It is correct to spread the words of the speech. What is the order of words in the speech of the Russian language: features of that rule. Return order of words

The order of the words in the speech

Mutually arranging the terms of the speech, which may be syntactically, meaningfully and stylistically significant. It first appears in the one who has a place, who takes a member of the proposition, maybe yoga is tied syntactic function. So, in the speech Sonyachny day, the sleepy-headed one appears in the function of the day - the head member of the nominative proposition; in a different order of words (Sleepy Day), the same prikmetnik plays the role of an award in a two-storey river. In propositions of the Mother type, to love a daughter with homonymous forms of the nominal and the knowing words, the syntactical role of both names is assigned to them by the word in the speech: with the direct order of words ( div. lower) the first place is worth pidlyagaє, the other - a direct addition. In the proposition, the Willy Brother, turning the clerk of ailments, takes the position of the narrowed appointment, and in the proposition, the Brother, turning the ailment, takes the position of the nominal part of the warehouse award. In the propositions of the sameness of the type Moscow is the capital of the SRSR, the first place is rebuyed, the other is an award; in a different order of words (the capital of the SRSR is Moscow), the amount of the award becomes a sub-price, and the amount of the award becomes an award.

The grammatical-semantic meaning of the order of words is to know one's expression, for example, in the same calculus with a name. At the gathering, there were five dozen odds, prepositive numbers indicating the exact number of odds; at the meeting At the meeting, there was a presence of a person, fifty post-positive numbers indicate an approximate number of features (with a permutation of the words, the category of proximity is called so).

Dictionary of linguistic terms. View. 2nd. - M: Enlightenment. Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

Marvel at the same "order of words in words" in other dictionaries:

    Typology in the order of words (in words) is one of the possible systems of typological classification of words, which are distinguished in linguistic typology. Based on the basic order, in which in the speech stand pіdlyagaє (English subject), award ... Wikipedia

    Words can have more formal meanings, so that they can be shown in different ways between parts of words. At t.z. analytical language (div.) P. Z, as a formal sign, may be more important, as, for example, in Chinese language. or… Literary encyclopedia

    Order of lines- WORD ORDER in phrases can have a formal meaning, so that they can be shown in different ways between parts of phrases. At t.z. analytical moves (div.) P. S, as a formal sign, may be more important, as, for example, in ... Glossary of literary terms

    Order of lines- The order of the words is the same as the expansion of the words in the phrases of the syntactic group. Structural types P. s. are divided for such oppositions: progressive, or later (the original word goes after the initial: “read a book”), ... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

    word order of a simple proposition- A typical example of word forms in their singing functions is a sub-meta, an award just. The order of the words vikonu vіdpovіdnі functionsії, that is not permanent, we fix: 1) grammatical (neutral) order ...

    A richly functional formal zasib, which wins when prompted by propositions. In movs of a synthetic type (for example, Russian), the service is more important than the contextual connection of the proposition and especially the actual articulation. Great Radianska Encyclopedia

    order of words- in phrases, mothers can have a formal meaning, so that they can be shown on different occasions between parts of phrases. At t.z. analytical language (div.) P. Z, as a formal sign, may be more important, as, for example, in Chinese language. Grammar dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    reverse order of words (inversion)- The order of the words in the speech, which zbіgaєtsya with the order of the words in the word received. O. p. s. vikoristovuєtsya in different styles. So, in journalistic promotional wines, they combine the creation of expressiveness, the victorious function of speech, which adds: ... ... Glossary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    the order of the words is inverted (the order of the words in the article is the order of the words in the speech) ... Glossary of linguistic terms

The grammatical syntactical norms regulate the correctness of the wording, speech, text.

In the texts of the official-business style, constructions are often used, which call out difficulties in the execution of documents (propositions with receivers, propositions with options for linking and awarding, propositions that need to be avenged and given turnovers).


The correctness of the movie is rich in what is determined by the order of the words in the speech.

The order of words, tobto. the syntactic sequence of the components of the speech, in the Russian language it is clear. Distinguish direct (objective) and reverse order of words or inversion (inverse order of words).

Logic inversion - Inverting sense, replacing "white" with "black".

Inversion in Literature (Vid lativ. inversio - inversion, rearrangement)- Destruction of the order of words in the speech.

Inversion (dramaturgy) is a dramatic device that demonstrates the result of a conflict on the cob.

In the direct order, the slіv tse before the new one: Petrov's testimony was distorted.

In case of inversion, it is possible to expand the parts further:

A test with water peroxide gave positive results.

A positive result was given by a test with water peroxide.

The inverse order of words is victorious with the method of emotional, semantic vision, whether it be a part of the speech.

RULE 2 Direct order of words

But it is necessary to remember that the emphasis (which carries the meaning of the idea) is in the speech remains the word, to that, in order to overcome the ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normatively inversion of the victorious only in the artistic and journalistic language.

The norm of modern Russian literary movie official business style direct order, which is ordered by dekilkom wild rules:

1. What p_dlyagaє sound to be known in the first place (near the preposition): Court debates were renewed.

If the surrounding words stand on the cob of the speech, the preposition may have an adjective:On the road, we observed the tread of the car "Volga".

2. For other row members of the speech, it is recommended to advance the placement in the boundaries of word formation: the narrowed words are replaced by the sheared word, and the keratins follow it: Vіn vіddav his (uzgodzhene word) car (shearing word) susіdovі (carved word).

3. Uzgodzhenі vyznachennya put sound before the word: material values; civilized coat;

4. Vіdokremleni vznachennya put after the words: welding, which vinyl was earlier; showing what is on the right;

5. Additional, as a rule, follow the controls: sign the application; vikonati decision.

in such a manner, The direct order of the words in the Russian language is transferred by the succession of the award after the subject, appointed before the appointed word, head members of the speech before the other rows.

At in the direct order of words, for example: Self-winding white in the black fog of the sea.
and we know the axis of the inversion: Bіlіє vіtrilo samotnє in the fog of the sea black.

inversion- Unusual order of words. The same exemplary benefits movie.
The inversion helps to see the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional content of the movie.


Even more often that writers sing in their creations victorious inversions.

Task 1.

Zvernemosya to urivka z opovіdnya L. N. Tolstoy "Caucasian swearing."

Once a thunderstorm was strong, and for a year, it was raining like a wind. I clouded all rivers; de brіd buv, there the water went down three arshins, the stone turned. The streams flow through, the homin stands in mountains.
Axis like a thunderstorm passed, creaking through the village, the streams run. Zhilin asked the master for a knife, wielded a roller, planks, fledged the wheel, and added a lyalok to the wheel on two ends.

All propositions originate from different terms of the speech (1 - descriptive adjective, 2 - union, 3 - adjective-furnishing, 4 - indicative borrower-furnishing, 5 - name-plyagaє).

All propositions are motivated in a different way (1 - foldable, 2 - foldable different types linkage, 3-folding without union, 4 - folding, 5 - simple with similar attachments).

Words stand in an extraordinary order.

To give respect, that the award should stand before the execution of the appointment after the appointment of the word. Tse is uncharacteristic for Russian.

SLEEP ORDER, the linear sequence of words and wording in pronounced natural language, and to inspire patterns that characterize such sequence in any particular language. It is more common to speak about the order of words in speech, prote the order of words in the middle of word-finding and creative constructions, and may have its own patterns. Roztashuvannya slov, povyazanih one to one grammatically or after a zmіst, looking like a lancelet - a necessary legacy of the linear nature of human movement. The proteo grammatical structure is more foldable and can be fully expressed in line with the lines of passage. Therefore, the order of words is only partly grammatical meanings; others turn for help morphological categories, service words or intonation. Violation of the rules of the order of words to produce either change the sense, or the grammatical irregularities of the language.

One and the same basic sense can be used in additional different orders of words, moreover, a change in the order can be used for actualization, tobto. instruct on those components of the meaning, which are most closely related to those who speak and hear. At English language, for example, a permutation of a special form of the assignment of a levoruch p_dlyagaє transmits the meaning of the power: He is intelligent"Vin reasonable", ale Is he intelligent? "What is a reasonable wine?". In the Russian language, the order of words is one of the means of expressing the so-called actual articulation of the speech, that is. yogo podіlu on the topic (pochatkovy item povіdomlennya) ta rhema (povіdomlene), porіvn. [ Batko priyshov] topic [about the fifth year] rheme ta [ About the fifth year] topic [come father] rheme. Hundreds of propositions often distinguish between the direct order of words and the reverse (or inversions) order of words, which is blamed for special minds, sound, with a pronounced actualization.

About deyaku mov to speak, that in nіy є zhorsky or zhorstky or fixing the order of words, as if linearly roztashuvannya slіv vrazhaє syntaktiknі vіdnosinі mіzh members of the speech. For example, in a simple, solid language of Roman and German mov, the obov'yazkovo is passed on to the award, and the literary Russian mov is appointed, which is pronounced as a votive successor, can go without a hitch for the initial name. If the linear order of such a function is not victorious, then it seems that the language has a free (non-zhorsky) order of words. In such mov, the linear order is pronounced in terms of the categories of actual articulation, or similar communicative meanings (price and new, contrastiveness is thin, then. And Ivanov at the headі And at the head Ivanov). The order of the words may be more important for syntactic groups of words, but it is more rigid for the words of the middle groups (to which type is close, for example, Russian); apply mov, which can be a zhorst order and for the words of the middle groups, and for the groups of the middle speech - English, French and Chinese. Moves with a different order of words have a lot of fluctuations, if the components of syntactic groups are separated by other words (for example, warm drink milk). In language with a zhorst order, it is more possible to do it only in special moods, for example, when eating, porivn. English Who is he speaking to? "Zim vin seems to be?", if the group is split up.

In reality, as an absolutely zhorstky, and absolutely free order of words, they are rarely used (for good reason, as a butt of the rest, the order of words in Latin is often considered). Navitat movah іz vіlny order slіv zvіch posluєєє postuluєє іsnuvannya deyakogo neutral (ob'ektivny) order sіv і іdhilenі vіd new; Zinshogo Boku, I in the same way, the way, a movi with Zhorstkoy order, yak Anglіyska, to finish Bagato vipadkiv іnversi, and zoom, optional, “Office,” Let's go», suggested John"Let's get demo," John uttered, On a hill stood a great castle.

The strict order of words without any intermediary alters the syntactic structure of the speech (pіdlyagaє - additional - an award; the appointed one - the name; the receiver - the name group of the name, etc.). For this reason, movies in a random order and syntactic groups, and words, for example, Australian deacons, are respected in such a way that they do not lead the syntactic structure into the traditional sense of the word. Destruction of the zhorst order of words, ring out, unacceptable noses in mov, shards make grammatically incorrect sequences; violating the rules in a free order, slyly shout out more favorably against “incorrectness”, tobto. the inconsistency of the given order, if the accepted order, and the situation of promotion.

M.Dreier and J.Hawkins have shown how the world can be divided into two types, approximately equal to the kilkistyums, which are represented: left-handed and right-handed. In right-winged language, a group of words is fallowed, following the head word (vertex): additional - after the descriptive adjective ( write a sheet), a group of unrestricted appointment - after the name ( dim my dad); ordering the union to stand on the cob epididymis (what wine came); name part of the award, ring out following the sound ( buv good sine); dodatkove vitlumachalne - after the head idiom ( want,schob wine pishov); syntactically foldable furnishing - behind a dієslovom-addition ( turning about somіy year); the standard of povnyannya - for the prikmetnik povnyalny world ( stronger,chim win); dopomіzhne dієslovo before the ambiguous ( buv ruynovaniya); vikoristovuyutsya priymennikovі designsії ( in the picture). Before right-winged mov, for example, the words "Janian", "Nimets", "Romance", "Semitic", "Austronesian" and "In". for the sake of the crust) and watch out for the right developmental order of words in all types of groups, for example. write sheet,my daddy booths,Vіn priyshov scho,good sinom boov and etc. To mov, scho to the left, one can see Altaic, rich Indo-Iranian, Caucasian and other. In both types, the order of the application is mov, the numeric or vkazivny borrower there is no meaning for the name. Vіdomі y deyakі movi, yakі not pіddayutsya vznachennyu zaznachennyh terms, for example, Chinese.

The classification of J. Greenberg is also widely seen, which includes the following parameters: 1) the position of the word-award - on the cob, the middle or the end of the speech; 2) the position of the scribe before or after the name maker; and 3) overwhelmed by my followers or psylalogues. These signs are mostly independent: for example, the post camp of the diesel word pulls for itself with my successors, and the last camp of the diesel word - psylalogues. Greenberg's proposals for short formulas for describing the order of words in words (like SOV, SVO, but only) are actively used in linguistic literature; at the Russian language at the translation, tobto. P (vіdlezhne) - D (napovnennya) - C (award) і t.p.

Vіdomі і іnshі іnshі regularities іn order sіv, yakі prostazhuyutsya vsіh chi bolshostі mov. In creative constructions, the order of words reflects the sequence of subdivisions ( narizav and having smeared; having anointed and narizav) otherwise be a hierarchy of objects ( men and women,president and prime minister); the topic should be called out on the cob of a proposition (for example, it sounds like a sound for special minds, for example, in Russian language for special intonation in speeches with the so-called "expressive inversion", por_vn. The fox was scaredі It was terrible for the fox); to the cob propositions are also heavy with the mind ( Come to us at once...). In rich language, there is an inseparability of the word-appropriation of that yogo addition (for the time being in English He studies physics at Cambridge"Win teaching physics at Cambridge" with a grammatically incorrect * He studies in Cambridge physics); most of the mov are afraid of tendencies to the extent that they overdid the supplement; Clitics (that's the words, pozbavlenі vlasnogo voice) often roztashovuetsya either after the first stressed word, or with the Dієslovі-addition.

Іsnuє stіyke yavlennya at the fact that the order of words in Russian mov vіlny. Yakby wine was right, I didn’t get up, I didn’t get up about pardons in the order of words, not about this stylistic reception like inversion. It would be more correct to say that the order of the words in the Russian language is gnuchky: like grammatical, and th semantic. For example, in a row from Nekrasov At lіsu lunala sokira lumberjack possible with a lower order of words: Sokira lumberjack lunala in the fox that іn The order of the words is determined by the change of these propositions: Nekrasov talks about those that were in the forest, in another variant - de luna l sokir of the woodcutter.

In a skin danoma, the order of words fallow as in view of the grammatical nature of words in speech, so in view of the sense of the whole speech, which, in its line, is regulated by the forward and the next speech.

180. Grammar word order

Whether or not a proposition is made up of word combinations, organized in one of the following ways: pleasureRankova dawn, managementread sheet, joininglaughed merrily; at the boundaries of word formation there is a grammatical order of words. Vіn zumovleniya grammatical nature of the words that enter into word formation.

1. Uzgodzhennya- such a kind of zv'yazku, for some smut, the word vimaga, so that the fallow land took the very grammatical forms of those who won it themselves. Such a link vinikaє between the primary and the appointed, that between the name and the apprentice, as well as the other parts of the movie, as they can act in the function of the apprentice; clerk, ordinal numeral, borrower-prikmetnik. The fallow word in all these vipads should be in front of the head one, the process that rose, first successes, our blessings. If before the head word there is a kіlka uzgodzhuyutsya with it, then the order of roztashuvannya should be deposited according to their morphological nature:

1) appointed, expressed by borrowers, stand in front of the appointed, expressed by other parts of the mov, for example: on the first day of the cleansing day, all the pardons are marked;

2) meaningly borrowers transfer to other borrowers, for example: all these amendments, your respect. Ale borrower himself be put after a vkazivny borrower, for example: tsі samі possibilty, that vpadok;

3) vznachennya, pronounced by the yakіsnymi prikmetnik, to stand in front of the vznacheni, vіdnosnymi prikmetnik (remain yak vіrazhayut more suttєva or postynu sign, stand closer to the name), for example: new historical novel, It's autumn time;

4) as a heterogeneous sign of expressions only by the same prikmetniks, then those of them are put closer to the name, as they signify a greater strong sign, for example: majestic black eyes, receiving a light breeze;

5) as heterogeneous expressions are expressed by less than prominent applicators, then the stench will sound in the order of visual semantic gradation (from the broadest understanding to the broadest), for example: good meteorological links, antique bronzes.

2. Management- such a kind of contractual connection, in which the word of the word of the word-collection means the statement of the fallow word in the singing leader. Names and borrowers-names act as fallow words, and the main ones are dictionaries, names, prikmetniki, dієprikmetniki, dієprislіvniki: read a book, read її; reading a book, obov'yazku reading a book, reading a book. In such cases, where the word is given to the fallow one, the addition of that inconvenient appointment, pronounced by the names of the borrowers, to stand after the fall, for such a stench to lie. For example: click on history, the reviewer's thought.

The lexico-grammatical meaning of the head word determines the need for a ceramic word (one number of kіlkoh) and that form. For example, dієslovo rіzati signifies diyu, as if it can be straightened out (ob'єkt diї) and chimos viroblyatsya (brown diї). The object, on which the diya expands, has the form of a splendid vіdmіnka, and the znaryadda dії - of a tool. Moreover, the obv'yazkovіst ob'єkta ієkta іnstrumentu іn thієmu ієslovі nіdna: ob'єkt obov'іzkovіy (klas stransitnykh ієslіv), tо thе control between ієгієм іємнімієє here is stronger; Zbroya di mensh obov'yazkov, to that the management is weak. As for the head word, there is a sprat of fallows, as for a more familiar one, then, naturally, when the word comes first, the word is more obov'yazkove (stronger control), and then less obov'yazkove (weaker control), then the offensive order of words is transferred: rіzati (what?) paper (chim?) with scissors; the arrival (of whom?) of the son (to whom?) to the fathers.

In the first order, it is enchanted by the semantics of fallacious words: just as the word for weak management means a face, and for a strong one - an object, then the word that means a face (in contrast to weak management), can stand in front of the word for strong management, which means a subject: write to brother - write a brotherly sheet. Even though the word is weakly cherished by a special borrower, it is obov'yazkovo to be placed next to the word cheruyuchogo їm: write youmu sheet, zrobit us a surprise.

3. primikannya- such a kind of lingering link, for which the meanings are clear between the head and fallow words are not formally pronounced, the fallow words have no forms of word change. Adhering to the clerk, prikmetnik porivnyalnoy, dієprislіvnik, іnfіnіtiv, privіynі borrowers 3 individuals and other invariable words and forms. Laid down yakіsnі prilyvniki on -about і -e and clerks come in і step change the head word: radiantly povіdomiv, zahvalo marveling, full grown; otherwise, as a rule, follow them: to speak English, їzda tops, come in the evening, having spoken from a hot one. Before the head word, the succesful borrower of the 3rd individual: yogo, її, їhnya thought.

The main help to the order of words in the speech is manifested in the fact that don't ruin(without sufficient for those substations) natural lexical and grammatical links in the middle of word formation. Ruinuvannya lead to a pardon. So, at the river The community is widely prepared to celebrate the anniversary of the artist i vimagaє redaguvannya: word wide prikaє up to the word mean, but not get ready. Slide: get ready for a wide range of meanings. It is necessary to correct the order of the words in the speech P This water was taken from the river and water from our region. Slide: It is fenced (what?) to drink (what?) water (what? stars?) from the river and water (what? what?) of our region.

4. Pіdlyagaє i pridok utavlyuyut predicative wording, prompted to kshtalt uzgodzhennya. Ale ce wording is of a special type: they don’t name it, but remind it. The subject of the movie sounds buvaє pіdlyagaє (it is expressed by the name or by the parts of the mov, which is to be replaced), and the information about the new one is conveyed by the judgment, which is pronounced by the tongue or by the words of the tongue with the other parts of the mov. That is why it is strictly grammatically pіdlyagaє at the rechenni pereduє predprika (the subject of the movie is named first, then we will talk about it). For example: Life went its own way; Vіn passed through the vіtalnya to the library. In the author's remarks, in order to explore the direct language or those who follow it, a different order is needed: Don't hurry - said the father, - Vstignesh; The lower order of words is shorter, also in case of semantic inarticulateness, it is used and the sentence, expressed by dialects buttya or dії protikannya : go ahead, the summer has flown by, the blaze has passed.

§181. Word order

Components of a proposition that are free to spread

Grammar order can't in the Russian movі zhorstkoї fixedness. The structure of the proposition allows for variations in the expansion of certain yoga components. Choose a specific option to lie down as a communicative task, so that the sense of proposition. Before such components can be easily expanded:

1) furnish(krіm way dії, and also come in that step), yakі, as a rule, є weakly kerned members of the word-sense; їhnє place in the fallacy of the semantics of all propositions can change. SR: The child could not speak like a perlyak. - The child could not speak for a moment. The first one talks about those to which the child could not speak, so the reason is indicated, the other - about those that happened (sly), that legacy;

2) dієprislіvnikovі turnovers; equal: Pray for sickness Petrov asking about transference to sleep- Petrov, succumb to sickness asking for transference- Petrov asking about the transfer of sleep, succumb to sickness. The strongest reason is expressed in the first word, the weakest - in the rest;

3) particles; The place of these can be changed, but it is more important for the skin specific speech, as the word itself puts a part. SR: qia important book for new(Look about the difficulties for the prepared reader); qia book navit important for new(The problem is unsettled); Navit qia book for new(go about the call of an unprepared reader);

4) introductory words; roztashuvannya їх vіlne, yakshcho stench is seen to the proposition in general, change of place introductory words leading to a change in the modality of vislovlyuvannya. SR: It was given vin falling asleep; Vin, it was given falling asleep; Vіn falling asleep, for rent (Stupin vpevnennostі in that scho vіn sleep, decrease from the first proposition to the third). As soon as the word is entered after the zmіst pov'azane with the admonished member of the speech, then the order should be put behind it, for example: Becoming a spravzhnіy ptah, wild game, behind the Vistula myslivtsiv (Aksakov); Our old boat got sick, scooped up and sank to the bottom, for good luck in a shallow place(Turgenev). Do not put introductory word between successor and synonymous word. Deputy On the right was in, it would have been top hands next: On the right was it would have been in upper hands;

5) animal; roztashuvannya їх volno, but alė brėnnennya, which is to stand on the cob or for example propositions, it is logical to reinforce, while at the same time, yak to stand on the cob of the proposition, the function of trusting respect, and for example - to hang up the confirmation of the memory. SR: Likar, tell me, what about my child?; Say likar, what about my child?; Tell me, what about my child, doctor? Tanya tobі varto bulo b tse nobility; Tobi varto would have known Tanya. In exhortations, fadings, mournings, orders, oratorical speeches, official and special letters of maternity, as a rule, propositions are put on the cob and are often seen in independent speeches: Sir judge! I ask you to respect your respect...;

6) acts parts of collapsible proposition; in folding speech some predicative parts of the zhorstko fixation (additional initial start to stand after the word, like a stink signify, for example: Budinok, which stand on the rose, buw urges...); SR: So how did you not kill your goiter, I open the agreement; I am renewing the agreement to the fact that you did not kill your goiter. Choose a variant, like in a simple proposition, to lie in a specific communicative situation;

7) author's words in speeches from my direct line. SR: And I, having checked the wind, I say in a singsong voice:I love you, Nadia! (Chekhiv); I love you, Nadia! - I say... For the first person, the author's comment is important, the language is alien to the other, and the language is completely alien to the other. For dosit rozgornutoy someone else's movi rozriv її words of the author. In this way, the author's commentary itself is brought up to the role of mayzhe introductory words, that part of the speech is seen, as the author's words were written. SR: - Why don't you drink to us - I tell Nadentsi,to home?

§182. Sequence order and collapsible syntactical order

The order of the words in the speech lies more than in the grammatical links of the words and in the meaning of the whole speech, and in the second place of the collapsible syntactic whole (div. ch. XLIX), before the warehouse of which the speech is included. SR: It was not possible for a white man to get up on the walls and soil to approach. Vіd perelyaku the child could not remember the desired word; Everything in the school is so unspeakable, harsh and urochist, that if they asked: “How are you born?”, the child could not remember the desired word. like a perelyak.

In some cases, the character of the development of a thought in a collapsible syntactic whole does not only signify the place of a freely expanded component, but rather emphasizes the strict grammatical order of words. SR:

1) The mustache got at the table. Petro brought a book and there was silence;

2) There was a book on the table. The book was brought by Petro;

3) І axis tsya book with us. Bring the book to Petro.

In another, that third option, the logic develops a thought under the order of its own grammar: in another, it is said about those who brought the book, in the third, it seemed to us. In the first place, they are told about the subdivisions that are gradually developing.

The order of the words in the river (i yogo zmist) lies not only in the forward context, but also in the offensive. SR;

1) Autumn... Dry leaves fall on the ground. Nezabar won't be covered with a richly colored kilim;

2) Autumn... Povіlno fall on the ground dry leaves. The stench doesn't want to be separated from the tree;

3) Autumn... Dry leaves fall on the ground, and dim bagatya rises to the sky.

The first proposition admits on its own all three variants of the other proposition, and the other variants are conditioned by their advancing context.

Mutually arranging the terms of the speech, which may be syntactically, meaningfully and stylistically significant. The first thing to be seen is that which is in the space, which occupies a member of the proposition, may be associated with its syntactic function. So, in the speech Sonyachny day, the sleepy-headed one appears in the function of the day - the head member of the nominative proposition; in a different order of words (Sleepy Day), the same prikmetnik plays the role of an award in a two-storey river. In propositions of the Mother type, to love a daughter with homonymous forms of the nominal and the knowing words, the syntactical role of both names is assigned to them by the word in the speech: with the direct order of words ( div. lower) the first place is worth pidlyagaє, the other - a direct addition. In the proposition, the Willy Brother, turning the clerk of ailments, takes the position of the narrowed appointment, and in the proposition, the Brother, turning the ailment, takes the position of the nominal part of the warehouse award. In the propositions of the sameness of the type Moscow is the capital of the SRSR, the first place is rebuyed, the other is an award; in a different order of words (the capital of the SRSR is Moscow), the amount of the award becomes a sub-price, and the amount of the award becomes an award.

The grammatical-semantic meaning of the order of words is to know one's expression, for example, in the same calculus with a name. At the gathering, there were five dozen odds, prepositive numbers indicating the exact number of odds; at the meeting At the meeting, there was a presence of a person, fifty post-positive numbers indicate an approximate number of features (with a permutation of the words, the category of proximity is called so).

The stylistic function, in order of words, is manifested in the fact that a member of the speech, which, leaning on an unimaginable place for a new one, takes away additional meaning and expressive vanity ( div. inversion). The order of words is direct. The most important for this type of propositions (opposite energizing, spontaneous) is the expansion of the consonant members of the proposition.

1) At the apology propositions, sound the front of the award. Gerasim sits on the bedside table(Turgenev). Joden from them did not want to take the first blow(Kuprin). Placed after the award;

a) pіdlyagaє, which means at the hour that the manifestation of nature, as if the award-dієslovo may mean buttya, becoming, overcoming diї. It's been two days(Goncharov). Spring has come(L. Tolstoy). Bula sumna serpneva nich(Chekhiv);

c) pіdlyagaє author's words, scho to stand after straight mov or in the middle of її. "I ask you to come closer to the right," - saying the head loudly and expressively(Hirky). "Chovna є, - having struck the veins of the deaf and broken aolrs, - that is already nasty"(Turgenev);

d) infusing propositions from texts with an opisal character. Spive the sea, where is the place, the sun is shining brightly, creating fairy tales(Hirky). In nutritional propositions, the adjunct is often placed before the pdlyagaє. Is my mind clear to you?(Hirky). In spontaneous speeches, the borrowers-p_dlyagayut, scho to change the word-assignment, to force the categoricalness of the speech; following the prompt, the stench softens the tone of the mandate. You go, rewrite the documents(Ketlinska). Do not sleep, beauty, with me the song of Georgia is summary(Pushkin).

2) Dopovnennya ring out after the cheruyuchy word. Throwing off his overcoat, tying the s-p_d of the cart with a skibochka, calling the lads(Babaevskiy). Olenin check for the highest share(L. Tolstoy). In non-personal propositions, add to the meanings of the individual, as if it is possible to deceive or maє stan, sound prepositive. I was driven to the Volga, to the music of working life(Hirky). Everyone has boiled(A. N. Tolstoy).

For the obviousness of a few additional additions, expressed by the distant observation of the individual, sound the front addition, expressed by the familiar observation of the object. The mother of the partisan in the living room opened the doors of her hut to the soldiers (Kazakevich).

3) For the sake of the appointment, ring out in front of the name that is to be signed. An old invalid, sitting on a table, sewing blue armor on the elbow of a green uniform.(Pushkin). For the obviousness of a number of heterogeneous names, expressed by akіsnim and prominent marksmen, the mark is placed closer to the name, pronounced by a noteworthy mark, as it means a greater or worse sign. As soon as the winter sun peeped at our windows.(Aksakov). The snowy kuchuguri winked at the thin krizhan bark(Chekhiv). If the signification is made by some yakіsnimi chi by some notable practicians, then the sign is put closer to the signified word, which indicates a more stable, scorching sign. Light streaming whispers waking me up(Turgenev). Huge regіt deafening the snowy fields(Aksakov). If the rest of the midday sound died away, the wild music of the practice already sounded quieter(Hirky). When you are in distress, that inconvenience, the first one, will ring out to change to another. Dunno was wearing a nicely tailored dark, thick wool suit.(B. Poloviy). Unusable appointments sound to be placed after the name. The grief of separation tore apart their hearts(Fadiev). The most beautiful haircut has begun(Mamin-Sibiryak). What do not throw a gray suit - the heart will shake and freeze(Tvardivsky). The special nature of a stable turnover can lead to positive inconveniences; master of the guards, good soul people, guards senior lieutenant thinly.

4) Furnish the image of the diї, pronounced by the syllables on -o, -e, and bring the surroundings into the step, sound to change the diaword-assignment. One hvil grudgingly rushes to the shore and, zukhvalo galasuyuchi, falls to the head of Ragim(Hirky). Yogo's arrival strongly disliked Savelich(Pushkin). Іnsarov zdavavsya even grіznim (Turgenev). Surround them with their own meanings, expressions with other forms, sound postpositive. The horses went crocodile(Sholohiv). Heart beats stronger(Lermontov). Marfinka laughed to tears(Goncharov). Eyes shone with a quiet glare(L. Tolstoy).

Arrange the hour and the month, ring out the diaword-assignment, and often stand on the cob of speech, being tied to the current proposition. No one had a penny for his soul(Kataev). There were wide sledges near the door(Chekhiv). In the evenings over restaurants hotter wild and deaf(Block).

Surround the causes and methods can be both prepositive and postpositive. From now on, hvilyuvannya on the sea steamboat arrives pizno(Chekhiv). Turning around the school, I rozsipav oats drunk at the ford(Gaidar). Throw me through satisfaction(Chekhiv). Sanitary train runs to Kiev for river repairs(Panova).

Surround the mind and ledge-to and large-mensh freely spread out at the river. For the obviousness of the character, the school of good vikhovuє(Hirky). Khomi Fomich was punished to show up, threatening with force at the razі vіdmovi(Dostoevsky). Popri my bajannya stench get to know(Garshin). Nezhdanov having convinced himself of self-esteem, popri the recognition of friends(Turgenev).

The order of words is reverse. Roztashuvannya spіvvіdnosnyh propositions in violation of their order. The reverse order affects the movement of the novel and the movement of artistic literature, deviating the function of inversion. However, not every reverse order is an inversion, but only such a one that revisits stylistic tasks, enhances the promotionalism of the movie. At the rechennyah there is a bookcase; Tomorrow will be held robot control- they are postpositive, and the adjuncts are prepositive, so the main placement of the head members is equal to one of them per day, but there is no inversion, so it’s similar to the expansion of the members in the proposition of the whole committee in accordance with the accepted norms ( div. more mutually roztashuvannya pіdlyagaє i award). div. so relevant is the articulation of the speech.

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