The Bible is a short money for divisions. Old and New Testament. A short summary of illustrations. Seeing the Virgin Mary the Righteous Elizabeth

Bible(from Greek βιβλία - books) or Holy Letter- collect the Books (Old and New Testaments), stored up for the Holy Spirit (that is God) through the selection, sanctification of the views of God of people: prophets and apostles. The selection of that link into a single book was created by the Church and for the Church.

The word "Bible" in the sacred books themselves is not used, and in the past it was culled a hundred times in the collection of sacred books at the gathering in the IV century of St. that .

Orthodox Christians, speaking about the Bible, often get used to the term “Scripture” (written in English in great letters) or “Holy Scripture” (looming on the vase, which is part of the Holy Transmission of the Church, as if to understand in a wide sense).

Warehouse of the Bible

Bible (Holy Scripture) = Old Testament + New Testament.

New Testament = Gospel (for Matthew, Mark, Luke and Ivan) + Epistle of St. Apostles + Apocalypse.

The books of the Old and New Testaments can be intellectually subdivided into legislative, historical, primary and prophetic ones.
schemes: i.

Head theme of the Bible

The Bible is a religious book. main theme The Bible is the salvation of the people of the Messiah, who was inspired by the Son of God Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament there is about salvation, looking at the prototypes and prophecies about the Messiah and about the Kingdom of God. In the New Testament, the very creation of our salvation is laid down through the instillation, life and resurrection of the God-man, anointed by Yogo's hellish death and resurrections.

Holy Bible

All the Scriptures are divine and korisne for teaching, for vikritt, for correcting, for setting up in righteousness.()

The Bible was written by over 40 people who lived in different lands: Babylon, Rome, Greece, Jerusalem... The authors of the Bible lay down to different social versions (from the shepherd Amos to the kings of David and Solomon), a small difference in the illumination of the river (Ap. John Bov, let's just fish, Apostle Pavlo stopped the Russian Academy of Slavs).

The unity of the Bible is guarded in integrity from the first side to the back. Some texts are confirmed in their own different ways, they are explained and supplemented by others. In all 77 books of the Bible, there is, as it were, a non-piece, internal comfort. Tsomu є only one explanation. The Book was written for the induction of the Holy Spirit by the people who embrace Him. The Holy Spirit did not dictate the Truth from Heaven, but taking part with the author in the creative process of creating the Holy Book, we can commemorate the individual psychological and literary features of these authors.

The Holy Scripture is not only a Divine product, but a product of the Divine human creativity. The writing was put together in the memory of the spiritual activity of God and people. With whom, the person was not a passive streak, a special instrument of God, but was Yogo's companion, the companion of Yogo's good deed. Tse provisions are revealed in the dogmatic vchenn of the Church about Scripture.

Properly understand that clouding of the Bible

The same prophecy in Scripture cannot be allowed by oneself. For if the prophecy did not move out of the will of the people, but they prophesied the holy God's people being inspired by the Holy Spirit. ()

Viryachi in the divine books of the Bible, it is important when remembering those that the Bible is a book. For God's plan, people call out to ryatuvatisya not one by one, but in support, as he sees and in whom the Lord lives. The entire community is called the Church. I didn’t just save the letter of the word of God, but I can correctly understand it. Why is it tied to this, that, having spoken through the prophets and apostles, you continue to live in the Church and cherish it. Therefore, the Church gives us the correct curiosity, as if it were rich in letters: what is more important and relevant in the new, and what may be less historically significant and not stagnant at the New Testament hour.

Beastly respect, inspire the apostles, like a trivial hour, they followed Christ and heard Yogo, they could not themselves, without Yogo's help, Christ-centeredly comprehend the Holy Letter ().

writing hour

The Bible books were written at a different hour for about 1.5 thousand years - until the Day of the Feast and the Day of St. John the Nation. The former are called the books of the Old Testament, and the others are called the books of the New Testament.

The Bible is made up of 77 books; 50 to take revenge on the Old Testament and 27 - on the New.
11 (Tobit, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach, the Epistle of Jeremiah, Baruch, 2 and 3 books of Ezra, 1, 2 and 3 Maccabees books) are not divine and are not included in the canon of the Old Holy Letter.

Language writing of the Bible

The books of the Old Testament were written in ancient Jewish language (because of the wine of some parts of the books of Danilo and Ezdra, written in Aramaic language), the New Testament - in the Alexandrian dialect of ancient Greek language - Koine.

Spochatku bible books they were written on parchment or on papyrus with a sharpened reed stick and ink. The suviy mav looked at the long line and twisted on the handle.
The text in ancient scrolls was written in great great letters. The skin letter was written okremo, but the words alone were not cremated. Tsiliy row buv, like one word. The reader himself maw divide a row into words. There was no such thing in the old manuscripts of the old rose signs, no breathing, no voices. And in the old Jewish language, voice letters were not written like that, but only more voice.

Bible canon

Obidva Zaviti were first brought into the canonical form at the commemorative cathedrals near the 4th century: Cathedral of St. John 393r. and the Cathedral of Carthage 397 r.

The history of sharing the Bible on the division of the verse

The deacon of the Oleksandriya Church, Evlaliy, sang the words at the Bible centuries at the 5th century. The current filed on the head of the Veda his cob in the form of Cardinal Stephen Langton, which divided the Latin translation of the Bible, Vulgate in 1205 r. And in 1551, the female drukar Robert Stefan, in the present day, added heads to the top.

Classification of books of the Bible

The Bible books of the Old and New Testaments are mentally subdivided into Legislators, Historical, Teachings and Prophets. For example, in the New Testament Legislating є Gospel, Historical - the Day of the Apostles, Teachers - the messenger of Sts. The apostle with the Prophetic book - the Consecration of St. John the Theologian.

Translate the Bible

Greek Translation of Seventy Tlumachivs letters of rozpochati for the will of the Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus at 271 roci before the birth of Christ. orthodox church from the apostolic hour, they are covered with sacred books from the translation of 70.

Latin translation Vulgate- Blessed 384 fate blessed Ironim. Z 382 r. blessed having translated the Bible from Greek into Latin; on the cob of the work of the vin coristuvavsya the Greek Septuagіpta, ale nevdovzі transitions of vikoristannya without the middle of the Jewish text. This translation became a vіdomy yak Vulgate. Editio Vulgata (vulgatus means "wide extensions, zagalnovіdomy"). Cathedral of Trent, 1546 confirming the translation of St. Ironima, and vіn uvіyshov at the outrageous living near the krains.

Slovyansky translation of the Bible crushed behind the text of the Septuagint by the holy Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius, in the middle of the 9th century AD, at the hour of their apostolic labors near the Slavic lands.

Ostromir Gospel- the first word-yansk handwritten book, which was saved more often (mid-XI century).

Gennadievskaya Bible - first handwritten Russian Bible. Stored at 1499 rotsі pіd kerіvnitstvom Novgorod archiv. Gennady (at that time the biblical texts were divided and based on various collections).

Ostrozka Bible - the first Russian bible was drafted. Її seeing 1580 r. at the behest of Prince Kons. Ostrozky, pershodrukar Ivan Fedorov in Ostroz (prince's patrimony). The text of the Bible is written by the Old Believers.

Elizabethan Bible - Church Slavonic translation, which is victorious in the liturgical practice of the church. Naprikintsy 1712 p. Peter I, having seen the decree on preparing the corrected Bible before seeing it, finished the work of the robot already for Elizabeth in 1751.

Synodal translation the first modern Russian text of the Bible. Created with the initiative of Oleksandr I and under the ceramics of St. . Went partly from 1817 to 1876, if he kept the light of the new Russian text of the Bible.
The Elizabethan Bible was basically taken from the Septuagint. A Synodal Translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Text, and from the Septuagint Improvements (seen in the text in square bows).

published without prior permission of the author.
will be seen on Pershu yoga vimogu.

God, having created people in his own image and likeness, apparently, having made them free in choice. Through tse, vlasne, and the whole trouble - goes out with us, like a trigger with an egg)))
At the first stage, the people who look like Adam and Evi, forgetting the Lord, having spent spiritual values, falling ill on worldly vices, bowing to the golden calf (here the evil one smiles, nonsense and father nonsense) and the Lord, thinking but having shaken the righteous Noah, that Yogo family, after which He Himself (!) repented on the rahunok of his thoughts and on the future, having given as a vow not to work like that (the sound of Yogo came to the world, the Last Judgment, the order of truly believing through the taking of them from themselves) new world, the book of the Apocalypse).
Vіn stumbled with Noah and punished the future of the ark, that Noah and robbed a lot of rock in the midst of suspіlstva, that became bored in vices, as if mocked from the new one, wanting through those that Noah, having built his own ark, would not build the order of the river :).
Let's sweat the Flood, in the blue of Noah pishov like a human being, having forgotten God for a while, loading up on vices, bowing mammon (here the crafty one smiles, a liar and a father of nonsense), after which the Lord virushiv spertis on the singing people, which will be a butt for all, God's people .
Whose people resemble the son of Noah Sim, and unite the same group of Semitic peoples (Israelis and Palestinians, for example). The Jews appeared among these people, they sent them prophets, wailed from the crowd in Egypt, Moses led them through the desert 40 rocks, for a while, a generation of slaves changed on free (tilki 2 from 600 (?) people, they went in, included Moses, to Mount Sinai). On this God gave Moses the first laws (Old Order).
For such help, the religious and morally pure people (behind these understandings :)) grow up and become able. Ale potim mustache repeated: God of forgetfulness, spent spiritual values, bowing to the golden calf, worldly vices, etc., at the call of the people of God, the low prophets of the sight of God and the guards began. Some were listened to and turned to the true truth of those values, others were stoned - in short, the situation is unstable, as if in time, the rest passed to the chronological one - no worship of the golden tilt, liquor, trade at temples and other vadi.
The prophets at that hour already foresaw the coming of the Messiah (Christ). Bachachi, if there is no other plan, God himself will come to earth at the sight of a man.
On what the Old Order will end.
We begin to prophesy, to exhort, to disperse merchants from the Temple, to work miracles, not to come about the purpose of our mission, just say that there will be roses and Sunday on the third day. As a result, there were no reprimands by the top priests of the Jews as a mess, for a stench, before speech, they even checked - but not a similar letter of blue for the month, they checked for that KING, which called for the sight of the rule of Rome and magnified the people like at the end of the century) and for to help the intrigue of ideas as a person who threatens the rulers of Caesar (Israel already ruled Rome, which, before the speech, was one of the cars for the sight).
At the result of beatings, humiliation, roses, murders. Ignorant of all the guards of the vlady (blockage of the robber with boulders, sealing, additional protection) on the third day, TRULY RISEN! and on confirmation he was a rich man at rich places.
With a mass appearance, there were about 500 people. From this moment, the New Testament, the new commandments, the Jews cease to be denounced by the people, and the people of God are deafened by all truly (not orthopraxia, but orthodoxy) believing (in the first place, those who are Christians are the only people of God without looking back at us).
The mass transition of the Jews to Christianity begins, the followers become apostles and begin to carry a good message. Only one of the apostles died his own death. The coming of the world of new spiritual values, signifying the end of the Roman Empire of that period, as in the period of agony of 250-300 years, it strangled Christians in a nameless way, but the spirit of malice could not.

We will intersperse the records and save some of the statistical data, as always available to anyone. The book is composed of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Zmіst they, vіdpovіdno, tezh raznі. Let's take a look at them.

Old Zapovit

(Based * in the designation of non-canonical books)

Fast know.

Number of chapters


Pentateuch of Moses






Book of Joshua

Book of Suddivs of the Israelites

Book of Ruth

First Book of Kings

Another Book of Kings

1st Book of Kings

Fourth Book of Kings

First Book of Chronicles

Another Book of Chronicles

First Book of Ezri

Book of Nehemiah

Another book of Ezri*

Book of Tobit*

Book of Judith*

Book of Esther

Book of Job


Parables of Solomon

The Book of Ecclesiastes, or Preacher

Song of Song of Solomon

Book of Wisdom of Solomon*

Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirachov*

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Lamentation of Jeremiah

Message of Jeremiah*

Book of the Prophet Baruch*

The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel

Book of the Prophet Daniel

The Book of the Prophet Hosea

Book of the Prophet Yoil

Book of the Prophet Amos

The book of the prophet Obadiah

Book of the Prophet Yoni

The book of the prophet Mіhey

The Book of the Prophet Nahum

The Book of the Prophet Avakum

The Book of the Prophet Zephaniah

The Book of the Prophet Haggai

Book of the Prophet Zechariah

Book of Prophet Malachi

First Book of Makkaveyska*

Other Book of Makkaveyska*

Third Book of Makkaveyska*

The Third Book of Ezri*


Indicator of Old Testament church readings (parimiy)

About the numbering of psalms and the names of books

bible calendar

Maps of Palestine, plan for Jerusalem



(A lion)






(1 King)

(2 Kings)

(3 Kings)

(4 Kings)

(1 Pair)

(2 Pairs)

(1 zd)

(Not yim)

(2 zd)














(Last Єr)








(І won)


(To mind)






(1 Mac)

(2 Mac)

(3 Mac)

(3 rd)























































New Order

Fast know.

Number of chapters


Vіd Matviy svete Evangelіya

Vіd Mark of the Holy Gospel

View of the Holy Luke of the Gospel

View of John of the Holy Gospel

Day of the Holy Apostles

Cathedral messengers of the apostles:

Message from Jacob

First sent by Peter

Another messenger of Peter

Ivan's first messenger

Another messenger of John

Third message of Ivan

Yudi's message

Apostle Paul's message:

Epistle to the Romans

First messenger to the Corinthians

Another message to the Corinthians

Message to the Galatians

Epistle to Ephesians

Message to Pylyptsiv

Message to Kolosyan

The first messenger to Thessaloniki (Thessalonians)

Another messenger to Thessalonians (Thessalonians)

First message to Timothy

Another message to Timothy

Message to Titus

Message to Philemon

Message to Hebrews

Confirmation of app. John the Theologian (Apocalypse)


Book of Evangelical and Apostolic Readings of the Church

The succession of Evangelical podiums for Chotirma by the Evangelists

A penny alone at the New Testament







(1 Pet)

(2 Pet)

(1 In)

(2 In)

(3 In)



(1 Cor)

(2 Cor)





(1 Thess; 1 Sol)

(2 Thess; 2 Sol)

(1 Tim)

(2 Tim)




(Vіdkr; Apok)































About canonical and non-canonical books

“The Christian Bible is composed of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The books of the Old Testament were written over a thousand years until the Day of Christ (RH) in old Jewish language, the books of the New Testament were written in Greek language in the 1st century. for R.Kh.

The Old Testament has both canonical and non-canonical books. The main difference between them is that the canonical books are more ancient, written in the XV-V centuries. BC, and the books are non-canonical, tobto. did not reach the canon, before the collection of sacred books, written later, in IV-I st. BC Ezra (5th century BC) is considered the first choice of sacred books. The Russian Bible was translated in the middleXIXcentenary... The Russian Orthodox Bible, like words, avenges 39 canonical and 11 non-canonical books of the Old Testament”.

* * *

Let's wonder how we can draw statistical information for ourselves, we can take it from the point. Nasampered, zvichayno, vrazha zagalny obsyag Books - 1372 sides. And yet, she was instructed in a drukarian way, on a thin paper, even in a small font (the New Testament of inscriptions in a larger font). It was important for scribes and preachers to go to wine, it was important for clerics to rewrite one book, for others to bear unbearable burdens (adzhe papir buv means commemorate and important, that letter is larger than the drukars ...). On the other hand, the Bible was richly written until recently only in Latin language, which was not the case for all the circulations, and the preachers were truly crowned with concise dictionaries.

Let's go further. The Old Testament (VZ) borrows 1010 storinok in the Book, and the New Zavit (NZ) - 360. The 100% loan will be 74% and 26%. Crimson, the texts of the Old Testament are being typed in a finer font. But it means that the texts of the OT are not 3 times larger than the texts of the NT, but 4 times! Come out sho Head book christian maize on 80% , composed of texts written back before the birth of Jesus Christ, before that,These texts were an absolute ceremonial for the life of people, like vreshti-resht called Jesus to martyrdom on Golgotha. Hmm.

The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is composed of fragments in the texts of the modern Hebrew, sozv., Masoretic Bible, as a revenge, sensibly, less than the original Old Testament and is folded, no rich, no books are few (39 books).

Zavdyaky such a "happy" zbіgu obstavin, we can walk with you, in parallel with the Christian Bible, learn to write a lot about the Jewish Bible, which is composed of Tori (Russian language) law), Nebіїm ( prophets) ta Ketubim ( writing). Tse allow us to know a lot about history ( from the Torah), zvichayah, goals, life interests, migration of the Jews, described two thousand years ago and to remember significantly earlier. Good luck! Razberosya infection and z cym! Possibly, we need to have life.

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"Bible" (βιβλία ) - the word Greek, Russian my (exactly) is translated by the word "books". Vaughn was named so in the 4th century by Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Epiphany of Cyprus, who avenges a lot of holy books from his own. Holy Bible - tse collection of books written through inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit through God-given people, as they are called prophets and apostles . The Bible is called Scripture. The Bible is divided into two divisions - Old Testament and New Testament.

For zmіst the books of the Holy Letter of the Old Testament are divided into chotiri vіddіli:

- law-positive Books of the Old Testament are called books, in which they posit the main laws of the moral and religious life of the Old Testament Israel, as in the church-religious, so in the civil-political relationship. These are the five books of Moses: Buttya, Vihіd, Levіt, Numbers and Repetition of the Law.

- historicalBooks of the Old Testament to revenge history.

- Vchitelskibooks to take revenge on the own vchennya of the Old Testament Church about the subjects of faith and morality. Book of Books 7: Book of Job, Psalter, Solomon's Supplements, Ecclesiastes, Song of Song, Wisdom of Solomon and Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach.

- Prophetsbooks to avenge prophecies about the shares of the people, especially about the Savior - the Messiah, Yogo Church, that mystery of redemption. Tsikh books 19: books of four great prophets - Isaї, Jeremiah (with the addition - Lamentation of Jeremiah, the messenger of Jeremiah, the book of the prophet Baruch), Ezekiel, Daniel and the books of the 12 small prophets: Osії, Joel, Amos, Avdey, Ioni, Naum, Avakum, Sophonia, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

For equal importance to the worthiness of one's honor, sacred books are added canonical and non-canonical , The word "canon" is a Greek translation of "directness" and follows the Russian "rule".

Canonicalpointing out to those that stink, as written for the revelation of the Holy Spirit, to avenge the indestructible truth in oneself, and to that in one’s own brethren present the unchangeable rules of faith and morality.

non-canonical Books of the Holy Letter are called books, even though they were written by pious people, but not divinely divine, and they cannot serve in all their lives as an invariable rule of faith and morality, and by the appointment of the Church are not included in the list of sacred divine books.

At the Old Testament of canonical books behind the titles іsnuє 39 , but with the canonical number, out of respect for the tradition that I go to the Old Testament Church, such books will be combined with others canonical books are respected 22.

Qi books like this:

1. Buttya.

2. Exit.

3. Leviticus.

4. Numbers.

5. Repetition of the law.

6. Book of Josus Nun.

7. The book of Suddiv is the book of Ruth.

8. Persha and the Friend of the Book of Kings.

9. Third and Fourth Book of Kings.

10. Persha and Friend book Paralipomenon.

11 . The first book of Ezra is the book of Nehemiah.

12. Book of Esther.

13. Book of Job.

14. Psalter.

15. Book of Proverbs of Solomon.

16. Book of Ecclesiastes.

17. Book Song Song.

18. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah.

19. The book of the prophet Jeremiah with the book Lamentations of Jeremiah.

20. Book of the Prophet Ezekiel.

21. The book of the prophet Daniel.

22. The book of 12 small prophets: Osії, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Joni, Mіhei, Naum, Avakum, Zephani, Haggai, Zecharia and Malachi.

Non-canonical books of the Old Testament , accepted by the Christian Church and placed in the Orthodox Bible, 11 .

1. Another book of Ezri.

2. Book of Tobit.

3. The book of Judith.

4. Book of Wisdom of Solomon.

5. The book of wisdom of Jesus sin Sirahov.

6. Jeremiah's message.

7. The Book of the Prophet Baruch.

8. The first book of Makkaveysk.

9. Another book Makkaveyska.

10. The third book of Makkaveyska.

11 . The third book of Ezri.

New Testament canonical books - 27 :

4 gospels,

Die of the Holy Apostles,

7 Cathedral Message,

14 Apostle Paul's message


There are no non-canonical books in the New Testament.

The Bible is the book of books. Why is it called Pisannya? How did it happen that the Bible is left with one of the greatest readings of the greatest and sacred texts on the planet? What is true, the Bible is a godly text? How should the Old Testament be introduced into the Bible, and why should Christians read it?

What is the Bible?

Pisannyam, or Bible, is called a collection of books written by prophets and apostles, like me, from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The word "Biblia" is Greek, meaning "books". The main theme of the Holy Letter is the salvation of the people by the Messiah, who was inspired by the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ. At Old Testament look for salvation in looking at the prototypes and prophecies about the Messiah and about the Kingdom of God. At New Testament the very creation of our salvation is manifested through the instillation, life and resurrection of the God-man, anointed by Yogo the Hell's death and Resurrection. After an hour of their writing, the sacred books are updated in Old Testament and New Testament. Of these, the first ones to avenge are those that the Lord revealed to people through the spiritual prophets before the Savior came to earth, and the other - those who revealed and what the Lord Himself, the Savior and Yogo Apostles, taught on earth.

About the divine nature of the Holy Letter

We believe in those that the prophets and the apostles wrote not for their human intellect, but for the inspiration of the sight of God. Vіn cleansing them, enlightening their mind and revealing the inaccessible natural knowledge of the taєmnitsі, zokrema and future. That is why the Scriptures are called divine. “Never did the prophecy deviate from the will of the people, but the people prophesied of God, being shattered by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21), witness the holy Apostle Peter. The First Apostle Pavlo calls the Holy Scriptures divine: "All the Scriptures are divine" (2 Tim. 3:16). The image of the Divine revelation to the prophets can be given on the butt of Moses and Aaron. God gave to Kosomov Moiseyev the yogo brother Aaron among the intermediaries. After Moses, as if you were able to conciliate the will of the people of God, being inexpensive, the Lord said: “You” [Moses] “you will be you” [Aaron] “speak and put words (Mine) into your mouth, and I will be with your mouth and at the mouth of yoga, I will teach you how to work for you; and you will say vin zamіst you before the people; so shall you be your mouth, and you shall be God's substitute for you” (Ge. 4:15-16). It is important to keep in mind that the Bible is the Book of the Church. Behind God's plan, people call out to ryatuvatsya not one by one, but in support, as he sees and in whom the Lord lives. The entire community is called the Church. Historically, the Church is subdivided into the Old Testament, to which the Jewish people lie, and the New Testament, to which Orthodox Christians lie. The New Testament Church was declining spiritually the wealth of the Old Testament - the Word of God. The Church has not only preserved the letter of the Word of God, but may it be more correct to understand it. It is connected with this that the Holy Spirit, who spoke through the prophets and apostles, continues to live in the Church and cherish it. Therefore, the Church gives us the correct curiosity, as if it were rich in letters: what is more important and relevant in the new, and what may be less historically significant and not stagnant at the New Testament hour.

Short reviews about the most important translations of Scripture

1. Greek translation of the seventy tlumachs (Septuagint). Closest to the original text of the Holy Letter of the Old Testament is the Oleksandriya translation, based on the Greek translation of the seventy tlumachs. Vіn buv rozpochati z will of the Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus in 271 BC. As mothers at their library, the sacred books of the Jewish law, this dignified sovereign, having punished his librarian Demetrius, should take over the collection of these books and translate them into the occult language for that hour and the widest Greek language. From the Israeli dermal colon, six of the most important people were collected and corrected to Oleksandriya with an exact copy of the Hebrew Bible. The translators were located on the island of Pharos, near Oleksandriya, and completed the translation in a non-trivial hour. The Orthodox Church, for the apostolic hour, corries with sacred books in translation of the seventy.

2. Latin translation, Vulgate. Until the fourth century A.D. And besides, as Blessed John, one of the best-known fathers of the Church of the IV century, having shared with 384 people his translation of the Holy Letter in Latin, transcribing it according to the Jewish original, the Church of God gradually began to abandon the old-fashioned Italian translation. At the 16th century, the Council of Trent translated the Ієronіma buv introductions at the deep living in the Roman Catholic Church under the name of the Vulgati, which literally means “the deep translation”.

3. The Slavic translation of the Bible was churned after the text of seventy tlumachs by the holy Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius in the middle of the IX century AD, during the hour of the apostolic practice in the Slavic lands. If Prince Rostislav, the non -actuals of the Nimeskiy Msіeoners, asking the Vizantii Imperor Mikhail to send the mentors of Christ in the bridge of the Zdinniki, the izperistor Mikhailo Viduvi, the saints of the saints of the saints were pronounced the words of the male.
On the way to the Slavic lands, the holy brothers spent some time in Bulgaria, as if they had been sanctified by them, and then the stench chimed a little over the translation of the sacred books. They continued their translation of the stench near Moravia, where the stench arrived close to 863. It was finished after the death of Cyril by Methodius at Pannonia, under the intercession of the pious prince Kocel, to such a fault after the death of internecine strife at Moravia. With the adoption of Christianity for the holy prince Volodymyr (988 rіk), the words of the English Bible were transferred to Russia, translated by saints Cyril and Methodius.

4. Russian translation. If, with an hour, the words of the yansk mova began to meaningfully resonate with the Russian language, for the rich the reading of the Holy Letter became important. As a result of this, the translation of books into modern Russian language was made. On the heels of the decree of Emperor Oleksandr I and the blessing of the Holy Synod, the New Testament was seen in 1815 by the Russian Biblical Association. Only the Psalter was translated from the Old Testament books - as the most common book for the Orthodox liturgy. Then, already for the reign of Alexander II, after a new, more accurate vision of the New Testament in 1860, there appeared a new version of the law-positive books of the Old Testament in the Russian translation in 1868. At the advancing roci, the Holy Synod blessed the publication of historical Old Testament books, and in 1872 the roci - the head ones. For an hour, Russian translations of the eight sacred books of the Old Testament began to be often read in spiritual journals. Otzhe, outside the sight of the Russian Bible appeared in 1877. Not everyone supported the appearance of the Russian translation, giving precedence to the Church Slavonic one. For the Russian translation hung St. Tikhin of Zadonsk, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Patriarch Tikhon and other prominent archpastors of the Russian Orthodox Church.

5. Other translations of the Bible. on the French language The Bible was first translated in 1160 by Peter Wald. The first translation of the Bible into German language born in 1460. Martin Luther in 1522-1532 translated the Bible again in German. on the English language The first translation of the Bible was created by Bida Povazhny, who is alive in the first half of the VIII century. current English translation letters of death for King James in 1603 and visions in 1611 rotations. In Russia, the Bible was translated by the language of small peoples. So, Metropolitan Inokentіy translated її my Aleutian, Kazan Academy - Tatar and others. The greatest success was achieved in translating and expanding the Bible on different language British and American Bible Fellowships. Now the Bible has been translated more lower than 1200 mov.
It is also necessary to say that if there is a translation, it may have its own advantage and that it is not enough. Translate what you want to literally convey the zmіst to the original, suffer for importance and difficulties for understanding. From the other side, translate it, if you want to pass it on, just pass the blatant zmist of the Bible in the most reasonable and intelligibly accessible form, often suffer from inaccuracy. The Russian synodal translation is unique in insulting extremes and in its own way, the maximum proximity to the original with ease of movement.

Old Zapovit

The Old Testament books were written in heaps in Jewish language. The new books of the Babylonian hours are already full of rich Assyrian and Babylonian tales and modern twists. And the books written at the hour of the Greek panuvannya (non-canonical books) are written in Greek, the Third Book of Ezra - in Latin. The books of the Holy Letter were written from the hands of the holy writers old-fashioned look not like my їх now bachimo. A handful of stench was written on parchment or on papyrus (which was prepared from the stalk of roslin, which grows in Egypt and in Palestine) with a reed (a reed stick is sharpened) and ink. Vlasne kazhuchi, it was not books that were written, but charters on a long parchment papyrus roll, which looked like a long line that was wound on a holder. Zzvichay suvoї were written from one side. Years of parchment or papyrus lines instead of gluing them into lines-scrolls, for the sake of clarity, they began to sew them into books. The text in ancient scrolls is written in the same great great letters. The skin letter was written okremo, but the words alone were not cremated. Tsiliy row buv yak one word. The reader himself can make a row on the words i, obviously, sometimes he tries it wrong. There was no such thing in the ancient manuscripts of the old rose signs and voices. And in the ancient Jewish language, voice letters were not written in the same way - it was less than a voice.

Rozpodіl sl_v v books zapravdili deacon of the Oleksandrіyskoї Church Evlalіy from the V century. So, step by step, the Bible swelled its current look. With the daily distribution of the Bible on the head of that chapter, reading the sacred books and searching in them for the necessary task became an awkward right.

Sacred books in the present day did not appear at once. The hour from Moses (1550 B.C.) to Samuel (1050 B.C.) can be called the first period of the molding of the Holy Letter. God-inspired Moses, having written down his secrets, legitimized that confession, giving an attacking order to the Levites to carry the ark of the commandment of the Lord: “Take this book of the law and lay down the right hand of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God” (Deut. 31:26). The next priests writers continued to attribute their creations to the Pyatiknizhzha of Moiseev with the order to save them there, de save it and out, - nibi in one book.

Old Testament Holy Letter avenge yourself with the following books:

1. Books of Prophet Moses, or Torah(to avenge the foundations of the Old Testament faith): Buttya, Wihid, Levit, Numbers and Repetition of the Law.

2. Historical books: The Book of Joshua, the Book of Judgments, the Book of Ruth, the Books of Kings: First, Friend, Third and Fourth, Books of Chronicles: First and Friend, First Book of Ezra, Book of Nehemiah, Book of Esther.

3. Educational books(initial change): the Book of Job, the Psalter, the book of Solomon's parables, the Book of Ecclesiast, the Book of Songs Song.

4. Prophetic books(more important than the prophetic christ): Book of the prophet Isaї, Book of the prophet Jeremiah, Book of the prophet Ezekiel, Book of the prophet Daniel, Twelve Books of the “little” prophets: Osії, Іoїlya, Amos, Avdiy, Іoni, Mіhei, Nakhіya, Naї, and Malachi.

5. Okrim tsikh books of the Old Testament list, the Bible has nine more upcoming books, as they are called "non-canonical": Tobit, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Book of Jesus, the son of Sirach, the Friend and the Third Book of Ezra, the three Books of Maccabees. So stinks are called to those who stinks were written after the completion of the list (canon) of sacred books. Deyakі suchasnі vіdannya bіblії tsikh "non-canonical" books do not mum, but in the Russian bіblії stench є. Give more names of sacred books taken from the Greek translation of seventy tlumachs. In the Jewish Bible and in some modern translations of the Bible, a piece of Old Testament books may have other names.

New Order


The word Evangeliy means "good call", or - "reception, radio, good call". These are the names of the first books of the New Testament, which tell about the life and resurrection of the instilled Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, - about all those who have worked for the establishment of a righteous life on earth and the salvation of us, sinful people.

The hour of writing the skin of the sacred books of the New Testament cannot be without exception, but absolutely without a doubt, that all of them were written in the other half of the 1st century. The first of the New Testament books was the writing of the messengers of the holy apostles, calling for the necessary approval of the faith of the newly founded Christian communities; ale, without fail, there is a need for the systematic life of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and that Yogo vchennya. From a whole row of mirrors, you can make visnovoks, which the Gospel in Matthew was written earlier than all and not later than 50-60 years. for R.Kh. Єvangelia vid Marka I wrote Trochi Pіznhe, Ale Prinaimni Range, Nizh Ruinatsya єrusalem, Tobto up to 70 Rocks for R.Kh., and єvangelist Ioann the Theologian, having written his єvangel for all, , close to 96 rock. The Apocalypse was earlier written by him. The Book of Diy was written new after the Gospel of Luke, so that, as you can see from the forward to it, there is no further progress.

All the chotiri of the Gospels sing about the life and resurrection of Christ the Savior, about Yogo, hellish suffering, death and consecration, Yogo glorious Resurrection from the dead and ascension to. Mutually supplementing and explaining one to one, stench as a single whole book, which does not have everyday superlities and hardships for the worst and the worst.

The main symbol for the Chotirokh Evangelii is the taєmnicha chariot, like the bachelor prophet Ezekіїl at the river Khovar (Єz. 1:1-28) and it was formed from the Chotirokh іstot that the people, the lion, the eagle and the eagle were guessing with their eyes. The values, taken okremo, became emblems for the evangelists. Christian art, beginning in the 5th century, depicts Matthew with a man, or Mark with the left, Luke with a calf, John with an eagle.

The Crimea of ​​our chotirioh Gospels, in the first century, there were up to 50 other writings, they called themselves the same Gospels and attributed themselves to the apostolic campaign. The Church added them to the list of "apocryphal" - that is, untrustworthy, inaccurate books. Tsі books to avenge oneself from self-created and sumnіvnі rozpovіdі. Prior to such apocryphal gospels lie "The First Gospel of Jacob", "History of Josip Teslyar", "Gospel of Khomi", "Gospel of Nikodim" and others. Stink, among others, the legends have been written down beforehand, as if the children of the Lord Jesus Christ stand in awe.

Z chotiriokh Evangeliy zmist of the first three - vіd Matthew, Brandі Luke- a lot of things in which you run, close to one, like for an excuse material, so for the form of the week. Fourth of the Gospel - vіd John for whom it is worth standing apart, signifi- cantly winding up among the first three, as a material that is laid out in the new, so in the very style and form of the clad. At the link with the first three Gospels, it is customary to call them synoptic, like the Greek word "synopsis", which means "revelation in one slanderous image." Synoptic evangelism may tell only about the activities of the Lord Jesus Christ in Galilee, and Evangelist Ivan - in Judea. Forecasters speak, in the head rank, about miracles, parables and ovnishnі podії in the life of the Lord, evangelist Ivan vede mirkuvannya about a deep її zmіst, direct the Lord's prostration about the bringing of objects of faith. With all the difference between the Gospels, they have no internal protirichs. In this order, weather forecasters that Ivan mutually add one to one, and less often give a complete image of Christ in their marriage, like the wines of adoption and preached by the Church.

Gospel in Matthew

Evangelist Matthew, who is also Mave named after Levi, having changed among the 12 apostles of Christ. To his plowman to the Apostolsky VIN Buv Mitrem, Tobto Zitatkiv, I, Yak Taki, Zvidoynoye, unloved by their own spials - єvrei, they smeared the mitar for those, they served the nonsense of the people. pragnenny to gain often took a lot more, lower required. About your call to Matthew in 9 divisions of your Gospel (Matt. 9:9-13), calling yourself the name of Matthew, the same as the Gospel of Mark and Luke, calling about those same, calling him Levi. The Jews were small at the name of their mother. Зворушений до глибини душі милістю Господа, який не гребував ним, незважаючи на загальну зневагу до нього євреїв і особливо духовних вождів єврейського народу, книжників і фарисеїв, Матвій усім серцем сприйняв вчення Христове і особливо глибоко зрозумів його перевагу над фарисейськими переказами і думкою праведності, зарозумілості she knows no sinners. Axis of why wine so clearly induce a strong vikrivalnu promo of the Lord against
the lower and Pharisees are hypocrites, as we know in 23 divisions of the Gospel Gospel (Matt. 23). Mabut, why did you cause guilt especially close to the heart on the right to respect the very native Jewish people, which at that time leaked pardoning understanding and Pharisees' looks, and this Gospel was written more importantly for the Jews. Let me imagine that it was written on the back of the hand and it was written by the Jewish language, and less than a trio of verses, perhaps, by Matthew himself, translated by the Greek language.

Having written his єvangeli, to put his head method for єvra, Matviy, to bring his head meta, the іsus Christ I є that Mess, about the Yaki, the Old Zyatni, the old -zavіtne of the sequic, darkened with the scribes of the Pharisees, Tilki in the Christmas, Therefore, you start your gospel with the ancestor of Jesus Christ, to show the Jews Yogo's journey in the sight of David and Abraham, and to build the majesty of the pilgrimage to the Old Testament, to bring the vision to the new Old Testament prophecies. Appointment of the first gospel for the Jews is evident from the fact that Matthew, thinking about the Jewish voices, does not care for the need to explain its significance and meaning, as if to rob the other gospels. So, without explanation, it fills in Aramaic words that were used in Palestine. Matvey dogovy hour and preached in Palestine. Then let us pray for preaching to other lands and end our lives with a martyr's death in Ethiopia.

Gospel of Mark

Evangelist Mark wearing the name of Ivan. For the walks of the wines of the Jews, but not the middle of the 12 apostles. For this reason, Vin could not be a constant companion and hearer of the Lord, like Matthew. Having written his own Gospel in verses and under the wire of the Apostle Peter. Himself vin, ymovirno, less than an eyewitness rest days earthly life of the Lord. Only in one gospel in the form of Mark, it is told about a young man who, if the Lord had taken a varta in the Garden of Gethsemane, following Him, lit up with a naked body at the veil, and the warriors hoarded yoga, ale vin, having stripped the veil, naked vtik in them (Mik 14:51-52). This young man had a long-standing order to kill the author of another gospel - Mark. Yogo mother Mary is gathered at the Book of Diy as one of the squads, the greatest witness of the faith of Christ. At її houses in Єrusalimі viruyuchi were selected for. Mark this year takes the fate of the first dear Apostle Paul, together with his other companion Barnabas, who was his nephew by his mother. Vіn buv under the apostle Paul in Rome, the stars are written in the Epistle to the Colossians. Dali, as you can see, Mark became the companion and companion of the Apostle Peter, which is confirmed by the words of the Apostle Peter himself in the first Catholic messenger, de vin write: 5:13, here Babylon, singsongly, allegorically, is the name of Rome).

Icon "Saint Mark the Evangelist. First half of the 17th century

Before his departure, the apostle Paul, who wrote Timothy, called out again: “Take Mark ... with you, for my wine is necessary for the service” (2 Tim. 4:11). Following orders, the Apostle Peter appointed Mark as the first bishop of the Alexandrian Church, and Marko ended his life as a martyr in Alexandria. For the testimony of Papius, Bishop of Iєrapolsky, as well as Justin the Philosopher and Irenaeus of Lyons, Mark wrote his Gospel in the words of the Apostle Peter. Justin Navitt directly calls yoga "Peter's memorabilia". Clement of Alexandria affirms that the Gospels of Mark are, in fact, a recording of the oral sermon of the Apostle Peter, as if Mark had killed the Christians, that they lived in Rome. The interpreter of the Gospel in Mark himself speaks about those who are recognized as such for Christians from pagans. It is not enough for anyone else to talk about the enrollment of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Old Testament, and it’s not enough to direct the encroachment on the Old Testament sacred books. At the same time, we speak in new Latin words, like, for example, speculator and others. Navit Nagirna sermon, as it explains the priority of the New Testament Law over the Old Testament Law, is skipped. Then Mark’s head of respect is given to those who would give a strong tale of the miracles of Christ in their Gospel, upholding the Tsar’s majesty and the omnipotence of the Lord. In the Yogi Gospel, Jesus is not “Sin of David”, like in Matthew, but the Son of God, Lord and King, Tsar of All Light.

Gospel of Luke

The ancient historian Evsevy of Caesarea seems that Luke resembled Antioch, and it is customary to respect that Luke, for his adventures, is a pagan, otherwise the titles proselyte, that is a pagan, prince

what kind of Judaism. For his family, take him as a doctor, as can be seen from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Colossians. Church of the Transmission comes to tsgogo and those who are also an artist. From the fact that in the yogo gospel avenge the Lord, 70 teachings, made with a lot of details, to sing the biscuits, which lie down to the 70 teachings of Christ.
After the death of the Apostle Paul, Evangelist Luke preached and accepted

Evangelist Luke

martyr's death in Ahai. The holy relics of the emperor Constantine (in the middle of the 4th century) were transferred to Constantinople at once from the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. As can be seen from the very translation of the Third Gospel, Luke wrote it on the memory of one noble man, the “chanting” Theophilus, who is alive in Antioch, for whom he wrote later the Book of the Apostles’ Days, which serves like a prodovzhennyam evangelskoydiv. 4;Dii 1:1-2). In case of any guilt, I was honored not only by eyewitnesses of the service of the Lord, but also by some written records about the life and vchennia of the Lord, as if they had already founded them. Behind these words, the letters of the letter were given to the most important account, and to this, the Gospels are considered especially accurate at the appointed hour and month of the year and the chronological order.

On the Gospel of Luke, having clearly stuck in the plea of ​​the Apostle Paul, the companion and companion of the Evangelist Luke. Like the “apostle of the pagans”, Pavlo tried to reveal the greatest truth that the Messiah - Christ - came to earth not only for the Jews, but also for the pagans and that Vin is the Savior of the whole world, of all people. At the link with the main idea, to clearly carry out the upliftment of their own roses, the third Gospel, the birth of Jesus Christ, was brought to the ancestor of all mankind, Adam, and to God Himself, to exalt His significance for the entire human race (Div. Lk. 3:23-3 ). ).

The hour and place of the writing of the Gospel of Luke can be recognized, cherishing the chrism, that it was written earlier than the Book of the Apostolic Deeds, which becomes like biyogo prodovzhennya (Div. Di 1: 1). The Book of Dee will end with a description of the Apostle Paul's courtroom visit in Rome (div. Dee 28:30). Ce Bulo was close to A.D. 63. Later, the Gospel of Luke was written at this hour, perhaps, at Rome.

Gospel of John

Evangelist John the Theologian bv kochanim we teach Christ. Vіn buv synom of the Galilean fisherman Starting that Solomії. Get a buv, mabut, a possible person, oskolki mav pratsivnikiv, buv, mabut, an insignificant member of the Jewish community, more yogo sin Ivan mav acquaintance with the high priest. Yogo mother Solomiya sighs among women, as they served the Lord with their own lane. Evangelist John, we will teach John the Baptist. Having felt this witness about Christ, like about the Lamb of God, that I take upon myself the sins of the world, together with Andrey pishov for Christ (Div. Іv. 1:35-40). Let us teach the Lord fast, becoming, however, later, after the miraculous rib on the Lake of Genisaret (Galilei), if the Lord Himself called Yogo at once with Yogo brother Yakov. Together with Peter and his brother Jacob, I was honored with special closeness to the Lord du, perebuvayuchi at Nyomu at the most important tracts and hvilini of Yogo earthly life. Tsya love of the Lord before the new was given signs and in the fact that the Lord, hanging on the Cross, entrusted you with His Most Pure Matir, saying to you: “Otse your Mother!” (Div. John 19:27).

Ivan having risen in price to Jerusalem through Samaria (Div. Luke 9:54). For the price of wine and yoga, brother Yakiv took away the name of the Lord “Voanerges”, which means “blue Thunder”. At the hour of the destruction of Rusalim, the place of life and the duty of John became the place of Ephesus in Asia Minor. At the reign of the Emperor Domitsian, the reigns were sent to the island of Patmos, and the Apocalypse was written (Div. Announcement 1:9). Turns from the first message to Ephesus, having written his Gospels there, and died his death (one of the apostles), for orders, a great mystery, at a deep old age, being close to 105 years, for the reign of Emperor Trajan. As a witness to the retelling, the fourth Gospel was written by John for the prohannia of the Ephesian Christians. Voni brought three first gospels to him and asked him to supplement them with prophecies of the Lord, like vin chuv vіd New.

The name of the gospel from Ivan is clearly expressed and in that name, as it was given to you in ancient times. In view of the first three gospels, it was most importantly called the spiritual gospel. The gospels in the name of John begin with a chant about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and give revenge on oneself for the lowly promos of the Lord, in which Yogo Divine wisdom and the greatest mysteries of faith are revealed, for example, rozmov with Nicodemus about the spirit of the people 3:1-21), a conversation with a Samaritan woman about the water I live and about the worship of God in the soul and truth (Jn. 4:6-42), a conversation about bread that comes from heaven and about the sacrament of communion (Jn. 6: 22- 58), a conversation about the good shepherd (Jn. 10:11-30) and especially miraculous for his zmіst farewell conversation with the teachings at the Mystery Supper (Jn. 17). John deeply penetrated into the present mystery of Christian love - and nothing, like the fault of his gospel and three of his conciliar messages, without revealing so exactly, deeply and perversely, the Christian message about the two main love commandments about God, before the Law of God to the neighbor. That yogo is also called the apostle of the kohanna.

The Book of the Diy and the Cathedral Messenger

In the world, the expansion of the warehouse of Christian communities in different parts of the great Roman Empire, naturally, the Christians blamed the nourishment of the religious-ethical and practical order. The apostles, do not wait for the weather to especially choose the food at the mіstsі, looked at them at their sheets-messages. To that, if the gospel is to avenge the foundations of the Christian faith, the apostolic messengers reveal the deeds of the sides of Christ's faith more clearly and show it in a practical way. For the apostolic envoys, we may live to know about those how the apostles began and how the first Christian communities were formed and lived.

Book of Diyanє direct continuation of the gospel. Meta її of the author - describe the steps that were taken for the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ and give a drawing of the first order of the Church of Christ. The book especially reports on the missionary work of the apostles Peter and Paul. St. Ivan Chrysostom in his talk about the Book of the Roses is of great importance for Christianity, confirming the truth of the gospel message with facts from the life of the apostles: "It is important to prove Sunday." What's the axis no big day before the cob of the glorification of the resurrection of Christ in Orthodox churches to be read divided from the Book of Diy. For reasons of reason, the book is read as a whole from the period from the Great Day to Pentecost for the holy liturgies.

The book Diy tells about the coming of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ until the arrival of the Apostle Paul to Rome and the period of about 30 years. 1-12 chapters tell about the activity of the Apostle Peter among the Jews in Palestine; 13-28 chapters - about the activity of the Apostle Paul among the pagans and the expansion of Christ's vision beyond the borders of Palestine. The description of the book ends with a statement on those that the Apostle Paul lived in Rome for two years and shamelessly preached the message of Christ there (Dії 28:30-31).

Cathedral messenger

This epistle written by the apostles is called the name of the "Cathedrals": one - by Jacob, two - by Peter, three - by John the Theologian, and one by Yuda (not Iscariot). At the warehouse of books of the New Testament of the Orthodox vision, the stench is spreading without middle after the Book of Diy. The cathedral stench is called the Church in early hours. "Cathedral" - tse "environment" of the sensi, scho stench of the beasts not to private houses, but to all Christian communities vzagali. The entire warehouse of the Cathedral's message of names tsim іm'yam was first in the history of Eusebіy (an ear of the 4th century AD). As the message of the Apostle Paul, the Council’s messengers are rejoiced by them, that they may set up the most important faiths, and in the Apostle Paul, they will be attached to the furnishings of the quiet mystical Churches, to such wines, and there may be a greater special character.

Message from the Apostle James

The whole message was recognized to the Jews: “to the twelve tribes, as if they were talking with the Russians,” which did not include the Jews, who lived in Palestine. The hour of the messenger is not indicated. Obviously, the message was written by him shortly before his death, perhaps in 55-60 years. Mіscem written, mabut, Єrusalim, de apostle perebuvav postіyno. The reason for writing was those sorrows, which were endured by the young people of the rozsіyannia in the form of pagans, and especially in the form of their unruly brothers. Trying the boulders of the flooring is great, so richly someone became discouraged and vagati at the vіrі. The deyakі trembled on the call of evil and on God Himself, but, as before, they raised their little bell at the marching sight of Abraham. The stinks wrongly marveled at prayer, underestimated the significance of good rights, but they were more eager to be the teachers of others. At the time of this richness, they magnified over the bіdnim, and the brother kohannya became cold. All this prompted Jacob to give him the necessary moral exaltation as a messenger.

Apostle Peter's message

The first messenger of the Council of the Apostle Peter, it was sent to the “pribults, rose from Ponty, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bethinia” - the provinces of Asia Minor. Under the "pribults" it was necessary to be wise, the leading rank, the Jews, who they believed, as well as the pagans, who entered the warehouse of the Christian communities. Qi bulk was founded by the Apostle Paul. The reason for writing the message was the blessing of the Apostle Peter “strengthen your brethren” (Div. Luke 22:32) when blamed for negligence among these communities and persecutions, as if they were drunk from the side of the gates of the Cross of Christ. The midst of Christians and inner enemies appeared in particular false readers. Koristuyuyuchis v_dustnіstyu Apostle Paul, the stench began to promote yoga vchennya about Christian freedom and defend all moral waste (Div. 1 Pet. 2:16; Pet. 1:9; 2, 1). The metaphor of the envoy of Peter - pіdbadjoriti, vіshiti and confirm among the Christians of Asia Minor, on which the apostle Peter himself pointed out: Grace of God, in which you stand” (1 Pet. 5:12).

Other Cathedral messenger written by them themselves to the Christians of Asia Minor. In whose messenger the Apostle Peter with special power guards the believing types of deceitful liars. Tsі zhevchennya podіbnі to quiet, like vikrivає Apostle Paul in the epistles to Timothy and Titus, as well as the apostle Yuda - to his Cathedral messenger.

About the recognition of the Other Cathedral messenger of reliable reports, krіm is quiet, scho to be avenged by the messenger himself, nothing. Who buv on im'ya is "branded lady" and children її - it is unknown. It became less clear that they stink were Christians (є tlumachennya, that “Pan” is the Church, and “children” are Christians). As soon as the hour and month of the writing of the message, one can think that it was written the same way, if it was written earlier, and in the same Ephesus. Another messenger of Ivan may have only given one. The apostle shows his joy to the new one, that the children of the educated pan walk in the truth, vow to see it and, with arrogance, exhort not the mother of the hoary splintering with the deceivers.

Third Council messenger: bred to Guy or Kayu. Who is it, it’s definitely unknown. From the apostolic writings and from the Church Transmission, it is clear that they carried a little osib (div. Di 19:29; Di 20:4; Rom. from them, or to someone else, the message is written, there is no possibility. Obviously, this Guy didn’t hug any hierarchical plant, but just a pious Christian, wondrous. About the hour and the place of writing the third epistle, one can allow that: insults and envoys were written approximately at that very hour, all in the same place of Ephesus, de Apostle John spent Rest of the Rocks his earthly life. The whole message is folded into less than one distribution. The apostle praised Gaia for his virtuous life, firmness in faith and “walking in the truth”, and especially for his honesty, he accepted the mandriving in the position of preachers of the Word of God, judging the domineering Diotref, povіdomlyає deyakі zvіstka vosnyaє.

Message from the Apostle Judy

The writer of this messenger calls himself "Juda, the servant of Jesus Christ, the brother of Jacob." From whom it is possible to make whiskers, that there is one person with the apostle Judah from the number of twelve, who was called Jacob, and also Leove (do not stray with Levi) and Thaddeus (Div. Mt. 10:3; Mk. 3:18; Lk. 6 : 16; De 1:13; John 14:22). He was the son of Josip the Betrothed as the first brother of the children of Josip - Yakov, the year of the Bishop of Rusalim, on the honor of the Righteous, Josip and Simon, the year of the Bishop of Jerusalem. For commandments, before yogo Im'ya Bulo Yuda, Im'ya Thaddeus took off, having received the baptism in the form of John the Baptist, and I took off the name Leoway, having entered the guise of the 12 apostles, it is possible, on the vіdmіnu of the name of Yudi Iskariotsky, who becoming a healer. About the apostolic service of Judy from the Ascension of the Lord, the order to speak, that having preached the cob in Judea, Galilee, Samaria and the future, and then - in Arabia, Syria and Mesopotamia, Persia and Virmenia, . The drives for writing the message, as can be seen from the 3rd verse, were Judy’s turbota “about the salvation of souls” and anxiety about the drive of the strength of falsehood (Jud. 1:3). Saint Jude to say directly, what is the fault of the one who wicked people have crept into the court of Christians, as if they are destroying Christian freedom among the ghosts until they are disbanded. Tse, no doubt, - the false teachers-gnostics, began to roar under the sight of the "mortally" sinful flesh and respected the light not to the creations of God, but to the creation of the lower forces, the prophets of Yoma. These are the same simoniani and mycolatii, which victorious Evangelist Ivan in 2 and 3 divisions of the Apocalypse. The meta message is to guard Christians from being overwhelmed by these falsehoods, which were flattered by sensibilities. The message was recognized by all Christians in a flash, and behind the shield, it is clear that it was assigned to a special stake, to which the false readers knew access. With certainty, it can be admitted that the message was halfway back to the quiet Churches of Asia Minor, to which the Apostle Peter wrote with ease.

Apostle Paul's message

Of all the New Testament sacred writers, most of the viklad Christian faith having corrected the Apostle Paul, who wrote 14 leaves. For the importance of their honor, the stench is rightly called “another Gospel” and has always been treated with respect like thinkers-philosophers, as well as simple believers. The apostles themselves did not deprive them of the posture of respect for these comrades-in-arms of their “brother of the gods,” who was young for an hour of age before Christ, and who was zealous for the spirit of resurrection and gifts of grace (Div. 2 Pet. 3:15-16). Adding up the necessary and important addition to the evangelical wedding, the messenger of the Apostle Paul is guilty of being the subject of the most important and diligent wounding of the skin of a person, as a better way to know the Christian faith. These messengers are inspired by the special height of religious thought, which reflects the great honor and knowledge of the Old Testament writings of the Apostle Paul, as well as the deep understanding of the New Testament Christ's vchennya. Not knowing sometimes in modern Greek language words, the Apostle Paul was embarrassed, but sometimes he could express his thoughts and create his own words of wisdom, which later became widely accepted among Christian writers. Such phrases can be seen: “resurrect”, “grow to Christ”, “pull yourself into Christ”, “enter into an old people”, “vryatuvatsya by the eye of a pakibuttya”, “the law of the spirit of life” is too thin.

Book Announcement or Apocalypse

The Apocalypse (otherwise in translation from the Greek - The Epiphany) of St. John the Theologian is the only book of the New Testament that prophesies. Vaughn talks about the future share of humanity, about the end of the world and about the beginning of a new eternal life, and that, naturally, is avenged in the beginning of the Holy Letter. Apocalypse is a book of mystery and an important thing for understanding, but at the same time, the same mystery character of this book and turn to yourself look like believing Christians, just like drunken thinkers, like they try to guess the magic and the meaning of the bachen, which is described. There is a great number of books about the Apocalypse, among them there are few stupid creations, especially modern sectarian literature. Irrespective of the difficulties of understanding the books, spiritually illumined by the fathers and the readers of the Church, they were always placed before her with great reverence, as if inspired by God. So, Dionysius of Oleksandriysky writes: “Temryava tsієї books do not pereskodzhaє marvel їy. And if I am not all in my mind, then only through my lack of knowledge. I cannot judge the truths that they lie in it, and win them over to the misery of my mind; cheryuyuchis more faith, lower mind, I know them only such that they turn my mind around. This is how the Blessed John speaks about the Apocalypse: But what am I saying? Whether the praise of this book would be lower than її goodness. For liturgical services, the Apocalypse is not read to those who, in the olden days, the reading of the Holy Letter for liturgical services, was always accompanied by some explanations, and the Apocalypse is even more important for explanation singing period rock).
About the author of the Apocalypse
The author of the Apocalypse calls himself Ivan (div. Announcement 1:1-9; Announcement 22:8). To the solemn thought of the holy fathers of the Church, the apostle John, the kochanian disciple of Christ, who took away the height of his belief about God, the words of the name “Theologian”. His authorship is confirmed as a tribute in the Apocalypse itself, so is the richness of other internal familiar signs. The intoxicated pen of the Apostle John the Theologian still has the Gospel and the three Epistles of the Council. The author of the Apocalypse says that he was on the island of Patmos for the word God and for the wedding of Jesus Christ (Announcement 1:9). From church history, it is clear that John the Theologian was less likely to be apostles when he recognized the link on this island. The proof of the authorship of the Apocalypse of the Apostle John the Theologian is the similarity of this book with the Gospel and the messengers, not only in spirit, but in warehouse, and especially in certain characteristic virazes. A long time ago order to bring the writing of the Apocalypse until the end of the 1st century. So, for example, Irenaeus writes: "The Apocalypse has appeared not long before today and may be in our hour, like the reign of Domitian." Meta writing to the Apocalypse - depict the future struggle of the Church with the forces of evil; show the methods by which the devil fights against the goodness of that truth for the shelter of his servants; give ceremonies to the believers, how to pay peace of mind; depict the death of the Church's enemies and the ultimate victory of Christ over evil.

The pinnacles of the Apocalypse

The Apostle John in the Apocalypse reveals the savage methods of calmness, and also shows the best way to die, so that we will be faithful to Christ until death. In a similar rank, the Judgment of God, about which the Apocalypse is repeatedly spoken of, the Last Judgment of God, and all the private judgments of God over the okremi lands and people. These include the trial of the common people under Noah, the trial of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah under Abraham, the trial of Egypt under Moses, the court trial of Judea (for six hundred years before the Nativity of Christ, and new in the seventieth rock of our yeri), and judgment over the old Nineveh, Babylon, over the Roman Empire, over Byzantium and, more recently, over Russia). The reasons that called out the righteous punishment of God, forever were alone: ​​nevira of people and lawless. In the Apocalypse, there is a commemoration of the first hour of the hour and the hour of the hour. Weeping out of the fact that the Apostle John, having glimpsed the shares of the people, not from the earthly, but from the heavenly perspective, how much he awakened the Spirit of God. In the ideal world, at the throne of the Most Vishish, one rushes to the hour and stands before the spiritual gaze at once this day, that future is past. Obviously, the author of the Apocalypse describes the future of the future as having passed, and the past as right. For example, the war of the Angels in Heaven and the fall of the devil's stars - the ones who ate before the creation of the world, are described by the Apostle John, as they were traipsed at the dawn of Christianity (Announcement 12 ch.). The resurrection of the martyrs of that їхнє reign in Heaven, who slanders the whole New Testament era, is commemorated by him after the trial of the Antichrist and the false prophet (Announcement 20 ch.). In this rank, the spectator does not tell about the chronological sequence of the subdivisions, but reveals the daytime great war evil with good, which goes at once on many fronts and cries like a speech, and an angelic light.

From the books of Bishop Oleksandr (Mileant)

Facts about the Bible:

Methuselah is the head longevity of the Bible. Vin lived for a thousand years and died at the age of 969 years.

Forty people worked on the texts of the Scriptures, and they did not know one of them. For this reason, there are no obvious contradictions in the Bible.

From the literary point of view, Nagirna's sermon was written in the Bible, after a thorough text.

The Bible was the first book inscribed on typesetting in Nimechi in 1450.

The Bible to avenge the prophecies, as they were vipovnyuvalis through hundreds of rokiv.

The Bible is widely published in tens of thousands of copies.

Luther's translation of the Bible in German mine conceived Protestantism.

The Bible was written in 1600 years. Never has such scrupulous work been carried out over one book of the world.

The Bishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, poured that verse on the Bible.

49 years of non-stop reading is needed in order to read the Bible properly.

In the 7th century, the English language released the Bible with a stingy Drukarian pardon. One of the Commandments looked like this: "Adulterous." Mayzha managed to recycle the entire circulation.

The Bible is one of the most commented and most cited books in the world.

Andriy Desnitsky. Bible and archeology

Chat with the father. Coming to the celebration of the Bible

Chat with the father. Memorial of the Bible with children

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