Everything that can be known is a lady. What is it necessary to know the future mother? What do you see with a child

Can you farbowati hair? Isn't a hot tub hot? Axis vіdpovіdі on deyakі nutrition, scho most often put.

A fall in case of vaginess - why is it necessary to go to the doctor?

It is easy to get angry, as if you fall into the hour of vaginess, but your body is wound up so that it protects the future child. Injury can be serious for you, so that it could harm a child. The walls of the uterus are the strongest m'yazi, yakі zabezpechuyut children's safety. Navkoloprodna native land to serve as a bi pillow. Prior to that, at the early stages of vaginess, the uterus is blocked by a pelvic cyst, which is also an appendage of zahist. Navit that you have fallen, do not boast, with your child, for everything, nothing happened.

After the 24th day, a direct blow to the living can cause complications, so you need to turn to the doctor.

As if you are worried about the camp of your child after the fall, turn to the doctor. It’s necessary to behave negainally, like this:

  • As a result of the fall, there were pains, bleeding or severely clogged alive.
  • The water began to come in.
  • vodchuvaetsya strong bill or tension in the abdomen, mattsi and in the pelvic region.
  • The gist started.
  • Chi does not see the ruh of the fetus.

Most of all, everything is fine with the child. Ale schob perekonatisya in tsoma, the doctor can recognize deaki obstezhennya.

Chips in the flu with vaginess - what is the varto її robiti?

So, splitting in the face of the flu is safe under the hour of vagity. Chips are recommended to all those in the flu season - sound from leaf fall on birch trees - the climate is quiet, if you have an allergy to egg white or if you are more comfortable with forward splits.

Vagіtnіst gives dodatkove navantazhennya on the heart of that legend. Vaughn can also get into the immune system. It does not only raise the risk of falling ill with the flu, but also the serious aggravation, for example, the burning of the legens. Chips can help these inaccuracies.

If you are fighting the flu virus, use the virus itself, not the spray vaccine. For the splitting of vicorist, the inactivation of the virus is safe for the mother, and for the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. For a spray, the vaccine fights with a live virus and, if it is vaccinated, it is better not to stagnate. I splitting, and spray-vaccine can be vicarious to vaccinate, but after vaccination with a spray, it is necessary to bud from the conception of a sprat of tizhniv.

There are different opinions about vaccines for other types of influenza, but in general the stench is considered to be pleasant for women. Rizik is aggravated by the swine flu, which is higher with vaginess, and mothers can take care of infections and children, it’s impossible to bite. If you have any idea how to vaccinate, get all the available information and check with your doctor.

Chi bezpechnі іnshі splintering pіd vаgіtnostі hour?

If you choose to increase the cost of infection, the doctor can recommend other types of splitting: for hepatitis A and B, meningitis and other diseases.

In case of vaginess, there is no trace of splintering with a live anti-influenza vaccine, as well as bark, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and papilloma virus.

Colds with vaginess: how to lie correctly?

When you have a cold, you feel bad. Until then, in case of severe colds of the vagina, it’s better to take care of yourself in case of congestion, syrups for coughing and antihistamine preparations. All the same, don’t rejoice at the cold, I’m glad for that, how to ease your self-feeling at that hour, if your body is fighting the virus:

  • Drink more water. Water, juice, tea, broth - those that are required. The stench is spent spending time at undead and high temperatures.
  • Give yourself some advice. Fuss overtaxes the body.
  • Follow the temperature and moisture of the host. The room may be warm, but not smoky. As soon as it is dry, vikoristovyte zvolozhuvach - tse relieve the undead and cough. Ale, keep an eye on the cleanliness of the healthy one, so that the bacteria of that mold do not start in the new one.
  • Soothe the throat. Gargle sprat once a day with warm salty water or drink warm water with lemon and honey - it will help sore throat and relieve cough.
  • Whisk salt drops for the nose. Such droplets are sold without a prescription, the stench is effective, safe and does not affect the mucus.
  • In case of aches and pains, make sure that you are safe. Vykoristovyte febrifuge and painkillers, known to be safe in case of vagity.
    Even if the symptoms are serious and all proponated, do not go in for help, go to the doctor.

Can you beat the cream in the morning during the first hour of vagity?

Bumps of vagіtnyh - not a special form of bumps. It's just that the bugs have an ugly visip poking around under the hour of vagity. The most common reason is the increase in the loss of skin fat through hormonal changes. The shortest way fight with vugry with vaginosti - tse:

  • Washing two girls for a day. Vykoristovyte soft zasіb for cleaning and lightly warm water.
  • Shchodenne mittya heads. Look, so that the hair does not fall on disguise.
  • Cosmetics without fat. Choose on a water basis and do not remove the bumps.
  • Try not to cheat with your hands. Fat and pet zі shkіri, trapplyayuchi in disguise, calling out additional teasing.
  • Be it like faces, applied to the skin or taken inside, to eat at the roof, for that hour of vacancy it is necessary to be protective - to get it from non-prescription methods.
  • Since the drive of the safety of the rich has no single thought, it’s better for him to be born with a doctor.

Deyakі zasobi vіd vіd vgrіv sіd unikatі, oskіlki stink can cause congenital defects. Nasampered - tse accutane, diferin and deyakі іnshі. It is obov'yazkovo to be happy with the doctor!

Allergy at the hour of pregnancy: how to exult?

For us, try to find out if you have an allergic reaction, and, if possible, avoid contact with cym. A lot of significant effects against allergies - including antihistamines and protinabryakov - are not recommended for pregnancy. As if the nose is stuffed up, when the undead appear, or if there are other symptoms of allergy, it is better to stop in the following ways:

  • Wash nіs. Spread a quarter of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Pour some roses at a special plyashechka or at a great gum pear. Bend over the sink, heal your head sideways. Insert the tip at the nostril, like an animal, close the other with your finger. Press a pear. Rozchin flows through the nose, go to the mouth. Spit and blow your nose. Repeat for other nostrils. Washing can be done once a day.
  • Breathe in the porosity of a hot soul chi volozhuvach. We can clean the zvolozhuvach so that there are no bacteria.
  • Massage your forehead and nose with your fingers. You can change nasal congestion.

Lactose intolerance with pregnancy - how to take enough calcium?

In rich women, the ability to overdo lactose increases with vaginess, especially in the world of development. So if you are not intolerant of lactose, you may be able to get used to milk and dairy products without unacceptable traces.

For women of age 19, including women, the recommended dose of calcium is 1000 mg, for young women of age 19 - 1300 mg. These recommendations are important for viconati, so do not drink milk and do not get used to other dairy products - the best dzherel calcium.

If you are still lactose intolerant or don’t like milk and dairy products, try:

  • Most people who are lactose intolerant can drink a cup of milk without any unpleasant aftertaste. As you are given, what is rich, drink two beer cups a day.
  • Introduce products with reduced lactose content, including milk, syrup and yogurt.
  • Yoghurt and fermented products, like cheese, are more easily tolerated than just milk. In yogurt, lactose is already often digested by bacterial cultures in yogurt.
  • Try lactase enzyme tablets to ease lactose poisoning.
  • Choose some other foods rich in calcium: sardines, salmon with bones, tofu, broccoli, spinach, as well as juices and other foods rich in calcium.

What can you do to brighten up your hair when you are pregnant?

If you have a vicorist farba for hair, її a small amount can penetrate the shkir. However, a farba cannot be the head of a child that develops.

Є kіlka doslіdzhen pro sledіdki farbuvannya hair until that pіd hour vagіtnostі. There was a release about the connection between the hairs and the hour of pregnancy and some types of cancer in children, but there was no confirmation. Most of the reports are concerned with the implausible links between the hair loss and the development of the swelling of the brain in children.

Yakshcho vy vyshili pofarbuvati volosya pіd vagіtnosti hour, robіt tse for all the rules. Let the farba apply something else, and then we will help you to resolutely shake your head. If you are afraid to farbow your hair under the hour of vagity - do not rob him, or be happy with the doctor.

How many safe hot baths and sauna with vaginess?

The bath will help you to take the m'yazovu strain without any harm to your health. But even a hot bath is not safe, and saunas are also unique. 10 and more whilins at the hot tub to raise the temperature of the body and call out the camp, the titles of overheating. The cases of follow-up showed an improvement in the sickness of the weekend and defects in the development of the neural tube, as the women were aware of a surge of high temperatures in the first 4-6 tyzhnіv vaginess. Having poured in the speck at any period of vagity, it overheats and lowers the blood pressure, which makes the fetus sour, and you can cause confusion.

If you still want to take a hot bath, be careful:

  • Do not sit by the bath for more than 10 hours.
  • Don't sit too close to the door, the stars are coming for hot water.
  • Get out of the bath right away, as soon as you start sweating, or if you feel discomfort.

X-ray with vagity - is it safe?

It's not surprising, X-ray results with vagity are not considered unsafe. In bagatioh vipadkah, the melancholy prevails over the rizik. With x-rays of the empty stomach, the hour of vagity is known to the influx of radiation. As radiation calls for changes in the cells of the fetus, it’s possible to grow quickly, it’s possible, that it is possible to have congenital defects, or the development of later illnesses, similar to leukemia, the child will have trochs. However, it is important that the X-ray exposure during pregnancy becomes even more insignificant for the fetus that is developing. Most of the X-ray findings - hands, feet, head, teeth, chest - do not give the reproductive organs that PLID infusion of radiation. To block the rozsіyane viprominyuvannya, you can put on a lead apron and comir.

If you need an x-ray, get ahead of the doctor, who you are. X-ray can be replaced ultrasonic follow-up. As an x-ray examination is necessary for your child, do not trim it at the same time, as you are pregnant. Let someone replace you.

As if you took x-rays in front of him, as if you knew about your vaginess, do not boast. Remember, anxiety is insignificant. It’s unlikely that you took enough viprominyuvannya, so that the mother of the problem. However, as you were rejoiced at the promises, for example, with cancer, the risk can be significant. Possibly reminiscences it is necessary to discuss with the doctor.

What are unsafe mobile phones, computers, micro-furnaces?

In such outbuildings, there is a type of electromagnetic energy, which is called radio frequency energy, which is made up of electrical and magnetic winds that collapse in space. Vibration with such devices of a different kind and richly weaker, lower x-ray.

However, deakі doslіdniki and defenders dovkilla It’s important to consider that it’s possible to take into account the unsafe level of radio frequency prominence, for example, even if you use a mobile phone without a headset for a long time. Bula іnformatsija about vyv'yazyok mіzh stіynymi rozmovymi by mobilі phone and deyakimi types of poohlin
brain, but there are no reliable witnesses.

There was also an admission about the infusion of partial roses on a mobile phone for an hour of vacancy for damage to the development of the brain, and then we will rehabilitate the behavior of a child. Vyvchavsya so zv'yazok mizh zhivannyam bіla telefonї vіzhі and problems of vagіtnostі. Ale, no acknowledgment of the admissions was found. Narazі pіdstav for anxiety no. If you are still turbulent, then use a mobile phone or use a hands-free headset.

Chi not shkіdlі scanners in airports for travelers?

Chi scanners are of two types. One vicorist non-ionizing electromagnetic vibration (millimeter fluff), similar to quiet, to stop for radio signals. This kind of victoriousness, which has been victorious for a hundred years, does not flow into the camp of health. In another type of scanner, there will be a "soundbite" of ionizing vibration, which gives a person an injection of even a weak x-ray enhancement. Vibration of the scanner is weak, so X-ray changes do not penetrate into the body.

Joden type of scanner is not unsafe for the fetus. A risk for a woman is found in case of repeated translucence of scanty maly.

Chi is not unsafe for cleansing?

Regular use of excellent home remedies for cleansing does not hurt the fetus that is developing. It is best not to vikoristovuvati for cleaning plates: їх viparovuvannya korisnі. So - vagіtnі vi chi nі - do not mix soda and vіdbіlyuvach, shards at which the blast bets are settled. Under an hour of work with cleaners, make sure not to inhale the vaporization. Put on your mittens, so that the speeches are not squandered on the shkir. Also, varto, according to the ability to vicorate, drink soda and soda, so as not to avenge harsh toxic components.

Chi can be covered with repellents at the hour of vaginess?

Active speech is useful for keeping the coma safe, so that you can follow the instructions for stopping. The stench effectively protects from such troubles, like the shepherd of the Western Nile or the Lyme ailment. I realized that the danger of such ailments is immeasurably greater for the potentiality of the fact that the minimum amount of speech can be consumed at the roof, penetrating through the shkir. For peace of mind, you can insure yourself that you go out into the street less, where you need to be covered with repellents, especially among the first.

Chi not shkіdlі viparovuvannya farbi?

Try not to do it with olive farbs, as well as on the basis of lead and mercury. Ring out the old farba, how can you be able to zіskrebati. Do not varto pratsyuvati with retailers. Navіt yakscho vie farbuєte yakus small surface, be careful. Practice in a well-ventilated place, put on your robes and mittens. Don't eat and don't drink there, de farbuyete. Be careful, as if it is scorched with drabin. The shape of the body changed, and it could destroy almost jealousy

What is the unsafe cat toilet for the hour of pregnancy?

In order not to get infected during the hour of pregnancy, ask another member of the family to take care of the cat's toilet. If you still have to be dreadful, put on your gum gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly. In the garden, also practice with mittens.

Is it true that when you are vaccinated, your teeth are pressed?

With the vacancy of the teeth, it is not the first problem, but it is even more important. On this topic, there is a great amount of good information and zaboboniv, ale brown colors little is given. Parts of the problem with teeth with vaginess are:

  • Ruinuvannya teeth. Increased acidity in the empty mouth increases the risk of caries. Vomiting can worsen the problem, splintered teeth are poured into the acid from the drain.
  • Rozhituvannya teeth. The rise of progesterone and estrogen is injected into the bones and ligaments that lift the teeth, and the stench can rise.
  • The sickness is clear. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gingivitis, inflammation of the tissue is clear. In severe depressions, unsatisfied inflamed heat can lead to frontal canopies and a low vag in people.

So how can you save your teeth and be clear healthy during the hour of pregnancy? Wink yourself simple ways. Clean your teeth regularly. Vykoristovyte gargle, yakі m_stat fluorine. How to force you to lie, after vomiting, rinse your mouth with a variety of grub soda 1 teaspoon per bottle of water.

Can you see water parks and attractions during the hour of vacancy?

There is no one single thought. It’s better for him to be glad in front of the doctor. The investigations show that with a sharp protrusion - for example, with a blocked car - you can take away the injury, but if you have a pregnancy, you can cause a placental rupture - a serious aggravation of the vaginess. Such an injury can be sustained on an attraction.

Bagato parks are rozvag є obmezhennya for vagіtnih. Persh nizh virushati there, explain this moment.

One more respect: is it possible, in the period of pregnancy, it’s better to just sit by the pool, and not float from the water rocks?

If a woman finds out about those who in the nearest future can become a mother, she wonders about her food. One of the main offensives: why can't you work on the early terms of pregnancy?

If a woman has already had a chance to stick around with such a clique of camps, then, singly, she knows the answer to the chain of food. It is also a representative of a beautiful state of knowledge that it is necessary to work for the hour of pregnancy. Let's try to sort out at these two points and find out, how to lead yourself for an hour of winemaking for a child.

Early terms of vagity

On the back of the head, to say, a kind of timchasovy vіdrіzok is called early. At once, the cells collapse at the bik of the child-bearing organ.

Physical activity

How to exercise work in case of pregnancy in order to maintain one's health and ensure it?

In the rest of the hour, more widened such lines: yoga and fitness for women. A woman can choose those that suit herself. Also, doctors recommend using a common term to take up swimming. Tse dopomozhe pіdtremati organіzm in tonusі and pіdgotuvatisya up to pologіv. Vinyatkom є tі vpadki, if є

Taking drugs

In the early terms of pregnancy, it is important to fully eat and take the necessary vitamins. For most patients, doctors prescribe folic acid to women. She herself takes a part in the established organs and tissues, and also helps to close the nerve tubes correctly.

Crimea, future mother required iodine for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Also, the doctor can recommend taking magnesium, salt and potassium. A rich amount of fahivtsіv vvazhayut for better recognition of the vitamin complex of vitamins, and not single preparations to avenge the brown microelements.


In the future, my mother is guilty of resolutely dotrimuvatsya. You need to wash your hands more often. Tse help to kill intestinal infections and viruses.

It is also necessary to take care of the purity of state bodies. Even if they have bacteria, they can threaten the fetus with infections. For consumption, use cheap gaskets. The stench will help you feel comfortable.

Proper eating

Under the hour of ochіkuvannya, the child needs to eat properly. Tsya mind is worth not less than the early terms of vagity. It is necessary for the whole period of winemaking not to take in a large amount of vitamins (fruits and vegetables), brown minerals and microelements.

Drink fresh juices and drink more. If possible, try to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Malyukov at the same time, it is necessary to richly sour for the correct development and molding of all organs.


Now you know about those how the baby behaves under the hour. Keep in mind that you need more air, as they can harm a critical organism, rather than for a deaky hour. Be respectful to yourself and always follow the doctor's recommendations.

In the root of the milky take vagіtnіst like a sickly camp. Tse natural physiological process, and even though the mother’s future is healthy and feels good, it’s not necessary to change the way of life, and there is no sense to change the way of life.

However, listen to the needs of your body and the joys of the doctor. The following recommendations will be:

  • speed of physical adventure;
  • spend less than an hour at the computer;
  • stezhit for your eating;
  • vodmovitysya vіd vzhivannya alcoholic drinks;
  • walk more on a fresh spring.

In the first trimester, there are no noticeable changes in the woman's savage life. In some ways, the early way of life can be respected.

To get rid of this symptom, change the diet for an hour and see for more than an hour for repair.

The other trimester is characterized promotion of stubbornness, the need for sourness in the body to move. During this period, it’s more fun to spend an hour on the fresh air, walk around.

The rest of the trimester matters protective. And it is not necessary for that to practice pratsyuvati until rest days vagity.

Vagіtnіst - value such a period, if you can pamper yourself a little, and listen to your inner biorhythms.

Like a practical woman, it would be an unlawful rozkishshyu to lie down in a lien for a year in a lie, then in the eyes of the little one, it will be true that he will not splurge in the light or dawn.

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Vagity can be accompanied by other unacceptable pain symptoms. Zokrema, of a different kind, yakі can give themselves a nobility from the first days of the current pregnancy.

The stench can be like a callous innocent, get in touch with them easily, or by putting on a heating pad, or they can be a signal of serious problems. Like spasms become stronger it is important to turn off chronic and other illnesses.

For an hour, she appeared on her stomach wonderingly. This is an absolutely innocent manifestation - the legacy of robotic hormones.

The intensity of the color of such an unimpressive embellishment can be lost, as if to change less under the bright sun.

About the importance of hormonal obstezhen

Under the hour of vagity in the body, folds and milking processes are observed. Everything - from microscopic hormones to organ systems, ensures the formation and development of a new life.

You still don’t know about those that have conceived, but the brain already sends a signal to synthesize dozens of times more - to the hormone that protects the embryo from death in the first stage.

How to celebrate an appointment, HGL does not always cope with its function And even wider is such a yak appearance - if the conception ends, having seized well, it starts.

The reasons for the interruption are hormonal disorders, blood poisoning and other pathologies. І without a relay, it is even more difficult to install them.

Doslіdzhennya hormonal background richly can say about the vagіtnіst, scho prot_kaє, and stature of the fetus. Important diagnostic value for women:

Low rіven hormone give a suggestion to suspect the pathology of the fetus.

First, now with your own mother, get a passport and a policy of obov'yazkovy medical insurance. Under the hour of the first trimester, the exchange card will also appear. Її to manage the hour of putting on the appearance at the woman's consultation and to fill in the details of the pregnancy.

What else is necessary to know for future mothers, we were told by obstetrician-gynecologists Svitlana Lyubanska and Tetyana Svirsky, dermatovenereologist Olga Tamrazova, perinatal psychologist and certified instructor Yana Tsarova.

First trimester of pregnancy

What is the mother of the future:

  • the body of the woman actively generates the hormone of vaginess progesterone, menstruation is no more;
  • otherwise, the relish of it is taken - smells, or with subvoennoy force, roar the appetite, or raptly call out boredom;
  • really want to sleep.

What is observed with a child:

  • plіd has already been appointed to the status;
  • grow up medium swedishness a million clitin for quilling;
  • change the status: from the “embryo” in five tizhniv to the “fetus” with the size of an apricot - nine;
  • get in shape and acquire all the organs: the stench was already formed before the fourth day, if the woman only knew that she was pregnant;
  • start stealing with kіntsіvki, vіdkrivati ​​rota i ruhati tongue. Ale, whose mother is still not aware.

What is needed to grow:

  • articles on the appearance of women's consultations;
  • zdati all analyzi, yakі recognize lіkar;
  • more screening during the first trimester: ultrasound on the 11th–12th tizhnі can reveal a risk of chromosomal disease in children, zocrema Down's syndrome;
  • think about asking an obstetrician-gynecologist, what kind of priimatime canopies;
  • come up with an alternative to such b'yuti procedures, like farbuvannya hair, looking after help hormonal benefits, throatiness and massage (as it is not a special massage for women).

Read also Headaches at the hour of pregnancy: how to stop being afraid?

Another trimester of pregnancy

What is the mother of the future:

  • watch the ruhi of a child;
  • progesterone levels have stabilized, so toxicosis “lets go” toxicosis and the woman feels better;
  • don't mind sex: the hormonal storm really affected.

What is observed with a child:

  • peretin "equator": the fetus was left without gaining equal weight until birth;
  • building response to the sounds of calling.

What is needed to grow:

  • start working on a job: on the 30th day, a woman may have the right to go to maternity leave;
  • vykonuvati right for relief pologіv and pіdtrimki forms;
  • talk to your doctor about prevention of varicose veins and swelling. Possibly, the hour has come to wear a compression bandage and a bandage, as well as to work with special right.

Third trimester of pregnancy

What is the mother of the future:

  • peresuvatisya that naginatisya all folded;
  • it seems to be more across: a woman to wear on her own is already close to ten (and more) zayvikh kilograms;
  • many mothers feel a surge of strength - their body has stocked up for future sleepless nights;
  • at once the woman was tired of emotions and no longer opposed to the people.

What is observed with a child:

  • theoretically, you can still live like a uterus: the lungs, which are developing, allow you to dihati independently;
  • the head brain of the baby is shaped like a zvivini. And it means that the hour has come to talk and learn to think one by one;
  • actively rushing with his hands and feet, moistening his finger, hooting, and roaming with toys - the umbilical cord and the placenta, like a wine lizhe.

What is needed to grow:

  • pick up a birth certificate - a document that is made up of a few parts (tickets), for which we will serve you at the consultation, and then at the canopy booth of that child clinic. You can take yoga on the 30th day;
  • rob everything, so as not to provoke the front curtains: the process can be started by stress, unrepentant physical pressure and sex (like a woman has uterine hypertonicity);
  • rozpochati vіdvіduvаti courses pіdgotovki pologіv;
  • get ready: a bag with speeches, like you need at the canopy booth, rather pick up the back.

How to eat properly at the hour of vagity

In the future, mothers think more about the interests of who is in the middle. However, it is not necessary to forget about the water. You both need at once:

  • avocado and olive oil

First, monounsaturated fatty acids help to improve stable blood sugar levels. In a different way, to rob the hair and skin with a radiant one - on aphids, a sharp change in the line of the waist does not help to feel like a woman. Well, thirdly, more (and healthier) other products calm down the authorities' appetite.

  • dairy products

A person who grows in the middle, thanks to the promises of calcium - he wants his mother to have healthy brushes and teeth. Mom, vtim, also. However, even though a woman does not take close to 1000 mg of calcium for doba, the child is strong enough to need a cystic system.

  • little satisfaction

For example, a piece of dark chocolate is still not easy to be emotionally vague.

  • papaya

Vaughn help to quietly rank nudity. Yakshcho and won powerless, it is important to dorimuvatisya nutritious mode - znevodnennya infection is not up to anything.

  • zalizo

Not otrimuyuchi zzheyu enough sun, the woman is at risk of giving birth to a child with a deficiency of the vagi or suffering from a vipadical infection. Allies in the fight against both misfortunes - red meat, fish, peas and dried fruits.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: 800 mcg is the daily norm of folic acid (vitamin B9), which is recommended for pregnant women. Її nedolіk especially unsafe in early terms, shards threaten with serious damage to the development of the head and spinal cord of the child, as well as the nervous system.

What to read at the hour of pregnancy

Vіd forumіv for vagіtnih infections more beautifully, maybe, utrimatisya - risik zachitatisya zayvogo i nabratisya privodіv for anxiety. It’s better to learn the truth with crooked and distorted knowledge. The axis is a list of books that will help you get comfortable with the new camp:

  • William and Martha Sears, “Chekayuchi baby”, “Your baby is a nation until two years”

The foundation of your knowledge about motherhood. All the details about those, how the vagitis passes, to go through the canopies and to conduct new peoples, you know from these books. Even lying, because you can’t drink on the courses.

  • Michel Oden, "Revival canopies"

Tsіkavo told the story to help, help to improve optimistically and explain how to create the right atmosphere and happily bring people to any place.

  • E. O. Komarovsky, "Healthy children and healthy eyes of yogo relatives"

Adequately ready to action for additional instructions to watch over the new people and look at the children's ailments in a different way: once you don’t get help from the poshukovik, plus you’ve got the risk of strangling the child to your kohanny.

  • Jean Ledloff, "How to grow up a happy child"

Read її, as if you are able to fall into a panic from the least drive: the book reads hearing us in front of your intuition, nalashtovuє on calm motherhood that gives you a sense of freedom as a minimum in the form of zaboboniv.

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