Ancient ukri who stinks. Ukri - the oldest word of the "yansk tribe", the first ancestors of the Ukrainians? De contagion can live їхні naschiki

Ukry is the oldest word of the Yang tribe, the first ancestors of Ukrainians, or to bring up the words of Yang in a blur.

historical reality

Ukri (steal, steal, vukrani) - the word'yansk tribe (union of tribes?), as it lived on the territory of the modern Nіmechchini and can't date back to Ukrainian history.

"Long ukri" is an object of numerous pseudo-patriotic insinuations, which are presented as "Pershou Ukrainians". With any "steps of old" ukrov - the value is inconstant: from close to historical realities, from an ear of the middle to an absolutely fantastic stone age. Unfortunately, the media (for us, on the Internet, as well as in the television space) often serve as the point of view of Ukrainian historical science. Remains still indistinguishable from the reality: the Ukrainian alimentary tradition is not recognized by the Ukrainian historical records as such in the European historiography (div.: ).

Historically authentic ukri (Uchri), stink - ukrane / vukran / ukryane (Ucrani, Vucrani) - the word "yansk tribe" (union of tribes?), that inhabited the basin of the river Ucker/Ikker (n.m. Ucker/Uecker) near the Oder and Elbi rivers. It is said that the ethnonym “Ukraine” is the name of the river (por. “buzhani”, “strumeni”). The name of the rivers (from the words of the "Janian vimov" "Ukra", modern Polish. Wkra), most of the old ones include the words of the "Janian" term vikru "Shvidky".

The main riddles of ukrov / stolen from the dzherelakh tied with pods of the X century., And at the same time - with the expansion of the German rulers (for us, the Margraves of the Saxon Mark) on the land of catchphrases. The thought, which is heard in the literature, is about those Ukrainians who lived on the banks of the Uker almost from the 6th century. not. I don't have enough support. This hypothesis revolves around the earliest archaeological date of settlement in the region of words (bearing in the Sukivsko-Dzedzitskoi archaeological culture). However, there is no information about the Ukrainians, not only for the VI century, but also for the last periods. Finish showing, for example, that the stolen does not know the so-called. "Bavarian geographer" of the other half of the IX century.

"Pidkorennya" of the words of the Elbo-Odersky mіzhrіchchya in the X century. bulo dosit nominal. Qi of the earth stretched XI - on the cob XII st. were the subject of territorial superechok of the Holy Roman Empire of the Polish Kingdom, and the population of these regions was left quite independent. Let us turn the turning point in the history of the region by becoming the so-called. Crossroads proti slov'yan 1147 p. At the same time, the agrarian colonization of the region by German settlers began to be active, as well as the missionary activity of the Catholic clergy among the words.

The result of these processes was the assimilation of the words of the Jansk population. It shows what the other half of the 12th - 13th centuries dzherela. vzhe may guess the words of the yansk tribal names. Like "relics" stinks are saved mainly in toponymy. Zokrema, middle toponyms figures and so sob «terra ukera». However, the varto indicates that pizniorivnevikovy and modern toponyms (Uckerland, Uckermark) are not so “lands of ukrіv / ukran”, like “land of navkolo Uker/Ikker” (rivers).

At the end, there is little more than a little bit of respect for the hypotheses of how possible the dispute of the middle population of the territory of Ukraine and Ukraine. Historically, the root was stolen pov'yazane from the territory of Ukraine (virnish - її pіvnіchnoї parts) equally with the world, in yakіy іz dosit mental "ancestral home" po'yazanі all without a blame of the words "yansk people, like known, so it is.

Even hitki ґrunti pіd themselves mum and allowances about resettlement in the XI-XII centuries. stolen under the pressure of the German conquerors from the inter-modern Ukraine, which is mentioned in the scientific and historical literature. There are simply no historical records. Archaeological material effectively allows us to put food about the presence of some kind of connection between the populations of Pivdenny Rus and the Elba-Oder region. However, the nature of this material is unambiguous: it is about trade and exchange of goods, it is not included - about the resettlement of small groups of the population (other than family / birth), but not about large-scale migration.

Satirical image of the myth about the old-fashioned tricks that dig the Black Sea

In this way, Ukrainians seem to be clearly localized in the vastness of that hour as a phenomenon that cannot be practically similar to the territory of modern Ukraine, and even more so - to the ethnogenesis of Ukrainians. Any fantasies about "ancient ukri" are left on the advice of their authors, as well as on the advice of "objective critics" of these anti-science scumbags, as if they spontaneously adopted their - not - secular - popularization.

See also the slander of Russian propaganda about the stole on the site

UkriIsus, Roentgen and Sai-Baba are the true representatives of our nation. ~ Igor Slisarenko, "News, Channel Five" Material from the Absurdopedia of Ukraine - the oldest race on Earth. It was founded richly earlier on the vindication of Homo sapiens. Pohodzhennya Ukrov The ancient Ukrainians lived on the birch of the independent Hyperborean ocean 140,000 million years ago, looking at trilobites. Then, in the era of Khrenozoy, they saw lard from dinosaurs, poked at prehistoric Muscovites and worshiped Cthulhu. All living creatures were crap, as if apparently, skam'yanila in the chron, and the Ukrainians crushed the "cobs of human life" at the sight of the reserves of fat with the chron. During the current ice age period, the Ukri were tempted to find bicycles (since such a time, no bicycle is so and not guilty) and migrate for a day, with the help of a single people, independent tribes split up: eels, ogres, blacks, aubry (successfully died), orcs, urks, Turks, Kurki and other Indo-Europeans. As a matter of fact, in the last century they became Mavpi, but in fact they did not become people. The wild barbarian tribes of the Atlanderthals blew out of Atlantis, and the Ukrainians also tried to flood their historical fatherland. It’s a pity that the project of flooding, shattered by stunned Ukrainian wives, let a pardon crept in, and the replacement for the vibratory flooding of Atlantis was consumed by the All-World’s Order. Ale zhertsі ukrovu called to Cthulhu, and vіn hovav zayva water that Atlantis. In this way, the Tripil culture was deprived of the only stronghold of Ukrainian science in the Moscow atmosphere. crustaceans (remaining ancestors of ancient Muscovites, as can be seen from the root “RA” (div. historian M. Zadornov). Then they sank to the bottom of the Atlantic at once from a fermented product. began with their own forces to vibrate shale gas (giving more than stone fat) Now it’s pre-stemly visible, that with the same patches of Ancient Ukrov (Atlantes) Cthulhu was crushed with a crop and immured in shale. To whom to the wound, and to whom Vechora ”, the lordly wisdom of the Ukrainian, the old -year -old Greeks were Zruinniy, the Tripіlsya Tsivizatsya I planted the power of the pancreatic. And again, the active influx of high-ranking ukrov is clear, as if by a name they enriched the cultural decline of the Greeks. Ika Prometeyenko, who took gas from the Moscow gods-oligarchs, carrying a half-witted blakitne in the skin of the oligarchs; come in handy Odessian, who after turning home having fallen asleep to the glorious settlement of Odessa; about Yasonka, who obtained a sacred fur coat with golden tsatsuls from the Indians of the Saaki-Shvili tribe; And, nareshti, about those like a Slavic young man Parisiy crooked the blond girl Olen from the Russian-Hellenic Union, which terribly rattled the Spartan-Mycenaean Muscovites Menelaev and Agamemnov. And then the Ukrainian Trojans, with the wire of the Cossack Eneyko, fell asleep Ancient Rome, near which the Colosseum was awakened. In the arena of the Coliseum, Ukrainians were ruled by the anniversary of tigers and lions by Muscovites, Poles and Jews. By this rank, the Ukrainians found the circus and the theater. The poem of the great Ukrainian poet Vergilenko is dedicated to these podias: Here is a motor lad and a lad like a Cossack, Going into all the evil world, Zavyatishiy ode to all barge haulers. Away from civilization and khokhlovizatsia of the ancient people Zgіdno with Ukrainian chronicles, the main one of ancient ukrovs, buv krip - charіvna roslina, which slapped on the same diy, like spinach fixing on the sailor Popeye, enchantment of sill - on Asteriks with korintsy, and Strength - on the Jedi. Having eaten the crop, the Ukrainians became unstoppable in battle. To that, the cunning Tatar-Mongols, before attacking the ukrov, by genetic engineering methods, helped to strengthen the strength of their body. In such a rank, 1240 roku buv zruynovaniya Kiev (for some kind of tribute, tse buv Rome i 340 roku). Mіstsevіst navkoro Kiev (chi Rome) zovsіl sporozhnіl. If the Varangian merchants arrived there through the rock, then the stench of the bounty blew anew a place for the population, to speak to my unfamiliar mine. "Who are you?" - The Vikings asked. "Mi khokhli - Ukrainian bait!" - Bula was proud to see. After whom the Varangian guests gently poked their heads, where did they go, well, ukri? Why did they all laugh at me with my marvelous rose, they explained that it was “unbelievable” for me. Tatars boules, Mongols boules, Poles boules, Russians more often boules. At the result, we appeared - Ukrainians and we live here in peace. The Varangians were already chirping, but they were silent. This is how the civilization of the Ukrainians and their great culture was transformed. Nine landscaping ukrov live on arbitrarily occupied territory - VGN (Timchas sovereignty is incomprehensible). Vzagali vpershe word khokhol lived in Russia: Khokhol - a settlement of the Voronezka province, Nizhnyodevitsky county, 30 miles from the povitovoy place, near the rivers X. and Maiden. Residents 8910. From the 17th century (viniclo in 1665) and its name was taken away from the Khokhol river. For instructions, the first settlers set up their oak-houses, so that I could spread the crown, I would go to the bird's crest. According to a different version, the term "Khokhol" is pishov in the form of nomads and means "blue-yellow". Offended by the version of the appearance of the village, they knew their appearance on the ensign of the Khokholsky municipal district. The blue color is a symbol of honor, glory, glory, truth, beauty of nature, honesty of that clear sky. Yellow color (gold) is a symbol of virtue, greatness, giving birth, prosperity, intelligence, generosity. Nashchadki ukrov did not become vigaduvati, and as a national ensign they took two colors - blue and yellow. The stinks wanted to depict an oak on the flag, the grains of which the creatures love so much, that they are high, but the shards of oak do not grow on their land, and the fruits of them are imported from the lands of Spivdruzhnosti, then they did not win the emblem yet. Virospovidanya ukrov On the back of the head, Cthulhu himself, or rather, his avatar, was shoved under the name of Batko Taras, after the legend, released into the mavpa, and the first ukri (Chub and Shrek) were sent. Idoli Taras’s dad’s tagging all in the lives of the or Korischi of the Ukrov, the crooked victims of the Vygowskiy Moskalsky are not like, the smell of vitoplyut, half of the ziyda, and the izhmazye of the tentacle (vani smasheed. Idolina, he is jealous of the fortuel-ketle-worshipers of the post-il of the statics of all kinds of strangers, on the Ksthatt Moskalsky Idola Lenina, I put it on the status of Ktulhu, the stars. as it has already been said, disguising the old age of Father Taras) and stick a forelock to the top of your head, thus transforming the idol of Lenin into the idol of Cthulhu/Taras. we have chosen by my people, and I will not love you, but only those who have been chosen, I will worship You forever, and at the sign of we will bow down to you all that we can only. And what is not possible to desire - we will taste Your glory! lesser deities Another deity of significance among the Ukrainians is Jesus Christ, who, in the mind of the Ukrainians, is himself a Ukrainian. The Ukrovs have different flows of the shanuvalniks of this deity, as if they always compete about those who praise Yogo correctly, and sometimes they build one in one temples dedicated to Yomu. -Tin. Tse deity wine is absolutely in every filthy thing that trapleyaetsya in the life of the skin of Ukraine. The price of wine overpowers the ukrov influx of mosquitoes, and the charge is frost. Live Puu-Tin near Mordor, near the Chervony Fortress behind the high jagged walls, and the old those fortresses winnowing pennies, poached with blood ukriv. Ukri be afraid to call the name of Puu-Tina out loud, so that you don’t call out to the green demon-servants, that’s what you see for the new different ways of naming, often obscenely - richly ukri vvazhayut, that the mother of Puu-Tina that yoga servants. With the right hand of the god of evil Puu-Tin, the deity Ku-zhu-get, who punishes with green demons. The military is invisible, and the warriors can be invisible to the eye of a simple Ukrainian! Only the top priests of the SBU can look at them reference number And protect the simple ones from stealing them... Behind the hangings of the Supreme Ukrainian priests, "spoiled" and "vrykli" - these are the steps of invisible green demons! The third in importance behind the anti-god Puu-Tina follows yoga left hand Miller - the deity is punished by gas, which is born in the pipes, the stars of Ukraine in the sweat of their guise are calmly getting yoga! Behind the bazhannyam of which deity the gas is now known, then again it appears at the places of this deity! Muscovites Muscovites - natural enemies ukriv. Muscovites for an hour zustrіchі z ukrami movchka scrambled, which called out the lawful fierceness of ukrov. Look at the very word "Moskal". Characteristic signs of a Muscovite (may change in the fallow season during that period of residence): a cap-eared sweatshirt (or fofudya in females) or a quilted jacket, a kosovorotka (only in males) pants with stripes, or without bast shoes, or valyanka witch balalaika horn horn moskalka chervona do not stribayut (do not jump) Khrushchovka They eat vodka, kvass, cabbage soup, as if they were taking bast shoes, and bacon, like stealing from Ukrainians. Superficially unsafe, but in the period of independence, they begin to grow up, satisfying the numerical herds (the so-called "Russian minced meat") and can become a threat to native deposits of fat. The history of exchange between Muscovites is rich in dozens of thousands. If Homo sapiens emigrated from Nigeria, one group went to China through western India, another went through Central Asia, Altai to Mongolia. And the third group, the most cunning of those steps, went to Europe through the territory of Turechchini. The Ukrainians tried to protect their husbands from the ancestors of the Muscovites with the way to the cordon. So bulo virito zagorodzhuvalny rіv. They dug the whole ravine, and buried it richly, thousands of times, vicorous, with the power of the dinosaurs and mammoths. The earth from the ditch was transported to the territory, the title of "Caucasus" and "Alpi". Ale cursed Muscovites became more and more, and it was possible to make a canal to the sea, to dig a ditch with water from the Mediterranean Sea and drown the Muscovites that broke through. Thus the Great Flood was organized, and the Black Sea appeared. Dosі can show rovi vzdovzh cordon ukriv and Muscovites. Like Paul Bonapartenko, he went to the Muscovites, to rule the Maidan there and burn Moscow. But the locals ruled the anti-Maidan and burned down Moscow themselves.Important facts about Ukrov Dead bees don't buzz (stink buzz, ale quietly, quietly ...) ~ Cartata potata about the old anthem Symbols of Ukrainian civilization Trident, on 1 prong of which there is a piece of lard, on the other - Cossack (Cossacks - those are Ukrainians, only loosened) forelock, and on the third - a fist that threatens the Muscovites. Having invented this symbol, the Leader stole it from obscene names, which the Ukrainians called Kiy for innate modesty. And also the heifers of cows with a great name, which sound like Muscovites steal. Mova Vsіm vіdomy English language look like a Ukrainian movie. So, for example, "moskal" in English will be "moskal". And so, just as the Ukrainian word “Moskal” is too old for the English, the Ukrainian word “Moskal” is too old for the English. Ukrainian traditions On the cob of skin rock bark with the Muscovites through those who stink to put cordons on the paths of migration of creatures with the Latin name trubus gazpromus, the subshkirny fat of such ukri vikoristovuyut for heating the inhabitants. In the midst of this stench, they throw lard, in which the cunning Muscovites ring out for tradition, they don’t jump and don’t ruin anything, the Crimean ruble. And on the far side of the Earth, the horses of the whole people have stole - in all sorts of Japan, Indonesia and the Kuril Islands - like a shock effect, motorized earthquakes are felt. Now few people remember the great Ukrainian Vavila. Zbuduvav Vavila sobi hut, mud hut. And so it was not friends, because Eva was with Adam and the Serpent, then there was no one to blame for that gnіy thinness and hati. Well, it’s easier to bulo dah hati pіdnyati. The axis of Vavila dah pidnimav, pidnimav, and Vavilonska, then Vavilinska - tower. From above it was good for the Muscovites to look and bark their Ukrainian language for the whole world. At that hour, the Greek Hercules took off, marveling at such a non-European way of life, and, as if in a rank, the flock of Vavili was out of pus and vilified. To that thinness became Skoda. And the whole bashta took that and fell apart. Here Ukr Vavila said to Hercules what he thinks about the new one. And it became clear to God that it was impossible for Hercules to know that Ukr Vavila was talking about him, and from that hour they were talking about the stench of different language. And the clay ruins of the Vavilinskaya Vezhi - the huts of the mud hut - stand like that. Gods and heroes of ukrovNames cue. Mykola Svinoherd, like the first mind, that pigs are not husky creatures, and having tamed them for the help of Dale Carnegie's books. Brati Chub and Shrek, like the great people of the Ukrainians, and without vtruchannya osіb zhіnochoї statі. Famous ukri in history Napoleon Bonapartenko Julius Tsezaryuk Petro Pervenko-Romanchuk (having cut through the window to reach the European Union) Akira Kurosavenko Giacomo Kazanovich Otto Bismarchuk Adolf Gitlyarchuk Ryuryuk (having fallen asleep in Kievan Rus) Pushkin) Mikhailo Lermontovchuk Zhanclod Vandamenko DzhekkoVenderyuk Oleshkoyenko Vidkrittya Ukrov The wheel - ukri yogo was predicted by the first 20,000 years ago (the bike stink a lot earlier). Even in ancient times they wanted to turn the stench on a new one. The tame camel was the first in the world to tame the ukri 60 million years ago, when the number of tame dinosaurs quickly passed. Yablochno raiding - was found in the wake of the creation of the world. It shows in the fact that the Ukrainians eat an apple, so that others do not get away. The problem of “Who is to blame” has been culminated in 500 years to the disgrace of Muscovites. The independent constitution “chameleon” was found in 2004-2007 by a human dichlorvos. The martial arts of karate and kung fu also appeared in Ukrainians, to which the ancient martial dance of the martial Ukrainians "Gopak" was taken as their basis, and by the time of the Shaolin Chentsi, a threefold hour came for training and retraining until the old days. stolen from Lviv, Zhytomyr and Zhmerinka for promotion. The ancient Egyptian pyramids also appeared to the old Ukrainians, and Cleopatra came for an internship to Ukraine, as if they were going to make pyramids and cook borscht. Power for self-verification of acquired material: Whom as a result of the evolution did the people grow up? Why can't anyone know Atlantis, as if it were approximately її mystic lore (near the smoking ...)? Who was the first to bring Cthulhuism to the weakly divided peoples? Since the beginning of the year, the number of tame dinosaurs has been running short in the square? Did the Persian trilobites and hamstersaurus speak the same pochatkovy language? How did the native Muscovite atmosphere impinge on the production of lard at the Tripil culture? Why do all Ukrainian cartoons have bad dreams about Russian language?

Ukrainians and Ukrainians: forgotten history ancestors

Name one of the great European peoples, Ukrainians, do not give peace, not more than goodness, but to the word’s sharpness, not to be judged by the historical people, whose lands and the forefathers of Slavism.

Historical shares of Ukrainians, like after hours in Kievan Rus and the Volyn-Galician state, from the period of the XIV century, three times were territorially divided (Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, Ugorshchina, Muscovite kingdom), were not easy. However, almost unity among the people was not destroyed. The foundations of the unity of the mortgage back to the XIV century. It was even more important to stimulate a part of the words, from the Western Bug to the Don, from the Pripyat to the Black Sea, to be called Ukrainians.

Try the historians of the 19th century to explain the name of the people, the Ukrainians, as if I would lose sight of the word “outskirts”, it was only a fact of belittling the right people, which could not be “outskirts” well to itself. Such an interpretation only overwhelmed the Ukrainian intelligentsia and planted a wide range of historical roots of the name.

Among the other popular versions, one can guess the connection between the meaning of the word “Ukraine” in the sense of “outskirts” (mostly surrounded, honed, vodokremlena) native land). Weakness of these versions in their tightness, superficiality, that is why the meanings are assigned to all words, and we should especially not identify the okremy people. The stench is the pride of the people.

In the last hour of wide popularity, a version of the naming of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the form of an understanding of Ukrainians, name some mighty and unknown to us ancient people, part of which settled on the Baltic Sea Pomor'ї. The proof of this is based on historical recollection of the German chronicles and specific facts about the foundation of the Baltic Pomor Land of Ukrmark and the Slavic tribe of the Ukrainians, as seen in the IX-XII centuries. At the town of Targeliv, Nimechchyna, opened a museum of Ukrainian words (

Prote tіsno pov'yazuvat tsey ukrov іz modern Ukrainians smoothly. Didn't you understand how the name of the Pomeranian ukrovіv could become the head for the Central Slavic lands?

If you stole the foundation of a mighty and ancient people, then you still don’t dare to know your historical evidence. As a rule, defenders of the version of the first reason identify their people with Indo-Europeans or Aryans. Zvіdsi y vysnovki about osoblivu vinyatkovіst tsyogo people, yogo historical longevity and primogeniture, yakі call sharp criticism of opponents.

Why did the wordy people, the lands of which became the center of the European words, having been called Ukrainian? Why don’t I deprive myself of my own voice in front of the name - rosi chi rusi?

That one who is so Ukrainian and how the stench is sung by words, dews-Russians, the history of all Europe?

The head pardon of all previous past problems of Ukrainians is their focus on those who are Ukrainians, tribes and peoples. In our opinion, everything is richly simpler.

Ukr is a specific group of people, an ancient caste, an intellectual top of an ancient society, bearing high spiritual knowledge. Tse gifted in the form of God are people, people of ancient spiritual knowledge, people with supernaturally roused power energy (bioenergy), like buildings to pour on people and light. Tse wearer of the ancient spiritual light-gazer, such a stench rose by thousands of thousands on the majestic terens of Eurasia!

In different epochs, in different places, in Persia, Babylonia, Sumeria, Egypt, the Roman Empire, in ancient words, they were called in different ways: wise men, prophets, Synas of God, fathers, elders, prophets, magicians-Ukrainians .

The sorcerers themselves, spiritual teachers (Ukr - “strong spiritual mind”), these mysterious Ukrainians, people with an overarching ancient and overarching spiritual (Aryan) history. The sorcerers-ukri themselves, they created a cavern of words in the lands of the old Volin, having begun the process of spiritual growth (enlightenment) of the mystic peoples and gave their teachings іm'ya - ros (enlightenment), as well as the words ), and dulibi (straight along the spiritual path).

The history of the Magi-Ukrovs is both grand and tragic. From the period appeared in Europe in the VI century. BC And on the cob of active warfare of ideological opponents against the enlightened system created by them, the Magi-Ukri created a gigantic joint work and prompted a word-creating center in the Volyn lands - the Slavic Slavic state Dulibiya Ros.

Problems of the State of Power in the VIII on the Cob of the IX Art. poev'yazanі z rozgortannyam masovanoї іdeologicheskoї ї zbroynoї borbati against tsієї suzery from the side of the top dominating European empires, fallow types of svetoglyadnі ideological ruhіv vorohvіzmu up to volkhvіzmu. The onset of the zdіysnyuvavsya from the most possible direct: from the pіvdnya - through the Prychornomor'ya and far from the Dnipro and Dnistr; zі immediately - through the Caucasus and the Volga; from the sunset - through the Baltic and farther along the Niman and the Dnipro. Військові походи, пропогандистська місіонерська робота іноземних купців і торговців, які розповсюджували ідеї відокремлення окремих слов'янських територій, підкуп владолюбних людей для створення їх силами місцевої влади підконтрольної зазначеним імперіям (на прикладі Київського каганату часів Аскольда та Діра) – набирали обертів.

A part of the Russian “elites” in the capitals of the Russian provinces and on the periphery of the state was suffocated with a fortune-telling sorcery with a light-seeing infusion of the boulder. They actively initiated wars from Russia and, for the support of the enemies, organized trips to the capital of Surenzh-Art. So it happened in 805 p. not.

A description of the history of the Volkhviv-Ukrіv and the savage Slavic power of Dulibії Ros, created by them, was published in the publications of two famous books by V.A. Surenzh (Taєmnitsі Volinsky land).

Trying to fight the Russian state against different enemies, they were no less than the Viysk ones like the fortune tellers of the centers on the pivdni, come and go, and the actions of the creation of new spiritual Volkhvіvska centers. Daughter Volkhvivsk centers were founded in the 3rd century. BC on the river Volkhov and near the Baltic. Significantly pіznіshe, in the IX century. AD, two more similar ones were created in the Baltic Pomors (Royan-Rügen island), and in the Pivdenny Urals (Porussia-Yelaniya). Same way, in the IX century, with the arrivals of the Magi-Ukrіv on the island of Royan-Rügen, on the shores of the shore settle the Viysk corrals of the Volkhvіvskogo center and create a modern system of defense of the island. The life of the system and the settlement of ninth and visvitlyuєtsya at the museum of the town of Targelov (Nimechchina).

However, it is important to call the work of such centers as a whole success, since the beginning of the XII century. not. they relax their viability, like residents under the pressure of reasons, change their time.

Most of the lands, on the basis of some luminous ideas, the soothsayers of volkhvizm, plunged into the camp of the suspenst, which, for the time being, were established in the rosky center. Territorially in the IX century AD. the whole center was saved in the borders of the lands, as the historians of nine call the Great Volinnya, and the Arab cleric of the X century Al-Masudi called the land of the indigenous and head word of the Yan people - “volinan” (

This territory, as it was a dark ideological and luminous center of the Magi, was also called Russia, the land of Trojan, Ukraine (the land of the Magi-Ukrіv). Vaughn was inhabited by a great number of perekonanih rosiv. Її the population was the head of the Russian svetoglyad in Europe in the IX-XI centuries, and then in the period of the XII-XVI centuries. not. The right roska of the enlightened idea itself was spitting here, as it dominated the locals. initial mortgages, the academy and rozpovsyudzhuvalsya later through friendship.

Vaughn became an ideological school for those who created Zaporizhka Sich - the center of the Cossacks of the Ruskolans-Ruskolans. Apparently, the first registers of Cossacks in Zaporizhzhya were exclusively Volyn. Volinsky boules and the first kerivniki of Sich, yakі vykonuvali the will of the Magi-Ukrіv, that symbolism (Volinsky cross), like ninі zvetsya and Cossack (http://website/ua/additional/maps/63).

Volinsky sorcerers of the XVI century. zbіlshili і idea vіdvorennja mіtsnoї ї ї greї rosskoї ї ї ї ї s і sіy velichі (like Dulibії ros), sіvіlії suіchії, pozhalnosti іn wide ranges і z new Magi's name - Ukraine. The very idea gave the postal war to the Ukrainian people of the 17th century. she stimulated the pull to the mіtsnoї derzhavnostі.

For the rosky people, like on the lands of Dulibії Ros іz VIII-ІХ Art. seeing the significant modern light-seeing that ideological pressure, dismemberment of the territory, physical guilt, ale zavdyaki spiritual leaders, until the XVI century, saving and developing their old mova, culture, which was founded in retellings, fairy tales, myths, be wondrous majesty bazhannya rosіv in the XVI-XVII centuries. be called the followers of their spiritual leaders, volkhviv-ukrov.

Ukrainians are the covers of the Magi-Ukrainians!

The great surge of Russian spirituality was manifested during the period of free wars of the Ukrainian people of the 17th century, during the period of the Cossacks and the active activity of the Cossacks-characterists, giving dates, defending the spiritual knowledge of the Magi hours, as they call warriors of the spirit. During this period, there is a residually fixed name for the people, Ukrainians and the name of the Russian state - Ukraine.

However, there is a constant war against unfriendly otchennyam, reprisals, blaming spiritual leaders, the evil of the soulless part of the “elite”, the liquidation of the Ukrainian state itself, and the decline of knowledge and the orders of the ancestors of the XVIII-XX centuries AD. ruined their job. From the historical memory of the Ukrainian, Russian people for a century, the great sides of the old Magi, Russian, Dulib history were erased, leaving only її fragments, the head rank of culture, pobuti, folk rituals, names.

Tse spiritually, that historical waste of time can be filled with truthful knowledge about the ancestors of that day.

It is spiritually that historical devastation and none that make us understand why the people, who, if they occupied the center of the Dulib state, who called themselves the dews-Russians first, who were the first to call themselves the dews-Russians, who were thousands of years old, who gave witness to the ideas of volkhvizm, enlightenment, and heights of spiritual knowledge, at the spiritual, historical moment self-preservation and preservation of the spiritual decay of the Russians, becoming called the followers of the Russian Magi-Ukrainians - Ukrainians.

What is it possible to get out of the historical inconsistency for an hour?

1. Dem'yanov V.O., Andr'ev A.A. - Velich Dulibії Ros. Surenzh. (Taєmnitsі Volinsky land). - Kiev, 2006.

2. Dem'yanov V.O., Andr'ev A.A. - Velich Dulibії Ros. Surenzh. - Kiev, 2007.

In the first years of Ukrainian "independence" there agitprop began to actively propagate the hypothesis about the emergence of the Little Russian ethnic group. Nibito, in a super-hot point of dawn, Ukrainians (little Russians) are not one of the three fraternal peoples. I guess, it’s important that the Russians (Great Russians), Belarusians and Ukrainians (little Russians), like they came from a single people, who inhabited the territory of the Old Russian state. So the axis, behind the guessworked "independent" theory of the Ukrainians, lead their ancestry in the name of the ancient people "Ukrov", in the name of which one and resemble the name of the country "Ukraine". And the thought, which I thought to that, that the name "Ukraine" resembles the Polish word - "kraina" ("outskirts", "border"), it is not a bit of a malicious provocation of "damned Muscovites" or "chauvinists".

Who vysloviv idea about the trip

It is clear from the fact that the hypothesis about “long-standing ukry” is an old idea, which was adopted by Polish historians at the beginning of the 19th century. The appearance of the theory about "ukri" among the Polish historians was also dictated by the current political situation, as in the twentieth century. On the right, in the fact that, like the XVIII century, the power of the Poles of the Commonwealth was liquidated in the aftermath of a number of divisions. Obviously, the Polish patriots started fighting for the renewal of their state. But it became uncomfortably clear that the allies needed to work in peace, that the Poles of the Little Russians (Ukrainians) had earlier disdained and hated them, as they inhabited the same lands of the colossal Rzecz Pospolita. Otherwise, it would have been very important for the Polish nationalists to win without support from the Ukrainians (little Russians).

As a result of this, a sprinkling of "Ukrainian projects" appeared, which began to be implemented in support of the Vatican - the "Ukrainian alphabet" was found (її call "kulishivkoy" on іm'ya її wine-maker), the project "Ukrainian Shepherd" was implemented. Tsikavo, what was the “Ukrainian genius” T. Shevchenko writing in the so-called “surzhik”. And they were translated into the Little Russian language by the same Little Russian translator and writer Panteleimon Kulish, who was the first Ukrainian alphabet (near the middle of the 19th century). Tobto, "Ukrainian ethnos", as if to solidify independent agitprop, іsnuє 1000 years, and the axis of the first alphabet in this "ethnos" appeared only 150 years ago. Mabut, “Ukrainian ethnos” originated not in Northern Europe, but here in Central Africa. However, Rest of the Rocks z'appeared scientific facts, yakі, at first glance, confirm the true theories of the independents of those foreign rulers. The author of these rows at his book “2013 rec. Tell me about the Future”, as well as in the article “Myth about the Tatar-Mongolian yoke”, direct velmi cіkavі facts to the Ukrainian ethnos.

Axis of urovok zі statti "Myth about the Tatar-Mongolian yoke"

“For a long time we have been informed by a medical fact that the blood type of an okrimed human individual is transmitted from the fall to the fathers. That is, if your father has III (B) blood type, and your mothers have I (0) blood type, then you can either have III (B) blood type, or I (0) blood type. As it turns out, that you have an II (A) blood type, then your biological father is a similar individual, your father is legal. It is known to each other that people of different peoples carry blood groups. For example, in Russians and Belarusians, over 90% of the population numbers have I (0) blood type. Vtіm, like in the majority of European peoples. Vinyatki trapleyayutsya rarely.

One of these vines is ethnic Ukrainians, in which up to 40% of the population mayIII (B) blood type. But still not all. III (B) blood type is a prominent sign of peoples, the recent ancestors of those who led a nomadic way of life - Arabs, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Mongols and Tatars themselves. In all psychic peoples, the frequency of presence of III (B) blood groups is close to 100%. Before we speak, in order to recognize the ringing of “racism”, let me remind you that we will surround the majority of European peoples, maybe 100% of the black peoples of Africa and Pivnichno-American Indians may have I (0) blood type. The blood type shows less - what a way of life our ancestors led: they were master peoples, nomads or pickers and souls.

It is noteworthy that in one of the Semitic peoples, which are also called "Jews", as a rule, III (B) blood type is also most important. And this fact is given to the great sumnivu istoriyu tsgogo people, deposited with the priests for the Jews and Christians of the book of Tanakh ( Old Zapovit). Otherwise, apparently, the Jews were by no means an overpowering people, but were nomads, like their closest relatives - the Arabs. It is not for nothing that the Israeli state archeological organization for 60 years of its activity on the territory of Palestine did not know the right artifact, which confirms the foundation of the legendary ancient Judaic kingdom of David Solomon.

Territorial mystery

Now let's turn to the territory, the state of Ukraine and the capital of Kiev have been razed at once. For a long time, Russian historiography was based on the version that “Kyiv is the mother of the Russians”, and the Old Russian state itself was called - Kievan Rus. I want to know later that the Old Russian state appeared at the current Pivnichno-Zakhodi of Russia - in the region of Novgorod, and so the title of "old Russian literature" and "old Russian literary memos" (like, "The Word about the death of Igor") appeared richly late, lower stinks are described in them. similar to the middle, for 500 years, and were written by the Chentsi of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra near the XV century, for political reasons, we were told stories about "Kiev Rus". And the rest of the data, confirmed by the result of excavations in the area of ​​Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod the Great, which were carried out under the ceremonial work of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yanin, testify that Kiev was by no means the capital of the Old Russian state. It appears that until the XI century the capital of the Old Russian state was Stara Ladoga, and after the XI century - Novgorod the Great. The writings of the Chentsiv of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, on which all Russian and national historiography spiraled, can be added to the adjective “praise every sandpiper its swamp”, plus the poignant “political dotsіlnіst”.

Moreover, the remaining data of Academician Yanin, confirmed by the discovery of the hour of excavations with letters dzherel (“birch bark letters”), show that up to an hour the Novgorod princes of Kiev were buried in the 9th century, Kiev was not a word’yansk city. Yogo words'yanizatsiya still starts from the hour of arrival to the Old Russian state. Until then, there are so few indirect facts that the Novgorod princes of Kiev had a new cult of ancient Slavic gods before they were buried. There was a hypothesis that Kiev, having adopted Christianity earlier in all of Russia, did not seem to be like the 10th century. At one time, in the name of the Prince of Novgorod Oleg, who, for the official version, having occupied Kiev at 882, another important podia was tied in the history of the peoples of Pivdennoi Rus. Having defeated the legendary Khazar Khaganate, all pivdenno-Russian peoples paid danin. About the entire Khazar Khaganate there was even less information. One of them was information that the sovereign religion of Khazar state education buv judaism. Traditionally, historians “displaced” the Khazar Khaganate near the lower Volga, de and bula Khazar capital Itil. Ale, as if near the legendary ancient Judaic kingdom of David-Solomon, the traces of Itil, that very Khazar Khaganate, were ruined near the lower Volga. No matching artifact has been found that confirms this version.

Ruinuemo blatantly in the theory and divacity

However, it is necessary to take into account the above-mentioned data, that the middle ethnic Ukrainians have an supra-temporal part of the nose of III (B) blood, blood native rice nomads, plus the situation, that Kiev was by no means the capital of Old Russia, and also suspected the time of the sacking of Kiev and the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate by one and the same special one - the Novgorod prince Oleg, then there was a sensational visnovy. Oleg defeated the Khazar Khaganate not in the lower Volga - he sacked the Khazar capital Itil, as it settled in the middle flow of the Dnieper, and then the bula was renamed Kiev. So, Ukrainians, as one of the roots, do not think of mythical “Ukrainians”, but of ancient Khazars, who knew about 1200 years of the hard assimilation by ancient Russian tribes. This version explains a rich diva in the history of the Jews themselves.

For example, why is it so called “Ashkenazi” (European Jews), because they may have little sleep in the old-fashioned look with the Jews-Semites. Otherwise, this version explains the philological features of the Little Russian slang (Ukrainian language), like it is to the Semites, using its own mixing of two sounds - “g” and “x”. And it is necessary for the Little Russians to truly choose - until such time as their root is allowed to come. To the Russians, to be the absolute soul of the great Russian people. Or, before the Jews-Khazars, to become full-fledged Ukrainians, like day and night, to develop their own "union of the present", which happened to him by a chimerical turn of history. It is noteworthy that this version is about the greater expansion of Judaism among the greater Khazars. Tobto, Judaism was accompanied more importantly by the authorities, who were staying in Khazaria. The situation is similar in today's Ukraine. “Ukraine” is more importantly ill, those who are transferred to the large URSR, and the majority of the population respects itself as a part of the Russian people.

Name one of the great European peoples, Ukrainians, do not give peace, not more than goodness, but to the word’s sharpness, not to be judged by the historical people, whose lands and the forefathers of Slavism.

Historical shares of Ukrainians, like after hours in Kievan Rus and the Volyn-Galician state, from the period of the XIV century, three times were territorially divided (Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, Ugorshchina, Muscovite kingdom), were not easy. However, almost unity among the people was not destroyed. The foundations of the unity of the mortgage back to the XIV century. It was even more important to stimulate a part of the words, from the Western Bug to the Don, from the Pripyat to the Black Sea, to be called Ukrainians.

Try the historians of the 19th century to explain the name of the people, the Ukrainians, as if I would lose sight of the words of the outskirts, they were more than a fact of humiliation of the people who were humiliated, which could not be “marginal” in a good way. Such an interpretation only overwhelmed the Ukrainian intelligentsia and planted a wide range of historical roots of the name.

Among other popular versions, one can guess how the word “Ukraine” looks like a clear border (it is bordered, sharpened, water-kremlin) and that kind of clear land (Fatherland, native land). Weakness of these versions in their tightness, superficiality, that is why the meanings are assigned to all words, and we should especially not identify the okremy people. The stench is the pride of the people.

In the last hour of wide popularity, a version of the naming of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the form of an understanding of Ukrainians, name some mighty and unknown to us ancient people, part of which settled on the Baltic Sea Pomor'ї. The proof of this is based on the historical recollection of the German chronicles and specific facts of the Baltic Pomor land of Ukrmark and the words of the Yang tribe of Ukrainians, as seen in the 9th – 12th centuries (near the town of Targeliv, Nymechchina, opened the Museum of the Words of Ukrainians). Prote tіsno pov'yazuvat tsey ukrov іz modern Ukrainians smoothly. Didn't you understand how the name of the Pomeranian ukrovіv could become the head for the Central Slavic lands?

If it is possible for the ancient people of the Ukrainians to know, then it is important to know your historical evidence. As a rule, defenders of the version of the first reason identify their people with Indo-Europeans or Aryans. Zvіdsi y vysnovki about osoblivu vinyatkovіst tsyogo people, yogo historical longevity and primogeniture, yakі call sharp criticism of opponents.

Why is the word-Yan people, on the lands of which the word-yano-created was born, calling itself Ukrainian? Why don’t I deprive myself of my own name in front of the name - Russia chi rosi?

That one who is so Ukrainian and how the stench is associated with words, Russians, the history of all Europe?

The head pardon of all previous past problems of Ukrainians is their focus on those who are Ukrainians, tribes and peoples. Just like our thought, everything is richly simpler. Ukr is a specific group of people, an ancient caste, an intellectual top of an ancient society, bearing high spiritual knowledge. Tse gifted in the nature of people, people of ancient Vedic knowledge, people with superbly invested in the power of energy (bioenergy), like buildings to pour on people and light. He wears like an ancient light-gazer, like a stench carried by thousands (!) In the great expanses of Eurasia.

In different epochs, in different places, in Persia, Babylonia, Sumeria, Egypt, the Roman Empire, in ancient words, they were called in a different way: wise men, prophets, Synas of God, fathers, elders, wise men, adornments, prophets, prophets .

The very words of the Yanian sorcerers and these mysterious Ukrainians, people with an overarchingly old and overarchingly spiritual (Aryan) history. The sorcerers-ukri themselves, they created a den of words in the lands of ancient Volin, having begun the process of spiritual growth (enlightenment) of the mystical peoples and gave them to their teachings - Russia (enlightenment), as well as words (in the home of Mother Glory), and dulibi (z'ednani in ku).

The history of the words of the "Janian Magi-Ukrіv" is simultaneously great and tragic. Appeared in Europe in the 6th century BC. And until the beginning of the process of degradation of the enlightened system created by them, the sorcerers-ukri created a gigantic joint work and created a Slavic center in the Volyn lands - the Slavonic state of Dulibiya Ros.

Zanepad tsієї power at the VIII ear of the IX century po'yazaniya z vіdhodіh vіdіshnіh ukrov vіd svіtoglaznye osnovy ancient vchennya, inspired by the knowledge of the Universal law, which gave rise to the processes of pseudo-volkhvіzmu and self-proclaimed volkhvіzmu. Ale from the other side, the very twilight marked the beginning of state-building processes in different regions of the Slavic world. Particularly active in passing between the words of the world (the state of Samo, the Great Moravian state, Bulgaria too).

The Magi, like after the fall of Dulibi Ros, on the ear of the 9th century, moved to Novgorod on the Volkhov, actually did not control the situation, but fought, as they could, for pouring over the wordy svіt. Having created Volkhvіvskі centers in the Baltic (Rügen Island, Pomor'ya) and in the Polovtsian lands (on the Ural River), the stinks drew their way out of the political arena, but they could not influence anything with Volkhvіvskiy imposture and pseudovolkhvіzm.

The power in the new-created wordy lands was no longer Volkhvian, but princely. The fight was over, and degraded under the hour of the 6th - 9th centuries, paganism (religion on the basis of volkhvism), gradually replaced other religions. Ignorantly on the people's protests, that okremí spalahi of the priestly support, the struggle with the princely decisions did not give anything.

The history of the Magi-Ukrainians and the ancient Slavic power of Dulibi Ros created by them is described in two editions of the book by V.O. Surenzh (Taєmnitsі Volinsky land)”. You yourself will know the actual material, maps, photographs, new designations to understand.

Well, before the Ukrainians, name those people, who in the 9th century, having put in their vatazhkivs, sorcerers-ukrіvs, and who were in fairy tales, fairy tales, myths, zvichayah, traditions, kept the memory of the old and wise kerіvniklkom (respecting the cult of ancestors) to which people to become their followers. Ukrainians are the degenerate Magi-Ukrainians.

The remaining surge of the old Vedic spirituality and bachimo in the period of free wars of the Ukrainian people of the 17th century, the period of the Cossacks and the active activity of the Cossacks-characteristics, direct naschadkiv priests-guards (dates) of the Magi hours. At the same time, at the same time, the residually consolidated name was given to the people - Ukrainians and the names of the powers - Ukraine.

The active struggle of the princely government against the degrading paganism, the Mongol-Tatar panuvannya, the loss of Vedic knowledge, the day-to-day wear of this knowledge, war that hour, they worked their work. From the historical memory of the people, the sides of the old words of the Jansk, Russian, Volkhvian history have been erased. Lost only її fragments, the main rank of culture, butt, folk rites, names.

The people, who lived near the center of the Dulibsk state, the people of divisions in the XIV century into parts, the people of the words "yansky", the people, which became the first to be called Rus-dews, began to fight for their self-sufficiency and called themselves Ukrainians. Vіn pov'yazav to himself with the majestic that shanovannye ancestors, timi yakim vіdachny spiritual splash, his rich culture, traditions and past greatness.

Can it come out of historical inconsistency?

1. Dem'yanov V.O., Andriev A.A. - Velich Dulibії Ros. Surenzh. (Taєmnitsі Volinsky land). - Kiev, 2006.

2. Dem'yanov V.O., Andreev A.A. - Velich Dulibії Ros. Surenzh. - Kiev, 2007.

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