Health camp at 40 years. The life of a person after forty years changes and starts. Hormonal benefits of contraception trivalo dії

A woman of the middle age to chirp against the protizaplіdnі pіgulki: it's better to choose in order to get rid of the unimportant vacancy. It's a problem to talk like a young girl, so a representative of a beautiful state after forty years.

The benefits of the opposite after forty years

In addition, as a woman passes the turn of the fortieth century, she begins to seriously approach the nutrition of contraceptives, even more so that doctors are wary of being put on a piznіkh vaginosti.

Canopies in a mature woman can result in pathologies in a child, and abortion can affect a healthy woman. To that zapobіgannya - the only safe way to zapobіgti current vaginosti.

Hormonal buns for women are the main form. Oral contraceptives were supplemented and fully recovered for 50 years, and as a result, they reduced the amount of hormone in them, so that stinks became low-dose, which led to a sharp decrease in side effects with vicarious. If you take the buns correctly and according to the established scheme, the stench will be safe for the body.

Crime zapobіgannya, sochasnі zasobі contraception may have such troubles:

  1. Іtotno reduce the hymovirnіnіst vyniknennya post-uterine vaginess or uterine myoma.
  2. Suvayut brushes in the ovaries.
  3. There is a positive splash on the skin and nails, as well as hair. Modern medicine has introduced the concept of using contraception, if a lady takes pills, she feels miraculous.
  4. With regular implantation of hormones, the cycle is reversed, and the intake of hormones is progressively restored.
  5. There is a decrease in the risk of blaming the burning diseases of state organs (50-80%).
  6. The effectiveness of tablets against cancer of the ovaries, rectum and uterus has been clinically proven. The positive injection remains for another 20 years after the intake of hormonal benefits.

Women in the premenopausal period should be respected and respected for their health. The very same person has an increase in morbidity due to oncological illnesses. Until then, after the completion of menstruation, the risk of vaccination is eliminated.

What are the protizaplіdnі pіgulki go to women after 40 years?

An important factor in the choice of oral contraceptives is the activity of the state life of a woman. The gynecologist prescribes to an older woman a drug with a low amount of estrogen and an increased amount of progesterone and some analogues of a synthetic nature.

Іsnuє a great choice of ways to defend yourself in the face of unbelievable vaginess. However, the leading position is occupied by hormonal anti-inflammatory tablets.

It is unimportant to obtain a wide range of such preparations, without any side effects and contraindications. In such a rank, it is necessary to put it before taking such pills, the shards of non-written implantation can lead to a bad woman's body.

Anti-snake walks after 40 years - why are they worried?

The topic of contraception is relevant for women in any case. Be a wonderful life for a woman. Up to 40 years of age, a woman is rich enough to support contraceptive nutrition, shards in the other century are far from being all for the sake of not conceiving vagity, that doctor is no longer happy.

People at the age of 40 are unacceptable, and there are significant risks for the development of pathologies in children. Abortion in any woman's life is extremely unfortunate, at the cost of unsafely negative consequences for a woman's health.

Decisions about the stagnation of hormonal anti-inflammatory diseases should only be taken after consultation with a gynecologist and having analyzed the possible risks in case of a triple admission. Vybіr protizaplіdnogo zapobu to lie in the vіd rich factors, including vіd vіku zhіnki.

Mechanism dії anti-inflammatory pills offensive:

  • to add to the strangulation of the hormone and the inhibition of ovulation;
  • spriyat rozm'yakshennyu walls of the uterus, not giving eggs zachepitis;
  • vplyvayut on the vaginal oil for spermatozoa.

For women after 40 years, anti-proliferative diseases are prescribed not only for the prevention of negligible vaginess.

Zavdyakami to overcome and the effects of similar preparations in women hormonal problems are prescribed in such situations:

  1. changing the risk of oncology;
  2. To reduce the risk of illness on the ovaries;
  3. For the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the relief of pain during the entire period;
  4. For the obvious disease of the female state system, for example, endometriosis.

It is recommended to take similar preparations to women in the premenopausal period. Tse s tim, scho navit for the day of menstruation, the building of the presence of the presence. In addition, during this period, there is a rise in the development of cysts and other illnesses in the female state sphere.

Contraindication to congestion

As a rule, after 40 years, doctors will recommend other options for contraception to women. It is due, first of all, for this reason, that until these fates, representatives of the women's state can have low chronic illnesses and other contraindications for taking anti-inflammatory drugs in this woman.

Of these reasons, before admitting patients to oral hormone-medicated drugs, they may be aware of the woman's history of illness and signs of low dodatkovyh doslijen.

The main contraindications before taking oral contraceptives:

  1. Cardio-vascular pathology;
  2. Blood diabetes;
  3. Nadlishkova vaga;
  4. Transferring stroke and infarction;
  5. Thrombosis of the lower limbs;
  6. Swelling of a malicious nature in the organs sechostate system.

When taking the drug, it is necessary to respectfully put it in your body and take care of the appearance of any symptom. Tse mozhe buti discord slunk, diarrhea, allergies, showing vomit and other reactions to the body. In times it is necessary to replace the drug.

How to choose good protizaplіdnі pіgulki and do not have mercy

For the duration of the contraindication, before taking oral contraceptives, the correct choice of the drug should be made. Prote, sled vrakhovuvaty, scho no need to exaggerate chi analysis, zdatno accurately determine the specific hormonal drug.

In most cases, if you take the pills, the woman is sensible, if the stench comes up, or if there are side effects.

Yakі protizaplіdnі pіgulki drink after 40 years

Since 40 years, women have been proposing oral hormonal preparations that can eliminate estrogen at low doses and progesterone or synthetic analogues of progesterone.

At zvezku z vіkom, nayavnіstyu protipozan i іnоdі sputnіh zaputnіh zahvoryuvan tsikh rokіv, pіdіbrati nіbіbnіy zasіb importantly. An important official is the way of a stately life of a woman.

After 40 years of success, doctors hope to take anti-inflammatory pills, so as not to take revenge on the hormone estrogen.

Similar preparations are sparing for infusion on the female organism. In addition, the prevalence of such pills helps to prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia, which is often seen in women after 40 years of age.

The most popular oral contraceptives for women after 40 years:

  1. "Three sequences". Progesterone and estrogen enter the warehouse. The course to receive - 28 pieces. Variety from 200 rubles;
  2. "Jess" is respected by the safest drug, there are practically no side effects. The price varies from 850 rubles. It is prescribed for various gynecological diseases;
  3. Jess Plus. An effective drug that is recommended for women before menopause;
  4. Marvelon. Retrieve the minimum amount of hormones. Expansion of the drug as a zahist for non-bazhano vagity. Assigned to women, to lead an active state of life. Suitable for pain relief at the hour of menstruation;
  5. "Janine". Hormonal pills of the German variety, which are prescribed for the increase in the number of human hormones;
  6. "Diani-35";
  7. "Yaryna";
  8. "Logest";
  9. "Lindinet-20";
  10. "News".

Synthetic analogues of the most popular are:

  1. "Continuin";
  2. "Exluton";
  3. "Charosetta".

There is a low contraindication, suitable for admission not to all women.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory pills for women after 40 years

In times of irregular state life, women are prescribed non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The peculiarity of such tablets is their usual intake.

The need for them to live is necessary without intermediary before the statutory act. As a result of the speech, the tablets are poured into the spermatozoa, not allowing them to penetrate into the empty uterus.

Non-hormonal contraceptive preparations are used in the presence of candles, ointments, or fluffs. It is more correct to choose the safest way to ensure safety in case of non-baggage vagity. The most popular non-hormonal drugs are Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, Ginecotex, Traceptin.

The course and validity of taking hormonal pills

How is it right and how long can you take such pills for women after 40 years? When taking tablets, follow the precautions, which is the main possibility of ineffective treatment. At the same time, add the following factors:

  • chicken;
  • ailments of blood circulation;
  • the presence of puffs.

In these cases, there is an uneven assimilation of hormones and the effect of taking pills is significantly changed.

The course of taking oral contraceptives should be 21 or 28 days, starting in one of five days of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, standard blisters can be taken as 21 or 28 tablets, fallow in the course.

It is necessary to take one tablet per day. Bazhano at one and the same hour. A seven-day break in taking the tablets after the onset of the menstrual cycle in the woman.

After 7 days, the next day you should take the pills, regardless of those who have finished menstruation.

When you miss a pill, take it as soon as possible. In such a situation, it is necessary to add additional protection for the hour of the statutory act by stretching two deb from the moment the pill is missed.

You can continue taking hormonal tablets as long as you need them. As there are no side effects, please interrupt in the course of no need. Doctors recommend taking oral contraceptives for two years after the last menstruation.

The next thing to check is that the effect of the tablets starts less than two days later. The guarantee for non-negligible vagity is guaranteed only after the first month of taking the pills.

It’s better to take more protizaplide pills: women’s advice

It's not a secret for anyone that a lack of hormones after 40 years provokes the old woman's body. I tried it on myself. Supplemented by the reception of "Yarini". Before that, she drank "Janine", she was boring and kalamutilo.

Svitlana, 42 rocks, Siktivkar

I have been experiencing a post-period fluctuation of the menstrual cycle, with which I have been present strong pain. The drug was attributed to the approaching menopause and prescribed me Trisequence tablets. Pain seemed to have passed, there were no side effects. І varіst less vlаshtovuє.

Katerina, 41 rіk, Volgograd

I'm taking pills "Jess". I don't suspect any side effects. Vaga didn’t get it, there were no allergic reactions. Navpaki, shkira and hair became the best.

Olga, 51 рік, St. Petersburg

At the end

Women are responsible for their own health, and they are generally suitable for choosing contraceptives. Oral contraception will help to avoid unplanned pregnancy, possibly abortion, and restore the balance of the hormonal background of the female body in women of 40 years. In medicine, it has been proven that the woman's body needs 40 years of necessary hormonal intake. Golovna umova - the correct choice of preparations.

More trohi of additional information about the selection of anti-flying frogs is in the foot video.

Apparently, after 40 years of hormonal changes, the reproductive function of women begins to fade step by step. Irrespective of those who are significantly reduced in their vaginess, they are still overwhelmed with a lot of possibilities, and if they are reversed, they will be threatened with serious consequences and disruption of the hormonal background. In connection with cym, the problem of supracontraception does not lose its relevance. For women after 40 years of choosing contraceptives, they are aggravated by chronic illnesses and the development of side effects.


Features of contraception after 40

After 40 years to the woman's organism the period of premenopause is upon us - the cob of natural physiological decline in reproductive function. The ovaries vibrate less than the state hormones, the number of ovulations and the frequency of menstruation are shortened. Prote, for the sake of statistics, perhaps 80% of women at the age of 40 to 43 years of age before conception and the winemaking of children.

Changes in the hormonal background in the Danish period lead to the development of osteoporosis, an increase in body mass, hair loss, insufficiency of the skin, an increase in the risk of heart disease, an increase in the exchange of speech, an imbalance of the microflora of the lungs and other ailments.

  • antiseptic tablets;
  • condoms;
  • intrauterine spirals;
  • spermicide;
  • hormonal rings, plasters, implants;
  • surgical sterilization.

Vrahovyuchi, that the body is no longer so young, there may be problems with health, with any kind of penis, contraceptives are contraindicated. The choice of a specific way to prevent a woman after 40 years is guilty of working in concert with a gynecologist, which is a warning. Lіkar on the basis of anamnesis and severe obstezhennja pіdbere optimal variant for the improvement of all potential risks. Vibranium method can be effective, comfortable for a woman with a well-balanced way of life, the nature of her state of health and does not endanger her health.

Antiseptic tablets

Antiseptic pills, which should be stored in the warehouse of synthetic analogues of women's hormones, should be given to women with a popular contraceptive. Mechanism of their influence on ovulation suppression, increase in the viscosity of the cervical mucus and the change in the structure of the endometrium. On the shelves of pharmacies today you can find a list of such drugs that are dosed with hormones. Of these, apparently safe for women older than 40 years, monophasic combined oral (CPC) and progestogen contraceptives (mini-drank) are considered.

To overcome hormonal preparations, those who, anti-inflammatory drugs, stink may be other indications:

  • positively pour on the camp of the furrows, hair, nails;
  • vikoristovuyutsya for the prevention of that treatment of cysts, endometriosis, polypiv endometriyu, adenomyosis, myoma and other pathological women, including oncological, in matzі and milk diseases;
  • reduce the inflammation in the organs of the female state system;
  • improve mineral exchange, normalize the thickness of the bone tissue and prevent osteoporosis;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • relieve unacceptable symptoms of PMS and premenopause.

The stench is shown to women over 40, as they can regularly live with one partner. Antiseptic tablets are used in the best way to prevent unwanted vaginess, their effectiveness is 99% for COCs and 95% for mini-pills. However, in case of zastosuvanni it is important to accurately finish the instructions. Depending on the specific drug, the tablets must be taken daily or for a period of 21 days with a break of 7 days at the same time. Skipping or an occasional intake significantly reduces the contraceptive effect.

monophasic cook

Monophasic COCs are drugs that can be used as active components and synthetic analogues of estrogen (ethinilestradiol) and progestogen (gestodene, dienogest, desogestril, norgestrel, norethisterone, dydrogesterone and others). The skin tablet may, however, be post-dosing of the estrogenic and progestogen components.

The main contraindications for taking monophasic CPC are:

  • thrombosis of the veins of the lower limbs;
  • disease of the cardiovascular system;
  • important pathologies of the liver and liver;
  • damage to the exchange of speeches;
  • ailments of the endocrine system;
  • zlojakіsnі utvorennya in the organs of the sechostate system;
  • transferred infarction and stroke;
  • chicken.

For women over 40 years of age on monophasic COCs, low-dose etinilestradiol 30 mcg (rigevidone, yarina, midiana, regulon, lindinet 30, silhouette) and microdose etinilestradiol 20 mcg (novinet, 20 mcg) are recommended.

Progestogen contraceptives

Progestogen contraceptives can only be controlled by one hormone - progestogen at minimal doses. Stinks are less important in terms of contraception compared to COCs, which do not disregard ovulation, but through the use of estrogen, they may have more m'yaku diyu on the body, may be less contraindicated and side effects. This day is based on the change of authority in the mucus of the cervix, it becomes more viscous and thick and creates a transfer of spermatozoa to the path to the egg. Also, qi preparations are injected into the inner mucosa of the uterus and crushed by an unsuitable for attaching a frozen egg.

Progestogenic preparations include charosetta, continuin, exluton, microlut, micronor and others. On the vіdmіnu vіd KOC, stink is allowed until zastosuvannya in such situations:

  • period breastfeeding;
  • manifestation of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased blood pharynx;
  • chicken.

After 40 years, contraceptives can be victorious women, for which the KPC through the health camp is unsafe and threatening with serious complications.

Intrauterine spirals

Intrauterine coils (IUDs) are considered one of the most effective contraceptives after anticonvulsant pills. The stench can be significant (from the middle of the world) and hormonal. An obstetrician-gynecologist will install such an attachment to the uterus in the term five years and more fallow in the type of spiral. Protyag pіvroku pіslya setting spiralі іnоdі іnоdіy vіdznachayutsya unreceivable chi sore in the lower abdomen and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

For women after 40, it is more important to have a hormonal IUD, oscilki zvichaynya often provoke additional growth of the endometrium and molding in new pathological females. The stench is characterized by a higher level of zahistu in the case of non-bazhan vagity and practically includes the possibility of pozamatkovo vagity. At the same time, hormonal IUDs with progestogens, however, reduce the risk of developing endometrial hyperplastic processes, which are often blamed on women over 40 years of age.


Condom-to finish the popularity of a contraceptive, you can vicoof the same, including for 40. ї ї ї ї ’perevagiye contraceptives of є є є є і і ​​і і ін і ін і і і і і ін іhno. way.

Condoms have been victorious as a contraceptive for women, as a way to have a lot of partners and lead an irregular life. Up to їх nedolіkіv to lie possible discomfort for an hour or after a state act, a decrease in sensitivity and hospitality of the partners. Some people have allergic reactions (most often in those who look like sverblychka and liver in pihvi) to latex, oil or flavoring agents, which are observed during the production of condoms.

Steps to protect condoms in the case of non-bazhana vagity are lower, lower intrauterine spirals and oral contraceptives. It’s crazy, first for everything, tim, that filthy commemorative cracks can be established on them, especially when there is an inconsistency in the world, an incorrect distillation, an end to the term of appurtenance, or an underestimation of the minds of saving. Through microcracks, a small amount of spermatozoa can easily penetrate into the pine forest. In addition, the stench can be torn and forced without intermediary in the process of a statutory act, which significantly increases the chances of success.

Hormonal benefits of contraception trivaloic di

Cream of hormonal pills, testing of hormonal contraceptives and trials. Until the permitted date 40, lie down:

  1. Vaginal hormonal ring (Nova Ring). The whole elastic collar is made of hypoallergenic material to compensate for the minimum doses of ethinilestradiol and gestrel. After the introduction, the woman’s body forms and does not cause any particular discomfort. The use of this contraceptive is taken by protracting the menstrual cycle.
  2. The transdermal patch (Evra) is a patch that looks like a square, which compensates for the minimum concentration of hormones in ethinilestradiol and norelgestromin. Glue on the skin in the space of the seat, belly, outer side of the upper part of the shoulder or the upper half of the coat. Victory after the first day of menstruation by stretching three days, then we will try to break for 7 days and a new plaster will be glued.
  3. Injectable preparations (Depo-Provera) to eliminate the hormone to a number of progestogens medroxyprogesterone, administered to women internally and may have a contraceptive effect for 3 months.
  4. Pidshkirnі implant (Norplant) є silicone capsules with levonorgestrel. The stench is introduced under the collar at the zone of the inner side of the front in front of a quantity of 6 pieces. Manipulation is carried out in case of malignant diseases. Capsules are a depot, every day they see small doses of the hormone soaked in the blood. The validity of the contraceptive effect after the introduction becomes 5 years.

Irrespective of the severity of the disease and the need to take the day to take pills, the medicines are expensive, the drugs are called out of them as well as the bad side effects, such as COCs.

Surgical methods

After 40 years, one of the methods of contraception, which is sometimes recommended to women, is surgical sterilization. Vaughn polagaє at bandaging, vysіchennі or laser coagulation. fallopian tubes that includes the possibility of "zustre" spermatozoa with the egg. Before that, how to drink on such a crock, the woman is guilty of kindly making everything faint, to that, in the most important situation, it is impossible to restore childbearing functions, the option of giving birth to a child for the additional expensive procedure of the EKZ is left behind.

Sterilization is carried out by the method of laparoscopy or empty operation under an hour of repeated caesarean rosette like a couple no longer want a mother of children. This method is recommended for women who may be seriously gynecological or systemic ill, with some potency to become significant risks for their health and life. Regardless of the reasons, sterilization is carried out only after the signature of a letter.

Video: An overview of essential contraceptives

Vіdbiaryuchi tsіkavі sites, 20-rubber girls and 40-rubber women are subject to different criteria. We rozpovіmo, chim vіdіznyayutsya look at the young misses and zrіlіh mіsіs, and we will build five sites, attracted by the look of the lady, who crossed the 40th line.

What do women want at 40?

The fact that you look at life, the reasons for that 40-year-old woman's wife, are significantly reminiscent of quiet, as is typical for 20-year-old girls, no one calls out doubts. What is special about psychology after 40?

A little bit of innocence

People not far away look at the skin of the lived fate as one more short time before old age. It is wise to learn from the lives of the fates of the opportunity to gain new knowledge. A woman at 40 years knows her own price. Vaughn learned to acquire some of her old age and add dignity, she was like a mother to that squad, she made a career. The children and the youthful complexes were left behind, and in exchange for them came a little bit of innocence.

Yakіst zamіst kіlkostі

For each person, the quality is repaired, and not the quantity, and for everyone: for the choice of clothes (for that, in the wardrobe of the 40th fashionista, you can make three speeches, but all the stinks will be branded), friends (already without sting, they are separated from people, like they are not welcome , admitting at his own special team only more than one person), dozvіllya (the theater is responsible for trips to night clubs).

Forgive me and go to compromise

After forty, the priorities change, and the exercise to interfere with the rightness of the sovereignty, and to defend its point of view, the city of the bazhannu to save the blue. Umіnnya lavіruvati mizh cholovіcho zarazumіlіstyu and vladimnye perekonannyami, forgive that act to rob a woman wiser.

What do women want at 40? Podobatis, but not to everyone, but to deprive them of whom they wanted to be among their friends and shanuvalnikov. Be a kohana, but not all, but the only person, whom your heart has taken. Be a well-appreciated tim, whose thought is important. Spend it the way you want, and don’t try to make it possible to mod the thoughts of the restless.

Vrakhovuyuchi century features female psychology, marketers and programmers created websites for women over 40. We suggest you to know about them.

Websites for ladies over 40

Roblyachi tsyu dobirku, we were oriented on the rating of resources and those, how much stink they give to the needs of dear ladies that understand. cіkavі sites».

After 40 years

A lady at 40 does not waste her prudishness, - stverzhuyut authoritative resource, suggestive for the sake of beauty. How can you pump the press in this way, how to save the stringiness of the figure, for the help of such help, to continue the youth of the arms and appearance, like haircuts allow you to look at 30 at 40?

Having seen this resource, you will know the best advice not only for food, but also recommendations for style, healthy lifestyle life, wake up among the people of your life and please them, who have changed the work.

Woman after 40 years

This site for women tells how they can be conceived in 40 years, describes the process of detoxification of the body, suggests what kind of make-up allows you to meet the young, and in what style is better than speech, so you look fashionable and stylish.

Find out if the products of obov'yazkovo are to be found in the diet of a 40-year-old woman, and if you want to say firmly "no", if you want to save youth and health. Well, as for the readers, as they believe in those who have a share of stars, they can read the horoscope for rivers - for placements on the main side of the portal.

Before speech, about the taboo on clothes mature woman you can recognize this video:

Who is over 30

Regardless of the name, this woman's site contains materials dedicated to women over 40. Do you know what kind of clothes to make us old, what a fool to look stupidly? What do you think you should wear the make-up correctly, which suits your age? What are the ways to overcome cellulite, if you are already forty?

The Danish site for women cannot be left without a daily supply of food and a richer secret about the secrets woman's health that beauty at Balzac's vіtsі.

Life style for 40

It’s easy to get stylish and attractive at forty, just like you have a miracle helper - an Internet portal, repayments for those who got two twenties.

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Antibaby site

Having crossed the fortieth milestone, not all daughters of Evi can boast of an ideal knowledge of human psychology. We wished to add a resource, for women to work for nothing, shards of it to the target audience, representatives of a strong state.

Ale, sensible women, in our opinion, will be familiarized with the bright portal, which reveals the peculiarities of the mind and the motives of growing people.

Like a woman not to love tiles, well, why would you want to read about tiles ?! That's why we decided to add the resource "" to our website, insurance for lovers of new show business and insatiable stories from the life of the world of cinema and the world. Here you will find the best b'yuti ratings, rest of the news from the world of celebrities and the retelling of a hundred speeches, which may be present in a woman's wardrobe.

And the axis of the business lady is favored by the female website Femina ( Materials, selected here, are insured for those who want to take a car business woman that obov'yazki squads that mother. That is why on the portal there are articles about women who have achieved success in the stock market, look at the baby milkbags, news about the rest of the women's business conferences and recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

Tsіkavі sites, yakі give priority to women over 40, do not intermingle with our translation. There are still a lot of portals on the Internet, among which representatives of the beautiful state are respected: catalogs of recipes, electronic libraries, musical venues, beauty portals, social media

Read, listen, marvel, but remember: smut, so that Internet resources do not inform you about your life and do not take away from your life relatives and loved ones.

In the middle ages, as if I had forgotten my school programs, I was closer to forty, having already entered my age of maturity. The middle term of life, becoming plus or minus 30 years. But from that hour, the flow of water was rich, medicine was growing far ahead, and for a quarter of a dozen, no one now dares to look at the supernatural.

Moreover, since the birth of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, I officially looked over the centuries of norms - youth, good with doctors, now three to 44 years!

Prote tse everything is beyond the laws of nature. And stink to talk about those who are closer to forty, the woman's body starts a gurgling perebudova. About the kilograms, which they are constantly talking about, and more painfully sekse (through the dryness of the singing area) you know melodiously. Are there still changes in the body after the 39th?


Hair with a century becomes thinner, and it is especially memorable after forty. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Through the perimenopause, or the pre-climatic period, which sounds like it starts from these fates, and in some depressions it starts earlier.

Moreover, the hair falls sharply. Tse, honestly, to sing the world plus, it’s not necessary, for example, to bare your legs so often. Rіdkіsne volossaє і in the intimate place. Good tse chi bad? Verishuvat you.

For a modern person, science teaches few ways to improve the habit of hair on the head. As you are being turbulent in other times, calm down. Hair loss is a process of long steps. Vіn pochinaєtsya for a few years before menopause and progressively progressing.


You, nachebto, and remember that I’m coming, but it’s foggy. It is important for you to remember all the plans for the day. I, before the speech, what was the name of the actor from your favorite series? Axis-axis, spin my ...

It's not just the normal process of old, it's the normal process of old women. In two galleys of the brain, yakі povіdat for memory, we have estrogen receptors. The less estrogen is stored in the female organism, the more structural changes occur in these brain cells. The first village - the hippocampus - is the memory center of our brain. And the other is the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which helps to organize information, which is why it is easier to remember.

Estrogen also stimulates acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, which allows the formation of new substances.

Which of these can you grow? The good news is that your forgetfulness is Timchasov's. The brain stem compensates for the aftermath of menopause, the wine just sticks to a low level of estrogen. Is it possible, you see, to survive a good period with additional estrogen therapy, but why not? The activity of the hippocampus during such therapy, obviously, increases, but at the same time memory problems are not enough reason for hormonal therapy.


It would be good, if the amount of estrogen was changed step by step, but, unfortunately, the process was not overdone. After the cob of perimenopause, the ovaries can change the amount of estrogen. Every other menstrual cycle becomes unstable - 25 days, 26, 28. Sometimes the difference is even greater. Months can be even brighter, but the coming time you can not remember them. One word, chaos.

As such irregularity fights you, turn around for help to the doctor. The situation can be corrected with additional hormonal contraception.

You also fitI am an expert on hormones. І axis scho I tell tim who want to lose weight


Problems with non-trimans can also be in the forties. Through a decrease in estrogen, the m'yazi of the sich mіkhur and the m'yazi, which lifts the urethra, weakens, Through it, the muck can trap.

For good luck, є different ways fight against non-humans. The stench is effective like in stressful situations (during the hour of training or laughing), so in times of sharp positives before the sechovipuskannya (if you don’t reach the toilet).

INFECTIONS of sichway paths occur more often.

Through low estrogen, problems below the belt melt great right With this infection, the sebaceous pathways are more often trapped through a decrease in estrogen levels after menopause. Yak-not-yak vin vikonuє zahisnu funktsіyu, pereskodzhayuchi activity of disease-causing bacteria. The problem of partial infections affects 60-70% of all women after menopause.

Fahіvtsі recommend zastosovuvat cream with estrogen. Mistseve zastosuvannya is not on the floor unsafe, like a complete hormonal therapy - at a low dose in the blood, the amount of estrogen is only negligible. The drug will help you prescribe the minimum dosage, and estrogen is not injected into your entire body. In case of miscarriage of veins, help to restore normal function sechovividnoi system, changing the risk of infections.


It was important to note that the peak of women's sexual activity is at 30 years of age, and at 45 years of age. However, it’s time to make your own corrections, or it’s more accurate to carry out experiments and analyzes with skin fate, and at the same time it’s peaked in women of a different kind.

Zgіdno with new achievements, new achievements, the best results among women, like 40 years.

I, obviously, fahіvtsі buli vkrai zdivovanі, scho girls, which have the most favorable reproductive age - about 25 years, were the least active in the sexual plan.

The last ones are aware that it is connected with the so-called biological anniversary: ​​at 40 births, a woman has a mind, which is less and less than an hour in her to conceive a child, and for this reason they become more active, the stench becomes more open and ready for frequent state contacts.

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