Control and conversion work for the 1st quarter (grade 4, Russian language). Russian Language

Proposed control work from Russian language (dictations, transcribing, grammatical tasks, work on proposition and text) to allow the teacher to recognize, as much as possible, assimilated by the students the material from the topics covered in the first quarter.

2nd grade


Meta roboti– review the passed rules: the spelling of the names of the masters, the words of the words zhi - shi, cha - cha, chu - shu, chk, ch; vminnya transfer words.

Option 1

Our guys

Good our guys. Birch garni there. Skіlki at gayah birds! The woodpeckers are tapping. Screaming graki. And how to whistle tits! People often go to the yard to hear the spіv ptahіv.

Grammar tasks

1. At the words people, walk
strings, hear.

Option 2


The old pine has a hollow. At the hollow, the ore of protein is alive. Vaughn often stribaє on the neck. The squirrel of mushrooms dried up. The nest has great reserves. There are peas and bumps. Tse feed the animal for the whole winter.

Grammar tasks

1. At the words squirrel, animal podkresliti letters m'yakih vociferous.
2. Difference for word transfer: ore, peas.


Meta roboti- Viyaviti vminnya copy the text without pardons.

Option 1

Russian bows

Russian bows embellish our native land. Walk through the meadow on a warm day. Have mercy on miraculous flowers, blizzards. Listen to the buzzing jmel and bjoli. important protect beauty onion i bury life yoga Meshkantsiv.

Note: repeat in warehouses for words

Option 2


Walk around the pivnik yard. There is a red comb on the head. Under the nose - a red beard. Nis at Petya with a chisel. Whist at Petya's wheel. On the tail are vizerunki, on the legs are spurs. With the paws of Petrik, the cup is roared, the hen is called out by the chickens.

I. The text of the initial vikladu z pitan.

zhachok sleep

Did Ivan grafted children to the garden. Vіn showing them a hump of earth under the booth.
Tse їzhachok viriv hole. I pulled the grass from her and got in there.
Now zhachok sleep. Vіn prokinetsya less than hanging.

Power supply

1. What did the children drink in the garden?
2. What did they know about Ivan's grandfather?
3. How do you care, now you have shown the children the life of a hedgehog?

Nutrition for the plan and words for encouragement

1. Where did Ivan graft children? ( At the garden.)
2. What wine did you show them? ( The hump of the earth under the booth.)
3. Who made the hole? ( Zhachok.)
4. What wine did you grow? ( Grass tension, flood.)
5. What now to kill the zhzhachok? ( Sleep.)
6. If the wines are thrown? ( Less hanging.)

II. Put together 4–5 propositions about the weather today in these words.

Sun, wind, board, lie, day, evening. Light, go, dme, mumble. Warm, cold, siro.

III. Reinforcement of text deformations

Manager. Speak out the propositions so that the sound of the speech comes out. Write down the text at zoshit. Encourage you to know spelling.

She had a broken wing.
In the house of the victorious bird.
At the park, Petya succumbed to the ailment of the crow.
In the spring, a crow flew.
The lad brought the crow home.

3rd class


Meta roboti- to reverse the formation of the new spelling of unvoiced voiced pre-primary words, a loose soft sign, twinkling and deaf voiced words.

Option 1


Summer has passed. The whole day the boards went. On the edge of the fox, a small yalinka dwelt. The hawks of the yalinka were fluffy and lower. The top of the head stretched to the light. Doshch napuvav її clean water. The trees were throwing their yakrave vbrannya at her. The birch covered it with golden leaves. Grow, Yalinko, and make us happy!

Grammar tasks

1. In the third proposition, mark the parts of the language.
2. Pick up the warehouse of the word small, yalinka, golden.

Option 2

All colors

Willow rose on the knot. There are still no leaves on the tree. All the heads are at the kvitahs - at the yellow fluffy bags. The whole willow is similar to the zhovtu kulya. Bjoli buzz. Go take the first honey.
Overnight it got cold. Kulya shut up. Some bjoli caught flying near the vulika. Others are frozen. The stinks don't waste their strength waving krilltsami. The stinks were left to spend the night on the apartments.

Grammar tasks

1. In the first speech, recognize parts of the language.
2. Write two words with the same root, like a word got cold.


Meta roboti- Be able to copy from the handwritten text, know between propositions and correctly formulate the proposition.


In the skin folk tales As if, having planted a ripka, it grew big, why did you want to grow a big ripka?


On the coast of the sea

Night out the storm. Blowing strong wind. The whole house is tremtiv. Whispers blew wildly.
In the early hours the storm subsided. Natalya and Sergiy went to the sea. Natalka lifted the squeak of a small crustacean. Quite yogo was thrown ashore. Vin weakly stealing with his paws. The girl threw the crustacean near the water. I’ve thrown myself into the green water and poured water.
A small fish was swimming on the boats near the Kalyuzha. Sergius upymav її i let go by the sea. Let's sweat the wines of two ravliks. The stench mayzhe withered.
For a whole day the children were raising a lot of sea animals.

Words for dovodok: lifted, out of the blue, having stolen, knowing, ravlikiv, mayzhe.


1. What happened at night?
2. Where the hell did Natal and Sergiy violate?
3. Who did Natalya lie to?
4. Whom did Sergius betray?

II. Vilniy dictation.


A great beaver came to the shore. The tail is flat and flat, like a shovel. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs.
Vin glanced at the young aspen, hobbled the trunk with his front paws, and planted the grizzle. Pratsiuvav beaver shvidko. The tree fell.
Beaver obgriz gіllya, pull їх to the water. Vin collapsed quickly, rightly so. Nezabar the beaver appeared again and leaned against the tree.
There were humpbacks on the birch. The beavers covered the tree heads with ford. That was the life of beavers.

III. Prodovzhiti opovіdannya z th cob.

to the circus

In a week, we all went to the circus in class. There was a lot of ditlakhiv there. The circus vibrating with lights. Axis dzvіnok poklikav sіkh on mіstsya. To the viishov arena... .

4th grade


Meta roboti- revise the spelling in the text, write the words in the range of the rules, put to whom same members propositions.

Option 1


It's been warm summer. Ide is useless, rainy autumn. Migratory birds take off on a long journey. The first to rise to the flashes of lastivki. The stench is aware of the approaching cold autumn. The early bird will see the early winter.
Behind them stretch out the cranes, jocks, geese. With a loud cry, our summer guests come from the warm countryside. Happy way to you!

Grammar tasks

1. At the front of the rechenni, there are head members.

2. State the names of all names in the sixth speech. ( Early... .)

Option 2

Autumn came to the fox. It is rare now to go into zhu z'isti savory resentment. Brisk lizards flowed in. It is important to know beetles and toads. Through the high bushes, through the forest galyavins go їzhak.
Do clear autumn days prepare yourself for a warmer wintering place. At night and in the day, dry leaves, soft fox moss, tug at the burrow. Winter will come soon. Nakriye yogo burrow of an important snow kuchugur. Under the deep kuchugura, I do well. Sleep through the hedgehog all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. The somomu rechenni podkresliti head members of the proposition. Tell me, with some parts of the movement, the expressions are pidlyagaє and the award.

2. Write out the text two be-yak_ prikmetniki, yak_ mayut such a warehouse, like a word savory. (Suggestion: for example, foxes, autumn, lower, …)


Meta roboti- Verify in the mind copy the text, spell it out.


1. Read. Write a description of the sound of Nastya, and then Mitrasha.

2. Describe the identity of your friend (girlfriend). Store 3-4 words.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Mother's mother died, father died at the hour of the Vitchiznyan war. The children were more sweet.
Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs. The hair in it, neither dark nor light, was golden, the gusset in every way was great, like a golden coin, and it bled on all sides. Only one nose was clean and marveling uphill.
Mitrasha buv is the youngest for his sister by two years. Youmu was less than ten years out of his tail. Vіn buv flint, ale arc schіlny, lobast, potilitsia is wide. That boy is stubborn and strong.


I. The text of the opening statement.


As if the cordoners went out of line to the outpost. It was light. Raptom under the thick boles of a majestic tree, it blew. The guards walked cautiously up to the tree and pumped the little deer. Vin marveling at people trustingly that z tsikavistu. The deer did not show any traces. With her, maybe, it was trapilos. The guards took the reindeer with them.
At the outpost of Persh for everything, they slandered Yogo. Malyuk took nothing to the mouth. One prikodonnik urged to buy a pacifier, and the deer eagerly began to soak milk. Zagalny lyublenets Shvidko growing up and gaining strength. Vіn want to bake that zukerki, like youma was given by the prikordonniks.
The reindeer has grown up, it has often become impersonal of their own creatures. Yogo was seen before the rozplіdnik. The cordoners often saw yoga.

Zrazkovy plan

1. The cordoners knew deer in the fox.
2. The guards watched the deer.
3. The reindeer was sent to the garden.

Dovidka: outpost- Vіyskovy pіdrozdіl, scho carried protection; rozplіdnik - place of breeding creatures.

II. Tvir-opis "My beloved tree".

Describe your love tree in such a way that you can sing yogo from afar, from a great distance.


1. Who does it look like? ( To the girl, what are you dancing? On a bent old man? On what kind of a fox animal? On whom?)
2. Yake near the tree? ( What is yoga krone like? And what are the hoes like? On your hands? On black sparkles? On sleeves green cloth? On what?)
3. Why cut down your tree? ( Nahililosya, schob torknutisya grass? Dead in the dance? Looked back? Reach for the sky?)

Describe your favorite tree in such a way that your skin wants to treat yoga.

III. With these examples, put it down and write down the word receipt with the best name for the splendid name. Vidiliti childbirth ending prikmetnikov.

Date of event:

Control robot"Word Warehouse"


Keith Stepan rushing into the gank. Rudy the dog Funtik stretched his wet nose to Stepan. The whale hit Funtik on the ear.

The war was stunned, and life for Stepan wasted beauty. Vіn loving ganyaty in the garden of gorobtsіv, gostriti pazury about lava. Now I’m walking through the high fence. Once a whale z'їv a raft at once from a fisherman's hock and lied alive. But never did you have to suffer through a crooked dog.

(64 words) (For K. Paustovsky)

Words for rights: never happened.

Manager: Write down folding words and sort them out in a warehouse.

Checking off


I already love tse gіllaste d..revo. I love yoga feathery green leaves, like rustling in the rainy .. comm wind. It's more fun, radiance, Russian in this tree. There you are, and everyone smiles.

Pos..y awnings twitched in the green leaves of the forest, the nightingales' voices fell asleep. Gorobina bloomed. Influence on nіy chervonіyut grona yagіd. Ale axis squeeze the first autumn frosts, and the berries become sweet

(60 lines) (For I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Manager: Find out the word behind the warehouse freezing.

Date of event:

Control robot for I quarter



Oak is a marvelous roslina. In the growth of hundreds of years. Hit a bliskavka at a new one, scorch it with fire, and all the same, the curtains will bloom on its black green leaves.

Oak begins to be reopened later for all trees. The fox is already green, and the oak is one black in the open field. Then the oak is better for all the trees to stand for the leaves of autumn. If the frost sets in, leafing on the oak wither, burn into tubes and do not fall all winter.

At the oak forest, wild boars are acorns at night, and in the hollow, sich and winter kazhan are alive.

Sometimes you marvel that beyond the river, far away, you can see the growth of young oaks in the forest. Wondering! The wind could not bring the important acorns there. This autumn jay picked up the acorns, hooked and forgot about them, and the stench sprouted. (109 lines)


1. Give names in the proposition “The forest is greener, and the oak is one black in the open field.”

2. Pick out the words "oak", "leaves" behind the warehouse.

Checking off


On the uzlissі m..logo є rates. From the new b'є underground key. Tse in the swamps and in the shakings of the Volga people. Look out straight on the far road. Our poets and artists glorified the beauty of the river in marvelous tales, songs, paintings.

The low bank is covered with chagars and green onions. Quotes are shining on the beam. Its licorice smell is poured into the soft pavement. On the chest, you inhale the aroma of onions. Ukіs on the embankment of the river duzhe garny. Months. Residents love to spend weekends here. The stinks are having fun with the surroundings, they are engaged in fishing, swimming. (82 words)


1. Find words behind the warehouse: quotes, underground.

2. Pick up the same-root words before the word “wonderful”.

Date of event:

Control robot "Prikmetnik"

Vidlit birds.

It's been warm summer. Ide is useless, rainy autumn. Migratory birds take off on a long journey. The first ones rise to the flashes of the lastivka. The stench is aware of the proximity of cold autumn. The early bird sees the early winter. Let us fly after them like cranes, jocks, geese and other migratory birds. With a loud cry, now with an ovir, then with a lansy, our summer guests are heard at the warm countryside. Happy dear to you, our dear friends! Turn around in our foxes, fields, gardens and haї. (74 words)

Checking off

Vidlit birds.

It's been warm summer. Ide unfortunate .. nay, d.. waiting for autumn. Migratory birds take off on a long journey. The first ones rise to the flashes of the lastivka. The stench is aware of the proximity of cold autumn. The early bird sees the early winter. Let us fly after them like cranes, jocks, geese and other summer birds. With a loud cry, now with an ovir, then with a lansy, our summer guests are heard at the warm countryside. Happy dear to you, our dear friends! Turn around in our foxes, fields, gardens and haї. (74 words)

Date of event:

Control robot "Special borrowers"




Іllya Іllіch prokinuvshis vranci at his little lie. Iomu is less than this fate. Youmu is easy, fun. What a vin garneky, garneky, povniy! The cheeks are so round, that the other herdsman puffs up on the inside, but such people cannot be shriveled. The nanny checks for yoga awakening. Vaughn begins to stretch the panchokhi yoma; wine is not given, empty, with feet. Nanny catch yoga, and both talk.

Nareshti far away and lift Yogo to his feet. Vaughn vmivaє yogo, zachіsuє head and veda to the mother. (70 sliv)

Date of event:

Control robot for I pіvrichchya


To a human friend.

Young elk came from the forest to the village. Vin allowed people to come close to him, taking the hedgehog by the hand. What tempted the wild creature to deprive his light and drink to the people?

There was a wound on the right side of the elk. Vіn himself did not instantly zalіkuvati and virіshiv turn around to help people. The elk was wounded without allowing anyone to hang around. As if there was a moose near the wound, vin mukav, as if it were seeming: “Good people, help me to come back with an illness.” (74 words)

Control copying.

To a human friend.

Young l..s came from to the village. Vin allowed people to come close to him, taking the hedgehog by the hand. What made the wild creature deprive him of his light and drink to the hour?

On the right side, there was a wound. Vіn himself didn’t have a moment to shut up and virіshiv turn around for help to the people. Torkatisya hurt l..s not allowing anyone. Like a chіpav l_zhka near the wound, vin mukav, like bi kazhuchi: “Good people, p. (74 words)

Date of event:

Control robot "Dieslovo"



The evening has come, the hungry fox hastens to watering. The axis sneaks out with a fox. Ide quietly, nіbi in povіtry steps with fluffy paws. Now it swells, then the thicker leaves make their way. Don't rustle, don't hook it up, but if you hook it up with a soft fur coat, you won't feel it.

I listen to everything, sniff it again. Eat a beetle, a bear, a toad, a mountain with a paw - and you're ready. Do not miss the egg at the nest, outwit the bird. Bunny chi a squirrel and carry it to the children chi rose and greedily z'ist itself.

Control copying.


The evening has come, the hungry fox hasten to watering. The axis sneaks out with a fox. Ide quietly, nіbi in povіtry steps with fluffy paws. Now it swells, then the thicker leaves make their way. Don't rustle, don't chain it up, but chain it up with your soft fur coat - you won't feel it.

I listen to everything, sniff it again. Eat a beetle, a bear, a toad, a mountain with a paw - and you're ready. Do not miss the egg at the nest, outwitting the rest..horny bird. A bunny or a squirrel and carry it to the children, or a rose and a greedy itself. (75 sliv)

Date of event:

Control robot "Dieslovo"


Control copying.

The sun is the closest and the only star to our cosmic booth. She is built majestic, to those who are equally close to us. Other stars spread far and are given out by pischinki, small tsyatochki. People from a long time ago tried to look at the stars, so that they could better orientate themselves at the sky. The stinkers mentally divided the entire sky into districts, while they themselves yaskravі zіrki connected with lines. So vinikli suzir'ya, they gave different names to those vcheni. As if in the evening, choose the right place for the night, and admire it up to the dawn sky. You remember the suzir'ya Swan, Cancer, Ribi. Yakby wee joked in the sky at the Polar Star, you knew it easily. If you marvel at the sky near the darkness, then you will watch the different stars: small ones and big ones, white ones and red ones. The color of the star is to lie down in the її temperature. Like a hot star, її the color is white, the silver is black. The coldest stars of red color.

Date of event:

Control robot "Prislivnik"


Rose of the liotchik

It's a warm summer day. The sun shone brightly. Darkness poured across the sky. Litak vіdіrvavsya vіdіrvіvsі vіd zemlі і svіdko pіdnіmatіsіs. Climbing three kilometers, we flew to the dark. Litak uviyshov in the dark. The fog has washed us away. It became dark, nothing came. Khvilin p'yat mi buli in the darkness. And just like that, having risen more cloudy, the sun shone anew over us in the blue sky. We marveled down. Hmari gave themselves up to the beast in the snowy field. Through rozrivi hmar you can bulo bachiti fields, rishtuvannya, roads, villages.

Control copying.

Rose of the liotchik

It's a warm summer day. The sun shone brightly..tse. Povilno poured across the sky. Himself ..lіt vіdіrvavsya vіd zemlі і soil swidko rises. Climbing three kilometers, we reached ... blocks. Sam ..lіt uviyshov in the dark. The fog has washed us away. It became dark, nothing came. Khvilin p'yat mi buli in the darkness. Ale, the axis rose like a thick cloud, the sun shone anew over us on the blue sky. We marveled down. ..blaka were given to us by the beast of the snowy field. Through the opening of ..blocks it is possible to bulo bachiti,, d..horns, s..linnya.

Date of event:

Control robot for III quarter


Zustrich sleep.

For a long time the dark polarity stretches out. Ale and їy insist on throwing on the cob of the fierce.

For a few days before the sun appears, the winterers will reap, become cheerful.

The axis on the top part of the distant horizon begins to appear as the red dawn. Vaughn hangs with the lower erysipelas light of the eternal snow, take care of the skeletons. But the sun is still not showing up. Shoot the sun, the polar explorers break at the mountain. The polar explorer's heart beats joyfully, if the first breeze of the sun shines. Young people sleep, dance for a happy day. Now the day is getting better. (76 lines)

Checking off

Zustrich sleep.

It is dark for a long time. Ale and їy come to the cob f..nonsense.

A few days before the sun appears.

The axis on the top part of the distant horizon begins to show a red star. Vaughn hangs with the lower erysipelas of St.. that eternal snow, skelesta b. Ale sol..tse still not showing up. Zustrichati sol. It's a joy to be bred by the ser..tse p..larnik, if the bliss is the first promin of the sun. Youth .. sleep, dance on the whole happy day. Now the day is getting better. (76 lines)

Date of event:

Control robot "Parts of the movie"


The skin people have their own bilini, kazkas, sending orders.

The skin edge has its own nature, that one will be pobuted. I people think to talk about those who are close to you.

In the fairy tales and the riddles of the peoples of Pivnochi, we will visualize snow, deer, and ribey. The peoples of the Caucasus tell about mountains, gorges, waterfalls. In Russian riddles, we don’t catch a tiger, a lion or a zebra. Natomist there is є і vovk, і vedmіd, і zaєts.

Usna folk creativity - all history, geography, and biology, told by the people. (79 lines)

Control copying.

The skin people have their own bilini,, p..slovitsі and p..govirki.

The skin edge has its own nature, that one will be pobuted. I people ... think and talk about those who are close to you.

At ska..kah i zaga..kah peoples Pivnochі mi zusstrinemo image, ..laziness, ribi. The peoples of the Caucasus tell about rivers, gorges, waters..falls. In Russian zaga..kah mi not zustrіnemo tiger, lion and zebra. Natomist there is є і vovk, і vedmіd, і zaєts.

V. folk art - history, geography, biology, told by the people. (79 lines)

Date of event:

Control robot "Proposition"


Lisova pozhezha.

Control copying.


Lisova pozhezha.

Mandrivniki rode like a fox. Rapt smelled of gar. Feel the crack. Noisy at the tops of the yalinkas. That flock of whites rallied in the fire. The horses rushed off, chasing the cart along the uneven road. There was a smell of resinous dim, and coniferous trees rushed over the road along a narrow smoothie. The hurricane's Witty turned into a thunderous thunder. The trees were falling, chulosya vitya vovkіv and the roar of the vedmedіv. The axis of the road was cut by a series of elks, and the fox birds swept the tuft more quickly. Dumplings swirled with crimson fluff. A snake shone with rapture, and all the tops of the yalinkas were blown off the mitt.

Date of event:

Pidsumkova control robot.



Bіlya great roads, bіlya fox stitch all the summer bloom kulbabi. The stinks are like little sonechki from green proms. Today's kulbabi ripens quickly and fights with fluffy bags. Dunesh on a sack, and sprinkle light fluff on the back. The axis of the people and calling this flower a kulbaboy.

Early-vranci kulbabs are thrown around, laughing radiantly and opening their golden feathers.

The evenings of the kulbabi are curled up and the whole summer is a short night to sleep. On a sunny summer day, a fox galyavin with flowery kulbabs on it is given gold. (79 lines)

Grammar task: In another paragraph, know the same terms of the speech, mark the parts of the promo, see the head terms.

Control copying.


At the great roads .., at the fox trees .. the chairs bloom all summer .. dandelions. The stench is similar to little sonechki from z.. lazy exchanges. With..mena..dandelions ripen quickly and squirm with fluffy bags. Dunesh on a bag, and spit at the top of the le..kі fluff. The axis of that people .. and calling this ticket .. a dandelion. vrantsі..dandelions are thrown around, laughing radiantly and opening their eyes..lots of pelyusts.

Evening. Have a sleepy summer day l. (79 lines)

4th grade


Meta roboti

Option 1


It's been warm summer. Ide is useless, rainy autumn. Migratory birds take off on a long journey. The first to rise to the flashes of lastivki. The stench is aware of the approaching cold autumn. The early bird will see the early winter.
Behind them stretch out the cranes, jocks, geese. With a loud cry, our summer guests come from the warm countryside. Happy way to you!

Grammar tasks

1. At the front of the rechenni, there are head members.

2. State the names of all names in the sixth speech. (Early... .)

Option 2


Autumn came to the fox. It is rare now to go into zhu z'isti savory resentment. Brisk lizards flowed in. It is important to know beetles and toads. Through the high bushes, through the forest galyavins go їzhak.
On clear autumn days, prepare yourself for a warmer wintering place. At night and in the day, dry leaves, soft fox moss, tug at the burrow. Winter will come soon. Nakriye yogo burrow of an important snow kuchugur. Under the deep kuchugura, I do well. Sleep through the hedgehog all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. The somomu rechenni podkresliti head members of the proposition. Tell me, with some parts of the movement, the expressions are pidlyagaє and the award.

2. Write down two examples from the text, yakі may have such a warehouse, like a word-smakovy. (Vіdpovіd: for example, lisovі, osіnі, snizhnі, ...)

4 class


Meta roboti - Verify the spelling in the text, write the words in the range of the rules, put to whom with the same members of the speech.

Miraculous Grass

Koshtuє miraculous grassy day. Like good spring! The caressing sun shone through the whole neighborhood. After a warm plank, the juicy greenery of the field crept in, and the bows and foxes. Blue and yellow flowers lifted charming heads. The earth was clothed with a string of curses. Axis has already appeared stock brushes on the cherems, on the buzka. Behind the fox ravine, convalia that sunnitsa blooms. A squirrel has climbed onto the top of a high yalinka.
Migratory birds hurry home. The fox is sharpening his spivakiv. From the early morning until late evening, the voices of the fox bird do not ring. From watering and lisiv rushing spring sounds.
Grass is the most shabby and twinkling month of fate.


1. Voice the head members of the proposition. Above the skin name, write an omen.

Option 1 – at the ninth river (To the top of the high...).
Option 2 - at the twelfth birthday (from the early morning ...).

2. Pick up the word for the warehouse:

Option 1- herbal;
Option 2 - Shaky.

4 class


Tsіl - Reverse spelling in the text, write words based on the rules, put to whom with the same members of the speech.

Option 1

Spring Dzvin

The land was thrown over from a long winter sleep. The young grass gleamed. A flurry of green mist spread over a wide puddle. Keep warm and quiet evenings. Ring bows. On the ground, on the bows, on the yars, the fire of the ring. What to call? The axis was grafted with a drop of licorice juice from a birch tree. Vaughn fell onto the mirror surface of the bet. The cranes turned from the warm edge. The stench looked around the swamp with dignity. The radio song sounded merrily. In these days we everywhere feel the music of nature.

Word for proof: etcі listening.

Grammar tasks

1. I will show the proposition by members.
2. In the third proposition, note the names of names and references.

Option 2


Garna spring at the fox! Birds are singing like a dream. Spring strings ring under the trees. Resin smells of stale sticky brunki. The sun gently warmed the earth. A warm wind passed by the high peaks. Green leaves on the trees. The young grass appeared. White and black streaks bloomed on the fox galyavins. They fell asleep over the strings of the vociferous nightingales. Ants began to run over the mounds. Progudіv first jmil. Moose grazed on the pripiku.

Words for dovodok: sve nat, on prі bake, caressabout inabout .

Grammar tasks

1. The third opinion is divided by members.
2. At the fourth rechenni, recognize the names of the names and prikmetniks.


Target: to analyze how well the skills of a literate sheet were formed for three years of learning for the topics “Word of words”, “Spelling of voices and voices at the root of the word”, “Rozdіlovy Kommersant”.

Autumn has come.

The summer speck flew by. Often mumble dry wood. The sky popovzli sіrі gloom. Grass shriveled on the fox galyavin. At the Kalyuzha, autumn leaves float.

It's gloomy dark in the middle of the grass of murashina kupa. The ants began to go near their donkey. The stench now rarely calls names. Behind the old stump, two aspen mushrooms grew. Drops of mushrooms marveled merrily at the grass. She remembered the squirrel. Vaughn plucked one mushroom and woke up.

Words of dovodok: name, remembered.


Target: revise the knowledge you have learned from the topics covered “One part of the proposition”

In the autumn forest.

Garno bulo in the fox season of the early year. There was a quiet noise, the trees were goyalis. Lead drops of dew dripped from the leaves. On the moss, in the grass, already lay the wake of autumn. There was a strong smell of orphan earth, smelt of leaves. Z buy an old leaf, herbs, mushrooms look at the hmizu. We went up to a red birch forest. And the axis and the fox king is a white mushroom. Vіn standing on the mіtsnіy nizhtsі, near the golden-brown hat. Mushroom buv duzhe garni.

Words for dovodok: lead, golden brown, coupa.


Know in the text of the speech with the same additions, sort it out by members, write down the phrase.


Target: misinterpret how the students acquired those “Propositions” and “Single members of the proposition”

Wonderful time of autumn.

They flew and they flew autumn leaves. Wind pidhopiv їх i drove to the river. Gold coins poured into the mirror water. On the edge of the village, there is a river. Tse shepherd took the flock.

I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. Skhіd svіtlіshaє, erysipelas. Wonderful silence all around. River niby garnishala, prostasya. Under the first exchanges, the sun began to shine, the drops of water began to sparkle. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for dovodok: sobі ral, nemovabout .


1st option. At the 6th rechenni, the main members of the head, sort out yoga behind the warehouse, show parts of the language.

2nd option. At the 10th rechenni podkresliti head members, rati yogo behind the warehouse, show parts of the mov.


Target: revise the formation, vminnya write unvoiced vіdmіnkovі completed іmennikіv in od. numbers, unvoiced voices in the roots of words and prefixes.

Fox friends.

Tsiliy r_k lads of our school protect the forest. In front of the new saint, carry out a drawing on the road. Hundreds of beautiful fox stench vryatuvali in death. Hangings protect Russian birch trees from lovers of birch sap. The fox has a lot of landings. Sadzhantsi took root, matured, grew up. Radiantly marvel at them, passing from galyavin to galyavin. On the tablecloth there are traces of birds and animals. A mouse came running to the nirka. Silence at the fox. Garniy our forest. Take care of yoga beauty!

Words for dovodok: newcomers, amateurs, got accustomed.

Note: ahead of the staging of com.


1. Discuss the members of a friend that quarter of the speech (for options). Write out the propositions of the wording with the name, indicate your opinion and words.

2. Pick the words for the warehouse:
1st option: drowsy, prohannyam.
2nd option: pov'yazav, a note.


Target: revise the formation of the novice spelling of the endings of names.

The smell of fresh bread.

Shonochі in the village smelting the smell of warm bread. Filka's vranci with lads pіdіyshov to the hilt. The wind blew gloomy fluff across the sky. The scamp went down to the trees, passed through the aspen to the aspen, ripping out the top of the birch. Filka Vityag Loaf of warm bread. Pankrat let go of his horse. Throw the hero carefully and taking bread from the boy's hands with soft lips.

Mustache laughed. Only an old forty sat on a rakit and angrily rattled. Why was she embarrassed? (K. Paustovsky)

Words for dovodok: Pa nkrat, ra whale, zasmuche on the.


  1. The third word is sorted by the members of the proposition.

  2. Find the words behind the warehouse: warm, top.


Target: revise in my mind to write unvoiced, finished examples, shock voices before the roots of the word.


It was a marvelous walk. Mothers with sinami went in single file to a distant dzherel with a narrow stitch. The sky shone colder. In the frosty silence, magpies chirped loudly. The thick cedar woods were full of squirrels. Spritnі zvіryata merrily shuffled from neck to neck. Under the trees on the soft snow, traces of birds were abused. The axis was called from the tops of the old yalinka, a great mountain of snow. Huck was lucky that the whole earth came out of the high dense forest. (A. Gaidar)

Word for proof: dense.


  1. Write down two words with unvoiced voices at once with reversed ones.

  2. Shilyati prikmetnik colder (sky)


Spring autumn?

Target: revise in my mind the writing of unvoiced vіdmіnkovі completed prikmetnikіv, priymenniki with borrowers, unvoiced voices in the root of the word.

I will enter to the fox. First grass sprouted on the dry pagorbi. Blakitnі pereliski bloom. On the needles, the nirs were peeling.

Galyavin axis. Here the Lord is right autumn. Young oak trees in autumn autumn leaves. On the land of fluffy kilim. Bіlya old hemp on the tovstіy nіzhtsі mushroom near the red hat.

Is it eternal autumn here?

Ale from the near gіlka zіrvavsya dry leaf. Vіn zahitavsya at the cold wind and fell. There was a tight brown brunka on the side of the leaf. Under the leaf, the wonk hid in the winter cold. (E. Shim)

Manager: Know the names of the ninth riverman, tell them about the vouchers and the votives. You see the end.

Vipisati z dictation three words with unvoiced voice, scho perveryaetsya, dokorinno. Write translation words.

In the rest of the paragraph, indicate rіd, number, vіdminok prikmetnikіv. You see the end.


Target: transcribe the division of simple speech and simple speech with the same members; vyyavlennya novichok spelling zakіnchen іmennikіv, prikmetnikіv, dієslіv.


On the buzka, poplars, birches, brunki piled up. The time has come for the boisterous tanning of the snow. Lead on the river gets wet, dark. Not far away the shores appeared tali vikna. You will come for the day and do not know the rivers. Like water. It threw itself, the river came to life, it flooded the bushes of the bank. Water rises and on a meadow with dry grass. Above the water in a quiet place to wash the tops of the stems. Swiftly rush through the dry leaves, woods, boards.

Grammar tasks:

1. Above the first word of the skin proposition, write, like a speech: pr. (Simple), one. member (With the same members).

2. Please provide details of the application and see the completion.

3. Seeing the unfinished ends of the divisions of the 3rd individual in the form of one.


Target: revise in the mind to write a dictation text, to the warehouse of such a twisted spelling.

Underground watering.

Truffles are amazing mushrooms. The stench grows under the earth. How do you know? Dosvіdcheny myslivets for truffles take a pig or a dog with you. Spravzhnya myslivska dog is not pіdіyde. Most often blink game. Forget about mushrooms to kill such a dog. Poodles, lapdogs, doors for mushroom pickling. The truffles can be spun by cows. Creatures tear up a fox litter and taste a part of a savory mushroom. In Russia, mushrooms are often called cow's bread. At the last century near Moscow, for the selection of truffles, they victoriously cast tame bears! In ancient Rome, mushrooms were called even gods. Mysterious, rare mushroom! I de? We have Pіdmoskov'ї!

Grammar tasks:

1. Write propositions from the dictation with the same ones. Resolve the proposition according to the terms of the speech, indicate parts of the language, write down the phrases.

2. Razіbrati for the warehouse of the word: mushroom, pіdstilka, razryvayut.

3. Explain why truffles were called cow's bread.


Meta robots - reverse spelling in the text, write words in the range of twisted rules, put to whom with the same members of the speech.

Option 1

It's been warm summer. Ide is useless, rainy autumn. Migratory birds take off on a long journey. The first to rise to the flashes of lastivki. The stench is aware of the approaching cold autumn. The early bird will see the early winter.
Behind them stretch out the cranes, jocks, geese. With a loud cry, our summer guests come from the warm countryside. Happy way to you!

Grammar tasks

1. At the front of the rechenni, there are head members.

2. State the names of all names in the sixth speech. (Early... .)

Option 2

Autumn came to the fox. It is rare now to go into zhu z'isti savory resentment. Brisk lizards flowed in. It is important to know beetles and toads. Through the high bushes, through the forest galyavins go їzhak.
On clear autumn days, prepare yourself for a warmer wintering place. At night and in the day, dry leaves, soft fox moss, tug at the burrow. Winter will come soon. Nakriye yogo burrow of an important snow kuchugur. Under the deep kuchugura, I do well. Sleep through the hedgehog all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. The somomu rechenni podkresliti head members of the proposition. Tell me, with some parts of the movement, the expressions are pidlyagaє and the award.

2. Write down two examples from the text, yakі may have such a warehouse, like a word-smakovy. (Vіdpovіd: for example, lisovі, osіnі, snizhnі, ...)


Meta robots - transcribe the text in the mind, spell out the spelling.


1. Read. Write a description of the sound of Nastya, and then Mitrasha.

2. Describe the identity of your friend (girlfriend). Store 3-4 words.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Mother's mother died, father died for an hour Vytchiznyanoi war. The children were more sweet.
Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs. The hair in it, neither dark nor light, was golden, the gusset in every way was great, like a golden coin, and it bled on all sides. Only one nose was clean and marveling uphill.
Mitrasha buv is the youngest for his sister by two years. Youmu was less than ten years out of his tail. Vіn buv flint, ale arc schіlny, lobast, potilitsia is wide. That boy is stubborn and strong.


I. The text of the opening statement.


As if the cordoners went out of line to the outpost. It was light. Raptom under the thick boles of a majestic tree, it blew. The guards walked cautiously up to the tree and pumped the little deer. Vin marveling at people trustingly that z tsikavistu. The deer did not show any traces. With her, maybe, it was trapilos. The guards took the reindeer with them.
At the outpost of Persh for everything, they slandered Yogo. Malyuk took nothing to the mouth. One prikodonnik urged to buy a pacifier, and the deer eagerly began to soak milk. Zagalny lyublenets Shvidko growing up and gaining strength. Vіn want to bake that zukerki, like youma was given by the prikordonniks.
The reindeer has grown up, it has often become impersonal of their own creatures. Yogo was seen before the rozplіdnik. The cordoners often saw yoga.

Zrazkovy plan

1. The cordoners knew deer in the fox.
2. The guards watched the deer.
3. The reindeer was sent to the garden.

Dovіdka: outpost - Viyskovy pіdrozdіl, scho carried protection; spawner - a place of spawning creatures.

II. Tvir-opis "My beloved tree".

Describe your love tree in such a way that you can sing yogo from afar, from a great distance.

1. Who does it look like? (For a dancing girl? For a hunchbacked old one? For some kind of fox animal? For whom?)
2. Yake near the tree? (What does the crown look like? And what are the needles like? On the hands? On the black sparkles? On the sleeves of the green cloth? On what?)
3. Why cut down your tree? (Did you get sick, to touch the grass? Frozen in the dance? Looked back? Stretched to the sky?)

Describe your favorite tree in such a way that your skin wants to treat yoga.

III. With these examples, put it down and write down the word receipt with the best name for the splendid name. Vidiliti childbirth ending prikmetnikov.

Saint, Saint
honorable, honorable
mindful, poignant
curse, curse
spare, spare
memorable, memorable

Busy, bitch
vase, plant
wheel, animal
man, gift

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