Literary acceptance and pishov not їm. Stylistic acceptance of poetry. What is "stitch"

It is well known to everyone that art is self-expression of the specialty, and literature is self-expression of the specialty of the writer. The “baggage” of a writing person is accumulated from the stock of words, current approaches, and the beginning of the vocabularies of these approaches. Chim rich palette of the artist - Tim greater opportunities for the creation of canvases in May. The same and with a writer: what is more different than yoga promo, what is brighter image, what is more glib and cіkavіshe vyslovlyuvannya, what is the strongest emotional injection on the reader can give yoga create.

Among the reasons for the movable variety, the titles are most often “artistic tricks” (otherwise, figures, stitches) in literary creativity, the first field for the frequency of living is a metaphor.

The metaphor is victorious, if we live the word chi viraz in a figurative sense. The transfer is due to the similarity of the other characteristics of the apparition or the object. Most often, the metaphor itself creates an artistic image.

Rich metaphors to finish richly, among them:

metonymy - a stitch that changes the meaning by summation, sometimes transferring an overlay of one meaning to another

(Apply: “I know I still have a plate!”; “Van Gogh hang on the third version”);

(Apply: "glorious cotton"; "Zhalyugіdny man", "dry bread");

porіvnyannya - the figure of the movie, which characterizes the subject through the statement of one of the other

(Apply: “like the flesh of a child is fresh, like the cry of a lower nozzle”);

isolation - "animation" of objects and manifestations of inanimate nature

(Apply: “evil imla”; “autumn cried”; “curl curled”);

hyperbole and litota - a figure in a significant change in the use of the described subject

(Apply: “wine always intertwine”; “a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btears”; “there was no poppy dew in your mouth”);

sarcasm - evil, ugly gluzuvannya, for an hour you will hear verbal swearing (for example, at the widest rap battles for the rest of the hour);

irony - mockery of speech, if the promoter can be on the verge of calling for something else (for example, create I. Ilf and E. Petrov);

humor - a stitch that expresses merriment and most often good-natured mood (whose key is written, for example, tales of I.A. Krilova);

grotesque - to set up a movie, completely destroying the proportions and the right dimensions of objects and phenomena (often victorious in fairy tales, another butt - “Come on the road to Gulliver” by J. Swift, the work of N.V. Gogol);

pun - navmisna ambiguity, gra slіv, based on their richness

(You can apply examples in jokes, as well as in the work of V. Mayakovsky, O. Khayyam, K. Prutkov and others);

oxymoron - to understand in one expression of the unseen, to understand two super-sophisticated

(Apply: “terribly beautiful”, “original copy”, “playing comrades”).

Prote-movement variability is not limited to stylistic articles. Zokrema, you can create a sound-painting, which is an artistic technique, which transfers the sing-song order of evoking sounds, warehouses, words for creating such an image of the mood, imitating the sounds of the real world. The sound writer is more often used in poetic works, but the same is used in prose.

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Allegory - to understand the abstract through the concrete artistic images.

Apply allegories:

The bad and stuck is often called the Donkey, the coward - the Hare, the cunning - the Fox.

Alіteratsia (sound recording)

Aliteration (sound writing) is the repetition of the same number of similar voices in the verse, which gives it a special sound difference (in the verse). With whom great value there is a high frequency of these sounds on a perceptibly small current distance.

However, the number of words and word forms are repeated, as a rule, there is no place for an alteration. Irregular repetition of sounds is characteristic of alteration, and this is the main feature of this literary device.

As a matter of fact, the alteration is heard in the first round, that the sounds that are repeated are not centered on the cob and the end of the row, but absolutely casually, wanting and with a high frequency. Another note is the fact that, as a rule, voiced sounds are altered. Before the main functions of the literary reception of alleration, one can see the sound-inheritance and subordering of the semantics of the words of associations, like calling sounds from a person.

Apply alterations:

"De gay іrzhe towel іrzhe".

Rockiv up to a hundred
grow up
us without old age.
Rock in rock
grow up
our goodness.
hammer ta virsh,
land of youth.

(V.V. Mayakovsky)


Repetition of words, word-finding chi, sound on the cob of speech, row of chi paragraph.

For example:

« Not darma wind blowing,

Not darma a thunderstorm came"

(S. Yesenin).

Chorno ochu girl

Chorno maned horse!

(M. Lermontov)

Often, anaphora, as a literary device, establishes symbiosis with such a literary device, as a gradation, to promote the emotional nature of words in a text.

For example:

“We die thinness, we die a friend, we die the person herself.”

Antithesis (opposition)

Antithesis (chi opposing) - tse stavlennya sliv chi word-finding, sharply different chi opposite for zmist.

The antithesis allows you to deal with especially strong hostility to the reader, to convey to you the strongest praise of the author with the help of the change of the opposite sides behind the screen to understand how the text has a verse. Likewise, as an object of representation, protracted emotions can be evoked, one can feel that experience of the author of which hero.

Apply antitheses:

I swear first day of creation, I swear by yoga rest a day (M. Lermontov).

who buv nothing, that become all.


Antonomasiya is a virtuous zasіb, when living as the author of vikoristovu vlasne, he will replace the nominal name for the figurative description of the character of the character.

Apply antonomasia:

Vin Othello (deputy "Vin the great jealous")

The stingy one is often called Plyushkin, the empty man is called Manilov, the man with transcendental ambitions is Napoleon too thin.

Apostrophe, animal


Asonance is a special literary device, which is used in repeated voice sounds in another way. In the same field, the main thing is the recognition of assonance in the form of alteration, where the sounds are repeated. There are two trochs to differ in the staging of assonance.

1) Asonance zastosovuetsya like an original instrument that gives the artistic text, especially poetic, special color. For example:

Our vushka on makivtsi,
Trochs of wounds illuminating harmony
I fox blue tops -
The French are right here.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

2) Asonance to finish widely vikoristovuetsya for the creation of inaccurate rimi. For example, "misto-hammer", "princess-invisible".

One of the textbook examples of victoria, like Rimi, so and assonance in one chotirivirshі є urovki from the poetic work of V. Mayakovsky:

I will pretend not to Tolstoy, so to Tovtoy -
Їm, I am writing, looking like a bastard.
Who did not philosophize over the sea?


Viguk can winknut whether you create a perfected one, but, sound, the authors of victorious yogo, intonationally see especially emotional moments in the verse. In this case, the author emphasizes the reader's respect for a particularly crippled moment, acknowledging his own experience and feeling it.


Hyperbole is figuratively viraz, to avenge the irrepressible increase in the world, strength, the meaning of any object, a manifestation.

An example of hyperbole:

Some of the houses are widows until dawn, others - widows until the month; baobabies to heaven (Mayakovsky).


Type of lat. inversio - permutation.

The change of the traditional order of words in the words of the phrase is more pronounced, the intonation vision of any word.

Apply the inversion:

Bіlіє vіtrilo samotne
By the mist of the sea is black... (M.Yu. Lermontov)

The traditional order will help you in the following way: White self-winding in the black fog of the sea. Alas, it is no longer Lermontov and his great work.

The Іnshey great russian poet Pushkin invading the inversion of one of the leading articles poetic movie, moreover, he often sings victorious as a contact, and as a distant inversion, if for rearranging the words, they intermingle with other words: “Okirniy Perun is old alone ...”.

The inversion of poetic texts takes into account the accentuated meaning function, the rhythm-forming function for the vibudation of a poetic text, and to create the function of creating a verbal-figurative picture. In prose creations, inversion serves to place logical voices, heighten the author's setting to heroes and convey their emotional state.


Irony is a strong contrasting zasib that can be seen gluzuvannya, іnodi easy gluzuvannya. When living in irony, the author of the victorious word has the opposite meanings so that the reader himself guessed about the right power of the described object, the subject or the subject.


Slavic game. Dotepny whistle, jarth, based on vikoristannі podіbnih, ale different for the meanings of words or different values one word.

Put a pun on literature:

At the river for three clicks you on the forehead,
Come on, let me cook spelt.
(A.S. Pushkin)

If you have served me vіrsh,
A string of breaks, vіrsh.
(D.D. Minaev)

Spring hotch whom zgluzdu star. Lead - and that rushiv.


Protilezhnist hyperbole, imaginative viraz, to avenge the unbearable change in the world, strength, meaning of any object, manifestation.

Literacy example:

The horse was led under the bridle by a peasant in great boots, in a sheepskin coat, in great mittens ... and he s nіgtik! (Nekrasov)


Metaphor - tse vzhivannya slіv і virazіv figurative meaning on the basis of analogy, likeness, similarity. Metaphor is based on similarity.

Transferring the powers of one object or appearance to another according to the principle of their similarity.

Apply metaphors:

Sea problems.

Eyes burn.

boil bazhannya .

Opivdni palav.


Apply metonyms:

all ensign the guests will be before us.

(Here the ensigns replace the borders).

I am three plates z'iv.

(Here the plate replaces the grass).

Zvernennya, apostrophe


Navmisne pojdnannya super polite to understand.

Look, yy have fun sumuvati

Such shabby-naked

(O. Akhmatova)


Separation - tse transference of human feelings, thoughts and moves on inanimate objects, that phenomenon, as well as on creatures.

These signs are chosen according to this very principle, like in the case of implantation of metaphor. It’s possible for the reader to blame the peculiarity of the description of the described object, for which the inanimate object has the image of a living being, the essence of which appears to be endowed with power, powerful living things.

Apply special:

What, dense fox,

in thought,
Wisely dark

(A.V. Koltsov)

Carefully wind
Z khvirtki viishov,

Tapping at the end,
Probig by the way...



Parcelation is a syntactic technique, in which the proposition intonation divides into independent splits and leaves are seen as independent propositions.

Parcel example:

Vin tezh pishov. To the store. Buy cigarettes ”(Shukshin).


Paraphrase - tse viraz, which in the descriptive form conveys the sense of a different way of speaking the word.

Apply a paraphrase:

king of the beasts(deputy a lion)
Mothers of Russian rivers(deputy Volga)


Richness, vzhivannya logically zayvih words.

Apply pleonasm to the butt:

In grass months(to say: at the grass).

Mistsevy aboriginal (dosit say: aboriginal).

Bily albіnos (say: albіnos).

I'm there boo especially(Enough to say: I'm there boov).

In literature, pleonasm is often victorious as a stylistic device, due to variety.

For example:

Sum tight.

Sea ocean.


The destruction of the image of the mental, emotional experiences of the hero.


The verse, which is repeated, or the group of verses is like a song couplet. If the refrain grows up to a whole stanza, the wine is called a spice.

Rhetorical nutrition

The proposition is in the form of food, on the yak it does not look like it.


How can we meet new people from Europe?

Chi rosiyska vіd vymog vіdvikla?

(A.S. Pushkin)

Rhetorically savage

Zvernennya, addressed to an abstract concept, an inanimate object, an ordinary person. A way to improve the promotional capacity of a movie, to raise it to the point of being another person or object.


Rus! where are you to rush?

(N.V. Gogol)


Porіvnyannya - one of the most diverse approaches, with the introduction of such a song, the most characteristic for the subject or the process of power is revealed through the similarity of the quality of another object to the process. In case of such an analogy, the object, the power of which is victorious, is carried out in pairs, more vіdomy, lower object, which is described by the author. Likewise, inanimate objects, sound, align with spirituality, and abstract and spiritual with material.

Por_vnyannya example:

then my life slept through - it blew -

Missed - like an autumn shore

I wept over myself.

(M. Tsvetaeva)


Symbol- an object or a word that mentally expresses the essence of a being.

The symbol of revenge has a figurative meaning, and the symbol of revenge is close to metaphor. However, the proximity is visible. Symbol take revenge on oneself as a mystery, tension, which allows one to guess at the one who is on the verge, what he wants to say sings. The clouding of the symbol can be not so wise, like intuition and sense. Created by scribes-symbolists, create your own individuality, stink to create a two-dimensional life. In the first plan - a sight and real details, another (attached) plan - the inner world of a lyrical hero, yogo bachennya, tell me, narodzhuvana yogo awake picture.

Apply symbols:

dawn, wound - a symbol of youth, the cob of life;

nich - a symbol of death, the end of life;

snig is a symbol of cold, a cold feeling, an exclamation.


Replacing the name of the object of the manifestation I will name the parts of the object of the manifestation. In short, name the whole, name the part of the whole.

Apply synecdoche:

Ridniy hollow (Deputy "Ridny Budinok").

Plive vitrilo (zamіst "plive vitrilny choven").

“... and it was a little bit before the sweatshirt,
yak triumphant Frenchman... "(Lermontov)

(Here "French" deputy "French soldiers").


To repeat what was said, then, do not take revenge on new information.


Car tires - tires for cars.

We united to buy more.


Stitch - tse viraz chi word, get used by the author in a figurative, allegorical meaning. Zavdyaki vzhivannuyu stitch, the author gives the described subject and the process a narration of characteristics, which calls out the reader's songs of association and, as a legacy, I welcome an emotional reaction.

tipi stitch:

metaphor, allegory, isolation, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, irony.


Umovchannya is a stylistic device, for whom the thoughts are left unfinished, they are separated by tension, the mova is interrupted by the reader’s mind; to speak like a bi deafening, what you say about the speech, like it will require a report or additional explanation. Quite often, the stylistic effect of the mind of someone who is not interrupted by a language is complemented by a striking gesture.

Apply a spell:

Qiu can be explained more and more -

That shchob geese do not irritate.

Strength (gradation)

Gradation (or strength) - the price is low similar words or viraziv (images, ratios, metaphors, etc.)

An example of visual gradation:

Not mischief, not I call not crying...

(S. Yesenin)

The turbot has misty licorice

Not a good time, not a day, not rіk where.

(Y. Baratinsky)

An example of low gradation:

You obіtsyaє pіvsvіtu, And France is more than your own.


The word chi viraz is neutral behind the zmіst, with which the roses replace other words, which are considered obscene and unremarkable in times.


I'm going to powder nis (zamіst I'm going to the toilet).

Yogo was asked from the restaurant (the deputy of Yogo was kicked out).


Imagery of the object, dії, process, podії. Epithet є porіvnyannyam. Grammatically epithet naychastishe є prikmetnik. However, in Yogo Yakost, other parts of the mov, for example, numerals, numerals, or descriptive words, can be victorious.

Apply epithets:

oxamite shkira, crystallium dzvin.


Repetition of one and the same word, for example, the sum of the summaries of the promos. The length of the anaphoria, if the words are repeated on the cob of speech, rows of paragraphs.


"Scallops, all scallops: cape s festoons, on the sleeves festoons, epoletzі z festoons..." (N.V. Gogol).

What is it that introduces artistic literature from other types of texts? If you think that there is a plot, then you will have mercy, because the lyric is a fundamentally “plotless” sphere of literature, that prose is often plotless (for example, the verse of prose). Pochatkov's "rozvozhalnist" is the same criterion, the osks in the different epochs of the artistic literature vikonuval functions, even far away from rozvalnosti (and navіt protilezhnі їy).

“Artistic acceptance of literature is the axis, perhaps, the main attribute that characterizes artistic literature.”

Need more art?

Acceptance in literature is recognized in order to give the text

  • different expressiveness,
  • originality,
  • reveal the author's vision before what is written,
  • and also to convey the deakі prihovanі meanings and links between parts of the text.

With any call for new information, it is not necessary to introduce into the text, because the main role is played by different ways of using the words of that part of the phrase.

Artists in literature are divided into two categories:

  • stitches,
  • figures.

A stitch is a twist of a word in an allegorical, figurative meaning. Widest stitches:

  • metaphor,
  • metonymy,
  • synecdoche.

Shapes are used to name the ways of syntactic organization of speech, which are considered as a standard phrase expansion and give the text those other additional meanings. The butts of figures can be

  • antithesis (opposite)
  • interior of rome,
  • izokolon (rhythmic and syntactically similar to parts of the text).

Ale clear between the figures and the stitches are not. Take it like that

  • division,
  • hyperbole,
  • litota and in.

Literary acceptance and emergence of literature

Most of the artistic priyomіv vzagali take their cob from the first

  • religious manifestations,
  • accept,
  • zaboboniv.

What can be said about literary receptions. And here is the separation of the stitch and the figures of the new sensation.

The stitches are directly related to ancient magical manifestations and rituals. Nasampered tse taboo taboo on

  • name of the subject,
  • creatures,
  • voicing the name of a person.

It was important that with the known name of Yogo, with direct names, you can turn Yogo to the one who uses the word. So z'appeared

  • metonymy,
  • synecdoche

(vedmіd - "stormy", "muzzle", vovk - "syriy", etc.). Such euphemisms (“decent” replacement of an obscene concept) and dysphemisms (“obscene” designation of a neutral concept). First, it was also connected with the taboo system of understanding (for example, the designation of state organs), and the prototypes of the other were accustomed to the back of the head with a method to vanish prejudice (from the manifestations of the ancients) or to etiquetly lower the titles of the ob'єkt (for example, to yourself in front of the deity, a representative of the supreme I will). In an hour, religious and social manifestations "roared" and recognized their own profanity (to take away the sacred status), and the stitches began to play an exclusively aesthetic role.

Figuri, obviously, mayut "mundane" pojodzhennya. The stench could serve the purpose of memorizing folding formulas:

  • rules
  • laws,
  • scientific terms.

Until these days, similar priyomi and vikoristovuyutsya in children's primary literature, as well as in advertising. And the most important function of this function is rhetorical: I give special respect to the public for the sake of the text with the path of the navmis "destroyed" suvorikh current norms. Taki

  • rhetorical food,
  • rhetorical wiguki,
  • rhetorical beastly.

"The prototype of artistic literature in the modern comprehension of the word was prayers and incantations, rites of singing, and also the speeches of ancient orators."

It’s been a lot of time, the “magic” formulas have lost their strength, the prote on the basis of that emotional equal stink continues to pour into the people, vicorist our internal rozuminnya harmony and order.

Video: Educational-Visual Problems in Literature

Need more art? Nasampered for this purpose, schob tver vіdpovidav deyakomu style, scho conveying the imagery, viraznіst that beauty. In addition, the writer is the master of association, the artist of the word is a great looker. Artistic receptions at the top and prose rob the text of the glib ones. Later, like a prose writer, I sing a little devoid of a movable layer, de stinks are surrounded by stasis of a superficial, basic meaning of a word. In order to zoom out from the depths of the thought, from the essence of the image, it is necessary to win the art of different arts.

In addition, it is necessary to entice the reader to get it. For whom vikoristovuyutsya rіznі priyomi, scho give particular interest rozpovidі ta deyaku taєmnitsyu, yak need to guess. Artistic designs are called stitches in a different way. There are no less important elements of the global picture of the world, and the author's assessment, the background of that wild tone of creation, and also a lot of other things, about us, reading the devil's work, for an hour we don't think about it.

The main artistic priyomi is a metaphor, an epithet that porіvnyannya. Although the epithet is often seen as a different kind of metaphor, we do not go into the net of science "literary studies" and traditionally see it as an okremy zasib.


Epithet is the king of description. Jaudin landscape, portrait, interior cannot do without it. For an hour, a single, virtuous epithet is more important for the whole paragraph, creations especially for clarification. Most often, speaking about the new one, they toil on the confession of the sacrament, or the practitioners, who endow that other artistic image with additional authority and characteristics. Do not stray as an epithet from the simple appointments.

So, for example, to describe the eyes, you can pronounce the following words: live, cary, bottomless, great, full, crafty. Let's try dividing them into two groups, itself: objective (natural) power and subjective (additional) characteristic. It’s important that such words, like “great”, “carried” and “farmed”, convey their meanings only those that the building’s charms be-something, the shards will lie on the surface. Sob we could show the callousness of that rank of another hero, similarly appointed even more important. However, about yoga's inner being, the most beautiful character, we will tell ourselves "bottomless", "alive", "cunning" eyes. We begin to guess what is in front of us unimaginable person, schile to the raznyh guesses that I can live, my soul is crumbling. In the same way, the power of epithets is the main power of the epithets: instruct on ti risi, as if they were attached to us at the first glance.


Let's move on to another important stitch - metaphor. porіvnyannya, which is expressed by the name. The author's task here is to sort out the appearance of that object, but even more accurately and tactfully, so that the reader cannot guess what mi youmu this object is nav'yazuemo. Itself so, insinuatingly that unmistakably, it is necessary to victorious, whether it be artistically accepted. "weep the rosi", "burn the svitanka" and others. Here the dew breaks down with tears, and the svitanok - out of the fire.


The remaining most important artistic technique is the brilliance that is given without interruption by the way of winning such splits, like "nibi", "yak", "nibi", "nibi", "nibi"). You can put it like this: ochі, nache life; dew, like tears; tree, mov old. Prote next to designate, scho to get used to the epithet, a metaphor of chi por_vnyannya, like for the sake of the "red word". The text is guilty of buti chaos, it follows the gravity to the fineness of that string, so before it, how to win that stitch, it is necessary to clearly understand, for how to mark the wines to get used to, what we want to say.

Іnshі, foldnіshі and less widened artistic approach - tse hyperbola (rebіlshennya), antithesis (opposition), and navіt іnversіya ( Return order slіv).


Such a stitch, like an antithesis, can be of two different types: wine can be narrow (within the boundaries of one paragraph or speech) and open (placed on decals or sides). This trick often wins in the works of Russian classics at times, if it is necessary to equalize two heroes. For example, Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin, in his story "Captain's Donka", evoked Pugachov and Grinova, and Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol created portraits of famous brothers, Andriy and Ostap, also based on antithesis. Artists in the novel "Oblomiv" also include this route.


Hyperbole - love for such literary genres, like a bilin, a fairy tale and a ballad. Ale, she’s chatting with them. For example, the hyperbole "when the boar is out of the blue" can be played in any novel, inspired by that other work of realistic tradition.


Prodovzhimo describe the mystetskyi take in the creations. Inversion, no matter how unimportantly guessed, serve for nadannya dodatkovu emociynist. Most of all, you can posterize in poetry, sometimes using this stitch of vicorist and prose. You can say: "This girl was beautiful for others." Or you can tweet: "The girl is beautiful for others!" Once again, blame and fuse, and expression, and richly more, which can be remembered with the introduction of two speeches.


An offensive stitch, irony, in a different way - the author's gloom is attached, it is also often done in artistic literature. Obviously, a serious tvir can be serious, but in irony the subtext does not only demonstrate the warmness of the writer for an hour, but it’s a flustered reader to translate the spirit for some hour and get ready for the onset, more stressful scene. In a humorous work, irony is indispensable. The great masters of this - Zoshchenko and Chekhov, as if they win this stitch in their explanations.


With the help of a close friend and another - it’s not just a kind smile, it’s not just a good sound, it’s showing a little bit of that wadi, an hour thickening the farbi, just like irony, ringing out creating a bright atmosphere. In order for the mother to be more aware of this route, you can read a copy of the fairy tales of Saltikov-Shchedrin.


The next step is isolation. Vin allows you to demonstrate the life of a modern world. Blame it like this, like a turbulent winter, snow that dances, water that sleeps. Otherwise, it seems, isolated - transferring on inanimate objects the animosities of the spirits. So, everyone is in the know, scho pozihati may be less than a person and that creature. Ale, in literature, such artistic images often appear, as if the sky is opening or the door is opening. The first one can help to create a singing mood in a reader, to prepare yoga sprinyattya. The other one is to infuse the sleepy atmosphere into some booth, perhaps - self-confidence and tedium.


Oxymoron - another cicavi priyom, which is not to be eaten. Tse i righteous nonsense, i orthodox devil. Podіbnі, podіbranі nespodіvanno words can win like science fiction, and lovers of philosophical treatises. Sometimes only one oxymoron is enough to inspire a whole new world, which can be a dualism of buttya, a conflict, and a subtle ironic subtext.

Other artistic accompaniments

Cіkavo, scho vikoristani at the front proposition "i, i, i" - the same artistic contributions, Yakі is called a rich union. Why is it necessary? Nasampered, in order to expand the opportune range and show, for example, that a person has beauty, and intelligence, and courage, and charisma ... And also the hero is able and rebalistic, and swim, and write books, and be at home ...

Most often, this stitch is twisted together with the other, which is called This stitch, if it is easy to show one without the other.

However, not all mystetskys accept it. Significantly rhetorical food. The stench doesn't shy away from the evidence, but at the same time, the readers should be embarrassed. Maybe we should see the most famous of them: "Who is guilty?" and what work?".

Only the main mystetsky accept. If you see them, you can see parcellation (split propositions), synecdoche (if alone vikoristovuetsya substitute for the plural), anaphora (similar cob of propositions), epiphora (repetition of їх kintsіvok), lettuce (change) and hyperbole (navpaki, rebіlshennya), paraphrase (if the deake word is replaced by yogo) short description. All the credits can be vindicated like in poetry, so in prose. Artists accept at the top, for example, they are opined, they don’t question anything in principle.

Poetic priyomi - tse right arsenal of the poet. Vikoristannya dermal from them allows you to grow the verses of the verses, to convey the attachments of the chi and the emotions, to the very sound of the verses to the chimes. For example, one of the most wide-ranging approaches is the most common epithets - a virulent zasobu, a called pidkreslit, see those other things of the object that are described. With the help of the method, the divisions are victorious.

Vzhivannya stitch pov'yazane s vikoristannya slіv have a figurative, allegorical meaning - it allows you to put things in a verse, to sprobit yogo tsіkavіshim for spriynyattya. A similar technique is a synecdoche, conveying allegory to tsom, which is connected with a number of objects (multiple at times are replaced by one, and navpaki). To add to the poetry with broader receptions - a metaphor and an allegory, with some kind of authority, authority in one object being implanted, are attributed to the described object or to the manifestation.

Another trick is specialization, which transfers the transference of the animate object to the inanimate object. Similar tricks, which allow you to give the verse of that chi іnshiy vіdtinok, expand it, make it easier to make it rich. The literacy of their voicing is one of the bases of poetry - it is rich in why the very versatility of the verse is to rob it with a poetic work.

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