Show narrower orion. Two yaskravі zirki y suzіr'ї Orion: name. The greatest memory of the stars is at the suzir'ї Orion. Orion as an equatorial suzir

« Suzir'ya Orion vvazhaetsya one of the most beautiful suzir'їv in the sky. Characteristic outline Suzir'ya Orion, adorned with bright stars, you can sing for a day in the sight of the suzir'ya Bliznyukiv and Taurus. Come up to Suzir'ya Orion to become approximately 500 light rokiv. Main stars Suzir'ya Orion: red supergiant Betelgeuse and white-black supergiant Rigel.

Myth Orion

Orion we are already old suzir'yam, they knew about the yak in Mesopotamia. After three thousand years, in the era of the expansion of Greek culture, legends of Greek mythology took shape. Suzir'ya included the hero Orion, the son of the sea god Poseidon and the nymph Evreali. Orion was one of the most famous Greek heroes. If you are at the bottom of the sea, your head would stand out above the water. Vіn buv vіdomiy great knowledge about the star, tsomu vin learned in the Atlas and zavdyakovy watering.

life Orion the bula was blessed with good fortune, especially for women. Yogo life way And death in myths is described differently. Tim is no less, rich myths say that having perished Orion through the ass of the goddess Artemidis. Zgidno with a legend, the goddess herself drove him with an arrow Artemidiїї brother Apollo. One more legend to tell Orion died from the bite of a giant scorpion, which the goddess Gaia released from the oven. That nibito Orion in the sky hovaєtsya in the form of Scorpio - to enter, if the suzir'ya Scorpio appears above the horizon.

God of medicine Asclepius trying to resurrect Orion Prote Zeus himself zupiniv yogo. Together with your dog Sirius, Orion leaning on the sky in the city for love until dawn, and another legend to tell that he leaned there through the eternal tightness behind the Pleiades, the daughters of Atlanta. One thing can be said singsongly: yak suzir'ya, Orion with his mislivsky retinue - the Great and Small Dog and the Hare - live in the sky for a long time.

Stars to Orion

List of Stars to Orion: Rigel Nayaskravisha zirka suzir'ya that syoma (not rahuyuchi Sun) for the yaskravistyu zirka in the sky. The diameter of the Rigel is 74 times larger than the diameter of the Sun, and the lightness outweighs the sleepy one 130,000 times. This white-blakite supergiant is found on the vіdstanі 860 svetlovih roki vіd our Sun. p align="justify"> The Rigel system, as it is customary to respect, consists of three stars, sometimes a fourth star is allowed to appear, but if allowed, it is possible to have mercy due to the insipidity of the main star, as it can be overcome by physical pulsations. Betelgeuse The epitome of the red color of light, which turns into the middle light of the Sun for 100,000 times. The diameter of Betelgeuse in the course of pulsations becomes 500 to 1000 dormouse diameters, the protea mass of red starfish outweighs dormouse in total 13-17 times, while Betelgeuse reaches 250-300 million times more than Sun. Yaskravisty is also changing for a stretch of 2070 days (there are nine for the yaskravisty of the star in the night sky). Tsya napіvlna zmіnna zіrka znahoditsya in the middle on the vіdstanі 570 svіtlovih rokіv vіd us. Betelgeuse is a part of the so-called winter tricot, which, krіm neї, form the stars of Procyon with the Little Dog and Sirius with the Great Dog. Belatrix The white-bright giant, which is one of the most beautiful stars in the night sky and sees like a "star of the Amazons", which inspires a "women-warrior". Tse third for the yaskravistyu zіrka in Orion's suzir'ї, which was also included before the navigational zіrok of old. Being one of the hottest stars of the sky at a surface temperature of 21,500 K, it is light, which outweighs the sonyachny by about 4,000 times, the radius of Belatrix is ​​greater than the radius of the Sun by about 6 times, and the mass is greater than by 8 times.

Mintaka- It is remembered in the night sky with an indefinable glance a hot star with a high surface temperature. The clarity of this blackite supergiant changes in the period of 5.37 days. It is located in the belt of Orion and is far away from us for about 900 bright rocks. The main component of the system is a spectrally floating star, which is composed of two white-black giants, skins of which the average one is 80,000 times brighter for our Sun and 20 times more important for the new one. The name in Arabic translation means "belt". Alnilam Central star in the Orion belt. Vaughn lie down to blakitnyh nadgіgantіv. One of the three stars of Orion's belt. The name is Arabic root and means "thread of pearls". Alnitak The third star of Orion's belt, which is the last one, is known to us on the road for about 800 bright rocks. Blakitny supergiant, which is the head star of the system, has two white-blaky companions, one of them - Alnitak B itself is also a giant star. Trapeze to Orion We commend the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei to the gathering of the great number of stars in the middle of the Orion nebula. Chotiri yaskravі zіrki utavlyuyut trapezіy and raznesenі approximately on the same vіdstanі. The movements of this system are somewhat more foldable and unstable. Yakby їх did not tame the force of gravity, the stench would break out on the edge of the stars with a stretch of 100,000-1,000,000 years. The stars move away one at a time for one hour, and then they draw closer again. Come out, that the whole system is nibi constantly constantly pulsing. The trapezium of Orion is about 1300 bright rocks away from us. Saif In translation from Arabic it means "giant's sword" - a blaky supergiant, which can be brought to the most hot stars in suzir Orion. Roztashovana on vіdstanі ponad 600 svіtlіv rіv vіd us, tsіrka maє the temperature is close to 26 000 K, that svіtnіstіnі mіzhe 60 000 times outweigh the іnіstіnіst of our Sun. Meissa abo Heka, abo Lambda Oriona subway star, classified as a black giant, another component of the system of any one with its black subway star. The correct Arabic name of the zirki in translation means "white flame". About 1100 light-filled rokivs greet us with a smile of light. Orionidi The meteor shower is found in the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the suzіr'ya and omissions with a swarm of meteorite bodies. The earth is wide to pass through it dvіchі. In the autumn one can see the yak of Orionidi, the hanging yak of Aquarid near Aquarius. Orionidy may have a five-day maximum activity around 21 August, the average number of meteorites that pass in a year is about 25 pieces. The largest number of meteorites - 50 per year - was recorded in 1936. Great Nebula to Orion (M 42, NGC 1976) Gas-pilov nebula, which can be seen from us on the vіdstanі close to 1300 light rocks. One of the most famous and most famous objects of deep space. Nebulae are one of the most important objects in the dawn sky for the acquisition of knowledge about the formation and evolution of stars. In our warehouses, we already have objects with even low temperatures, which release most of their energy in the infrared part of the spectrum.

Orion and Egyptian pyramids

In 1994 Robert Bauvel at the book "The Mystery of Orion" exclaimed the theory, gazing at some kind of pyramid of the IV Dynasty was inspired as an earthly reflection of the suzir of Orion. The Egyptian god Osіrіs bv otoznenii іz suzіr'yam Orіon. Ymovіrno, through the cebules, the colors were awakened in a row of pyramids, which confirm the position of the zіrok suzira.

Bauvel and Hancock, they set up a calculation with a computer path, that the size of the three head Egyptian pyramids is roztashuvannya, and Cheops, Khafre and Mіkerin itself are zigzautsya with three stars, which make Orion's belt. On the thought of the doslidnikov, it means that if the life of the pyramids was completed around 2500 r. BC Prote the plan of the entire complex of promptings back to the beginning.

Close to 10500 BC Orion passed through the lowest camp. It was warming on the Earth, ending the rest of the ice age. The climate in Egypt has become dry. Today, five pyramids, which have been lost, are the earthly copy of the suzir, and the famous Gizi pyramids are the ideal reflections of the three stars of Orion's belt. Two pyramids in Dashur, inspired by Snefru (Khufu's father), part of the map of the sky. Buvel is strong, that stench is the stars of the suzir'ya Taurus, Aldebaran and e-Taurus. For the hours of the V Dynasty, fewer pyramids were built.

On earth, the sky is fermented, to allow the pharaoh to cross into the life of Osiris. You can admit that the pyramids were true viraz the belief of the entire suspіlstva, but not the favor of one ruler. Mourning ceremonies, held in the middle of the Great Pyramid, carried the souls of the pharaohs to the sweating world, and the pharaoh's pyramid served not only one, but the wealthy generations of Egyptians.

Orion among the Chinese

Chinese astronomers knew Orion, yak Shen - the great warrior chi. This is one of the quiet rare vipadkiv, if suzir was visualized as it is, like in Europe. Shen buv at the center of the great celestial scene of watering, for the last month is in this part of the sky at the hour of the watering season, near the leaves of that chest.

The head of the body of Shen is composed of 10 stars: chotyrox, which establishes the traditional scheme of Orion (alpha, beta, gama and kappa), three stars of the belt and three stars of the “sword”. The stars of the sword were small under the identity, the shards also formed the pidsuzir'ya Fa. Apparently to the identity of Shen as the head warrior, 10 stars were generals of the yogo army.

Trikutnik zіrok, yakі appease the head of Orion (Lambda, Pі-1 and Pі-2) buv vіdomy yak Zui - dzhob of a tortoise or a bird - perhaps a falcon for peeing. Zuy is also the name of the 20th month-old boudinka, nayvuzhchogo z usikh budinkiv (only 2 ° zavyshshki). So it's close to 21 houses, Shen.

Being one of the oldest Chinese suzirs, Shen chose a lot of different and super-common identities for a long time.

Orion at Mesoamerica

Regardless of the popularity of the Egyptian pyramids near Giza, in Central America, in fact, there are more such buds, lower on the planet. Such civilizations, like the Olmecs, the Mayans, the Aztecs, all used to build pyramids to house their gods, and to bring about the funeral of kings.

In rich cities-powers, the temple-pyramid has established the center of life, and the place of the sacred ritual, the foundation for human sacrifices.

The most famous pyramids are the Pyramid of Sontsya and the Pyramid of Mіsyatsya in Teotihuacani, Castillo in Chichen Itza, the Great Pyramid in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, etc.

Orion at Hopi

The Indian tribes of Hopi slowly vowed that the gods came to Earth from suzir'ya Orion And to live the stench on the air of Pi-3, as if planted in 26 light rocks in our planet, which is not so far away, they say. Hopi shamans, who imitate gods, dress up in a Kachin costume - the essence of a spirit that came to Earth from Blakitnaya Zirka. The shaman cannot wear a mask in front of children - the Indians know what will happen, the faith of the tribe will die, and no one else will lie.

Mіstsevist, de live hopі, is called Chotiri kuta, to that under the kut 90 ° cordoni of Arizoni, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado converge here. Nevada comes close to them. Archaeologists say that people of the same type lived in the cult village of Hopi - Oraibi, who lived 5000 years ago.

At the traditional hut hopi there are no vikons, and to marvel at what is near, the inhabitants go to the dahi of their huts.

The legends of the Indians tell that after a natural cataclysm, “high and holy shrines” came from the sky, from Toonaottekhi. The hops themselves were called Kachina. The Kachins taught the townspeople how to process metal, learned the basics of medicine and astronomy. Mіstsevі tribes imitate kachina at the sight of lyalok.

Nazdoganyanya, the Egyptians, the Maya shied before the gods of their suzir'ya. You can see it behind the roztashuvannyam of the pyramids of Mіsyatsya, the Sun that temple of the god Maya, the stench is zorієntovanі on the belt of Orion.

The dawning sky is especially bright. On clear, smoky nights, a bunch of lights shone over your head, visibly. However, these are heavenly little ones, which are the best guardian in the cold season of fate. Before them enter and suzir'ya Orion. The scheme of yoga includes 209 stars, accessible to guard by an indefinable eye. Orion famous for the great number of cosmic objects in his warehouse, easily remembered from the Earth. The ideal hour for their watchfulness is from leaf fall to midday.

Vіdomy at be-yakіy point of the world

As the suzir'ya Orion looks like, practically to all the inhabitants of our planet, shards of yoga can be seen in both pivkul. Why sprinkle on the line of the celestial equator.

At Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі the little ones suzіr'ya Orion especially kindly remembers wintering in the evenings near the pіvdenіy part of the sky. At this hour there are three stars, which are set and stashed on the maizhe, ideally straight, to be close to the line of the horizon under a small kut to it. Vіdomy silhouette is shaped by the good memory of the luminaries. The heavenly little one from the clock of Antiquity is associated with the image of Orion with a sword on his belt, a kike in one hand and a shield in another.


Suzir'ya Orion for children is described not for an hour of astronomy lessons, but for the process of getting to know the legends Ancient Greece. Zgіdno with orders, hero, with a year of placements in heaven, maw glorify the militant, whose heart was beaten with the beauty of the Pleiades - the nymph of the goddess Artemida. Trying Orion to speak with them was unsuccessful: the beneficiaries of the nymphs rushed to get out and called for help to their patroness. Artemida transformed this Pleiades into a dove. The stench flew high into the sky, de Nezabar became suzir'yam.

Orion suddenly ceased to be embarrassed through the nymphs and fell in love with Merope, the daughter of the king of the island of Chios Oinopion. Batko zazhadav vіd hero zdіysniti feat, gіdniy hands of his daughter. However, Orion won in his own way: win maw namir to steal Merope. The tsar found out about thinking about thoughts and on the spot he slid yogo.

Death of a hero

Orion has been tinkering on the ground on its own for a long time in the whispers of the one who could turn his zir. Vreshti-resht, yogo pity one of the Cyclopes, who hurried, and went to Helios. The God of the sun has made the hero see again. Orion, not long thinking, turned back to his beloved occupation. In the hour of chasing yoga, I remembered Artemida, as she herself loved to sip. Orion unintentionally became a kohanim, which further embarrassed the brother of the goddess Apollo. Vіn vyrіshiv cunning to destroy thought. Apollo, who knew the pride of Artemis, hesitated at the arrogance of the archer and, for the sake of reverb, tried to strike a distant dark dot that flickered by the waters of the sea. The goddess easily ran into the zavdannya, not suspecting that the head of Orion was a dot, which seemed to be stingy.

Nevdovzі Artemida recognized that she had become the driver of her kokhan. Mourning Orion, she swore an oath to remember Yogo and avenged Yogo in the middle of the night. Thus, after chanting in the sky, Orion is a suzir. Myths oppose also about the other version of the hero's share. For one version, in hope of becoming a beautiful man Meropi vіn fought twice wild animals, yakі threatened the inhabitants of the island of Chios. Peremіgshi all, wines, however, without taking away the maiden, but the boons and blindness of the father. After the sound of Helios, Orion turned the star, and after a deaky hour, he was killed by the angry Artemida - the patron saint of animals.

Good remembrance

So, as the suzir'ya Orion looks like today, there were a lot of thousands of years ago. This is one of the heavenly little ones, included in the catalog "Almagest" by Claudius Ptolemy, warehouses in about 140 rotations of ours. Respect, as the ancient Orion was given, it’s unfailing: suzir is exactly the brightest elements, well visible from the Earth, look at what you screwed up. The present day also does not overlook the heavenly little ones. A lot of objects that are here, do good work.

Two at the suzir'ї Orion - tse Rigel and Betelgeuse. Orienting behind these two points, it is easy to know in the sky the silhouette of the mind in full.

Alpha Orion

Betelgeuse translated from Arabic means "pahva". Im'ya stars unambiguously describe my mission. Yaskrava dot is located on the right side of the mind. For its beauty, Betelgeuse turns the Sun fifteen thousand times. Expand the stars more for the orbit of Mars. Tse red supergiant, which is seen from us on the vіdstanі in 540-650. Yogo is brought to the napіvpravlnyh zmіnnih zіrok, scho zmіnyuyut your visual glare. The interval of such a change for Betelgeuse is from 0.4 to 1.3 stars, and the main period is three times 6 years.

Beta Orion

Regardless of those who are alpha and Betelgeuse itself, if not the best point, how to avenge the little suzir'ya Orion. Rigel (at the translation from the Arabic “leg”) I reverse the її for the cim parameter. there are about 130,000 times more sleepy nights, but it’s possible for us to become (according to different estimates) from 700 to 900 bright nights. Rigel is the most majestic light. Visual dawn value - 0.12.

Rigel is the only white-black supergiant to enter the warehouse of the mirror system. Yogo companion Rigel significantly acts for yaskravistyu: yogo visible dawn value is estimated at +6.7. Vіdstan mіzh two components become approximately 2200 astronomical ones. Appealingness is close to a bright supergiant, which makes it possible to look at Rigel B only through a telescope. The system can and the third component Rigel S.

Short life

Such stars in the narrow circle of Orion, like Betelgeuse and Rigel, through their massiveness and majesty of luminosity, are dubbed for equal lack of reason. The age of both objects is estimated at approximately 10 million years: the stench is richly young for the Sun, which is already more than 4.5 billion years. The stench cannot live to the age of our light. The majestic mass, which creates a vice after magnitude, sprinkles a swishy burn-out of the inner fire of the star. As a result, over time, the nucleus collapses, transforming on a neutron. Zіtknutsya behind him and at vіdskochat vіdskochat іz majestic shvidkіstyu zvnіshnі shell. There will be a resurrection of a new type.

A similar share is checked for Rigel, and for Betelgeuse. Under the hour of wailing of the little ones, myslivtsya in the sky will know the serious changes of the time, as if watching the narrower Orion contagiously. Collapse of Rigel will be remembered from the Earth day and night. The star after its size became similar to the fourth of the month, step by step fading and transforming into a small point. Betelgeuse, for the children of the vchenih, has lived for at least two thousand years, and after the vibe of his size, swell with the Moon. In such a look, the star does not grow older than a sprat of tizhniv, and then it also fades. However, tsі podії - on the right of the distant future, while the bright stars in the suzіr'ї Orion, like before, delight us with their light.


Suzir'ya includes a large number of asterisms (well-remembered groups of stars, which may be called names, which historically formed). Zavdyaki one of them suzir'ya Orion for children and for grown-up flocks is easy to know practically whether it's time for rock. This is the belt of myslivtsya, which is made up of three yaskravih zirok: Mintaka (delta, from the Arabic "belt"), Alnitak (zeta, in translation means "pearl belt") and Alnilam (epsilon, "sash"). Asterism is called so: “Three Kings” or “Rake”. Three yaskra points make a practically ideal straight line and stand one in one on a straight line. Like a pіvdenno-shіdny edge of the line prodovzhit, vіn vkazhe on Sirius - the most beautiful star of the night sky. Pivnіchno-zahіdna part can be directly extended to Aldebaran - the red star in Taurus.


The recognition silhouette of the suzir'ya is created with an additional asterism under the name Sheaf chi Metelik. The wines of dekilkom's soothings are bright stars: Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix (gamma), Alnitak, Mintaka and Saif (kappa).

The gama of Orion is the third after the yaskravistyu of the star of that heavenly little one. It can be attributed to the class of white-black giants, with a visible star value of 1.64. The luminosity of the space object outweighs the sleepy one by 4 thousand times, the proteo її mass and radius are not so significant. The first parameter becomes approximately 9 wt. Sun, and the other parameter changes the characteristic of our light more than 5.7 times. Behind the century, Bellatrix is ​​similar to Rigel and Betelgeuse. Tsya young star to shine 10 million years. Vcheni prophesy his transformation through the sprat of millions of rokiv.

The white-black star of Saif spreads out at about the same height in the Earth, like Rigel, but it is rich in darkness for the light of that, which is a significant part of the energy that is seen in an invisible range. The lightness of Saif is 5.5 thousand times greater than the sun, and the diameter is 11 times greater.

Golovna zbroya

The sword is no less driven by asterism, which the suzir'ya Orion can boast of. The yoga scheme includes two stars - θ and ι (theta and iota), as well as the Great Nebula of Orion.

It is a multiple mirror system, which is composed of several components and such a small number of memorable ones. The stench makes a small chotirikutnik, like the Trapeze of Orion. It's worth killing young cosmic objects that have hid themselves from the interzonal gas and that saw. The material for the luminaries came from the invisible darkness, which occupies a similar part of the suzir. The nebula is great for Orion.

"Dawn of the nursery"

At the griznіy zbroї myslivtsya the colic of future stars has been stashed. Nebula Orion or M42 - the place of origin great number space objects. Vaughn was far away from us at 1500 light-filled rocks, the prote for the bazhanya її can be treated with an indefatigable eye. For whom next to marvel at the region under the belt of Orion. M42 looks like a small hyatka, which guesses a comet. On the signs, crushed by the help of tight telescopes, the nebula is striking with its beauty. Vіdoma out at tsomu not only with its significant dimensions and chervonim vіdbliskom. Here, the impersonal so-called star nurseries are stoked, the future luminaries are being deformed. The area closest to us is similar. In the sight of other starry nurseries The great nebula of Orion is being awakened by the same time, because here the gloomy gas and the saw practically do not overwhelm the process of the birth of the stars. Zavdyaki to whom practically all current knowledge about the molding of the light was gleaned from the warnings for M42.

Black dira

The map of the suzir'ya Orion was not long ago supplemented with one more object, which was placed near the Trapeze. Studies have shown that in the process of evolution of the M42 nebula there was a rich zitknen of stars, which could become the reason for the creation of a black wildness, which would turn the Sun a hundred times behind the mass. Such an allowance is made for the sake of high swedishness, characteristic of stars, which form the Trapeze of Orion. As soon as the foundation of the black dirka is confirmed, you will become the closest object to the Sonyach system.

stallion head

Forms that tell the creatures, only a little suzir'ya in the sky breathes. Orion is famous for another nebula, called "Kinska head" (abo B33). She really guesses the head of a horse with her contours. Possibility to make a clear outline of my goiter to match, as if creating another nebula, as if it were ashes for the “Kinsk head”. B33 itself does not change the light, її rises to the fading nebulae. Clearly, for the presence of a bright background, it would have been a bad memory. And in the clear minds of the tasks of the її the manifestation is not handled by a leather attachment, that "Kіnsk's head" was shattered with its own marker of correctness and the accuracy of the robotic possession.

Bring on the light

The description of what the narrow Orion looks like will be inaccurate, as if you can’t guess about the number of low nebulae, which are often ignored by the followers due to their smaller appearance. This is the name of the nebulae. Surely, the stench is playing out and the intensity of the bright M42, protesting the singing interest. The nebulae NGC 1977, NGC 1975 and NGC 1973 are scattered in the Orion's Sword even better than M42. Zavdyaks in the cosmic saw light of bright young stars and nebulae may be blaky intoxicated on the pictures. In the photographs, broken by telescopes, three nebulae, separated by black areas, along the edge illuminated by red atoms and water, make up the silhouette of a person who lives - another easily visible image of the suzir Orion.

people light

The nebula "Lum'ya" (the other name is "Smoloskyp") looks superbly beautiful. This is one more place, where new stars of Orion's suzir's are constantly being populated. On the signs, it looks like a richly poignant one: the gloom that shines, with dark blotches, is similar to the tongues of the half-light. Nebula "Smoloskip" is spread near the sigma of Orion and is illuminated by it. Look at us until the flowers of young stars become about a thousand bright rokiv.

Suzir'ya Orion, a description of which Bulo was induced more, is rightfully respected by one of the most beautiful heavenly little ones. Yaskravі zіrki, scho to become yoga, allow the silhouette of the mythical thought to be remembered by Mayzha Zavzhdi. Zavdyaki їm, having once counted the roztashuvannya, posterigach no longer ask for food about those, how to know Orion's suzir. For an amateur astronomer, in every heavenly little thing, those who are rich in elements are available for uninterrupted viewing with an indefinable eye. Other warehouses, for example, part of the Great Nebula Orion, you can watch for the help of a small telescope or wind binoculars.

What is sleeping at the three pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt, the most beautiful star of the night sky Sirius, place Bethlehem that suzir'ya under the name Three Kings with trioma magicians (magi) from the view of the Evangelical rozpovid?

The three stars that enter the so-called "Orion's Belt" are called Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak. Tse suzir'ya was long ago in the house of rich peoples of old under such names:

Rake, Pan's Staff, Jacob's Staff, Three Marys, Three Mowers, Potryyna Strila (Isus Trikanda) among the Hindus, Frigge Rakken among the Germans, Belt (Balteus, Zona) and Lower (Vagina) among the Latins.

However, most of the suzirs were called Three Magicians, Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Three Tsars, or simply Three Zirks.

What is on the mountain, those below

On the sign below, three can be seen along the line of stars AldebaranSirius between stars Betelgeuseі Rigel. Mintaka- far right Alnilam- central, Alnitak- Extremely angry.

Click on the sign to make it bigger.

Geocentric picture of Svіtobudov

Sims of the lower spheres of light-budding and change with the authorities septener- Seven heavens, which are made up of seven blazing stars (planets) of the Sonyach system. Roztashuvannya Seven lower and Three higher heavenly spheres, or simply Heaven in classical (antique) astrology:

1⃣ caelum Lunae- sky Month;
2⃣ Caelum Solis- sky Sontsya;
3⃣ caelum Mercurii- the sky of Mercury;
4⃣ caelum veneris- The sky of Venus;
5⃣ Caelum Martis- The sky of Mars;
6⃣ Caelum Jovis- the sky of Jupiter;
7⃣ caelum Saturni- The sky of Saturn;

8⃣ Firmamentum- firmament;
9⃣ crystallinum- Cristal;
🔟 Empyreus- Empyrean.

Three pyramids - three naiveschi of the sky

8⃣ The largest pyramid of Cheops at once from the smallest star Alnit so symbolizes the smallest of the Three greater spheres of Svіtobudov — eighth under the name Firmamentum(Firmland), tobto. sphere unruly star. The pyramid of Cheops itself has many faces.

9⃣ The middle pyramid of Khafre at once from the central star Alnilam symbolizes Dev'yatu the sphere of svіtobudovi under the name crystallinum(Kryshtal).

🔟 And the pyramid of Mikerina at once from the greatest star of Mintak symbolizes the rest ten the sphere of Svіtobudovi, what to bear the name Empyreus(Empire), which is translated like fiery red .

Three pyramids - three colors

Why, Egyptologists say that the very pyramid of Mikerin, which is in line with the 10th sphere, was veneered chervonim granite! Therefore, imovirno, the pyramid of Khafre, which is in the 9th sphere, was veneered in white color, and the pyramid of Cheops, which represents the 8th sphere of light, - at black. In such a time, chi vipadkovo, that the powers, roztashovanі pіvnya nearby Three pyramids, took away the tricolor with their ensigns, what is formed from the advancing colors?

  • chervoniy - the color of the Empyrean;
  • white - color to Krishtal;
  • black color Solid, tobto. dawn the sky.

Chuli zvin…

What is it about the Evangelical rozpovidi about the Three Magi and the Magi? Abo sho buvaettodі, if “they are bryazkit, they don’t know the stars of the wines”?

In 1164, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa brought a gift to the Archbishop of Cologne, Rainald of Dassel, a nibito relics of the three wise men(!!!), Brought them to Cologne from Milan. From that hour, pilgrims from the Us of Europe flocked to the place to worship these relics.

For finalization: for those who don’t know what these powers are, I’ll explain the Powers - it’s not like the corpses of the remains of dead people, but it’s not stark!

Is it possible to reveal the cadaveric remains of dead three stars?

About this church blunder on the whole seriousness is seen in the films that were played in 2011, under the name "Gothic cathedrals". Reader of the blog can marvel fragment what kind of “serious” film. 🙂

Zirka Skhodі

In the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 2: 1,2) in the literal Russian translation it is written like this:

During the days of King Herod, the sorcerers (literally: wise men, magicians) immediately arrived to Jerusalem and seemed: “Where are the peoples of the kings of the Jews? Aje mi bachili yoga star at the meeting(Literally: viskhіdnu zіrka).

With the so-called "trioma magi (wise men)" we already rose. Now we can look at the “star of the Skhod”, chi “viskhіdnu zіrka”, like “the wise men came from the Skhod”, that is. Three stars at the lower part of the sky.

For whom we transfer our guarding beyond the night sky to Jerusalem 2000 years ago. Aje Evangelical rozpovіd vіdnosit us itself to that place and to that hour.

On the approaching signs, a part of the sky is shown to Jerusalem without a middle before the Sun descends, or rather, on the 25th lime of the cob of ours. Why the very same day? Find out below the text.

To enlarge the image, press on the image.

At the first sign, the sky is black, but the sky is still ahead. Three Stars are clearly visible on the new one. But the Earth is turning around! That is why, through a sprat of whilin, that very “star at the gathering” will appear, or literally “viskhidna star” from the gospel text.

If you want to draw (mark 2) to the horizon, I’ll draw a line from the sky of the Three Stars, then this line will show the best star of the night sky Sirius. At this time of rock itself, you can watch a heliac rash of a star of the first magnitude.

For proof: heliac meeting call the meeting of the stars of the planet without a middle before the gathering of the Sun, tobto. skhіd at the exchanges of the ranking dawn.

The summer skhіd of the star Sirius engraved the most important role in the astral religion and the calendar of Ancient Egypt. Todі Skhіd Sirius zbіgavsya bottling the Nіlu, scho bringing the mule to the fields, scho allowed to pick the great vrazh. To that, the podia signified New river behind the ancient Egyptian calendar (do not stray from today's calendars!). And astrologers appreciated that the visionary Sirius at the moment of nationality bestows people unappreciated achievements.

Zirka Sofis

Star of Bethlehem - Sirius

Jewish astrologers attributed the royal sign of Leo to one of the blues of Patriarch Jacob. Yude. Therefore, all contenders for the royal throne in Jerusalem, the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, may be from the family of Judy.

« The stench said to you: At Bethlehem, the land of Judah, for it is written through the prophet: You, Bethlehem, the land of Judah, are nothing less than the voivodships of Judea, for you see the leader, who shepherds my people, Israel.. - Gospel in Matthew 2:5,6.

Why is the Gospel myth to speak about those who are the king of ties with Bethlehem? In order to answer the question on the food chain, it is necessary to put the name of the place on the back.

Bethlehem, or rather Bet Lehem- tse "Budinok Khliba" in Hebrew. Dim Khliba- this is a metaphor, what does it mean pekti, then. all vіdomy pristry for vipіkannya bread. Newer astral symbolism? So.

Pekti for brewing bread - tse “dim bread”, in which bread is “popular”.

Sirius(Greek Σείριος), being the most beautiful star of the first size, it is translated from Greek language with such words as “burning, baking”. Same with the heliac gathering of Sirius, as well as the entry of the Sun into fiery the sign of Leva began a year of speka that speka. For example, through the current speky period of summer, the admission to Ancient Rome was called “holidays”. Aje same Vacation(Lat. canicula) the ancient Romans called the star Sirius!

Bethlehem(Budinok Khliba) is a metaphor for the star Sirius (Heavenly Furnace), which is a symbol of the appearance at the gathering in the 1st degree of the sign Leo of the "king" of the sleepy system - Sontsya. In the old days, such an epithet of zirka Sirius yak sun.

Porіvnyalnі rosemіri zіrka Sirius and zіrki Sun

In this order, the naiaskravisha star Sirius, being a metaphorical "heavenly bird", figuratively "people's bread" is visible at the hidden part of the sky - a little star is visible on the im'ya Sun. Balance this symbolic language with the words of the author of one of the gospels of the New Testament:

They called on the New Youth for those who Vіn saying: I am the bread that comes from heaven. (Gospel of Ivan 6:41)


Otzhe, evangelical rhyme about the three wise men (magicians) is nothing else astral myth, not real historical evidence, described in the Bible And in the article, I will name the worldly astral symbolism of the so-called "old den", its characters and attributes.

As an addendum to this article, I propagate to marvel at the German-Dutch documentary 2005 “Deciphering Egypt”.

A film about trying to guess the mystery of the rosette of the Egyptian pyramids. The British writer and researcher Robert Boval is convinced that the recognition of the Egyptian pyramids is richer, lower than that of Egyptologists. Stretching twenty rokіv vіn shukaє more deep zmіst, which was known on ancient legends, myths and stars.

"Suzir'ya Orion vzagalі і zokrema - najaskravіshi zіrki, Orion's Belt, Khmara Orion, Orion's nebula and Kіnsk's Head is a skinny diva."

Orion is the name of a thought from ancient Greek mythology. Our days are one of the most famous narrows of the earthly sky, one of the largest, most memorable and the most beautiful. The great stars of Orion are located on the celestial equator, which can be seen in both pivkul.

Late in the evening, on the sunny side of the sky, you will obov'yazkovo respect for three bright stars. The stench hovered in a straight line, swaying to the horizon. Not all narrows, but only the “belt” of the most beautiful winter narrow Orion. All suzir'ya is richer. Vіsіm the most beautiful yoga stars make up the figure, like a great garnier bow for some amateurs of astronomy. And yet, long ago, people danced in the contours of these stars not a bow, but a thought that was sharpened to the teeth. Vіn having lifted a mace high above his head and placing a shield ahead of him, and from his belt - you yourself three stars - a sagaidak with arrows hangs from him. The names of the most beautiful stars of this suzir - Betelgeuse, which in ancient Arabic mine means "shoulder of the velvet", and Rigel - "leg" - people came up with a long time ago.

Orion (Greek Ὠρίων) - equatorial suzir'ya. This one has two stars of zero magnitude, 5 stars of the other and 4 of the third magnitude, and the middle ones are the most important stars of change. Suzir'ya is easy to tell for three white-black stars, which represent Orion's belt - Mintaka (δ Orion), which in Arabic means "belt", Alnilam (ε Orion) - "pearl belt" and Alnitak (ζ Orion) - "sash" . The stench stands alone on the same kutovіy vіdstanі and roztashovanі in the line, which shows the pivden-shidny kіnts on the black Sirius (Great Psi), and the pіvnіchno-zahіdny kіnts - on the red Aldebaran (Taurus). Biggest bright stars: Rigel, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. In Orion, the great nebula of Orion is ripped by the great eye. The narrower one has a lot of hot stars of the early spectral classes O and B, which make the dawn association.

Є chimalo tsіkavih legends about Orion. The skin of them has a heroic deed, that woman suffers from the approaching enemies. The legends of the ancient Greeks are told, for example, about those who, like Orion, poked at wild animals, like they constantly attacked the inhabitants of the island of Chios. The king of the island of the island vowed to Orion for the retinue of his daughter - the beautiful Merope; yakshcho myslyvets to protect us from terrible zvіrіv. Orion was robbed, but Yogo was horribly fooled. At the order of the king, they slept, hung their eyes and threw them on the deserted sea shore.

The God of the Son Helios turning the Yoma Zir. Orion took revenge on his enemies, but you fearfully hid in the oven. Veleten for a long time shukav їх, and for the whole hour іznі vіdbuvalsya vіdbuvali vіdvі vіdnі. Having perished Orion at the bite of the stingy Scorpion, which the Goddess Artemida sent to you.

Axis is this version

Surprise yourself and try to remember the two most beautiful stars of the Suzir Orion. Chervono-Zhovtogaryach Betelgeuse (out there in the mountains, α) is one of the largest stars in the sky. For obsyagy won at rich times more for the Sun. And zirka Rigel (right-handed below, β) is the nayyaskravisha zirka at tsomu suzir'ї. The won was squandered in front of us richly far away for all the other stars of Orion. Rigel is a gigantic zirka and even hot, so we get it black and white.

The suzir'ї Orion has a very special nebula, as it is called "Kin's head". To lie there to the dark, or to the fading nebula, and we would not be able to see it, as if the other nebula is not in the dark. From below you can see a great haze of gaspiles, with the head of a stallion hanging over the mustache.

In Bernard's catalogue, the nebula is given as number 33. First, the year 1888 was shown in a striking manner, the most photographic dress of Orion's suzir. The spectacular and beautiful nebula "Kinsk's Head" has become one of the most important objects in the Cosmos. And the shards of nebulousness do not always just watch out, then they vikoristovuyut like a re-verification of the possession.

Completely virtuoso form zrobila її one of the most important astronomical objects.

Light erysipelas of glow of water gloom on aphids like a damp one and dark horse heads appear, due to the ultraviolet manifestation of Sigma Orion, a young bright star of the OB class. The map of the polarization of the world is cloudy to talk about those that σ Orion is the only one with a hot vibe, which brings light to the region (the bright star of ζ Orion, which is planted nearby, is closer to us, lower darkness, and I don’t know that). The presence of a single straining dzherel to rob the head of the city with a miraculous single laboratory for re-verification of the main models of the processes of photodissociation, as if to describe the interaction between gas and saw, zanurennye at the "sea" of ultraviolet quanta.

In the sky, suzir'ya occupies a large area and roztashovane mostly horizontally. If you need to orientate yourself on Betelgeuse - a red color, and if you draw a line down Orion's belt, then we'll look at Sirius - a bright star in the sky.


Red Giant Betelgeuse(α Oriona), which in Arabic means “pakhva” - the change of star is incorrect, the glare changes from 0.2 to 1.2 of the dawn value and becomes close to 0.7m in the average. Stand up to the starry sky on the Earth to become 430 light rocks, and the lightness is 14,000 times greater than the sleepy one. This is one of the largest mediums known to astronomers: yakbi її place anatomy Sontsya, then at the minimum expansion, it filled the orbit of Mars, and at the maximum it reached the orbit. Jupiter. About `em Betelgeuse take more than dormouse in 160 million times.


White-black supergiant RigelOrion), which in Arabic means “leg”, has a visual dawn value of 0.18. Rigel be known in the country over 770 light-filled rocks Sontsya. The temperature of the surface is 11200 K (class B8I-a), the diameter is about 95 million km (which is 68 times larger Sontsya) and absolute star value-6.69; yogo lightness is 40,600 times higher than sony, which means that it is one of the most intense stars in Galaxies(recognize, most of the most beautiful stars in the sky, shards Rigel- Nayblizhcha zі zіrok z such majestic svіtnistyu). The ancient Egyptians sang Rigel h Sahom- the king of zirok and the patron of the dead, and pіznіshe - s Osiris.

Uranographia " Jan Heveliya (1690)

Uranographia "J. E. Bode (Berlin 1801)
click on image for enlargement

Urania's Mirror” (London, 1825)

Orion - in the old Greek mythology, a famous wise man, who is distinguished by his supernatural beauty and such heights that sometimes he was called a veletin. Sin of Poseidon and nymph Evreali, onuk of Kronos and Rei, man of Meropi. Another version of the hero's people tells about those that Zeus and Hermes saw a resident of Thebes Giriya. If that, after the sacrifice of a bika, that part of the gods, becoming skarzhitisya on childlessness, the guests coveted the skin of the victim. If the master brought the skin, the stench reminded him of a cut and ordered him to bury it in the ground. A few hours later, a lad appeared from her, having taken away the name Urion, who step by step changed to “Orion” for sweetness.

After that, as Orion lied to Merop and made friends with her against the will of the father, who deceived Orion, blinding him. Revealing zir, having risen in price until the month of Helios, in which he served one of the teachers of Hephaestus, which Orion was not on his shoulders. Orion presenting the change of the sleepy god with blind eyes, and Helios turning his eyes to him. There he was commemorated by the goddess Eos and became її kohanim.

Buv spіvtovarish Artemidi on poluvannya, for deakimi options - instantly chi overwhelmed the status of Kohanim of the goddess. Fighting the arrow of Artemis for the victory over her in the field, or for encroaching on the її value, or jealousy for the storming of Apollo, the brother of the goddess, who was afraid for її honor.

For another variant of the death of being bitten by a stingy scorpion, we will send Gaia abo Poseidon, under the hour of revisiting the Pleiades. Possibly, yogo tried to resurrect Asclepius, ale buv kills with a blow of Zeus's bliss. After the death of Orion, it will be reincarnated on the same suzir (for some variants of the myth - at once with your dog, we will transform Sirius or the Great Dog into the star; in myths, for the participation of Asclepius, there are also reincarnations on the suzir - Zmієnosets).

The middle star in the Sword of Orion is θ of Orion, which is a multiple of star system: chotiri її yaskravih components and make up a small chotirikutnik - the Trapeze of Orion. Moreover, there are some weaker stars there. All the stars are more young, the stench has recently been formed from the intersoraneous gas in an invisible darkness, which occupies the entire part of Orion's narrower part. Only a small little piece of gloomy, heated by young stars, can be seen under Orion's Belt in a small telescope and wind it with binoculars, like a green haze; the most important object near the suzir'ї is the Great Nebula of Orion (M42), which is approximately 1500 light rocks away and may have a diameter of 20 light rocks (15,000 times larger than the diameter of the Sonyach system). Vaughn was the first nebula photographed by astronomers (G. Draper, 1880).

At 0.5° on the afternoon, in front of the deep star of the Belt (Orion), the dark nebula of the Kinska Golova (B 33) loomed wide in the house, as it is clearly visible on the bright aphid of the nebula IC 434.


Asterism characteristic form suzir'ya, including stars - α (Betelgeuse), β (Rigel), γ (Bellatrix), ζ (Alnitak), η (Mintaka), κ (Saif).
An alternative name for asterism is Metelik.

Chotiri asterisms are connected with parts of the traditional position of the suzir.

Belt of Orion - stars of Mintak, Alnilam and Alnitak (vіdpovіdno, δ, ε і ζ of Orion). V_domy is also like Three Kings, Three Wise Men (Magi), Rake.
The Sword of Orion is an asterism that includes two stars (θ and ι) and the Great Nebula of Orion.
The Shield of Orion is an asterism, which is six folded with an arc: π1, π2, π3, π4, π5 and π6. The ancient name is Turtle Shell.
Club of Orion - asterism at the pivnіchnіy part of the narrower, which includes five stars χ2, χ1, ν, ξ and 69.
Come two asterims to revenge, in fact, however, the stars.

Mirror of Venus. Asterism The Belt of Orion, the star - the handle of the Sword and the star of Orion form a diamond-shaped mirror, and the asterism Sword of Orion itself plays the role of the handle of the mirror. In this order, the asterism includes the stars η, δ, ε, ζ, θ and ι to Orion.
New asterism Casserole wine among amateur astronomers in Australia. At the pivdenniy pivkulі of the Earth there are celestial objects, zokrem, suzir'ya, visible at the inverted position, while visibility at the pivnіchnіy pіvkulі. In this order, the asterism Mirror of Venus appears to be inverted: its handle protrudes like the handle of the Kastrula, and other stars fold the Kastrula itself. Asterism includes stars η, δ, ε, ζ, θ and ι to Orion.

The best mind for guarding the leaf fall - sіchnі.

At the roztashuvanni zirok suzir'ya it is easy to guess to be people. At Ancient Egypt suzir'ya Orion was respected as the "king of the stars", and to Old Babylon it was called the "Virny shepherd of heaven." In the Jewish (biblical) tradition, Orion was given the suzir'ya Kesil abo Kesil (іvr. כסיל, "fool"), the journey of which is still not explained.

At Ancient Greece in Susir'ї they danced the great thinker Orion, according to the Greek myth, the son of Poseidon and Evreali. It was placed in the sky by Father Poseidon after the death of Orion in the wake of the arrows of the goddess Artemidia (in the past myth - in the wake of the bite of Scorpion).

Suzir'ya is included before the catalog of the dawn sky by Claudius Ptolemy "Almagest".

Heart of Orion

Under Orion's Belt, you can see the light gaspylae nebula M42 (NGC 1976) - the Great Orion Nebula, its integral glare is 4.0m. The nebula can be seen with an invisible eye like an inconspicuous little plyamka, I’m going to a comet. At the telescope, however, nebula stands in all its beauty. At the center of the nebula, you can dance hot stars - the Trapeze of Orion. Navkolo Trapezium of Orion is an area of ​​active mirror creation, which consists of a superficial young congestion of stars of the same type of T-Taurus. The task of roztashovanі schіlnі molіlnі hlnі khmari, tse nіblizhchі up to the Sun giant molecular іnі khmari Orion A ta Orion, 400-500 pk away from them.

The nebula is seen on the top of 1500 bright rocks on the Earth, and the red color in the photograph is explained by the strong lights on the long windy day, which become the main mass of the gas of the Great Nebula.

Flame Nebula - Orion (NGC 2024)

The gas-pilo nebula from Orion's nebula, is designated in Henry Draper's catalog as NGC 2024. This beautiful complex is gloomy, which glows, with numerous dark blotches, you can see close up in the sky from the three stars of Orion's belt - σ Orion. Obviously, the very σ of Orion and pіdsvіchuє tsey ob'єkt. In the distance to the nebula, there may be close to 1000 bright rocks.

Orion is more like a brown as a helper for the search for other stars. If you hang straight through the belt of Orion, then you should come in Aldebaran (alpha Taurus), and in the descent - Sirius (alpha great dog). The line to the exit through the first row points to Procyon (alpha of the Lesser Dog), and then stretch the line from Rigel (extreme star in the third row, ear of Orion’s left leg) through Betelgeuse (extreme star in the first row, Orion’s right paws), then we can use Castor and Pollux (alpha and beta Bliznyukiv).

Even though the language has already gone about the stars, then varto say about those that the suzir of Orion is superbly rich in the sky of objects.
Alpha Orion є Betelgeuse, red star, which will change the orbit of Mars. Ale, regardless of those who are alpha, troch dark, lower Rigel. Rigel - beta suzir'ya - a majestic blue-white star, one of the most beautiful stars of the earth's sky. Particularly impressive are the stars of Orion's belt - Mintaka (delta), Alnitak (zeta) and Alnilam (epsilon) - three yaskra stars, which stand in a row one with one, - only by them one can recognize Orion among the other suzirs.

The Suzir'ya of Orion is famous for its blessing, which in the middle of the new one can be instilled with an unbroken eye, or, take, for the help of binoculars, a little more, a cream of stars, a whirlwind of a dark star, that shines, a gas and a saw. "Useredin" Orion, such nebulae are used, for example, like the Orion Nebula, the Kinsky Head Nebula. And if you get a bigger telescope, you can see the Bernard Loop and see NGG 2024! In a word, Orion's narrower region is one of the most intensive regions of the birth of stars.

Orion himself, from the lowest configuration of the star, appeared in our sky about the second million years ago. I, zgіdno z rozrakhunkami, suzіr'ya will be a lot of recognition of the second-two million years, to kill him with one of the suzіr'їv, that they are afraid of the other, as it developed in parallel with human civilization.

M43 (NGC 1982) - De Mairan Nebula in Suzir Orion

M43 - diffuse nebula (NGC 1982), which brings in and rises light. Vaughn is immediately vvazhaetsya by a part of the Orion Nebula, being watered by M42 with a swarthy dark saw. Previously, the bula was described by Mayran in 1733, and for a long time she wore yoga name.

M43 has a nu-orionis (HD 37061) glare, which has a glare of 6.5 m-7.6 m and spectral class B4. More than anything, M43 shines brightly against the stars, as if they have vanished into this part of the Orion nebula. The nebula shines in the beaten light, the shards of energy of the respite of the marriage of the stars of marriage, the cry of the emission of the vibrance. The M43 nebula avenges the most significant gases for nebulae (water and helium), fumes, and induces some molecular characteristics, including organic ones.

And let's read the axis of the cikavu version of how the suzir'ya Orion and the Egyptian civilization.

From the old hours, the remnants of civilizations were saved, which they went. Archaeological excavations date these monuments thousands of years before our time, ruining the minds of how the people of that era lived. Reconstructions should be of intelligent nature and prompted more importantly on admissions, lower on residually visible and reliable data, which are not visible. Facts, familiar proliferation, can miraculously spive, and more importantly, touch those, like everything was in the old hours. If there are new facts, then we can bring theories to a revision, or before that new facts simply cannot be remembered. We wonder what new science could bring up if all pyramids were born modern methods doslіdzhen, i yakikh vysnovkіv dіyshla.

At the center of our respect, the pyramids in Giza (one of the “wonders of the world”), the palace complex of Angkor Wat near Korea and the Egyptian megalith leaned. Rest of the report about the nebuval accuracy and validity of their motives for spreading stars in the sky 10,500 years ago. It was clear that the three pyramids in Giza create and reflect the heavenly picture - the expansion and expansion of the three stars of the suzir of Orion. The view of the beast shows what Great Pyramid and another pyramid to lie on a diagonal, straightened under a 45˚ cut, tobto. on the front line to the front side of the first. The Third Pyramid is in fact placed on the fold in the direction of the line. The three stars of the Orion's Belt also make up for the “irregular diagonal”.

However, marveling at the sky of today, you will not know the exact topography between the topography of the valleys of Giza and the narrow pits of Orion. In order to recognize, like the sky was for the hours of the pyramids, it is necessary to look at the past. І such a follow-up of Buvel. In order to designate the period, if the expansion of the pyramids was already confirmed by the expansion of the stars of Orion, you had a chance to speed up with the astronomical computer program Skyglobe 3.5 and protect the cosmic phenomenon, as it is called precession. Precession is a limitless hijacking of the earth's axis behind a circular cone, the cycle of which is three times 25920 years. The result of this cycle is the displacement of the position of the zіrok zі shvidkіstyu 1 for 72 years (tobto 360 for 25920 years). In this order, the visions of the zmіg will be revealed in the past epoch, if the picture of the dawn sky zbegalas from the roses of the pyramids: Orion. In the same epoch and only in it, the spreading of the pyramids on the earth exactly reflected the position in the sky of the three stars of Orion's Belt. It should be noted that Osiris is often called the God of the First Hour in ancient Egyptian texts. To that, as evidence of dates 10,500 BC. The cob of a precessionary cycle is a big one, then this one is clearly marvelous ... For the time being, it is important for science to know the clue to such riddles.

And now, marveling at another marvel of the world, roztashovane in distant Cambodia, like, at the thought of historians, no way Egyptian pyramids. Another "miracle" is the palace complex i, which appeared in a thousand years after the emergence of the civilization of the pharaohs, and itself between 802 and 1220 pp. not. Natkhneniy results of Robert Bauvel, yoga colleague Graham Hancock for his research, choosing yoga is not vipadkovo: Angkor is located at 72 on the cross of Gizi. The name Angkor in Sanskrit means "place", but in the same hour of my old Egyptian day "Angkor" it could be more precisely "God is alive". In the midst of the triumphant inscriptions of Jayavarman VII, the Khmer king, a mysterious inscription was revealed on the stele, digging into the king's palace: "The land of Kambu (Cambodia) is analogous to the sky." The very suggestion suffocated the dosledniks on the jokes of unresolved mysteries of the ancient controversy.

At 1996 Hancock's assistant D. Grisbi, conducting the correlation of Angkor from the dawning sky, revealing that the headmen of the temple imitate the fluffy line of the suzir Dragon, or Orion! Angkor Wat is made up of five folds one in one rectangle. Their short sides are exactly the same as pivnich and pivden: similar to the new topographic vimir, “absolutely without shyness”. The other sides are so precisely oriented Skhid and Zakhid (0.75 degree bend). It is noteworthy that these palaces were organized on the occasions of more ancient spores, so one more important food is called out: who and if you have cherished the life of this temple?

For whom Hancock was also quickened by the Skyglobe 3.5 computer program, for the help of which Bauvel revealed the attachment plan for the placement of Gizi's pyramids. The starting point was the date 1150 p. A.D., if Sur'yavarman II died, for which reason Angkor Wat was disputed. But in this, and in the next historical period, the founding of Angkor did not have a good time, so that the suzeer was in the main position. There was only one thing left: to reconcile how the sky looked over Angkor in 10500 BC. І Hancock Mavration: in 10500 BC in a day spring day suzir'ya Dragon leaned on the pivnoch in the middle of the sky, as if projecting its stars on the head temples of Angkor!

It appears that the main temples of Angkor, like the pyramids of Gizi, fix one and the same date - 10500 BC. And yet, it seems that in the tsiu epoch in Egypt, no, more, in the territory of the lower Cambodia, it was not possible to instill the rudiments of such a highly diverse civilization, as it were not only to create such a grandiose picture of the uncreative in their eyes, but just to create a picture of such a grandiose controversy in them! Why, in both vipads, monuments were tied to themselves up to 10,500 before? Chi іsnuє in tsimu yakiysh prihovaniya zv'yazyok? You can, obviously, let it go that the temples were zbudovani itself at the same time, and not at the same time, if the historians took care of it. And what more of a riddle are left with those, with what method the stench was awakened? And how could the people of the Neolithic era mother such exact knowledge, how did they allow them to work for a robit with a minimum degree of death? For example, the Great Pyramid in Gizma Mayzha is ideally oriented on all sides of the world. The average cost is to become close to two kutovyh khvilin, which makes less than 0.015% of the cutoff. A death of two or three degrees - a pardon is close at hand - it’s impossible to remember with an indefinable eye, but it’s impossible to get ready for the work of the future, with this significance, it’s going to decrease even more.

Dali, as if we were equal to the sides of the base of the pyramid, then we would consider the minimum difference in the dimensions: 230.3 and 230.1 meters, which should become less than 0.1%. It is important to reach such a small recovery during everyday life, the death in our houses sounds to become 1-2%, tobto. more, lower at the old budіvelniks! Old-time alarm clocks of the pyramid have reached even the ideal values ​​of її kutivs: pivdenno-shidny and pivdenno-zahіdny - 89° 56′ 27″, pivnіchno-skhіdny - 90° 3′ 2″, pivnіchno-zahіdny 89° 59′ ). Until then, the pyramids were folded in such a rank that the top is above the center of the base. Navit an insignificant pardon at the vugilla nahil of one of the side faces could lead to a significant separation of the ribs of the peak. With such a rank, the difficulties of the physical and organizational nature were repaired, in order to show such a vinyatkov accuracy - they become a riddle.

G. Hancock at his thick book "Mirror of Heaven, otherwise search for a civilization" after trying out some tips on nutrition about the metaphor of everyday life of these disputes. In my opinion, in the prehistoric era on Earth, a spiritual system was founded, founded on the idea of ​​reviving that immortality. Vaughn lay behind the rozvinenіy tsivіlіzatsії, as if unreasonably by some rank it appeared from the earth.

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At the belt at the suzir'ї Orion, three stars enter. Suzir'ya is marked on the equator, and it can be seen throughout Russia.

Zirki Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka

In ancient times, it was not only mandrivings that were oriented towards the stars, but ancient temples, in ancient civilizations, but the pyramids on the Giza plateau and dosi є a copy of the rosette of the heavenly bodies on the Earth.

Nainizhcha zirka, z trioh, tse zirka, translated from Arabic means "mother's belt", or "sash". Vaughn is the first for the bright star of the class O, who is known on the vіdstanі 825 svetlovih rokіv vіd the Earth. Alnitak - blakytny supergiant and є system of potrynoy zirka. The mass of the head star of Alnitak A is 28 dormouse, and the radius is 20 times greater, lower in Sun. This blackite giant of spectral class O9.7 has a surface temperature of 33,500 Kelvin. Two companions of the head star, which are black behind the color, evoke brightness 4 and 10 clearly. Svіtnіst Alnikak 35 thousand times vishcha for our Sun. The satellite of the head star Alnitak B belongs to class O9.5. Vіn zdіysnyuє circular turnover navko Alnitak A for 1510 years. Alnitak, so the very maє companion. Not long ago (1998) letter vіdkritiy i Alnitak S, 10th star size.


Zirka Alnilam, image from the DSS catalog

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