The culture of ancient words is short-culturology. Peculiarities of the language culture of ancient words. Rite that sound of ancient words

Culture is a collection of virobnichih, supremacy and spiritual reach of people.

Religion is one of the forms of supremacy - the continuum of spiritual manifestations, which are grounded in supranatural forces and essences (spirits and gods).

Tribal groups of similar words were among the first Meshkans of the lands, as they later called Kievan Rus. Dzherela of the VI century, including the Byzantine Procopius of Caesarea and the Gothic author Jordan, identified with similar words of antiv - a group of tribes that occupied the territory, that reached the Black Sea at the entrance, to the lower Danube, and at the exit - right away. It was built with the first dzherel from the early history of Russia - According to the time years (built on the cob of the XII century by Nestor, a Chance of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery), ancient skhіdnі words became more than a dozen tribes, they lived in the vast expanse of the Black Sea on the pіvdni to Lanochі , from the Danube and the Carpathian mountains at the entrance to the Volga at the exit. Among these tribes were meadows, who lingered in the middle stream of the Dnipro, Slovenia, who lived on the outskirts of Lake Ilmenskoe, as well as Drevlyans, Radimichi, Vyatichi, inhabitants of pivnoch, white Croatian, dulibi, streets, Krivichi, Tiverci, Dregovichi and others. unbelievably; according to some theories, the ancestral home of the words is christened with pіvdennym cordons bolіt Pripyatі, the valley of the Vіsli and the pіvnіchny Carpathians. Slovyanskі tribes have long been engaged in farming, watering, fishing and animal husbandry. In addition, among the rich settlements of words, which were found in the valleys of the Dnipro, Dintsa and Volkhov, primitive crafts were established, including pottery and weaving. On the significance of the agricultural state for the early tribal comradeship of the words, I point to the importance of the ancient cults and natural gods of the skhidnoslovyansk pagan pantheon.

Ancient Slavs were people of Vedic culture, it would be more correct to call that ancient Slavic religion not paganism, but Vedism. The word "lead" is similar to the modern Russian "to see", "to know". The whole religion of a highly cultured people is peaceful, disputed with other religions of the Vedic root - Ancient India and Iran, Ancient Greece.

Veles book

The main reminders of the culture of the words of the Jansk ancient times - sacred songs, opovides, myths, wanting more scholars to appreciate that the texts of the ancient Slavic sacred songs, myths died out at the beginning of the Christianization of Russia. In vіtchiznіy istorіchnіy naukі navіt those not rich, scho left - Veles's book, most importantly written by the Novgorod priests of the late 9th century, vvazhayut pіdrobkoy. 11 Russian Vedi. Songs of the Birds of Gamayun. Veles book - M., 1992.

Dosі tochatsya superechki schodo osnovі zgaduvanih in litopisah slov'yansk gods. It is not less than the thought that the most ancient layer of the words of the Yang myths was saved more for Greek, Indian or Biblical. The reason for this is a special way for the development of the words of the Yang culture. The mythical sayings of other peoples were spoofed at the hour of recording that review already at the last hour. Slovyansky folklore - the tradition is alive, the smaller world recognized the change under the influx of writing culture.

Treasures of the words of the Jansk folklore - folk songs, fairy tales, bilini, spiritual verses - are being intensively collected and recorded only in the first half of the 19th century.

The book of Veles is a memo that is foldable. Vaughn virishuє old superechku about pohodzhennya words'yan. Vaughn describes the shares of different tribes, as if they took their fate from the Slavic ethnogenesis. The book of Veles describes the sub-mythical and ancient history of the words of the end of the 2nd millennium BC. - the end of the 1st millennium A.D.

According to the Book of Veles, the archaic Trinity - Triglav was based on the ancient words: Svarog (Svarozhich) - the heavenly god, Perun - the thunderer, Veles (Volos) - the god of the destroyer of the All-World, although different priestly schools of words unequally understood the mystery of the Trinity. Songs of the Birds of Gamayun. Veles book - M., 1992.

To the widening of maternal cults, the chanting of female ancestors is associated. In the era of patriarchy, maternal cults transform into women's incarnations of gods and take on a single function - they become patrons of a house, a fire, a fire, a territory, a country, a people, a sim, love for a gentleman, a grandmother, mothers. However, the cult of the woman’s cult, in a kind of modification, did not stink, always weighed up to one of its two manifestations: the stench was distinguished by the light of the kohanna, either heavenly (Slovak Lele), or earthly (Slovak Mother Earth).

In the name of Svarog, the ancient cosmogonical myth of the words about the creation of the Earth by our Ancestor - Rod - Dzherel Vsesvitu.

They occupied the great lands of the territory of Central and Northern Europe and of us in front of the lands of the fatherland of the Indo-European homeland, partly like a stench, in one group with the Balts.

In fact, there is a great diversity among the thoughts, and even more of them pragne shukati yogo in the brewery pool of the Dnieper and the Desna. In Europe from the middle of the 19th century, historical science did not recognize the characteristics of the words of the Yang culture. In the late robots (another half of the 20th century), the surviving members of the vineyard, after the completion of the great migrations in this territorial region, no longer had a single word of the Jansk culture. Historians who took their share from the well-known characteristics of the words of the Yan culture - our leader Oleksandr Bryukner and Lubor Niederle.

Russian vcheni, popularizers of the idea of ​​pan-Slavism - Bazilov, Dovzhenyok, Grekiv, Yuzhkov and Koropatkin tried to prove that the word'yansk culture took its cob Skhodі, but these assertions were confirmed by documents and archaeological evidence.


Slovyansk settlements were formed by rivers and strumkiv - natural ways of success, so the success was given to settlements near safe areas (for example, in an otochenny dense forest) where “outdoors” were found , de bula a real threat of the invasion of the foes of wild creatures that were "roundabouts" head square and the settlement itself, as a rule, was surrounded by a palisade). At the settlements of another type, the gates were also timid, they were started for nothing (among them, for the defense of thinness in the attack of the hizhakiv at night). Such settlements could easily get in the face of the defenders of the robbers, but in case of a serious invasion, the Meshkants had to go to a larger fortified place.


Settlements bіla rivers and other waters roztashovuval mіstsevіh inhabitants to such diyality, like fishing or beekeeping. After virubuvannya part of the fox, on the yogo mіstsі began growing millet, barley, wheat, rye, lyon and hops. At the borders of natural domination, the skin family, sound, itself satisfied its needs. A man was a weaver, a maker of tools, a bjolyar that a brewer, and a woman wove the children, prepared a jersey, weaved that sewed robes, robbed her coats, that hutra vzuttya.

Only two craftsmen saw the workmanship under the floor - the pottery on the right and the metal work. The stravi were thin, the first ones were labored by hand, and then for the help of a potter's stake. Slovyans are characterized by mountaineers without wahs, like they can replace a new special handle at the format of the curved edges of the vessel. The stravi were embellished with frizzy (most importantly corded ceramics), in the lower part of the vessel there was a sign, ymovirno, the “brand” of the potter. They forged the horses, prepared the laths for the plows (like they came to change the ralam and soham), the main tools and the metal armor (knives, the woods, and the falcons). Zbroya short capacity, Take like daggers and swords, delivered from other lands [ ] , ymovіrno, head rank, from the region of Moravia and Nіmechchini.

Religious worship

Slov'yani worshiped the forces of nature. Zahidno word'yanskі tribes were rich temples in honor of their deities, as if they were served by priests. Most of the tribes, although they did not have temples, worshiped the gods at the “sacred ghai”. The Crimea of ​​the main deities were insignificant spirits of nature - a river, a fox, a watering and a budinka.

The skin of this family worshiped the spirits of their ancestors. It was important that the stench was lingering in the dark and cold beyond the borders of the world and we were alive. In order to calm them down and give them to themselves alive, they were brought gifts like a home, so during the spring and autumn hours of the saints of the dead, if people went to look at their graves, they brought them to them. So, they had gods Share (luck) that Nedolya (failure). By the way, prote, the current cult has changed with the cult of ancestor worship.

Most of the words of the Yan graves are skeletal, and more - creamed. At once, from the deceased, they hove the yogo objects of the pobutu, and more importantly, in Skhidnykh words, they hove horses and braziers (especially near the mounds from the late leader).


More often than not, barter between the inhabitants of one opol chi tribe. In the final period, however, one can trace the traces of prehistoric trade ways of words, both in the middle of the Russian territory, and beyond the borders, mainly in Rome, the Nimechchina and Byzantium. As young and primitive cultures, old words won Roman, Byzantine, Arabic and Persian coins at the trading grounds, but did not carve their coins. Nayvіdomіshiy trade way - t.z. burshtinovy ​​way, which goes from the Baltic Sea to Aquileia Italy. An important reference point on the route

Skhіdnі slov'yani bіlієyu z gіlok slov'yanskoї svіlnostі. The stench was resurrected as a gift to her on the cob of the new world to the current world three great peoples: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. We know more about the skhidnoslovyansk culture, less about the same in pivdennyh and zahіdnyh words. That material culture of similar words is as relevant to us as it is to their unmediated tastes.

The culture of any people is built up over a long period of time. You carry in collect the character of that vdacha of people. Therefore, the development of the features of the material culture of similar words is their own place to the greatest ones. fundamental aspects their lives.

Great significance in the formation of the culture of similar words, like those of other peoples, played the natural-geographical mind. The place of resettlement was the Shіdnoevropeyska Rіvnina, rich in foxes and rivers. Startled, people started to live by water, which was quite reasonable and docily. Water is always needed by the state, for drinking. More importantly, the rivers often have fish. And the foxes were full of rich blessings: wood, smart, meat of wild creatures, yagid, herbs.

Skhіdn_ slov'yani: osobennostі materialіlї ї kol'uktury

Skhidnі slov'yani, scho obviously, began to develop the land of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. From the beginning of the assimilation of the Skhidno-European realm, the material culture of the Skhidno-Slovak tribes was born. Under the material culture of the worldly creation of human objects, objects, objects of mysticism and life, as if they allow one to attach themselves to the natural and social minds of life.

Main occupations of similar words

First, let's talk about farming. Vono back to back was the main occupation, yak gave a hedgehog and allowed to live. Ale, from the other side, there was a sign of work, outbuildings for cultivating land. Thus, a primitive inventory appeared, which was prepared from a tree, and then they began to add to the new metal elements. It is necessary to pay close attention to our ancestors, as they were more vigilant and respectful to the climate and weather minds in their territory. As you can see, it is customary for the average Russian smuz to plant and hang curtains, and to choose a crop. Tse pov'yazano s cold winter, yak not allowed to grow the birth. І skhіdnі slov'yani already shvidko caught tsyu regularity.

In a different way, bestiality, mischief, fishing, beekeeping. Qi busy also boules eating. Ale and їm were needed sing songs. Domesticated creatures have become an important and significant stage in the development of ancient civilizations. The stench began to vikoristovuvatisya not less like a dzherelo meat, but like a working force, but a suitable transport. Poluvannya on wild creatures tezh zabezpechuval people at the plan їzhi. For example, the skins of that hutra have become for the people a wonderful warm garment. Trochs of late ribnium and crafty crafts squandered the development of trade money and the economy in a rush.

Life of similar words

The next important element of the material culture of similar words is nothing but confusion. Obviously, the Russian hut with food falls to the mind of everyone. However, do not varto kvapiti podії. Hatis appeared only before the eighth century. Before that, people lived in dugouts, then in drunken dugouts. Aje wake up wooden booth- Tsezovsim is not an easy task. But in an hour, the words appeared to be able to victorious lis and yogo give for their own purposes. The transitional stage from the underground dwelling to the huts was the dugout, as it was halfway around the earth. From the trees, coniferous breeds were most importantly victorious. Techniques for the life of a house were rough and stovpov. All the life of similar words was divided into two parts: the upper hut (the infamous part) and the hut (the master's part, the summer dwelling). The insults of the part rebounded one by one after the help of the blue, as if they were victorious over the role of the filter and the protection of hati from unfriendly weather minds. Zvіsno, zalezhno in the region where the inhabitants of similar words lived, those little deuces of specialness were raised.

As for the internal planning of the hut, then everything was more or less standard for a little more than a few elements. One quarter of the hati was occupied by pich - the head attribute of the donkey of similar words. They robbed її a cob of clay, and then - z zegli. Pekti was a dzherel of heat, as well as a bowl for cooking zhzhi. Kozhen kut booth mav his confession. For example, the front kut was a mass, de-roztashovuvavsya obidnіy stіl, and at the holy yogo they embellished with embroidered towels and pictures. Like a seat, benches (benches) were victorious, roztashovani along the perimeter of the walls. Bulls and wooden policemen, yakі hung more for the rіven vіkon. In the wake of the trival hour, the words were overwhelmed by the construction of furniture, which would become one whole with the strength of the hut. Chotiri founded the main types of internal improvement of the hut fallow in the area of ​​residence. From pribudinkovyh spores in similar words "yan buv hlіv, komori, a place for harvesting and harvesting grain.

Clothes that vzuttya shidnih words

Let us continue to pray and nourish the clothes of our ancestors. It is necessary to say that she was by no means tight-fitting and did not reinforce her silhouette. The clothes were ventilated in a free type of cut. The men wore pants, like a crotch on a hank, and then on a belt that shirt. Before speech, pants were an exclusively human attribute of a suit. They sewed shirts from the bavovni and lyon, the stench was long-lasting - up to the equal of the knee. The skin region had its own peculiarity of shirts, like comir, additional inserts, embroideries, and the way of wearing. W upper garment at the tenth century buli vіdomі: otochennya - a jacket with sleeves, kabat - like a long coat and cloak. For the winter, the clothes were warmed with a fur coat.

Women's clothes, including a dovga shirt (shirt), as well as an apron. Remaining by curling the lower part of the body. And, obviously, the women's shirts were always brightly embellished with embroidery, stitches, and lace. Bouli at the words'yanok that spіdnitsі - ponevi, as well as cloth. Women wore fur coats and capes from the top coat.

Vzuttya ancient words robbed from different materials: skins of creatures, shkiri, hutra, measles. The most recent view of the boules was wrinkled, like a shmak shkir, winding on the leg and fixing with a moth. So they wove the legs from the face. Pіznіshe began to appear more thoroughly vzuttya to the type of chobit.

Crafts of similar words

Speaking about the material culture of similar words, one cannot but say about crafts. Most of the space was occupied by a metal worker and a forger on the right. Our ancestors knew about the base of gold, midi, sribl, tin and, of course, gold. They were victorious with a different method: preparing a znaryad pracі, zbroї, embellishment. engaged in skhіdnі words'yani and the creation of ceramic utensils (mostly miners of a different kind). Rozkvit tsgogo craft having fallen on the tenth century. It seems that the words were engaged in the shaping of the shkiri.

Women were engaged in weaving, as well as spinning. Threads robbed from the outside of creatures or from growing materials (lyon, hemp). For cich to take the necessary supplies: a spindle, a weaving bed.

The dishes of similar words were made from clay. The main її species were all mountaineers: for cooking porridge, cabbage, for dough, for driving and others. Mensh popular utensils made of wood: whole spoons, ladles, detailed boards, Scrapers. More traditionally sharpened metal utensils, made from chavun and midi.

Zha similar words

You can't help but dabble in the meals of similar words. Zvichayno, the king of the table is the king of bread: life wheat, fallow crops that grow. Also popular were different shortbreads, mullets, cheesecakes, shortbreads. With or without sour cream, syrup, porridge and other additives. From the first lands, the palm tree always lay on soups: borscht, borscht. In other countries, porridge was expanded, in Ukrainians, for example, dumplings became popular. They drank similar words, kvass, sour milk, milk.

A rich style was bent at the saint. І leather from them, bandages with their own traditional herbs. For example, on Maslyana, pects of milk were taken; Often їzhu was sacrificed to the gods and died to the ancestors.

The art of similar words

The art of the skhіdnoslovyansk peoples reached its resolution with the advent of Christianity. Architecture is especially important: temples, monuments, small towns. To what extent, as it seems, the Slavs sporadzhivat pagan temples from a tree. Now a stone has come to replace you. If you talk about painting, then, without a doubt, the icon painter and wall painting at the temples. The mosaics and frescoes were also wider. But all the elements were in position with Byzantium and other lands. Much earlier, music appeared at the similar words. Simplest musical instruments beaten out of wood. Literature appeared only with the advent of writing (nine to ten centuries). On the back were litopisi and other writings, which lie down to the historical writing dzherel.

At the end

Skhіdnі slov'yani that created by them the material culture has been deprived even richer to us, naschadki. Tsya culture became the underdogs, the foundation for the further development of the peoples, which came out of these similar words. Adje did not change the principles: dosi in Russia are budinki, for planning they are similar to khati. Dishes, robes were left in vain, they just got more variety for the rahunok of new materials. We also have supi and porridge, as for us, bring the most delicious and the most beautiful. I am guilty of remembering the culture of my ancestors, my wealthy zavdyachuemo їy. Aje people, who do not remember their roots, do not think of the future.

Fundamentals of material well-being of the Family.

We know that around 988 AD. the hell of Russia was. The very process of the Christianization of the peoples of the Russian Empire was troubling, which continued through the 9 coming centuries. Apparently, it was done by violent methods. The blame of people who did not accept baptism was respected by the charitable right. THE CHRISTIANITY OF RUSSIA was forcibly imposed on the peoples of Russia
Judeo-Christianity is a religion created by the Jews for these peoples, for the stinks of such people to live, and for sure free people to the slaves of their tribal god Yahweh-Egovi-Sabaoth. (Jesus, having not created Christianity, then why did the viviv vivi do rootly rebuke, in view of the fact that they began to insinuate us under the mask of yoga). And few people know what was up to the goddamn Russia. The assistants of history can tell about those who were all pagans - who were not savages and there was nothing in us that was not necessary. Chi tse so true?
Chi do you know that only 3 centuries ago our ancestors had 7208 in terms of chronology in the creation of the world in the dawn temple (signing of a peace treaty between Russia and China), but Petka is the first in the river, we have 5.5 thousand years of history, in addition to the number of 7708 to 1700 A.D. І faceless books and people were gone. (Our Russians said at that hour "Chop our heads, but don't chip our beards")
How was our culture before Christianity? Arab mandrіvniki asserted that Russ were unstoppable in battles, until the stinks became Christians. The people only know doti, the docks in the new life are clearly chi prihovat Spirit
Predkiv. The call here is direct and reversible. People who love their
people, creating the most intense egregor of the Family (information field
thoughts, spodіvan, bazhan, aspiring to the people) and draw themselves
z tsogo dzherel (At the film Avatar, Eyva has the image of the Sort).

The Slovyan-Aryan people were protecting Rid chi Shchur (tobto ancestor, ancestor). Incarnation of the Spirit of Ancestors, connected with their transformations when
relatives, the bulk of the Russ sighed.
To the point, to tell the truth, Christians about those that the history of Russia began with її baptism, and everything that came before it was blues playing. You just need to understand what is history (Іz-tori-ya) - the Torah is all Jewish writing, and blues (KO-Shchuram) - say the saying, bilini, that talk about the fall of our ancestors of the Slov'yano-Aryans.
Metoyu culture Slov'yan and Arіїv є reaching the skin people.
to whom spiritual perfection. Slov'yano-Ariy spokonviku oblast-
gave a clear expression to the understanding of morality as the basis of development
the spirit of the soul (Girl's body). Chomu stench had a sense of humanity.
foot life. The main commandment of the Slov'yano-Aryans is to say: "LIVE
For conscience
(Spіlna zvіstka, spіlne znannya) - HOLY READ DADDY, OWN

The ten commandments of the Slov'yano-Aryans, which have written in the vіdah, say:
“Thoughts, words and words give good and evil fruits. Zami-
sіv on a stranger, on diyu malice, on znevira - the essence of sin
thoughts; slander, nonsense, slander, obscene language - the essence of sin
the words; knock someone else's out, start driving in, fall in love -
the essence of the sins of the body (dії).
These are the most ancient foundations of earthly morality,
united Vіri of all people Slov'yano-Arії saved and pro-
carried through the darkness of the capital
to impose on people the heath of values. Skin s tsikh precious
valuable commandments to sparkle in the Russian language of the richest Russia
p'yu prislіv'їv i prikazki, iridescent miraculous folk light
Thought on someone else:
- Do not open up on someone else's cow company!
- Don't stir the wood on someone else's clothes!
- Do not go after someone else's good with a hook!
- Do not rely, Roman, on someone else's swarm!
- Zlodiysk koristuvannya is not worthy of koristuvannya.
- Pity the stranger - God will give his own.
- Your own crackers are better for someone else's pies.
- Alien - not big and big, but own - small, that's right.
Idea for a malicious one:
- De oath - there is evil.
- Live cool (cunningly) - die tartly.
- Like a life, like a life in that world.
- Yak is alive, so he died. How to live, so I get excited.
- Better death, lower evil lives.
- Pray, and beware of the evil ones!
- What you don’t love in others, don’t rob it yourself!
- Life is given to do well.
Thought on the wrong:
- Seeing God move - to come to Satan.
- Tі, scho vіddalyayutsya vіd Rodu - to die.
- You live without faith in this world, but you won’t live on that one.
- Bring the sins of love to perfection.
- Without God, the worm will die.
- God can not be seen, the pig is not z'ist.
- God allows, and the pig gander z'їdaє.
- You will cry, God will make you live more.
- Death without repentance - dog death.
- Death - angry, and kind - eternal memory.
- Do not say bad things about the dead - you will depict God.
- As we live, so we die.
- Don't lie: you're crooked in that world.
- Everything in the world is created by the goodness of God and the stupidity of people
- You won’t disappear anywhere with Viroy.
- Live - Serve the Family
- Divine - not like a person, but a person - like God.
- What is good for God, those are good.
- If you lay down on God, you won't screw up.
- He does not know who is inspired by God.
- God to soak, God and to hang.
- No cunning, no much, no miserable, no rich judgment of God
don't skip.
- A person is born for death, but when he dies, he lives.
- Alive - ours, died - Bogiv.
- Death from sin is terrible. Don't fight death, fight hell!
- Live worse, die lower.
- Sієsh live, you live in peace.
- In this world we are guests.
- Bula not bula; what will you be; and be those that God will give,
and what God does not give, everything is for the good: either you lie, or you twist.
- Alive God, my soul is alive.
- Do not judge others, marvel at yourself! Viberi stash my rep'yahi.
- I myself lie at the ford, and shout: do not brizka!
Inflict carding:

- It's easy to ruin, that soul is like
Inflict carding:
- Life gives only Rod, but takes away every reptile.
- Murder kills, but sleep yoga.
- The dead thief does not stand, but his own take.
- To follow someone else's head - to carry your own.
- It's easy to ruin, that soul is like?

Pokhodzhennya Slov'yan and Arijiv

Known in Russia, there are a lot of hoarders in the old-fashioned version of words - old-timers-inglings vvazhayut that our first ancestors are like and not like Mavp, and not like Adam and Eve, but came from the depths of space hundreds of thousands of years ago. These fathers were highly sensible reasons, which are accepted to be called Gods. І tse buli їхні ancestors! Naschadki to the Heavenly Family gained a long-standing belief in them - knowledge about the power of the Cosmos and began to glorify their Gods and ancestors (“and this is the essence of the Words”).
The first ancestors, as they called themselves, asi stumbled on our planet - Midgard-Earth as a result of the forced landing of a majestic spaceship and lost their lives here forever. Until now, there were no other people on this planet. It began to be mastered by the canopies of the Daariytsiv, Khariytsiv, Raseniv and Holy Russians. The mainland, from which the place of settlement was taken, the zirkovi mandrivniki called Daariya - the Gift of God.
Tsei mainland having gone to old age at the Pivnіchny pole. Different authors, who write on a wordy theme, call this country Hyperborea, Arctida. Deyakі writers otoznayuyut її z legendary Atlantis, forgetting that in the place of roztashuvannya the rest of the name itself Atlantic Ocean.

At that memorable hour of the earth, the entire bula was expanded vertically to the plane of the її orbit near the Sontsya (Yaryli-Sontsya), and to this our light was forever illumined by the volodinnya asiv. Best regards: the best people one’s professions are called aces (litchik-ace, driver-ace, to the one who lives, to drive a car just like God).
The sacred land of Daariya was divided by rivers into several parts: Rai, Tula, Svaga and Kh'Arra. To this day, a copy of the map of Daariya has been preserved, as it was copied by Gerhard Mercator in the middle ages of the century alone. Egyptian pyramids at Giza. Leather from the slopes that arrived on our planet, mav for living their territory (province), surrounded on one side by the Pivnichny Ice-Covered Ocean, and on the other two sides by rivers. Pivnіchny Ice-falling ocean of buoys of fresh waters, although vines of povyazaniya z іnshiy oceans. On the right, in that, at that hour, the entire ocean of light was filled only with fresh water.
Mustaches of rivers that took their cob from the Frozen Icy Ocean, flocked to the inland sea. At the center of the sea was the island of Arctida, on which stood Mount Myru (Meru). Її the basis is small and finite in shape, directed to the winds to the center of the Earth. On the mountain, the place Asgard, Daariysky, and the great temple (temple) were built. The name Asgard is translated as the place of the Gods.
Zgіdno zgіdnі zgіdnі s letter dzherelami oldovіrіv, settlers in commemorative hours on their spaceships saw other Earths (planets), and people from other planets arrived in Daariya. In the blink of an eye, our ancestors created new cities, there were temples and sanctuaries. They ate the stench of a "clean" (growth) zheyu. M'yaso for eating was not accustomed. So people didn't get sick.
For grown-up people, marmot (drink from herbs, infused with honey) was prepared on a large holy day. This drink in small quantities (25 or 50 grams) was given to those fathers who gave birth to that
9 a.m. 16 p.m. Small doses of suricum healed the human body and continued people's lives. And people lived the same way for a few years of life (one time of life becomes 144 fates, tobto fate).
Long-standing chronicles say that 300 thousand years later Midgard looked like something else. Daariya pov'yazuvav іz єrazіyskiy continent gіrsky isthmus, which pіvdennishe passing at Rіpeyskiy (Uralskiy) mountains. Kestela Sahara was a sea. The Indian Ocean is dry land, and there was one more continent. The Gibraltar Canal was open daily. On the Russian rіvninі, de ninі, Moscow is known, when the sea was splashing. The River Ra (Volga) did not flow into the Caspian (Khvalinsk) Sea, but into Chorna.
On the territory Western Siberia Buyan Island, which is washed by the Hidden and Western Seas. The very island of Buyan, about which one can be found in “Kazzi about Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. The Irіy Quiet (Irtish) river flowed through the island of Buyan.
The life of blessings of the Heavenly Family on our planet more than once has fundamentally recognized the change in the results of catastrophes on a cosmic scale. In their place, catastrophes, like the old-timers-inglings, were often the result of the struggle of the forces of good and evil in the All-World.

The first great flood, as a result of the tectonic storm of the small month of Leli (at that hour the Earth had two more months - Fatta and Month), on which, behind the instructions, koshchi were in the middle - representatives of the "heavenly world" (which includes ten thousand planets) - for the invasion of Midgard. The stench jumped to create Koshcheev's kingdom, about how to walk in Russian kazkas.
For the destruction of the planets of the son of God Perun Tarkh, who arrived from the system of the Golden Dazhbog-Sontsya from Ingard-Earth (from the suzir'ya Beta Leva, speaking in a modern way), heading a preventive strike on Leli. So, as there were 50 salty seas on it, masses of drivers and tricks of the lowered celestial body fell upon our planet.

The area of ​​the fall of the majestic ulamkiv zbіg z Pіvnіchniy Pole. The axis of the planet shifted, and Daariya rose under the waters of the great flood. On the surface, the high-altitude parts of Daariya were lost, for example, the modern Greenland, Franz Josip Land.
However, the touches of the Heavenly Family did not perish at once from Daariya. Їх ahead of the great priest on ім'я Spas. Behind the scenes, resettlement to the Eurasian continent began. For 15 years, our ancestors moved to the Isthmus of the Mountains (Ural Mountains) between the Northern and Western seas to the Eurasian continent. I in 109810 BC resettlement is completed. As if a part of the people vryatuvalas, having risen on whitemans (spaceships) to the earth orbit, others moved (teleported) through the Zoryanu Brama of Mіzhmir'ya to the Hall of Vedmedya (suzir'ya Great Vedmeditsі) near Volodinnya Daariytsiv. In addition, most of the inhabitants of Daaria lost their habitation in the Urals and Siberia, deriving the same subtropical climate.
In honor of the priest in the flood, Holy Paskhet was erected, which in translation from the Khariysk runic writing means: “the way, how they went asi.” From that hour, our skin sixteen summer (Rik) ancestors praised the Heavenly Ride for salvation from the flood. The rite of hitting the farbovani boiled eggs one by one, it was holy to tell about the victory of Tarkh Perunovich over the koshchei. The beaten egg was called the egg of the koshcheev, and it symbolized the roiling month of Lelya, and the whole egg - the power of Tarkh Dazhbog. So, please, represent our old history chronicles and retellings of old-timers.

Cosmic podії of the past.

Our land was called Mid Gard, and was one of three nine lands (3*9=27) of the sony system. Our ancestors called lands - the heavenly objects that wrap around the stars and the sun. And for months - objects that wrap around around the lands. The word planet has become less like the 19th century from the Greeks. Before that, all objects were called lands...

Vedic Cosmography

Sacred Scripture (Lead) to speak, back to back, at the Ancient hour of the New hour of the Great Assy, on the border of the Earth was the Mid-Gard-Earth, were blasted by the Dark forces. The Planet of Dey is the Earth of Dey, the planet of the Yarila-Sontsya system is ruined, and the leftovers of the Earth - Dey form the belt of Asteroids, between the orbits of the Earth Oreya (Mars) and the Earth of Perun (Jupiter).

The namelessness is described in the Vedas, which are saved at different points of Midgard-Earth, the lands of the Slovyan-Aryan Rodivs hang around, they settled in nine straight lines from the Bilovoddia area, where the stench came from the pivnichnoy krayni .
As a reminder of the ancient times of Dzherel, we see one rose, that I hobble the period in millions of years - against the current globally accepted history, which inspires the peoples of the Earth with the revelations about Svitobudova.

Culture of the Slovyan-Aryans

Author: Trekhlebov "Kashuni finista"

Modern human civilization is based on the representation
Nicknames of dark forces on a dead-end path of a rosette. Bo pіznannya
zvnіshnіh, material laws of the world, being nothing else
a path of creatures, leading people to vtruchannya at uzgodzhenіst
the activity of Nature - vtruchannya, scho to produce up to її times-
ruination, severe suffering of people and the decline of civilization
tsії like that. Nav'yazan us technocratic suspіlstvo
I can't help it. The only vihіd іz created-
the atmosphere of a created other, God-centered people,
like we create, but we don’t ruin the world. Bo knowledge of internal
early, spiritual laws of our world and the path of culture,
the path of Rasi. Tsey way leads people to the development of spiritual
stv, yakі zabezpechuyut vіdpovіdnіnі їhny zhiznі vіdnі vіdnі vїvish-vsevish-
new nature and bring them to perfection.
The first mantra Isha Upanishad expresses the essence of what lies at
foundations of Vedic culture: “Everything is alive and non-living in this All-
The fief is ruled by the Family and lie with Youmu. Therefore, it is necessary to
volіtisya seldom neobhіdnіshim - tim what was seen
you like your share, and do not take anything else, knowing well who
lie down everything." Z tsієї point Zoru life is not small in any way -
yes. More than that, a vlasnik cannot be vvazhatsya nor zagalno-
stvo, nі power. How I explain Isha Upanishad, Nature
prepared the skin essence of yoga, enough for
to live in the world, good luck and happiness. Dorimuyuchis instinct,
creatures dotrimuyutsya natural norms in їzhі, snі, polo-
vittya life and self-preservation, and only people can be smart-
I can’t get enough of myself and let my speeches go over my natural
cons. However, Holy writings of all peoples show
do not go beyond the limits of transferring rules
in similar manifestations. The Qur'an (11.8) says: "On the earth
there are no living creatures, which the Lord did not help to take care of.
chiti їzhu ... ”Spochatka and the person was endowed with everything necessary.
we are for a full life, but after all the carelessness of life in
proportionality with the unforeseeable laws of Nature in a new way
vinikli problems, zokrema and u dobuvanni їzhi.
Vedic writings affirm:
“It’s better to live, lived in law, lower millions of fates without
legal life.
Zhittyam, nadbannyam, with a thought that word innocently create
goodness to one's neighbors is the axis of sensibility.
Nothing matters to the one who needs it only for support.
nya life, slander - for the continuation of the family, words - for
righteous prayer.
Utrimannya vіd evil, good-natured mova, truthfulness, purity,
softness, tolerance - the axis of hardened shoes.
The essence of millions of books is in one verse: merit is in good neighbors
to a new, sin - to an evil neighbor.
Retail between good and bad is the same that is between
a cow and a snake: the persha transforms grass into milk, a friend
wraps milk in otruta.
Likhodiya is not good. How not to see the back passage,
wine will not become an eye.
Who does not reproach with anger against anger, rages both - to himself, and
Like a noble gentry, if you need to grab someone else's nedolіk!
What an unruly wine, if you have to show your feelings!
One axis eats something else - marvel at the difference between
them: to one - hvilinna contentment, to the other - a waste of life.
Allows you to drive in, drive in, cut, sell,
what to buy, cook, eat meat - all vbivtsі.
Weak in nature, the rose of animals, and there is more stink, bіdnі, zas-
pee pity.
Podіbnі pomsli living istot - all pragnate acceptably
mu and vіdvertayutsya vіd unacceptable. Reasonable price and do not work for others
the one that is unbearable to you yourself.
As to you dearest life, so dear to you and other su-
stvam. Having equalized yourself with others, Garni people give zi-
In the Gospel in Matthew it is said:
calves) buli akridi and wild honey"1. Sorry, bitches
Christians care that akridi is tse sarana. But not so.
A highly moral person, like John the Baptist, no
if you don’t break the natural commandments - such as “without driving in”,
"Do not do anything else to those that you do not want." І as a
ty to pershogerel, then it is easy to see pidmina. At
my walnut words "locust" and "shortcakes" may sound similar
channya: "akridi" - sarana; "ekkridi" - cakes, like cooking
tavlivalis on copper and olії.
The first Christians were put up to zabіynoї їzhi vkrai zaperechivno.
specifically: “... I wrote to you not to talk to him, who, being called a
to that, it is filled with a fornicator, or a coward, or an idolater,
or dashing, or p'yanitse, or hut; with such navіt
not at once, ”the apostle wrote to the First Messenger to the Corinthians
At the sight of today's Christians, yak, smearing
give your bloodthirstiness, explain at the temples at the text of the Bible,
scho "human hut - tse klepnik, cattleman" 3, true
Christians seem: “Lord, there’s nothing filthy or unclean
if it didn't enter my mouth"4, "...I won't eat meat again..."5,
bo “... huts - the Kingdom of God will not decline”6 and “... bloodthirsty-
the Lord rowed the one that was approaching”7.

The Christian Lord seems to say: “Chi I am the meat of the will and I drink
blood of goats? "one; “I crossed the rams with the fatness of the rams and the fat of the
years of thinness; I don't want blood, I don't want lambs, I don't want goats.
If you stretch out your hands, I will close your eyes
My; and if you multiply your blessings, I do not smell: YOUR
Wash yourself, be cleansed; see your evil spirits in my eyes;
stop being evil.
Learn to do good"2. Like the Christian Lord vvazha-
if there is evil driving in creatures for sacrifice, then there is no guilt
Will you do good to kill creatures for the sake of gluttony?
In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene (3.4-8) Jesus Christ speaks
rit: “Having changed the old writing, he wrote: “Snake
calming Eva with an apple. Well, I show you: Hi, God gave Eve an apple.
ko, there is little life in the future!”. Satan having crossed the words i
having taken, that the Serpent gave my meat to the creature. I spalahnulo in Єvі evil,
And, take it easy, she lusted after the Devil. I conceived Єva vіd Dya-
ox and gave birth to a mortal sin in her heart - gave birth to litter Bo-
Our fathers ordered us to live like this: HANDS IN PRACTICE,

Pohodzhennya that culture of old words

Entry 3

Pohodzhennya words'yan

Religion of ancient words

Social device

5. Entry

“The history of the history of the journey of that religion of words is the history of rozcharuvan” - having said so, the well-known scientist Stanislav Urbanchik, and vin maw submitted a statement. It can be said that nothing was left of the culture of words, but the shards may have been filled with Christianity. 70 years ago, Vatroslav Yagich, one of the creators of historical and linguistic Slavic studies, said that he would have waited to see all the scientific literature that had accumulated, from which nourishment for the ancient texts of the Slavic culture. From that hour, no great knowledge of similar texts was conceived, although archeology achieved success, revealing and tracing a number of ancient ancient Slavic settlements and cult spores.

Pohodzhennya words'yan

- Tell me, Gamayun, bird-watching, about the people of the Russian family,

about laws, zvaryuvannya danikh!

  • I don’t want anything, I know ... ”

    “I went to Zhiv Svarogovnya with the young Dazhbog Perunovich.

    Nezabar children: Prince Kisek, father Orey. And father Orey gave birth to the blue - Kiya, Cheek that Khoriv the young.

    Zemun filled them with her milk, the goydav god Stribog gave the goydav, Semargl zigrivaved them, Khors їm illumined.

    Onuks appeared in them, and then great-grandchildren appeared. sometimes Dazhbog’s baubles and Live and Russia are beautiful mermaids, then the people are great and glorious, the tribe is in their name - Russia”

    Songs of the bird Gamayun

    The ancestors of the words have long lived on the territory of Central and Northern Europe. For my stench lie down to the Indo-European peoples, as they inhabit Europe and part of Asia right up to India. Archaeologists vvazhayut that the words of the "Janian" tribes can go through the data of excavations from the middle of another millennium BC. Ancestors of words (they are called proslovs in scientific literature) are commonly known among the tribes, who inhabited the Audrey basin, Vіsli and Dnipro; in the basins of the Danube and in the Balkans, the word-Janian tribes appeared only on the cob.

    Ribakov at his book "The World of History" writes that the words of the "Janian people" belong to the ancient Indo-European unity, which included such peoples, German, Baltic ("Lithuanian-Latvian"), Romance, Greek, Thai ("Da") which they threw out at an old age in the majestic expanse of the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and the Ice Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. For five thousand years, the Indo-Europeans occupied the whole of Europe and had not settled Hindustan yet.

    The maximum territory of settlement of the ancestors of our words reached the Elbi (Labi) on the way, on the way to the Baltic Sea, on the way - to the Seym and the Oka, and on the way to them, the bula was wide smuga forest-steppe, which went from the left bank of the Danube to the exit at straight. Hundreds of Slavic tribes lingered on this territory.

    Irrespective of the diversity and diversity of the words of the Yan tribes, nevertheless the word of the Yan tribes were one whole. The chronicler of "Povіsti temporal litas" wrote on the cob of his practice: "... Be one people of words" ("Beginning of Slovenska"). The problem is to become like a sign of the prabatkіvschinu of the words, and y vodpovіsti nutrition about their adventures. For these problems, there are no known versions, however, it is impossible to know them for sure.

    At VI Art. From the single word of the "Janian coherence" one can see the skhidnoslov'yansk gіlka (maybe Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian people). Approximately at that hour, the vindication of the great tribal splits of similar words is seen. The chronicle saved a retelling about the princedom in the Middle Dnieper region of the brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and their sisters Libedy and about the foundation of Kiev. Such princes were also in other tribal unions, which include 100-200 other tribes.

    A lot of words, like lingering on the banks of the Vistula, settled on the Dnieper in the Kiev province and were called glades because of their pure fields. The whole name arose from Old Russia, but it was broken sleeping im'yam lyakhiv, the founders of the Polish state. In this tribe of words, two brothers, Radim and Vyatko, were heads of Radimichs and Vyatichivs: the first one, having made a living on the banks of the Sozh, near the Mogilev province, and the other on the Oci, Kaluzky, Tulsky chi Orlovsky. The Drevlyans, so named after their forest land, lingered near the Volinsky province; dulibi and buzhani along the river Bug, which flows into the Vistula. Lutychi and Tivertsy Dnistr to the sea and the Danube, already looming places in their own land; were Croatian on the outskirts of the Carpathian mountains. Meshkantsi pivnochі, sudіdi glades, on the banks of the Desna, Seven and Judge, near Chernigiv and Poltava provinces; near Minsky and Vitebsk, near Prispivtyu and Dvina Zakhidnaya. Dregovichi; at Vitebsk, Pskov, Tver and Smolensk, at the upper Dvina, Dnieper and Volga. Krivichi; and on the Dvina, where the river Polota flows into it, the tribes of the same tribe swim with them, and on the shores of Lake Ilmenya, words are so called that Novgorod fell asleep.

    The biggest rozvinenimi and cultural among the words of the "Janian associations" were clearings. Behind the tributes, the chronicler “land of glades is so small to be called “Rus”. One explanation of the term "Rus", which is hung by historians, is called by the name of the river Ros, the tributaries of the Dnieper, which gave the name to the tribe, on the territory of which the Galyavins lived.

    Religion of ancient words

    Ancient words were pagans, they adored the forces of nature. The head god buv, mabut, Rіd, the god of heaven and earth. An important role was played by the same deities, connected with these forces of nature, which are especially important for arable farming: Yarilo - the god of the sun (among some words of the Yan tribes, the wines were called Yarilo, Khors) and Perun - the god of thunder and bliskavki. Perun was also the god of war and siege, and therefore the cult of the year was especially significant for the retinue. Yogo's idol standing near Kiev on the hump, behind the courtyard of Volodymyr's, and in Novgorod above the river Volkhov, it was made of wood, with a silver head and golden whiskers. Vіdomi is also the “cattle god” Volos, or Bєlєє, Dazhbog, Samargl, Svarog (god of fire) Mokosha (goddess of the earth and generosity) and іn. The Yazichnitsky cult was breaking at the specially-powered temples, demystifying the idol. The princes acted as high priests, and especially priests - sorcerers and enchanters. Paganism was saved until 988, until the invasion of the Christian faith

    At Oleg’s agreement with the Greeks, it’s more about Volos, whom the Russians swore to Perunov in fidelity, looming up to a new special honor, more than vvazhavsya the patron of thinness, the head of their wealth. God is merry, love, villainy and all prosperity, calling Lado; Youmu was sacrificed to enter into an alliance. Kupala, the god of earthly fruits, was paraded before picking up bread, 23 worms. Young people adorned themselves with wines, laid fire in the evening, danced white and celebrated Kupala. 24 breasts are glorified by Kolyada, the god of urochisty that world.

    At the words, having founded the river cycle of earth-working saints for the honor of the sun and change the feast of fate. The Yazichnitsky rites of Mali ensure a high harvest, the health of people and thinness.

    Social device

    Today's rіven the development of the productive forces of vimahav significant vitrat pratsі for the state. Labor workers, as it was necessary to vikonuvat in the community and strictly defined terms, now vikonati is only a team. Zim pov'yazana great role of the mass in the life of the slov'yansky tribes.

    The harvesting of the land became possible by the forces of one sim. The sovereign self-reliance of the okremikh families robbed us of the founding of the ancestral families. Vihіdtsі z tribal community were not doomed to death, tk. could develop new lands and become members of the territorial community. The ancestral community collapsed as well at the hour of the development of new lands (colonization) that included the warehouse of the community of slaves.

    The skin bulk is small for a single territory, on which a sprat of families lived. The tendrils of the Volodymyr community were divided into those communities. Budinok, homestead land, thinness, inventory were the special power of the skin community member. Rilla, bows, foxes, handicrafts, ugidda, water-bearings laid down the power of power. Orna land and kosovitsa could periodically be divided between community members.

    The collapse of the primary communal vіdnosin was sown by viysks like words, first for everything, like Byzantium.

    The participants of these trips took off the greater part of the vidobutka. Particularly significant was a part of the military vatazhkivs - princes and tribal nobility - the best people. Step by step, near the prince, a special organization of professional warriors is formed - a squad, members of the economy, and behind the social camp, fought in the name of their fellow tribesmen. The druzhina was divided into the eldest, from which the princely stewards came out, and the young one, as she lived under the prince and served the door of that state.

    The most important food for the life of the community was celebrated at the people's gatherings - evening gatherings. Crimean professional squads, there was also a warm-hearted tribal militia (regiment, thousand).

    Word culture

    Little is known about the culture of the Slavic tribes. Tse vkray stingy danimi dzherel. Changing with the hour folk tales, songs, riddles have saved a significant layer of ancient vіruvan Usna folk art in vіdobrazhaє raznomanіnіnі manifestations of similar words about the nature and life of people.

    Until our days, it has not been rich enough to understand the mysticism of ancient words. At the pool of the river Ros, tsіkavy belongings were found from the speeches of the VI-VII centuries, in the middle of which one can see the silver figurines of horses with golden manes and kopits and the image of the people in the typical Slavic ode with the vizirunkovy embroidery on the shirt. For the words of the Yangian srebnykh sibirobіv іz pіvdennorosіyskih oblasts folded compositions of human figures, animals, birds and snakes are typical. A lot of plots in today's folk art may still be a long time ago and have changed little with the hour.

    At the ancient graves, they knew a lot of earthenware urns, more well-made, from the images of lions, bears, eagles, and varnished; so write off, knives, swords, daggers, maisterno warped, with a silver frame and a bow. Even in the 17th century, the words of the Jansk gods were known, the robots of their master artists, yak, vtim, did not understand the beauty of the metal images, exposing the head, tabir and legs of the rіznі form it very rudely. A monument of the stone-cutting art of the ancient words was left behind the great smooth-worked slabs;

    Slovian places were nothing else, like collections of huts, honed parkan and earthen ramparts. Even to our days, on the high banks of the rivers and lakes, the remnants of old words of the Yan settlements have been preserved, as archaeologists are now cultivating. At that turbulent hour, if the war was not less than a few tribes, and among the dry masses it was a real thing, people often settled at important places, sharpened by high shilas, deep yarami and water. The stinkers made their earthlings settle their settlements, dug deep ditches and surrounded their donkeys with wooden mud.

    The remains of such small forts are called settlements. The dwellings were like dugouts, in the middle there were adobe stone stoves. Near the skin village lived the sound of relatives, as if they often led their dominion in bulk.

    The landownership of that hour is even a little like

    today. With heavy labor, people got their own food. In order to prepare the land for the sivbi, it was necessary to pick up the village from the fox.

    Winter month, with a stretch of which they cut the forest, called the sіchen (vіd

    They shone right into the ashes, lightly fluffed with wooden plow, aboral. Such farming is called incendiary chi pidsichnym. Most of all, millet shone, ale buli in other cereals: wheat, barley and rye. Zovochіv was expanded ripa. The month of stubble was called serpen, and the month of threshing is called sichen (from the word "brech" - thresh). Those who named the months in the old words of the earth-growing robots, testify about the first-rate significance of the earth-growing in the current state. Ale stinks also made thinness, beat the beast and caught fish, engaged in beekeeping - gathering honey from wild bjil. The same skin group of relatives prepared everything they needed. In small clay ovens - domnitsa - in pits from the mine ores, they smelted smelt. Forger forged new knives, sokiri, coulters, arrowheads and spearheads, swords. The women made earthenware dishes, weaved linens and sewed robes. With a great move, wooden utensils and stuffing, as well as picking and barking that bast. They bathed less those who could not get it to work in the field. The most wide-ranging goods have long been bula strong - even the relatives of її were far from creaking. They also traded in expensive metals, for which they prepared

    embellish. For everything, they paid with salable and valuable goods, which played the role of pennies: farm, honey, wax, grain, thinness.

    Behind the ancient words of the Yansk settlements, it is often possible to see round or round earthen mounds - burial mounds. When excavating, they know the remnants of burnt human bones and fillings that were burned by the fire. Ancient words spat nebizhchiks on the funeral pit, and the remains were buried in barrows.

    On the back of Ancient Russia, there was a sprinkling of okremy tribal princedoms, houses like those in the IX century. Vinicla is a mighty Russian state with its center near Kiev. The era of feudalism began, the era of the middle class.

    In the history of the Slovak tribes, there are many more cases of z'yasuvati. Our archaeologists trace the relics of ancient settlements and settlements, and historians continue to trace old chronicles and other documents. The beginnings of the history of our ancestors - old words - are popovnyuєtsya all new valuable vіdomosti.


    1. Ribakov B. A. "Paganism of Old Russia". M., "Science" 1988.
    2. Ribakov B. A. "Language of old words". M., "Science" 1986.
    3. Veles book
    4. Songs of the bird Gamayun
    5. Ivanov V. "About the Ancient Rocks"
    6. Zabutiy M. "Russian people yogo zvichaї, rebuke and zaboboni" 1880.
    7. Snisarenko "The Third Belt of Wisdom"
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