Project on the topic: “The mysterious light of the year. Development of the child's thought theme: mechanical yearbook. mechanism at the anniversary

History of birthdays for children.Talk about an hour.

Let's talk about the anniversary of the anniversary.

Tell me, what is the name of the prilad, what is the winding hour at the borders of the doby?- Such an attachment is called a year-old.

The most recent year, as people used to say, to know the hour approximately, is sleepy. The dial of such a year-old was placed on a brightly illuminated place, brightly illuminated by the sun, and a haircut served as an arrow of the year-time, which showed the shadow on the dial.

Three years ago came to us and a dog year. Possibly, how many of you can do it? Even a night-time year will be stagnant in medicine, if it is necessary to take a small, but as a whole, a singing hour.

The sand year is two small boats that form the shape of cones, connected by peaks one by one, with a narrow opening at the ship's ship. At the upper vessel there is a sip, which, like a thin stream, seeps through the opening into the lower vessel. If the whole pisok from the upper judge leans in the lower one, passing the song hour, for example, one whilina.

And now let's talk about the daily anniversary. We have a dermal booth for us. Possibly, not alone. Tse home year.

Try to tell stories about them. De stink know? What form do they have?

Anniversary buvaє handcuffed. They put it on your hand for the help of a bracelet or a belt.

Fashionistas like beautiful birthdays at the sight of a pendant or a ring. The pendant on the lanyard is put on the neck, and the ring - on the finger.

Deyakі cholovіki vіyut massive intestinal year. They are attached with a lancet to the belt and worn by the gut of the pants.

In your home, singsongly, there is an alarm clock.

What is the need for such a year-old? - You can start an alarm clock for the song of the year, and with your little twinkle, the melody of wines will wake us up at the right time.

A year-old, which sounds to be put on a letter-style, is called a table, a year-old, which hangs on a wall, is a real one.

How do you care, de stand pіdlogovy year? - Such a year-old is on the p_dloz_. The stench is high, massive, with important weights, strengthened on lancets, and with a melodic battle. The fireplace year decorates the room stones.

Listen to the verse "Anniversary with battle".

There lived an old bula
(For a long time already at peace),
I was at grandma's
Anniversary of carvings with battles.
"Day-dong, day-dong!" -
They beat the chogodins,
Rumble reminiscent of booths
I woke us up at night.
Mi, obviously, didn’t mumble,
At the door of my grandmother they knocked:
"Our ears have mercy,
Beat the birthday boy!"
Ale, the old woman is at our door
Vidpovidala: "Ni ni!
Say the year is with me,
I love your lower beat.

Day-dong! Day-dong!
What a garniy їх chime!
Hoch trohi vin sumny,
Ale prozory and krishtalevy!
The days have passed, it's late.
Alegodinnik hoarsely croaked,
The arrows trembled and stood up,
The first year of the beaty stopped.
It became quiet. Navit scary!
We called for a long time before the fight,
(But it’s not hot!)
Bulo schos have a new life!
Mi, obviously, did not speak,
At the door to the grandmother knocked:
"Why not a little beating?
Master Wart is needed!"
Axis arrived a year ago.
Wise, dosvіdcheny old,
I saying: "That's the way it is!"
Here the spring weakened,
The mechanism removes oil,
And the birthday is love and affection!
Having changed the spring
I again prolunav dzvіn,
Brilliant forward call:
"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!",
Revive the whole house!

What is the anniversary of "vmіє kukuvati"?- Anniversary of zozuley! At the year-old, prepared at the looking vіzerunkovoj wooden hut, hovaє "zozulya". The doors of the budinochka are opened, and the zozulya is announced on the yogi. Vaughn sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku," telling us about those times of the year.

Listen to the verse "Anniversary of the Zozuley".

Live at the rіzblenіy khatintsі
Cheerful zozulya.
Vaughn kukuє schogodini
And it's too early to wake us up:
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Already this morning!
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Get up time!"
Live zozulya not in foxes,
And in our old year!

On the Moscow streets and squares there is also a year. They are installed on the vezhs, the booths of railway stations, theaters and cinemas.

The most famous anniversary of Russia is the Kremlin chimes, installed on the Spassky vezh of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first anniversary of the Spassky Vezha appeared on the cob of the XVII century. Created by the English master Christopher Galovey. For his work, he took away the royal gift - a silver goblet and an addition to the new atlas, the hutra sable that marten.

A few hours later, the Russian Tsar Peter I wrote the next year in Holland. A bunch of them were transported by ship by sea, then delivered on 30 lines to the Kremlin.

The old calendar of Master Galoway was taken and replaced by the Dutch calendar. If this year's anniversary fell, the deputy of the new one was put up for another great chiming year's anniversary, which was saved in Zbroya's chamber.

Anniversaries adorn the Kremlin's spaska. The whole brigade did not see the anniversary of the servants of the robot, to stitch, so that the anniversary did not come and did not hurry. 117 stone descents lead to the chimes. Behind them, the chavun schabls of twins descend, which lead to the eighth overhead. Here is the mechanism of chimes.

"The whole hall of the colossus shines, is smeared with oil. Shine the polished medni disks of the dials, the scarlet farbouvazhali important, and the gilding disk of the pendulum, similar to the head of the sun. Vіn panuє over the system of shafts, cables, gear wheels. .

31 breasts with the first blow of the Kremlin chimes, the country enters New river. Feeling the beating of the famous year, we are blessed alone with happiness, that we are happy with the New Rock!

A year-old man, like a modern person, becomes mechanical. It is necessary to wind them up through the songs of the clock.

Mechanical Yearbook of the Vinais in the 17th century. from the teachings of Christian Huygens, from that hour onward, serve us faithfully.

Another decade of the XX century. e-mails appeared quartz year. The stench works on batteries or on a wire with an electric jet.

And the best year is atomic.

Do you know what kind of year is called natural chi?

For the old hours near the village, such a living year-old was, obviously, Petya the pivnik. The villagers remembered that in the past the cornrows were near the other year of the night, and suddenly - about the fourth wound.

Hear about the song "Pivnik".

Crow crow!
The bell ringer is singing.
The sun illuminated the river,
The sky is cloudy.
Move on, animals, birds!
Take care of it.
On the grass dew sparkle,
Nothing has passed.
Like an alarm clock,
Having awakened us pіvnik.
Fluffing the vines sparkling
I straightened the comb.

Chi chuli vie about a flower year?

Vranci on a sleepy galyavin, de growth kulbabi, it is possible without wrist year find out the hour. Kulbabi unanimously roar about the fifth year of the wound, and until the other or two years of the day, the stink will extinguish their golden light.

Listen to the verse about kulbabi.

Bіlya river greenery meadow,
Kulbabi navkolo
Have mercy on Rosami,
They cheered amicably.
Like lichtariki burn,
It seems to us from you:
"It's exactly five for the anniversary,
You can sleep more!

Kulbabi is a meadow gardener. And the axis of the latatta is a river year. It is not for nothing that they are called "year-old tourists". About the seventh year, the stench of the morning wakes up to the sleepy exchanges of their white pellets and turns for the sun for a long day.

Question and answer:

  1. What is an anniversary?
  2. What kind of old year do you know?
  3. How do you see anniversaries you know?
  4. How do you see the annual lie down to the home?
  5. What year of the year can be brought to the streets? Why stink like home?
  6. Tell me about the Kremlin Chimes.
  7. What kind of "natural" year do you know?

T.A. Shorigina "Talk about space that hour". Methodical help

At whom they divided - everything about those, how to expand the appearance of children about an hour, yogo vimiryuvannya and that display on the dial of the year. Prepared abstracts to take that GCD from the history of "chronometers", the development of a new designation of the hour behind the dial. Vіdminnі apply the creation of self-confident didactic іgor at the sight of anniversaries and other virobіv (including the traditional "novorіch anniversaries").

Razgornutі opovіdannya special certificate about the creation of mini-museums in kindergarten children's groups. Special educational and recent projects about the hour of “yogo vimiruvachiv”.

Yearbook. From the past - at the future.

Rest at the branches:
  • Maths. Formation of elementary mathematical phenomena (FEMP)

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One of the important factors, on the basis of which the robot is formed from the formation of hourly manifestations, is the knowledge of preschool age, the formation of knowledge about the hour. Meta busyness - consolidated knowledge of children about parts of doby; familiarity with different types godin; the appointment of the appointed hour after the year and the right to the correct date of the day with the name "year".


  • consolidate the knowledge of children about parts of doby;
  • get to know children with different types of yearbook, yearbook details (dial, arrows);
  • calculate the hour of the month with accuracy up to 1 year;
  • set at the correct uzgodzhennі chislіvnikіv with the name "year".


A set of leaflets "Quick year", a model of a sleepy year, an electronic year (wrist, wall, floor) and mechanical (wrist, wall, floor), dog year; models of anniversaries with arrows on a skin child; models of dobi parts (squares of erysipelas, yellow, blue, black colors); plot pictures from images of different regime moments.

Hid busy

1. Organizational moment

Children sit in their place, put their hands in front of them, respectfully marvel at the whistleblower and listen.

2. Gra "Early-day-evening-night"

On the type-setting canvas, the scalder sets up models of doby parts (rectangles of erysipelas, yellow, blue and black colors). At the skin child, on the table, there is a plot picture from images of regime moments (parts of doby).

Vihovatel proponuє kozhnіy dіtinі attach a plot picture to the song model of the part of doby (wound - erysipelas, day - zhovtіy pryatokutnik, vechir - blue pryamokutnik, nіch - black pryamokutnik) and explain your choice.

The children, according to their will, go to the type-setting canvas and attach the plot picture under the straight-cut of the song color (the model of the part of the doby), explaining to the swiper their choice.

Vikhovatel: Well done lads, you have well run into the tasks! And now, let's name the parts at once, dobi in your succession, like the stinks change one another (Children with a facilitator promote the names of parts of the doby: early-day-evening-night).

3. Actualization of children's knowledge

Vihovatel: For the help of which I will build people to appoint an hour?

(Hour people sign for the help of the year).

Children are shown a picture from the images of different years (electronic and mechanical).

Vihovatel: Which one do you know? (Pisochni, kvіtkovі, sonyachni, elektronnі and mekhanіchnі, stіnnі, pіdlogі, ruchnі, sіlnі).

4. Development of new material

The first annex, for the help of such a person, fought the hour, it was a sleepy year. Batkivshchina of the sleepy year - Babylon. Sonyachny year old mav cut and scale, I go to the dial of the year old man. In the world of that, like the sun changed its camp, a shadow fell on the so-called dial from the shear. Passing around in the haircut behind the scale, the shadow showed the time of the year (Vikhovnik shows a model of a sleepy year).

Later, such year-olds began to be made from wood, or stone was installed on the walls of budvels. Later, they prepared a gut sleepy year, but since ancient people didn’t have a gut, the year was worn on a string or a lance. A short sleepy year was for those who didn’t work at the dark hour, but at night.

Lately, the water year has been blamed. A few hours later, a mechanical year appeared, in the case of which they placed the year's mechanism - a spring and gears. At the Danish hour, the electronic year of the year was wine (The spinner demonstrates the model of the electronic year).

In time, we will be driven away by different anniversaries, as if they could expand in the peas to the expansion of the whole stone. The latest hour shows the electronic calendar.

Vihovatel: Do you know how the vlastovan year is? (Children say that the year is on the case, the year's mechanism, the dial and the arrows).

May all the years turn the dial and the arrows: it’s good that year. The year (small) arrow shows the whole year, if the arrow is thin (large), stand on twelve (the arrow is fastened on the dial at number 12). On the dial, there are numbers from 1 to 12. The small arrow falls down properly and shows the year, and the big arrow runs richly and shows goodness.

It means that the station of the hvilinnaya arrow when showing the whole year is constant, and the position of the wart is changed. At the appointed hour, exactly up to the year, the arrow will pass the whole time (so it won’t pass through all the dates), and the year’s arrow will change to the next day and show that one year has passed.

(The cultivator demonstrates his explanation on the model of the annual).

5. Phizminka "Tell the verses with your hands"

Dorimuetsya owl Squeeze and squeeze
Wartian order fists on both hands
Nights for orders Show one finger
Owls do exercises Hands on the belt, nahili left and right
The dial will show two Show two fingers
Hurry up at the store owl Crocodile on the mist
At three - cook soup Show three fingers and "cook"
About the fourth Show your fingers
Vitiraє drank at the apartment Vdavayte, sho wiping drank
Read about the fifth owl Show five fingers and read a book
About sostіy won sіdaє їsti Show six fingers and "yyat""
Sim show arrows Show sim fingers
The guest has squirrels coming to her Shave on the mist, hands in front of the chest
Not late eighth year Show your fingers
Owl Narada "Row" among themselves
Ale shoyno nine b'e Show nine fingers
Before the fox, the owl go for a walk Crocodile on the mist
About the tenth she has - knitting Show ten fingers and "knit"
And in the eleventh - bathing
one more finger i "swim"
Yak twelve years old Show ten fingers on the cob, then
two more fingers
Doors to the booth for drought "Change the door with a key"
Opivdni їy hour at lіzhko Stretch and pose
Love in the day owl sleep Hands under shock and "sleep"
Dali everything in order Squeeze and squeeze fists

For a year - get up and exercise on both hands.

6. Fixing the twisted material

For the help of the model of the year, the facilitator shows the hour, calls yoga, and the children repeat those times.

Shown to the hour for the instruction of the cultivator. The facilitator names the hour, and the children set the arrows of the yearbook for the required hour on the models of the yearbook.

7. Possibility of employment

Vihovatel put food for children, and stinks give food.

What is an anniversary? ( Yearbook is an attachment for the appointment of an hour).

There are arrows on the dial of the anniversary, how are the stinks called? (Khvilinna that year arrows).

What does the little arrow say? (The small arrow shows the year).

What does the arrow indicate? (The big arrow shows how bad it is).

Which yearbook most accurately shows the hour? (More precisely, show the hour of the electronic year).

More notes to take from the child's garden:
Valeological occupation in middle group "Healthy hedgehog" | preparation group | group | group song | topics | i tim i tim | familiarity | dating site | anniversary | cool birthday | childish | nursery garden | Vihovator's side | Busy in preparatory group on the topic Acquaintance with a year old Childish garden

. As if you were given a robot, be kind, zavantazhte povnu version.

- And if it was already a long time ago, people would recognize an hour by sun.

SON (slide 2)

The sun rose - it's time for people to get up, climb in. The sun was rising higher - the time had come for obіdat, and the sun was hiding, it was swaying - the hour had come to turn around home, lie down to sleep.


As if the people had lost their respect for the shadow, which fell to the ground like a tree. Surprised at the wine and remembering that the shadow does not stand on the ground, but collapses following the sun. Surprisingly, the man Yak tіn on a stake is big and having invented a yearbook: having dug stovp near the ground, and having crossed the stovp around the corner, having divided the yogo into pieces. The skin part lasted one year. The sun shone and the tіn shone, and the stovpa povіlno destroyed the stake, signifying year after year. They were called sleepy stinks. (For I. Melnikovim).

The ancient Egyptians predicted the Sonyachny year.

Listen to the verse:

Ale, a person could not live with a sleepy year old.

– How do you care why?

- For gloomy, gloomy, gloomy days, the hour is important, for there is no sun.

- Do you know what year is called alive?

- And what about the living year old?


- This year it is important to walk around the yard, caressing with wings and flying on parkan, shouting “ku-ka-re-ku”.

- Did you know who? The sun hasn't sunk yet, but the piven is already screaming, tear your throat.

Nezabar early! Get some sleep!

The villagers remembered that the first time they started screaming, if the sun hadn’t given up yet, but had let out the first promenade. At the very first cry of the pivnya, the masters stood up to finish the cows and take them to the flock. Dopomagav pіvnik domlyatsya і about zustrіch. For example, they said this: “Tomorrow we will go to the forest for mushrooms for berries. And I’m listening to the outskirts of the third pivniv.”

Listen to the verse "Pivnik"

Crow crow!
The bell ringer is singing.
The sun illuminated the river,
The sky is cloudy.
Move on, animals, birds!
Take care of it.
On the grass dew sparkle,
Nothing has passed.
Like an alarm clock,
Having awakened us pіvnik.
Fluffing the vines sparkling
I straightened the comb.

Ale, for spivom pivnya, it is important to determine the exact hour. That pіven vі vі snі z fall from the perch - earlier than an hour zdіyme cry, then the foxes growl and scream more often, then the fox fіvnya carry and z'їst.

- Chi chuli vie about a flower anniversary?

YEAR-COLIR (slide 5)

A long time ago, people remembered that some of the tickets open in lieu, and close in the daytime, others open overnight, and still others - only at night, and close in the daytime. The tickets are called not if they get tempted, but at the “power” hour. Vranci on a sleepy galyavin, to grow a culbabi, you can find an hour without a wrist year. Kulbabi unanimously roar about the fifth year of the wound, and until the other or two years of the day, the stink will extinguish their golden light and fall asleep.

Listen to the verse about kulbabi.

White river - green meadow,
Kulbabi navkolo
Have mercy on Rosami,
They cheered amicably.
Like lichtariki burn,
It seems to us from you:
"It's exactly five for the anniversary,
You can sleep more!

Kulbabi is a meadow gardener. And the axis of the latatta is a river year. It is not for nothing that they are called "year-old tourists". About the seventh year, the stench of the morning wakes up to the sleepy exchanges of their white pellets and turns for the sun for a long day.

So the flower anniversary appeared. Їх vinayshov Swedish vcheniy Carl Linnaeus. Vіn rich rokіv poserіg after the roslins and z'yasuva if the flowers of the roslins are curled up and curled up. Carl Linnaeus planted a flower year in his garden. On a round flowerbed grew chicory and spipshina, kulbaba and potatoes, nigtiki and rich others. Karl Linney instantly appointed an hour, squealing like a flower of opening. Ale walk such a year only in sleepy weather. In gloomy weather, the weather is closed.


The idea of ​​a flower year was so vouchsafed to the world of today, and in rich places such a year appeared - a year. The largest flower anniversary is located in Moscow on Poklonniy Gori. The diameter of the dial is 10 meters, and the fine arrow should be over 30 kilograms.

- And how do you know the hour of the night?

WATER YEARS (slide 7)

I came up with a person's next year, the last one. At the visoku vsoku a vessel with an opening of the white bottom, water was poured. Drop after drop oozed from the opening. On the walls of the vessel, signs were broken, as if they showed how much time had passed since the moment when water was poured into the vessel. Tse buv water year.

- How do you think, how good is this year?

- The stench appeared unhandled, for it was necessary to add water to the vessel. It’s not vipadkovo to speak about an hour: “Skіlki drive flowed!”


People began to think, how to come up with a better year, so that the stench, however, accurately showed the hour and day and night, and payment, and weather, and whatever the weather. I guessed. This year's anniversary does not have any arrows, no kitchen with numbers, no jagged bells in the middle. The stench of the warehouse is crushed. Two cursed bulbs joined together. Use the middle of the pisok. If the annual is practicable, the piss from the upper bulb will sip into the lower one. Hanging pisok - it means that the last hour has passed. The yearbook is turned over and the rahunok is three times a day. Tsey year called pіsochnym. (For M. Ilyina, Y. Segal)

And buvaє pіsochny year - accurate!
Their squeaks are flowing - seconds are ticking!
Like pischinki got up, lay down in a hump
in the flasks of the warehouse, so the whilina ended!
(Elmira Kotlyar)

Pіsochny year dosі vikoristovuyut at polyclinics and librarians. In these times of ailment, there are likuvalni procedures, but it is not possible to recognize them for a year.

MECHANICAL YEARS (slides 9, 10)

The person thought a little more and came up with a year-old, as we honor our dosі. Tse yearnik iz mekhanіzmom. Putting a spring in the middle of them, twisting її, and so that it didn’t spin out, attaching a gear wheel to it. Vono chіplyaєtsya for іnshe kolіschatko, and twist yogo. The arrows turn the other wheel, and the arrows show the birthday and the hvilin. Tse mechanical year. The stink of winding the head. If you turn, you can feel creaking in the middle of the year. The spring is twisting. Sob the year-old does not growl, it is necessary to start yoga regularly.

Yearbook without a spring. Instead, in the middle of the year there is a small electric motor, which works for an additional battery. Such a year-old is not required. And the winding crown will serve less as a translation of the arrows. (For I. Melnikovim)

The Mechanical Year of Wines in the 17th Century Christian Huygens, Serve us faithfully in peace and stench.


On whom the person did not chime and foresaw a year without arrows. In such year-olds, there are only a few numbers on the dials, which shine, as if they change with the skin's past quivering. This year is called electronic and works as an electric string on batteries.

A є th new - electronic
year old nevgamovny!
Turn it on just once
you start - and rok go! (Elmira Kotlyar)

And now let's talk about the daily anniversary. We have a dermal booth for us. Possibly, not alone.

Try to tell stories about them. De stink know? What form do they have?

HANDLE YEARS (slide 12)

Anniversary buvaє handcuffed. They put it on your hand for the help of a bracelet or a belt.

Fashionistas like beautiful birthdays at the sight of a pendant or a ring. The pendant on the lanyard is put on the neck, and the ring - on the finger.

And yet it’s a year old - a small one!
Like a heart beating in the chest!
"Tik-taki, tiki-taki" -
Good luck.
(Elmira Kotlyar)


Deyakі cholovіki vіyut massive intestinal year. They are attached with a lancet to the belt and worn by the gut of the pants.


In your home, singsongly, there is an alarm clock.

What is the need for such a year-old?

- You can start an alarm clock for the next year, and with your little twinkle, the melody of wines will wake us up at the right time.


The yearbook, which sounds like a letter to put on a letter style, is called a table.


A yearbook that hangs on the wall is called real.

And є the anniversary of the present -
Chinni, statesmen!
Don't tick
do not come up!
b'yut immediately!
Pendulum: here and there...
Today, tomorrow is the same!
(Elmira Kotlyar)

FILLED YEARS (slide 17)

- How do you think, where should the annual year be?

- Such a year-old stand on a pіdlozі. The stench is high, massive, with important weights, strengthened on lancets, and with a melodic battle.

Є anniversary,
Stand on the slope
Bass to say:
“Bom! Boom! Bom!!" -
For the whole house.
(Elmira Kotlyar)


- What is the anniversary of "vmiє kukuvati"?

- Anniversary of zozuley! At the year-old, prepared at the looking vіzerunkovoj wooden hut, hovaє "zozulya". The doors of the budinochka are opened, and the zozulya is announced on the yogi. Vaughn sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku," telling us about those times of the year.

Listen to the verse "Anniversary of the Zozuley".

Live at the rіzblenіy khatintsі
Cheerful zozulya.
Vaughn kukuє schogodini
And it's too early to wake us up:
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Already this morning!
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Get up time!"
Live zozulya not in foxes,
And in our old year!


On the Moscow streets and squares there is also a year. They are installed on the vezhs, the booths of railway stations, theaters and cinemas. The stench is called street and bashto.

Tsey street year on the steps of knowing you
The stench here is more necessary: ​​the arrows - the veletny can be seen from afar!
(Elmira Kotlyar)


Yearbook-kazka to hang on the wall of the Central Lyalok Theater near Moscow. Just like the arrows are hovering on the number 12, the golden rod that sits on the high pole, turns around, straightens the wings and shouts throughout the street: "Ku-ka-re-ku-u!" - Asking people to visit. Lunaє zvіn, following 12 razmіrenih blows. Mustache checks amazingly. I wonder.
One by one, the doors of enchanting houses are being opened, and the musicians are appearing at the choir with a medical doctor and starting to play cheerful music. The donkey thrashes the strings of the balalaika, the ram plays the trick of the harmonica, the cymbals tinkle at the paws of the bear. "Chi in the garden, in the city," the musicians sing merrily.
The musicians play and again they hide at the house. (For I. Melnikov, B. Radchenko)

Bashtovi years (slide 21)

At the rich places of the world and vezhy with a beautiful old year. They stink at the hour and play like a melody.


The most important anniversary of Russia is the Kremlin chimes, installed on the Spassky vezh of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first anniversary of the Spassky Vezha appeared on the cob of the XVII century. Created by the English master Christopher Galovey. For his work, he took away the royal gift - a silver goblet and an addition to the new atlas, the hutra sable that marten.

A few hours later, the Russian Tsar Peter I wrote the next year in Holland. A bunch of them were transported by ship by sea, then delivered on 30 lines to the Kremlin.

The old calendar of Master Galoway was taken and replaced by the Dutch calendar. If this year's anniversary fell, the deputy of the new one was put up for another great chiming year's anniversary, which was saved in Zbroya's chamber.

Anniversaries adorn the Kremlin's spaska. The whole brigade did not see the anniversary of the servants of the robot, to stitch, so that the anniversary did not come and did not hurry. 117 stone descents lead to the chimes. Behind them, the chavun schabls of twins descend, which lead to the eighth overhead. Here is the mechanism of chimes.

"The hall of the colossus is all shiny, smeared with oil. The polished medni disks of the dials shine, the red farbouvanized is important, the gilding disk of the pendulum, similar to the head of the sun. Vіn panuє over the system of shafts, cables, gear wheels, which are made by the mechanisms." Kolodny)

On the 31st chest with the first blow of the Kremlin chimes, the country enters at the New River. Feeling the beating of the famous year, we are blessed alone with happiness, that we are happy with the New Rock!

Who does not feel
yak b'yut
on the Spassky Vezgi Giganti - Chimes
Vіn annual head -
(Elmira Kotlyar)


  1. Soshdenska N.M. Lesson at the DPD "Who do we know about the year", article from the festival "Vіdkritiy lesson"
  2. Safonova L.A. Cycle to take from the knowledge of children by the hour, article from the festival "Vidkrity lesson"
  3. Shorigin T.A. "Talk about the expanse of that hour." Methodical help.
  4. Kotlyar Elmira "Year-year-old". "Malyuk", 1986.
  5. Kobitina I.I. "For preschoolers about technology." "Osvita", 1991.
  6. Yubelaker Erik "Hour". "Word", 1990.

P_znavalne occupancy "Year"
Article for the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Vidkrity Lesson"

Objectives of the lesson:

  • Get to know the children with the history of the anniversary and its role in our life in our hour.
  • Read clearly and consecutively speak from your thoughts, correct the victorious colloquial speech from the union “To that”.
  • Develop a healthy interest and dopitlivist.

Vocabulary activation: sleepy year, water, mechanism, dial.

Material: sound recording, yearbook, ball, tape recorder, olives, lighter.



Lads, let's play at the group "Sho pochat, sho potim".

The children are standing at the stake, the wielder is throwing the ball to the child.

Early - day, evening - night, winter - spring, summer - autumn,

Monday - Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday, Saturday - week.

The wihovator ends with the words:

For those who played so well, I want to give you the sounds of a wound, as I felt. Would you like to listen? Sit on the kilim.

It is obvious that we are at home and only begin to wander.

Tape recorder with sound recording (cry of a pivnya, ringing of an alarm clock, beeping chimes)


What sounds did you hear? I blew the horn to the factory. And you?

The cry of a pivnya, the sound of an alarm clock, the signal of a radio, the beating of the anniversary, etc.


The axis of the yak is the diversity of sounds. How do you care what is sleeping in these sounds?

Qi sounds wake us up Uranians. The stench plays the role of an alarm clock.


And the alarm clock, what is it?

This is the year of the year, which is to start the evening, to wake us up from the lie.


What year do you know?

Electronic, wall, child, zozule, chimes, mechanical, beautiful, various forms.


Where did you celebrate the anniversary in our city?

Bashta beat the Alyuminnikov Palace, the railway station, beat the circus, beat the Central Department Store, at the factories.


Well done, you were respectful, having guessed the styles of the different places, where we have a year in the place of installations. Boys! And how do you think, earlier, a long time ago, if there was no birthday, how did people signify the hour?

For stars, sun, roslins, etc.


Do you want to know more about the anniversary? Todi propon virushiti in the distant past.

Children (cheer):

One, two, three, turn around for yourself,
In the distant past, lean back.


Axis of me with you and drank to Egypt, the ancient Egyptians blamed the first year, de strelkoy worked the shadow.

Dosvid іz a year old. Likhtar - tse Sun, The sun is collapsing and the shadow in the sticks shows the hour.


What year did the ancient Egyptians foresee?

Sleepy year.

Individual work from children.


Chi zavzhdi can you designate the hour as a year?

For gloomy, gloomy, gloomy days, it’s important to grow, because there is no sun.


And how do you think, what kind of year did people come up with later?

Vіdpovіdі children.


Per sleepy year people vinayshli water year, which is not stale in the sleepy light.

Show a picture of a water year.


At the time of the water year, the hour is pouring, pouring from one vessel into another. How do you think, what is such a good year for Vikoristan?

Water poured in from the vessel, ran out and needed to be replenished.


That's right, the "water year" vymagav constant control from the side of people. To that, at the same time, with the "waters" they founded a "pisochny" year, ruled for the same principle.

Displaying a picture of a dog year.


Pisochny year vikoristovuetsya and contagiously. And who in our childish garden is corying with such a year-old? What to do with them?

Likar Tetyana Oleksiivna, if we burn our neck, we need to know the exact hour, so as not to burn the neck.


Why is such a year-old for Vikoristan?

The year of the year needs to be turned over often, to wind more often, to add water to the year of the water.


We say that it’s an hour for the water year .... (flowed), and in the dog year ... .. (to oversip). To that, wax candles came to change the dog year. Why did people stop victorious candles, like a year old?

The vognik of such a year-old can be easily blown out. Abo zasiti mіg vіter chi doshch.


Already richly pіznіshe z'avіvsya mechanical year. To improve the mechanism of such a year, people vikoristovuyut and at a time.

Anniversary display.


Do you hear how the stench is clattering? Let's play with you for a year.

Physical vilink:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, (Headed the head to one, then to the other shoulder).
All years go like this
Tick ​​tock.
Look at the shvidshe, which time it is (rozgoduvannya to the beat of the pendulum)
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
Livoruch - one, right-hander - one (Headed their heads to one, then to another)
Mi tezh we can take such a shoulder.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.


Shchob year-old "pishov" we wind up, crusty with a special button - an eyelet.

Sasha, tell me, what is the name of the factory near the year? (Masha, Dasha ta in.)

The plant at the year-old man is called - vushko.


Use the folding mechanism in the middle of the year. Bachite, how many details are there?

Display of a selected alarm clock.


Why is the annual called mechanical?

In the middle of such an anniversary are different gvintiki, springs, bolts, large and small.


What mi bachimo, marvel at the anniversary?

Clock face. Arrows - small and vartov, numbers.


From that hour, the year of the year changed only its howl. I'm going to tell you to play at the Gru "Shade". Before you is a year-old of various forms. Shade round the year horizontally (levoruch - right-handed), square vertically (top - down).

Perevirte, chi correctly all vikonali. Whoever has it right, raise your hand.


It’s time to live, the yearbook is perfected, the rich at once do not have a mechanical, but an electronic yearbook. What modern accessories did you have an electronic yearbook?

At the telephone, the remote machine, the micro-wave oven, the computer.


How does a mechanical yearbook look like an electronic one?

The electronic yearbook has no arrows, no dial. The electronic yearbook works like batteries, electric jet.


That's right, lads. An electronic yearbook cannot be done without electricity.

Think about what will happen in our life, like a year old?

Vіdpovіdі children.


Let us remember that the year will be with us forever, that the year is our faithful helpers on all right.

I have a year old.

Dasha, show me the hour, if we sit down to work.

Mishko, show me the hour when the program ends On the dobranich, children”.

Diano, show me the hour, if we go through the day after sleep.


Well done, I was worthy, as you saw it, they celebrated the day, but you don’t have to stand in the field for an hour, you live more quickly, and maybe some of you will come up with a new year and call it “cosmic”.

And at the same time we are back an hour, at once.

One, two, three - turn around for yourself
I lean in the child's garden.

I am preaching to you the game "The Evolution of the Year".

Notes to take from the child's garden:
Socio-legal development of preschoolers. Kindergarten 82
Rozvaga "Russian souvenir". Kindergarten 82
Summary of activities for children of the senior preschool, young school age

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