Fce what a rіven English. International test FCE. Why get FCE certifications

The ECE test is the first serious current certificate, which may be a legal authority. I sleep showing my volodinnya on the B2 level (upper intermediate, above average). Vlasnik to the FCE certificate is a "singing koristuvach" movie: you can speak up rozmov on any topic, understand publicistic texts, competently express your thoughts.

Why you need an FCE certificate

Confirmation of knowledge of the language is needed everywhere. Let's change the situation, in which you will have enough FCE certificate.

· Reimbursement of a working visa to the UK
· Work in the technical sphere in English countries (from a master to an engineer)
· Work in a foreign company in Russia
Entry to colleges and other universities in the UK

The structure of the experience

Іspit is composed of five parts:


For 60 credits you will have a chance to read some short texts of various genres: sketches from an artistic book, a newspaper note, a fragment of a scientific article and a review for 30 minutes before the text. The task will be like a deep understanding of what has been read, and so will a search for specific facts. You are asked to choose a phrase, as a way of conveying a more important meaning to the text, choose the optimal heading, insert daily words and propositions into the text, know the correct variant of the correct answer, and so on.


The best way to prepare is practice. The main task is to get used to the current and thematic field, learn how to read fast, visualize the key information. Help sprat krokiv.

· Take advantage of a collection of training texts and revise all the orders of sleep. Obov'yazkovo surround yourself at the hour: on the skin of the dresser, see no more than ten quills. Tse allow you not to break down in a stressful situation and sleep.
Read original texts.
o Take a handful of an art book (for example, consider Diana Setterfield's "The Thirteenth Tale" or Joannie Rowling's "Vacancy").
o Look at the English press every day. Online versions of the main publications, for example, the British The Times and the American The New York Times, have been published on the Internet.
o Translate popular science magazines (Discover, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic): more texts for sleep adapt stars.


We matimete 90 hvilin, to write two texts. The first task is the same for everyone: the requirement is to submit a sheet. Tse mozhe buti official notification or email from a foreign friend for listing. For the first time, you can be asked to take part in the organization of the call, leave a note about the store’s robot, write a motivation sheet to receive a commission from the VNZ, or tell a potential robot giver about yourself. For another, better for everything, it will be worse banquets about your country (for example, “I would like to come to Russia, how do you think, if there is a place here”), a sprinkling of specific prokhan (“Please, de meni zupinitis and go to some kind of museum for me”).

At another manager, you will be asked to choose a sprat on topics. You can choose:
write a short (120-180 words) for one of the school programs (“My best friend”, “The most important day in my life”, “My favorite place” and so on),
· give a review of a recently reviewed video of a film,
Tell a friend about a particular book by listing,
· come up with a short story line that starts from a given proposition.


Regardless of the apparent difference in topics, all the sheets for the first task are created according to a pair of templates. Golovnya - to remember a little of the moving formulas and zazdalegid to induce a framework for the text.

Remember the greeting formulas (Dear sir or madam, Dear Ladies and gentlemen for an official list, Dear + im'ya for a friend) that farewell (Thank You for Your attention, Best wishes, Yours sincerely for business sheet, Hope to hear from you soon, Love - for informal).
· Think over a few propositions about yourself: be ready to tell, de Wee started and practiced. Tse zovsіm not obov'yazkovo can be true: smut, schob rozpovid sounded squabbling.
· Prepare a piece of facts about your country and place.

In order to optimally prepare for another task, it’s better to be appointed from the tasks, like you’re going to sleep. Get ready for two options from a choice: one of them will definitely appear suitable.

· Refresh lists of thematic vocabulary. Obov'yazkovo look over additional examples for the description of people and places, as well as lists of the main words.
· Think about the cultural podіyu You are ready to expand.
· Write or scroll at the head the plots of a pair of books, films and videos, guess the names of the actors, think about what you can do for you and you will be delighted.

English Wikipedia (use of English)

Tya part of the sleep is three times 70 hvilin and includes the task of knowing grammar. The basic topics are revised:

hours of the word,
· dialects that get used with the infinitive and the gerund,
· modal words,
· step of matching of prikmetnikіv and prikmetnikіv,
· supplementary propositions,
Indirect language
a passive pledge
mental propositions,
· smart borrowers,
Close food (so / nі),
· Propositions with inversion

Look out for a wide range test heads. You will be asked to choose the best word in the context of the word, write in the word, change the word, quote the word, correct the pardons in the text, and so on.


Before that block, the head without cramming, unfortunately, is not prepared. Repeat skin-guided topics and practice exercise tests.

Audience (listening)

You will feel some fragments of the text and you can answer for 30 questions. The first person to sound the most short quotations, to the skin will be one food from the choice of vidpovidi. The other has a monologue, a dialogue, and ten propositions, which you may need to add. The third one has 5 fragments in the text, up to the dermal ones gjnht, etncz, the most important advice for the choice of words. In the rest of the day, there will be a monologue and dialogues with this food from the choice of vіdpovіdі.


Whoever cares about listening to the most complicated part of the soul. English phonetics is far from Russian, and you need to learn how to pick out words in a flood of noise and comprehend a deep mind, you need a lot of practice. There are not enough training supervisors. It is necessary to hear the original, non-adapted movement. Try looking at British news. If you dare to tell me more, then you can not boast for sleep. If you still don’t grasp the spontaneous my Vee, listen to audiobooks. It is easier to read the text in a correct way, and it is easier to understand the current plot, lower virvany from the context of the replica. Most of it can be from children's books. Listen to Harry Potter with Viconan Steven Fry or Hobbit with Rob Inglés. Marvel at films, and best of all - serials.


The shortest part of the test: in order to correct the attack on the examiner, you will have less than 15 credits. To see other current tests, here you will have to practice with a partner, another test. You will sit back to the examiner, and I will give you a sprat of spicy food: how do you call, the stars of Wee, de Wee will learn or practice, which You will choke on. Let's take a look at you and your "colleague" from two photographs. For the fault you are guilty of describing the image and the pairing of them. The next partner to supply food. Then we will listen to the monologue of the spymaster and owe to come up with food for the new one. At the third manager, you and your partner can talk about a given topic in a short amount of time. You may be asked to speak to someone at any time: different types transport, about current ailments, prices for lighting. The topic will be problematic: You will need to know the conflict, discuss it from different sides, and propagate the method of resolution. At the finale, the examiner will tell you both about the topic, which I will link to the third head. Yogo bude tsіkaviti Your thought about whether a social problem. We put you in the wake of the power, checking on them for the fired reprimands.


A smut for perverters is not the depth of a thought, but the speed of a movie. Your main task is not to speak. To unify pauses, think ahead of a dozen snarky phrases. You can win an hour for additional propositions-repeated silence: "That`s a good question", "When you come to think about it" and so on. Vivchit stamps pitan ("What do you think about", "And how about"), so, like, "throw the ball" to the speaker. Memorize the formulas of an evocative villain: "I see what you mean but", "I can see your point but". All tse add movi zhvavostі.

Where to build FCE and how much does it cost?

In Russia, sleep is taken from 39 places. New list You can look at the official site of the Cambridge Institutes. The amount of sleep is stored from 122 to 145 pounds sterling, depending on the date of sleep.

The FCE test is probably the most recent of all the Cambridge tests. Here you do not need a well-organized grammar and knowledge of scientific terminology. Golovne - Your building is worthy of mine for splurge. So getting ready for FCE is already acceptable. Marvel at the series, read the news, talk to foreigners on the Internet - and you will see everything.

Maria Gorshkova

Behind the abbreviation FCE there is a famous test for the sake of the Cambridge University in England, which confirms the English language at the Upper-Intermediate level, which is beyond the scale for the sake of Europe, the level is B2.

This test is included in the Cambridge ESOL series for those who want to learn English as a foreign language.

Among those who want to build the First Certificate in English Exam (FCE) - students, science students; businessmen, who are engaged in export and import, are forced to keep the language in the regular activity.

How can FCE certificate help?

Good news for those who plan to stay behind the cordon for robotic training: a certificate of storage does not have a term of limitation. Tobto yogo does not happen to be overdated. At rich universities and colleges in Europe, the document is included up to the number required at entry, and applicants from FCE buildings are automatically submitted to quiet, which is my city on a high level.

Z tsієї cause it is easier for the clerk of the certificate to process. Robot sellers are fully aware that such applicants for vacancies can invariably improve their functional bindings. business sphere. To know the work in the banking and insurance sectors, the tourism business, marketing and sales is much easier for the presence of a document about FCE storage.

That and zagalom, with this certificate it is easier to adapt to life in the Anglo-speaking environment, educate yourself on whether or not those who are familiar with the British and American versions of the movie, as well as different dialects.

How to pass the FCE test

Independently during the month of the event, it organizes support for the University of Cambridge Cambridge ESOL. The procedure for evaluating the current skills is carried out at the chotiri stage, and it takes 3.5 years.

  1. Reading and Use of English

Trivality: 1 year 15 hours (7 slices / 52 meals).

At which stage the examiner should be taught a piece of text. You need to read it, get the gist of it, give advice on the food, vikonate sleep on the task. Meta stage - z'yasuvati, naskіlki liboko lyudina zdatna razumіti zmіst literary texts, journalism, latest and journal articles.

It also tests the correct assessment of English in general (grammar, vocabulary). It is necessary to confirm the power supply, choosing from these options; fill in the passages in the text, reformulate ready-made phrases.

  1. Sheet / Writing

Trivality: 1 year 20 hvilin (2 parts).

The task is to demonstrate the skills of writing works, articles, reviews, citations, lists on various topics. The first task includes writing a sheet of up to 150 words, another (chotir of the task is given for choice) - yes, a sheet or a review of up to 180 words.

  1. Audio / Listening

Trivality: 40 hvilin (4 parts / 30 pita).

At this stage, the roaming of the oral roaming movement by ear is being reconsidered. It will be necessary to listen to a piece of audio recordings (fragments of telenovines, radio broadcasts, related dialogues), then give advice on the request for food and supplementary work.

  1. Rozmovne movlennya / Speaking

Trivality: 14 hvilin (4 parts).

The practice of the movie is given twice or three times with other participants to sleep. It is necessary to show evidence on the food task, discuss, discuss photographs and pictures - those are given by two examiners. The stench is to roar the whiskers about the rіven volodinnya of my rosemary.

Wash the successful fold of the FCE tests

The type of the examined mother is required to have such skills:

  • to demonstrate knowledge of what they say to the European Upper-Intermediate level;
  • mother rich vocabulary stock;
  • zdatnіst to conduct a conversation freely, without tension, in different situations of conversation;
  • Vmіti shvidko know the main information from the text, differentiate її into other rows;
  • retell the text verbally and transmit it in writing.

Recruitment of newcomers is formed according to the results of at least 500-600 years of the English wedding. That is why it is necessary to go seriously to preparation and choose a good course.

How to prepare for the FCE test

The ideal option is to have a busy day with a vikladach (individually, or at the current group courses) and train at home dodatkovo.

  • Readers with a ready-made program for preparing to FCE can be found on the Italki website. Use the filter on the site to select a candidate who specializes in preparing for Cambridge tests, read the tips, take a sample of trial lessons, first choose. Do not fall for the first-class training, as the readers began to whisper for a few days to sleep. Obviously, to deposit according to the stock of newbies that you have, but it’s necessary to prepare for a sprat of months.

Poshuk was preparing for the international FCE test. Just select "pre-test preparation" and "FCE" at the "beginner" section.
  • The best guides for today are sets of professional books from Cambridge University Press. Sound the stench, include a handyman, a worker, audio recordings. The structure of the aids is completely adjusted for the preparation to the FCE - all tasks are imitating those that check for sleep, vocabulary and grammatical structures are required. For practice, you need a partner to work on a new language, the axis of which is busy with the current school and group, moreover, in person, to help with the teacher. The latest list of submissions on the official site Cambridge tests.
  • Do not use the official resource from the Cambridge Studies Cambridge Assessment English. Here you can marvel at the task, get the materials and work out, read for the sake of getting ready for the test. On the YouTube channel of the organization, you can even wonder how to pass the test, the Speaking zocrema.

Defold the FCE test

Around the world, there are close to 2800 centers in 130 powers of the world, where you can add up. Of these, Russia has less than a hundred - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regional and regional centers. The skin of them has its own layout of computer testing and tasks in the "paper" format.

You can find out about the addresses of the FCE task centers in your area on the official website of the test organizer. It is necessary to sign up early, but it is necessary to book two or three months in advance.

Sleep bags FCE

Oscilki reverification of tests is carried out at Cambridge, the results can be taken away in less than a few months.

The scores awarded for the skin test are summed, and the scores are given for the results, the maximum number is 200. The scores A (more than 80% of the top findings), B (more than 75%) and C (more than 60%) are considered to be passed; and axis D (less than 55% of correct answers) and E (up to 54% of correct answers) are unsatisfactory.

Sub-bags for the test are specified at your own examination center. The skin participant will take a report about the composition of the test with marks for the skin stage. You can see a certificate for a sprat of tizhniv!

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Hey folks! From the point of view of the article you know: what is the FCE, its actual variety and structure; and also understand how to prepare for a new training and how training courses are the most effective. Here we go!

Vyvchennya englіyskoї zavzhdi pov'yazane z singing method. Motivation, obviously, on the right is thin and delicate, but wait a minute, what a skin person, like a foreign language, according to the commandment of the world, wanted a mother in her arms like a material result.

A head coach from pick to pick with badges and stickers is not the best proof of your high level in English language. For reasons of reason and fold international sleep, as if confirming the riven of English and visibly look at any resume. One of the most famous, insanely, is FCE.

What is FCE

Іspit FCE(Cambridge English: First) or B2 First(current name) is one of the most popular Cambridge tests for English language proficiency assessment on the B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level, which is appreciated by thousands of companies initial mortgages in the whole world.

The presence of the FCE certificate is about those who already have the necessary language skills to live comfortably and practice independently in the English country, or study at courses that teach English language.

Tsey sleeps, in fact, a logical line between B1 (Intermediate) and C1 (Advanced).

The term of the FCE certificate is not limited!

With an FCE certificate, you can:

  • effectively splurge vіch-on-vіch іz mоvi noses;
  • hang out your thought and make arguments;
  • follow for the rest of the novelties in the world;
  • explain the odds and shortcomings of the small points of the dawn;
  • to write clearly and reportably, call, oppose and impersonal other types of English text.

Why does the varto select the FCE assignment?

The certificate is accepted:

  • when applying for courses / grants / programs / pre-session courses in English countries;
  • when entering a bachelor's degree in non-English countries, dedicate English language.

Structure of FCE test

Mentally, the test is divided into 4 main parts. Let's talk about the skin of them.

  • Reading and learning English (FCE Reading and Use of English) - 75 khvilin

Part 1: for filling, a small English text is given, with rewrites, demonstrating a sprinkling of options.
Part 2: the text is given in English with rewrites, it is necessary to enter the grammatically correct and lexically correct word yourself.
Part 3: zavdannya on vocabulary. At the skin row of the text, a single word is indicated. Zavdannya polygaє at the change of form English word in such a way that it organically fit into the context and was grammatically correct.
Part 4: in tsіy part proponuєtsya vikonati 6 zavdan. main task- finish a proposition to a friend, so that for a zmіst she won from the first, victoriously the word is shown. In this case, the very form of the word cannot be changed, the natomist can be vindicated in 2 to 5 additional words, including the indication.
Part 5: to complete a voluminous English text, which is given 6 meals from a kіlkom with variants of opinions.
Part 6: to be encouraged to read the article, in the 6th day of the week. Spivvіdnesіt vіdpovіdnu proposition "A-G" with overflow. Mayte on uvazі, scho one proposition here zaiva.
Part 7: there are a few short stories and ten propositions. The task is to compose the idea with the text, the debulo is presented.

  • Letter part (FCE Writing) - 80 quilin

Part 1: it is necessary to write a short sheet (140-190 words), vicarious suggestion.
Part 2: it is necessary to write a text of the singing type: article, electronic sheet / original sheet / sound / look. You will be given information about the topic and target audience. Obsyag - 140-190 slіv.

  • Audio (FCE Listening) - 40 quilin

Part 1: you will feel 8 different situations and thoughts of people. Before the skin record, food is given, choose the most suitable answer for your thought.
Part 2: an audio recording of the text is given. The text itself short retelling audio recordings with 10 passages, where it is necessary to enter no more than three words and/or numbers.
Part 3: you will feel the love of 5 different people. It is necessary for the skin speaker to choose a variant of the proposition, which reflects the bi-yogo idea. Tweak the skin option at least once. There is one additional option, which you do not need to take.
Part 4: in this part, it is suggested to listen to the monologue, or the text for the participation of a large number of roamers (3 hvilini). Listen to the audio duo and give an answer for 7 proponated power.

  • Usna chastina (FCE Speaking) - 14 khvilin

Part 1: Rozmova as an examiner and a skin candidate (supplementary nutrition).
Part 2: skin candidate sees 2 photos. Promote to express your thoughts, as well as opinions on the supply of a partner's photos.
Part 3: dvuhstoronnya rozmov between candidates, it is necessary to virishiti chi to develop a single thought.
Part 4: dream of discussing food, tied from the third part.

Test grading system

Also, to get a Cambridge FCE certificate, you need to dial not less than 160 points. The maximum storage indicator is 190 points. It is recommended to turn your attention to the table below.

180-190 Grade A Z 1
173-179 Grade B B2
160-172 Grade C B2
140-159 Level B1 B1

In addition, it is important to know the maximum score for the skin test.

Rozdil For what do you say Maximum score
FCE Reading An indication of how deep you can practice with different types of texts: fiction, newspapers and magazines. Evaluation of the acquisition of lexical units and English grammar. 40% savage number balls
F.C.E. Writing Understanding the structure and specifics of different types of writing. The logical sequence of the collection of ideas.
FCE Listening Evaluation of the sound of the movie by ear: new programs, presentations and everyday conversations. 20% from the total number of balls
FCE Speaking Revisiting the skills of effective communication in various situations with unknown people. 20% from the total number of balls

Variety of projects in 2018

Whether it’s an international student, it’s right to do it financially, to that before preparing for the FCE exam English language it is necessary to fit with the senses, with plainly that arrangement.

Get around tsya vitivka approximately in 160 dollars.

For a match, the TOEFL stock is 260 dollars.

How to prepare for a successful FCE assignment

Preparing to sleep FCE is for labor-intensive and energy-intensive tasks. Insanely, you can pore over assistants, it doesn’t matter if you know with open access to the Internet, or you can test the past fates, published on the official site. However, why is it so effective?

You can really prepare yourself only half asleep, And itself: before reading and listening.

Colors for hovering below:

  • Listen to radio and podcasts, marvel at English TV or YouTube.
  • variety of literature. Texts that are featured in Cambridge First can be viewed from articles, tweets, advertising slogans, brochures or travel guides themselves. rіznih dzherel: books, newspapers, magazines too.

If the sheet says that, then help is needed here qualified specialist, with which it is possible to use in practice the necessary moments and every hour of sleep, you will feel inspired.


The presence of international consciousness will always be bula, and it will be a wonderful addition to any portfolio. Come to the preparation before you sleep with your mind and remember that an hour will be needed for the achievement, be that patience. Do not fight hardships and reach new heights!

Great is that friendly sіm'ya EnglishDom!


Even better, you should have folded the FCE іspit (First Certificate of English). The first serious document - after PET and before CAE - allows you to live, study and practice in the English country. In my article, I will try to describe in detail, with some difficulties you can learn and like “secret strategies” from the folding of your sleep and you can take note.

Navіscho vzagalі folded tsey іspit?

1. First, FCE офіційно підтверджує кваліфікацію володіння англійською на рівні B2 (Upper, або Higher Intermediate – рівень Вище середнього – згідно з Загальноєвропейськими компенсаціями володіння іноземною мовою (CEFR) – ця система рівнів володіння іноземною мовою, що використовується в Європейському Союзі оцінки на іспитах та при навчанні англійської movie.

2. In a different way It is not necessary to sleep, but it is not necessary to confirm the term.

3. Thirdly, The FCE assignment will give you an additional incentive to add your “professional value” and “boast” of your value in front of your robot provider. Sleep will also become a wonderful row with your resume.

4. Fourthly about what has already been said, vin give official and internationally recognized the possibility of living and working behind the cordon.

What do you need to know beforehand, how to fold the FCE?

1. It is important to know two things:

1) First, the terms of folding sleep;

2) In a different way, your current English rіven (here you can send a letter to the test for a higher rіvnya, as if you were victorious).
The two factors will help you to appoint a specific plan for preparing for sleep.

2. Get ready not just within the framework of a high-profile course, but for specially writing with a method of preparation to the experience of FCE mentors. And, as often as you know, you can miraculously know the language, but “stumble” at the end of the day, not knowing the format and structure of the sleep and not being able to find information about those who are going to enter the sleep and how they are going to sleep.

The lower graded handbooks are similar to the standard handbooks of British faucets (Oxford, Cambridge, Pearson) and are added to the Student's Book (student's books, which are written for employment), Workbook ( robotic zoshita for homework) + audio. So you can go without a cost.

Axis of Popularity:

1) New Success at First Certificate;
2) Exam Maximizer;
3) Objective First Certificate;
2) First Certificate Avenues;
3) Fist Certificate Master;
4) FCE Gold;
5) Common Mistakes at FCE. (Already in the distance, the format with a retelling of typical grammatical and lexical pardons, and you can go through the whole book for a special trip on your own).
6) Porada: you can cite books for detailed study of grammar and vocabulary, important nuances, under the name Grammar for FCE and Vocabulary for FCE.

7) You can also go through the FCE Sample Papers. The collection presents examples of exam papers and Past Papers - robots of past fates. FCE Trainer props typical butts of robots, picks up under the lining of one handyman.

FCE - sleep paid. You can try to lie down in the center of storage and can become close to 10 thousand rubles.

Until sleep, it is necessary to get prepared seriously that zazdalegіd, right up to the whole academic fate. At the modern centers it is broken special programs preparations for this practice have been carried out for a long time.

Why lay your success on sleep?

1. Succeeded in growing up to mov, yak, zrozumilo, can be different and yak you can develop or not develop.
2. According to your motivation.
3. How to reduce (itself) fold up your sleep: knowing the format, manifesting the practice (div. FCE Sample Papers), concentrating smartly, having a soothing mind, it’s banal, such factors, like a good dream ahead of the day, that number of health problems is correct .
4. In terms of ergonomics of the working space, you are ready for it (so-so!):

Create your own comfortable atmosphere:
1) with the necessary office supplies;
2) clean and unharmed;
3) dosit clarified;
3) calm, due to the presence of important factors;
4) with a handy style and a working table.

5. If you think correctly, practice and read, correctly vibudovuvat your working plan and working program, if you have the correct system for recording notes.

Approximate preparation plan:
1. Work out the training schedule for you.
2. Take a break as often as necessary, for example, for 15 minutes.
3. Unique influencing factors.
4. Select appropriate mnemonic techniques - techniques. Try a sprat, choose the one that suits you. (Here you can send a reference to the article about memory, as we published earlier).
5. It is your responsibility to read and process other information effectively.
6. It is necessary to learn how to prioritize on the right, as you win.
Dotrimanny tsikh porad and similar to them to teach you how to be "productive" (before speech, even more popular at the same time among business middlemen understand).

Primary navchki, yakim you are done thoroughly 

1. Note-taking skills - Note-taking skills. It is necessary for taking notes and taking notes at the Listening point. So, for example, among professional translators, as they are engaged in oral translation, there is a special form for recording information that sounds like a symbol to serve as a quick singing thought.

2. Learn to be a good listener: according to statistics, only 50% of students are such, and 20%/30% of them misunderstand information.

3. Be positive, nutritious (nourishing motivation!).

4. Develop the respect and concentration!

Cause for successful passage of the skin part

Like Paul Newson, the author of numerous initial videos on YouTube, please tell me “respectfully read the instructions”, “stitch by the hour”, “don’t strain yourself”, “just enjoy the process”, sound quite decent, but, sorry, don’t stop practicing … (A more specific strategy is needed. Let's try to analyze it for the sake of vikladachiv, how to work out of FCE.

Reading and Use of English
Tipi ta zmist zavdan:

Use of English (tasks 1-4) check grammar and vocabulary.
Reading (5-7) evaluates reading skills.

Use of English
Tipi ta zmist zavdan:

Part 1. Multiple-choice cloze: 8 days
Here it is necessary to fill in the passages in the text, choosing one of several words.

Part 2. Open cloze: 8th day
Let's remember the passages in the text. Options for guidance.

Part 3. Word formation: 8 zavdan
It is memorized in the text with words that follow the words, affirming the correct form from the words of the same root words.

Part 4. Key word transformations: 6
You remake the previous proposition by including before it word given but word processing.

Tipi ta zmist zavdan:

Part 5 multiple choice
Choose the answer. Suggested options.

Part 7 Gapped text
You need to fill in the passages in the text.

Part 8 Multiple matching
It is necessary to state the firmness of the information, which should be removed from the text.

Get ready for:

1. Significant occasion: required develop analytic vibes, learn to analyze the language and “play with it”, because the main cognitive (reasonable) skill is practical for all tasks on Reading - the whole logical thought.

You can’t remember to speak my mind, almighty to blame my logic - despite the fact that for mova and logic you give the head rank one pivkulya - lion, victorious - beautifully, rhetorically - transferring to the robot and right pivkulі, vіdpovіdalnoї for figurative thought. Vidpovidally I seem to take a job with a boy, who is rotten in mathematics, who is wrong in the task of shvids and other things more correctly for me

I’m talking at once about “contextual and grammatical connections” - contextual and grammatical connections between propositions, that’s how they stink, with some words (context) and grammatical connections (linking words - words with constructions-links, living one and the same the same hour, borrowers alone and in.)

2. Dorimuemosya singing strategies for reading that understanding of texts on my foreign. Word for word read neobov'yazkovo.
1) We’ll walk through the eyes, catch the main idea (“reading for gist”);
2) Then we read the food and try to find out about them in the text (“scanning reading”).

3. Harna porada - add keywords i in nutrition, i in text, which is “relevant” to all tasks, and especially relevant to Part 6 and Part 8.

4. Get respect for yourself FOOD S, on the details, like they have.

5. Be respectful- The text always has "distractors" - tactics that are called out, navmisno vikoristovuyutsya by the examiners and called to beat us from the pantel. For example, however, the words in the text and the checkbox to the text, choose the same checkbox of the text, if you don’t want to go for the change of wines, but go to the next one - read IMPORTANTLY, be in your power, don’t be fooled and remember: you can be fooled) ".

6. Do not break the hasty visnovkiv: for example, the text says that “Mary John was happy all life” The student delivers - “Stink friendly”. Stop. Why? Heba stinks can not be happy, being alone with colleagues? Abo friends? Well, I know, I’m talking about specially arranged modern “pastes”, in which you can drink, as if you think in a standard way, otherwise, on the contrary, it’s obvious. Be respectful.

In this part, your skills of writing writing texts in various genres and styles are being tested.

1. Yes. The manager has given the name of two ideas, which are connected with the heading. The theme is related to everyday life and does not require special knowledge.
It is necessary for you to write about the topic, hanging your thought about the headline from the list of these ideas. You hang up the third, now I already have my own idea, tied from the headline. It is indicated the number of words, yakі you are obliged to live in the es.

2. Situational and rational writing of different genres - articles, email/list, sound or critical commentary (review).
The number of words, context, meta work and the target audience of the letter notification are indicated.

You can read how to improve the sheet's thumbnails

Get ready for:

1. Before the ear of the cob, lay out the plan for it. At the same time, you can spend up to 25 minutes per hour
(50 khvilin pіde kopiyuvannya text in the form).
2. Clearly know the boundaries and criteria of the skin genre. Choose the right name, tweak the style.
3. Write 2 pieces each.
4. For example, a skin book from preparation to FCE є Dos and don't of Writing. Be aware of them carefully.
5. Read English, mark for yourself the peculiarities of the language!
6. Find out the information or ask the letter about the criteria for evaluating the letter assignment.
7. After the completion of the work on Yesey, TURN YOGO!


1.Interview. Zagalny hour - 2 hvilini.
The examiner will ask questions for you and your partner for tasks. Those zagalni and standard - work, free time, hobi, sіm'ya toshcho.

2. long turn. Kozhen Candidate conducted a monologue in a drawl 1 whilina.
Before you are a couple of photos that feed before them. Vіdpovіdaєte on the new stretch 1-ї hvilini. Let's wait 30 seconds for your partner to give his comment.
If so, you change roles.

3. collaborative task. Hot hour - 3 hwilini
Before you is the material from the tasks. You need to have a conversation with your partner, at the hour when you discuss the proposed options - by stretching 2 minutes, and by stretching the rest you will come to a compromise.

4. Discussion: 4 hwilini in general.
On a topic that logically screams from the front, you need to conduct a dialogue again ...

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

Part 1
1. The assessment begins from the moment you enter the office - do not forget about the garni of manners!
Give the examiner in an adequate form and apply correctly to the question of BE-YAKI food, and not only on the one that is in the background.
2. Please don’t say something short, but don’t say something “for a long time”.
3. Remember that food can be good food.
4. Don't talk, don't call, because you don't know the truth.
5. Carefully with humor - no racist jargon and stupid bullying with the examiner.
6. Show all the richness of your vocabulary stock.
7. Bullshit is OK. If you don’t know what to say - come up with it.
8. Speak correctly, clearly and understandably.
9. Give 2-4 small propositions on the skin feed.

part 2
1. Do not spend an hour on the description of the skin picture, smut - equal.
10 s - briefly talk about those in the pictures.
45 sec - think about it.
2. Don't be fooled, the examiner won't bully you.
3. Try to connect with your eyes: reckon with the fact of your life, tied up with the light of pictures; to know the links between them - the stench can be the most unfamiliar, build up your rozpovid with that creative work.
4. Do not dwell on one picture for a long time.
5. Well, I’m starting to know - it’s too much for someone to make pardons in this right away - don’t get caught up in those and don’t go too far: look for a specific food.
6. Whisk out different "linking words".

Part 3
The main rule is that Rozmov's fault is to sound NATURAL, to show that you are tiling at the cooler in the office)))
1. See 2 marks on the task itself and 1 mark on the visnovok, as a testament to the examiner's question.
2. Vykorist vocabulary for expression
3. Help partners, why are you confused? So, zavdannya may sound "beautiful."
Why work with something impudent and zayve balakuchy "comrade"? What can I ask you to insert your remark: "Excuse me, can I just butt in here?" Zhart))) - "Excuse me, can I say something?".
4. Listen carefully to your partner.
5. "Share the topic" - pass one topic to one, so you are guilty of juggling it like a ball, you can be thinner and more virtuoso.
6. Don't spend too much time on one item.
7. Not obov'yazkovo already there "come before the residual compromise"! Tastes differ/ So many men, so many minds.
8. Start arguing your idea, it’s even more important!

The widest pardons in this part:
- Too simple language;
- The task is not logically completed, otherwise, as it seems, “the topic is not solved”;
- talk about how dumb, seemingly unimportantly alone, the desired "virtuoso juggling" theme.

Part 4
1. If you confirm, always argue your opinion.
2. Your mova is guilty of sounding all 4 hvilins - it seems that the docks do not sound the ekazmenator)
3. Vidpovіdnіst іnformatsiї vіdpovіdі on nutrition.
4. Wide imagery, from various spheres of life
5. Listen to your partner.


1. multiple choice: Chapter 8
Dialogue or monologue that feeds up to the new; 3 votes were requested per vibir.

2. Sentence Completion: Day 10
The monologue is about trivality 3 hvilini. You are responsible for filling in the gaps in the tasks, which are suitable for the zmist with words from the monog.

3. Multiple matching: Day 5
5 monologues of different people trivality approximately 30 seconds. Having listened to them, you choose, like 5 hard times out of 8 submissions, to give some kind of monologue.

4. multiple choice: Day 7
Sound rozmov 2 and more osib (trivality її 3-4 hvilin). As a rule, you choose one option out of three.

A mustache for Listening is played 2 times. Those do not avenge collapsible highly specialized vocabulary

Get ready

1. Standard order: take the star of watching films in the original + serials and shows, American, British, Australian, New Zealand - it develops a beginner / star of concentration on the movie, what it sounds like, and it is reasonable by ear. Game of Throne in the original - the ability to get to know, learn to recognize and understand different accents.

2. Do not listen to the recordings in the headphones for an hour of listening to the recordings. It is recommended to try different thickness, as well as to try out the dzherel movie.

3. Start blabbing on key words, don't freak out at the speaker's reading. 45 s is not enough, to read the food respectfully.

Criteria for evaluating the exam, I will post in the upcoming material, but for now - get ready! I will help you in preparation.

The article was written by contributor Katerina Semyanina.

In order to save money, you need to know the authorization center in your area. If so, it is necessary to choose an early session - as a rule, the stench will pass three times on the river: at the birch, at the chervn and at the chest. Then you need to register with the selected center - submit an application and pay the fee. Registration starts 3 months before the appointment. Vartist _spitu FCE in Moscow at a time to become close to 10,000 rubles. When registering, you immediately know about the date of the letter part, and the last part, as a rule, is carried out on the next day. The back is more than a frame (for example, from 3 to 17 breasts), and after paying for confirmation of registration, approximately 3-4 days before the appointment, you will receive the exact layout and information about the place of the appointment.

When you sleep with you, it is necessary to take your layout and the document that you see the person. If you enter the auditorium, they will ask you to take away all the speeches, and pick up mobile phones, giving you a replacement number, like at the wardrobe. On the table, you can leave more than a document and a dance. Usі stationery is supplied by the center. All parts of the soul, around Writing, are engraved with a simple olive, and Writing - with a pen. Gumki also hope that you have been merciful, you can change it. On the skin part, you will accept a booklet from the instructions and the form of compliance. The booklet can be twisted like black, and the rest of the notes can be transferred to the form. For part of the Writing, you will be given a black. Navіt yakscho you have pardoned the clean-up worker - it's okay, you can correct it. Naygolovnіshe - write the text so that it is easy to read.

The result of you will be known in 4-6 days after the folded sleep. Yogo you can look at the site. And for a little money at your center, you will take your certificate.

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