What can you write about your little fatherland. Tver on the topic: "My little Batkivshchyna". Tvіr on the topic

In a skin person, it’s even closer to that right place, she feels calm and calm. There is no such person on earth, as if she did not love to the little Fatherland, to the fact that the skin may have its own mooring, it is possible for some hour to succumb and deal with turbot and problems. I also have my own place, where I can calmly spend my free time and not think about the difference and deal with that problem.

At the village with my grandmother and know those taєmne mіsce, de menіt navit dihati calmly. I already love to come here alone, and stay here alone, so that you can think about the richest dreams. And how good it is on the River Vletka! Shine the sun, the birds sing. All the same, my little fatherland, as no one can recognize in me. Evening comes, and all nature begins to grati zov with other farbs, as if to silence the eye. At the valley beyond the river, a great meadow has spread, where cherubs are fluttering without a turbo, yak, yak і I, vvazhayut, that this is a small little bush. Nothing descends imperceptibly, and the majestic sky begins to look like an enchanting light of dawn, as if it were burning brightly and beckoning to itself.

So I myself love to go to the countryside in return, because at that time there is a unique beauty here. It’s always nice to sit there for a warm rudeness and nobility, that there’s a bitter frost on the street and a whirlwind... to take: sledding and lying, hockey with young lads and just walks in the fresh and frosty forest. Simply, if I feel like this, then I am gaining new strength, which I will get up to the end of my initial fate, and I am ready to master all sciences again, not to get tired.

It is all our duty to protect and love our little Batkivshchyna, for there is only one in us. You can be different: a small house near the village, its own street near the city, but everything is dear to our heart. Sometimes I can't see the next month, and I can still manage for them. Buvaє so, scho stink me to act in dreams.

I cherish my native little piece, which my mother spared me. All my life, I see my dear ones, that beloved place, that I simply cannot live without them that dihati. All people just goiter with a special turbo and affection are put up to this month and don’t forget about them, so we’ll just protect our little Batkivshchyna, as we grew up and ruled at the great swimming, but we’ll check, if we turn around to the native harbor. Vaughn obov'yazkovo zustrіne us.

My town is my little Batkivshchyna

My place is no less great, and yet I love it no less. For the population of the wine is not great, prote maє proudly called the place. Vіn dosi growth she will be. I think, if you want, then you can describe yoga for the whole amount in just a couple of years, but less. І those who can get away with traffic jams all the time.

And my beloved place is even greener. Yogo is so called deyaki - Green place. Tse to the fact that we have a bunch of trees and other growths. Meshkants themselves hang out and grow them - the old-timers organize the whole front gardens under the windows of their houses. Irrespective of those that we have, zdebіlshoy, richly topped and dowed high, deyakі navіt namagayutsya, pokryvayuchi їs beautiful and fluffy ivy. The blossom has a beautiful sight. And even the inhabitants themselves, like you, for the sake of it - varto vіdchiniti vikno, and you will once reach the green stems and you can smell the miraculous that licorice smell of flowers. Without a doubt, one of the main reasons why stench is so intoxicated is the skin of them to love their place, the beauty of that growth.

I can truly call my place a little fatherland. Aje same here I virіs, stubbornly recognized that pіshov before school. As I already said, vin dosit maly, and to that the best initial mortgages I don’t know anything about it, regardless of those who are vindicated by science. Yes, there is one more cicavia fact about new. On the spot, if we have only forgotten the wine, we will close the wine with the science place, the dedication of the university was practiced for the benefit of science, turning the atomic parts. This fact of history has already become known to our place - the ensign may have an image of the atom. Nameless zbig, why not?

Against such an unsafe, as it would have been supposed, kind of activity, our place is even cleaner and safer. There are no hopes of auspicious chemical and similar speeches in the vicinity - the center of education has judiciously favored all of its experiments with the great that great parkan, which has seen its popularity as much as for the largest highway. In fact, don’t go there, don’t go there, krіm pracovitih robіtnikіv. And it becomes ridiculous for those bagmen, as if some of the visitors were excited to look askance at the cleanliness of that safe little place, explaining to us that the stench thought that it would be worse here, near the plan of ecology, would be.

I already love my place. Aje my place is my childishness. Aje my place is mine little fatherland.

Option 2: Short tvir

My Batkivshchyna, my little world, where it’s quiet and warm. The skin of the bulk of our country can be such a place, for you it’s kinder and quiet. Love to the little Fatherland can be spoken in a different way, but I will often take a little piece, dear to my heart, after drinking in a yak, I am in a kazci. At the village near my grandmother's house, where I know the little Batkivshchyna, I still love it and don't care about it. Near the village, it’s even better, because here it’s possible to gain new strength until the beginning of fate.

It is especially good to pay here, to the fact that all nature zavmiraє and checks for taєmniche and non-peredbachuvane. Vzimka I even like to go to the fox, de yako especially dhahaetsya. Together with the lads we play hockey, we ride on licks and sanchats. It is all our fault not to forget your native duties and, according to your ability, to take care of them. Adzhe small Batkivshchyna is on us for a check, and we are not guilty of pidbivati. The people have only one Batkivshchina, like a mother, they love and hate us, like their children.

Dekіlka tsіkavih tvorіv

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MOU “Honcharivska middle school skylight school

Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region


Vik - 16 years

Home address: Kursk region Sudzhansky district sl. Goncharivka st. Nova hut 50

School phone 2-25-10

Teacher Sheludchenko Hanna Viktorivna

Sudzha, 2011


Yakshcho shout the army is holy:

"Throw Russ, live in paradise!"

I will say: “Paradise does not require

Give me my Fatherland.

S.A. Yesenin

Russia is a bagatonic national land. Russians and Tatars, Bashkirs and Udmurts, Nenets and Chuvashs live with her ... Ale for the skin people, the Crimean land, in a way that is alive, more dearly in the world, the fatherland is small.

The Batkivshchyna is small - these are the places, where the people were born, grew up, started, where they live. Tse those places, love until it settles in the heart of a person forever. But knowing your own Fatherland, almost love does not blame her once. І for the skin, the process is different. For a child in childhood, the most important thing is mother and father. Ale, pіdrostayuchi, vіn pochinaє vіdchuvati vіdchuvati prihilnіnіє to friends, to the native street, to the river, to forests, watering, to your village chi mista. And it doesn’t matter what your Batkivshchyna is: let’s give a great promise to a small village and look like a village like a place. Golovnya, which is all right, you know you are children.

Batkivshchyna, like a father and mother, do not rob. You accept it, love it, like it won't. I’m only a little older, a person gradually recognizes his belonging to his mother-fatherland, responsibility for her, and more smut - unbelievable love before her. This is how a hulk is born, this is how a patriot is formed.

For all the hours of poetry, they composed verses and songs about the Batkivshchyna. The scribes and artists assigned their creations to the native land. For the names of Vitchizni, in the hearts, on the lips, there were the most beautiful blue daughters at the battle with the enemies, they performed heroic deeds. The age of love to the Batkivshchyna can be equaled less than love to your loved ones. The cost of theirs means deep sorrow, and the cost of the Fatherland - the cost of human happiness, the cost of faith in future life, the cost of yourself. And if it was necessary to stand up for the beloved Batkivshchyna, for the honor of that independence, then people gave more dearly, that the people have a life.

For skin people in the її small Batkivshchyna є those who want to know about it. Axis and I want to describe my Batkivshchyna with її unique history, victorious nature, with її memorable places, and riches in other speeches that are important for me.

My little Batkivshchyna - Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region. Since the distribution at the border crossing of Russia on the cordon of Ukraine, and to be more precise, our little town of Sudzha is located on the border region.

Vinikla Sudzha is a guard post of the kingdom of Moscow. This fortified point was standing on the hillock, ossified by a palisade, impenetrable swamps dragged along for a long time. Sounds and names: "Su" - water, "Ja" - space. Sudzha - "swampy place". More than once, the defenders of the fort had to beat the Tatar cinematography. In 1664, the ranks of the city were called to the royal mercy of Sudzha. Step by step, between judgments expanded, and the strategic value fell. Rich black earth fields brought people here from the central regions of Russia. The stench settled on the banks of the river Sudzha with great sim'ami. The author of the coat of arms of our city is the dean Statsky Radnik Volkov. Axis short description the head symbol of Sudzhi: at the upper part of the coat of arms of testimony, the coat of arms of Kursk, on the other - that a gray wild goose sits at the line of a wild goose near the silver field, which means "such birds have great wealth."

Colored enamels, which are victorious in heraldry, draw their own song meanings. The silver field on the Sudzhan coat of arms means purity, kindness and innocence, green colors- Hope, joy and prosperity. Here, and ask the rows from the verse of Pavel Vetoshkin, consecrated to Sudzha:

In the middle of the next waters and willows

Pliv wild goose. Three chickens

Spurhnuli, completing your coat of arms,

І vіdlіtayut without landing.

The city has another sight,

Your special dates.

Not a national day, but a river

We goloshuєmo, like prickly.

Three hours of arrival

My place, my old mandrivnik ...

Aspen leaf yaskravy shovk

Zhovten has stocked up for you in advance.

past fates calendar

The bilinear word is overgrown with:

Your vіk - 347

I'm running around in the game, that fluttered.

Our city has a lot of reminders. For example, in 1895, the first monument in Russia to Shchepkin, the great actor, was erected in Sudzhi, later - a monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Also, our city has a local museum, where the paintings of the artist Likhin, the teaching of the great painter Rpin, are kept.

There are many rivers running through our world, great and small. The largest rivers in the Kursk region are Psel and Seim. At the lowlands of the rivers, there is a large number of pains, flooded onions. I didn’t think before, and the swamp is a miraculous natural phenomenon. Povikami formed in them stocks of peat, even tepidly. From the same swamps - our national wealth.

And also from the swamps there is one more unique phenomenon in our region. Near the village of Nizhne Makhove there is an incredible lake. Tilki there growth zovsіm uncharacteristic for the Central Chornozem'ya pіvnіchna berry - crane. Yogo itself is also called crane lake. Vono has long become a mystical reminder. In windless weather from shore to shore, a right island floats here, overgrown with grass, chagars and trees. The area of ​​yoga is approximately 0.6 ha. The lake itself, behind historical tributes, is much younger. Youmu doesn’t have a hundred years.

Sudzha is stashed on humpbacked meat. The Pagorbies are scouring the lowlands. Foxes grow on their slopes, in which different creatures linger: hares, squirrels, foxes, wild boars, roe deer and richly seen birds. Our land is called the nightingale land, because there is a large number of these beautiful birds here. The tops of the pagorbiv are planted with various crops: cereals, sucrose beetroots, corn and dormouse. If you marvel at the fields, which are ears of wheat, life, then you think that the sea is green.

Near our district, near Gornaly, there is the most beautiful pagorb - Fagor. Axis yak yogo spіvuє mіstseviy sings

A. Sudzhenko at his verse “Oguk z Fagora”:

I stand on the green top

I admire Hornall native:

Turning water spring,

Psel vibliskuє in grass luchniy;

Hati brizkayut in the glare of glasses -

Beauty and in the distance and close!

I am my soul's falcon

Rush uphill and into the expanse of Russia.

Oh, if my hail from Fagor -

From the father of the greatest, burn -

Feel the gurkit space

I heaven of golden light!

I was also on this hillock and I can say that for me there is no more beautiful place on earth. If I marveled at the beast down, then my spirit groaned, and Psel me, giving me a black line that calls.

I can continue the description of my little fatherland for a long time. But I want to say smut: you need to save those most beautiful places for the future generations, so that the stench knew that they knew what their ancestors were crying for! If I marvel at the outskirts of Sudzhі, my heart beats stronger, my soul becomes so warm and radiant, even if I know that all of our relatives know from the first days of life. I feel a little love and pride for my native land.

Finish your tvir, I want a lesson from Prikhodka.

Mіsto mіy, red red,

Hundreds of rocks you stand above the river,

At the black-earth steppe smoothness,

In the middle of the green at the grassy beauty.

423643, d. Yenaberdine, st. Shkilna, bud. 1a

Municipal Budgetary Educational Lighting Installation "Enaberda Secondary Educational Lighting School"

Director - Kamashev Yury Yosipovich.


"My little Batkivshchyna".


Efimov Maxim Ivanovich

Grade 6

Republic of Tatarstan, Mendelijevsky district, village of Yenaberdine,

vul. Travneva, 9

Science kerivnik

Tikhonova Irina Oleksandrivna, vikladach of history

MBOU "Yaberdinskaya ZOSh"

Tel. 88554935641

Єnaberdino, 2017.

My little Batkivshchyna.

Batkivshchyna - tse Russia. Wonthe meaning for me is: tse i great country z great history. Її fields, foxes, open spaces, places, where I haven’t yet. Mustache people, how to live and work together. The Fatherland for me is to keep the memory of the history of my country, the whole culture of that pragnennya to save. And, obviously, Batkivshchyna is my native village, її streets and provulki, її people. Batkivshchyna - all friends and signs, my family. Nothing on earth can be nearer, dearer, the lower Batkivshchyna is small.

In some there is a great place, in others there is a small village, but all people love it the same way. Worldly, grown up, a little bit, Batkivshchyna is not forgotten in any way. Skin people can love their little Batkivshchyna, know their history, miracle people, like that growth was born here.

For me, my small Batkivshchina is a small village - Yenaberdino, where I live already 12 years, where my childishness passes.

Our village is just a small, quiet place, where there is little beauty. Here, everything is created for a quiet and turbo-free life, far from the vanity and problems of the place. Here people can have a good time.

Set apart: school, nursery garden, SDK, libraries, FAP, shops.

The village is sharpened by small birch trees and foxes, the river Toima. In the fields there is wheat and wheat, and in the forests berries, mushrooms and various medicinal plants grow.

Our village is more beautiful than ever. The vzimka won is similar to the Kazkovo country. In the spring it is especially beautiful when the blossoms begin: cherry, wild cherry, apple tree and buzok. The Vlitka village is all in greenery, and in autumn everything is all in a golden dress.

The local inhabitants love their village and try to make it quiet and beautiful: to plant trees and flowers, to be children of Maidan, to take the fate of subotniks, to protect it, to protect nature. The streets are cleanly tidied up.

The development of the village does not stand on the spot, it is constantly transformed.The people here are more kind, friendly and strange, which is the greatest wealth of the small Batkivshchyna. The life of my village is trimmed with the same practice.A lot of things have been smashed in our village, but even more needs to be slaughtered. The І tse vіdpovіdalne zavdannya lie on the shoulders of our generation. We can learn, practice, be new, have a happy life.

So it's fun and zaderikovato pass holy. Mustache villagers: and grown up, and children take part in sportswear, fun magic at quizzes. Screeching and everywhere a little cheerful songs of grandmother and children's collectives.

I love my village for those that it is not like any other place.And if the future would not bring me a share, the memory of the small Batkivshchyna will be left in my memory with a stretch of a mustache life.And forever be deprived of those majestic bazhanya turn to the house, where your childishness has passed, children ti ris, knowing the world, your fathers, friends, linger. I de b ty not knowing you zavzhd zіrіvatimut thoughts about the native dіm, batkіv, druzіv.

I want to make my little little bun as clean, fluffy, welcoming and quiet. Ale, for whom it is all our fault to love and take care not only for yourself, but for everything that leaves us. And we, the growing generation, will try to do everything so that our village of Yenaberdino flourishes and becomes more and more beautiful.We cannot choose for ourselves a small Batkivshchyna. Those places, de mi narodzhuєmosya, may be like forever, but for me the Batkivshchina will be the most beautiful and most beautiful, most dear and close.I will never forget my native land and my beloved village. Aje don't know anything eternal, let's remember!

I wish my village Yenaberdino prosper and prosper.

For Russia, a settlement-chastka,
And for us, wine is the father's house.
I am glad that we can write
Little Batkivshchyna, de mi live.”

We were born in the country, as they are called Russia. We are Russians! Russia is a majestic country. In Russia there are high mountains, deep lakes, fresh water rivers, thick foxes that boundless steppe. And small rivers, bright birch groves, dormouse galyavins, swamps and fields. We can be written by our great Batkivshchyna, її nature, її talented people.

But the skin of us has its own little Batkivshchina - that little little place, de you were born, where your fathers and friends live, where your native house is known. For some, the Batkivshchyna is small - a native village, a street and a palisade built a house.

In a word, the Fatherland is small for the skin!

Mala batkivshchyna -

Island of the earth.

Under the vіknom currant,

Cherry blossoms.

curly apple tree,

And under it is lava -

Weasel is small

My fatherland!

Our Talova settlement (Talova station) - the center of the Talovsky municipal district of the Voronezka region, is located in the south-western part of the region, 166 km from the regional center. The settlement took its name from the appearance of a beam and a small river, on the banks of which there were thickets of sheluga. Yaskrava specialty of the district center - radially-Kiltsev street planning, as if it is against the clarity of the line and beauty.Pivkolo forget the village is explained by the swampiness of the center.

Who called її Talovoї

In short, like a trill.

Near the past there is a small village

It has now become a regional center ...

V.M. Kirichenko.

Talіvsky krai is a small piece of land of Voronezka, the krai of reserved kovil, piece forests and water bodies, and borderless wheat fields.

Chimalo v_domih іmen giving Russia Talіvskiy district. Here they were born, grew up, lived and practiced a lot of famous people, who glorified our land with their practice.

Tse academician, laureate Nobel Prize at the gallery of physics

Pavlo Oleksiyovich Cherenkov,

Choir of Russian songs, creator of the first Russian folk choir, meritorious artist Mitrofan Yukhimovich P'yatnitsky,

a great contribution to the implementation of the program of the trivalent flight of the station "SVIT", which has been propagated in space for 17 years, having killed the native of the village of Abramivka, Major General Anatoly Semenovich Shishkin,

writer and journalist Evgen Panteliyovych Dubrovin,

People's teacher of the SRSR, Hero of the Socialistic Work Oleksiy Mikhailovich Ivanov.

Talovites keep a memory of Pochesny Gromadyanin to the district, the first secretary of the Talovsky RK CPRS, the head of the Voronezka Regional Duma Yury Timofiyovich Titov, who tragically perished at the red 2005 fate.

8 Heroes of the Radyansk Union, 5 Heroes of Socialist Practice were given by the Talovsky land of Russia. Among them Trainin Petro Opanasovich, rewarded with the Golden Star of the hero of the girl.

We write and bow low to our countrymen, for they glorified our settlement.

Nikulina Julia

Understanding "Batkivshchyna" may mean a little to me: it is a great country with a great history. Її fields, foxes, open spaces, places, where I have not yet been. Mustache people, how to live and work together. The Fatherland for me is the memory of the history of my country. Batkivshchyna for me is a whole culture and practice to save. And, obviously, Batkivshchyna is my native settlement, its streets and provulki, winters and springs, and its people. Batkivshchyna - all friends know, my family.


Front view:

Municipal treasury mortgage

Makarakska main educational school


"My little Batkivshchyna"

Nikulina Julia, 10 years,

4th grade student


Olena Oleksandrova,

teacher cob classes

“Small Batkivshchyna, small Batkivshchyna, our spring is that mess,

Gorobini hydroxide and currant malt, autumn frown.

Skilki would not have been read - passed rokiv, kіlometrіv and rowkіv,

With us forever our little Batkivshchyna - our grace-filled dzherelo ... "

Kira Zubarev

Understanding "Batkivshchyna" may mean a little to me: it is a great country with a great history. Її fields, foxes, open spaces, places, where I have not yet been. Mustache people, how to live and work together. The Fatherland for me is the memory of the history of my country. Batkivshchyna for me is a whole culture and practice to save. And, obviously, Batkivshchyna is my native settlement, its streets and provulki, winters and springs, and its people. Batkivshchyna - all friends know, my family. Nevipadkovo at important critical moments of their life, people guess the place, de born, de childhood passed away, that is, their little fatherland.

Mala Batkivshchyna… What is it? De її between? Are the stars and docks out? My little Batkivshchyna is the settlement of Makarakske. Here I was born and nurtured my first babies. From the first days of my life, the warmth of that turbot of native people warms me with a change of warm sun. And for me there is no better place, lower my native settlement. Aje is all mine. My family, my friends, my school...

And what is my family? Tse I am that my father, brother, grandmother, I will. I manifest myself in the sight of a budinochka of different trefoils. All family traditions, practice, kohannya that friendship. And the goodness of our budinochka is a good mood.

Ranok. I sounded the alarm. I can’t squash my eyes anyway, I really want to sleep. I raptom smell a quiet, gentle voice: “Sonechko, roll over, the time has come to get up!”. I open my eyes and give a smile to my mother and її good eyes. And so my day begins. Mom is my best friend. I trust all my little secrets. And tato is even more fun! In the evenings, we roam with him, little, grave. I have a miracle family! What can be dear to you: the warmth of the father's house. Here they check on you with love and see you off the road with good! (Supplement 1)

The skin has its own fatherland, the skin has a little sun,

Don’t bore turbos in the fatherland, sleep in the fatherland and radiance.

The skin one has its own fatherland, the skin one has budinok, born de vin,

And when you were born, there and having become a god, the axis is so among our people to say.

What a high zmist is laid in one short word- Vitchizna. And for a skin person, the word to take revenge on oneself is one’s own, special, especially that splne, more significant. Thinking about the Fatherland, we think about those beautiful places, we were born, grew up, knew our first joys and failures. Love to the fatherland is attached to us with zmalka - fathers, vihovateli, vchiteli.

I'm learning from another class. I need to read. Today you know it's new, cicava. I learned about the history of my school (addendum 2), as well as the history of the people of the village (addendum 3) at the elective class “Vivechaemo native land” at the first school year.

The village of Makarakske is a region, with which, having grown together, it is important to part. If you've been here, don't let wine be left behind for you in your heart. Our miracles are in the time of fate. Cover everything with a white tablecloth. Snow is picked up on the branches of trees. Especially garni in such a selection of yalinka and pine. It is impossible to describe all the beauty, if everything is covered with frost. The village, roztashovane on the banks of the river Kiya, sharpened with green-blaky waters and forests, everything is green, and the winter is in the snow. In the autumn, the settlement begins to turn yellow, and if the leaves fall, then it will melodiously strum under your feet. Vletka, in warm weather, the embankment of the beautiful Kiev will be filled with people of a different age.

And you, our settlement, are like a dream. And you, our settlement, take beauty.

Like summer water in the sunset, and Russian nature, and the Russian soul.

And in the grassy terens, and in the merezhiv winters, dear to the skin and loved by the skin!

Our land is already rich! The fox has a lot of eggs and mushrooms - a great help for the Meshkants. Z yagid varimo savory varennya, jami, various compotes. Mushrooms dried, marinated, salted. A lot of medicinal roses. At our foxes, various creatures linger: from the field mice to the elks and the bears. Birds don't count for a few sights. There are black grouse, owls, tits, popovznі, woodpeckers, thrushes and many others. Rich and varied nature of the native land. There are no such farbs here! In the middle of the sea, horses chirp, birds sing. In the wake of the birds on the soul, it is easy and calm.

My family lives here, my friends and myself here, near my beloved village, I want to live a happy, full life. We are the rulers of our village. Tse our dim! We don’t want to have a break, so that our house has a new order, it’s clean, warm, quiet and fun ?! I really want to! Mi-macaracs live on earth, and there is our anniversary. Most of us, the students of the Makarak school, after completing their duties, are left in the village, practicing for the good. The whole task lies on the shoulders of our generation. May we learn, practice, be new, have a happy life! I think we should go. Adzhe our fatherland - tse i people, yakі we will feel at home with everyday life. People who were born near the native land. Our village has a lot kind people. The very stench awakened our future light, the stench itself did everything they could for our village. Trohi is summarily in view of the fact that all those who were obtained by such a pracce of these shamanic people went to hell at once. Hearing the roses of the oldest Meshkants of the village, I marveled at everything. Adzha had everything at our village. І plant, і likarnya, І school.

Possibly, here the land is richer and richer. And for me, the one where I live is more beautiful, my little fatherland - the settlement of Makaraksk. The whole heart is a sweet little little piece, zabuty of civilization, ale of ablations and gifts of miraculous nature. I believe in your beautiful future!

I believe, my settlement is rozkvitne, become chepurnishim and do not die!

Vіn zavzhd prosvіtatime and beauty will amaze us!

Bude tourism yogo glorify, aje beautiful nature we don't have a choice!

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