Zlochin and punishment 6 divided briefly. Retelling of the novel "Zlochin i Kara" by Dostoyevsky F.M. For a short time Dostoyevsky Zlochin and punishment

Tvіr Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Punishment" is included in the obov'yazkovy part of the school program, and also sits in other rows of the rating in the lists of books recommended before reading. Below you can find out about short streak given to the creation, guess what the main points of the plot are.

part 1

Chapter 1

The main hero of the novel, who lives in the sixties of the 19th century in St. Petersburg, is the day student Rodion Raskolnikov: a tall, handsome young man with dark blond hair and dark eyes. Yunak is resting at a folding financial station: he can pay the lords of the apartment, live in them, earn a large sum, for two days he doesn’t get pennies for those who need to eat normally. The student goes to the old likhvarka Oleni Ivanivny. Yogo's head has long since ripened a plan about driving in the old one, and now it's going to go haywire all over. Vіn lay a sbrіbny year, and at the hour of the roam with Olena Ivanovna resolutely look at your apartment. Raskolnikov seems old, but soon he will come again and bring a silver cigarette as a pawn.

Partition 2

On the way home, the young man will stop at a cheap brewery. Have nіy vin to know Marmeladov - the titular radnik, who knows the world on the topic of vigilance and shares with the student the history of his homeland. Marmeladov's team - consecrated woman Katerina Ivanivna, languishing three children, went for a new zamіzh, and wine-glass windows pennies for a drink. In order for my family to be small, like pennies, they got Marmeladov’s daughter Sonya to go to the panel. The ice man stood on his feet, and Rodion checked him home. On the edge of the day of improvement of their life, the student was amazed. Katerina Ivanivna began to bark a man for drinking pennies, and Raskolnikov pishov, mimicantly pouring dribnitaries on the podium for him.

Partition 3

Kіmnata, in which the youth himself is alive, was called to these small dwellings from a low stele. Raskolnikov otrimu leaves in the name of his mother - Pulcheria Oleksandrivna. At the new mother’s, tell Rodion about those who made his sister, Dunya, at the house of the Svidrigailovs, who worked as a governess. Dunya is like a harn, that generous girl is tolerant. She has brown hair and may have black eyes. Svidrigailov - the master of the house, a man for nearly fifty years - began to give the girl signs of respect. Marfa Petrivna's retinue commemorated the interest of a person to a young governess, and she began to belittle it. So not long ago, Dunya took away the proposition about the zamіzhzhya of the birth of Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin - the overhead guardian for forty-five years, what a wealthy capital. Pulcheriya Oleksandrivna from the Dunya is planning to arrive in St. Petersburg in the next hour, in order to rule the fun.

Rozdil 4

After reading the sheet, the young man became more embarrassed. Vіn ozumіv, scho sister z matіr'yu gave zgoda for a little less through the need in pennies. Rodion does not want Dunya to marry Luzhin; After a sudden change, the student is even more concerned about driving in the old interest-bearer.

Rozdil 5

Walking in the mist, Raskolnikov has a snack with a piece of cake and a burnt. Vіn shvidko sp'yanіv i fell asleep at the bushes. A young man having had a terrible dream, for whom the yogic childishness has fallen. These same men beat the old horse to death, but they couldn’t hurt him. Podbіgshi to the horse, the boy kisses yoga and in spite of anger he throws himself at the man with his fists. If the lad prokinuvshis, vіn thinking, scho, mozhlivo, kill the old one to show up over yoga strength. Going home through the bazaar on Sinniya Ploshcha, Raskolnikov ransacked his sister, Lizaveta, as if she was going to the grandma’s full order and for whole days she kept her hand in hand. Young people feel like moving Lizaveta shopping. From the new wine, it is known that tomorrow, about this evening, Olena Ivanivna will be at home herself. P_slya tskogo v_n to bachel the student that officer; stink to talk about those that the fever is not a wart to live, and the yakbi won died, її pennies could be recovered in order to help poor young people.

Rozdil 6

At home, the young man rozpochinaє pіdgotovku before vvvivanie. From the inner side of the coat of wines, sew a loop for the sokira, roblyachi її in such a rank that the sokira would not remember the first hour of walking. I take a plank with rosemary from a cigarette, wrapped with paper and tied with tape: I will lay a good role in order to wake up the old. Raskolnikov steals juice from the doorway to the apartment of Oleni Ivanivna.

Rozdil 7

The young man was already boasting and fearing that he was old, having remembered his wondrous behavior, not to allow him to leave. Ale, the centrist took a “cigarette”, and, while she tried to untie the lace, Rodion hit her on the head with the butt of the falcon. After whom I repeat the blow and reason that Olena Ivanivna is dead. Having taken the keys from the intestines of the old, the lad pishov to її kіmnati. At the screen of the wines, they knew її pennies, and having begun to fold their robes near the intestines, however, at that moment, Lizaveta turned back home. Raskolnikov is beaten with fear and beaten with a sap and її. Having learned that the wine has been killed, the young man is vigilant, prote step by step, the wine begins to come to you and sweep the blood from the hands, the chobit and znaryaddya vbivstviya. Having chosen to go, Rodion smells the crumbs, that they are mooning at the exits: clients have come to the fever. Checking, if the stench leaves the booth, the student quickly goes home. You should put the juice in the doorway, go in at your room and fall down on the couch in the forgetfulness.

part 2

Chapter 1

On the coming day, the young man is thrown away less than about the third year of the day. Having guessed about the vbivstvo, the wines at the panitsa are changing the robes, shobi perekonatisya, so that the blood was not drained on him. Knowing grandma's pennies and koshtovnosti, vіn treasury їх at dirku under trellises in the kennel of the room. Before the young man, the cook of the lord of the apartment, Nastasya, should come in, as if to bring a message about those that Raskolnikov can come to the police office. The young man is even more worried, the prote policemen called out, it’s less for writing a rosette from goiter to pay the bill for living near the apartment. Walking out of the village, Rodion senses that the spivrobitniks are discussing the driving in of the old fever. Vіn unobtrusive; The policemen thought that the student was sick, and let Yogo go home. Raskolnikov's houses are afraid that they can carry out a survey in the new one, and they try to hide those who, having taken Deer Ivanivni from the apartment, under a stone at an empty yard. Whenever the young man turns home. Vіd experience vіn zaneduzhuє i spend a few days at the madder.

Chapters 2-4

If svіdomіst turned to the protagonist, vіn pobachiv, scho Razumikhin came to the new one - his friend from the university, high, intelligent young man. It seems that the police officer Zametov repeatedly stopped by Raskolnikov. Also, for qі days, they brought him pennies to pay for the apartment, given to the mother. Nezabar before the young man, another good friend came - Zosimov, a medical student. From the beginning, it is clear that the old interest-bearing woman Rodion was driven in, that there is no reliable evidence at the investigation, there are a few suspects, among them is the bar-keeper Mikola.

Rozdil 5

A few hours later, Raskolnikov's room was seen by Luzhin. A student, it seems to Petr Petrovich, if you want to take Dunya for a squad only so that all your life you will be yoma for the order of evil. The man does not fit in with Raskolnikov, after which the young man is banished. Nezabar Rodion's houses are overwhelmed by friends. Razumikhin cares what is on the other’s mind, it’s hard, and worries about the new one.

Rozdil 6

Nezabar Raskolnikov stop at the brewery and drink Zametov there. Friends talk about vbivstvo, and Rodion rozpovidaє, as if he had become a child, as if he had become a killer. Yunak asks Zametov to the one who has robbed the wines, as if he were evil-doers, rightly squeezing the wines, may be without intermediary knowledge of the former. Prote Zametov does not believe in the guilt of a comrade. At the hour of walking in St. Petersburg, a young man wants to drown himself, but having changed his mind, he inexplicably pishov to the fever house. There, we discuss faults with workers, how to repair repairs, and they stink, that the young man is divine.

Rozdil 7

They gave Rodion a straight line to Razumikhin, and on the road, stalking the people, they climbed near the drunken Marmeladov, beaten by a carriage. Yogo is brought home, and there a man is dying in the arms of his daughter Sonya. The student gave all the pennies, yakі є in a new, sіm'ї radnik for organizing the funeral of the father. We will let Raskolnikov go to Razumikhin, who will send him home. Pіdіyshovshi to the booth, de sacking head hero, friends commemorate the light at the yogo viknakh kіmnati.

part 3

Chapters 1-2

It appears that the mother and sister came before Raskolnikov. Having sipped them, the young man is uncompromising. Coming to you, the lad speaks from the Dunya about Luzhin and swears at the spirit of the wedding. Beauty Dunya was once worthy of a young person. The offensive wound of the wound is broken to the hotel, so that you can see yoga from the mother. Pulcheria Oleksandrivna told me about taking away the lie of the leaf from Luzhin. Vin will tell you if you want to talk to her and Dunya, or ask to organize a meeting without the presence of Rodion.

Chapters 3-4

Lieutenant women come to Raskolnikov and talk about Luzhin's sheet; Dunya is aware that the brother of the obov'yazkovo can be with her for an hour with a name. At the same hour, Sonya Marmeladova comes to the student's apartment and calls Yogo to the funeral of her dad. I represent Raskolnikov as relatives, regardless of those who, due to their reputation, girls cannot be compared with them on an equal footing. Sonya went home and marked the way for a reconsideration of something unknown, as it appears to be її susіd (Svidrigailov appeared behind him).

Rozdil 5

Razumikhin and Raskolnikov go as far as the next one, who is busy with the right to drive in the old fever. Rodion wants to know, so you can take away the speeches, pledged to the grandmother, and find out that it is necessary to file an application. Unsolicited Porfiry Petrovich writes a statute, as if he wrote Raskolnikov not long ago. He has a story about those that people are divided into the most significant, as if they do not have the right to break the law, that the unseen ones, which are allowed to commit mischief. It’s easy to squawk, that you secure Rodion for yourself to the unimaginable, that the building’s fault for evil, and take a firm breath. Following Porfiry Petrovich, he asked that the young bartender did not hang out at the old house. A young man, it’s enough, you know, that he’s not a bachelor. Razumikhin turns up, saying that the barvniks worked on the day of the beating, and the young man was there a few days before the new one. Then the students should go.

Rozdil 6

I didn’t know Raskolnikov’s hut, who called yoga a whacker and pishov, without explaining anything. The lihomania begins again at the room of Rodion. Yomu dreams of a secret unknown, a kind of cry Yogo to the old apartment; the young man hitting his head with a yoke, but he laughed. Young people want to go in, but її otchuє natovp people. Rozkolnikov is thrown, and Svidrigailov comes before new.

part 4

Split 1-3

Vіn to ask the student to rule over the Dunya under the drive of the one who wanted to give the girl ten thousand for all the inaccuracies, the head of the yogo budinka. Rodion is guided. Vecheri Raskolnikov with Razumikhin to go to Pulcheria Oleksandrivna from the Dunya. Luzhin, dissatisfied with those who were named did not lie to the yogo prohannya, are encouraged to discuss the wedding for Rodion. Dunya is doing yoga.

Rozdil 4

Nezabar young man to come to Sonya. It seems that you can’t deprive the squad of that children of your father, like to die of hunger without help. Raskolnikov bows to him at his feet, saying that he addresses not only to him, but to all human suffering. The student asks to see what the New Testament is on the table, and ask to read about the Resurrection of Lazarus. Before the entrance, Rodion announced that tomorrow I would come again and resurgence, who had driven in the old percentage. At this hour, Svidrigailov is resting at the courthouse and listening to the whole rozmov.

Split 5-6

On the coming day, the young man virusha until Porfiry Petrovich, to pick up speeches. The next thing is to try to revise it, and ask Raskolnikov to ask Porfiry to tell him what wine he is guilty of. However, the person is unique in his beliefs, and here he brings in the bartender Mikola, who is known from the driving of Oleni Ivanivny. Rodion went home and began to succumb again, unknowingly, calling Yogo a beater. To the one who asked Porfiry about this, and now he repents. Raskolnikov's soul becomes calmer.

part 5

Split 1-3

According to Luzhin, their brother is to blame for the Dunya. If you want to take revenge on you, ask Lebezyatnikov - your susid in the room - call to the new Sonya. Luzhin seems to be a girl who cannot come to the funeral of his father, and give him ten karbovantsiv. Lebezyatnikov wonders what Luzhin has in mind. Many people did not come to the memorial service for Marmeladov. Katerina Ivanivna get boiled from the government apartment. Luzhin arrives at the right time and declares that Sonya stole a hundred karbovantsiv, calling out to Lebezyatnikov's certificate. Sonya blocked the call and told Pyotr Petrovich ten karbovantsiv. Katerina wiverts sleepy clothes, and from them falls a hundred-ruble bill. Lebezyatnikov seems to everyone that Luzhin himself gave Sony money. Petro Petrovich is angry, and the gentleman chases Katerina and the children out of the apartment.

Chapters 4-5

After whom Rodion went to Sonya and it seems that he knew the guilt of the murderer and killed Lizaveta inadvertently. The girl understood everything and said that there was no one unfortunate for Raskolnikov. Sonya is ready to drink them all at once to hard labor. You know what you need to know from the vbivstv, and then God can help the youth. Lebezyatnikov will come to Sonya and tell her that Katerina has blessed; bring a woman to Sonya’s apartment, and she’ll die. Svidrigailov, who is instructed to tell Raskolnikov that he will give pennies for the funeral of Katerini, the ruler of the future of children and help Sonya. You should ask the young man to tell Dunya how to spend ten thousand dollars, if you don’t know.

part 6

Chapters 1-6

Porfiry Petrovich would come before the young man, and it would seem that he suspected him of being beaten. However, there is no proof, and it’s a good idea to make Raskolnikov come to the farm and recognize himself. The student wants to talk to Svidrigailov, and that rozpovida, that Dunya was dying, but now I can name. After whom Svidrigailov secretly speaks from the Dunya, robbing his mustache, what is the feeling from the roses of Sonya and Raskolnikov. A man, it seems, a girl, who lies his brother in exchange for a kohannya. Dunya wants to drink, but the doors are fixed; won't you shoot a shot at Svidrigailov with a revolver, you will miss. Vіn vіddaє їy їy key, i і dіvchina, zashivshi revolver, ide. Turning to the apartment, the person goes to Sonya and gives three thousand rubles, for I know what pennies will be needed if they go to hard labor for Raskolnikov. Svidrigailov goes to the hotel, and commits self-destruction on the sweater, shooting himself in the head with Dunya's revolver.

Split 7-8

Raskolnikov left the rest of his recognition at the vbivstvі and says goodbye to his sister and mother. Vіn іde to Sonya, yak daє yoma cross and it seems that you need to kiss the earth at the crossroads. Rodion vykonu vykonu prohannya maiden, after which I go to the next and it seems that I am guilty - the murder of the old one. Youma is told about Svidrigailov's self-destruction.


Raskolnikov is sued for the last years of penal servitude. Yogo mother fell ill, and Dunya with Razumikhinim brought її from the place. Pulcheriya Ivanivna thinks what a son has come. Sonya went to Siberia following Rodion. Razumikhin makes friends with the Dun; young people plan to travel to Siberia for a couple of years. In hard labor, Raskolnikov is considered an atheist, and Sonya, as soon as he comes, loves. Uncomfortably, the young man is sick and stoops at the hospital. Sonya often sees yoga. A young person thinks about her share and understanding that pride can only lead to death. The next time, if Sonya came before the new one, having begun to embrace her legs. The maiden snarled on the back, but then she realized what she should love.

Raskolnikov follows him.

Tse sho! - Shouting Svidrigailov, turning around, - even if I, I give up, saying ...

Tse means that I will not see you now.

Offended zupinilis, and offended khvilin marveled one on one, nibi mіryayuchissya.

Because of all your insinuations, - sharply rebuking Raskolnikov, - I have grown the whiskers positively, so that you didn’t just take away your far-fetched thoughts about my sister, but to wind more lower if they are occupied by them. I can see that today my sister took off a leaf. You haven’t been sitting in the field for a whole hour ... You, let’s say, could have walked along the road like a squad; but it doesn't mean anything. I want to change especially...

Raskolnikov himself can hardly figure out what he himself now wanted and why he himself wanted to change his wines in a special way.

Axis yak! Do you want me to call the police at once?

The stench again stood for the hvilin one in front of one. Nareshti guise of Svidrigailov has changed. Having perekonavshis, scho Raskolnikov not zlyakavsya threaten, vіv nabuv raptom most cheerful and friendly looking.

Aja is like that! I’m not talking about your right with you, I don’t want to, I understand, to torment the weeping. Right is fantastic. I postponed the booze until another time, so, really, you’re tormenting the building of the dead ... Well, let’s go, just a little later, I’ll say: now I’ll just go home to the hvilinka, to get a penny; then I close the apartment, I take a visa and the last evening on the Island. Well, where are you after me?

I'm leaving for the apartment, that one is not up to you, but to Sophia Semenivna, ask again that it's not at the funeral.

All right, but Sophia Semenivna is not at home. Vaughn brought all the children to one lady, to one noble old lady, to my old friend and orderly in some sort of Syrian mortgages. I charmed this lady, deposited her pennies for all three birds of Katerina Ivanivna, moreover, donated more pennies to the mortgage; nareshti rozpovіv їy іstorіyu Sofії Semenіvnya, navit z usіma honers, nothing prihovuchi. The effect is beyond description. The axis to which Sofії Semenіvnі and it was recognized that it would appear this year, right in the hotel, de timchasovo, from the dacha, my lady's presence.

No need, I'll still come.

As you wish, only I am not your friend; but what about me! Axis mi at once and at home. Tell me, I’ve been overwhelmed, because I suspected that I myself was delicate and didn’t disturb you with roses ... you understand? You got it on the right, unimaginable; I bet, what is it! Well, axis and be delicate after that.

Listen to the white of the doors!

And you about tse! - Svidrigailov laughed, - so, I would zdivuvavsya b, yakbi, after all, you missed without respect. Ha! Ha! I want to understand that you...there...they played tricks on Sophia Semenivna themselves, but what else is it? I, perhaps, have seen a person and I can’t understand anything anymore. Explain, for God's sake, my dear! Enlighten new cobs.

You could hardly do anything, you are all lying!

That I'm not talking about those, not about those (I want, vtim, deshcho th chuv), no, I'm talking about those who don't care about everything! Schiller you bent over schokhvilin. And now don't listen to the axle and the door. Like this, go and voice the bosses that the axis, talking, so and so, eating such an incident with me: theoretically, the pardon is not great. Well, if it’s broken, you can’t listen to the white of the doors, and you can peel the old one to your satisfaction, then go somewhere sooner to America! Live, young man! Possibly, another hour. I speak broadly. How much? I will make way.

I don’t think about it, - interrupting Raskolnikov’s booze with a guard.

Razumіyu (vi, vtim, don’t worry yourself: if you want, don’t say too much); razumіyu, like you have food in the course: what are the moral morals? hulk food that people? And you їх pobіch; navischo stink to you now? Heh heh! What is still a hunker and a man? And if so, then it was not necessary to lie; nothing to do for your own right. Well, shoot yourself; What, don't you want to?

You, yes, you don’t want to annoy me now, so that I’m only seeing you now ...

Axis divak, we already came, we kindly ask you to go. Bachite, the axis here entered Sophia Semenivna, marvel, there is no one! Do not believe? Ask Kapernaumov; there is the key to see. Axis and madame de Capernaum itself, ha? What? (Vona is deaf) gone? Kudi? Well, axis, chi chuli now? No way, and it won’t be until deep, maybe, evening. Well, now let's go to me. You wanted to before me? Well, axis, mi th I have. Madame Resslikh is not at home. This woman is always in trouble, but a good woman, I sing you ... maybe, you would need it, you would have been devastated. Well, axis, be kindly bachiti: I take from the bureau this five hundredth ticket (the axis I have more skils!), And this year I have the same ticket. Well, did you bash? Nothing more than me. The bureau is blinking, the apartment is blinking, and I'm new at the gatherings. Well, is it good to ride? Axis I take tsey vіzok to Ylagіn, what? Are you inspired? Chi did not show? Roll, nothing. Hurry up, board up, nothing, let's go down the mountain.

Svidrigailov is already in the carriage. Raskolnikov having judged that Yogo suspects, accepting the blame, is unfair. Without saying a word, I turned and pishov back to Sinnoy. Yakby vin, having turned at least once on the road, then he caught on, like Svidrigailov, having walked no more than a hundred crocodiles, he paid for the carriage and himself leaned on the sidewalks. Ale vin is already nothing in the blink of an eye and zaishov is already behind rig. Glyboka ogida tax yogo get out of Svidrigailov. “I instantly want to pay the checks of someone in the face of a rude lihodiya, in the face of a wicked libertarian and a bad guy!” - wiggling in passing. It is true that Raskolnikov made his judgment even quicker and lighter. It was in Svidrigailov's whole situation, which, when he was accepted, gave him originality, though not mystery. As far as the whole sister is concerned, Raskolnikov, having lost his perekona in a sing-song manner, that Svidrigailov will not give her peace. But then it was already important and unbearable to think about everything and change your mind!

For the sound of his own, wine, having lost one, having fallen into a deep thought for twenty minutes. Zіyshovshi on the spot, vіn zupinivsya bіlya handrails і povym marveling at the water. And at the same time, Avdotya Romanivna was standing over him.

I got to know her at the entrance to the city, but I walked past without looking at her. Dunechka had never snarled like this on the street before, and was smitten to the brim. Vaughn chirped and did not know: call Yogo chi ni? In rapture, she commemorated Svidrigailov, who was attached to the side of Sinnoy.

Ale that, it was given, approaching taєmniche that carefully. Vіn not zіyshov on the spot, but zupinivsya aside, on the sidewalks, using all your strength, so that Raskolnikov did not shake yoga. Dunya wine has long been remembered and begun to work its signs. Їy succeeded, that with his signs of guilt, asking її not to click on his brother and give him peace, but clicking її to himself.

So Dunya th zrobila. Vaughn quietly walked around her brother and approached Svidrigailov.

Let's go faster, - whispered Svidrigailov. - I don't know if Rodion Romanovich knew about our pranks. I’ll get ahead of you, that I’m sitting here with him not far, in a tavern, de vin know me myself, and I was forced to see it. Vin knows about my leaf and suspects it. Zvichayno, didn’t they see you? And if you don’t see it, then who?

The axles have already turned for rіg, ”Dunya interrupted,“ now the brother can’t shake us. I will stun that I will not follow you further. Tell me everything here; everything can be said on the street.

First, what can not be said on the street; in a different way, you are guilty of listening to Sofia Semenivna; Thirdly, I'll show you some documents... Well, then, come on, if you don't wait to see me, then I'll be inspired to see if any roses are clear and I'll go at once. In case of this, I will ask you not to forget that even the cicava secret of your kohan brother is in my hands.

Dunya snarled in indiscretion and stared at Svidrigailov with a piercing look.

What are you afraid of! - having respected that calmly, - the place is not a village. And in the village of Shkodi they killed more than me, I’m lower for you, and here ...

Sophia Semyonivna ahead of her?

No, I didn’t say the right word and I didn’t call for evangelism, why are you out of the house now? Vtim, mabut, at home. Vaughn today buried her relative: not such a day to go on a visit. Until one o'clock I don't want to talk to anyone about it, and I repent partly that I told you. Here, the least carelessness is already denunciation. I live here, the axis is at my house, the axis is suitable for me. Check out the door of our booth; the doorkeeper knows better than me; the axis of wines bows; win, that I am going with the lady, and already, obviously, I have learned to remember your disguise, but you need it, as you see, you are afraid and suspect me. Vibachte, why am I speaking so rudely. I myself live in Meshkantsiv. Sophia Semenivna lives with me wall on wall, also in the case of meshkants. All over the bags. What are you afraid of, like a child? Why am I so scary already?

The guise of Svidrigailov grimaced in an indulgent grin; but youmu was not laughing. Yogo's heart was beating, and his breath was spiraling on his chest. Vіn navmisne speaking in a louder voice, to grab your own praise; but Dunya didn’t catch the memory of a special praise; її respectfulness was already talking about those who were afraid of yoga, like a child, and that she was so terrible for her.

Even though I know that you are a man without honor, but I am not afraid of you antrohi. Go ahead, - she said, maybe, calmly, but it was even whiter in the face of її.

Svidrigailov looked up at Sonya's apartment.

Allow me to turn around, chi at home. Nope. Bad luck! Ale, I know that you can come without a bar. As if she was gone, then it’s not the same as before one of the ladies of her orphans. Mother died. I've got lost and messed up here. If Sofia Semenivna does not turn around for ten khvilin, then I will send it to you myself, if you want, today; Well, the axis and my number. The axis of my two rooms. Behind the door is my master, Mrs. Resslich. Now take a look here, I'll show you my main documents: from my bedroom and the axis of the door lead to two empty rooms, which are rented out. Axis of stink... you need to marvel at the little respect...

Svidrigailov, having borrowed two furniture, finished the space of the room. Dounia looked around distrustfully, but she did not mention anything in particular in the amenities or in the adjacent rooms, if only she could remember something, for example, that Svidrigailov's apartment fell like a bridge between two deserted apartments. The entrance to the new one is not directly from the corridor, but through two owners' rooms, which may be empty. Svidrigailov's three bedrooms, opening the doors, locked with a key, showing Dunechtsy the empty apartment that is available for rent. Dounia snarled at the blows, not wisely, it’s necessary to ask for marvelousness, but Svidrigailov hastened to explain:

Axis, marvel at this place, this friend has a great room. Respect the doors, the stench is locked. There is a pillar for the doors, there is only one pillar in both rooms. Tse I brought zі svoєї apartments, schobi better hearing. Axis there at once for the door to stand the style of Sophia Semenivna; there she sat and spoke with Rodion Romanovich. And here I was listening, sitting on a chair, for two evenings in a row, insulting me at the same time in two, - and, obviously, I knew instantly, how do you think?

Did you listen?

So, I listened; now we go to me; here i sisty nowhere.

I brought Avdotya Romanivna back to her first room, which served as my hall, and asked for help on the wall. Himself sіv on the other country's table, taking it for a sazhen, ale, maybe, in the eyes of yogo already shining with that same half-light, as if Dounia was so gnashing. Vona shuddered and looked around in disbelief once more. Gesture її buv fleeting; Oh, pevne, I didn’t want to show distrust. But the self-station of Svidrigailov's apartment at Nareshti struck me. I wanted to ask you to take the master at home, but she didn’t sleep ... with pride. Until then, even more, immeasurably more suffering, lower fear for oneself, was in my heart. Vaughn suffered unbearably.

The axis is your sheet, - start out, putting yoga on the table. - Hiba can those you write? You are pulling on the malice, who is like a brother. You clearly pull on it, you don’t dare to move. Know well that before you I chula about this bad fairy tale and I don’t believe it in the same word. Tse freezing and ridiculous p_dozra. I know the history and how and why she foresaw. You can't have good evidence. You promised to bring: tell me! But know in advance that I do not believe you! I don't believe!..

Dounia escorted her away with a skoromovka, hurrying up, and rushed at the farb’s hand in disguise.

Yakby didn’t believe, then what could have happened, so that you would dare to come alone to me? Have you come now? From one cіkavostі?

Do not torment me, say, say!

There is nothing to say, you are a good girl. By God, I thought you should ask Pan Razumikhin to accompany you here. And yet, neither with you, nor for a long time you were gone, I marveled: you really, wanted, to mean, to spare Rodion Romanovich. Vtim, everything is divine with you ... What about your brother, what can I tell you? You did yoga yourself at the same time. Yaky?

Chi not on whom alone do you start?

Ni, not on tsoma, but on yoga of the best words. Axis here two evenings at once, coming to Sofia Semenivna. I showed you where they sat. Vіn rozpovіv їy i will repeat my speech. Vin murdered. Vіn having killed the old bureaucrat, the likhvarka, in which he himself laid the speech; having also killed her sister її, a merchant, in the name of Lizaveta, as if she inadvertently missed the hour of her sister's death. Having killed both of them with the juice that she brought with her. Vіn їh having killed, to plunder, and plundered; having taken pennies and deaky speeches ... Vіn himself, passing everything word for word to Sofіy Semenivnі, as she herself knows the secret, but she did not take part in the vbivstvu not in a word, not in a deed, but, on the contrary, she gasped just like that, like now. Be calm, you won't see yoga.

What can't be! - Dunechka muttered with pale, dead lips; she was choking, - you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t drive ... That’s nonsense! Bullshit!

Vіn pograbuvav, axis i the whole reason. Vіn uzyav pennies and speeches. Schopravda, vin, for the power of knowledge, not quick to pennies, not to speeches, but if you know where the stone is, now the stench is lying. Ale to the one who did not dare to speed up.

That hіba is possible, to steal the wine in a moment, to plunder? Would you like to think about it for a moment? Dunya whined and huddled in her chair. - You know yoga, Bachili? Can you be a villain?

Vaughn definitely blessed Svidrigailov; she lost all her fear.

Here, Avdotya Romanivno, there are thousands and millions of combinations and sorting. The evil one steals, then I already know about myself that I am a bad guy; and the axis I'm talking about one noble person, who broke the mail; then whoever knows this, maybe, I’m right and right thinking that I’m right to have done it! I guessed, I wouldn’t believe it myself, like you, yakbi, they handed me over to the side. Ale, I believed my vuhams. Vіn Sofії Semenіvnі and the reasons for explaining everything; but she didn’t believe her eyes, she trusted her eyes with her own eyes. Adzhe vin himself їy especially conveying.

What are the reasons!

On the right is Dovga, Avdotya Romanivno. Here, as I tell you, there is a theory of its own kind, the very one on the right, for which I know, for example, that single recklessness is possible, that the head meta is good. One evil and one hundred good rights! Vono tezh, obviously, a cover for a young person with dignity and conceit of the unforgiving nobility, who would be, for example, less than a thousand three, and the whole car, all the future in yoga life is shaped differently, and at the same time there are no three thousand. Add to the cost of famine in the face of hunger, in the tight apartment, in the rags, in the bright light of the beauty of your social position, and at once the camp of your sister and mother. The best marnoslavism, pride and marnoslavism, and vtim, God knows yoga, maybe for good brilliance ... I don’t call yoga, don’t think, be kind; that one is not mine on the right. Here there was also one powerful theory, - so your own theory, - for which people rely, bachite, on material and on special people, so on such people, for those, behind their high camp, the law is not scriptures, but navpaki, yakі themselves add up law to other people, material, something, something. Nothing, so own theory; une theorie comme une autre. Napoleon hooted terribly, tobto, loudly, hooted yogo those who, even a lot of brilliant people, did not marvel at a single evil, but croaked through, without thinking. Vіn, zdaєtsya, revealing yourself that y vin is a brilliant person, - that's the first hour of rapture. I have been suffering already and now I am suffering in the form of a thought, that I can put together a theory of guilt, but step over something, without thinking, and not in the mind, so the person is not ingenious. Well, but for a young person with vanity and condescension, especially in our age ...

And tell your conscience? Do you reckon anything morally better in anything? Is that hiba vin like that?

Oh, Avdotya Romanivno, now everything is confused, so, vtim, it wasn’t in any special order. The Russian people have risen wide people, Avdotya Romanivna, wide, like the earth, and superbly slender to the fantastic, to the desolate; ale bida be wide without special genius. And remember, as richly in my family and on this topic, we talked with you twice, sitting in the evenings on the terrace in the garden, right after evening. More than me, they themselves reproached me with breadth. Who knows, maybe, at one time they said, if they were lying here, they had fainted their own. We have in to the illuminated suspense There are no especially sacred retellings, Avdotje Romanivno: hiba hto yak sobі according to the books of the warehouse ... but from the litopisiv sho-nebud vyvede. Ale, there are more than women and, you know, in your family all are kovpak, also to inspire and obscenely secular people. Vtіm, you know my thoughts; I don't call anyone. I myself am a white-haired woman, whom I will trim. But we have already talked about it more than once. I’ll make you happy with my judgments ... You’re already bled, Avdotya Romanivno!

I know the theory. I read a yoga article in a magazine about people who are allowed to do anything ... Bringing me Razumikhin ...

Panya Razumikhin? Your brother's article? In a magazine? Chi є such an article? I didn't know. Axis, maybe, tsikavo! How about you, Avdotya Romanivno?

I want to dance Sophia Semyonivna,” Dunechka said in a weak voice. - Where to go to her? Vaughn, maybe, she came; I do not immediately, at once I want її bachiti. Get out…

Avdotya Romanivna could not keep house; dihannya її literally stumbled.

Sofia Semenivna will not turn around until night. I guess so. She is guilty of bula to come soon, if not, then it’s too bad ...

Oh, then you're lying! I'm running ... you're lying ... you're all lying! .. I don't believe you! I don't believe! - Dunechka shouted in right lack of self-confidence, gazing at her head.

Maizhe, in inconsistency, fell out on the steward, who hastened to introduce Svidrigailov.

Avdotya Romanivno, what's the matter with you? Axis water. Drink one bowl.

Win a breeze on her drive. Dounia shuddered and came to you.

Strongly lifted! - Svidrigailov muttered to himself, frowning. - Avdotya Romanivno, calm down! Know that you are friends. Mi yogo vryatuemo, viruchimo. Guess I'll take Yogo over the cordon? I have pennies; I will remove the ticket for three days. And if you kill wine, then you will accumulate a lot of good deeds, so that everything will be smoothed out; take it easy. You can still be a great person. Well, what about you? How do you feel yourself?

Evil person! Vіn sche gluzuє. Let me go…

Where are you? Where are you?

Until new. De vin? Do you know? Why are these doors fixed? We entered here at the door, and now the stench is locked. If you caught the lock її on the key?

It was impossible to shout at all the stones about those who spoke here. I'm not stupid; I’ll just say it with my mind. Well, where are you going? Do you want to make yoga? You will bring yoga to a tale, and you will heal yourself. Know what to follow after him, they already spent on the trail. Wi lish yoga vidaste. Check; I bachiv yoga and razmovlyav with him at once; Yogo can still be vryatuvati. Check, sit down, faint together. I clicked on you for that, to talk about being alone and to make you faint. But sit down!

How can you do yoga? Hiba yoga can be vryatuvati?

Dunya sat down. Svidrigailov sіv bіla neї.

All tse vіd lie down on you, vіd you, vіd you alone, - hiv vіn z glimmering eyes, may whispers, huddling and winding up no other words in vіd vіd vіlyuvannya.

Vee… one word of yours, and yogo vryatovano! I… I lie yoga. I have pennies and friends. I'll send yoga right away, and I'll take a passport myself, two passports. One is yoga, the other is mine. I have friends; I have business people... Do you want to? I'll take you another passport... your mother's... need you Razumikhin? I love you so much... I love you already. Let me kiss the edge of your dress, give me! give! I can't seem to make any noise. Tell me: Kill those, and I will grow! I will crush everything. I can't grow up. What you believe, that I believe. I'll crush everything! Don't be surprised, don't be so surprised at me! Do you know what you are driving me in?

Vіn having begun to navit marity. Behind him, it became a rapt, why youma hit the head with a rapt. Dunya gathered up and rushed to the door.

Vіdchinіt! judge! - Shouted out through the door, calling someone and shaking the door with her hands. - Vіdchinіt! Don't know anyone?

Svidrigailov moved and changed. An evil and mischievous grin could be seen in plain sight on Yogo's trembling lips.

There is no one at home, - having washed the wines quietly and with arrangements, - the master went, and the marna worked so shouting: only praise yourself marno.

Where is the key? Open the doors at once, at once, low people!

I have entered the key and I cannot know it.

BUT! That is violence! - Dunya whimpered, she looked like death and rushed into the hut, where she rather shielded herself from the table, which she ate under her hand. Vaughn didn't scream; but then she stared at her tormentor and sawily lashed at the skin's yogo ruh. Svidrigailov also did not collapse during the month and stood opposite her on the other side of the rock. Vіn navіt opanuvav yourself, accept the call. Ale, the appearance of yogo was blіde, like before. The smirk smirk did not leave Yogo.

You said “violence” all at once, Avdotya Romanivno. Like violence, you yourself can judge that I came alive. Sophia Semenivni is not at home; it is far from Capernaum, five closed rooms. Nareshti, I accept the strongest for you, and, besides, I am afraid of nothing, which you and then cannot say: would you not want to bless your brother in truth? And I can’t believe you, no one: well, why did a diva girl go alone to the same person to an apartment? If you bring and sacrifice your brother, then you won’t bring anything here: it’s important to bring violence, Avdotya Romanivno.

Negidnik! - Whispered Dunya in a haze.

As you wish, but respect, I said only at a glance. On my special police department, you’ve changed your mind: violence is a gidot. I’ve said only to the point that there’s absolutely nothing to lose on your conscience, as if to inspire ... as if to inspire you, they wanted to vryatuvat your brother voluntarily, so, as I pronounce to you. You simply, it means, succumbed to the circumstances, well, strength, nareshti, as if you couldn’t do it without a word. Think about it; your brother's and your mother's share is in your hands. Well, I will be your slave ... all life ... I’ll check the axis here ...

Svidrigailov sіv on the sofa, krokіv behind the vіsіm vіd Dunі. For her, there was no longer any hopeful sumnivu in yoga unsweetened rіshuchostі. Before that, she knew yoga.

She blew a revolver out of the gut in a rush, pulled the trigger, and lowered her hand with the revolver on the table. Svidrigailov zіrvavsya z mіstsya.

Aha! So axis yak! - viguknuv vіn zdivovano, ale maliciously chuckle, - well, do it right! You will make me feel better on the right yourself, Avdotya Romanivno! Did you take the revolver away? Chi not pan Razumikhin? Ba! That revolver is mine! Old knower! And I yogo just shukav! .. Our military lessons of the shooter, as I give you honor, did not go to waste.

Not your revolver, but Marfi Petrivny, as if he had beaten you with a dash! You didn’t have anything of your own at your house. I took yogo, as I began to suspect, what is the building. Smіy step at least one croc, and I swear, I'll kill you!

Dunya was at a lack of self-confidence. The revolver is out of trimal at the ready.

Well, what about your brother? I feed the cuckoo, - having drunk Svidrigailov, still standing on the floor.

Bring it on, whatever you want! Nі z mіstsya! Don't go! I will show! I cut off your squad, I know you killed yourself!

Are you firmly convinced that I am Martha Petrivna torn off?

Ty! Tied me myself; you told me about the otruta... I know, you went after him... you had it ready... It's not right you... a bad guy!

Yakbi navit tse bula and it’s true, then through you well ... after all, you would be the cause.

Breshesh! (the tale flashed in the eyes of Dunya) breshesh, riveter!

Bullshit? Well, maybe I'm lying. Zbrehaw. Women don’t remember about the price of food. (Vin chuckling.) I know what you see, little animal. Well, shoot!

Dunya lifted the revolver, dead-blond, with a white, three-faced lower lip, with glittering, like fire, great black eyes, marveled at the new one, putting on airs, winking and waving the first hand from her side. No one else has ever dreamed of such a beautiful woman. The fire, which flashed from the eyes of її in that quilt, if she lifted a revolver, nibi poked yogo, and yogo's heart was clenched with pain. Vіn stepping crock, and strіl prolunav. Kulya poked her hair and hit her back against the wall. Vіn zupinivsya and quietly laughing.

Wasp bitten! Directly on the thought of mitigating ... What is it? Shelter! - Vіn vyyav hustku, schob wiped the roof, scho with a thin string stіlka on yogo straight skrіn; maybe, the sack of trohi was scooped up on the shkіri of the skull. Dunya lowered her revolver and marveled at Svidrigailov, not in fear, but in some kind of wild excitement. Vaughn herself didn’t realize what she was shaking and why she should be afraid!

Well, miss! Shoot more, I’m checking, - after quietly sweeping Svidrigailov, you still smile, but it’s like it’s gloomy, - so I’ll catch you, I’ll pull the trigger first!

Dounia shuddered, quickly clanged the trigger, and raised her revolver again.

Leave me! - she said out at the rose, - I swear, I will see again ... I ... will see! ..

Well, well ... for three kroki, it’s impossible not to drive it in. Well, but not vb'єte ... then ... - The eyes of the yogo shone, and two more steps were taken.

Dunechka shot, osichka!

Loaded incorrectly. Nothing! You have another capsule in there. Correct, I'm budding.

Vіn standing in front of her for two kroki, checking and marveling at her with a wild rіshuchіst, ardently biased, important look. Dunya figured out that she would die sooner, let her in. "I ... and already, amazingly, there you are now, for two kroki! .."

She yanked the revolver out at once.

Threw! - having promoted Svidrigailov with a heart and deeply perevіv breath. It didn’t happen at once in a new kind of heart, and, perhaps, more than one burden of mortal fear; she is unlikely to be blamed. It was all right to see another, more mournful and gloomy feeling, which wine I myself could not recognize in all strength.

Vіn pіdіyshov to the Dunі and quietly hugging її hand around the waist. Vaughn did not repair the opir, but, all tremtyachi like a leaf, she marveled at the new blessed eyes. Vіn want to say, but only ruined Yogo grimaced, but not vimoviti vіg.

Let me go! - thank you, said Dunya.

Svidrigailov shuddered: the whole thing was already not so promoted, as if it had been a long time ago.

Don't you love it? – quietly sleeping wine.

Dunya shook her head in disgust.

I… can't you?.. Nicole? - with a whisper of whispering wines.

Nikoli! Dunya whispered.

Gone are the stingy, silent struggles at the soul of Svidrigailov. With an invisible look, marveling at her. With a raptom of wine, having taken a hand, turning back, swiftly moving to the window, and standing in front of it.

It's been a while.

Axis key! (Vinyav yogo from the livoї swarming of the coat and laying his back on the table, not wondering and not wrapping himself up to the Dun.) Take it; go faster!..

Vin stubbornly marveled at the window.

Dunya went to the table to take the key.

Hurry! Hurry! - repeating Svidrigailov, still not collapsing and not wrapping around. Ale, in tsoma "shvidshe", maybe, lulled like a terrible note.

Dunya understood them, snatched up the key, rushed to the door, quickly caught them and rushed out of the room. Through the plume, like a god, not remembering herself, she swept out into the ditch and ran to the bridge.

Svidrigailov stood still for three days; nareshti turned around properly, looked around for a long time and quietly stroked the forehead on the forehead. A wondrous grin twisted his guise, zhalugidna, vain, weak grin, grin rozpachu. The roof, which had already withered, wandered along the youmu valley; vіn glancing at the blood with malice; sweat wetting the rushnik and taking off your hide. A revolver, piercing Dunya and flying to the door, raptly sipping yoma on his eyes. V_n p_dnyav i glancing yogo. That buv is a small, gut-sized three-shot revolver, I’ll build an old one; Newmou lost two more charges and one capsule. One time you can bulo vistrіliti. Vin thought, thrusting the revolver near the gut, taking a cape and viishov.

If you have gone to Sonya, the day has already begun. All day Sonya was checking on the new one in a stingy wag. The stinks were minted at once from the Dunya. She came before her early, guessing the other day Svidrigailov's words that Sonya "knows about you." It is indescribable to describe the details of the tears of both women, and the stench of the stink between them. Dunya, for the sake of her marriage, took one breath, that her brother would not be alone: ​​before her, Sonya, until the first time, I will blame her for my help; in nii vіn shukav a person, if you needed a person; get out and follow him, where did the share go.

Vaughn did not feed, but she knew that it would be so. Vaughn marveled at Sonya, out of reverence, and on the cob may be bentezhil її tsim godly feelings, with which she was placed before her. Sonya was ready to start crying a little: there, on the contrary, she dared to look unworthy at Dunya. beautiful image Dunya, if she bowed with such respect and honor at the hour of her first bachelorette at Raskolnikov’s, from that hour onward she was left in her soul, as one of the most beautiful and most unfortunate sights of her life.

Dunechka could not bear it and left Sonya to check on her brother in his apartment; Everything was given to him, that you would come there. Having been left alone, Sonya immediately began to suffer from fear at the thought that, it is possible, rightly, to end her guilt with self-destruction. Dunya was afraid of the same. Ale, offended stinks all day long, one by one, with all the arguments that you can’t, and they were calm, while they were at once. Now, having grown up, they began to think about one and the same thing. Sonya guessed, like a teacher Svidrigailov, saying to her, that Raskolnikov had two roads - Volodymyrka chi ... Vaughn knew before that marnoslavl, arrogance, self-love that znevira. “Isn’t cowardice and the fear of death more likely to hurt one’s life?” - she thought she was in a rozpach. The sun had already set in. Vaughn stood vaguely in front of the window and stared in wonder at him, but at the window there was only one capital, unviable wall of the shack. Nareshti, if it went to a thorough reconciliation in the death of an unfortunate one, - vin uveishov to її kіmnati.

Also marvel at the creation of "Zlochin and Punishment"

  • Originality to humanism F.M. Dostoyevsky (for the novel "Zlochin and Punishment")
  • The image of the evil infusion of a bad idea on the identity of a person (after the novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Punishment")
  • The image of the inner world of a person in the works of the XIX century (after the novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Punishment")
  • Analysis of the novel "Zlochin and Punishment" by Dostoyevsky F.M.
  • Raskolnikov's system of "twins" as an artistic expression of criticism of individualistic rebellion (after F.M. Dostoyevsky's novel "Zlochin and Punishment")

Other materials from the work of Dostoevsky F.M.

  • The scene of the wedding of Nastasia Pilipivny with Rogozhin (Analysis of the episode from chapter 10 of the fourth part of F.M. Dostoyevsky's novel "The Idiot")
  • The scene of the reading of Pushkin's verse (Analysis of the episode from the division of the 7th part of another novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky "The Idiot")
  • The image of Prince Mishkin is the problem of the author's ideal in the novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky "The Idiot"

plan to order

1. Troubled thoughts of Raskolnikov.
2. Yogo acquaintance with Marmeladov.
3. A leaf from home, from which the hero discovers that his sister Dunya has swindled Svidrigailov and Luzhin wants to make friends with him.
4. The dream of Raskolnikov, who clearly imagines the idea of ​​driving in.

5. Raskolnikov drives in the old pawnbroker and her sister.

6. Nervous ailment of Rodion after the fashion.

7. Acquaintance of Raskolnikov with Luzhin.
8. Death of Marmelalov. Raskolnikov get to know Sonya.
9. Arrival of Raskolnikov's sister and mother.
10. Raskolnikov's friend Razumikhin gets to know Dunya, Raskolnikov's sister.
11. Vіdspіvuvannya Marmelalov.
12. Raskolnikov is moved by the next Porfiry Petrovich.
13. Svidrigailov attacked the Zustrichi from the Dunya.
14. Zustrich sіm'ї Raskolnikovs, Razumikhina and Luzhina.
15. Raskolnikov tells about the name of Svidrigailov.
16. The care of Rodion and Sonya. Rozmova, listened to by Svidrigailov.
17. Nova zustrіch іz Porfiriєm ta її "surprise".
18. Luzhin is not allowed to visit Sonya. Vіn vikritiy.
19. Wake for Marmeladov. Katerina Ivanivna with her children was driven out of the apartment.
20. Raskolnikov's mind that he was killed. Promote Sonya after this recognition.
21. The divinity of Catherine Ivanovna and death.
22. Porfiry promptly asked Raskolnikov about driving in. Vin is not known.
23. Svidrigailov told Dunya about the hearing of Rodion and Sonya.
24. Self-destruction of Svidrigailov.
25. Raskolnikov discovers the need to expose a malice.
26. Visnannya Raskolnikov.
27. The life of Sonya and Rodion in Siberia, de vin was punished in hard labor.
28. Mental and physical torments of Raskolnikov. Nadia renaissance.


Part I

Diya comes from 1865. The largest student of the Faculty of Law, Raskolnikov, "wonderfully garnis himself", but "descended and embraced", wine "crushing the life". “Yogo’s closet fell under the very bottom of a high, five-topped booth and looked more like a shafa, lower like an apartment ... I looked like a young man, passing by, looking more painfully and timidly, looking like he was shaking and looking like he was grimacing.” “On the streets of the speka there was a terrible, to the point of suffocation, shtovkhanina, everywhere vapnyak, foxes, zegla, drank and that particular summer smorid, floorings in the skin of Petersburg ... A little bit of a deep ogidi maynulled at the thin rice of a young man ... Vin having seen for himself that Yogo’s thoughts for an hour zavazhayut and that he’s already weak: another day, as if he didn’t see anything. Vіn buv so nasty robes, scho іnshiy, navіt zvichna people, quarreled in the day in such lahmitty on the street.

The hero is richly roaring about "I'm on the right", the sense of which is still unreasonable. Vіn shukaє vyhіd, not bazhayuchi "accept the share so, like won є". Raskolnikov testified to the "trial" of "undertaking", thoughts about the yak vinikli the second month ago. Tse thought about driving in the old one. “Vin was so deep in himself and stupefied in his mind that he was afraid to inspire be-such a brat”, “I ceased to take care of my vital rights and didn’t want to take care of myself.”

Vіrushiv to the old pawnbroker: “Well, now I'm going now? Hiba am I building on tse? Olena Ivanivna’s centrist is old “for sixteen years, with warm and evil eyes, with a small welcoming nose”, she says “mortgage”, and Raskolnikov will give her birthday and promise to bring another silver cigarette for days. Viyshovshi in the old way, the hero condemns himself for the thought, as if he had been following yoga for a long time: “Oh God! How ugly!.. How could such a flicker of a moment save me a thought? On what kind of ford zdatne, prote my heart! Golovnya: brudno, kaposno, bridko, bridko! .. ”At the embarrassed feelings of wine, go to the liquor store.

At the drinking yogo, the titular radnik Marmeladov is attached to the respect. Judging by the reaction of the otochyuchih, I'll bet the zavsidnik. The new one has a swollen, green appearance, red eyes, brown, fat, red hands with black nails. From the swindle and old age of Marmeladov, the hero discovers that in the new squad Katerina Ivanivna, “the consecrated and gentry woman”, three її small children, that they went out for a new kind of trouble: “You can judge ... what a world it was , consecrated that vihovana that prizvishcha at home, for me it was enough to drink! Ale pishla! Weeping and rejoicing, and hands lamayuchi - gone! For there was no where to go.” And I drink everything to the last penny, I confess, but I can’t do anything with myself. Five days later, having vlashtuvavsya in the service, but I didn’t see it again, I left a few pennies at home and got drunk.

Katerina Ivanivna embarrassed Sonya, Marmeladov’s daughter, “take away the yellow ticket” (pay to the panel). Now all my family lives for pennies, like Sonya brings. Marmeladov already beyond the boundary I will open: “Adzhe is required, so that the skin people want to go where you can drink. For it’s such an hour, if it’s necessary to go where you want to drink! Hi! You still don’t understand what ... ”Raskolnikov sees off Marmeladov at home. “Small smoked doors in the kіntsі descents, at the very top, were vіdchinenі. Ogarok illuminating the most beautiful room for ten days; її it was visible from the blue. Everything was going wildly, especially the child of the ganchir...” Raskolnikov becomes a witness to a rich family scene. Your anger Katerina Ivanovna brings down on Raskolnikov, respecting her husband's friend. Raskolnikov poured on pіdvіkonnі drіbnitsa, scho bula in yogi gut, for children.

Before Raskolnikov's troubled sleep, there is a supper on the evening, brought by the cook Nastasia and reading the sheet from the mother. From the list of wines it is recognized that my homeland has experienced a drama. Sister Dunya was married to the house of Mrs. Svidrigailov, and she worked as a governess. The landlady Marfa Petrivna found the scene in the garden, de її the man was seen in the Dunya's hut. After that, misfortune began, right up to hanging out of the apartment. Ale Dunya husband suffered all the humiliation of that image. In the end, Pan Svidrigailov recognized Dunya's innocence. Now, in the person of Martha Petrivna, she has become a patroness. For її protection, my sister began to ask for lessons. Knows and names - nadvirny radnik Petro Petrovich Luzhin, “a man of 45 years, charitable and with capital; sensible and, yes, kind. Vіn "having laid down to take the girl's honesty, but without landing and not without exception, as if she already knew a difficult camp." Luzhin vvazha, that "the person is not guilty of anything but the goiter of his squad, and richer, as if the squad respects the person with his benefactor." Luzhin to drink, for good measure, because he decides to move to Petersburg and open a public lawyer's office there. Mother Pulcheria Raskolnikov is inspired to help Rodion grow his career. For example, the mother’s leaf reminds that the stench of the Dunya nevdovz is going to go to St. Petersburg. Liszt zvorushiv Raskolnikov and awakened impersonal sensibilities in the spirit of speech to hatred. Vіn not zmіg more zalishatisya in komіrchinі і vіbіg nadvir.

Raskolnikov has been rebuked for a long time under the defeat of the sheet. Golovna thought, like spinning in the head of a new one, - do not buy Dunechka's love from Luzhin. You are overwhelmed and the position of your relatives, who are ready to get along with the respectful and zhorstoky dilkom, to get out of vigilance, smut, to help you. And especially - the cynical position of Luzhin, which is in vvazha vigidnym to take for the squad the consecrated maiden from the orphan homeland. The share of the sister, how to go abroad not out of love, not redeeming anything for the share of Sonechka Marmeladova, how to sell it to yourself for a penny, respect Raskolnikov. Ale vіn zgaduє, scho vіn bіdniy student, nevdaha, and scho nothing against the capital of pan Luzhin. Youmu to think about self-destruction. Ale, a long-standing idea is taking over everything.

I walk back to Razumikhin, a university friend, from whom you can earn pennies, and then we learn from us. Having spent the remaining thirty kopіyok for a glass of burner and a piece of pie, dine in the bushes on Vasilevsky Island, tormented by thoughts. Raskolnikov has a terrible dream. Vіn bachit yourself a septenary child. Ide wine from the father of taverns, led by his drunken orgies. Bilya ganka cost a visa, but entangled in a new horse, not a cart, but a thin peasant nag. From the tavern come the drunk men, one of them, Mikolka, asks them all to sit in the sleigh. Moonshine gluzuvanya. Mikolka bіdolashnu klyachonka, as in the case of heaviness, you can't ruin the job. And the better the bezporadne horse, the better the beast of the master - "sik to death!" Others join before the beating. The nag is tormented, Mikola is finishing it off with a sword. The father wants to see the child, but the boy throws himself to the dead horse and kisses him, then he hoards and throws his fists at a healthy man. Raskolnikov slips in: the mystery of the long-wilted plan of driving in has been revealed. Having laid a dream on a new one, who is moved with a flicker according to his own primary idea: Let's instill a lot of worthy sumnivs in all of these roses, be everything that has happened in this month, clear as day, just as arithmetic. God! Aja, I still don’t care!”

Passers-by of the Blue Square, in the bazaar of the wines, the sister of the old interest-bearer Lizaveta. Merchants are encouraged to venture to please their sisters. It is clear that tomorrow, about this evening, it is old to be left at home alone, and you realize, “There is no more freedom for the mind, no will” and “everything is left to chance”.

“The rest of the day, which so inadvertently came and all at once vyrishiv, having acted on the new mayzhe mechanically: nіbi yogo htos by the hand and pulled after him, enchantingly, blindly, with unnatural strength, without a barricade. As if he had squandered his clothes on the wheel of a car with a clapboard, and began to pull him up to a new one. Raskolnikov guess how the idea of ​​driving the old one was born. Addresses of the wines were recognized from the rozmovi, listened to in the tavern in one of the students. Having told that friend about the little and evil old pawnbroker, who can earn a penny. She has a sister, a healthy and strong maiden Lizaveta, as if she was in the full order of the German grandmother. The student vvazhav unfair, shkodliva, pіdozrila, yak not to bring the precious wealth of the old Volodya with indistinguishable wealth. “Kill її and take pennies, so that with their help you devote yourself to the service of all people ... How do you think, why can’t you make amends alone, crying evil-doer with thousands of good deeds? For one life - thousands of lives, vryatovanyh vіd rotten and laying. One death and a hundred lives natomist - that arithmetic here! What does the life of a dry, bad and evil grandmother mean on the savage teresas? No more like a life of yours, a targana, that one is not a varte, more an old man is shkidliv. Vaughn is a stranger to life.”

Raskolnikov to catch yourself at the Duma, which is close to your eyes. The rest of the day and the coming day of wines should be spent like marennya. Vіn gotuє tasmu for sokiri and sewing її to the left sleeve of the coat, vityaguє z-pіd pіdlogi zahovaniya mortgage. Here you can feel what time it is now. Vіn without the use of zooms, take the juice from the door and leaning towards the house of Oleni Ivanivny.

Raskolnikov behaves nervously, and the mood is passed on to the old. Vaughn does not trust you. Raskolnikov makes a pledge - I will take a cigarette. Vaughn turns to the sky, to take a closer look at the river. At this moment, Raskolnikov "the hero of the sokir ... waving his hands to both, feel the ice ... Mayzhe mechanically lowering the butt on his head." Vіn znіmaє z dead ї keys that go to її kіmnati. There, in a hurry, the wines are laid out in the intestines with a bunch of mortgages. And here, a light homin is attached to yoga. Vibigshi, win to succumb to Lizaveta, as if she was frail over the murdered old woman. Vіn ruins by an unstoppable turn of the podіy. Raskolnikov is driving in її. You will be remembered її without protection, childish eyes. Zreshtoy, blame yourself, throw up your hands, sokir, look around yourself and get ready to go. Here you can see that the doors were opened, and I can smell the cracks at the gatherings. Vіn vstigaє put constipation on zasmorg. One client came to the old one, then another. The stench is strange, that there is no one in the house, and the doors are closed on constipation. One of them will go down behind the doors and ask for another guard of the doors. Without getting help, the client is going.

When Raskolnikov descends, you feel like you are turning around as you went. I want to spare you again. Vіn vstigaє shovatsya at the empty apartment on top of the bottom.

Part II

The next day I slept until three days. I only just vin zrozumіv, that I didn’t shove the sons of the women’s speeches. Vіn having planted the fire in a sorting way, shriveled the blood, trimmed the fringe, fermented with blood. There was a knock at the door. Nastasya brought him a notice from the police office. Vaughn knew Yogo was ill, she chanted tea. Ale Raskolnikov was inspired. Vіrushiv vіrushiv at the office, mіrkuyuchi road about those, navіscho yogo viklikav quarterly. At the office it was reported that the gentleman was grabbing pennies for the apartment through the police. Vіn tries to turn up the clerk's letter to himself. From the new to take a receipt that goiter about payment. I’m thinking, I’m smelling, as if they are talking about the extravagant driving. Vin unobtrusive, not reaching the door. Bring Yogo to you, confess that you are sick, and let you go home.

Raskolnikov's inflamed brain has a thought about shaving. I’ll come home, I’ll wake up all my speeches with roses of intestines and go to the street. Vіn virіshuє vykinuti їх by the water, but skіz richly crowded. Nareshti on one of the streets between the gates and with a leaning wall of wines reveals a skhovanka. Tudi vin fold speech. On the way back, catch yourself on the thoughts, what you can’t get up, what’s in the gamants and mortgages. “Why did you take all the torment and for such a low, low, gidka right pishov?” Yogo's feet led him to Razumikhin's booth. Vin could not explain the purpose of the visit. Taking Bulo German translation but then we turned and bowed back. Razumikhin vvazhav yoga for the sick. Viyshovshi nadvir, vіn a little without having consumed the carriage. The merchant's wife, who is sitting at her place, takes yoga for a zhebrak and gives two kopecks. Raskolnikov wikipedes at the Neva. “Yomu succeeded, that he cut the wine with scissors, having cut himself in the sight of the ears and the entire census of infirmity.” At night, marinate the wine. You know that the helper is clearly beating the master of the apartment. Lies for Nastassia vin fall into inconsistency.

Raskolnikov slipped in front of his apartment for a few days. At the kіmnati - Nastasya, Razumіkhіn, artilnik, which brought to you a translation from his mother. Razumikhin told me that he vouched for the apartment borg. It was also recognized that Zametov, a leaf grower, became a part of the guest of the new one, who was a friend of the police department. Vin himself spoke up to get to know his friends better. Razumіkhіn rozpovіdaє, scho vіn vіyavlyav vіyavlyav іnteresі to yogo speeches, dopomagav spying. As Razumikhin Raskolnikov enters, he looks around at the speeches, the rudeness, the wall, which have been left out there, trace the evil. Razumikhin turns around with new clothes for a friend.

Zossimov, another friend, a medical student, appears on the verge of death, and states that the sick man is on the mend. Word by word, Rozmov again turns to the vbivka of feverishness of that її sister. Raskolnikov recognizes that they suspected the bugs: and barvnik Mikola from an empty apartment, where Raskolnikov was, and clients, as if they did not find enough evil at home. Krasilitsikov began to be suspected through earrings, as if they knew the stench on the streets and fought. Raskolnikov change their minds, that the result is going straight to the right one. We drove in the fire at the apartment, if Koch and Pestryakov were knocking, then we hid in an empty apartment, and let the box out of the earrings on the street.

Rozmova is interrupted by an unscheduled visit. On the threshold of Raskolnikov's rock, an unknown pan appeared, who appeared to be named Dunya Petr Petrovich Luzhin. Vіn podomiv, scho nearby neyshov timchasov lived for mother and sister, as well as an apartment, in yakіy youth live after fun. Petro Petrovich copes with an unfriendly attack on friends. We are in front of our theory: “let us love one for ourselves, for everything in the world is founded for a special interest.” The stench is interrupting Rozmov, without bothering to discuss with him. Rozmova turns again until the old one is driven in. Raskolnikov recognizes that Porfiry is the one who will feed the pledgers. Zossimov is aware that the information has been brought in from the hospital. Razumikhin yoma zatrachuє: nezgrabny, lack of knowledge, and tse bov the first crock. "I rob not zooms, only zooms, what to drive in."

Luzhin virishiv insert sprat into the rest sensible words about morality. Here Raskolnikov is not visible and it seems that driving in fits into Luzhin’s theory: “For your theory, it’s worth it!. Chi, what did your name say, what is most for the sake of it ... that there is a wife ... to that one who is vigilant to take a squad of zlidniv, so that we sweat over her panuvat ... and dorikat tim, that she was blessed by you? .. " Luzhin Bureny Tim, that Pulcheria Oleksandrivna told Raskolnikov about it and created a sensation yoga. Raskolnikov promises to let go of yoga for filthy words about matir. Luzhin, it seems that now you can’t make a movie about the sale of stosunkivs.

Having lost one, Raskolnikov changed his clothes, taking twenty-five karbovantsiv, lacking in friends, and pishov mist. On the way to wine zaishov at the brewery "Krishtal's Palace". There vin zamoviv newspapers and tea. Until the new pіdіyshov, Zametov, and again began to sing yogo on rozmov. Raskolnikov accepted the call. Vіn navmisno transvіv rozmovu to vbvivanie old, rozpoіv, scho having robbed a penny, as if zamіvі bіdі. Under the sight of “I would have fixed it like that” I rozpov about a skhovanka, where I shove the knots in a woman’s mortgage. Vin shock Zametov, who calls yoga divine. Raskolnikov continues: “What if I’m old and knocked in Lizaveta?” Pomіtov quickly seems, scho not to believe Raskolnikov's accountability. Raskolnikov rejects confirmation that he was one of the suspects. Walking on the edge, we stick with Razumikhinim, like a bark for self-walks. Razumikhin will ask yoga for the party. Raskolnikov is led. Walking around the city, walking to the bridge. Marveling down, on the water, thinking about self-destruction. In a row, a young woman throws herself at the water. Її roar. After painting this picture, you see your idea. I don’t know myself, to reach the booth of the old fever, go up to the room. There are three repairs. Vin copes with marvelous hostility to robots with rozmov about driving in. Fuck Yogo. Thinking about whether to go or not go to Razu-Mikhin, you can smell the noise on the streets nearby. Win and go there.

The carriage crushed the people. Navkolo zіbravsya natovp rozzyav, the police, the coachman is true. Raskolnikov, having healed himself closer, having recognized his vipadkovy familiar Marmeladov from a new one. Vіn voicing to show the way to yoga booth. If Marmeladov was carried to the room, Katerina Ivanivna shouted heartily: “I have achieved it!” - I rushed to the man. Vaughn began to fuss around a lot, sent one of her daughters, Polechka, for Sonya. From the inner rooms, few baggies hung, and only at the door did the bump bulge, and then they rushed in a herd into the room itself. Katerina Ivanivna came to the point of swindle. “Want to die gave calmly! - she shouted out to the whole NATO, - what kind of performance did they know! Get out! Let me wait until the dead body!” Raskolnikov preaches the call of the doctor. The doctor seems to be dumb. The priest will come for the rest of the speech. Sonechka Marmeladova appears at the edge of the stone. Raskolnikov is appointed because she looks stupidly in her cheap, but flashy words in the midst of a miserable situation. Vaughn so and do not dare to go to the father. Marmeladov's glance is staring at the bottom, asking for wine from her and dying. Raskolnikov told Katerina Ivanovna all the pennies that they lost in a new one for the funeral. On the contrary, Polechka is nazdoganya, and you give her your address. On the way home, you will see that the ailment of yoga is coming: “My life has not died yet in the old one.”

Raskolnikov come to Razumikhin for a party, and they call out to yoga. If the stench comes up to Raskolnikov's booth, the stench pours light into the yoga room. Rodion asks a friend for a certificate, he doesn’t know what. Ale at his own room wines to sip a matir from his sister. The joy of the sound interrupts Raskolnikov's unobtrusiveness.

Part III

Raskolnikov come to you and ask relatives to take yoga away. Rozmov to talk about Luzhin. Raskolnikov vimagaє in the form of a sister to advise and put the mind: “chi vіn. or I." Mіzh i Dunya blame superechka. Mother does not want to deprive Yogo one. Vaughn is stormed with roses about Yogo Bozhevil. not a couple Rozumikhin fits Dunya.

Lies, climbing up to Raskolnikov's relatives, Razumikhin barking at himself for being unstriking. Vіn usіm іn іt wіll look, thаt behavior tries tо bring Dunі, whісh yogo аnіtrohi won't hvilyuє. Rozmov's new name to come in about Raskolnikov. Razumikhin it seems that Rodion is a “reasonable, but gloomy, gloomy, proud and proud, not to love anyone and hardly to love.” Shchodo vchinku with Luzhin, vіn zvuvachuє Raskolnikov in non-striking behavior. Ask for a rebuke from Dunya for your words about your betrothed. Pulcheriya Oleksandrivna gives Luzhin's note to Rozumihin. Write to me what you want to see them in the evening, but ask if there was no Raskolnikov. Vaughn ask Razumikhin for help. That proponuє pіti to Raskolnikov, schobi there virishity all at once.

At Raskolnikov's, the stench of Zosimov is stinking, which is a statement that that maya is healthy. The stench will drink Raskolnikov about the podium with Marmeladov. Pulcheria Oleksandrivna recounts that the patroness Marfa Petrivna Svidrigailova has died. Come talk about її gifts Dunechtsі and about Luzhin, who has not yet christened the names of the desired gift. At Rodion and Dunya, welding through the betrothed is again coming out. But here, Raskolnikov’s mood changes sharply, and he says: “Let’s go out for whom you want.” Mati handing over Luzhin's scum to you. Vіn is fit to do so, as if to speak to the mother of the Dunya. Ale Avdotya Romanivna already praised the decision that Rodion obov'yazkovo could be on his way.

The doors of Raskolnikov's room were opened and the girl was gone. Raskolnikov did not immediately recognize Sonechka Marmeladova without Yaskra outfits, what to scream. Vaughn came to call on Raskolnikov to attend that commemoration of the father. Raskolnikov introducing his mother and sister. The women knew that Sonya's reputation did not allow them to be equal. If the stink is to go, Dunya bowed with respect and respect. On one hand, Pulcheria Oleksandrivna seems to have taken on her an unacceptable hostility, especially since Luzhin wrote about her. Dunya calls yoga “tile”, and Sonya “beautiful”. Raskolnikov, feeling that he will finish the pledges with Porfiry Petrovich, ask to know yoga with her. You want to turn the ring of your sister and the Batkiv Srіbny year.

Sonya looked like Raskolnikov. Її follow as if a person, as if roaming with her. Nadali tsya zustrіch matime virishalne meaning for the heroes.

Razumikhin from Raskolnikov straight to Porfiry Petrovich. Dear Raskolnikov, having commemorated the sympathy of a friend to a sister, he is captive to the new one.

Raskolnikov’s head meta is to say that Porfiry knows about his recent visit to the house of the old post-mortem. There the stench is chiming Zametov. Raskolnikov discovers that the rest of the pawnbroker is guilty, with whom Porfiry still spoke. Z romov vіn razumіє, scho yogo accountability to vbivstva is given to him by the hirer. Vin fight. Porfiry Petrovich's forward behavior is on his guard. Porfiry guesses the article of Raskolnikov, published in the "Periodic Movement". For Rodion tse vіdkrittya. Vіn vіdnosiv statyu to іншої newspapers and buv perekonany, shcho її not published. Porfiry to lead Raskolnikov to the world of yoga theory about the "three creatures" and "the right to think." Zgіdno z it, people are zvichaynі obligated to live in obedience and do not have the right to cross the law. And the person is not extraordinary, as you can say to your middle man a new word, “I have the right ... to allow my conscience to cross ... through other steps, as if vikonannya idea of ​​​​that vimagatima.” Razumikhin intervenes at Rozmov: “for he caused blood according to his terrible conscience, the lower official allowed blood to be shed, legal ...” Porfiry smears Raskolnikov’s wickedness on the details. Ask, chi bachiv vin barvnikov at your visit to the old house. Raskolnikov are afraid to eat at the pasture, calling for help. Razumikhin is shammed, shouting: “The same barvniks were smeared on the very day of driving in, and the wine was there for three days!” Porfiry, now, scho zbentezheny, lovingly says goodbye to friends.

“Obidva looked gloomy and gloomy overhead and sprat krokiv did not say the right word. Raskolnikov profoundly transcribed them ... "

Raskolnikov and Razumikhin went to the house, where Pulcheria Oleksandrivna lived on the Dunya. Raskolnikov sings a friend that Porfiry from Zametov suspects yoga. Razumikhin obіtsyaє "in a native way" talk with Porfiry about suspicion against Raskolnikov. Rodion virishu turn to yourself, first go down to the next. If you go to the booth, a passer-by calls him a chimney that go. What is enough, so that the new fever was given as a sign. I will guess the details of the vbivska again, try to guess, the stars of that pan can know everything. Vin sue himself for weakness. “How dare I, knowing myself, in front of myself, take juice and grimacing?” Vіn razumіє, scho suffering for the scoєny mischief to accompany yoga forever.

Vin is forgotten by sleep. Youmu dreams of that unknown movchasna person. Win with your hand to beckon yoga and bring you to the old apartment. Rapture of wine shows the old woman, to sit by the armchair, take the juice and b'є її on the head, but the old woman only laughs. Vіn throwing bіgti, but screeching more people, stink mumbling and sueing the new one. Win prokinuvsya. Before that, a man came, mistaking a handful of wine for a dream. He introduced himself: Arkadiy Ivanovich Svidrigailov.

Part IV

Raskolnikov unlovingly receives Svidrigailov, remembering the story of his sister. Svidrigailov rozpovidaє, like Marfa Petrivna called yogo in vіrnoї vіznitsa for cheating and that the stench lived together. Vіn vіdchuvaє Raskolnikov's soul is arguable, vvaє that the stench of "one field of berries"

Raskolnikov laughs and encourages you to go to the doctor. Svidrigailov ask about zustrіch from Dunya. Marfa Petrivna deprived the Dunya of three thousand carbovants. In addition, I myself want to hand over ten thousand rubles for those unhandedness, that image, as if she had experienced yogo blame. Svidrigailov is attacking the Zustrichi from the Dunya. Raskolnikov led.

Vecheri Razumikhin with Raskolnikov to go to the Dunya and Pulcheri Oleksandrivna. Razumikhin, at a cost, tells about Rozmov and Porfiry, who did not say anything about his suspicions.

Luzhin wants to talk about the upcoming fun, but in respect of the impossibility of working for Raskolnikov. Vіn vovlyaє zhіnkaє, scho stench nehtuyali yoga vimogo not ask Raskolnikov. Dunya tries to reconcile her brother with Luzhin, leading up that she cannot and cannot be robbed of choosing between her brother. Luzhin is angry to say that she doesn’t value her own happiness, she tells about material losses, slandering with worthless people, looming over Sonya Marmeladova. Between them spalahuє welding. Dunya ask Luzhin to get out.

Luzhin did not clear up the gap. Yogo was ruled by Dunya, as that squad was named. Vіn sche podіvaєtsya vpraviti right. Dunya is more reconciled with her brother, calling to herself that she was laughing at the pennies of a worthless person. Raskolnikov tells about the names of Svidrigailov. Dunya is hostile to this proposition and vvazha, what you think is greedy. Raskolnikov told his sisters that they should speak with him. The stench will be plans for three thousand, deprived of Dunya Martha Petrivna. Razumіkhіn proponuє take up book-seeking right. Mustache buried. Raptom in the middle of the move, Raskolnikov gets up and declares that he should love them, but for the next hour it will be better for him to grow up and not fight. The stench is hot. Vіn doruchaє їх turbotam his friend. Razumikhin calm down, it seems that Rodion is ill.

Raskolnikov came to Sonia to say goodbye. Vіn pereviryaє on Sony their theory, trying to bring їy, її a victim of the marne. On the other hand, it would be fairer to drink from life. Sonya seems like you can’t leave your relatives, the stench will be lost without her. Raptom Raskolnikov bowed at Sonya's feet: "I bowed not to you, but to all human suffering." On Sonya's chest of drawers lie the New Testament, brought by the late Lizaveta. Sonya's friendship with the murdered enemy is against yoga. We ask you to read the Gospel to me about the resurrection of Lazarus. “The cigarette end has long been fading at the crooked candlestick, darkly hanging in this warm room with a harlot and a harlot, which marvelously sang for reading the eternal book.” Unexpectedly, Raskolnikov told Sonya that he had come to “talk about the right”: “I left my relatives today, I now have one. We are cursed at once, we are destroyed at once. Vin promises to come tomorrow and tell who to drive in Lizaveta. Sonia passed on her hot mood, and she spent the whole night in the madder. At the court room, all the time I was listening to Svidrigailov.

The offensive wound of Raskolnikov came from the villager to Porfiry. Vіn having said, scho brought paper from the prohannyam to turn the speech. Raskolnikov realizes that Porfiry is reinterpreting yoga. I don’t see it: “I’m sure I’m clear that you suspect me of having beaten a woman and that sister Lizaveta.” Raskolnikov is hysterical. Porfiry yogo calm down, it seems that Raskolnikov is ill and needs to be rejoiced. Raskolnikov sounds yoga in nonsense and grі. Vіn vіmagає vіd Porfiry directly vyznati yogo or suspect or innocent. Toy again unique in vіdpovіdі. Porfiry to talk about what a "surprise" is, what is known in the court room. Raptoma are those who didn’t recognize anyone.

They brought in the barkeeper Mikoli. Vin is publicly known from the old one. Gra continue. Porfiry and Raskolnikov did not take offense at such a development. Raskolnikov go, but then we will analyze the whole Rozmov for a long time. V_n to catch yourself on the thoughts, which you have not seen enough for yourself. Guessing that today is the day of Marmeladov's funeral, you blame them, so that Sonya will be smitten. The doors to the yoga room were opened by themselves, and a taemnichiy man appeared at the door. So very quietly and not richly wine asking the new vibachennya "for exchanging that malice." As it turned out, it was one of the quiet ones, who heard about the knock-in at the apartment at the hour of the visit after the knock-in. It was incomprehensible. Vіn zіznavsya, scho vіn i buv surprise Porfiry. The hero of radium is suitable for such a turn.

Part V

Petro Petrovich Luzhin is sorry about the rise from the Dunya, ringing like a brother. Vіn vyrіshuє take revenge. Vinaymaє kіmnata order with Marmeladov. Luzhin to ask his judge Lebezyatnikov to bring Sonya to the new one. Vin explains that I can’t help the powers that be, because Marmeladov served little and wrongly. You should ask for a rebate if you can’t come to the wake, and give him a credit paper ten rubles.

Katerina Ivanivna, guarding the pride of the dead, held a decent commemoration. Ale, most of the requests did not appear. Priyshov Raskolnikov. Vaughn was ripped off and in the wake of being boiled with the gospodarka Amalij Ivanovna. On the right, it is not enough to reach the biyka. Tsієї khvilini say Luzhin.

Vin calls Sonya at the stolen hundred-ruble bill, praying for Lebezyatnikov's wedding. Sonya will be ruined, but then we will block the calls, giving him ten rubles. Katerina Ivanivna, overwhelmed by attacks on Sonya, throws herself at her, fluttering. From one flutter, a banknote appeared. Sonya is ruined crying. On the middle of the stage, Lebezyatnikov comes in. Vin calls Luzhin a "riveter". Vіn bachiv, like Luzhin, pіdkinuv їy piper, but thinking, scho noble sponukani. Rozkolnikov, moving on to this, explains that Luzhin wants to take revenge on you, the shards of “honor and happiness Sophia Semenivna are dear to me,” and bring his mother and sister to his rightness. Luzhin is threatening all the police and the court. Sonya ticks home to herself. Mrs., we put Katerina Ivanivna with her children from the apartment.

At this moment, Lebezyatnikov will come and tell you about the deity of Katerina Ivanovna. Raskolnikov turns back home and sip Dunya there. There it seems, that the mind of this wondrous vchinka, more of it is suspected of driving in the old one. Win to ask Dunya to give respect to Razumikhin - "win of business, practicality, help, building deep love."

Raskolnikov again wanders around Petersburg. Katerina Ivanivna frightens the children to walk the streets, sleep, dance and take alms. Children are ticking at her. Rushing after them, she falls, blood in her throat. Її lead to Sonya, de won in the world. Before death її words: “What? A priest? !.. ...We looked at the closet... I got drunk!”

Svidrigailov appears. Ten thousand, yak Dunya does not accept, wines are taken to Marmeladov.

Part VI

Katerina Ivanivna is buried. Raskolnikov's mind that Sonya does not change the setting to the new. Razumikhin reminded Rodion that his mother was sick, and Dunya took off an invisible leaf. Vіn virіshuє svіshuє zі Svidrigailovym, schob bratissja yogо namіrakh schodo sister.

At the door, the wines stick with Porfiry, which comes to a new one. Porfiry rozpovidaє yoma, as if he had become the suspect of yogo. Vіn bluntly it seems that there is no evidence against Raskolnikov. Trying to vikriti yoga, vin roby betting on psychology and character. Vіn zіnaєtsya, scho having scoured yogo's apartment, having provoked yogo with all his might, vibachaєtsya for tse. Ale immediately seems that Mikola is not wine. Vin is a schismatic, and religious fanatics take suffering in the grace of power. The villain has a different handwriting. Rozkolnikov, who roared, asked Porfiry, who killed him. “They killed you, Rodiona Romanovich,” the whispers sounded the same to you. Vіn kazhe, scho want good for you, and for the sake of coming with a confession. Vin gives you two days to think. Raskolnikov is not known from the vbivstvo.

The hero goes to Svidrigailov, zustricha yogo in a tavern. Stop talking about Doon. Raskolnikov went after Svidrigailov. Vіn upevneniy, what do you think about your sister. We beat Svidrigailov's booth on Dunya's new check. Ale Raskolnikov її sip. Dunya to ask his great ruler on the street to the right, asking for a win. Ale Svidrigailov is on the move at his apartment. Dunya is reluctant to wait. There he shows the empty room, de wine listens to Raskolnikov's rozmov, and conveys the essence. Svidrigailov pronounces his brother's salvation for love. Do not believe Dunya and want to drink. Ale, the doors are closed, and the booths are empty. Won out of the intestines of a woman's revolver, a sprat shoots once and misses. Svidrigailov is approaching the Dunya. Vaughn throws a revolver, because you can’t drive in and ask to be let in. Mite fight in the soul of Svidrigailov, and win the key. Dunya go. Vіn pіdnіmaє throwing a revolver at her.

Svidrigailov spent the whole evening at the taverns. On the way back, go to Sonya, reminding that the children have arrived at a good boarding house. Vіn vіddaє їy three thousand rubles, yakі zadoblyatsya in hard labor їy іz Raskolnikov. That same evening, in їde, znimaє number at the hotel. In my dreams, I dream of a litter girl, as if I died if I was blamed. At night, go out of the hotel, take away Dunya's revolver and shoot yourself in hiding.

Raskolnikov refuses to take punishment early. Vіn іde spochatka to motherі ta єєєє її vdom one. Vіn niby say goodbye, it seems that you forever love and love them from the Dunya. Ask to pray for the new one. If the wine turns, then slaughter Dunya. It seems that I’m going to go to the dilnitsa to find out from the evildoer. Theory is still Volodye. You don’t feel guilty about the one who, having driven in “a gidka, a shoddy old man, blew it like a bad one.” Vіn sue yourself for cowardice, for not being able to step over the carding. Raptom yogo chirping at the sight of my sister. Vіn ask her for forgiveness and promise a new life.

Raskolnikov come to Sonya. She is dressed on her new cypress cross. On the way to the village, I guessed Sonya’s words, as if I were telling you to repent: “Come to the crossroads, kiss the ground and say to the whole world with a loud voice: I’ve beaten!”. Vіn so i rob. Yogo vvazhayut for drunk. In the business of wines Illu Petrovich Gunpowder, with which I got to know at the first hour of my first visit to the apartment borg. Gunpowder tells about Svidrigailov's self-destruction. Raskolnikov's hostility. Win go. On the podvir'ї vin to sack Sonya, as she came for him. Vіn do not see it at a glance, turn and know at the vbivstvі: “I just drove the old official and sister Lizaveta the sokira and robbed.”


Rozkolnikov at Siberia already the second time of the fate of the early warning. Vrahovoyuchi turnout of guilt, as well as "wonderful behavior" that lack of health vbivtsi, the court sue him up to eight years of hard labor. “The evildoer not only did not want to tell the truth, but to show the bazhanya himself more and more to call himself.” It's clear that Raskolnikov is a slut, good people, that graciously accepts someone else's bіl. Viyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє, like vin, rizikuyuchi life, vryatuvav vryatuvav children on pozhezhі, sharing miserable sins with the old father of a dead comrade. Raskolnikov's mother, without understanding why on the right, on the cob of divinity, and then we die. Sonya is going to hard labor according to Raskolnikov.

Dunya go out for Razumikhin. That maє namіr pick up the brothers and go to Siberia, so that we can start a new life at once. Sonya reminds Raskolnikov's relatives in the lists, “what are the faults of us, that they did not love him in the acute prison; scho wines to mourn for whole days and become more and more white. Raptom, in the rest of the sheet, Sonya wrote that if she fell ill, it would be serious and lie at the hospital.

Vіn suffering for ailments "in the face of enemy pride". Vіn quarrel, that having mediocrely prepared his life, but he does not repent of the correctness of his theory: “Vіn suvoro judging himself, and baked conscience yogo did not know any especially greedy fault in the past, krіm hіba a simple blunder.” Vіn shukaє pardons at their vchinkah and sue themselves for turning themselves in. Navit Svidrigailov is given to you by the strongest, for you have learned to drink from life.

Raskolnikov “was not loved by everyone. They began to hate Yogo, they hated him ... They hated Yogo, they laughed at him, as if they were rich in Yogo mischief. "Ti sir! - they told youma. - Chi tobі bulo z walk with a juice; not panske zovsim rich ... "" You are an atheist! You don't believe in God! the youmu shouted. - Drive in you need.

But all the stench choked Sonya. “They don’t have vain; everyone already knew її, they knew those who went after him. She didn’t give them pennies, she didn’t give them special services. Once, for a holiday, she brought alms for the whole prison: pies and rolls. And if she chimed in with the party of prisoners who went to work, they took off their hats, they bowed: “Mom, Sophia Semenivno, our mother, lower, sickness!” - said tsі rude, branded convicts to your little and thin creature. Vaughn laughed and bowed, and everyone loved the stinks, if she laughed at them. The stench loved to move on, turned around to marvel at his condition, like there was a go, and praised її; praised її navit for those who are so small, navit did not know what to praise for. Before her, they went to rejoice.

Oduzhuv Raskolnikov importantly. Ulamki yogo theory came before the new in the marennia. Vіn bachiv viyni, mass vibivs, if there were only “the purest choice”. "I'm not aware that this change could be the cause of a possible turning point in life, a possible Sunday, a new look at life." After the yogo dressed up ill Sonya. Raskolnikov is turbulent about her.

As if I were sitting on a steep birch of a river, and Sonya stammered raptly. Vona timidly held out her hand to you. “Raptom, nibi pidhopil yoga and threw it to її nіg. Vіn crying and embracing її kolіna. At Persh Mit, she snarled terribly. Ale, I saw it, I got it all figured out. In її eyes shone with indescribable happiness; she realized that she should love wine, love her inexorably, and that it was time for you to find a bad breath ... The stench wanted to talk, but they couldn’t. Tears stood in their eyes. The kokhannya resurrected them, the heart of one was laying down the inexhaustible dzherel of life for the heart of another. The stench put checks and patience. I was left with more of these fates; and dothy stiles of insufferable boar and stiles of inexcusable happiness! Ale vin is risen, and he knows ve, seeing everything with his own identity, and vain - vain and lived only one life!

Chapters 1-2

Funeral of Katerina Ivanivna. Razumikhin told Rodion that Pulcheria Oleksandrivna fell ill.

Porfiry Petrovich comes to Raskolnikov. The next one declares that Rodion is suspected of being beaten. For the sake of young people, you will appear in the village with guilt, giving you two days to think. There is no proof against Raskolnikov, but there is no evidence yet for driving wine.

Chapters 3-4

Raskolnikov was wise enough to speak to Svidrigailov: “this people seemed to have the power of the new one.” Rodion zustrіchaє Arkady Ivanovich in a tavern. Svidrigailov tells young people about his stosunki with the late squad, and about those who just died like Dunya’s death, but at the same time she was named by the new one.

Rozdil 5

Svidrigailov went to the taverns, after which in the taєmnitsі in the form of Raskolnikov they go to the Dunya. Arkadiy Ivanovich poured out, so the girl went into the apartment before the new. Svidrigailov tells Dunya about the honor of Sonya and Rodion. A man promises to lie to Raskolnikov in exchange for favoritism and duniya. The girl wants to drink, but the doors are closed. Dunya took away a revolver, shot once at a person, but didn’t happen to ask to be let in. Svidrigailov gives Dunya the key. The girl, having left the armor, go.

Rozdil 6

Svidrigailov spent the whole evening on taverns. Turning back home, the man zaishov went to Sonya. Arkady Ivanovich seems to be, perhaps, going to America. The maiden dyakuє yoma for those who ruled the funeral and helped the orphans. A man gives three thousand rubles, so that she could live normal life. The girl is on the alert, but Svidrigailov seems to know that she is ready to drink for Rodion to hard labor that pennies will definitely need.

Svidrigailov wanders into a deaf corner of the place, destined to stay in a hotel. At night I dream of a little girl-fuck, as she perished through the new one long ago, drowning herself after having broken her heart like a man. Viyshovshi vdosvit, Svidrigailov shot himself in the head with Dunya's revolver.

Rozdil 7

Raskolnikov says goodbye to his sister and mother. Yunak seems to be close, that he chooses to know from the heart of the old, to embrace a new life. Rodion shkoduє, who could not cross over the obligatory threshold of the power theory and his own conscience.

Rozdil 8

Raskolnikov going to Sonya. The maiden puts on a new cypress cross, willing you to drink on the cross, kiss the ground and say out loud "I'm beaten." Rodion should be robbed like this, as Sonya said, after which I go to the police department and get to know the old interest-bearing sister. In the same place, the young man learns about Svidrigailov's self-destruction.

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