Domovik is the guardian of the home fire. Domovik is a good spirit, the guardian of the home fire Budinkovy guard of the fire

It seems that the brownie is still alive at the skin of a rural house, but not for the skin. Call Yogo a didus, a lord, a succubus, a homeowner, a bis-horob, but all the wines are the guardian of the house, the invisible helper of the lords. Zvichayno, vіn can and vіnі snі rags, and grimіti at night with dishes, chi for rude tapping, but to rob more in empty places. And the yoga head on the right is a look behind the state. Domovik churn out all sorts of rubbish, innocently dbaє and mutter, so that everything was in order and ready; dopomozhe pratsyyuyuchemu, correct yogo miss; Imu accepting the spawn of their creatures and birds; Vіn not tolerate zayvih vitrats and be angry with them - in a word, the house elf is smart to the point of practice, sympathetic and respectful. If you lived to the soul, then you should serve this sim's, otherwise you will be in bondage to her. For qiu fidelity in other places, yoga is called so: domog. Then we lazily and nedbailivim wine willingly help to launch the state, torturing people to the point that at night it’s not enough to die, or throw off your lizhok.

Vtіm, reconcile with angered Budinkov, it doesn’t matter: varto only put on the coarseness of a snuffing tyutyun, you are a great philanthropist to such a wine, but you should be like a little present: a rich clapot, a gobushka of bread ... Like the masters of their own land they live with love, like they love , then you don’t want to be separated from him, to wind up moving into new booth: they will scratch under the threshold, pick up a smіttya in a scoop - and sip Yogo in a new hut, not remembering how іz tsmіtts are moving to a new place of residence "lord" Just do not forget to bring you to the new house the mountaineer of porridge and I can tell you: Come home, come home, come and live before us!"

Whom the house-elf is not to love, the whole bunch of pyanits and simple-haired women: look at this old-fashioned woman, the leather woman is obliged to wear a hustka without fail. And you are worthy of a dbayliva master to you, about that wine in the day and at night dbaє: uvі snі slapped їy on the head of faceless little pussies. It's troublesome, maybe you'll sweat it, and you'll be glad - having embellished your beloved. That's why vin lizun is ringing.

Rіdkіsna lyudyna can brag that she was a brownie. For whom it is necessary to dress yourself great day kіnsky collar, covered with a harrow, teeth on itself, and sit between kіnmi kіlu nіch. If you want to have mercy, then you’ll pamper the grandfather - a small, mute stump, all covered with blue wool (twist the bottoms of a new volochy), gray-haired like a long time ago, that saw. Sometimes, to look at myself like a cicada, I’ll look at the master’s house in the future - well, like a vily! The house elf began to love to wear the robes of the lord, but always learn to put yoga on the floor, just as people need to speak.

The decals of the house elf can’t stand it, if they look after him, that for yoga, the horses begin to beat backwards on the harrow and can beat the immodest and the cuckoo to death. It’s easier than a brownie not to sing, but to feel: Yogo crying and deaf striman stogіn, yoga soft and lagniy, if only a deaf voice. Sometimes at night, in the form of a gray wild intestine, lean on the chest and emboss: tse vin. To the one who, having thrown himself, hasten to ask yoga: "For good or bad?" - Vіdpovіst in a human voice, ale quietly, let the wind rustle the leaves. Often stroke the wines of the sleepy ones with your soft paw, even if it is not necessary for everyday food - and it is so clear that it is good. You can feel the weeping of a house elf, wake up at the very hut, be a dead man. If some of the household members are dying, they will be at night, hanging on to them their unfeigned turmoil. The death of the ruler himself is prophesied by the house-man, who, sitting at his work, covers his head with a hat.

Before the plague, after that war, the house-builders come out of the village and viyut on the vigons. As if it’s great to go wildly, I’m telling you about the closeness, telling the dogs to riti in the middle of the yard with yams and viti on the whole village ... As if blowing the trumpet on the daha in the zaslіnka - there will be a court through the yakus on the right that image. Wet someone with a brownie at night - that person is sick. Smile a woman for her hair - beware of the squad, do not join the super girl with a man, for better. To make up a house-elf at the postachanni utensils - take care of the fire, do not let the spark in.

For the sake of the suidka, gallop, sing murkoche, laugh; sometimes, roaring on the combs, ahead of the swedish wesillya.

Let's especially roztashuvannyam whether it's some kind of budinkovo ​​chomus koristuyutsya chicken. To that, 1/14 of the fall of the fall of the yogo, the honor is to win a chicken birthday - bake pies with chicken, and throw eggs at the house, sacrificing yogo savings - to the brownie.

Our forefathers believed that the houses are fortified, the main defensive line is ahead of us ... from the unclean forces, the unclean undead. And with it, in the thought of our ancestors, nature was simply teeming. They believed that vampires, yak drenched their blood, could only get rid of the victim only behind the borders of a booth. Therefore, during everyday life, the inhabitants of the village performed cleansing rites and went into zahisnoy magic.

For example, on the cornices, veils, and at a stroke, they wielded protective signs and tried to cover the skin of the opening at the booth as a mitkoy against evil spirits. Use the middle house of this house, that gentleman protected and lifted the housekeeper himself. Who is this wine?

The history of appearing in the booth of the spirit-protection is already a long time ago. Possibly, їy 5 thousand years, maybe more. Even in the stone vіtsi, the most sacred place near the booth, a fire was vowed. In the Bronze Age in the 4th - 3rd millennium BC, the cult of human patrons of the home pit began to spread widely. Possibly, then the image of the spirit-protection of this life was born. In the Caucasus, yoga was represented as a pagan symbol. The ancient Romans have a leather member of the symbol maw of their patron - lara. Larry looked like lyalki. They put them in a special screen. Didn't they call yoga a screen?

Our word-Yansky house-builder was tightly bound from the power of fire. At the hut, the sacks of the bees were white, in a moment they turned into a deadly fire or a vugill.
Domoviks were different: some of them were alive near the house, they were quietly called domoviks, and some on the podvir'ї - yard spirits. Domovik-budinkovik is the head master of sadibi ta hati. Win a good spirit, want to undead. Yogo was stunned, pidgodovuvali, pampered with gifts and never cooked on the name of a brownie. They called them affectionately: lord, didus, but often they called out allegorically: Vin, Dobrozhil, Dobrokhot, Sused.


You can’t sound a housekeeper, you can only feel your presence. Either make-up like mountaineers in the night, make up with your feet, groan, sob in darkness, then speak in a soft, hoarse voice, or in a deaf urivchast. Give short reprimands of the Lord's meals. Domovik love warmth, they also called yogo - “wen” the desert licker is not against the savory, they also called yogo “lizun”. Vryatuy God pidglyanut behind the housekeeper, as if you don’t want to win: you’re sick of a person who chi kіn yogo hit with a hoard.

At night, a house elf, a different sign, yes. Lean on the chest of a sleeping man and let's press. Vrantsі prokinetsya people at the restless. For good or bad, that buv sign?
Nebagatiom had a chance to bachiti the ruler. Stverdzhuyut, scho vin volochy, obrіs wool. And the paw is in a new warmth, hairy, lagidna. Like stroking a dream of a person with it, you don’t need to guess - a good sign. Dehto sings that the house-elf looks like a small, shaggy old one. The building transforms into wild creatures, into black cats, for example. I felt like a bug in the blue, why the cats snarled, hissed, screamed, rioted. Know, tse svіy lord іz someone else's lizun bіyku zatіyav.

Do not go to my volodinnya, - it seems that the opponents, there is nothing alien to the undead here.
Domovik mіtsno attachments to his hut. Navіt just fell out, thrown on the curling of curls and cold autumn woods, the brownie will be left to live in a cold old stove on its own. Cry, stack on the ruins. Ale y sim'ї is not possible without a brownie-guardian. Who will be її at night in the presence of evil spirits? To that, from a long time ago, you’ve taken it out: when changing a life, take a miner from the old booth from the vugills and move it to a new hut. To put a mountain worker at the pіch, they say: “House-house, we walk with me, lead the domino pani - as a mind, I will reward!”
Domovik can mother sim'yu. Yogo’s team is called “home” or simply “susidka”. The sim'ya of Budinkovo ​​is not too overdone - it is good to rule not only by the stove, but by the threshold of the commissariat. Behind various beliefs, house-budinkoviks could have been a sprat. One per cutaneous member of the family, moreover, with a personal opinion for the suboptimal one.

Domovik is the primal helper of the state. I especially love the radio, I am friendly with my family. Todi tried to help him. And for the unsatisfied rulers of the wines from the satisfaction, it’s even better to start doing more right, “psuvatima thinness. Vtіm, change yogo setting to the booth it doesn't matter. It is necessary for the brownie to bring a sacrifice and for the right, as a next step. Domovik that at the trading house can help the master. For the sake of the brownie, they gave prices when buying horses and cows. And the newly bought thinness at the court does not take root, the nobility, not to the soul of the brownie.
Domovik often tries to get ahead of the family about misfortune. Pay for a drink - up to the sky. Smiling at a woman for her hair at night - don’t grimace with a man, the master didn’t drink yoga, don’t fight to the point of hoarseness, otherwise you’ll get angry in a man’s anger, more like a log. To make up with housewares - be respectful with fire, shibuesh - buti, after burning a smut, the smut has not been extinguished.

Fight, nevirna retinue, brownie! She twisted the hem of the night, the house-builder, to fall on her feet with a terrible loader, to grab by the throat. And a peasant with a good vin at the dark can be beaten up, sinciv navishat. Take care of family foundations. Well, if the house-elf laughed at night, the song of the murky nobility, you will soon be happy in the booth, otherwise it will be fun.

Pustunka's zapіchka

And yet, a ghost of a Russian booth is a kіkimora. Vіdomostі about it not more specific. It was important that it was at once corny and shkidliva istota. Im'ya kіkimora is made up of two parts. The first part of the word - kika - can be vitlumachena like the head word "yansky ubir z rіzhkami" or simply the horniness of the іstoti - an obvious sign of undead. The other part of the word is the sea, which means that evil spirits are in dispute with all sorts of troubles, Marami, like to fool a person or to inspire to declare his death.
For beliefs, kіkimori were found in booths, at the flock of the barn, at the foxes and huts. Folk fantasy malyuvav; a kikimoru in zovnіshnosti of a woman of small stature in a sarafan either with a shishiga headdress, or with simple hair, raspberry, with small ridges. Eyes at kіkimori navikatі, shine. Kikimora lives in a hut for a rough one, loves splashing, water, loves the place - kudi kudi zamіtayut smittya. Vaughn is invisible, spirit.

The homemade kіkimora was vowed by the girlfriend of the brownie fox - didka. Kikimora was posed to people in two ways. Vaughn sympathized with the practical, practical women. At night she could change the dishes for him, watched over the dough, so that it would go well, so that the pies would turn out to be delicious, savory. She sang children, she simply couldn’t stand kikimora from poor girls and women, she naughty them step by step. Could lazily vzagali z hati live.

Kikimora is a great desert girl. She loved to indulge in the sound of yarn, for example, she often sang as a woman on a spinning needle. Kikimora loved to spin herself, but there was no one else who could do it. Quite often, she took on more and more handicrafts for a woman. The spinners believed, like a kikimora over a shirt, you didn’t squint for the day. The order was saved: “Sleep, girl, spin the kikimora for you, and mother witch.” This was the grit of the front of the lazy spin. As soon as the kikimora began mischief-making mister, then here is one correct zasib. You need to go to the forest, know the root of the fern, insist yoga on the water. Let's change it and insist on all the dishes. Kikimora already loves fern, and for such a malt she is ready to beat everything. Kikimori leprosy was attributed to smoking ailments, yaki were trampled in disadvantaged states. Yakshcho smoke yourself on your own pіr'ya pluck - її wine. The turner will become - smoking ailments, like a bird spinning on the sixth, then falling down dead - also the kikimora laid her hand. In such vipadkahs they hung an amulet in the hen house - a stone made of wild, the chicken god is called. Shkodila kikimora to the horses and to the horses. Either the wool of the sheep is plucked, or the manes of the horses are entangled, at night they are shaking so that in the early morning you die. Potishna istota kikimora, ale grizna. If you want to schmooze at the house, it means that you will be in pain, you may be close to sickness or die. No wonder this spirit is similar to Mara - Morena - the ancient goddess of death. Nayvirnіshiy zasіb vіd kіkimori - the cross of saints is that prayer.

Spirits of the courtyard that mystery of the lazni

The house-yard housekeeper is similar to his older “brother” in hats, only the wool is thicker on his new height. The yard is more vicious. Passion like to love thinness torment. Mustaches - nefarious with domestic creatures, horses, cows, chickens and chickens were explained by the pranks of the yard keeper. Friendships of friends with goats and dogs.

In order to protect the creatures from the yogo leprosy, they hung the killed magpie in the barn. Tsikh ptahіv yard yard not to love. A lot of white intestines, white dogs, white horses were put in the back of the yard yard. Newly born calves and lambs were brought from the barn to the hut, for the yard keeper could suffocate them instantly, And so the young animals are calm in the hut. Just don't sleep, master, talk about thinness. The villagers tried to appease the yard keeper. Vіn to gifts ohoch. Loving shmatochki of different colors, glittering tinsel, bread loaf. All the offerings were carried to the barn and they read the oath: “Lord, house-elf, good-natured sir, I give you a gift: accept thinness, drink, rejoice.” They hung in the barn "witch's miter" - a pine or yalin needle with thick needles.
The housekeeper has more and more helpers - boules - bells. The stench was similar to intestines. Kolovershі - at night for their master from the other houses they pulled pennies and all sorts of supplies.

On the underside of the wines, where the straw dried, protecting a special spirit - the barn. Yogos often represented the image of a black cat. Himself vin was the head fire-major of the state. Sludkuvav, that the dry straw in the barn did not fall off. Vtіm, I'll burn in the barn, they often attributed the leprosy of someone else's barn, which navmisna scorched the gospodar's controversy. Yakshcho bachili, that near the barn there were two cats - vvazhali, that this barn was not a bad guy. Behind the legends, the accused beat their heads. Prote naytaєmnichishoy budovoy at the yard was a lazna.

Lazni in Russia were heated in a black way. Laznea was famous for its filthy glory. The villagers, walking to the lazna, knew native crosses. The spirits, like they lingered in the lair, were afraid, respected that it would be better to be friends with them and not to play with Christian symbols. The head spirit of the lazni buv bannik. The bannik of a wet bet is not guilty, having angrily squandered its volodinnya, if they were soaring there. Ale on the reached stones, or in the sauna stove, in the moment, live a long time. The most terrible yoga leprosy is “tarny gas”. Behind the ancient beliefs, the souls of dead ancestors lingered in the lair - navії. Nav'ya in a different way were placed before the villager, they could help you, or they could kill you. Bannik obov'yazkovo was sacrificed to the black cock.

Navіt zahozhі samotnі mandrіvniki were afraid to spend the night at the lazne. Bannik instantly strangle. After the steam room was poured into a vine, a small piece is sweet and driven in a bowl. At night they were chilling, as if at the lazna, a trap, squishing, cackling began. They respected that the banniki were flailing with vines, playing. From the lazne, the most serious witches were tied. If you want to put your bare back into the lazna, if you pull back the cloth, - sit. The bannik gave a sign, moving on the body with a cold or warm hairy paw. cold hand bula for misfortune, and heat - for success.

Keeper of the home fire - Domovik.

Meta Busy : give a statement about the saving of the fire from the words, about the amulets, learn from the meanings of the symbols of the amulets. Vikonati main details of the brownie. Find out the learning from the sequence of Budinkov's preparation.



Learn with amulets, the meaning of symbols of amulets;

Recognize with the words of the words, tied with life.


Develop the building of zastosovuvat otrimani knowledge of creative activities;

Develop aesthetic taste and creativity.


Show interest in Russian culture.

Creative setting to work;

Pragnenny bring your work to rest.

Who is this housewife?

Behind the ancient words'yansky beliefs budinkovy - Tse is our distant ancestor, whom to ask from his donkey for the protection of evil beings. Domoviks are the only representatives of evil spirits, so that they should not be afraid of the Holy image. Therefore, the stench can live peacefully at the boudinkas of believers.
It’s a lot of people not to believe in the Budinkovs’ reasoning, although they seem to be impersonal vipadkivs, if people were talking about them, the deacons were talking about them. Most of the brownie was in the form of an old man of small stature with long gray hair and a beard. If the domovik wants to say something, you can make all the whispers.

What does Domovik do?

Domovik to put things in order at the booth and in family vіdnosinakh.

Vіn stezhit for the cleanliness of the life.

If everything is right in the booth, clean and neat, the housekeeper feels miraculous. To love such a master of wine and help him in every possible way. In such a booth, everything is practicable, do not beat the dishes, and lamatize the technique.

Domovik helps to know the speeches. For this yoga, it is necessary to simply ask about it: “Lord, father, help, tell me, where to lie those and those ...” So, you should follow the little children and save the troubles of life. Domovik should not be allowed later, an unfortunate fall, stealing, for the mind, obviously, what the master is befitting to you

Domovik can wake up the liege of the Lord, if it can be important to do it. You can guess about forgetfulness, do it ...

Domoviks help out according to the state, save mine, often overdo yoga, love thinness, especially horses.

Another house elf can guard you in case of any inconvenience. It is most manifested in the fact that if you are sleeping, you can see how you should be strangled a little, just ask someone: “For good or evil?”. I domovik you vodpovist. Houses to love give gifts, sometimes you see a small penny.
You remember that your gut is running around the apartment, no one seems to be ticking, it’s just an empty house, riding on the back of your love.

Why not love Domovik?

Domovik fights tyutyunovy dim, domovik does not like scandals at family vіdnosinakh, unskinned troubles, noise. You can’t whistle into the booth, the little houses of the house can’t stand the whistle, you can lose the booths, and sometimes you will.

The appearance of Budinkovo’s mind is:

Sleep breaks down, there is no peace in the soul, speeches break and rush, creatures do not take root, the weather is tight and life is becoming known

When moving to a new house in the apartment, do not forget to take your house with you.

Overwhelming old apartment, on the other hand, say: “My master, come with me,” or at night the master is guilty of asking for yoga, giving him a chastuvannya - a discount of bread from a sill and a cup of milk. They say: “Father, my host, my kind house. I will give you new mansions, the chambers are bright. I demo with me, without you there will be no happiness. Climb at the bears.

The material insertions of the budinkovo ​​flock of a bundle or an awl, as if they were laid next to the bears. Without a request, the domovik will not come from you. I will lose my self and leave. And for your well-being in the new place, you are safe.

For an hour you don’t like people, like they linger at each booth. At this moment in the kitchen, in a quiet little hut at sunset, it is necessary to fill a saucer with milk and bakery bread and ask for forgiveness from the house. .

As your homeland began to be revisited by inaccuracies, life of negativity, welding and scandals became more frequent in the booth, it is necessary to establish contact with your housekeeper, following the offensive ritual:

On the place you have chosen for Budinkovo, bread from sill is put and a cup of milk is placed with the words: “Susidka-homebody, the slave is going to you, carry your head low; do not nud Yogo for nothing, but make an appointment with him, make friends with him, that serve an easy service. The axis of you and the place is warm, that part is small. Through wealth, take away the chastuvannya.

Sometimes spoons, knives disappear into the booth, wrist year and so on. If you can’t know the name of the river, then stand in the corner of the room and turn to the brownie: “Housewife, housewife, play and see.”

Yakscho little kid it’s bad to sleep at night and believe, before it, how to put the child to sleep, set up for a budinka chastuvannya and turn up to the new s of prohannyam: “Domovik, domovik! Calm down my baby! » Don’t forget to put a cup of wine on the holy day of Budinkov (don’t sip the burner) and it’s savoury. When you say: “God-father, kind houseman, love me that mabut, accept my part.” With a glass of house-elf, everyone is clattering. Do not forget to hang out and say goodbye to the house elf, naming Yogo shanobly "Lord".

How to request a Brownie, why didn’t you do yoga?

Well, V, having bought the budins from Novobudov, moved there from the fathers (otherwise, in other situations, if you can’t take the budinkov from you, you can get the budinkov in this way:

On a young man, if you start to dine, put two saucers with chastivans - in one, pour a little milk and use it with a rough stove or stove with the words: “Take a bite, drink, breathe, as you want, and live in me.” At a friend's saucer, put the giblets on those that you have on the table. If you put time it is necessary to remember: "Eat, eat, dodus, as you like, that and live in me." If you speak broadly, then the house elf will invariably appear and see evil spirits and be deprived.

Domovik and yoga name day.
It was necessary to remember about the zahist boudinka constantly, but also special days were restored, in which it was necessary to call out її with special force. So they blamed the saint for the honor of the guardian spirits. Among our ancestors, one of these saints fell on the 10th day of the fierce -
earlier Svyatkov's date was called Kudes, tobto. miracles.

Diva yakraz i buli pov'yazanі z domovik, like 10 fierce vvazhavsya birthday man. As such, the vines of the moment roam - roam and, schob not rozishovsya "over the edge", yogo had to vomit, scold: "Such a grown-up child and empty. Oh no no no! ". Rite vgamuvannya polegav, persh for everything, at the chastuvanni. Different places had their own peculiarities of offering herbs for the home spirit.

Here they put porridge on the pіch, or for it, porridge in the miner, that’s not just like that, but clad with clay, so that it doesn’t get cold until the beer night, if the “susidka” comes to supper; here - they poured milk into a bowl. After the supper, they set up a fixture “for the ruler” and put into the vessel all the herbs that were assigned to the new one, that were served to the table. And as if they were drowning the bathhouse, then going out of it, they flooded the bucket and the whisk - so that the “father” could also take a steam bath for the sake of the saint.

It was customary for the merchant's camp to put a rude silver coin on the vikonnanny povіr'ya: if you accept the "didus" offer, bring prosperity to the house of the king. Whoever was better in hope of richness, was deprived of the same penny in the same place.

On the sign of shanuvannya budinkovogo 10 fierce it was necessary to speak quietly and affectionately, to do without superechok and zakidіv: to talk, to pump wine, in a similar way, to health and to help the masters (and welding and welding at home “lord”, for trust, I can’t stand it).

With a pollinator, they celebrated the hut, so that I would “did” on the birthday of the moment, and not fight with that uncleanness, God forbid, wandered to the hut. In a word, like with us - the holy day can be gone.

And in the evening, while hanging out to the Shanu and the povagu, it was customary to tell tales and tales about the life and buttya of the "susidki". If everything is duly wicked like a trace, you can turn around to the house elf with prohannyami and prayers:

- Khazyain-father, take care of the cattle.
- The hostess-father, take bread-strong, drive a cattle.
- Domowice-diduse, sleep all the time, goy lambs, good boat, and the smooth surface is smooth and lay softly on me.
- I'm succumbing! Eat porridge, take care of our hut!
- Khozyayn-father, take our porridge! And take care of our pies!
- Dyadechko-domovik, gentleman-father! Tobi bread-strength, and we have happiness, health, harmony and kohannia at the hut!

What is a domovitsa, or how can I appease the Budinkovo ​​all the time and for a long time?

Domovik is unforgiving and terribly fond of gifts. The relish of the new one is unviable: milk is in a saucer on the bottom; a margin of bread left on the table after the master's meal; porridge or honey in a special dish, leftovers in the kitchen, so that the house elf is exactly the same viyshov and evening. And it’s a wonder: the kaposnik becomes humble and obliging, take care of your good, help you in the way, and in the house you will have peace and calm.

Everything is good, but the milk sours and opens your life with its smell. For a long time our distant ancestors have been racking their brains - how to appease the house elf? I came up with a house. Domivka - the whole subject for embellishing a booth and a booth, appointments for a gift for a brownie.

Hang the brownie more often in the kitchen, closer to the stove, and if there is a fireplace in the house, then above it, the shards of the house love the warmth of the open fire and linger most of the time not far away. This mystical embellishment will help you win the trust and love of Budinkov, come in the guise of a good friend, that good zahisnik. And if you love someone, then we serve correctly and vіddano, protecting the calm and comfort of your booth, the calm and prosperity of your homeland.

In order to appease the Domovoy, you will immediately make houses.

It’s better to do it yourself, buy it less in a souvenir shop, or go to the market: that’s your house elf, and best present youmu - crushing with your own hands. For cooking, go be it natural materials: shkir, liko, groats, salted tіsto, dried berries, mushrooms, quince, yakі need to be attached to the base object - a miniature vine, bast shoes, homemade kaptsa.

First, what you need to designate is the subject, on which you can attach fine embellishments to all kinds of different things. You can use:

Vіnik, turning upside down, like a guard against evil spirits;
- Decorative bast shoes or slippers as a mark of the place, de live the house-elf;
- a wreath or a decorative scythe as a symbol of inconsistency and perpetuity of your family;
- a bread shovel or a painted spoon as a special prosperity in a house and a hlibosolnosti gospodarіv.

If you didn’t know anything extra, you can sew a small bag of coarse fabric, for example, a linen or a sackcloth, stuff it with cotton or groats and tie it with a beautiful stitch.

You can embellish the otriman base at any time, call for an additional fantasy and twist with threads, take your own family around the table and diet. It’s even more beautiful in such compositions to look like dried up roslin, especially withered spikelets of cereals. For embellishment come be-yak Home vipіchka from salty dough, small bagels chi dried - your house elf will be a good day and kind to you.

Dormouse tree and corn symbolize the energy of the sun and health, gorobini fruit - life beauty, kvassol - physical strength, rice grains - peace at the booth, coniferous cones - a symbol of meti's reach, lyon - a guardian of psuvannya and prestige, a watchmaker evil spirit. You can vicorate fragrant roses: mint, yalіvets, lavender.

There is a competition for the best virіb.

Our world has a lot of things about which people can hardly guess. Іsnuyut different spirits that energy, yakі actively pour into the lives of people practically in all spheres. Not all people believe in Budinkov's reasoning, prote esotericists are inspired by the fundamental energies. Didus-protection of the house is one of the representatives of the "force". Otzhe, what do people know about these spirits.

Domovі nadsilayutsya in kozhen budinok or apartment with their own, so let's move "service channels". For them, it’s like a robot, it’s a kind of dressing up to that big booth, from one world to another. Vikonuyuchi yakіsno that sumlіnі their work, the stench itself develops and improves, ranks higher than that to go to a higher world. Domovik, the most close to the people, among the most common perfumes (such as water, fox, nymphs, mermaids and others).
Domovik is a source of energy, or rather a clot of energy, which has become established, a building thought. Vin is the spirit of the dwelling, the soul of the booth, in which you live. Among the saving houses, in principle, like among people, є sensible and no less. The intellectual mind of Budinkov is similar to the mind of the average statistical person of the human race. They have their own civilization, interbreeding, and in the food of the singing sphere, the stench is richly recognized, lower people. For example, when it comes to psuvannya, evil spirits and dark realities, the knowledge of small things is richer, like richer in time.

At the sight of domovinok, it is close to a meter away, looking like an old, overgrown hair, which has beads in its eyes, practically invisible arms and legs behind the hair. Ale, the same spirit can take on, be it form and draw. It is practically impossible to say something, but then you can feel it and see it.
Vіn often ahead of people about that chi іnsu pоdіu, yavlyaєєєєєєєєєєє snі аbo vіljako vіvіlає to yourself respect and not necessarially afraid of that, the spirit does not bazhaє evil, but only zastorіgaє.
People, like they came to the booth with negative messages of magical evil, the house elf, obov'yazkovo, will let you know about the lords. For example, everything falls from the hands of an unkind person, you can break dishes. filthy people sberigach namagaetsya aknaishvidshe vignati from your life, it becomes uncomfortable, blaming the bazhanya soon to leave the place.
Didus, how else among the people they call houses, they mark their holy 9 for 10 fierce. These are their own birthdays, according to our people's day. Welcoming the house elf is ready to “accept” whether it be from the nights of the month, the shards of the fierce nights are magical. Do not forget to bring yoga and obov'yazkovo coax with savory, for example, malted milk. Domoviks already love to eat, obviously, in the figurative meaning of the word, they stink of the energy and the aura of the hedgehog. Basically, the stench is free of malt, all the vipіchka that water. It is not necessary to put alcohol on the drink, such a frequent lure to the night of the dark daily life. Zreshtoy, liquor napoї mayut power viparovuvatsya, pogrіrshuє atmosphere in the booth that attracts negativity.

Domovik is a good day and you need to be friends with him. Learn to love and respect yoga, remember what is there, de shanue the keeper, panuє prosperity that love. At kind people, like to go through life with a smile, home spirit always come to the aid of their masters

Maliy academic vocabulary Domovoy - behind the obscene manifestations of the words of the Jansk and other peoples: good and evil spirit that is near the house. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov Brownie - in slov'yanskoy mythology: kazkova іstota, sho bag in the booth, evil chi good spirit at home normal life s_m'ї, zdorov'ya people that creature, kinship. Lexical meaning words "Domovoi" Great encyclopedic dictionary Domovik - in the words of those other peoples, the spirit, which lives in a house, saves a house, sometimes punishes the destruction of people.

Domovik does not give evil to the masters, as if you were like a bagman's booth. Vіn dbaє about budinok, maybe ahead of the misfortune, seeing knocking or caressing the door. And in special situations, you can get someone from home. The housewife deserves help, practical masters, like to love and sing about their houses, family. To love the brownie, to keep the booth in order and cleanliness, and help the rulers to maintain cleanliness.

Symbolism of amulets Cereals, legumes are a symbol of prosperity, a sieve life, material well-being. Poppy, poppy grains are a symbol of vikonannya bazhan. The cone is a symbol of pracity and success. Medicinal herbs, shipshini berries are a symbol of mycological health. Mishkovina is wealth and kindness. Success coin on the right. A bagel without interruption, a symbol of mіtsnoї sіm'ї. Peas and acorns are the continuation of youth. Sonyashnik - I'm healthy and well.

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