Analysis about the unyielding language of the city. Analysis of the verse of the flower "Fatherland". Composition pobudova, mystetsky priyomi

To whom, to whom does he dedicate his work? Kohanom chi kokhanіy, friends, fathers, children of that youth, rise from the past, teachers, svetobudovі ... It is important to know the poet, who is the business of his creativity in Batkivshchina. Love and hatred before her, experience, think, be careful to know your wit at the top. The topic of Batkivshchyna has been debunked and let's marvel at the originality of the poems of the Sribny century.


Marina Tsvetaeva, who spent most of her life in exile, is rightfully respected as a Russian poet. I don't do it for nothing. A lot of reports confirm that creativity is evidence of terrible changes Russian history- Litopis like love, and the Fatherland on the cob of the XX century.

We can absolutely say that Marina Tsvetaeva loves Russia. Vaughn passes through herself all the troubling, ambiguous subdivisions, analyzes them in her creativity, and tries to read them clearly. In addition, they are buried in a long history ("Stenka Razin").

Alive in її creativity that theme of the White Guard. Marina Ivanivna did not accept the revolution, she zhala Gromadyanskaya war.


Rozmirkovuyuchi about the theme of the Fatherland in the creativity of Tsvetaeva, it is significant that in their works there is a strong cob of women. For her, Russia is a woman, she is proud and strong. Ale, make a sacrifice. Tsvetaeva herself inspire in emigration, make yourself a part of the great country, bula її spivakom.

Biographies are full of independence, strong and proud spirit of Marini Tsvetaeva. And її steadfastness and masculinity were scooped by itself in hot and inevitable love before the Motherland. Therefore, the theme of the Fatherland in the poetry of Tsvetaeva is rightfully respected by one of the past.

It's wonderful, how emotionally strong you create about the Fatherland among the poets! Nostalgic, tragic, hopeless and heartbreaking. And the axis, for example, "Virshі about the Czech Republic" - tse її svіdchennya in love to Russia, її to the people.


Naisvitlish, the most radical notes in the verses of Tsvetaeva about the Fatherland show through, if you write about your childishness, held in Tarusa on Oci. Poetes with a lower sum turn there with their creativity - before Russia of the last century, you can’t turn back.

Here is China's Russia - all the vast expanses, the marvelous beauty of nature, almost protected, freedom, watering. Holy is the land with that strong man's people.


It is necessary to say that the reason for the emigration of Tsvetaeva was її ideyni mirkuvannya. Furnishings served as a house - they went out for a man, a white officer. From the biographies, you will know that she lived near Paris for 14 years. But the glimmering place of the world did not captivate my heart - and in exile the theme of the Fatherland is alive in the creativity of Tsvetaeva: "I'm alone here ... And in the heart weeping verses of Rostand, like there, at the abandoned Moscow."

At the 17th anniversary, she wrote the first verse about Paris. Yaskraviy and radiance, vin davsya їy hardy, great and dissolute. "The great and radiant Parisian me will take off the grass, the gloom..."

Keeping the image of dear Batkivshchyna from the heart, she always secretly leaned on the turn. Flowers did not in any way bring to Russia, de її creativity, truly Russian poetry, it was not accepted, it was unknown. If we analyze everything you do in emigration, then it’s safe to say that Vitchizna is the fatal and inevitable battle of Tsvetaeva, but such a way, she put up with it.

Turning. Moscow

Have 1939 r. Flowers turn to Stalin's Moscow. As if she were writing out herself, the bazhannya to give the sons of the Batkivshchina collapsed with her. It is necessary to say that she, among the people, tried to give George love to Russia, to pass on to him a piece of her strong light feeling. Marina Ivanivna was convinced that the Russian people could not be happy far away from the Fatherland, that he wanted to love and accept such an ambiguous Motherland. Hello, are you happy to turn around?

The theme of the Batkivshchyna in the works of the Tsvetayevoi period is the highest. Having turned to Moscow, it did not turn to Russia. The courtyards of a foreign Stalinist era with denunciations, clogged with horsemen, rampant fear and suspicions. Marina Tsvetaeva is hard, stuffy near Moscow. Creativity is out of the blue in the light of the past. Ale, at one time, the poet brings the spirit of his people, as if he went through terrible trials and did not get angry. I myself see it partly.

Tsvetaeva to love the capital of the past: "Moscow! What a majestic marvelous house!" Here there is a place to fill the place with a heart great power, a treasure trove of spiritual values ​​Vaughn vvazha that Moscow spiritually cleanse whether a mandriving man and a sinner. "De and dead I will be glad" - even Tsvetaeva about the capital. Moscow called out to her a sacred trembling in her heart, for the poetry of the eternally young place, as if she were to love like a native sister, a true friend.

But it can be said that the very return to Moscow afflicted Marina Tsvetaeva. Vaughn could not accept reality, the disappointment made her feel deeply depressed. And in the distance - deep selfishness, ignorance. Having lived two years in the Batkivshchyna, after a long-term return, she left life voluntarily. "I didn't blame" - as the poetess herself wrote at her dying note.

Vershi Tsvetaeva about Batkivshchyna

Let's marvel at how M. Tsvetaeva consecrated her glorious creations to Russia:

  • "Vitchizna".
  • "Stenka Razin".
  • "People".
  • "Provid".
  • "Sum for Batkivshchyna".
  • "Kraina".
  • "Swan camp".
  • "Don".
  • "Virshі about the Czech Republic".
  • Cycle "Virshі about Moscow" and in.

Analysis vіrsha

Let's take a look at the development of those Russia in one of the significant verses of Marini Tsvetaeva "Tug for the Batkivshchyna". Having read the TV, it is immediately significant that these people were mired, as they appeared far from the beloved country. True, the verse was written by Marina Ivanivna in exile.

The heroine is lyrical to creation with a marvelous accuracy of a copy of the poet herself. She tries to get over herself, that if people are nasty, there is no difference, she’s alive. The unhappy one does not know happiness anywhere.

Having re-read the verse once more, we remember the Hamletian food in the paraphrase "Wait, don't be?" Tsvetaeva has her own interpretation. If a person is alive, there is a difference, there is no way to know, and if you are suffering, you are not.

"... absolutely everything is the same -

De zovsіm samotniy

Vaughn stverdzhu s hot, that all of you felt burnt out in your soul, it was no longer enough to humbly bear your cross. Aja de bula would not be a person far from the Batkivshchyna, they would lean in the cold and endless desert. Terrible є key phrases: "I'm all the same", "I'm baiduzhe."

The heroine tries to sing to herself that the baiduzha until the month when her soul was born. Ale, at once it seems that її the right house is a barracks. Flowers are also torn by those selfishness: you can know yourself among people, not in the bosom of nature.

At the end of her confession, she was hard at work, that nothing was left in her. In emigration, everything is alien. But still:

"... as if on the road - booth

Get up, especially humpback..."

The top is shaved on the frills. Aje nayzhorstokish tugu for Vitchizna cannot be hung up to the end.

The theme of the Fatherland in the creativity of Tsvetaeva is tragic. She suffocates far away from her, but it’s hard for modern Russia. Light turmoil, vociferous notes are suffocating at її verses, only if the poet thinks about his childishness, about past Russia, Moscow, you can't turn yaku

Marina Tsvєtaeva, the famous Russian poet, is a skin twir that you live behind your inimitable and majestic power of experience, spontaneity, breadth and so on. I would like to know that Marina has become one of the poor women, who was far away from the style of writing her verses.

Viroblyayuschie light of her verse Marina Tsvetaeva never forgot about her fatherland, about those places, she grew up and grew up. Having become a small fatherland of Tarus, she herself spent her children there and her juvenile fates, grew up there herself, and knew her own look at the world.

So it was її life, scho їy had a chance to viїhati for a man for the cordon. Do it yourself, written in a foreign language with special love and trepidation to the fatherland, that tight confusion that the author imagined.

One of these creations became the verse "Batkivshchyna", which is the best way to bring love to your own small fatherland. Analyzing the top of the skin, you can learn and understand what the fatherland means for Tsvetaeva.

Versh "Batkivshchyna" was written after the Zhovtnevoy revolution, at that hour, if the Danes sings that її cholovіk was rebuked in emigration. Varto signify that emigration has become for the author a passion, and in it she has already summed up for her Batkivshchyna.

Danish tvir shows a better sense of the poet, everything can be easily recognized in literary receptions, Yakimi napovneno vіrsh. Also, we will remember that the whole world was inspired by the so-called antithesis, which is a representation of the fatherland of a foreign, cold country.

Analysis v_rsha Batkivshchyna Tsvєtaєvoї

Understanding one's own experiences from the native land is an important moment in the creative biography of a skin writer. The poets tried to designate their place in the fatherland, the place of the fatherland in the world in their souls even from the hours of romantics, as if they turned to the history of their state and reflected on the right camp of the right.

The poets of the twentieth century, who survived the revolution, feared the collapse of the national consciousness and the emergence of a new ideology “from scratch”, especially pompously put the nutritional note “I am the fatherland” and “the fatherland is the world”, I like an emotional assessment - “good” or “bad”. Marina Tsvєtaєva often in her creativity turns to ciєї those.

Versh "Batkivshchyna" is a vivid example of how an emotional poetic assessment cannot be rated on a scale between "plus" and "minus", and that means other categories of thought. Even closer to the mood of this verse to similar creations to Blok, who knew the poetess, as well as himself especially, the poet. Already in the first stanza, the folding of the task is confirmed, as the author takes upon himself - talk about the fatherland.

Mova with whom is called "unyielding"; And it’s easy to stop thinking about those who talk about the native land. The remaining verse of the first stanza will be repeated dvіchi - "foreign land" in the other stanza become part of the oxymoron "Fatherland - foreign land", on which the central part of the verse is induced; in the finale, the fatherland is called pride. An important є lexical connotation of this word is the pride of the chitacha poklikana vyklikati association with one of the deadly sins; such sacredness intensifies the pathos of the verse. Animal “ty” on the cob of the remaining stanza in such a context can call out the association with anniversaries to the biblical God; And the same lyrical heroine is not a little martyr, as if she were on the platform of life for faith in the Land of Obitsyan. There is no clear plot to the plot, space-hours can also be destroyed.

With the development of the author’s thought, the expanse of the dedale expands more and more - “Kaluzsky pagorb”, “far away”, “to the mountain stars”, that sound resonates sharply to the cinematographic great plan, which contains more than ruin and chopping block. The heroine, as if on the cob, insisted that it was impossible to talk about the fatherland, start talking about "distance" (por. "Great to run around in the countryside" - Yesenin; tell Gogol about those who from Rome you "see Russia more clearly"). It’s easier to talk about the fatherland, like about a foreign country, and it’s easier to get an understanding of the unrecognizable link to yourself that fatherland.

Tsya thought spovnena high pathos. Povnistyu yogo Color help to choose the intonation type of the verse. "Batkivshchyna" - speaking verses of the oratorical type with a great number of vigukivs and a high vocabulary characteristic of this type ("girsky" - obviously, it has reached the original tradition; "rozbrat", "tsey"), folding syntactic constructions. So the author's thought is to know its expression in the metrical, syntactic, lexical and intonational character of the verse.

Analysis v_rsha Batkivshchyna behind the plan

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The lyrics of Marini Tsvetaeva, dedicated to the fatherland, adopted by the deep and singing peace of the most soulful love to the edge. For poetry, Russia is always left behind in our souls (especially sincerely it is taken from the works of the period of emigration). We will conduct the Flower "Batkivshchina" and simply in the new main thoughts of the author.

An analysis of the verse of the Flower is necessary to understand what was written in the fates of emigration, in the period when you were tormented by the tightness of your native missions. We, who sing, do not give peace in the distance in the Russian lands. In the third stanza, the author calls the Batkivshchyna "naturally far away," subsidizing susceptibility, as if it were independent from the city of that city. Colors mark this image, calling this link "fatal", talking about those who "carry" the fatherland with them everywhere. Love to Russia for poetry is like a cross, like a won’t accept, and with a like, it’s not ready to part.

Tsvetaeva shows itself not only in the native lands, but also among the Russian people. In the first stanza, you will imitate yourself with a great man, knowing that they are going to be more blatant. About tse obov'yazkovo can say the analysis of the verse. Blossoms are close to the Russian people, if they are repetitive with love to the native land.

Analysis of the verse of Tsvetaeva is impossible to escape the riddle of the one who sings the pull to the Batkivshchyna against his will. At the fourth stanza of Russia (called "Dal"), the cry of the lyrical heroine, "znimaє" її z "girsky stars". Wherever it came from, love would turn back to the fatherland.

Ale, even though there is a lot more here, that the tightness of the lyrical heroine for the fatherland - її shares, then the rest of the chotirivirsh arranges everything according to the missions. It plays a special role and may be included in the analysis of the color verse. In a new mi bachimo, that the lyrical heroine writes with her fatherland and is ready to inspire at the cost of a wet death (“I will sign with my lips / On the plasma”).

To describe a super-sophisticated love to a faraway fatherland, Tsvetaeva vikoristovuє oxymorony: "foreign land, my fatherland", "far away, that they gave me close" and a rich repetition of the word "far away", which vikoristovuetsya for the recognition of either Russia or foreign land. The lyrical heroine is tormented, її tormented by thoughts about those who are richly rich in the Kremlin її in the form of their beloved places. In the rest of the rows, we will try to instill our own dialogue between її and the fatherland. Moreover, the replica of the heroine is represented by only one promoter "ty!", leading to Russia. You won't know any other words for expressing your kohannya, a short creme, but a lot more "my father". And in the same wording, which is repeated by the stretch of the last verse, we can talk, it would be better, simply, but more deeply the setting of Tsvetaeva to the fatherland.

On which you can complete the analysis. Vershі Tsvєtaєvoї, consecrated to the fatherland, spovnenie deep and sickly love, like consecrating the soul of the lyrical heroine to the most fervent praņennya ospіvuvat the Russian land. Unfortunately, the share of poetry did not allow me to seek exile in Russia for life. But in our hour, the lyrics can be analyzed, and all the depth and tragedy of love to the native land can also be properly assessed.

The verse was written after the Zhovtnevoy revolution, in exile, where the poet went from Russia, pishovshi for her man. Alas, the emigration did not bring a flowery relief: the tightness in Russia once again tied us to the fatherland, to the very fact, having lived a lot of years behind the cordon, she still decided to turn back to Russia. It was not easy for mutual poetry to develop in their own country, but the theme of the fatherland is one of the main ones in the poetry of Tsvetaeva. The lyrical heroine of self. Violence in Russia, the tragedy of the emigrant

The reasons sway in poetry against the lyrical Russian "I" of the heroine to everything non-Russian, alien.

The cost of the fatherland for M. Tsvetaeva is of little tragic significance: she becomes an outcast, self-made, underprivileged people. In the emigration itself, the theme of the fatherland sounds in a new way: it seems to be worth spending at home, the motif of orphanage. In the verse "Batkivshchyna" the lyrical heroine dreams about turning back home, and the central idea is the appearance of a foreigner, given and home: Far, what did they give me close, Far, what to say: "Turn back to Dodom!" From us - to the girsky stars - Me, who knows the place! All verse

Inspired by the antithesis, the contrast of "Russia, my fatherland" and gave - "Far Far Away".

Marina Tsvetaeva is especially powerful in the light, poetically "I" is not like the image of a lyrical hero. Numerical special borrowers are also confirmed, as they are victorious in the text of the verse: “before me”, “my fatherland”, “I doused my forehead in the distance”, “my brother”.

Special sprinyattya poetesi hangs in the foreground, then here artistic images intertwined: Far away - distant land! Foreign land, my fatherland! On the other side they joked: Marina Tsvetaeva Batkivshchina analysis short analysis vіrshi kvitaєvoї batkіvshchina marina kvіtaєva analysis vіrsha batkivshchina analysis vіrsha kvitaєvoї batkіvshchina behind the plan batkіvshchina

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Share Marini Tsvєtaєvoї formed such a rank that she spent about a third of her life outside the cordon. She started early in France, touching the wisdom of literature, and after the revolution, she emigrated first to Prague, and later to her beloved Paris, and ruled together with the children of that man Sergius Efront, in the past - a White Guard officer. Poetes, whose childhood that youth passed into an intelligent family, for children, literally from the first fates of life, high spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bwere chipped, with a flicker they took the revolution with її utopian ideas, like a year turned into a crooked tragedy. Russia in the old and primal rozumіnі ceased to be a dream for Maryna Tsvetaeva, that in 1922, having miraculously allowed emigration, the poetess was sung, that nightmares, hunger, unskilled fear for the power of life will come back.

However, at the same time, with visible prosperity and calmness, an unbearable hardship came beyond the Batkivshchyna, like a boulder on the floor, which literally dreamed of turning back to Moscow. In the face of a healthy mind and reminders of the red terror, arrests and mass shootings, they were quiet, who were in the color of the Russian intelligentsia. In 1932, Tsvєtaeva wrote at random a penetrating and peculiar verse, which by chance played an important role in her share. If the homeland of the poetess still made the decision to turn back to Moscow and filed the relevant documents to the Radianian embassy, ​​the “Batkivshchyna” itself looked like one of the arguments for the selfishness of accepting a positive decision by the officials. The new stink was sipped not only by loyalty to the new government, but also by a broader patriotism, which at that time was actively cultivated among the middle of the population without a trace of faith. Even the most patriotic vіrsham Radyansk authorities flattened their eyes on p'yanі vіvki, ambiguous pressures and criticism, respecting that at this stage of the formation of the state it is more important for the people to support the idea that the Radyansk Union is the best and fair country.

Tue, at the top "Vitchizna" Tsvetaєvoi didn’t feel like a strain on loyalty before the new government, so I’ll just throw it in the її bіk. Tse - tver-spogad, permeated with sum and nostalgia for the past. Tim is not less, the poetess is ready to forget all those that she happened to experience in the post-revolutionary fates, the shards of her are needed "far away, distant land", as, being a fatherland, she nevertheless became a stranger to her.

Tsey tvir can dosit fold the form And not from the first reading, it is necessary to understand. The patriotism of the world speaks not in the magnificence of Russia as such, but in what it accepts in any way you see it, and is ready to divide the share of its land, firmly: “I will sign with my lips on the plate.” Axis only for what? Not for radyansk vlad, but for pride, yaku, no matter what, Russia still hasn’t spent it, being overwhelmed, in front of us and all, with a great and mighty power. The very essence of Bula was in tune with the sonorous nature of Tsvetaeva, but she could not bring her pride down for the sake of her mother’s ability to turn home. There, where baiduzhіst, zlidnі, ignorance were minted on her, as well as the arrest and death of members of the її sim'ї, known as enemies of the people. Ale to have such a rosvitka do not Mig Vlitlino on the vibir, yakiy, hot, Znov, he was not tough, but Bazhannya Snow Vydchuti, a part of the great land, did not survive the industry on the sorcerer’s sorrek.

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