Which year will be indexed military pensions. Viysk pensioners for Russia and її zbroyni forces. Chi will be promoted to retirement for military servicemen

The social and financial support of the leading officers in Russia is insufficiently blamed. Significant amounts of money are spent on the financing of the army. Ale pension payments do not apply to pensioners. What will be the Russian pensions from 1 September 2018 Russian Federation? Food, like a hvilyuє hvilyuє hromadyan, yakі consecrated a lot of fates of their life to military service.

Pension reform and military pensioner. Rest news

Pension reform, which is being carried out in the Russian Federation, affects all levels of pensioners: from civil servants to military veterans. Changes of the voices from the radian hours of the system, the rozrahunka of the rozmіru of payments for accumulative payments is step by step. In Russia, there is still a threefold transitional period, which will increase the number of balls, the pension required for retirement, and the length of the insurance period. In this part, the pension of military servicemen is not charged in the standard country.

However, there are professional credentials, for example, a senior pensioner or three years of service in the army. For the in-line period, the applicant for the withdrawal of the military pension needs to have one of the following options:

  1. 20 years of service without interruption.
  2. 12 years of service and a call for honey. svidchennyam.
  3. Zvіlnennya through reorganization for 112 years of service.

The first option has a minimum annual pension of 45 years. In another, that third option, mothers can be less than 45 years old, and additionally, they need the presence of an infamous work experience - 25 years.

Dodatkovo, the Council and the State Duma are discussing the promotion of retirement. Possibly, the change will also hit the viysks. Detailed official information is not yet available.

The total cost of the budget for 2018 for the security of the military in Russia is becoming approximately:

Chi will be increased to the Russian pension from 1 September 2018

The summary of the increase in the increase in the pension of the military people in 2018 is not varto. It is planned to increase payments in the form of indexation. Behind the plans for more than a hundred, we are getting about 4-5%. The prote real inflation rate is predicted at a rate of 10%. Previously, it was stated that the increase in the increase in the amount of pensions for the military would be 2% and three times the doti, the docks of the pension and payment would not reach the increase in the wages of the military. However, the implementation of the application has not yet been carried out. For the upcoming 2018, the pensioner of the varto will be provided for the payment of a pension in the amount of approximately 24,500 rubles.

There is no way to pay a one-time meal for data. Analyzing the previous period, you can allow that 5,000 rubles helped with the expansion. will be awarded to Viysk pensioners. Let's guess that in 2017 the one-time payment was made by the Viysk Council after it was accepted by the Decree of the Ordinance. Vіysk pensioners didn't squander their heads until the transfer of otrimuvacs.

Advancement of pensions for working pensioners

Most of the Russian retirees continue to work. Reasons why kіlka:

  • early vіk exit at vіdstavku;
  • low pension payments;
  • saving the practional age;
  • the demand for external officers to the labor market.

Through those who are statistically rich in Viysk pensioners, they will deduct their pensions and salaries from the legislator's initiative. Vidpovidno to her proponuetsya skasuvati payment of pensions to the viysk, yakі vyrishili prodovzhit labor activities. With whom to save the right to leave for help. For the time being, this project is being discussed and is still planned to be considered by the Duma. Alternately, the orientation of the policy of reducing the amount of money spent on pension security can lead to the discounting of military pensions for working people.

News Minister of Defense

The Ministry of Defense announced that there will be no payment of pensions for the military in 2018. It also announced that it is possible to increase the increase in payments for a higher lower inflation coefficient for the obviousness of the possibility of financing.

Dodatkovo announced new news about granting private banks the right to pay pensions to the Viysks without additional commissions. So far, there is no new transfer of banks, but possible options have been named: VTB, Roslgospbank, Gazprombank.

In 2018, the government is planning to change the principles of accruing military pensions, in order to allow the situation to save the money of the state budget. With whom, the government considers options for increasing pension payments to large military people. The rest of the decision will be praised by those who leave the country's budget.

Rozmіr vіyskovoї pension to be deposited according to the number of key indications:

  1. landed salary;
  2. military rank;
  3. allowance (salary payable for the service of the rokiv).

According to experts, the average pension of Viysk pensioners of the past year was 23 thousand. krb., which translates the middle Russian show.

Vrakhovuuchi freezing the indexation of penny security during the crisis, the basic level of pension has been lost without change. However, the government won the reduction of the decreasing coefficient, which led to the actual increase in payments. This tool allowed to increase the Russian pensions in 2017 by 4%, which is currently being done for the indexation of the insurance pension.

The upcoming fate of the indexation of the insurance and the Russian pension will be identical, experts predict. The increase in inflation is allowed to change the marginal increase in pensions to 4%. In addition, the government can help us to increase the length of service in order to reduce the cost of military pensions.

In 2018, the government is planning to launch a reform of the devil in order to sign up for the principles of raising a military pension. For the butt of derzhsluzhbovtsiv, officials proponuyut increase the standard length of service, the necessary withdrawal of pensions. The unit may increase its performance up to 25 years (at the moment, the required length of service is 20 years). The reform will be launched immediately after the elections, experts predict.

The main meta of the officials is the speed of the state spending on the payment of pre-stroke pensions. Podіbniy zahіd allow to reduce the cost of the budget by 300-400 billion rubles.

Experts vvazhayut, that the government in 2018 may find a key indicator of raising pensions for Viysk pensioners - a penny of security for Viysk pensioners. Under what circumstances, the representatives of the Ministry of Finance should try to get out of the real possibilities of the budget.

Indexation of pensions for Viysk pensioners

At the tradition of Naradi Uryadovtsyv Volodymyr Putin Zgadav about those, 2011 to 2017 Roki viSkovi pandasi boli bouli Maya Maya Air Airborne I Vyslovye, in the Yako Idsitsky, Pentisovsi, and & .

The President, having declared that it is necessary to raise two payments synchronously with the beginning of the new calendar year, even if it is necessary to increase the amount of pension assistance, it will cost over 2.6 million extras.

The author of the draft law raised the respect of those present at the party for the fact that the help of the former military people should be paid a month in advance. This means that the increased pension will need to be paid already in 2017. But the budget of the country allows you to increase in full, and even before New Rock, Russian pensioners can take an increase in their pensions, looking at the increase in the indexation.

Savings on Russian

The indexation of the penny security of the Viysk people has been frozen for 5 years already. The economic crisis and the growing budget deficit continued the term of the moratorium until 2017. Prote advancing fate of experts and officials predict the future of the country's economy, which will allow the order to raise the wages of the military.

The past fate of the Ministry of Finance has proponuvit change the principle of indexation of the supply of military. The deputy of obov'yazkovoї іndexatsії to the level of inflation, representatives of the department spoke about fixing the possible increase in salaries of the federal budget. Such a pіdhіd allow vrakhovuvati ekonomіchnі realії and koriguvati wages, depending on the revenues of the budget. Prote at the State Duma did not support the initiative of the Ministry of Finance. The legislators are aware that the state is not guilty of protecting the military.

Let's look at the economic indicators, the remaining decisions of officials on how to increase the wages of the Russians to deposit in the naphtha market. The export of "black gold" secures a significant part of the budgetary needs. The offensive fate of the oil market will become unstable, and experts will come into play, which is a major threat to the Russian budget.

The optimistic scenario of transferring the price increase to 60 USD/bbl. As a result, the order removes additional financial resource, scho allow zbіshiti vitrati for morning viisky. In such a time, the government can introduce a shhorіchnu indexation of the salaries of the military.

The baseline forecast is forwarded for quotation at the level of 50-55 USD/bbl. In the wake of this budget deficit, save up on a high level, so as to deprive the authorities of the future promotion of the penny security of the military.

In the case of a pessimistic scenario, the cost of a barrel of oil falls to 40 dollars, in order to get officials to increase their salaries and pensions. In addition, a sharp reduction in budgetary needs will force the order to switch to a regime of austerity.

Pensions for Ukrainian pensioners in 2018 will be increased by 4%, experts are important. The power is accelerated by the mechanism of lowering the correctional coefficient, which allows for the indexation of pension payments.

One more initiative of the government of the coming fate is the promotion of the length of service up to 25 years. Tsey zahіd allow to reduce the cost of the budget for the financing of pre-term pensions.

The advancement of the penny security of the offensive rock is being overwhelmed under the doubt. The rest of the decision is stale in the light of the economic situation and the extraction of oil quotations.

Withdrawal of military pensions

To finish it often in the rest of the hour, information about the possibility of skasuvannya vodrakhuvan for military workers is announced. The authenticity of these is slightly not confirmed by anything, but at the link with it, it is not possible to know the idea of ​​​​knowing how many people have been admitted.

It is important that there are a lot of military people, you can easily do without these vouchers, the shards can be even more beautiful than the newcomers, as you can win not only in the process of service. For maximum adaptation, the organization of the passage of a large number of military services without a cost of training is encouraged. At the same time, the savings of external assistance are guaranteed with the method of financial support at the start.

For more information. Talk about those who can get on a radical diet, but you yourself can get liquidated military pensions. Such a solution without intermediary with a negative impact on the functioning of the army in a flash. However, the indexation of pensions has not yet been told to anyone, so that fate will also be carried out.

Remain the news about the promotion of pensions to the new roci

How to certify the bill on the indexation of law enforcement and other departments, starting from 2013, the pension fund rate may increase by 2%. Tse may continue doti, financial security docks do not reach 100%. If you look at the growth for 2018, then the total growth of the overdue cats becomes 72.23%. Approximately such a showcase of the last fate. Prote z 1 sіchnya roka іndexatsiyu pensions vіyskovim 2% will be attached to the decisions in the order.

As stated by the Committee for the Defense of Russia, for the most part of the military pensions, they are indexed at a rate of 5%. However, the nearest future tribute will not have a vikonan.

Note! The Crimea has been reintroduced, and the Decree of the President on the incremental increase in the amount of pensions for military people, who have already retired, is not being implemented. Prote, our President gave the order for the conduct of the indexation of pensions for military people, as they have already stopped serving at the link with the pension century.

The rest of the rest of the news from the Thought about the promotion of pensions in 2018 is about the future. There are plenty of budgetary funds to index the pensions of the current year, and for the large number of military servicemen - the coming month (fierce). The President of Russia, having declared that it is necessary to do so immediately and without delay. V.V. Putin is trying to think that it is necessary to carry out the indexation in such a way that it was necessary to destroy the past fate.

The indexation itself, following the words of our President, pensioners may bump into us, as if they gave their lives to the service of the Batkivshchyna. Also, there may be osіb, equal to military pensioners. Your big cock Russian Guard, as well as the officials of the bodies of internal

As soon as having reminded the President, in order to effectively create ideas, it is necessary to seriously look at all the things that are seen in the same direction, no matter what fate. It is important to work out these reasons that the payment of pensions to Viysk pensioners should be spent a month earlier. V.V. Putin said that the funds in the budget allow for the implementation of this plan.

Why should the offensive rock

The rest of the rest of the news from the Duma about the increase in pensions for the 2018 people in 2018 are reminded about those who are not yet virishene until the end. Think about it, as if you were already crowded, less ready to become a part of reality. Prote deyakі zmіni schodo іndexatsії pensions vіyskovim, yakі already deprived of their service, to stand at the plans in order, and their implementation is considered the most priority. In this hour, pensions are paid only to tims of the Viysk, as they have given service to the Batkivshchyna for at least 20 years, which is transferred by the legislation of Russia and is founded on the official level.

Important! However, the law has some amendments. For example, dodatkova іnformatsіya to talk about those who can pay a pension in the same way to those persons, who have served in the army structures for at least 12 years for the presence of an additional experience of 25 years, and also they have been deprived of service until the present 45 years in the camp of health.

In this rank, the law speaks about those who have the right to such categories of citizens on their pensions:

  • individuals that have served less than 20 calendar years;
  • the one who served in the Batkivshchyna for 12.5 years, as a hromadyansky experience - at least 25 years;
  • tі, hto buv usuneniya vіd service through the problems of zі zdorov'yam until reaching 45 years;
  • all military servicemen, who have retired and may serve their lives.

Tsikavo! As one of the officials of the Derzhdumi declared, 9 billion rubles, which were found from the sovereign Viysk fiend Zakharchenko, will be transferred to the fund of the federal budget, the shards are fair, that the bones, acquired by a malicious way, will go for good.

Prote vіdomostі about those, that indefatigable pensions for Viysk pensioners can be skasovanі, expanded from ЗМІ. In this hour, people are trying to be skeptical about such a point of view, but those who are more likely to try. However, the swindler, yak was raised like a cієї іnformatsiї, more for everything, marna.

Vіdna dopomog viysk pensioners will inevitably cry, oskolki ce in the region is necessary, so that people, like at the link with the century or for any other reasons, deprive their viysk violinism, could feel better. Tse let them understand that the state is protecting the quiet, who will serve faithfully and dedicate their lives to this profession.

The help is also crying out for the young military, as if they were untimely deprived of service, the shards in such a time cannot take a pension because of those who have not formed it, and that financial support will be very necessary for them.

There is reliable information about the indexation of offensive fate for the large number of military people. How the officials of the Derzhdumi are asserting, the indicator will rise from 72.23 to 73.1%. At the transfer of pennies, we are getting close to 25,000 rubles with the rationing of the money, which is supposed to come from the federal budget. Tim is no less, having looked at the option about those who would have a lower coefficient for the offensive group, however, there is still no exact information from this drive.

In such a manner, to skasovuvatsiyu іndexatsiyu pensions for kolishnіh vіyskovskih order still can't namiru, so zbіlshennya narahuvan vіdbuvatimetya so, as if it was the past fate.

The President of Russia voted on the indexation of winter pensions in January 2019 on the basis of inflation. Pennies from the federal budget were seen in 2019.

There are no more details about the continuation of the moratorium. According to the statements of the economists, the financial camp of the country allows you to see more pensions for military servicemen.

Who will take

There are 3 main types of pensions, indebtedly, depending on how they differ, and remove the payments:

  1. For service lit.
  2. For disability.
  3. For the second anniversary.

In order for a large military base to take a pension for the service of a year, you may be able to support such vimog:

  • mothers' military experience is not less than 20 years;
  • as a pensioner has a bad experience (i military service, and work on the bulk), then the service can be at least 25 years, of which at least half are in law enforcement agencies.

Oskilki military service is connected with singing risks, the state transferred a disability pension, as follows:

  • the ailment came at the first hour of the vikonanny of the military obov'yazkiv, or after 3 months after the call;
  • іnvalіdnіst vіnіklі vnaslidok ailments, like іnіkіla pіd hour of service.

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As a vicarage to the borg caused the death of a huge man, the deacons close relatives may have the right to withdraw a pension through the expenditure of a year-old man:

  • children young 18 years old or Russian students initial mortgages up to 23 years (only full-time);
  • old unemployed fathers;
  • fathers-іnvalidi;
  • a person (team) of a dead man, who does not have a lower income and looks at a child younger than 14 years old.

How to issue

To apply for a Viysk pension, hulk May:

  • articles on the appearance of the militia commissariat;
  • apply for one of the types of pensions by submitting the required documents.

The procedure for issuing a military pension does not depend on the decision of payments. Cats can be possessed in the following ways:

  1. Post to Russia. The pennies are either delivered to the office for the place of registration of the hunker, or go to the home address.
  2. Through the bank. The citizen can either withdraw the order from any nearest bank, or issue a “SVIT” card and withdraw money from it from any Oschadbank ATM. The commission is not drawn.
  3. As a hulker it is impossible to take pennies on his own, he can certify in a notary public and give a third person the right to dispose of coins. Then the person is allowed to come for payments with a passport, a copy of the applicant’s passport, permission and requisites (yaksho є).

Required documents

If the local authorities praised the application, the citizen can bring the evidence of the claim for the withdrawal of the pension. The list of documents can be changed depending on the type of pension, the most extensive ones:

  • internal passport;
  • a military ticket, which would be some other document, which would give a hulk the right to serve in military service;
  • a statement from the Pension Fund about the day of the current pension (for example, it won’t be, a certificate of the legality of the payment and the її expansion);
  • whether there are documents confirming the work experience, including a work book, labor contracts, heroes from archives, certificates of evidence;
  • like the papers give the members of the family for retirement through the expense of the annual, a certificate of the death of a hulk;
  • as a pension is paid for disability, a statement about the assignment of a group, seen by the medical committee, as well as the laying of a special military commission.

Spivrobitniki can spend 10 days at the sight of papers and the guilt of the decision. If the documents are not received, the applicant was given a sheet of papers to convey to them, then the process is extended for 3 months.

How much will be the indexation of Ukrainian pensions from 1 September 2019

Rozmіr vіyskovoї pensions razrakhovuєtsya vhodyachy z penny security, as if the hromadyaninov narakhovuvalis to mvіlnennya. If the experience is minimal, then 50% of the total amount is taken.

If a citizen serves longer for the minimum term (9 years in 2019), then an allowance is carried out according to district coefficients. Through the war, the final pension is to be deposited on the next day.

With the repayment of the military pension, there is a lower coefficient, which in 2019 is 72.23%. At the time of the introduction of the vіdsotka, the Order sang, scho step by step, the vіn camp will be 100%. However, in 2019 and 2019, the coefficient coefficient did not change.

Legislation has laid down a marginal increase of 2%, but so far there have not been any announcements from the first one.

From 1 fierce: the rest of the news

The intercessor of the Minister of Defense Tetyana Shevtsova gave an interview about the rest of the novelties, which are worth indexing the penny security of the colossal military. The Council has already approved a plan to increase payments until 2020.

In її words, penny security will be indexed on September 1, 2019, at the same time in 2019 and in the next year of 2020. The amount of indexation will be permanently lost, the surcharge will be 4%.

In 2019, the budget has contributed 18 billion rubles on military pensions. In 2019, the total cost will increase to 22.6 billion rubles. і 2020 reaches a record 41.2 billion krb.

For example, the average military pension of a lieutenant in 2019 is 66.1 thousand. rub., which may be 3 thousand rubles more, lower torik

With this, lieutenant colonels deduct an increase in the amount of 3.4 thousand rubles, and their average pension becomes 88.7 thousand rubles. rub. (In por_vnyannі z 85.3 thousand rubles. In 2019 roci).

The minimum increase in pensions will be for officers, we will become:

947 rub. in 2019
RUB 2,956 in 2019-2020 years

Cho robiti, yakscho otrimav without pererakhunka

2019, 43 million pensioners live in the Russian Federation. They are close to a third of the official pracevlashtovani, but the indexation of their pensions is not transferred. In 2014, roci її were told at once from the freezing of the accumulative part. Pensioners, who work, take away only an allowance for the increase in the length of service and active helpers.

Following the words of the Minister of Pratsi and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, the next hour of the stench will take away the pension without indexation. The robot seller continues to pay contributions for the working pensioners, as if they are transforming themselves in Bali every year. At

2018 one ball is more expensive 81.49 rubles. The higher the salary and the greater experience, the higher the balls. In 2019, you can earn a maximum of 3 points, so you can save 245 rubles to retire in stock. All three are less, lower zbіlshennya after indexation.

For the words of economists, come in and allow the federal budget to be invested by 551.3 billion rubles. Tsі koshti shomіsyatsya vyluchayutsya from the hoarding rakhunkіv hulks, schob to secure a pension for people of a frail age. The pension system will not be changed at least until 2020.

From one side, go straight to the changing economic situation, allowing the PFR to take advantage.

Prote representatives of the Association of Non-State Funds vvazhayut that the economy of the country until 2020 to spend close to 6 trillion. rubles through the daily indexation and freezing of savings. On my thought wages and vіdsotkіv for loans.

For practical military pensioners, a special pilgrimage was given. The stench can be a kind of mitt to issue the merits of retirement and take away a pension with a promotion coefficient.

Other pensioners deduct pensions from the improvement of indexation and at the line established by law.

Video: Indexation of pensions for Ukrainian pensioners from 1 September 2019

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