Maria Conte and Vekselberg opened the vіdnosin. Maria Conte: a short biography and special life. De was born and how the "svitska levytsya" grew

Maria Conte - to bring home the specialty of the secular society. Marveling at the beautiful woman and grabbing the woman, do not believe that she already has a lot of fate to fight with the stingy ailment. If Masha lived happily and without turbos, and then her life changed. What caused it, read in this article.


Maria Conte (Timofeeva) was born on May 4, 1976. The girls' fathers were safe, and Masha didn't know what to do.

The prote maiden began to pracize from 18 years. If Marie Conte fell ill on the 21st, my father became seriously ill. At this hour, the trouble about the family budget fell on the shoulders of our heroine.

Varto indicates that from childhood Masha was not only stylish but beautiful, but rather a sensible girl. Vaughn started at the Physics and Mathematics School, and graduated with honors in 1992. At early age she began to write verses. Year by year, Maria Conte became the leading author of short text messages.

Our heroine obtained the vision of illumination in a large number of Russian vishas. On the spot, I chose the Russian State Humanitarian University, the girl raised philosophy. Ale nevdovzі vona virishila transferred to the Faculty of Management and Economics to the Moscow Machine Building Institute.

Countess Conte - Vekselberg's kohanka

Mary's biography is related to the names of Viktor Vekselberg.

Prote a right fairy tale, having presented the Russian beautiful Italian Count de Conte, who called її to wine.

From her childhood Mary Timofeeva knew that the woman at the house was the guardian of the family nest. In her interviews, she knows that she worked hard for 24 years on the doba over her family's well-to-do, the count. And if she allowed herself to relax, she called herself a slave.

We didn’t know how true it was. The person of the mysterious count is also not revealed.

Marie de Conte had a daughter, Tais. Until that moment, Ale was already talking with the separated ones.

Let's think that the girl's father became not the count, but the "omnipotent man" Viktor Vekselberg. The novel by Marie Conte and Vekselberg was not a secret to anyone. Irrespective of those who have a lawful squad at the head of the Tyumen oil company, they didn’t take their own wines with a poetic wine. Maria became the official kohanka of the billionaire. Viktor Vekselberg and Maria Conte appeared at once at social events, a man showing his acquaintance. Invite the people Tais did not win anyone. And the status of an official kohanka does not disturb our heroine. "Kokhanka is like the word kokhannya," said the vagrant.

A few hours later, Marie Conte made a drastic change in her life and tore up stosunki with Vekselberg. The decision of the Russian beauty for the rich came as a surprise. The woman has spent a lot of things. Ale head blow check on her in front.

Fight for life

Everything started from a small qtyatka on the tili. German doctors gave Mary a terrible diagnosis - cancer of the skin. Tsya husband's maiden took a course of chemotherapy, and after that, it was a chergov vtruchannya.

Mary was strong, she had the strength to fight, it gave up, she didn’t lose it.

Like a little girl, she sensed her inner voice and realized that it was not the sickness that was driving her in, but she herself. Conte took it into her own hands and began to fight for her life. Years later, the doctors signed Mary. Ale, the girl knows that the ailment did not come back. She has relapses, with which our heroine is now actively fighting. The order from her spent the whole hour perebuba її little donechka, as if she was already worried about her mother and encouraged her in every possible way. Ale, the head person, as if supporting Mary, is getting rid of herself.

Life after cancer

After a terrible illness, Mary marveled at the world with her eyes. Nini won vede healthy image life, chasing after the promo and chives, eating right and trying to sip the body with positive life energy.

Maria Conte is no less a writer than an expensive oncopsychologist. Aje there, like nothing, a good understanding of the problem is quiet, who z_shtovhnuvsya from tsієyu stingy ailments.

Mary is a vision for succession. She always looks miraculous and is a muse for stylists. The novel by Viktor Vekselberg and Marie Conte is being continued - it is unknown, but periodically in the press they talk about it.

Anna Yotko, psychologist:

“Already often, plastic surgery is supposed to have great hopes. For example, a woman of selfishness and a partner is bad to behave with her, and she thinks that the reason for everything is the wrinkles and small breasts, but I don’t set myself up, a man of that world. Happiness - the value is much larger, the lower part of the face is a body, the new one has a spiritual basis, and the embodied aspect plays a different role. It is necessary to understand that someone has lived richly in life, not to lead the soulless callousness. This is a great myth and an illusion that it is not enough to love the stringy and the young. I seem to be a practicing psychologist: at my reception, people suffer even not for ideal forms, but for feelings, like stench otrimuyut in connection with a woman. So, what can be the main "indication" for going to the plastic surgeon? In the first place, you are guilty of wanting to work for yourself, and not for another person, to build the closest and dearest. In another way, it is necessary to firmly put yourself up to your own soundness. Dekilka rokіv before me a young girl came to the consultation with neimovіrnym far-like eyes, but її nіs having respected me їх bachiti! I honestly shook my head, I don’t want to change my form. It appeared, it had been hammered into the head for a long time, that you need to love yourself the way you are. Well, I recommended that she know a good surgeon - and today she will enjoy life in all manifestations!

This is a great myth that illusion, that it is less to love the strings and the young, the people are more important than their breasts, and the glory comes less to the masters of the ideal state.

Maria Conte, Rehab Life Health and Beauty Center:

“For the science of intrapsy, which I am engaged in, there are no problems, ailments, and tragedies. Less than a step, like a person grabbing himself at that other stage. Obviously, zovnіshnіst plays an important role in the life of a woman. And trapleyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє rob rob all zі і svoіmchiamі і tіlom, schob win аbo utrimati chelovіka. But you don’t blame wine, otherwise you waste yoga. And here it is necessary to understand that all our resources are material and we only take those that we want. Like a person is contagiously unhappy through his callousness, if he didn’t work out, he couldn’t help. Mean vin just love but unhappy. I’m going to get upset, if one woman at the vіtsi virushila made herself look younger in order to turn a person. The operation went a long way, the veins suffocated anew. And I became a little worse: I began to think more about what a person appreciates and especially її callousness ... I myself experienced a lot of things - and I also heard from a plastic surgeon: Otari Gogiberidze “corrected” me my eyes after ailment. But first, beware of manipulation, respectfully remember: you are at this particular moment, accept yourself as you are, don’t worry about the result - and everything is easy! Why are you talking about the appearance of your life and the state of being like a cliché?! Hi! Insha on the right, just for myself I want to fix it surgical way. I don’t have an everyday pereshkod for my vipadka!

Yakby svіtskі krasunі mali work books, then they had mastered the professions, Maria Conte would give odds to her rich colleagues in the shop: poetess, writer, TV presenter, designer, business woman ... Recently, another one, an intrapsychologist, appeared to have a low bohemian role. Now the name is louder, as it used to be, it occupied the first rows in the lists of the rich and famous, more and more associated with the beauty and health center Rehab Life, which was recently discovered in Maly Ivanivsky Provulk. Here, Maria Conte, as a staunchly vitrimal woman with cancer, marveled at the fact that he was able to live in a different way, to conduct her author's trainings.

SNC: We must still try to find out for ourselves. Vee, mabut, have you already reached me?

Let us forgive some way to ourselves, some folding. One thing is obvious: there are no filthy good ones, just go, like to start to love, be friends, suffer. Today, I am seriously engaged in intrapsy - this is the science of wisdom and the laws of life. If I came to learn about his father's father, Volodymyr Mikhailovich Kiselov. The main postulate of intrapsy is to say: the sense of life is in life. Know the sense of life - spend life. Therefore, live here and now. The person falls into depression, as if turning around at the mercy of the past, or fantasizing about the future. I those, and otherwise - an illusion, through the way we spend today. Need a check for tomorrow? Tomorrow is Armageddon.

SNC: Why and teach your subs?

At my consultations, I explain to us in advance that in order to get angry, it’s not obligatory to break up. To pick up, not obov'yazkovo rake the back of your head. To understand the integrity of life, not obov'yazkovo importantly fall ill, as it happened to me. If you want, it’s good: if the ball jumped high, it’s right for you to hit the bottom with your back. But even though I’m alive and well today, I’ll miraculously convince you that tomorrow everything may not follow my script. Like saying Shakespeare, the whole world is a theater, and people are new actors. But there are not only actors in it - mi and directors, illuminators, and decorators. My task is to convey to you that life is truly an illusion and that your skin has its own. The axis of ty, Yulia (if I go over to ty with you, I don’t make familiars - I’m more likely to model your rozmov from myself), as if you live in that space, I’m guilty of understanding that you don’t get into a filthy life of a good one, that you don’t have anything you can imagine, obbrehati, plunder without yours on those, or else take away a strong bazhannya. Everything comes out exclusively to you. Strangers, you know how to blow?

SNC: I guess...

Axis you have a rozmіr legs? And May 39.5. Show the axis, I show you: “Yul, what do you want? Be a kohanoi? Successful? Bagatiy? It means this: at once you dress my laces and go to one secret place. I've already been there and knew everything for myself. And you, I suspect, will put a reasonable question: “How can I go there with your bud, if it’s great for me? ..” So from. Someone else's joy - tse vozutya not your razmіru, tse dosvіd chyogos someone else's life, not yours. And despite the fact that in the middle of you, Yulia is wise, as if you were with you, she tells you all - choose necessary people and the right moment, vyrishit, how to instigate.

SNC: How can you be a psychologist and not give joy? How can such advice, in principle, help?

You can't help anyone. I repeat once again: you can only help yourself - if you want, obviously. I don’t give such pleasure to him - I don’t tell about the laws of life, I give you a tool to the hand. And they gave it away on their own, on their own... No one in the building would give you a drink for happiness. One woman-psychologist in the whole world, she wrote about those who, as a happy woman, ended up as she got up in the room. Why? To that she knew the sensation of life. Do you remember the main postulate of intrapsy? Know the sense of life - spend life.

SNC: Am I correct in my understanding that such a pidhead does not convey everyday thoughts about the future? Aje skin from us, zreshtoy, chogo pragne.

So be kind! Mriy, bud plan, ale robe without cleverness: “you can live like this, but you can’t live like that.” On my example I will say: you can live forever. And if you are sick, and if they take everything in you, and if they deprive you of everything, let the sun shine forever. The axis is only not required to be set before life is washed.

SNC: You said that in life there is no good, no bad, and a trace of good things. Ale mi still live in society, yak-not-yak, yoga coordinate system. How will you punish buti iz tsim?

What society? Name me people. Who stink? People think about you for exactly three seconds, and for an hour - only about themselves. The skin of a person, like you are stunned, - the whole thing is less than yours in a new image, a projection. I akіst, as it can be said so, is quiet, with whom you collude, lie down in the capacity of your life. Whatever you are flawed, your more wretched will be your sharpening - and navpaki.

SNC: And how could you come to the whole axis to change the model of adoption for more people?

If I was diagnosed with oncology and my body was affected by the system of death. Day after day, I watched how this mechanism worked, - and at that moment I began to live. At my glance, it’s a spiritual feat: don’t get imaginative, don’t get angry, don’t get angry, don’t drink on occasion, but continue to create a good life.

A rich representative of a weak state would have been dreamed by mothers of all those who are blessed and who have reached the tenditious-looking woman. Ale, few people know what he had to go through and overcome the terrible disease. With all that, Marie Conte did not lose her strong-willed character, which only a truly strong person can be endowed with, but, on the contrary, she became strong and went through life with her head held high.

Where was born and how did the "svitska levytsya" grow?

On a warm spring day on May 4, 1976, a charming girl appeared in the world in Moscow, as the fathers called the miraculous name Masha. Vaughn started at an excellent statistical average school with a degree in physics and successfully graduated from mathematics in 1992. Then Maria Conte, and likewise Timofeeva, joins the Russian State Humanitarian Higher Educational Institution, to take a course in psychology.

However, virishivshi came one more time sanctuary, the girl, for the sake of her education, is transferred to the іnshoy capital university at the Faculty of Economics. Ale, I won’t win and take my third diploma at the Institute of Psychology. In parallel with her studies, Marie Conte passed the last cycle of lectures at the first Freudian school.

Sim'ya sing

The maiden grew up at the end of her safe homeland. At the age of sixteen years, there is already a small car in power. Mati її worked as an accountant on some great undertaking. For Donka Vaughn, she was the standard of femininity and the right keeper of her family's nest. His fathers are shaping and appreciating Maria Conte. Father, on її thought, stronger and stronger hard man, what a zavzhdi buv for Masha as a butt for inheritance. In his own time, he was one of the most pleasant people in the city.

If the girl became sick for the entire 21st century, the father was very ill and for a year he didn’t know how to tell about ailments, and as early as before they talked about it, the young and tenditna girl took on this role. Tse testing helped him not to get angry at a distant life. Having abandoned the father’s nest, the girl became foreign and gave birth to a child in a hat, but, unfortunately, she already caught a separation.

In this hour, the daughter of Mary Conte is a member of a small motherland, for which she lived for a day in Bali.

Creativity and career of a quivering writer and poetry

Back in the distant 1999, Masha started a company under the name "Specialities of the Celebration", as she was engaged in organizing holy and various visits. At that hour, it was necessary to inform the house of the agency, as if it ruled the gala evenings for practically all the oligarchs in the city. Tsya company іsnuє і donіnі.

In 2005, roci Maria releases her collection of verses “When the love of the soul hits”. Being vagit, Masha wished to write the book "Zamorochki po-rublіvski". Your reader can know funny and comedy stories, which are easy to read from your readers.

After seeing the book, Conte thought about creating her own programs, because they were more called to host one TV program, but the subject matter was bula neticava. Masha made a bookish glance, so that it would be easier for people to orient themselves at to the current world Literature.

In 2006, roci, okrim іnshgo, Marya opened a beauty salon, and then a low mortgage, so that spa services can be given.

Acts of a special life

In life, you will have an eight-pointed and not far off romance, after which you won, and you wrote that for her to become the best poryatunk for that important guy. Marie Conte married the wealthy Italian count, who gave him such a garne and a sonorous nickname, so many people think that this is a pseudonym. However, the newly minted countess reluctantly took on the special character of her man, who had never been able to do it until now.

There are many wonders that this legend was invented so that Maria Conte and Viktor Vekselberg could catch their zv'yazok in the eyes of enormity. We have to talk about those who didn’t have a dear count, and Tais’ daughter is even more like a multi-millionaire and the head of the Tyumen oil company. The one who sees a child in Marie Conte cannot be taken to make a hundred hundred thousand of them.

Under the hour of her zamіzhzhya Masha lived, mov at the Kazakh. Vaughn is small all but a little misunderstood and unacceptable privileges, as if only a little zabazha. She had a daughter, that dbaylivy man. Father child of Mary Conte, on її thought, - himself the best man, what a bov at life, and yet, raptov, she broke up with him. Painful separation and new trials played their role sickness is terrible I'll call cancer.

Dovga fight for life

This disease appeared as a small qatka on the shkіrі. Tsezovsim didn’t nalyakal Mary: she was inspired by the fact that the fahivtsy in the Nimechchyna obov'yazkovo їy help - the stink of yogo can be seen and everything will end. But after that, the courses of chemotherapy and rehabilitation were three, for a long time they did not give the same results, and it became less and less hot.

After a long torment and complete powerlessness, a light came to Masha, and she realized that it was not the sickness that was driving her in, but she herself, for we call not to fight for her life. Maria learned that she tormented her body with addictive diets, alcohol and nicotine. Adzhe in order to keep yourself in good shape, it’s not necessary healthy hedgehog, cleanly repeat and radiate thoughts.

In the meantime, the Countess de Conte went to the hospital. Vaughn's price rose a lot from that hour, she knew and conversed with other people, and she knew her calling in a new profession, as if she was directly involved with them, to help help the same lost souls, like herself.

What does ex-Countess Nini do?

At this stage of her life, Maria became an oncopsychologist and worked for five thousand a year at the Rehab Family clinic, as she was on Ivanovsky's walk in Moscow. Іz as the founder of tsієї establish Conte knowing more zі student's lavi. Under її chuynim kerіvnitstvom pratsyuє great team of psychologists.

She loves her patients not because of the theory and practice, as written on the sides of the assistants, but because of her own knowledge of the healing method. Different people travel with their characters and problems, and everyone needs help. Maria always know the correct pidkhіd until the next good thing in her practice.

Tiles and intrigues in the life of the Svitsky nymph

Already a lot of rock in the public intriguing and trembling in the unknown Maria Conte. Whose kohanka is a woman? What could not be seen far away, as if by the desire to inspire the found journalist. Sometimes Maria throws such comments at her interviews, as if to suggest that Maria Conte and Viktor Vekselberg are still making love calls between themselves.

Vaughn told that she had won a large sum of money at the roulette table, betting on the number 14, as it symbolizes the date of the birth of the Kohanoi, as Maria Conte explained. Vekselberg, though marvelously, was born on the 14th April.

Like a creative specialty, Masha is choking on the writing of short SMS-verses. The stench is filled with humor and is easy to read. Conte, apart from his main activity, is engaged in photography, culture, beneficence and becomes the eternal muse of the designer.

For such a boisterous rhythm of life, Mary must always look at all hundred sights. Talk about her, she's a woman without a veil. For wealthy women, it is an idol and a butt for succession.

Maria Conte is the specialty of all church stakes. The position of those who stand before her and її activity in the past and the present is divided into positive and negative. Previously, she was famous as an extravagant SMS poet, Nin Maria Conte - a psychologist for oncological ailments.

short biography

Maria Conte was born on May 4, 1976 near the city of Moscow. In 1992, she graduated from secondary school with a physical and mathematical skill and entered the Russian State Humanitarian University at the Faculty of Philosophy. However, I realized that philosophy is not my profile, and I transferred to the Moscow Machine Building Institute, which I successfully graduated from at the Faculty of Economics and Management. In parallel with her studies at MMI, she studied psychology at the First Freudian School. Marie Conte's biography was supplemented by another light for the specialization "Child psychology".

First successes

In 1999, Marie Conte became famous for the fact that she opened her company with the organization of the Holy "Particularities of Urochistas". This company has become prestigious and popular with the city, with rich people, people began to approach them. The very same brought popularity to Marie Conte. This business brought the girl a chimali dokhid, and she became that person, "that's all". Company, before speech, successfully do dosi.

After that, Maria was asked to conduct a program about books on television. It would be possible garnoy zhіnkoy to conduct a TV program about literature? Ale Maria Conte gladly accepted the proposition. At that time, she already became the author of the Russian book "Zamorochki in Rublovski". Maria kept books, look around, which she helped the peeps to signify with reading, the shards of the police book-books proclaimed the naming diversity of literature. There were a few people that Mary advertised less than a book, for which they would pay. Alevona especially brightly rose this sensitively and honestly admitted that, with a television program to the cob, she herself could buy the lining of that advertisement of her books.

turning point

For twenty-one years, Marie Conte celebrated the role of the anniversary of her family. Mom is an accountant, and dad hugged a high-rise in Moscow. But sickness was eating away from him, and for a deaky hour he got out of tune behind the camp of health. The same young trendy maiden had a chance to take a role in this Timofeevikh (the girl's nickname of Mary). As Masha said, he had a chance to play the role of a man. Їy tse went into the wrong way, through activity and purposefulness. In one of the interviews, Maria Conte admitted that during this period she had created an alpha woman from her, it is easy for people to get along with her. Ale still zamіzh won out.


Masha's mother taught all her life that the woman is the guardian of the fire, and the head of the family is the man. Pope in this Timofeevikh gravitates to that very person's role - suvory, but fair. Mom, at her side, was a promenade and a woman. That independent girl was strong and virvatisya from the routine of the kazka. Masha Timofeeva became the squad of Count de Conte, a successful businessman from Italy. The girl wanted her family, beloved person that child. The photo of Marie Conte is easy to know on the Internet, the couple did not put the shards of a friend in a short line at a glance, but luckily. Before the speech outside of im'ya that photo of a mysterious person is also nowhere to be seen. Nezabara їхній slub fell apart: a man got stuck in Italy, and Mary in Moscow. Vaughn continued to create a successful career.

Almighty man

The best love stand Marie Conte bouli with yakims with the people I don't think of anyone. Masha called yoga "an all-powerful man", and for good reason. Regardless of those that the young person was not an official retinue, but rather, on the contrary, an official kohanka. So, that and so boo! Maria was always on the lists of requests for all worldly visits and was not deprived of respect and privileges. Mary's mood is to go beyond all vulgarly accepted frames: it is customary to take kohankas, secretly chime in and buy gifts for cooking. It's marvelous how the girls managed to reach such a distance for the obviousness of the official squad, but the fact is obscured by the fact. The very same called out the hatred of the reshti squads and off-screen kohankas.

A little later, a daughter, Tais, was born to a writer, but after that, the stench did not become a couple. Another little rock, like a stone, was small in the world, but then everything changed. One day Marie Conte wrote that in life there were times to change, and she opened stosunki with Father Tais.

After the end of the love affair, Maria spoke about her man only from the shortest side and repeatedly stated that he was the best man of all, which she knew. The maiden was more or less worried about being born as a person, she lied about her thoughts and grandiosely celebrated her thirty-third day of the people. Zimbabwe took away the holy-day meal, and the guests were brought in five litaks. Mistseve tribe zanuryuval guests at the tradition, rozveval dances. So Maria took an extreme rose - haircuts from the waterfall.

After turning back to Moscow, Mary was not deprived of her worries about the rise of a man. Nerves brought її to terrible ailments.


Raptom Mary made a small chicken on her body. Vona was not embarrassed; Alya got scared! Doctors came up with a stingy verdict: Marie Conte has cancer of the skin.

The first term was recognized as chemotherapy. Ale after the course of the drug, having shown that it did not give the expected results. At this moment, the maiden wasted her hopes on dressing up and it was time for powerlessness. Mary herself confessed that she had no small strength to wind up a bottle of water. Three courses of rehabilitation did not give the same positive results as expected.

But one time before Mary came a touch of light, her inner voice saying that it’s not sickness that’s driving in, but it’s the very absence of inaction. After this girl, she began to lead a healthy way of life, allowing her to step up.

Nezabar zdorov'ya її reduced, and її wrote out z likarnі. Tsya is a terrible illness, as Masha could overcome, turned her life upside down, changed the values ​​​​and the way of life as a whole. After someone else knew her help, she became a psychologist for oncologically ill people.

Vaughn took a course of apprenticeship with some foreign vishas and became a successful oncopsychologist. She copes with her difficult work successfully, pulling people in the wrong world. At the moment, Maria Conte earns five thousand carbs per year of her work.

Ninish special life

At the present moment, Masha was more and more aware of important experiences after being separated from the "almighty man" and more or less swayed in the face of cancer.

About the new ZMI novel, they began to explain something, as only a few people got a photo of Marie Conte and Vekselberg.

Viktor Vekselberg is a private entrepreneur, the head of the Skolkovo Foundation and, among others, a billionaire. In 2016, the income of the all-world-famous Forbes magazine Vekselberg increased to the first hundred of riches, and the income of yoga reached over ten billion dollars.

The billionaire himself comes from Western Ukraine. At the school, I was a diligent officer, but I didn’t take away the medals after finishing through a specific Jewish name. After the completion of my graduation with a red diploma, my career began to grow rapidly, and the capital multiplied exponentially.

If Viktor Vekselberg and Maria Conte were gone, it became a real sensation. If a couple from Thais began to appear at once at the world's entrances, they immediately remembered that the girl was a copy of Vekselberg. Evidently, there appeared tiles about those who had had stoks for a long time and the child itself. Ale and Conte, and Vekselberg did not confirm the admission.

Maria Conte in our days

At the moment, the company with the organization is holy and spa-salons continue children, Maria is a successful practicing psychologist for people with cancer. And everyone can greet a successful special life.

The strength of that goodness of women is against! Vaughn could put herself on her feet, create a successful business, cure cancer and know the mess. Take not dermal.

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