Why do you want to shoot yaskra ribi. Why do you dream of a fish with a dream of a woman: young and mature, greased, frozen, smoked, alive and dead - cloudy. Riba according to the Italian dream book of Meneghetti

Riba uvі snі є provіsnik good luck, generous gifts of share that animal. In order to figure out how to make fish, you should carefully guess all the details of the dream, compose them into one comprehension image and put them with furnishings, which you saw in real life, after which you can help yourself to the dream book.

According to Miller's dream book, fish in clear water bring good luck and generous gifts of share. For young people to talk about happiness and mutuality with the kohanna. Unsuccessful fishing to tell about the vanity of the people, as if they were reaching the reach of the bugger.

Zgіdno z Nostradamus bachiti uvі dream fish, is interpreted as a sign of inconsistency and duality. Nezvichayny dream, in which riba falls from the sky, or may be a human form, it is a filthy sign that we are talking about catastrophes and conflicts on a global scale.

Angry looking fish

In order to find out how long to take pictures of the color of the ribs, next guess the color of the ribs that I dreamed about. Zhovta riba, zgіdno with a dream book, guards a dream about the possibility of tiles and the accessibility of unkind people, like a building zіpsuvati stosunki a dream about close and like people.

Chervonі ribki uvі snі mаyut podvіyne znachennya. From one side, whose image conveys positive emotions and success in lying, from the other side - sexual superficiality and innocence. A dreamer in real life needs to reasonably approach to any kind of food and not solve problems, resting “on the edge”.

Possibility for real life to eat pasta, or mothers are not big problems for health, the axis is up to what the fish is. Such a dream guards a dream about an unsafe dream, which can threaten the health of that self-perceived dream.

How long does it take to shoot a different color fish of a person? Such a dream is to say that a young man for nothing “spoils” his life, having fun and trying to realize himself in the right direction. Sob not to be foolish about the fates that have passed without a trace, people varto think about their plans for the future and think seriously about their offspring.

As if the girls dreamed of beautiful fish, it means that on a dream book, on a dreamer, they check new suits, as if accompanied by a storm of positive and bright emotions.

It’s good to know how long the fish will be. Freud's dream book interprets this image as a symbol of a human being. Catch fish and dream about those who, in real life, a person cannot relax in a lie and that does not take away the satisfaction of the bag. Dream Interpretation Hasse tumble like a picture like a bad luck on the right, ailments or fear, as if you happen to podolat dreamers for the sake of your own ambitions.

Rotten dead fish, in a dream, gloomy dream book like tiles about a sleeping person, yakі can be recognized in friendship with a high-ranking person. Vityagneti z drive rotten riba promises wealth and prosperity of a dream.

Dead fish, uve dreamed about the waste of life forces, which will lead to a loss of rights on the robot. It’s not like people to talk about the waste of state power and problems with a sexual partner.

Zgіdno with a Muslim dream book, one or two fish, uve dream, to withdraw to the new squad. In other cloakrooms of dreams, such an image is conveyed by mutual change between deaths.

A young maiden, having watered the sea with fish, gloomed with a dream book, like a zustrіch from a young and talented person, building a happy dreamer, mutually pochuttіv that sympathy.

Dreaming of rates with fish, according to the dream book, means success on the right and prosperity. As a businessman, he dreamed of a lot of fish, then, for a person, he checks for success and profits. The woman is guarded against the debt of marnotism, who can get stuck in the financial camp at the same time on the other side of the person.

If you dreamed of fish near the water, if they swim calmly, then, like Tsvetkov’s dream book, the dreamer in real life will laugh at success, and in the future with success. As if the water was kalamutna or brudna, it was necessary to beware of provocations and tricks from the side of competitors.

As if a girl dreamed of a fish in a jar, it means that the dreamer is in good health and heartache. The person in his dream is to talk about the internal struggle with himself.

Interaction of a sleeping person with a fish

Zhіntsi, yakіy had a chance to vryatuvat ribka, dream book far away zamіzhzhya. As if the dreamer vryatuval gold ribka, it means that a person will become a sample of the pani. The picture is given to the person to be deciphered as a success on the right and the right business, as well as the ability to turn the respect of important people, to help expand the business.

It’s a good dream, for some people had a chance to grow fish. This is a sign of reconciliation with the enemies, the building of one’s own charm and the charisma of the opponent’s enemy.

Catch the reefs in the dream, ahead of the dream about the arrival of the test, as if that z gіdnistyu podolє. Zhіntsi dream book vіschuє shvidku vagіtnіst. In the distance, the completion of the previously written documents, the laying of the pributkovy contract - those who dream of catching a fish.

Bathing the fish with a dream means that the person has enough strength and energy to achieve his plans and goals. This hour in real life is optimal for various beginnings, which will bring prosperity and financial success. Like a sleeping man, they sold a fish that was not fresh, following small material difficulties and tricks (for the sake of) from the side of close and familiar people.

According to Freud, as a dreamer of human beings, to talk about those who have a dreamer in sexual vents, attaches importance to their comfort and satisfaction. If ribu is a girl, then the next hour the dreamer will be lucky.

Bazhannya to know what will be in the future, let people have it. Htos koristuetsya for whom the fortune-tellers, but you can just scatter the dream, which worked at night. For whom, analyze yoga with the improvement of the successful drills.

How long will the fish take off?

For the representatives of the beautiful half of the people, such a dream promises good luck for the women from the opposite statue. You can also take it as a joy, what a wart more than an hour to add health. Bachiti fish by the water, then, can be invested in the generous gifts of the share. Nichne bachennya, de wi caught reefs, prophesying problems and trying them out, for the sake of trying to see them, they could bring forth the will of that clemency.

Dead fish are a negative sign that you are spending that rose. As fish are found in clean water, it means that you can risk it for good luck on the right family vіdnosinakh. Ribs in the sea are a good sign that promises wealth.

Why do little fish come off?

Fish of a small size are a sign of the proximity, as a significant sign. Yet such a plot is pointed out to those who will not hesitate to collide with unacceptable people.

How long to take pictures of different colors of fish?

Such a dream in advance about the taking of good news. Another similar plot can prophesy cardinal changes in life. For people, such a dream is a statement on a non-serious setting before life.

Need to shoot fresh aquarium fish?

A similar plot points to the beginning of new rights, as well as to the possibility of loosing the opportunity to push through car'er gatherings and expand business.

Why take off the side of the fish?

Such a night is a good sign that it shows on the insignificant, but accept surprises and gifts. For the girls, the beautiful fish promise new opportunities, as a gift of rich energy and hostility.

Want to shoot ribey near the water?

How long do you dream of riba?

Bachiti uvі dream rich ribi in the clear waters of the prophetic spring and ryasnі give the share. Like such a dream, young people have a dream, they promise to be happy with their family life. A young woman dreamed of a riba, who could prophesy a shvidka's vaginess.

A dream with great living fishes by the water can be built up to a surplus, moreover, the bigger the fish, the bigger the money will be. And the axis bent the riba to dream of vtrat, prikroschiv and ailment. Small fish in the aquarium are a sign of fate, which is ahead of those who should take a guard position at the same time.

To catch fish, you dream of people, as if in reality they try to know how to get out of a tricky situation and improve their lives. And yet, in a dream, a person was left without a catch - all її zusilla will be ineffectual. As if you had dreams of fishing belongings - merezha, gachka, or lighthouses - then it’s possible to lie well in the future. Mіtsnі sіtki i dachki removed to a happy completion right, torn and іrzhavі - until failure.

For the old hours, people often thought that riba is dreaming, that a person is engaged in folding and marining (“b'єєє like riba about ice”), or you should think before it, as if to say (“move like riba”).

Sigmund Freud, vazhav, scho scho see prikhovani bazhannya people. Riba, on yoga thought, people dream about how often they dream about sex. Lyudina, yak uwі їst riba, in a sexual life є hisїstom, and not a fisherman is afraid of sexual misfortunes.

When the dream book was created, Nostradamus did not miss the rib with his respect. With filthy signs of vin, having vowed the riba, which falls from the sky, is dead in human guise. And the axis of the dream, for which there was a lot of ribey, especially in clean water, which vozvіsnik vvazhav for good.

Why dream about fish?

Why dream about fish?

If you dream that you are catching fish in calamute water, you should tell about those who in life have unclean minds, or you are engaged in filthy rights.

If you dream of riba, it means that the future has great inaccuracies on you. Nevezinnya is literally following you. So great is the ability of that which you are sick.

Bachiti uvі dream big fish, otrimati in the future garni pributok. Still, you can talk about the hardening in advance. A small fish dreams of being vaccinated, but you can also feel the ailment, or I’m unacceptable. If you sip on fish, then it’s not enough to talk about a possible income, but fresh good luck on the right and healthy.

If your catch is rich, then I will become such a dream for the sick, and for other people I will be blamed for serious welding.

Do you ever dream of evil fish?

Do you ever dream of evil fish woman? At such a time, you varto ochіkuvat far away zamіzhzhya. If you see the lake as a fish, it means that you will win a “battle” with a superman at the nearest future one.

If you catch fish in your dreams, then, better for everything, you can’t think about having sex for an hour and relax more, so that you can enjoy your love again. If you dreamed you caught fish and as a result you didn’t catch anything, then in reality you are afraid of getting cold in your lizhka. It is recommended to get rid of all sexual troubles in the past and try almost everything back.

Your typical behavior of a lot of people can be interpreted by the popular virase - "neither fish, nor meat". In order to change the situation, try to change the deeds of your character, show your arrogance and show your “haircut”.

Ever dream of cleaning fish?

If you are a young girl, then such a dream promises to be unsafe and you may have problems from the opposite article. Such a dream having been dreamed of by people, yogo diї can lead bad people to other people.

Bachiti, like a fish splashing in the water, then in the future you will meet the fate of the hardy right. I dreamed that a big riba would wrap a small one, a varto check of inaccuracies on a robot.

Do you dream about fresh fish?

Riba, as you well understood, to talk about those who all mended and managed to end in success, but do not tell anyone about your plans. Ribny fishing did not go, later, on the way to the zdіysnennya bazhannya є serious pereskoda. Even if you marvel at the aquarium fish, then the position of the guardian can lead to serious problems. At night you sipped, as if you are cooking chi ste riba, then correct the terms, with which you are engaged in real life, end up far away. Golovne do not forget to say "dark" to people who helped you.

If you dreamed of a large amount of ribi, then check to change the financial position to a better one. The fish is lubricated to announce the lack of news, and boiled - on a large stained glass. If you dream of riba women, or rather crucian carp, lin chi perch, then in the next hour you will become a boy. Bachiti uvі snі pogolovkіv, chek propozitsії z drive sumnіvny propozitіv і biznesі. If a young girl has such a dream, she will be financially secure, but immoral.

If you marvel at those who want to catch fish, then your dream will see a surge of energy, as you can spend on good on the right. Go to the fish market to see the dream about the garniy pributok and happiness.

Bachiti the great fish that plays in clear water - to the gift of the share of that great spring.

The fish is dead, which has spilled into the hillside - your hopes will not come true.

Catch fish in clean water: girls - a happy kohannya, like I brought you to a distant winter, women - to vacancy, people - to a profit.

If you catch fish with nets, it means that in reality your acceptability will bring you chimali income.

As if you were catching fish, but it dangled from your hands, a dream ahead of you about those that your lack of turbotism can become the cause of a covert miss.

Bachiti fish at the time of spawning - you will be commanded to the right, as to secure not only you, but also your children.

The river, which is teeming with fish, is up to a thriving well-being, with friends and friends, and when they are with them.

Gut the fish and remove the caviar from it - on the right, you repair it, bring you a supplement.

I’ll smear the fish well - until the health of my spirit is improved. Well, riba bula sira or napіvsira, you can get sick.

As if you dreamed of a filthy smeared abo syrah riba, show that you see її cooks and that lubricate like a trace.

Rotten fish to dream of inaccuracies on a robot. As if you had a dream to treat you with rotten fish, it means that in reality you are being tempted by naughty children.

To reveal that you only went in, that you ate rotten fish, but in fact they betrayed you.

Rozroblyat riba - you happen to be engaged in an unacceptable right, prote the result will please you.

If you prepared z ribi like a grass, tse means that you will bring to the end an important right, in view of laying a lot of wealthy people.

Frequently salted fish - to health.

You can strengthen the positive energy of such a dream by showing that you drink salted fish with white wine or beer (div. Drink, Beer).

Golden fish - your dream will come true.

Small aquarium fish will shoot until the health and well-being of children.

If you dreamed that an aquarium fish died, your child could become seriously ill.

Show that the fish are sticking with an enchanting stick - and they come to life.

The meaning of sleep can also lie in the fact that the fish of some kind has been dreamed of.

Tlumachennya dreams from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Bachiti uvі snі Riba

Marvel at the darkness: name the rib, as well as the merezhi, pasta.

Ribi uvі snі symbolize coldness, sickness, baiduzhіst.

Bachiti uvі snі obgrizeni rib'yachy skeleton - moving misfortune, collapse of plans and rozcharuvan.

Catch fish uvі snі - a sign of innocence, marnoї roboti, marnuvannya hour and strength.

Treat the fish to the dream, spice the other, the sickness, and the women - the vaginess.

As if you were dreaming, you will watch for the float of your own voice, which will calmly walk on the water, vikonannya of your bazhannya is added.

As soon as the float swims and you drink riba, you can invest in the vision of what you have planned.

Spymati great riba uvі dream means that you are on the lookout hat. Sometimes such a dream is conveyed to the great and see right.

Watch for fish, catch yak, which means that soon you will have serious plans for tomorrow.

Catch a bagato ribi marennia at sleep - a sign of a great profit. The more fish you have, the more pennies you will take.

Catch a lot of fried ribey ouvі snі - a sign of a great trouble, in which there will be little crusty or few pennies.

Ale catch fish with nets, with a net, which means that you should be afraid to take fish. However, such a dream is for the success of these people, as if they (or someone else) have spent it, they are getting drunk.

Don’t dream anything, in your dream it means that your thoughts won’t work.

Ribalskі gachki vі snі vіshchuyut nebezpeku. Such a dream may mean that your enemies were preparing a cunning pasta for you.

Strokat, yaskravogo zabarvlennya riba ou vі snі ahead of you about the trouble of trouble or deceit. We are ill for such a dream, we see death. Such a dream can also be seen in the image of welding.

The red-colored fish, in a dream, conveys great experiences, inflamed, or it seems like a mystery.

If you dream that you take the fish in your hands, and it hangs from your hands, then you happen to be right with such a cunning person, as you can’t slander chi vikriti.

It is also important that the lake riba, bachena uve dreams, that happiness is well-being.

A dream, in which you caught a buffalo fish, passing over the right side and failures in your plans.

Їst the fish, moreover, is vvazhaetsya by a garnoy sign, as if only there is no sira.

Є uvі snі siru ribu means that you are being checked for cubs, cross over to the right of that rose. But if it’s also full of brushes, then you are checked for disappointment or failure.

A dead fish that swims on the water, tells you that your bajan doesn’t work.

Watch out for the fish that splashes in the water, looking for a gift or a harp star. Sometimes such a dream conveys restless and clods, connected with your work.

Anniversary of the fish is a sign of reconciliation with the enemies, which you will enchant your charm.

Riba near your bed, sway your sleep - a sign of ailment. Tim, who breaks the road on the water, sleeps in the unsafe accident of the ship or other misfortune.

Vagіtnim bachiti uvі snі, scho stench gave birth to fish, dream of dreaming, scho їhnya future child will be in poor health and not live long. Sometimes such a dream comes to me on a weekend.

It is important that the riba was rotten, in case of dreams, bad luck is on the right, or in a special life.

As soon as you see the fisherman’s gear, then you should be afraid of being deceived by some cunning shepherds.

Fat riba uvі snі - a sign of ailments, tied with puffs and inflamed.

Fishermen uvі snі - a sign of undesirable friends, on which you can’t rely on varto.

Cloudy dreams from Family dream book

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What does the dream of Riba mean

Riba shows deep unseen processes, spiritual eating.

Symbol of health, wisdom, strength.

Good luck dreaming of fish - to gain knowledge, energy.

In plots where man and woman, ribi, interact, they play the role of a sexual symbol.

Riba signifies a pragmatic dream to an intimate vіdnosin.

The fish is dead, you feel unacceptable: sickness, rejection of a sexual partner.

For people, that woman's robe of ribi in the plot of a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

Poglinannya ribi - enrichment of the damp inner world, the growth of spirituality.

For girls, riba is intimate acquaintance, friendliness.

Family people dream of riba - happy family life, that replenishment of the family.

Bachiti brushes, dead fish - bring out the baiduzhist to the bone.

Є ribu - until you get new knowledge.

Majestic riba, which you see from the water - a sign of garnih changes.

Fishermen are a symbol of awareness of the invisible "underwater" processes of life.

Riba drіbna - drіbnі mittevі bazhannya, ring out at the sphere of sensibilities.

Riba is great - wisdom, ready to manifest itself in life.

Riba is threatening - a threat to that which is unseen porive to heal the mislyach, the rational side of life.

Merezha with riboi - proximity to the opening of the mystery.

Catch fish - you can see unseen impulses.

The head of the great ribi - bachiti is only a part of the ribi, which means an inconsistent change in one's life.

Hit with an oar (riba) - report zusil in the wrong direction, which suggests something unknown.

Tlumachennya sn_v

Pray for sleep Riba

The image of the riba is instantly blamed in your dream until it is viraziv: “Move, like a riba” (grab, save the mystery) and “Fight, like a riba, about the ice” (to no avail, try to pick up a sprat).

Bachiti, like a fish squishing near the water - You will have to be a third-party poster of how hard it is to do well, a large number of people will be drawn into the yak.

As if you had a dream, how big a small fish is forged, then this dream tells you that you are unacceptable, tied to the authorities, through those that you have stolen this fact.

Catch fish - your right to fold away, as you do not expand your drive of your plans and intentions. Yakshcho fishing is not far away, which means that you want to make your bazhan’s zdijsnennya. As if fishing brought a lot of catch, it means that in reality the results of your activity will turn over the scoring.

Watch out for the aquarium fish - the position you have chosen is good only until the singing hour, if you let it go on self-fueling, then you can threaten you with inaccuracies, you can turn off the grill, like a candle.

If you are preparing a fight with ribi, or if there is ribne, then it means that the problems that have fallen on you, and the terms projects, are allowed, will be safely resolved and completed, just don’t forget, I’ll help you, help you, who helped you with the whole the period of turbulence and strained work.

If you have drunk the fish and let it out, to that it is too small, then such a dream to talk about those who in real life will be powerful to you grandiose plans in the future, at that hour, as you need to be satisfied with this little one, that you are living today.

Cloudy dreams from the Old Dream Book

What does sni riba mean

Bachchit a floating fish - for the sake of that success.

Spіymati riba - until sickness in sim'ї.

Yakshcho vie їste ribu - tse means that you are sick.

Like a fish near the water - for good luck.

Yakshcho you caught fish - some of the relatives of the disease.

Wi їste riba - to the point of ailment.

Cloudy dreams from the gypsy dream book

dream about fish

Cloudy dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananita

What does uvі dream Riba mean

Riba is a symbol of duality, difficulty, inconsistency.

Bachchit the riba that falls from the sky, or the ribny board is a filthy sign. Ecological disasters, dashing.

Catch fish - learn to know how to get out of a twisted camp.

Make a big stingy riba - don’t swear by your share, otherwise you will miss your chance.

A dream, three ribs were sipped at Yakomu - a lucky sign.

Є uvі snі riba - otrimati nespodіvanu, but I will receive a call.

Bachiti uvі dream, like one riba attacking іnsha - attack of underwater chovnіv.

As if you dreamed of a rotten fish - not squeezing a little bit your stosunki from a spitting people.

Cloudy dreams from Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What do you dream mean Riba

"Catch a fish in the calamity water" impure thoughts, aspirations, to engage in obscene law.

"Cold yak fish" emotional coldness, exaltation.

"Like a fish by the water" mastery, zvichna diyalnist, garne orienting the situation.

"Great fish" is an important person.

"Golden fish" (vikonannya bazhan), "fighting like a fish against ice" marnist zusil.

"Nim chi movchati like riba".

"Take it for the zyabra" call to vіdpovіdі, primusit to the chorus.

"On the bezrib'ї that cancer riba" Malim will be satisfied.

"Yak settled at the barrel" - especially stylist.

Tlumachennya dreams from Dream Interpretation idiom

Meaning of Sleep Riba

If you dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, next hour you will be all right. For the rest of the hour, after spending a little longer, hang an image of ribs near the skin room.

If you dreamed of a dish of ribi, then you want to ruin your peace. If nothing happened to the man, take a small piece of syroy ribi and drink a cup of cavi in ​​one gulp.

Tlumachennya dreams from Dream Interpretation Maya

Cloudy sleep Riba

Bagato ribi - up to the boot.

Great ribis - for slander.

Stew boiled fish - until beaten.

Dead rib bachiti - until failure, rozcharuvan.

I smeared fish bachiti - to the point of unbearable stars.

It’s dark, dribnu chi middle rosemіrіv riba pobachiti - tears, unhappiness, turboti.

Crucian carp, ling chi perch - for a woman, a lad will be won.

Vibirati riba - to the point of ailment.

Catch buttons - check for doubtful favors, as they can cause serious inaccuracies in your business.

The little bunnies that swim by the clear water, the girls dreamed of - on it there are checks of a link with a rich, ale immoral person.

The fry were bred in the aquarium or in the river - until the children were born and had a fun hour with them.

Cloudy dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What do you see the dream of the prophet Riba

Bachiti uvі dream in front of you impersonal juicy cooked ribi of different varieties for yourself, what to eat її і out of satisfaction - tse statement on those who check on you great success in all your rights, satisfaction with yourself.

You will soon take away your material independence.

Like riba drape hanging from your hands - tse means that you will spend the camp, friends and better for everything - kohan.

Cloudy dreams from the English dream book

Do not follow the way that they talked about you, talking, you are neither fish, nor meat, - change your character.

Cloudy dreams from the Great Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Riba

One of the oldest ancestors in evolution, which will carry us to the distant past and emerge from the depths.

Falіchny symbol and article act symbol.

The realm of the sacred.

The symbol of a lost life.

Cloudy dreams from a psychoanalytic dream book

Riba Dream Meaning

The fish that splashes in clear water, sees that the share generously bestows on you.

The fish is dead, uvі snі vіtsyaє obіtsyaє prikroschi ta vtrati.

On a girl, a yak succumbed to a dream, I live fish, check a happy kohannya.

As if in a dream you caught riba, you are being checked for serious tests, as if you will steadfastly podolaet, so you will save the presence of the spirit.

Watched out for fishing - you see a surge of energy and nice vicorist friendly surroundings.

We went from fishing with empty hands - your bazhanya is very ambitious.

Ribal'ska merezha dream before the pridbani. The truth, as if it is torn, then it is possible to cover it up.

Fishermen's hacks, beaten up in dreams, tell you that you are guilty of doing your own share.

When it comes to intimate life, then you dreamed that you were catching fish, which means that you are important when thinking about streaming, do it for an hour to make love. You cannot relax until the end, which means you can neither take away nor bring satisfaction. You need to learn to want to forget about problems for a while and to get better.

If a man dreams that he is a fish, then in an intimate life he follows the principle: "The Moor has killed his right ..." Golovne youmu - the satisfaction of the wet bajan.

If you caught fish in a dream and didn’t catch anything, then in real life you are probably afraid of falling into a lizhka. Possibly, the reason for this is the first sexual misfortune. Ale, it was a long time ago! Get up to the point of trapilos philosophically, and everything will be good for you.

Riba or bezlіch raznokolorovyh ribs to withdraw until the sickness is overcome, or before welding, image, suffering.

They fell asleep or the dead ribis - to the sound of nadia.

They drank a great fish (abo bagato rib) - to a profit, joy.

They caught a fish fish - to sadness, that ruin.

Nostradamus introduced riba as a symbol of duality, difficulty, inconsistency. Win interpreting dreams about ribey in this way.

Bachchit the riba that falls from the sky, or the ribbed board is a filthy sign that is bad.

They caught fish - you will try to know how to get out of the twisted camp.

You have succumbed to the great stinginess of the ribs - do not rely on your share, otherwise you will miss your chance.

A dream, three ribs were sipped at Yakomu, is a happy sign.

If you have a dream of fish - take away the unsold, but I will receive a call.

The dream that you dream of riba from human appearances means the threat of nuclear war.

As if you dreamed of rotten fish, then your misgivings are a little bit squeezing your stosunki from a spitting people.

A dream, from which you have sipped a live corop, indicating your stamina and vibrancy.

Vzagali, dreams about ribi can be the result of searching for the satisfaction of living needs, the ability to know what is hopefully clinging to the eyes.

Fish can also be dreamed of being more expensive or more expensive. In addition, the riba symbolizes vminnya (or not) earning daily bread.

Cloudy dreams from a psychological dream book

Ovі snі bachiti Riba

Riba - As if you dreamed that you were catching riba, it means that in real life you can forcefully join in thoughts about streams, just make love for an hour.

And tse, in your heart, lead to the point that you cannot relax to the end and take (like and deliver) satisfaction.

If you want to forget about all the problems and problems for the next hour, like in your life, and indulge in love.

In a different way, you risk becoming sexually inappropriate in the shortest term, shards, not able to relax and relax to the end, and by the same token, you greatly increase the power of your powerful body.

Frequently dream of people with fish - a dream about those who are in an intimate life on a diet following the principle "The Moor has grown his right ...".

I don’t blame you in any way, what a partner partner is and how to bring maximum satisfaction.

A smut for you is the satisfaction of the power of instincts.

Catch a dream of fish and don’t slander anything - tell about those who in real life are probably afraid of lying in a lie.

Cloudy dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

Sleeping Riba

Riba - dream of riba on the board, scoundrel. Like a dream of a fish: cholovіkovі chi maidens - you'll change the weather, young women - a child will be born to her.

The fish is great - a good income. Riba mlyava - weakness. The fish is dead - in disgrace.

Gold ribka (ribka) bachiti - do not dream of guessing, ochіkuvane. Riba - mischief; htos "riє" pіd you.

Chimalo ribi - scoundrel. Ribina to the hands - unfavorable canopies. Ribou є: for men - mothers of kohankas, for women - light canopies.

Catch ribu - surplus, win over supermen; clean live fish - to fun.

Cloudy dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Why dream of Riba

KIT in Russian folklore is matiriba of majestic roses, sometimes it is accepted as a fish island of deep self-recognition. But we will forge the latest success in everything, dedicated to the undivided activity, accustomed to the taєmnyh knowledge. Bachiti far far more expensive.

Cloudy dreams from the Mythological dream book

Bachiti uvі snі Riba

If you dream of a fish swimming in clear water, check for a happy romance with a man or a woman of your dream.

As the fish swims in the water of the calamity, you will not be able to guess the ideal sexual partner.

If you dream that you are catching fish, the dream is foreseeing the proposition “hands and hearts”.

Cloudy dreams from an intimate dream book

What does the dream of Riba mean

Alive until the pributku or the people of the child - dead fish dream before contacting s filthy people- Be respectful.

Deception, ailments, inacceptability - black month.

Cloudy dreams from the Astrological dream book

Pray for sleep Riba

Riba - Bachiti - problems with children, perhaps, nebazhana vagіtnіst.

Catch - spadkoєmtsі reconcile to your lane.

E - it is possible to take away the recession without a bar.

Clean, prepare - your hopes for recession are unlikely to be realized.

Ale, if you see a dream, then we’ll eat riba z’iste, then you will be a poor man.

Cloudy dreams from Esoteric dream book

What does sni riba mean

I dreamed of a fish swimming in clear water, declaring calm and love.

Like a girl dreaming, a fish is alive, on her check a happy hat. The fish is dead, navpaki, the bitterness of separation and self-sufficiency remain.

Cloudy dreams from the Love Dream Book

dream about fish

Kupuvat uvі snі riba - a sign of deception and falsity.

Clean the riba - check for a serious test, cook - you will achieve well-being, є її - an important work, a small salary.

Riba is alive - until a happy kohanny.

Morozivo is a distant novel.

Solona - you will unravel the old spiritual wounds.

V'yalena - until failure, stand stably and philosophically wisely.

Smoked - a fun trip, greased - to spend a penny.

Varena - a slight injury, stewed - a waste of time.

Kostista - ask for sacred.

Zhirna - check for a surprise surprise.

Dried up - do not spare grі.

Rib'yachi spoils - to wealth and prosperity.

Rib'yachi fat - throw off the vag, drink yoga - increase.

Red caviar - fall into anger, black - to the borg.

Canned ribs - not far from the matchmaker. Catch fish on a wudka - you will know a bitter rose.

Spymati majestic ribin - may be important zustrich, rich dribnit - until a long time; yakscho no pecking and you didn’t catch anything - it means that in reality you’re looking for bad luck.

Spymati on spinning hizhu riba means that the share will generously give you joy in family life.

Riba, which was zirvala, remains a joyful joy. The fish has fallen, you can catch the yak with your hands - do not believe your luck.

Dead fish, rozsіchena motor screw, - to prikroschiv i vtrat.

Pidsikti riba and take it in a pidsak - turn it over to the right. Catch fish in a cape - until the love feelings are chilled, catch with a net - you will be ruined in a twisted situation, beat with a spear - you will know how to get out of a folding camp.

A dream, at which a roach with beer is figured - to the point of confusion at the arrogance of your appearance.

Єrsh - unacceptable surprise.

The flounder is growing barley on the oats, and on the faces, or on the handless place. Crucian carp is a sign of ailment and cost, corop - your klopit will pay off with a surplus.

Bream - fun friends and wild life, salmon - reach success, realizing your idea.

The perch is a sign of unacceptability and bad luck, the sturgeon is a kohannya spalahne and zagasne.

Sardini - unacceptable, salmon - a disorder of health, pike perch - material wealth. Pike - it's cheeky to fool you.

Tlumachennya dreams from Dream Interpretation for Abetka

What does uvі dream Riba mean

Wood the riba: women - to vaginess (for the mind, what to evil).

Cholovіkovі - to the family trouble.

Long ribs forks: women - up to vagity.

Choloviks - to the point of inconsistency, as if they were tempted to re-evaluate their positions.

Pidsіkati lіskoyu riba - to the pretentiousness of people, you love yak.

Riba bіla (lov): to vaginess, like a young woman to sleep.

In all other ways, it means that the hour has come to reach your goal, tobto.

Have matured friendly mind and surround it.

Є depression.

Riba chervona: to vaginess, like a dream to bachel a woman.

Yakshcho cholovik - to love come with the wife's initiative.

V'yalena riba: v'yaliti - to ailments.

Є depression.

Tlumachennya dream from a psychotherapeutic dream book

Meaning of dreams Riba

Beati, hapati ribu - a little sickness.

Great riba b'єtsya, stribaє - growing popularity, glory.

Riba is found at the well - nobility.

The shrimp transforms into fish - the waste of material values, wealth.

Catch fish or polyuvati, perebuyachi in fox - on the right you can’t get enough.

Catch fish on a wudka near the water - that luck is great, vigoda.

Small fish laying caviar - great happiness, vigoda.

By water, a riba odverok is a wealth, a surplus.

To arrange a net for catching ribi - great happiness, vigoda.

Riba fly over the water - you must do it right.

Sit on the ribs - under the ailment.

Dry riba flies near the water - I will be lucky again.

A person to catch fish is a sign of good luck.

Cloudy dreams from the Chinese dream book

Meaning of Sleep Riba

Riba - the image of riba in your dream, you can vindicate it to the point of viraziv: "Move like a riba" and "Fight like a riba about the ice."

Bachiti, like a fish splashing in the water, you should be a participant in the great, troublesome.

Catch fish, yours should be folded away, so that you won’t become widely spread about them.

Watch out for the fish in the aquarium, which means your position is untouched, good until the singing hour.

Tlumachennya dreams from the Russian dream book

Cloudy sleep Riba

If you know their numbers, then you are women, and if you don’t know their numbers, then you are wealth and gain.

If the fish is alive and fresh, then it is young and not occupied.

Whoever sees the dream to chime in to catch the fish, that one will be good and help through hard work.

Dribni ribki-to turbot and sadness.

Salon riba-do turboti and I am burning for the head of the brother of the official.

In other dzherelakh it is said that if you see a salted fish in a dream, then the very next hour it will become more beautiful for you.

Bachiti, I’ll grease the fish, which means to break the road at the expense of knowledge.

Who to shove, to lubricate the fish, contribute to the great camp at the marne on the right, or to spend it on dribnitsa.

Є vі vі snі lubricated ribu-until incomprehensibly that rozbіzhnosti vlasnіy homeland.

If you care to indulge such a dream, then, ask those who cannot possibly get it.

Tlumachennya dreams from the Islamic dream book

What do you see the dream of the prophet Riba

Bachiti - pennies.

Vbiti - movcha for the rozrachunk.

Great fish - great earnings.

Є ribu - ailment.

Catch - surplus.

Lubricate - a treat.

Riba uvі snі - until the ringing.

Cloudy dreams from the Old Dream Book

What does it mean to bacchi uvі dream Riba

A surplus, a penny, a child, a woman, a girl will be born // wood, snow, churn, death, tightness, sickness, dig for you, bug;

Great - pributok // boards, klep, mov thin;

Little - daughter will be (vogіtnoї) // ailment, grief;

Alive - healthy, good luck on the right, children live;

She fell asleep, rotten, stinking - a surplus // children die, sickness, for evil, overwhelmed, dovga bad;

Catch - zavagіtnіti, gift, surplus, heal the enemy // sickness, wretch ( bila riba- Snig, black - board);

Catch at the calamut water - ailment, wretch, death;

Catch dry fish - grief, ruin; catch a great riba - surplus;

Rіznobarvnu - sickness (illness), welding;

Spіymati - far away zamіzhzhya (woman); godovati - the enemy of gold;

Nova - novelty; vibirati - take away silver pennies, zisk, surplus at the booth // ailment;

Dark (perch, ling, piskar) - pennies, surplus, hot and insignificant;

M'yaso ribi, eat boiled, smeared - turboti, twigs, churn;

Siru є - churn; buina - good;

Stroking - unacceptability;

Cleaning fish is fun.

Tlumachennya sniv z

Riba often appears in people's dreams, so it's rich in food, what a dream of riba. In dreams, the riba acts as a symbol of fertility, both in the material and in the spiritual sphere. Therefore, often, if a woman dreams of riba, they will tell you from future pregnancy. However, in practice, do not always confirm. Seeing for everything, dreaming of riba maidens in times, as if in reality new knowledge is being conveyed about the coming. Also, you can see success in the sphere of special opportu- nities. If you dream of fish vagitna, there are no special clouds, the dream is interpreted, like for everyone.



And why dream of a fish lad? Such a dream can mean that the youngster will not hesitate to lift all the membranes on the path to success.

A dream from riboi is a cloud for a person

And if a person dreamed of riba, it means that there is success in the working and financial spheres.


Fishing for wealthy people and for our favorite pastimes. Also, it’s dazhe tsikavo, why dream of fishing for people? Bachiti uvі snі ribolovlyu yak for a woman, so for a person it means that in the face of everyday troubles it has become strong in that and the term is needed in vіdpochinok.

Cream of that:
  • If you dream of a fisherman, how to silence you, then in reality luck will accompany you for a three-hour hour. As if the dream of fishing is not going well, then we are preparing to pay more money. If you catch fish with a fish net, then in real life they check you great success Ale, sorry, the stench can be short-lived. And the axis of fishing with a sound indicates those who are on the right path until the mark is set.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Ribi

So bagatioh tsіkavit pitanya, why dream of catching ribi? If you dream that you are catching fish, then in reality you, better for everything, are occupied with jokes to get out of the twisted camp. For a young lad, ribi uvі sn means that in real life, vin will make peace with the kohana. If at any time you try to evil the fish with a net, then in reality you can be caught in the distance by the banquet. Ale, like a lace torn - prikrosti inevitably. Like a fisherman in the distance and you dreamed that you caught fish, then the dream is more successful.

Buying ribi

Even better, if you dream about buying ribi, the shards of this sign show on the possibility of withdrawing a financial gain for real. And for a woman, such a dream can become a sign of vaginess.

Bachiti live fish

I dreamed of a fish alive, playing in clear water, seeing a successful solution to the most complicated problems, and possibly, a lack of gifts in the share. The sea of ​​floating riba, moreover, can prophesy a garniable romance, which can end in a happy boat.

dead fish

It is important to know how dreaming of a dead fish - tse:
  • From one side, a warning about the waste of life forces. On the other hand, I’m glad about those who have had to gain patience for the celebration of the song days.

Why dream dead fish

In addition, the fish is dead to dream of sumptuous sums, possible expenses and expenses. A dream about a wormy fish is also a bad sign, it indicates a great amount of negativity in your real life, or it is possible to be unacceptable in the nearest future.

If you were engaged in hot ribi in a dream, then you see those that you will become a sign of a cicada's match. If you dream of oiled riba, then it means that you will always be in the know about everything that you are worthy of being hung up on, and nothing can catch you. Getting ready for ribi uw sni can look at welding with close people and with colleagues.

Clean the fish

As soon as you cleaned the fish, then the dream is passed on, that your hopes for the decline are unlikely to come true. In addition, if a young girl dreams that she is less likely to clean the fish, then the greatness is great, that she can stop being successful with young people. For a grown-up person, cleaning the ribs from the wind means that you can kill shkodi with your own actions.

Ribi stan - yak interpret

Ribi’s camp is pouring into the interpretation of dreams with a meaningful world, into which there are more dreams:
  • We drank smoked fish fish - you can have a drink filth infusion, which will lead to inaccuracies, and possibly, to serious negative consequences for you. As you see, they independently smoked riba - on the right, as if it was safe, you know the collapse. If you dream of dried riba, then it is approaching more cheerfully and more holyly. Ale, if you take dried fish to your hands - you can feel the stagnation at the right. The dried riba uvі snі is not a good sign. Vaughn can become a scapegoat of a progressive illness, a nasty mood and depression. I dreamed of frozen fish - henceforth, you are trying to deal with obvious problems, which can lead to great inaccuracies. It’s even more important to realize at the same time what dream of frozen fish is, and for whom it’s necessary to guess all the details of the dream. As a rule, in such dreams, you always get out of a tricky situation. If you dream of sira riba, if you see it, it means that you should not be afraid of unkind people, they won’t be able to harm you. Uvі dream trimati in the hands of siru ribu:
    - for young people, it means vindication of folding at the training center;
    - for grown-up people, they indicate the need for dbaylivishe to be put up to finances.

When dreaming of fresh fish:
- river - next hour your life will have a lot of routine and tedium;
- in the sea - in the next hour of life, you will be full of fun, trips and trips and zustrіchami.

Boiled fish uve sni є provisnik shkodi chi ailments.

Steep fish

If you dream that you see the fish, then the head of the beast respects, as if you were trying to see the dream:
  • If you saw fish without satisfaction, then sleep can be a sack of financial expenses for ailments; Yakshcho ve їli riba with an appetite - it means that you will take the next hour I will receive a call; Like you ate shvidko fish - in the next hour, it’s possible, you’ll come up, as if to break your calm.

Dream of fish

A dream with fish is looked at, as a rule, as a proviser of new animals. But at the same time, the fish near the open sea indicate the innocence of oneself. And how about:

  • I dreamed of a golden fish - check for success; Dead fish bobbed uvі snі - to unforeseen dreams; Fishermen, what to say, appeared in dreams - to the point of merry use.

Why dream about bagato ribi

If you dream of rich ribey, then you should understand that the time has come to make a decisive decision. In the same period, there are great opportunities for career growth, gains and gains in popularity.

great fish

duje garnimy dreams It's a dream, I dreamed of a great fish. Vaughn є provisnik great help, as you bring moral satisfaction, і financial gain. A dream from a majestic fish is a change in life, which is not to be feared. It is also important to know why the head of a riba is dreaming, even if it looks like success in a special life. Tse mozhe buti laying the slubu or vindication of serious and trivaly stosunkiv.

Tlumachennya looking like a ribeye

If riba appears in a dream, then it is important to remember the view, even if in a significant world there is a cloud of sleep.
  • Like a fish, a pike dreamed, next to beware of unsafe unkindness in real life; If a catfish dreamed in pure water, then it is possible to check in reality a gift in the share; If you dreamed of a fish ram, then a dream can indicate a possible tight fallow in the form of a planting individual. And the ram is dried for the need for pennies; If you dreamed of a fish, then check serious material difficulties in real life. As soon as a red riba is dreamed, then the women will be chequered in reality with a coriander, and the people will be successful in the financial and business spheres.

Life is brought to life by different podії - zvichaynі and mystical. Bіshіst vіdnosit until the rest of the dream. Behind the numerical achievements of the scientists, the purpose is only the activity of our vision, but all the same, we try to guess the hellish dream that we had in a dream, to show its meaning to the future. If a woman dreams of riba - it will be remembered for a long time. The skin interprets this sign in its own way, but from a long time ago, the riba that I dreamed of is a symbol of wealth, kinship and childbirth. Let's try to understand what such a dream is for representatives of a beautiful state, as if they are interpreting it.

Different dream books proponoyut impersonal interpretation, but may it be like a dream, it is a good sign. Vono promises girls good luck, happiness, gurgling love stand, yakі lead to friendship. If she checks for a child, then the canopies will be easy to pass, the little one will be healthy, dear. Їy let go to reconcile with the enemies, just weathering the dream of fish.

I dreamed of a dead fish

Such a plot remains unacceptable in life. The more majestic the riba is, the higher the dream for the woman; Changes are insisting that they can bring the dream into harmony for a decent hour. Dead waterfowl floating around, conflicts. As if the ribka fell into small pieces during the tormenting - it’s a garne of significance, that you still don’t get a penny of income (an addition to the salary, a big win, the money’s worth, the stars didn’t check). For young girls, this symbol promises love through a bit about a kokhan.

As if I dreamed of a dead fish with a rich bark - another unacceptable sign. Competitors, zazdrіsniki conceived that it would be possible to take care of your good-for-nothing, and even if you were borderline guarded, if you approached, you could go down. It is not recommended to join conflict situations better step aside, promo. Riba from the golden luska vіdmіnnu vіdmіnnu dilovu proposition, zdatnu change life, don’t push it, it’s easy to let go of the task, it’s better to do it more often than the child yaknaishvidshe - everything will be fine, life will turn into a necessary bek.

Be afraid of such a dream next. Rotten ribin, what I dreamed of, it can mean wikiday on early terms, curtains before one o'clock - for other terms. Moreover, children can not be resuscitated. Vagіtniy dreamed that she gave birth to a fry, which means that she will give birth to a child with poor health, it is unlikely that she will live long. A shoal of dead water sacks looking for sickness. Ale not warto panic, it is necessary to show the trochs more caution, sound lower. Good meaning: eat prepared ribna grass. It is interpreted as a garniy mood that victory over depression.

It is not often possible to indulge yourself in night dreams on a birch tree with wood. If you dream of clear water, I will be healthy and wonderful, and good will be stable.

Sleep interpretation options:

  • Animal life that swims in the lake, celebrates the joy of the moment, happiness.
  • The maiden caught her catch with a net, her varto chekat financial surplus, the bazhannya was swept away. A net with dirkami - a dreamer can competently organize the withdrawal of finances.
  • Bony catch obіtsyaє crossed on the right. Ob'yedeniya ribny kіstyak - rozcharuvannya that grief.
  • Bachiti fisherman. The stench is the symbol of your false friends, as well as the unremembered processes of life.

Other options:

  1. watch for a float that floats calmly on the water surface - a wicked bazhan;
  2. successful pecking - everything is conceived without a bar;
  3. the wood is hanging from the bottom - look around for another solution to the problem, do not hurry;
  4. get ready for ribality, pick up the wood - you will know another option for solving the problem;
  5. chime in, like a hero of a fish - vagіtnіst.

Why dream about the great fish of a woman - it’s wise to stay abroad, but we’ll get it far away. The more the catch (great fish for the woman), the more pennies you will come, the more money you will get for nothing. Lusochki strokatі - warning about deceit, possible welding, imagine, sing such a plot for an ill person - a fight, an immovirny lethal end. Ribka from red stripes - revealing secrets, anxiety. Catch dangling from the hands - negarazdy, matimete on the right with the cunning, for independent girls - the end of the hundred. If you care for the fry on your bed, you will fall ill, but for those who choose to raise the price of the seas, an accident of a ship is possible or otherwise.

I dreamed of hacks - forewarning the need, unkind people want to rule over the pasta, do not become a participant in risky projects. Success was announced by nets. Similar stories about:

  1. Obov'yazkovo knows everything that was spent.
  2. Lost without a catch - watch empty hopes.
  3. The linen is laid out, it is littered with luska - a riveter will appear, which will ruin itself at its own tiles.
  4. Get ready to catch with strings - you will be wise, cunningly think of enemies.

A great role is played by rozmir ribi, which I dreamed about. For example, the specialty of the middle roses is the representative of the beautiful state of health and turbot. Little water residents take off:

  • up to unexpected feelings;
  • the maiden, yak sipped the wild fish, intolerant, and was baptized with a share of the taste of ochіkuvannyam;
  • bachiti shoal rib - cool life change, important podia;
  • zustrіch unacceptable people.

Why dream big riba - the symbol of most plots is positive. The only moment, when dreaming about negative life moments, unimaginable dreams, is the great ribbine is dead. Other dreams with great water bags promise:

  • glory, success;
  • wisdom in life on the right;
  • dear gift;
  • zustrіch from the reception room of a young man, gurgling stosunki, come in handy;
  • joy;
  • for a self-made girl - a man, family happiness;
  • success in all rights, change of job, work for business.

Like a dream, it’s a ripple, it’s possible to turn it off like a charm, for 90% it’s positive:

  1. Most of the time after such a dream, vaginess sets in.
  2. Ribna grass is already savory, fragrant - it’s easy to get into all the spices of nutrition.
  3. Syrah - to zbitkіv, pereshkod, kіstlyava - difficult, pereskodi, rozcharuvannya.

Kind of ribey dreamed about

Dreaming for the fate of the riba for the woman's half, there is a faceless cloud. The fish is circling over the water surface - the swede is the height of problems. Behind the species of a waterfowl, you can become a child: all kinds of females - pike, salmon, chervonopirka, trout, skinny - be a girl; perch, min, catfish, lyash - boy. Other vidi mean:

  • corop - self-esteem to rise;
  • settler - pennies will come;
  • vugor - otrimannya promotion on robots;
  • perch - a small surplus;
  • yorsh - otrimannya gifts.


Som often signifies a cocky work colleague. Є th іnshі meaning:

  1. Som-meshkanets of kalamutnyh waters - a person from a close otochennya is mischievous.
  2. Hooked on the hook - zustrіch іz tsіkavim lad.
  3. The catfish has dovgi vusiki - shvidka vesillya.
  4. Having attacked a catfish in clear water - right, in return, you will come through folding.
  5. Bachiti caviar - shed tears, the more eggs are bigger, the more unacceptable, the caviar on the plate - failures go one by one.


The right queen of hizhakiv is a pike. Cloudy dreams are similar to її character:

  1. Live by pure water - the girls want to be the owner of shkodi, not respecting their reputation.
  2. Bitten to the blood - check welding from kimos from relatives.
  3. Sushena - colleagues will be steps.
  4. Smoked pike, which reveals a pleasant aroma - a difficult life turn; stale, rotten smell - to the scandal.
  5. Boiled or yushka from pike - in the distance you can not agree to help fix the difficulties.
  6. Ikra - kinship, trim on the palms - there will be a lot of children.
  7. Broken pike showed up with caviar - shvidka vagіtnіst.

Prepare or process fish uv_ sn_ for a woman

The preparation of the dreams of the ribs is interpreted in a different way. Varena means:

  • superfluous lower manifestations and unstained kokhannya, mrії about zamіzhzhya;
  • financial well-being, replenishment of the family budget, especially if the grass is closed;
  • ailments, weakness, timchasov failures;
  • їsti or buy boiled - family life without emotions, cold and passive person.

Smoked vidi most often means health problems:

  • corop - financial turboti;
  • capelin - turboti;
  • sturgeon - a short-lived novel;
  • smoked red salmon - failure, nice surprise;
  • mackerel - lack of vaginess;
  • somga - rotten robot of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sardine - financial tax;
  • flounder - ailments shkiri;
  • sardine - successful return;
  • great, without a head - anxiety and confusion;
  • crucian - spend that trash healthy.

Frosted, greased, salted, dried riba - the cooking option is often indicated on famous rice character, the need to look over the way of life. Їsti sir - to the point, the road is greased, as if the grass is tasty - good, now - blame the folding for the price. Dovga smazhennya - dovg_ zbori. When salted - do not get positive emotions, dried - important in return, she fell into the water and came to life - almost reborn. Ribka to dry on a moth bіla budinka - strained stosunki between households; dry caviar - don't see a special status.

Obrobka, be it any process of preparation can have its own meaning:

  • process and treat caviar - vagіtnіst;
  • freeze - change the person;
  • the grass burned with heat - the passion of the intimacy of life;
  • miti and gutting - the dreamer behaves hisstically and aggressively;
  • refining, cutting, gutting - the girl is not satisfied with her appearance at the mirror, beating the robotic organism.

Buying ribi in the store promises a good financial standard, steel, and the ability to reach it. Yakshcho vibirat on the market - buti oshukanim. Cleaner I live means mothers are unattainable. Do you ever dream about the majestic fish of a woman? As if in a dream to clean a frozen majestic person - it is necessary to indulge in emotions, to practice good, to reach the bag, to reach the goal.

Fish in the aquarium

Dreams of aquarium fish that swim are interpreted in the fallow, in addition, in some part of the aquarium there is a stench. Float mountains - all failures to pass the climb. Anniversary of the merchants of the aquarium - to pay for the hedges for the debt of the earlier service. An aquarium in night dreams is not an easy process, vikonati yoga can only be a team, but the dreamer can be the initiator.

List of victorious literature:

  • Moss R. The secret history of dreams: The meaning of dreams in different cultures and life in particular features. Prov. from English - St. Petersburg: IG "Ves", 2010.
  • Sleep. This is the role of the Christian tlumachenny. Moscow: Obraz, 2006.
  • Solovyov V. Gloomy dictionary of dreams: Illustrated history of civilization dreams. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006.
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