I'm Igor Virmenskoy mine. Cholovіchі vіrmenskiі іmenі that meaning - choose the best name for the lad. Hovhannes: number of reference features "2"

I'm pointing out the razmіrenіst that vіdsutnіst vanity. Orderliness, honesty and practicality - the axis of which will help you achieve success in life and become more beautiful. However, it is not necessary to go to work and in oneself - to overcome inacceptability in a special life. Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes, try not to stream emotions, allow your weaknesses and show too much ambition in a special life, as if you don’t want to stick with failures. Your energy should be better directed to work and in an active direction - only in this way you will be happy. Beware of zadroshchiv and learn how to serve yourself beautifully for success in the kohanna.


  • Purity straightening;
  • tolerance;
  • integrity of nature;
  • arrogance;
  • Vminnya keruvati.


  • Vision of pity;
  • Liberty;
  • Zadrіst;
  • Drativity;
  • Dribnist.

The main features of the character named after Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes

On the representation of the diagram, the main meanings of the names Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes are indicated, as they form the character and psychotype of the particularity of the name.

Periods of life activity named after Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes

On this graph, age-long periods are marked, which are characteristic of periods of life activity of the Vlasnik named Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes. In different periods, activity can be both greater and lesser.

Interpretation of the meaning of the skin letter of the name Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes

O - the name of the letter "O" indicates spirituality, great isolation. People, in what name is this letter, have a miraculous intuition;

G - Tsіkavіst i dopitlіvіst, pedantry, vіdvishchena respect to dіbnitsі, orderly. Vrodzhena vvіchlivіst i vitonchenіnіst, for what hovaє gidlіvnja stavlennâ to іlshostі nedoskonalosti human nature.

A - Starting point, which confirms the goals of specificity and її activity. Vibility to oneself, spiritually and physically growing is characteristic of quiet people, whose name is in the letter, the sign of leaders and penetrating, active people.

N - "Spravzhnіy Lucifer". Overwhelming critical attention to everything that comes across. We're squeamish. Heististic and selfish, wanting to talk about their health. Orderly, practical.

E - Shilnist to the point, self-reliance often becomes the cause of self-sufficiency for people with such a letter in the name. For all that, the stench is not closed, but navpaki - it’s comrades to the point of intrusiveness. This is how their internal exercise manifests itself to the point of self-expression. And yet, for such an opinion and communication, it is often attached to a deeper and more correct nature of speeches, and more or less open to reach one’s own special purpose.

C - Pragnennya pennies and nasolod, mountainous life. But still, people are not enough to sort out the bones and they can go along an unholy path. Chi is not deprived of a healthy mind, but with whom you are calm. Beautiful practitioners. Too fast for a partner, man.

B - Optimism, comradeship, zhvavіst, zhittєlyubnіst that retelnіst, zazyatіst y robotі. As a result, charisma and charisma are accentuated. Regardless of one’s bias, the wind of such a person is not powerful, to those who are monogamous after a vdacha.

Your personal horoscope for 2019-2020!

A personal horoscope for the date of nationality allows you to more accurately recognize from friendly and unfriendly people, as if checking on you from the future.

Correctly picked im'ya maє character and share of a person is a strong positive infusion. Actively help to develop, form a positive character and become a character, improve health, clean up the differences negative programs unfamiliar. Ale yak pіdіbrati іdealne іm'ya?

Look at what the culture has to interpret, what different people's names mean, really, injecting the name of a skin boy individually.

Sometimes the fathers try to vibrati im'ya before the people, zavazhayuch children form. Astrology and numerology in the choice of names have squandered all serious knowledge about the injection of names into the share of centuries.

Calendars of Christmas time, holy people, without consultation bachit, far-sighted fahivtsya do not give any real help in the assessment of the injection of names to the share of the child.

And the lists ... of popular, happy, beautiful, melodious human names and zowsim zaplyuyut eyes on individuality, energy, the soul of a child and reshape the procedure for selecting for a non-violently rude batkіv on fashion, its ignorance and non-government.

Raznomanіtnі characteristics behind statistics - positive drawings of names, negative drawings name, choice of profession for name, investment of name for business, investment of name for health, the psychology of the name can only be seen in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karmi), energy construction, task for the life of that particular child.

The theme of the summation of names (and not the characters of people) is absurd, a kind of viverta z vzaimodisti vzaimodiї raznyh people vzvіshnі mekhanіzm vplivі іmenі on camp svogo vosіya. And annulls the whole psyche, incomprehensibly, energy and behavior of people. To bring to one hibnoy characteristics all the richness of the interplay of people.

The meaning of the name is not literal. For example, Vigen (strong), does not mean that a young person will be strong, but that other names will be weak. I can block my heart center and I can’t take it. For the next lad, it’s better to help him to win the mission for the love of your power, to greatly ease the life of that attainment of goals. The third lad may not bring the desired effect, what is it, what is not. І etc. Moreover, all children can become people on that very day. Mothers of the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular modern names for boys in 2015 are pardon. Despite the fact that 95% of the boys are called by their names, this does not make the share easier. Orientation can be less on a specific child, more knowledge and wisdom of fahivtsya.

The mystery of a person's name, like a program of an unknown, sound flurry, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet in front of a person, but not in the meaning of that characteristic of a name. And if I’m ruining a child, then it’s like a bi garne, melodic in a father’s way, astrologically more accurate, it didn’t turn out to be more blessed, but everything will be shkoda, ruination of character, making life easier and tighter.

Below is a list of hundreds of human names of the time. Try to choose a sprat, which is the most suitable for your child's thought. Let's sweat, how to call you efficiency in the name of the share, .

List of people's virmensky names for the abetka:


Abig - smallpox
Avet, Avetik, Avetis - bless, sacred knowledge
Agasi - unstoppable
Azat - Vilniy
Hayk, Haykaz - unity
Hakob - God let me help, let me bury
Amazasp - zahisnik, what is possible to go.
Amayak - schiry, high spirit
Ambartsum - ascension that shines, shines in the sky
Amo - the one who goes
Ananiya - one of his kind
Ara - noble
Arakel - apostle, divine zahisnik
Aram - noble
Argam - good
Argishtі - good kokhannya
Areg - sun, sacred ruh (sign)
Aristakes - holy zahisnik
Armen, Armenak - the spirit of the Aryans
Arsen - gentry warrior
Artavazd - the abode of truth
Artash, Artashes, what a pragne to the truth
Artem - way to the truth
Arthur - light of truth
Artush - pragne to light
Harutyun - Sunday
Arushan - sleepy face
Arshavir - sleepy hero
Arshak - living sun
Atom - divine spirit
Ashot - the hope of the whole world


Babken - father-sage
Baghdasar - blessed power
Bagish - hoarded happiness
Bagram - happy kokhannya
Bagrat - the joy of the kokhannya
Barseg - more spitting
Barkhudar - shanuyuchy force


Vahagn - the all-pervading fire
Vaan is a shield, all-pervasive
Vagharsh, Vagharshak - the sun is everywhere
Vagram - the streak of the tiger
Vazgen - light of sacred knowledge
Vanik - merchant
Varazdat - a gift to space
Vardan - cities
Vardvan - a patriot who loves the country
Vardges - king (lion) of the land
Varuzhan - people buti zahisnik
Vasak - light of eyes
Wahak - all-pervading sun
Vahinak - sleepy warrior
Vachagan - fire language
Vache - mova, word
Vigen - strong, mighty
Virab - hero-zahisnik
Vramshapuh - good oath


Gagik - heavenly
Galust - paraphia, came to the booth
Hereregin - fire of sacred knowledge
Garnik - lamb, sacrificial lamb, yak vede to the fire
Garsevan - fire worshiper
Gaspar - the one who goes to call
Gegham - budinok
Grant - sacred book
Gurgen - sacred knowledge of the spiritual teacher


David - kohaniy
Derenik - humbly worship God
Jivan - the soul is alive


Yegish - Spragly of power
Yervand - holy faith, holy shanuvannya


Zhirayr - lively, living ary (person)


Zaven - vihovany, humble
Zoriya - priest of the cult of the sun and fire
Zurab - divine, odorous


Kamari - holy kokhannya
Karapet - vladika changed the sun, sun
Karen the elephant
Kerop - sleepy arrow
Kіkos - hard, stable
Kirakos - chronicler
Koryun - smallpox, glorious God, sun


Mamikon - my
Markar - way ariїv, gentry way
Mher - sleepy
Melkon - the sun that stings
Melkum - a wiry svitanok
Mesrop - moon arrow
Mekhak - carnation, sleepy eye
Mihran - sleepy face
Minas - fish
Mushegh - miracle


Nerses - the people of the hero
Nubar - wiggle


Ogan, Hovhannes, Hovhannes - fiery


Panos - marvelous, miraculous
Parkev - cities, sound watering (pov'yazane for sacrifices)
Partev - Volodar, king, warrior
Paruyr - spiral, filled with light
Parunak - part of God
Patwakan - honor, honor to youth
Petros - stone, father, father
Pogos - boy


Rachiya - creation, creation


Sahak - the power of the sun
Sagatel - a sign of power
Sako - divine
Sanasar - the power of eternity
Santur - sacred light
Sapah - shunning God
Sargis - the power of nature
Saro - strong


Tatevos - Way of the Ancestors
Tatos - Batkivsky
Tatul - the joy of the father
Tyrant - sacred disguise
Bargaining - ryativnik, what's going on
Toros - onslaught, Energia
Trdat - a gift from the gods


Unan - gold disguise, sun
Vusik - Ranked

Im'ya Hovhannes- it’s not just typing the letters or the graph from the witness about the people, but without rebilling the energy message until the future. Knowing about those that mean the name Hovhannes, the meaning of the name Hovhannes, the meaning of the name Hovhannes, about those that the name Hovhannes means nationality, one can most accurately characterize the character, likeness, likeness and name the share of a person. Zokrema, a strong influx on a person, it is not so important for the name of Hovhannes, but for the rebirth of the name of Hovhannes, some symbols of yoga, a patron planet, talismans of Hovhannes, a planetary number, etc. Whether it’s a way of im’ya Hovhannes, he carries in himself deep emotions that psychological burden, as if in his line he shows his nose like a crem, a unique specialness.

So what for im'ya Hovhannes, what is the meaning of the name Hovhannes, the meaning of the name Hovhannes? The most recent information about the new one - the meaning of the name Hovhannes, whose name is lucky numbers, planet, astrological stone, resurrection of the name of Hovhannes, special creature, zodiac and sacred number, talismany Hovhannes, happy days of the day and time of fate, happy color - selected on the site site. We have tried to give a clearer description of the meaning of the name Hovhannes so that after reading the characteristics you do not lose food. Read and find out what is attached to it, it would be better, in a simple combination of letters, that sound is true.

About im'ya Hovhannes: Significance, exodus

The meaning of the name Hovhannes, Like and the journey of the name of Hovhannes (im as a nationality), deeply in the character of that share of one’s nose, showing talents, intelligence, material well-being, will, building up to self-realization and richly other. It is even more important that the significance of the name of Hovhannes, given at the time of the people, gave an energetic infusion to give the people. Like the name of Hovhannes, it is given without urahuvannya to give people, it can concentrate the negative tension, which leads to the development of an internal imbalance. І, navpaki: correctly picked it up, I help people to achieve life success. Why is it important to know what is the name of Hovhannes, what is the name, what does the name Hovhannes mean and how is it historically similar.

The meaning of the name Hovhannes: fire

It is important to know about those who may be named Hovhannes nationality (Oganes is the name of the nationality), it is important that through him the person himself is aware of himself, and be it as if it were not enough that the shortfalls will inevitably be driven into the parts of the powerful "I ". At that very hour, the skin of the people may have a singing list of names, which have become traditional. Knowing such facts remembrance of Hovhannes, whose name is Hovhannes, even before that, how to name a child, helps to get into the share of the little one with the improvement of national traditions.

Pokhodzhennya named after Hovhannes: ancient Jewish

Numerology Of The Name Hovhannes

The most important numbers for a person are t, which are encrypted in your name, so the lucky numbers are called. Numerologists affirm that the numerical value of the name Hovhannes brings good luck and happiness, helping to improve the material camp, reduce the number of failures and disappointment. It is less necessary to protect them at the moment of praise of the decision.

Number of name: 7

Heart number: 5

Number of individuals: 2

Happy number: 7

Lucky numbers named Hovhannes: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 106, 115

Lucky days of the month: 7, 16, 25

Everything about you for the date of nationality

The meaning of the letter of the name Hovhannes

Not only skin changes in the name pour into the share of that character. Strongly pouring in like a homage to the name of Hovhannes, and skin okrema letters, її interpretation and significance. So, the meaning of the name Hovhannes is the same as the first letter to speak about the task, as it is important to say people prolong their lives. The rest of the letter show on a weak spot, as it is necessary to protect and protect.

  • o - emotion, taєmnichi hvilyuvannya
  • d - great attention to that nervousness in their reach, secrecy, respect for details, summation
  • a - power is power
  • n - energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, hospitable mind
  • e - vitality, building mobilization in a critical situation, straightforwardness, balakuchi
  • c - nervousness, susceptibility, healthy eyes, susceptibility, vladnist, primhlivist

Talismans named after Hovhannes

Lyudina may have an inextricable connection with natural light. Our forefathers believed at this link, and they continue to invisibly save themselves in our days. So, Talismani Hovhannes help save energy, protect against inaccuracies, give strength to the critical moment. The totem endows its ruler with specific qualities, helping to reveal previously unknown talents and energy vitality. Nevipadkovo totems and talismans of Hovhannes on the flooring are requested from to the current world: stink to shatter your sergeant strong

Happy time to rock: Osin

Happy days of the week: Friday and Saturday

Unlucky days of the week: Tuesday that Week

Happy Colors: Violet

Roslin Mascot: Korov'yak

Stone-talismans named after Hovhannes: Mid, Diamond, Quartz, Emerald, Citrine, Aquamarine, Diamond, Opal, Tourmaline

Totem Beast: Raven

Tree: Grape

The sum of names

Astrology named after Hovhannes

Between the ruler of the name-form and the planet is an even closer link. To know astrological infusion not less importantly, lower the name of Hovhannes, like maє totems and talismans Hovhannes, im'ya as a nationality Hovhannes and etc.

Pohodzhennya imeni Hovhannes is the same, who the planet, who rules, is Venus. Tsya planet bears the name of a number of perevag and nedolіkіv.

Perevagi, like Oganes possessing the name of Venus: Justice, a little beauty, harmony, gallantry, guilt

Nedolіki, yakimi nadіlyaє Venus іm'ya Hovhannes: Seeing the sense of the world, hisism

Astrological color of the name: Blue

Side to the world: Zahid

Astrological stone: Morion, Charoit, Granite, Amethyst

Vіlyuyuchaya creature: Turtle, Squirrel, Camel, Pugach

Also, this number of other planets is influencing and without intermediary influx into the share of the skin letter, which is formed im'ya Hovhannes (nationality Hovhannes, whose name is to this particular type unimportant). Like in the imenoform є kіlka of the same letters, plunging into the air of the planet, they are suffices in the style of times, but the letter is repeated once.

Dominating planet for Hovhannes:

The special meaning of the name Hovhannes is hoped for by the planet, which governs the final letter. At a number of vipadkіv, regardless of the fact, yaku may іm'ya Hovhannes nationality, what does the name Hovhannes mean, whose name is, the final planet signifies the trivality and specialness of the completed life.

Remaining planet named: Uranus

Planetary number and meaning of the name Hovhannes

Readers of the site, singly, will be able to recognize what is behind the name of Hovhannes from the point of view of planetary numbers. The meaning of the name Hovhannes, the meaning of the name Hovhannes to tell about the planetary number 10. Here is the name of Pluto.

Pluto is the key planet named to set the task of overcoming all fears, learn to cope with extreme situations and handle collective energies, lead other people

Zodiacal and sacred number of the name Hovhannes

The reverence of the name Hovhannes signifies the zodiac number 7, which corresponds to the zodiac sign Terezi.

Names - Terezi create a field of equivalence and justice. The stench zaluchayut to vyrіshennya rіznіh dvіstіh situatіy, scho vymagayut vybora vminnya all objectively evaluate. Such names call out to calmness, that dotrimannya in the whole world, to peace, that harmony in the waters of the soothing.

The sacral number, as it signifies the meaning of the name Hovhannes, є 1, which corresponds to the zodiac sign Aries

Vlasnik immeni - Aries zaluchaetsya to fight, active action. At a higher vapadka, a field of war can be a little more, in a yak you can be drawn into the yoke. For the best one, you will become a pershopid and a fearless face, which protects others. In the collective unfamiliar іz іz іmі іn names po'yazanі images of warriors and active people.

The editors of the site have tried to collect the most recent information, as a description of the behavior of the name Hovhannes, whose name is what does the name Hovhannes mean, what is the nationality of Hovhannes, the mascots Hovhannes... Vykorist tsyu іnformatsiyu correctly and vy ob'yazkovo vodchuєte all the energy, scho prihovuєtsya in the new.

Deciphering information about a person named Oganes, and you know that you have received talents that unknown bazhanya, that is from Yogo Vlasnik. From early morning until night you feel the sounds of your name, from the children of the stench to infuse them with another rank. Knowing the best sides of your character, you will reach richly.

    Meaning of a boy named after Hovhannes

  • Written in Latin - Oganes
  • Before whom name lies the element - Water
  • The color of the largest in the distance - Fire orange, Chocolate
  • The best way to beat people in the name of Hovhannes, metal - Zalizo
  • The most suitable tree for which name is Oliva
  • Planet that brings happiness - Pluto
  • Suzir'ya, scho priblyuyut success - Hounds Psi (Canes Venatici)
  • For numerology named after Hovhannes, numbers bring good luck to people - Six
  • You better get used to zhu - meat and dairy products
  • Creatures of your symbols for the name Hovhannes- gazelle
  • Stones - talismans for people named after Hovhannes - cat's eye

For financial success, people in the name of Hovhannes need a strong Penny Amulet smut, schob vin kodovaniya especially on you, on your im'ya that your date of birth. I can only recommend tse perevіreny site!, Talisman of Good Luck effectively works for the creation of auri well-being.

What is the best for the share of people with names starting with the letter O - Hovhannes

  1. More shortly, like a boy named Hovhannes born under the sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12)
  2. The greatest in the distance will be like a person named after Hovhannes born for a similar calendar on the river - Koni (Horse) - rock 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 20
  3. Make it better to start at - Saturday and Tuesday
  4. The most pleasant days of fate, tse - 28 fierce, 10 grass, 10 lime and 1 yellow
  5. Have a nice hour for you - early morning
  6. An unsafe age, for which the need to protect - for childhood and youth - ten fates; in youth - twenty-nine years; in maturity - thirty six years, in old age - seventy eight years
  7. Hovhannes imposes a ticket on the health of these people, especially the unsafe disease of the right hand
  8. You are better suited to professions involved in repairs and repairs.

Tipi the nature of the names of human names Hovhannes

Often the wine does not show its feelings to inspire the girl, which was more worthy of you. What to introduce into Oman protilezhnu become. You are guilty of learning to guess and analyze what is good for the new one, and what is not. Zhіnok baiduzhe stavlennya can imitate, and the stench is unique. Tim, who entrusted him with his life, make it easy and accompany you as an unreasonable spring. Whatever is within the reach of every life: do not hesitate - this is the result of this important everyday practice. For a person named after Hovhannes, it is important that their work brought satisfaction and opened up their abilities. If so, it is necessary for the team to be friendly and for the most part to communicate well. Start to be ashamed to show your own feelings, rarely give compliments, but for close friends you become a right romantic. With two feet on the ground, and a right man. Vіdminnі rice- originality and self-expression.
A person in the name of Hovhannes can inadvertently injure a person, and invariably speak HІ, often from simple romances, rob a zhorstok_ rozryvi. Vin is always ready to come to the aid of a woman in any life situations. Less than a year they turn into turbotlivyh and loving fathers. People on the name of Hovhannes for a long time choose a vidpovidnu squad, mercilessly admonishing them who are not suitable for them. Neither the members of your own family, nor relatives, nor friends can tell you what to blame for the fault. Tighten yoga, pіd vіnets - the whole mystekstvo, make friends - it's important that she is reluctant. First friends do not become friends.

Table of the main figure of the character of the people on the name of Hovhannes

Rozrahunok rice to the character depends on the name, and the month of the people, for a more accurate rozrahunka it is necessary to know the exact date of the people of that name, according to the father, that nickname, so you will require that - VІDVІDІT Tsyu STORINKU.

The vertical column of the table (burn), choose your own (or the person with the name on the letter O - Hovhannes) the month of the people, the horizontal (from the side) row of all aspects of the character. Їx intervals will show the coefficient from 1 to 100, which is larger, then shorter.

Sichen Lyuty berezen
Willpower 63 27 38
Energy 5 20 56
Navchanist 5 38 16
Practicality 48 3 60
Kindness 57 55 76
Patience 92 72 92
Creativity 31 60 49
intuition 57 31 33
Communication 25 73 61
self-esteem 43 3 4
pennies 1 3 39
talent 99 16 48
Spirituality 91 52 91
Purpose straightening 78 73 96
Stability 34 46 74
Love 97 21
Borg 82 37 46
mentality 61 80 100
obachnistnost 14 34 36
Emotion 81 76 71
Kviten Traven Worm
Willpower 8 7 4
Energy 55 37 85
Navchanist 77 45 5
Practicality 63 17 17
Kindness 90 42 28
Patience 79 5 39
Creativity 80 28 60
intuition 53 71 71
Communication 90 50 51
self-esteem 87 28 28
pennies 90 22
talent 67 32 19
Spirituality 68 34 42
Purpose straightening 57 12 85
Stability 33 49 85
Love 64 87 18
Borg 53 62 93
mentality 11 41 69
obachnistnost 5 86
Emotion 17 62 4
Lipnya Serpen Veresen
99 43 48
Energy 51 86 97
Navchanist 86 52 80
Practicality 64 20 65
Kindness 40 53 59
Patience 99 14 72
Creativity 2 91 93
intuition 95 40
Communication 86 59
self-esteem 53 70
pennies 77 82 43
talent 93 34 90
Spirituality 39 74 38
Purpose straightening 73 11 64
Stability 83 98 70
Love 37 37 19
Borg 49 97 46
mentality 91 63 92
obachnistnost 93 50 1
Emotion 91 45 57
Zhovten leaf fall chest
Willpower 51 80 51
Energy 31 66
Navchanist 60 43
Practicality 29 79 81
Kindness 16 11 58
Patience 13 66 10
Creativity 35 47 38
intuition 34 66 54
Communication 52 1 26
self-esteem 43 61 66
pennies 74 60 50
talent 33 21 95
Spirituality 44 63 60
Purpose straightening 95 29 24
Stability 29 44 98
Love 5 21 48
Borg 59 15
mentality 35 62 8
obachnistnost 41 34 40
Emotion 61 23 12
  • The main character drawings that are present in people are named Hovhannes - good-natured, loving, shovkovy
  • The summation of people in the name of Hovhannes in mutual

    This table shows the summation of the kokhanni of people named after Hovhannes fallowly on the day of their nationality. The vertical line (burn), is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (from the side) row is the sign of your partner's horoscope. Your transition will show the stage and aspects of the perspective.

    Yakshcho no kohannya close people. We got tired in the face of an unreasonable situation and there were no radio exchanges. You will be helped without cost by the help of the gate. The prophecy of the right clairvoyant is costless, roam on Tarot cards and is recognized as TILKI for our site GO BACK TO THE GATE . More precisely, a fortune-teller on a kokhannya, show a problem, a way of virishennya, show that you need to make a special life.

    riba Aries Taurus
    Ribi (19.02 - 20.03) empty experience nervousness for both empty experience
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) long time together everything behind the plan tightness and everyday life
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) empty experience vrosh will be shorter pennies to separate you
    Twins (21.05 - 20.06) pennies to separate you everything will be good vrosh will be shorter
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) often incomprehensible nervousness for you not boring life together
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) hatred ta welding passion and jealousy sleeping dreams
    Diva (23.08 - 23.09) vіdminna dovge life for two difficult
    Terezi (24.09 - 23.10) partner blueprints parting financial problems
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) vibuh pochuttiv difficult obsession and love
    Strilec (22.11 - 21.12) vіdminna dovge life for two hostri vіdnosiny
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01) shitty shit don't varto fix stosunki dovgi vіdnosiny
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) sleeping dreams not recommended radiance of experience
    Twins Crayfish a lion
    Ribi (19.02 - 20.03) goodness sіm'ya often incomprehensible rozcharuvannya
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) goodness sіm'ya garne everything will be good
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) dovgi vіdnosiny hatred ta welding nervousness for both
    Twins (21.05 - 20.06) hostri vіdnosiny not boring life together foldable blue
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) ill health good luck, but not long tightness and everyday life
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) foldable blue rozcharuvannya pennies to separate you
    Diva (23.08 - 23.09) partner blueprints hatred ta welding not recommended
    Terezi (24.09 - 23.10) pennies to separate you be separated by enemies foldable blue
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) dovgi vіdnosiny vіdminna vibuh pochuttiv
    Strilec (22.11 - 21.12) znevaga dovge life for two everything behind the plan
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01) ill health long time together goodness sіm'ya
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) calm at the booth dovge life for two calm booth
    Diva Terezi Scorpio
    Ribi (19.02 - 20.03) hostri vіdnosiny everything behind the plan vіdminna
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) difficult happy family shitty shit
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) good luck, but not long tightness and everyday life shitty shit
    Twins (21.05 - 20.06) sleeping dreams good luck, but not long long time together
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) hostri vіdnosiny dovge life for two not recommended
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) empty experience vіdminna emotion
    Diva (23.08 - 23.09) well-being and prosperity well-being and prosperity hatred ta welding
    Terezi (24.09 - 23.10) not recommended not recommended financial problems
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) rich dіm ta radіst Marni experience nervousness for both
    Strilec (22.11 - 21.12) bіdi ta klopіt emotion everything will be good
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01) emotion not recommended passion and jealousy
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) parting rozcharuvannya empty experience

    Nutrition, related to the events of that transformation of names and nicknames, the science is growing, as onomastics is called. When the people are children, the fathers call її tim chi іnshim іm'yam, sob to revitalize її іnshih people.

    Winickly names in the early stages of human life and mostly resembled common names. Previously, from a long time ago, people were called meaningful names, as if they gave them their own goodness, or such, as if they hung a bazhan bachiti person in the future, endowed with other qualities.

    For example, virmenske im'ya Rachiya means "fire eyes", Zarmair - "a noble man", Zorair - "a man endowed with strength". Even a lot of people's names in the world are formed like this: before the word "air" - ("person" - Arm.), there is a characteristic example. Takozh women's names, Before the word - duht ("daughter" - Armenian), Dodaєtsya іm'ya dad і come out new іm'ya. For example, Vormizdukht, Aikandukht, etc.

    Among wealthy peoples, the names of vinickles are named after the names of different totems - creatures that are adored, roslin, the manifestations of nature. From the modern names of deaks, they also resemble the names of creatures, birds, roslins (Garnik, Aytsemnik, Akhavni, Artsvik, Shushan, Nargiz, Eznik, Manushak, Hasmik, Tsakhik, etc.), but they don’t appear in their deifications, yak for example, Adopted by the natives of the islands of Samoa in the Pacific Ocean, when the people of the children stink, they call them the names of different totems, and said at the time of the people, they become the names of the children.

    Virmensky names of such a character are more important than the viraz of strength, beauty, thinness.

    At the Ancient Gathering, special names were created, folded from the names of the gods like in time, for example, Artamazd, Anaїt, etc. If Christianity began to spread, the fortune-tellers of the Old and New Testaments got their names. However, the peoples, yakі mаyut razvinenu culture, saved and their ancient names. Christian names have expanded even more among the European nations. Ale skins from these peoples having changed in their own way.

    For example, the name “Johannes” for Italians became Giovanni, for the French - Jean, for the Poles - Jan, for the English - John, for the Russians - Ivan, for the Spaniards - Juan and for the Europeans - Hovhannes, taking the closest sound to the original. The names Karen, Abel, Eva, Lazar and ing have also gone down to our time.

    For recognition between women and human names, you can use the rule, zgіdno zgіdno suffix is ​​added to the word, or ending, which signifies rіd, "ui" - zh.rіd (n-r: Srbuї), "air" - m.genus (n -r: Norayr). But not all names can be classified according to their type.

    Names that resemble the toponyms of the time (Hayastan, Ararat, Ani, Vanik, Vanuї, Nairi, Nairuї, Naira, Sisak, Araxi, Masis, Taron, Mushegh ta іn). A number of temporary names reflect religious zmist and є translations of alien Christian names:
    Harutyun - resurrection,
    Khachatur - messages of St. cross,
    Arakel - Apostle
    Astvatsatur - messages from God ta іn.

    All translated names are translated by my Greek.

    And also the new creations of the names of religious change:
    Ambartsum - pіdnesennia,
    Galust is a manifestation
    Srbuj - holy,
    Avetis - blessed,
    Mkrtich - Christener, etc.

    A lot of names reflect the sounds and inner feelings of a person:
    Zhirayr - zhvaviy,
    Patwakan is more important
    Amest - modest
    Nazan - lower, graceful,
    Gekhetskaya - beauty,
    Makrui - clean, etc.

    Deyakі names, wanting for the trips of aliens, prote, having changed, became virmensky (Egishe, Vagram, Ruzan, Seda, etc.). And the names, which are not respectful of those who live in other peoples, are recognized as virmensky (Ruben, Samvel, Levon, David and others).

    Even though it is respectful to hear the exceptionally sweet-sounding and distinguished temporal special names, then without special zusli you can understand their feelings:
    Arevik - Sonechko,
    Astghik - star,
    Azat - vіlny,
    Arpi - dawn,
    Rozmik - warrior,
    Draht - paradise,
    Martik - warrior,
    Zepyur - wind thin.

    Walking away of the temporal ghosts

    A nickname (“azganun” – Arm.) – by my Virmenian meaning of my family. But there were not a bunch of tribal names, for people lived in small groups, isolated, and everyone knew each other well. Well, it so happened that in the same settlement there lived a sprat of Aramiv or a sprig of Anayt, then they called them differently: for example, Aram, onuk Garnik, or Aram - onuk Hayk. Abo always knew how to characterize the peculiarity, for example, kulgaviy Hmayak or Anayt, who has ten children.

    I gave special respect to the celebration of the names of the Armenians Rachiya Acharyan, who wrote the unique five-volume “Glossary of the Armenian Special Names”.

    Rachiya Akopovich Acharyan (Arm. Հրաչյա Աճառյան) is a Turkish linguist, philologist, ethymologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian RSR. It was born on the 8th of February 1876 near Constantinople, near the Samatiya quarter. Father Bovshevtsy.

    In childhood, in the language of Turkish, having slandered the time and the French. Having studied at the Sorbonne and Strasbourg Universities, deviving new language and the same way, becoming familiar with my vintage achievements at the gallery of the world of science.

    After the completion of the religious education of Hrach Acharyan, he worked as a teacher in Echmiadzin, and then at Shushi, de friends.

    At once, out of 600 people, like a diva, they turned around at the hour of the Shemakhinskaya rіzanin, making friends, moved to Tabriz. In the same place in 1923, a well-known teacher and teachings, having rejected the request from the ruler of Radyanskaya Virmeni, to settle in Yerevan together with the retinue, de vin mav vikladati in Yerevan State University. On the verge of 30 years of YSU buv for the great vchenoy like a dear dem.

    In 1937, roci, fabricated rights, buv arrests, and two years later releases to freedom and rehabilitation. Having continued my work at YSU and continued my studies in the linguistics gallery.

    Vіdomy with his robots in the gallery of the vvchennya of dialects and speeches of the modern language. Racha Acharyan Volodiv more than 50 mov.

    Racha Acharyan died on April 16, 1953. After this death, dozens of unpublished copies of manuscripts were lost. Having robbed all the wines from recessions to the native people, to whom he dedicated his life.

    P.S. Vityagi from the five-volume "Glossary of the World's Special Names"

    Women's names

    Diamond "Diamond"
    MANUSHAK "Violet"
    AMALIA "Clean, clean"
    MELANNYA "Zustrich"
    ANAIT "Heart"
    NAIRA “Vilna”
    ANUSH “Dyhannya ranku”, “Cold”
    NANA "Mom"
    ARAXIA “Holy Watch”
    Narine "Woman, team"
    AREVIK “Sonechko”
    NUNE “Vikhvalyaucha”
    ARPENIK “Holy zahisnitsa”
    PARANDZEM “Similar to the blind Greater Deity”
    ARUS "Sonyachna"
    RIPSIME "More than any praise"
    ASTHIK "Zirochka"
    Satenik "True Doe"
    ASHKHEN "Heavenly"
    SATE "True"
    GAYANE “Budinok, Sim'ya”
    SEDA "Nizhnist"
    YEGINE “Exercise to Sontsya”
    TATEVIK “Way of Ancestors”
    ZARU, ZARA “Priestess of the Temple of Fire”
    KRASCHI “Meek, Pious”
    KARINE “Rejoicing”
    SHOGER, SHOGIK "Beauty"
    Shushen "Liliya"

    Human names

    ABIG "Ospivuyuchy"
    AREG s arm. "Sun";
    ABET, AVETIK, AVETIS - from arm. "Dobrasvit",
    from Sanskrit “Sacred Knowledge”
    ARISTAKES "Holy Zahisnik"
    AGASI "Nepokhitna mountain"
    Virmen, Virmenok "The Spirit of Ariev"
    AZAT "Vilny"
    ARSEN "gentry warrior"
    Hayk "Unity"
    ARTAVAZD "Oselya istini"
    AIKAZ "Unity"
    ARTAK “Exercise to Sontsya”
    AKOP "God help me, let me bury"
    ARTASH, ARTASHES “Pragnennya to the truth”
    ARTEM “Way to the Truth”
    AMAYAK "Schiriy", "Vischiy spirit"
    ARTHUR “Light of Truth”
    AMO (starting from “h”) - from arm. "Sunday";
    from Skt. "Glow, shine in the sky"
    ARTUSH “Pragnennya to the Light”
    ANANIA “One in his kind”
    HARUTYUN "Resurrection"
    ARA "gentry"
    ARUSHAN “Sonny Face”
    ARAKEL "Apostle"
    ARSHAVIR “Sonyachny Hero”
    ARAM "Vin noble"
    ARSHAK "Sun, you are alive"
    ARGAM "Wine of the Year"
    ATOM "Divine Spirit"
    ARGISHTI "Gidniy kokhannya"
    ASHOT "Hope of the Light"

    BABKEN “Father-sage”
    BAGRAT “Joy of Love”
    BAGHDASAR "Beneficent power"
    Barseg "Duzhe spitting"
    Bagish “Zhoplennya happiness”
    Barkhudar "Vshanuvannya sili"
    Bagram "Happy Love"

    VAAGN "Omnipresent Fire"
    VARUZHAN “Natural buti zahisnik”
    VAAN "Shield"
    VASAK "Light of the eyes"
    VAGARSH, VAGARSHAK “The Sun is Omnipresent”
    WAHAK "Omnipresent sun"
    VAGRAM “Streak of the tiger”
    VAHINAK “Sonyachny Warrior”

    GAGIK "Heavenly"
    GASPAR “The one who goes to call”
    GALUST "Prihid"
    GEGAM "Dim"
    HEREGIN “The Fire of the Sacred Knowledge”
    GRANT “Holy book”
    Garnik “Lamb Sacrificed”
    GURGEN “Sacred Knowledge of the Spiritual Teacher”
    GARSEVAN "Fire worshiper"

    DAVID - "Giving knowledge"
    DERENIK - "Respectfully worship (God)"
    JIVAN - “The soul is alive”

    ЄДІШ - “Smart to the point of power”
    YERVAND - "Holy Vira"

    ZHIRAYR - "Courageous, lively ary (person)"

    ZAVIN - "Heavenly"
    ZORIY – “Priest of the Cult of Sontsya and Vognyu”
    ZURAB - "Divine"
    KAMARI “Holy kokhannya”
    KIKOS "Hard, Steady"
    KARAPET “Vladik changing the sun”, “Sun” KIRAKOS “Christian”
    Karen "Elephant"
    KORYUN "Ospіvuyuchy, wobbling (of God, the Sun)"
    KEROP "Sonyachna Strila"

    MAMIKON “Miy”
    MESROP “Misyachna Arrow”
    MARKAR "gentry path"
    MECHAK "Carnation" from Skt. "Sonyachne eye"
    MHER "Sonyachny"
    MIGRAN “Sonyachny Lik”
    MELKON "Zustrich Sontsya"
    MINAS "Riba"
    MELKUM "Zustrich Svitanka"
    MUSHEG “Wonderful”

    NERSES - "Hero's birth"
    NUBAR - "Vikhvalyannya"


    PANOS "Wonderful"
    PARUNAK “Part of God”
    PARKIV "Sound watering"
    PATVAKAN “Gidnist”
    PARTEV "Warrior, Tsar"
    PETROS "Kamin"
    PARUYR "Spiral"
    PEGOS "Boy"

    RACHIA - "Creation, creation"

    SAAK "Power of the Sun"
    SARO "Strong"
    SAGATEL “Sign of power”
    SASUN "Alive"
    SAKO "Divine"
    SEROP "The arrow is released"
    SANASAR "The Power of Eternity"
    SMBAT "Friend, Relative"
    SANTOUR “Sacred light”
    SPARTAK "Vizvolitel"
    CHERVON "God's Shanuvalnik"
    SUKIAS "Happy person"
    SARGIS "Powerfulness of nature"
    SUREN “Divine

    TATEVOS "Way of Ancestors"
    TORGOM "The one who goes ryativnik"
    TATOS "Batkivskiy"
    Toros "Energy"
    TATUL "The joy of the father"
    TRDAT "Dar Bogiv"
    TIGRAN “Sacred Disguise”

    UNAN - "Golden Disguise"
    USIK - "Rankovy"

    KHARPUT - "Sleepy Lotus"
    HOREN - "Sun"
    KHOSRIV - “The one who throws the sacrifice into the fire pot”

    SHAVARSH - "The power of the sun"
    SHMAVON - “Peaceful

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    Strilec Capricorn Aquarius
    Ribi (19.02 - 20.03) empty experience be separated by enemies garne
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) obsession and love znevaga rich dіm ta radіst
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) partner blueprints vrosh will be shorter not boring life together
    Twins (21.05 - 20.06) goodness sіm'ya good luck foldable blue
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) vibuh pochuttiv good luck emotion
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) nervousness for you marni mrії calm at the booth
    Diva (23.08 - 23.09) nervousness for you nervousness for you nervousness for you
    Terezi (24.09 - 23.10) happy family bіdi ta klopіt be separated by enemies
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) passion and jealousy nervousness for both often incomprehensible
    Strilec (22.11 - 21.12) vibuh pochuttiv peace at home marni mrії
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01) good luck dovgi vіdnosiny not recommended
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) obsession and love