Yak correctly vagіtna. What to read at the hour of vacancy Early terms of vacancy

It is necessary to see the hour of pregnancy, as the future mother needs to be analyzed, and also give a good picture for the sake of looking after the little one.

And this year, we would like to show you the wonderful 9 months in a different light - at the very same time you hope for a unique opportunity, to add respect to your own, cohan.

Let's all at once learn to enjoy life, love your own body, even if it's not just necessary, but it's necessary to bring it on!

Onovity wardrobe

Leather woman loves shopping! For other reasons, we sometimes wear ourselves in new clothes, but the happiness of that happy moment, if it cannot be called primhoy.

In the middle of you, a baby develops, at the same time your tummy grows larger with it, as well as the growth of a large vaga. Wear pants, backs and blouses, like embossing - it is categorically impossible. Varto move and look out of the blue on pidborah, and as the cicave of the position falls on the autumn-winter season, you can not be zestebnutsya in love with a classic coat.

Great prohannya not varto zaganyat yourself in a kut, interrupting during the hour of pregnancy with mother's cloths, jackets of girlfriends and majestic T-shirts of a man. Vagіtnіst - an hour to look beautiful and zhіnochno, and not like a burnt man, who has nothing to wear.

You can be pleased with the mirror at the mirror, your garniy mood will be transferred to the little ones, for which the positive is more important. From there - forward to specialized stores for mothers to pick up the right wardrobe!

go in for sports

Does our proposition call out to you a wry smile? Did you plan to spend 9 months on the sofa? Under the hour of vaginess, it is important to train the m'yazi and improve the body in tone, and the weight of the kilos after the sloping will be done smoothly.

Power the bottom photo session

Vagіtnіst - an hour, what obov'yazkovo needs to show! It doesn't matter how many kilograms you have gained, and how much you live. At the same time, you are completely beautiful that woman, and your eyes have settled as if a special mystery ...

And if you beat the first, the other and the third paragraph of our article - you updated your wardrobe, went in for sports, took care of yourself and pampered you with a glance, then you look miraculous.

Photographer Olena Fil rozpovidaє: “I especially adore the famous women at the position, the stench always looks amazing. So, such zyomki trohi folded and vіdpovіdalnіshi, even if the future mother is not guilty of getting tired, it is necessary to think over the sruchnі location, so that she doesn’t fall out, she doesn’t catch a cold. And all folding is more than paid off by this fact, that a woman should never have to ask "show emotions" - all the stench can. It’s a wonderful moment, which I, unfortunately, didn’t think of myself, but as a professional, I’ll tell you to work on a photo session during the hour of pregnancy, it’s just obov’yazkovo!

Now, on the right, behind Malim: to know a good photographer, and we would have been more pleased with the respect for the stylist and makeup artist. In the hands of professionals, you simply don’t recognize yourself, and photos from your “vagit” photo shoot will brighten up your booth and avatars for a long time :-).

That and vzagali not varto іgnoruvati camera pіd vagіtnosti hour, for example, knowing your tummy on the 1st day of the skin month, for example, the term you will become a guide to a unique photo-fact about those, like rіs and developing babies. Believe me, it’s too hard!

Get on the road

Let's say, if you are a nation of children in a nearby country, you are unlikely to organize a family trip. To that you feel good, not for 9 months to sit at home under the motto “as if nothing happened!”.

Do not overwork, do not get nervous, choose a place in which you would feel calm and inspired and - forward, for new enemies. Believe me, Baiduzhe, wherever you go yourself - admire the Carpathian mountains and learn the history of European small towns. Golovnya, I hope you feel good there in the company of those who are close to you.

Our mother-Gretta rozpovidaє: "Yak and all vagіtnі - I'm reinsured, if a person urged me to virushi to Kam'yantsya-Podіlsky to the festival povitryanykh sack I chuckled a little. And raptom I became nasty, and raptom I was going to eat with a child - my head began to swarm with shkidlivy thoughts. Such a person, having persuaded me to try it, we went by car for three days, and just had a wonderful hour! Garne is a quiet place, a bright emotional festival, a delicious hedgehog - everything was worthy of me! Emotions were the sea, to that, girl, raja, mandrate for the hour of vacancy. Even though it’s scary and a bit scary, but it’s really real and not bad for health. My mask was especially calm in the stomach!

The camp is healthy, I don’t give you the opportunity to stay where you want to go for 3-4 days? Let go! Zamіski picnics with friends - a wonderful summіzhny option for vodpochinku. Guess the trouble with the weather, and a portion of the miraculous mood is guaranteed to you for the day!

Organize a romantic date with a person

Possibly, since the people of your child are not called by the respect of the kokhan's squad. Therefore, vagіtnіst - shortest hour in order to tell your partner again about how you love yoga and show how you value yoga support.

Power the vіkendy “only for two”, fill in all the collapsible, baggy thoughts and praise behind the door and enjoy the union of one of one, which is even more important for both partners.

Supper by candles, romantic walk, bouquet of flowers and chocolate manual robot, zrobleny on zamovlennya especially for you - pamper one alone with your kohanny, even if the woman is necessary, it’s good to see you, bazhana that cicava.

Collaboration with other future mothers

Vagіtnіst - do not lead to intermingle splintering, prote balacchi of your nevagіtnyh girlfriends about their new acquaintances, and requesting for a discotheque night you can not be drunk anymore. Povіrte - tse normal, you just enter the next stage of life and spіvrozmovnіv varto poshukati mid-quiet, who, as it seems, with you in the same chnі.

Profiles for future mothers - those that are necessary, even if you yourself can discuss the problems that they praise you without fear, be unreasonable. What is the possibility of organizing special meetings among the members of the forum? Vіtaєmo, vіdkіsna schaslivitsa. Likewise, joke of the same mind at courses for future mothers, courses in yoga and water aerobics.

And yet, don’t fight, don’t shy away, enter into a conversation, put food, believe, your doubts and fears are not unique, the same thoughts are for more future mothers.

Make stosunki with your mother

Your mother is also experiencing your camp, adzhe vie is a child. Obviously, she tries to make the most of you, and maybe, sometimes she bends her toes. Ale, believe me, you want it to be better…

You yourself want to listen to your regular scars for wound toxicosis, come to you with homemade, fresh, prepared with love products, help clean up in the apartment, if you already have no strength, accompany to the doctor, as a person will be busy.

Talking to your mother about the future child’s whims, even if you don’t have a chance to enter into, and you’ll be ready to insure you with a little one and take on the songs of the turbot - it will significantly make your life easier and make your life easier with a sleepy turbotoy.

Come up with a name for the future Malyukov

Maybe, thoughts about a baby - the best time for vacancy. Aje mi, women, so lovingly vdavatisya to mrіy, revealing different scenes from your future life together with the little one. One of the obov'yazykovyh points pіd vаgіtnosti є zavdannya come up with yom іm'ya!

On the back of all the same, you will see, as you call i, i, it is shoveled by combining options with the father’s name. If you stop becoming a future baby, stop being a mystery, then for some reason you can save the right battles :-)! There are too many options and nobody wants to give up? To lay on the hand of share: write all the options on the papers, put them in the opaque capacity, mix and draw one sheet. Im'ya, shown on the new one, and proudly wear your love peanut!

Let’s hope we beat you to the one who’s capacity is not only a doctor and an ailment, but also an impersonal unique ability and vinyatkovy emotions, which will help you marvel at the world in a different way!

The test showed two smugs - reading, yakravі, reconciliation. The stench confirms that the marvel was trapiling, and now you will have a child. This novelty calls out the camp of euphoria, like, vtim, indefatigably changes anxiety: and what did you do? How to behave correctly in a new status, why do you need to go to the doctor, if and where to get up on the look at the connection with the hospitality, how much analysis and obstezhennia do you need to go through? Why is it necessary to select documents for maternity leave, to what term it is necessary to practice, what is a birth certificate, if and how to collect a flat house, why lay down a contract? Zagalom, it is necessary to read the curiosity of the distant ones, so be moving cover instruction at the link with the vagіtnistyu. The very same instruction we vyrishili zaproponuvat to your respect.

Visit to the gynecologist and before ultrasound.

At the reception to the doctor, it is necessary to lie without declaring, as only you knew about the current pregnancy. The first visit to the gynecologist includes an examination, a look at the gynecological chair, ultrasound and blood tests for CHL.

Based on the results of this express treatment, you can accurately confirm the fact of current pregnancy (otherwise, say yes, even tests sometimes “have mercy”), select the term and turn on the post-mortem localization of the embryo. In addition, at the first appointment, you take away information about further medical visits: inspecting other doctors - you may need for the presence of chronic illnesses, - additional analyses, giving an upcoming visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound.

Correct way of life

Now it is necessary to look over the daily routine, the schedule of work and physical activity. The first period of pregnancy is a critical term for the development of the fetus: whether it be anxiety, stress or illness of future mothers during this period, it can negatively affect the health of the baby and the excess of pregnancy. Night walks, clubs and gala evenings will bring you to the worst hours. In the first day of pregnancy, it is necessary to take a little less time in the places of great crowding of people in order to overcome the risk of infection and injuries. Try more to relax, hang out and walk in the fresh air.

It is necessary to immediately act in the presence of subnormal work, reconditioning; yakscho є mozhlivist - destroy the hour on the cob and the end of the working day, sob unikati shtovkhanini at transport in peak times. At all receptions, you can change the work schedule and you may have the right to do so before labor legislation.

At the first day of the year, timchasovo is recommended to take up sports; in good time, for a normal flow of vagity, before sports you can turn around - obviously, with an amendment to the “cicave camp”.

The new future mother walks like pishki and swims; and the axle in the form of riding bicycles, running, rolling on kovzan and lizhah was moving in a row, just as I became aware of the weight. Try not to suffer sharp breaks and do not carry burdens: the maximum weight is 3 kg, evenly distributed in both hands.

The following is also important to correct your diet: it is important to eat properly. It is necessary to drink in canned food, synthetic drinks and products with piece food additives, not to be ill-tempered with gostroy, oily and lubricated.

Take vitamins

From the first days of pregnancy, future mothers are recommended to take folic acid - vitamin B9. This vitamin ensures the necessary speed of growth and development of a baby in early terms, the main reason for the prevention of pregnancy, which does not develop, and the formation of water development nervous system the heart of the fetus. In addition, folic acid provides better absorption of the intake required for the absorption of hemoglobin. The recommended additional dose of vitamin B9 in tablets is 800 mcg.

The second "vitamin of the first days of pregnancy" - E; Vіn nebіdnіy organіzmu mаbіbnіmі mami і for the synthesis іn thе head hormone vаgіtnostі - progesterone, thаt secures the normal tone аnd hemorrhage of the uterus.

Another ultrasound

Suddenly, ultrasound is carried out by the term 8–12 strokes. Meta follow-up: to confirm the prolongation - a successful transition and development of vaccinity, to indicate the degree of growth of the development of the fetus to the transfer of the term of vaccinity, to turn off the formation of vadity. For the results of another ultrasound, the future mother is recommended to have a regular visit with a gynecologist to watch out for an excess of pregnancy.

Appearance at the link with vagіtnistyu

Bazhano proceed to a systematic medical care for the development of pregnancy on the lines of no more than 12 days; it is better to be on the look earlier - one hour with other ultrasonic observations.
Early exposure to the vein of vagity and an ear of regular medical care can significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses and complication of vagity. Women, who have become in appearance no later than 12 days, upon leaving before the decree, a one-time additional assistance is paid at the amount of half of the minimum payment for practical work. When applying for a visa at a woman’s consultation, a future mother should present a passport, a policy of obligatory medical insurance, and the results of medical care for rest river, including the number of visnovkas of the first ultrasound and data of analyses. For future mothers, it is recommended to see a doctor at least 12 times for vacancy. On terms up to 28 tizhnіv varto go to the doctor not more than 1 time per month, from 28 to 37 tizhden - not more than 2 times per month, and starting from 38 tizhnіv - skin 7-10 days. For the obviousness of special indications, for example, if necessary, follow-up on the results of analyzes or a health camp, the doctor can recommend a planned visit to any resurrected terms.

Let's analyze

Directly necessary laboratory investigations to see the drug at the first examination, then. when staged on the appearance of a link with a vagity. The standard recruitment period, which is carried out on the 12th day, includes:

  • clinical (hard) blood test;
  • hot analysis section;
  • biochemical blood analysis;
  • coagulogram - blood test for larynx;
  • designation of the Rh group and blood belonging;
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis;
  • evidence for the presence of torch infections: rubella, toxoplasmosis, coxsackie, herpes, cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, chlamydia, urea mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis. Qi zahvoryuvannya pass chained and can pathologically infuse on the development of the fetus;
  • a smear of flori with pikhvi;
  • screening for congenital illness - a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein and hCG - may be recommended for examination by the doctor.

Regardless of the list, all analyzes can be done at one time - for whom it is necessary to know about the days of blood sampling and the necessary preparations. For example, a biochemical blood test should lead to a healthy heart, and the day before the appointment for RW (syphilis) does not have a lot of licorice: not understanding these rules can lead to the elimination of incorrect results of analyses. For the presence of chronic diseases or for the recognition of other doctors, for example, a general practitioner or an endocrinologist, the list can expand. We gave a lot of analyzes to be given again: for example, analysis of the section - with skin examination by a gynecologist; global blood test - no less than two times per trimester; analysis for VIL, syphilis and hepatitis - once in another and in the third trimester; a smear for flora - no less than once per trimester. Repeated examinations for your own infections are necessary, but theoretically, the future mother can fall ill and during the hour of pregnancy.

Sum of specialties

Sumіzhnym in obstetrics are called doctors of other specialties, obstezhennya of which help the gynecologist to choose the right tactics for conducting pregnancy. For a reserve for the overbird, the VAGITISTIL is relevant by the therapist, the Endocrinologist, Okulist, the dentist Tu Laura, the prote for the diability of the problems of the Zy Zhit, the consultants of the nephrologist - the nephrologist il Zakhvorivan, the neurosa, the non -zero, the flobologist - the exploration or a cardiologist. Obhіd summіzhnyh fahivtsіv varto rozpochati no later than 12 days and complete before 16 days of pregnancy. As part of the obstezhennia at the therapist, it is necessary to create an electrocardiogram. If necessary, the doctor can ask the future mother for a second appointment with another and the third trimester of pregnancy, or to indicate additional diagnostic follow-up.

Screening follow-up

At 16–18 years of pregnancy, the future mothers are recommended to pass the so-called “trial test”, which allows revealing a group of risks for the formation of malformations in the development of the fetus. For this purpose, the venous blood of the vagits should be examined for the number of alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and estriol. Changes in the number of speeches, which are vibrated by the tissues of the fetus and placenta, may indicate the presence of a serious anomaly in the development of the fetus, for example, Down's syndrome. For positive results of the test, the mother will be sent for genetic counseling.

Third SPL

Chergov ultrasonic follow-up it is recommended to work with the term 18–20 tenge; at the moment, the formation of the placenta is being completed, and the laying of the main organs of the prosecutor's office and fetal systems is being completed. Echography in this term allows to evaluate the development of the heart-vessel, nervous and sciatic systems of the fetus, the development of the development and the development of the baby in the term of vagity, to indicate the placental attachment site and the blood flow in the pubic vesicles of the vessels. The third ultrasound enters before the recommended obyagu screening-dollar for the detection of genetic anomalies and fetal development.

Physical adventure

After 20 days of pregnancy, if the main “critical” terms have already passed, then discuss with the doctor the possibility of sports being allowed in this term. Let's guess, for active future mothers, who went in for sports until the current pregnancy, it is necessary to discuss the correction of primary physical problems at the first visit to the gynecologist. As the vagity proceeds without complications, the dosage of physical stress is not only allowed, but strongly recommended: a good tone of the tongue and the elasticity of the lingual apparatus make it easier to endure the increase in the volume of the vein and the visceral discomfort. More often than not, you have the right to stretch, for example, yoga for vaginas, pilates and body flex. You can take up swimming, special aqua aerobics for future mothers and inspire belly dancing. Mind needed- outside the inclusion of sharp ruhiv, navantazhennya on the press and pidyoma vaga; the listings have the right to win better under the control of a coach who is competent in choosing the best candidates for women. For the specific recommendations of the doctor, you can go in for “permissible” sports for 40–60 minutes 2–3 times a day up to a flat.

Exchange card

This document can be considered as a “passport of vagity”: to include all the necessary medical information about the health of future mothers, especially given and anterior vagities, the results of the analysis and the obstezhen, the preparation of preparations and visnovki fakhivtsiv.

"Obminka" is made up of three parts; the first one is the doctor at the consultation, the friend is an obstetrician-gynecologist, who has taken the canopies, the third is the neonatologist, who has guarded the little one at the canopy booth after the people. For the help of this important document, there is a delay in the transfer of information about the health of the mother and the little one to the woman's consultation, the sloping house and the child's polyclinic. Valid until Order No. 30 dated 10.02.2003, the exchange card will be seen by the future mother in the hands of the doctor of the woman's consultation, which will be posterized, no later than the 23rd day of pregnancy. From the moment of taking away the “passport of vagity” is obliged to constantly change from the bag of the future mothers at once from the legally civil passport and the policy of ZMS: the stench may be needed at times of non-transferred emergency hospitalization.

Courses for future fathers

With the choice of course varto, up to 25 days of vacancy are assigned: the most recent and the most significant cycles of lectures are covered on average for two months in the mode of 1-2 classes per day. You can start with the course and earlier: most of the topics will be familiar and relevant on the first days of vacancy, and a lot of things will include, krіm lectures, drawings physically right. Courses are needed for the correct psychological attitude to the canopies, the beginning of a self-inflammation essence, to which lie down positions, massage, relaxation techniques, that dihannia, that keep an eye on the new people.

The standard set of lectures includes topics about the peculiarities of vagity, the slope of the prenatal period, the development of the fetus, the main aspects of medical care for the vagity, the birth, the birth of the newborn in the bed, breastfeeding, the introduction of feeding, the development of a child of the first fate of life, looking around the canopy houses of your place. For more courses, around lectures, practical exercises are carried out - obstetric gymnastics and gentle training, on which practice the technique of anesthesia. Lesson for the future fathers is better to work together with a partner. Such a course can be known for women's consultations or a canopy booth; establish independent commercial clubs of future fathers. When choosing a course of study, respect for the qualifications of lecturers (calculate lectures to read doctors-fahivtsy and psychologists), coaches from gymnastics, the ability to develop courses and an hour to take, the ability to give lectures at once with a person and a teacher, choose topics.

Decree permit

A sheet of incompetence at the link with vagity and canopies is seen by an obstetrician-gynecologist, which is a kind of protract of vagity, in the next term:

with normal vagity - from the 30th day for 140 calendar days (70 days before low and 70 days after low);
in cases of rich vacancies - from 28 days for 180 calendar days;
with the easing of the canopies of the pіslyapologia, the permit is increased for 16 calendar days, and the total validity of the decree becomes 156 (70 + 16 + 70) calendar days.

Birth certificate

When issuing a maternity leave for 30 days of pregnancy, a mother may take one more important document. The birth certificate, appointments for additional payment for the services of doctors of women's consultations, a shelter house and a child's clinic from the federal budget. Project from the type of slope certificates started on 1 September 2006; yogo meta - promote the quality of medical care for future mothers and little ones at state medical mortgages.

The certificate is made up of three coupons: the first one goes to pay for the services of a woman's consultation, the other one - a canopy booth, and the third one - medical services at a child's clinic. At the consultation, a certificate is given in the hands of 30 tizhniv for the mind of putting on the face not less than 12 tizhniv and the appearance of one doctor of the female consultation not less than 12 times for the appointment; Podzhuyuchis take a certificate, the future of the mother will show that she is satisfied with the otrimanim medical services. In case of irregular guarding, post-approval, medical services on a commercial basis, or if you are dissatisfied with the level of medical care, a birth certificate is not seen at the consultation. In this future, the mother takes away the birth certificate already at the canopy booth. It should be said that the birth certificate is not a binding document for planned emergency hospitalization until the sloping bed, regardless of the fact that a sloping booth of obedience and on some insurance minds - for the policy of ZMS or on a paid basis - to be served by a future mother.

Quarter SPL

The rest of the ultrasound follow-up, recommended for normal overshoot of vagity, should be carried out after 32 days. Before this term, the term has already been formed, taking a stable position in the mother, and the doctor, based on the results of the follow-up, can evaluate the physical development, rotting, declining, transferring rosemary to the end of pregnancy, the number of waters, the placenta camp, the umbilical artery of the blood. These data allow you to lay down the transfer plan, determine the level of risks and the need for additional medical training.


Follow-up appointments should be carried out after 32-34 tyzhnі vagіtnostі. The method allows you to evaluate the self-esteem of the fetus for the frequency and variability, tobto. change, yoga heart rate. For this stretch of 20–40 strands, the indicators of the baby’s heartbeat are taken for the help of an ultrasonic sensor and are fixed on the paper line at the sight of the graph. In addition, on the CTG schedule, the moments of the baby’s loss and the increase in the tone of the uterus are indicated. For changes in the pulse, the frequency of fetal collapse and the increased tone of the myometrium, it is possible to assess the risk of the development of fetal hypoxia and the early stage of the cob.

We choose a gentle sloping booth

Whose important process of varto should not be started on the 34th-36th day of pregnancy. При виборі слід враховувати такі критерії, як віддаленість пологового будинку, дати профілактичних обробок («мийок»), технічну оснащеність пологового будинку, рівень комфорту пологових палат, при необхідності – наявність особливої ​​​​медичної спеціалізації, можливість вибору лікаря та індивідуального ведення пологів, присутності on the canopies of a partner, a sleeping mother and a baby at the nursery.

Get to know the flat house

In advance, having chosen a canopy booth, after the 36th day of varto z'ezdit to a new special “look around at the place”. Rather, take a look at the options for the route to the canopy booth, marvel at, de-stash the entrance to the priymalnyy vіddіlennya, learn about the rules of admission for an hour, enter the additional hospitalization and the canopies, find out the hour of respite, talk with doctors and receive transmissions. If you plan an individual care for 36 days, you can get to know the doctor and make a contract for the curtains.

Speech and documents to the canopy booth

It is necessary to work no later than 38 days of pregnancy, so that everything is turned over, re-verified once more and not fussed at the last moment. The list of speeches allowed for hospitalization in the dopologe, genus and post-pologove, you can ask the dovodkoviy canopy booth or the insurance agent for the hour of laying the canopy contract. Vymogi up to the dress of special speeches, as you can take with you, at different canopy booths you can be more irritated, so don’t hesitate to learn the rules from the chosen canopy booth. It is better to choose the right cream for skin care, packing them in plastic bags. From the documents for hospitalization you need a passport, a health insurance policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate and a contract for curtains - as a wine; rather, it’s better to make photocopies of these documents for the priymalny vіddelennya canopy booth. You can take a package with speeches and documents for the pologs with you, and from the bag with the speeches for the psyapologist’s appointment you can transfer it to the pogo booth only after the people of the little one, it’s better for them to inscribe and secure the instructions for the relatives.

Analyzes, appearance at the gynecologist, trimesters of vaginess - it’s so important, but it’s true ...

With the appearance on the pharmacy test, two husbands of the life of a girl change. Deyakі such a gift is not for the sake of, but for reshti tse happiness. For women, as if they were already washing a child, it’s easier. You know how to go through pregnancy, what happens with that baby's body, if you see a gynecologist too soon.

Girls, like people, are more firm, foldable. Ale navіt here ruined not varto. Not everything is so scary, as it turns out.

Go to the doctor, as if you only sipped two wives. The term from the 6th to the 12th day is optimal for setting up, so that in the whole period you can say with confidence that the pregnancy has come.

The doctor will start an exchange card, in a similar way, the vagіtnіst, right up to the slopes. After that, I conducted a deep glance, recognized the analysis, and then passed the commission.

See a gynecologist up to 20 days per month, up to 32 times for 2 days, and after 32 days - once for 7 days. If you have problems with health, pathology, then visit more often.

Trimestri vaginosti

You, like a future mother, are blessed by the nobility, like changes in the body, and what happens with the little one.

I trimester (1-12 days)

Hormonal changes occur in your body, milk swells swell, areolas of the nipples change color, toxicosis, liver. Can be constipated. Schoden nudota pours into the burning camp, vicorist.

Malyuk at the same time is rapidly growing and developing. Vin transforms from an embryo into a plaid. Parts of the body are being formed at the new one, and we are beginning to slowly steal them. Rukhi povіlnі, you still don't hear it. State bodies are formed.

II trimester (Tuesday 13-27)

Until this hour, the unwell will pass, come to change at the back, across. Lives in growth, it becomes important to work loud speech. Suffering post. Close to the 20th of September, you will be able to watch the little baby. The very same activity is increasing.

The baby continues to shape the organs, the skeleton is harder. Already practice nirks, see first slash. Malya can hear you, you can talk to him. For the help of ultrasound, you are expected to become a child. Like a raptom, like the other trimester, the front canopies will open up, the little ones can live, or else for additional intensive care.

III trimester (28-40 days)

Your tummy is growing, your breasts are getting bigger. You dodaesh at the vazi, through tse stinginess appears at the ruhs. It’s important to pick up the gatherings, walk for a long time. Until the end of 37 days, pardons are announced. The stench is irregular, so it’s not varto to beat on the flashes, but it’s necessary to tell the doctors about them.

In a baby, the organs of the system are residually formed. Vіn rob the first dyhalnі ruhi. Grow nails, hair, teeth.

Subjective symptoms of vagity (fetal collapse, menstruation, nausea) are manifested daily in an individual skin woman.

How to change everyday life

Ti yak maybutnya mother stitch for health, take care of yoga. Factories call to pour on you and on the little one.

Shkіdlivі zvichki

Vіdmovsya vіd alcohol, kuіnnya i tim more narcotic zabіv, yakshcho you want a mother to a healthy child. Causes of congenital calisthenics, sickness.


Everything that you eat is consumed to a baby. There is no need to radically change anything. Varto turn off shkidlivu zhu, fast food. A child's diet can have all the micronutrients. Give me natural vitamins. If it's not the season, consult a doctor and buy them in a pharmacy.

Sleep mode

You can't overstress. Tse does not mean that everything is fenced. Cherguy vіdpochinok z easy fіzichnym vantazhennyam. I don’t work more, for what you’re building. Do not take the burden, you can cause the placenta to drop, the day, the front curtains.

Preparing for the fall

Get ready physically to the floor. Є right, yakі help to ease the curtains and improve the shape. Sign up for a course from training to pologiv. They will tell and show them how to ease the pain, look at the hour of the essence, how to lead yourself correctly.

We will not discuss the nutrition of wearing a bandage and compression whiteness. You might not need it, but you can get in the way.

On the remaining days of pregnancy, do not work those who can cause front curtains. Before such factors, there is sex, strong physical urge, stress.

Prepare a bag of speeches until the canopy booth is far behind. List of documents, speeches, what you need, take a woman's consultation. Get ready її for 2-3 tizhnі to pologіv, so you don’t forget anything, that’s not enough.

You read on forums on the Internet a lot of joy and information about future canopies - to your health. For expanding horizons, it’s corny. Ale, listen and work, as it seems doctors and midwives at the canopy booth.

The curtains at the line from 38 to 40 tyzhniv are normal. In a skin woman, the term is different. Golovnya, nobility, if you yourself need to break up to the canopy booth.

Date pologіv vvazhatim obstetrician-gynecologist. For 1-2 tyzhnі the cob sutochok z'yavlyayutsya prіsnіv pologіv. Stinks prepare a future mother until regular gushings appear.

Provisniki canopies:

  • It becomes easier to dihati, so that the head of the fetus is inserted into the small pelvis.
  • The uterus is already practically ready to the point, so it becomes zbudlivishoy.
  • It feels like heaviness in the lower abdomen, across.
  • A couple of days before the slopes of the paths, the mucus plug comes out.
  • Colostrum is seen from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular essences.

Days begin by a few seconds from a tribal break. Step by step, the hour of repair is shortening, and the hour is growing. If the stench becomes regular 1 time for 5-7 whilins, go to the flat buds. Think that you live nearby. If it takes a long time to get there, break at once with the appearance of the first essences.

As if your friend is a child, do not pull hard. See, other canopies go easier and faster, lower forward.

Often, up to the cob, the essences and at the same time, navkoloplіdnі water wriggle from them. Whatever happens, break at the gently sloping booths. After the resurrection of the waters, the people can be born for 12 years.

Situations, such as none, none of the others are not insured. And it’s necessary for the children to be negligent, even if you know it already for two lives, your own little one.

Invisible become:

  • There are painful sensations in the dilatation of the abdomen.
  • Bloody visions appear, or navcoloplіdnі lead to make a house of blood.
  • The child stopped scurrying, otherwise, now, the Rukhs got stronger.
  • Get over the pain, otherwise the uterus does not relax during the recovery period.
  • Loss of infamous self-confidence: confusion, change arterial vice and etc.

Now you know everything that is necessary to know the future mother. Vagіtnіst is important for a woman. You are guilty of your own little man. Truly a miracle camp. You are special, you shine like happiness, you help everyone. You will be the camp of a memory, rozpovidati children, as if you wore it in your tummy. So let it go through you easily, only with a positive attitude. Be a mom - good luck.

Can you farbowati hair? Isn't a hot tub hot? Axis vіdpovіdі on deyakі nutrition, scho most often put.

A fall in case of vaginess - why is it necessary to go to the doctor?

It is easy to get angry, as if you fall into the hour of vaginess, but your body is wound up so that it protects the future child. Injury can be serious for you, so that it could harm a child. The walls of the uterus are the strongest m'yazi, yakі zabezpechuyut children's safety. Navkoloprodna native land to serve as a bi pillow. Prior to that, at the early stages of vaginess, the uterus is blocked by a pelvic cyst, which is also an appendage of zahist. Navit that you have fallen, do not boast, with your child, for everything, nothing happened.

After the 24th day, a direct blow to the living can cause complications, so you need to turn to the doctor.

As if you are worried about the camp of your child after the fall, turn to the doctor. It’s necessary to behave negainally, like this:

  • As a result of the fall, there were pains, bleeding or severely clogged alive.
  • The water began to come in.
  • vodchuvaetsya strong bill or tension in the abdomen, mattsi and in the pelvic region.
  • The gist started.
  • Chi does not see the ruh of the fruit.

Most of all, everything is fine with the child. Ale schob perekonatisya in tsoma, the doctor can recognize deaki obstezhennya.

Chips in the flu with vaginess - what is the varto її robiti?

So, splitting in the face of the flu is safe under the hour of vagity. Chips are recommended for all flu seasons - sound from leaf fall on birch trees - the climate is quiet fluctuations, if you are allergic to egg white, or if you are aggravated with forward splits.

Vagіtnіst gives dodatkove navantazhennya on the heart of that legend. Vaughn can also get into the immune system. It does not only raise the risk of falling ill with the flu, but also the serious aggravation, for example, the burning of the legens. Chips can help these inaccuracies.

If you are fighting the flu virus, use the virus itself, not the spray vaccine. For the splitting of vicorist, the inactivation of the virus is safe for the mother, and for the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. For a spray, the vaccine fights with a live virus and, if it is vaccinated, it is better not to stagnate. I splitting, and spray-vaccine can be vicarious to vaccinate, but after vaccination with a spray, it is necessary to bud from the conception of a sprat of tizhniv.

There are different opinions about vaccines for other types of influenza, but in general the stench is considered to be pleasant for women. Rizik is aggravated by the swine flu, which is higher with vaginess, and mothers can take care of infections and children, it’s impossible to bite. If you have any idea how to vaccinate, get all the available information and check with your doctor.

Chi bezpechnі іnshі splintering pіd vаgіtnostі hour?

If you choose to increase the cost of infection, the doctor can recommend other types of splitting: for hepatitis A and B, meningitis and other diseases.

In case of vaginess, there is no trace of splintering with a live anti-influenza vaccine, as well as bark, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and papilloma virus.

Colds with vaginess: how to lie correctly?

When you have a cold, you feel bad. Until then, in case of severe colds of the vagina, it’s better to take care of yourself in case of congestion, syrups for coughing and antihistamine preparations. All the same, don’t rejoice at the cold, I’m glad for that, how to ease your self-feeling at that hour, if your body is fighting the virus:

  • Drink more water. Water, juice, tea, broth - those that are required. The stench is spent spending time at undead and high temperatures.
  • Give yourself some advice. Fuss overtaxes the body.
  • Follow the temperature and moisture of the host. The room may be warm, but not smoky. As soon as it is dry, vikoristovyte zvolozhuvach - tse relieve the undead and cough. Ale, keep an eye on the cleanliness of the healthy one, so that the bacteria of that mold do not start in the new one.
  • Soothe the throat. Gargle sprat once a day with warm salty water or drink warm water with lemon and honey - it will help sore throat and relieve cough.
  • Whisk salt drops for the nose. Such droplets are sold without a prescription, the stench is effective, safe and does not affect the mucus.
  • In case of aches and pains, make sure that you are safe. Vykoristovyte febrifuge and painkillers, known to be safe in case of vagity.
    Even if the symptoms are serious and all proponated, do not go in for help, go to the doctor.

Can you beat the cream in the morning during the first hour of vagity?

Bumps of vagіtnyh - not a special form of bumps. It's just that the bugs have an ugly visip poking around under the hour of vagity. The most common reason is the increase in the loss of skin fat through hormonal changes. The shortest way fight with vugry with vaginosti - tse:

  • Washing two girls for a day. Vykoristovyte soft zasіb for cleaning and lightly warm water.
  • Shchodenne mittya head. Look, so that the hair does not fall on disguise.
  • Cosmetics without fat. Choose on a water basis and do not remove the bumps.
  • Try not to cheat with your hands. Fat and pet zі shkіri, trapplyayuchi in disguise, calling out additional teasing.
  • Be it like faces, applied to the skin or taken inside, eat at the roof, for that hour of vacancy it is necessary to be protective - to be taken from non-prescription methods.
  • Since the drive of the safety of the rich has no single thought, it’s better for him to be born with a doctor.

Deyakі zasobi vіd vіd vgrіv sіd unikatі, oskіlki stink can cause congenital defects. Nasampered - tse accutane, diferin and deyakі іnshі. It is obov'yazkovo to be happy with the doctor!

Allergy at the hour of pregnancy: how to exult?

For us, try to find out if you have an allergic reaction, and, if possible, avoid contact with cym. A lot of significant effects against allergies - including antihistamines and protinabryakov - are not recommended for pregnancy. As if the nose is stuffed up, when the undead appear, or if there are other symptoms of allergy, it is better to stop in the following ways:

  • Wash nіs. Spread a quarter of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Pour some roses at a special plyashechka or at a great gum pear. Bend over the sink, heal your head sideways. Insert the tip at the nostril, like an animal, close the other with your finger. Press a pear. Rozchin flows through the nose, go to the mouth. Spit and blow your nose. Repeat for other nostrils. Washing can be done once a day.
  • Breathe in the porosity of a hot soul chi volozhuvach. We can clean the zvolozhuvach so that there are no bacteria.
  • Massage your forehead and nose with your fingers. You can change nasal congestion.

Lactose intolerance with pregnancy - how to take enough calcium?

In rich women, the ability to overdo lactose increases with vaginess, especially in the world of development. So if you are not intolerant of lactose, you may be able to get used to milk and dairy products without unacceptable traces.

For women of age 19, including women, the recommended dose of calcium is 1000 mg, for young women of age 19 - 1300 mg. These recommendations are important for viconati, so do not drink milk and do not get used to other dairy products - the best dzherel calcium.

If you are still lactose intolerant or don’t like milk and dairy products, try:

  • Most people who are lactose intolerant can drink a cup of milk without any unpleasant aftertaste. As you are given, what is rich, drink two beer cups a day.
  • Introduce products with reduced lactose content, including milk, syrup and yogurt.
  • Yoghurt and fermented products, like cheese, are more easily tolerated than just milk. In yogurt, lactose is already often digested by bacterial cultures in yogurt.
  • Try lactase enzyme tablets to ease lactose poisoning.
  • Choose some other calcium-rich foods: sardines, salmon with bones, tofu, broccoli, spinach, as well as juices and other foods rich in calcium.

What can you do to brighten up your hair when you are pregnant?

If you have a vicorist farba for hair, її a small amount can penetrate the shkir. However, a farba cannot be the head of a child that develops.

Є kіlka doslіdzhen pro sledіdki farbuvannya hair until that pіd hour vagіtnostі. There was a release about the connection between the hairs and the hour of pregnancy and some types of cancer in children, but there was no confirmation. Most of the reports are concerned with the implausible links between the hair loss and the development of the swelling of the brain in children.

Yakshcho vy vyshili pofarbuvati volosya pіd vagіtnosti hour, robіt tse for all the rules. Let the farba apply something else, and then we will help you to resolutely shake your head. If you are afraid to farbow your hair under the hour of vagity - do not rob him, or be happy with the doctor.

How many safe hot baths and sauna with vaginess?

The bath will help you to take the m'yazovu strain without any harm to your health. But even a hot bath is not safe, and saunas are also unique. 10 and more whilins at the hot tub to raise the temperature of the body and call out the camp, the titles of overheating. The cases of follow-up showed an improvement in the sickness of the weekend and defects in the development of the neural tube, as the women were aware of a surge of high temperatures in the first 4-6 tyzhnіv vaginess. Having poured in the speck at any period of vagity, it overheats and lowers the blood pressure, which makes the fetus turn sour, and you can cause confusion.

If you still want to take a hot bath, be careful:

  • Do not sit by the bath for more than 10 minutes.
  • Don't sit too close to the door, the stars are coming for hot water.
  • Get out of the bath right away, as soon as you start sweating, or if you feel discomfort.

X-ray with vagity - is it safe?

It's not surprising, X-ray results with vagity are not considered unsafe. In bagatioh vipadkah, the melancholy prevails over the rizik. With x-rays of the empty stomach, the hour of vagity is known to the influx of radiation. As radiation calls for changes in the cells of the fetus, it’s possible to grow quickly, it’s possible, that it’s possible to have congenital defects, or the development of later illnesses, similar to leukemia, the child will have trochitis. However, it is important that the X-ray exposure during pregnancy becomes even more insignificant for the fetus that is developing. Most of the X-ray findings - hands, feet, head, teeth, chest - do not give the reproductive organs that PLID infusion of radiation. To block the rozsіyane viprominyuvannya, you can put on a lead apron and comir.

If you need an x-ray, get ahead of the doctor, who you are. X-ray can be replaced by ultrasound follow-up. As an x-ray examination is necessary for your child, do not trim it at the same time, as you are pregnant. Let someone replace you.

As if you took x-rays in front of him, as if you knew about your vaginess, do not boast. Remember, anxiety is insignificant. It’s unlikely that you took enough viprominyuvannya, so that the mother of the problem. However, as you were rejoiced at the promises, for example, with cancer, the risk can be significant. Possibly reminiscences it is necessary to discuss with the doctor.

What are unsafe mobile phones, computers, micro-furnaces?

In such outbuildings, there is a type of electromagnetic energy, which is called radio frequency energy, which is made up of electrical and magnetic winds that collapse in space. Vibration with such devices of a different kind and richly weaker, lower x-ray.

However, deakі doslіdniki and defenders dovkilla It’s important to consider that it’s possible to take into account the unsafe amount of radio frequency prominence. Bula іnformatsija about vyv'yazyok mіzh stіynymi rozmovymi by mobilі phone and deyakimi types of poohlin
brain, but there are no reliable witnesses.

There was also an admission about the infusion of partial roses on a mobile phone for an hour of vacancy for damage to the development of the brain, and then we will rehabilitate the child's behavior. Vyvchavsya so zv'yazok mizh zhivannyam bіla telefonї vіzhі and problems of vagіtnostі. Ale, no acknowledgment of the admissions was found. Narazі pіdstav for anxiety no. If you are still turbulent, then use a mobile phone or use a hands-free headset.

Chi not shkіdlі scanners in airports for travelers?

Chi scanners are of two types. One vicorist non-ionizing electro-magnetic vibration (millimeter fluff), similar to quiet, to stop for radio signals. This kind of victoriousness, which has been victorious for a hundred years, does not flow into the camp of health. In another type of scanner, there will be a “soundbite” of ionizing vibrancy, which gives a person an injection of even a weak x-ray vibrancy. Vibration of the scanner is weak, so X-ray changes do not penetrate into the body.

Joden type of scanner is not unsafe for the fetus. A risk for a woman is found in case of repeated translucence of scanty maly.

Chi is not unsafe for cleansing?

Regular use of excellent home remedies for cleansing does not hurt the fetus that is developing. It is best not to vikoristovuvati for cleaning plates: їх viparovuvannya korisnі. So - vagіtnі vi chi nі - do not mix soda and vіdbіlyuvach, shards at which the blast bets are settled. Under an hour of work with cleaners, make sure not to inhale the vaporization. Put on your mittens, so that the speeches are not squandered on the shkir. Also, varto, according to the ability to vicorate, drink soda and soda, so as not to avenge harsh toxic components.

Chi can be covered with repellents at the hour of vaginess?

Active speech is useful for keeping the coma safe, so that you can follow the instructions for stopping. The stench effectively protects from such troubles, like the shepherd of the Western Nile or the Lyme ailment. I realized that the danger of such ailments is immeasurably greater for the potentiality of the fact that the minimum amount of speech can be consumed at the roof, penetrating through the shkir. For peace of mind, you can insure yourself that you go out into the street less, where you need to be covered with repellents, especially among the first.

Chi not shkіdlі viparovuvannya farbi?

Try not to do it with olive farbs, as well as on the basis of lead and mercury. Ring out the old farba, how can you be able to zіskrebati. Do not varto pratsyuvati with retailers. Navіt yakscho vie farbuєte yakus small surface, be careful. Practice in a well-ventilated place, put on your robes and mittens. Don't eat and don't drink there, de farbuyete. Be careful, as if it is scorched with drabin. The shape of the body changed, and it could destroy almost jealousy

What is the unsafe cat toilet for the hour of pregnancy?

In order not to get infected during the hour of pregnancy, ask another member of the family to take care of the cat's toilet. If you still have to be dreadful, put on your gum gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly. In the garden, also practice with mittens.

Is it true that when you are vaccinated, your teeth are pressed?

With the vacancy of the teeth, it is not the first problem, but it is even more important. On this topic, there is a great amount of good information and zaboboniv, ale brown colors little is given. Parts of the problem with teeth with vaginess are:

  • Ruinuvannya teeth. Increased acidity in the empty mouth increases the risk of caries. Vomiting can worsen the problem, splintered teeth are poured into the acid from the drain.
  • Rozhituvannya teeth. The rise of progesterone and estrogen is injected into the bones and ligaments that lift the teeth, and the stench can rise.
  • The sickness is clear. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gingivitis, inflammation of the tissue is clear. In severe depressions, unsatisfied inflamed heat can lead to frontal canopies and a low vag in people.

So how can you save your teeth and be clear healthy during the hour of pregnancy? Wink yourself simple ways. Clean your teeth regularly. Vykoristovyte gargle, yakі m_stat fluorine. How to force you to lie, after vomiting, rinse your mouth with a variety of grub soda 1 teaspoon per bottle of water.

Can you see water parks and attractions during the hour of vacancy?

There is no one single thought. It’s better for him to be glad in front of the doctor. The investigations show that with a sharp protrusion - for example, with a blocked car - you can take away the injury, but if you have a pregnancy, you can cause a placental rupture - a serious aggravation of the vaginess. Such an injury can be sustained on an attraction.

Bagato parks are rozvag є obmezhennya for vagіtnih. Persh nizh virushati there, explain this moment.

One more respect: is it possible, in the period of pregnancy, it’s better to just sit by the pool, and not float from the water rocks?

For reading 8 min. Revisited 2.4k. Published on 23.10.2018

Today's article is quiet, who cares about the topic of vacancy in early terms. How to remember the first signs, if you turn to the doctor, how to analyze what to be afraid of - everything that is important for future mothers.

The cob of vagity - what kind of wine?

For the birth of a new life, it is necessary that during the period of ovulation, the spermatozoa should fill the egg. For the zaplіdnennya, one doba is needed in the average. Then the ovum begins to swell up to the uterus and closes (implants) in her. On the day of departure up to 10 days.

As a rule, the body's reaction to conception begins to manifest itself after implantation. Successful fixation in the mother of the embryo leads to the transformation of the human chorionic gonadotropin (CHL). This is a special hormone, which tends to grow rapidly in the organism of the future mothers for the first three months, after which it progressively decreases. The process itself calls out the symptoms of vaginess in early terms, including toxicosis.

The first signs of vagity

Nasampered - dear future mothers, we are all different. And just like a girlfriend sings, she saw the embryo “the axis of a directly advancing wound!”, And you only knew about conception in three years by your husband on the test, but it doesn’t mean that you’re going wrong. It's just that your body reacts in its own way, I can see it better.

Sound, the first symptoms of vagity are blamed after the fixation of the egg, then. another day and later.

You can guess about it subjectively, according to the physiological clues that have changed. And you can take away reliable information, vikoristovuyuchi test chi zdavshi analysis at the clinic.

Physiological changes

There are a lot of subjective symptoms, but there is a trace of memory - these stinks can be caused by other reasons. Before them one can see:

  1. A streak of blood. The first sign that allows you to spodіvatisya on the radius of the bottom, especially as the woman has a steel cycle.
  2. Sense of weakness. The hormonal perebudova began - a serious urge on the body, the body needs a lot of repairs for renewal. Possibly confused and untiring.
  3. Change your mood. These hormones themselves bring chaos to the emotional state of the mother, sometimes even from the first day. Calm, only calm, everything will be fine!
  4. Reaction odors. The sharpening of the scent - the sign is wider. And the axis of "loves" is the smell of the skin of the vagina.
  5. The number of sheds increases, as a rule, lies.
  6. Rankova nudota that vomit. Hello toxicosis! Vіn more often pochinaєєtsya after three tyzhnіv, and deyakі schaslivitsі vzagali yogo not vodchuvayut. Ale іnodi vin can be rozpochatis from the first day.
  7. Change of savory habits, increased appetite.
  8. Increased sensitivity of the breasts.
  9. Hasten the cutting. Naytsіkavіshe in front, if the uterus, scho zbіshuєtsya, more zdavlyuvat sich mіkhur. Ale, the body has already begun to perebudova, the sechovividna system is getting ready to wine the baby.
  10. Seen from pikhvi. Like a vaginal "smear" in the early term, tobto. Seen from blood, they do not cause panic. Ale, it’s necessary for the healers to take it, the steps of the nebezpeki vyznay vin. The number of great sights increases, it's normal.
  11. Invisible sight in the sphere of the pelvis. An increase in the rush of blood can evoke a sense of severity and a shake.
  12. Promotion basal temperature. If a woman regularly checks the temperature at the rectum, then she will remember to move up to 37 0 С, if it doesn’t drop.

Zovnishnі zmini

In other times, even with the first days, you can make the following changes:

  • slight swelling of appearance, hands, feet;
  • hanging on the shkіrі;
  • swollen breasts;
  • darkening around the nipples;
  • bloating;
  • dark lines, which cross over, live below the navel.

Skin reaction female organism individual. Some people begin to feel bored already on the first day, and some may have vagity attached, the symptoms of which are not remembered for a month or more. Moreover, the symptoms of the first and the onset of pregnancy may be exacerbated.

Laboratory methods

All these signs can be stricken by other reasons - sickness, this and so on. To obtain an accurate result, laboratory methods are required, which are based on the detection of CHL in the organisms of possible mothers.

Table of methods for determining pregnancy

Method Description Yak zastosovuvati When to spend Accuracy
test wife She had a wife with a signature of the region and an arrow. Zanuriti at a fresh cut, pokat 3-5 min. another wife appears. First day of the ride 90%
tablet test Plastic container with two openings Drop a whip in the open, the other sees the result 95%
Strumene test Cassette with wife Submit a streaming section, bud for 3 sec.. 2-3 days before cleared menstruation 97%
Electronic test Plastic container with screen Submit a cut, pokat 5 sec. 2-3 days before cleared menstruation 97%
Blood test for HGL After 6-10 days after the transfer of conception 99%
Ultrasound of the uterus 4-5 days of interruption of menstruation 100%

The simplest and most accessible is the test-wife. It is possible to repeat tests with an interval of 3 days. The intensity of the infestation of another woman will be dark in the world, instead of CHL in the Sich.

The final result will be given by a laboratory blood test for va- gnity in early terms, but not in the usual polyclinics. If dynamic control over the state of the patient is necessary, the patient is directed to the analysis of CHL and writes the drug.

If it is necessary to turn to the doctor

Zatrimka for 2-3 days - does not lead to a drought to the doctor. Finding a found gynecologist in this period is not possible to say anything positive. But it would be less reasonable to consult with a doctor for 2-3 months.

It is possible to confirm the conception of the drug in approximately 3-4 days. Krіm vyznachennya vaginostі visit to the doctor on the first month to help you get rid of possible complications.

The gynecologist conducts an examination of the woman, moreover, vin can approximately designate the conception term. As soon as my mother is turbulent, it is necessary to report to the doctor all the symptoms. The gynecologist is qualified to explain everything that is important to know in early terms.

Vaginal obstruction

The doctor will start an exchange card and put the woman on the look at the woman's consultation. Mayday mom pass the report on the obstezhennya, to take a fresh picture of your health in the early term of vaginess, to reveal the possible problems and, if possible, to solve them. The patient may see:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist.

In addition, the following analyzes are given obov'yazkovo:

  • hot section;
  • bacterial culture section;
  • hot blood;
  • biochemistry of blood;
  • blood type test and Rh factor;
  • tests for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, SNID;
  • blood tests for TORCH-infection (rubella, herpes and other, common diseases and pathology of fetal development);
  • blood count check (coagulogram);
  • smear for cytology;
  • a smear for infections that are transmitted by state route;
  • feces - the presence of worms.

Advantages of early exposure

The first month is not a safe period of pregnancy, if the embryo is still infuriating, and mother's ailments can be added to it, the burden of anxiety and other negative factors. Medical consultation will help to minimize risks.

A visit to the doctor will help you at times to show the pozamatkovu vagity before the situation threatens the health of the woman. If there are first signs of toxicosis, the drug can help with their help.

See a gynecologist at least once a month, so nothing is turbulent. The doctor is guilty of the nobility about whether or not the patient has shown an ailment.

Risks on early terms of vaginess

The main threat to this period is the lack of a mimicry pereprivannia. For statistics, five vacancies fall on one weekend in the early term. To that woman, yak bazhaє safely convey that people to a child, can take care of your health.

Possible reasons for the weekend:

  • birth pathology of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal disorders (progesterone deficiency);
  • pathological state of the cervix (istmiko-cervical insufficiency);
  • genetic pathology of the fetus;
  • physical overvoltage, sharp turn;
  • injury;
  • Infusion of some medical preparations.

Symptoms threaten mimic abortion

Qualified as a doctor's help, it's possible to save a lot of vipadkivs, for the mind that a woman can turn to a doctor at once.

Wikiday threat signs:

  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • seeing from pikhvi, what to avenge the blood;
  • bleeding;
  • bіl in the lower abdomen;
  • intense vomit.

As soon as anxiety symptoms appear, it is necessary to go to the doctor and suvoro follow his recommendations - right up to hospitalization and bed rest.

The need for medical care

The first day after conception is an important stage in the development of a future person. Dear moms, don't worry too much about your health - problems are blamed on absolutely healthy women. And yet the arguments for kshtalt: “Our great-grandmothers in the field made people, and nothing” sound stupidly out of the door.

Only a gynecologist competently told everything about the error in early terms, at the same time to note the possibility of damage and shortcomings. Do not worry about putting food, drink about all the moments that praise you, tell about the least problems of your health. show be-yak vodhilennya, yakscho will be like that. And until you get cold, just be at the door with a qualified doctor.


Take care of yourself, do not allow yourself to be nervous, follow the recommendations of the doctor - and in 9 months you will take in your arms an inexorably loved child. Happy pregnancy and light beds!

And how did you realize that you are already pregnant? What testi vikoristali? Write to us, even if your advice can help tim who are just getting ready to become a mother.

And the team of It's Kids bazhaє to all future mothers of happy pregnancy and easy sloping!

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