What is a church? Church What is a Christian church

Church It is the conscience of people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ the Sin of God, revived by Him and the Holy Spirit, born in love and fed by the uninterrupted work of the Holy Spirit, which reach perfection.

Created in the image and likeness of the Creator, the person is recognized to the fullness of divine interpretation, to life with God - with Christ and with the Holy Spirit. At whom the Poles call out to people: reach deification, reach holiness, having eaten in your own created nature with the uncreated energies of the Logos. The right to reach God is only possible in the Church of Christ, and to that, having respected St. Maxim the Spovidnik, the only meta of spiritual life is poured into the Church by the instilled people, at the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Etymology of the word "church"

The word "church" is similar to understand call out, pick up(Greek εκκλησία, Hebrew kahal). The word εκκλησία in classical Greek writers means " correctly sklikane (against the self-willed and the ungodly stingy people) choose the right to enjoy the rights In church-slovak language, the word "church" in its first meanings can also be pick:

  • "Let's call on Your name, my brother, in the midst of the Church I sing to You" - I will tell your name to my brothers, in the midst of national gatherings I will fall asleep to you(Ps. 21, 23);
  • "I hate the church of the wicked, and I will not sit with the wicked" - hate me, choose the wicked, and together with the ungodly I will not sit down(Ps. 25:5);
  • "praising Yogo in the Church of similar ones" - praise to Youmu in the collections of saints(Ps. 149, 1);
  • "Take people, consecrate the church, wrap the elders" - call the people, sanctify the gathering, wrap the elders(Joel. 2, 16);
  • "But do not listen to them, come to the church" - if you don’t listen to vin їх (two or three witnesses), tell the collections(Matthew 18:17);

Nini Greek ("εκκλησια"), more Romance (Latin "ecclesia"; French "église"; Italian "chiesa"; Spanish "iglesia"), Albanian ("kisha" - through Italian) and others tse word that yogo pokhіdni.

A number of other broader names for the Church look like Greek and Latin words, which signified good wakefulness, in which Christians were chosen. Among them:

to kiriakon(Greek) - "Dim of the Lord". With the word the Greeks called the church like a budіvlyu, de zbirayutsya vіruyuchi, a temple. This word was adopted by more of the words of the Yan (Slav. "tsr'kv", "tsrk"; Rus. "Church") and German (Nim. "Kirche"; English "church"; Swedish, Finnish, est. ta in." Kirka") mov.

basilike(Greek)/ basilica(Lat.) - "Royal dim". Take over by the Romans from the Greeks, the whole word meant us in front of the future tribunal, and then head square place. Zgodom the name bula was assigned to temples. Looks like Romanian "biserică".

castellum(Lat.) - "Small fortress". Looks like a police "church".

“I’m sure that the Church of Christ is the light of embellishments and the whole person herself, in what, as it seems, God is alive and walking ... We know that she is called the body of Christ and named ... For as Christ is the head of the Church and God, so Vin Himself becomes a temple for her, like, at her own side, and the Church itself became the temple of Yogo and the world is beautiful ... The Church is the Body of Christ and was named Christ and the light of the Lord and the temple of God, and all the saints became members of the body of Yogo. ..".

Blzh. Theodoret, speaking about the equalization of the Church with the body: "It's worthy to repeat the vchennya about love."

Similar to the body of a person, which is composed of a wealth of organs, the work of which is coordinated by the central nervous system, and in greater vipadkіv - head brain, the Church is also composed of impersonal members, like a single division - the Lord Jesus Christ, without which it is impossible to allow the foundation of the Church for the day of death.

Church life itself is rich in what is similar to organic life.

First for everything, the organism is whole; the main power of the body is the unity of life. the members of the organism are not separated at once, but after all the mighty zusils help them, they are necessary for the strengthening of life.

The body does not tolerate foreign elements in oneself and allows its external, mechanical increment. The organism allows only organically absorbing from itself more foreign elements, so that the stench transforms into similar ones. […]

From time to time, every organism inevitably knows the change of its own natural look, but the change is powerful not to the very essence of the body and not to the specialness of the person, but only to the phenomenon. As far as the inner essence of a person and the laws of life, the stench is invariable at all times, at all hours of the life of a person ... The life of the Church is an analogy of natural organic life.

We believe, as if we partake of the same Chalice, partake of the same Body of Christ, and we ourselves become one with Christ.

"All the saints are truly the members of Christ, above the mustache of God, and, as it is said, the goiter is bound in the New and attached to the Yogo body, sob Vіn buv їkh Head, and the saints vіd vіku i vіku. rest of the day became members of Yogo, so that someone became a single body of Christ, like one person ... "

The Church is the foundation of the Bogolyudsky life. In the earthly aspect, there is the consummation of all, straightened to God in love, as if to pray desecration, and to that "The Church is the divine people in the form of the God-man of Jesus Christ", God-man's organism. However, it is necessary to be sure that one understands "Tіlo" cannot "accommodate in oneself all the fullness of knowledge about the Church, cannot be adequate."

History of the Church

On the basis of everything that has been said above, one can try to identify the truth of the Church.

The Apostle Pavlo also wrote about the unity of the Church: "... richly we build up one body in Christ" (Rom. 12:5); "... all were baptized with one Spirit in one body" (1 Cor. 12:13); "One body and one spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all..." (Eph. 4:4-6).

The unity of the Church is greater, lower, less kіlkіsna єdnіst, tse we are ahead of the yakіsna characteristic. Substantiating the internal unity of the Church are those who "are out with one spiritual body, bear one Head of Christ and are animated by one Spirit of God."

The unity of God is a stand for the unity of the Church. "The Church of the Church is vibrant -free, Bo Church is not a nonsense in the їkhniy individual oramosti, ale єdnost of the godly blessed, alive in the nonsense of the roseman creatin, and the blessings of the Church are not used, not Alegichna as the unity of the number of members of the body to the living."

The life of those who believe in the Church is ours before the mystical life of Christ, in unity and unity with the common people, with the common creations, with the angelic world. To the one who has broken up with the Church, they try to divide Christ, which is impossible (“Was Christ divided?” (1 Cor. 1, 13), and as a result, they do not subdue the Church, but fall into it.

The same church life is manifested by the Viugami Totopolny, in the sorrome, inconspicuously vid of calling, you can not be botya: Samikhniki, I am the same time, I am the Church of the Church. The unity of the Church manifests itself in the world before us as "the unity of faith and the unity of life and orders, which the stars cry out, all at once with the uninterrupted apostolic decline of the hierarchy." In such a rank, the inner quality of the name is revealed.

The dogma about the unity of the Church cannot be superseded by a number of Pomіsnyh Orthodox Churches. Mustache of the Church, a part of the United Ecumenical Church, about to celebrate the unity of faith. The Leather Pomіsna Church has its Primate, the Ecumenical Well - the one Head of Christ, and the one body of Christ. At the skin of the Pomіsnіy Church, in the skin of the parish, that well-taken Eucharistic community, there is a single Sacrament of the offering of the Body and Blood of the Lord, and the Eucharist splkuvannya є virnoy zaruka єkhnosti svіr. Being united in its entirety, the Church was deprived of its inner-universal legacy; ".

Podіl Church on the earthly and heavenly, so there is no place. The Heavenly Church is taking an active part in the life of the earthly Church; The Eucharistic splurge may not only be with the brothers who live on earth, ale and with the saints, and with us died in the world, about which to celebrate their remembrance at the Liturgy, i, zokrema, pіd hour of anaphori. Angels also sing the Eucharist: "Nine powers of heaven serve us invisibly," the Church sings in one of the Cherubic Songs. And that "there is no visible and invisible Church, earthly and heavenly, but there is only one Church of God in Christ, as in all of its unity it is in the skin of the mystical church with її Єvcharisticheskim zіbrannyam".

In this order, the unity of the Church is absolute.

"Wanting the Church to be roamed throughout the whole world to the end of the earth, but in the wake of the apostles and scholars they adopted the faith in the one God... Having accepted such a sermon and such a faith, the Church, as we said, even though it is rozsiya throughout the world, diligently takes care of the bag in one booth; however, in vіruє tsomu, nіbі vayut one soul and one heart, and zgіdno preach about tse, read and transmit, nіbі vaichi one mouth".

"The Right Church, right a long time ago, is one... As there is one God and one Lord, so the right Church manifests itself into the image of the One Cob. Otzhe, the One Church, like lies are slandered by roses on the rich, like the unity of the nature of the One. We call the old catholic Church one for її suttya, for understanding about it, for її cob and perevago".

"The unity of the Church is necessary for the unity of God, for the Church is not impersonal in its special surroundings, but the unity of God's grace, that I live in the impersonality of intelligent creatures, that grace is supported" .

Holiness of the Church

The holiness of the Church must be exclaimed in understanding about her as the Body of Christ. Tsya dominion is immediately obvious: how could the Body of Christ not be holy? Holiness of the Church є holiness її Head - Christ. The Son of God for this and sparing himself to death, "to sanctify її [Church], having cleansed the lazne with water through the word, to present її Yourself as a glorious Church, which does not swear, chi vice, chigos like that, but vain was holy and immaculate "(Eph. 5, 26-27). The Holy of Holy of Honor of the General of God, the Power of God, є "The very Iista of the Church, is able to say, the puzzle і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і ІО є, the power of power, the power of the power, yak bіliy ili kolina І life in Bozі, deification, є holiness, the posture of such an attitude is not present in the Church for spiritual gifts.

The Church is holy to the holiness of God. Vaughn was sanctified, "having become a partaker of Christ and a partaker of the divine nature through the conjunction of the Holy Spirit, Yakim and vidbiti mi" on the day of permission "(Eph. 4, 30), having washed herself in all kinds of filth and resounding in all kinds of uncleanness."

In the writings of the Apostles, Christians are often referred to as "all saints" (2 Cor. 1:9; Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1:4:21; Cl. 1:2 and in.). Tsezovsim does not mean that all Christians led a morally hopeless life. It is enough to point the butt of a bloodsucker from the Corinthian mass, or guess the words of ap. Paul: "Everyone is so wrong," - de Apostle does not see himself with other sinners. The skin of a person can reach holiness, as it is given to the Church, and they reach it, as if they are alive to church life. "Mustache saints (at the present day's comprehension of the word) resemble sinners, and from this rule there are no blames. The grace of holiness in the Church did not break and did not cling to the end of the century. interrupted by the Church".

At the church there is a boundary, having crossed a yak, a sinner is declared dead, as a gilk is seen in the vine. It is more important that it is considered as a result of dogmatic tricks, and also canonical (zocrema, moral) ones, on the apostle’s commandment: “remove the wicked s-help you” (1 Cor. 5, 13).

Collectivity of the Church

The name of the Church is "catholic", which is used in the Symbols of Veri, it is a translation of the Greek word "catholic". The whole word of the school theologian was often taken for granted by the understanding of all-luminosity. According to the "Simple Christian Catechism", the Church is called conciliar or catholic to that which "will not be separated by the same place, not by the hour, not by the people, but to take revenge on one's own truly believing people, hours and peoples". Similar to the conciliarity of the Church, those deacons have seen the course of Dogmatic theology, as if they call the Church "cathedral, catholic, all-worldly." Prote, omniscience at the sensuality of the expansion of the Church at the expanses of the hour ("until the end of the century"), and sobornost - one and the same; These two understandings are clearly distinguished by a modern Orthodox theologian. Collectivity, as the essence of authority, can be attached not only to the Church as a whole, but to the skin of the її parts - Eucharistic communities, and it is quite obvious that such an omnipresence cannot be understood. St. Maxim the Spovidnik, instructing those who want to take communion with the heretics, saying: "To bring the whole world to communion with you, I alone did not partake of b", - in such a rite, "wine" to the "all-world", his conciliarism," says V. N. Losky. That "needs to be smarter in the light of a simple distinction to understand the "cathedral" and the "incendiary". "Christian zagalnist", actual zagalnist and potential universalism is a trace of conciliarity. tse nothing else, like її zvnіshnє, material expression.

Greek understand katolike adopted zі slіv kata i olon ("according to everything"). The Church of Christ is the "Church according to everything, or according to the unity of all believers, the Church of the free one-demonism ... that Church, having prophesied the Old Testament about the same, and as it appeared in the New Testament, in a word - the Church, having designated St. Paul ... Vaughn є Church according to the understanding of all they have unity".

Catholicism - tse "live the Transmission, which is taken forever, everywhere and all", and, zokrema, "the authorities of the Church, the way of knowing the truth, the way, zavdyaki for which the truth becomes valid for the whole Church, - and for the Church as a whole, and for її the smallest parts.

The vchennya about the catholicity of the Church is connected with the dogma about the Most Holy Trinity - the main mystery of the Christian Epiphany. Trinity dogma - "the dogma of the conciliar for the victory, for in the new vede its ear is the catholicity of the Church ... Sobornost is with a happy ear, that we forge the Church with God, which is like a Trinity for Himself, and in support of the powerful divine day the order of life "behind the image of the Trinity Sobornost manifests in the life of the Church the way of life of God, one in three Persons. Skin with the Appearance of the Most Holy Trinity є God and may all the fullness of the Divine essence. Similarly, the Church is catholic both in general and in the skin of its parts. saying to Ignaty the God-bearer: "... de Jesus Christ, there is the catholic Church."

The sense of the term "catholic" is explained by St. Kirilo Yerusalimsky:

"The Church is called a cathedral church, because it is out in the whole universe, from between the earth to between її, which in ignorance and without any omission lays all the blame to the entrance to the storehouse of human dogma, ... that pіdryakovu piety all human rіd .. And that, as everywhere rejoices and heals all kinds of sins, beaten in soul and body, so everything is named with honesty in him, which would not be born: in the right, in words, and in every spiritual gift.

On the basis of this explanation, the doctor of theology, Fr. Lіverіy Ravens rob visnovok:

"The catholicity of the Church is the granted of the granted ven for the same time (unnecessary) Istini, she to the zbergayg, and the away, the adherence for the All -Minor of the Church of the Vosterovanovs, the dwelling of the spiritual. body of Christ." , including all kinds of ryativnoy mіsії in the world".

The catholicity of the Church lies in the fact that in his skin he believes in whatever place and in whatever hour he can take everything necessary for salvation.

Apostleship of the Church

The Church of Christ is apostolic for its recognition, for its internal arrangements.

Son of God, sending messages to the Holy Father, sending that sermon to the Holy Fathers for service, calling them apostles - messengers. Tsya mission, placed on the first teachings of the Savior, stretching out the last centuries of the Church, as if called to bring the world to Christ. Therefore, the Church is called apostolic to us in front of the method of its butt.

On the back of the Church bula zoseredzhena on the person of the holy apostles. That "a small flock of the teachings of the Lord laid down the first Church on the earth, the first grain, from which a great tree sprang up, which can cover and covered the whole earth with its thorns." The apostles were the first to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and everywhere they preached the call about the Holy Resurrection, founding the churches of the peace, who believed. From the book Diy we know about the foundation already in the apostolic hour of the Church of Rusalim (Dії 2, 22, Dії 4, 4), Antioch (Dії 11, 26), Corinthian (Dії 18, 1, 8), Ephesian (Dії) 19, 1 , Dії 20, 17) that іn, yakі became mothers for the consecration of the late monastic churches. Therefore, the whole Church, for the vchennyami of the Holy Letter, was confirmed "on the stand of the Apostles" (Eph. 2:20).

The Church adopted the form of the apostles, the clergy, the rules of that standard of life. The Church is also responsible for saving the gift of grace of the Holy Spirit, taken away by the Church in the person of the apostles on the day of Pentecost. The inheritance of these gifts is passed on through the laying on of hands, through the decline of the hierarchy. The priestly service was established in the Church by the Lord Himself: "He [Christ] appointed some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as shepherds and teachers, for the building of the saints, for the service, for the creation of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4, 11-12).

The Church is stubbornly guarding that the thread of hierarchical decline, as it was known to the apostles themselves, was not interrupted in any way. St. Irenaeus of Lyons write: "Whoever wants to know the truth, that be-yakіy church can send an apostolic rebuke, consecrated in the world; and we can name quiet, which the apostles have appointed to the churches as bishops, and advocates for them to bring before us..."

In the heretical schismatic sects a thread of this decadence has been squandered, so this choice cannot be called the Church.

"Let them show [the priests] the beginning of their churches, and vote a number of their bishops, who had continued with such a decline, the first bishop of them was his guilty one, either as an apostle of some of the apostles, or of the apostles, as if they were apostles for a long time."

The posture of apostolic decline is not true of the true Church. The intercessors of the apostles at all times shy away the very ones that the apostles repaired in their hour. Advisers, for the affirmations of St. Simeon the New Theologian, "equal to the apostles and they themselves are apostles." Those who see them, see Jesus Christ and God the Father. Behind the words of Rev. Simeon, "no one comes to believe in the Holy Trinity of the One Essence, as if he were not a teacher of the teachings of faith, and no one is christened without a priest and does not become a partaker of the Divine Mysteries. . Otzhe, "your Church can have a yak, being budded by the apostles, it will sprout until this day."

The Church's Necessity for Salvation

Having looked at what the Church is like in its essence and what are the main powers of authority, beastly respect for the legacy that screams from the deposited. Tsim naslіdkom will be firm, hung firmly and rіshuche St. Cyprian of Carthage: "the posture of the Church is no salvation (salus extra ecclesiam non est). The one who is resurrected by the Church, - to say the Holy God. Mіg bi so vryatuvatisya.

We come to the Church, as if we were talking about eternal life, full of love. God is a perfect Love, as he grants Himself to us at the Eucharist. The Eucharist is only known in the Church as the body of Christ, and after it it is impossible. The body of Christ is left alone, and the test of tearing yoga, having been resurrected, is doomed to bad luck. The Holy Fathers conceived the Church for this as the only place of salvation: “it seems that the skin, who is saved, rages in the Church” (Blessed John of Stridonsky); "no one can reach salvation and eternal life, except for the one who has the head of Christ; and the mother of the head of Christ can be deprived of the one who is resting in Yogo tili, like the Church" (Blessed Augustine of Japan);

Those who are cremated in the Church, sin against love and walk the path of death. Everyday deeds, no purity of life, no value, no fasting, no martyrdom, the Church does not swear, more the head commandment is broken - about love. How quiet people are, as if the pose of the Church is lost not through the resurrection, but at the time of the time of its people, or through the vihovennia, honing of national traditions, the Church does not unfailingly reverence for their death. If the pagans "create by natural law" (Rom. 2:14), then the Lord does not deprive them of them. It is impossible for him to categorically say an excuse about a distant share; judgment and pissing about them we lay the blame on the God of Mercy. All the same, those who, having believed, goitred, succumbed to the Church, seem to be joking about a good life - self-giving in "crazy love" to God.


An excerpt from a lecture by professor of the Moscow Theological Academy A. Osipov "Who is a Christian and what is a Church?"


  • St. Ilarion (Trinity). Draw a dogma about the Church from History, Orthodox Palomnik, M. 1997.
  • Prot. G. Florovsky. Christ and Yogo Church

The word “church” in my Greek sounds like “ecclesia”, which in translation means “pick”. On the back of the church, a congregation of Christian people, in fact, were Christians themselves, were huddled under the church.

In the New Testament, the church is also called the temple of the Holy Spirit, oskelki, zgidno Christian faith, all believe in Christ, with Yogo Rest in peace Victim on the cross for the sins of the world, make at your heart the Holy Spirit, whose presence helps people live in the spirit of God's Will, to win the commandments of Jesus Christ. The apostles at their heads call us people, as if they lie before the church, so that they believe in Christ and mourn the Holy Spirit at the heart, we will convert, saints, brothers.

In this order, the church is a mass of people who unite in one faith. The essence of tsієї vіri was placed at the prayer “Symbol of vіri” (it should be directed at the supplement).

The Bible speaks about the Church: “Father, you are not strangers and not bulging: ale spіvgromadyans are holy and your own to God, fixed on the support of the Apostles and prophets, lightening Jesus Christ Himself with an outer stone, on which all life, folding a string, growing at the Lord’s holy temple , on whom and you rule in the donkey of God by the Spirit "

(Eph. 2:19-22).

It’s good for Christians, it’s important that there is only one church in the world. Vaughn is called universal. On earth, the church is represented by various denominations, which, in their own circle, are composed of hospitable communities, which are also called churches.

So, there are three main denominations denominations, which are called Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches. The skin denomination is represented by small churches, roztashovannymi in different countries and places.

The creme of the eye-witness is below, they separate the visible and invisible church. The church is visible - this is the one that people should be able to see. The name "invisible church" refers to those that people can't always resurrect a truly believing person like a nominal Christian. On the right, in the fact that for the ovnishnіshnіshnіm vykonannyam church rules that rites can hovati znevіra. They often spoke about it like Jesus Christ, so the apostles (about it are mentioned in the books of the New Testament), saying that in the Christian midst there are many who lead to be like Christians, if not be so true and be judged by the Gods at the future judgment. And all the same, the church is one, only for people it is not visible to everyone.

I order the Christian wedding to all Christians to take part in the activity of the pomisny church, in view of the choice for worshiping God, sharing the church, as well as the church discipline and sharing the service of the church at the commemoration of God.

The Law of God says: “The Church is the name of the marriage of all Orthodox Christians, who live and die, who are united by faith and love of Christ, hierarchs and holy rites. A Kozhen okremo Orthodox Christian is called a member, a part of the Church.

Therefore, if we say that we believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, then under the Church all people will come to mind, as if they profess one and the same Orthodox faith, and not the same one, where we go to pray to God, and as it is called the temple of God ".

“They also eagerly accepted the word of Yogo (Apostle Peter) were baptized, and that day there came close to three thousand souls. And the stinks were fasting at the vchenni of the Apostles, at the splintering of that broken bread and in prayers ... All the same, they were believing at once and small all the sleep.

I sold maєtki and all sorts of power, and shared with everyone, marveling at the needs of the skin. The first skin day they went to temples in one flock and, breaking bread according to the houses, they took the hedgehog from the cheerfulness and simplicity of the heart, praising God and changing in love with the whole people. The Lord, however, has reported quietly to those who rush to the Church.”

(Dii 2: 42, 44, 46, 47).

And more: “The Church of Christ is one, for that which has one spiritual body, may one split Christ, and be animated by one Spirit of God. There is only one method - to consecrate people, one and the same Divine vchennya, one and the same rites yourself.

Orthodox church

Russia has the largest confession - the Orthodox Church. In Russia, the church is often called not a group of people, the Orthodox church itself is a place of worship, for which divine services are held. It is important that there is a special grace there, that the beginnings of the service of special people - hanging clergy, are manifested, as they conduct worship.

In addition, an Orthodox church is called the house of God, admitting that God is present in the new, and the house of prayer, which is the biblical name for the temple in Jerusalem, which is the main recognition.

Orthodox churches often have such a rank, so that near the plan, the stench would make a ship, ringing the cross. First, it symbolizes that the temple is a ship, on which you can twist the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, the ring symbolizes eternity, and the cross - resurrection.

Domes rise above the temple, which reflect the sky and are similar to candles, which direct towards the sky. The domes are crowned with heads, where the crosses are installed. The crosses mean that Jesus Christ is glorified here, crossed on the cross and resurrected.

Above the entrance to the Orthodox church, there will be a link. Behind the sound of the ringing, believing at the singing hour, they go to worship, prayer. Dzvin also speaks about the most important parts of the services placed in the middle of the church.

The ringing of church bells is two kinds. The first one is called Blagovist, they are called to believers in worship before the church. The back of the head is properly beaten 3 times at the great dzvin, then we will go part of the peace strike. Blagovist is louder (partial), which vibrates with the largest ringing, and sings (redkіsnim), which vibrates with a smaller ringing. Happy New Year's Eve at the seven days of Great Lent.

“Don’t you know what is the temple of God, and does the Spirit of God live with you?”

(1 Cor. 3:16).

Another type of ringing is called so - "dzvin". Vіn pass through all the clear bells. The ringing is divided into a chime (triples are repeated), double ringing (the doubles are repeated), front ringing (a few times are repeated) and sorting out (more handwriting strikes the leather ring, starting from a small one, then a blow to all the rings in a row; so it is repeated a lot of times). Ganok or maidanchik at the entrance to the temple is called the porch.

The middle temple is divided into three parts (behind the butt of the Old Testament Jerusalem temple): a vestibule, a middle part, a vіvtar.

To raise an alarm, victorious full (nabatny) ringing, which is raised even by partial blows to the ringing.

The narthex in ancient times was a destination for people who are getting ready for baptism and repent. Ninі here call to sell candles, icons, prosphora toscho.

At the middle part of the temple there are people who pray, and in the part, called vvtar, the clergy perform worship.

Budіvlyu churches buduyut so, schob vіvtar obov'yazkovo buv zvіdneniya skhіd, shards in the bіblії it is written, scho immediately came ryatunok. In addition, from the very beginning, the vrants will come sleepy lightly, bringing warmth to life.

The saint has a holy throne, which is respected by the highest place at the Orthodox church. Here the sacrament of Holy Communion is introduced. The altar is dedicated to the mystical presence of Jesus Christ Himself. Only clergymen can hang around or kiss yoga.

On the throne there are also the Gospels, the cross, the antimension, the crypt and the monstrance.

Antimens - a piece of shovka, which depicts the encampment of Jesus Christ near the thorns. A new one may have sewn up parts of the relics of a saint. Tse fight for the honor of the one who in the first century of Christianity liturgy (communion) was celebrated on the graves of the martyrs for the faith. Liturgy cannot be held at an Orthodox church without an antimension.

During the hours of the Old Testament, believing in the true God, the Jews worshiped Yom in the single temple of Jerusalem. This temple was formed from three parts - the courtyard, the sanctuary that holy of holies. There was an altar at the door, on whom the sacrificial creatures spat. At the sanctuary only priests and leftists were allowed to help them. Here they smoked arable land, the priests performed rituals. The holy saints knew the ark of the Covenant of God, which, in fact, was a symbol of God's presence. One high priest would enter here at once on the river, to sprinkle the roof of the ark with the blood of the creature, sacrificed for the sins of the whole people.

A small shrine is called a crypt, in which the Holy Gifts are saved for communion of the sick. Sometimes the crypt is shying away from looking at the screen, which guesses the church behind the form.

The monstrance is a small skrinka, as a priest to wear the Holy Gifts, if you see sickness and communion.

Behind the throne there is a seven candlestick (a candlestick made of lamps) and an altar cross. The icons of the most recent Orthodox saints and apostles, Sergius of Radonezkiy, Seraphim of Sarov, Andrew the First-Called, and the apostles Peter and Paul, are also rotting at the vіvtarі. Here, the obov'yazkovo is to blame for the presence of the icons of the saints, whose name is to wear the temple, as well as the icon of the Holy Trinity.

The pulpit symbolizes the stone of the Holy Sepulcher, which was sent by the angels and which was previously sent to the Good News (Gospel) about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Vіvtar vіd middle part of the temple vіdokremlyuіє sіna, which is composed of icons and is called the iconostasis. Here, a sprig of rows of icons and three sconces are placed. The gate, which is located in the middle, is called the Tsar's gate, it is not possible for anyone to pass through it, except for the clergy. The iconostasis is a symbol of the heavenly Church. All the main plots of the gospel are depicted here.

Uzdovzh ikonostasu ide salt - a small day, at which Orthodox Christians take communion. The middle part, where the trochs stand out as a pivkol, is called a pulpit, or similar. On every month the deacon reads the Gospels, prays, and the priest reads sermons.

Along the edges of the salt, sleepers and chits melt. This month is called kliros. Banners were placed beside them - banners from the images of Christ, as if they were to blame from the temple for the hour of hell's walks and carry them in front of the process.

In front of the vvtar in the middle of the church there is a lectern, which is a high stand, on which icons and church books are placed, for example, the Gospel, at the hour of the evening service. The icon on the analogy is changed in the fallow in the form of a saint.

On the walls of the temple, icons of various saints were stashed. In the middle of the dome, as a rule, Pankrator is depicted - the Lord Almighty.

The order of church services

At the Orthodox Church, all divine services are divided into three stakes: after-colour, after-taste.

Dobove kolo liturgy

Before the new services come in, yakі v_dbuvayutsya protyazh doby. To such services lie:

- Vechirnya (to pass the evenings with the remembrance of the tribute to God for the last day);

- Vechir (to pass before the present night with readings of prayers for forgiveness of sins and peace for the body and soul for a future dream);

- opivnochі (to pass opіvnіchі z readings of the prayers of Jesus Christ, as if washing the wine at the Garden of Gethsemane in the night before the capture of the varta;

- matins (to pass the lie, before the descent of the sun from the pіdnesennyam podnyas for the past nothing that prohannya about the blessing of the coming day);

- the first year (to pass about the 7th year of the morning with prayers for the day, which is already here);

- the third year (to pass about the 9th year of the wound with the help of the sign of the Holy Spirit on the apostles);

- the last year (to pass on the 12th year of the day on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ);

- the ninth year (to pass about the 3rd year of the day, on it the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is predicted);

- Divine Liturgy (to pass the vows, before lunch. This service is for the most important services of the whole day. On it, the whole earthly life of Jesus Christ is celebrated and the sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated).

At this time, all services for the sake of clarity are united in three groups, so that there are three services:

- vechirnє (nine years, vechirnya that vechirnі);

- ranking (midnight office, early that first year);

- day (third of that year, liturgy).

On the eve of the week-long days of that great holy day at the evening liturgy, the evening is celebrated, that first year is early. Such a service is called a full service.

Tizhnev Colo of Divine Services

The whole set includes services that go through the stretch of the day. At the Orthodox Church, this day of consecrations is the name of the saints:

- a week - the blessing of that glorification of the Resurrection of Christ;

- Monday - the glorification of the Angels;

- second - the glorification of St. John the Baptist;

- Wednesday - for the sake of the Lord Juda, that service to the riddle about the Cross of the Lord;

- four - the glorification of the holy apostles, as well as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;

- Friday (Sunday) - the hellish suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the service for the honor of the Cross of the Lord;

- Saturday (day of peace) - glorification Mother of God, forefathers, prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, righteous and all saints, as well as words about all the late Orthodox Christians.

River Colo of Divine Services

To which stake enter the divine services, as if they were stretching out the end of the rock. In the Orthodox tradition today, the memory of a saint, holy to fasting, is consecrated.

The greatest saint among Christians is the Light of Christ, Resurrection, or Great Day. Її day is calculated for monthly calendar- the first weekly day after spring monday (on one week from 4 April to 8 May).

– Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem (Verbna week) – is calculated for the week before Great Day;

- Ascension - is celebrated on the 40th day after Great Day;

- Trinity - is due on the 50th day after Great Day;

In addition, it is sacred to the honor of the great saints and those angels. At the link with the cim, the holy podіlyayutsya on the Lord, the Mother of God, and the saints.

As can be seen from the dates of the sanctification of the twelve saints, the stench is poured on the unruly and the rotten. Unruly holy to pass a short time on those same days, and rukhlivy can be on those same days of tyzhnya, but on different days of the month.

It is also holy to fight for the urochist at the great, middle and small. For the great saints, foretell all the chuvanya.



(Greek kyriakon - dim of the Lord)

In the course of the history of the Christian church, it has experienced podіl, the result of which has become a rich church within the framework of the splіgіgіynoї. In 1054, the Nestorians and (the so-called pre-Chalcedonian churches) fell into the void of the skhidnoy (Byzantine) church. becoming a residual podіl skhіdnoї and zahіdnoї (Roman) church. In the period of the Reformation of the XVI century. in Rome, the Protestant churches were cremated, which began the process of establishing the impersonal different Protestant denominations. As a result, we can talk about three main types of churches: skhidnopravoslavne - national, in practice, sovereign, churches, united by the same faiths and the union of the sacraments; Roman Catholic - all-world church, under the jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome; Protestant - the church as a congregation of those who believe in Christ, which belongs to the singing confessional tradition (it is required to designate, which establish and sovereign, national churches, which ideologically rise to the Reformation).

In the epoch of confessionalism, the churches were most familiar with one kind of one, which was evident in the beliefs of religious, liturgical organizations, and, as a result, in mutual sympathy with the “anti-church” and that religion of war. In today's era, if the church, in the wake of secularization, step by step has spent inflows from the suspense, it is mixed up with the satisfaction of the religious needs of the other special features, as well as the protection of Christian values. An indirect result of this was the end of the 20th century. the all-worldly ecumenical movement (div. Ecumenism), which is the closeness of various Christian churches and their resurrection before the non-religious world. A number of theologians and church deacons propagate to please the Christian faith with modern science and culture and adapt church practice to historical minds that have changed (div. Religious Modernism). Conservative church stakes stand out from their side, from one side, against ecumenism, protecting their confession, and from - calling to turn to such a supple structure, in which the church plays the role of the primordial force in the eye of the light-gazer and morality (div. Fundamentalism).

A.I. Kirlezhov

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. Moscow: Dumka. Edited by V. S. Stopina. 2001 .


Marvel at the same "CHURCH" in other dictionaries:

    Cholovik. church, pіvdenniy, zap., novg. place of life for Christian worship, temple, God's temple. We have a church that looks like a prayer booth consecrated to the throne, which is replaced by an antimension in a portable, portable church. The Church is not in decks, but in ... Dahl's Dark Dictionary

    - (church region), churches, pl. churches, churches, churches (churches simple.), wives. 1. Budіvlya, de vіdbuvaєs liturgy. Kam'yana church. Wooden churches. Five-headed church. Tent church. See the church and the club. 2. Christian ... ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    Church- The Church, which can be seen here in the distance, sees the rose in the podia, as if it were waking up for a long time. As if you had dreams, you went to the church, zanurenoy at the temryavu, you have vague prospects in front of you. Mabut, you dosit long time. Great universal dream book

    Don't swear by the church. Augustine the Blessed The church is a hospital for sinners, the lower museum of saints. Ebіgail Van Beren Church, pov'yazuyuchi, granting freedom. Stefan Napersky The church is in the place, de gentlemen, as if they were never in heaven, ... An encyclopedia of aphorisms has been published

    Div... Glossary of synonyms

    Church, temple - budіlja, recognized for worship. Somewhere a temple can be called a part of a civilized life, as it is victorious for worship. If the temple is double-surfaced (from the vvtar on the skin version), then it is customary to say about the tops: the upper temple, ... Catholic Encyclopedia

    Church- Church ♦ Église A community of believers, as if they profess one religion, who have reached the end of significant reconciliations; a sect that has become over-numerous in order to be satisfied with similar ranks. Coexistence without clarification of the term mayzhe zavzhdi ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    The supremacy of those who believe with God; Christian Suspіlstvo ob'єdnіst єdnіstyu vіrovchennya, zvіdsi: Orthodox church, shіdna, kafolіchna (that's true); Roman Catholic; Protestant churches: Evangelical, Anglican, ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

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    CHURCH, qv, pl. і, їй, am, wives. 1. An association of successors to those of other religions, an organization that leads religious life and other cults; religious community. Orthodox c. Catholic Church Protestant churches (eg. ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

  • Church- Religious organization or denomination (Christian Church, Orthodox Church, Catholic Church or Protestant Church; also zastosovuetsya for new religious developments - Church of Scientology or Mormon Church). This word did not win in Islam and Judaism.
  • Orthodoxy church stand out in two ways:
    • The Church, in essence, is the unity of the Holy Spirit in the living, intelligent creations of God, as the viscons of the Evangelia help their lives. Such a church does not blame the fact that they were chosen in faith - of the same mind. Іstotna church was established on the day of Pentecost by Christ, є Yogo “Tіlom”, and you can hardly come to the church before holy baptism.
    • Church-organization, that is the unity of believers, united by common faith, rites and clergy. The church-organization takes care of salvation and the apostolic recession, teaching new members.
For the appointment of Bartholomew Bazanov:

    The word “church” is similar to the Greek word “ekkaleo”, which means “pick, viklikati”. In ancient Athens, “ecclesias” were called mіskі zbori, in which not all the inhabitants of the city took the fate, but only a few. In order to be a participant in these gatherings, to take part in the management of the city, it was necessary to support the singing vimog. In Christianity, on the back of the hand, the Church was wise to call out to the Lord’s blessings, they felt the call of the Lord to salvation and followed this call, and to that they add up “a number of rebukes” (1 Pet. 2, 9). St. Kirilo Yrusalimsky (“Oprylyudni povchannya”, conversation 18) to say that “by the Church, to be called by the callers, or by the collections, it’s obvious to the very speech, the shards of all are called and taken at once.”

    The Lord Jesus Christ did not deprive us of the purpose of the Church. Giving us a revelation about those who are the Church, Vin speaking in images. The butt of the Savior having inherited and apostles, and fathers of the Church. We remake the main biblical images of the Church:

    The image of the grape vine and її bushes (Іv. 15:1-8);

    The image of the shepherd and the line (Jv. 10:1-16);

    The image of the future that will be (Eph. 2:19-22);

    The image of a booth (1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:6);

    An image of a loving union (Eph. 5:32). With this rite, the name of the Church is called "Christ's name" (Eph. 5:23; 2 Cor. 11:2);

    The image of the Church as God's city (Heb. 11:10);

    The image of the Church as the mother of believers (Gal. 4:26).

    The image of the head of the body (Eph. 1:22-23).

    If we are talking about the Church, like about Tilo, then maybe on the ground, that in some kind of earthly sensation the Church is glorified and deified the people of the resurrected Christ and all, like the Church, belongs to her through our fate in the life of this glorified people, this body. Obviously, whose image already deeply penetrates into the essence of the Church, and yet there are moments that terrify us when we look at it to instill a vicarious appointment of the Church in its earthly aspect.

1. The mission of the church.

The third category, given by Paul in the 1st epistle to the Corinthians, 10:32, is the "church of God." The word “church” is a translation of the Greek word “εκκλησία”, as if it consists of two parts: EK (prefix), which means “z” and KALIO, which means “call”. In this order, the word "eklesia" means "calling". There is a victory in Scripture, if there is a story about Israel and about the Christian community of believers, some in heaven, some on earth.

a) Israel - the church (collection) at the desert (Dії 7:38).

b) Saints in heaven (Heb 12:23).

c) Holy on earth (Announcement 1:11).

In these three places of Scripture, the word "church" is victorious in two of its main meanings: the universal church and the local church, it is reasonable that the universal church includes in itself the redemption of all centuries and generations like in heaven, and on earth, single viraz tsgogo.

2. Warehouse of the church.

The Church, as we see it in the New Testament, is built up like the Jews, so the Gentiles. So it is, just as God called out to Israel z-pomіzh narodіv buti Yogo will be encircled by the people and having established Israel buti yogo by the church at the Old Testament, so God itself calls people to Himself from the usіh people today to the New Testament. The Church of the New Testament reveals to us the Body of Christ, which is made up of the Jews and the Gentiles:

  • Christ is the creator (waiver) of His church (Matthew 16:18).
  • The Lord gives people who are being saved to His church (Dij 2:47).
  • Christ is the head of the body of the church (Colossians 2:19).
  • The Church is the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23).
  • Jews and Gentiles, all baptized in one body (1 Corinthians 12:13).
  • And the Jews, and the pagans, became one new people in Christ (Ephesians 2:15-16).
  • І Jews, and Gentiles є spivspadkoєmtsy in one style (Ephesians 3:6).

Freedom of religion in Russia transfers the right to practice skin care, whether it be a religion or work of one's own. Ale, in a be-yak manner, knowledge of special terminology is appropriate and for expanding the ignorant horizons, and for the ruined exclusion of the peculiarities of the native land. It is important to correctly understand why the church is so important, not without reason that at all times it imposed a blow on the various spheres of activity of the state - the economy, politics and culture.

I to people who start Orthodox church life, and to church-going Christians, the mother was aware of the announcement of the missions, where religious rites are carried out, about the history of the vindication of their name, the role of modern society. This knowledge is not for the sake of the soul and the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to correctly interpret the understanding and help to improve the way of participation in the liturgical service and to take away the enemies.

You can often feel the nourishment that makes a temple look like a church or a cathedral. From the look of architecture, main task seems to be the same for everyone. Vaughn prays at the security of the ability of the believers to intervene with the Savior and spiritually close laity. All the budins of God, to bring generous repentance, to ask for the release of sins and the gift of eternal life, to speak to the Lord for everything and to rejoice in his mercies. And about those in which there is a difference between the church and the temple, the cathedral and the chapel, will be told below.

What is a temple

This term is called the architecture of the dispute, inspired to the glory of the Lord and victorious for creation religious rites that worship service. What does the word temple mean? This old Russian “mansion” or “chramina”, which was set up for the recognition of the living quarters of the great rozmirs.

It is important that the chandelier of the splendid budinka became the first Orthodox church, in which the Tajmna Supper was celebrated on the eve of the day, if Jesus Christ buv vіddaniya Yuda, having taken hellish suffering. Here the Savior gave commandments about love and humility to the closest teachings, passing on to the future Christian church and the whole world. Here the first Divine Liturgy or the Eucharist was celebrated - the Sacrament of the instillation of bread and wine at the Body and Blood of Christ.

Tse laid the foundations of an Orthodox church - a specially created place for congregation with the Lord through prayer gatherings and the creation of religious sacraments. The temple is a sacred place with an altar and a vvtar, in which the presence of God is most clearly perceived. Tim, who came here, you can pray, repent of your sins, ask for intercession, and consult with believing one-minded people.

The form of everyday life of the temple is deeply symbolic and may be one of the views:

  • Ship (basilica) - the most recent configuration. Figuratively I speak the thought about those who faith is the ark of the soul of mankind, who blew at eternity with the seething sea of ​​life.
  • The cross is the foundation of the Church, the memory of the crucifixion of Christ, the instrument that saves the human race.
  • Kolo is a symbol of eternity, talking about the inviolability and indestructibility of the foundation of Orthodoxy.
  • Vosmikintseva star - very expensive light of truth on the dark sky of non-government and Oman. Vin tells people about Bethlehem’s star, as it brought the Magi to the month of the people of Jesus’ infidelity.

Zovni temple is crowned with domes with crosses and often link. The internal space of the premises is divided into 3 warehouses:

  • vіvtar, where the throne is known;
  • central part, yak є temple;
  • porch, special pribudova.

On the throne at the vіvtarniy part, the sacrament of communion is celebrated - the Eucharist, bloodless sacrifice. To the entrance, the porch was set up, and to the supplementary inner porch, meals were taken in ancient times. The great temple may be rich in vіvtarіv, for those who arrive between. Today you can celebrate liturgies, sculls in the temples between, and bring all the Eucharist priests.

The leather temple is consecrated to my honor (Holy Trinity, Savior, Mother of God, Holy Great Martyr or patron saint) and bear the same name: Preobrazhensky, St. Michael, etc. but the whole temple is named after the one to whose glory the head throne was consecrated.

Church concept

The word "church", as in translation from Greek means " dim of the Lord", carry a great sense of vanity. The Orthodox tradition has two understandings of what a church is:

  • Religious booth. Tse and Christian temple, and cathedral.
  • Religious organization of a group of people united in confession, in each case - faith in Christ.

Like a cult spore, the church in the vicinity of the temple can have a significantly smaller expansion and more modest internal improvements: up to 3 domes and 1 shepherd, who directs the services. One liturgy per day is served to the single boci, and the throne or the chair for the primate was not assigned to the other.

As the head office of all believers the Church of Christ includes:

  • Church of the Heavenly Urochist. Tse Mother of God, Angels, saints, souls of the dead righteous.
  • Church of Zemnu Voyovnichu. All Christians, who live in the world, who fight for the salvation of their souls and the awakening of the Holy Spirit.

One of the main Orthodox prayers « Wiri symbol”calls the Church of the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic. Here are the only Bogolyudsky collections of all Christians, who live and died, who were shaped by the Gospel Spirit, the Sacraments and Grace. Jesus Christ, who set up the Church more than 2 yew. rokіv that and becoming її chief, invisibly cheruє flock, baptize, spovіduє that communion laity and the clergy.

In the architectural sense, the church can be recognized as well as possible, like a temple. And yet, in the particular Orthodox organization and living unity of believers, they play an important role as a mentor and educator of their spiritual children. Tomorrow, about the sixth year of the evening, there will be a holy service in the church on the square” and “The Orthodox Church does not praise one article of the blue”, then in the first case, it is easy to replace the words “church” vigadati and put “temple”, and in the other - no.

Features of the cathedral

The name "cathedral" resembles the Old Slavonic " pick”, “z'їzd” and nabula in the Christian tradition of different meanings:

  • Cathedral of the Apostle - Zustrich near Jerusalem, vlastovan apostles and presbyters in 49 p. for the discussion of minds, the necessary acceptance of pagans from Christianity.
  • The Cathedral of the Churches - the gathering of representatives of the church for the cult of faith, the discipline of religious and moral life, the strategy of worship of Christian supremacy.
  • The head temple of the Holy Church: the monastery of the whole place, to direct the services of the bishops and the priesthood.
  • The Cathedral of the Saints is an important church holy, which glorifies the deeds of the saints in full, as they unite historically and territorially.

Sound one head city, or the monastery church be called a cathedral, but sometimes they are the same and sprat, so that in different cities they establish their own traditions. The head of the Cathedral's view of the other future lives near the yogo grandiose visions. Divine services are held for the participation of only three priests, and holy rites are performed by other spiritual officials: patriarchs and archbishops. For whom the chair of the archpriest (ruling bishop) is specially wielded, and even the cathedral is called the Cathedral.

The embellishment of the cathedral is signifi- cantly pompous; If the chair of the bishop is transferred to another church, the name “cathedral” is not taken away from the temple, but is abandoned for the rest. All great Russian cities have great cathedrals. Look at the stench to enchant the tourists, like to chirp with such reminders, and for the believers they have long become a place of blessed intercourse with the All-Vishishny.

Designated chapel

The chapel is also used for reading prayers, as it is called small roses. Here there are icons and candles, but there is no vvtarya that throne, only in special vibes. Chapels will be at places and villages, on roads and tsvintary, as a rule, for a riddle about an important moment in the lives of believers, like a bulo, for example, the manifestation of the miraculous icon chi dzherel.

In support of the research carried out, we can name the following main points, as a short summary of what has been said above:

  1. The temple is the foundation of the architecture of the dispute, the same as the church is built as a budova, and a religious organization, and as a succession of followers of the singing cult of faith.
  2. The church is unambiguously Christian, and the temple can lie down to be a confession, be an old Greek chi Taoist.
  3. From the look of the architecture, the stench wafts up to the number of domes and roses on the map of the city. Temples ring out over 3 poppies and sporadzhuyutsya in significant, central areas of the settlement. Churches - less than 3, and can be on the outskirts.
  4. Rozmir zavzhdi maє value. Magnificent buddіvlі with rich liturgical services, such a “spirit chomps”, among the people are called temples. The Church, and sometimes the “church”, I will forgive the life of a smaller rozmіr, as it is rozalized for a small arrival. The future is small and without vvtar they call the chapel, and the main religious disputes are called Cathedrals.
  5. At the temple, there may be a sprig of vvtarіv from the thrones, and that day two three liturgies are celebrated here at the same time. The church has one day, so this service is needed only once for the benefit.
  6. For the recognition of whether there are any future, de pass the Orthodox requirements, you can speak without mercy and the temple, and the church. As if it is necessary to voice on the architectural greatness of the Christian life, or to speak about the cult disputes of the ancient Greeks, it seems like a “temple”.
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