Charger with press wheel. A small simulator for great success: right with a wheel for the press. Right from standing position

Great greetings to all! Today we will talk about pumping the press with a special wheel. But first I want to welcome all of them on the first day of spring! If you are home from work and remembering how people have been signifi- cantly cheered up, the coming spring still affects the mood of people on the edge.

The horizontal bars are already occupied, the lads are moving up, moving up on the beams, the one who thinks briefly about doing the same thing, it’s more like I have a training plan. Today in Krasnodar it was +21˚C (1st March 2017). Particularly hot dudes already kicked their T-shirts, and the ruh at the bottom of the warm robe was already loose. Alemy, we thought, we will turn to those stats.

With the help of a special sports equipment, we’ll talk about it today - a gymnastic wheel, it’s really possible to get hated fat and grow fat in the stomach more pulled up in such a folding muscle, like a lower press, without leaving your kimnati.

In time, I’ll get better acquainted with this wondrous projectile - the wheel for the press, how to deal with it correctly, how to hit it right, how the m'yazi are activated and what will be sufficient. I will try to describe everything in the shortest possible way. Let's go...

Although someone doesn’t know exactly what a sports simulator is called in the form of a roller of a small size with handles on the sides, yoga is often used for home training. Zavdyaks with their compact size of wines practically do not take up a lot of time, there is little varity to work with a popular tool for training. Vіn does not only help to effectively influence the mind of the press and to make them embossed, but also positively influences other zones.

Axis yakі m'yazi zadіyanі pіd hour of work with the wheel:

  • Usієї cherevnoї empty.
  • Back.
  • Hand and foreword.
  • Stegon and Nig.
  • The smaller world has breasts.

The participation of practically all groups of minds can be lifted and lifted in the shortest terms, so as to train constantly with regular periodicity. The only minus of the simulator is that it is hard to work with it, but the result of that is a lot. A smut rule for beginners is not to overdo it with the first occupation, otherwise you will not be able to repeat the training of the next time.

Zavdyaks to the active operation of all zones of m'yazi can be very ill, so the need to improve step by step. At first glance, you can’t seem to get away with it, be it as if you were using this accessory, but it’s not necessary to be angry at once, it’s easier to make it easier with your skin.

As you have broken the wheel for training the press, try to follow these recommendations.

  1. Start with minimal vanity, dress yourself with light clothes and that’s right. Bosonizh is not a raja to take care of the wheel.
  2. Under the ring you can put it softly, even if the stench will be your main support for an hour to take.
  3. As an important official, it’s more correct to breathe, it’s safer as if the blood is sour, and it improves the efficiency of the right.
  4. Before the cob take obov'yazkovo it is necessary to carry out a warm-up warm-up, to avoid stretching and change the soreness of the m'yaziv.
  5. For a person who is not physically ready, 10 repetitions at a time will be enough. In the course of a year, a lot of income will be needed to improve, while maintaining a healthy mind, even if insufficient ambition simply does not give a result, and the outer world can damage your health.

Vibirayuchi wheel z handles, shove, scho less than its diameter, it will be more folding with it, and more productive. Simulators with two bells are bigger than the racks, it’s better for that.

It is also better to give respect to the presence of gaps for nig, to expand the possibilities of your training. Start practicing with a cim shell, resting on the knees, and step by step try to transfer the support to the feet. It is not necessary to move the simulator much ahead of it, otherwise you can not hit it and just fall.

7 effective rights

Richly coristuvachіv vіdznayut that even after 1.5 months the results will become memorable and even more pleasing, deyakі navit stverdzhuyut about correcting the issue. Young mothers are encouraged to use this inventory as the most effective helper for the future form of the next step. One thing is clear, so do not lint - you can effectively lose weight and know the obligatory cubes on the press, smut, do not forget about the daily regimen and eat properly.

The wheel for the press is the most efficient and at the same time elementary among all fitness equipment - equipment. It is recognized that it is recognized in the symptoms of m'yaziv in the expansion of the abdomen, back, seat, shoulder girdle, stegon, arms, breasts. The roller practically does not have analogues, and under the force of whether it is a newcomer or a richly functional simulator for improving the deep m'yazovy tone.

Technique vikonannya

Be it right, you need to work with the most accurate technique in order to get the best result, and also not to injure yourself.

Before vikonanny, do not forget to do a warm-up and a good warm-up of m'yazi.

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  • For the cob, you need to stand on all fours and pick up the roller. Stash your yoga under your shoulders on your buckled hands, get rid of it in this position. On the breath, rightly, roll the video ahead of time, let your body stretch and follow it. Golovne not stick around with the body under the logs and keep stretching the dots, the docks are possible. At the maximum point, you need to pause. Let's pull ourselves back at the post position.
  • The position is lying on the stomach, stretch on the well-knitted arms. Transferring the urge to a large number, pull yoga up to yourself without bending your hands. To rot without tearing anything.
  • The position is sitting on the floor with straightened legs. Put the right-handed hand on the back (then repeat it right, putting it in the right hand). To bend the hull, pressing on the wheel with your hands, you need the flooring far away, it’s possible to hit the wheel. Turn to the outward position. It is important to wince without bending your legs.
  • Position on the floor, but the legs must be bent at the knees. Place the handles of the collar under the feet and start rolling yoga with your feet. The farther you see the video, the stronger your body is healed, with which the knee is to blame for the chest.
  • The stand is standing, the back is to blame, but it is straight, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Dali robіt nahil corps to the bottom, mute you put the video on the sublog. Let's press on the new one, after whom to knock ahead. Just like your breasts get stuck on the surface, bulge. At this point, the trail will last for a few seconds, after which it is proper to turn back.

thin vikonannya

  • Please move the video forward and backward;
  • M'yazi press is guilty buti in tension;
  • At the stretched position, a sprinkling of seconds is necessary;
  • Increase the tension step by step, start from 8 repetitions at 3 approaches, so that you can give the opportunity to m'yazam more quickly to call to the advancement at the right hour;
  • Chim smaller roller - tim is more important to win right;
  • Follow the breath. Stretch out in sight, turn inward at the outer position.


  • zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset;
  • increased vitrivality;
  • put a mark;
  • change in pain in the spinal cord;
  • pratsyuyut once up to 20 min;
  • hand opration;
  • the simplicity of vikoristanni;
  • the process of spalling the fat increases.

At the end of the dodamo, it is necessary to take it as necessary carefully, and even if you finish the technique, then the result will not bother you for a long time.

Right with the wheel for the press - tse current system in the fitness industry, it has been developed to help women lose weight in the waist area and shape the relief of people.

90% of women care about the problem area, they live it, and they add more zusili to it.

Roller for press zmіtsnyuє m'yazi belly, sides, back, rob a person with a windshield. The principle is analogous to the right of "Planck". Zadіyanі sami grupi m'yazіv.

On the other hand, it’s a little less effective for the press, but it’s right to be simple. Tse not so. Navit people who have been involved in sports for a long time, find it easy to take it out with a roller.

For the rhythm of the gymnastic roller, the amplitude of the movement increases, which gives additional motivation. M'yazi press are stretched and mend the burning.

For those who want to lose weight, the simulator is also suitable. The sports wheel removes the fat from the waist and sides. To achieve the effect, wrap your life with grub and actively engage in 30-40 fibers.

Robljachi complex is right with a gymnastic wheel for the press less than 3 times a day, after a month remember the change in the volume of the abdomen and the appearance of a mud relief.

Yak robiti right with a press roller

For the cob properly dress. Clothes are not guilty of shackling ruhіv. The girls are recommended to stab the hair at the tail. On the ground, there may be a soft paddle. Vikoristovuyte kilimok from gumi or pokrivalo.

  1. Do not forget the warm-up: running on the floor, sitting down, stretching standing and sitting.
  2. Pratsyyuchi over tasks, follow the rhythm of breathing. The hands are wound to the vision, and the turn is to the left position to the breath.
  3. Before the cob of complex ones, take a look at this projectile. Try the simulator on the right side, in order to understand how to practice effectively. Look at the photos of the wide pardons.
  4. Reaching the extreme point, fix the position for 2-3 seconds. Tse dopomozhe shvidshe pump up pres and burn fat for an additional roller.
  5. Do not be fooled by the classic workouts for pumping the abdomen. Yakscho vykonuvati comprehensively, the result will be better.
  6. Take small. Chi do not overwhelm your body. For sportsmen-pochatkіvtsіv in the first day to draw 2-3 different ones. To the right on the press, roll the sides with the roller in 1-3 steps, the skin should be cut with the same number of repetitions. Step by step, repeat. If you are tired, stribayte on the jump ropes, but do not let the body relax.
  7. Listen to your body. As a matter of fact, you should be aware of it, so that you can avoid overvoltages.
  8. As soon as they sounded up to the challenge, you can start to unite the task and repeat it more.

Go right on the press with a wheel for healthy eating. To be stringent, keep up the principles of losing weight. For the help of electronic calculators, you can calculate the calorie norm and BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) for doba. Healthy eating necessary for skhudnennya that budovi m'yaziv. Without the necessary amount of protein in the body, the m'yazi of the press does not appear. For a relief, it is enough to remove fat from the abdomen. M'yazi can grow and grow under a proshark, but you think you're not tovstish. To get away from it, look at the bakery for the cob.

The simulator can give a strong vice on the spine for a weak m'yazovy corset. Do not take risks, if you are in pain, put a gymnastic apparatus down and repair it.

Training for the cobwebs

In order to avoid injuries and crepaturi m'yazіv, let's be more comfortable for the organism. For whom the complex of rights for pochatkіvtsіv has been divided. At the world, you can call more than a few steps, repeat and step over to the offensive level. Do not harm yourself and the result will be sly. For beginners, it is recommended to start with 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

  1. Stand crustaceans close to the wall or another vertical support, rest your feet on it. Trim the shoe with both hands, move forward as far as possible, tuck, then turn to the outward position.
  2. The stand is sitting on the floor, the legs are set wide apart. Place the projectile from the right side behind the leg. With the hands of the kotimo simulator, bridle the legs, trying to reach the breasts with the breasts. Let's turn back. Right behind the m'yazi press. Kick off the spatula from one side, and then from the other side.
  3. Come on, focus on the projectile. Straighten in a line and lift your legs back.
  4. Sit on the floor, walk around the gymnastic simulator with your hands and dig into the new one with your feet. Making opir, pull yoga to yourself.

Stitch an average statistical person 10-20 repetitions on the skin of the task.

Right for the stuck

A complex of expansions for quiet, which sounds up to physical navantage. The rights to the press smut - technique and regularity. Choose the number of repetitions individually, relying on attention.

  1. Lie down on a pidlog down in disguise. Trimati gymnastic simulator in front on straight arms. Without bending the back of that lіktі, pull the roller to yourself. Right side for embossing press with wheel is foldable. For women, it is recommended to trim the legs on the back, bent at the knees.
  2. Take an emphasis lying down. The balance of the body is trimmed with the handles of a sock. Pull the simulator up to no and back, do not make the docks equal to the string parallel to the bottom.
  3. Rest on the handles and gain vigilance.

Increase the number of repetitions, or add one stake to the front reach.

Right with a roller for a embossed press, it is effective for women, so that you can follow the elementary rules. Vіdmovtesya vіd alcohol, cigarettes, fast food. For the help of the child, you will achieve better results. Drink that water green tea That fat burns more actively.

Yaki m'yazi can be pumped

The simulator is injected into the lower back of the neck. Groups of mutually agreeing, respectfully correct insults in the zone. Such a pidkhid allows the result to be reached.

Those who have the right to a gymnastic roller for the exercise of the press have their legs tucked in. Entrepreneurship is sufficient, to pump up the quilts, the seats, the back, to strengthen them with springs and pull-ups.

When check on the relief? Get the first results in 1 - 1.5 months. Practice regularly - at least 3-4 times a day. And to sleep alive and in the skin is enough for 14 days. But remember that without regular training and gymnastics, everything will turn back.

Advantages and shortcomings of the fitness video

The wheel with handles allows in a short term to achieve results in the form of taking. It was created for the sake of the black magic, and there can be no analogs for a similar action. The relief begins to appear after a short interval of time.

Projectile gains:

  • compact rozmіr - kovzanka is easy to catch, which allows you to carry out training in a tight space;
  • the varity is pleasant - it’s more accurate to say that the price for such a functional simulator is ridiculous;
  • suitable for people and women - a lot of work, for skin preparation you can know the right complex with a wheel.

Not enough simulator - newcomers importantly pump the press for the help of the wheel, the shards of the backside are a large group of m'yaziv. Ale not varto immediately prompted to take.

What is more important thorny path to the mrії, tim tsіnіsha nagorod. Practice over your body day after day and after the next setting until the gymnastic roller changes. Hands, live to become mіtsnіshimi, you can win more repetitions and increase the number of tasks.

At rich booths at quiet, who comrades in sports, you can often indulge in a marvelous visit. This is a small wheel made of two with handles on the sides. Surely, in the skin of the native land of Radyansk, there was such a order with a wondrous cold stake, on which it was customary to “twist” one’s thin waist.

So chi іnakshe, the roller for the press and dosi zalishaєtsya even more in demand and an inexpensive unit for home training. Vikoristovuvati yogo can be practical for any member of the family: from children to pensioners. Kozhen know yourself busy to the soul. Therefore, today it’s right for the press with a video.

Chi know you:

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Bіl in m'yazakh after training, the result of microtrauma in m'yazovyh fibers.

Ideal for women, from the look of aesthetics, the increase is minus 113. From the look of physiology: the increase is minus 110

Ideal size for a set of masi - 1 kg per week. If it’s better, then, creamy m’yaziv, it will be rich in fat.

If you didn’t have a strict diet, you’re not guilty of saving less than 1100 kcal for dobu

Ideal weight loss - 1 kg per week. If you lose weight, then the m'yazi will ruin

25% of newcomers at the first training show a camp that is close to being untidy. Tse v_dbuvaєtsya through a sharp decrease in the vice

When losing weight, it is necessary to reduce the total calorie content of the diet for the fat and carbohydrate intake, and not for the protein intake

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It is not possible to spit the body to spit fat only in one singing area

For people after sex, the strength to fall. Women grow up. To that, cholov_kam before trainings should be better utrimatisya

Women's breasts cannot be changed, but they can be enlarged for help. Age won't develop more importantly from adipose tissue.

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Right on the press and the seats allow women to easily reach an orgasm.

Sports eating increases the efficiency of your training by approximately 15%

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If you see weakness and confusion in training, then it’s better for you to reduce the pressure. Drink licorice juice between meals

After 3 - 4 months after the cob is borrowed from a person, there is a physiological fallow in training

Since then, as we already said, we need only a handful of space to occupy, smooth and equal to the bottom, a wheel with handles for the press. Right with the roller can be light and foldable. Let's get started.

Basic rules to take

What is the main accessory of this simulator? On the right, in the fact that you don’t take only your hips, but also allows you to use other parts of the body, for example, back, arms and legs. Zavdyaky to this uncomplicated one, your whole body will come into tone and start to shine, and if you have a bail before you, then deprive you of guilt forever. The maximum vanity, obviously, pripadatime itself on the press.

As soon as you start your work, then do not hurry up to work labor exploits. Don't overstress! Otherwise, in the next two days, you risk suffering from severe pain at m'yazakh. As a result, after trying out inhuman torments, the video is thrown into the next big hole, and you forget about this corny, burned-out simulator.

The most effective at the cob stages of training are 8-12 repetitions, then a small change and then one pidkhid. It is necessary to develop 3 such approaches.

Right for beginners

When you start to occupy, remember about the main principle: you are not on the sprinter's marks, because the speed can be of great importance. Do not hurry, watch your press and work. Krіm tsyogo, podіbny pіdhіd spare you injury.

One of the simplest rights is to roll the roller in position on the knees. You can start something new, be it a recruit, but you can master the technique of wickedness. It is necessary to stand on a knee and put a simulator in front of you. The wheel is known simply under the shoulders.

Rest your hands on your arms and start pushing forward. With such a leathery quilting, the body step by step descends the daedals lower than the level of the underlays. Get to the thia point when your body practically straightens up and turn back. With whom, no body, no legs are not guilty of standing up. Robimo kіlka pіdkhodіv.

One way to find this option is to call newcomers to faceless difficulties. It is even more problematic for adzhe to subdue jealousy in times less by the force of m'yaziv. What is work? I can suggest to you more simple and safe way. Take the video and walk to the wall.

Open it up to you in such a rank, so that you could curl up, bump the walls and not fall into it. Start pratsyuvati without zayvih fights. In this manner, it is possible to regulate and cut the sickly body from the minimum to the maximum, so that if the body is practically parallel to the body. Follow the breath. Turning around at the outer position, open up less visible mouths.

Before speech, when working with such a simulator, you can put on a special guard on the knee, so as not to injure the lower part of the body. In the option of tsієї right є і vykochuvannya kolіschatka not directly in front of you, but on the back to the left side, and then to the right, having practically killed all the groups of slanting m'yazіv of the worm press.

To folding options, go over the same, if you can easily work an hour of one approach is close to 20 repetitions. If so, you can master that other variety.

How to work right with a press wheel in a larger folding option? Lie down on the bed on your life, and your hands at the same time roll up in front of you. The legs are straightened and rest their fingers on the kilimok. At the sight, the body rises to the mountain, not shattering the stegon. The amplitude of the ruhіv is small, and the won is also available for beginners.

Right for trained athletes

Occupation with the wheel at the standing position is recommended to be mastered after you learn how to do it well in the front complex. Robitime all the same, just try to put your feet shoulder-width apart and heal yourself to the point of looking like the letter “L”.

Just as at the front of the vault, the points of support were on your knees, then at the same time there will be feet and fingers. So try to either dress it up like that, as if it would allow you to be steadfast, or choose the surface, where the leg is not shackled.

So you can begin the whole series of walls, choosing such a distance for yourself, as to give you, first, carefree, but in a different way, feasible. In this case, we also follow the forward recommendations and lower the body with the skin at once, all the distance and distance, until the veins become parallel to the ground.

If you work and right, it is necessary to follow your cross by obov'yazkovo. In any case, you are not guilty of bending її, uniquely zayvogo navantazhennya on the driftwood.

As your simulator has special grooves, you can insert your legs into it, you can also master it right from lying down. Let's put our feet in special shoes and we'll start the kittens up to ourselves, at the same time bending across. The pelvis is a trifle lifted.

Standing on knees, you can build one more right. The back in the new can be equal, but it is less than a hand to practice. Zavantazhuemo scythe the m'yazi of the stomach, the rhythmic rhythmic movement of the hands forward and backward. See how your triceps, biceps and deltas work.

How to make it easy for you to show, how to practice with a wheel for the press, right for the first time: you can look at the video and photos of their vikonannya troch below.

Find out and other folding options to take from the video. Truth is, for which you need two such simulators.

At the outer position, we stand on the knees on the bottom, at the skin of the hand, we stretch the handle of the wheel. Now we’re pulling up at the bar (so, we’re picking up, we’re climbing), we’re moving forward right hand on the back and then we’re lifting the body on the uplifted hands, and the next left hand.

Practically the variant of the more laborious vіdzhiman, for which it is necessary to be a sorcerer of the mіtsnih m'yazyv of the press. Robimo 10 v_dzhiman on the left hand and 10 - on the right.

Otzhe, today everything is right for the press with a video, master it, and I'm preparing new options. It’s quiet, who, having dealt with such a simulator, talk about those who even practice with it regularly, then the results won’t bother.

Zvichayno, as you virish, then only the wheel is not surrounded by warto. Write your own program in such a way that before it there were different interests. Urge your busyness on the press, twisting and other complexes. Force Axis:

Krim tsyogo, be it a coach to please you, mother of a child, where you write down the date and program of yours to take. Allow me to see your progress, remember all the working days, plan the program further away.

Are you even more pleased and right for people and women? Axis on which resource you can read a ton of core information:

For today, everything that I want to tell you, but not everything that I want to bi and I am going to work in the next hour.

The roller allows you to propagate in household minds the m'yazi is not only the stomach, but the back, chest, arms and legs. Bagato is right with press wheel The back of the head can be difficult to give to uninformed athletes: the necessary m'yazova is the basis for supporting the whole body. However, you will call out in an hour, having perfected your figure.

Features of the right with a roller for the press for the cob

  • An alternative sports equipment for athletes-pochatkivtsiv will be a gymnastic ball.
  • Follow the breath.
  • The amplitude of the ruhiv is not equal to the effective training of the ulcers, including the possibility of the appearance of pain.
  • Control the trajectory of the wheel.
  • Fix your position for a few seconds, if you feel the maximum tension of the membranes.

Right with a wheel for the press for people

The training of the m'yazіv of the worm press will become more effective, as if to beat the wheel in one's employment. Dali mi rozpovimo, how to correctly koristuvatisya roller for the press, how m'yazi pratsyyut and chi є melancholy and efficiency of such rights. How to roll the wheel correctly, you can find out in the video below.

As the video progresses with the increasing number of shells, you will develop an effective work, directed to the growth of the m'yazovoi mass of the whole body.

Training for the press with a wheel for people

Moving forward and backward from the column: video right with the video

Wiping technique:
  1. Get up straight on your knees. Trim the roller in your hands. Lower the wheel on a pidlog.
  2. Extend the body to the transition at the horizontal position.
  3. Turn to post position. A support for you is to blame, but only a little more than that roller. Vicorist gymnastic kilimok. Hit 2 steps with 12 repetitions.

Moving forward with the roller and back with the wheel

Front rolling standing up

Frontal rental wins the dosvіdchenі athletes. For others, the option of a wide stalk nig was given. From the skin coming workouts, beginners need to change their feet between their feet.

Wiping technique:
  1. Get up. Walk between your legs, but be bigger than the width of your shoulders.
  2. Get sick. Take hold of the wheel handles. Book a rental. At the lower point, the toulub will become parallel to the bottom. Follow the order. Do not bend your hands at the faces.
  3. Turn around at the exit position and repeat the development of the movement 10 times.

One way rental

When rolling with a wheel on one hand of the whole body, I try to learn how to train. It is almost possible to win the tsієї right with the support of the knee.

Wiping technique:
  1. Stand at the exit position with your knees on the floor. Grab the handle of the roller with one hand.
  2. Nekvapom collapse forward. Control jealousy. As a support, beat your other hand.
  3. Rotate the body to a vertical position. Work out 6 repetitions with a skin hand in 3 steps.

Rental on one hand with a wheel

Rolling along a diagonal trajectory to mark the scythes of the press.

Wiping technique:
  1. Pochatkove position - standing on knees. Take a sports equipment to hand. Get fed up, put the simulator on the hook.
  2. Fall diagonally. Let's turn around at the exit point.
  3. Collect 8 rolls for the skin side.

Walking on your hands is carried out to the widened right. To win the right, it is necessary for the mother to have a special wheel with clamps for nig.

Wiping technique:
  1. Expand the wheel under your feet. Fix the position of the feet. Stand on the floor with your palms in the plank position.
  2. Hang around for the help of your hands, straining the belly rub.
  3. Ruhaytes such a rank stretching kіlkoh khvilin.

Right with a wheel for a press for girls and women

Training with a wheel in the best way for pumping the press for girls and women. Right with the roller allow you to mess around zavoi vaga create m'yazi belly observant relief. The complex is right, broken down by a professional coach, suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. How to properly deal with the video at home minds, you can find out from our article.

Press complex with wheel for women

For a comfortable rental from Kolin put under a column of muck. Don't be afraid to beat the odds for rent. As soon as you understand, in some way, the m'yazi press will be included in the work.

Wiping technique:
  1. Like a support due to buti buti zadіyanі kolіna. Take hold of the handles of the roller and roll forward, swinging your arms in front of you. Try to lower the sternum somehow lower.
  2. Turn to spat position.
  3. You have the right to work 10 times on 3 approaches.

The plank will help you to understand how to exercise jealousy and practice correctly with the roller.

Wiping technique:
  1. Get up crustaceans. Hop on by the handles of your order. See the bar: the tulub can make a single line.
  2. Control the tension on the m'yazi of the whole body with a stretch of 1 hvilin.
  3. Zdіysnіt Rukh more 2 times.

Wiping technique:
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Zignіtsya at the back. Hold the roller in front of you in your hands. Tse will be a prominent position.
  2. Zrobit roll forward to the position of the bar. Fix for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Turn to spat position. Repeat right 10 times for 3 sets.

For vikonannya advancing rights, a special wheel with clamps for nigs is needed.

Lifting up to the sternum, vimagaє utrimannya rivnovagi.

Wiping technique:
  1. Close the legs up to the wheel with special clamps. Get into plank position. The support will be the wheel and hands.
  2. Bend your legs in knees across your cheeks, pulling them up to your chest.
  3. Rob 8 times on 3 approaches.

Wiping technique:
  1. Close the video to nіg. Get into plank position. Tse will be a vihіdnim camp.
  2. Pull up the wheel under the abdomen, in this manner, bending at pelvic loam. Legs, arms and back, try to stretch straight. Choose the amplitude of the movement depending on your stretching.
  3. Turn around at the exit position. Vicone three times for 12 repetitions.

Popular food about the right video:

What is the melancholy, efficiency in training with a roller?

Vikonuyuchi right with a wheel for the press, dodatkovo zadіyte m'yazi bark. After a few hours, put respect for improvement, put that work on internal organs, reduce pain in the back. It is safe to develop the strength of minds, to effectively train their vibrancy. You will increase the quantity of m'azovoy mass of the whole body.

How to choose the "Pres Roller" simulator?

The simulator is equipped with two handles with a wheel, the air is moving along the surface. When choosing a video, the citizens should pay attention to the moment:

  • The presence of a turning mechanism to reduce the risk of injury.
  • it’s easier to fit it easier, if the simulator can be bigger. However, remember warto and about those that m'yazi are more likely to vanish for an hour right with a single roller.
  • It is important to perekonatisya at the supremacy of the simulator.
  • Chim more weight video, it’s more important for you to take care of it.
  • The handles of the simulator in any case are not to blame.
  • You can twist the video with special fasteners for nig.

Yakі m'yazi practice (zadіyanі) have the rights of the roller?

The video allows athletes to work on the strength and relief of the press. When vykonannі right with the wheel, the ridge stretches, the work includes straight lines and transverse abdominal muscles. Dodatkovo zadіyanі practically all m'yazi body: quilt, shoulders, arms and the broadest m'yaz back.

What can be a contraindication?

If you have injuries of the ridge, bіl y across, turn on the training program right with the wheel. With the vacancy of the folds, the complex is also more likely not to be broken.


To achieve a good result, regulate the eating regimen, exercise regularly. Presіdannya that vіdzhimannya urіznomanіtnyat occupied with the video and spriyat reach the maximum effect.

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