Bulgakov's biography is briefly the most important. Mikhailo Bulgakov - biography, information, special life. Junior doctor Mikhailo Bulgakov

Respect for the creative work of M. Bulgakov is nonetheless majestic: his books have been seen in millions of copies, 10-volume, 5-volume collections of creativity have appeared, the Institute of Light Literature named after M. Gorky, having voiced about the preparation of academic competitions, writing, writing, creating At rich theaters, dozens of books and thousands of articles are dedicated to the work and life of Maistra - M. Bulgakov.

Children and youthful rocks Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov passed from Kiev. Here I was born on May 15, 1891 in this year, the son of the Kiev Spiritual Academy Opanas Ivanovich Bulgakov and his friend Varvara Mikhailivna. After this, two more blue and white daughters appeared in the family: Vira (1892), Nadia (1893), Varvara (1895), Mikola (1898), Ivan (1900), Olena (1901).

M. Bulgakov’s classmate, writer Kostyantin Paustovsky, said: “The family of the Bulgakovs was kindly seen at home in Kiev - majestic, polished, very intelligent family ... Behind the windows of their apartment, the sounds of the piano, the voices of young people, see, laugh, laugh. ... were the color of provincial life.”

In 1907, the father's brother - Opanas Ivanovich - died, the protege of the Academy gave a pension to the Bulgakovs, and the material basis of life was to earn a mitznoy.

After graduating from high school in 1909, M. Bulgakov entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. Studying at the university, in 1913 he became friends with Tetyana Mykolayivna Lappa (daughter of the manager of the Treasury in Saratov).

University graduated in 1916. After a few months of service, as a hospital doctor of directions to the Mikilsky Zemstvo hospital of the Smolensk province, and through the river of transfers to Vyazma, to the Moscow Zemstvo hospital, the head of the infectious and venereal diseases; following the advice of his superiors, "having recommended himself as an energetic and incompetent practitioner."

In the fierce fate of 1918, M. Bulgakov turned to Kiev, deopening a private medical practice; here he survived a number of low coups: white, black, nimtsiv, petliurivtsiv. The Kievan prince of Bulgakov was later identified in his novel "Bila Guards".

In the autumn of 1919, mobilize the Volunteer Army, pіvnіchny caucasus became a military doctor of the Terek Cossack Regiment.

У грудні того ж року залишає службу в госпіталі, з приходом більшовиків починає працювати журналістом у місцевих газетах, завідувачем літературного відділу (Літо) підвідділу мистецтв Владикавказького ревкому, виступає з доповідями, читає лекції, викладає в Народній драматичній студії Владикавказу, пише їх у місцевому театрі .

In 1921, a new period in the life of M. Bulgakov rose to the rock - Moscow. In the spring of 1921, a journalist, a playwright-pochatkіvets and a writer came to Moscow without a penny, but with great hopes.

Pratsiuvav deyaky hour at the Moscow Leto (Literaturniy vіddіl Golovpolitprosvitu Narodnogo komіsarіat osvіti) at the secretary's estate, spіvpratsiuvav at different newspapers, since 1922 at the fate of the newspaper "Gudok" as a full-time feuilletonist. Usyi for 1922-1926 years in "Gudka" he was assigned over 120 reports, drawing and feuilletons.

In 1925, M. Bulgakov became friends with Lyubov Yevgenivny Bilozersk.

In 1932, roci z L.Є. Bilozersky parted and made friends with Olena Sergievna Shilovsky.

Bulgakov saw that he was a journalist, a reporter in passing; at the new mіtsnіl vpevnіnіst, scho yоgo way іnshіy — the literature is thinned.

Popularity was brought to the writer by satirical novels in the first half of the 1920s - "The Devil" (1923) and "Fatal Eggs" (1924). The third part of the satirical "trilogy" - the story "Dog's Heart" (written in 1925) - was not published during the life of the author. In early 1926 Bulgakov's rock was broken, after which the manuscript of the novel "Heart of a Dog" was scribbled. In the 1920s and 30s, "Notes on the Cuffs" (1923), the autobiographical cycle "Notes of a Young Doctor" (1925-1926) were written - about work in the Zemstvo Smolensk likarni, the biographical story "The Life of Pan de Molière" (1932), "Theatrical novel (Notes of the deceased)" (1937), "To a secret friend" (published in 1987).

Just a great success, fame came from the novel "The Bila Guards" (1925-1927) and the song "The Days of Turbines" (1926), at the center of which there is a share of the intelligentsia in the Russian revolution. About the position of M. Bulgakov as a writer, to commemorate the words of the June 12, 1926 fate at the debate "Literary Russia": "The hour has come to stop the Bolsheviks from marveling at literature from the vuzkoutilitar point of view and it is necessary, nareshti, to give the right word to your journal" And "a living writer". It is necessary to give the writer the opportunity to write simply about the "people", and not about politics."

The talent of M. Bulgakov in the same world was supported by prose, and drama (which is not often written in literature): vin is the author of low works that have become classics of dramaturgy: the dramatic pamphlet "Crimson Island" (1927), p'єs "Big" ( 1928), "Adam and Eva" (1931), "Bliss" ("Dream of the engineer Reinu") (1934), "The rest of the days (Pushkin)" (1935), dramas "The Cabal of the Saints (Moliere)" (1936), comedies "Ivan Vasilovich" (1936), p'єsi "Batum" (1939). M. Bulgakov also wrote a staging of literary works: after M. U. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" (1930), after the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (1932), after Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote".

In the other half of the 1920s and in the 1930s, M. Bulgakov was mainly a playwright, part of it was staged in theaters, and a large part of the bula was fenced - in 1929 the head repertoire was taken from the repertoire of all things M. Bulgakov. Until the end of the 1930s, Bulgakov was accepted as a writer of oblivion, ruins here in the 1920s, imovirno - died. The writer himself spoke about such a tendency.

The grave situation, the impossibility of living and working in the Soviet Socialist Republic prompted M. Bulgakov on 28 Birth, 1930 to go to the Order of the Soviet Socialist Republic (the list of famous people in the history of Radyansk literature is quoted in abbreviated form):

"I'm going to the Order of the SRSR from the next leaf:

1. After that, as my work was fenced, among the wealthy bulkers, as I am as a writer, they began to lunatically voice, as if giving me one and the very same joy.

Fold the "communist p'єsu" (at the paws I will make quotes), and moreover, turn around to the Order of the SRSR with a repentant leaf, to take revenge on my own vіdmova in my many glances that I have seen in literary creations, and commemorate what I see now I pratsyuvatimu as a witness to the ideas of communism writer-companion.

Meta: vryatuvatisya in the persecution, evil and inevitable death at the end.

Tsієї for the sake of I did not listen. It is unlikely that I would have fared away to stand in front of the URAD of the SRSR in front of a bright light, having written a liar sheet, which is a neohain and before that, a political curbet. I tried to put together a communist p'esa, I'm not timid, I know that such a p'esa is not in me.

Dozrіle in me bajannya pripinit my writing torment zmushuє less turn up to the Order of the SRSR with a truthful sheet.

2. Provіvshi analysis of my album virіzok, I have shown in the press of the SRSR for ten years of my literary work 301 reviews about me. Of them: commendable - bulo 3, soothsayer-lailivih - 298.

Remain 298 mirror reflections of my writing life.

The hero of my poem "The Days of Turbins" Oleksiy Turbina was called "a son of a bitch", and the author of the poem was recommended as "obsessed with dog old age".<…>

They wrote "about Bulgakov, what a chim bov, tim i be deprived, a new-bourgeois virodkom, who is brizkaє otruenoy, but a powerless slough on the robotic class and yogo communist ideals" ("Koms. Pravda", 14 / X-1926).<…>

I declare that the press of the SRSR is on the move.<…>

3. I didn’t whisper whispers and thoughts in a kutka. I took them away from the dramaturgical pamphlet and put this pamphlet on the stage. The Radian press, interceding for the Main Repertoire Committee, wrote that Crimson Island is a lampoon on the revolution. Tse not serious belkit. A libel on the revolution in the absence of many reasons, for which, after marriage, I will point out one: it is impossible to write a libel on the revolution in the aftermath of supra-extreme grandiosity. The pamphlet is not a libel, and the Head Repertoire is not a revolution.<…>

4. The axis is one of the rice of my creativity, and її one of them is quite sufficient, so that my creations were not founded in the SRSR. Ale with the first rice at the svyazku all the other things that appear in my satirical stories: black and mystical farbi (I am a mystical writer), in some images of the inconspicuousness of our slaughter, rubbish, as my mova is leaked, deep proto-revolutionary skepticism what is seen in my old steel country, and commemorating the Great Evolution, and above all - images of terrible rice to my people, quiet rice, like long ago before the revolution, the suffering of my teacher M.Ye. Saltikov-Shchedrin.<…>

5. I, nareshti, remain my drawings in ruined p'ses - "Days of Turbines", "Big" and in the novel "The Bila Guard": they brought the image of the Russian intelligentsia like a small ball in our country. Zokrem, the image of the intellectual-noble homeland, by the will of an unperceived share, was thrown at the fate of the hromada war at the tabir of the white guard, at the traditions of “War to the World”. Such is the image of a whole natural writer, blood-bound with the intelligentsia.

But this kind of imagery is brought to the point that the author of them in the SRSR, like his heroes, otrimu - regardless of his great susilla to become impartially over the chervonim and whites - a certificate of the Bіlogvardiytsya-vorog, and having taken yogo, like a skin of understanding, you can people in the SRSR.

6. My literary portrait is completed, and my political portrait. I can’t say what kind of deep crime can be known in the new, but I ask for one thing: the pose of yoga does not joke anything. Vіn vykonany whole sumly.

7. Nine knowledge.<…>

All my speeches are hopeless.<…>

8. I ask the Radiansky Order to take it to respect, that I am not a political fiend, but a writer and that I have seen all my products from the Radian scene.<…>

9. I ask the Order of the SRSR to punish me for terminating my SRSR escort with my squad, Lyubov Evgenivna Bulgakov.

10. I turn to humanity radianska vlady And I ask me, a writer, who cannot be corrupted at home, in the Fatherland, to generously let him go free.

11. As well as those that I have written, inconsistently, and call me on my daughter's mov- ment in the SRSR, I ask the Radyansk Order to give me a job for a fah and send me to the theater for a job as a full-time director.<…>

My name is crushed on the floor with odiousness, that the propositions of the robots from my side chimed in, not respecting those who in Moscow have a majestic number of actors and directors, and with them the directors of theaters, good in the house of my virtuosity of the stage.<…>

I ask about being recognized as a laboratory assistant-director until the 1st Art Theater - until best school, honored by maisters K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Since I am not to be recognized as a director, I am asking for a regular position as an extra. I can't be an extra, I'm asking for a landing of a working stage.

Even though it’s impossible, I ask the Radyansky Order to incriminate me as if I know we’ll need it, but as if to incriminate me, the playwright, who wrote 5 p’s, known in the SRSR and behind the cordon, obviously, at the given moment — bіdnіst , street that death.

Worthy of praise ochіkuvani and nespodіvani for the writer buv vіdguk - zvіnok І. V. Stalin, April 18, 1930.

This was a lack of food. Ale Mikhailo Opanasovich Shvidko vіdpovіv: "I've been thinking a lot about it, and I'm aware that a Russian writer can't write with the fatherland." Stalin said: “I think so. Well, what then, join the theater? - "That I want bi." - "Wu yaky?" - “At the Artistic. Ale, they won’t accept me there.” Stalin said: “Submit your application again. I think you will be accepted." For the first year, singsongly, having sung a call from the Art Theater. Mikhail Opanasovich was asked for pratsyuvati " 1 .

However, the principle camp of M. Bulgakov did not change, a lot of his speeches continued to be left behind the fence, he died, having not even published a lot of his works.

Before rest days I went to work on the head book - the "zahіdnim" novel "Maister and Margarita". On February 13, 1940, the writer rose up to dictate amendments to the text of the novel.

M. Bulgakov died on 10 February 1940 at the age of 16 39 hvilin. The urn with the ashes of the writer was buried at the Novodevichy Tsvintary.

Radyansk literature

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov


BULGAKOV, MIKHAILO AFANASIOVICH (1891-1940), Russian writer. Born on May 3 (15), 1891, at Kiev in the family of a professor of the Kiev Theological Academy. Family traditions were conveyed by Bulgakov in the novel The Bila Guards (1924) in the depicted way of the Turbine house. In 1909, after graduating from high school in Kiev, Bulgakov joined the medical faculty of Kiev University. In 1916, having finished his diploma, he worked as a doctor near the village of Mikilsk, Smolensk province, then near metro Vyazma. The defeat of quiet fates became the basis for the cycle of evangelization Notes of a young doctor (1925-1926).

Even as a student, Bulgakov, having started writing prose, is more importantly tied to medical topics, that is, by zemstvo medical practice. Following the advice of my sister, in 1912, roci vin showed їy rozpovid about a white fever. After the Zhovtnevoi revolution of 1917, Bulgakov, together with T. Lapp's retinue, turned from Vyazma to Kiev. Crooked underlines, becoming a sign of some wines, if the place passed either to blacks, then to whites, then to petliurists, formed the basis of some yoga creations (explained by Ya vbiv, 1926 and іn, the novel The Bila Guards). If in 1919 the Volunteer Army went to Kiev, the Volunteer Army of the Whites, Bulgakov was mobilized and like a military doctor, he went to the Pivnichny Caucasus.

Vikonuyuchi obov'yazki likar, Bulgakov continued to write. In 1924, in the Autobiography of wines, he wrote: “Like a night, in 1919, in the dead of autumn, having written a little explanation first. At the city, in a yak, having dragged me out of the train, I went to the editorial office of the newspaper. They abused yoga there. Then they scolded the feyletons.” Bulgakov's first feuilleton in the Grozny newspaper in 1919, giving a zhorstka and a clear picture of the current writer of the suspense-political and economic state of Russia (“it’s like that, you want to close it”), and of the future country. Bulgakov transferred the inevitable payment of the war and the evil "for the madness of the days of Zhovtnev, for the independence of the soldiers, for the dispossession of the workers, for Brest, for the shalen koristuvannya with verstats for the embezzlement of pennies ... for everything!" The pismennik does not believe in the “purify the power” of the revolution, bachachi її important notes for suspіlstva. Having fallen ill with typhus, Bulgakov did not dare to deprive Vladikavkaz of the Volunteer Army at once. Try to vibrate with Radyansk Russia by sea through Batum also did not succeed. I spent a good hour of wine near Vladikavkaz, earning my life with theatrical reviews and writing on the prayers of the city theater with songs (like a year of poverty). In 1921 Bulgakov arrived in Moscow. Pochav pіvpratsyu z kіlkom newspapers and magazines like a feuilletonist. Create different genres by publishing in the newspaper “Forward”, which was published in Berlin. At the newspaper "Gudok" Bulgakov spivpratsyuvav іz a whole pleiad of writers - І. Babel, I. Іlfom ta Є. Petrovim, V. Kataevim, Yu. Olesh. The defeat of this period was taken by Bulgakov in the novel Notes on the Cuffs (1923), which was seen in the life of a writer. The main hero is, in fact, a human being, like before Bulgakov, who came to Moscow to start living “from pure Arkush”. Necessity to write mediocre p'esu in order to "fit in" in a new life, cherish the hero, recognize your connection with the colossal culture, like for a new one in Pushkin. The story of the Devil (1925) became its own continuation of the Notes on the Cuffs. Її head hero, "Little Man" Korotkov, leaning in the midst of the phantasmagoric life of Moscow in the 1920s and becoming a chronicler. In Moscow, there are other stories by Bulgakov, written by the circus, - Fatal Eggs (1925) and Heart of a Dog (1925, publ. 1968). In 1925, Bulgakov published in the magazine "Rosiya" the novel "Bila Guards" (an inaccurate version), and worked on it more often in Vladikavkaz. The tragedy of the hromada war, which is played out in the native writer of Kiev (in the novel - Misto), is shown as a tragedy not only to the people as a whole, but also “well taken” by the Turbin intellectuals and their close friends. Bulgakov from penetrating kohanny rozpoviv about the atmosphere of a quiet booth, in which "to write with the heat of the painted kahli" and people live who love one another. Heroes of the novel, Russian officers, all the time feel honor and worthiness. At the beginning of the publication of the novel, Bulgakov began to work on the p'esoy, thematically and thematically connected with the White Guard and arbitrarily taking away the name of the Days of Turbines (1926). The process of creating descriptions by the author in the Theater novel (Notes of the deceased, 1937). P'esa, yaku Bulgakov reworked the kilka once, bula was not a staging of the novel, but an independent dramaturgical tvir. The performance Days of Turbines, premiered in 1926 at the Moscow Art Theater, was a great success with the viewers. Vistava vitrimala 987 vistava. Nezabara after the Days of Turbine Bulgakov, having written two satirical poems about the life of Radyansk in the 1920s - Zoyka's apartment (1926, two rockies played on the Moscow stage), Crimson Island (1927, taken from the repertoire of the song after a kilkoh pershav) (1928). For example, in the 1920s, Bulgakov succumbed to the attacks of official criticism. On the cob of the 1930s on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater there was less than yoga staged dead souls Gogol; P'esa about Molière The cabal of the holy man (1930-1936) for some time went into the "corrected" version, and then it was fenced. By the birch 1930 Bulgakov turned to Stalin and the Radyansky order with a sheet, in which he asked either to give him the opportunity to visit the SRSR, or to allow him to earn a living in the theater. A month later, Stalin phoned Bulgakov and allowed him to work, after which the writer took the post of director's assistant at the Moscow Art Theater. Ale, create a writer, as before, they were not published. In 1936, Bulgakov began translating and writing a libreto for the Great Theater, as well as engraving for some performances of the Moscow Art Theater. In 1938, having written p'esa Batum, the central figure as if becoming a young Stalin, ale p'esa was fenced. At the same time, Bulgakov wrote a novel, first written in 1929. The first version (according to the official appointment of the writer, “the novel about the devil”) was executed by him in 1930. In 1934, the first edition of the text was created, which, in 1937, was called Meister and Mar . For this hour Bulgakov is already mortally ill, deyaki the head of the novel of wine dictating squads, Oleny Bulgakov. The work on the novel was completed in the fierce fate of 1940, a month before the death of the writer. For the fates of the work on Maistrom and Margarita, the author's concept of the subject has changed - from a satirical novel to a philosophical work, in a satirical line, it is no longer a warehouse folding compositional whole. The text of the impersonal associations is named after Goethe's Faust, from whom the epigraph was taken before the novel that name of Satan - Woland. Evangelical histories are artistically recreated by Bulgakov at the hands, which are "a novel among novels" - Maystra's tweet about Pontius Pilate and Joshua Ha-Notsri. Bulgakov tried to publish the novel, but in 1967 the novel appeared in the magazine Moskva. The publication has become the most important cultural event. A lot of phrases from the novel (“Manuscripts do not burn”; “ Apartment catering only zіpsuvav їх "and ін) moved into the category of phraseological units. Bulgakov died near Moscow on 10 February 1940.

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov is a Russian writer, theater director, actor, known to the whole world. Date of birth 3 (15) May 1891. Born in the city of Kiev, in the homeland of the professor.

After graduating from high school in 1909, he joined the Kiev University at the Faculty of Medicine. Already in 1916, having taken off the diploma of a doctor. Pratsyuvav near the village of Mikilsk, Smolensk province, after that, near the city of Vyazma. Like a student, having begun to write, create, pov'yazanі z medicine.

To Kiev, having turned from the place of Vyazma, immediately after the Zhovtnevoy revolution (1917) from the retinue of Tetyana. Podії quiet hours are reported in (reported "I've beaten" 1926, in the novel "Bila Guard"). In 1919, he was mobilized by a military doctor, in the death of the White Guard, and went to the Pivnichny Caucasus.

As a doctor, Bulgakov continued to write. The first yoga feuilleton "Coming Perspectives" was published with the initials of M. B. in the newspaper "Grozny" in 1919.

In 1920, I fell ill with typhus, it was time for the Volunteer Army to enter. Trying to get out of Russia through Batum, by sea, but it didn’t go. At the city of Vladikavkaz, having seen, having begun to see their first dramatic practices. He moved to Moscow in 1921 and started working as a feuilletonist.

At the beginning of the 1930s, on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater (Moscow Art Academic Theatre), there was only one performance of Gogol's "Dead Souls". In 1936, Bulgakov began translating and creating a libretto for productions at the Great Theater, as well as engraving at other performances of the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1938, having written the song "Batum", the fate of the wines was blocked as a huge read. At the same time, having written a novel, which began in 1929, that first version (after the author’s appointment of Yogo, as the author, “a novel about the devil”) was reduced by 1930.

20 century. This particularity adds to this day a great interest in the side of prosperity. The writer, having earned similar respect not only for his dastardly creations, but also for his own lives. The life of yoga was unforgivable. Biography of Mikhail Opanasovich repeatedly experienced anger and falling, repeatedly came black days, but did not fall into vіdchay, and from these situations came out with his head held high.

The pismennik was born on the cob of May 1891 and was the eldest child of her. Usyogo had five children with him. Yogo father was a professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy. If Bulgakov graduated 9 years old, he started his studies at the Oleksandrivsk gymnasium, and passed through all the years. Gymnasium gave you good lighting, in a different way, it could not have been, even if the best enlightenment from the Polytechnic Institute and Kiev University was added to it. Having finished my apprenticeship at the gymnasium, I entered the apprenticeship to Kyiv University without any problems. Obirayuchi faculty, Mikhailo Opanasovich zrobiv vibіr on mediocrity of the medical.

In 1914, roci. Vaughn found Mikhail Bulgakov still a student. The first months of the war took part in the organization of a hospital for soldiers and officers of the Russian army. In 1915, Bulgakov worked as a doctor-surgeon at the front-line places. Through the river, in the autumn of 1916, I will win a medical diploma. Mikhail Opanasovich is assigned to serve as a zemstvo doctor in the Smolensk province, near Mikilsky village. Vіdpratsyuvshi here rіk, boulo was transferred to the service to Vyazma, de pratsyuvav at the mіstsevіy mіskіy likarni. Being at Vyazma, I began to write my first admonitions.

The theme for the description of the young writer was a likar's life. 1918 the fate of Bulgakov's health improved. Z tsієї cause yogo was called from Vyazmi. Now, together from the retinue, they go to Kiev and are engaged in private medical practice. At the "place of the cob of the Russian land", the young author becomes a fleeting witness to the hromadyan war. Kiev has changed a lot in a short hour, passing from hand to hand of the opposing sides. Either they took Kiev, then red ones. Podії tih days were celebrated on Bulgakov's deep hostility, the idea of ​​the novel "The Bila Guard" was born at the same time.

In the middle of 1919, Bulgakov was mobilized to the Volunteer Army. Serve yoga was ruled to Vladikavkaz. Here I worked at the hospital, I spent a little time at the hospital, then I fell ill with typhus, I spent a few months at the hospital. Having warned in the face of ailment, I recognized that the Volunteer Army in Vladikavkaz was no longer there. Bulgakov's life flared up by 180 degrees, and the rest of the time he lost his drug activity and put his life away from literature. The creatives of Mikhail Opanasovich are actively friends with the local press. Immediately, the wine is engaged in the organization of concerts and on the right of the theater. Before leaving Vladikavkaz, Bulgakov's authorship included such rhetoric, such as "Self-defence", "The Turbin Brothers", Paris Commune", "Sini Mully".

Mikhailo Bulgakov feared for his life. Serving in the Volunteer Army, hardly could be worthy of the new radian power. The author of the poem emigruvati - from Vladikavkaz to Batumi, the stars were planning to reach Constantinople by sea. And from the ancient Byzantine place, we went to France. These plans were not destined to come about through different furnishing. Now yoga path is lying near Moscow.

In Moscow, the Bulgakovs are friends in the newspapers “Gudok” and “Robitnik”, publish writers and writers and magazines - “Rosiya”, “Renaissance”. Having started living in Moscow, you go out and do things like: “Notes on the Cuffs”, “Crimson Island”, “Fatal Eggs”, “Diaboliad”, “Dog's Heart”, “Zoyka's Apartment”.

In 1925, the “Bila Guard” was first published. The new tvir of Bulgakov, having shown a strong hostility to the public. Through river, a one-men performance was staged at the Moscow Art Theater. Vistava called out like a storm of positive ones, and a storm of negative ones. Mikhail Opanasovich was called by the envoys from the White Guards and the bourgeoisie. Behind him the ranks of the NKVS were set up and carried out raids.

After 1927 the works of Mikhail Bulgakov ceased to be friendly, censorship improved. The clerk leaned back at the twisted station, no work, no pennies. In 1930, roci vin wrote a letter to Stalin, in which to ask either to take him to work in the theater, or to allow him to emigrate. he telephoned Bulgakov and allowed the writer to work at the Moscow Art Theater.

At the theater, Mikhailo Opanasovich worked until 1936, at the plantation of an assistant director. At qi roki vin pratsyuvav tirelessly. Do it like this, like: Adam and Eve, The Life of Pan Molière, The Kabbalah of the Holy. "Oleksandr Pushkin". A lot of these creations were rejected by censorship. Bulgakov grievously experiencing his "failures".

Z Moscow Art Theater Mikhailo Bulgakov Great theater, having worked as a translator and librettist. Here I create a song "Batum". P'isa rozpovidaє about the youth of comrade Stalin. Unfortunately, the show was vetoed. Experiences have choked the soul of the author, on which aphids, old sores have become aggravated. A month before his death, Mikhailo Panasovich completed his most famous novel "Maister and Margarita", which wrote a novel for more than 20 years. Mikhailo Bulgakov died on 10 February 1940.

A lot of Bulgakov's works were published only after his death. Mikhailo Opanasovich is a vivid example of how talented people are underestimated for life, and after death they become popular, gaining a wild recognition of that love. Possibly, yakbi Bulgakov is alive not for hours of cruel censorship, that strangulation of reason, free-thinking, then our bookish police would stand richly more books that talented Russian writer.

Bulgakov Mikhailo Opanasovich (1891-1940), writer, playwright.

Born on May 15, 1891. in Kiev, in a rich and friendly homeland, a professor, a graduate of the Kiev Theological Academy. After graduating from the gymnasium, at the age of 16, Bulgakov entered the medical faculty before the university.

Spring 1916 “A warrior of a militia of a different order” Yogo was let out of the university and sent to one of the Kiev hospitals. In the same fate, the future writer, having taken off the first confession and in the autumn, arrived to the small zemstvo likarnia of the Smolensk province, near the village of Mikilsk. Here I began to write the book “Notes of a Young Doctor” - about the deaf Russian province, de powders against malaria, prescribed for the day, forging in the bag, people living under the bush, and putting gyrchichniks on top of the casing ... Until then, the student turned into a dear countryman , in the Russian capital, podії began, for ten years they appointed the share of the country. “I’m right that I’m trying to live without stopping yoga,” Bulgakov wrote on December 31, 1917. sisters.

1918 Vіn turning to Kiev. The winds of Petliurivtsiv, Blogvardiytsiv, Bolsheviks, Hetman P. P. Skoropadsky roamed through the town. For example sickle 1919 Bolsheviks, occupying Kiev, shot hundreds of handguards. Bulgakov, who earlier by hook or by crook was unique in his mobilization, stepping out with the big ones. In the fierce 1920, when the evacuation of the Volunteer Army began, he called typhus. Otyamivsya Bulgakov at Vladikavkaz, occupied by the Bolsheviks. The coming fate of the wines moved to Moscow.

Here, one by one, three satirical stories with fantastic plots appear: “The Devil”, “Fatal Eggs” (offended in 1924), “Dog's Heart” (1925).

Bulgakov worked with the editorial office of the newspaper "Hudok" and wrote the novel "Bila Guards" - about the family that broke up, about the past fates of the "careless generation", about the mass war in Ukraine, about the suffering of people on earth. The first part of the novel was published in the magazine "Rosiya" in 1925, but the magazine was closed without a hitch, and the novel - maybe for 40 years - was judged to be left unfinished.

In 1926 Bulgakov staged "Bila Guards". "Days of Turbines" (that's how the song is called) was staged with great success at the Moscow Art Theater and came out of the stage with an ear of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war, if under the bombardments the scenery of vistavi perished

"Proletarian" playwrights and critics jealously stalked the successes of the talented "bourgeois voice" and lived through all the steps before they had already staged songs ("Zoyka's Apartment", 1926, and "Crimson Island", 1927) were taken , and the well-written "Big" (1928) and "The Cabal of the Saints" (1929) did not light up the lamps. (Only in 1936, the play “The Cabal of the Saints” under the name “Molière” appeared on the stage of the Art Theater.)

Born on May 15, 1891 near Kiev. Batko - Opanas Ivanovich Bulgakov (1859-1907), professor, mother - Varvara Mikhailivna (1869-1922), graduate student. In 1909 he graduated from the Persha Kiev gymnasium. In 1913, the roci became friends with Tetyana Lappe. 1916 graduated from the medical faculty of Kiev University. In spring 1921, the year moved to Moscow. In 1925, the brothers suddenly became friends, on Lyubov Bilozersk. In 1932, the brothers became friends with Olena Shilovsky. There were no children. He died on 10 February 1940 at the age of 48 years. Funeral at the Novodevichy Tsvintary in Moscow. The main works: "Maister and Margarita", "Dog's Heart", "Fatal Eggs" and others.

Short biography (details)

Mikhailo Bulgakov is a prominent Russian writer and playwright, author of many works. Born on May 15, 1891 in Kiev at the same time as an assistant professor, a professor of the Kiev Theological Academy. V_n was the eldest child in the family, de, Crimea, there were six more children. After graduating from the Persha Kyiv gymnasium, Mykhailo, continuing his family traditions, having entered the medical faculty at the Kyiv University. About the way of life in yoga sim'ї vіn pіznіshe write in the novel "Bila Guards" and "Days of Turbines", and about student's fates - in the cycle of explanation "Notes of a young doctor".

In 1913, a future writer became friends with Tetyana Lappe. The young friend had three financial problems;

Under the hour of the first light Hromadyan war Vіn pratsyuvav front-line doctor. Since 1917, the writer became a rock, taking morphs, on the back with a jubilant method, and then regularly. In 1920, there were relapses for typhus. In 1921, he moved to Moscow, where he worked as a feuilletonist in some newspapers and magazines in the capital. In 1923, roci vin buv zahranovaniya to Spіlka pishnikіv. Unforgettable wines suddenly make friends, on Lyubov Bilozersky.

In 1926, the Moscow Art Theater successfully staged the song "The Days of Turbine", as it suited Stalin better. The same fate in the Theater im. Vakhtangov held the premiere of the play "Zoyka's apartment", how small a great success. On the other hand, the creativity of the writer received sharp criticism from the side of the Radian press. At the age of Bulgakov, the winemaker conceived the creation of the novel "Maister and Margarita".

In 1929, the roci of a new sergeant with Olena Shilovsky, as in 1932, the roci became the third and remaining squad of the writer. Regardless of those who Bulgakov had three friends, no children.

Until 1930, rich p'esi stopped playing and putting on stage. If I stumbled at the twisted material camp, then I turned back to Stalin. Nezabar yogo zarahuvali to the Central Theater of robotic youth as a director. And in 1932, at the Moscow Art Theater, he successfully staged a performance by Gogol's "Dead Souls". On the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, he acted as an actor. Having described his work in the theater of wines, he described “Notes of the Dead” or “Theatrical Romance” at the work. In 1939, the writer worked on the song "Batum" about Josip Stalin, as well as on the libreto "Rachel".

The same way, my colleagues made a trip to Georgia, after my health deteriorated sharply. Turning around, he began to dictate to the squad the remaining version of the novel "Maister and Margarita".

Mikhailo Bulgakov died on the 10th of Birch, 1940 at the 48th anniversary of the year and was buried at the Novodevichy Tsvintar in Moscow.

Video of a short biography (for those who care about hearing better)

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