Vіsіm mythіv pro kaesarіv roztin. Cesarіv roztin Chi you can voluntarily rob caesarіv

Narazі tsya operation is expanded. Behind the statistics, for 6-8 women, like people independently, fall alone, like a roar of Caesars. With this risk, for which a woman is affected at the hour of a caesarean delivery, 12 times higher, lower with natural canopies. Cesarіv roztin can be as planned (the operation is prescribed for another hour of pregnancy), so it is urgent (such an operation is carried out, as a way of complicating the vine in the process of natural canopies).

Did you get the name of the operation?

The word "Caesar" is the Greek form of the Latin "Caesar" (monarch, Volodar). It is important that the name of this operation may be directly related to Gaius Julius Caesar himself. According to the legend, the mother of the future Roman emperor died at the hour of the sloping essences. The obstetricians did not lose anything in their timidity, as if they had knives and cut open the womb of the vagina: the stinks were tempted to vryatuvat wanting to be a child. Fortunately, the operation was successful, and a great monarch appeared in the world. Since that time, such operations have been nicknamed “Caesarean Roztin”.

On the other hand, you may have called it because of this, that in the fate of Caesar's rule, it was a law before praise, which in a binding manner punished a child at the time of death: roztinat the heart wall and the uterus and take away the plaid. The first caesarean roztin on a living woman with a successful result was carried out for more than 1500 years. The Swiss Jakob Nyfer, who earned his life, castruychi knurіv, was distinguished. If the yogo vagit retinue could not help the thirteen informed midwives, he asked for the sake of the mother for the sake of the operation, and with his hands, having called the retinue of cesareans roztin. Everything passed away - the squad that child was vryatovani. Behind the statistics, for 6-8 women, like people independently, fall alone, like a roar of Caesars.

In what ways do you have caesarean roses?

Irrespective of those who are caesar roztin - the operation is not more complicated, all the same, the operation is overwhelmed. During the caesarean section, the risk for healthy women was 12 times higher, lower due to natural slopes. Therefore, in order to send a woman to caesarean roses, the physicians should be blamed for it. Just in that moment, as if mimovile canopies are impossible and unsafe for the life of a child’s mother, the obstetrician-gynecologist gives the go-ahead for the operation. In addition, for a caesarean roztina obov'yazkovo the patient's age is necessary.

Decisions about cesarean roztin (planned) are accepted more to the bud, like a woman:

  • strong short-term іz zminami in full-time day;
  • an important form of circulatory diabetes or Rhesus conflict;
  • a narrow pelvis, it is impossible to pass through a kind of child;
  • acute genital herpes and advances of risk of infection of the fetus during yogo passage along the birth paths;
  • severe mental toxicosis;
  • є wadi the development of the uterus and pіhvi;
  • two and more scars on the mats after the front curtains from the caesarean section;
  • with an incorrect position of the fetus (transverse, oblique) or placenta previa (it closes the cervix and does not give the child a name);
  • when postponing vaginess.

Cesarіv rosetin * in the process of gradual ** (emergency) is most likely to be vibrated, if the woman cannot hatch the baby herself (to induce after stimulation with faces), or if there are signs of acid starvation of the fetus.

What is the hour of the operation?

In the course of the caesarean operation, the cranial wall breaks, then the empty uterus and the plaid. The wound on the mattsі is sutured with an uninterrupted suture, the crown wall is restored, the shackles are applied to the scruff, which means 6 days after the operation. With a pleasant break after the post-operative period, the patients are discharged at home for 6-7 days.

Caesarean roztin is carried out under anesthesia. Which kind of anesthesia to choose, the anesthesiologist will determine, depending on whether the fetus becomes vaccinated. At the same time, as a rule, there are two types of anesthesia: endotracheal (anesthesia is carried out in the dychal passage through a tube) or epidural (the neck is inserted into the spinal canal and an anesthetic is given through it, after 10-15 minutes, a part of the body below the injection is pained). The remaining type of anesthesia is more popular, the woman's shards are left at the sight of the mother, and maybe even a little baby, who will appear in the world.

How can you rob caesarean roses without a certificate for the bajan?

In some countries, they practice caesarean roses for women's bread. With this help, the deacons of the vagіtnі are able to overcome such problems, like a gentle slope, zbіlshennya rozmіrіv pіhvi, razrіzi crotch. Prote All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, I respect such tactics as untrue. This is due to the fact that, having avoided some problems, women can experience other, more often serious, severe, neurological damage in children, a three-fold post-operative period, lactation inconsistency, impossibility to give birth to a “normal” path ...

Minuses of caesarean rosette

  • Psychological discomfort in the breed. A lot of women suffer because they did not give birth to their own child.
  • Unacceptable attention when coming out of anesthesia: boredom, confusion, headache.
  • Impossibility to look at your child on your own.
  • Impossibility to please a child with breasts.
  • Bіl at the early, the need to dorimuvatisya bedtime regime for a few days after the semester.
  • Possible aggravation after surgery, obov'yazkova therapy with antibiotics.
  • Possible neurological findings in children.

In addition, it’s important that they are unmoved, as if they succumbed to the light of the result of a caesarean rosette, more adaptable to the minds of the old middle class, the shards of the people, for example, “forgave their lives” and the stench did not learn to “fight”. I want Gaym Julii Caesar to be unfamiliar, the doctors' visnovok is unambiguous - the operation of a caesarean rosette is only true, if there is no possibility to spend friendly in the natural canopies.

Cesarіv roztin - an operation, in the course of a neonatal child, a woman is pulled out of the uterus of a vagit woman through a roza in the abdomen. Cesarіv rosetin є an alternative to natural canopies.

Why was Caesar's Roztin so called?

It is important that the name of the operation was attributed to Guy Julius Caesar. According to the legend, the mother of the future emperor died in the middle of the hour and the doctors didn’t lose anything, the cream of the rose lives and stays silent, to vryatuvati yoga. From that hour on, such operations are called "caesarean retiring." Second version. Nebito under the hour of Caesar's rule, buv the adoption of the law, what the goiter of obstetricians at the death of the mother, what the people, rozsikati її cherevo and vitiaguvati plaid.

The first Caesarean rose, in the course of which both mothers and children survived, was carried out near Praz in 1337 roci. Let's take it for granted that we could find out the documents that confirm this fact. During the operation, Wenzel I, Duke of Luxembourg, appeared. The canopies of my mother, the seventeenth Beatrice, were important and the healers managed to find out that she died. The stench blew the distance to the child, so that they could baptize її.

Beatrice came to you in pain. It is important that the shock, which she recognized, having protected her from bloodshed, she survived that very thing. Vaughn lived for 46 more years and now outlived her son, really, by more than 16 days.

If you need caesarean rosetin?

Cesarіv roztin - an alternative to vaginal canopies. In some cases, a planned cesarean is performed, and in others, the operation is carried out on an emergency basis.

Before that, as a sign of the operation, the doctors carefully study the patient's anamnesis, and also know about the excess of vagity. Indicated before caesarean section is a rich vagity, too great a plaid, an increase in the placenta, as well as in the pelvis or transverse displacement of the child. The operation can be attributed to a distant leg, as the mother suffers from severe shortness of life or an important form of diabetes, and also in that case, as she already suffered a caesarean section at the front of the canopy.

Decisions about an emergency operation are taken, as the curtains are tightened, and also in that case, as signs of acid starvation of the fetus appear, or irregular heartbeat occurs.

What is the hour of the operation?

The operation is carried out as quickly as possible and necessary for the order of life and the mother of the baby. During the operation, the main anesthesia is used, the most extensive is the spinal one, the decision about the type of anesthesia is taken by the drug.

Doctors neatly, ball by ball, I first cut the skin, sweat the mud, and then the heart of the wall. The next stage is the growth of the empty uterus. As for the natural canopies, the little one is guilty of appearing headfirst into the world. The mouth of that newborn is cleaned from the mucus of those other rіdins, and they are also changed, so that the umbilical cord is not wrapped around. After whom, they pull the child around, cut the umbilical cord, wash, call and kill the newborn. Following the child, the doctors will take the placenta, after which they sew up the cuts before the balls reverse order. Sound from the first incision until it is impossible to pass no more than 15 quills, and the whole operation will take about 45 quills.

How do women recover after surgery?

Women, like the operation of a caesarean roset, were carried out at the liquorice for more than an hour, lower ti, hto narodzhuvav natural way. Irrespective of those that the technique of the operation is becoming more and more perfect, women will need more than an hour for renewal after her. Patients are often prescribed painkillers and antibiotics, and their mobility is short-lived.

However, even though the operation went without complications, the recovery period also went without any particular problems. Women after the discharge are guilty of the process of closing the seam and with symptoms of inflamed (blackened, swollen, elevated temperature) are guilty of returning to the doctor yaknaishvidshe.

As if the woman had already endured Caesar's roses earlier, it's neobov'yazkovo, so it's impossible to make a child step on a natural path. Caesar's roses do not always impose a cold and on the number of offensive operations - in the fall, if the women in this rank made five and more children.

Chi can robiti cesarean roztin without other indications?

Caesarean roztin is one of the most extensive operations in the world. Її the appearance of that fully sprung into the reduction of maternal and child mortality. The all-world organization for the protection of health is naked, that it is necessary to carry out the operation only in quiet weather, if the natural canopies threaten the life of the child's mother.

In some countries, the practice of choosing the type of birth by a woman has been expanded. Choosing cesarean roses, the stench wants to die rozrіzіv i rozrivіv promyzhin, as well as labor pains. Fahіvtsі vvazhayut that, regardless of those who caesarіv roztin effectively help to solve these problems, they can provoke others, often not less serious. Among them are disability and death. The very same WHO experts are pleased to see the operation carried out for the woman's life.

Canopies - the whole process, which is the body of a woman with a lot of attachments. However, for other reasons, natural canopies can become unsafe for health or bring life to a child's mother. In such cases, an operative birth is carried out - a caesarean operation.

Caesar_v roztin mozhe buti we are planningі terms. Scheduled caesarean roses are assigned for another hour of pregnancy: for the indications of chi for the future mothers. Decisions about the term caesarean rupture are accepted, which is blamed for the aggravation of the early afternoon, or unsafe situations, which imply the term delivery (hospital hypoxia of the fetus, placental emptying).

Indications before the caesarean section are divided into absoluteі visible. Absolute vvazhayutsya, on the basis of such doctors, without any reservations, they prescribe an operation, but about natural canopies, you can’t move. Until such testimony lie so.

Absolute indication to caesarean section

The narrow pelvis of the parent. Because of the anatomical features of a woman, it is simply not possible to give birth on her own, so that one can blame the problems of the child’s passage along the birth paths. Tsya osobli_stvo vyyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєє at the setting on the form, and the woman in the form of the cob get ready and nalashtovuєsya on operative birth.

Mechanical shift, to prevent the fetus from going through the natural path. You can use:

  • defragmentation of pelvic cysts;
  • swelling of the ovaries;
  • placenta previa (the placenta is rotting there, it is guilty, crossing the way for the fetus to exit the cervix);
  • okremі vypadki uterine myoma.

Imovirnіst rozrivіv uterus. This is indicated to the fold through the caesarean rupture in the first place, as well as on the matts є as sutures and scars, for example, after the previous operations of the caesarean rupture and empty operations.

Anterior removal of the placenta. Pathology manifests itself in the fact that the placenta is still up to the cob of ancestral activity in the uterus, allowing the child to eat and access sour.

Vіdnosnі indication to caesarean rosette

Vіdnosnі pokazyvanya to caesarean rosette convey the possibility of natural canopies, but with a risk for the little chi mami. In such a situation, all individual factors are seriously considered. Until vіdnosnyh evidence zarakhovuyut:

  • ruined by the mother’s eyes (it’s embarrassed by high ambitions on the eyes, if the people of the woman are pushing);
  • problems with robots;
  • cerebrovascular disease;
  • pathology nervous system;
  • oncological illness too.

Like a bachite, you don’t get sick when you’re pregnant, but intense pressure on the mother’s body can lead to a change in complications.

In addition, it is indicated to serve a caesarean rose preeclampsia- Damage in the system of blood flow and vessels.

Before you show threatening to the health of the child carry out various infections in the mother, so that the child can become infected while walking along the birth paths.

Well, before the term caesarean rose, yoga is prescribed at times, as the birth activity is even weaker than the call.


For the term caesarean roses, there may be offensive types:

  • we plan;
  • extreme

For the technique of vikonannya they are distinguished:

  • abdominal caesarean roztin - rozrіz vykonuєtsya through the anterior hip wall;
  • pіhvovy kaesarіv roztin - rozrіz through the front crypt pihvi.

How is the operation of a caesarean rupture, which is to be done before and after it

How to pass caesarean roses

On what terms do I work for planned caesarean roztin? The date of the operation is assigned in an individual order and to fall into the age of a woman and a child. If there are no special indications, then caesarean roses are assigned to the nearest day before the transfer date. Buvaє and so, that the operation is carried out with the cob of essence.

How to prepare for a caesarean birth

Call the future mother, as if to check the planned caesarean birth, place at the gently sloping booths in advance in order to carry out the obstezhennia - signify that the child is full-term and ready to be born, and step behind the camp of the woman. As a rule, the operation of a caesarean section is scheduled for early in the morning, and the rest of the reception is possible no later than 18 years before the evening before. The sluice of the operation is to be blamed for being empty, so that the hit of yoga is lost in the dyhal way. Vranci, on the day of surgery, carry out hygienic procedures to prepare for cesarean delivery: give an enema, shave the pubis. They gave the woman a change in her shirt, and її brought in to be taken on a wheelchair to the operating room.

Anesthesia is carried out immediately before the operation, a catheter is inserted on the sieve mіkhur (yogo is removed after a year after the operation), the patient is treated with a disinfectant method. A small screen is installed in the area of ​​the woman's breasts so that she cannot prevent the operation from being interrupted.


Currently available 2 types of anesthesia: epidural and deep anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia transfers the introduction of a thin tube through the neck at the exit of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. It’s not worth it to sound scary, but it’s true that the woman is unacceptable for only a few seconds, if there is a puncture. Dali won't stop feeling pain and tactile feeling in the lower part of the body.

Hot narcosis. Which type of anesthesia is required for emergency caesarean section, if there is no time for an epidural injection. A drug of the so-called anterior anesthesia is injected into the back, then through the tube in the trachea, a sum of anesthetic gas and sour is injected, and the drug is injected, which relaxes the muscles.

Head of caesarean surgery

After the anesthesia has subsided, the operation begins. How to perform a caesarean section? Raise the back of the head on the cherevnіy wall. During the operation, 2 types of cuts are possible: late (vertical from the womb to the navel; to fight for an emergency caesarean section, so that through the new baby is farther away) and transverse (above the womb).

They gave the surgeon a rose of m'yazi, to break a rose on the matts and a curve of fruitful mihur. After the child's miscarriage, the placenta bulges. Then the doctor sews up the womb with threads, as if they are rozmoktuyutsya through a sprat of months after that, as the tissue grows, and then we will sew the heart of the wall. A sterile bandage is applied, a kriga is put on the life in order to make the uterus contract intensively, and also to change blood loss.

The trivality of the caesarean rosette is occupied from 20 to 40 times, with which the child goes out into the light already at 10 times, or even earlier.

Postoperative period

Even after the operation of the caesarean rosette, the woman will have to go to the resuscitation ward and intensive care in order for the doctors to be able to watch the camp. Then the new mother will be transferred to the emergency ward. To change the pain sensations, they are prescribed pain medications, preparations for the contraction of the uterus and the normalization of the intestinal tract. Some people prescribe antibiotics, but sometimes they vary individually. Stepwise doses of liqiv are changed and in them they are prescribed zovsim.

Like the operation went without a hitch, stand up first time women are allowed only after 6 years. It’s necessary to sit on the couch, and then we’ll stand up for a bit. At the same time, you can’t strain, if you want to have minimal physical tension, I’ll threaten the shards with loose seams.

On the edge of the bagana behind the back come postoperative bandage, yogo wearing significantly relieve the transfer of that unacceptable sight in the first days after the operation of the caesarean roset, especially if you need to lie down and get up from the bed.

Doglyad, diet that stіlets

On the first day after the operation, it is recommended to drink less water without gas, and you will need to drink a lot, in order to replenish your blood intake. It will also be necessary to empty the sich mіkhur. It is important that the latest mihur pereskodzha uterine shortness.

The next day, they allow some food (porridge, broth, thin). If everything is in order, then from the third day of the operation, you can turn to a normal diet recommended for women, who can eat, after a lot of mothers suffer from constipation, and in order to help alleviate the situation, it is important not to live a firm life for a few days.

The same problem is overcome by enemas, candles (sound the vicorist candles with glycerin; if you put such a candle, try to lie down for an hour) and living in food products, which may weaken the diet (kefir, dried fruit, too).

After registration from the canopy booth

The first and second months after the caesarean surgery, you will not be able to take a bath, swim in the pools and water basins, you will only be able to pray in the shower.

Active physical adventure it is necessary to pay less, less than two months. It's time to need help from that person's relatives. It is not possible to want to be mindful of physical activity. Ideally, the doctor after the operation is guilty of telling you about the right, so as to speed up the renewal of the body, you can ask about yourself.

Reinforce state of life It is recommended to be taken no earlier than 2 months after the operation. Obov'yazkovo podbayte about contraception. Fahіvtsі rajah plan to come on the vagіtnіst less than in 2 years, for the whole hour the body will be able to renew itself and be able to secure the full development of the future baby.

What can natural canopies do after a caesarean?

In spite of the broadening of thoughts, a woman can give birth to a child herself, as in the past, her pregnancy ended with a caesarean rosette. As if the seams were hot, there were no daily fluctuations, the reproductive system was successfully restored and there were no daily indications for another caesarean rupture.

Pros and cons of cesarean surgery

Prompt delivery is possible, both for medical indications, and for vlasniy bazhannyam women. Let the doctors speak out against such a decision, encouraging the future mother in the surgical intervention. As you also consider the possibility of the operation being carried out, understand that the normal canopies are not contraindicated for you, seriously consider all the positive and negative aspects of nutrition.

Plus a caesarean rose:

  • in case of surgery for non-malignant injuries of the state organs, such as rupture and rupture;
  • A birth for an additional caesarean rose takes a maximum of 40 hvilin, at that hour, as with natural canopies, a woman is often embarrassed to endure a long stretch of years.

Minuses of caesarean rosette:

  • psychological aspect: mothers swear that they don’t smell a bond with a child, they can’t smell that they themselves gave birth;
  • the exchange of physical activity and that of the municipality;
  • scar. Read the report about it at the article

Results of the caesarean surgery

Labels can be divided into 2 types: for mother, at the link with surgical interventions, that for kids, at the link with unnatural people

Notes for moms:

  • bіl at the seams, a scar on the stomach;
  • the impoverishment of physical activity, the impossibility of taking a bath and the intimacy of the blue for decades;
  • psychological state.

Suggestions for kids:

  • psychological; I have a thought that children, as if they appeared in the light of the way of the operation, are more attached to the world of need. Varto signify that the thoughts of the children from this drive diverge, that evidence of mothers shows that in the most cases the children are afraid of the mental development of the mind, and there is no trace of turbulence from that drive. However, it is impossible to recount the fact that the child does not go through the path, the preparations for him by nature, and helps to prepare for a new middle ground;
  • the possibility of a surplus of navcoloplid rіdina in the legs of the new people;
  • getting into the blood of a child and drugs for anesthesia. Read more about the consequences of caesarean rupture and marvel at the video

Complimentary after caesarean section

Complicated after anesthesia. If you are due to have a caesarean section due to the need for epidural anesthesia, you need to remember the coming moment. After the operation, the catheter for pain relief is still left at the back for a certain hour, and the preparations for pain relief are injected in a new way. Therefore, after the operation is over, the woman may not be able to offend one leg and may not be able to shift.

There are fluctuations, if, when the woman is shifted to the couch, her legs turn, the shards of the operation are not seen, this fact may remain unremarked for a long time.

What do I threaten? As a result, the knowledge of science in the non-natural camp is developing trival positional pressure syndrome. In other words, the soft tissues of the trival hour perebuvayut without bleeding. After the neutralization of pressure, a shock develops, a strong infusion, a disruption of the rukhovo activity of the end, and, do not start, but do it often, nir's insufficiency everything is accompanied by severe pains that last for decades.

Obov'yazkovo ask the staff of the canopy booth to check that you were correctly laid on the couch. Remember that some crush syndrome can lead to death.

In addition, anesthesia is often accompanied by headaches and back pain.

One of the widest folds - tse adhesions. Loops of the intestines and other organs of the empty stomach grow among themselves. Excitement to lie down in the face of the individual features of the woman: on the right, you can get surrounded by the most important physiotherapy or to meet the needs of a surgical intervention.

endometritis- Ignition process at the mother. For yoga, it is prescribed a course of antibiotics immediately after the operation.

Bleeding it is also possible to make it easier after the operation of the caesarean rosette and, in a few fluctuations, to bring the uterus out to the point of necessity.

The complication can be caused by the process seams, to their diversity.

Also, the operation of a caesarean rupture is a guarantee of life for mothers and children in quiet situations, if the natural canopies are not possible or safe. With skin cancer, the operation is improved, and the number of complications is changed. However, the human factor cannot be excluded, because if you know about the main features of the operation and the post-operational observation, it will help you to get comfortable and enjoy the joys of motherhood without zayvih pretense.

Video, how to pass caesarean roztin

I fit!

Kesariv roztin is one of the most important topics among future mothers. It’s vagitni, yaki panicky to be afraid of tsієї operations, іnshі navpak vvazhayut that caesarean is easier and safer for self-supporting canopies. Know and women, yakі vvazhayut, scho caesarіv roztin can work for bazhannyam.

What myths do you know about cesarean roses? І de hovaєtsya the truth?

Myth number 1. Caesar_v roztin can work for the women's bajan

Tse even frequent pardon and absolutely unprimed. The doctor to rob Caesar's roses only in that moment, if independent canopies are not possible or not safe for the woman and the fetus. For the bazhannyam caesarіv roztin do not win.

The next hour after the operation may be complicated. For example, high risk of bleeding, development of infection, loose stitches. After a caesarean abdomen, pain and tension in the area of ​​the seam, the body is more restored, lower after independent slopes.

On the plaid, the operation is also not the best rank. Nature provides self-supporting canopies, and cesarean roses for a baby - tse dodatkovy stress. During the operation, the baby should not pass through the birth paths and do not depend on the difference of pressure, as it is so necessary for the full cob of food, the inclusion of the robotic herbal system, etc.

Myth № 2

How did the doctors say that future mother caesarean roztin is indicated, preparatory to surgery, obviously, it is necessary. Ale, back to the observance date, lie down to the canopy booth, as before, there is no need. Useful analyzes and obstezhennya, if you need it, you can work at a woman's consultation. It is necessary to arrive at the flat bed one day before the operation.

Vagіtna is guilty of thoracic and biochemical blood tests, thoracic, ultrasound, (CTG) and electrocardiogram (EKG). Schob analysis buli "stretched", rozpochati їh zdavati nіzh 36 and 38 tyzhnami vagіtnostі.

Myth number 3. If the vagina is short-sighted, then it is necessary to destroy the caesareans

The cost is no more than the lower myth, but the short-sightedness itself is not shown to the caesarean roset. The operation is necessary for other "problems out of the blue": increased internal pressure and pathology of the network. It is not possible for a woman to work in such vipadkas, for one who can bring the strain to a lowering of the dawn, or spend it.

But even though the problems from the situation are insignificant, and there was no loss of pregnancy in an hour, then the ophthalmologist can allow people to do it on their own. It’s true, you can’t push all the same. So that the woman didn’t strain herself, like a plaid poking her way along the ancestral paths, and shy away. After this injection, the whole lower part of the body hurts across the gap, and the parent does not feel any attempts.

Pro I can Skoda preparativ, yakі zastosovuyutsya pіd the hour of the caesarean roset, and also about the traces of fear until the need for the child to go through the birth paths said chimalo. Ale deyakі mami dosі think, scho narodzhuvati on the operating table, zavdyaki crushed by a doctor in the heart of the wall, it's easier. Alone go to the doctor asking for a COP. Tim, for an hour, is sure to read the cesarean roset in the official list of 2020.

On the territory of the countries of the SND, these include Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, there are unified medical protocols, in which the absolute certification of the recognition of a caesarean roset is clearly stated. Most often, the stench is put up to situations, if the natural canopies carry a threat to the health of the mother and the fetus.

As a doctor, the COP recommends that it is not possible to act differently, even though, as it seems, all the rules are written in blood. And the powers, in which the mother herself virishu, like the people of the people. So it seems, for example, in England. We have such a practice every day, vtim, yak і zakoni, scho zaboronyat zhіntsі virushati pіd nizh, without obvious evidence.

Moreover, all indications are mentally divided into 2 groups:

  • Absolutely - the stench is not discussed, the shards of the developed doctor simply assign the day and hour of the operation. Ignoring these recommendations can lead to serious harm to the mother's body and even to a lethal result.
  • Vіdnosnі. To unite the falls, with some natural canopies, it is still possible, even if it is possible to harm. How to behave with evident indications is not a woman, but a council of physicians. The stench calls us “for” and “against”, obov'yazkovo explaining possible traces future parentage, and then come to a wise decision.

And yet not all. In case of unplanned situations, in those with vagity at a low hour, other officials appear, who may require an operation.

Absolute indication from the side of the mother of the fetus

  • Placenta previa. The placenta is a child's place. Diagnosis is made, if it cuts off the entrance to the uterus from the side of the chest. Under a slow hour, such a camp will threaten with the most severe bleeding, so doctors check up to 38 days and prescribe an operation. They can operate earlier, as if bloody visions will start.
  • Її before the hour vіdsharuvannya. At the norm, everything can be the same after the exit of the child, but it’s so good that the recovery starts for the vagity. Calling on those who stop all the bleeding, as a threat to life and health, an operation is performed.
  • Irregular scar on the mattsі, which is the result of the last operation in the past. Under the wrong mind, the fabric of any one does not exceed 3 mm, but the edges of some unevenness are included with successful fabrics. Data are installed by ultrasound. Do not allow caesareans with a scar and in depressions, for example, during the first hour of the fire, there was an increase in temperature, inflammation of the uterus, a seam on the shkir_ for a long time.
  • Two and more scars on matts. Varto signify that not all women venture on natural canopies after a caesarean delivery through the fight against scarring. Doctors can explain the pros and cons of the procedure, but no more. Є the order of the Ministry of Health, for example, a woman can write a letter of advice on the root of the caesarean rosette to build a normal scar, and їy may perform an operation. It's true, food about ЄР navit is not broken, as if there was a sprat of scars. They just operate on a woman to the cob.
  • Anatomical pelvic ringing up to grade 3-4. Vimiri knows the medicine. In such minds, they can: zazdalegіd vіdhodit vіdhodit, slack essences, utvoryuvatsya noritsі or vіdmirati fabrics, nareshti, the little one develops hypoxia.
  • Deformations of the pelvic cysts and swelling - the stench can overshadow the calm exit of the little light.
  • Wadi rosette pikhvi or uterus. As if there are swellings in the small pelvic cavity, like closing the birth path, an operation is performed.
  • Multiple uterine fibroids.
  • Severe preeclampsia, which does not rise to glee and is accompanied by judicial attacks. Ailment causing damage to the functions of vital organs and systems, heart-vascular, nervous system, which can be seen both in the mother’s state and in the child’s state. With the idleness of doctors, death sets in.
  • Cicatricial ringing of the uterus and pikhvi, yakі z'appeared after the front slopes, operational vtruchani. In such minds, the expansion of the walls for the passage of the child is to put a threat to the life of the mother.
  • Severe ailments of the heart, nervous system, cerebrodiabetes, thyroid problems, myopia and changes on the day of the day, hypertension (you can get in the way).
  • Sechostates and intestinal-statements norits, seams after plastics on the pix.
  • 3rd stage rupture in the anamnesis (ear sphincter, rectal mucosa). It’s easy to sew in, until then, everything can end without feces.
  • Pelvic overlying. In whom, there is an increase in the risk of minor injuries, including trauma to the head.
  • Transverse bed of the fetus. In the norm, the baby is guilty of lying head down without a middle in front of the canopies. There are fluctuations, if the wines of the kіlka turn once, especially the small children hang out behind the vag. Before speech, it is independently not recommended to bring on people who are small (less than 1,500 kg). Do you know why? It seems that in such minds, the passage through the ancestral paths of the building will not squeeze the head, or the testicle (among the boys), which will lead to the development of the absence.
  • Showing something to the vіku. Pіznya vagіtnіst in primiparas at once with other pathologies. On the right, in the fact that after 30 years, the elasticity of the skin of women is worsened, as a result of which strong ruptures appear.
  • Death of a parent. Even though the reasons for the life of a woman are not to be saved, doctors choose a baby. It has been brought that the wines of the building will be left alive for a long time after death. For tsey hour next to carry out the operation.
  • Threatening rupture of the uterus. The reasons for this may be as numerical canopies earlier, as the walls of the uterus groaned, so a great plaid.

Dear mothers! Do not follow the absolute medical indications before the caesarean roset, like a virok, and even more angry at the doctor. Tse just surround what they folded, so as not to deprive you of your own choice.

Visible indication from the side of the mother of the fetus

There are situations, if, praising the decision, the doctors rejoice with the woman. Tsіkavo, that 80% of the cases will be fine on the operative hand without guarding. And on the right, there’s not only praise for the child, even though she plays the most important role.

Moms call us “for” and “against”, the qualifications of the current surgeons, the quality of the suture material, nareshti, wash for the operation and help to call whether they are risks.

List of relevant indications before CS:

In a situation, if a woman, as if walking on natural canopies, everything is leaning on the operating table. Trapplyaetsya so, as if for an hour, the process of blaming problems.

Indication before emergency cesarean surgery

Decisions about the operation are accepted at the active stage of the fall in case of:

  • Vidsutnosti patrimonial activity (as if after 16 - 18 years of age, it is fully revealed).
  • Vipadanya of the umbilical cord. Vaughn can squeeze in, to make the rush of sour to the point of crying.
  • With revealed hypoxia. With such minds, the essence of a child can suffocate for an hour.

Emergency caesarean roztin can be carried out in other situations, as they create a threat to the life and health of the child.

Get respect! The entanglement of the umbilical cord is not a clear indication before the CS, although doctors can promote this method of parenting. There, everything is laid down in the same way as the umbilical cord itself, and the type of entanglement (tight, not tight, disposable, dvorazova).

In caesarean rosette, there is no less minus, but th.

Chi rob caesarіv roztin without a certificate

In honor of those who are caesareans, a serious operation associated with a great risk for a healthy mother, it should not be carried out for women. Reconcile the doctors of the woman not to help neither fear, nor tears, nor haemorrhoids, which were worn out before the day.

All pass, pass. Golovnya, take that nation into your hands. Zreshtoy, there is no way back!

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