Spring 23 is the day of the autumn equal day. What does Autumn Day mean? History and traditions. Petro and Pavlo Ryabinniki

23 spring Orthodox church to commemorate the bishops of Peter and Paul, who lived near the Byzantine city of Nicaea in the 9th century and suffered for the Christian faith. St. Peter for Tsar Leo Isaur (813-820), having defended the Orthodox faith, fought against the iconoclasts, for which he recognized suffering. He died after the year 823.

Spring 23: traditions and sounds of the day

At the end of the day, they watched for the gorobina. Behind the people's beliefs, she could steal from evil spirits: « To torment someone in the trash, to go up to the breasts, to choke, not to sleep, you need to take a gorobini's chick and christen it around yourself. That's the unclean power of decay and the people are roaring". To this winter, they adorned with gorobini gorobini, and the berries brought from the frost helped to relieve a headache.

Until what day is the selection of the gorobini consecrated. Sound tsієї pori, if the first frosts have already passed, the berries become licorice. They looked at them with tassels and hung them up. It was important to give happiness to the nearest river. However, they didn’t see the whole gorobina, part of it was overgrown in bushes - for snowmen, thrushes and other birds.

A good crop of gorobini survives a cold winter. The villagers from yagid prepared gorobin kvass - a cold and anti-cold drink, which is a help for colds.

Gorobina was widely victorious in folk medicine and as a talisman for magic. For example, it was important that the child was afraid of the gorobini and could not step over. At certain places, for the defense of the forest man, a boudinka was hung out by a gorobini tree. Our ancestors, turning from the flower, entrance doors hung the gorobin's lozins, so that the sky did not dare to turn back home. Sob on the betrothed for an hour of fun they didn’t bring a fuss, you were hoarse for the freebies of the gorobin’s roots.

From long ago they believed that the unfortunate people needed three to climb through the gorobin bush, or the gorobin tree, split in two, then the ailment would cross over to the dew, and the ailing would turn a lot of health.

Gorobina got into it garnimu zasobom with toothache. If your teeth hurt, then it’s necessary to go to the tree and gnaw on the yogo sprat once, saying: “ Gorobina, Gorobina, my teeth are vilіkuvati, but not vilіkuєsh, I will grieve you all". They also believed that the teeth of those people hurt like a tongue-in-cheek, like a gorobin shkodi (breaking or knocking off the chicks, vikoristovu for firewood that іn.). People who suffer from dental pain often came to the tree themselves, hugged Yogo, stood on their knees in front of him and prayed: “ Gorobina-gorobina, take away my ailment, I won't eat you any more”, after which they turned back home, not looking around. Such a vow was practically never violated.

In folk songs and parts, the gorobina is most often a symbol of a hard woman, for the sake of a crazy, joyless life. This is explained by the contrasting lightening of the white (the tree in the flowering period) and the red (ripened berries) flowers and the bitterness of the yagid.

In medicine, the hump is congested with sleeplessness, nervous and ocular ailments. Vіdvari ta morsi zі svіzhih yagіd dopomagayut good at colds.

Spring 23

  1. Few gorobini - until dry autumn, rich - until the wood.
  2. A good harvest of gorobini - until frosty winter.
  3. Gorobin, the star of the day, to protect from the evil spirits of that cold.
  4. Sob the house elf did not fall down, the sprats of yagid hung on the sine.
  5. The hive of the gorobini on the table - for good luck at the booth.
  6. Do it, rozpochati sogodnі, successfully complete.
  7. All day long, the intuition is especially warmed up, until you hear it out.

The person who was born23 Veresnya, may vrіvnovazhenu vdacha. Wine tolerant and practical. Youmu should wear sapphire.

Video: Spring 23 - Petro and Pavlo Ryabinniki


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Autumn equal day - this is the name of an astronomical phenomenon, with which the day is equal to the night

On the 2018th autumn, after Greenwich (everyday hour) it will be 23 September at 01:54, and after the Tbilisi hour - 23 September 05:54.

What does it look like on the day of the autumn day

Just the same day as on pivnich, so on pivdniy equator trivatime dove, lower night. This is due to the fact that the sleepy shifts break in the atmosphere of the Earth, and at once and at sunset the sleepy disk for the posterigach shows up a few “lifts” above the horizon, through which it is coming, the early morning is three times earlier, and in the evening - three times later. Tse phenomenon is ringing "atmospheric refraction", and yakbi not won, day and night of true light and dark hour have won b continued equally.

Before the speech, at Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі astronomical autumn, that winter in aggregation is three days less, lower spring is that summer, and in Pvdenny, now, five days more. It is tied to the fact that the Earth in this period will pass closer to the Sun in its orbit, through which the baby will crumble. With this, in the wake of the expansion of the militia, the change of the fir fate itself was not caused by the change of the distance to the Sun (as it became the minimum in the winter on the Pivnichniy pivkul), but because of this, the entire wrapping of the Earth could have landed to the flat land.

The day of the autumn eve is of interest not only from the astronomical, but also from the cultural point of view, the shards are rich folk traditions they insured that in this period nothing became a day's income.

Sounds, traditions

From the old hours, holy holy chotiri were marked out, at that number of autumns equal to the day, which the people gave a mystical meaning.

People believed that the link between the dead and the living is especially strong all day long.

In those distant hours lived for the natural calendar, for new river starting from the dawn of the autumn equal day. During this period, people shouted to the gods for giving birth to that wealth and shook the dead, embellishing their graves.

The Slovyans celebrated Christmas at the New Year's faith - it sacredly symbolized the beginning of a new cycle of life. Traditions of this holy swear by deep antiquity. At that distant hour, the words after the choice of the birth of the power were looking around, the fun of that holy day.

According to tradition, the Slovyans of the Veresni used to designate a sprat of saints. First-Autumn (Viddanya Ovsenya), celebrated on the cob of autumn. per slov'yanskoy mythology Ovsen is a deity, yak vydpovidalo for the change of feast of fate. Holy people sang the Spirit and Nature for all the gifts, including the harvest.

On the day of the autumn equal day, at the ancient words, the somy month of fate - Veresen (Tausen, Radogoshch) came. Vіn was attached to Veles - the god of the three worlds (Right, Java, Navi) or "three sides of the butt".

Holy, by tradition, ancient words were meant to last two days - this day until that day - after the day of the autumn day. They drank at the hour of svyatkovyh, they made a honey drink of sur'ya. They poured a drink on freshly picked hops.

The most popular, middle class on Svyatkovy style, bula vipіchka. According to the old Slavic tradition, pie with cabbage brought wealth, with meat - they helped the car'er, and with lingonberries - at the kohanna.

On the eve of the autumn equal day near Ancient Russia, the goddess I live in the heavenly kingdom - Svarga, was seen off, the stars of її give birth. According to an old tradition, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter period.

tradition, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter period.

Svarga was celebrated for the pagan hours, for tradition, they celebrated Christmas in the spring on equal days, as if it fell on the 21st birch. spring day zbіgalosya with the rest of the day of the Christmas season on Komoyiditsa (Maslyana).

Old-Slovian holy Velesen, after the praise of Christianity, the church replaced it with Holy Rizdva Holy Mother of God- Orthodox saints celebrate June 21st.

The rites are holy
In Russia, different rites were celebrated for the old hours, for the sake of happiness, that luck, as well as the completion of your financial camp. Acts from these rituals were saved dosі.

For example, dobrobut was caught in such a rite - they baked round-shaped pies with cabbage and apples. On the fringes of the financial camp, they settled in the nearest future one, as if it were a little cold, and the pie itself was not a piedmont.

One more rite, having helped to complete the unacceptable period in life - for whom they spat old speeches at the yard, after the general cleaning at the house.

At the period of the autumn equal day, as they were vowed for the old hours, the water is of little special strength. Therefore, in the evening, the girls obov'yazkovo performed the rite of washing. And the old and the children needed to bathe in order to save their health.

The people believed that on the day of the autumn equal day, the love energy was especially strong, that during this period they performed a ceremony of friendship and stosunki with the other half.

The girls performed various rites in sight: some laid a pillow on a friend’s bed, saying “my friend half, come”, others spat chicks of peas on a saucer with thoughts about a winter’s swede, and popil rose in the evening on the streets.

Prikmeti on 23 september 2018

The weather, for example, will be the same all autumn, as it was on the autumn day.

The upcoming winter was judged by the harvest of the gorobini - the more berries the grains have, the colder the winter will be.

Behind the signs, autumn will be long, and winter will come pіzno, as if on the day of the autumn equal day there is a lot of hawk.

As the cranes hurry up to see - it’s a clear sign that winter is coming Suvor.

For prikmetami, winter will soon come, as if leafing willow began to fall.

It’s badly nakrit stil on the autumn day - an example that shows that the offensive fate is not rich enough.

Seeing the batkiv was respected by a garne prikmetoy, so the children were slandered to see the native house.

Know on the autumn day "stone of luck" - a symbol of change on the best, garna prikmet. To this, people, on their way home, respectfully marveled at their feet, so as not to waste their happiness.

Before the speech, to know the stone, which, becoming a talisman, helped the inner sense. So, be respectful and don't lose your luck!

Saints Peter and Paul, Bishops of Nicaea (IX). Reverend Paul the Hearing, Caves (XIII-XIV).

Folk name:

Petro-Pavlo - Gorobini, Gorobini's birthday, autumn day.

Note that sound

23 spring - the same autumn, if the day is better at night. Zgіdno z povіr'yam, the sun kicked to sleep until the coming spring. Osinnє equal in Russia was celebrated as a great sacred.

Near the villages, festivities were held, tables were laid, pies with various fillings were set in the central place: meat, cabbage, mushrooms, lingonberries. The villagers turned with prayers to Peter and Paul, asking them to help them to winter and survive until the coming spring.

The 23rd of spring was the day of the Gorobini's name day, as it was respected for the seclusion of the sun. After the first autumn frosts, the berries became soft and licorice. These berries served as a miraculous amulet. The brushes of the gorobini hung up the house, so that they could get happiness to that well-being. For the sake of it, they put the gorobini on the back - a dream bed, rotting over the flock and the stable. It is necessary to say that, virushayuschie behind the gorobina, from the trees they did not pick up the berries of the wood - they licked the shoes of the fox sacks for the year.

Gorobina licorice on her birthday.

No gorobini, and autumn - not autumn.

Petro and Pavlo the gorobtsy call to sour the goroby and stock up on the measles.

The sun begins to hang the windows of its tower with stars, so that you can fall asleep.

Іmeni 23 Spring holy day:

Andriy, Apelliy, Kallinik, Kasyan, Clement, Lukiy, Minodora, Metrodorus, Nimfodora, Pavlo, Petro, Pulcheria.

Today is the 23rd of spring (10th of spring according to the old style). People's examples, sending orders, today: Petro and Pavlo Ryabinniki.

Petro and Pavlo Ryabinniki. They prepared a gorobina in reserve, for compotes and preparing likuvalny kvass - there is the right helper against ailments and evil spirits. Nastya gorobini vvazhavsya kind anti-sweat guard against winter colds. The people believed that if you torment the spirit of a shkidlivy one, you don’t let sleep, it starts to choke you to your chest, you need to take a gorobini’s chick, christen it around your space - and evil spirits, like її th did not bulo. And to that century, for the winter, they embellished the gorobini with a gorobina in case of any wickedness.

There are two Peters and Pauls in Russia - the great one, the small one, the summer one and the autumn one. Osinniy Petro - Pavlo - gorobets. Tsієї pori, after the first frosts, the gorobina becomes more licorice and start picking її for hedgehogs. Picking a gorobina, they fill the skin tree with a part of a bird for birds. Few gorobini - dry autumn, and rich - Suvor winter.

Petro and Pavlo.
Weakly smart game - a sign of mild winter.
A lot of hares - for a suvor winter.
The hare wilted not cleanly, but nibi in the flames - until the brudnoy winter.
The old stump has been rebuilt - to the board.
The crust at the empty barrels, having begun to wiggle tightly - to the scoundrel.
The sky is high - up to the wind.

Take a look at faith.

Grim near the spring, the warmth of autumn.
As long as the leaf of cherries has not fallen, even though there were skils of snow, it seemed to be alive.
Like cranes flying high, not hurrying and "roaring" - we cost a harn of autumn.
A lot of netting on a babin summer - until clear autumn and cold winter.
The cobwebs creep like roslins - until it's warm.
Autumn shade - for clear weather, for wind.
Rich acorns near the spring on the oak - until the fierce winter.
Every month there will be a lot of acorns on the oaks, then check and a lot of snow before Christmas.
Parts of that strong fog, which trap around the spring, especially without wind, give rise to ailments for people of poor health.

Russian folk examples and zaboboni

The evil stealer leaves the walls, and the fire devours everything.
The rumble at the pipe - the soul of the deceased has come (zahid).
Porridge from the mountaineer, vilize from the oven - for evil, for pich - for good.
Nicely in the bosom ryatuє vіd psuvannya.
Don’t step on the sky and don’t spit: you can’t catch fish.
Having driven a snake, you need to hang it on an aspen.
Damn, damn it, play it, and I’ll wake it up again (if it’s spent, then bandage the beard between: curl the bottom of the table with a thin one).

At a long time ago they called "rivna noch" - for cym astronomical phenomenon people to sew a lot of money. On the second day the Sun crosses the equator. During this period, the day and night are equal - for 12 years, after the nights become finished for the day - the right autumn begins. Call this day fall on 22 or 23 spring, 2019 autumn falls on Monday 23 spring.

The transition from summer to autumn is characterized by cold weather, changing color of the leaves, but in a good autumn, it is only after the autumn day.

The equator podіlyaє Earth on Pіvnіchnu and Pіvdennu pіvkul, the planet spins around the sun, and kut її nahil to become approximately 23.5 degrees. The very same nahil and "grant" us the fate of fate. If it's winter in Pivnichny pivkul, you won't be far from Sontsya. If it’s summer, it’s nachile at the beck of the sun. Through this sickly hour of the day and night is not the same, after a twinkle of two days - spring and autumn equal.

Astrological splash of the autumn day

Astrologers agree on the thought that in this period there is a surge of cosmic energy. Tse shortest hour for pіdbittya pіdsumkіv ta ots_nki yourself. It is also a good hour for those who were born under Terezi's sign. Adzhe Sontse to pass at its sign from the sign of Divi.

Traditions of the autumn day

For a long time, there were impersonal traditions and rituals of the autumn equal day, deacons from them are completed.

A couple of days before the day and after the new one, you can’t start a new one, do it right, you need to pay extra bags, forgive the pardons and cancel the lessons.

In order to improve their material situation, people bake round pies with apples or cabbage. Yakshcho quietly rises and the pie does not burn - the improvement of the good will be cleared up.

To get rid of negative energy, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the booth.

Until that day, the leaves of the gorobini and the birch became yellow, then the cold and frosty winter was cleared up. Our ancestors commemorated that if it’s frost all day, then the spring will be cold. It was important that the gorobina itself could protect it from the prey and save it from evil spirits.

So the thought was based that love energy is especially sensible. For this, the best hour is for laying the ship and the adjustment of the stosunkiv.

Mark the Day of the Autumn Equal Day

  • Like the weather all day - so will be the autumn.
  • There are few eggs on the mountain - the autumn will be dry and not rainy.
  • To secure wealth, it is necessary to celebrate the whole day.
  • Like birds, they look like birds - check for cold winters.
  • Whoever sings the spring process of that day, will be a happy celestial river.
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