Portfolio my school is an example of writing. How to fill in the portfolio of the study of the cob classes. How to build a child's portfolio? Let's check, look at the photo of the chosen frame

Svitlana Rabinchuk

Confirmation of the work "Portfolio of a preschooler"

The folding of a child's portfolio is like a cicava and a hooting robot. I work with whom directly not the first river. Unfortunately, I didn't save my alumni portfolio photos. Ale, I tell you to marvel at what we have already done with my children. The important role of the process of folding the portfolio is played by the father. The fathers of my children turned out to be creative people, so our portfolios look different from each other.

"Portfolio of a preschooler"

For the cob, you need to bring a barvy folder.

For girls.

For boys.

The folders need to be signed and distributed in such a way that the fathers have little access to them

(We have expanded the folders to the primary group).

Let's get to folding the portfolio.

The fathers together with the child plunder the style and barvist, and even the portfolio - not only a “treasury reach”, but also a “barvista book”.

You can get a lot of other information about children's portfolios from the Internet.

On the title arch, it is necessary to designate a nickname, the name of a child, the date of birth. Also, the date is put down on the cob and the completion of the collection of the portfolio.

Section 1: "What does my name mean".

Here it is better to place a photograph of a child and the meaning of his name.

Part 2: "My friends".

It's not obov'yazkovo, so there were photos of children from a child's garden. Aje skin child can be spliced ​​and friends after a child garden.

Section 3: "My hoarding".

Photographs or a verbal description of what children love to do at home.

4th division: "My favorite books".

To love children, to read to them. And they, obviously, love books and love cartoons.

5 divisions: "My family".

Photos of family members (family tree or large family photo.

Section 6: “Portrait of my child”.

A verbal description of the nature of your child. Best of all, in my opinion, he worked hard at the entrance to the kindergarten and before graduation to school. So you can help change the character of the child.

Section 7: "My reach".

Tsey divided the appointments for children's diplomas and diplomas.

Section 8: "My creativity".

Tsey gave the most important for the child. Here you can cheer up your newbies, your successes, your positive vibes in productive activity.

In retail

"My creativity"

we choose child robots.

All material in the portfolio must be laid out in chronological order, by groups. We still have only two: the nursery is the young one.

Behind the bazhannym batkiv you can insert other divisions. For example:

Children deserve an hour every hour to look at their photographs and little ones. That father, be-like a mit, can do it.

Our portfolio is updated to the end of the kindergarten. And at the graduation ball, the ditlahi take away the books of their success from the gifts and barvista.

For respect!

Publications on the topic:

Innovative forms of work with fathers: relevance, advances, performance. Portfolio of a preschooler At the robot, I look at such a cica subject, like “Portfolio - effective zasib appearance and analysis of individual-special features.

"Portfolio of a preschooler" The spіlna diyalnіst of grown-ups and children from the creation of “Portfolio of a preschooler” Voloskova T.V.

Safe route for preschoolers (with permission) Safety of children Yak often won't lie in front of us, grown-ups! Chi asked you: as little as your child knows the rules of the road traffic.

A ball in the life of a preschooler (with the knowledge of the work) It is right to shove the children’s head with a ball in the garden of that house INDIVIAL TASKS 1. Walking on scarves, the ball is in the hands, the arms are uphill 2. Walking on the heels, the ball is in the hands behind the head 3. Walking at the top.

A ball in the life of a preschooler (with the knowledge of the work). Play with throws, catch and catch the ball 1. "BALL TO VEDICHOI" The teams will be in a stake, in the center of which they will lead with a ball. Vіn according to your will, throw the ball to the graves of your command and take it away.

Informative report on the work "Folklore as a basis for the formation of positive figures of the special characteristics of a preschooler" Paderina Marina Viktorivna vehivatel І kv category MKDOU "Children's garden "Spikelet" nar. v. Vargash, Kurgan region Purpose: Vihovannya positive.

The editor has released the main pages (parties) of the student's portfolio post school.

A collection of ready-made templates has been created to help create the necessary sides.

Nadal, vikoristovuyuchi library of clipart, you can create your own unique work with further savings on the local disk.

File format A4 size 1132x1600.

Title page

The portfolio starts from the title page, in which the main information is stored: nickname, name, father, contact information and photo of the student.

Distributed "My world"

At the branch, be it information, how important that flower is for the child (Storinka razdilnik)

My name

Information about those that mean im'ya, you can write about famous people, like they wore and wear the same im'ya. If a child has a rіdkіsne or a cіkave nickname, you can know information about those that it means

My family

Sim's warehouse. Can you tell me about the skin member of this, or fold small difference about my family.

My place

Rozpovіd about the native place (village, village), about the city of the city. Here you can paint at once from a child's scheme of the route from the house to the school.

My friends

Photos of friends, information about their interests, hoarding.

My hoarding

Tell the one who hoots the child. You can also write here about employment at the sports section, training at the music school, or other primary foundations of additional education. (Storinka retailer)

My school

Razpovid about the school and about teachers, small notes about favorite school subjects. (Storinka retailer)

My favorite items

School subjects - notes about favorite subjects. (Storinka retailer)

Distributed "My study"

Distribution of assignments to school subjects (control shifting robots, projects, reviews about books read, graphs of increasing reading speed, creative robots...) (Storinka retailer)

Distributed "My hromadska robot"

All come in, as it is carried out outside the framework of the initial activity, you can go to the public work (handle). (Storinka retailer)

Distributed "My creativity"

You can distribute your creative works at your distribution: little ones, crafts, verses, creative robots, competitions, olympiads, projects, fences, employment in the pledges of additional education. (Storinka retailer)

Distributed "My reach"

Subject olympiads, testing subjects, competitions and entry, diplomas, certificates, diplomas, certificates, diplomas, subbags attestation certificates toshcho (Storinka rozdilnik)

Distributed "Vidguki ta pobazhannya"

For example, skin initial fate, write a study description, as it is included here. The child herself can write here her prayers to the teachers of that native school, as if she would like them to study and what she would change. (Storinka retailer)

Shared "Robots, how I write"

At whom the child is divided, those who represent him the most valuable. (Storinka retailer)

Additional leaves

Leaf leaf

Photo sheet (4 vertical)

Photo sheet (4 horizontal)

With the Italian word "portfolio" in our time, the little ones get to know each other in nursery. Well, at school, the skin child is practically forced to create such a good worker.

It should be noted that the proposal for the obov'yazkove preparation of a portfolio for a schoolboy cannot be submitted. In the first place, such a robot will go to the child and the father, like sleepy susillas, they work together, calling to represent the specialty of the study. In a different way, it is necessary to develop a design, a formula, to create a composition with a text and an image. Thirdly, it is formed more positively for oneself, and even before the album, various diplomas, diplomas and other certificates of children's achievements are added.

How to build a portfolio for a student for 1 year

The simplest and most visible option is to create templates for creating a student's portfolio. Are the sides ready, so that you can glue them in or insert photos and fragments of the text for additional help. You can choose from a majestic variety of topics that design those who will be close to a child - a beloved cartoon character, for example. Older students evaluate the design of any club theme. It takes about an hour for a robot, a color printer and photographs in electronic or otherwise look.

How to build a portfolio for a student from scratch

Before that, it is necessary for the student to discuss with him the prospective album, the general topic and specific details. It is also important to throw out a smart plan. Below is a manual algorithm, which can be used to create a portfolio of a young student. You will be seen looking at the list of arkushs, as if you were guilty in the papacy, and as the very organization of them - the nourishment of your worries and abilities. In order to improve the fact that new sides will be added to the portfolio, it is better to choose a file folder on the rings with a thick cardboard lining.

  1. The central part is occupied by a photo of the school, and along the perimeter it is possible to arrange a display of magazines or leaflets of images of cartoon characters' favorites, toys or other objects of hoarding. Immediately, the data of the child (ПІБ, date of birth) and the initial mortgage are indicated, in which wine you will receive enlightenment.
  2. Kishenya with leaflets and grafts, taken away until the Day of Knowledge.
  3. My name. I could avenge more than one arkush. A schoolboy deciphering the meaning, retelling the history of the vinification of his name. Rozpovіdaє about those who, having taken the decision to call yoga itself so, what did this person look up to.
  4. Sim'ya. You can clearly illustrate with photographs. Rozpovіd about skin s relatives and in general about family, like family traditions and other speeches. Vіdminny variant - genealogical tree, which allows children to know more about their ancestors.
  5. "Tse I." Self-portrait.
  6. My hand is in 1 (2,3,4...) class. It is suggested to circle the valley along the contour, or else to make it farboi and to get rid of the vodbitok on the arch (which is richer fun).
  7. My daily routine. Description with illustrations.
  8. zakhoplennya.
  9. Friends.
  10. My place. A local excursion into the history of the native place, photographs of ancient memorials and seeing everything that a child wants to tell about his little fatherland.
  11. Like I go to school. Scheme of the route from the booth to the school with binding notes in the most safe fragments of the highway, and also - the home address of your schoolboy.
  12. My school.
  13. Beloved readers. Photographs, names after the father, as well as the characteristics of teachers, with whom they regularly interact.
  14. My class. A public photo of the class with the list of children. Friends can be distinguished especially.
  15. Breakdown of lessons. Arkush is replaced shortly, or a new one is attached.
  16. I'll be Kim if I'm a faggot. Description of the future profession and education for the choice.

We went on to add “My Achievement” (diplomas and diplomas for participation and victory in various competitions and magnificence, leaves of gratitude) and “Treasury of Creativity” (choose creative works for an hour of training: little ones, verses, create, photographs of virobivs).

Knowing about those, how to build a portfolio for a schoolboy, you will feel great, you will be able to show more imagination, and your work will become that the child is now proudly demonstrating at school and from the satisfaction of being overwhelmed at home.

How to fold a Portfolio study?

Portfolio for a student .

    registry folder,

    files ... nі, not correct, too many files,

    paper A4,

    colored olives (for the vikonannya of a baby child),


    well, zvichayno well, patience is that hour.

Head of Batkiv - to help children put together a portfolio. Suggest how to correctly fill out the division, choose the necessary photographs, little ones.

At the moment, the portfolio can be divided in different ways, so you can add different information:

    Title pagestudent portfolio

On this archway, these children are indicated - Prizvische, Im'ya, In the father's way, photograph of a child, initial mortgage that place in which the child is being trained, the date of the cob is the end of the portfolio.

    Zmist - on this arkush, everything was redistributed, as if it were necessary for us to include the child in the portfolio.

    Rozdil - My world:

At whom the child is given information that is important for the child. A clear version of the sides:

Special data (About me) - Date of nationality, place of nationality, century. You can enter your home address, phone number.

My name- write what the name of the child means, the stars look like it, you can indicate the honor of whom they named (for example, I’m guessing). And so, say bringing people wear tse im'ya.

My family- write a short essay about your family, or else it’s a great time, then about the skin member of your family. Add to tsієї rozpovidі fotografії prіnіh аbo little children, yоu wаn tо fetch yоur family. In qiu rubric, you can add a genus of children.

My place (I live) - at whom the place of residence of the child is indicated, in which roci and kim it was founded, in which place the place is located, yakі tsіkavі mіstsya є.

Route map to school - a little at a time from a child's careless path to the booth to school. Significantly unsafe places - motor roads, railway lines are empty.

My friends- Here the friends of the child (nickname, name) are redeemed, you can add a photo of the friends. And we also write about the capture of a friend with a lot of interests.

My zakhoplennya (My interests) - On this side, it is necessary to know that a child loves to be robed, to be greedy. Behind the children's bajans, you can tell about the groups / sections, where you can go dodatkovo.

    Rozdil - My school :

My school– the address of the school, the phone number of the administration, you can attach a photo, the director’s PIB, the head (rec) of the head.

My class- enter the number of the class, paste a photograph of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.

My teachers- Remembering the data about the class cerivnik (ПІБ + short essay, about those who are vin), about the teachers (subject + ПІБ).

My school subjects - give short description from a skin object, tobto. help children to understand why it is needed. You can also write your own statement to the subject. For example, mathematics is a collapsible subject, but I'm trying, because I want to learn good rahuvati chi me befits music, to the fact that I learn how to sleep well.

My hromadska robot ( suspіlna diyalnіst) – who shared a lot of memories with photographs, a child took a part in school life (for example, she spoke at the holy places, designed a class, a wall newspaper, read poetry on a wound, etc.)

My hostility (school visit, sightseeing visit) - Everything is standard here, we write a short commentary about the introduction of a child with a class excursion, a museum, exhibitions, etc. Vіdklikannya you can issue a photo from the first entry or paint the little ones.

    Rozdil - My success :

My training- robimo headings of arcades from a skin school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). At qі razdіli invest in the files of good vikonnі roboti - independent, control, advice about books, different dopovіdі toshcho.

My creativity- here we are spreading the creativity of a child. Little ones, verses, yogo writing activity - fairy tales, explanations, verses. We don't forget about the scope of work - the photographer is added to his portfolio. Behind the bajannyam, the robot can sign - name, and also take the fate of the robot (as it was exhibited at the competition / exhibition).

My reach- robimo copies, and boldly distributed among others - commendable sheets, diplomas, diplomas, attestation certificates, sheets of support.

My better robots(Roboti, how do I write) - robots are invested here, like a child in respect, important and valuable for the whole river of education. And the material that was left out (less valuable, in the thought of a child), vikladaemo, more space for distribution for a new initial rock.

Reading technique- here all the results of rechecks are recorded

Certificate of success for the chief rec

- sacred for pershoklassniki and batkiv. Sacredly, with a rather frequent anxiety from the side of the older generation: how does a child adapt to a new situation, how does it fit in with a mustache, like a school? For an adult preschooler, a lot of things change: the regime of the day, the children's team, activity, how to evaluate now.

The portfolio of a student of the 1st grade is one of the current options for evaluating a student.

High school portfolio - what is it?

Portfolio is a folder that will help you to find out about the special nature of a child, their interest and activity in other areas of activity in school and later on. This document helps to reveal the vitality of that vminnya schoolboy. The portfolio contains information about family children, family traditions.

Meta folding portfolio for first graders

The training is important in itself, but the readiness of the first-class students to a new activity is born. In the same way, a child, mingling in a chomus in the form of its own odnolitkiv, can instill interest before learning at the cob stage. For that, what was not to happen, the teachers beat the faceless priyomіv. Tse and adaptation programs for first-class students, lessons with game elements for a smooth transition from game activity to primary, and assessment of first-class work in various forms at classes.

For fathers during this period, it is important to take an active part in the life of their children and listen to the great pleasure of the teacher.

One of these powers is the creation of a first grader's portfolio. What is the sense of choosing these materials?

At the beginning, the portfolio of studies was designed as a basis for a successful selection of profile training in senior classes. But in the last embellishment of the sides of the little ones, there are other aspects, which may have a more psychological character.

The completion of the development of the portfolio forms in the child the sign of fixing his success, which is important for positive self-esteem: the child should work, so the results will soon become the best, and recognize their strengths and weaknesses. If a student does not learn to really evaluate his initial successes, then there are possible conflicts with teachers, the shards of a child are not oriented towards self-perfection that discipline.

There are no such frames for creating a portfolio of students of the 1st class. It’s more important to turn this robot into a shape of reach, then you need to teach the child to analyze his initial activity, and not to create a “monument” to himself.

How to design a portfolio of a first grade student

The completion of the portfolio of a 1st class student is a copy of a robot, but it can be turned into a hoary process of sleepy activity of fathers and children.

First of all, you are guilty of robiti - you should see it all at once from the child's stationery store. Let the little one help you, turn the most beautiful folder with files. Insure that this folder serves you for a long time, that won't be worthy and revenge on the great number of empty files (no less than 90).

Portfolio for the 1st class can be created and barvistim, to turn the child's respect, so for this design you also need colored olives and pens, felt-tip pens, a ruler, stencils, children's stickers with different images.

Academic portfolio

Distributed the portfolio of the 1st grade student

The portfolio for the first class may include the following divisions:

  • special data,
  • child's reach,
  • the fate of life class that school,
  • vodguki that favor.

Data specifics

Paste a photo, write outside of im'ya children, characterize your family (babies of a first-grader with tsієї tems), write to the address. You can turn on the little ones and tell stories about the school, friends, beloved creatures with photos.

It will be just wonderful, like a child sleeping with fathers, draws a short and safe path from school to home, and mom explains the main ways of safety, and a first-grader can’t win THREE IS IMPOSSIBLE:

  • you can’t plead with little-known strangers on the street;
  • you can’t sit in a car (go on a visit, walk) with little-known strangers;
  • you can’t open the door to someone - otherwise, if you’re alone at home.

Let the child draw up the fences in the portfolio with little ones.

reach baby

At the beginning of the school, children have such a rich turbot: learn the Swedish reading, master the basics of the flute and learn the multiplication table, learn the program of grade-by-grade reading.

Enter all the dynamics of the varto into the portfolio of the 1st class student, decorate with illustrations on the topic of reading books, come up with funny pictures about those who have been through difficulties. The fathers are guilty of fighting and supporting the initiative of the children at the back of these sides.

Do not varto accentuate respect less on the successes of the teachers. The child is engaged in sports sections, music and art school, supplementary employment with foreign music. Mustache creative robots, like a schoolboy, literacy, rewards, photos of zmagan and speeches are included up to the first division of the student portfolio of the 1st class.

All selected material can be separated on a border:

  1. Mathematics - investing in mathematics, schodo participation in thematic Olympiads;
  2. Russian language - Russian language works are invested to participate in thematic Olympiads;
  3. a literary treasury - a little one with a dynamic increase in the speed of reading, short notes about reading a book, write it in the distance;
  4. design activity - robots, as they were recognized as the best in the process of discussing the study with the teacher;
  5. creative activity - at whose portfolio a first-grader was distributed, next, there were little ones, verses, fairy tales, photographs of volumes of virobivs, like a child, or be it other creative robots;
  6. my zakhoplennya - photographs, roses about those who are cuckoo children;
  7. sports victories and successes at the music school, foreign movie- get diplomas, photos of the team and prizes, performances at the stellar calls.

The fate of life class that school

For any kind of people, it is important to be accepted to the team. Looking forward to the fate of a first grader after school visits, fathers help children adapt to school. All photographs about hikes, excursions, trips, saints, babies, memorable souvenirs are placed in the portfolio of students of the 1st class. In the same place, it is necessary to write down how the clothes are learned from the class, the child behind the bazhannyam can decorate everything with little ones or pictures on the topic.

Advice and favor

Tsey distributed the portfolio of the 1st class students can lead the fathers themselves that teacher. The main meta is to hunt a child. Do not varto intermingle with a wild word"Well done!", it is better to write roared words and praise the child for some concrete achievements, to help increase motivation to start.

Podbags of the initial rock, that characteristic of the teacher with recommendations and benefits for the offensive initial rock will also be a strong motivation for the child.

The portfolio of a first-grader can be avenged by others, they can be added by a teacher. Also, the structure of this document can be regulated by the Regulations on the portfolio of a student, as approved by the pedagogical council of the school.

Storing a portfolio for a student

Portfolio of a 1st grade student

You can take a butt from the back of the portfolio of students of the 1st class, points below. This information will help you to maximize your child's special features, your vitality and talent, even if it is far from perfect, motivating new achievements.

  1. The parties to the division "Special data"

  • My portrait (child photo)
  • About me:

My name is ___________________

I was born on ____________________ (day / month / day)

I live in ______________________

My address ____________________




I love to get busy...

I am in love with a toy - tse ...

My love color…

My favorite dish...

My favorite book...

More like me.

I want to learn...

  • My family

Portrait of my motherland (photo by little children)

Generic tree

Our family traditions

  • Miy class (photo that is a small characteristic of the class)
  • My friends (photo and small characteristic of friends)
  • My first teacher
  • My agenda

  1. The pages of the distribution "Children's reach"

  • My best work in mathematics
  • I am reading

List of read books with short notes about them

Graph of the dynamics of increasing the speed of reading

  • My best design work

Working on this project, I recognized ...

Pratsiyuyuchi on this project, I learned ...

  • My creativity

i fold

I work with my hands

  • My hoarding

I am an athlete (singer, dancer, musician, artist)

Diplomas, photos of the team and prizes, performing at the stellar calls

  • Per rest river I recognized something new and different
  • For the rest of the river I learned

  1. The parties to the distribution "Fate in the life of class and school"

  • My obov'yazki at the class
  • Suspіlno-korisnі vіdnosini klasu (photo and small notes)
  • Our schools are holy, walk, travel, excursions (photo and small notes)
  • Our sleep wins at competitions and magic (photos of prizes and prizes, small notes)
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