Women's judo. From the history of women's judo. Judo can be practiced by women, children, and people of a frail age.

On this year's judo woman, I'm going to take my positions. In Muslim countries, there are sportswomen who are actively involved in this kind of sport and perform at international events.
Bіlya vitokіv women's judo standing himself Jigoro Kano. Vin especially took a judo technique from his future squad Sumako. The stench of 1891 made friends. The servants in their house, around the work of the state, at the same time trained the girls, as if they were going to get to judo. At the Kodokan, the judo section began to work, the truth, on the cob in n_y there were only 5-6 women of the so-called noble march, but the number increased gradually, and in 1931 the circles of the minds were folded and accepted into the women's section (to take an oath). In this way, the Judo of the middle women at the Kodokan took away the official recognition, and in 1934 Kano himself hurriedly voted about the opening of the post-women's section. Jigaro Kano repeatedly said that the flexibility, plasticity and femininity of judoists are more indicative of the spirit of Judo, lower physical resistance of people from strongly developed m'yazami. An experiment, the beginnings of far-seeing Kano from the study of women to a calmly human occupation, vdavsya. The first wave was held at the Kodokan. By the best, starting from 1925 rock, stretching out three rocks, bula Hori Utako. Noritomi Masako, who came to the Kodokan in early 1925, became the author of the popular and widely seen book "Judo for Women". They did not let in the honor of the father's name and the daughters of Jigoro Kano: the elder Watanuko Noriko, who later took part in the judo sector in the Kodokan, and Takazaki Atsuko, who also consecrated the life of the right father. One of the students of Kano Miyagavo Hisako fell asleep at the Sakuragako school. Mustaches of girls were volodarkas of high dans. In 1926, the fate of the Kodokan was officially marked by a woman. Kano always actively calling the women to take up judo and often repeating: "If you want to understand judo in a right way, watch out for the woman who is training." However, for a long time in Japan itself, as a result of which it was too conservative, the official championships of the region of the middle women were not held.
The book "Physical training for women by Japanese methods" by Irvine Hencock served as a post to the development of women's judo in Europe, which was translated into French language in 1906, roci, and even before 1910, the "strong lady of France" taught rock in self-defense courses, which were called "jiu-jitsu". Tsіkavo, that the practice of Judo became more popular among British suffragettes, and already in 1913 a group of women was formed there, like they would lead Judo, which is called “Okhoronets”; Head of the group buv zahist aktivistok ruhu vіd power support cholovіkіv.
Judo Kodokan Bulo was presented to Paris in 1924 by the roci Hіkiochі Aїda ta Keїshichi Іchіguro. However, the female judoists themselves, yaki, were not known in France, right up to 1935. The first instructor was Mykonasuke Kavaishi, and the first students included yoga sister, Moshe Feldenkrais. So far, Kavaishi did not contribute judo from 1943 to 1948, Henri Ple in 1950 roci, in the International judo scout ("Annuaire du judo international"), having mentioned about 7 yew. 542 French judoists, 130 women's boules.
Have 1939 r. the Nazis instituted a decree about those that the main oblige of Aryan women is to be a mother and a squad, and not an athlete. As a result, no German women took off their black belt until 1953.
In 1924 in Rome (Italy) the National Judo League of Italy was established. But the Pope of Rome and Duce II were against "athletes who did not look like women", and as a result of this, the Global Judo League of Italy did not recognize the representatives of the woman's status. Until the Other World War - Czechoslovak, Ugrian, Romanian, Scandinavian and Swiss judo clubs had many representatives, who were engaged in judo.
The blame for women's judo in the Happy States falls at about the same hour as in Europe.
In the weekly New York World magazine, May 29, 1904, in the article "Japanese woman, as if she were teaching American girls the secret science of Japanese self-defense article", it was written:
"The women sing especially the mysticism of self-defense, and the stench poked through the flooring, which they could lift and throw with a body of 200 pounds (90.5 kg) without any difficulty. , shoki vikoristovuyuchi yogo w I will power women in the class described in this New York World article, in the grass of 1904 - all the rich ladies of the world: Martha Blow Wadsworth, Maria Luisa ("Galli"), Devise Elkins, Grace Devid Li, Katrina Elkins, Jessie Alice, Re Lewis Smith Wilmer, and together with Martha Blow Wadsworth at the judo festivities exhaled the following fact: they wanted to show the world what they can and can, like Theodore Roosevelt, work everything that is worth it.
Understandably, most American women, though they weren’t rich and secular ladies, and in their working places, the stench stumbled upon sexual reprisals. Therefore, self-defense against the so-called Don Juan was simply necessary for him. Deyakiy hour as zasіb samozahistu looking at boxing. In a flash, more pivnіchno-americans vvozd that judo and wrestling are more suitable for women's self-defense, lower boxing. The Young Women's Christian Organization (YWCA) won the first judo, which lasted until the Other World War.
The deyakі American women were engaged in the Kodokan judo itself. For example, if the founder of judo Jigoro Kano, accompanying an exhibition that was held at the New York Ju-Jitsu Club on April 16, 1936, Seattle's Japanese-American courier said: "Among judo practitioners, there are Japanese women and American women, they do judo." The instructor of this club was T. Shozo Kuwashima, a man who remembers today for the book of 1938: "Judo: forty-one lessons of modern jiu-jitsu".
The first American to win dan at Kodokan judo was the Hawaiian girl Shizumo Ozumi, and it was 18 leaf fall in 1939. At that hour, a 16-year-old girl from California - Katsko Yamaguchi took off her ni-kui [other brown] foot from a black 1939 rock and said that she was going to train in Japan.
However, rich plans were not destined to break out - the friend of the world began to fight. Vaughn brought the women faceless additional obov'yazkiv and significant nebezpek. The growing number of evildoers, which are "by-products of the war," led to the fact that they had a chance to learn to protect themselves independently.
Under the hour of the Other Holy War, the ideas of self-defense and physical health were united. The Viysk pods served as a post-office to the black stage of the development of feminism. The only women's corps in the army who received staffs taught judo to 20,000 women.
Ruth Gardner commented: “People often want to know why I got into judo. they said that it’s best to learn self-defense techniques, and for one thing you’ll gain a lot of kilograms.
So she started to take up judo, then she served with the U.S. Air Force in Europe. After the end of the war, Ruf turned to Chicago, de John Osako (go-dan) becoming ready to put її for laying down on the steps of shodan for women. stinks vyvchali
Newaza - no - kata and Shime - no - kata . Vіn vіdtochuvav її kidkіv technique.
"In front of the great magicians, John called us to practice in the shiai style. There were nine people on the tatami, I was ten. To participate in the magicians, I chose only me. a woman can’t take part in the magicians, they fight more with people, I’ve been bigger, I’m just bazhayucha ... yata tse turbovana denunciations Doya over me and yogo food: "Are you all right, Ruf?".

For the rest of 25 years, Judo among women won a lot of awards different lands Ale, it was especially grumpy that it began to progress in the 1980s. Fahіvtsі medісії komіsії International Judo Federation (FID) and the European Union of Judo vyvchali nutri female organism and dіyshli visnovka, scho zhodnoї shkodi Judo not to bring. Moreover, the number of injuries (such as, to say the least, non-insurable athletes) is less for female judoists, lower for men. The Medical Commission of the FID repeatedly praised the rules for conducting a medical treatment for women.
On the European and world level, this kind of sport has been broken recently. Thus, the first European Judo Championship for middle women was held no more than 1975, and the World Championship - 1980, for which 147 judoists from 27 countries participated. In 1988 in Seoul, the first show performances of representatives of women's judo were held, and in 1992 medals for judo for middle women began to be awarded in the main program of the Olympic Games.
At the Radyansk Union of women judo conducted an official birth in accordance with the order of the Sports Committee of the SRSR about the development of judo for middle women, which wiyshov at the quarter of 1984. Why did the first all-Union campaign take place near the city of Tartu.
One of the most important problems of women's judo of that period was the weak tactful and technical training of athletes, who came mainly from other sports and, naturally, did not have a deep basic knowledge of judo. There were a lot of track and field athletes (the lead rank of thrower), gymnasts and representatives of playing sports.
The first coaches got stuck with one more reason - the instability of the team warehouse. After the Black All-Union National Championship, the team was upgraded to 55-60, which made a great contribution to the warehouse for participation in the championships of Europe and the World, it was also important to nominate leaders for training to the Olympic Games. In 1988 in Seoul, the first show performances of representatives of women's judo were held, and in 1992 medals for judo for middle women began to be awarded in the main program of the Olympic Games.
The SRSR has the best wins on international equal lie down for representatives of the glorious place on the Neva.

Olena Gushchina put the cob, she won a bronze medal in the absolute category at the 1989 European Championships (Helsinki). Coach - V.V.Antonov.
Another official medal, silver, was won at the World Championship in 1989 near Ljubljana by Olena Petrova (weight category up to 61 kg). Coach - A.S. Korniev
The third medal was awarded to the sarbnitsa of the national selection for another woman for the rahunka Oleni Besova (European Championship 1990, Frankfurt am Main, wagon category up to 72 kg). Coach - A.S. Korniev.
The head coach of the national team is V.V. Kuznetsov.
At the Day of Peremogi on 9 May 1992 in Paris, the Russian judoist Svitlana Gundarenko (weight category over 72 kg) first entered the p'edestal p'edestal of the European Championship. Coach - B.V.Shunkin. The head coach of the national team is E.A. Tyurin.
Nareshti, the only Olympic medal so far (Barcelona, ​​1992), bronze, to lay Olenі Petrovіy (category up to 61 kg). Coach - A.S. Korniev. The head coach of the national team is E.A. Tyurin.
Achieving women's teams can be modest, but don't forget how women Judo develops in our country only since 1984.

Updated ratings on 9 May. The final of the Great Sholom of the Olympic season took place on May 6-8 near Baku, Azerbaijan. Qi results are shown in the latest ratings. The qualifying period will end on May 30th. There are less than two entries left, for which athletes can get qualifying points: Grand Prix of Almaty at this weekend and the competition is only for requested light shows. Wanting a lot of the best athletes to be in a superior position, so that others will be even more important for those who, in this hour, rely on mihuri.

Having repeatedly said that the flexibility, plasticity and femininity of judoists are more indicative of the spirit of Judo, lower physical resistance of people from strongly developed m'yazami.

If you want to understand judo in a proper way, watch out for the woman who trains.

Vin especially took a judo technique from his future squad Sumako. The servants in their house, around the work of the state, at the same time trained the girls, as if they were going to get to judo.

Qi ratings є stop at 9 May. Julia Figueroa earned gold from Baku Great Sholomy. Angelica Delgado has hit her first match in Baku. Having offended the American entrants at the Great Sholomy of Baku, Hannah Martin and Leilani Akiyama, threw off their opening matches. Martin, having recognized defeats in the tournament, Alicia Shlesinger.

Maria Bernabeu came to the first ten after winning the gold medal from Baku's Great Sholomy. After the victory at the tournament, it went up to No. 2. After winning over gold from Baku's Great Sholomi Kanai Yamaba, he came to the first ten and was far ahead of the sportsman Megumi Tachimoto in the rating. Nina Katro-Kelli lost her first round.

At the Kodokan, іnstitutі judo, judo section has begun. In the beginning, there were only 5-6 women of the so-called noble march, but gradually the number increased, and in 1931 the number of people was folded and the reception of the women’s section was formed (to take an oath). In this way, the judo of the middle women at the Kodokan took away the official recognition, and in 1934 Kano himself hurriedly voted about the opening of the post-women's section.

From the moment of its creation, 82 athletes took the fate of the stars all over the world. Among them, Miku Tashiro and Chen-Ling Len took their positions in the Japanese team and in the Taiwanese team, obviously, at the Olympic Games. Miku Tashiro, class 63 kg, fifth place.

Action from social contribution through judo

This all-world promotion of judo has sprung up as a popularization of the sport, as well as the promotion of the level of corporate awareness of the global work. Tse our dream of one fine day to cheer an athlete, a kind of support for Komatsu, a kind of competition with one of the athletes-athletes from judo in Komatsu at the Olympic Games. Classes in Yaroslavl, Russia were held earlier this year under the supervision of coach Haruni Asami and judo athlete Naya Udak. Close to 120 participants, most importantly children, to attend the Arenal judo club for 6 to 15 years, seriously practiced at the sessions of technical curation and practical practice, which are carried out by world champions.

An experiment, the beginnings of far-seeing Kano from the study of women to a calmly human occupation, vdavsya. The first wave was held at the Kodokan. By the best, starting from 1925 rock, stretching out three rocks, bula Hori Utako. Noritomi Masako, who came to the Kodokan in early 1925, became the author of the popular and widely seen book "Judo for Women". They did not let in the honor of the father's name and the daughters of Jigoro Kano: the elder Watanuko Noriko, who later took part in the judo sector in the Kodokan, and Takazaki Atsuko, who also consecrated the life of the right father. One of the students of Kano Miyagavo Hisako fell asleep at the Sakuragako school. Mustaches of girls were volodarkas of high dans.

Coach Haruna Asami and judo athlete Nae Udaka saw Turkmenistan, de training from the Embassy of Japan in Turkmenistan organized a class of judo with the method of popularization of judo and the achievement of international cultural awareness. This class of judo was held for the fact that the country highly appreciated Komatsu's encouragement of judo and asked Komatsu to send more judo instructors to Turkmenistan.

The men and women of the skin take the fate of seven visits, marked by their upper limits of the vag. Judo buv inducements for three main tricks: throw, budge and hit. Meta in judo is to control the opponent. For whom athletes must maintain the principle of balance and importance, to throw opponents on kilimok on their backs, to crush opponents on any part of their backs, to apply handles to their elbows and roll opponents, unique in case of which, whether they are, or they can damage their spine. In judo, there is no kick, no blow.

Judo can be practiced by women, children, and people of a frail age.

Judo is the sport of martial arts. Mustaches are unsafe, accept them, as they can manage the kalіtsva, they are turned off for someone else. In the translation of Japanese judo, it means "a gnarly path to victory." Zvernіt on tse respect: even gnuchkіst-yakіst, more powerful maidens in the world.

Noritomi Masako, the head of judo, has devoted the coaching and pedagogical work to the head teacher of judo, as they say:

Usі matches three five five minutes without recognition of periods of recovery, but the year is over for an hour break, so that the athletes waved five minutes of praise. In the skin class, competitors divide into chotiri bullets by no means, wanting to have ranked judoists in the dermal category of infection, so that they can change, so that the stench does not stick one by one, while the round of Chotiriox judoists, yak . . The winners of two rehearsals are clinging to the pivfinalists, who have played, at two bronze medals, and the pivzakhis-permozhtsy are scoring for gold and silver.

Judo wrestling is absolutely non-negotiable for a healthy woman. Judo can be practiced by people of a frail age, young people, people, and women.

Judo is practiced by women in more than 70 countries. Physicians conduct constant vigilance for the health of female judoists. It has been established that after the fate of the dichal systems. There are no pathological changes from the side of the state sphere. The middle women, like the past, were engaged in the last six years of judo wrestling, that wealthy mother. The Medical Commission of the International Judo Federation (FID) also played a role in injecting this kind of sport into women's bodies and making a swirl, that judo is not easy for them.

Canadian Olympic history

Doug Rogers won first in Canada Olympic medal judo, if the sport has made its Olympic debut, taking the silver from the bow vase. Two decades later, Mark Berger added a bronze medal. Judo - tse today combat art that fighting sport, taking away from jujutsu, hand-to-hand technique of ancient samurai warriors. Tse transfers to throw the opponents on the pidlog and trim them at the suborder.

Є 352 qualifications for the Olympic judo competition. Brazil, as a receiving country, is guaranteed 14 quotas, with one month of quota for the skin entry of people and women. There are 20 trilateral requests. Individuals and women of judoisti are ranked in 14 categories.

Why do women need to do judo

From the end of the 19th century in Europe and America, women began to learn self-defense. They thought for a while that it would be better for him to engage in boxing, the protégés realized that judo and wrestling were more suitable for women's self-defense, lower boxing. In the New York World magazine, May 29, 1904, in the article Japanese woman, who taught American girls the secret science of Japanese self-defense, it was written:

Judoka wins the fate of the tournament with a single distance after I hit two bullets for no one. A single win means that the leather of the bracket, that it has been programmed, will immediately be excluded from winning in the championship or the first prize in the next round. Achievements of the skin pool are rewarded for the Olympic gold medal.

The one with two bronze medals has an incredible twist. The quarter-finals and piv-finals that have been played are placed in the quarter-finals of the repetition system to compete for bronze medals. Two losing quarter-finalists from the first pool fight with a winner, crossing over to fight with the pivfinalist, who lost, from another pool for one bronze medal. Vtracheni quarter-finalists from another pool are fighting with a winner, crossing over to fight with a pivfinalist, a kind of progra, from the first pool for another bronze medal.

The women wield especially mysticism to self-defense, and the stench slipped out the flooring, which can easily lift and throw the body with a 90.5 kg wagon. The stench would put down the enemy, who rushed fast nazustrich, with one light dotik of the knee or wrist, victorious yoga and the power of the opposite

Soon the women began to take up judo, not only for self-defense, but also for the improvement of health and the reduction of the figure. Women's judo has become the first kind of women's martial arts, included before the program of the Olympic Games. In the past, the women demonstrated that the stench of the building in a right way technically fights and shines on the greatest world level.

Why do women need to do judo

It was a miracle bachichi, that judo brought home five medals, and one more generation of kiwi judo provided for the price of inspiration. Now in Rio, we will have the best athletes who compete at the Olympic Games, and they will be at the absolute peak of their work. For the support of the New Zealand banter, our judo athletes will do a little magic for all of us at Rio. Robert Levy, National Coach, New Zealand Judo.

In judo magic, the participants are guilty of trying to throw their opponent on the ground with their backs on the ground, knock them out on the ground for 20 seconds, or pay taxes. Zmagannya try 5 credits for people and 4 credits for women, with marks that are awarded for throws, holds, locks and suffocations. Athlete who is a judoist wins, having scored the most points.

Practicing judo develops strength, flexibility, reaction, and self-confidence. At the same time, the stench will pinch the masters of self-defense and instill confidence in their forces.

Still, judo is a real contact wrestling and not all women can be encouraged to do judo in a right way. Є contraindication. To borrow from judo groups, you need a therapist (cardiologist).

Judo can be practiced by women, children, and people of a frail age.

As soon as the ball is tied up after 5 khvilin, the competition is spent until the golden ball, if the first rahunok wins, no matter what. In judo, there are no-name methods, but there are about 70 unpaired methods of method. Methods can be classified according to chotirma categories: throws, holds, tanned and locks.

Kidki - the main category of methods. Utrimuє - є rich variations, ale in essence. To trim the opponent, the vlasnik is guilty of buti the beast and offending the legs of the enemy in the face of the enemy. different names ring out to different positions of the guard by moving to the opponent and the position of the guard.

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