History of the year: how the first year appeared. History of the sleepy year

In this article, we can look at the history of the sleepy year, the first of human creations. The need to survive the hour was dictated by the need of an old man to follow the snake feast. The hour of sowing, the selection of the birth, the seasonality of the transfer of migratory birds was important for the people.

The history of the dormouse year began when people became obvious, the connection between roztashuvannyam and old dormouse shade in objects and positions of the sun in the heavens. To this day, a shard of ancient grandiose spores has been preserved, which allow, with marvelous accuracy, to see the camp of Sontsya, the star of that Moon on the sky, descend that celestial objects at the skin of the days of fate.

History of the sleepy year

One of such disputes is in Europe and Stonehenge, which served as an even more accurate calendar for predicting the change of feast, necessary for the conduct of the military state, that observatory for the transfer of sleepy and monthly obscurations, necessary, perhaps, for the establishment of cults.

The hour of this dispute, according to the results of the studies, dates back to 1850 BC.

Magnificent stone spores for astronomical guards were found in different corners of the world: the territories of Ancient Babylon, Egypt, and China.

One of them is the "Golka Cleopatri", which is known at the same time near London, and the giant obelisk near Kahir, prompted for 3000 years BC.

The history of the sleepy year takes its cob in Assyria and Babylon. Babylonians reached great success in astronomy and mathematics.

One of the tools needed for astronomical guards was a spherical drowsiness year, which was attached to the night time. Twelve known old-time astronomers suzir'їv, as we know at once as "signs of the zodiac", appeared in the sky with a difference of one year.

Kulya with a dart of a forge on the dial at the sight of a bowl. Navkolo kuli bulo kolo, like representing the ecliptic.

Twelve suzir'їv were depicted on the new one, so that the kutovі dstanі corresponded to the realities.

Behind such a tool, one could designate the place of the Sun on the dreadful sphere, as the mother of the knowledge of the common luminary in that other sign of the zodiac.

This astronomical device, allowing you to mark the difference between the sleepy and dawn hours, align the hour of the Sontsya and narrow the ecliptic. Rivnyannya was carried out for the help of a water year (clepsydrius).

In this manner, the sleepy year (gnomon) of Ancient Babylon has begun to develop the development of an independent branch of science - gnomonics, closely related to astronomy and mathematics.

The museums of Cairo and Berlin have a few ancient instruments for keeping watch over the Sun and the stars, which are known for the hour of excavations near Egypt.

Nayranisha riddle in Egyptian manuscripts about the sleepy year is dated 1521 BC, although it doesn’t mean that the stench didn’t win there until this hour.

The Egyptian sleepy year of that period marked the hour after the dove of the tіnі from the gnomon.

We know about the sleepy year of the Old Judea from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. If Tsar Hezekiah asks God for a banner, God confirms you through his prophet: "Os, I will turn back ten steps to the sleepy darkness that Ahazovim passed through the steps. And the sun turned ten steps along the descents, like it descended." (Isaiah 38:8)

Otzzhe, what did "Akhazov shchabli" represent?

The successors of the Holy Letter respect that it is nothing else, like a sleepy year, the attachment of which Ahaz was among the Assyrians and Babylonians.

How vvazhayut those same old stinks were a column that stood on the day, from it went down the chapels, that along the footings, according to the fall of the tіnі on the yak they marked the hour. Hour of the reign of King Ahaz 873-852 BC

In China, the signs of the feast of fate from the VIII century BC were treated like a gnomon.

In the vicinity of Guizhou, archaeologists have known a jade dormouse year that dates back to the 3rd century BC. Through the peculiarities of counting the hour of the history of the sleepy year in China, to finish the self-sacrifice.

Tse buv disc made of stone and inserted at the center with a gnomon.

On two sides of the disk there was a scale, which added the names of 12 Chinese twin anniversaries.

On the upper part of the disk, the hour from the spring to autumn day and along the lower part from autumn to spring equal.

However, the history of the sleepy year in Greece is not so unambiguous: there is a thought that even in the Xth century BC. to Greece, bringing a sleepy year from the Assyrian or Babylonian Kingdom. Undoubtedly, the Babylonians are less likely to have a sleepy year, which, vrakhovyuchi trade calls of that hour, is not surprising.

In the III century BC. in Greece, a spherical sleepy year was celebrated, in which the sickly pivsphere repeated the frail ecliptics at the latitude of the month de bouv preparations.

Significant advances were made in ancient Greece in astronomy and mathematics. The final sleepy year of foundings on the basis of the theory of the final repercussions of Apollonius.

The essence of this year is that the entire curved segment of the cone is parallel to the Earth's axis.

Cone of directions tudi, kudi i horizontal gnomon.

On the main, straightened on the day, side of the sunflower year, the dial is ruffled perpendicularly to the conical axis and parallel to the equator. Through the division into 12 equal parts of the arc, the annual lines were drawn.

Darkness, as it falls, changed its arcs, and by the points of the peretina it was possible to recognize it as a year. Sprats of late dormouse years are being saved at the Louvre.

A flat sleepy yearbook appeared as a result of a thorough end. Such a year-old with a vertical dial was installed on the veins, so that in a new way it was possible to bachit this year in the distance. So the first dormouse appeared. In Athens, on Bashti Vitriv, there is the oldest vertical dormouse year, which has survived to this day. Zagalom, the tower itself is unique in its own right, as it is the first meteorological station. On the dahu, there was a weather vane, in the same place there was a water year, on the facade the first sleepy year of the year.

In Rome, the first sleepy year is 292 years before ours. As a result of the First Punic War and later on, the Romans conquered the Greek Islands and the anniversary of Vivivesii looked like a trophy. Vіm, through the chains the stench showed the hour of that month, de bule zroblenі. Already, soon, the sleepy year became an invisible part of the Romans. They were installed on the squares, building temples and other large places.

On the Montechitorio square in Rome, one of the most ancient obelisks can be turned into a dream year at a time. The installations of the Emperor Augustus on the Champ de Mars for the hour, the resurrections of the area in the era of the fall of the empire, and the knowledge in 1463 and the new orders in 1792.

The Romans began to install and vikoristovuvati soniachny year for different needs. So, they regulated the entrance to the lazna.

A yearbook appeared in private villas and a portable sleepy yearbook, which you could take with you on the road. The stench insured retail at the hour at the places - Rome, Oleksandriya and others. Having also created a drowsy yearbook for all latitudes, from which two copies have been preserved to this day.

The Romans brought little gnomons to the rosettes, the stench was corrosive for them, which the Greek maistri robbed.

On the cob of the Middle Ages, Europe was covered with only drowsy and water year.

Approximately XIII century. there enter at the vzhitok pіsochny year,

yaks, being an alternative to water ones, swell a significant extension already on the ear of the XIV century.

In Byzantium, in Serednyovichchi, there is a popular vertical dormouse year. They were placed on the facades of monasteries, towers, community buildings and temples. On the dials, the numbers are harder to show. In connection with the popularity of the annual holiday, the profession of a year-old is announced. The astrolabe of Hipparchus is improved. At the same time, the Arab masters begin at the Byzantines to prepare a sleepy and water year. The development of gnomonics in India and at the Muslim Close Descent in the Middle Ages gave the cob of trigonometry, geometry and mathematics. Indians actively vikoristovuyut the Pythagorean theorem and other knowledge, compared with the Hellenes.

Before the development of trigonometry among the Arabs, the appearance of translations of the works of Ptolemy and Indian "siddhanta" was brought about.

After the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks on all mosques, they often turned into yak Orthodox churches, installed a sleepy yearbook. Behind them, the hour of prayers was marked, and a line was applied in the dial, which indicated directly Mecca.

Observatories were built near Baghdad and Damascus.

Having adopted from the Byzantines the art of creating astrolabes and cutomirnih instruments, the water and sony year, the Muslim high schools achieved great success in their perfection.

In Europe, one of the first people who showed interest in gnomonics was Pope Silverst II. Having read the books of Boetius on Geometry and Astronomy, de boules described the main views of the year of that hour, wrote a treatise on geometry, de voicing the basic rules for arranging the sony year. Zavdyaki youmu Europe knew about Budova and zastosuvannya astrolabi. This was the X century of our eri.

In the XII - XIII centuries, the Arabic astronomical tables and treatises were translated into Latin language. The gnomonica continued its development already in Europe.

The translation of Greek texts in the XIV century took on a new interest in science and in gnomonics, as a private directive. Naprikintsi XIV cent. Europe has moved to a new day, foundations on equal days and nights. І tse buv is also an important croc for the entire history of the year. It would be necessary to modernize the sleepy year before this hour.

In the 16th century, a sleepy yearbook is installed on the facades of public buildings and cathedrals, vezhahs and walls. The stench is already adapted for the vimiryuvannya equal year. The portable sleepy yearbook is gaining popularity, including the number of visits from the Vikonan with a compass. In the 16th-18th centuries, the stench of the popular ones is still getting worse, but in the world, the cheapness and thoroughness of the mechanical years, the stagnation of them, start step by step to fall. Like mi bachimo, the history of the dormouse year includes different temporal periods and the development of gnomonica: from the ancient world, through the era of antiquity and the middle ages to the XIV century, if the mechanical year is gaining popularity, becoming step by step gnomonica.

However, our hour has become fashionable to embellish parks, boulevards and squares with a sleepy year.

Sonyachny year of Sevastopol.

So, for example, at the turn of 2008, up to the 225th river of the city, on the Primorsky Boulevard of Sevastopol, near the Monument, we sank the ships of the state’s sleepy year, which undoubtedly became the color of the city. The stink to screw up the respect of the number of tourists and city dwellers. The dial of the inscriptions is made of different-coloured tiles, and the shadow of a small gnomon is finished exactly showing the hour.

Let's live, let's live for a sleepy year
I will become warmer on the earth ...

Sonyachny year

With the widest chronometric tool, you can use the sleepy yearbook, foundations on the dovovy, and in other and river Russia of the Sun. When such an anniversary appeared, it was not earlier than the person was aware of the mutual relationship between the time and the position of the shadow of objects. Ale navit usvіdomivshi, it’s unlikely that I would rush to be a year old, it was necessary to be more aware that this is the hour. It seems that the sleepy yearbook has the shape of an obelisk, ale exact dateїх viniknennya unknown. І before the speech, їх could be found in different places.

The traditional story is important, that the Chinese Chiu-pi (about 1100 BC) was the first to guess the dream year. In his manuscript, he reminded me that for their help, the Chinese easily set the summer and winter altitude of the Sun and appointed the frail ecliptic at 23 ° 52. " Trigonometry, - they appeared significantly later. The stench of that navіscho tse zrobili, tezh unreasonably. Let's say, through the innate Chinese dopitlivistvo. Moreover, until recently the Chinese respected their country with the Middle Empire, covered with the dome of the sky, and there was no evidence of culture. "The earth is not small, so the reliability of the fact of the vineyard of a sleepy year by the operetta character Chiu-Pi can be considered unreliable.

The most pleasant climatic mind to win the hour for the help of a sleepy year in Egypt, the thought is more reliable, that the first sleepy year is gnomon, vertical obelisk with a scale, inflicted on the ground by a new one, - they appeared themselves here. The obelisks served at the same time for the cult of the god Sontsya. These sacred obelisks stood, as a rule, in front of the entrances to the temples. Tsіkavo, scho to restore the tradition sleepy year at the temples you can walk around Europe until the 19th century. And don’t get sleepy from Russia, so we pick up the believers from the church by ringing bells.

Dosi saved the Egyptian obelisk of the crown 34 meters. It is important that in the reign of Augustus Yogo was transported from Egypt to Rome and, at the request of the emperor, was installed on the Field of Mars, and the mathematician Fakundus Novus performed this operation. The gnomon was placed at the center of the special panel, and the dial was crossed; anniversary lines were made from bronze parts. Behind the words of Pliny the Elder, the obelisk served for the rite of passage until the end of the day. Vіn having stood for a hundred years, but in the epoch of the fall of Ancient Rome, they were thrown off and forever oblivious. In 1463 it was re-established, but only in 1792 it was re-erected on Montechitorio Square in Rome, de vines stand and ponini.

In Egypt, the Crimean obelisks, were created and other constructions of the sleepy year. For example, which are formed from horizontal parts - lines with a chronometric scale of about 30 cm - and a “shoulder” perpendicular to it, which reflects the shadow on the scale. There is also a step-by-step annual with two frail surfaces, oriented along the axis skhіd-zahіd and divergence on the descend. When the Sun descended, the edge of the upper gathering fell, one on the surface, similar, then step by step fell, and the opium arose. After noon, the shadow reappeared in the lower part of the western surface, the stars rose from the sky, the docks at sunset did not stick between the upper gathering. In such years, it was signified by a dovzhina, and not a direct shade.

Vymіryuvannya hour dolzhina tіnі podekudi saved up to pіzny Serednyovіchchya. The doctor and geographer Paolo Toscanelli, who in 1468-1482 founded the churches of St. Mary de Fiore near Florence is a dwarf with a frill of 84.5 meters; For the help of the gnomon Toscanelli, having specified the data of astronomical tables.

Sonyachny year - zі svіtla in іn repetitively

Buli іnshі sleepy year, With a scale for the appointment of an hour for a direct silence, which you can see, even though the stench appeared, sing-songly, noisily. For the correct indication of the hour, the upper line of the scale was horizontal and the scale became a straight line with the area of ​​the hand meridian. For the correct installation of the yearbook, it was necessary to keep watch over the moments of solstice or equal days. On the old dormouse anniversary, the podіkhodyachs were applied for practical reasons, then - on the basis of the theoretical rosary, truth, untruth. The Egyptians knew that the shadow, which is seen by the gnomon, the difference is fallow in the season, but the difference was not protected. The absolutely exact hour of the local gnomoni was shown only by girls on the river: at the day of the spring and autumn eve. In order to improve the accuracy, we began to have a sleepy yearbook with special scales for different months.

The creation of a sleepy, watery, dog year-old has sown the development of precise mechanics, and there, in her quarters, was a happy hand between that accomplished science. Byzantium in the middle of the Ukrainian lands has reached the highest level of technology development. The Arabs learned from the Byzantines a lot of things, including the construction of the preparation of different types of dormouse year. And in Byzantium itself, there is a widening of a sleepy vertical yearbook. The stench of the boules on the walls of the church and the boules of the community was approximately of the same type, like on the walls of the Vezhya windows in Athens and on the walls of the Byzantine church, evoked at the pagan temple of Grazia. Numbers are shown on the dial for the purpose of identifying the year.

Historians know evidence about the presence of a year-old in Constantinople from documents that they published before the VI century, but, unfortunately, without any explanation, I will add it. On the basis of epigrams, which can be seen until the hour of the reign of Justin II (565-578), Reiska’s statements are laid down, that even in the VI century, the Byzantine Greeks had a birthday with battles, acquiring great cities. The date of such an announcement will require additional revision and great thought.

At the "Statute" of Kostyantyn Porphyrogenitus (911-959) the profession of an anniversary is formed. There is also a mention of the presence in the empire of special people, who celebrated the anniversary of church services and prayers. It is said that at the palace in the last year it was necessary to have stiles for prayers and church gatherings, how many times to mark the time of the wars, to open and close the palace, change the varty and others that are taken regularly.

However, it’s wrong that for the panuvannya of the agrarian mode and the handicraft technology (whether in Ancient light otherwise, in the Middle Ages) it was not necessary to spend an hour on drіbnі vіdіzki and exactly to kill them, like now. People appointed an hour for the natural illumination of the Sun, dovgi summer days and short winters, however, they were extended by 12 years, and to that summer and winter years were different.

It is especially supported: with a splash of cheeky Sontsya, who is changing, was changing with the fate of the day and night. Use the year, how to show it with an even scale (water, fire, sand and mechanical year) with the trivality of the year of the sleepy year - the most important problem.

The last sleepy year has taken off the curvilinear scales, which has sunk down this little one. Such a year with folding scales, rozrakhovanimi for quarterly and monthly intervals, were koristuvalis approximately until the XV century. So, until the end of the 14th century in Central Europe, there was a widening of the vertical wall year with a horizontal shade bar, which came from Egypt. Ale in Egypt, zavdyaki por_vnyano small distance from the equator, the hour was marked with an acceptable degree of accuracy, the same as in Greece, Italy and the Czech Republic, the accuracy was significantly higher.

A new era in the development of the dormouse year was marked by important wines, deaths in 1431 rotations. The principle of yogic poles has been installed at the installed shadow arrow at the straight line of the earth's axis; such an arrow was called pіvvіssyu. Let's forgive the innovations that have reached those that now the darkness has evenly turned around to the right, turning around 15 °. If we needed to take an hour to celebrate the anniversary, then we would need to blame the annual scale on an elliptical curve and, at the same time, change the position of the arrow in the meridional plane a hundred times the season of rock. A description of such anniversaries appeared in the astronomical practices of the 16th century, and the astronomer and director of the Paris Observatory, Joseph Jerome Lalande, was only engaged in detailed surveys for the help of this year in the middle of the 18th century.

It became possible to introduce a equal hour for all fate, and the vіrіzki, which are given to the year-olds, were the same time, independently of the height of the Sun, which is changing. One of the first mysteries about the anniversary of the anniversary is the manuscript of Theodoric Ruffy dated 1447. The old sleepy year of that hour mav at once gnomon and pіvvіs; the stench is described in the manuscript of the Arab astronomer of the XV century Sibt-al-Maridin; a similar year was inspired by the Egyptian astronomer Ibn al-Magdi at about the same hour.

Progress, which was marked by science in the era of the Renaissance, was also recognized on the design of the sony yearbook. Porіvnjano shvidko, approximately for 130 years, kolishnіy nedoskonalny year turned into very accurate chronometric accessories for its time, with which it was possible to win the hour at the be-yakim mist of the Earth's backwoods. For the correct installation of the yearbook, a compass began to be drawn.

One of the first creators of the sleepy year with a correct compass is the astronomer and mathematician Regiomontanus, who was named after Johann Muller (Müller) (1436-1476), also known as Joan de Monte Regio, who worked in the middle of the 15th century in Nuremberg. Vіn buv is also the author of the first special practice about the sleepy year. The day of the sleepy yearbook with a compass has led to the fact that it has become possible to celebrate it everywhere, and portable, small, or road models of the yearbook have appeared. The sleepy year at the sight of an empty pіvkulі zі strіlkoy, scho pіdkidaє tіn on vіshnіshnіshnu empty, sow s 1445 fate.

Sonyachny portable yearbook.

Tsіkavy sonyachny kіltsevy year, one of the options for the road, - the stench served at once as a decorative pіdvіska. The head part of the head was a brass ring with a diameter of a centimeter, tied with another rumbly ring, with a lapel for a sony exchange. On the outer surface of the head ring, the letters of the months were engraved, and opposite them, on the inner surface, the Godinnikov's scale was engraved. Before the death, it was necessary to turn the little ring so that it would be opened for me, lying at the name of the necessary month. To win the hour, the yearbook was set in such a way that the sleepy night passed through the opening and indicated the year on the scale. The first description of such an anniversary - at the sight of a ring with a signet - is found in the book of the doctor Bonet, seen in Paris in 1500 years.

One of the most popular varieties of the sony road year is the so-called lamellar year. The first copies appeared in Europe in 1451-1463. The sound of stench was formed from two, sometimes three, the same for the size of four-sided rectangular plates, connected by pidvisks, moreover, a compass is found in the lower plate of the obov'yazkovo.

Sonyachny year - club for a pilgrim

Є a description of the wooden octagonal clubs of the zavdovka 160 cm, with metal tips and with vir_zanimi year scales. This is the dream year (ashadakh), which was celebrated in the Middle Ages by Indian pilgrims. At the hands of such a club, they sounded openly open, in a yak, above the scale for a spring month, a haircut with a length of about 15 cm was inserted so that when the club was placed vertically, it cast a shadow on the scale. There are few buti 12 scales on the club. Shards for the days, in the distant days of the solstice at the same hour, diyali the same mind, enough for the mother of 8 scales. The name "ashadakh" took off this year after this season (worm - lime), in which pilgrimages were made.

From the beginning of the 16th century, the theory of sleepy year began to be published at the universities of Wittenberg, Tübingen, Ingoldstadt, near Prazіta in Stirsky Gradtsі as a warehouse part of mathematics.

Approximately at the same time the vicons appeared sleepy year. The stinks were vertical, their dial was on top of the windows of the temple of the Town Hall. The dial starts to ring out as a mosaic fillet filled with lead. The arrow cast a shadow on the dial, flashing so that the end of the shadow indicated not only the year, but the position of the Sun in the zodiac. The scale of prozora allowed us to watch the hour without leaving the wake.

Buv and a mirror-like sleepy year, which pierced the sleepy window with a mirror on the dial, rotting the booth on the wall. The first such year was described by J. B. Benedictus in the book, seen in Turin in 1574. Mykola Copernicus also took up the construction of the mirror yearbook, which you can believe, moreover, the dial of the mirror yearbook was taken to the castle in Olsztyn and imovirno yoga roboti.

With the exactness of a sleepy year, the mechanical ones could not grow until the pendulum oscillator began to freeze in them. Ale and after yogo, a sleepy year appeared, having saved its popularity. The greatest rozkvіtu їх virobnitstvo reached the XVI and XVII centuries; Their creations were studied by leading European mathematicians and astronomers. Before that, the stench had long since been deprived of the obligatory belonging of all observatories. Even in the 18th century they were in the astronomical observatories of the countries of the Skhod, for example, in India. Yaї Sіng II, Prince of Jaipur, having fallen asleep in the great observatory in Dilli in 1708-1710, having placed there a gnomon of 18 meters. Unforgettably after this wine, having punished to spend a similar year at Benares, Muttrzhi, Uygain and Jaipur.

Ale people joked and primitive ways of surviving for an hour for the help of the Son; one and the same "instrument" for the whole bull human hand. The first information about such “years” can be seen until the beginning of the 16th century. left hand turned the valley uphill, and її straightening uphill thumb vikonuvav function shadow arrows. Fallow in the sight of the dozhini tsієї tіnі porіvnyа z reshtoyu fingers of the hand, it was possible to mark the hour approximately. What a simple way to win the hour in France, Pvdenniy Nimechchiny and other places to kindly build in the XIX century.

In distant sea voyages, the appointment of the exact hour was even more important right, without which it is impossible to understand where the ship is. A watery or a night-time year needs to be straightened out, ale yak? For the help of a sleepy year, as if the stench had not reached the perfection, it is impossible to work in the minds of pitching and constant reversals.

There was no more vikoristovuvati for the appointment of the hour of the "natural year" - the dawn of the sky. You can admit that people have done it “manually” for a long time, like a majestic dosvіd. Ale, the development of navigation is shvidko, you will need accessories. And the shards of the first real seafarers were not mythical Argonauts, but Byzantine sailors and Arabs, who built the Chervonim and the Arabian seas to India, naturally, they took care of them.

The most important tool they have created is the astrolabe. This kutomirny prilad served until the 18th century as a designation of latitude and longevity of space, and to create horizontal kutomirnyh robots. To our days, a treatise on the astrolabe, written by the Byzantine scholar Philopon (John Gramatik) in 625 roci. Approximately at the same time, a treatise on that very topic was written by the Syrian Sebokht, and Syria was included in the warehouse of the Byzantine Empire. Tim vinayshov the astrolabe for an hour, like vvazhayut, the ancient Greek, astronomer Hipparchus in 150 years BC, 775 years before, like Philopon undertook to write a treatise about the first adaptation. Vzagali Hipparchus (180 or 190-125 BC) is credited with winemakers, which could have been sold only in the 6th-7th centuries AD, and in some years they could be found in the 15th century. For example, vin vyznav dovgota, posterіgayuchi those same month chi sonyachne obscuration from rіznih for а long time mіsts. For which youmu it would be necessary to reveal about the Sunday hour, in order to win a mechanical year, synchronization for such posterigachiv.

Such self-miracle can be brought about by the drive of so many so-called old Greek scholars. In our opinion, the centuries of the VI-XII centuries, the wine-makers of rich brown speeches, which were mythologised, and the dates of life were richer later. Before that, the “creators” of history attributed these to the scientists of the late hour.

Judge for yourself: Ptolemy Claudius (bl. 90 - bl. 160 AD) knew about Northern Africa, Indochina and Northern China, about the British Isles and the Baltic Sea. І tse for the second thousand years before the wide seafaring, before the advent of the compass, ship's kermat mechanical yearbook! So from, Ptolemy tezh vinayshov mіdnu astrolabіyu, and koristuvatisya it began to chomus less than the XVI century. In view of the mythical ancient Greek history, in Byzantium, the development of the military technique and the real creation of the astrolabe and the anniversary of the year were sown to the full extent of the mechanical art.

Before the advent of the astrolabe, there were already fittings for fixing the camp of the star and the hour of the watch: the crown of the sight was the plaque of that temple. The robot was beaten by two individuals. Sposterigach sitting on the faces of the pivnich and trimming in front of him a plank and a sheet; on the contrary, sitting next to the yogo pomіchnik, who also trimmed the schema. A clear line from the eye of the posterigach to the Polar Star is small to pass through the splitting of the sighting plate, and offending the schema. The hour of the passage of the star through the plane, which is marked by a clear line and schilia, but the moment of its passage of the meridian of the mystic, on the basis of which the star cards were formed, the images of which we see.

Then the astrolabe appeared, and by stretching out it was the widest astronomical tool; she was corrosive on land and on the sea. For vimiryanim for її to help the position of the star, you can appoint an hour. The Arabs, for the help of the astrolabe, appointed an hour from the death for only 1-2 hvilini. Vymiryuvannya hour by the method of determining the heights of the stars was stagnant until the middle of the 17th century by a lot of astronomers, zokrema and Tycho Brahe, which reached the accuracy of the world in a few seconds.

In the Middle Ages, bronze astrolabes, which formed the basis of a round slab, divided by 360 °, were put into packages with astronomical tables or maps of the earth's surface, compiled for different geographical latitudes. The astrolabe was supplemented by the star map with the signs of the zodiac.

The oldest and longest living zirkovy catalog is called the catalog of Hipparchus: the new one had 1022 zirok about the ruh, and the average death was chotiryoh hvilin. Zahidnoevropeiski dovgy hour was corristuvaly so-called Toledo tables of Alphonse, so named after the Spanish king Alfonso X, who entrusted to put them in 1252 roci. Prussian planetary tables, seen in 1551 by Erasmus Reingold, were created for clarification of these tables. However, the greatest accuracy is within the reach of his dawn catalog Tycho Brazi; in the new one, only 997 stars were guessed, but the middle day did not overwhelm one arc whilin.

In the first half of the 16th century, the life of "army" spheres expanded in Europe, like a system of kil. Numbers of stakes depicted the equator, meridians, tropics, vertical stakes and the ecliptic with the signs of the zodiac, the axis of light, the trajectory and the position of the Sun and the Moon. As a rule, armiary spheres are small monthly calendarsі the scheme of planets distribution and served to demonstrate the positions of the planets at the same time in different coordinate systems. They founded the obvious armi- lar spheres, which were designated for the world, the resistances were even more rare, and little was saved. Put it like that and did not replace the astrolabe. It is important that Tycho Brahe is the only virobnik.

The simplest sleepy year - pohili, That is, with a frail cadran, for the preparation of some kind of materials, so as not to be afraid of the board. Don’t forget that for a cadre there will be less light materials, otherwise the “year-old arrow” will be nasty to be seen.
A compass is drawn from the center of the slab - between the future dial. The whole thing is divisible into 24 equal parts. The skin of the year podіl, like extending the dial with a protractor, 360 °: 24 = 15 ° (div. Fig. I).
On the frame in the center of the stake, it is drilled or deepened in 1-2 cm and fixed there with cement or waterproof glue gnomon. I have become obsessed with the fact that the kadran killed the old flower. The gnomon is guilty of standing strictly perpendicular to the frame, which is easy to overturn with a straight-cut tricot.
Fallow in the face of the dial, on it you can see the first and fourth year handicrafts. I applied it with a bag handle, and then covered it with waterproof glue. Now I have made handicrafts of small pieces of stainless steel rods, pasting them on the frame with waterproof glue.
The sequence of appointments followed the year's arrow is right to ruin on the frame of the shade in front of the gnomon. The reference line is the so-called pivdenna line, which goes from the base of the gnomon to one of the subdivisions on the dial. Tsya tіn vіdkhodit vіd gnomon about the 13th year of the maternity hour. Її sign for a mechanical or electronic yearbook.
Otzhe, the dial on the frame is broken, the gnomon of insertions: the year is ready. Now put them in the next place. The yearbook will correctly show the hour, as if the square of the frame-dial was set in a bad way exactly at the beer. With this year's badge "13" is obliged to change from the pivnіchny side of the gnomon right on pіvdennіy line. Under the pivdennu part of the slab, we put a support from a stone or a tree so that we cut the square of the square on the pivnich dorivnyuvav 90 ° - f, de f - the geographic latitude of the city. For example, he killed a cadre on a pivnich in the near Moscow suburbs 90 ° -56 ° = 34 °, where 56 ° is the geographical latitude of Moscow (Fig. II).
The frail year of the year shows the hour from the 22nd of Bereznia to the 22nd of the Spring, while the sun is in our Pivnichniy pivkul. After the autumn equal day, the dial appears at the post-in-time darkness. horizontal Well, the sleepy yearbook shows the hour tsiliy rik. This year's anniversary looks like a vertical only, with a breakdown of the dial on the frame and the installation of a gnomon. Here the gnomon is installed under the hood to the cadre, which is more geographical latitude of the city. The breakdown on the frame of the dial is more often carried out for the indications of the exact mechanical years. For this year's anniversary, the clock face is assigned to the position of the gnomon on the skin of a specific year of the maternity hour. With this rank, you can recognize the entire dial in one day. Kutovі razmіri mіzh odinnikovymi podіlki will no longer be 15 °, like the frail, but different - for the skin year of their own.
On the standing place, the frame of the old year is installed horizontally. Overturn the horizontality of the surface manually for an additional plate filled with water to the brim. The year of the year, the badge "13" is obliged to change on the pivdenniy line from the pivnіchny side of the square to the framer.
The third type of sleepy year - vertical. The ideal orientation of the frame in these years is the day, perpendicular to the line of the line, or you can put the frame and under the warm hood to it. In both slopes, the gnomon is installed three times higher to the center of the frame, near the vertical plane, which passes along the vertical line. The gnomon of the frills to the bottom under the hood, equal to 90 ° - f (geographical latitude of the city). Hourly handicrafts are more likely to be taken after the indications of the mechanical yearbook, and the sequence will go straight to the gate. Podіl "13" - at the bottom of the dial on the vertical, looking at the base of the gnomon. This year is high above the ground - on stovpah, fences, walls of budvel (Fig. III). For us, the sleepy year has appeared like a brown rіchchyu.

V. MOLODIV, Moscow

Sonyachny year

In our hour of food "Last night?" do not call out particular difficulties, even with your own responsibility wrist year or the hour is set on the mobile phone. Ale and these objects are a banquet of modernity, but how did they sign an hour for a long time ago?

If a sleepy year has appeared, it’s as if it’s impossible. The first riddle about the adjunct, which keeps the hour of sleepy changes going until the period 1306 - 1290 BC. At Ancient Egypt a description of an accessory was found that would allow the hour of sleepy changes in one of the tombs. The Sonyachny anniversary of that period was a straight-cut maidanchik (plate) with a rosette. On one end of the straight cut, a low long bar was attached, like a year-old arrow.

The Kahirsky Museum is saving other views of the ancient dormouse year. The design of this yearbook is devastating. On the vіdmіnu vіd flat maidanchik, the basis of this year is represented by two grave flats with descents. One pokhila was restored by Skhid, the other - by zahid. At the first half of the day, the shadow of the forge of the first flat, going down the slopes, like at the bottom, and the other part passed to another flat.

I'm the winemaker of the sleepy year was left unseen, moreover, it's unseen, the first sleepy days appeared in the country. The right to pershojuyut: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and China.

In Chinese dzherelakh, the riddle about the sleepy year is known until 1100 BC. The design of the Chinese dormouse year was formed from a stone disk, which was installed parallel to the line of the celestial equator. Through the center of the disc passing shear. The shear line was parallel to the earth's axis. The Chinese minds also created a small drowsy annual, in which the compass was laden.

In the ancient Greeks, the sleepy yearbook - the skafis was small in a spherical shape, the construction of the sleepy yearbook recognized a few changes. A few treatises by Arab astronomers have been written about the thinness of the sleepy year of the Bulo. On the dials of the Arabic drowsy yearbook bula one more line is applied - qibla, which indicates straight to Mecca. The hour, if the shadow of the gnomon (vertical pole, which celebrates the role of the year's arrow in the sun year) fell on the qibla line, was respected by the sacred.

Іsnuє kіlka of the main types of constructions of the dormouse year: equatorial, horizontal, vertical and analematic.

At the vertical dormouse year, the dial, visibly, is rotting at the vertical position, and the gnomon (year-old arrow) is placed in the fallow in the latitude of the moon, where the year is set and the azimuth of the wall, and the stench will be roztashovuvatis. Vertical sleeping quarters are installed mainly on the facades of houses.

The horizontal sleepy yearbook has long become a part landscape design. They are installed in squares, parks, in zones of repair as a decorative element. At the year of the construction of the design, the dial can be horizontally positioned, and the gnomon is installed, focusing on the latitude and longevity of the month, where the year will be ripped.

The dial of the equatorial yearbook has a scale, evenly divided according to yearbooks, and is located in the equatorial plane. Before the equatorial year, there is an armistic sphere - a year, which repeats the everyday sleepy system.

The stationary rotting dormouse has more miniature models. From a long time ago, Indian mandrіvniki on the road took from them a club from a sleepy year. At the club, they tried to open and insert a haircut, which, when the club was in a vertical position, put a shadow on the rosette.

Today, regardless of the abundance of mechanical and electronic noses at the hour, interest did not fade until the sleepy year. So, for example, English queen In 1977, Elizabeth II took away a miraculous sleepy year as a gift. The design of the yearbook is a sculptural composition: two dolphins lift the dial, which lifts the sea whiff. The author of the project of this marvelous dormouse year is Christopher Daniel.

The installation of a sleepy yearbook will require singing knowledge of astronomy and geography. For skin care, the design of the dial and gnomon is also protected. Without cycles of rozrahunkіv, the sleepy annual wastes its functionality, transforming simply into an original element of landscape design.

Have a sleepy day, be a kind of stovp v_dkidaє shadow. To find out for a little while, people blew the shadow with crumbs. The vranzі vona was dowsha, the opіdnі became zovsіm short, and the evening was waking up again. Stovp, they were like a year old, calling themselves a gnomon.

Gnomon is a sleepy year, it was the first year, which won the hour in the old darkness, which is visible. Among the wealthy peoples, these obelisks served as an hourly chanting for the cult of the god Sonts. Indian evil chants - fakirs turned the most famous road chick - a club for the year. The staff of tsey buv is octagonal. Nagori in the skin facet was twisted open, into which a small stick was inserted.

To recognize, which time of the year, the fakir raises his club, stroking її by the lace . The silence that falls from the sticks on the edge of the club, which hang hang, showed the hour. On the borders of the clubs there are little pictures that signify the anniversary. But do you still need the edges of the edges?

It would be enough, enough alone , Ale rich to the one who has a visible path of the sun of dawn at a different hour of fate. To that th tіn, yak for everyone to lie down in the sun, to be carried out in a vlіtka that collection is not the same. The sun rises in the sky, lower the winter; To that, the shadow at the summer noon is short, lower at the winter. The axis of why the club is crushed with a rich faceted.

The skin line is marked for one thing, which is sometimes the fate and not suitable for another. Reveal yourselves to the ancient place of Babylon close to 3.5 thousand years ago. Just before sunset, right before sunset, the Sun on the hills of the old vezh, de bula the abode of the supreme deity Eilil, the devil's priest was seen and guarded behind the fall of the sleepy tіnі from the top of the stovp. Varto was bulo tіnі torknutis chergovoї linії, like vin podnosiv to the company rіg і voicely saying: “Know, you’re free to work, another year has passed since the descent of the Sun!”

From Babylon, the sleepy year-old was broken with light. Earlier by head square the ancient Greek city of Athena was visited by people-year-olds and cheered for those who lived every day. The stinkers recognized an hour after the only sleepy year in the city, and for a fractional coin they recounted an hour.

The Babylonians taught the ancient Greeks to spend the hour on equal intervals - year-old. Well, they taught the Greeks to be a new sleepy year - the first year with a dial. At the sleepy year, a small haircut (gnomon) was strengthened on a flat (frame), engraved with lines, - a dial, the shadow of the gnomon served as the year's arrow.

Historical dzherel vvazhayut with the greatest riddle about the sleepy year of the news about the new one in the Chinese manuscript Chiu-li period close to 1100 BC The first obelisks and ponies, which were assigned in Egypt for the remembrance of the hour, were awakened, imovirno, already in the XIV century. BC

Dosi zberіgsa such an obelіsk zavviški 35.5 m on the square of St. Petra at Rome , which is a buv of deliveries to Tudi at 38 r. Caligula from Heliopolis. There are more early reports about the dormouse year in Ancient Egypt, for example, the image of the dormouse year and the way they were carved on the tomb of Merezh near 1300 BC.

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