogue? - Do not prophesy calls to love that purity. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the married women” (Is. 61, 1-2).

The axis is the most superlative place in the Gospel: “Who loves the father chi matir more, lower Me, not good Me; and who loves your son's daughter more, lower Mene, not Warty Mene; And whoever takes not his cross and does not follow Me, he is not a member of Me” (Mt. 10:37-38). It does not say here - "for the sake of truth" or "for the sake of Eternity" or "for the sake of the Shlyakha". "Get me."

І tse zovsіm is not a regular appointment between a teacher and we will teach. No teacher does not lay claim to the floor as a whole for dominion over the souls and shares of his students: “He took his soul to spend it; but the one who has spent his soul for Me, save her” (Mt. 10:39).

Navit on the rest of the judgment was based on bringing people to Christ, and not just beyond the step of reaching them to the Law. "Who robbed Me..." - To Me, not to God. I judge - tse Christ. Stosovno Vіn not kazhe: "Be merciful and blessed", but - "I'm hungry and you gave me їsti".

To be true at the Judgment, it is necessary, zokrema, not only internally, but also outwardly, publicly before Jesus. Without visibility, the call to Jesus is impossible to save: but whoever speaks of Me before people, I speak of him and I before My Father in Heaven” (Mt. 10:32-33).

Exposing Christ before people can be unsafe. I’m not safe to threaten you, not for preaching love and repentance, but for preaching about Christ Himself. “Blessed are you, if they will slander you and persecute you and unfairly slander you for me(Mt. 5:11). “I lead you to the rulers and kings for me” (Mt 10:18). “I will be hated by everyone for my name; But the one who endures will be saved until the end” (Mt 10:22).

I return: “who will take one such child in my name He receives Mene” (Mt 18:5). It does not say “in the name of the Old Man” but “for the sake of God”. Thus, His very presence and help Christ promises to those who are chosen not in the name of the “Great Unknown”, but in the name of Yogo: “Two and three are chosen in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Mt 18, twenty).

More than that, the Savior clearly shows that in himself in whom he believes the novelty of the religious life brought by him: “Until now, you have not asked for anything in My name; ask and take away, so that your joy will complete” (IV. 16:24).

And in the rest of the phrase of the Bible there is a cry: “Їй! Come, Lord Jesus!" Not "Come, Truth" and not "Osіni us, Spirit!", but - "Come, Jesus."

Christ asks teachings not about those, what is the thought of people about Yogo preaching, but about those “for whom people shake Me?”. Here on the right, not in the adopted system, vchennya - but in the adopted Individuals. The Gospel of Christ reveals itself to oneself like the Gospel about Christ, instead of carrying a message about the Person, and not about the concept. In terms of ninist philosophy, one can say that Evangelism is a word for personalism, and not conceptualism. Christ did not create anything like that, about which it would be possible to speak, invigorating and cremating the view of Yogo I.

The founders of other religions acted as an object of faith, because they were mediators. Not the specialty of Buddhi, Mohammed and Moses were the right light of the new faith, like a vchennya. In skin lesions, it is possible to remove the veins from themselves. Ale - “Blessed, who does not hesitate about me” (Mt 11.6).

That most important commandment of Christ, which Vin himself called “new”, is the same to say about New himself: “I give you a new commandment, that to love one alone, as I have loved you.” Yak Vin, having loved us, we know: to Christ.

One more important explanation of the commandments. It appears, it is a sign of a Christian - love is not quiet, who loves yoga ("because it's not so to fix pagans?"), but love is up to the enemy. Hello, can you love the enemy? The enemy is a human being, I don’t like it for appointments, apparently, I don’t like it. Chi can I pokohati yogo for chimos order? Like a guru or a preacher, tell your flock: tomorrow, from the eighth early morning, start loving your enemies - how can you really feel the same love appear in the hearts of yoga learners about the tenth blame on the ninth? Meditations and training of the will and sensitivity can teach you how to do it, without affect, they are placed to the threshold. Ale, please their luck as your own people, it’s not crazy. It is easier to bring on the grief of a stranger to share with him. And the joy of someone else's separation is impossible ... As I love someone - whether it be a call about a new one, silence me, in view of the thought about the zustrich zustrich from a kohan people, I am hushed ... The squad is glad of the success of a man on a robot. Why is it possible for such a pleasure to hear a call about the service promotion of the one whom she respects as her enemy? The first miracle is Christ zdіysniv on the hat benquet. Speaking about those that the Savior took upon Himself our suffering, we often forget that Vin is in solidarity with people and in our joys.

What, like the commandment about love to the gates, is absurd for us, now Christ gives us? Chi Win knows human nature badly? Chi Win just wants to attack us all with His rigorism? Adzhe, as the apostle confirms, the violator of one commandment is guilty of destroying the entire law. If I violated one paragraph of the law (for example, by engaging in health) - in court, they won’t help me with help for those who didn’t in any way engage in stealing horses. If I don’t follow the commandments about love to the enemy, then why should I change the coriste in the air, rearranging the weight and bringing the body to the bedroom? I'm saying. I admonitions to the one that the Old Testament appeared merciful to me, the lower New Testament, which, having uttered such a “new commandment”, as if it gave its judgment no less than the legal Jews, but all the people.

How can I be vikonati, what do I know in my own strength for obedience to the Teacher? Ni. Ale - “It’s impossible for people, it’s possible for God ... Rebuke in My love ... Rebuke in Me, and I am with you.” Knowing that it is impossible to love the enemies with human forces, the Savior joins Himself with Himself, as the chicks join with the vine, so that Yogo love will grow and shine in them. “God is Love… All the hardworking people come to me…” Grace is given to those who goiter” (B. Pascal)

Ozhe, tsya commandment of Christ unacceptable pose I will participate in Yoga Mystery. The morality of the Gospel cannot be denounced by yoga mysticism. Vchennya of Christ is not visible to me in the form of church Christology. Only without intermediary communion with Christ, literally - partaking of Yomu, pleading Yogo's new commandments.

Zvichayna etichna and religious system є ways, following how people go to sing meti. Christ starts by himself from the mark. We should not talk about life, which winds in the sight of God before us, and not about our susilla, as they can lead us to God. Navіscho іnshi practice, then Vіn daє. Other readers begin with help, Tsei z Daru: "The Kingdom of Heaven has reached you." And to that very same, Nagirna preaching is not a new morality and a new law. She spying on the entrance to the new life. Nagіrna sermon does not create a new moral system as much as it creates a new standard of speeches. People are given a gift. And they say, for such minds the stench can not let yoga out. Bliss is not rewarded for feats, the Kingdom of God is not inherited by spiritual evil, but rather grows. The call between the camp and the abode is Christ Himself, and not human zusilla chi law.

Already at Old Testament It was quite clear that if God came to the heart of a person, you could think of it, forget all the bad things: "Having prepared for Thee thy goodness, O God, to come to the evil one in the heart of yoga" (Ps. 67, 11). Vlasne, God has less than two months of life: “I live on high heaven, and also with a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the hearts of the sorrowful” (Is. 57, 15). And all the same, the one on the right is the anointed Spirit, which is seen in the depths of the mournful heart, and this is the hour of the month, if the light becomes already invisible to the sight of God ... To that "blessed zhens": The Kingdom of Heaven - їхнє. Not "be yours", ale - "your є". Not to the one who knew or made money, but to the one who was the most active, he knew you and overtook you.

And the second evangelical verse, in which you sound to chant the quintessence of the gospel, so it is not so to speak about kindness between people, as about the need for the recognition of Christ: So what is the first sign of a Christian? - No, do not mother love, but teach Mine. “That's why they know about everything that you are students, that you have a student ticket.” What is your main attribute here - student card maєtok or the very fact of being a student? It is more important to understand that you are Mine! I axis to you - My friend. I have chosen you. My Spirit is upon you. My love you do not let perebuvaє.

Otzhe, “The Lord, having clearly appeared to people, has seen us in front of us, knowing Himself, and having taught Himself, and pierced us up to that point; to learn more: for the sake of this honor Vіn came and for whom Vіn robbed a mustache: “I was born on those and on those came to the world, so that I could testify about the truth” (Іv. 18, 37). And the shards of the truth will be Vin Himself, then without saying: “Let me show Myself” (St. Mykola Kavasila). The head right of Jesus was not Yogo word, but Yogo buttya: Buttya with people; buttya-on-cross.

The first disciples of Christ – the apostles – do not recount the “revealing of Christ” in their preaching. Viyshovshi on a sermon about Christ, the stench does not retell Nagirna sermon. A sermon was sent to Nagirna on the day of the day and in the promos of Peter on the day of Pentecost, and in the sermon of Stefan on the day of his martyr's death. The apostles vzagali did not win the traditional-learning formula: "Like instructing the Teacher."

Moreover, the apostles speak about the life of Christ rather sparingly. The light of the Great Day is bright for them, that their stars do not stretch for ten years, that they passed the way to Golgotha. And the Apostles preach about the podium of the resurrection of Christ, not as a fact that there is no longer life, but as a podium in life, who, having accepted the Easter good news, to him “The Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead, live with you” (Rom. 8, eleven); “If we knew Christ behind the body, then we no longer know” (2 Corinthians 5:16)

The apostles talk about one thing: Vin died for our sins and rose again, and on Yogo Sunday - the hope of our life. Without relying on Christ's vchennya, the apostles speak about the fact of Christ and Yogo Sacrifice and Yogo pouring on the people. Christians do not believe in Christianity, but in Christ. The apostles do not preach Christ the Learner, but Christ the Rosy, to moralists of peace and theosophists of God.

We can show that all the gospels would be killed at once for the ap. Stefan. In our New Testament, more than half of the books were written by one ap. Pavel. Let's set up an experiment. Let's assume that 12 apostles were killed. There were no close witnesses of life and the preaching of Christ. Ale resurrected Christ є Saul and rob him of his only apostle. Pavlo potіm write the whole New Testament. Kim bi mi todi buli? Are Christians like peacocks? What moment did Pavlo call himself the Savior? Pavlo, as if conveying such a situation, utterly sharply: why do you say: "I am Pavlov", "I am Apollos", "I am Kifіn", "and I am Christ"? Pavlo rose up for you? (1 Cor. 1. 12-13).

The apostolic concentration on the secret place of Christ himself was also waning in the ancient Church. The main theological theme of the 1st thousand years is not disputes about the "resurrection of Christ", but super things about the phenomenon of Christ: Who came before us?

And at its Liturgies, we call the Church for a long time to Christ, not for those, for which the modern assistants from the history of ethics are ready to give you the honor. In ancient prayers, we don’t sing praise to the kshtalt: “What is the law for you, Who guessed it for us”? “Thou shalt for preaching and beautiful parables, for wisdom and instigate”? “I thank you for the spiritual moral values ​​and spiritual values, preached by you.”

Axis, for example, “Decree the Apostles” - a monument that swears to the II century: “Our Father, about life, as You have shown us Jesus, Your servant, for Your Child, Who and sending for our salvation, like a man, Yakіy and allowing you to suffer, die. Yes, our Father, for the honor of the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us and for the honor of the body;

Axis “Apostolic recitation” of St. Іpolita: “We deceive You, O God, through Your beloved Servant Jesus Christ, whom in the last hours You have sent us as the Savior, the Redeemer and the Herald of Your will, Yakim є Your Word, cannot be seen by You, Yakim everything was created for Your bazhannami, from heaven in Devi's womb. Vikonuyut Thy will, Vіn stretched out his hands, to call upon the suffering of the quiet, who believes in You ... Ozgaduyu Yogo death and resurrection, bring You bread and a cup, vdyachuyuyu You for those who honor us to stand before You and serve You. …

I in the upcoming Liturgies - right up to the Liturgy of St. St. John Chrysostom, like a donin zdіysnyuєtsya in our churches, so we pray for the Horseradish Sacrifice of the Sin of God - and not for the wisdom of preaching.

I in the covenant of the greatest Sacrament of the Church - the Baptism of Christ is taken by us. If the Church entered into her most terrible battle - in the face of a confrontation with the spirit of the drink, she called out for the help of her Lord. Ale - I know again - Yakim won bachila Yogo in qiu mit? The prayers of ancient exorcists have reached us. Through their ontological seriousness, the stench may not change for a thousand years. Coming to the rite of Baptism, the priest reads a unique prayer - a single church prayer, sent not to God, but to Satan. You punish the spirit of Opir to deprive the new Christian and not to hang around until now, having become a member of the Body of Christ. Then what kind of God conjures the priest of the devil? - "Fence you, devil, the Lord of the comings of the world, dwelling in people, let your torment and people be seen, Who on the tree, the opposite forces of victory, Who destroy death by death and slay the one who has the power of death, otherwise you, the devil .. .". Why is there no call here: “Kill the Teacher, as if punishing us not to resist evil by force” ...

Ozhe, Christianity is a whole bunch of people who are not opposed by such a parable as the high moral power of Christ, but a selection of people, like they saw the mystery of Golgotha. Zocrema, the Church is so calmly placed before “biblical criticism”, as it manifests in bible books insertions, typographical errors. Criticism of the biblical text can be considered unsafe for Christianity only in that case, if Christianity is taken to the Islamic zrazok as the “religion of the Book”. "Biblical Criticism" of the 19th century created anti-church triumphalism only for the sake of intellect transferring to Christianity the criteria that are important for Islam and, often, Judaism. Ale to inspire the religion of Ancient Israel was not a stile for some inflated Vishche vchenni, but a stile for historical background Zavitu. Christianity is bigger than that - it’s not faith in a book that fell from heaven, but in Specialty, those that she said, she thrashed, survived.

For the Church, it is not so important to be able to retell the words of the Zasnovnik, like Yogo's life, like it is impossible to add. If there were no inserts, if there were any defects in the letters of Christianity, it would not be fatal for the new one, for it would not be on the book, but on the Cross.

So why did the Church change the “vchennya of Jesus”, transferring all its respect and hope from the “commandments of Christ” to the very person of the Savior and Mystery Yogo Butt? The Protestant liberal theologian A. Harnak is aware that she has changed this way. To confirm your ideas about those who in the preaching of Christ are important ethics, lower Person of Christ, to induce the logic of Jesus: “If you love Me, save My commandments,” to speak clearly the preaching of Jesus Christ, as in its basic drawings it is even simpler and put the skin without a middle ground before God.” Ale - Love me and commandments - also Mine ...

The Christocentrism of historical Christianity, which is so obviously seen in the moralistic reading of the Gospel by people of little religion, does not suit our fellow-partners. Ale, like in the 1st century, Christianity and Ninі are ready to call out among the pagans antipathy to themselves clear and ambiguous witnesses of their faith in the One Lord, who was infused, crucified and resurrected - “for us for the sake of people and for the sake of salvation”.

Christ is no less than a revelation, through which God speaks to people. Oskіlki Vіn є Bogolyudina, then Vіn є y the subject of the Occrovennya. And more than that, Vіn vyyavlâєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє ємістом Odkrovennya. Christ is the One Who enters into conflict with people, and the One about Whom it is necessary to speak.

God did not just from afar remind us of the truth, like Vin, having taken into account the need for our enlightenment. Vin Himself becoming a human being. About His new nechuvanu closeness with the people of Vin and speaking with His skin earthly preaching.

Yakbi Angel, having flown from Heaven and having told us like a call, then the traces of his visit as a whole could be placed in the qi of the word and in the letter fixation. The one who accurately remembered the angelic words, understood their zmist and passed them on to his neighbor, exactly repeating the bi services of that Visnik. Visnik is the same to his commission. How can we say that the entrustment of Christ was carried out to the words, to the voice of the truth? How can we say that the Only Begotten Son of God created those services, with no less success, could be a viconate and be an angel and be a prophet?

- Ni. The service of Christ does not start until the glory of Christ. The service of Christ is not the same as the service of Christ. Vin is no less a prophet. Vіn sche th priest. The office of a prophet may be more than recorded in books. The service of the Priest is not words, but deeds.

Whom do you have food about Transmission and Writing. Scripture is a clear fixation of the words of Christ. And yet, as the service of Christ is not the same as Yogo's words, it means that the work of Yogo's service cannot be the same evangelical fixation of Yogo's sermons. If Yogo's service is only one of the fruits of Yogo's service, then what else? And how can people become decliners of these fruits? How the vchennya is transmitted, how it is fixed and saved - it was sensible. Ale reshta? Those who in the service of Christ were transverbal, cannot be conveyed in words. Father, there may be another way to participate in the service of Christ, the Holy Scriptures.

Tse - Retelling.

1 I’m guessing that behind the darkness of Clement of Oleksandriysky in this word of Christ there are about those, so that we are preparing to move in the future of the suspension of suspense (well, instill in that vipadku, as if tsі zaboboni sponkayut batkiv vikhovuvati sina in the soul of opіrіr).
“The miracles of Christ could be apocryphal or legendary. One and the same is a marvel, and before that it is absolutely without list - є Vіn himself. Foresee such a Person so very importantly and namingly, and it would be miraculous, like such a Person” (Rozanov V. Religion and culture. vol. 1. M., 1990, p. 353).
3 Reporting analysis of the Christ-centered mission of the gospel div. at the distribution of “About what Christ preached” at another volume of my book “Satanism for the Intellectuals”.

Christianity is not made by hands, it is the work of God.

From the book "Un-American Missionary"

How to insist that Christ is God, that Vin is sinless, and human nature is a sin, then how could Vin instantly sink in, if it were possible?

The human being is not a sinner on the cob. People and sin are not synonyms. So, God's light people turned into a world-catastrophe known to us. But all the same, light, flesh, people themselves, by themselves, are not dashing. And love again until it comes not to the one who is good, but to the one who is bad. It’s important that you have the inclination to desecrate God, but it’s worth saying: “Axis is a barracks, there is sickness, infection, virazki; how does the doctor dare to come in there, you can get infected?!”. Christ is the Likar, Yakiy came to the ailments of the world.

The holy fathers pointed another butt: if a little sun hangs on the earth, it hangs no less than beautiful trojand and fluttering bows, and kalyuzhi and that impurity. And then the sun will not be defiled through those who once fell on the breeze and are unacceptable. So the Lord did not become less clean, less Divine through those who reached the people on earth, pulled into his body.

- How did the sinless God die in a moment?

The death of God is true rubbish. "The Son of God died - it's inconceivable, and it's good to believe," - writing Tertullian in the III century, and the very same time served as the basis for the thesis "I believe it's absurd." Christianity - tse true light protirich, ale stinks blame like a trace of dotik Divine hands. Likewise, Christianity was created by people, it would have been as a whole straightforward, sensible, rational. Because if reasonable and talented people create, their product will turn out to be uncomparable, logically clear.

Bіlya vіtokіv khristiyanstva stood, impeccable, more talented and sensible people. So it is self-evidently and those that the Christian faith prevailed all the same vikonan protirіch (antinomy) and paradoxes. How to eat? For me, it is a “certificate of integrity”, a sign that Christianity is not made by hands, that it is God’s creation.

From the theological point of view, Christ as God did not die. The human part of Yogo "warehouse" passed through death. Death was foreseen “z” by God (since, that Vіn was born during the earthly Rebirth), but not “in” God, not in Yogo Divine nature.

A lot of people easily fit in with the idea of ​​the creation of a single God, the All-Vish, the Absolute, the Greater Rosum, but they categorically reject the worship of Christ as God, respecting their own pagan relic, worshiping an anthropomorphic, human-like deity. Heba stinks don't make up rations?

For me, the word "anthropomorphism" is not a simple word. If I feel a call to the kshtalt “your Christian God is anthropomorphic”, I ask you to translate the call to a sensible, Russian mine. Then all at once get up in your place. I say: “Vibachte, why are you calling us? The one that our manifestation of God is human-like, human-like? And can you create your own in a different way about God? Yake? Giraffe-like, amoebo-like, martian-like?”.

Mi people. And that, about which we did not think - about a blade of grass, about space, about an atom, or about a Deity - we can understand it like a human being, looking out of our powerful manifestations. So how else can we all be endowed with human qualities.

Insha river, that anthropomorphism becomes different. Wine can be primitive: if a person simply transfers his feelings, passions for nature, that for God, not understanding his own filling. Then the pagan myth comes out.

Ale, Christian anthropomorphism knows about itself, the faults of Christians' remarks, reflections and insights. And when you feel guilty, you experience it not as an inevitability, but as gift. So, I, a man, do not have the right to think about the Unforgotten God, I cannot claim to know Yoh, but it’s more like my stingy little one. But the Lord, in His love, descends to the point where He Himself draws into Himself in the form of human movement. God speaks in words that made the nomads-nomads of the 2nd thousand years before ours understand (such were the ancient Jewish ancestors Moses, Abraham ...). And with the permission of God to inspire Himself becomes a People.

The Christian thought begins with the recognition of God's incorruptibility. But if it is for whom it is stubborn, then religion, like a union with Him, is simply impossible. Vaughn zvedetsya to vіdchaydushnogo movchannya. Religion to know the declaration about the basis, if only it is the right to give Himself Nezbignenny. Yakshcho Vіn Himself declares about His bazhanya, but we still know. Only then, if the Lord Himself goes beyond the boundaries of His innocence, if Vn comes to people, only then the planet of people can know religion with an anthropomorphism that is invisible to her. Only Lyubov can step over the mustache between apophatic propriety.

Є Lyubov - otzhe, є Odkrovennya, having twisted tsієї Lyubovі. Tse Odkrovennya is given among the world of people, it is worth dosing aggressive and unreasonable. Father, you need to protect the rights of God from the world of the human swaville. For whom do you need dogma. Dogma is a wall, but not a prison, but a fortress. Vaughn saves gift in the wake of the barbarians. Zgodom and barbarians to become the keepers of gift. Ale for the cob gift be brought to protect them.

Ozhe, all the dogmas of Christianity are only possible for the one who God is Love.

Christianity affirms that the head of the Church is Christ Himself. Vіn present at the Church that cheruє her. Sounds of such evocativeness and how can the Church be brought?

The best proof is those that the Church is alive. Boccaccio's "Decameroni" has this proof (on the Russian cultural soil of wine transplants home robots Mikoli Berdyaev "About the goodness of Christianity and the badness of Christians"). The plot, I guess, is coming.

I am a French Christian who is friendly with Jews. The stench of little good people, but the Christian did not immediately reconcile with him, that his friend does not accept the Gospel, and spent a lot of evenings with him at discussions on religious topics. Zreshtoy yudey piddavsya yogo preaching and hung the bazhannya to be baptized, but to us in front of Khreshchennya, having encouraged to see Rome, to marvel at the Pope of Rome.

The Frenchman miraculously showed himself that such is the Rome of the Renaissance era, and strongly leaning in the direction of his friend, protested. The Frenchman learned yoga without any hope, rozumiyuchi, that a reasonable person, having shaken the papal door, does not bother to become a Christian.

Ale, having chimed in with his friend, the Jew himself raptly wrote rozmov about those who need to be christened more clearly. The Frenchman, not trusting his vuha and sleeping with him:

Are you near Rome?

So, buv, - you are a Jew.

Old man bachiv?

Ti bachiv, how to live tato ta cardinals?

Well, bachiv.

And after what do you want to be christened? - Request more French cheers.

So, - yep, the Jew, - the axis itself after all the bastard, I want to be baptized. Even if people slacken all kinds of fallow land, to destroy the Church, but still alive, go out, that the Church still doesn’t look like people, it looks like God.

Zagalom, you know, the skin of a Christian can be told, as the Lord guards his life. The skin can lead us impersonally by applying it, as invisibly God knows yoga in this life, and it is more obvious in the management of the life of the Church. Vtіm, here we already come to the problem of God's Providence. On this topic is good artistic TV, called out - "Volodar kilets". This tvir rozpovidaє about those, like the invisible Lord (well, Vіn perebuvaє outside the plot) all the way down vibudovuє so that the stench wraps up to the triumph of good and the defeat of Sauron, which inculcates evil. Tolkien himself clearly wrote in the comments before the book.

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