Like in Serednyovichchi, the Earth was round, and in the XXI century it became flat. Backing to geocentrism Explanation of astronomical phenomena from positions of geocentrism

Geocentric system of light(from other Greek Γῆ, Γαῖα - Earth) - a statement about the power of the light, zgіdno with the central position of the All-World, the Earth occupies the earth, how the Sun, Moon, planets and stars wrap around. An alternative to geocentrism є.

Development of geocentrism

From the most recent hours, the Earth was considered the center of light. With whom, the visibility of the central axis of the All-World and the asymmetry "top-bottom" was transferred. The earth in the fall was hung up like a support, which in early civilizations was thought to be a gigantic mythical creature like a creature (turtles, elephants, whales). The first ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletsky as a support for a natural object - the ocean of light. Anaximander of Miletsky, having admitted that the All-World is centrally symmetrical and in the new day, he sees straight ahead. To that in the Earth, which is located in the center of the Cosmos, every day it is necessary to collapse into a straight line, so it is free to lie in the center of the All-World without support. Teachings of Anaximander Anaximenes did not follow the teacher, vvahayuchi, that the Earth is truncated in the face of the fall of crushed winds. Such thoughts reached Anaxagoras. Anaximander's point of dawn was divided, however, by the Pythagoreans, Parmenides and Ptolemy. I didn’t understand the position of Democritus: for various witnesses, blame Anaximander and Anaximenes.

One of the earliest images of the geocentric system that has come down to us (Macrobius, Commentary on the Son of Scipio, manuscript of the 9th century)

Having entered the Earth, Anaximander takes the form of a low cylinder with a height three times less than the diameter of the base. Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Leucippus vvazha flat Earth, on the top of the table. A fundamentally new crop smashed Pifagora, which allowed the Earth to take the form of a kuli. Not only the Pythagoreans, but also Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, inherited from this yoma. This is how the canonical form of the geocentric system, as it was actively explored by the ancient Greek astronomers, was chosen: the Earth is located in the center of the spherical Universe; the visible dobovy ruh of the heavenly bodies is the fermentation wrapping of the Cosmos on the axis of light.

Middle images of the geocentric system (from the Cosmography of Peter Apian, 1540)

Well, up to the order of straightening the light, then Anaximander, having lifted the stars with the roses closer to the Earth, farther went the Moon and the Sun. Anaximenes stubbornly let down that the stars are the farthest objects of the Earth, fixed on the outer shell of the Cosmos. To whom all the advances went (for the wine of Empedocles, a kind of supporter of Anaximander). Vinikla thought (in the past, imovirno, in Anaximenes chi Pythagoreans), that for a longer period of the beast she shone in the heavenly sphere, tim out. Later, the order of the rotashuvannya of the luminaries appeared as follows: Month, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, stars. Mercury and Venus are not included here, because the Greeks had differences in their windows: Aristotle and Plato placed them behind the Sun, Ptolemy placed them between the Moon and the Sun. Aristotle, having respected that there is nothing more than a sphere of unruly visions, to inspire space, just like the stoїkas respected that our world of boredom has an infinitely empty space; the atomism behind Democritus was respected, that with our world (we will surround the sphere of unruly stars) other worlds are being tried. This idea was supported by the Epicureans, and Lucretius brightly turned to the poem “On the nature of speeches”.

“The figure of heavenly bodies” is an illustration of the geocentric system of the world of Ptolemy, sketched by the Portuguese cartographer Bartolomeu Velho in 1568.
Taken from the National Library of France.

Covering geocentrism

Old Greek vcheni in a different way, prote, brought the central camp and the unruliness of the Earth. Anaximander, as it was intended, as the reason for showing the spherical symmetry of the Cosmos. Yogo did not support Aristotle, visuvayuchi counterdovid, attributions to Buridan: such a person, like being in the center of the kіmnati, in such a white wall there is a hedgehog, is guilty of starving to death (div. Buridan's donkey). Aristotle himself summed up geocentrism as follows: the Earth is an important body, and a natural place for important bodies is the center of the World; as a proof, all important bodies fall straight, and shards of stink fall to the center of the world, the Earth is in the center. In addition, the orbital movement of the Earth (which allowed the pіthagorієts Filolaus) Aristotle, having seen on this basis, that he is guilty of leading to a paralactic shift of the stars, there is no reason to be afraid.

A little geocentric system of light from an Icelandic manuscript dated circa 1750

Low authors to suggest and other empirical evidence. Пліній Старший у своїй енциклопедії «Природна історія» обґрунтовує центральне становище Землі рівністю дня і ночі під час рівнодення і тим, що під час рівнодення схід і захід спостерігається на одній і тій же лінії, а схід сонця в день літнього сонцестояння знаходиться на тій самій лінії , scho th day of the winter solstice From the astronomical point of the dawn all the qi bring, sig- nificantly, є incomprehensible. Better yet, prove that Cleomedes induces the assistant "Lectures on Astronomy", de vin to bring the centrality of the Earth to the unacceptable. On the other hand, yakby the Earth was known on the slope to the center of the All-world, then the clouds on the swirl would be short, lower at sunset, the heavenly body would be larger when descending, lower at sunset, and the trivality of the swita before noon would be less, lower sunset. noon until sunset. Shards of nothing, The earth can be shifted to the center of the world. Similarly, it can be argued that the Earth can be shifted to the sunset. Far away, yakby, the Earth was roztashovovala pіvnіchnіchі chi pіvdennіshe center, tіnі at the gathering of the Sun would go straight to the pіvnіchі chi pivdenniy directly, obviously. Moreover, on the day of the evening, on the days of the equal day, the darkness is directed exactly at the sunset of the Sun on the day of the day, and at the gathering of the day of the summer solstice, the darkness points to the point of the sunset of the Sun on the day of the winter solstice. This also points to those that the Earth is not shifted to the center. Yakby The Earth was a vishchoy for the center, then it would be possible to build less than half of the sky, including less than six signs of the zodiac; as an afterthought, nothing else would be a blessing for the day. Similarly, it can be argued that the Earth can be stashed below the center of the world. In this rank, there may be less at the center. Ptolemy in the Almagest, book I. Approximately the same proves the centrality of the Earth to be greedy, to bring Cleomedes and Ptolemy to the point that the All-World is richer than the Earth, and to that it is also uncompromising.

Sides from SACROBOSCO "Tractatus de Sphaera" from the Ptolemy system - 1550 r_k

Ptolemy also tries to bring the Earth's indestructibility (Almagest, book I). First, as if the Earth was shifting towards the center, then they would be wary of a well-described effect, but if they weren’t, the Earth would always be in the center. The second argument is the verticality of the trajectories of the falling bodies. The appearance of the axial wrapping of the Earth by Ptolemy is grounded as follows: as if the Earth was wrapped around, then “... all objects, as if they do not spiral onto the Earth, are guilty of such ruhi at the turning point; no gloom, no more glimmering, or broader objects will in no way be seen as ruffled on the fold, the shards of the Earth’s movements on the fold will be seen, so that the turn of the turn will be rushed straight to the west, at the west. The impossibility of this argument became wiser only after examining the foundations of mechanics.

The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreas Cellarius - 1660/61

Explanation of astronomical phenomena from the positions of geocentrism

The biggest difficulty for ancient Greek astronomy was the unevenness of the turn of the heavenly bodies (especially the turnarounds of the planets), the shards of the Pythagorean-Platonic tradition (which followed Aristotle as a significant world), the stench was more respected by the gods, like the livath. To solve this problem, models were created, in some way the visible changes of the planets were explained as a result of adding a few equal changes according to the stakes. Concrete implementation of this principle was introduced by Aristotle in the theory of homocentric spheres of Eudoxus-Calippus and the theory of epicycles of Apollonius of Perg, Hipparchus and Ptolemy. In the meantime, the rest of the disturbances are often carried out according to the principle of equal changes, having run the model of the quant.

Vіdmova vіd geocentrism

In the course of the scientific revolution of the 17th century, it became clear that geocentrism was insane with astronomical facts and superimposed on physical theory; step by step, the heliocentric system of light was established. The main podia, which were brought to the top of the geocentric system, were the creation of the heliocentric theory of planetary collapse by Copernicus, the telescopic view of Galileo, the creation of Kepler's laws, the smut, the creation of classical mechanics and the creation of the law of all-world gravity by Newton.

Geocentrism and religion

Already one of the first ideas opposed to geocentrism (the heliocentric hypothesis of Aristarchus of Samos) led to a reaction from the side of representatives religious philosophy: Stoik Cleanthes, calling out to get Aristarchus to trial for those who are ruined from the month of "The Hearth of the World", looming on the Earth; it is unbelievable, vtim, that the efforts of Cleanthes were crowned with success. At Serednyovichchi, oskilki christian church vchila that the light of God's creations for the sake of man (div. Anthropocentrism), geocentrism also successfully adapted to Christianity. Whom was also taken literally by the reading of the Bible. The scientific revolution of the 17th century was accompanied by trials of the administrative fence of the heliocentric system, which led, zokrema, to a court trial over the hemocentric propagandist Galileo Galilei. In this hour, geocentrism, like a religious faith, is spreading among some conservative Protestant groups in the United States.


Molchanova M. (9 class "B")

Pairing geocentric and heliocentric systems

Modern science has established long ago that all objects from the All-Sveta are only one and the same from Russia. However, earlier, if there was no technology in the order of astronomers, which would allow them to be installed, singly, while the movement of heavenly bodies was based on differences, sometimes super-clever thoughts. Right up to the era of the Renaissance, panuvala t.zv. geocentric(Geo means “Earth” in Greek) is a picture of the world, gazing at some central camp near the All-World, the earth is occupied, how the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars wrap around.

From the most recent hours, the Earth was considered the center of light. With whom, the visibility of the central axis of the All-World and the asymmetry "top-bottom" was transferred. The earth in the fall was humbled as a support, which early civilizations imagined as a gigantic mythical creature or creature (turtles, elephants, whales). "Father of Philosophy" Thales of Miletsky as a support for a natural object - the ocean of light. Anaximander of Miletsky, having admitted that the All-World is centrally symmetrical and in the new day, he sees straight ahead. To that at the Earth, which is located in the center of the Cosmos, every day it falls into a straight line, so it will freely rest in the center of the All-World without support. The teachings of Anaximander Anaximenes did not follow the teacher, vvahayuchi, that the Earth is truncated by the fall of crushed winds. Such thoughts reached Anaxagoras. Having entered the Earth, Anaximander takes the form of a low cylinder with a height three times less than the diameter of the base. Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Leucippus vvazha flat Earth, on the top of the table. A fundamentally new crop smashed Pifagora, which allowed the Earth to take the form of a kuli. Not only the Pythagoreans, but also Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle, inherited from whom. This is how the canonical form of the geocentric system, as it is actively explored by the ancient Greek astronomers, is known: the Earth is located in the center of the spherical All-World; the visible dobovy ruh of the heavenly bodies is the fermentation wrapping of the Cosmos on the axis of light. Well, up to the order of straightening the light, then Anaximander, having lifted the stars with the roses closer to the Earth, farther went the Moon and the Sun. Anaximenes stubbornly let down that the stars are the farthest objects of the Earth, fixed on the outer shell of the Cosmos. Having respected Aristotle, there is nothing more for the sphere of unruly visions, to inspire space, at that hour, as if the pillars were hardened, that our world of boredom is in the endless empty space; the atomism behind Democritus was respected, that with our world (we will surround the sphere of unruly stars) other worlds are being tried.

The ancient Roman astronomer is considered the main "creator" of geocentrism Claudius Ptolemy(bl. 87-165 pp.). At its main practice, "Velika Pobudova", also known under the Arabized name "Almagest", vindicated the astronomical knowledge of ancient Greece and Babylon.

In the course of the scientific revolution of the XVII-XVIII centuries. it was clear that geocentrism is inconsistent with astronomical facts and that it supersedes physical theory; step by step, the heliocentric system of light was established. The main podia, which were brought to the top of the geocentric system, were the creation of the heliocentric theory of planetary collapse by Copernicus, the telescopic view of Galileo, the creation of Kepler's laws, the smut, the creation of classical mechanics and the creation of the law of all-world gravity by Newton. Tse buv important crochet on the way to the mind of the people of the right picture of the light.

heliocentric the system of light is manifested by the fact that the Sun is the central celestial body, how the Earth and the other planets are born. The idea of ​​vinyl in antiquity, ale nabula of wide breadth is less than the end of the epoch of Renaissance. In this system, the Earth is transferred to wrap around the Sun for one dawning river and to turn its axis for one starry doba. On the basis of another Rukh, we see the wrapping of the celestial sphere, the first one - the movement of the Sun in the midst of the stars of the ecliptic ( great colo celestial sphere, like the visible river rush of the Son). Under every Sun, the sky is indestructible.

The idea of ​​the Earth's collapse was known in the era of antiquity among the representatives of the Pythagorean school. In the Middle Ages, the heliocentric system of light was practically forgotten. At the same time, there was a tendency to literally read the biblical texts, it’s like the Earth itself, in the middle of the heavenly bodies, the main creations of God, and that is in the center of the light, and the reshta wrap around it. This thought was supported by a visible picture: without a middle from the surface of the planet її unmemorable ruins, like the Sun, Moon, the stars, like a cloud, “collapse” across the sky.

On the cob of the Epoch of Revival, the instability of the Earth was fixed by Mykola of Kuzan, that yoga was utterly philosophical, not with explanations of specific astronomical phenomena. Dosit nezrozumіlo on this topic by talking and Leonardo da Vinci. At 1450 p. the Latin translation of the “Psamity” of Archimedes appeared, demonstrating the heliocentric system of Aristarchus of Samos. With this creation, the well-known European astronomer of the Renaissance Regiomontanus. At the private listing of wines, having designated that "ruh zirok can recognize bad changes for the rahunka ruhu of the Earth." However, in his publications, Regiomontan became a geocentrist. The movement of the Earth was shaking and between the XV and XVI centuries. In 1499 p. This hypothesis was discussed by the Italian professor Francesco Capuano, moreover, there is little on the surface as a wraparound, and the progressive movement of the Earth (without specifying the center of the movement). In 1501 p. the Italian humanist Giorgio Valla guessed about the Pythagorean doctrine about the collapse of the Earth around the Central fire and confirmed that Mercury and Venus turn around the Sun.

Residual heliocentrism was revived only after the 16th century, when the Polish astronomer Mykola Copernicus (1473-1543) developed the theory of the rotation of planets on the basis of the Pythagorean principle of equal circular rotations. The results of your practice of wines are public at the book “About wrapping heavenly spheres”, Vidanoi in 1543. Copernicus vvazhav, scho Earth zdіysnyuє threefold Rukh: 1. Wrapping around the axis with a period of one doba, last of which is the wrapping of the heavenly sphere; 2. Ruh navkolo Sun with a period of rіk, scho to lead to the return of the planets; 3. So the titles of the declination movement with the period are also approximately one river, which leads to the fact that the entire Earth moves approximately parallel to itself. In the course of the year, the ideas of Koprnik were promoted and inspired by other great centuries Giordano Bruno, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes. However, on the side of the conservatively imposed (on the front of the church) kіl heliocentrism conceived a serious pressure. Vcheni, yakі pіdtremuvali new trends in astronomy, recognized repression. Zokrema Giordano Bruno perished on the bagatti, and the old Galileo was judged by the church court and was less likely to give in to his sayings of reconciliation, vryatuvav his own life. Opponents of heliocentrism were also the Protestant Orthodox Church.

The clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church acted as a critic of the heliocentric system of the world right up to the beginning of the 20th century. Until 1815 In the wake of the praise of censorship, there was a shkilny accomplice, in which the heliocentric system was called the “hibny system of philosophical” and the “wheezy thought”. Bishop Arsen of Urals at the leaf of the 21st of March, 1908 for the sake of the readers, when students are aware of the Copernican system, they do not slander “crazy justice”, but speak “like a story to a yak”. The rest of the creation, in which the heliocentric system was criticized, was the book of the priest Iov Nemtsev, which was published in 1914. Winning, scho "near the earth is unharmed, and the sun is walking", and his own assertion was true for the help of quotes from the Bible.

However, in our days, ancient pardons are ill-literate people. For the data of the experiment conducted in 2011. 32% of Russians are happy for the sake of the fact that the Sun wraps around the Earth.

Time to remember that the heliocentric system of the world is not the truth of the world. Aje and the Sun is not the center of light. It is only one of the rich billions of stars of our galaxy, visible from the earth as if in profile (the so-called "Chumatsky Way"), and it is also collapsing in its majestic orbit. Our galaxy is one of the number of galaxies in the All-World, which is meant not to enter until the given notice.

At the hour of preparing this announcement, the following were victorious: Yeremieva A. I., Tsitsin F. A. History of astronomy. M.: View of MDU, 1989; and also given to the Internet.

The honor of the creator of the first celestial globe, like the first geographical map, is also attributed by ancient tradition to Anaximander.
The proteo idea of ​​a flat earth was given to him. Anaximander reaffirmed that the Earth has the shape of a cylinder, the height of which is a little less than the diameter, so that people linger on one of these flat surfaces. Irrespective of inadequacy and navіt vіdstup (Anaximander was inspired by the ideas of Thales about those that the Month shines in vidbitim, and not in the light of light), Anaximander's system was a majestic breakthrough in advance, right revolution. For this, if you want to see a little bit, you need to guess, why the teacher Thales of Miletsky vvazhav, that the Earth floats near the waters of the boundless Light Ocean like a tree, and Anaximander’s disciple Anaximenes, having imagined the idea of ​​a spherical world, turned to the idea of ​​a heavenly, flat curved sphere " " Earth. The wrapper of heavenly pivkul Anaximenes, from the power of love to analogies, having turned his cap around his head. Winning over those who are heavenly bodies, who go beyond the horizon, pass under the Earth, who squealed from the concept of Anaximander. Simply, saying Anaximenes, at night the Earth moves, and the luminaries follow her, as if behind a mountain.
Follow in the footsteps of Anaximander, transcend yoga and bring to the residual victory the idea of ​​the sphere, as a universal form of the all-world was judged by another scholar - Pythagoras of Samos, the spiritual ancestor of the order of free mulars. To you himself, the entire ancient tradition single-handedly ascribes the assertion about those that the Earth is cool.
Like a disciple of Anaximander Pіthagoras, he knew the yoga theory of the cool heavens, and, perhaps, bachiv the first celestial globe. Possibly, vin having paid attention to the obvious inconsistency of the forms of the celestial spheres and the Earth-cylinder in the concept of Anaximander. Before the painting about the culture of Pythagoras's Earth, he instilled a particular interest in geometry. To Thales, whom, as it seems, Pythagoras found among the living, and in whom he has become familiar, they attribute the phrase: “The most beautiful is the cosmos, for the fault of God’s creation.” The most beautiful and most perfect speech can be found to be the most perfect form. What kind of geometric shapes could be called such? The Pythagoreans called the sphere, pointing to the її vynyatkovі geometric power, and themselves: the infinite number of axes of the wrapper, the absolute symmetry and the evenness of the points of the surface, the maximum volume with a given value of the surface, etc. In this way, the sphere, as the most advanced geometric form, was postulated as the main form of the Cosmos in the fire, and the Earth of the cream.
Here it’s easy to guess that Pythagoras was also the author of the theory of harmony and music of the spheres, that astronomical and musical achievements of the Pythagoreans contributed. Considering that “everything is the number”, Pythagoras, obviously, robbed the whiskers, so that the worlds of the celestial spheres were tied up with singing mathematical expressions. The Pythagoreans also showed that the harmonic sound series is also characterized by singing mathematical expressions. It was hardening, the skin celestial sphere saw a special sound. These sounds, through the presence between the spheres of conjurations, create the music, the harmony of which has been perfected. It seems that Pythagoras is almost a little music of the spheres.

Development of geocentrism

Vіdmova vіd geocentrism

In the course of the scientific revolution of the 17th century, it became clear that geocentrism was insane with astronomical facts and superimposed on physical theory; step by step, the heliocentric system of light was established. The main podia, which were brought to the top of the geocentric system, were the creation of the heliocentric theory of planetary collapse by Copernicus, the telescopic view of Galileo, the creation of Kepler's laws, the smut, the creation of classical mechanics and the creation of the law of all-world gravity by Newton.

Geocentrism and religion

Already one of the first ideas, opposed to geocentrism (the heliocentric hypothesis of Aristarchus of Samos) caused a reaction from the side of representatives of religious philosophy: the stoic Cleanthes, calling out to get Aristarchus to trial for those who are in trouble with the world, “the center of the Earth; it is unbelievable, vtim, that the efforts of Cleanthes were crowned with success. In Serednyovichchi, the oscar of the Christian church, which created the world of God for the sake of the people (div. Anthropocentrism), geocentrism also successfully adapted to Christianity. Whom was also taken literally by reading the Bible. The scientific revolution of the 17th century was accompanied by trials of the administrative fence of the heliocentric system, which led, zokrema, to a court trial over the hemocentric propagandist Galileo Galilei. In this hour, geocentrism, like a religious faith, is spreading among some conservative Protestant groups in the United States.


Div. also


  • T. L. Heath, "Aristarchus of Samos, ancient Copernicus: history of Greek astronomy to Aristarchus", Oxford, Clarendon, 1913; reprinted New York, Dover, 1981.

The people were joking and continuing to shukati in search of food for their journey and the needy world.

A long time ago rozuminnya svetobudovi

For a long time, civilizations were known to be small and superficial. The thought of those who were created by the supranatural force as representatives of the mind spiraled in the mind of nature. All the old mythology carried in your own hands the blessing of the Gods in the development of the life of civilization. Through the wisdom of knowing about the processes of nature, a person has secured the creation of everything that exists to God, the Greater mind, spirits.

Years, the knowledge of the people "lifted the curtain" of the attached rozuminnya about the natural nature. Zavdyaks to the famous vchenim and philosophers of different epochs, the understanding of the whole dovkol became more sensible and less hibny. With the help of riches, religion chimed in, she pinned disingenuousness. Everything that did not fit the minds of “the creation of the world and people” was victorious, and the philosophers and followers of nature were physically used to science by others.

arrange the world

In the opinion of the Catholic Church, the Earth was the center of the world. The very same hypothesis hanging from another century before our time, Aristotle. Tsya system I will arrange the world took away the name geocentric (like the ancient Greek word Γῆ, Γαῖα - Earth). In the thought of Aristotle, the Earth was a sack in the center of the All-world.

Another thought made me think that the Earth was a cone. Anaximander realized that the Earth has the shape of a low cylinder with a height that is less than the diameter of the base. Anaximenes, Anaxagoras vowed the flat Earth, that they would guess the top of the table.

In the early period, it was important that the planet was resting on the majestic mythical nature, on the tortoise's kshtalt.

Pythagoras and the spherical shape of the Earth

During the hours of Pythagoras, the main thought emerged that our planet is a spherical body. But the success of his mass did not support this idea. The people were unreasonable, with some rank they are on the cool and do not join and do not fall from it. Krim tsgogo, it was unreasonable, like the Earth was lifted in space. There was a large amount of allowance hanging. The deyakі vvozdal that the planet was hindered by the crushed winds, others thought that it was lying in the ocean. It was based on the hypothesis that the Earth, being the center of the world, is stationary and does not need any support.

The Epoch of Revival of bagat on the bottom

In a century, the system will arrange the world on the cob 16th century recognized a serious review. A great number of philosophers and vchenih of that hour vdkryto tried to bring the hobnosti of people's manifestations about their place in the All-World that nature is navkolo. Among them were such great minds as Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Mykola Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci.

Difficult and thorny, the path of becoming the truth and accepting the support of what the other system will arrange the world. The 16th century became the point of reference for the battle for a new light-gazer of the bright minds of the deep minds of people at that hour. The bed of the flooring of a complete change of roaming suspіlstva krilas at the imposed religion of a single roaming nature of all, which is not enough of a divine and supranatural character.

The Roman Inquisition nega- tively stole the thoughtlessness of the courts.

Copernicus - the founder of the first scientific revolution

Back before the Epoch of Resurrection, in the third century before ours, Aristarchus admitted that I could arrange the world in another system.

Copernicus in his practice "About the Wrapping of the Heavenly Spheres" added that the old understanding about those that the Earth is the center of the world and the Sun wraps around it is fundamentally wrong.

This book, seen in 1543, tried to prove to heliocentrism that it can be on the verge of understanding that our Earth is wrapped around the Sun of the world. Vіn having developed the theory of the rotation of the planets on the cob of the Pythagorean principle of equal circular rotations.

Pratsya Mykoli Copernicus was available to philosophers and pastors for a certain hour. The Catholic Church realized that the practice of the learned man was seriously boosting his authority and recognized the practice of the learned man as heretic and such as to slander the truth. In 1616, roci yogo praci was lit and burned.

The great genius of his time - Leonardo da Vinci

Forty years before Copernicus, the second brilliant mind of the Age of Resurrection - Leonardo da Vinci, at the right time, tried to draw, de bulo clearly shows that the Earth is not the center of the world.

The system I will arrange the world of Leonardo da Vinci is small in its wake from some drawings of little ones that have reached us. Vіn robiv notes on the margins of the sketches, among those squealing that the Earth, like that other planet of our Sonyach system, wraps around the Sun. Brilliant philosopher, artist, wine-maker and visions of deep understanding of the essence of speeches, anticipating their hour of a hundred years.

Leonardo da Vinci, with his efforts, brought in the understanding that I use another system to arrange the world. The 16th century turned out to be a folding period of struggle between the roaming of the light of day between great minds and the tired thought of prosperity at that hour.

The struggle of two systems will arrange the world

The system I will arrange the light on the cob of the 16th century was looked at by vchenimi at that hour at two straight lines. At the same hour, the opposition of two types of light-gazer was formed - geocentric and heliocentric. And less than a hundred years later, the heliocentric system began to remake the world. Copernicus, becoming the founder of a new rozuminnya in vchenih stakes.

Yogo Pratsya "About the Wrapping of the Heavenly Spheres" appeared unclaimed for fifty years. Suspіlstvo at that moment was not ready to accept its “new” mission at the All-World, to take a position as the center of the world. Just like the 16th century, the heliocentric system will arrange the world of Bruno, founded on the practice of Copernicus, and anew rose up the great minds of society.

Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno, speaking against the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic system, I will arrange the world, which panuvala in the yogo period, opposing the Copernican system. Vіn її expanding, having created philosophical visnovki, on such deakі facts, as if they were recognized by science without any references. Vіn stverdzhuvav, scho zіrki - tse distant Sun, and about those who have the All-World є faceless cosmic bodies, similar to our Sun.

In 1592, a number of vins of arrests near Venice were transferred to the Roman Inquisition.

After a year of seven fates, the Roman Church longed for Bruno to call the “infidels” perekonan. Pіslya vіdmovi vіn buv spalleniya on bugatti like a heretic. Giordano Bruno paid dearly for his fate in the struggle for the heliocentric system of the world. Future generations appreciated the sacrifice of the great saint, in 1889 a monument was erected on the main stratum in Rome.

Future civilizations are shaped by її intellect

With a stretch of a thousand accumulations of people, to prove that knowledge is taken away as close as possible to the lowest level of knowledge. But there are no guarantees for those who stink to be reliable tomorrow.

As practice shows, the expansion of our understanding of the light of life and our thoughts on the thought of those that, otherwise, we imagined earlier.

Another key problem, how to go through the crisis of a thousand years, is the process of the creation of information (like before the Roman Church in its hour) for the growth of people in the "necessary" straight. Spodіvatimemosya, that the right intelligence of human nature will overcome, and give the opportunity to follow the civilization with a true path of development.

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