Eco suits for children. The script is holy "eco-fashion" - a demonstration of costumes from non-material. Suits made of non-binding material. Ecological fashion, selection of cloth and fabric for children

Payment methods

Payment upon withdrawal

Payment upon completion of the order - Kur'єrska delivery, self-view.

Unprepared rozrahunok

Payment for the issuance of a bank account or transfer to the Oschadbank card.

We set up a bank account with electronic mail, which you can pay to any bank. The card number should be sent to your e-mail address after the completion of the registration. Transfer to Oschadbank's card can be made in any branch of Oschadbank through an operator (you will need your passport).

If you are the owner of the Oschadbank card, then you can also transfer from card to card for an additional ATM or the services of Mobile Bank / Sberbank Online. Possibility of transferring to a card to Oschadbank from a card issued by another bank, check with the customer support service of your bank. Respect that the bank can charge a commission for a penny transfer. The reference term of payment for the bill is 2 working days from the moment of payment.

You can also send an order to Oschadbank's card (report the card number to the manager by e-mail).

Online payment on site

After zdіysnennya that dpravlennya zamovlennya in the cat, check on the call of the manager of the online store.

Pіslya zdіysnennya and vіdpravlennya zamovlennya in koshiku check on dzvіnok manager іnternet-magazine, which will clarify the presence of the goods in the warehouse. Even though all commodity items are in real time, you can proceed with the online payment in a special account on the site

For which you need to draw a number of lines, as shown below:

  1. Go to special office.
  2. In the history of the oath, know your new oath.
  3. Click on the new one and splurge all the time.
  4. For the help of the Robokassa service, you can pay for your reservation online.
  5. Press the "Pay" button.
  6. Choose your preferred payment method
  7. Withdraw confirmation of payment by e-mail and e-check.

Bank card

Mi Pratsiyuemo s prepayment

The administration is charged only after 100% prepayment for the goods and 100% prepayment for the services of Russian mail or EMS delivery. After the payment, the goods are not shipped.

  1. Ce zruchno, you do not need to turn around before paying for the goods after the registration of the order.
  2. Tse shvidko, translated from card to card. Electronic receipt and guarantee of the completed transaction.

100% guarantee of return and replacement of goods: The company "Batik" has been working on the market of a child's clothes for over 18 years. Wide geography, central representation in the largest cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Novosibirsk), a large partnership network is a guarantee of stability and supremacy.

Turning the cost is done in one of the following ways:

  1. Electronic pennies for a gamanets purchase;
  2. A way to re-rahuvannya vіdpovіdnoї sumi bankіvskiy rahunok purchase;
  3. Prepared when the goods are returned especially by the buyer.

For payment (entering your card details) you will be redirected to the payment gateway PAT SBERBANK. The transaction with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in an encrypted mode using the SSL encryption protocol. As your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MIR Accept, J-Secure, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment.

This site supports 256-bit encryption. Confidentiality of personal information is secured by PAT SBERBANK. Introduced information about nothing to vouch for third persons of the crime of vipadkiv, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Carrying out payments from bank cards zdіysnyuєtsya at suvorіy vіdpovіdnosti to vymog payment systems СVІТ, Visa Int., MasterCard Europe Sprl, JCB.

Do you know what eco-clothing is for children? How far is it demanded in our latitudes and how do you really allow the richness of the first fates of life to little people?

Otzhe, short liknep. The eco-fashion axis is already like a sprat of rock, having become a great phenomenon in America, Australia, Canada and Europe. There is a large number of online stores there, where you can bring clothes for children and grown-ups. There are more and more new designs for brand design in eco-friendly baby fashion. Zahid has long adopted green trends and today is no less than clothes, and biocosmetics and eco-products of butovo chemistry can be easily bought in hypermarkets at a reasonable price. There, for a long time, shops do not see plastic bags without plastic bags and more buyers go to the store with eco-packages (bags, their own containers and plates). There, leather is sorted from budinki between chotirma, and then five and a half in lots: bad, badge, dirty smittya. Until now, when designing a kitchen, designers are proposing a new configuration of storage space, like transferring 4 low sorting boxes for storage, paper and other.

Turning to a childish eco-clothes, it is necessary to clarify a few key points.
For the cob, it is necessary to know who, at what price and for what prices, is a child's clothing made of organic matter? І chi nabuvaє?

It's not paradoxical, but the "children" forums in a fretless choir shouted about those who dress organically, it's not practical, "it's just a fashionable trend", that's just a hoax. It was less than a part of the sound of silence, who, having found it, indicated that bio-clothing is useful for children, practical for vikoristan, beautiful and safe.
Wisnovok is easy to finish: the child of eco-fashion is on our turrets at the “germ camp”, and the sellers of the pickers are manipulating it.

The child of eco-fashion generates impersonal myths about price. quality, practicality and wearability. Let's get to know some of them:

First myth: eco-dress - on the road, satisfaction for the rich.
Another myth: eco-clothing - tse deception. How can you be sympathetic to the one who brews, buys wine, just prepares a bean grown without pesticides?
Myth three: eco-clothing - causal uncommon satisfaction in the wild, smoky Moscow.
Myth of the fourth: eco-dress - tse priyom, which was invented by the growers in order to increase their profits, the wines of the great industrial companies, as if they want to create a new wind and earn a penny, in other words - tse right greenwashing.
Myth of five: eco-clothes - not practical. So, a jacket with organic brown velveteen cannot be worn in Russian minds, for the Russian weather of spring and autumn, and T-shirts made of organic brown velveteen are worn out and out of shape. Posіbnі vyslovlyuvannya zvichayny mіsce buti, protse shvidshe the result is not osnostі, and vіdstunostі choice.

In reality, the fact is that there are still few people who can have the correct and complete information about eco-clothes, eco-sudtya, eco-play and eco-life. Basically, all people with prosperity, yakі often buvayut or can dosvіd residing behind the cordon. Tim is not less, to be brought from the satisfaction of stating that the green fashion still came and into the expanse of the SND and step by step begins to mitigate in the style of life and the ways of thinking of our people. There are more and more online stores and great stores that sell organic products. However, the cicada is careful to talk about those people, like bathing eco-clothes, it’s unbearable to shy away. The stench of robbing your own choice to that virib їm vouchsafed, but not to the one who makes wines from environmentally friendly, natural materials, like a safe painting for your child and at least not shkidli. dovkilla.

Well, the interest in the philosophy of eco-childhood needs to be aroused, developing and initiating business, focusing on eco-themes. In our hands, the future of their children is “green”! Shall we try?

Date: 17.02.2017

Hour: 9:00.

Place: music hall for school No. 37.

Zhirnova M.G._____

Vetoshkina E.F.____

Egoricheva N.M. ____

Kudryashova Z N.____

Contest meta:

Contest leader:

Front of the robot:


Hall decor: on the


Leading the competition: spinners

Conduct form:

Appointed to the warehouse of the jury.

Hall decoration.

3. Under the glass summer

Repertoire: Screensaver, phonomelodies;

Hid entry:

To everyone who takes a part models moonlight tags - bracelets left hand (wrist)

Sound fanfare


Presenter: "Eco-Fashion -2017".


Leading: refurbishment of the warehouse)


Leader: for one model that suits you

Leading: Nomination to be voted first

Leading: I so! We start our show: (on aphrodisiacal music)

No. 1. " Ilfar Skazovich.

(D.S.41 Nurgatin Ilfar, 6 years)

Host: No. 2 "LITSAR". ).

Host: No. 3 "LITTLE FACE"(d/s

Leading: On the podium, a new model is requested No. 4 "Mister - 2017"

Leading: No. 5 to enter the model "Sonyachne summer". (MADOU 42- Gaiduk Mikhailo, 4 p.)

Leading: request model pid№6

« Dawn boy."(MBDOU 36 Mishechkin Matviy, 6 arc.)

Leading: ask for a podium pid model No. 7 "Guest from the Past"

Leading: ask for a podium model No. 8 "Mister ІKS" (MADOU 15, )

Leading: request model pid No. 9 "Tatar Egeti"

(MBDOU 24, Paramonov Artem, 7 years)

Host: No. 10 to enter the model " Gold in trend»

(MBDOU "TsRR-D / s No. 90", Єvstifєєv Andriy, 7 years)

Host: "Eco-chic",

Leading: I will ask you to leave,

Pіd guchnі splashes

Show your choice!


Leader: .

On stage model pid No. 11 "Ravlik". (

Host: on stage request model idNo. 12 "Svіt metelikіv". (

Leading: No. 13 "Khorobry heart"


Leading: offensive contestant for number 14 "Mini Lady Disco"(d/r 37 Yarutina Kira, 3 rubles)

Host: No. 15 "Fox Fairy"

Leading: request model id No. 16 "Bdzhilka", made from polyethylene(d/s 42, Karimova Kamilla)

Leading: suit to enter the podium No. 17 "Kishka"

Host: No. 18 "Firebird"

Leading: for No. 19 we will sound “Divny Pavich”

Leading: pіd

Leading: on the podiumNo. 21 "Litsarsky suit"

Leading: our №22 "Princess Baloo". Wikoristan newspaper.

Leading: model to enter the catwalkNo. 23 "Dress for Popelyushka"

Leading: we ask for the stage model No. 24 "Spring-2017" (d/s 37 Gavrilova Arina)

Host: go out model №25 "African Beauty"

Leading: model No. 26 and No. 27 represent costumes

Leading: request a modelNo. 28 "Dress for Bіlosnіzhka". ………………………………………………………………



Your mods are new

Your mods are beautiful!




Leading. No. 29 "Josephine's Laugh".

Leading. The competition is continued by the model№30 "Licorice zukerka",(D/C32, Akutina Milana, 3 years old)

Leading. Model to enter the catwalk No. 31 "Leto",

Leading. Asking for the stageNo. 32 "KAZKOVY KVITOCHKA",

(d/s №23 Chukurova Valeriya 4 rocky)

Leading. The contest continues with the model pid No. 33" PAPER PRINCESS"

Leading. Log out model pid No. 34 " Polka dot dress". (d/s24,

Leading. Request a model on stageNo. 35 "There was a camomile".

(D / s No. 33 Mіkhєєva Miru, 5 years).

Leading. Model to enter the catwalk№36 "Girl coquette"

6 years)

Leading. Model No. 37 (d/s 7, Khasanova Diana)

Leading. The competition is continued by the model No. 38 "Princess". (d / s No. 41, Valiulina Samira 6 years)

Leading. Asking for the stage pid model No. 39 "Parhayuchi kviti"

Leading. We request to the stage Model №40 "KOROLOVA HVIL"

Leading. Model to enter the catwalk No. 41 "EKOMODNYTSIA".

Leading. The competition is continued by the model No. 42 " FANTIKOVA FANTASIA"(school №11, Yana Spirchina 5 years)

Leading. Asking for the stage model No. 43 "SVITSKA LAMA" (d / s No. 9 , Pogodina Kseniya, 5 years)

Leading. Request a model on stageNo. 44 "Spring primrose". MBDOU 66

Leading. The competition is continued by the model No. 45 "Spring".

Leading. Request a model on stage

Leading. Model to enter the catwalk No. 47 "Berizka".

Leading. Log out model pidNo. 48 "Cheerful mood."

Leading. Request a model on stage No. 49 "Spring-2017".

(d/s15, Zinatulina S.V.)

Leading. 3 model for #50I know spring is coming to us"Spring is coming. Spring is on the way."Made from cellophane.(D/S No. 3, Avdonina E.V.)

Leading. The competition is continued by the modelNo. 51 "The payment of my dreams."(D/s No. 60 Trafimova G.R.)

Leading. Model No. 52 please askto Glossy Blues.(d/s 35)

Leading. The competition is continued by the modelNo. 53 "Beach sundress".

(D/S 12, Vorosyan T.A.)

Leading. Request a model on stage

(D/s 68, Garipova A.R.)

Leading. No. 55 "Lady thoroughness"

(Exclude model)


And fashionable in which style clutch bag

Host: "Eco-lady",

Yake vbrannya garne!

Stink fantasy and humor.

It can be seen in them the watering of the soul. (Then the models are escorted out of the hall.)


(zhurі go to the party)

nomination "Sympathy staring".

1. Riddles about inappropriate material.

You won't get far.(Pir'ya)

2. With friends and sisters

Vaughn come to us

Rozpovіdі, new news

Bring lies.(Newspaper)

At the zukerka Plattya, Cloth - (Fantik).

4. Timchasovo living -

(tare, packaging)

5. Her dances are ticking,

Her cars get stuck,

And having fixed it with a lancet,

Close the bathtub drains


6. Squirm - in the gut,

to stretch - at the path.


7. If you aim together

The order is calm,

Everything that we do not need,

People tell me.

(Vіdro for smіttya)

8. Glue a ship, a soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

And help you, lads,

Rіznokolorovy ... (Papіr)

9. Shuffle the leaves,

Take the attachment.

You can creak with staples.

How do we call yoga?(Stapler)

The tube of the bag does not break through,

Shvidko dry - only mazh.

Clay ring. (olivets)

11. You can glue it with a line

Everything that was impossible:

A book, tearing zoshit

Benefit and patch up.

I don’t mind glueing,

That will help you. (Scotch)

The stone has become a beetle.

They worked on the practice for a long time,

The exhibition was a success.

And become a help to us

Less ... (natural material)

13. Shchib shiti or vishivati,

You need to take it in hand.

Different color cats

I have a girlfriend.

We hung leaflets,

We needed.(thread)

14. One ear, long nіs,

No eyes, no hair,

Metal body.

Don't sit around idle

Leak the fabric out.

Tse sewing. (head)

15. A lot of work for me:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us, children:

We can hurt more!(knives)

2. Bala belen kubelekabove read Islam and Kamilya.

4. Play with peeps. "Let's wait and see"

5. Come out the child is readingverse "Globe" read H. Liana.


. (Name I.O.)



The word of the head.d / s No. 37 ___.

Leaders with children give design magazines souvenirs.

Photocard for memory.


Holy skinned, friends!

And I tell you, I tell you:

Be beautiful, awesome,

Fashionable and neat

Zhittєradisnimi buti

Be friends with a smile.

Adzhe smile to everyone

Don't go out!

Splashes. The competition has ended.

Front view:

The script is holy "ECO-MODA" - a demonstration of costumes made from non-binding material.

Date: 17.02.2017

Hour: 9:00.

Place: music hall for school No. 37.

They put together a script, prepared it and carried it out:

music collector Yusupova O.Z. _____

Zhirnova M.G._____

vikladach tat. Mindubaeva G.S.____

choreographer: Shaydullina D.M.____

facilitators: Galiullina L.K.____

Vetoshkina E.F.____

Egoricheva N.M. ____

Kudryashova Z N.____

Uzgodzheno: senior tutor R.V. Khalilova _____

Batkiv Committee: ______ Approved by: head of office No. 37 Khusnullina E.R ______

Contest meta: Formation of ecological culture in children and grown-ups.

Contest leader:

Molding of a double shutter to nature;

Vihovannya environmentally literate generation;

Encouragement of respect for children and those who have grown up to the problem of recycling of inputs and the selection of secondary syrovin;

The manifestation of talented, creative children, the development of fantasy and creativity of participants;

Promoting the effectiveness of spying activity has grown up and children, supporting partnerships with fathers.

Front of the robot:

Review of magazines in іlustration "Child fashion", "History of costumes".

Homework with fathers; get ready for the fashion show - choose your own image, prepare a suit and step.

Zasobi: multimedia projector, screen, laptop, music support.

Hall decor: on the the central line of the word “ekomoda-2017”, the leather letter and the figure in the A4 size. From above, from the kuta and down, the fabrics are hung from horn, black white color, along the entire central wall, it was lined with small bouquets of paper flowers, along the perimeter of the hall, roses of roses repeat coolies. At the bottom, a red-coloured path is laid out by the center of the hall, for the models to walk along the red-colored kilimovy road.

Participants: vikhovantsі and teachers of children's gardens in the city of Nizhnyokamsk.

Teams at the warehouse for 2-3 individuals, including the model.

Leading the competition: spinners Galiullina L.K., Vetoshkina E.F.

Conduct form:competition, theatrical show-defile.

Ordering the zagalny plan to call.

1. Formation of the list of participants in the show.

Appointed to the warehouse of the jury.

Preparation of diplomas and certificates for the fate of the entry.

Organization of a theatrical show.

Hall decoration.

Request for guests, members of the jury.

Home tasks: prepare a model of clothes from non-attachable material, solid butt inputs and define the concept of the model.

1. Post models for three nominations:

1. "Eco - chic" (models of a man's clothes)

2. "Eco - show" (carnival models)

3. "Eko - lady" (models of a woman's clothes)

2 . Supporting models with music and annotation - from any material prepared, de and yak vikoristovuvat. Leather vyhіd at the borders of 1 hvilin.

3 . Vykoristovuvaty less of the material that is called inapplicable.

List of victorious literature:

1. Folklore and ecological activities for children of the senior preschool age / ed. G. A. Lapshina. - Volgograd: Vchitel, 2006.

2. Physical culture - for preschoolers. Glazirina L. D. - M: VLADOS, 1999.

3. Under the glass summer spit on the ground. L. A. Penkova. - M.: Linka-Pres, 2006.

4. Playful environmental activities for children. L. P. Molodova. - Mn.: "Asar" -18.

5. m/f "Mysteries of Jess" series "How to fix zі smіttya"

Repertoire: Screensaver, phonomelodies;

"Polonaise" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, "Queen of beauty" vicon. Cosma, "Waltz" I.Strauss.

Hid entry:

Thematic music sounds, the participants of the competition change for lashtunkas (near the sports hall).

All guests are roamed in the hall for peeping eyes.

Zhurі take their special place, on the table prepared clean arches, fountain pens, a list of participants in the competition.

To everyone who takes a part models moonlight tags - braceletswith numbers that are attached to left hand (wrist)

Usіm guests-gazers chergovі hand out leaflets (with a signet) for voting.

Sound fanfare the leaders come out and stand up for the racks, it seems like a whistleblower, that one’s own words for an acceptable scenario.

Leading: Good day, participants of the competition, guests of the call!

2017 Decree of the President Russian Federation stunned by the Rock of Ecology in the Russian Federation, as well as by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - the Rock of Ecology and Sustainability in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The theme of butovykh vіdkhodіv has not lost its relevance for more than a decade. Tse environmental problem served as a topic for more than one Ph.D. dissertation, but, regardless of the fact, the problem remains intact and dosі.

Leading: Let's try to look at this problem from a different side, more optimistic, less realistic, add a touch of humor, fantasy and love to nature. For the sake of you, we are on the podium of the kindergarten No. 37 at the competition"Eco-Fashion -2017".

Leading: And today you deserve to be witnesses of an extraordinary show of a fashionable collection, over which the great fashion designers worked, do your best - the teachers of the children's kindergartens of the Nizhnyokamska metropolitan area, as well as our vikhovanci and their fathers.

Leading:Oskіlki fashion run a competition, we need to present to the jury. To warehouse zhurі uvіyshli (refurbishment of the warehouse)

1. Head of Andrianova Svitlana Anatolyivna, head of the MBU "UDV" of the Nizhnyokamsk municipal district R.T.

2. Olga Vitaliivna Gulyakova Head of the Educational and Lighting Department of the MBU UDV,

3. Gulnur I Galyavieva Director of MBU DO "DEBTs" NMR RT

4. Svitlana Yuryivna Konakova, the guardian of the activity of MADOU No. 35.

5. Rumiya Gazizivna Turdieva, the guardian of the activity of MADOU No. 77

6. Irina Anatoliїvna Dorofєєva supervisor of activities MBDOU CRR No. 89,

7. Olena Gennadievna Monakhova, supervisor of the activities of MADOU CRR No. 92.

Leading:Shanovnі pryadachi and guests. Listen important information. The appearance of the skin model is of the same nomination and of the century category, all of them are listed according to serial numbers.

Leading:So you can make your votefor onemodel that suits you"The nomination has glaring sympathies".You can indicate your choice on the arch paper by entering the model number and put it on the special cube. For the sake of the competition, your votes will be strengthened and awarded.

Leading:Nomination to be voted first"Eco-chic" - all models of the human collection.

Leading:I so! We start our show: (on aphrodisiacal music)

Our contest is fixing the pid model№ 1. « Ilfar Skazovich.

Everyone knows the bogatyr Ilfar Skazovich among the forest Kazakhs. Clothes yoga appointments for fighting with the enemy. Chain mail protects his body, and a heroic sholom protects his head. The armlets that are close behind such hairpins also help to fight against the enemy. On the shield is a symbol of the fate of ecology: a tree with leaves. With such a suit of wines, it is easy to undermine any enemy.

For the preparation of this costume, we used vikoristani - balls of middle, plastic plates in the form of "Sprite", a motuzka, papers of old magazines, laser discs.(D.S.41Nurgatin Ilfar, 6 years)

Leading:The competition continues. Model pid№ 2 « LITSAR".The leather master is trying to make his choice even more beautiful. Vin puts all his soul into him, all his good thoughts are a little bit. Vikoristaniy material tsієї models: plastic(school № 28 Melnikov Igor 4 years)).

Leading:On the podium, a new model is requested№3 "LITTLE FACE". Vikoristany material for the preparation of the costume - foil, cardboard, paper bag, corks, farba, bag for washing, plastic buns.(d/sNo. 39 Bayramov Azamat Maratovich, 4 years)

Leading:On the podium, a new model is requestedNo. 4 "Mister - 2017» Vikoristani packages from pid cleaning powder, cloth pieces, bliskavka lock.(MBDOU 19 Saveliev Mykola, 6 arc.)

Leading:pid№ 5 go out model"Sonyachne summer". Suit made from polyethylene. (MADOW 42-Gaiduk Mikhailo, 4 p.)

Leading:request model pid№6

« Dawn boy."For the preparation of this costume vikoristano musical Sіdі-Diski.(MBDOU 36Mishechkin Matviy, 6 arc.)

Leading:ask for a podiumpid modelNo. 7 "Guest from the Past"

. What was vikoristano for preparing this model? Of course, it is an unpretentious material, and the same, a sholom made of vicorous cardboard in the form of boxes, knee pads and a sholom made of plastic plates, a cape made of packing polyethylene.

(d\s 3 37, Khaliulin Daniil, 7 years)

Leading:ask for a podiumpid model№ 8 "Mister X". For the preparation of this costume, we used sack bags, cocktail tubes, CDs and cardboard. (MADOU 15,Khairullin Riyaz - vikhovanets, 5 years)

Leading:request model pid№9 « Tatar eget". For the preparation of this model, we used old newspapers and letter papers.

(MBDOU 24,Paramonov Artem, 7 years)

Leading:pid№10 go out model « Gold in trend». Bulo zastosovano offensive simple butovy vіdhіd - not polyethylene.

(MBDOU "TsRR-D / s No. 90", Єvstifєєv Andriy, 7 years)

Leading:We request all models nominations"Eco-chic",so that I could once again appreciate the talent and knowledge of the masters.

Leading:I will ask you to leave,

I want to re-evaluate you “on five”,

Pіd guchnі splashes

Show your choice!

(must be participants of the nominations to perform a second exit and go to the stage)

Leading:Today in the world fashion is richly direct, so the leather suit will be unique and unique! Models are easy to roam, shvidko is easy. You don’t need special stains, for those who need handy materials.For the second season in fashion all the necessary accessories.


Leading:Nomination coming up"Eco-show" - all carnival models.

On stage model pid№11 "Ravlik". For the preparation of this costume, a victorious papyrus was made, and a vest of bindings from 3 rolls in smіtєvih pakіvіv. Even more original and guilty!(d/s №37, Abrashova Victoria, 2.5 g)

Leading:to the stagerequest model idNo. 12 "Svіt metelikіv".For which costume you need a sponge for washing dishes and plastic bags. (D \ S86, Tokareva Sofia, 1.5 rubles)

Leading:The next number of our program will be the next model numberNo. 13 "Khorobry heart"Why is the model broken? Of course, from non-adherent material - plastic plates, foil, CDs. Tse modern design at the hands of the masters, you can give your bag a superb defender, and you will be able to win in battle.

(d/s №37, Chukhlovin Yaroslav, 3 years)

Leading:offensive contestantfor number 14"Mini Lady Disco"Disposable cups and discs are everything that is needed for a pretty drink. I'm sure you won't forget this model. Tse vbrannya fit to your soul on a sleepy day. Give respect to the bright colors of the cloth, and in such a droplet you can also dazzle!(d/r 37 Yarutina Kira, 3 rubles)

Leading:soon I will come model pidNo. 15 "Fox Fairy"Smіtєvy package and obgortkovy papers, namistinki, rhinestones, sequins and beads - the axis of everything was vikoristane for the preparation of this model.(d/r 19 Zaripova Azaliya, 3 d.)

Leading:request model idNo. 16 "Bdzhilka",made from polyethylene(d/s 42, Karimova Kamilla)

Leading:suit to enter the podiumNo. 17 "Kishka"Show yourself that you can turn packages of milk into a suit of intestines.

(D/s 41. Zakirova Arina, 4 years old)

Leading:next number of our program will beNo. 18 "Firebird". Costume made from CD-ROMs. Marvel at how miraculously shimmering pir'їnki, pіdkreslyuyuchi beauty and subtlety.(d/s 36, Menshina Karina, 5 years old)

Leading:pid№ 19 zustrіchaєmo"Divny pavich"And at once, with the help of a gentleman, all respect here!

The beautiful Katerina presents to you the selection of the “wonderful pavich”.

They folded the cardboard from the cardboard, folded it according to the leaflet,

Everyone took their fingers and created a masterpiece.

Our pava nemov miraculously carried his costume so neatly!

The podium is so crooked, nibi - birds are speaking.

Leading:pidNo. 20 zustrіchaemo "Little wonder"Vikoristana toilet paper and color smіttєvі bags.

(d/s 15 Nurmukhametova Arina, 3 rubles and Mukhametkhanova Milana, 2.5 rubles).

Leading:on the podiumNo. 21 "Litsarsky suit". For the preparation of this costume, we use plastic and paper.(D/s 24, Zhuravlyov Oleksiy, 5 years old)

Leading: №22 "Princess Baloo". Wikoristan newspaper.(D / s 86 Kuznetsova Ksenia, 7 arc.)

Leading:model to enter the catwalkNo. 23 "Dress for Popelyushka". For tsikh costumes, letters of papers and papier letters. Ale, regardless of the price, we can boldly drink in the same to the ball.(d/s37 Urakova Kira, Zueva Polina)

Leading:we ask for the stageModelNo. 24 "Spring-2017". Our spring is prepared from polyethylene and smіttєvih pouches.(d/s 37 Gavrilova Arina)

Leading:go out model№25 "African Beauty"The model of the garment is made from a thread made from an environmentally friendly outer. These accessories are well-blended in the same style of spicy Africa: namistos - corks for lemonade, tubules for cocktails and simple color bags. Earrings and bracelets from disposable cups. From a solid butt output - jars of s-p_d mayonnaise - preparations musical instrument- drum. The suit ensures freedom of movement.(d/s No. 37 Mukhamitova Kamilya, 7 arc.)

Leading:ModelNo. 26 and No. 27represent costumes"Merry Carnival" and "Summer Cloth",yaki prepared from vikoristany milk bags

(d/s 27, Atukova Albina, 6 y.o. and Kamalova Ralina, 5 y.o.)

Leading:request a modelNo. 28 "Dress for Bіlosnіzhka"(d/s1 Khamidullina Gulnaz Navilivna). ………………………………………………………………



Leading:We will ask all models of the category "Eco-show" to the podium, so that once again you will enjoy your choices.

Your mods are new

Your mods are beautiful!

Request your fashion to all people,

Take away those grown-up children.

Splashes are carried out by our participants. Dyakuyu!

(Then the models are escorted out of the hall.)


Leading.Feature of our exclusive collection"Eco-fashion-2017" - at її simplicity. Like you shot a woman on the street, and she impressed you with her beauty, but you can’t guess who she was dressed in, well, she was dressed perfectly. So saying the great French fashion designer Usharo.

Leading.And our competition continues. Nastupnanomination "Eco - lady" - a collection of women's clothes

Leading.Qiu nomination for the model pidNo. 29 "Josephine's Laugh".For the preparation of this model, maistri vikoristovuvali gafrovaniya papyr, burlap, namistini, beads, laces and eyelets.(D/s 19, Kalmaeva Victoria, 2 years)

Leading.The competition is continued by the model№30 "Licorice zukerka",for the preparation of which, servets, candy wrappers, gudziki, beads and a plastic bag were put in.(D/C32, Akutina Milana, 3 years old)

Leading.Model to enter the catwalkNo. 31 "Leto",prepared with tulle, quilts, yagid, fruits, wrappers. Accessories - cat, namisto with quilts, stockings are embellished with quilts.(the girl will give you fruit!!!) (school 40, Akhmetshina Leyla, 4g)

Leading.Asking for the stageNo. 32 "KAZKOVY KVITOCHKA",costume preparations - smіttєvі bags of yellow and buzkovy color, lines from video cassettes, stapler, adhesive tape.Accessories - an eye-catching ticket of a Trojan from the package.

(d/s №23Chukurova Valeriya 4 rocky)

Leading.The contest continues with the model pid № 33 « PAPER PRINCESS"

Wicked material - paper.

I am a paper princess, my choice was earlier than a fox.

I'm standing in front of you, I'll show you my costume.

Plant a tree, water it to grow. Save the nature!

(d/s No. 28 Ivigina Polina, 4th grade)

Leading.Log out model pidNo. 34 "Polka dot dress". For the preparation of the costume, the material was victorious - paper, twine.(d/s24,Ovchinnikova Anastasia, 5 years)

Leading.Request a model on stageNo. 35 "There was a camomile".Vikoristaniy material - papier-trellis, chamomile, handbag with paper.

(D / s No. 33 Mіkhєєva Miru, 5 years).

Leading.Model to enter the catwalk№36 "Girl coquette"Preparations - smіtєvі sachets, on the head drops on picking s sachets.

(d/s 61, Sibgatulina Kameliya, 6 years)

Leading.Model№37 we ask for "Beach Party". The model is made of paper, plastic cups, polyethylene.(d/s 7, Khasanova Diana)

Leading.The competition is continued by the modelNo. 38 "Princess".Wicked material - different colors of polyethylene bags.(d / s No. 41,Valiulina Samira 6 years)

Leading.Asking for the stagepid modelNo. 39 "Parhayuchi kviti"Vikoristany material for the kit - quilts, what to fluff, cloth, droplets. Preparations - obgortkovy papyr in kvіtіv, sesal, color papyr.

(d/s №82 Yamaliyeva Safiyeva 5l.)

Leading.We request to the stageModel№40 "KOROLOVA HVIL". The model has been prepared - bears for a smile, a music disc, namistinska, a handbag, a droplet.

(school № 90, Nіgmatulіna Dіna, 5 years)

Leading.Model to enter the catwalk №41 « EKOMODNITSA".Prepared: bed - disposable cups, plates, tickets from bags for smite; A blouse-kviti-z disposable spoons, embellishment of the whole suit of a stitch, a wrap-around bag for a dress, a handbag-disposable plates, embellished with quilts.

(d/s No. 77, Omelchenko Kseniya Sergiivna, 6 years old)

Leading.The competition is continued by the model№42 « FANTIKOVA FANTASIA"Vikoristany material; zuker's wrappers.(school №11, Yana Spirchina 5 years)

Leading.Asking for the stagemodel no. 43« SVITSKA LADY»Vikoristaniy material - balls, spoons, forks, kinder surprise, drotya, pakuvalny papyr, container in aktimel, smіtєvy package, krishki, strіchka, merzheva, beads, farbi spray of 2 colors(d/s No. 9, Pogodina Kseniya, 5 years)

Leading.Request a model on stageNo. 44 "Spring primrose".This is a marvelous selection of sewing from the foamiran material, which guesses the gum. Seeds of beautiful flowers create a sense of lightness, lightness and miraculous spring mood. The cloth is supplemented with original accessories, a bracelet and a thinned tiara. With such a choice, you will be miraculous to be holy. (MBDOU 66, Afanas'eva Arina - vikhovanets, 5 years)

Leading.The competition is continued by the modelNo. 45 "Spring".So you want spring that warmth. The material for this model is paper.

(Ds 42, Sadrieva Alina, 5 y.o.)

Leading.Request a model on stageNo. 46 "Bіlosnіzhna Chamomile obyashka",vikoristano gafrovaniya papir and disposable spoons.

(kindergarten No. 36, Gavrilova Anastasia - vikhovanets, 6 years)

Leading.Model to enter the catwalkNo. 47 "Berizka".Material for preparation - trellis papers, plastic plates, drіt, gouache.

(d/s 37, Romanova Varavara, 6.5 years old)

Leading.Log out model pidNo. 48 "Cheerful mood."Glasses, a sponge for washing dishes, bags for washing, straws - everything that was put in for the preparation of this model.(d/s 15 Yakupova Rezida Khamidivna)

Leading.Request a model on stageNo. 49 "Spring-2017".Mishkovina, smіttєvі packages, servets and sponges have become suitable for this suit.

(d/s15, Zinatulina S.V.)

Leading. 3 model for #50I know spring is coming to us"Spring is coming. Spring is on the way."Made from cellophane.(D/S No. 3, Avdonina E.V.)

Leading.The competition is continued by the modelNo. 51 "The payment of my dreams."The cloth was made from smіtєvih pouches, decorated with fragments of CDs. The bag is tied with a sack of polythene threads; A droplet-preparation from a linoleum tube, a veil - from the packaging of a flower bouquet, to a droplet - triplets from bags. The elegance of the cloth is given by the embellishment of the laces, as if they are crossed on the back. Zhodna fashionista will not be deprived of a baiduzha until the next swearing. With this evening image you will be charming like at a masquerade ball, so at a romantic party.(D/s No. 60 Trafimova G.R.)

Leading.Model№52 please askto Glossy Blues.Everything is prepared from newspapers and magazines.(d/s 35)

Leading.The competition is continued by the modelNo. 53 "Beach sundress".Preparations - advertising flyers, corrugated paper, a bag with a skein with corrugated quilts, a namisto and a bracelet - with glossy advertising flyers.

(D/S 12, Vorosyan T.A.)

Leading.Request a model on stage №54 Spring cloth"Mriya".They vikoristovuvali for the preparation of whatman paper and white paper "Snіguronka".

(D/s 68, Garipova A.R.)

Leading.I complete our show model pidNo. 55 "Lady thoroughness"

Only the competition was voted by the illuminators here like here.

It’s nice to pick up the mind, to carry yoga to the child’s cage.

The model is to present a collection that will be fashionable for the teacher.

th season "Spring - Summer - 2017"(Exclude model)

- Shobi buv on roboti peace and harmony - they hurried to put on a bathrobe.

Aje wine is the best friend for life, be with children a difficult practice.

Different colors of zests to shine on a brand new dress!

Let the lull, warmly bring a dressing gown to your wardrobe!

- Black ruffles - embellishment of the bed.

The teacher is beautiful - children are more like it!

Our costume is with a cape, lower color and stylish crest.

The wide fields were white with a droplet, we will be baked in the summer!

- Do you want to be glamorous, with a thin waist,

Wear a tea top - made in Italy.

According to figure and to disguise - everything is fashionable,

Abi, we were not led by the weather.

Zvernіt respect - like pіdіbranі aksesuari-

droplets- The exclusive washcloth is supplemented with hanging quilts from the flower beds.

And fashionable in which styleclutch bag, to marvel, as if they are graє with quilts and, obviously, our light, comfortable slippers from linoleum with one hand are transformed - ... into elite shoes.

(d/s37 Simankina Regina Olegivna)

Leading:І at the end of the show at the nomination"Eco-lady",Less than once I would like to ask our participants for your grumbling splashes.

Leading. (read the top while all models stand)

What a beauty! Skilki relish!

Yake vbrannya garne!

Stink fantasy and humor.

It can be seen in them the watering of the soul. (Then the models are escorted out of the hall.)

Leading:Shovne models, for your imagination, diligence, our shovne zhur, seen to the delight!

(zhurі go to the party)

Shanovnі pryadachi and guests, voting ended

nomination"Sympathy staring".




And for you, shanovni guests and gazers

Riddles about objects, what did you need from the robot?

1. Riddlesaboutinappropriate material.

1.Sho from the earth is easy to carry,

You won't get far.(Pir'ya)

2. With friends and sisters

Vaughn come to us

Rozpovіdі, new news

Bring lies.(Newspaper)

3. Evil bow, right-handed bow

At the zukerkaPlattya, Cloth - (Fantik).

4. Timchasovo living -

Either a lot of everything, then you can see the bottom.

(tare, packaging)

5. Her dances are ticking,

Her cars get stuck,

And having fixed it with a lancet,

Close the bathtub drains


6. Squirm - in the gut,

to stretch - at the path.


7. If you aim together

The order is calm,

Everything that we do not need,

People tell me.

(Vіdro for smіttya)

8. Glue a ship, a soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

And help you, lads,


9. Shuffle the leaves,

Take the attachment.

You can creak with staples.

How do we call yoga?(Stapler)

10. Glue does not wander, do not spill,

The tube of the bag does not break through,

Shvidko dry - only mazh.

Clay ring.(olivets)

11. You can glue it with a line

Everything that was impossible:

A book, tearing zoshit

Benefit and patch up.

I don’t mind glueing,

That will help you.(Scotch)

12. The bump turned into a wok,

The stone has become a beetle.

They worked on the practice for a long time,

The exhibition was a success.

And become a help to us


13. Shchib shiti or vishivati,

You need to take it in hand.

Different color cats

I have a girlfriend.

We hung leaflets,

We needed.(thread)

14. One ear, long nіs,

No eyes, no hair,

Metal body.

Don't sit around idle

Leak the fabric out.

Tse sewing.(head)

15. A lot of work for me:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us, children:

We can hurt more!(knives)

2. Bala belen kubelekabove read Islam and Kamilya.

3 . Children's performance Flash mob of dedications "Ecomodi".

Children from the group to choose a choreographer.

4. Play with peeps. "Let's wait and see"

5. Come out the child is readingverse "Globe"read H. Liana.

Journeys enter, take their place.


And at the same time there was a hvilyuyuchiy receiving moment! The jury is ready to announce the results of our competition for ecology "Ekomoda-2017"

The word hopes for the competition. (Name I.O.)


Ceremony of awarding designers.

Leading:We ask you to die for a hvilinka, a photo for a riddle. Everyone wants to be photographed now already with famous models, so they can do it after the end of the holy day. And it’s true, it’s holy, it’s not less than fashionable, but holy to reason.

If our visit is not without a trace for your skin, and if you don’t bait us to the problems of nature, if it’s leather, now it’s obov’yazkovo, about the purity of nature, then our planet will become richly clean.

We owe for respect to everyone who came to our holy fashion, the administration of the kindergarten No. 37 of the grand jury, and, of course, to all the authors of this wonderful collection.

The lower child's skin is supra-lingually friendly to the level of sub-razors. Synthetics, processed chemical warehouse fabrics and winding filthy twisted threads can cause allergic reactions, redness and wisps. If you want to get rid of such problems and encourage teasing on the skin of your little one, show respect for eco-clothing for children from natural fabrics. The stench is prepared from good organic syrovina and may be natural. The basis for natural fabrics evolves, is selected and processed according to the highest standards of viability without the need for genetically modified organisms, pesticides and other chemicals.

Eco-clothing for children with organic food

Organic Bavovna - 100% environmentally friendly material, which grows without stoking chemicals and is selected manually in the minds of maximum conservation of the natural environment. Organic bavovna is not supplied with chlorine and is supplied exclusively with natural farbs. Objects of eco-clothing with organic beauty are worn in the first place for the youngest children and newborns. On the right, in the fact that the skin is especially effective to non-natural fabrics and materials, enriched with synthetic warehouses.

Eco-clothing for children with organic ingredients:

  • Kindly skip the wind, do not disrupt the process of breathing air and do not create a "greenhouse effect". The clothes of the sizable bavovna can hinder the advent of the day
  • Do not cry out the rіznіh hanging on the shkіrі of the little one, tk. organic yarn is not treated with chemicals either at the stage of drying, or when processing or preparing threads
  • Є more dovgovіchnoy in povnyannі z odjag z zvichaynoї bavovni.

Eco-clothing for children with organic smell

The main post-head of the outside of the whole world is the whole world. Moreover, the labeling of 100% wool (or 100% wool) on the label does not guarantee an organic fiber content. In such a rank, you can be called as good, so low as it is, or inspired outside.

The most natural, non-penetrative type of wool is an organic wool with marking 100% organic wool demeter. This type of behavior can be achieved on the basis of all the healthy norms: vipas creatures are developed in a free way, they are created in natural minds and humanely, in feeds are daily growth hormones, antibiotics and chemical additives. And when working on the inside, that sewing of clothes will not be blocked by shkidlivy synthetic layers.

Advantages of eco-clothing for children with organic smell:

  • Vaughn wanders a little, and the whips are easily blown
  • She doesn’t work a little and often doesn’t wake up
  • Vaughn є “sigh”, tobto. voluntarily skipping repeat. At the same time, organic wool miraculously retains warmth, so that it can be robbed of irreplaceable fate in the cold season.

Baby eco-clothing made of bamboo

The fabric, made from bamboo, is naturally hypoallergenic and wear-resistant, which makes it indispensable for sewing towels, bedding, children's clothes and body.

Obvious advantages of eco-dress from bamboo:

  • Vaughn is light, soft on the dotik, may be a natural gleam.
  • Vaughn practically does not change and does not care
  • Completely wear-resistant, practically does not deform and trim the shape
  • Do not fight the skin and resist the appearance of allergies
  • May bactericidal antimicrobial power, change the spread of disease-causing fungi, micro-organisms and saw mites.
  • Vilno passes through the repetition and does not save the unpleasant smell.

Children's eco-dress from soy

Soevі fibers are good for warming up, with which they remove excess moisture. The stench is even softer and lower on the dotik, why the fabric from soy is called “growth cashmere”. Take off the soybean fiber with a foldable way of cuttings of growing proteins of soybeans.

Eco-clothing made from co-fibers can cause damage:

  • Vaughn rises to the height of yakistyu and endurance
  • Good at vikoristanny, kindly skips the wind, quickly picks up the water, bestows a sense of warmth and comfort
  • Є style to the color, long-term color, in which the bula was zabarvlena.




Scenario costume contest with non-binding material

"ECO fashion"

for vikhovantsiv and batkiv

LM MADOU DSKV No. 10 "Bilochka"

Zagorodnikova Natalia Vasilivna,




Scenario for the competition of costumes from non-binding material

"EKOfashion - fashion show from non-consumable environmentally friendly material"

Tsіl :

bring joy to children, that satisfaction is holy.

form a positive, emotional mood, upevnenist in your own.

manager :

wihouvati friendly setting to each other.

sponkati children show interest in performances of one-liners.

to writhe the children's bazhannya to appear in front of the peeps in an image that matches the costume.

take care of the childish team.

Front of the robot : review of magazines, illustrations"Child fashion" , "History of costume" . Homework for children and their fathers: getting ready forshow mod - choose your image, prepare a suit and step up, follow the Regulationsabout the competition of costumes with non-binding material "EKOmoda" (Supplement).

Material : a flash card with music recordings for showing models, models of clothes,non-applicable materials together with the fathers.

Conduct form : theatricalmodel show .

Head of the competition.

Leading: Good day, grand guests - that child has grown up! Mi for the sake of you at our hall.

Today is an extraordinary day, ahead of our nursery pass a clothing model contestenvironmentally friendly materials - ECOfashion . Why not create creative people clothes. We would like to present to you a selection of plastic bags, bags for bags, candy wrappers, servettes, vinyl tapestries, plastic lids, disposable tableware, denim.

more respect marvel at our models, maybe one of them will hit your soul. Father, we'll fix it.

Showing yours ,

The booths of the models are vibrating.

You didn’t beat this, didn’t know

Cho mishow at our hall .

Our fashions have novelty,

Our mods are beautiful!

Request our fashion to all people,

Take away those grown-up children.

Zі smіtya clothes shієm -

We take care of nature so much!

Leading: We present to you your respect for the competent world of fashion, as we appreciate the collection of clothes of our mini-models:

Boikova Svitlana Viktorivna, housekeeper (sign of the world of fashion);

Rogalevich Lyudmila Vasilivna, cultivator (expert in ecology);

Khristosenko Oksana Markivna, instructor of physical culture (a sign of health and healthy way life).

Representatives of the glamorousfashion for the world of ecology , our miniatures are models.

1. Music for showing the eco-model

Leading: Vidkrivaє ourshow Ponomarenko Milana - Group number 2. Її costume is called"Farbi Lita" .

Tsey is a richly colored ensemble of broken pieces made of polyethylene and plastic, the widest materials in the world's halls.

The suit is simple and comfortable;

For yoga preparation, the tree did not suffer.

To add to the costume, there will be exclusive handbags, prepared from traffic jams and plastic bowl, that parasol, embellished with disposable plates and bags.

The set does not mean great financial investments, but it is also long-term, and you can pass it on to the recessions. And even more polyethylene bags and plastic are laid out for a stretch of 50-1000 years, and then there are dryers in the same time.

2. Music to show the eco model

Leading: Next models of ourenvironmental screening - sisters Grigoruk Ulyana іGalina - 4 group) with the collection"Fashionistas" .

You want to present a collection of fashionable speeches from old denim pants, which served your term.

Completely beautiful, namingly handy, practical beddings, embellished with lower laces.

As an addition to the bed - denim braids, which will become a good day, like a gloomy day, and in cold weather.

Original handbags are more practical and practical.

3. Music to show the eco model

Leading: Zustrichaemo will come modelUmrzakov Nazanin - Group number 11. Nazanin presents to your respect a fashionable handbag, sew black T-shirts.

The handbag is embroidered with rhinestones in the shape of the flowers.

Її sewed Nazanin for her sister Nazigul. The stink to think that you are better than the stench, that the stink has already been punished.

You can put a bracelet near your purse, a small toy or a phone.

4. Music to show the eco model

Leading: Step modelIsrailova Amina – group №11, presenting their work"Droplet for Lyalka Spring" .

Amina, together with her mother, crushed a miracle droplet for Spring.

A droplet prepared from a pizza box and a plastic cup for salad. Also vikoristan boules: colorful paper, scotch tape, threads, vouchers for hair.

A droplet is more necessary for the inlet, to that which protects the air sleepy bump. The whole idea with a drop of Amina and mother was guessed by themselves.

5. Music to show the eco model

Leading: Shanov's lookers! Step modelSafronov Egor - Group number 10.

To your respect, the costume "Good boy Robin Hood" is presented. The costume of the vicons is made of natural materials, known from the fox.

Zhodna creature, did not suffer!

The costume helps to zdіysnyuvati zakhist of all living things in forests, rivers, fields. Uphill may be another beak, the color of which helps better to help the middle of the stone leaves to cling to the vigilantes of ecological safety. The cibulya and the arrows of the appointments of the sentencing punishment are especially incomprehensible to the "zabrudnyuvachas" of nature.

6. Music for showing the eco-model

Leading: Our model is comingSayarova Anastasia - Group number 10. І її swearing «Lady Thoroughness» . The cloth is made from vinyl tapestries.

Also vikoristan boules: paper tape, threads, inlay braid, scraps of organ and chiffon.

How do you look unimportantly -

Put on paper towels!

Axis to you - Lady Thoroughness,

To marvel at her is one bliss,

I cannot be otherwise,

That cloth is not the best.

Our Lady of Excellence has another miracle, my handbag, tied with plastic bags.

It's amazing, it's already amazing!

Miraculous! Great! Handsomely!

What color! Package? Yak cute!

I say : "It's beautiful!

Leading: Shanov's lookers! I ask you to welcome the parade of eco-friendly models.

7. Music for the parade of eco models

Once again, out of satisfaction, I want to introduce all our models:

Ponomarenko Milana, with a set of "Farbi lita";

Grigoruk Ulyana and Simashenko Milana, with the collection "Fashionistas";

Umrzakova Nazanin, with a fashionable handbag;

Israilova Amina, with a wonderful little droplet for lyalka;

Safronov Yegor, with a suitGlorious lad Robin Hood ";

Sayarova Anastasia, with a costume "Lady Doskonalist" and a small handbag.

Leading: Joden the competition cannot be held without pіdbitya pіdsumkіv.

In the meantime, while our competent zhurі pіdbivaє pіdbags, I pronounce to all guests and lookers to guess riddlesabout those items, what did you need from the robot?


What from the earth is easy to carry,

You won't get far.(Pir'ya)

Evil bow, right-handed bow

At the zukerka - (Fantik) .

3 girlfriends and sisters

Vaughn come to us

Rozpovіdі, new news

Bring lies.(Newspaper)

Her dances are ticking,

Her cars get stuck,

And having fixed it with a lancet,

Close the bathtub drains


Timchasov's life -

Either a lot of everything, then you can see the bottom.

(tare, packaging)

Writhe - in the gut,

to stretch - at the path.


If you direct together

The order is calm,

Everything that we do not need,

People tell me.

(Vіdro for smіttya)

Shchob leaves zadnuvati,

Take the attachment.

You can creak with staples.

How do we call yoga?(Stapler)

Glue a ship, a soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

And help you, lads,


Glue does not wander, do not pour,

The tube of the bag does not break through,

Shvidko dry - only mazh.

Clay ring.(olivets)

You can glue it with a line

Everything that was impossible:

A book, tearing zoshit

Benefit and patch up.

I don’t mind glueing,

That will help you(Scotch)

The bump turned into a wolf,

The stone has become a beetle.

They worked on the practice for a long time,

The exhibition was a success.

And become a help to us

Less…(natural material )

Shchib shiti abo vishivati,

You need to take it in hand.

Different color cats

I have a girlfriend.

We hung leaflets,

We needed(thread)

One wuho, long nіs,

No eyes, no hair,

Metal body.

Don't sit around idle

Leak the fabric out.

Tse sewing.(head)

Bagato robiti me vmіёmo:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us, children:

We can hurt more!(knives)

Leading: Boys I preach to youplay at the musical group "Helper".

Dance-gra "Pomіchnik"

Leading: Shanovni, the children have grown up! Fucking take your place in the hall for peeps. Zhuri ready to see the results.

The word is given to the head of the jury. (Pidbags are added, prizes are awarded)

Leading: Today, in your eyes, the truth is unique and unimaginablefashion show of clothes made of non-contaminated environmentally friendly material . Marvel at these costumes, remember them like that, and try again better. We owe for the respect of all who come to our holymodi . I especially thank the fathers for help with our traineeshow , for the creative mind, knowledge and intelligence!

Photocard for memory.


Holy skinned, friends!

And I tell you, I tell you:

Be beautiful, awesome,

Fashionable and neat

Zhittєradisnimi buti

Be friends with a smile.

Adzhe smile to everyone

Don't go out!

Splashes. The competition has ended.



about the competition of costumes with non-binding material "EKOmoda"

    Head positions:

1.1. The Regulations on holding the competition "EKOmoda" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) at the LM MADOU DSCV No. 10 "Bilochka" determine the procedure for holding the Competition, the terms of the award and the main support to competitive work, the procedure for appointing and awarding opportunities.

1.2. The competition will be held from April 13, 2018.The competition is held with the method of turning respect to nourishing the defense of dovkіllya, advancing the level of ecological culture of children, promoting social viability and an active community position.

Tasks for the Competition є:

shaping a double shutter to nature;

revealed talents, creative people;

demonstration of clothes made of non-traditional materials (handy, unpretentious);

development of fantasy and creativity of the participants.

2. Wash the order of participation in the competition:

2.1. The terms of the competition and the pidbity pidsumkiv:

1. The period of the competition is from 13.07 to 24.07.2018.

2. Picking up the bags, appointing the winners - 07/25/2018.

2.2. The competition admits individual, group and family jobs.

    Wimogi before the registration of competitive robots:

3. 1. For participationThe competition presented models of clothes, accessories, made up to clothes made from natural, non-adherent, other materials and coarse fabrics.The dress model can be supplemented with embellishments, headdress and other accessories. For the preparation of models, you can vicorate as natural materials, and sackcloth, linen, twine, lace, tasma thin.

3.2. The participants are responsible for putting on a costume for the competition, making preparations from non-additional material, guessing the name, take part in the competition fashion show, for which the participants of the competition can make a small presentation of their costume.

3.3. When the costumes are prepared, they sing with words that are indispensable for a distant zastosuvanya.

4. Evaluation criteria:

    originality (from 1 to 10 points),

    aesthetics (from 1 to 10 points),

    yakіst vykonannya (vіd 1 to 10 bіv),

    variability of materials in the model of clothes and accessories (from 1 to 10 points).

5. P_dbitya p_dbags:

For the sub-bags of the Contest, winners are awarded with diplomas of winners for nominations:

- “Nuumilishi eco-handles”;

- "Mis (Mister) Eco Talent";

- "Miss (Mister) Ecomodel";

- "Mis (Mister) eco style";

- "Neuromantic eco-model";

- "Nuumilishi pens";

- "Stylish eco accessory";

- « Naikrscha eco business card";

- "Original eco solution".

6. Warehouse of the jury:

Zagorodnikova Natalia Vasilivna, breeder;

Rogalevich Lyudmila Vasilivna, breeder;

Khristosenko Oksana Markivna, physical education instructor;

Boikova Svitlana Viktorivna, Kastelyansha;

Safronova Tetyana V'yacheslavivna, Head of the Batkiv Committee of the Group No. 10

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