What is the check on the left of the novice? Horoscope for a new night. About the influx of astrological aspects, it was already said in the forecast for Roku Zhovtogo Sobaki

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On December 31, 2017, the rock will be gracefully left aside from the impassioned front-line stubble. Under the hour, I’ll exchange food with gifts and don’t forget about those who are on the ground, where people will wake up on such a famous day, zmusheni zaznavat hunger, cold, and others will be dismayed.

Horoscope for 31 breasts Aries

Vidminny mood will be with you throughout the day. At this hour, you don’t see a little in your friends, but you can’t in any way spend respect on a kohan people. As if you are alive in another country, I can’t think of a change for you. Bereznevim Aries have no better way to follow their own words. P'yanka the atmosphere of freedom in everyday life is seen as a NATO can provoke you on the arc of a sharply that neobachny vyslovlyuvannya.
Aries on December 31, 2017, it’s fate to know the positive to inspire there, there is no need for a new tension. Your life-radius mood will help you not only to fully enjoy the new saints, but also to create a unique atmosphere for the hour of a friendly evening.

Horoscope for 1 September 2018

The day will become unforgettable, as you will spend the yoga order with the children of a kohan people. Vіn іdealnyy for rebuvannya galaslivy company. Weekly hour for exchanging gifts and hospitality. If you don’t know how to tell about your feelings, dress the words in the form of jarta, and distant development vіdnosin - in the form of a cheerful gri. Aries-fathers do not allow their children to be satisfied with visiting the new exhibition, the forging, at the rozvazhny center. Ale navіt naypriєmnіshi zanyatya not varto tighten until pіvnochі.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

Mustache Taurus is willing to wait for tim, scho New river- home is sacred. Forget that you have stumbled at a party, you are immeasurably pulled home. In the distance, in the fatherland, you can feel nostalgia and constantly call the fathers. The positive mood of today is to lie down for us in front of your vminnya to create a Svyatkovo camp at the booth. Podbayte about garne illuminating, brightly decorated space, savory straws, as well as about the power of soundness. Don't overdo it: get your body sensitive to overwhelm.
Tiltsy today destroy everything that lies in sight of oneself, so that a nuance can be lost without hurting the beloved saint. As a result, your guests will recognize a lot of surprises in terms of decorating the new table and in terms of the wedding program, as you planned so carefully.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018 for Taurus

The atmosphere of wild rozvagi can tire you out. This is especially possible for the Taurus, as they acted in the role of the master of their living room. Even if you didn’t sound to the strained rhythm of life, you can be emotionally over-excited. In a special life, unique in your exaltation of feelings, otherwise you yourself will begin to marvel at what has come upon you. Until night, it’s not surprising, you see another one. Possibly, through those who lean on more familiar conditions.

Horoscope for 31 breasts Gemini

On the eve of the New Rock, the Twins allow the Twins to harmonize the situation in order with themselves, sharpen themselves with cheerful people. To the people who are familiar with this sign, it will be important to stand up to the beauty and charm of their companions. This is a wonderful hour for a cheerful flirting, Igor and exchange of love. However, on the very same day, your behavior may change drastically. It is not excluded that in a modern day you yourself will begin to marvel at people and speak seriously, but before life you will be more serious.
The twins of this year will be able to turn their respect to themselves at the hour of the holy evening. You see some other guests zavdyaki exotic collection and unmatched scores, over the folds of which the master will have a chance to practice for a long time.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018

Weekend day for short visits, casual conversation, flirting, reconciliation. Vin is also suitable for close contact with children, and for walks with them. Virtual contacts should be given the honor of special zustrichs: the lively glare of the eyes of a spymaster will instill in you additional energy. Mood Bliznyukiv, how to lie down, do not be afraid to be overwhelmed. During the day, you can get to know each other, or a call, how to make yourself understand, change the way of thinking, or plan for the next day.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

Crayfish all day bring a lot of food for burying. Okrim majestic number of shelters, gifts and receiving surprises, you were destined to take away your main present - acquaintance with people, as already on the cob of 2016, you will become a companion of your life.

The best moments of this day - choice, purchase and delivery of gifts. Vitrati contentment will be completely legitimate. Do not be stingy with windows, as it is necessary to pamper children and family members. You can boldly bestow everything bright, fashionable, memorable. Do not forget about the stylish packaging: it will make you more happy to see your gift in different ways. Women-Cancers at this hour will be important to look at the hairless shmatochka. Fortunately, now the representatives of this sign are not too smart to the fullest and can allow themselves everything they want.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018.

Must love to take gifts, and you are not guilty. Fallow in the situation of sleepyheads Cancers are shy of the year or obsipate with gifts from the poriva of their loved ones, or check on them from other people. Just as your dictations are made with broad feelings, do not bark at yourself for being unstriving: with love, it will quickly turn to you in that other form. However, do not make demonstrative gestures and do not spend pennies on those who you baiduzhi. If you go on the road in the evening, choose the route and transport.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

The lions of this day will have a chance to test the attack of jealousy to their other half. At the hour of the new evening, as a person to show a lively interest in your partner in the club, you should tell those that your kohana people allow themselves to flirt and even lightly behave.

Work on those that suit you, and the whole day will pass miraculously. Your taste, talents, beauty and charm will be properly appreciated. Vlastovaniya you will be miraculous, and more romantically bring a lot of positive hostility. At the guests you will enchant and, singsongly, sing kimos yourself. The most successful camp today is Levi-women. The stench will look superbly and can, without the help of others, overshadow the supernice. The people of this sign are recommended to weave and weave their cats, children, fathers.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018.

Today, Lviv will wake up with respect, indulge with compliments and gifts. Do not suspect anyone at the forest: more people at once show you a wider interest and develop the best sides of your character. You can not suspect that some of your friends respect you with a twist of luck, thorough style, ideal beauty. Do not waste your time to demonstrate your charm, charisma (especially if you live up to a woman's status), as well as talents in the field of fashion, art, cooking, show business.

Horoscope for 31 breasts Diva

December 31, 2017 In front of the day, you are holy, you will not be overcome because of the rich daylight, and to that your main bazhanny will become a full sleep, which is far away from the wild joy.

Your help changes to better, and with them moods. Imovirno, that the share was preparing a surprise for you (for example, unscrupulously cleared the way to the mark). The behavior of a kohanoi person may appear unfathomable. Vtіm, by protyag tsієї dobi you yourself zdatnі raptovo change your number of decisions. You will have a new feeling best present of heaven and allow them to stick out richly far away, lower you planned. The diva-fathers should listen to the words of the children, but not to spoil their supra-worldly whimsicalness.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018.

The noisy roar of the lonely may not be worthy of you. If you lie down to the typical sleepy Divas, then you can critically apprehend those that you see, and find out the ways to get rid of satisfaction. Do not forget that outside is the hour of a glittering carnival and spontaneous sharing of emotions, and not a day of subtler intellectual roses at a chosen coli. If you don’t feel like it, don’t sue someone else’s bezsperednist. Natomist with a smile, watch out for fun on the side.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

Spend a lot of money in a good company. You know this easily, so you have stumbled into an unknown place, or in another country. Don't be fooled by unstoppable flirting: you can easily see your own happiness. Stars of the year to give Teresa only two reasons: be natural and do not fetter your artistic zdіbnosti. You don't need to be read the right choice and garnimy manners. Zavdyaki charm that innate vminnya splkuvatisya you will be left in the center of respect for a long day.
The conduct of Tereziv will be more calm and bright this day. Allow yourself for some time to forget about your great status as a respectable person and you will have fun, flirting, flirting (which your other half does not like).

Horoscope for September 1, 2018.

The day of May is a magical potential, which you can’t see in the blink of an eye. Today, it is easy to be satisfied with the nature of Tereziv until the meeting, comfort, and spending an hour. More romantic acquaintance, a gift or a surprise. Prote golovna singularity tsієї dobi - a chance with one nimble hand of the oars to shovnnut your share of the needs of the bank. So it happened, not the need for a cold, hard rozrahunok. Just be in a good mood and diet with inspiration.

Horoscope for 31 breasts Scorpio

New toasty and heat - a miraculous cause of relaxation. Enjoy life and don't think about tomorrow. Don't be afraid of other misunderstandings. At the rozpal zastіllya you can take a marvelous star or go on an unplanned trip. It is not included that you happen to be in close contact with your relatives, keep in touch with your boss or colleagues, with whom your word will be worth gold. Acting Scorpios will have to actively bustle around the house.
Scorpios are capable of wreaking havoc on the guests, as if they were going to a new party, with their goofy sense of humor. Let's surround the impersonal hot toasts, your "comor" has an unusual welcome for the skin of the guests (for the individual, as you sit on the sidelines of the wild merriment).

Horoscope for 1 September 2018 Scorpio

Do not think too much about yourself, today is a direct path to depression, which is growing. Wait a minute, on the first day of fate, that having come, the znevira is not the best mood. To grow up accepting someone else, then you will see a new surge of life forces. As your physical and moral state is depleted of the best things, it is ideal for raising the tone of that harmonious inclusion to the flow of life. For fathers, people under the sign of Scorpio, their children can become a sense of life.

Horoscope for 31 breasts Sagittarius

The archers of 31 babies were judged to take away the great amount of shelter and gifts. You will give to your relatives and friends for giving you signs of respect, thoughts to convey, what a sensation to create souvenirs, as you prepared for skin

from those present in the saints.

It is now sacredly obіtsyaє articles for you to accept. The natural acceptance of some other situation can lead you to an unexpected behavior. Possibly, visiting relatives or friends, you will feel better, lower at home. Your goals or your partner's plans may change, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy the moment. Zhіnok, narodzhenikh under the sign Strіlets, hoarse gifts. The people will be eminent, artistic and not deprive of respect of a representative of a beautiful state.

Horoscope for 1 September 2018

Lucky Strilts are new to the list of lucky lovers. If you yourself didn’t think about this drive, your life will have more positive than negative. The whole day, if you can be sure of the turbot and fears, to stroke you, stock up on harmony ahead of time. There are people around you who adore you or want to sympathize with you. There are not a lot of people among them, how to talk to you especially, don’t hesitate: it’s just not possible for them to reach you, but it’s tedious to sum up on the road.

Horoscope for 31 breast Capricorn

Squeamishness and almost dampness do not allow Capricorns to go into other rows of roses. For the representatives of this sign, everything can be for the greater category. It is possible that you should be asked to attend a richly crowded party for the sake of chatting with a lot of distorted friends, or to inspire the will to get used to it. Not included is the removal of the sheet, which is intriguing, unsuited to welcome. At the right of the heart of the bazhana, the strimanity of the chi sweat, burkhlivy showing pochuttіv can appear out of tune.
Capricorns are not inspired by their sonorous conservatism. In honor of the family traditions, put on the table “olive” and mark the federal channel exactly on the 12th anniversary, so that respectfully hear the President's greetings.

Horoscope for September 1, 2018 Capricorn

The day will pass miraculously, so you don’t mind the risk and expand your horizons. Be merciful, accept the rules that have been propounded to you at the door. For women who are born under the sign of Capricorn, varto build their own image, adding exotic accessories to it. If you are too serious and lost in your own thoughts, there is a sense of speeding up your gain on your own. In the eyes of others, you will be an uneasy object of slander, or rather an unspeakable spy.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

Tsієї dobi it is important for you to sit in one place. You breeze with ideas that energy, and your eyes sparkle with joy. The sociable nature of Aquarius can make you take you in and most favored by the world's overwhelmed calmness. In other words, you will simply be unbearably bored in order. A wonderful informal leader can come from you. Nobody knows about your special problems. You work it all out, so that it feels holy for a while, and the inconsistencies turned around before you and your friends with their positive side.
At Aquarius, the whole day will pass strictly for the intended scenario. However, you will forget this “scenario” at that very moment, if the champagne cork is flying (at this hour, the main scenario for you will become inexhaustible toast).

Horoscope for 1 September 2018

Robiti schos potai or vpovnokala you just contraindicated. Having succumbed to the vchinok, feed on the cat and do not steal your naughty temperament. Don't impose a whimsical style. It is especially important for you to preserve the harmony among those who you want to be worthy of. The onslaught and addiction to shocking effects will be more important for the behavior of Aquarius-humans. For women, who lie down to that sony sign, to please the stars, reconcile with their supergirls, I want to for the next hour.

Horoscope for 31 breasts

The secret of the success of the New Rock is simple. Be comradely, share other people's roses, marvel at speech from a good side. Seek to accept other people, stink at the sight of satisfaction to comfort you. As it is necessary, be prepared to fuss about someone, podbati. If you put yourself before the ribs, so that the noise of the evenings is unique, the recipe changes. You may need a post-connection to the Internet, access to the partnership of selected, tuned rozmov chi vishukan music, contact from kimos і from trusted friends.

Ribi navіt novіchnu nіch nіch nіch nіch vіdmovlyatsya vіd splkuvannya vіnternetі. As soon as you sound the first toast and anniversary of the trial, you will welcome guests, after which you will send leaflets and SMS to your virtual friends.

Horoscope for 1 September 2018

Switch off your arsenal of embarrassment, wine will not add charm to you. As if you were tired, sit in a closet, and after a certain hour you will again enter the public with your all-encompassing unique charm and subtle humor. It’s not for women to turn their respect over with make-up (especially if they don’t go to the back of the head). People who are born under the sign of Rib cannot be made to show a little more servility, tact, love to children and to representatives of a weak state.

We lost a little more than an hour before night, for yaku mi, without rest, we check the whole river. The smell of the yalinka and tangerines, the sharudinnya obgortok from gifts, the breezes of champagne, the beating chimes - everything is on us at the new night of 2017.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for BLIZNYUKIV

The twins of this fate will be left at home in their native country, otherwise you may receive unexpected surprises. If you still believe sacredly in some kind of mortgage, then respectfully marvel at your speeches - you risk losing yourself without a gamble on the phone. Let it be like a break from the house of a newcomer, unfriendly to Bliznyukiv.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for Taurus

Tiltsy zіrki to please zstrіti New rіk 2017 at the company of friends. I'm not at home, but here at the cafe and restaurant. In every mood you are checked for maximum fun and nothing, so you will remember for a long time. Vіlnі Taurus to get acquainted with people, with which romantic girls will start. It is not included that you will have intimate closeness with a stranger, which you will see from a newcomer. On teltsiv, yaki perebuvayut at the hundred-sacks, checking for a surprise surprise in the other half.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for OVNIV

Ovnіv tskogo rock matim already rich propositions, de і z kim to hold Novy Rіk. You will be a blessed guest at any evening. Stars to please and win over noisy and cheerful companies and do not stay at home. If you still remember the disco for gatherings with your family, then, better for everything, if you don't, you'll be bored.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for TEREZIV

Vaga tsієї novorіchnoї nіchі ochіkuє zvestochka z past. Maybe I'll phone you too much cooing otherwise, kohana, instill in the saint, and zaproponu zustrіtisya. Tsya zustrіch can be found on the night of 31 babies for 1 day. Vags, who perebuvayut at hundred-sunka, check calmness of nothing at their native country. Those who celebrate the holy posture at home, will be touched by the spirits, for they will not take away the joyous merriment.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for SCORPION

The scorpions of this fate will be the rulers of the new night. De b you didn’t mean sacred, but you will be constantly dispelled addictions, tiles and intrigues. Samotnі Scorpios can cheat their friend's half at Svyatkov's night. Tse will be a person from the sphere, a stranger and unknown to you, perhaps, richly older. The family of Scorpios will take away a gift from the other half, if it will be easier on the road that will be settled.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for RAKIV

The crayfish of this fate will be trohi zamuchenі through the presence of cіkavih propositions for the sounding of the New fate. Stars to please you, take the troubles of government from your own hands and organize the evening on your own, asking friends. If you don’t have to celebrate holyday at home, you can rush to another place to drink to the water park - be it your friends support your idea. It is possible that, a few days before the New Year, you yourself take away the proposition of the people, with which you are no longer closely connected.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for VODOLIIV

Aquarius otrimayut tsіkava proposition schodo svyatkuvannya New fate. Don't hesitate and take it easy. No matter what, you will spend a wonderful hour with the company of old and new friends. Family Aquarius in the middle of the night will recognize the acceptance of acquaintances, as if in the future they will outgrow with a friendly girl and make friendship. For gifts close to that fate, it’s not varto, the maximum is to check for you like souvenirs and fritters.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for DIV.

To make the ladies happy to be in the midst of gifts for loved ones and that organization is holy to the house. Whatever fate your friends want to know about you, be ready to provide them with everything you need, including that rozvazhalnu program. Regardless of those who spend a lot of energy and strength, in the end you will be deprived of the satisfaction of the saint.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for CAPRICORN

Recommend the stars to Capricorns, as they perebuvayut at the rose, they mark the New River at the warm edge. Do not fight to mandruvat one by one, see the crowd of people, with whom you will spend an hour miraculously. So Capricorns of this fate can be associated with the company of old acquaintances, with whom they had been at the smitty earlier. Novorichna nothing can be the beginning of the renewal of friendly stosunkivs.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for STRILTSIV

Streltsі tsієї novorіchnoї nіtі otrimuvatimut maximum respect vіd protilezhnoї statі. Your energy is attractive to itself, like a magnet. Possibly good knowledge. Those, who count as a holy house, it is impossible for oneself to spend an hour in a warm, friendly atmosphere and take away a handful of gifts.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for Lviv

To the lions of the stars of this fate, to delight in seeing the fathers and chi relatives. It’s better to spend a novice at home near your native country. If you believe it is holy at home, then you can have a great deal with friends. I have a new one for you close people. Natomist in vіmagatime your maximum respect.

Horoscope for new night 2018 for RIB

Regardless of their self-confidence, Ribbies of the same fate can be left alone at home. Sorting through propositions from friends and acquaintances, you risk losing broken corite in the new world. Stars to please Ribam's fate, act as the organizers of the party, call on friends and acquaintances at the guest, rule over food festivities, and prepare small gifts.

Rick will come serious and vimagatima to yourself a serious staging. Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio - "cool" readers! And yet we will be diligent and diligent teachings, goal-directed, rіshuchy and patient, then this Rіk will become a glorious vіho on our Life Way, bring us Special Achievements, yakі zmіtsnyat us.

I think - Great Knowledge, how to make us better.

About the infusion of astrological aspects, it was already mentioned in the forecast for Roku Zhovtogo Sobaki.

At once, I want to help the skin, who reads these rows - a positive mood in Novorichnu Nich! Pevnenostі in sobі and future peremozі! Special happiness for that Great Love, for that kind of inspiration and inspiration, like a gift to the skin, who touched it.

And don’t let this okrylenіst carry us without anything in all respects!

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And now a tribute to the skin sign of the Zodiac.

For the second time OVNU tsієї nights - the guests of Novy Rik are guests, or the checks are guests of friends dear to the heart. Cheer up your loved ones and prepare for the skin, who comes to your booths, a small and welcome surprise! It is in your interests to be left with hard and fast guards for your guts and hamants, looking after the safety of the requests.

TAURUS in Novorichna, it is necessary more than anything else, whether someone should be in a peaceful way, control their emotions and not succumb to aggressive provocations of cheerful guests. Supporting the friends of the native team will be more like a river, if you want to make a copy of it. Be inspired in yourself and lie down on your feet.

TWINS to become a soul in a be-yakіy company, it’s true, it’s not necessary to put all the “truths from guilt” as a metaphor. Before your appointment, enter not only to cheer up the company, but also to ensure diplomacy of any kind of contact. Toast and sketches for Christmas table will chime in with "Hurrah!". Make a choice on the right menu and healthy eating.

Dbailivogo and obnoxious RACU Novelty can bring praise from romantic vіdnosinah and the unsafe prospect of getting caught up in the revelation of truth. Focus on positive, peaceful resolution of conflicts, mobilize intuition and diplomatic vibes. Entering the new world - let go of fears and doubts!

To the gentry and the glittering lion to show yourself again in all beauty, to arrange everything in your own places at home: to choose the right tactics of behavior, to raise the hot fire of the fire in the ancestral fire, to bring peace and harmony to yourself. Think over a clear plan of entry, so that you can immediately go to bed.

Let's be careful and respect DIVAM, it is possible that you happen to be virushiti on a trip, take a fate from the guest of the intellectual community, or you can make a smart little thing, to take over the business. It is holy to plan well, think over and secure all the necessary backlogs. Let's become more aware of our partner.

To save the garni mood and inner harmony WAGAMI need to be faithful to the clear rules of internal vodnosin. Do not go to extremes, but accentuate your "I". Choose a company of friends and susidis and start their intellectual games and discussions. Be original and be true!

Prejudiced SCORPIO we are encouraged to learn from the realization of our dreams. You will be checked by splkuvannya, trips and seeing guests. A positive mood is just as necessary as a streak in the minds. Victory over the present financial possibilities not only for special purposes, but for your partner's selfishness. Realize your creative ideas.

caress STRILTSIA after this new night, like cunning wisdom, you will see in the order. You can be at the same time at two months and, perhaps, make a large-scale march-throw from gifts on the shoulders. Plan ahead and arrange your windows correctly. І come in special security for yourself, kokhanih!

CAPRICO I want to indulge in more brilliance and breadth at the meeting at the Christmas table. Be active in organizing your friends or as a team. Play the spirit, listen to the intuition, trust the spiritual impulses and save the nerves of your business partners and people. Good luck to you!

reckless AQUARIUS you can stop the vir taєmnih zakhoplenі, imovіrnі romanіnі fit hostry character, come in special safety owe, but thought out and activated zazdalegіd - obov'yazkovo! Financial success is on you, so you will listen to the internal disputes, or - the call of friends and patrons.

Taєmnichikh and mriylivih RIB you can make a distant voyage, which will allow them to conquer and expand the sphere of their infusion, and to learn to know the truth. Otherwise, you might want to have a good time with your friends, take a part in a galaslivy evening and set fire to a blessed ball. Walking up, you will appreciate the calmness of your booth in a right way!

people during the period:
21.05 - 21.06

The cob of the speculative period is opened by the Twins. The stench is approaching the shortest nothing on the river. Tsim natyakayuchi lovers of sleep, scho worm - the hour of larks, but not owls. Patsyuk, which is most suitable, from twelve, creature, wholesome for cim.

From the fourth wound on the legs

At wild nature In order to survive, the squints take up to seven kilograms of feed per day. The coming river will become the period of maximum profit. Good legs! How many miles will they have to gain versts to satisfy their unbearable appetite?

Goodbye Twins! І nіch is short and two bet nіg for two! The prominent position of the sign is to allow you to become the leader of the race of calmness in 2020. To the one who has no budinok, then the bowl is full, and for the one who is not happy, then the sap.

There is one more moment that signifies Bliznyuk's success - his natural temperament. For be-yaku on the right, stinks are taken willingly! I can safely say that the Twins are an enterprising workaholic.

The productive activity of this sign falls on the period: from the middle of the fierce to the end of the day, from the heart to the sickle, and also to the fall of the leaves. Plіdni spіlki with Aquarius, Ribs, Taurus, Crayfish, Leo and Scorpio. A special appetite for the representatives of the sign is manifested in the company with Scorpios. Starting at a great pace, insulting signs come to the visnovka about spivpratsyu. As a result, the end of 2020 rock will be a successful start to offensive rock.

Do not expect thunderstorms to come after the leap three rocks, like the Twins order their own Rib. In the distance, the period of tying up mutually is birch. It is a characteristic time that Ribi ceases to drink and easily trap on wood.

Mutual greed in the proximity of Bliznyukiv and Teltsiv.

Minxes, favored by Venus

Such a path, such a stallion at the signs of Povіtrya - for sure, bazhati buti cohanim and dream of loving yourself. The stench stands out most for the purity of the vdnosin. If you go about the steps of diligence in the sphere of love, others on their aphids are built with poor linters.

And the Twins, damn it, show more generosity. It's a good idea to please your couple with an accepting gift every once in a while.

Bliznyukiv to feed their half-bazhan half of the share and will be far-reaching "Napoleonic" plans. Ale varto good all call persh, lower to throw yourself at the vir of the approaching or rosky kohanny. The empty valleys are marked by fire. Most of all, who was born as a "pasinok", that one will remain until the end of days. To help change karma, you can only have a rare temper. Vin, like a winning lottery, it's rare to get away. Try to try success on the days with the numbers 2 and 0, as if the stench falls on the period appointed higher.

Venus knows how wise men lie, singing, that "everything in the world is vanity." Bagatiokh hoots the sound of beauty. Before її magic, you enter the mind, directing the mind on other planes, honor that conscience. It is important not to fall under the spell of Venus.

Twins - maximum. І tse їhnє the weakest i, at the hour, the strongest place. The stench often wears not one, but two heads, shaking the beauty. Stink Rabbi Venus.

The horoscope is ahead: “Confusion, hastened heartbeat - not safe!”. Ale, the Bliznyuks have two heads, two hearts. Їm not Skoda spend one heart and one head.

Rick Shchura, insanely, speeds up the death of Bliznyukiv and the stench rises to spend more importantly.

Joy for 2020 - be drunk!

Career is ok

Like on the love front of "seven balls of earthquake", then in the robotic river Shchura you will bring peace to the Twins! Lowering your gaze, proud and proud to stand aside, if the planets “blame on brotherhood” for the success of the Bliznyuks.

In the distance will be the position of Mars in Bliznyuki in the middle of the cherries and, for example, breasts. By the nameless desire of the robot, the leaf fall after the twentieth number is observed. Rik Shchura vrahuє all inacceptability to the fate of the Pig and cardinally remembers the vector kar'єri. Do not multiply a hundredfold, but impress the Bliznyuks themselves with their successes. Marveling at yourself "with two pairs of eyes", the Twins, like a leap year, say: "Ah, mi!".

Let's look at the hierarchy of spring for this sign at the two thousand and twentieth rotation.

If the chief is Leo chi Strilets, then the Bliznyuks will have mercy on the first decade and the rest. And if it’s more kerіvnitstvo of Strilec and Terezi, then another and third. It is comfortable for the Twins, like the colleagues-friends of Levi and Terezi. The planetary friendship of these signs is strengthened by another pivrichchi, if Saturn embraces all these signs with its rings.

Voyovniche's hand of Mars, as if swayed with richness, is thrown by the hand of kata and waved at the river of Shchur with an enemy sword, to appear like a funny vine for Bliznyukiv. It's easy for the stench to get through the transition through the service.

The Mars period for the sign: in the first half of the month, there is sickle, in the middle of spring, and for example, breasts.

At two thousand to the twentieth, the signs of Povіtrya z hvilyuvannyam divitimutsya on the car'ern road. Ale zіrki їm promise success with a stretch of fate, for a little bit of inaccuracies.

Health has all the power

What is better for Bliznyukiv: fruity sik chi fruit itself? It seemed like such a banal food and how healthy is it? Oh, about the stars!

And no! Physical strength to lie in food products! It appears that fructose without cellular tissue is toxic. It can cause cerebrovascular diabetes. The health prognosis, in this rank, can be summed up not only for monthly calendar, crossroads of planetary shelves, ale and eating. People in black, by the very nature of the dream, take vitamins right from the heels or from the beds.

The temperament of the Twins pours in energy. If it’s impossible to yogo in the gamble, then it’s good to know that the energy is replenished. I’ll help my father to help him! In the case of Bily Metalevy Patsyuk, it is possible to find additional information about positive contacts on emotions and calories.

The life of the Bliznyukivs will give joy to the union with the signs of the next: Aquarius and Teresa. Pleasant hour - zustrіchі with them at a vіlny vіd work hour. Tse can be weekends, holy days, holidays, or just evening. It is better to make amends for the "ozone dirks" of people for the sake of any doctor. Mentally warm zіgrіє і morally, і physically.

All the best to the Twins at the new roci of the White Patsyuk!


BIRTH DATE: 21.03 --- 20.04 How are you zamіzhnya...
In a new way, you have a check for a hoary worldly life, in which you have been assigned the role of an informed companion. Oh, your man will get nervous! Nothing, it’s worth it for a strong state - awakening myslivsky instincts, zmushu guess, that the squad - the book has not been read, but a screen with secrets, as if it’s impossible to reveal the rest. Guess the operetta "Kazhan", and demonstrate to the squad, what you need to prepare as soon as possible before winning your respect. So far, yoga has not won that cute Dіd Frost.

Like you are free…
At the same time, it’s sacred to you, like a gut, that walks by itself. All the same, the intestines, having overgrown with yalink tinsel, do not rozіb'є stіlki igrashok, sіlki і rosіb'єte cholovіchih hearts! Flirting and playfulness is your streak. Just do not forget to glue the halves of the heart, which people should have, as you deserved. Recommendations are as follows: break your heart on the back, like a yalinka toy, and then heal the wounds of the kohanny.


BIRTH DATE: 21.04 --- 21.05 How are you zamіzhnya...
How you want to see yourself as Popelyushka, to wake up as you are already friendly! Ale, how to transform a kohan man into a prince of chi, as an option - into a sheikh, a sultan of chi king? To be brought up to save only for the chaklunstvo of the new night! And not rich - for the sake of diplomacy. Subtly pull on the kohanoma, as if accepting the signs of respect for the stone diamonds, or, say, sapphires. Put in front of him a novel about the sultan's concubine, opening rows on the right side and adding rows of rows about those who, like a Volodar, robbed the kokhan, were garrisoned and richly cared for. Goofy, don’t make a person think about a harem ... Might as well put a catalog of embellishments in front of him and circle things with a marker! And then people are so slow-witted ...

Like you are free…
In the middle of the night, you happen to feel like yourself in the role of a magnet, which attaches respect to the opposite status. You don't need champagne to sleep a man who has fallen to your taste. Just once again think over the tactics of your future: if a person will be drunk on you, what to work with him - drag on your own, like a legal vidobutok, why throw a pіd yalinka? To the wound. And take the lie like a legal new gift.


BIRTH DATE: 22.05 --- 21.06

How are you zamіzhnya...
On Novyi Rik, the stars are recommended to get a little chicken. Appreciate it sacredly! For example, as you traditionally break the dance of Novy Rik under palm trees, for the sake of diversity, spend a new night, the dancers dance under the yalinka. If you want to succumb to the yalinka, go ahead, go there, other trees are planted with evergreens: for example, Canadian pine, fern, coconut palm, or, for example, cactus. Break the stereotypes - make the whole New Rik in a new way!

Like you are free…
Plan for a new night with a handsome prince. It's not obov'yazkovo on a white horse - to stitch a white limousine. Try to put all the vimogi up to the crowned person into a concise list under the hour of guessing the bazhannya under the beat of the chime: so that you can catch up with your thoughts, while the anniversary is celebrated. Rehearse early. Choose the most important ways to your personal prince, be laconic: a villa, a yacht, a diamond set ... As if to inspire a protracted novelty night, a prince, who exactly matches the list, can not appear in the field of dawn, and you will sing in a new way.


BIRTH DATE: 22.06 --- 22.07 How are you zamіzhnya...
Can a new honeymoon blossom from a new night? Bezperechno, and you will especially change your mind! Enchantment of the new saint to wake up the dreamers a little, and in the eyes of your person to shake off the fires of addiction. It will be necessary to see you not richly: raise a little wonder, throw firewood at your home fireplace. And just like you, it’s almost like melting the naughty kuchuguri, spitting the boilies and catching the spring drip! The weather forecasters chime in.

Like you are free…
Miracles, as if checking on you in a new way, absolutely fantastic, enchanting and naming. A kaleidoscope of pleasure will spin you, receiving surprises and surprises. If you look like yourself, let's match the heroine of the ballet "Luskunchik", and singsongly there is a prince, a kind of stock company for the hour of singing your carcolomic fueta. Before the speech, it is not included, scho yogo deisno zіb'єte z nіg і knock you on your knees. Bazhano, obviously, is as thin as possible and do not pour over champagne in the process of beating with champagne. If you want another option, it’s not bad to go for a hateful acquaintance.


BIRTH DATE: 23.07 --- 22.08 How are you zamіzhnya...
New fireworks - a bariste sight, as the best way to watch with a company of dear and close people. Try to keep sacredly for yourself all those whom you love. Request more quietly, who is dear and close to you, and spend it holy in an atmosphere of family and friendly warmth. It will be richly warm - you can boldly see New Rock on the streets, at the yard you can see it at the fox! Well, in order not to give the frost a chance, obov'yazkovo watch for fireworks in the arms of a kohanoi people. And as soon as you have a tremtinnya at the same time, as if goosebumps run along the skies - be singing, the frost is not up to anything here!

Like you are free…
What gift would you like to get for this Novy Rik? Perhaps, a heart in a shovkovy box, what is it that tremblingly beats? Well, modestly and with relish. Sound at such boxes to bestow koshtovnostі, but your variant, perhaps, is more beautiful: it would be a heart, like to love you reverently, and diamanti will dodadutsya. Think of a dream, and it will sound like a song. Aja charіvnoї novоrіchnoї night schiri mrії zbuvayutsya forever! Accept in the main. Possibly, Father Frost, and squeeze the box, and if you wish, your heart will be yours.


BIRTH DATE: 23.08 --- 22.09 How are you zamіzhnya...
If you care that the novelty of nothing has been passed over in full, then it is majestic, but it is welcome. The closer it is to the chiming clock, the closer the holy pods will develop. You know that you are in the center of the respect of snowmen, santa claus, klatsaks and other people, and your man is foolishly whispering to not let you go to the devil's dance. Tease a little of your friend's half, but don't forget until the end of the holy day - for which you yourself appeared at the guest! Well, you see it sacredly tête-à-tête, you should be jealous of a kohanogo even if you want to see Santa Claus under a yalinka. Don't let youmu relax! Accept before the gift is delivered.

Like you are free…
Breezes of champagne and syayvo yalinkovy іgryashok whirl you around the drunken round dance. Everything is small and whirling in front of the eyes, so that you can surround yourself with a lot of kelikhs of wine. Most of all in this round dance of emotions and hostility - do not miss the eyes of the one who at the capture marvel at you and dream of falling into your arms. Just like you remember this object - fall into the yoga hug. It’s not a fact that you’ll get confused - but it will take on a new form: your head will fill up with a love mist from a kohanny, moreover, not only with you, but with your shanuvalnik.


BIRTH DATE: 23.09 --- 22.10 How are you zamіzhnya...
Let's say, how to spend the old rock, try to follow the traditional buttocks on the kshtalt planing in a bowl of walnut salad ingredients or choosing a decent bed for a person. Allow yourself to face reality and be transported by a fairy tale. Plan for a new night a trio of follies. Encourage people to spend it in a sacredly unusual way: for example, as you traditionally celebrate the New River of Home, go to the guest’s house or go to a restaurant, as if they called until the dark evenings - wake up in the morning: you, man, that yalinka. Zagalom, zrobіt everything is wrong, like zavzhd! Repair Novy Rik from surprises!

Like you are free…
This new night is the ideal hour for guessing the most funny bazhan. Golovne, formulate them correctly. Yakshcho vy pіd bіy kurantіv thoughts vіmagаєte vіd Vsesvitu: “I want to sing Brad Pitt”, є risik, sho wi obov'yazkovo yog yogo - like a minimum, in a new film. That's why the dreams have more specifics! Possibly, varto buti troshka mundane. For example, reveal, as if you are passing under the yalinka to get out of this pretty redness, which does not make you look stricken. Too funny? Well, then, please, rush over to him under the yalinka of advancing fate!


BIRTH DATE: 10/23 --- 11/22

How are you zamіzhnya...
New night - an hour, if you can change your life. Think about what you would like to change, what would you like to become in New Rotis? Maybe you got tired of your homework and dream about self-realization, career, success? Chi, now, can you change the suit of a business lady at home caption, and squeeze the folders with documents to the breasts of a child? Do you want to become sexy and addictive, like a new one like a kohan? Abo ... As much as possible, you have your own option, your own dream. Zagalom zіrki ready to drink you nazustrich. Sharpen New Rock in a new way and bring you new happiness!

Like you are free…
Astrologers say that there are great chances for those who are new to nothing - the rest of the opportunity for you to be free of that self. At the new roci, the stars promise you a zustrich from a man, who will become your share. And that means, enjoy the night with your freedom! Call your mind, flirt, break your hearts. Let me become the center of the holy, a magnet that attracts people look! And then the onset of New Rik will happen to humble your coquetry - otherwise you will be jealous of coquetry. Also, during the new night, flirt to your heart's content. Before the speech, it is not excluded that one of the objects of flirting is that very person who encroaches on your freedom.


BIRTH DATE: 11/23 --- 12/21

How are you zamіzhnya...
Virishyuchi, how to spend a new holy price - at a party, at a resort, at a restaurant tete-a-tete with your other half - do not forget about those who program the whole new river. Remember the order: "You will conduct Yak Novy Rik ...". So if you want to go on a road trip, spend an hour merrily with many people, often go to restaurants and indulge in love - the best way to spend a new night is something like this: go to a resort, start sacredly in a wild company in a restaurant in a hotel, and Let's go to the room from the cohanim. Vtіm, vy, singly, you can plan another option for the sounding of New Rock, which confirms your plans for the river!

Like you are free…
Would you like it to be holy at the price, but would you like to attack the New river of wisdom at once from the kohan people? New night - a wonderful hour for the joke of your soul mate, you can’t sit at home, break it, it’s fun to laugh. Singing in this fun htos nudguє without you! The prophecies are even more optimistic: if you know this person, you will be happy. And win to make you happy. And it’s not turned off, so you can read the horoscope for yourself for 31 days of the coming fate - 1 day at the judicial block - for the migrants!


BIRTH DATE: 22.12 --- 20.01

How are you zamіzhnya...
It's new sacred to allow you to see yourself leftist church. Your image is viklikatima zagalno zakhoplennya, and zakhopleni look at your man's madness all the time to boast. Who do you care? That's right, a person needs to trim the tone! Let's sip, that half of the heart is gazing at dribni ganchirochki. Choose the choice more sharply. Practice looking in front of the mirror Snow Queen, sho vyyshla on polyuvannya for Kaєm. Abo the look of the fiery goddess, who melts the snowmen. Just don’t forget that your love has already ended in success, and at the end of Christmas night, change your companion, who you have only one wine.

Like you are free…
The blind glare of your person in the new world can never be deprive the greedy person of the baiduzhim. Darken up with your modern mustache, and your eyes will shine brighter, lower than the lights of the yalink garlands. Harvest the heart, which, having fallen to your feet, allow you to hoarsely choose the most precious plod of kohannya. And it will not be so easy to rob - all the cavalry, like on a pіdbіr, will be your honor!


BIRTH DATE: 21.01 --- 18.02

How are you zamіzhnya...
Zustrich of the New Rock promises you a renewal in a special life. Do not sneer: the stench will be accepted! Just in this new night, your person will look at you in a new way, look at your perevagi, as if they hung in front of you. And you, at your house, reveal that you are friends with a marvelous people! It’s possible, to spend a couple of nights, far away from the Svyatkovo vanity, so that you can better look at one in one those that can chew your feelings. If you want, it’s possible, you can see the trouble of getting busy at the Christmas whirlwind, so that your man will sing, you’ll be blind, and like you all will be awake - adzhe mother to such a woman of an expensive varto!

Like you are free…
This night, a wonderful gift of share is on you. І hand over yoga, like a Kazakh, a handsome prince - vtim, completely imovirno, wine and be a gift. Do you remember how the heroine gave a toy to the Cossack Hoffmann's "Luskunchik"? Axis and stars will tell you the sound of a man, who will become a hearing toy in your hands. Golovnya, take a look at your prince in a new natovpі, even if you can masquerade as a modest Luskunchik!


BIRTH DATE: 19.02 --- 20.03 How are you zamіzhnya...
Stars promise that this new night of your fate will hit you with success and success. Seeing off old river, You will say goodbye to these problems, which have long been expected to be corrected on the mountain, and more precisely - on the site of your life history. A new river promises a new life, and you need to start it right at Christmas Eve! Behave like this, nіbi radіsnі podії have already arrived, more chuckle, bezturbo laugh, be merry and enchanting! And, obviously, do not forget to give respect to your kohan: sob your stosunki in a new rotation, shaking a romantic storm.

Like you are free…
How is it that, if you want to feel more like absolute freedom on the melancholy of quiet borders, how do you impose fast, stable stosunki with a kohanoy people? If you have an idea to your soul - the very hour of submitting a candidate candidature, so as to spare you the singing part of your freedom. I, it is possible, to inspire vimagatime in the presence of you to give goiter and fidelity as a symbolic act - for example, an exchange of hoops. It’s not obov’yazkovo robititse right in the new night - zreshtoy, people need to give an hour to pick a ring with a bigger diamond.

Novorichne zastіllya: selected recipes

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