Box of dead souls. Character history. Pleasure with Chichikov

§2. Box Image

Nastasya Petrivna Korobochka is a helper, the widow of a kolezky secretary, a charitable woman of a frail age. The village is not large, but everything is in order, the state of rozkvitaє i, maybe, bring indiscretions of income. The box visibly sees Manilov: she knows all her villagers (“... she didn’t keep daily notes, no lists, but she knew all the reminders”), she talks about them as if about good ancestors (“all the glorious people, all the ancestors”). by viewing: Gogol N.V. Collection of works in eight volumes.- (Library "Vognik": vitchiznyana classics) - V.5. "Dead Souls". The first volume. - M., 1984.), she herself is engaged in government - "she fixed her eyes on the housekeeper", "gradually all moved to the state life." Calling on those who, vipituyuchi Chichikov, who are so guilty, out of control of quiet people, with whom they constantly collaborate: a layman, merchants, archpriest, - when the connection is small and pov'yazane, head rank, sovereign rights - trade and trade giveaways.

Mabut, the won ryzzhazhas in the Mosto I do not spit with the susyds, that on the nestanna about the manilov vidovyda, the so -so -namn, I nazivni noble, yaki doresicistical comedyers, kanapov, kanapov, kanapov, kanapov, kanapov, kanapov. In this row, there is the nickname Svinin, to draw a direct parallel with Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" (Mother and Uncle Mitrofanushka - Svinini).

Korobochka’s behavior, її retiring to the guest “father”, serve the pragnonny (Chichikov calling himself a nobleman), often, rule on the nіchlіg more beautifully - all characteristic rice images of provincial assistants among the works of the XVIII century. This is how Mr. Prostakov behaves, if it is known that Starodum is a nobleman and adopted at court.

The box, it would seem, is godly, in the її promos the orders are gradually chiming in and the words are characteristic of a believing person: “We have a hell of a power!”, “Mabut, God is in the early morning and sent yoga”, but there is no special faith in it. If Chichikov entices them to sell the dead villagers, claiming a win, then it will be better and start to “probate” the win. The entrusted special box is the son of the archpriest, who serves at the city.

The only rozvaga of the helper, if she is not occupied by the state, the fortune-telling on the cards - “she thought of nothing to guess on the cards after the prayer ...”. That evening she spent as a servant.

The portrait of Korobochka is not on the floor of reports, like the portraits of other helpers and nibi stretched: on the back of his head, Chichikov can smell the “hoarse woman’s voice” of the old servant; then “I am a woman again, young for a lot of money, but even more similar to her”; if yoga was carried out in the room and vn vstig looked around, the pani disappeared - “a woman of a frail age, in a sleeping chip, put on our hair, from a flannel on a shii, ...”. The author underlined the old age of Korobochka, gave Chichikov to himself directly calling her old. The old-fashioned look of the gentleman of the lie does not particularly change - the sleeping cap is only known: but on shiї everything was so self-imposed” (the fashion of the end of the 18th century is fishyu, that is a small braid, as if it often curved the neckline and the ends were climbed from the wool of the cloth. The costume in Russian artistic culture 18 - the first half of the 20th century: Encyclopedia / Under the editorship of T.G. Morozova, V.D. Sinyukov. - M., 1995. - P. 115).

The author's description, as if following the portrait of the gentleman, on one side underlines the type of the character, on the other - gives the final description: ), beaten and trim the head of the sprat on the head, and at the same time collect the giblets of the pennies from the pistryadovі Pestryad - fabrics from excess yarn of a different kind, homespun cloth (Kirsanova) bears, placed in chests of drawers. In one teddy bear they take mustaches of calico, in the other twilight, in the third chetvertachka, even if you look at it, you can’t see anything in the chest of drawers, cream of whites, that night blouses, those of thread hanks, that of a ripped coat. outer garment s hutra and rich fabrics, which wijshla z modi even before 1830; the name "salopnitsa" may be an additional sign "old-fashioned" (Kirsanova). Maybe, with the help of the method, Gogol created a coat as an indispensable attribute of such maids. , We can then turn into cloth, as if it were old, somehow, it’s necessary to burn out at the hour of the liver of Christmas cakes with all sorts of yarns. but look at yourself. But do not burn the cloth and do not open it by itself; thrifty grandmother ... ". Korobochka is the same, that Chichikov once does not stand on ceremony and goes to the right.

An important role in the image of the helper is played by the description of the apartment and the improvement of the room at the booth. This is one of the approaches to the characteristics of the character, like Gogol's portrayal in "Dead Souls": the image of the helpers is formed from the same set of descriptions and artistic details - materials, stones, details of the inter'єru or significant objects, non-management total resentment, like in Sobakevich, to the point of proposition Plushkin paska and wine), manners and behavior of the ruler for an hour of business negotiations and after them, setting up to an unimaginable please meagerly.

Maёtok Korobochki vіdrіznâєєє mіtsnіstyu i satisfaction, it's obvious that there's garna master. The door, on which the vіkna of the kіmnati go, the birds fill it with “every domestic creature”; in the distance you can see the city with the "governor's sheep"; fruit trees covered with firrings in the form of birds, it can be seen that it has fallen on the poles - “on one of them there was a cap of the master herself.” The village huts also demonstrate the prosperity of their meshchants. In a word, the government of Korobochka is clearly flourishing and bringing in a sufficient income. That same village is not small - there are a lot of souls.

The description of the maєtku is divided into two parts - at night, in the evening, and in the day. The first description of mischief, motivated by the fact that Chichikov fell in the dark, under the hour of a strong dosch. And yet, in this part of the text, there is also an essential artistic detail, which, in our opinion, may be significant for a further discourse, - the mystery of the wild fork of the booth: “Zupinilas<бричка>in front of a small hut, which it was important to look through the darkness. Only half of the yogo bula was illuminated by the light that came out of the windows; you can see the boulder in front of the booth, as if directly hitting that very light. Chichikova chirps and barks the dogs, which tells about those "that the village was more orderly." Vikna budinka is the eye of its own kind, and the eye, as it seems, is the mirror of the soul. To that, those who Chichikov pid'zhdzhaє to a booth in the dark, only one day and light from a new fall into a kaluzha, to speak, more for everything, about the miserliness of domestic life, about the orientation to the one її bіk, about the earthiness of the master of the aspiration .

The "Daytime" description, as it was said earlier, reinforces the very one-sidedness of the inner life of the Box - directing it more towards the government's activity, dbaylivost and charitableness.

At short description The room in front of us looks like the old time of their construction: “the room was hung with old swarthy trellises; pictures with imaginary birds; between the windows are old-fashioned small mirrors with dark frames near a curled-up leaf; Behind a looking-glass, there is a boule or a leaf, or an old deck of cards, or a panchokhi; this year's anniversary with painted quotations on the dial ... ". In his entire description, two features are clearly visible - modern and artistic. First, vikoristovuyutsya synonyms "old", "old" and "old"; in a different way, a collection of objects, like Chichikov’s eyes trap for an hour of a short look, so he points to those that people, like lingering in such rooms, are more turned to the past, lower to the ninth. It is important that here a few times the flowers are guessed (on the dial of the anniversary, leafing on the frames of the mirrors) and birds. If you guess the history of the interior, you can say that such a “design” is sabotaging the Rococo era, tobto. for the other half of the XVIII century.

In the episode, they gave a description of the stone and added one more detail, as if confirming the “old times” of life Boxes: Chichikov revealing lines on the wall, two portraits - Kutuzova and “like an old one with red cuffs on his uniform, like they sewed for Pavel Petrovich

In the wake of the purchase of "dead" souls, the whole essence and character of the Box is revealed. On the back of the head, it’s impossible to understand why Chichikov wants to see her - the villagers died, do not care for the owner’s valuables, they can’t be the subject of a sale. If there is a mind, that the favor can be seen for her, then after changing the others - take the maximum benefit from the sale: even if you want to buy the dead, then stink if you want to bargain. So the dead souls melt for her in one row of spinning, honey, bacon and lard. But still, she sold everything else (as we know, it’s good to get it), but on the right, she’s new and unknown. Spratsovuє bazhannya is not cheap: “I started to be very afraid, as if I had inflated її tsey shopper”, “I’m afraid of the back, so that I won’t know the sbitkіv. It’s possible for you, my father, to deceive me, but the stink of that ... stink more like standing”, “I’m a little budding, maybe the merchants will get stuck, she’ll stagnate to the price”, “in the state, I’m supposed to have a good time…”. You won’t bring out Chichikov from yourself, like a roaring for easy work. Here I blame the epithet, as if it reflects the reality not only of Korobochka, but of the whole type of similar people - the "cudgel head". The author explains that neither the rank nor the station in the household is the reason for such power, “clubhead” is a much wider phenomenon: “the second and most important, and the most powerful man. and Korobochka finished going out on the road. If you cut something in your head, then you won’t overpower it with anything; don’t show any arguments, clear like day, everything looks like a new one, like a humic ball looks like a wall.

The box is the weather, if the Chichikov is Propon, the same, Zrozumilu, - Kazenni Pіdradi, Tobto sovereign shook for the supplier, Yak Kobre paid for the billed vigidne for the rim of his stabillestya.

The author of the episode of the auction ended with a vague remark about the breadth of this type of people: Chi is so great prirva, sho vіdokremlyuє її vіd sister її, unattainably fenced by the walls of an aristocratic booth with overspread chavunny descents, syuchaya middle, chervonim tree and kilims, scho pozikhaє for unread book thoughts about what to borrow for the laws of fashion for this day, thoughts not about those who rush into the її booth and in її shirts, confused and embarrassed zavdyaki ignorance of the master's justice, but about those, what a political coup is about to take in France, what a fashionable direct Catholicism." The setting of the gentleman, sympathetic and practical Boxes with a useless secular lady is afraid to think, what is the “sin” of the Boxes, chilki її “cudgel-headed”?

Later, perhaps, a sprig of the image of the Box was assigned to the sensation - an insertion of її "cudgel-headed", tobto. stuck on one thought, the same impossibility to look at the situation from different sides, the obscurity of thought; zіstavlennya zі zvichno-vitverzhenoyu zhіttya svіtskoї ї zhіnki; clearly panuvannya past at all, scho ossuetsya cultural stock life of people, sho vtіlyuyutsya in fashion, іnter'єri, movlennі etiquette rules for the promotion of other people.

Chi vipadkovo, why do Chichikov get to Korobochka after confusion along the wild and dark roads, at night, when I finish the hour? It is possible to hang down, so that the details metaphorically bring out the character of the image - the essence of spirituality (darkness, rare glare of light from the window) and lack of purpose - in the spiritual and moral plan - stray) right and left). So a logical conclusion to the food about the "grih" of the helper will be the daily life of the soul, the heart of which burns to one point - far past, if it is still alive, the sky-man, who is loving, so that before going to bed you shackled five. A year-old man, which forcibly lasts a year, flies, like waking Chichikov's lie, the confusion of the roads to the mother, the presence of callous contacts in the light of the world - all this confirms our point of dawn.

In such a rank, Korobochka instills such a camp of the soul, in which life burns to a single point and is abandoned here far behind, in the past. To that the author blatantly, that the Box is old. It’s impossible for her to be, later, and to be born, then. ignite life to the fullest buttya, he was not sued.

The reason for this is in the mindless life of a woman in Russia, in her traditional camp, but not in the social, but in the psychological. The introduction of a secular lady and details, like talking about how Korobochka spends the “free hour” (magic on the cards, curses according to the state) reflects the life of any kind of intellectual, cultural, spiritual life. Let the reader explain the reasons for this becoming a woman of that soul in Chichikov’s monologue after a beautiful unknowing woman, if the hero is peaceful, what is it like to see a pure and simple girl and how “trash” comes out of her.

"Dubinogolovist" Boxes also take a more precise meaning: not transcendental practicality, but mercantile spirit, but secularity to the mind, as it signifies one or one thought, or reconciliation and є inherited zagalnoї obmezhennosti life. Korobochka, the “club-headed” itself, did not leave the thought about the possible deceit at Chichikov’s side, and came to the place of popskavitsya “for the sake of those dead souls”, becoming one of the reasons for the collapse of the hero’s adventure and a stream of yogo from the place.

Why does Chichikov eat the aftermath of Manilov to the Korobochka and to the Zustrichi from Nozdrevim? As it was said earlier, the sequence of images of helpers will be two lines. The first one is low: the foot of the “griha” is more important for the skin offensive depression, the distance for the camp of the soul of the grandfather is more to lie on the people. A friend is a dream: how can a character revive that “resurrection” soul?

Manilov lively to finish it "vіdkrito - appear at the city, present at evenings and gatherings, collaborating, but life is similar to a sentimental novel, which means it's illusory: it's more like a guess and a callousness, and a hero of those people, and a sentimental romance creative, fashionable on the cob of the nineteenth century. You can guess about yoga past good lighting, lack of state service, service, friendship, that life from the family of the mother. Manilov does not understand that this reason is not related to reality, you should be aware that the life of yoga is not so, as it may be, you cannot. If you draw a parallel with the Dante's "Divine Comedy", then the sinners of the first stake are more guilty, the sin of such a lie is in the fact that the stench of the unbaptized is not a pagan. And yet the possibility of reviving you is closed for these reasons: your life is an illusion, and you don’t see it.

The box is well zanuren at the light of the material. If Manilov is entirely in fantasies, then out of it - in prose life, moreover, life is intellectual, spiritually led to vociferous prayers and such an ethereal devotion. Obsession with material things, profits, one-sidedness is the life of a girsha, lower fantasies of Manilov.

Could the life of the Box have folded differently? І so і ні. Having poured in a superfluous light, suspense, the furnishings put a beat on her, shattered her inner light in such a way that it was wine. Ale vyhіd still buv - shira faith in God. As far as we can, the very true Christian morality, in the eyes of Gogol, with such a ryativnoy force, as if utrimuu people from spiritual fall and spiritual death. Tom can't get the image of the Box satirical images- one-sidedness, “cudgel-headedness” її already shouting not laughter, but summation of thoughts: “Ah, now, among the unthinking, cheerful, unturbulent whilins, another marvelous strum will sweep by itself in a rapt: and the people, and already with a different light shone with the appearance ... "

Farther away, Zustrich with Nozdrevim - a passerby, a brawler and a shakhrai - shows that more than one-sidedness of life can be dishonorable, ready to be a guide to one's neighbor, sometimes without any reason, and transcendental activity, like not being able to live. For whom the Nozdryov is a kind of antipode of the Box: the deputy of one-sidedness of life is transcendental roaming; Gogol himself, saying: "... One by one, my heroes go one after the other." Vulgarity is a spiritual fall, and the steps of life of vulgarity are the steps of the triumph of death over life in the soul of a person.

Later, in the image of the Box, there are expansions, from the look of the author, a type of people, like they surround their lives with only one sphere, like “sticking with a chomp” at one and not to succumb, and the smut - don’t want to bachiti - nothing, scho . Gogol robs the material sphere - turbota about the state. The box is within reach of this sphere, sufficient for a woman, a widow, to be brought to a decent size by a mother, equal. But the life of the floor is concentrated on what it is, which has no other interests in the future and cannot be. To that, the right life is left in the past, but now, and even more, the future is not life. and less reason.

§3. Artistic detail yak characteristics of the character

Crimea is more important than artistic details, in the episode there are notes on objects, which may be important for understanding the image of the Box.

An important detail is the year of the year: “... the year of the year has come to beat the beat. A hoarseness followed the thorns, and, straining with all their strength, the stench struck for two years with such a sound, as if someone had beaten a club on a beaten mountaineer, after which the pendulum pishov again calmly click right-handed and left-handed. A year-old is a symbol of the hour of the future. The galvanization, I am renewing the deak old age of the year (meaning, at the hour) in the house of Boxes, the same galvanization of life.

Okrim anniversary, the hour of performances and in the promo Korobochka. It is not based on victorian calendar terms for naming dates, but is guided by church folk saints (Christmas time, Pylypiv Pist), characteristic of folk music. It’s not so to say about the closeness of the life of the landlady to the people’s way of life, as about the lack of illumination.

There are two artistic details that are part of the toilet Boxes: a cap on a scarecrow and a panchokha behind a mirror. although it is better to characterize it from a glance, it’s less practical straightness and like a person (even if it could be portrayed as a person), then the role of other details is unclear. You can admit, judging by the row “leaf” - “an old deck of cards” - “panchokha”, that it’s like the name of a girl witch, as it also confirms that Korobochka’s life was lost in the past.

The description of the court and the description of the stone are based on the formation of birds (hens and hens near the yard, “like” birds in the paintings, “indirect hmar” forty and gorobtsiv), also characterize the day of the master of the mother - the soul is down to earth, practicality is the main measure of values.

The promos of Korobochka sound like a spacious and folk vernacular, and the words that are typical for the past era are “advantageous”.

Zagal can be said that the artistic detail in Gogol's poem is a special characterization of the character, adding nuances that implicitly show the essence of the image.

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One of the goals of our work is to understand artistic image To that we can look at the yogo difference of darkness. The artistic image is a category of aesthetics.

N. St. therefore “Dead Souls” wrote Mayzha 17 years. Її the plot of buv indications to the writer A. S. im. Above this creation, having begun the practice of the autumn of 1835, and having ceased to write it, it was no longer possible for the spring of 1842. The same rock "Dead Souls" went to another. Departure from the world's creation viklikav baked super-glasses at the literary stakes. Some of them slandered Russia at that hour and hardened that M.U.

After the publication of "Dead Souls" in early 1842, the fate of the other part of the meal was immediately revealed, and then they planned to write the third part. However, over the continuation, the writer worked up to the end of his life, having written a part to a friend, but the other one was burned. He sings that the first part of life will be like the life of the present day of Russia with usma її shortcomings and problems, such as the bureaucratic system, strength, illusoryness, the consumption of the spiritual cob and richly other. And in the other and third part of the wines, I would like to show those ways, following the way the country could be born and in it the social and economic situation would change. The practice of the whole life of N. V. Gogol became an artistic joke to the image of those people, as if in the future he could become the ruler of a renewed Russia.

Initiating the work on the poem “Dead Souls”, M. U. used the main method to imagine the situation that developed in the court at that hour – the author wants to depict “want all of Russia from one side”. The plot was created by the writer, having inspired Chichikov's good fortune. Taka pobudova storyline allowed the author to tell about the number of helpers - typical representatives of the society at that time. A chapter is dedicated to the skin of the characters, and, moreover, according to Gogol's assertions, the heroes of yoga sing "one vulgar view of another." One of these characters is the helper Korobochka.

Already the very name of the heroine sings metaphorically expresses the whole karkul daylight of her nature - incredulous, perplexed, fearful, upturned, zabobonnoy, sympathetic, rather stingy assistant. The box is “one of quiet mothers, small assistants, like crying for neurosis, churns and trimming the head of a sprat on the head, and at the same time they gather giblets from the mountain ash bears ... In one ... tsіlkoviki, in the next pivtinnichki, in the third quarter.” Її a chest of drawers, near the middle of whiteness, hanks of thread and a ripped cloak to lie small little bags with a penny, guessing the very soul of the Box, її nature. The creation of the household of the helper, the difference in the life of the values ​​and the interests of being christened only by turbot Tse and judges are assistants to Pig and Bobrov, and "there were no number of turkeys and chickens." All the home furnishings, all the speeches in the house of the housekeeper, from one side, show at first hand, in the most naive and evocative manner, the appearance of boxes about calmness and beauty, and on the other hand, they reveal the hostile stinginess. “The room was hung with old swarthy tapestries; pictures with imaginary birds; between the windows are old-fashioned small mirrors with dark frames near a curled-up leaf; Behind a looking-glass, there is a boule or a leaf, or an old deck of cards, or a panchokhi; centenary year with painted quotations on the dial”.

In the image of Korobochka's helper, N. V. insinuated the most sinister human passions, the head of this person, behind the words of the writer, was "cudgel-headed" and greedy. Too bad Korobochka is afraid to go cheap when selling "dead souls", be afraid that Chichikov will not cheat. If you want a helper, secure yourself, so that "as if you don't know the beats." Too wisely enough, The box is taken in, nibi Chichikov is going to dig up the dead from the earth. With no special respect for their allowance, they go out for the zvichka to give Chichikov the honor of "dead souls" honey and hemp, you know the price well. And when it comes to “dead souls”, Korobochka declares: “I’d better bud a little, maybe the merchants will stop, she’ll stagnate to the price.” Then the helper still believes to sell the “souls” through fear and fear, for Chichikov її little did not curse and denounce the devil himself - “that abyss and around your village!”.

In the image of one of the heroines of the “Dead Souls” of the helper of Korobochka, it is laid to complete the typical for that hour special appearance of the “cudgel-headed” obstinacy, which is ossified in its coopie: “the second and most important, and sovereign man, but in truth the Korobochka came out completely. As if you had cut down your own thoughts, then you won’t overpower it with anything. ” Depicting all the household, foolishness and greed of the housekeeper, N. St. tries to show respect for the welfare of those who are strongly affected by vices and those who, in spite of these vices, will be relieved even more, pragmatically to know for the most unfortunate more.

PortraitN. V. Gogol, having created five types, five portraits, only a few of them
one woman - tse Korobochka. Folklore dzherelo tsgogo image - a woman
like the skin of her rich wardrobe she wore to the depths. The box is not
apply for high culture: in every її image it is remembered
imperceptible simplicity. Tse podkresleno Gogol at the level of the heroine:
vin to tell about її zaderty and a little privablivy look.
This is how it is described in creation:
“... Khvilina through the departure of the master, woman
summer rokiv, at my sleeping chip,
clothes, our vidkuruch, with flannel on the neck, one of them is quiet
mothers, small helpers, yaki
cry at neuros, beats that trim your head
sprat nabik, and at the same time to collect
giblets are pennies in pistryadovі bears,
placement in chests of drawers...»

Portrait of Korobochka in the poem "Dead Souls"

Helper, widow, friend
gospodarska that
thrifty, summer
woman. Vaughn knows everything
their villagers, look out
good about them, tim vona i
woke up from Manilov.
reports, like portraits
other helpers.
Vlasnitsa 80 kripakiv


Korobochka Nastasya Petrivna - widow-housekeeper, friend "saleswoman"
dead souls of Chichikov. The name of the heroine is metaphorically speaking
the essence of її nature, thrifty, distrustful, fearful, perplexed,
screwed up, zabobonnoy. Nastasya Petrivna does not sip anything far behind her nose,
all “new that nebuvale” lakaє її. In the image of a box, type
dead people in their living quarters. To belittle the image
practice navit head positive rice helper who became її
I'm addicted - trading activity. Head meta її life - zmіtsnennya
his wealth, uninterrupted accumulation.
Skin people for her - tse usampered
potential buyer. Box may
character: she starts to bargain wildly with
Chichikov, the docks do not turn into a new obіtyanka,
cream shower, buy a bagatto іnshoy. Note,
that the Box remembers all its dead
remind the villagers. Box image miraculous
symbolize the epoch of Mykolaiv, de
istotne value dotrimannya form, but about
zmist not dbali, de ignorant live
soul for the sake of hostility goodness.

Sadiba Boxes

satisfied, it’s obvious that there’s a garna
mister. Door, on which the windows go
kіmnati, zapovneniya birds that "every home
creature"; far away you can see the city
"governor's sheep"; fruit trees
covered with firrings in the form of birds, it is visible and fell on
poles - “on one of them robes buv bonnet
the master herself. Village houses tezh
demonstrate the wealth of their meshkants. In a word,
the dominion of the box is clearly flourishing and
bring a sufficient income. The same one
the village is not small - there are a lot of souls.


Inner light
statehood. She has a "pretty village."
Everything in it is neat and tidy: і budinok, і dvir.
Goloshuєtsya on isolation Boxes, її
closeness and vpertist, drib'yazok,
created interchange of interests
including the power of the state. Її
giving the names of Beavers to the susidam Gogol,
Pig. Navit place roztashuvannya village
Boxes (away from the highway, in
guard the view good life) pointing to
impossibility її corrected that
rebirth. At the state of Korobochki
"There were no number of turkeys and chickens." per
folklore traditions of birds that guess
at the link with the Box (indiki, smoke, magpies,
gorobtsі, pigeons), symbolize foolishness,
mindless squeamishness.


A small house and a great door
її inner light - neat, mimic; and flies everywhere, what in Gogol
zavzhdy suprovodzhuyut caught, sho zupinivsya, internally dead
world. It’s worth talking about a sizzling annual, and “old” portraits on
stand in the booth Boxes.
“... The room was hung with old
swarthy trellises; pictures with yakimis
birds; between old windows small
mirrors with dark frames
burnt leaf; behind the skin mirror
buli mortgages either a sheet or an old deck
cards, chi panchikh; centenary year s
daubed quotations on the dial ... ".
Speeches in a booth Boxes, from one
parties that express її on the outside of the statement about
beautiful beauty, and from the other - її stinginess and
fence around the house roses
(sorcerer on the cards, mending, embroidering that

Cabinet Boxes

Modest rooms,
milk the old
bits of pictures,
smuga trellis,
yearbook on the wall,

Mova Korobochki at the Poem "Dead Souls"

The box was already old and not
zavzhdi shvidko razumіla, for
schob їy vіdpovisti, won
I thought for a long time.

10. Pleasing

"Dubinnogolova" The box understood the benefits of trade and the weather,
the truth is, after a long time. Won't be afraid to sell cheap pid hour the sale of the dead
showers, be afraid, like bi Chichikov without fooling him, if you want to bud, so that "as if you don't know the beats", it's possible that souls in the state need to be.
Adzhe "the product is so wonderful, I don't feel like it" - I think about it
Chichikov maє namіr dig up the dead from the earth. The box is picked up
podsunuti Chichikov zamіst dead souls spinning chi honey. Prices on qi
you know the products.
At her place, krіm bazhannya come and fly
melancholy, no feeling. Box trading
villagers with such diyalnistyu, with which
sell other items of your dominion
For her, there is no difference between the spiritualized and
inanimate essence. Sumnivi (not
chi cheap won?) zmushuyut її
virushit to the place, to find out about the right
the price of the flooring is a marvelous product. Where is Nastasia
Petrivna at the tarantass, similar to a kavun. Tse
one more analogue of the її image, order behind the chest of drawers,
with a screen and little bears, look at the pennies.

11. Gift Boxes for the sale of dead souls

Kolya Chichikov
propoponuvav їy sell
their dead souls,
back off
figured out how you can
vzagali sell,
stink is dead.
The box is the same
Bula Zdivovana, Yak i
Manilov, Yaku

The poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol pronounces to his readers to take away the majesty of the absolutely different and dissimilar heroes. One of the most beautiful and most important characters is Korobochka's helper, and his image is revealed in the third division of creation.

Take the first zustrich of the main character, Chichikov, that Korobochki will be vivacious, if Pavlo Ivanovich, through indignation, travels the road to Sobakevich. Chichikov arrives at Korobochka's mother, to the village, on the side of the main road, and spends the night in it, and so acquaintance begins.

Won bula summer woman, at the sharpening of robes, I will dedicate my life to the state, as if I knew my sadibi. Irrespective of those who have only 80 peasant souls in the її order, її maєtok can boast of a garniture camp: mіtsnі ta look at the houses, strong and healthy men.

Live Korobochka for the sale of products, sold at the її maєtka, for example, honey, hemp. Earn money on someone else, earn money, earn money, earn money on the bottom line of life, love to save money on life, come and underestimate your wealth. The box is quarrelsome, greedy, stingy, to the one who did not care for the guest from the road., distrustful and showing suspicion to people. Tim is no less, Korobochka shows hospitality in his possible state, if you see Chichikov's clean clothes, wash his clothes, straighten the girl, so that she smelled him a p'yat and beat a pillow.

Pomіshchitsa Korobochka picks up and saves moths, all її life - tse sucіlne accumulated, in її garden panuє mustiness. So inter'єr її booth is given to Chichikov to finish the old-fashioned way, he caught the wine here at the hour. Nastasya Petrivna believes in God, and in the devil, sometimes guessing on the cards. If Chichikov slips away, then scatter a lot of flies, so that once again I will be naked in my old age. Little is known about Korobochka, that she is a widow and has no children. At the process of arguing with the assistant, Chichikov begins to come out of his own way, if you want to see more of your mother, so that you can get out of it.

Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol names the oakhead's assistant, because if the sale of dead souls to Pavel Ivanovich won't be able to find out the right price before the place, so that you know, chi was not fooled.

Zagal, being one of the most beautiful images, Nastasya Petrivna is such a simple helper.

Option 2

Poema is represented by the travel of the head character to Russia, the girl is shown with a lot of hardships and problems. The author has shown the native land with hardships, revealing the reason for the important camp of the Russian people and for the help of satire, vikriv wadi in the right way. Mi Bachimo, yak Chichikov, zdіysnyuyuchi pіvdennymi provinces, want to cheaply buy dead krіpakіv, schob shakhraisky rank of wealth and pratsyuvati.

VIN VIDVIDIH RIZNIKH POICHERIV, a middle of the yaks of the box, the yak є is the forgetful of the puffy, ready to trademan all, Chim the soul of the fun, the number of Pokіyni villagers.

Bezgluzda Nastasia Petrivna thinks that she will need to excavate the dead from the graves, but she doesn’t cry. Vaughn maє namіr zrobiti everything in order to take away the wine city. Chichikov, from the first indulgence, having understood the character of the woman, immediately began to speak with her more, lower with Manilov. Vіn navit yelling at her, if Korobochka abstractly heard yoga. Aje in її thoughts to spin alone, but not to see shimmers cheaply, but the decision was not turbulent.

The box is a strain, sir, she lives in a natural state, and at one time she is wise, how pennies get away. Intellect її razvitku bazhaє zalishat the best. You can tell how to save a tree with ripe fruits from birds, but for which it was necessary to work, you can’t explain. Whole її old look talk about those who are not only stupid, but neohaina. Until then, it’s been spovnana with zabobons. A box to believe that all sorts of evil spirits at the witch, as if it could appear in the booth after the night. That promo is slipping away from her different words, power people of religion.

The whole budinok її similar to a box, where there are a lot of old-fashioned speeches. If you marvel at her, then you marvel, Nastasya Petrivna is greedy. She doesn’t have good children, and there aren’t any relatives, to whom she can give all the right things, and whom the soul needed to show. And all the same, you want more and more capital.

Nekorisne accumulated Boxes may be evil. She's accumulating pennies for their own sake, not to be afraid to start selling dead people - abi don't have mercy. All the coins she has are folded in different quarters of the little bear, as if they won’t be available every day. The number of interests she has is also small. It is less likely that you will consult with these people, with whom you will consult with the food of trade.

Slowly, Gogol led us to the point where, like a wealth of riches, a storehouse of capital, the endless exploitation of the villagers beats the soul of the helpers. The stench is looking like a human being. At the image of the Box, showing the new drawings of capitalistic supremacy.

Twir about the helper Korobochka

Gogol's poems can be read on different equals, the author has included various different meanings in his work. As if marveling at Korobochka on top of it, then we have a satire on stupidity and patriarchal devices, a parody on the domesticity of specialness and transcendent practicality, a heroine who marvels at her simplicity.

Gogol reinforces the simplicity of the box in the її promo, as if it were combined with simple and primitive virazes and as if it were naively naked. So, only children or poorly educated people can speak like that without everyday rubbish. The housekeeper does not admire a high mind, but it can gain valuable practical knowledge, the details of the same are indicated, for example, nets, as they save fruit trees.

Later, Gogol describes the posture of a mundane people, ordinary people without romanticization. Whose people can truly be stupid and rude, sit and mirk where the wheel will finish, know how to buy and sell. Whose people do not represent anything to the Crimea of ​​their little world and do not choose to wander, having wandered in the swamp of the banal and primitive reason.

As if marveling at Korobochka in the context of a symbolic row, as the author suggests, then the heroine becomes a kind of mystical figure, as such mystical heroes are like Baba Yaga. The journey to Korobochka is associated for Chichikov with images of death and death in the afterlife. Before arrival, you fall into the ground (an image of being buried), if you slip - flies sit on the guise (like on a corpse) and just walk behind the text, then Gogol practically puts such pressure on the skin phrase.

The box, similar to the charming old Russian fairy tales, sacks on sight and is tied with sweaty forces. In such a read voice, note, in a way you won’t believe (guess on cards, for example) and details of the interior (for example, cards for a fortune teller), take a completely new reading and become your own attributes of a charmer.

Also, Korobochka is the only woman-helper and the figure is seen from the canvas of the helpers, why the image becomes unique and unique.

The image of the helper of the box at the poem "Dead Souls" The third chapter of the poem is dedicated to the image of the Box, like Gogol to bring to quiet "small ladies, like swearing at neurosis, beaten and trimming the head of a sprat, and at the same time picking up pennies' giblets in little bags, which are placed in chests of drawers!" (Abo M. Korobochka є before the sang an antipodes: Manilovska vulgarity to hovy for the ears of the phases, for the mirchanni about the benefit of the Fatherland, and the box has a misery of his natural vigor. The simplicity of the Gogol is Gogol in the callist hero: Vin, in the way, on the own delay, there are little privileges of Vygogy.zi. Simplicity to herself with people. KRIM BAZHANNYA IS IS RIDIMT CONDITIONAL IN THE PAITTITIV. PRIDENNIMS IS IS "dead DUCHMIT". TO TORKED TO THE SELOMI IN THIS INITY INNSHI INEMENTS. just about one thing: the prospect of missing, do not take what you can blame for "dead souls". x Chichikov is cheap. Gogol having rewarded with the epithet of "cudgelhead".) Tsі pennies go to the sale of the most lucrative products of the Nat. Mrs. The box made me think of the benefits of trade and after a long time I was able to convince myself to sell such an unimaginable product, like a dead soul. The image of the hoarding bag Boxes of consolation are already quiet “hot” rice, like Manilov’s teasing. I am again in front of us the type - "one of the quiet mothers, small ladies, yak ... collect offal pennies from the mountain ash bears, placed in chests of drawers." Interests Boxes are more concentrated on the state. "Krіpkolobaya" and "cudgel-headed" Nastasya Petrivna is afraid of going cheap, selling dead souls to Chichikov. Tsikava “no scene”, which is blamed on whom they split. Analogous scenes are known to be in all divisions, which show how Chichikov is arranged with the devil's helper. This is a special artistic technique, a kind of Timchas's zupinka diї: it allows you, with a special opulence, to show the spiritual empty of Pavel Ivanovich and yoga of spirituality. At the end of the third division, Gogol speaks about the typical character of the Korobochka, the insignificance of the difference between her and another aristocratic woman. The helper Korobochka is charitable, "gaining giblets of pennies", she lives closed with her mother, like a box, and її homeliness overgrows with stinginess. Obmezhenistvo and stupidity complete the character of the “cudgel-headed” helper, who distrusts everything new in life. Yakosti, authorities Korobochtsі, types among the middle provincial nobility. Get out of the natural government and trade in everything that is new: bacon, bird feathers, kripak villagers. At її budinka everything is vlashtovano in the old way. Vaughn carefully saves her speech and accumulates pennies, stacking them at the little bear. Everything in it is on the right. The author attaches great respect to the behavior of Chichikov, emphasizing respect for the fact that Chichikov and Korobochka are easier, more friendly, lower with Manilov. This is typical for Russian action, and, leading up to it, the author gives a lyrical entry about the transformation of Prometheus on a fly. The nature of the Box is especially clearly revealed at the stage of purchase and sale. It’s even more afraid of being cheap and trying to shy away the indulgence, which she herself pretends to be: “Raptom of the dead and yourself in the state you need?” . It appears, the stupidity of Boxes, її "cudgel-headed" is not such a rare sight.

Nizdrev- The third assistant, from whom Chichikov tries to buy dead souls. Tse young 35-year-old "balakun, reveler, reckless driver." N. without interruption, bullying everyone without a break; Vіn is even more passionate, ready to “tell” the best friend without any thought. N.'s mustache behavior is explained in a different way: “brisk and lively character”, that is. unstriking, which is between memorylessness. N. does not plan anything; you just don't know anything, come in. On the way to Sobakevich, to the tavern, N. hops on Chichikov and takes him to his mother. There you’ll boil to death with Chichikov: he’s not fit to play cards for dead souls, and you also don’t want to buy a stallion of “Arab blood” and take souls to supplement. In the early morning, forgetting about everything, N. entreats Chichikov to play with him at the checker on a dead soul. Vikrity at Shakhraystvo N. punishes him to beat Chichikov, and only the appearance of the captain-guide will calm him down. N. herself will not ruin Chichikov. Having stumbled with him at the ball, N. shout loudly: "Wine trades in dead souls!" If the officials call out to N., to get to know everyone, the hero confirms everything a little bit, not beating their super-cheerfulness. Pіznіshe vin comes to Chichikov and he himself tells about all the feelings. Mittevo, having forgotten about the head of his image, he propagates generously to help Chichikov bring the governor's donut. The home environment of the whole world evokes the chaotic character of M. Budinka in the new everything is stupid: goats stand in the middle of the distance, there are no books and papers by the office. bud. You can boldly say that N.’s bezbezhny is nonsense - this is the back of Russian employment, like M.’s endowments are superfluous. N. is not completely empty, it’s just that his energy is not streamlined not to know one’s self-sufficient stasis. Z N. in the beginning, low heroes begin, which they saved in their lives. Also, at the “ієrarchії” heroes of the wines, they sit at the same height - the third - the place.

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