What day were you born. Characteristics of people who are popular at Friday. What share can you check for venerian? Week - Sun

People, the people of Friday, we are in front of two moments - the seriousness and the pragnennya show the creative cob in everything.

People, narodzhenі on Friday, in nature endowed with kindness for a taste of taste, then the stink of the sound of pragmatically beautiful, sophisticated stylish, that in them is already clearly manifested aesthetically spryyattya light. Tse manifests itself in the fact that a person, narodzhena on Friday, is not only able to do a good job, but also to work thinly, as much as possible. It’s good for representatives of this day - the same thing at the same time means garne, filigree and so on.

Another one characteristic of rice people, people at Friday - titanic patience. But here there is a nuance. Patience does not last until the singing hour. Once you don’t see the wine, and then your special life will have a right Armageddon, with a lot of hints that the stars are crying out, but at the hour of an emotional outburst, such a person practically doesn’t control himself and will be viruvati doti, until he falls into a state of exhaustion. Only then can one turn to the mind of a person who was born on Friday, but not earlier. It's true, then such a person will renew everything.

People, the people of Friday, are also powerful and singing a part of masochism - they won't love the mustache for the rest of the day. Vіn mozhe tizhnyami do not work anything - lie on the sofa, read books and marvel at the TV, not showing the desired bajan, take up the right. And yet, just a little more than a year before the task of the work, people. Nation at Friday, beginning to work, like establishments - do not sleep at night, work heroic zusillya, overwork and literally see the implementation of the planned right. As a rule, why should I give in, but then we will again have a period of non-robbery.

Insanely, in a skin person, people who are born on Friday, they manifest themselves in a different world, but if they seem to be different people, it’s not uncommon to behave like that, so those who stink of their own are beautiful, but, accept, to be true. creative thoughts. In a word, they try to make the situation look “glamourous”.

Lyudina, narodzhena on Friday, watching the strong infusion of the planet Venus on her own, love to enjoy the creations of painting, poetry, everything that shows talent. The very same among the people, the people of Friday, a lot of people of the mysticism.

More people, people around Friday, attach a lot of respect to inner thoughts, spiritual experiences. Sometimes they go to melancholy, but sometimes they don’t give them the opportunity to rule well in life.

People, narodzhenі in pyatnitsyu, mayut shchey harn pіdpriєmnitsku vein. Ale, in order to be able to realize but wisely. And, besides, the patronizing talent of people, the people of Friday, will always be heavy to the arts. That is why there are so many producers among them, people who work in the field of art, quiet, who organize the show.

Zagalom people, people on Friday, love the calm, comfort, savory food. The most frequent dream (especially among women) is to build your little “nest” and get lost in a new yakomoga.

For their nature, people, people on Friday, home, so they come out of them good sim'yanini. But you often respect yourself, if you need it, change your life. If the stench still manages to go somewhere, then only after they change their minds, that for them they have booked a deluxe hotel room, there is a garna kitchen and a warm climate.

Likewise, a person, narodzhena at Friday, cherishes the guardianship. Vіn zavzhdy zayviy times to be safe, persh nizh zdіysnit yakіs dії, nіkoli do not break the crotch in advance, without perekonavshis, scho be-yakoy mitі you can go back.

Zagalom, people, people on Friday, rejoice at the age of marriage or, accept, exercise to the point of jealousy. Їm power in non-abyakі diplomatic zdіbnostі. Navit in the most extreme situations, people, people on Friday, try to save the cold-bloodedness that clear mind.

All who were born on Friday, Venus is opined. She gave them a gift - kohannya, kohati and buti kohanimi. What a good gift, be with them all їhnє life, stink love and love. So it will give them beauty, inspire people like Friday and not garni, all the same mother charm, charisma, charisma. Under the hour, try to get in touch with them, that the stench will calm you down, instill the same stench and not shy away. Stink like a balakuchi, love to talk and take away from your satisfaction. Live the stink for the sake of people close to them, help them, give them thoughts, how to live well, what it is necessary to live and take away the joy of life and feel happy.
Stinks love the calm, stability, steel. Love your homeland and loved ones. Vmіyut zgurtuvati people dovkol itself.
They have a lot of success in the financial sector, and often they pass on their success to their partners.
The stench themselves rob the buildings, de robiti car'er. But it’s best for them to have mercy on quiet ones on a straight line, de need to work out of a penny.
There is no sense to be jealous of the quiet, who is among the people at Friday. Only the same freedom, that homely calm can be overcome. And not swarms and scandals.
Yakshcho you patted the people with a great move, beautiful, stately and harmoniously folded - in front of you is a people, narodzhena on Friday.
People, the people of Friday, are invigorated by their beautiful beauty, just like such people and “drink water”: their eyes are large, bright with long and thick winds, their eyebrows are beautifully curved, their mouths are beautifully shaped.
People on Fridays feel deep, almost like wetness. You always respect your bosses and swear by them.
The people at Friday have fun and love jarring, but they don’t allow the light to show other people, but it hurts someone more.
Such people, people on the day of the management of Venus, love to dress up, make cloth and speech. Buy yourself all the best: food, wine, cloth, interior items and art.
Before the arts, it’s sky-high, often looming like a talent: they sing, dance, play instruments.
Even love to read and write your own verses, compose music, learn to paint.
It’s better, like people who were born on Friday, to get enlightened: these are nuggets and from them they are obov'yazkovo used in life.
The people at Friday are great merry men, the stench of marveling at the sky is often lower on your own feet. To love to be merciful with that nature. Appreciate the beauty of all manifestations. More curious and thoughtful.
People on Friday are more sensitive to other people, children and creatures, to all hopeless things.

The people at Friday can be recognized with wide eyes. Eyebrows in them are lifted, the course is great. Navit an ordinary spіvrobіtnik on robots to behave in such a way that one is respected by the boss. Stink love jartuvati, ale so, schobi do not form. Love to sleep and listen to music, read books, don't go to hell. Don't bathe new rich yakscho won not herself-nay!
Love to marvel at yourself at the mirror that looks to the sky. To love the world and most of all, I respect the wisdom of the truth for the truth.
Write your own leaves, lead the students, try to write verses, it’s not good to be small. If you give them the opportunity to get enlightenment, then they will be good for them. My grandmother loved to talk about such things: nuggets. The people at Friday morning take someone else's child for rehab, and not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of being spiky to the point of shame. If people stay at Fridays on Fridays, then live for a long time.
friends at Friday
you can recognize with wide eyes. Navit an ordinary spіvrobіtnik on robots to behave in such a way that one is respected by the boss. Stink love jartuvati, ale so, schobi do not form. To love music, books, light, to chirp around the world
Do good work. If you give them the opportunity to get enlightenment, then they will be good for them. The people at Friday morning take someone else's child for rehab, and not for the sake of fame, but for the sake of a special reason for mercy and justice. Yakscho dotremuvatimutsya on Friday post, then live long.
The stench is pleasant, vvіchlivі, lagіdnі, love malt. Behind the statistics, every day there are a lot of rich people who are gifted with talents. Often - the goal of life.
Women who were born on Friday have a lot of ideas, and they look for a chance for their realization. Women are sky-high. Do not buy a new river, as if there is no nay-nay! For them, the sound beauty is important - the seam stretched, softly light; stink to love massage, love games, in which they play the role of passive. Garniy voice, artistry shilyayut їх to robots in the spheres of aesthetics, art is such a mess.

Adjustment of the day:

My fifth day, be happy
In harmony Soul and Body,
My Essence is non-aggressive,
I love to be right.

Bazhayuchim and the warehouse of the word, scho tsіkavitsya.
let me look at the main meaning of the word “Friday”:

Five Nits A - the manifestation of the main pardon, a weak month in a special light.
АЦ ІН ТЯП - revealing by the Astral Center of bad motives and the reasons for this bad behavior.

The task of this day is the manifestation of the step of the cohanna of the people, the re-buffing of the Achilles' heel of the skin, to bring yoga to the fall of one's people, creating a special tragedy.

The character of a person is determined by the stars, the hour of the birth of that date, and also the great injection into the share of that character may be the day of the day, if we were born. Moreover, according to the assertions of psychologists, it is true that on which day you and your brother were born, you can judge your wisdom and future life.

National Day at Mondays

Otzhe, yakscho you were born at Ponedilok - the patron saint of this day є Month. The month is slow and apparently imposes a win on your character. People who were born on Mondays tend to change their moods often and change their energy, and are sensitive and romantic in nature. To love savoryly and dress well, to be sensitive to salt takes far from the rest of the place in your life. The bulk of thought of such people plays a great role. Tse primhlivі that vpertі individuals, but at once the stench of chuyni and always ready to come to the rescue. Like sexual partners, they stink and are romantic.

An ideal partner, for a person who was born on Monday, will be the people of Friday and Tuesday. Such a union will give rozumіnnya that stability. Saturdays and weekly partners will also work for you, but let us allow the union of these people to work on the wines. On a partner who was born on Saturday, you will not be able to rely on, so you are ready to take kermo power into your own hands - then you have every chance to live long and happily. If you spend a week of marriage, then you will have to sharpen your partner with an overworld turbo and respect, so you are ready to put up with the role of a nanny, then your partner!

People who were born on Friday, Wednesday and Thursday are not suitable for Trivali serious vіdnosin. Irrespective of those who are a partner, who was born on Friday, it can become for you the love of your whole life, unfortunately, you are doomed to fail. The person of Thursday will be very critical of you, and the partner, who was born on Wednesday, will bring you no surprises, you will have a chance to get a new compliment.

National Day at Vtorok

During the whole day, the planet Mars has been fighting, it is not surprising that they were born among the second, fuse, nimble, love to command and have a strong character. Hour їхні vchinki dosit smoothly explain, stink to love the dynamics of that yaskravі vrazhennya. In partnerships, as a rule, these people are not simple because of their foldable nature. In intimate places, they often do not get romanticism and affection, through their hyperactivity, sex representatives of Mars will be swarthy and zhorstky. You can tell your partner that they are more engaged in sex for the sake of their own satisfaction and they don’t care much for others, often in the same part of the truth.

Ideally, the meeting of people on the second day is the same Monday. The soft character of the Lunary in the building is adequate to adopt the skittish and zhorstkoy Martian. Poednannya vіvtorok / vіvtorok, maybe only in that moment, as one of the partners will take the leadership of the other. Likewise, they check on you for a mutual remembrance of roses and love, with a person, as she was born on Thursday. A partner, who was born in the midst, will play you with his lightness and inconsistency. Saturday's partner will not put up with your dominance and directness, which was hardly possible for the girls to prepare for. The people of Friday that week took care of the big one on their cohans, so you are ready to “open up” in them, then, perhaps, you will see.

Wednesday's National Day

Mercury opposes you, and therefore, endows you with redness, lightness, lightness. You are not guilty of problems with splkuvannyam. As a rule, Mercurians in their lives and kohann may have a bunch of well-known and shanuvalniks, the faucets of their communication skills and privablivost. In the wake of new ideas, you need to change that question. Mercury develops in people cicacity and endows with excellent susceptibility to the language and information. Sexual people are also capable of innovation and experimentation, it’s easy for them to be surrounded by one partner.

An ideal partner for you will be a person who is narodzhena at Friday and a week. Spilience of interests, vitality and nevgamovna energy to build up the whole union of tsikavim in all vіdnosinakh. For a person who was born in the second generation, your way of life will be unacceptable, as long as you live according to yoga rules - a union of possibilities. Sporidne soul narodzhennogo in the middle of the present to you those claims, scho і vi їy. If you learn to sacrifice interests for the sake of one another, you will live to a gray hair at once.

Partner, people of four, - tse yours is exactly the same and wanting everyone to see that the opposites are attracted, save such a union, you will do it smoothly, you are too old. Before a person who was born on Saturday, you can have a strong pull and such a union has the right to life, but it’s a pity, for thriving people, one physical addiction is not enough.

Thursday's National Day

At the four people, the right sіm'anini are being greeted. The patron saint of this day is Jupiter, which gives a person a seriousness, self-confidence, organizational strength, exaltation to leadership, justice. Qi people inspire confidence. The stench loves stability and before the change, that innovation should be protected. In young people, to love fastness, truth, to come to what you don’t see, ring out, in youth you may be richly suffocated. Sexuality does not like haste, romantic atmosphere and love preludes are important for them. Love mandruvati. Spirituality and speech of these people stand in the first place, the stench is often engaged in charitable work and missionary work.

Your mind will have a promising alliance as a partner, we will celebrate Saturday. There will be passion and intelligence that povaga. Unfortunate prospects with a partner, narodzhenim from second generation, it’s true, this wonderful union can stir up your nevgamovne jealousy. It’s not good for Thursday to come together with Friday, though you happen to be close to a little like a partner, even if it’s Friday 7th on Friday! If you are ready to go - you are in charge of the whole harmony of life.

And the axis of the people on Wednesday, the fourth of that week - you are not allowed to go. The union of these partners is extremely possible, hello! The partner of the people of the middle, better for everything, does not tolerate your leadership and superiority over him, the people of the people on Thursday have a lot of sleep with you, and you yourself will do it well at once. learn to act and then there will be a chance for a trip. And the axis from the week of laying a little dot to dotik, what can be said here - the future is even more vague.

National Day at Friday

The patroness of Friday, Venus, who is popular all day, she gave charm, to get along with others, life, radio, and artistry with a loud voice. For such people, even more important is the beauty of beauty, the cost of everything: speeches, nature, partners. Call at Friday, the militants, actors, peacekeepers are ringing. Tse people are worthy, on which you can swear. Sex in such people can be farted by romantic farbs, they stink to love long-term love games, they often choke and suffocate.

You have the most romantic and sensitive union with a people who are people on Mondays. So it’s ideal for you to have a partner, who was born on Saturday, will hone you with that love - that’s the same person, you can swear forever. Partner, people of the second generation, vimagatime in the presence of you advanced respect for your person. Today is Friday / the middle of the cicave at all vіdnosinah, the stosunki will be colorful, they will feel that romance, but the union will not be stable. Partner, there are four nationalities, it’s unlikely that you will understand, there is a great difference in tastes. Friday / Friday is more collaborative, mutually ringing, that misunderstanding is ruining your union. Every Friday/week is quite acceptable, the only threat to your union can be your partner's relatives.

National Day on Saturday

For Saturday "vіdpovіdaє" the planet Saturn. Tsya planet helps vchenim and teachers, psychologists, philosophers. People are serious and vidpovidalnym. Tse people are firm and rіshuchі, the stench does not like crowded companies and vague acquaintances. At the vіdnosinah postіyni, to sіm'ї that shlyubu approach more seriously. The stench doesn't suffocate at first glance, wind up at the right of the heart, save a clear mind, relying on the logic of that mind. As a rule, people begin to engage in sex on Saturday, later, lower, to the fact that partnership nourishment plays a great role in their life.

As you have come into the world on Saturday, the ideal partners for you to become people at Monday, Wednesday that week. Your partners will share your life, and you will kindly add one to the other. The partner, who was born in the second generation, will give you a gift of passion and emotions, but it's a pity, such a blue will not be old-fashioned. Retail at glances and too late different blues before the partnership, serve as a postal worker until rozryv.

The Union Thursday / Saturday is not to be forgotten, so you are ready to go ahead to your partner and forgive him a lot, the union of possibilities. Partner, people at Friday, you can enchant and inspire you to suffocate in yourself, but be careful - this building will break your heart. Well, the same as you, Saturday partner, you are constantly resisting, making claims and making claims. If you know how to overcome the image of that rozcharuvannya - you will finish the splinter with a trival.

National Day of the Week

A week is the day of the day when the Sun is opinated. Tsі people vmіyut be happy and joyful skin mitі. Such people are up to the whole creative mind. It is important that these people are happy, that the stench of the people took away the charge of the sleepy light, it’s not much of a disappointment in the current life of short hours, and the success and joy of the Borg. People, who were born this day, may be smart to creative professions, they come out of bad doctors and readers. In the case of partners, the stench is smeared as soon as new, for the truth, I care for myself a constant respect.

On you check equal and calm life with a partner, who was born on Monday, though the whole union will be without turbulent emotions and passions. You will finish the union with a partner, we will make people around the middle, even if you don’t like one-manhood and tedium, but you also know how to intimidate the life of a kohano people, such an alliance will be rich.

A week / a week is an ideal option, regardless of those that are already similar. For the sake of life, and be optimists, save your union for the rest of your life.

A partner, who was born on Friday, can cheer you up at first glance, and as it happens, you will be together for a long time. And from the same stone they will give a crack, it’s not possible to navit namagatisya їх uryatuvati. With such a union, it’s possible to get along once, otherwise there’s nothing good. So you will have a partner, who was born on Saturday, however, if you forgive one another, and you will not fall into ambition. And the axis of two and four is not suitable for you. The first partner will come to you with or without a drive, and the other one will try to help you.

Behind the system, in the hours of antiquity, the day of Monday, if we came into the world, rich in what is our bioenergetic potential, the main character drawing, setting up the world of people, the sphere of activity, we can achieve the greatest success, that , in fact, the ashes of our whole life. Otzhe...

Monday people

People at Mondays celebrate the month. Monday people - tse sum'yattya, more sumniviv. Yakby stink zumili rose from their own, podolat mental rubbish, then they would reach significant heights in life. Tse emotsіyno vіdkritі, comrade people. Ale, with every good thing, you can take your right hand for a sense of rich fantasy. The stench is easy to stick to and to human sharpening, and changes in life. Ale don’t even like to dolati pereshkodi, volіyuchi this hour, opinitsya in the role of a led, behind the back of a strong leader. The very same stink people are trying to pick themselves up from the companions of life. It’s not enough to add the prospect of dragging on for a long time to lead other people, to which people suffer from self-sufficiency for an hour. And Skoda, even in family life, the stink of garni: to love the calm, housekeeping and faithfulness to your order to the end.
Sim'ya - tseh horses, one might say, nadzavdannya.

People of the second

Mustache, people of the second generation, live under the sign of Mars, the planet of warriors. I character they have vіdpovіdno zavzyaty, napoleglivy, often aggressive. However, the stench often requires the authority of the authorities to be right and right. Summons from this drive sometimes to the extent that they can be angry in themselves, the correctness of their vchinkiv. Therefore, the support of alienated people in the second life is necessary. Unfortunately, the stench is often impulsive and self-indulgent: start breathing, then think. For this reason, an ideal companion for the people of the second generation can become a person - a kind-hearted and trustworthy friend, who, in spite of himself, hatefully directs їhnі zusilla. In this way, people in the second place can achieve a lot of things in different spheres of activity.

People in the middle

To people who appeared in the world in the middle, the planet Mercury (the god of trade, knowledge, intelligence, intelligence) is being opined. I mean the richness of the inner light and the breadth of the spectrum of the flood. The stench sounds far away engaged in marketing, science, the advertising business, they start all their lives, gain wealth, and not even love to advertise for power, willfully cope with the overwhelming hostility of conservative people. People in the midst of early childhood plan their lives, to achieve success in the singing profession, and then boldly go to heaven. As a rule, he will save fortune, and the stench will smell the rapt evil, reaching the intended. And then we come to such a moment, for the last year of the XXth century, if a person in the middle, being no longer able to get in with his passions and greediness, dominarily change his tired camp, giving out energy, which is long streaming. Whipping їх, vin turns to a sizable, measured life. I'm starting to look again, not just a little, but cold, everything is reasonable. To the one who entrusted from the middle of the people will be a companion of life, which will allow him an hour at a time of little use, put up to that z rozuminnyam, such a couple is safe for a happy long time family life.

Thursday people

On Thursday, people are opined by Jupiter, the father of the gods, the guarding world, and often people on Thursday, having reached maturity, become rulers, recognized as good organizers, administrators singly. The stench reaches success in politics, religion, the sphere of administration, management. Before them, as a rule, reach out to those who are in need of intercession. A lot of people, married to four, are gifted with the gift of transferring, so that they can transfer the future. For an hour you lakaє їх themselves, and navіt try to fight with them, strangling your own manifestation of such zdіbnosti. And for nothing: even then, in such a rank, the zakhist burn is granted, so that the stench could omit life without spending money.
The pervasiveness of the people of Jupiter, which at times navit z stupidity, as if it were soothing, often calls out when splintering with them. But really, the stench is making a walkie-talkie, the shards are guarded by their logic, often inaccessible and unreasonable sharpness. Until the end of the inter-character, it’s important for an hour to attach to your household. Aje the dominion of people, the people of four, intolerance to someone else's thoughts (like stench you can hear, only everything is the same "rob in your own way") - stronger testing of the mother tongue. However, for those natures, if they want to be aware that they love to associate with a strong partner, such an alliance can be beneficial. Thursday's people, as a rule, are strong and kind. Truth be told, our partners have to repeatedly recognize the strongest pricks of jealousy, shards of stench gradually attract other people to themselves. But the people of Jupiter are unique in weldings and scandals, trying to make a difference in the light of conflicts. Ale, when arranging with them, varto vrahuvati, that all Thursdays it’s important to go on deeds and not forgive your partners the image and zrad.

Friday people

People, people at Friday, live under the intercession of Venus. This planet endows them with a great gift - the art of kohati and buti kohanimi. Go ahead of the people, to take away the life of satisfaction and generously bestow on your loved ones. Znevira and pokirnist, suffering is unbearable for them. In any situation, the people of Venus should try to bring optimism and joy. The stench is more addictive, navit being deprived of a bright callousness. For different furnishing, you should always be able to get rich in impressive and accommodating.
Prote didn’t need to trust their words: people don’t give them Friday great significance. Flirtatiously and calmly with my master’s, really, the stench is far away from the pragnennya, calling: for them, it’s the place, as the stench is taken away by the majestic satisfaction. Friday people love their donkey, family, create a warm, homely, peacefully calm atmosphere, crowding members of this family around themselves. Ale їх it is impossible to lose in the tight framework of this. The stench is guilty of constantly expanding its horizons, knowing the rich world for yourself, then you will be full of life, and for your own happiness you will give the stink of joy to your household and friends. It is impossible to bind them to oneself with butt problems. I am comfortable only with those who give me happy freedom and calmly, with whom I am not tormented by jealousy and suspicion. Tse naimіtsnіshi invisible lantsyugi, zdatnі utrimati їh order for a long time. Before the speech, all the people on Friday of the building pass on a part of their spring as to relatives, so to business partners, they will always be happy with their pennies: it’s good for them, so you can earn a non-abyak.

Subothi people

The people of Saturday are the people of Saturn. The stench live under the vag ancestral karmis. Only the people of Saturday are strong enough to bear the blame, but for the same reasons, it is impossible for them to give unfettered power. For the sake of their majestic practicability, intelligence and talent, with an exasperated view of the people, people of the building rise to unbelievable heights at the maisternosti and kar'єri. Ale їkhnіy way - the leader of actions and important, without misbehavior. Life credo - ce praccia, honor and obov'yazok, vminnya and patience, like a robot, and a sim'ї.
But often people who are born on Saturday do not have happiness in a special life, even if they stink, that their lives will automatically secure their special happiness, and do not report for the achievement of great zusils. Having done this, the stench is over, that everything is allowed to rule by itself, and you become hostile, if you don’t see it. Hurrying up the camp, the stench will become a partner's slave, or, on the contrary, give free rein to their sovereign ambitions. Neither one nor the other can bring them happiness. It’s a pity that Saturday people need to be led at home like a robot: properly and step by step, step by step, with hard work and patience, make a family wake up, and only then they will be granted special happiness that satisfaction with the slave. To the people of Saturday, all life is mindful of pratsyuvati and pratsyuvati, ale zate, having reached the heights of honor in supremacy and having made the mitzna of this, such people in old age become richly happy, lower in youth. I, being long-lived, the stench of the world rejoices in their happiness, grown by long and hard work.

People of the week

People who were born in a week, perebuvayut under the intercession of the Son, still alive. That stench literally viruyut nevycherpnoy energy, scho b'є over the edge. Let us be happy forever and ever. However, most of the time, more often than not, though paradoxically, bad luck is more common. On the right, in the fact that people have been given a week of life as a nation, everything is given to the whole world - intelligence, talent, life strength, peace, beauty and kindness, that stench is often able to lead a trouble-free way of life and rest on our laurels, not reporting great zasil for the security of a happy future. And even if up to 33 years the stench floats afloat to their gifts and rich inclinations, then we start life from them to feed on a new program - what we have learned, what we have achieved, spiraling on a generous advance. Their numerical talents and zdіbnostі z vycherpuyutsya with time, and careless work hard for the sake of car'єri and mіtsnoї sіm'ї z neminuchistvo lead to broken corita іlyuzіy and nadіy. As a result, people for weeks in the worst world miss the opportunity to know material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
In order to become special, to realize all your talents in the nature of life, the people of the Son of Childhood need a lot of discipline and the well-being of garniy osviti. It is necessary for us to thrive in an atmosphere of practicality, then in a mature state of stink we will not become, in the aftermath of our centrism and irrepressible ambitions, a drag for the restless. Just having ceased to hurt themselves and directed their efforts to help other people, to their self-perfection and the development of professional skills, people can become happy for a week and become famous at the singing stakes, and, not included, very famous. Happily, as if to stink of a sensible companion of life, born at four, with a masterful and powerful character. Such a person herself can straighten and develop her talent for the benefit of this soul.

Here there is an arched and superficial ball, but the main lines are fully recognized. Understandably, there is less about the most important infusions, impersonal other parameters are superimposed on them, for which the most important is the will of the person herself.

People who were born at Mondays

Like a person was born on Mondays, її lives a month, and such a person can be called a month. Everything that comes with him, everyone who is involved in it, goes through his soul, for such people have a rich experience, their soul constantly works, knowing the light on an emotional level. It is not easy to be a monthly person, even if your psyche is already strained. A lot of monthly people become clients of neuropathologists and psychoanalysts. Talking with friends, monthly people talk a lot about pain, about those that are in their soul. .

People who were born on Mondays, as a rule, rob the humanitarian profession, engage in charity, work out of innocent, suffering people. Such a person can become an excellent healer of human souls, absorbing the suffering of others, on an invisible plane, fading someone else's life. Being the most emotional, irritable, irritable, a monthly person attracts similar monthly energies of other people to herself. Month is a woman's planet, which has negative energy, so all her life a month-long person collects negative energy. The more a person spends more than a month in suffering, the more folding his life. Such a person needs humility, faith in God, but the shards only in this state of human suffering go through a crisis, without leading a significant shoddy yoga psychic. If a person spends a lot of time on his own strength, believe only in himself, thinking that independently, without help, let people go into suffering, then it’s unlikely that you can get into trouble with the experiences accumulated in your soul and soon you can get sick, you can. .

Schob Ditin, people on Monday, did not become a sacrifice of his health, did not pyrikha with other people's foundations, Treaselly not to scream in his soul, not at all, and they would have a lifetime. turn around in your memory until you have experienced it, until you cannot turn it back, do not change it.

The constant emotionality of monthly people is often robbed of them by romantics, melancholics, who in no way manage physical practice, occupying themselves with impudent meals. Monthly people swim through life and rarely take up the oars. Youmu needs a strong stimulus for creativity. Monthly children under the hour of learning are easily drawn to the subject that they are learning; soft women. Month is the planet of the mother, to that mother of the monthly child is the most an important person yoga life. In addition, naskolki harmoniy vіdnosіnі і ії аnії ї ї ї sії ї people z її matіr'yu, її succes in rich spheres of life, її self-esteem, healthy soul and body. For the development of a monthly child, domestic creatures, young brothers and sisters, lyalki, even such a child, independently of the state, may be maternal, and everything about whom you can talk about, help her to expand her potential.

Mіsyats is the planet of a booth, after a turbot, that monthly people should spend an hour at home. The stench suffers greatly from the daily life of the house, their own rooms and frequent transfers. The stench can become fahіvtsy in any profession, tied to living houses and the organization will be pobutu. Month is the planet of sіm'ї, and it's easy for monthly people without sіm'ї. It is rich in why їhnіy success in a supple life, the rіvenі їх incomes lie in the fact of the presence of chi and the presence of this family and the type of climate in the house, in the form of hundreds of dollars from the team (druzhina). A young child no less than a grown-up one will need a small house. It’s a happy day for monthly people, if they can change the most complicated tasks of their life, take the only correct decision. Once in a few years, a happy river is trapping in your life, which rose up at Mondays, - the most pleasant period for the cob, be it serious activity, change the way of life.

People are gifted with a lively mind, ambition, purposefulness, diligence, obedience. The stench is vidpovіdalnі for your words and vchinki. The stench is addictive, their intuition is out of whack, the stench is reminiscent of the independence and originality of their glances, the easy-goingness and the inquisitiveness. Good luck accompanies people Monday, the stench easily touches science, smart houses, music and poetry. Poshana that glory accompany them on way of life. Often the stench will suffocate early, but it will feel like їх dovgі and mіtsnі. Their love is the most happy, especially as the stench does not let the negative powers of their character splash out. In youth, the stench is more childish and youthful: all sorts of inflammations, boils, carbuncles, bronchitis, otitis. However, after 28 years of health, it stabilizes and illnesses go more often.

People who were born in the second

Yakshcho a person was born in the second generation, we have our lives cheruє Mars and yogo can be called a Martian. A Martian loves swedeness, swedishness, shards Mars is the planet of swedness. Great speed may not bring joy to him, but in life such people develop richly and rapidly. A Martian can achieve a lot in a short span of an hour, become a great person already in his youth, do it early. The theme of speed as a red thread is to pass through one's life. Quite often such a person takes interest to the right, for some people they cannot reach the result for a long time, they show interest to people for whom the process is important for the result. One of the advantages of the Martian is his initiative, that vminnya whether the robot wins shvidko. With the fates of the Martian, on his own knowledge, he knows that the initiative is punished, and he is encouraged to be less initiative. Often about people who are popular with the second generation, it seems that their robotic hands are on fire.

Independently from young people, people, people from second generations, richly simpler, lower people, people from other days of the year, win a spell, in which result lie down in a swidkost, for example, win over a magician from a big distance at short distances. Martians love to put goals before themselves with other people, they often go to their goal without interruption, ruynuyuchi be-like a cross. Put їх meta attract їх, give an incentive to life and struggle. Shvidkіsny Mars gives impulsivity, creates a mind, in some important ways it is impossible to think about it before making decisions and making changes. It’s not uncommon for Martians to speak on the head and shy away, and then start thinking, why did they do it right, why didn’t they say something bad. The life of a Martian has a few problems, but impulsiveness, quarrelsomeness is one of them. Zayva kvaplivost not zavdast Martian inaccuracies, so that the fathers can teach it to sound the skin word, to faint the skin of the veins.

A young Martian can be more lazy than the one who does not want to borrow for himself, to bring a good result for him. If a young Martian wants to learn, he needs to give him a reading mark and explain his privablіvіst. A young Martian can spend interest before training, so that the process of training will be overtried, so it’s not enough for him to laugh at it for a good time after sitting over his assistants and for a long time explain to you the subject of education. The best method of wellness enlightenment for a Martian is externat. Independantly, the Martians have a lot of human traits, shards Mars is a human planet. A man who was born among the second generation, pragnime the title of a right man. Women can be good-natured, strong, and masculine, they are often inspired to dress and wear pants. І tі, y іnshі, as a rule, show interest in people's passions: love cars, see gym or a shooting club.

Whether a Martian may be rich in human capacities and may be able to take up human beings. You will help the Martian even more, so that at the time of his youth, learn how to twist with metal tools, learn how to ride bicycles and cars, learn about the mechanics of metal structures, shoot from a pistol and scorch with hospitable, prickly, and sharp objects. Even better for any Martian, they will be busy with sports, especially right with metal attachments, even if Mars controls metal, and contact with metal will make the Martian more impressed by himself. Be-like a Martian building, at once, rozpochati kіlka right, become pershovіdkrivach. Yogo body and psyche are often tense in the face of constant readiness for new things. Often Martians suffer through overexertion.

Marsiani - people of fire. The stinks can be like novelists - amateurs sit around the fire and the firemen. Mars is the planet of aggression and war, and in the potential, be a Martian - a great soldier, whom you don’t need to fight. The stench can be both theoreticians and practitioners of the military. Likewise, remember the young Martian's love to beats, super-cheeks, building to creation conflict situations, All the way to do yoga vihovannyam - learn not to ruin, but to bachiti, - so like a buffoon-Marsian can be an extremist. It’s a happy day for the Martians, if the stench can take care of it, do it yourself, do it yourself collapsible meals their lives. We may be happy for such people and the river of Mars - river, if this chervish day of the people fell on the second.

People, people of the second generation, are exalted by a hospitable mind, stench is greedy, but often their knowledge is superficial, shallow. Stinking logic and being critical of everything that is not up to it. The stench of guilt, warm and energetic, prote їm it is necessary to vihouvat in yourself the consequence and arrogance at the reach of meti. The camp of health in them lies in the wake of success on the right, to instill in the children's mind. If there are enough toys and books, then the stench is healthy, if you don’t give them, then the stench will repair ailments. Skhilni up to people v_vtorka nervous discord, Zastrichayutsya often and suffer from insufficient frivolity of the tongue, they have weak legenia, and as a result of part of pleurisy, pneumonia.

People who were born on Wednesday

If a person was born on Wednesday, її life cheruє Mercury and yogo can be called a Mercurian. Mercury is the planet of youth and lightness, and mercurians, regardless of age, can feel young, look good, become rickety people until deep old age. The stinks can become fahivtsy for rejuvenation of the body. An actual topic in the life of Mercury can be the theme of friends-friends, brothers and sisters, even Mercury itself manages friendly stosunki, appoints stosunki with brothers and sisters. A Mercurian can love his brothers, sisters and friends, he can put himself in a bad way before them, he can have a lot of friends or a loved one, but this topic is important for a new, turbulent yoga. Brother, sister and friends of the building give Mercurian richer, lower fathers.

The young Mercurian is often restless, even rickety, which is easy to pick up. Such children need to be read to the mind of Russia, for an hour of mountain, walking, transport. The process of learning may not be intrusive, but it can be incomprehensible. A wealthy mercurian can be taught by his brothers, sisters and friends, inspire a greater, lower father and reader. The dead mercurian will take care of a friend, a tutor, or a tutor. Mercury is the opponent of stasis, even if it is a planet of ruin, permanent changes. And young and mature Mercurians often change their position to people of that situation. Do not bark the young Mercurian for those who often change the atmosphere of their friends in their room. Change the need for you, as usual. You will feel bad about it, as if you don’t see the annual changes, it’s sometimes appropriate to change the interior objects in the yoga room, often bathe the yoma new clothes and toys.

What a rotten Mercury and what a different manhood of life, you feel better wines. Most of the young Mercurians will require a referral to peers. The stench will be more sensitive, they will be insured against possible complexes, so they can call grown-up people by names without a father, to greet them, as if to friends, on “tee”. The vihovanni mercurian has an unacceptable fence, the shards of Mercury are the planet of freedom. Zaboronyayuchi merkuriantsyu schos, especially splkuvannya chi ruhlivі іgri, we create a miraculous base for complexes. Try to create such a mind for the young Mercurian, for whom there would be no sensation at the fence. Mercury governs promotion, information, the process of thought, cob lighting, and quite often Mercurians have problems with promotion, due to the necessity of becoming a speech therapist, to engage in robotics, collection and transmission of information.

Mercury can become a teacher post school, a journalist, a writer, a bookseller of the Young Mercurian, you can learn how to read early, learn to express your thoughts succinctly, and collect information and use it. Read the verses to Yomu, play in the intellectual games, the fathers of the varto often speak with him. What will be the Mercurian’s reading, what will be the better in the word, the better the life will be. Mercurians can be cunning and spritny, building up to commercial activity. Young Mercurians can be terrible deceivers, but not barking at them for the sake of it, you need to teach them to show off your cunning so that you don’t suffer anything. They will be helped by fluffy games, especially football and games in cards. For the long life of Mercurian, be like a middle man and a happy day for a new one, if you can take care of the best things. Ale, the most important periods of life are the fates of Mercury, which began on Wednesday.

In people of the middle to finish the chimera of the characteristics of the character. The stinks often become peacekeepers, practice justice and harmony, until creation and harmony. Stink to hate the fortune-teller that bloodshed. People in the middle have rich plans, but if they try to indulge them, the stench sticks out of difficulties and serious opposition. The stench may chimalo enemies, the shards of the stink are embossed with ease on the otochuyuchih. The health of people in the middle is higher than the average, that reserve of mentality in stressful situations is great. The stinks quickly renew their strength and again throw themselves at the root of the peaks. People in the middle are often accompanied by injuries, especially the head. After thirty years, it is necessary to take care of the intestines, the internal organs and the spine.

People who were born to four

Like a person was born to four, її lives cheruє Jupiter and such a person can be called a Jupiterian. Jupiter is the planet of expansion of the sphere of activity and the sphere of inflow, the planet of large-scale activities, to which the Jupiterians of the building think globally. They want to see a rich life, often set grand goals before them, it’s important for them to walk in small steps, they want to reach their goals quickly. For the yak, the Jupiterian would not take it on the right, the wine of the building would inexorably expand yoga. The Jupiterians have a grace to the point of being overwhelmed, which is great for their life. The Jupiterian wants to be a great person and often overestimate his ability. Vіn can become an important person in the courtship, shanovnoy, vplivovoy people, but for whom you need or ties with similar people, otherwise good lighting so like Jupiter with a holy light. A Jupiterian can become a great teacher, a miraculous teacher, who conveys to people not a set of information, but deep knowledge. Vin can become like a fakhivtsy in the sphere of enlightenment.

Jupiter is the planet of pleasurable people, and jupiterian with a long life can lie in the presence of such people, in the mood of the authorities, the good will of the wealthy and pleasurable relatives. Vin can himself give a serious encouragement to people, the share of such skyscrapers. Jupiter is the planet of public activity, and Jupiter will be able to create a special life, adzhe suspіlna diyalnіst, the robot is taken away from a new one too late for an hour and that strength, often chirping more, lower home nest, problems with іm'ї Jupiter can be kar'єristom; and the young Jupiterian often dreams about the life of a business person. Jupiter can help a successful business. It is necessary for you to give the best illumination, for it is not easy for you to get through life. Jupiterians are not scorned by the navchanni. The stench wants to get serious knowledge, and asi buvayut їm netіkavі.

Try to teach the young Jupiterian not to overdo the problems. If you don’t get stuck with any problems, don’t wait for them, that the stench is serious, always say that if there are problems, you can solve them and more of them are just rubbish. Jupiter po'yazany z theme zakordonu, і jupiterians can have garni zdіbnostі to foreign languages To that, it’s too bad to read the young Jupiterian dekilkom to foreign language. Such people can easily communicate with foreigners, know miraculous geography, become mandrivers, mothers of stretching to overseas lands, change the enormity. For the harmonious development of the young Jupiterian, the geography of geography is twisted, corrected at a higher price by training for the cordon. Be it a Jupiterian building philosophical marvel at life, you can be a deeply religious person, the shards of Jupiter govern philosophical and religious events. A Jupiterian can become a preacher, a spiritual teacher.

Knowledge of philosophy and religious writings help him in life, give him faith in his own strength, to that young Jupiterian is familiar with the sacred texts of religious writings and with the practices of philosophers. However, it is not varto to impose on you a religion. The Jupiterian of the building to create his own spiritual school, a philosophical system, to introduce a new one directly from any kind of science. The longest life of Jupiter will be the most distant day, and the river of Jupiter, which rose on Thursday, may appear even in the distant period, if the Jupiter will be building with the maximum benefit of victorious vigor and richness of what to reach.

People who were born at Friday

Like a person was born at Friday, її lives Venus and such a person can be called a Venusian. Being in the power of the planet, one feels and is pleased, the Venusian is even more powerful to the minds of life, one can only feel good in comfortable minds, constantly require new and new satisfactions. Vіn you can read on an empty slug to a cold one. The Venusians may regularly visit the authorities for some strong feelings, they should take care of those who call out to them, for example, practice walking in nature, taking care of gardening, practicing with friendly people. Venerians are sensitive to nature, as a rule, as a rule, it is important for them, less healthy eyes. For the development of the habits of a young Venusian, it’s necessary to get enough bread and butter to work on earth, work with wild, garden shoes room roslins, a greater voice in Yogo learned varto to grow in biology and chemistry.

The earthly Venus, the planet of beauty, to rob the actual topic of the physical body, and the Venusian often disturbs his health with a sultry look. To be inspired by oneself, it is necessary for you to look good. Venusians can inspire gusto and buildings adorn the world around themselves, often rob their profession, tied with beauty. The more the Venusian builds with his own hands, the more you feel the wine and the greater reach in life. Venus gives us different bazhanya, zmushu vibirati, to the Venusian bazhan, even more powerful to the point of speeches that bathe. Being a planet of the earth's element, Venus gives love to the penny, the mother's mother has a stable income. The Venusians are ready to honestly work for the sake of a small, but stable payment. Sob the Venusian will have more attachments to life, to bring him to work, it is necessary to show him the need for work. Let the wine help you in the state and I can earn more money on your own earlier.

So like Venus is a woman planet, Venusians are easy to know spilnu mova with women, they have a lot of girlfriends, women chirp more for people. It is not uncommon for the Venusians to rob the work of the women's collective, become fahivtsy from the women's food. To the young Venerian korisnіshe splurge with women, lower with cholovіkami, oskolki the very stench of the building is rich enough to teach yoga, to give even more important for yoga development. By stretching the life of a schop'yatnitsa - a happy day for a Venerian. Be-yakі podії, scho vіdbuvayutsya with him every day - good for him. It’s easier for yourself on Friday to Venerian to be called to a respectful crochet, for a victorious rose, for yourself on the whole day of wine you get a great encouragement of great strength. Shoroku Venus, tobto rok, scho rozpochavsya at Friday, - happy for the new, rok, if you can support the steward of your life, Venus.

People, people at Friday, spend an hour at the borders of their super-friendly character. The stench can be kind and evil, talkative and stuck in dribnitses, In their souls often go to struggle between truth and nonsense, between light and darkness. It is especially manifested in quiet people who were born at the time of sunset. Friday people are arrogant and easily irritable. Go "instinctively" to read "people and always take your thoughts about others.

Friday people are awake logical thoughts, stink give practical reasons otherwise, but yourself, by virtue of natural nights, do not start vicory your strength for wet rose. Like a Friday person was born in the security of this, є imovirnіst, that she is not in any way rozvin shorter capacity, but you’d be less likely to weave your life until that hour, the docks at Yogo will not change. When it comes to health, then the heart suffers most of all from nerve impulses, the liver is a slug. In addition, there are “malfunctions” with nirkami and sich mikhur, and in the past, there can be injuries and vivihi suglobiv.

People who were born on the Sabbath

If a person was born on Saturday, її lives cherish Saturn and a person can be called a Saturnian. Saturn is a planet of trial and error, and, as a rule, Saturnians take their share as a trial, cross, which is required to humbly bear life. The life of Saturnian becomes an important type of people. It is important for Saturnian to enjoy life. Most of all, on the basis of building faults, they are philosophically placed to their own difficulties. Saturn is a planet of evil fate, a delimitation, strength to the spirit, and the life of Saturnian is full of fatal depressions, for a long time you live in a delimitation, the share of your spirit is sunk. Saturnian is alive in the post-spiritual and physical stress, and the strongest spirit and body, it is easier for him to endure blows. In vihovanni young saturnian the main voice is necessary to work on gargling that spirit of that body.

From the early childhood, it is necessary to make yoga in a different way. It is unacceptable to indulge yoga, it is necessary to grow everything, so that you can win as a strong person, inspired in yourself, building up your own problems independently. Like a young Saturnian having fallen, do not rush to the next to help, let yourself become guilty and calm yourself. Vidchuvayuchi strong pіdtrimku and turbotu fathers, saturnian not learn self-reliance. The fence in yogo vyhovannі arcna korisna and navit nebhіdna, to that scho help yomu in early age reconcile with the share and it is easier to endure її strikes at the mature vіtsі. Saturnian can be suvoroy, emotionally strimanous, more powerful and inspire an evil and bitter person, even if such a character of Saturn is the ruler of one's life, which signifies the main qualities of one's nature. The suvorian character of Saturnian can look like a new person, but for such a character, a person can become a miraculous fakhivtsy in a galuzi zmіtsnenny spirit and body, a fakhivtsy in a galuzi, de necessary physical virility, hardness of self-control, high. Nezalezhno vіd staturi, saturnіantsі duzhe vіtrіvіlі і zdatnі dovgo pratsyuvati without vіdpochinku, nedosipati, nedódat.

All right workers, be ready to work like a robot, abi to improve your material camp. It is necessary to accustom the young Saturnian to practice, let him know already in his youth, what a lot of pieces of bread are. It’s good for you to go in for sports, in which you need vibrancy. Saturnian can become a miracle coach in similar sports. Saturn is the planet of conservatives, and often Saturnians are more conservative in their looks, they change the stars, “look out of life”. Zavdyaks of conservatism, Saturnians can be a great master of the classics, with great honor they are placed before the traditions. It is not uncommon for Saturnians to take on the function of a guardian of that which can be left permanently, for example, they become museum keepers, collectors of old objects. Be it a Saturnian, you can build up to the preservation of what you bump into. Vishі serve Saturnian dove, lower people, people in other days of tyzhnya. As a rule, the Saturnians are not strong enough to infuse fashion and will live their lives, adhering to the rules of power.

It’s a lot of philosophical vchennya to talk about those people who come to Earth to change, become more beautiful. Ale people, as if alive under the infusion of Saturn-conservative, change gracefully. It is easy for such people to develop their own health, for those who have more health in their own children, if the spirit is more rotten, we will have a better life. For Saturnians, traditions are important, the rules are laws, shards Saturn is the planet-legislator. Saturnian can become a guardian of traditions, a leader of the legislator of the system, a practitioner of organs, like to follow the laws of law and rules. Saturnian builder is satisfied with the small, perhaps more economical and often becomes an economist. Vіn vіlіє yakosty, scho allow bachiti zayvі objects, vіn love suvori simple forms, zdatny to proschuvat life, indulge yourself and otochyuyuchy zayvih hardships. Saturnian is born with a sense of the world, who can grow up as a teacher in the gallery of exact sciences. The young Saturnian is often more often asked about the number, for example, ask yoga “Do you want skilki ...”. Tse help you to reveal a little peace. Ale, independantly in front of yogo bazhan, don’t give him a lot of food, a toy and other speeches. Learn to be satisfied with Malim.

Saturn is the planet of chiefs, it is connected with the elders of the elders for a century and behind the camp, to which Saturnian is even more important for his father, elder brother, bosses. Garni vіdnosinі with the authorities, with the father, to help him to do good in power in life, to get more, lower miracles of light. Saturnianets, like a virus without a father, or without another authority, all life is shukatim for you to change, choose a person with evils, like a wine you want to be able to have your father. The presence of the father, the filthy stosunki with the father - a disaster for the new one. The very father should replace yoga, you can learn something about Saturn, discover your potential, give enlightenment and enlightenment, necessary for the successful implementation of your life program. Be it Saturday - a happy day for Saturnian, if you varto take care of the best things, make good decisions. Happy fate may be the river of Saturn, that is the river that rose on Saturday. Wanting the river of Saturn for most people is an important period, Saturn in such a river may support the ruler of your life and you can reach a lot of things.

On Saturday, people are either more good, or even worse, they have a super-strong character in their greatest manifestation. If the stench is reasonable, then everything is miraculous, if the stench is unreasonable, then stupidity is accompanied by everything. If there is a strong stench like rice and emotions, it is the key in the current character of the long life of your life, looming great magnetic force, the stench can win respect and love to inspire the most non-contact people. The stench easily adapts to whatever the situation is, but for an hour they spend it under the infusion of someone else's will and often suffer. They hate welding, scandals, but in the middle of them, intrigues often trap. Vikrutlivy rosy їх allows bachiti podії on a kіlka going ahead and going yoga for your idea. And yet their share is often dull: either the stench flies high, or it falls down swiftly, That fall accompanies them all their lives, without a doubt, tse head of the singing moral shkodi, the prote does not knock out of the seat. The stench is scrupulous, zavzhdy z'yasovut right to the end. Ale often lead the subway group themselves. About them forever spread lies, bits, what to slander. The stench of practical work, if they don’t spend an hour in vain, The stink can be miraculous sovereign servants, it’s not important for them to take care of the reception and the country. Among them there were few judges and judges, high-ranking diplomats. In children, the stench does not sound like anything, it’s never been sick of the mucosal-intestinal tract and the destruction of the robotic system of internal secretion. Saturday people often get into accidents,

People who were born in a week

Like a person was born in a week, we can call our lives cherishing the Sun and її can be called a sleepy person. Such a person can feel like a creator. As a rule, sleepy people have more ideas, less time on their own. In addition, the Sun gives organizational vibes, to that such a person always whispers quietly, who would inspire її ideї, beckon the inspiration of his ideas to fahіvtsy, but the thought of independent inspiration of ideas to come to her in the rest of the black city. Sleepy people are richer in accepting, as ideas become reality, lower brothers for the right for the creation of their projects. Some say about such people that the stench does not belong to the whole world, to the one that stinks live in beautiful world fantasies. The best thing we can do for a child who is born in a week is to preserve and develop this fantasy in reality, not to let the joy of inner creativity. Sleepy child from the early years of the war to learn painting, sleep, dance, take to the theater, at art exhibitions, know creative people. Don’t let yourself become a great dancer, become an artist, but teach him to help him in life, allow him to feel better, earlier to develop an independent life and a greater reach.

The sun gives us a sense of joy and a little love, and, as a rule, sleepy people prolong their life, they are optimists, they believe in those who think everything is better, often chuckle, prominence the positive energy of goodness and love, and constantly joke about an object for a new kohan , the one with whom the stinks could be exchanged sleepy energy joy and love. Life is often richer to silence such people, less embarrassing. Replying to the food “How are you doing?”, the stench can say broadly that the stench is all good and navitt eminently. The sun symbolizes the specialness, individuality of our skin, and a sleepy person is able to clearly show their individuality, declare about themselves like a pro unimaginable person. Wine building on non-traditional toppings and thoughts. It is even more important not to disparage the non-traditional manifestations of a sleepy child.

Even more often people who were born in a week show interest to the point of luxury, try to live beautifully. Like a child, narodzhena in a week, showing more interest in rough speeches, lower to the creative ones, it is necessary to seriously engage in її vyhovannyam, zatsіkavivshi whether you are right. Sleepy people with great nebazhannym are engaged in monotonous work and on the right, in which they do not know joy. It is necessary for a child to know such a right thing, as if he would stumble on the strings of his soul and give him new emotions, information; rather, learn yoga in a row on the right, then you will be cicavo. The sun is a planet of luxury, and, independently of drinking a sleepy person, you can live all your life, or I mean part of it, live in luxury, or in close proximity to luxury, for example, being a spokesperson for a museum or a jewelry company.

One of the best manifestations of a sleepy person is the nobility, building work and generous gifts. Like before, like the Sun bestows its energy on us, the sleepy people are built on a wide plate. Let’s get married for a week of warto spend the whole day, and even for a week, we can know the solution of the most complicated tasks. Rick, if a sleepy person celebrates their black day of the people in a week, can be called happy. The skin of the people of the sun will bring joy, the creative spirit, but for the sleepy people there will be not just a river of joy, but a river, if you can implement the most important projects, fundamentally change your life.

People who were born in a week create a magnificent life of energy. Good stench and merciful. In an important situation, always know how to get out of the camp and help others know. However, the deacons from them sometimes fall into a depressive camp of the soul and it is important to get out of them. Whom it is more important than the skhilni tі, who was born in the bribe. It’s not easy for people to love change in life, it’s important to blame selfishness, they have a lot of friends and acquaintances, it’s easy to know the language of the world. The stinks make their point of view, vmіyut vіdstoyuvati її. People, people of the week, easily touch science and always make a wide light-gazer. The stink will be happy life plans that reach the conceived step by step, building up their strength at any distance.

Being of a high mind and an independent character, they stink as leaders in everything for those who are taken. The stench hate the fringe and stand up against them. Zavdyaks of the power of the Zusills, that stink of their own energy is lifted over the social middle ground, proponed for the people. Healthy people have a week of health, but the stench is so-so like robots, which often suffer because of someone else's injustice, as a result, a heart attack often kills them from a cold, and also bronchial asthma and virazki attack their body. Relatively pіdіbrana diet and the right to help them to get on their feet. In the period of ailment, it is more likely for him to rest on his own. Tse dopomozhe to concentrate energy on likuvannya. Physically, the stench is well folded.

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