The square of the saint is known. St. Peter's Cathedral is the head temple of the Vatican. Religious go to the head square of the Vatican

St. Peter's Square in Rome is also known as Piazza San P'etro. Vaughn was created in the seventeenth century by the project of the architect Bernina and a popular reminder to the Vatican. The architectural birthplace of the square is St. Peter's Cathedral - one of the most famous basilicas in Rome.

In addition, as Alexander VII was appointed by the new Pope in April 1655, he hired the sculptor and architect Lorenzo Bernina to create a new square in front of the facade of St. Peter's Cathedral. Following the tribute of Oleksandr, Bernin presented a project of a square in the form of an ellipse with a width of 240 meters and a 196-meter dam. The life of the square began in 1965 and ended 11 years later, in 1667.

Colonnades St. Peter's Square

St. Peter's Square is surrounded by colonnades on two sides. According to Bernina's idea, the stench symbolizes the hands of the church, which suffocate the world. Colonnades were built in 1660 rows and are stacked in 4 rows of columns of 20 meters and a width of 1.6 meters. There are 284 Dorian colonies and 88 pilasters in the background. At the top of the colonnade, there are 140 statues, also created by Bernina and Yogo students. The stench depicts the Popes, martyrs, evangelists and other religious devils.

Evil and right-handed in the central obelisk of the square, stashed with circular marmur plates, as if showing the center of the elliptical square. Having stood up on these plates and marveling at the colonnade, You will only have one row of stovptsіv zamіst chotiryoh. Bernini was not just a great sculptor and architect, he also had a wonderful knowledge of geometry. At special occasions, in the middle of choosing a new Papi of Rome, that Great Day, may be 400,000 osіb to fill the space of the square.

Obelisk and Fountain

At the center of St. Peter's Square, an Egyptian obelisk with a height of 25.5 meters was erected, which, together with the pedestal, hangs for a total of 41 meters. Obelisk of a scatter of flowers in the Egyptian Heliopolis and creations for the prefect of the city Cornelius Gallus. At 37 Caligula's rotations, they transported the obelisk to Rome on a specially created platform, setting it at the base of Nero's Circus on the territory of the lower Vatican.

In 1585 p. Pope Sixtus V of Rome moved the obelisk to the entrance at 300 meters, to St. Peter's Cathedral, which was at that hour. The relocation was a grandiose task and to bring Michelangelo to mind such a project is impossible. Ale Sixt coldheartedly wants to move the stele and get the architect Domenico Fontana to realize the idea. It took 900 workers and more than a hundred horses, but Fontan ran into the yard. On the eve of 5 months, and on the 10th of spring 1586 the obelisk was erected in front of the basilica.

In 1613, a fountain was erected on St. Peter's Square, which was broken up by Carlo Maderno. Yogo was installed right-handed in the center of the obelisk, which was ruffled. In order to improve the symmetry, Bernina virushiv set up an identical copy of the fountain on the left side. The fountain was created in 1677 by the architect Carlo Fontana.

Saint Paul's Cathedral

St. Peter's Square is a miraculous point at the entrance to St. Peter's Cathedral, which was built between 1506 and 1626 and borders the square from the west side. The basilica is the largest in the world. The inner part of the cathedral is embellished with miraculous monuments, many of which were created by the great Bernina.

Obov'yazkovo climb to the top of the great baths of the basilica - razroblen by another great architect Michelangelo. Sounds of miracles are seen on the square.

St. Peter's Basilica is a reminder not only to the Vatican, but to Rome. I took off my name of wine from the grave of the Apostle Peter, which, obviously, is known in this place. This is a grandiose cathedral, among which the largest churches of Europe can be placed. The height of the dome of the cathedral is 136 m. For the tradition of everyday life in Rome, it cannot be higher than the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral.

The cathedral will be about 50 years old and may be completed in 1607 years. Generations of great masters worked on yoga creations: Bramante, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini. The city is close to 60,000 people + 400 yew. man on the Maidan.

Take a look at St. Peter's Basilica and continue the tour of the Vatican Museums. After looking around the Sistine Chapel, we go down to the inner courtyard and go to St. Peter's Cathedral.

Groupies go one by one in an uninterrupted stream

By the way, I make sculpture in our future

You can drink holy water free of charge at the jereli

Dzherelo "Holy Water"

Apparently, there are 5 doors leading to St. Peter's Cathedral. One of the doors leading to the Cathedral is special. Tse Holy doors, stench walled up with concrete. It is less likely to be seen by the Saints, or the jubilee rіk, which marks the skin of the quarter of the century. Through the skin of 25 rokіv before Christmas (25th breast) before the jubilee rock, concrete is broken. Vidpovidno to a special ritual after a three-time inclination and three strikes of a hammer The Holy Doors are opened, and the Pope, having taken the cross to his hands, is the first to enter to the cathedral. Like the fate of the jubilee, the doors are rebuilt and walled up on the threshold of 25 fates. For a long time, the cob of jewelery fate was marked by the sound of a trumpet crushed from a goat's horn, as it was called yobel, the sounds and sounds like the word "juviley".

We are fortunate that the current Pope Francis has broken the speed of this term up to 15 years. The rest of the Jubilee is at the 2000th anniversary, and the new one is opened at the 2015th anniversary of the birth, and that until 25th of the 2016th anniversary of the wedding. Hurry up, whoever you want

Fragment of the Holy Doors.

16 rectangular panels of the Holy Doors are divided with the coats of arms of 36 Roman popes, which celebrated the Chergovі juvileynі rocks. The main theme of the plots, the images on the panels, is to save people's sins from God's mercy. The Lord knocks at the door of the skin and checks that I am responsible for you.

Significance to be brought over the heads, where there is a strong sweat, and it is impossible to chirp. To that I will show more than a sprat of the upper panels.

Vgori: Annunciation.

Below: The turn of the prodigal son (levoruch) and the glee of the relaxed one (right-hander).

The heart of the cathedral is striking with its harmony of proportions, and with its majestic dimensions, and richness of design - there are impersonal statues, vіvtarіv, tombstones, impersonal miraculous creations of mysticism.

Along the entire perimeter of St. Peter's Cathedral there are numerous drops, the skin of which is beautiful in its own way. At the first chapel of the right nave, one of the doors of the Saints is the ingenious work of the twenty-year-old Michelangelo "Lamentation of Christ" (Pietà).

The sculpture was hung from a single block of white Carrara marmur, and on the line, which operates on the Madonna, the sculptor of the temple wrote "Michelangelo - Florentine". Above these works of Michelangelo, he worked over two rocks. The sculpture depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary holding Christ on her knees. The beauty of the line, the ideal proportions of the body at life size, the youthfulness of that mourning of the Mother is so obvious that you want to die at the silent bow before the immortal masterpiece. Michelangelo was the first master, who polished the marble sculptures. As a result, the stench is smooth and gleaming, no one is afraid of anything. Rocky thirty years ago, if I'm here for the first time, before P'ete I could go close. Since, like a vandal, having thrown himself at the statue with a hammer, that naughty one, now she is out of the way under a special fold. Be fenced, for which P'eta is known, make sure to stand for a lot of people. They stood there for a long time, looking at the details and gasping at the same time, as if the genius of Michelangelo could convey the subtle emotions of a mournful mother and the details of the body and clothes.

St. Peter's Cathedral has many famous monuments, including a bronze statue of the XIII century St. Peter the Blessing, which is attributed to miraculous power.


Statue of Saint Peter the Blessing

Statue of St. Peter, vikonan in bronze by an unknown Syrian sculptor, maє over the ancient glory. It is important that the wart reach out to her and pray, blessings will be felt. Sound like an old one, to that one foot of the statue is erased from the dots quietly, who prays.

At the left hand, the Holy Apostle Peter holds the keys to paradise. The wall behind the statue is decorated with mosaics, not fabric.

The dome of the basilica is 211.6 m. On the bottom of the central nave there are signs that show the dimensions of the largest cathedrals in the world, which allow them to be compared with the largest Cathedral of St. Peter. Vikonan letters from midi. Sob the badges were commemorated, they are surrounded by tourists with burgundy bars.

The famous dome, designed by Michelangelo, is 42.5 meters in diameter.

The star of Michelangelo was realized according to the master's sketches: the sphere that goes uphill is embellished with coffered decor. Stand with your head up in the air and look at the dome of the Cathedral and the details of its decor can take years.

At the very center of the bathhouse of images is God the Father. Navkolo wrote in Latin: "S. PETRI GLORIAE SIXTUS PP. V.A. MDXC PONTIF. V." ("To the glory of St. Peter, Pope Sixtus V on the river 1590, on the fifth river of the pontificate")

At the dome space above the head vіvtar there is Bernina's masterpiece - majestic, 29 m high canopy on four twisted columns, on which statues of angels stand. Although in the interior of the cathedral the canopy does not look especially great, but in height it is more like a 4-surface booth.

It is important that the place is known to him, de bov the apostle Peter. Go zvіdsi lead down, at the Vatican necropolis.

The krіz canopy can be seen created by the Bernina cathedra of St. Peter. It includes an armchair of St. Peter under the statues of the fathers of the church, over which the symbol of the Holy Spirit is spread in the sky.

In the middle of the cathedral are faceless chapels, where there are statues and sculptures, tombstones and tombs of Roman popes and emperors. The richness of the interior decoration simply destroys your own writing!

Mustache papi was buried at the necropolis under St. Peter's Cathedral. The tombstones of the most worthy of them were installed at the cathedral itself.

One of these letters is Pope Benedict XIII

Judg the angels held with holy water. Different places have a stench of different

Tombs, vikonanі italіyskimi masters, even with powerful forces - votvory mystetstva.

A sarcophagus from the embalmed body of Pope John XXIII

Blessed John XXIII (25th leaf fall, 1881 - 3rd worm, 1963), Roman pope since 1958. Zіyshovshi on the papal throne, speaking for the world and peacefully spіvіsnuvannya powers with different social systems. The Italians called yoga "Kind tato".

Vivtar of the Immaculate Conception at the chapel of the choir. Mosaic born 1744-47 based on the painting by Bianchi from the images of the Immaculate Devi in ​​glory, honed by angels. 8 chest 1854 on the day of the establishment of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Pius IX adorned the image of Mary with a crown, after 50 years Pope Pius X added 9 stars,

Rose and grandiosity

Kinna statue of Emperor Charlemagne, the first who was crowned at the cathedral (old)

Charlemagne schivl kolіna, if in 800 rotsі in rozdvo vіn bv coronations by Pope Leo III the imperial crown.

Viewed from St. Peter's Cathedral and straight to the square

St. Peter's Square

The entrance and exit from the Vatican is guarded by the Swiss Guard.

Swiss Guard

Vpadaє vіchі strokata form, scho descend before the XVI century. From that hour, she didn’t change: she takes a sholom chi, a white comrade, camisoles and pantaloons from a red-yellow-blakitnu husband. For orders, the uniform of the papal guards was led by Michelangelo.

A single troop of Swiss guards supported the riches of the century with a bula of a two-meter middle halberd.

The guard was officially founded in 1506, and there are three more than 100 guns in it. The guardsmen of the vishikovyvayutsya in honor of the varta at the hour of receiving and sovereign visits to the Vatican. The guards are also charged for the special security of Papi, accompanying him for an hour of visiting St. Peter's Square in a special armored car (the so-called papimobile).

Two Swiss guards - representatives evil forces power of the Vatican. It is fenced to make friends, wear a hair and a beard, mothers are taller than 174 cm and less than 19 and more than 30 years old. Before the speech, before the guard, only bachelors are accepted. Friendship stench can only be with special permission, such as one sees, who, having served over three years and may have been the rank of corporal, moreover, their dress of obov'yazkovo may be able to reach the Catholic religion.

Passing a sprinkling of meters, we will spend on St. Peter's Square - the largest Roman square, її expand - 340 by 240 meters. The square of the bula was designed by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini in 1656-1667.

View of St. Peter's Cathedral from the side of the square.

The classical columns support the attic, crowned with 13 statues. A five-meter statue of Christ, sharpened by John the Baptist and 11 apostles embellish the front part of St. Peter's Cathedral. Also, the facade of the temple is decorated with a year-old, creations in the 18th century by Giuseppe Valadier.

In front of the entrance to the cathedral there are statues of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Petro holds in his hands the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, given to him by the Lord.

Nasamkinets kіlka photo of the square itself

St. Peter's Square is surrounded by two arcs of great colonnades, embellished with miraculous sculptures of 140 statues. Near the center there is an ancient Egyptian obelisk, delivered here by the order of Emperor Caliguli in 37 rotations.

At the left part of the photo above the colonnade, one can see part of the residence of the Pope of Rome. Zvіdsi Papa reads a weekly sermon.

St. Peter's Square

St. Peter's Cathedral and the square are repeatedly described in bagatioh dzherelakh, but you can’t convey them sacredly and chanoblely, as if you were guilty of it in the midst of the dawning sprynyatti.

We say goodbye from St. Peter's Cathedral and from the Vatican, and apparently Italy: "Goodbye!"

Kviten, 2016

More information about the Vatican Museums and the most important exhibits in them can be found in the book:


How can you visit the Vatican in one day, how can you look at museums, how much respect can you make to prepare for such an excursion? The book has a great number of photographs, and can serve as a guide to the Vatican Museums, as well as a virtual guide for those who are preparing for such a trip.

Pricebooks 100 rubles

St. Peter's Square near Rome (Rome, Italy) - description, history, roztashuvannya, comments, photo and video.

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St. Peter's Square at the Vatican (P'iazza-San P'etro) sprawled at the sight of two circles in front of one of the main Catholic shrines - St. Peter's Cathedral. Vaughn was sporudzhena in the middle of the 17th century for the project of Giovanni Bernina - the great Italian architect and sculptor.

At Piazza San P'etro itself, thousands of Catholics from all over the world gather in order to get a feel for the Pope of Rome. Tse is also fond of the place of quiet tourists, as it is reverently placed before the history and culture.

You can poke the Pope in your eyes (and feel like you’re in your eyes) right about the 11th wound: at this hour you yourself traditionally read a sermon to your flock. All the action is broadcast on two large screens, so don't be afraid to miss it.

The square is framed with round colonnades of the Tuscan order. At the very “heart” of the square, an Egyptian obelisk was erected, a kind of deliveries to Rome from the African land by the scandalous and summative Caligula (before the speech, the emperor had reached the old Roman religion and believed in the foundation of various deities). The obelisk simultaneously wins the role of the gnomon, the oldest astronomical instrument.

St. Peter's Square

In the meantime, the obelisk on St. Peter's Square is united, which, having stood until the epoch of Resurrection at the unchanging sight, the shards of the Romans took in the gunpowder of Gaius Julius Caesar on the top of the mountain.

Let's take into account the fact that the square of St. Peter's in front of Rome is a thin white line, crossed right along the brukivtsi. As a rule, no one pays respect to her, but for nothing: this is the least sovereign cordon.

A majestic open space in front of the main Catholic church world for its artistic thoroughness and the right masterpiece of mistobuduvannya. Designed by Bernini in 1657, the largest square of St. Peter's at the Vatican today is the main entrance to the independent papal state. Today, tens of thousands of tourists are directing here, as they come to Rome from the earth. And in order to feel papal blessing, they gather on the square, for various estimates, up to 600 thousand. believing.

Fountains in St. Peter's Square

Not less reminder are two practically identical fountains that embellish the square. At first glance, it seems that the stench was crushed by the hand of one master, but it’s not so. Roztashovaniya levoruch vіd fountain "Antika", scho to enter the square of the Vatican, zgіdno іstorichnym svіdchennyami, known here already z 1490 rock, embellishing the plateau of St. Petri in front of the Kostyantinivska basilica. In 1614, the ancient fountain was changed by the architect Carlo Maderno - increasing its height, placing the lower, largest pool on an eight-cupped base, replacing the upper small bowl with a raised bowl, and also embellishing the base of the fountain with bas-reliefs with a papal symbol.

In addition, as St. Peter's Square was framed by a colonnade, behind the project of Bernina in 1677, there was another fountain, which practically did not look at the front. The authorship of the work is attributed to Carlo Fontana, although historians would like to confirm that, perhaps, Bernini himself prepared it. The only difference between two middle-class masterpieces is seen in the papal symbols applied to them.

In order to preserve the architectural symmetry, Carlo Maderno's fountain had to be moved to a new place. Fountains were placed on the sides of the Vatican obelisk, which stretched out the horizontal axial line, which divided St. Peter's Square.

Vatican obelisk

A stele of red granite hangs in the center of the square, it was installed here for the pontificate of Sixtus V in 1586. The only Egyptian obelisk, which was left untouched by the most recent hours, having previously embellished the circus of Nero. Unique works related to relocation and installation in a new location were carried out under the supervision of a prominent engineer and architect Domeniko Fontanu. Such an extraordinary pedestal of the monument was embellished on one of the frescoes of the Apostolic Library near the Vatican.

Sculptures that embellish the Vatican Square

There are two statues from the right and left corners of the façade – St. Peter and Paul, viconated by the Italian sculptors Giuseppe de Fabris (1790–1860) and Adamo Tadolin (1788–1868) in the middle. The sculptures, installed in 1847, replaced the two frontal robots of Paolo Taccone and Mino del Reame, as they were known in the same area, as from 1461r. they embellished the plateau of St. Petri in front of the Kostyantynivka basilica.

In the center of the upper part of the façade of the Cathedral there is a statue of the Savior's bearing cross, which stands in a figure representing John the Baptist. By insulting them, the sides of the statues of 11 apostles were ruffled, moreover, the figure of Peter himself is visible.

140 statues that embellish the colonnade are the ecclesia of saints who pray (like other Greek “ἐκκλησία” - people's collections). All majestic statues were vikonan in the main Bernina and for yoga sketches.

Religious go to the head square of the Vatican

Pray the Pope in the light of the eyes of a lot of people who come to Rome not only a believer, but a lot of tourists. I don’t know that the possibility of the pontiff’s success is hoped for by all those who may be shonedil. For these days, Opivdni, the Pope blesses everyone who climbed into the Vatican Square, turning to them from the Apostolic Palace with the prayer "Angelus".

In the Crimea, in the middle, on St. Peter's Square on the 10th morning, a public audience begins, as more rascals can be moved from the square to the Audience Hall, which is located nearby. However, if you need to be safe, what you can spend on a huge audience can only buy a ticket.

How to get to St. Peter's Square near the Vatican

Metro: line A to Ottaviano station.
Bus: lines 23, 32, 81, 590 - to Piazza del Risorgimento.
Tram: route number 19 to the last stop of Piazza del Risorgimento.

Saint Paul's Cathedral(ital. Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) - a Catholic cathedral on the territory of the sovereign state of the Vatican. One of the many patriarchal basilicas of Rome and the ceremonial center of the Roman Catholic Church.

Until 1990, St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome was the largest Christian cathedral in the world, in 1990 it turned over the cathedral in Yamoussoukro, the capital of the African state Côte d Ivoire (Elephant's Cyst Coast).

Rozmiri St. Peter's Cathedral is simply hostile. Vin occupies an area in 22067 sq.m. The height of the cathedral 138 m, dozhina without a portico - 186.36 m, and from the portico - 211.5 m. Architectural style: Revivalі baroque.

If on that place, now stand the Cathedral of St. Peter, the gardens of the circus of Nero were roztashovulysya (see, before the speech, the obelisk from Heliopolis was closed, which should stand on St. Peter's Square).

At the circus arena for hours Nero martyred death of Christians. At 67 roci, after the court of judgment, that apostle petro. Petro asked that Yogo's stratum not be likened to Christ's. Todі vіn buv rozіp'yatiy head down. St. Clement, then Bishop of Rome, with the faithful teachings of the Apostle, took his body from the cross and buried it in a grotto nearby.

The first basilica was built in 324 r. for the rule of the first Christian. Emperor Kostyantin, and the remains of St. Peter were transferred there. At the first cathedral 800 rubles. Pope Leo III crowned Karla Great Emperor Sunset.

At the beginning of the 16th century, which already founded the basilica for eleven centuries, it threatened to collapse, and after Mikoli V її they began to expand and rebuild.

Julius II drastically violated the power of Julius II, having ordered the majestic new cathedral to be built on the church of the old basilica, which may have been overshadowed by pagan temples, so and so, that they founded. Christian churches, spryyayuchi themselves zmіtsnennu papskoї power and wide infusion of Catholicism.

Mayzhe all the great architects of Italy, according to their will, took part in the design and life of the Cathedral of St. Peter. In 1506 p. the project of the architect was approved Donato Bramante, obviously, until the beginning, create a centric spore in the form of a walnut cross (with equal sides).

After the death of Bramante, the life of choliv Raphael, having turned to the traditional form of the Latin cross (with the fourth side lowered), then Baldasare Peruzzi, which sounded on the centric dispute, that Antonio da Sangallo, which took on a basilic shape.

Nareshti, 1546 p. kerіvnitstvo by robots was entrusted Michelangelo. Vіn turned to the idea of ​​a central bathing arguably, and then the project transferred the creation of a richly columned entrance portico from the exit side (at the oldest basilicas in Rome, like in ancient temples, the entrance was from the exit side, and not from the exit side). All the bearing constructions of Michelangelo having been built with massive ones and having seen the head expanse. The drum of the central dome rang out, and the dome itself was finished after death (1564) Giacomo della Porta, having pressed it, the contours are drawn more.

Three small domes designed by Michelangelo, architect Vinyola only two calls. The greatest architectural form in the world itself looked like the stench was conceived by Michelangelo, saved from the vvtarnoy, zahdnoy side.

Ale, on whom the story did not end. At the beginning of the XVII century. for the introduction of Paul V architect Carlo Maderno having lifted the cross head - having risen to the centric trineph basilica part, turning in such a rank to the shape of a Latin cross, and raising the facade.

As a result, the dome appears as a hoisted facade, having spent its dominant meaning and only catches afar, from Via della Conchiljaciene. Zreshtoyu, 18 leaf fall 1626 roku, at 1300 - the anniversary of the first basilica, Tato Urban VIII consecrated the new cathedral.

The square was consumed, as if it would avenge the great number of believers, as if they flowed to the cathedral, so that they could take the papal blessing, or take the fate of the religious saints. Tse zavdannya vikonav Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, having created in 1656-1667 the square in front of the cathedral is one of the most important creations of light local practice.

Height of the facade, zbudovanogo architect Maderno, 45 m, width - 115 m. Attic façade crowned with majesty, curtains 5.65 m, statues of Christ, John the Baptist and the eleven apostles (Crimea of ​​the Apostle Peter). Written on the facade: "IN HONOREM PRINCIPIS APOST PAVLVS V BVRGHESIVS ROMANVS PONT MAX AN MDCXII PONT VII" (Pope Paul V Borghese, Roman pontiff on the river 1612, somy rok of his pontificate, calling for honor).

Five portals lead from the portico to the cathedral. Chairs of the doors of the central portal of the vikonan in the middle of the XV century. and resemble the old basilica. The middle of the nine balconies on the facade is called the Blessing Loggia. The very stars of the Pope of Rome turn to the number of believers, as they gather on St. Peter's Square, with blessings "Urbi et Orbi" - "Misto and Light".

On the plan of the cathedral, the numbers are marked:

1.Mosaic of Giotto "Navichella".

2. Portico.
3. Kіnna statue of Charlemagne.
4. Gate of death.
5. Brama of Good and Evil.
6. Filaret doors.
7. Doors of the Sacraments.
8. Holy doors.
9. Inner courtyard of St. Gregory the Illuminator (elevator for the dome).
10. Kіnna statue of Kostyantyn the Great.
11. Nave.
12. Baptistery (baptismal font, crushed from a sarcophagus).
13. Monument to Mary Sobieska.
14. Tomb of the Stuarts.
15. Gravestone of Papi Benedict XV.
16.Capella della Presentation (gift).
17. Gravestone of Papi John XXIII.
18. Gravestone of Pope Pius X.
19. Gravestone of Papi Inokentii VIII.
20. Capela Koro (chapel to the choir).
21. Vіvtar Immaculate Conception.
22. Gravestone of Papi Leva XI (
23. Gravestone of Papi Inokentii XI
24. Vivtar "Transfiguration" ( the rest of the picture Raphael).
25. Chapel Clementina.
26. Vivtar papi Pius VII.
27. Date of Pope Gregory the Great.
28. Enter at the sacristy.
29. Gravestone of Pope Pius VII.
30. Vivtar Brekhni.
31. The figure of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (the old entrance at the grotto).
32. Bronze statue of St. Peter (
33. The figure of the centurion Longin (the old entrance at the grotto).
34. The figure of the Holy Rivne-Apostolic Queen Deer.
35. Figure of St. Veronica.
36. Canopy (
37. "Spovidalnya" (tomb of St. Peter).
38. Dome.
39. Leviy transpet (there is a day to serve the mass).
40. Vivtar Rosp'yatya of St. Peter.
41. Vivtar of St. Joseph.
42. Vivtar of St. Thomas.
43. Gravestone of Papi Alexander VII.
44. Vivtar of the Sacred Heart.
45. Capela Colon.
46. ​​Vivtar of Our Lady of Colon.
47. Bas-relief (
48. Gravestone of papi Alexander VIII
50. Tribuna-Vivtar of the department.
51. Gravestone of Papi Paul III (
52. Chair of St. Peter.
53. Gravestone of Papi Urban VIII (
54. Gravestone of Papi Clement X (
55. Vіvtar of St. Peter's promotion of Tabita.
56. Vivtar of St. Petronilli.
57. Chapel of the Archangel Michael.
58. Vivtar Navicella
59. Gravestone of Papi Clement XIII (
60. Right Transept.
61. Vivtar of St. Erasmus.
62. Bivtar of the saints and the Monk Martinian.
63. Vivtar of St. Wenceslas.
64. Vivtar St. Basil.
65. Gravestone of Papi Benedict XIV
66. Vivtar St. Ieronima (Thylo papi John XXIII).
67. Chapel of San Gregorio.
68. Icon "Madonna del Socorso".
69. Gravestone of Pope Gregory XVI.
70. Gravestone of Pope Gregory XIV.
71. Gravestone of Pope Gregory XIII.
72. Chapel of the Holy Rites (only for those who pray).
73. Gravestone of Matilda of Tuscany (
74. Gravestone of Pope Inokentii XII.
75. Gravestone of Pope Pius XII.
76. Chapel of San Sebastiano (Tombstone of the new blessed John Paul II).
77. Gravestone of Pope Pius XI.
78. Gravestone of Queen Christina of Sweden.
79. Gravestone of Papi Leva XII.
80. "P'eta" (sculptor Michelangelo)

Mosaic by Giotto Navicella.(1 on the plan of the cathedral)

Look at the portico opposite the central portal, turn the faces to the square and look up the hill. At the lunette above the entrance there is a mosaic Giotto"Navіchella" (Italian chovnik), created in 1310 by Giotto di Bondone or simply Giotto (1267-1337) - Italian artist and architect of the Proto-Renaissance era. One of the key articles in the history of foreign art.

Having improved the Byzantine icon-painting tradition, having become the right founder of the Italian school of painting, having developed an absolutely new image to the expanse. Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo choked on Giotto's robots.

Imovirno in 1300 r. Giotto, having stayed at Rome, de, on the bail of Cardinal Jacopo Stefaneschi, a monumental mosaic Navicella, robot, yak glorified the creator throughout Italy. Mosaic bula in the atrium of the Church of St. Peter (IV century). Ninі tsey vitvir of the artist is dated 1310 rock.

The chronicler Filippo Villani, speaking about the great talent of Giotto, relied on his work to confirm that. Giotto vmiv write a person like this, “out of the wild, roar, cry abo radie”.

The theme of the mosaic composition - the Miracle on the Lake of Genikaretskoe - symbolically illustrating the mercy of Christ to the people. Jesus joins the apostles that they drank in the storm, and Peter, what a tone.

The plot also symbolizes the very salvation of the Church in the face of possible misfortune. It’s a pity that this vitvir was spent under an hour of ruining the old spore, at the portico of the new church, only a copy of the baroque doby mosaic was saved. About the right kind of work, one can guess only for the paintwork of the artists of the XIV-XV centuries. and vtsililomu framed mosaics.

Portico of the Cathedral.(2 on the plan of the cathedral)

Kinna statue of Charlemagne(3 on the plan of the cathedral) , the first who was crowned in the cathedral 800 rubles,

Gate of death. (4 on the plan of the cathedral)

Gate of death so called, to the one through which the funeral processions came out through the doors.

Under the hour of preparation until the jubilee 1950 year, Pope Pius XII, born in 1947 voicing the contest of closing three doors, yakі lead from the portico to the cathedral. Giacomo Manzu became the most prominent artist in the middle of the transition. The doors were made in 1961-64. 10 scenes on the doors hang the Christian sense of death. In the right hand - the rose of the Savior, the left hand - the Dormition of the Mother of God. Below - a relief with a bunch of grapes and a sheaf of ears of corn, which serve as door handles at the same time. Vmirayuchi grapes and wheat are transformed into wine and bread.

At the hour of the rite of the Eucharist, the stinks are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, that is the bread of life and the wine of salvation. At the bottom, the right hand is depicted: the death of the first martyr St. Stephen; the death of Pope Gregory VII, who defends the Church from the emperor's home; death in space; the death of a mother at home in front of a child crying. At the bottom, there is an evil image of the beating of Abel, the peaceful death of Josip, the crucifixion of St. Peter and the death of the "good dad" John XXIII.

Brama of Good and Evil. (5 on the plan of the cathedral)

"Barma of good and evil" 1975/77 Luciano Minguzzi (1911/2004), in honor of Pope Paul VI. Evil is represented by the picture of the martyrs of the feast of the hour of the resurrection of partisans in 1943 in Casalecchio on the Rhine.

Philaret's doors. (6 on the plan of the cathedral)

The majestic bronze doors of the central entrance were venerated by the Florentine maestro Antonio Averuline, whose name was Filaret (1445). At the upper part of the door there are images of great silent figures who sit on the throne of the Savior and the Mother of God. At the center are the apostles of Peter and Paul. In the two lower hallmarks, there are scenes of Nero's judgment seat and the advancing stratum of the apostles: the mutilation of the head of St. Paul and the coffin of St. Peter.

The doors frame numerical scenes on those ancient myths (Loda and the Swan, Romulus and Rem, the Sabine women's abode) and Aesop's tales ("Vovk and the Lamb", "The Fox and the Crane", "The Crow and the Fox"), the vivacious growing horn of the emperors and other kinds people of that time. The doors were also the head doors of the old basilica.

Above the door there is a marmur bas-relief by Bernina "Jesus trusting Peter with the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven".

From the inner side of the door, you can make a brand by preparing their maister, which, having depicted the tops on a donkey on a choli, the processes of assistants, to follow him with the skin of his own tools (with a hammer, a chisel, a pair of compasses).

Doors of the Sacraments. (7 on the plan of the cathedral)

"Door of the Mysteries" 1965 – Venance Crocetti (1913/2003 pp.), prayed by Pope Paul VI Montini (1963/78 pp.), on the occasion of the reapproval of the Other Vatican Council.

Holy doors. (8 on the plan of the cathedral)

In the middle of the cathedral holy doors bricked up with concrete, on the concrete there is a bronze cross and a small square screen, in which the key to the doors is taken.

Through the skin of 25 rokіv before Christmas (25th breast) before the jubilee rock, concrete is broken. Vidpovіdno to the special ritual after a three-time inclination and three hammer blows, the Holy Doors are opened and tato, having taken the cross to their hands, the first to enter to the cathedral.

Like the fate of the jubilee, the doors are rebuilt and walled up on the threshold of 25 fates.

Kinna statue of Kostyantyn the Great. (10 on the plan of the cathedral)

Kinna statue of the emperor Kostyantyn the Great, one of the masterpieces Bernina.

Її having closed Pope Inokentij X in 1654, but the closing was completed only in 1670. already for tata Clement X, who ordered to put up a statue of the bіl descent, which leads to the Vatican Palace.

Yevsevy, a co-worker, podії, schov about a new special view of Kostyantyn the Great, opnіdaє: - One day after noon, if the sun began to shilyatitsya on zahіd, - saying the king, - I waved the sun on the sun’s banner of the cross with the inscription, which lay on the sun. win over.” This sight struck with a flicker like the king himself, so much so that he knew the white of the new one, more cross, like a genieb zbroya strati, vvazhavsya filthy sign among the pagans. Kostyantin greeted and said to himself: what does such a manifestation mean? And at that hour, like a wink, night came. Then, in a dream, Christ appeared to you from the banners in heaven and punished the ensign, similar to the one visible in heaven, and to implant yoga for the defense during the attack of the enemies.

Stucco (piece marmur) imitates damask fabric. Not marveling at the theatricality, the folds of the fabric, which are growing, reinforce the horse’s strimkist movement, and the emperor’s blows in the beat and yogo look completely realistic. Kostyantyn at once from Karl is entered by the guards, secular defenders of the Church.

Nave. (11 on the plan of the cathedral)

The dove of the basilica 211.6 m. On the underside of the central nave there are signs that show the names of the 28 largest cathedrals in the world, which allow them to be equal to the largest cathedral of St. Petra- (2) St. Paul's Cathedral Londra, (3) S. Maria del Fiore Firenze, (4) Basilica del Sacro Cuore Bruxelles, (5) Immacolata Concezione Washington, (6) Cattedrale Reims, (7) , (8) Duomo Milano, (9) Cattedrale Spira, (10) Basilica di S. Petronio Bologna, (11) Cattedrale Siviglia, (12) Notre Dame Parigi, (13) S.Paolo Fuori le Mura Roma,... (25) Westminster Abbey Londra, (26) Santa Sofia Istambul, (27) Cattedrale di S. Croce Boston, (28) Basilica di S. Maria Danzica e (29) Cattedrale di S. Patrizio New York.

Baptistery (Christmas room - a cupola, prepared from a sarcophagus).(12 on the plan of the cathedral)

A sarcophagus made of red Egyptian porphyry, possibly of Emperor Adrian, then victorious like the tomb of Emperor Otto II and the first premises here in 1695 under the ceramics of Carlo Fontana (1634-1714). The lid of the sarcophagus is made of gilded bronze - the robot of Lorenzo Ottoni (1648-1736).

Monument to Mary Clementine Sobieska.(13 on the plan of the cathedral)

Maria Klementina respected one of the richest recessions in Europe. King George I of English letters of lashings against the slut of Mary Clementini and James Stewart, who claimed the English throne and denied the possibility of the mother of the lawful degenerates.

Emperor Charles VI, acting at the vindictiveness of the English king, having arrested Mary Clementine, who had gone straight to Italy, for friendship with James Stewart. Vaughn was taken to the Innsbruck Castle, she was far away to go to Bologna, she went for errands for James Stewart, who at that time had been in Spain.

Father Mariya Clementini, Yakiv Sobieski, having heard the praise of the letter about її inflow, having declared that the shards of the won were entrusted to James Stewart, then it is her duty to follow him. Mary Clementina and James Stuart formally became friends on 3rd of April 1719 in the chapel of the Bishop's Palace in Montefiasconi.

At the request of Pope Clement XI, who recognized them as King and Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland, James and Mary Clementina settled in Rome. The Pope gave him a guard, seeing the Palazzo Muti on the Roman Piazza di Santi Apostoli and the castle villa in Albano for living. I made friends with the papal treasury and paid extra help - 12,000 kroons.

Pope Clement XI and his successor Innocent XIII honored the Catholics James and Mary Clementine as the legitimate king and queen of England.

The life of James and Mary Clementini was not long. Unexpectedly after the people of their other child, Maria Klementina lost her man and went to Rome. woman's monastery Saint Cecilia. The reason for the rozriv, behind її words, was the evil of a person. James lashed out at the turned squads, stverdzhuyuchi, scho sinfully deprived of yoga and those children. However, after two years, the friendship broke up. Maria Klementina died on September 18, 1735.

Vaughn was consecrated to the orders of Pope Clement XII with royal honors in St. Peter's Cathedral.

Tomb of the Stuarts.(14 on the plan of the cathedral)

Not far from the entrance you can close the door sculptor Canovi- Tombstone of the remaining representatives of the Scottish royal homeland Stuart (1817-1819). The tombstone is engraved with a kosht of the English King George III. Messages from the fatherland of the British aristocrat - Catholic James Francis Edward Stuart and two blue, Charles Edward Stuart and Henry Benedict Stuart, buried here. The grave itself is located at the grottoes of the Vatican.

Gravestone of Papi Innocent VIII.(19 on the plan of the cathedral)

Majestic interest is represented by the creation of 1498 p. sculptor Antonio Pollaiolo the gravestone of Innokenty VIII, which is one of the few monuments that were saved, which were still in the old basilica. At the left hand, the Pope trims the tip of the Holy Scribe, as if the centurion Longin pierced the rosy Christ, so that he would perekonatisya in his death.

Vivtar "Transfiguration" (the last painting by Raphael 1518-1520 pp.)(24 on the plan of the cathedral)

Not long before his suffering and death on the cross, Jesus Christ said to the apostles that among them there are those who until death will help the Kingdom of God, which has come into force.

After a few days, three of them: Peter, Jacob and John, Vin called on the high Mount Tabor and there, at the hour of prayer, pretended to be before them. І appearing to їm Іllya z Moses; and they moved with Jesus.”

This is how Evangelist Mark describes my approach. Sensation of the Transfiguration of the Lord for the apostles polagat that, if the stench, if we shake Jesus, they did not hesitate in yoga, but the death of God for people was good-willed. I preached the saints that the Lord Jesus Christ is the true Son of God.

The Holy Church celebrates the Gospel of Evangelism on the harvest of the harvest, on which day it is customary to sanctify various earthly fruits and to sing for them to God.

Cardinal Giuliano di Medici, future Pope Clement VII, having painted this picture in 1517. Raphael for the French cathedral of the city of Narbonne - the chair of the cardinal. The painting was completed by Raphael's scholars Giuliano Romano and Francesco Penny after Raphael's death.

Vasari wrote that they put up an unfinished picture by the knot of Raphael's deathbed, roaring the hearts of everyone who is bachiv. The painting was lost in Rome in the Palazzo Cancelleria, and then placed in the church of San P'etro in Montorio after 1523. In 1797 p. Napoleon viviz її to Paris, the picture was turned back in 1815.

The female figure below symbolizes the Church, as it gives peace, hope and faith.

The picture has two plots - the reincarnation of Christ and the episode about the zestrich of the apostles with the besnuvatim boy, which was healed by Jesus Christ, who zijshov from Mount Tabor. The picture itself is immediately known to Pinakothek to the Vatican, and in the cathedral - a mosaic copy.

Dome. (38 on the plan of the cathedral)

The dome, a masterpiece of architecture, may be in the middle of the height 119 m that diameter 42 m. In Rimi, yoga is called "cupollone" ("dome").

Along the frieze of the dome and far along the frieze of all the churches, there is a mosaic written in Greek and in Latin (“Ti-Petro, and on this stone I will create My Church, and I will not heal the hellish brama, and I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and what you tie on earth, you will be tied in heaven, and what you allow on earth, you will be allowed in heaven."

Dome subdivided into 16 sectors and 6 horizontal tiers. At the very bottom, 16 Roman popes are depicted, buried at the cathedral. At the advancing tier, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the apostles are depicted.

In a rectangular frame, angels are depicted, which hold the signs of the Lord's passions. Round medallions have cherubim and seraphim. Dali - angels who guard the grave of St. Peter, those winged angels.

The inner surface of the dome is embellished with images of some evangelists: Matviy- with an angel, like a cherub with his hand when writing the Gospel, Mark- zі left, Luke- with an ox, John- With an eagle. A lion, an eagle and a vil - these are the names of "apocalyptic beasts", about how St. John the Theologian in the "Apocalypse" writes about creatures that have alienated the throne of God.

St. Matthew, 1599, Cesare Nebbia

St. Luke, 1599, Giovanni De Vecchi

In 1624 p. Pope Urban VIII having ordered Lorenzo Bernini to create 4 loggias in the Cathedral under the dome for the storage of relics. The role of Bernina in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the cathedral is already great, having worked here from breaks for five dozen years, from 1620 to 1670. Below the loggias, near the niches of the stovpiv, there are majestic statues that serve as relics that were saved in the loggias. Some of these relics are being bought from other places.

Statue of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called.(31 on the plan of the cathedral)

The relic was brought to Venice by Thomas Palaiolagos, the remaining ruler of Morea, who spoke out against the Turkish invasion of the Peloponnese, and presented to Pius II (1460). As a sign of friendship with the Greek Orthodox Church in 1966. Pope Paul VI presented a relic as a gift to the Church of St. Andrew near Patras, de saint died.

Statue of St. Longinus.(33 on the plan of the cathedral)

Yak and Yogo's supporters, Pope Innokenty VIII, having helped the invading Turks, ale tse Yomu far away without crusade, which wine is planning to grow. Pierre d'Aubusson, having drunk Djem, the brother and supernik of Sultan Bayezid II, from the crowd. Sultan and tato were laid in 1489. please, for which Djem changed at the crowd in Rome, and the sultan, having left Europe and paid a ransom, paid a ransom. In 1492 p. Bayazid presented this fragment of the write-off, which, as it was respected, lying to the centurion Longin (material from

Before the hour of Jesus' march on Golgotha, warriors were carried from the corral of the centurion Longinus. Longin and yogo pіdlegl became witnesses the rest of the whilins the life of the Lord. The stench tremtili in the form of a rapt blackout of the sun and an earth coward, at which the stone fell into pieces. Zhakh having hobbled a lot of soldiers, who thrashed in their lifetime, if the stench thrashed the graves, they scrambled, and flickered, they got up from them.

After calling, to cross over at the death of the crucified, Longinus pierced the Lord with a list, and the shelter of the Savior blew youma on the denunciation. The Roman centurion, suffering from the ailment of his eyes, and like only a few of them, the divine roof bumped, taking away healing. All that happened, the pavement made Longin and two of his friends, who stench, marveling at the Lord nailed to the cross, enlightened Yogo Sin of God.

After the Lord Longin was buried with his people, they were appointed to bury the oven with the body of Jesus, in order to save the possible taste of the next day. Here he became an eyewitness to the appearance of an angel, who told the squads - myrrh-bearers about the resurrection of the Sin of God. The new marvel shook Longin to the depths of his soul. About everything that happened, I blame Pontius Pilate.

The procurator, like against his will, for the good of the Jews, having sent Jesus the Nazarene to the stratum, resurrect the centurion. Guessing that on the eve of the trial of Jesus and the guards of Claudia, he had a dream, and she asked not to hurt the Nazarene.

Maybe, for nothing, without listening to її. Longin having told the Sanhedrin about the resurrection of the Lord. For the sake of youmu, the members of the Great did not believe, but they did not buy the warriors. They gave us a significant amount for the year to make a statement that the body of Jesus was stolen by Yogo scholars. Longinus, however, did not want to say to the wine city and murmur about the resurrection of the Lord.

Having believed in the Savior, having begun vodcrito witnesses about podії, a participant in such buv himself. The Jewish elders heard about yoga sermons without a bar, as they once realized that the centurion publicly declared about those who Jesus is the true Son of God.

In his own words, wine, like a neutral witness, robbed even more of the conflicting preaching of the teachings of Christ. The priests and the elders were overwhelmed, but with their power they could not stop the Roman officer from saying what they wanted.

Pilate slipped in for a new moment, with whom the Jewish leaders did not stack up. Prote stinks went to the corners, Longin's shards, not respecting the advance, preaching without ceasing. If the Sanhedrin turned to the Pilate to reason with the officers, the procurator will again look at the side of the Jewish elders.

On the heel of the Jews they humiliated him to punish the crucifixion of Jesus, Whom they called in the voice of the king and in the stabbing against the emperor, now they will punish the centurion, who has taken the side of the rebel. In both vipadkahs, at their scoundrels, a threat was attached to convey to the emperor that Pilate was being opined by sovereign wickedness. And the spіvuchast of the sovereign state is a serious ringing, in which one can not be true.

The procurator after talking with the officer, trying to heal yoga to a compromise with the people. But for Longin, the truth seemed dear for the likeness of the authorities. Having taken the vіdmova, Pilate became embittered, but he didn’t start to tuck in the light, as if he had been a well-deserved veteran, a man of valor and honesty, before that he was known to the emperor himself.

However, Longin was suddenly recognized by friends, that the procurator, and noble people were joking about the cause for reprisals against him, and that there were murders for the virus in Caesarea Cappadocia in 58 years, stars, for other records, and born.

Statue of the Holy Apostolic Queen Deer.(34 on the plan of the cathedral)

Paired with the robots of Bernina, the statue looks static. A lot of fragments of the Holy Cross, which were saved in the cathedral, were donated to other churches. That is why Pope Urban VIII cherished the pieces that were saved in the church of St Anastasia and the Cathedral of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (ital. Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, which means "Holy Cross in Jerusalem" - one of the seven pilgrimage churches in Rome, Lateran), move to St. Peter's Cathedral.

Holy Apostolic Empress Olena, Flavia Juliya Olena Augusta (lat. Flavia Iulia Helena, c.250 - 330 pp.) - the mother of the Roman Emperor Kostyantyn I. Passions.

For her activities in the expansion of Christianity, Olena was canonized in the guise of Equal-to-the-Apostle honor, which was awarded to more than 5 women in Christian history (Mary Magdalene, the First Martyr Thekla, the Martyr Appfia, Princess Olga and the Enlightener of Georgia Nina). On the Skhodі shanuvannya Deer as a saint viniklo nevdovzі after її death, at the beginning of the IX century її the cult expanded th at the Western Church.

The memory of the Holy Deer is remembered: at the Orthodox Church - 6 birch (by the time of the birth of the Reindeer Life-Giving Cross and flowers) and 21 May (dates according to the Julian calendar);

Statue of St. Veronica.(35 on the plan of the cathedral)

From the images of Jesus Christ. St. Veronica, in Christian paraphrases, a pious Jewess, who escorted Christ to the yogo path to Golgotha ​​and gave yoma, that she waved under the cross, like a vein on her shoulders, lyanu hustka, to wipe the veins instantly from the face of blood and pet. . "The Board of Veronica", which is important for reference, is saved in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.

a series of retellings, calling out to the image of St. Veronica historical drawings. Behind one of the legends, she preached Christianity for a year in the streets of Gaul. In other legends, її is called the Greek queen, or is distinguished from Martha, the sister of Lazarus.

In Italy, a legend was founded, for which reason the emperor Tiberius was healed for the help of his pay with the miraculous order of the Savior. Let's say that the name of Veronica is to be created with armor. vera icon ("correct image") - this was the name of the "Veronica's boards", gazing at other images of Christ.

First, tell about St. The merciful lady of Veronica is going to walk at the hour of the gravel on the Horseradish Way. Memory comes to mind Orthodox Church 12 lime (according to the Julian calendar), at the Catholic Church 4 fierce.

Bronze statue of St. Peter. (32 on the plan of the cathedral)

On the side of the central nave, beating the left side of the right-handed order from the statue of St. Longina, there is a statue of St. Peter, XIII century, which is attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio. Statues are attributed to miraculous power, and numerous pilgrims reverently put their hands to their bronzed legs.

At the left hand, St. Apostle Peter holds the keys to paradise. The wall behind the statue is decorated with mosaics, not fabric. St. Peter cherubov in the church 25 years. For the 19th century, the only one sitting on the throne of Peter the dove (1847-1878) was Petro himself, formerly Pope Pius IX. Yogo's portrait is placed on the wall above the statue of the apostle. P'edestal for the alabaster of the viconav at 1757. Carlo Marchionni. Marmur's armchair is brought to early resurrection.

On the 29th day of commemoration of the Apostle Yogo, the statue is dressed in clothes, so that it is given, that the statue comes to life.

Baldakhin ((36 on the plan of the cathedral)

At the dome space above the head vіvtar there is a robot of Bernina in the cathedral (1633) - a majestic, 29 m high canopy (kіvorіy) on four twisted columns, on which stand the statues of angels, the robots of Francois du Duquesnoy. Between them yangols, one pair of yangols trims the symbols of tata - the keys and the tiara, another pair of yangols trims the symbols of St. Paul - a book and a sword. The unique shape of the columns repeats the silhouette of the torsion of the colony from the Temple of Solomon, bringing Rome after the capture of Jerusalem.

In the middle of the bay of laurel on the upper parts of the columns one can see the heraldic bjoli of the Barberina family. A large amount of bronze was needed for kіvorіy. 100,000 pounds (37 or 45 tons, all to lay aside a pound victorious for the war) were taken from the domes of the old cathedral, then the styles were sent from Venice and Livorno. If it didn’t work out, then following the order of Pope Urban VIII (Barberina) they took apart the structures, like they added a bronze bas-relief from the pediment to the portico.

The very same Pasquino said to his crying phrase: "Quod non fecerunt Barbari fecerunt Barberini" (what the barbarians did not destroy, destroying Barberini). Although in the interior of the cathedral the canopy does not look especially great, but in height it is more like a 4-surface booth. The masterpiece of Bernina became a specialization of the Baroque style.

The head of the vіvtar is called papal, the shards serve before him only the Pope of Rome. Vivtar of consecrations by Pope Clement VIII 5 chervnya 1594 Vіvtar preparations from the great shmatka marmur, brought from the forum of Emperor Nervi.

"Spovidalnya" (tomb of St. Peter). (37 on the plan of the cathedral)

Before the vіvtar, go down to lead to the tomb of St. Peter. This descent is called Confessio (spovidalnya), so that it can be seen as a cut through at the end of the sepulchral, ​​through a yak, they could turn to cancer, buried deep under the ground, where part of the relics of St. Peter is saved.

Tombstone of Alexander VII robot and Bernini, 1678 (43 on the plan of the cathedral)

The remaining masterpiece of the 80th Bernina. The Pope is depicted in the refined allegory of Mercy (with children, sculptor G. Mazzuoli), Truth (who spires with his left foot on the earth sack, sculptors Morelli and Cartari), Reasoning (sculptor G. Cartari,) and Justice (sculptor). The back of the figure was bare, but after the order of Innokenty XI Bernini їx draped.

The prayer of the pontiff does not break the rapt appearance of Death, as if lifting a heavy canopy. The truth has set its foot on England, which symbolizes the Marches, try this zupinity and the expansion of Anglicanism there.

Tombstone of Papi Paul III (Alessandro Farnese). (51 on the plan of the cathedral)

It seems that the allegories of Justice and Clarity are similar to the sister and mother of Tata. When the tombstone of the della Porta was being assembled, it was possible to beat Michelangelo's little ones, that very robot of the creation of the tombstone was carried out under the supervision of Michelangelo. Bernina moved the tombstone at the central apse of the cathedral 1628 p.

This sculptural composition is one of the most beautiful radiances of its harmony and strimanity. On the back, the statue of Justice was bare, ale in 1595. Cardinal Farnese having made a cape for her. Reasonableness, however, was stripped bare to the waist. A mirror in the hand of prudence.

At the central apse there is a similarly created Bernina Department of St. Peter (1666). (52 on the plan of the cathedral)

For Papi Oleksandr VII, the Chair of the Apostle Peter (1657-1665) is formed, shanovan as the throne of St. Peter. Bernina embellished the throne with a miraculous bronze throne, which carried the positions of two human heights, which represent some of the fathers of the Church. (Ambrose and Augustine as representatives of the Roman Church, Athanasius and John Chrysostom - Greek)

From above, the throne was zanureniya at the radiant gold of light, which flow from the oval glass window from the image of the blue - the symbol of the Holy Spirit - the divine dzherel of papal infallibility. In view of the image of blue on all sides, golden exchanges appear and pierce the gloom that swells, inhabited by yangolats.

Gravestone of Papi Urban VIII. (53 on the plan of the cathedral)

The coat of arms from bdzholami Barberina can be bachiti all over the cathedral.

The very same tato chuckled Galileo in the vision of Copernicus, wanting Urban to be a special friend of Galileo, but he thrashed him to the political situation of that hour. With his bull issued on April 22, 1639. tato having hindered slavery in any form of Indians in Brazil, Paraguay and in the entire West Indies.

The composition of the tombstone reminds of the tombstone of Pope Paul III, but it is more harmonious. Miraculous positions of Mercy and Justice from a white marmur make the transition from a posterigach to the statue of a pope, who raises his hand with blessings and turns on the respect of a beholder.

Vivtar St. Ieronima. (66 on the plan of the cathedral)

Altarpiece "Remain Communion of St. Irony" by the artist Domenichino, 1614. Transferred to the mosaic in 1744. The famous picture of Nina is saved in Pinakothek to the Vatican. The picture shows St. Ironim, who accepts the rest of the sacrament in the form of St. Ephraim, who is helped by St. Paula.

A sarcophagus made of the embalmed body of Pope John XXIII stands before the vvtar. Blessed John XXIII, Pope of Rome, born in 1958 Diplomat to the Vatican, tying the papal nuncio (envoy) to Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and France. Zіyshovshi on the papal throne, speaking the world and peacefully spіvіsnuvannya kraїn іz different social systems. Pragniv modernize the Catholic Church at the link with the minds that have changed in the world. In 1962 calling Vatican II Council.

The Pontiffate of John XXIII, who on three occasions in the last 5 years, having determined a new course for the Vatican's policy, acknowledging the new realities and called to establish a dialogue between different lands that denominations, as well as to improve the social camp of believers in different regions of the world. Most of the contributors call the policy of Pope Ivan XXIII, directed at the defenders of the greatest inhabitants of the world, the butt of the affirmation of the principles of Christian socialism, which were developed by the papal encyclicals.

The activity of the tata did not take away the proper assessment from the yogi nearest sharpened. Opponents of the course of John XXIII called yogo "chervonim tatom", prikhilniks - "tatom light". The Pope was not sued to himself the program of "renewal" of the church, praised by the Other Vatican Council. Vin died on the 3rd of March 1963 due to cancer of the septum, having taken part in the operation.

As recently reported, the body of the Holy Father was embalmed immediately after death by an assistant at the Institute of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Sercia Jesus Gennaro Golja, during the exhumation on September 16, 2001, no such name was found.

The bas-relief tells about the reform that has been introduced - the introduction of a new calendar (Gregorian). For 4 Zhovtnya 1582 r. it was 15th Zhovtnya. The 4th of July is the day of remembrance of St. Francis, which is never missed.

Pope images at once from prominent astronomers and mathematicians, including Jesuit Priest Ignatius Danti, father Clavius ​​from Bamberg and Antonio Lilio from Calabria. The dragon below is an emblematic creature of the Boncompagni genus. Pope Clement XI, who entices Candinal Buoncompagni (cousin of Gregory), having fixed the price of a new tombstone.

Chapel of the Holy Rites. (72 on the plan of the cathedral)

Ordered from the tombstone of Gregory XIII, a small chapel of the Holy Rites is roztashovuetsya.

Forge a capel vikonan for the little Borromin. Entry to the drop for tourists closing. You can go here only for prayers.

Miraculous crypt of the robot of Bernina (1674), gilded bronze. The central part of the vikonan's crypt is near the chapel - the rotunda Temp'etto by the architect Bramante (1502), which is located at the courtyard of the monastery of San P'etro in Montorio on the Janikuliysky Pagorb (the eighth pagorb) near Rome.

The altarpiece - "The Trinity of the New Testament" - is the only painting in the cathedral, painted by Olga, the artist is P'etro ta Cortona.

Gravestone of Matilda of Tuscany. (73 on the plan of the cathedral)

Behind the tombstone of Gregory XIII there is a tombstone of Margravine Matilda Kanoska and Bernina with teachings; This was the first woman, as she was honored to be buried in this cathedral. (At 1077, in Canossa, in the castle of Margravine Mathilde, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Henry IV, a kind of rejoicing in the church and deposition, belittled by the forgiveness of papi Gregory.

Pope Urban VIII for example 1633 p. having covered this tombstone. Vіn khotіv ushanuvat the memory of this prominent woman. March 10, 1634 її the body was transported from Mantua to the cathedral, where the tombstone was already ready. On the bas-relief of the robot Stefano Speranza, images of Henry IV, who slew the knee in front of Gregory VII on September 28, 1077. In the arches Matteo Bonarelli, Andrea Bolgi and Lorenzo Flori created a way to hold the crown, coat of arms and motto: TUETUR ET UNIT.

Matilda of Tuscany (it.: Matilde, lat.: Mathilde) (1046 - March 24, 1115) - Margravess of Tuscany, also called the Great Countess in history. Bula was the patron of the Roman Pope Gregory VII for the hour of fighting for investment. One of the poor middle-class women who carried out military activities. Father Bonifacius III of Tuscany became the ruler of most of the lands of Pivnichnoy Italy, including Ferrara, Modena, Manta, Brescia, Reggio Emilia, and the title of "Marquis of Tuscany".

In 1070 roci won from the political miraculous became friends with Gottfried Gorbatim, Duke of Lorraine, who died in 1076 roci. At the castle of Canossa, Gregory VII was born in the image of Henry IV, who in 1077 came to repentance until the new day. If, in 1081, Henry attacked Gregory, Matilda overran the remaining defeat of the rest, and after the death of Gregory, she continued to fight with Henry.

In 1089, it came in time, for the fate of Pope Urban II, to enter into another secret club with the 18-fold opponent of Henry IV, Welf V, the son of the Bavarian duke; slyub tsey, however, buv rozirvany for kіlka rokіv. Later, Matilda supported the rebellion of Conrad and Henry V, the opposite father. Matilda appointed the Roman Church as the fall of her own lands, that maєtkіv.

Chapel of San Sebastiano. (76) on the plan of the cathedral)

Mosaic "The Death of St. Sebastian" from the original, 1614, by the artist Domenichino, which is stored in the Pinnacle of the Vatican.

From vvtar until May 2011, the tomb of Pope Innocent XI was taken away, and by April 2011, the body of Pope Innocent XI was transferred at the chapel of Clementine. On April 29, 2011, the body of Pope Ivan Paul II was exhumed and placed in front of the main vvtar of the Cathedral of St. Peter, and after the beatification it was re-buried at the new tomb under the Chapel of San Sebastiano. The Marmur slab, with which the great grave of the pontiff was covered, was moved to the yogo fatherland - to Poland.

Beatification of Ivan Paul II.

In the Latin tradition, beginning with the installation of Pope Urban VIII in 1642, the process of sacrificing to the face of the blessed (beatified) and saints (canonized) was adopted.

Later, for Pope Benedict XIV, they were installed vimogi, as the candidate was guilty of confession: do the deeds of confession to the church of the Church, showed him the honesty of the guilty, but be blamed, and the fact is the diva, skoєni for his intercession, is guilty of buti confirmed by documentary evidence.

For canonization, at least two divas are needed, for the intercession of the deceased. The Congregation at the right of the saints at the Vatican takes care of the food for glorification, as they file materials directly from them, at the positive front visnovka, on the approval of the pope, after which the icon of the neo-Orthodox is erected at St. Peter's Cathedral.

Ivan Pavlo II himself, zarahuvav to the face of saints and blessed more than people, below us the champions of the past of the XVI century. From 1594 to the year (following the adoption of Sixth V in 1588 of the apostolic constitution Immensa Aeterni Dei, which is celebrated, zokrema, and nutrition of the canonization) by 2004, 784 canonizations were broken, of which 475 were under the pontificate of Paul II. Before the blessed John Paul II, he saved 1338 people.

Pope Benedict XVI commemorated the process of sacrificing his successor, Ivan Paul II, to the face of the blessed. Benedict XVI talked about it at the gathering of priests at the Basilica of St. John on the Lateran near Rome. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy for beatification є vchinennya miracle. It is important that Ivan Pavlo II was the fate of that healed the French blueberry Mary Simon-P'er in the face of Parkinson's disease. On May 1, 2011 Pope Benedict XVI beatified Ivan Paul II.

Canonization of Ivan Paul II.

The procedure for the canonization of the 264th Pope of Rome will be held on April 27, 2014. The decision was praised as a result of the cardinal's consistory, as passed by Pope Francis on 30 December 2013. On April 3rd, the Congregation for the Canonization of Saints to the Holy See made a statement that it was necessary for the canonization of another miracle for the adoption of the pontiff on May 1, 2011.

Official comments about the nature of the miraculous phenomenon of the Vatican are not shy. And then there is information about those who marvelously became in Costa Rica with an ailing woman, who healed from a serious illness of the brain and started praying to the late Ivan Paul II. The decision about canonization has already been praised by the current head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis.

tombstone Queen Christina of Sweden.(78 on the plan of the cathedral)

Author - Carlo Fontana, 1670 p. Christina (1626-1689) - Queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustav II Adolf and Mary Eleonory of Brandenburg. One of the three women buried at St. Peter's Cathedral. Near Brussels on Christmas Day 1654 She converted to Catholicism. The transition of Christina to Catholicism caused a sensation in the entire Protestant world. From Brussels, Christina went as far as Italy. 3 leaf fall 1655 p. in Innsbruck there was an official signing of the Protestant church.

"P'eta" (sculptor Michelangelo). (80 on the plan of the cathedral)

Nayvidomisha sculpture on a religious plot. Nayvidatnishe artistic TV h quiet, scho znahodyatsya in the cathedral. Michelangelo, having created її z odnієї, shaved the Carrara marmur, if 25 more fates did not happen to you.

On 26 September 1498, the sculptural group was occupied by Cardinal Jean Bilheres de Lagraulas, ambassador of the French king; the work was completed close to 1500 rubles. after the death of the cardinal, who died in 1498. The sculpture was intended for the tombstone of the cardinal. Pedestal viscon Francesco Borromini in 1626

The price of the sculptor's robot, I signed it (for Vasari's advice, having heard Rozmov's name, they quarreled about his authorship). Copies of "P'eti" can be found at rich Catholic churches all over the world, from Mexico to Korea.

"P'eta"- one of the works, among some historians of the art, to sing a water-diver between quattrocento and High Renaissance. The Italian master has rethought in the spirit of high humanism the sculptural image of the inanimate Christ in the arms of his mother, traditional for the gothic pub. Madonna is presented to him as a young and beautiful woman, as if he knew about the loss of his nearest person.

Regardless of the foldability of two such great figures in one statue, the composition of "P'eti" is unbelievable. The figures are interpreted as a single whole, now they are hostile to anger. At the same time, the sculptor subtly depicts the human and the woman, the living and the dead, the shin and cover, the vertical and the horizontal, with which to introduce an element of tension into the composition.

"P'eta" has become a sign for the distant interpretation of this iconographic plot. The great folds of the Madonna's clothes, which are folded, not only navmisno polyuyut dramatic evils of the body, which lie on її knees, but also serve as a kind of pedestal for the entire pyramidal composition. At these delicate folds, a mity is guessed, as spiritual as it is physical, which contrasts with the soft rice of the appearance of the Mother of God. Beyond the stage of completion, that refinement of the details of "P'eta" may turn over all the other sculptural creations of Michelangelo.

In 1972, the Australian geologist of the Ugrian campaign, Laszlo, attacked the statue with a rock hammer. The one who shouted that Christ is guilty. After the restoration, the statue of the bula was installed behind the knee-proof slope of the right hand at the entrance to the cathedral.

The chapel "P'eti" is embellished with mosaics, named after F.Cristofari for little Ferri and Pietro da Cortona. The rest is called Bernina painting through the number and significance of yoga for the cathedral. Above the vvtar there is a fresco "The Triumph of the Cross" by Lanfranco, the only fresco from the cathedral, not translated to the mosaic. At the chapel of the Holy Mysteries there is one painting near the cathedral, painted by Oliya.

from the Vatican site-

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