General shamanіv biography sim'ї. Biography. The State Duma hosted an exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Military National Guard of the Russian Federation

The biography of General Shamanov is full of such and superb facts. Having become the only army commander, a kind of graduate of civil administration, a candidate of sociological sciences and at the same time uncompromising and ruthless to the enemy, fighting general Volodymyr Anatoliyovich, this year, the landing of the head paratrooper of the country, respecting your own freedom.

Childhood and youth

At the municipality of Barnaul, in the fierce 1957, a biography was opened. Volodymyr Shamanov, having put in father early, is a kind of pishov іz sіm'ї. Yoga was taken up by her mother, an athlete from Altai, who achieved significant success in a number of sports: athletics, cycling and downhill races. She herself formed the goal of directing the new one. Shamanov's childhood passed in Uzbekistan, where his family moved, and de, being an eighth-grader, he looked over the film "Officers", which appointed a further share of the lieutenant.

Yogo was a classmate of the son of the Viyskkom, through whom Volodymyr found out about the paratrooper who chose his own way. Having joined the ranks to the Tashkent Tank School, I knew ahead of time that the first company should be transferred to the Ryazan VVDKU. Having become a graduate paratrooper, in 1978 he began serving as a platoon commander with the famous 76th Pskov division.

Haircuts with a parachute

What do you care about the greatest achievements of the people: success in career and fit yourself? The future general Volodymyr Shamanov, whose biography is described by the historians of the new hour, was the first parachute kill in Central Asia in 1974. Vіn strebnuv z close ochima And youmu was really scared. Analyze your own vineyards for less than an hour of the coming haircut, which we do not want to consider.

For my life, 176 times I climbed into the sky, to go down on a parachute, power fear she is indignant. 1986, Shamanov did not become a victim of a tragic depression, if the main parachute did not open. After that, having saved the spare one, the other dome could not be lowered, having begun to straighten out, creating a rizik of interweaving of slings. Having run into the problem of the earth itself, the officer, having started to repeat the haircut, in order to take away the attention away. “Born in a shirt,” they say about such people, like the future General Shamanov.

Biography: this is the place in life

With his great fortune, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich respects his family. Lyudmila Shamanova, the general's squad, whose biography is widely known to help a person in all exercises, including hot spots, is the smut of all life. Vaughn was born and grew up in Ryazan, de stinks got to know each other at the wedding of friends. Once upon a time, I wrote to Shamanov wild leaves, Having looked into the girl not only femininity and beauty, but also building to become a good fighting friend. In Yogo's first trip to the "hot spot", she really lied to Yomu's life, not being afraid to grab an arrogant bandit by the hand, if she was getting ready to hit the її person.

The stench became friends in 1978 after the completion of the training. Lyudmila is a lawyer for education, she graduated from the Polytechnic Institute. Two children were born to the slave: daughter Svitlana, zhartom was nicknamed “the captain’s donka”, but at that time the father had changed from the rank of captain, and son Yuri, a graduate of the Suvorov School and Viysk University. Not being an adept at the superworldly guardianship of children, Shamanov nevertheless took into account the necessary preparation of a son to a suvor military profession, especially learning to shoot and accompanying the first hour of the first haircut with a parachute.

Army Carrier

To say that the general Shamanov's biography was successful - well, there's nothing to be said. Vіn not only became the youngest army commander, who at 42 roki ocholiv 58th army, but on the cob kar'єri contrived to pass obov'yazkovі gatherings of military settlements, which does not follow any logical explanation. Turning back through the river from Pskov, I stunned the commanding platoon, and then the company to the RVVDKU, owing to the proposition of the commander of the Airborne Forces Dmitry Sukhorukov, once I had been recognized as a battalion commander, which opened my way to the academy.

At 29 years, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich sіv at the desk, just like the most important officer's warehouse, otrimuvav combat dosvіd in Afghanistan. After graduating from the academy in 1989, Shamanov was no longer taken to the front, but the promotion to the settlement became a tradition. After leaving the army in 1999, he was never a division commander, a commander of a military district, or an officer in the headquarters of the Airborne Forces.

First battle dosvid

At the plantation of the commander of the 328th regiment, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Shamanov, a biography of such a ryasnіє sevіrіchchi, taking part in combat operations near Nagіrny Karabakh. This is the cob of the 90s, if the country was falling apart, and the security forces, like opined behind the cordon, it was important to encourage the correct line of conduct. Being quartered in Azerbaijan, the paratroopers broke for the new defense of the time near the area of ​​Mardakert, having gained national settlements.

Until 1993, the stinks were exhaled in the Ulyanovsk region in a self-sufficient way, often vicoristo using the method of “cleansings”. Today, law enforcement officials are suing the Russians, the prot army cannot testify for political decisions.

First Chechen campaign

In Chechnya, Shamanov spent 1995 by the birch tree, if he was the chief of staff of the 7th division of the Airborne Forces. The very first hour of the campaign came to new popularity. Gennadiy Troshev, in his books, calls him a rightful hero, a kind of hospital in his part. On the combat machine of that one, having climbed on mine, having taken off this Ulamk’s wounds. Vryatuvav vryatuvav Makarov's life, which he defended from the hit of a fragment to the heart. Colonel Shamanov’s paratroopers took Vedeno from the red paratroopers, having hundreds of militants, after which they had taken the post of Troshev’s intercessor, commander of the 58th army, who was very much grouped in Chechnya.

The biography of General Shamanov includes the famous victories of the capture of Shatoi, Shali, Goisky and Bamut, after which they began to quarrel with Zhukovsky and Yermolov more and more often, indicating not only the talent of the military, but also the power of them Zhorstkovichi, like Anatoliymir militants, and th to the civilian population. In 1996, an officer was promoted to the Academy of the General Staff, and the ignominious completion of the Chechen campaign did not cause a ton of shock.

Another Chechen Campaign (XTO)

Another Chechen campaign started from Dagestan, de Khattab and Basayev knew the support from the side of the Islamists, they voted for an independent republic in the Kadar zone. For the support of the crisis, it is necessary to have a cool military leader, building a fire of terrorism. Shamanov to turn to the Caucasus to plant the commander For the capture of the forces of Chabanmakhi and Karamakhi (serpen - spring 1999) to represent him up to the title of Hero of Russia.

The biography of General Shamanov, at the same time, continues to viklikati super-cheerful thoughts. Incredibly, the “Zakhid” grouping, the yogo army made its way to Grozny with bloody battles, just like Troshev, at the warehouse of the “Skhid” grouping, shushed the path of a peaceful resolution of conflicts from the population. With the commander of the OGV V. Kazantsev, Shamanov’s blueprints did not work out, which is why, due to his non-participation in the First Chechen campaign. The coolness of the character of the commander of the army was shown as on the battlefield, and in the broken subordination, the difference of officers in the presence of the underdogs, the hardness of the hundreds of military inhabitants. For a number of concrete pіznіshe vinik international razglyad prote General Prosecutor's Office was not vacheno malice from the side of the Russian army.


Until the spring of 2000, it became clear to the fate that the service of the commander in the North Caucasus Military District was reaching its end, and that they propagated a settlement in the Moscow region. The phenomenon of an officer was slandered by the one who is likely to be Colonel-General Shamanov, the biography of whom was crushed by his rightful star of the television screen and by a lover of the Russians, among colleagues of that mass population, authority is not Mav. Deciding that the military commanders were called to zadryat yoma, as the youngest army commander, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich depriving the military service and running for the governor's quarters, having turned the Ulyanovsk region for himself.

The local population supported this candidacy, mriyuchi about the establishment of harmony in the region after the 15th ruling of the colossal stoneworker - Yuriy Goryachov. The region was on the inter-energy crisis, podolat yak Shamanov away, restructuring the communal borg. Ale vesti the region is quiet, who, if you see people without the permission of civil administration, did not appear under force. 2004 Shamanov announced his candidacy from the upcoming elections, switching to a job in the squad.

Turn right

President Putin allegedly said that the country does not throw such generals as Shamanov. In 2007, he signed a decree about turning to the army of people, as for the rest of the year, she was distant in her beloved profession. After participating in a combat operation in Abkhazia (2008), in 2009, a role was transferred from the Head Directorate of Combat Training and Military Service to the landing of the commander of the Airborne Forces. The paratroopers took the confession out of joy. And in 2012, Shamanov was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Vin feels absolutely happy, repeatedly hanging out that a leather cadet of the RVVSKU would like to become the lead paratrooper of the country. Youmu is gone.


The biography of Colonel-General Volodymyr Shamanov is full of scandals, which can only be explained by one thing - the adaptability of combat officers to the minds of peaceful life. So, in 2009, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich, a roci, joined the special forces of the Airborne Forces for anti-skinning at the Sporttek plant, as the head of his daughter O. Khramushin. Not managing the situation until the end, having outweighed his own reins, for which Yogo was punished by a disciplinary order.

In 2010, under Tuloy, the general's service car was consumed in a serious accident from a stolen MAZ car. As a result of a frontal impact, the water died, and Shamanov himself and two officers suffered serious injuries. Vodіy MAZu Davlatsho Elbegiyev of judgments for 6 years of freedom, having repented at the courtroom. After dressing up, Shamanov started up again to his shoes, prote at the turn of events and accidents, there’s a lot of people who don’t believe it.

History to judge and evaluate the folding period of the life of the country and its heroes. As if it wasn’t there, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich takes care of his beloved right in a right way. Vіrіt vіrit іn "crylate pіhotu" navіt for the minds of the change of the technical equipment of the army and the change of the methods of conducting military operations. Only the soldiers of the Airborne Forces for a long time can opine in a point of light, in order to make a difference in the battlefield, whether it be folding.


Shamanov Volodymyr Anatoliyovich

Deputy of the State Duma

Candidate of sociological sciences

Hero Russian Federation

Guards Colonel General

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Volodymyr Shamanov was born on February 15, 1957 near the town of Barnaul, Altai Territory. Childhood of provinces in Uzbekistan. The father left his family early, and the children were taken care of by their mother Galina Yevgenivna, the champion of the Altai Territory in track and field, athletics, and cycling. She herself, following Shamanov’s words, laid her reach into the new exercise: “If you don’t stumble on what you’ve achieved, you’ll always rush forward, lift one height and immediately aim for yourself.”

In 1974-1976, Volodymyr was a cadet at the Tashkent Naval Tank Command School. In 1978, after graduating from the Ryazan Airborne Command Order of the Order of Suvorov, the Chervonopraporny School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov, after which he became the commander of a platoon of self-propelled artillery installations of the self-propelled artillery division of the 76th Guards Airborne Division in Pskov. Since 1979, he was a platoon commander, and since 1980, he was a commander of a company of cadets of the Ryazan VVDKU.

From 1984 to 1986, he served in Moldova and Azerbaijan, commanding the parachute battalion of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division of Chernigivsk. It was said that for the success in the service of yoga, commander of the Airborne Forces Dmitro Sukhorukov was especially acknowledged, having pleased the prohanny of the commander of the Pskov division Georgy Shpak. As a result of such a confession, Shamanov "missed" the intercessor of the battalion commander and the chief of staff of the battalion, and the officers from the mouths of the school were assigned to yak.

In the spring of 1986 the main parachute did not open at the Pskov division near the battalion commander Shamanov. Spratsyuvav spare, prote after soil rozkrivatisya main parachute: yakbi їhnі slings intertwined, the officer instantly split up. Stribok ending in the distance, wanting to spread the lines of the parachutes, Shamanov was farther away than the earth. After landing, having understood that there are three fates in the near future - I will enter until the end of the academy - I won’t stribatim with a parachute, Shamanov, who survived the deadly nebezpeka, having hitched a ride, going to the airfield and repeating the stribok.

From 1986 to 1989, Rick Shamanov received the Viysk Order of Lenin and the Zhovtnevoy Revolution of the Red Order of the Suvorov Academy named after M.V. Frunze, Ninі - at the warehouse of the Zahalnovskiy Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After graduation from the academy, Colonel Shaman, he was recognized as the intercessor of the commander of the 300th regiment of the 98th guards airborne division in Chisinau. From black 1990 to 1994 - commander of the 328th Guards Airborne Regiment of the 104th Guards Airborne Division.

Shamanov took part in the peacekeeping operation near the conflict zone near Nagir Karabakh. In 1991, roci vin took command of the 28th regiment, which until 1993 was stationed in Azerbaijan, and then sent to Ulyanovsk. In 1994, Shamanov was transferred to Novorossiysk to the station of the chief of staff - the intercessor of the commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Division, as a peacekeeping officer in Abkhazia, took part in military operations near the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky region.

At the birch tree 1995 Shamanov's rock is in directions to Chechnya. Commanding the grouping of the 7th Novorossiysk Airborne Division. Two months later, I was seriously injured. The combat vehicle of the landing force, which Colonel Shamanov had specially cured, rushed on mine. Vibuh near the sides of the paratroopers, as if they were sitting on the armor. Behind the data of Shamanov's biographers, to you, the single one in the middle of the BMD, with this splinters they tore the right beak, and for the eighth moment to drink right in the heart, all the while life to the officer, vryatuvav Makarov's pistol, as if lying by the gut of the pinked waistcoat. The wounded colonel was taken by air to Rostov, and then Shamanov, for the help of the same pistol, zoomed in on the head of the hospital, after which he turned to rozashuvannya his parts. After one hour on 3 chervnya 1995, Shamanov cheruved a paratrooper landing under the hour of the assault on the village of Vedeno, at which time three hundred militants were undermined.

In the future of 1995, Shamanov was appointed intercessor of Gennady Troshev, commander of the 58th Army and commander of the military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Chechnya. In autumn 1995 Shamanov was promoted to the rank of major general. At the beginning of 1996, for the conduct of combat operations on the territory of Chechnya, the so-called military maneuvers of the group were created, the main tasks of which were to carry out a search, rozzshchennya and the destruction of illegal fire formations near the settlements of the republic. One of them was bewitched by General Shamanov.

On April 3, 1996, Volodymyr Shamanov became commander of the military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation near Chechnya. Having voiced the need for "special operations" to unleash the Chechen crisis, it seems that during the course of the first Chechen campaign, Shamanov keruvaved with troops, as they stormed the Chechen villages of Dargo and Vedeno, Bamut, as well as the villages of Goy, Tsentoroy. Under the yoke of the federal war, after hard battles, the Bamut Ukrіprion was occupied.

At the end of 1996, Shamanov set up camp and moved to Moscow for training at the Academy of the General Staff, ending 1998. 1997 at the Academy of Applied Science and Informatics Shamanov received a Ph.D. thesis in sociology. At the same time, the book "Vyiskova Sociology in Modern Minds: Unity of Theory and Practice" was seen. From 1998 to 1999, during the period between two Chechen wars, Shamanov captured the quarters of the chief of staff of the 20th Central Army of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh.

At the end of 1999, following the fact that a group of militants led by military commanders Shamil Basayev and Khattab invaded Dagestan from Chechnya, General Shamanov turned to the Caucasus, becoming commander of the 58th army of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district. ЗМІ meant that the transfer of the high planting was done quickly - in two days, and it was known that the role of the boulder was introduced to the general in the operation to reduce Basayev's corrals. In the midst of the military operations, carried out by the pilots under Shamanov’s ceremonies in the period, the operations were called the capture of the Dagestan forces of Chabanmakhi and Karamakhi.

In the spring of 1999, General Shamanov became the commander of the direct joint military grouping, created by decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, for a counter-terrorist operation in the Pivnichny Caucasus. Having taken the fate of the battlefields of how the intrusion of bandit formation reached Dagestan, in 1999 the fate of the militants in the Achkhoy-Martanovsky and Urus-Martanivsky districts of Chechnya. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 4, 1999, the fate for masculinity and heroism, revealed during the liquidation of illegal mounds, Major General Shamanov Volodimir Anatoliyovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Officially, the title was assigned to 2000.

From September 2000 to late 2000, Shamanov took part in the investigation of the ongoing operation “Polyuvannya na vovkiv” on the outskirts of Grozny and Alkhan-Kale. The Russian soldiers blocked the “corridor” from sharpened Grozny, which the militants made a little victorious at the entrance. During the operation on the outskirts of Grozny, 600 militants were destroyed.

At the fierce fate of 2000, Shamanov was given the military rank of lieutenant general. Near the birch of 2000, Shamanov continued his service as a commander of the 58th army. At the end of 2000, Shamanov voiced about us to run for the governor of the Ulyanovsk region. For yoga words, even before the new, there were proposals to run for the governor's office in three subjects of the federation. Some of the initiative groups from the Ulyanovsk region were nominated for the candidacy. Zagalna Gazeta wrote that Shamanov’s candidacy in Ulyanovsk began to be seriously considered on the cob of 2000, after that, as sociologists have stated that Ulyanovsk residents are ready to vote for the people “on the side”, as she “demonstrates the readiness to put things right in the region, navit by dictatorial methods.

On the elections that took place on December 24, 2000, Shamanov succeeded in the first round of elections. The ceremony of yoga I will enter the landing took place at the beginning of the year 2001. Most of the voters, over 56 hundred, gave victory to the governor Yury Goryachov, who declared from his side that he would inevitably turn to socialism, having saved it from his region.

In 2003 Shamanov joined the party "United Russia" and at the same time became a member of the greater political party for the sake of it. However, in 2004, when the regional branch of the party decided to nominate its candidacy for the upcoming gubernatorial elections, Shamanov, who had chosen to run again for the tenure, having assumed his membership in the lavas of the United Russia. At the fall of 2004, he was released from the military service and was appointed as an assistant to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fradkov, at the end of the year, he announced the appointment of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region and withdrew his candidacy from the election. At the new settlement, he was entrusted with the task of “social defense of military servicemen and in cooperation with veteran organizations.”

By presidential decree on April 20, 2005, the fate of Volodymyr Shamanov was recognized as the head of the Inter-Russian Commission for the military, internees and people without a job. At the future of 2005, the leader of the Russian Association of Heroes, united the Heroes of the Radian Union, the Heroes of Russia and the other knights of the Order of Glory at their lavas.

At Birch 2006, Shamanov was sent to the ranks of the Russian Federation and immediately became the guardian of the Minister of Defense Sergiy Ivanov, who is engaged in the sphere of social defense of military servicemen, members of their families and military pensioners. In the period from 14 February 2006 to 9 leaf fall 2007, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergiy Ivanov, worked as a guardian of the social protection of military servicemen and military pensioners. In April 2006, Shamanov became one of the evangelists of the joint Russian-American Commission on the right of the Viysk-poloned and known obscurity. At the ker_vnitstv_ vin representing the Russian side. Spring 2007 Shamanov, as one of the commission's certifiers, was adopted by the President of the United States.

At the fall of 2007, lieutenant-general Volodymyr Shamanov was accepted to the military service under a contract and was appointed head of the Head Department of Combat Training and Service of the Military Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In serpni 2008, the fate of the Russian military grouping in Abkhazia, the beginning of the operation from the primus of Georgia to the world. From May 24, 2009 to July 4, 2016, he commanded the Airborne Troops. So from spring 2008 to the fall of leaves 2009 Shamanov was president of the Taekwondo Union of Russia. On May 30, 2012, Colonel-General of the Guards. At the end of 2016, Volodymyr Shaman's fate was terminated from the military service, at the link with the transition to a job before the State Duma.

On the elections on 18 th of spring 2016 Shamanov Volodymyr Anatoliyovich was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the VII, calling at the warehouse of the federal list of candidates, hanging by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Regional group №14 - Orenburzka region, Samara region, Ulyanivska region. Member of the faction "United Russia". Head of the Committee of the State Duma from Defense. Spivgolova commission of the State Duma on the basis of the federal budget, contributions to the security of national defense, national security and law enforcement activities.

Since 2017, Roku is a member of the Vishchoi for the sake of the All-Russian political parties"United Russia". Dosi obiymaє posada of the President of the Zagalnorosiysk hromada organization "Russian Association of Heroes".

Awarded with the Order of Radyansk "For the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Armed Forces of the SRSR" III degree, the Russian Orders of St. George IV degree, "Masculinity", "For Military Merit" and the insignificant medals. To wear the title - Merited military leader of the Russian Federation, honorary citizen of the Ryazan region and Makhachkala. more >

First, about General Shamanov, the country felt the first hour of the first Chechen company. The general, having recognized a combat wound during the first Chechen campaign, which happens infrequently. Zvichayno, tse viklikalo wide suspіlny resonance.

Childhood and youth

The biography of General Shamanov has a lot of "bіlih plyam". So, there is very little information about childhood and youth.

It can be seen that Colonel-General Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Shamanov was born on the 15th of February 1957 in Barnaul. Prote all the childishness of the future general of the provinces in Uzbekistan, where the motherland moved later.

Batko Volodya, having drenched them, if the boy is still small. Little is known about the new one. The boy's mother was vihouvala - an athlete and a multiple champion of the Altai Territory. Vaughn pinched the child's love to sports.

Volodymyr Shamanov graduated from school with the Mist Gagarin of the Uzbek RSR. Mabut, the lads didn’t get a father, that’s why he was blamed for becoming a viysk - a right man with a yogo rozumin.

About his biography, General Shamanov seems to have marked his share in the film “Officers”, which he has been hired for. There were no Viyskovs at this time, but Volodya's friend's father was a Viyskkom. With a splash of yoga, the boy and virishiv dedicate himself to the defender of the Batkivshchyna.

In 1974, the future Colonel-General Shamanov joined the TVTKU. After 2 years, I transferred to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, and ended up in 1978, having taken the rank of lieutenant.

Viyskova kar'єra: from a "green" lieutenant to a battalion commander for 1 rec

Shvidkіst, with which the young lieutenant robbed his career, do not give peace to the backers. After graduating from the military school of military administrations to the 76th airborne division, it was based in the city of Pskov. Shamanov accepted a platoon of the 61st self-propelled artillery division.

Ale already through the river, 1979 rock, turning to the school. From 1980 to 1984, Volodimir Shamanov commanded a company of cadets, and then turned to Pskov, and then to the landing of the battalion commander of the 104 airborne regiment.

Way from the battalion commander to the chief of staff of the 7 airborne division

Volodymyr Anatoliyovich didn’t linger on what, and in 1989 he graduated from the Frunze Academy in Viysk.

In 1990, Volodymyr Shamanov was appointed commander of the 328th parachute regiment in the city of Kirovabad (located in the city of Ganzha). Qiu planting of wines embracing tsilih 4 rocks - tse bov period of instability and collapse of the country. It was given, reached the peak of the Viysk kar'єri.

Prote 1994 Shamanov's fate was transferred to Novorossiysk and appointed chief of staff of the 7th Airborne Division.

First reconnaissance in the Caucasus: wounded

In 1995, roci at the cob of the cob of the military district in the Pivnіchny Kavkazі Shamanov occupied the post of the intercessor of the commander of the 58th army of the Pivnіchno-Kavkazskiy vіysk district in the city of Vladikavkaz.

In early 1995, the general took off the first battle wounds and became aware of the Ukrainian lands for the sake of mass information. That same day was shown on all TV channels.

Trohi pіznіshe Shamanov ocholuє The association of military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Pivnіchno-Kavkazskiy region - a post, zavdyaky, the general has taken away the reputation of an uncompromising fighter for the rights of military servicemen.

After the end of the first Russian company in the Pivnichny Caucasus, Volodymyr Shamanov disappeared from the field to the dawn of vastness.

From 1996 to 1998, Shamanov joined the 1st tank division in Kaliningrad and the 20th army of the Moscow military district near Voronezh, and also graduated from the Viysk Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. ЗМІ infrequently guessed about something new in this period.

Another project for the Caucasus: the hero's star

The country again felt about the general in 1999, the fate of the link with the cob of another Chechen company. Shamanov turned anew to the quarters of the commander of the 58th army of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky military district of the city of Vladikavkaz. І without intermediary cherubing the anti-terrorist operation, for which he took the star of the hero like Volodymyr Putin in 1999.

In 2000, the general was appointed to the landing of the commander of the Zahidny joint grouping of federal forces in the Pivnichno-Caucasian region. However, at the same time, 2,000 Shamans' rotations are depriving them of the military service and trying out for themselves in the political field.

Chechnya, General Shamanov, showing himself zhorst and merciless to the enemy. Ale became the right father-commander of his soldiers.

The lads, who were lucky to fight the order from Shamanov, are talking about him, like about a person who is a suvor, but fair. Behind the words of fellow soldiers, the general will always finish the words and you can swear at the new one.

Vodnochas Shamanov not showing pity to bandits. Wickedly, it seems that for this order for a dozen Russian soldiers, the commander punished the air force to destroy 2 villages, in which, for the tribute of reconnaissance, the militants were rehabilitated.

ZMI often wrote at that time about the crooked cleansings, which were carried out by the federals at the order of the general. At the thought of foreign journalists, Shamanov did not know the difference between the militants and the homelands of the militants. With this stink, forget about those that the militants did not sit with their hands clasped.

At that time, the so-called “cleansings” were an adequate response to the crooked actions of bandits against the civilian population of that military service. The militants themselves often provoked provocations, dressing up in the uniform of Russian servicemen.

Shamanov himself, it seems, that the head of the commander’s head is the preservation of life and health, the war is not good.

The General's death was to spit out the official position of Volodymyr Putin, as if punishing the bandits not to go on deeds due to the low terrorist acts on the territory of the country.

Guess what, in practice, all Polish commanders were physically reduced in the wake of the special operations of the federal forces.

Political career: governor's chair

It is marvelous that the fighting general lost his military service, if his popularity reached its peak. After the completion of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya, a lot of people prophesied the Minister of Defence.

However, these transfers were not destined to become reality. 2000 year Shamanov was elected governor of the Ulyanovsk region and occupied the whole plantation right up to the leaf fall of 2004 year. At the governor's quarters, the general showed his shorter capacity: the strength of character and building domagatisya delivered meti.

The main achievements of Volodymyr Anatoliyovich in the governor's settlement can be called the decommissioning of the communal board of the Ulyanovsk region - this problem was especially acute.

However, the general's political career did not go as smoothly as it would have liked. At the upcoming elections of 2005, the party "United Russia" encouraged the governor to withdraw his candidacy from supporters and Shamans. Politics will require songfulness. Mabut, the combat general did not rule over all with his military directness.

Return to military service

May 24, 2009 Volodymyr Shamanov was appointed Commander of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation. Have redesigned and zmіtsnenni Russian army in the rest of the decade of wines, having taken the founding fate. Why did the scandal of 2012 rock with deliveries to the military BMD-4M, they wanted to turn on the programs of state purchasers.

Somebody else prophesied to Shamanov the end of the career and that zvilnennya. Tim is not less, change of power big scandals she was victorious at the Ministry of Defense, and Volodymyr Anatoliyovich left his job. Mabut, behind the general there is still a real force, with which one can be excited.

In 2010, roci Volodymyr Anatoliyovich had a terrible accident. Yogo died of water, and he himself was left alone, alive only by a diva. The Russians called out to bachiti tsyu liznu people on the tops of the armored personnel carrier, in the trenches or stribay with a parachute. The photo of General Shamanov at the clinic shocked the entire country.

ZMI also wrote that the accident, having consumed Shamans in a yak, was not vipadkovy and could be supported by opponents.

The colonel-general hit the post of the commander of the Airborne Forces of Russia for 7 years. І tse for approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the policy of personnel rotation. For an hour, the command of other clans of the Viysk began to change the kilka times.

On December 4, 2016, Colonel-General Shamanov retired from military service and retired from the reserve. Tim is no less, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich continues to take an active part in the vast life of the country: since 2018, the fate of head-shaking for the sake of the World of Patriots Foundation.

Calling on everything, vіdstavka is not connected with vіkom. ZMI, plea to their dzherel in the Ministry of Defense, insisted that the general should not hesitate to cast off one of the committees from the sovereign duma. And it turned out to be true.

Features and homeland of Volodymyr Shamanov

Looking at the biography royal deacons on such a scale, the special life of that hero is often hidden behind the scenes. And in the meantime, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Shamanov is not only a fighting general and a man, as he brought peace to the Pivnichny Caucasus, but also the head of a miraculous homeland.

General's squad

With his retinue, Lyudmila Shamanova, the general got to know each other in Ryazan, at the wedding of his acquaintances. Tse bulo kokhannya from the first glance and at all life. Volodymyr just started in the third year.

Ludmila accompanied the man to all the recruits, including those to the Caucasus. Eyewitnesses say that she was lying about the life of a person, grabbing the hand of a bandit from Nagirniy Karabakh.

The stench became friends in 1978, immediately after Volodymyr graduated from the Ryazan School. Shamanov himself confesses that in that period of wine he lived as a lieutenant. We lived near the private sector of Pskov.

I had to heat food and haul water with buckets. There were problems with the training of the young squad of the future Colonel-General Volodymyr Shamanov. Before the sanatorium, it was far enough to spend less, being the commander of the battalion. Although the social package had been declared, the reality was even more pronounced.

General's children

The slave had 2 children. Below in the photo, Svitlana is the daughter of General Shamanov, yoga son Yuriy and Lyudmila's squad.

Like the general himself, he’s not a hanger-on of the total sight, and to rule the barracks at home is not the same method. The squad of Volodymyr Anatoliyovich is a practicing lawyer at a private company, the son of a general - Yuri Shamanov - having graduated from the Suvorov School and the Viysk University, but did not want to follow in the footsteps of the father. The general has long since become a grandfather, but at the same time he doesn’t get catastrophically to speak with onuks. The general's daughter, Svitlana Shamanova, became friends with a businessman.

Volodymyr Shamanov himself knows that he keeps a squad at home. The only thing, from which the general can not listen to the squad, is the service. To sing a comedy vipadok: once, at the hour of work near Nagirny Karabakh, Lyudmila just lay down entrance doors and did not let the person over. Of course, it didn’t take long for Shamans to step over the squad - I had a chance to hang out at the window from the third on top.

Volodymyr Shamanov as a man that commander

Without supporters - another homeland - the biography of General Shamanov would be inaccurate. It seems that it was an hour before Chechnya was brought to Chechnya, and a moment to name a skin soldier after him, having mingled with him at least once.

At the same time, General Shamanov is already a strong and strong-willed person. There are legends about this zhorstki decision for the first time of the military company in Chechnya. The greater part of the life of the wines among the savory human collective, it’s important to be, not to say hello.

The general took part in both Chechen campaigns, a five-day war with Georgia in Abkhazia, conflicts in Nagir Karabakh and the arrival of Crimea.

The enemy’s strimkіst, with which it went “to the mountain” of Shamanov’s military car. It is difficult to find a logical explanation for such a strimky growth. The hostility is building up, nibbling an invisible hand cherubing the low zbіgіv, as if they were accompanying the success of the general.

In part, it is possible to explain the political situation in the country - the profession of a military worker in the 90s was not in trouble, and the singing personnel hunger was not satisfied.

Tim is not less, having become more successful than the wind of the will of the future general, which is the sound of all life to make himself. Illustrate the onset of the fall. Taking over the battalion at Pskov, Shaman robbed a black haircut from a parachute.

On the back, the main dome did not open. If Shamanov tried the reserve vicorista, the main parachute began to flare up with a rapt. The situation threatened to end badly, but at the last moment the battalion commander managed to restore the camp.

It seems about such people: having been born in a shirt. But what if the future general was killed, why didn’t he die? Right there, having made one more haircut, in order to reaffirm the innocence of oneself, that one was kidnapped.

The same behavior can be followed even after being wounded in Chechnya, if the general is on the way from the hospital to his soldiers through the windows.

What is it: the childishness of the steel will to win and the victory for the supporters? Better for everything, honestly, Shamanov himself cannot be on the food chain.

Tsya zvichka give yourself from Shamanov at the blood. The first haircut with a parachute was created in 1974. The general himself guesses what was going on in Central Asia. There was a terrible heat. The parachutes were old and important. Stribav Shamanov mayzhe in an unknown state.

Fear skuvav nastіlki, scho only if the dome opened over his head, Volodymyr Anatoliyovich saw what happened. In the future, the future general was wiser, that he stole from the flattened eyes. And the axis of the other stribok was already aware. Zagalom Shamanov parachuted 178 times. And so with everything that Volodymyr Anatoliyovich did not deal with b.

The general himself seems to have spent at the landing - write, without spending - rejoice. To write, to shed a little blood, sweat and tears. It is necessary to pay yourself steadily, to endure morally and physically adversity. It is possible that so mіtsnі uzi combat brotherhood. Even in the war, you often have to take care of your life, in order to win over your comrades.

As if the general was powered, how can a paratrooper be? Volodymyr Shamanov named obov'yazkovіst as the top priority. As if having given the word, it is necessary to work obіtsyane for any arrangement. In addition, you will need a strong will, readiness to grow above yourself, gradually overcome difficulties and never give up.

General Shamanov does not know what to believe in God. Tsya faith helped you to pass a sprat of "hot spots" and an uneasy life way. After a car accident in 2010, few people thought that the general had seen it. The injuries were more severe. Prote Shamanov was reassured.

The general himself told that other forces more than once helped him to know non-standard solutions in a critical situation. As if at Chechnya, the wines leaned against the artillery fire. Shells fell first in front, then behind. Ale so i did not spend in the cіl.

Before the speech, at the battle before God, there are many who come. The general himself guesses, as if having predicted such a picture: there were 2 soldiers standing at the cherzі before the priest: a Tatar and a Bashkir. Vіn sleeping, chi know stink where to stand - there to baptize the faithful Orthodox priest. For one of the soldiers of the vіdpovіv, that tomorrow you want to go to battle together with God.

P_vedemo p_bags

Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Shamanov is a man who devoted himself entirely to the service of the Batkivshchyna. The general is a smart Sim'yanin and a lover of traditional Christian values. Ioma became another homeland. Shamans are active community activity and choose the rights of military servicemen.

On the political field, the fighting general feels less downtrodden, lower war. That's why I turned up military service. But here, in the course of an hour of his governorship, the general was far away from the low folding impudent pitans. What varte is the write-off of the communal borg of the Ulyanovsk region.

Volodymyr Shamanov is a man of honor and did not call for compromises. In 2016, roci general buv zvіlneniy in reserve. Viyskova career is over. However, it is not enough to believe that Shamanov was on the mend.

At the disposal of Novaya Gazeta, the secret documents were found out, as if they had recently become a sovereign secret. Tse - a protocol for examining that eavesdropping of phonograms and the phonograms themselves, yakі є є є є є є іtsіynimi іnimіmi і thіѕ criminal criminal record. Z "listening" phone lines General Volodymyr Shamanova, Yogo Sina Yuriya, colonel of the Airborne Forces Vadim Pankov, the Osіb -binds: command of the Airborne Forces of the Rosy, the Pidzham Viddi -Grupi special forces for the crossbar of the right of the Moscow ". This plant belongs to Shamanov's son-in-law - the head of OZU Oleksiy Khramushin on the honor of Glib, who was slandered in the international rozshuk for swinging for driving.

From the protocol, I looked around and listened to the secret phonograms.

Date: 18.08.09

Hour: 16.03

Volodymyr Shamanov: Tee de time?

Vadim Pankov: I'm going to Moscow, to the commander's comrade. I bless you.

V.Sh.: Well, two groups of spetsnaz called out and forward to Altufievka. There, de, the axis, near the zone is known.

V.P.: I don’t understand, comrade commander.

V.Sh.: I say: two groups of spetsnaz from Kubinka called for Altuf'evka. Don't let anyone out of Altuf'evka.

…Well, what’s up in Altuf’evtsi there, near Yurka (general’s son – Ed.), not buv, what, e… your matir?! Well, call Yurko, call the address and go there two groups of special forces and go there yourself, b ...

V.P.: Yes, comrade commander.

V.Sh .: While I’m going from Ivanovo, b ..., don’t let anyone in, tsikh, b ... Call, b ... Tselіpotkin, b ... d, tse okremy client, who can stand in front of you, b ..., when I come. …Forward, b…!

Hour: 16.07

Vadim Pankov: Anatoly.

Anatolyovich (officer from Kubinka): Huh?

V.P.: The commander called at once. Z Ivanovo. Calling the address in Moscow, and

there two groups need to be corrected.

A .: What-what to rob?

V.P.: ...Near the area of ​​Altufevsky highway. Having said two groups, you can correct them. I'm the eldest, I'm going here right now.

A .: And what about work?

VP: Well, I don't know. I'll figure it out on the mist.

A .: Also, what about the uniform?

V.P.: Well, in military uniforms, perhaps, it is required. Singing, from the corral required, b ...

O: Yes. And zavdannya yake, do you know?

V.P.: Well, having said that there is one object, do not let anyone in until I arrive. Vіn їde tudi z Ivanovo zagalom.

V.P.: You need twenty men to go out of the corral.

A .: You need to take a bus.

V.P.: Well, one bus. Tell me, give the command

I’ll tell you right now, the stench was getting up.

Hour: 16.08

Yuri Shamanov: Hello, Vadim, hello.

Vadim Pankov: Hello, Yura, why did you eat?

Yu.Sh.: At the sensi? What are you doing at the exit: what happened? I know, chi sho, now

V.P .: Well, b ... Orit, there, b ... Come on there ... Can you explain what was trapilos there? I'm going to Moscow at once.

Yu.Sh.: Oh, well, it’s a survey, there at the factory, at the same place, at Altuf’evsky.

V.P.: Well, come on, explain to me the essence of the problem. Here, closer, near the district. I'm going there. I am alone, the people will pull up.

Yu.Sh.: Well, what's the sense there. The next, maybe, he came there as an official paper, which allows you to work as a cloak. Chogo there, vplinut, chi scho, there you can.

V.P.: Let's not talk about you on the phone. Let's take care of you. How do you go easily?

Hour: 16.24

Volodymyr Shamanov: Are you changing right now?

Vadim Pankov: I told him by phone at once: a man, they gave him a number. I'm going myself. I've already gone to Moscow, I'm going to the new one. People were calling from Kubinka.

V.Sh.: Everything, go ahead!

V.P.: Everything.

V.Sh.: And there is only one name: Tselіpotkin, b... The axis of this person can be interned, b...

Hour: 17.35

Vadim Pankov: Yes, yes. Comrade commander, pratsyuemo, yak bi, it’s impossible for you to come there. Not necessary. And here, some people said, well, I'll explain everything to you later, I'll come to the headquarters.

Volodymyr Shamanov: Don't push anyone there. Are you alone there?

V.P.: I am alone. Mi s Andriyem, we can’t figure it out, people help us. Well, I'll help you, not by phone.

V.Sh.: Yes. Trim people at Sokilniki ... Well, what client (probably, the next Tselipotkin. - Ed.) Should take a picture of me.

Hramushin (Glyba), who has the plant, having become an object of respect for the commander of the Airborne Forces, calls for a blow to beat the head for the sake of the directors of the Shchovkivsky holding and Dmytro Barchenko, a member of the political branch of the "United Russia" Dmytro Barchenko.

Colonel Pankov was greeted by the operatives with a “close call” to Glibi, which was being heard, and, in order to signify that there were no accusations, they put him on the wiretap. On September 18, 2009, the talks were fixed and fixed, for which they are screaming: General Volodymyr Shamanov issued an order to correct the group of special forces of the Airborne Forces from the deployment of the 45th regional military regiment, stationed in Cuba, to block the plant, deployed in Altuf What was the general so afraid of, and why could I not know the least at the factory?

On June 5, 2006, Dmitry Barchenkov's Mercedes was booked at the crossroads near the village of Vedmezhi Ozera. Before the car, a motorcycle was driven by a passenger, they installed a bag with a vibukhovim outbuilding on the dachas of a Mercedes and were saved for a month. The cumulative strumine flashed the armored sheathing across and stitched to the ground by 40 centimeters. Prote Barchenkov, having taken many shrapnel wounds, was still alive.

And in early 2008, the Moscow Regional Court sued up to different terms liberating the will of a group of osib, yakі tried to drive in Barchenkov. The deputy dossi at will. Investigation of that distant footing, tied to him, revealed the furnishing of the flooring of the cicada, which "Nova" virishila sledit them thoroughly. We were vilified by the criminal right, some of the accusatory viroks (two of them were convicted by the jury) and talked to us by persons who had been caught before the conflict, from quiet, who had the time to talk to us.

The beginning of the conflict

Who is Barchenko? Yogo holding znіs the old market near Moscow Shkolkovo, which bandits were crying out, and having waked up on the yogo city today, trading were zvіlnenі vіd requisitions, having drunk on drugs, the rent began to be drawn into the official order, now the budget is coming. Instructed by the new market holding to build the first high-rise hotel "Zoryaniy" in the region.

In addition, Barchenkov will be a church, a regional town on the Klyazma embankment, turning the center of the town into a peaceful zone, opening a park sleepy year, and all graduates from district schools will receive scholarships. For the evidence of the accused, autumn 2006. at the election of the head of Shchelkov, the leaders of the RAM, who had already spent the market, were pushing their candidate. And Barchenkov, having supported the representative of the "United Russia", which I will win and win.

How to yell at the viroku of the Moscow Regional Court, they developed like this. In the spring of 2005, the mediator Yashar Akhmedov turned to the yogi Oleksiy Khramushin, for whom Barchenkov was the main competitor in the Shcholkivsky district. Khramushin urged Akhmedov, Zvezdov and Mamedov (also arraigned in my right) to pay 200 thousand dollars for murder. Akhmedov went back to his friend Topok, who had won one of the uninterrupted vikonavtsiv - Roman Terpan. At that moment, Terpan's camp was baked: having earned 50 thousand dollars - and that was just in time. Tim was more likely to steal some documents from Barchenkov's car.

Together with his partner Pavel Ushakov, Terpan worked out the following plan: for the help of KrAZ, they told him to cause an accident, after which they stole the documents. The deputy manager praised the plan, but if a penny (15 thousand dollars) Akhmedov-Topko migrated in lansy to the middle vikonavtsiv, the “technical factory” changed unfailingly: now from Terpan they had to beat Barchenkov. I Terpan drank at the pasta - he didn’t look up anymore. But the swing for help vantage failed: the water at the last moment blotted out the sun.

The organizers and winners began to implement other options. The authorities were planning one more accident, then they wanted to shoot Barchenkov at the market, and then they hired two cars. Prote accident did not go away, but the guards moved. I had a chance to get on a driving machine. The deputy handed over the additional pennies.

For the whole hour they threatened Terpanov. After that, as the plan was vibing, it became clear to you: now your life is going through serious anxiety - a substitute for driving in, after the words of the mediators, speaking at the singing stakes Oleg Gliba.

Suspicious interest

Glyba - tse Oleksiy Khramushin, a man of Svitlana Shamanova, son-in-law of the commander of the Airborne Troops of Russia Volodymyr Shamanov. Behind the police departments, Glyba is considered an active member of the Tatar evil group. This year Oleksiy Khramushin was stunned in an international investigation and arrested in absentia. The son of General Shamanov Yuriy is an official trusted person.

Dmitro Barchenkov and yogo assistant, participant of the event Oleksiy Rikov, read their speech. At a short notice, General Shamanov explained how to discuss his family's situation. Ale for a few days, the editors saw the delegation of confidence in Shamanov's motherland. At the sight of Barchenkov, the stench asked not to name their names, although at the right, about how we write, already guilty of viroki and documents of yogo vіdkrit.

Bring the trusted feelings of the homeland of the Shamanovs to the offensive. No general, no yogo blue can’t wait for a year to reach the Shchelkovo site. Summingly, at a thought, past the businessman Barchenkov, the significance of the investigation is sharply reduced. Barchenkov bought a plantation of a member of the political tradition of the united Russia. We were not informed of the facts, which are confirmed by the statements, on the basis of the confirmation, they were sent to the old publications from the different ZMI.

Tatar RAM

Tatarskaya OZG appeared in the 90s. Sphere of activity: health care, zbroya, drugs, racketeering. One of the її kerіvnikіv vvazhєєєє Yuri Kop'ev, which is a kind of arrest and checks to the court at the right about the swing on Barchenkov as one of the non-intermediate organizers. Until the end of the century, the “Tatars” began to build more and more respect for the inviolability of that land. This stribok operatives po'yazuyut іz coming from the grouping of Dmitri Fedorov - the son of the late Major General of the FSB Yuri Fedorov, Dmitro, becoming a guardian of the business, yakі dealt with the "Tatars". Fedorov at the top of the group of members of the group was sanctified by people - although he wanted step-by-step legalization of malicious business. The first time, the son of the FSB general became the leader of the “Tatars”.

After the death of Fedorov Sr., the group needed a new force of defense. Fedorov, the youngest, for information, through his people, initiated the acquaintance of a member of the OZU Khramushin-Glibi with Svitlana Shamanova. But in 2005, the young leader of the evil spirits had an unsustainable death - only a little blood was lost, and all of it was shared among the members of the Tatar grouping. Zokrema, parts, which belong to the members of Fedorov's homeland, in various undertakings moved to Khramushin, Kop'eva and other members of the OZU.

It seems that similarly setting the leaders of RAM one to one is the norm. For example, in the wake of the arrest of Yuriy Kop'ev (prizviska Fedya, Kopey), many comrades began to divide among themselves - the middle of the "Tatars" zhorstok war broke out. On Oleksiy Efremchikov on the prize of Diesel, Kop'ev's attacker, bouv skoєny swing, prote as a result of killing the killer himself - Oleksandr Brikov (Brik).

Today, the different members of the Tatar grouping should have over a dozen sub-Moscow enterprises, the main value of which is land.

"WAT Sporttek"

First of all, Glyba, having become the one-armed sergeant of the VAT "Sporttek", the daughter of General Shamanov claims to be a part of it, and for the sake of the directors of which to enter yoga syn. The main value of the enterprise is the unruliness of that land. Then, with the change of the Vlasnik, all the renewal of the number of members for the sake of the directors were pre-lined. Moreover, as the largest general director of BAT "Sporttek" Yury Chernov, the old members for the sake of directors did not take away for the same money. On the inquiry, why it happened so, Chernov gave a wonderful statement: speaking, accepting that pennies were not small for the meaning. Although, according to the most modest estimates, the cost of the plant at that time was approximately 10-15 million dollars.

And for the supply, as a role played by the process of changing the sergeant Shamanov, Chernov played this rank: “At that hour, before the Sporttek, the Rosbuilding company showed an active interest. That's why we had a chance to get to the directors of Yuri Shamanov. Still win syn at home people that yogic name is so rich that you can swear. I also far away vikoristali tsey administrative resource. Tobto vydbilis vіd poglanannya, schob vіdrazu buti z'їdenimi. On the supply of "Novaya", chi Skoda was a no-brainer without cost, Yuriy Chernov answered this way:

As if it seemed to be a businessman, as if he knew the situation, Yuri Shamanov could not have taken a decision: he seemed to be present, and seeing Khramushin with his right hand, crouching with his nickname. Convicted for swinging at the vbivstvo rozpovida on dopitah, scho believed in their lack of carnity itself through the authoritative controversy of Glibi. And now there is a lot of evidence from the right, as it became known to "New", the investigation was brought to "classify". About asking for certificates yourself: stink, I'm not afraid of bandits.

It’s important to admit that Shamanov-younger himself got away with the drive of “Sporttek” with “Rosbuilding”, one of the founders of which is more and more low-flowing and smart businessman Mikhailo Mamiashvili. Before the speech, the capitalization of "Sporttek" is estimated at 20 - 25 million dollars.

Side versions

At the trial, Barchenkov asked the jurors for indulgence to the quiet, who repented at the sloppy swing. You want to play on the bench of the court deputy, as a consequence of honoring Khramushin-Glyba. And then Barchenkov hung up a call against General Shamanov:

“I am sure that Shamanov’s friend, deputy of the State Duma Andriy Bocharov, having sent to the law enforcement agencies – the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor’s office – to ask the authorities to turn over all the government’s activities to the Shchovkivsky holding. Numerous revisions were carried out, but there were no other injuries detected. Now, already for the cruelty of Shamanov himself, I am again being misrepresented. I filed for the prosecutor's office and the MVS with vodpovidni skargi. Because of what was said, that the exile of the deputy of the Shchelkiv city Produn to Bocharov became the basis for re-verification. Ale, if the prosecutor's office had fed Produn, vin declaring that he did not shy away from the everyday animals on behalf of Bocharov. At the link with the active actions of General Shamanov, I blame the power: what is the role of the organization of the swing of the Grav Yogo Syn Yura? Chi is not a sleeper of this wickedness?

"Nova" called from the son of the commander of the MPE Yuri Shamanov, and the axis, what is the fault of us:

“My father, until the end, do not miss a hundred years. Vіn without calling to Barchenkov and vzagalі nіyak without pouring into the investigation. Why was the death of the Mіsk deputy Produn… I can prove beyond any doubt that I signed the abolition myself. That is why it was in my presence and in the presence of other witnesses, including Yuriy Kop'ev. I don’t take away my daily income from Oleksiy Khramushin’s lane. So, I’m right now with the officially trusted special Oleksiy and I’m entering for the sake of the directors of the VAT “Sporttek”, but I’m working on huge and absolutely free ambushes.”

Why did the deputy sign to be able to overturn Barchenkov's business in the presence of the leader of the malicious grouping that son of Shamanov, who had spent it through a new miserable market? We turned back to Eduard Produn, declaring that they had not signed the annual bells in the name of Bocharov.

Prior to that, the investigation did not take away evidence on simple inquiry: why did Andriy Bocharov organize re-examinations of Barchenkov's business, who had no interest in the Shcholkivsky district? Vіn not looking there, not maє partners that same day calls. Natomist vin known by General Shamanov, if he was the governor of the Ulyanovsk region. And in the Derzhdum, Bocharov is the intercessor of the head of the Committee on the right of veterans, collaborating with military leaders, who went through Chechnya, for obov'yazkom service.

Before that, the ordering editorial office had skarga Svitlana Khramushinoy-Shamanova to the first intercessor of the Prosecutor General and the head of the UPC at the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Oleksandr Bastrikin, to ask him to defend his rights and claim arrest, overlays on the shares of VAT “Sporttek”, oskolki druzhiny 50% rozshukuvannyy Oleksiy Khramushin.

Before that, following Barchenkov’s words, a person called you, pretending to be General Shamanov and telling him to get a criminal right for a penny, otherwise it would be possible for her to connect the FSB with her business. At this time, the present deputy of the Shchelkivsky district for the sake of Sergiy Tyurin and others. Suddenly, a man came up to Barchenkova, who introduced himself as the general's security guard, and just so pronuvuval for a penny "zam'yat" on the right. Ale, following the results of the re-examination carried out by the Investigative Committee, was taken into custody by a broken criminal authority. “Moreover, - continued Barchenkov, - I would like to blame the enormous situation on the court, if the commander of the Airborne Forces, victorious in his camp, sends a group of special forces for the in international rozshuk. Doesn't Shamanov discredit the evil forces, the president of the Russian Federation, with his actions, who trusted you? Can you get rid of this glaring fact without a social and legal assessment?

Who has won whom

"Novіy" got in touch with one of his companions and his close acquaintances Oleksiy Khramushin-Glibi, who asked not to name his nickname. Axis of wine to us rose:

“You are respectfully familiar with the biography of Barchenkov. Tsya lyudina duzhe mіtsno pov'yazana і z crime, і serious sovereign structures. Krіm іnshoy, vіn becoming a member of the political tradition of the “United Russia”, the head of the compromising evidence on the head of the political leader Oleksiy Zvyagin, a kind of votive assistant Oleksiy Rikov.

Barchenkov didn’t prihovuvav in the presence of us the presence of singing calls: “So, if General Shamanov began to actively invest in the investigation, I had a chance to go to the aid of friends. Only for the fact that the right was investigated effectively and objectively. And what else was left to work, if one of the first ones in charge directly powered me, why didn’t he destroy himself? My tіlі dosi lost their tricks, yakі not to pull up to the end of life.

And the head of the political party of the "United Russia" Zvyagin, having told us that Barchenkov, having been accepted to the political party of the party, was the start of his own activity. “I’ll tell you right off the bat: the Shcholkivsky district doesn’t have more of such a businessman, who has worked hard for his development. And about the history with compromising evidence, I can smell you first.”

We asked our dzherel, as if representing the side of the roaring Glibi, to comment on the episode with a swing at Barchenkov. “Oleksiy Navіt is not familiar with Barchenkov. The stinks did not know one thing alone, there are no other reasons to pray for that.

To the question: as if Barchenkov was at his hand, not knowing Khramushin’s wine, ask the next to talk to an unknown person, ours was very important.

“We’ll cover something else,” Khramushin-Glibi’s acquaintance continues, “they said to the right that Akhmedov and Zvezdova were accused, as they wrote that the stench had cheated Oleksiy Khramushin. This confirms the fact of the pressure on them from the side of the investigation.

Barchenkov's companion, Oleksiy Rikov, having confirmed to us that Akhmedov wrote the truth in a similar way, I was timid at the presence of a notary and one of the members of the Tatar group, Yevgen Yakovlev. Behind Rikov's words, Yakovlev himself rose to the occasion: he took off the image of the leader of the "Tatars" Yury Kop'ev in a similar way. And at the trial, Akhmedov pointed out that Khramushin and Kop'eva were like a malice against the organizers.

Krіm tsgogo, literally a month ago, Zirkov's judgments also showed that he had written his statement of guilt on the basis of the real “gratifications” of his judges in the cell and formed on those who, on the vіdmіnu vіd Akhmedov, did not lower the term. Today, the wine confirms the accountability of Kop'ev and Khramushin to swing at Barchenkov.

For additional clarifications, "Nova" turned to the lawyer of the son-in-law, who is trying to find out, General Shamanov Leonid Proshkin.

“Tell me, can you put a lancelet from 12 osib in the lock? Different people from different sides. Tse absolute absurdity! In a different way, as in the manual, the amount of 200 yew is called. dollars, why couldn't the organizers hire professional customers? Before that, all the shares of the BAT "Sporttek" were arrested from my pidzahisny today. Tse zrobleno absolutely illegal. Barchenkov, having presented a civil poses to the rozmіrі, for sure, 5.5 million rubles, and the number of shares of business - hundreds of times more than the presented pozovu".

Tim, for an hour, for the materials of the criminal case, only half of the total was seen for the drive-in. Ale and qi pennies the intermediaries shared among themselves, and now the share is now quilted in detail. Vikonavtsyu Terpanu got a small part.

This criminal certificate has not yet been marked. For operational information, Oleksiy Khramushin is traveling behind the cordon: some in Holland, some in Austria. To go to the office to Dmitry Barchenkov, it is necessary to repair two important metal doors. Threat, on yoga thought, dosi real.

Right to consent

We delivered letters of food to the right situation, Commander of the Airborne Forces Volodymyr Shaman, assuring those that the general himself could become a guardian of a difficult family situation. General Shamanov vvazhav for the necessary advice on food:

You turned up to me from prohannyam vіdpovisti to a low supply like to a landowner - the commander of the Povіtryano-airborne troops, and all the supplies are worthy of my special life.

Іsnuє tsіla low position of the Laws - “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (Articles 23 and 24), “On the protection of mass information” (Article 49) and others, as they allow me not to confirm you on the provision of food, based on provocative character.

With the right professional activity, the journalist of the goiter should respect the rights, legal interests, honor and capacity of the community and organizations. Ready to respond to the need for food for my service duties as a commander of the Airborne Troops.

I am following your reasoning and further spivpratsyu.

With respect Lieutenant General V. Shamanov

Volodimir Anatoliyovich Shamanov was born on February 15, 1957 in Barnaul, the administrative center of the Altai Territory, the childbirth of Uzbekistan. Batko left his family early, and the children were wreaked by their mothers - bagatoraraz champion of the Altai Territory from the downstream, athletics, cycling. She herself, following Shamanov’s words, laid down in a new exercise to gain: “If you don’t stumble on what you’ve achieved, you’ll always rush forward, lift one height and immediately raise yourself up.”

In 1978, Shamanov graduated from the Ryazan airborne assault school, after which he became the commander of a self-propelled artillery platoon of the paratrooper regiment of the Pskov 76th Airborne Division. In 1985-1986, he served in Moldavia and Azerbaijan, commanding a battalion of the 104th regiment of the Pskov 76th division of the Airborne Forces. It was said that for the success in the service of yoga, commander of the Airborne Forces Dmitro Sukhorukov was especially acknowledged, having pleased the prohanny of the commander of the Pskov division Georgy Shpak. As a result of such a confession, Shamanov "missed" the intercessor of the battalion commander and the chief of staff of the battalion, officers from the school companies were assigned to yak.

In the spring of 1986 the main parachute did not open at the Pskov division near the battalion commander Shamanov. Spratsyuvav spare, prote after soil rozkrivatisya main parachute: yakbi їhnі slings intertwined, the officer instantly split up. Stribok ending in the distance, wanting to spread the lines of the parachutes, Shamanov was farther away than the earth. After landing, realizing that there are three fates in the near future - I will enter until the end of the academy - I won’t shoot with a parachute, Shamanov, who survived the deadly trouble, having hitched a ride, going to the airfield and repeating the strike.

In 1986-1989, Shamanov began studying at the Frunze Zahalnovysk Academy. After the end of the Academy in 1990, lieutenant colonel Shaman was recognized as the protector of the commander of the 300th regiment of the 98th airborne division in Chisinau.

Shamanov took part in the peacekeeping operation near the conflict zone near Nagir Karabakh. In 1991, roci vin took command of the 28th regiment, which until 1993 was stationed in Azerbaijan, and then sent to Ulyanovsk. 1994 Shamanov was transferred to Novorossiysk to the landing of the chief of staff of the 7th Novorossiysk division of the Airborne Forces.

At the birch tree 1995 Shamanov's rock is in directions to Chechnya. Commanding the grouping of the 7th Novorossiysk Airborne Division. Two months later, I was seriously injured. The combat vehicle of the landing, which Colonel Shamanov cherubized in a special way (it was not worthy of you, like a soldier driving a car), pissed on mine. Vibuh near the sides of the paratroopers, as if they were sitting on the armor. Behind the data of Shamanov's biographers, to you, the single one in the middle of the BMD, with this splinters they tore the right beak, and for the eighth moment to drink right in the heart, all the while life to the officer, vryatuvav Makarov's pistol, as if lying by the gut of the pinked waistcoat. The wounded colonel was taken by air to Rostov, and then Shamanov, for the help of the same pistol, zoomed in on the head of the hospital, after which he turned to rozashuvannya his parts. On March 3, 1995, Shamanov cheruvaved a paratrooper landing at the hour of the assault on the village of Vedeno, at the hour of which there were over three hundred militants.

In the future of 1995, Shamanov was appointed intercessor of Gennady Troshev, commander of the 58th Army and commander of the military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Chechnya. In autumn 1995 Shamanov was promoted to the rank of major general.

At the beginning of 1996, for the conduct of combat operations on the territory of Chechnya, the so-called military maneuvering groups (VMG) were created, the main tasks of which were to carry out a search, rozzshchennya and the destruction of illegal fire formations near the settlements of the republic. VMG-1 was stunned by General Kostyantin Pulikovsky, and VMG-2 - by General Shamanov (for other reasons, Shamanov stunned the first grouping maneuverability).

Best days

In April 1996, Shamanov became the commander of the military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Chechnya and immediately voiced the need for "special operations" to unleash the Chechen crisis. Apparently, during the course of the first Chechen campaign, Shamanov keruvaved with troops, who stormed the Chechen villages of Dargo and Vedeno, Bamut (Ukrіprіon, Bamut Fortress), as well as the villages of Tsentoroi, Goysk, Orikhov.

At the end of 1996, Shamanov set up camp and moved to Moscow for training at the Academy of the General Staff, ending 1998. 1997 at the Academy of Applied Science and Informatics Shamanov received a Ph.D. thesis in sociology. At the same time, the book "Vіyskova sociology in modern minds: unity of theory and practice" was seen.

In 1998-1999, during the period between two Chechen wars, Shamanov embraced the quarters of the chief of staff of the 20th Central Army near Voronezh.

At the end of 1999, following the fact that a group of militants led by military commanders Shamil Basayev and Khattab invaded Dagestan from Chechnya, General Shamanov turned to the Caucasus, becoming commander of the 58th army of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district. ЗМІ meant that the transfer of the high plantation was done quickly (in two days) and it showed that the role of the boulder was introduced to the general in the operation to reduce Basayev's corrals. In the midst of the military operations, carried out by the pilots under Shamanov’s ceremonies in the period, the operations were called the capture of the Dagestan forces of Chabanmakhi and Karamakhi.

In the spring of 1999, General Shamanov became the commander of the direct Joint Military Group (OGV), created by the decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin for a counter-terrorist operation in the Pivnichny Caucasus.

"Nova Gazeta" wrote about those who, in the spring of 1999, Shamanov punished the blocking of the passage and passage of vehicles and civil roads from the territory of Chechnya to the territory of Ingushetia and Pivnichnoi Ossetia - Alania through the checkpoints and control posts of the police. For an assessment of the sight, the mass death of civilians, the rulers of Ingush disappeared far away, as if they ignored Shamanov’s order. In the future of 1999, in addition, as the administrative cordon of Chechnya and Ingushetia, all the same, there was a block for the exit of the citizens, on the federal highway "Kavkaz" a bagatokilometer column of the citizens was picked up. Ale, the announcement of the checkpoint "Kavkaz-1" was not buv (for tse, they gave Shamanov's orders), and the column of refugees collapsed at the exit bik. Near the village of Shaami-Yurt, a column was hit by two SU-25 attack aircraft, as a result of which dozens of people died. The Russian military prosecutor's office shut down the evil on the right for the daytime warehouse, the European Court of Human Rights, which, looking at the right, also blamed the victims of the bombing.

"Nova Gazeta" wrote about the "coolness of the vdacha" of General Shamanov; The newspaper, Zokrema, reported that on December 1, 1999, the military service group "Zakhid" under the command of Shamanov blockaded the village of Alkhan-Yurt, and, having increased to a new point, gave the population a rich day of plunder. At the same time, according to different estimates, 17 people were hired, the protest on the right was not investigated. Shamanov himself, in an interview with Novaya Gazeta correspondent Hanna Politkovsky, affirmed that civilians did not suffer: "Before the battles, we were given the opportunity to enter the entire civilian population. Moreover, the corridor was not for one day, but for a week." Strike well, for yoga with words, they were more likely to "at quiet booths, at some of them there were bandits" or those, who "so chi іnakshe were pov'yazanі with bandits." Before them, Shamanov saw members of the family of militants: "And how, say, split up a squad and a sniper? It's good for you here, sitting in Moscow, mirroring - cleanly, calmly - marveling" at the box ". And I'm staying there ...".

In the same interview, Shamanov recognized that in the military he was fascinated by, there were a lot of looting, stubbornly, that the hands of "contractors" were on the right: "You know that people go to the army for a contract, they didn't know their place in normal life, stink against the war to improve their material camp. "With whom wine was not an opponent of the professional army. "But we don’t need such a thing, as we try to create it at once," naming Shamanov. the system of psycho-neurological rehabilitation of warriors, who took their part in battles, has not been created, without mentioning that I myself will require such rehabilitation.

In 1999, Shamanov's rock was presented to the title of "Hero of Russia" (the title was awarded in 2000). "Komersant" announced that at the beginning of September 2000 the Shamans would be transferred to Vladikavkaz, but two days later, after a special presentation of President Volodymyr Putin's shoes, they turned to Chechnya.

In the winter-fierce of 2000, Shamanov took part in the investigations and the ongoing operation "Poluvannya na vovkiv" near Grozny and Alkhan-Kali. The Russian military men blocked the "corridor" from sharpened Grozny, which the militants were able to break at the entrance. As a result of this, hundreds of militants sprang up on the mines. At Shamanov's thought, the army operation was brilliant.

A number of ZMIs reported that on the 4th of February 2000, under the hour of the operation, under the wire of Shamanov in the village of Katir-Yurt, under shelling, 160 civilians perished under shelling, Russian government this information was requested. In the fierce fate of 2005, the European Court of People's Rights found out the fact of the victorious "victory of the non-selective zbro".

At the fierce fate of 2000, Shamanov was given the military rank of lieutenant general. Near the birch of 2000, Shamanov continued his service as a commander of the 58th army.

At the end of 2000, Shamanov voiced about us to run for the governor of the Ulyanovsk region. For yoga words, even before the new, there were proposals to run for the governor's office in three subjects of the federation. Some of the initiative groups from the Ulyanovsk region were nominated for the candidacy. "Zahalna Gazeta" wrote that Shamanov's candidacy in Ulyanovsk began to be seriously considered on the cob of the year 2000, after that, as sociologists have stated that the Ulyanovsk residents are ready to vote for the people "on the side", as that "demonstrate the readiness to put things right in the region, way navit by dictatorial methods.

On the elections that took place on December 24, 2000, Shamanov succeeded in the first round of elections. The ceremony of yoga I will enter the landing took place at the beginning of the year 2001. The greater number of voters (over 56 hundred) gave the governor Yury Goryachev the victory. Goryachov stating that he will inevitably turn to socialism, having saved it from his region. The prices for the main goods under Goryachev were the lowest in the country, while at the same time they didn’t pay for electricity, which resulted in an energy crisis in the region. During the selection campaign of Shamanov, film director Mikita Mikhalkov supported. Behind the tribute of "Novaya Gazeta", the very relatives and friends "had folded together the bureaucratic and financial elite of the region under Shamanov", the governor "reinvented power in the region".

After Shamanov's announcement, the growth in prices for all goods in the Ulyanovsk region turned out to be the highest in Russia, and the energy crisis was not eliminated. With whom it was said that Shamanov "won't cry for his own sins." Significantly, that it was itself "for the Shaman's population that it was known that they would lose their winter bill without heat, and the air without water," "Nova Gazeta" blabbed that the governor's administration under the new head of the region was growing in vtrichi. The transfer of Shamanov to the governor's settlement was accompanied by calls from corruption. Behind the visnovka, "Expert-Volga" was seen, for Shamanov "and the region, and the provincial capital were funded only for the aid of the federal budget."

Governor Shamanov tried to get pardon and rehabilitation of his special friend - Colonel Yuriy Budanov, who was punished in one of the colonies of Ulyanovsk for the killing of the 18th Chechen maiden Elsa Kungaeva. Budanov was arrested in 2000, and on June 25, 2003, the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District Viysk Court found him guilty and sentenced him to ten years of freedom in the colony under a harsh regime. In 2004, a number of lawsuits filed a complaint to the commission for pardon in the Ulyanovsk region, after which it was signed by the governor Shamanov. Klopotannya was pleased, moreover, the commission turned Bulanov's military rank, as well as battlefields, which he spent for decisions of the court. However, after that, after a wide rhetoric was raised about the fate of Shamanov on the right, after a scandal was raised, after such a rumor about pardon, it was shouted. For tribute on breastfeeding 2007, Budanov was instructed in the mental-pre-string line, without regard for the fuss that is repeatedly served.

Among the obіtsyanok, yakі Shamanov gave and about yakі zgodu forgetting, ZMI called the obіtsyanku rose up with the Borg of the region in front of the power engineers, to get the 2004 rock crossing over the Volga and to call the Ulyanovsk Liodovy Palace. In 2006, Shamanov (already like a colossal governor) leaned in the center of the scandal that flared up in the Ulyanovsk region about a certain sports dispute. It was said that in the period when Shamanov was in the region, 120 million rubles were spent on the building of the Lion Palace, prote, they started "New news", "deputy of the new "stadium", more precisely, a kovzanka, which is the guardian of the yard hockey maidan." 2007 roci new governor region Sergiy Morozov, having voiced that the stadium will be dismantled, shards of it cannot be cherished, after which ZMI called Shamanov at the non-silent stained-glass pennies, which were recognized for the life of the Lyodovoy Palace.

In 2003 Shamanov joined the party "United Russia" and at the same time became a member of the greater political party for the sake of it. However, in 2004, when the regional branch of the party decided to nominate his candidacy for the upcoming gubernatorial elections, Shamanov, who elected to run again for the tenure, having assumed his membership in the ranks of the United Russia. With whom it was said that a split was indicated at the party lavas, the shards of the general's party were raised at the elections. Iduchi, Shamanov stating: "I accept my membership in the party and transfer my party ticket to my secretary of Moscow for the sake of the party until the completion of this meal." NTV planned that Shamanov should be transferred to the party leader Boris Grizlov, as a way to avenge the ringing of the regional organization of the "United Russia" from "spending party pennies and slandering comrades".

In the autumn of 2004, Shamanov's rock was recognized as the assistant to the head of the RF order, Mikhail Fradkov. The general was instructed to be engaged in "social defense of military servicemen and in cooperation with veteran organizations." In connection with this recognition of the wines of the clave from itself, the appointment of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, and participated in the chergovyh governor's elections, scheduled for breast-feeding 2004 (before that wine, having voted his candidacy). Analysts also stated that the project would become "the best option for the development of fashion" for Shamanov, but "through a decrease in its popularity among the Meshkans in the region, the wines have an insignificant chance of winning."

On April 20, 2005, by decree of President Putin, Shamanov was appointed as the head of the Inter-Russian Commission for the military, internees, and those who were unknown. Vidannya "Voice of the Chechen Republic" meant that the defenders of the right, "beautifully understand that the general, who, having put his hand to the mass deaths of people in the republic, cannot help in this trouble, they still hoarded it for a single thread", prote "the solution of the problem of the rose of the people" . The absence of the masses on the territory of Chechnya did not slip through the crack. In the spring of 2005, the Law Enforcement Center "Memorial" sent a letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Volodymyr Ustinov, about the renewal of the criminal investigation against generals Shamanov and Yakov Nedobitka. Law enforcement officials predicted that in the fierce fate of 2005 the European Court of People's Rights found out that the insults of the senior officers "carry in the absence of bombardment and shelling of the village of Katir-Yurt", more in the fierce fate of 2000. wear on their shoes, prote on the right, behind the tribute of ZMI, the bula was closed "for the daytime warehouse of evil."

In April 2006, Shamanov became one of the evangelists of the joint Russian-American Commission on the right of the Viysk-poloned and known obscurity. Representing the Russian side, US President George W. Bush named General of the Army Robert Foglesong as the head of the commission on the American side. As a clerk of the commission, Shamanov figured out about the transfer to the fatherland of Ravil Mingazov - the only Russian tycoon, who was trembling at the ward for the military colonies at the American base of Guantanamo. 2001 roci in Afghanistan under the hour of operation against the Taliban.

In spring 2007 Shamanov was one of the ceremonial commissions of the President of the United States. Behind Shamanov's words, Bush spoke to him as a representative of the Russian side, "to say, from one side, the words of support, and from the other side, to pray that the robot did not get attached" and said that they have the President of the United States it sounded "normal human rozmova". However, for deakim tributes, this podium caused a political scandal. For the news of Novaya Gazeta, following the reception of an odious general, who became famous for his zhorstokistyu, "The White House had a chance to be truthful, and the staff of the protocol arrest with a marvelous and operational rank appeared from the official and alcoholic sites."

In the future of 2005, Shamans were elected as the leader of the Russian Association of Heroes (RAG), who united the Heroes of the Radiansk Union, Heroes of Russia and other cavaliers of the Order of Glory at their lavas.

At Birch 2006, Shamanov was sent to the ranks of the Russian Federation and immediately became the guardian of the Minister of Defense Sergiy Ivanov, who is engaged in the sphere of social defense of military servicemen, members of their families and military pensioners. It was planned that Shamanov had previously spoken out of the criticism adopted from the 2004 rock federal law about the monetization of plg: behind the words of the general, the law "zavdav serious blow Behind the social status of VIISKOVOVOKOVSKIV ". Under the Tsomu, having moved" News time ", Shamanov," Pochebto culminating the law on the monetization of Pilg Vіskovoovsovsi I viyskovym Peninaters, Ale Valuvovo Valuvovye Uriva, Pisaea, recognizes the Self -Street. " "once again analyze the evidence" praised by the law.

In 2007, Lieutenant-General Shaman was recognized as the head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training and Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I signed a contract with the Viysk government. At the thought of analysts, Shamanov's recognition in the ministry, enchanted by the "civilian" minister Anatoly Serdyukov, was called upon to raise the authority of the ministry in the eyes of the military themselves. For confirmation of the appearance of the "Hour of Novin", after the new recognition of Shamans among journalists, pointing out the need to increase the level of combat training in connection with the "unstable situation in Afghanistan, tension in the waters of Russia and Georgia on the direct .

At the grassroots of 2009, Shamanov was confirmed at the plantation of the commander of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation. For the ZMI tribute, paratrooper officers hovered "turning the general to the winged fret."

In the spring of the same fate, Shamanov leaned in the center of the scandal, after the publication of two articles in Novy Gazeta: "Slowly catch up!" that "General and Glyba". У них розповідалося про матеріали якоїсь кримінальної справи та факт використання генералом спецназу ВДВ для захисту від слідства свого зятя, підприємця Олексія Храмушина, який був відомий як активний учасник татарського злочинного угруповання, носив прізвисько Глиба, був оголошений у міжнародний розшук та заочно заарештований за звинуваченням замах for a kill. At the same time, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Serdyukov ordered to conduct a service review of the link with publications in the press about Shamanov's activity.

Shamans of friendship. Yogo team Lyudmila figured at the press as the head of the government beneficial fund"Gubernsky" in the Ulyanovsk region.

The Shamanovs have two children - Donka Svitlana and son Yury. Svitlana graduated from the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration of "one of the most prestigious capital cities", Volodya P'yatma foreign language, zahopluєєєєєєєєє choreography 2004 rock ZMI wrote about її chic fun: according to the "Nezaleznaya gazeti", three million rubles were spent on it (I didn't mention it). Sin Yuriy graduated from Viysk University. Prote, as they appointed ZMI, after the end I hang up to the army of the sons of Lieutenant General Shamanov to serve no more. For the knowledge of Shamanov Sr., from the son of a child, he was confident: "The team told me: you don’t cheat, you fight with him, like a fascist." For deakim tribute, the son of the governor - candidate of political sciences. 2004 was published the Ph.D. dissertation of Yuriy Volodymyrovich Shamanov "Reformation of federative councils: regional aspect. On the example of the Ulyanovsk region".

hjhj 03.11.2010 12:53:35

in pure shamanism, the marionette walks through life as a solid and powerful figure. all the merits of the greater and lesser summation: none of the grand military commanders confirm the "combat merits" of the general. yoga grafted to the lower armchair. yogo life credo: don’t need anyone to mess up, don’t mess up anyone, and don’t mess up. The order to the lower airborne forces is more cynical and cynical to destroy everything, as if to punish (anti Margelov).

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