Why viy. Slovian mythology: viy. Wonder what "VIY" is in other dictionaries

Є. DMITRIEVA, historian

Ten rows of ten rows dedicated to M.V. Gogol in his novel Viya. But if you read them at least once in your life, you will never forget such a bright, invisible, hostile image. Possibly, one of the reasons for this is Viya's special enigmaticity, ignorance. How do you win this image, when the stars appear? Who is wine - Vіy and what do we know about him?

Which word was recognized by the underworld god, which place they borrowed from the most ancient Pluto, the king of hell.
M. D. Chulkov. "Abevega of Russian zaboboniv"

Meshkantsiv world of the dead, spirits, fortune tellers to the living creatures, the dead were called in Old Russia navіami.

So the titles of Zbruchsky idol. Vіn vіdbivaі vіdbіvає vstrіy Vsesvitu for vyavlennyami ancient words'yan.

Image of Veles at the Dmitrovsky Cathedral of the XII century (console of the colony) near Volodymyr.

The round dance is not just a folk dance, but a pagan rite-spell. Folk party. Lithography of master Ivan Golishev. Mister. 1871 rec.

Saint Vlasiy with herds of thinness and Saint Spiridoniy. Novgorod icon of the 16th century.

Following the pagan cults, cult of Veles, they quilted among folk culture and folklore right up to the beginning of the 20th century. So, for example, grass, bushes, trees and other growth were called among the people "the hair of the earth."

To quote Gogol on the cob: "Bring Viya! Go for Vіym!" - the words flickered.

I raptom came silence in the church; I felt a curl in the distance, and my eyes were pierced by important croques, which lulled through the church; glancing at the bevel, swaying the wine, to lead like a crouch, an arc, a cliché-footed person. All the wine is in the black earth. Like a sinewy, mіtsne korіnnya, you saw yogo feet and hands hoarse with the earth. Stepping heavily, stumbling, stumbling, long-term steps were lowered to the very earth. With a zakhom commemorating Khoma, what a revelation on the new bay. They brought Yogo under his hands and placed him upright until that month, where Homa stood.

P_dn_m_t me pov_ki: I'm not running! - Viy said in an underground voice, - and the whole host rushed to lift you up.

"Don't be surprised!" - whispered the inner voice of the philosopher. Not tolerant wine and glancing.

Axis of wine! - Shouting Viy and inserting a finger on the new one. And all skilki didn’t bulo, they rushed at the philosopher. Not breathing, bursting wine on the ground, and immediately the spirit flew out of the new fear.

It is important to know in the works of Russian classics that the character is more hostile and mysterious, lower Gogol Viy. Clearly standing up to the heroes of folklore and kazkovyh, wines and the middle of them are distinguished by their special effectiveness and unreasonable, prihovannaya mіtsyu. "Vіy is a colossal creation of the common people, - writing Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol at the primіtsi to his own story. - This is how the head of the dwarfs was called among the Little Russians, in whose eyes it is possible to go all the way to the earth itself. All this is a folk legend. I I want to change yogo for someone and I can tell you with such simplicity, like a chuv. , for example, about Chinese, there is nothing marvelous that Gogol did not give a more zmistovny explanation about the "chief" of the Little Russian "gnomes".

Today, we can marvel without fear at Vіchi Vіyu and tell about him all those who did not know his literary father.

Father, who is Viy? Yakshcho, behind the words of Gogol, vin is the hero of folk retellings, his image can be used in the creations of folklore. There is no such name for the protégé of a Cossack hero. That star came from the same name - Viy? Let's go back to the dictionary. In the Ukrainian language of the character of the Little Russian retellings of Viy ide, maybe, in the words "vіya", "vіyka" - vіy (and "poviko" - povіka). Aje is the most memorable and characteristic of rice Viya - majestic povіki, it's completely natural that I'm like myself in them.

I want to neither in Ukrainian, nor in Belarusian, nor in Russian fairy tales Vіya, there is no such thing, but images are often made up, which are practically in line with Gogol's description of Viya: priadkuvaty, arc, but also, on the earth, strong, on earth from the underground. Kaztsi about Ivan Bikovich, recorded by the Zbreashhah I Doslіdnik of the Slovani Folklore A. N. Afanasyvim, rosovyda, pics of that, yak іvan spochahus on the rikhtsi swimmer monsters, and Potham has been daughters and sons-in-law, dragged Ivan to the ruler of the underworld kingdom, her own man:

"On you, it seems, our killer!" - And in a fairy tale, that Viy himself will stand before us, but in the underworld kingdom, at his home:

"The old one lies on a sunken bed, don’t swear at anything: for a long time and thick eyebrows will fill your eyes. Calling for twelve mighty rich men and punishing them:

Take the fork of the flood, raise my eyebrows and black ones, I will wonder what the fault is for the birds, what I have driven in my blues.

And in Gogol, and in kaztsi, written by Afanasiev, it is not surprising the presence of foreign attributes. Gogol's Viya has a cold face, a cold finger, and a kazkov's one has a soft cold, a fork's cold. Aje Zalіzna ore is seen from the earth, henceforth, the lord of the underworld kingdom, Vіy, being the ruler of his own kind and the patron of the earth's surpluses and riches. Perhaps, to that M. V. Gogol zarakhovu yogo to European dwarfs, savers of underground treasures. For an old-timer people at the time of the folding of the words of the Janskian mythology, the metal metal, which is important to be seen and importantly cultivated, is indispensable to the state, having seen the greatest value.

The kazkovy hero Afanasyev with his long eyebrows and his brows again confirms the look of Viya. However, in the words of the "Janian mythology" for the ruler of the underworld kingdom, the very old brows of the chi are bula, pevne, neobov'yazkovo. Yogo characteristic of rice- simply dovge hairy, And what tse, vії, eyebrows chi beard - no meaning. You can admit that unfailing povіki - pіznє creation of the people's retelling. Golovne not povіki, but just dovgі vії, hairy. In one of the Belarusian fairy tales, "King Kokot, a beard of a likot, seventy arshins of batig, a bag made of seventy ox-skins" is described - an image similar to the rulers of the underworld kingdom. Vіdomy і kazkovy dіdok "Sam z nіgtik, beard z lіkotok", Volodar of irrepressible strength and majestic herd of bugs. Having changed the trigolovy serpent from the serviceman, and he himself changed into a rich man, who retried yoga, under the earth. Ale є among the Belarusian kazkas and so, de Koshchiy, like and Viyu, the servant lifted the poveki, "five pounds of leather." Tsey Koshchiy "how to marvel at someone - so you don’t see that one, you want to let it out - all the same skin will come back before you."

It means that it is impossible for him to marvel at Viu in his eyes, which he took away, pulled up to himself in the underground, at the world of the dead, which, in good health, became with the badolaho Homa in Gogol's "Vіє". It goes without saying that in the Christian apocryphal legends of Vієm, Saint Kasyan was commemorated, whom the people respected in the spirit of leap year and special misfortune for the strong. They thought that Kasyan, as the ruler of the underworld kingdom, lives deep under the earth, by the oven, where he does not penetrate daylight. Kasyan's look is fatal for all living things and causes bad, sickness, and even death. The apocryphal Judas Iskariot, who, in order to punish Jesus Christ for the sake of Jesus Christ, nibito having poured zir through the supermundanely grown age, was covered with such rices by Viya.

Then the signs of such a wondrous image of Viya appeared in the words of the Janskian mythology and folklore? To know the clues to help the main signs of our character: hairiness, volodinnya herds of bugs, and respectability to the underground world. The signs of zmushuyut guess one of the most recent and, before that, the head of the Slavonic gods of paganism - Veles (Volos). The first people learned how to cultivate the land, helped the people of wisdom, helped them to get the beast, which, in the thought of the wealthy elders, maddened the name of the deity. It looks like the word "hair", that's cunning, shkir myslivskogo vidobutku. Veles also provided the spirits of the dead animals. Zvіdsi apparition, scho deity tse pov'azane zі death, the light of the dead. "Spochatku, in the distant myslivsky past, Veles momentarily means the spirit of a beaten animal, the spirit of a myslivsky vidobutka, that is the god of that single wealth of the first thought, as if it was made special by the carcass of an overpowered animal." So writing about Veles-Volos academician B. A. Ribakov.

But after an hour, farming and animal husbandry became an invisible part of the rule of ancient people. Poluvannya spent a lot of value, Veles became the patron saint of thinness. The axis of why in the thought "He is a nigtik, a beard of a lily" is the scourge of the herd, and the skin, who hovered over them, risked trying on himself the power of the ruler of the herd. The age of thinness in ancient times is the main indicator of the wealth of the family. Thinness gave people practically everything they needed: the same draft strength, the same smartness, shkira, outerwear for clothing and other state needs, milk, dairy products, and meat for eating. Nevipadkovo sound vimiryuvat wealth in the "heads" of thinness, having lived to Serednyovichchya. The word "thinness" was used to signify thinness, but it's all the same, the richness of this. The word "bestiality" got used to the meanings of "cunning", "greedy". Settlement of a financial official, who stands between a posadnik and a headman, calling himself "cattleman", the shards of "a cattleman" are a treasury (the sign of Veles is like a deity: he knows income and wealth).

Nevipadkovo that Veles protistavlyavsya Perun - the god of heaven, threaten that war. Aje wealth, prosperity and war, which pull the ruin behind you, nesum_snі. The bearer of thunderstorms, Perun, is alive in heaven, in the overcast realm of the gods. Veles appeared with the underground light of the dead, "that light". Right up to the beginning of the 20th century, when you have saved, the sound of stubble leaves a bunch of squeezed spikelets in the field - "Veles on the boridka." The villagers were able to earn the favor of their ancestors, to rest in the earth, having laid a crop of advancing fate. Trees, bushes, grasses were called by the people "the hair of the earth". In such a rank, it is not surprising that the ruler of the underworld kingdom Veles, whose name was forgotten in a hundred years, appeared at the sight of a hairy old man and otrima vіy through his name. (Vtim, im'ya Vіy for similar trips to the name Veles: and those and more like the words "hair", "war".)

Since the beginning of Christianity, the role of the patron saint of thinness Veles passed to St. Blasius (better for everything, through the soundness of names), which day fell on the 11th of the fierce (24th for the new style). At the rich places of Russia, Vlasiv day was marked as very holy. For example, near the Vologda province, the inhabitants of the sudan volosts were sacredly praying, a rich prayer service was served in the tracts, at the hour of which cow bread was consecrated. In the house of the gentlemen, the bundles of the consecrated bread of thinness arose, helping them themselves to save yoga from the ailment by stretching the mustache rock. On the third day in the bazaars, thinness auctions began. Before St. Blaise, they prayed for the protection of that healthy thinness: "Holy Blaise, give me happiness on smooth carcasses, on those whips, so that they went from the yard, and jumped from the field." Icons of the saint were hung in cowsheds and cowsheds for the defense of thinness in the face of weak misfortune.

And the axis of the function of Veles, like a panuє in hell, maybe, taking on the image of Viy - a character of a negative, "unclean power". Otherwise, apparently, with the adoption of Christianity, the image of the pagan Veles was progressively divided into two hypostases: positively - St.

"After a pivnyachy cry. It was already another cry; the first one was sensed by the dwarfs. Evil spirits rushed at random, at that door, so that they would soon fly, but it wasn’t there: so the stench was left there, hanging at the door ta vіknakh". The priest, having stupefied himself, having shaken such a confounding of God's sanctuary, and not daring to serve the panakhida in such a place, so the church with potions was left for ever and ever, that it was tied up in the doors and windows, overgrown with fox, roots, weeds, wild thorns, and don't know until now. ". Thus ends his story "Viy" Mikola Vasilovich Gogol.

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Encyclopedic dictionary, 1998


the skhidnoslov'yansky mythology has a spirit that brings death. Mayuchi majestic eyes with important povkami, Viy driving in his glance.


Viy (film, 1967)

"Viy"- a feature film, taken in 1967 by the Soviet Socialist Republic for the same title story by M. U. Gogol. One of the leaders of the Radyansk film distribution in 1968 (32.6 million viewers). Bagatorazovo zgaduetsya like a single radyansky film zhahiv.

In the 1970s, the film was bought for overseas distribution: from the USA, Argentina, Finland and France.

Viy (film, 1909)

"Viy"(1909) - a short artistic short film by Vasily Goncharov. Taken behind the motives of Gogol's eponymous novel. One of the first fantasy fiction films made in Russia. The first Russian film Zhakhiv. Until now, I have not saved myself.

Zgidno with the legacy of pre-revolutionary cinema, Veniamin Vishnevsky, the film reblowing the title "Old Little Russian retelling for M. V. Gogol."


Viy- in skhidnoslov'yansky mythology, a character from hell, whose glance drives in. Yogo eyes ring out with majestic centuries and viami, like wines cannot be lifted without third-party help.

Viy (film, 2014)

"Viy"- a feature film directed by Oleg Stepchenko, based on the motives of the novel "Viy" by Mykola Gogol. The film was rebuffed by the process of production from the baby in 2005. The premiere of the film in Russia took place on September 30, 2014, in 3D format. The most famous Russian film of 2014.

The last film with the participation of Valery Zolotukhin.

Viy (film, 1916)

"Viy"- a non-fiction film by Vladislav Starevich, filmed in 1916 based on the motifs of Mikoli Gogol's eponymous story. Donin's film was not saved.

In a number of dzherel, the date of release of the film is 1913 chi 1918 r. Prote fakhіvtsі of the Sovereign Central Museum of Cinema (Moscow) present the appearance of "Viya" by Starevich until 1916.

Viy (story)

"Viy"- A mystical story by Mikoli Gogol, previously published in the yoga collection "Mirgorod" (1835). The name of the story is the name of the words of the demonic nature of the person, for which the plot is related.

Viy (meaning)

Viy- in skhidnoslov'yansky mythology - the spirit that brings death.


  • « Viy"- story by Mikoli Gogol from the cycle "Mirgorod"
  • "Viy" - a short film directed by Vasil Goncharov (1909)
  • "Viy" - an introduction to a film directed by Vladislav Starevich (1916)
  • "Viy" - feature film directed by Kostyantin Yershov and Georgy Kropachov (1967)
  • "Vidma" (working name "Vіy - in the power of fear") - a film based on the motives of the novel "Viy", directed by Oleg Fesenok (2006)
  • "Viy" - a feature film directed by Oleg Stepchenko (2014)
  • "Viy" - comedy porn parody directed by Pryanishnikov (2002)
  • “Viy. Zhakh in a Radyansky way" (2007, Russia) - a documentary film by Nonny Bokarova, dedication to the siblings of the feature film "Viy" 1967 rock
  • “Viy. Invisible version" (2009, Russia) - a documentary film by Olenya Zakharchuk, dedication to the siblings of the feature film "Viy" in 1967
  • "Viy" - Ukrainian cartoon directed by O. Grachova (1996)
Video games:
  • "Viy: History told anew" - computer graphics
  • "Viy" - Bashto combat module of Ukrainian manufacturing
  • Wii - game console

Apply the words of the literature.

Call for patience, call for grief, call for the guilty, call for judges, call for everything that will be, call for the eyes of the blind prophets, call for the roses of God, call for the conspiracies, that they healed the viy, call for great portraits Viya, raising great power, raising the pasture full of meat, raising the stone walls of progress, raising the recumbent bison below, calling the eternal place, raising the hammer and sickle, raising the hammer and sickle, raising - for all our efforts - raising - on all bottomless bowls, raising quiet , that the winds have already closed, rose gray, like a harrier, nadії, rise - go the road has opened our windows, Past!

Poz - vzhe nі z kim not interfering, - Poz of patience, poz of grief, Poz of the guilty, poz of judges, Poz of everything that will be, Poz of the eyes of the blind prophets, Poz of the roses of God, Poz of spivakiv, that they have healed the vіyu, Poz great portraits Viya, Poz yogo great power, Poz the pasture stuffed with meat, Poz the green walls of progress, Poz the recumbent bison at the bottom, Poz they burned down the old place, Poz they masturbated the hammer and sickle, Poz - for all our efforts - Poz on all the bottomless bowls, Poz already closed povіki, Povz gray, like a harrier, nadії, - Povz!

Tikhin buv glorious lilac housewife from the Ryazan region, messages Viem to Solovets for a guilty fault: from Kim Vіn there, I didn’t get so accustomed to being moved to a boiled viper.

Gromadyansky and Viysky ranks in the person of clerk Mac-Uybla and ensign Mac-Combiha after low deep bows and shuffling to their superiors, they alone took a job on the offending sides Have їх Ian Evil.

Vіy - the underground god in the words of the Jansk mythology

Viy (Viy, Niy, Niya, Niyan) - the son of Chornobog and the goat of Sedun. Lord of the kingdom of hell, king of the underworld world (Navi, Hell), king of torment. Separate quiet terrible punishments, as if they were chasing after the death of all evildoers, villains, zradnikiv, murderers and abominations, and still seem to be all those who are unjustly alive and violating the laws of Reveal and Rule. For all impatient checks fair and incorruptible Judgment Viy.

Viy king of the underground world, brother Diya. At the hour of peace, the prisoner at Pekli. Vіn trimay in the hands of a fire scourge, as a treat for sinners. At the new important povіki - they are trimmed with pitchforks by a lot of numerical servants. I win until death do not see the sony light. Behind the Russian and Belarusian fairy tales, povіki, vії chi eyebrows Vіy lifted with a pitchfork yoga pomіchniki, why the people, yak not vitrimuval look Vіy, died.
In skhidnoslov'yansky mythology Viy is a spirit that brings death. Mayuchi majestic eyes with important povkami, Viy driving in his glance. In Ukrainian demonology - a dirty old man with eyebrows and centuries to the very earth.
Vіy can’t do anything by himself, he also plays the role of a seer of evil spirits (which is common among the work of N.V. Gogol); but if you can give in to how many strong men raise your eyebrows and poked with cold pitchforks, then you can’t cling to anything in front of the terrible yogo look: with your look, you beat people in, rape the pestilence on the fortune tellers, ruin and turn into ashes proud and village. Vіy so vvazhavsya by the tyrant of nightmares, you see that ghost.

N.V. Gogol in his work "Viy" describes the deity in this way:

“I raptomly silence came in the church: I felt a curling in the distance, and important croques lulled without a hitch, they lulled through the church, looking at the bevel, pumping the veins, to lead the bastard, the bow, the klishogu people. All the wine is in the black earth. Like a sinewy mіtsne, the roots could be seen from the new hooting earth of the hands and feet. Stepping heavily vin, shokhvilin stumble. Dovgі povіki were lowered right up to the ground. With a flickering memory of Homa, what a revelation on the new boulder. They brought Yogo under his hands and placed him upright until that month, where Homa stood.

- Lift me up: I don’t swear! - Viy said in an underground voice. - And the whole host rushed to pіdnіmati yoma povіki.

"Don't be surprised!" - whispered the inner voice of the philosopher. Not tolerant wine and glancing.

- Axis of wine! - Shouting Viy and inserting a finger on the new one. And that’s all, no skil, rushed at the philosopher. Not breathing, grimnuvsya on the ground, and immediately the spirit of the new fear swept away. That's why you can't marvel at Vіu in your eyes, because you'll take it, drag it to your dungeon, near the world of the dead.

Gogol also adds this to his creation: Such is the name of the head of the dwarfs among the Little Russians, in whose eyes they go to the very earth. The whole story is a folk retelling. I don’t want to change anything about yoga and I tell it to me in such simplicity like a chuv.”

Our most recent new deity Vіy maє analogues are also among the ancient Irish, among whom Balor is called. In Irish mythology, the deity is the one-eyed god of death, the gang of indulgent demons-fomorivs. Balor opposes the enemies with the deadly look of his single eye. At the hour of the battle, four servants raised the voice of God.

In the skhіdnoslov'yansky mythology, the character, whose deadly look of attachment under the majestic centuries or viami, one of the skhіdnoslov'yansky names of those appears to be associated with this very root: porіvn. Ukrainian viya, viyka, Belarusian. vіya "vіyka". According to Russian i ... Encyclopedia of mythology

I; m. In the words of the Janskian mythology: supranatural іstota, which has a deadly look, attachments under the majestic centuries or viami. ● Behind the people's statements, Viy grіzny old with eyebrows and centuries to the very earth. By itself, vin bachiti is not ... Encyclopedic dictionary

The skhidnoslovyansky mythology has a spirit that brings death. Mayuchi majestic eyes with important eyelids, Viy drives in with his gaze. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

Person with Little Russian demonology; old with eyebrows and eyelids to the very earth; ale, if you raise your eyebrows, then your glance will drive in and destroy everything that you want to win. The transmission was corrected by Gogol in "Vіє". Glossary of foreign words that have been learned before ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

Exist., in synonyms: 4 vigadana istota (334) hero (80) ny (2) ... Glossary of synonyms

Viy- Vіy, Vіya, proposition. p. o V іє (mіfol.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

Viy- I; m. In the words of the Janskian mythology: supranatural іstota, which has a deadly look, attachments under the majestic centuries or viami. Behind the people's manifestations, Viy is an old grizny with eyebrows and centuries to the very earth. By itself, vin bachiti is not ... Dictionary of bagatioh viraziv

VIY- (character of one story by N. V. Gogol; div. also VІЄV) Jealous, / squads, / tears ... / well їх! - / to throw off the povіki / yakraz Vіyu. / I am not myself, / but I am / jealous / for Radyansk Russia. M928 (355); The downfall is terrible for the townsfolk, Seeing the Unsettled at night, ...

-VIY- div. KYIV VIY … Vlasne im'ya in Russian poetry of the XX century: a dictionary of special names

Little Russian demonology has a dirty old man with eyebrows and centuries to the very earth; V. can’t fight anything on his own, but if only a few strong men can lift their eyebrows and swipe with forks, then you can’t cling to yoga in front of death ... Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Viy, Gogol Mikola Vasilovich. The gift of the vision of "Viy", timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of M. V. Gogol, allows readers to immerse themselves in the mystical world of one of the most extraordinary works of light classics.
  • Viy, Gogol Mikola Vasilovich. The features of the religious svetoglyad of the great Russian writer N.V. Gogol and his "mystically gifted spirit" knew their own in the story "Viy", which was ambiguous at its hour ...

Vіy is a character of mythology, a kind of guide to literally everyone. Vіy becoming one of the most important characters in mythology, the foundation of Ukrainian mythology, after that, yak Mykola Vasylovich Gogol (1809-1852) wrote his immortal tvir "Viy". The very same way, like Gogol showing it, and revealing its truth, the passages so truly look Vіy and chi vіn not the fruit of the great writer's guess?

Successors pagan culture I don’t know the words of the old dzherelakh riddles named Viy. However, God is guessing, which is similar in sound and sutti. To go about the god of the underground light, for him to whom - Niy (respect). Niy, naimovirnіshe, є disputed with the old Slavic words "" (light of the dead) and "navi" (merci). Doslidnik D. Moldavian visuvay version that Gogol in his work behind the most famous statement about Niya in folklore. Changing the name of Niy to Viy, it’s completely imaginative, to resemble the peculiarities of the underground god, and the very first century, or else, like a deadly unsafe look. Here Ukrainian. vіya — vіya ta povіka — povіku z o'clock the residents of Ukraine changed Niya to Viya.

If only this character, then we can thank Mikoli Vasilovich Gogol for those who have deprived us of superb values ​​for us, yak, yakbi not yogo creativity, as much as possible could have been erased from the memory of peoples. Naytsіkavіshim at tsomu characters, yak, yak mi vzhe z'yasuvali, є kazkovy prototype of the god of the underground world - Niya-Koshchiya, є yogo fatally unsafe eyes and longevity, yakі be brought to the attention of yoga іstotam or heroes. If at the book of Gogol the glance of Viya was not driven in, but rather knowing the deity amulets, calling on everything, in the olden days, that glance was attributed to the very death of zdіbnosti.

The Russian and Belarusian Cossacks kept descriptions of certain characters who evil spirit, as if to drive in with a glance, but there are majestic floorings and important floorings, which can be lifted with pitchforks. We can look for such a character in the Kazakh "Ivan Bikovich"; In the kaztsі "Biy on the Kalinovy ​​Most" the mother of the serpent sipped the head character at the underground, where the man lies on the sunken bed - an old man with long winds and thick eyebrows, like spitting on his eyes. The old cry of the twelve mighty heroes and punishment: “Take the fork of the flood, raise my eyebrows and black, I will wonder what the fault of the birds is, what the driving in of my blues.” Tsya kazka, nayimovіrnіshe, rozpovidaє about the pagan goddesses and the її man Koshchei. In this rank, we can admit that the building with a glance was taman to Niyu and our Koshchiy. Є pripuschennya, scho same z tsієї old-fashioned vistavi, zabobon appeared, like a vidoma, like “priest” — like a black, slanting black eye, an evil look, a look of speed and so far away all the gyna and psuєtsya.

The proof that Vіy (Nіy) that Chornobog Koshchiy is one and the same god, and also that in both of them the deadly look of that dovgі povіki (eyebrows, vії), bring the era of dualism. After the baptism both on the territory of Russia and on the territory of Ukraine, the image of these gods was transferred to one Christian saint. Saint Kasian. It is important that Kasyan is angry, unkind, stingy, vindictive, unacceptable and unsafe. St. Kasyan's Day is celebrated on the 29th of the fierce at the leap river. Regardless of those who, in the Christian tradition, Kasyan (John Kassian the Roman) is respected as a righteous man, in the words of the Yansk tradition, he was credited with a role, as in the pagan chas vykonuvav Chornobog. Ymovirno, it became in the name of the Christian saint, Kasyan’s oskelki Russian and Ukrainian language are felt like “oblique”, “Ukr: oblique”. An oblique look, meaning a look of filth, which can bring misfortune. Russian orders about St. Kasyan: “Kasyan look at everything, everyone is in it”, “Kasyan mow everything”, “Kasyan at the people - it’s important for the people”, “Kasyan look at the grass - the grass is in the 'yane, at thinness - thinness Dykhne, on a tree - a tree withered "and" Hud priplіd on Kasyanov rіk ". They took care and believed that Kasyan had inconceivably large poviks, like spitting on your eyes, and if you see the saints , the prototype of which is the god of the underground world of the dead, immediately dies.

“Lift me up!” snippets from the 1967 film Viy:

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