Come on Robinson Crusoe is a head thought. The theme is the idea of ​​creating Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. Creative theme


"Robinson Crusoe" (eng. Robinson Crusoe) the hero of novels<#"justify">1.1Short essay on the novel

The name of the first book should sound like “Life, unimaginable and marvelous good fortune of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived 28 years on its own on a deserted island on the white coast of America near the mouth of the Orinoco river, where the whole crew of yoga having perished, with a viklad of yoga of unspent sanction by pirates; written by him."

At the time of 1719, Defoe released the continuation of "Next Use Robinson Crusoe", and also through the river "Seriously Think Robinson Crusoe", but only the first book went up to the treasury of light literature and itself became a new genre concept "Robinsonade".

Whose novels are told about a man, whose dream is always turned to the sea. Robinson's fathers did not praise the yoga dream, ale vreshti-resht Robinson Crusoe vtik from home and virushiv by the sea. In the first place, the navigation of the wines, having recognized the failures, having sunk the ship. Members of the crew, who lived, began to tsuratize Robinson so that it did not go far away.

Robinson Crusoe having drank at full to pirates and having tasted them for a long time. Tuesday, sailing by sea for 12 days. The tubers bristled along the way. Having drunk on the ship, the good captain took Yogo on deck.

Robinson Crusoe lost his life in Brazil. Becoming a volodіti tsukrovo-reed plantation. Robinson rozbagativ and becoming a spitting person. To your friends vin rozpov about your usefulness. The rich people started talking about the tubers, about the tubers, about the vineyards of the vineyards during the hour of the pirates. Because the Negroes at that hour were a working force, but they were too costly. Picking up the ship, the stench went on the road, but through the evil fate of Robinson Crusoe they recognized bad luck. Robinson having spent on the island.

Vіn shvidko vlastuvavsya. The new one had three booths on the island. Two bays of the shore, to make the ship sail like a ship, and the other house near the center of the island, where grapes and lemons grew.

Having tried 25 rocks on the island, remembering the island's human traces and brushes on the pine birch of the island. Trohi a year on the same birch vine, having swayed the smoke from the bagattya, having risen to the hump, Robinson Crusoe looked up into the peep-pipe of the wild ones and two polonen. One stink already їli, and the other check for his share. Ale raptom polonenii escaped Crusoe's booth, followed by two dikuniv. The whole thing inspired Robinson and wil beat him nazustrich. Robinson Crusoe vryatuvav polonennogo, naming Yogo Friday. Friday, becoming a spіvmeshkantsem and a practitioner of Robinson.

Two more rocks to them on the island, a chauvin with an English ensign. There were three chubby ones on it, they were stripped of their chinks on the birch, and the others went to look around the island. Crusoe and Friday went to hell. Your captain rose up, that the ship rebelled and the ghosts of the rebellion vied to deprive the captain, his assistant, and that passenger on whom, as they thought, a deserted island. Robinson and P'yatnitsya spiked softly and rang, the stench was given up. A year later, the rush of another chauvin, they were also drunk. Robinson Friday, that sprat of the other half of them was poured on the line to the ship. Successfully chopping yoga, the stench turned to the island. So, like a harbinger of rebellion, they would spend in England, the stench would be deprived on the islands, Robinson showing them his freedom and flying to England. Crusoe's fathers have long since died, and the plantation has lost its dossi. Yoga mentors have become wealthy. Recognizing that Robinson Crusoe is alive, the stench healed. Crusoe took away a significant sum of pennies (Robinson did not dare to turn to Brazil). Later, Robinson sold his plantation and became rich. Vin made friends, three children were born to him. If this squad died, they wanted to turn to the island and wonder how to live there. Everything flourished on the island. Robinson brought there everything necessary: ​​a lot of women, gunpowder, creatures and more. I found out that the Meshkans of the island were at war with the savages, the victors took them from the full. Zagalom on the island of Robinson Crusoe provіv 28 rokіv.

1.2 Problems of genre power

The plot of the novel "Robinson Crusoe" is divided into two parts: in one part, the stories are described, which are related to the hero's suspіlnym butts, to the fatherland, in the other, the wasteland of life on the island is described.

The investigation is carried out as the first individual, for the sake of the effect of credibility, the author is completely excluded from the text. However, if the genre of the novel is close to the description genre of the real story (marine chronicle), it is impossible to call the plot a chronicle. Numerical reflection of Robinson, yoga woman with God, repeat, descriptions of feelings, what you can do with him, navantazhuyuchy rozpovid emotional and symbolic warehouses, expand the scope of the genre of the novel.

Not without reason, before the novel "Robinson Crusoe" there was an impersonal genre dedication: a suitable educational novel (V. Dibelius); adventure novel (M. Sokolyansky); a novel of vihovannia, a treatise on natural vihovannia (Jean Jacques Rousseau); spiritual autobiography (M. Sokolyansky, J. Günther); an island utopia, an allegorical parable, "a classic idyll of a free enterprise", "a belles-lettress of the Locke theory of a suspensory contract" (A. Elistratova).

According to M. Bakhtin, the novel "Robinson Crusoe" can be called romanized memoirs, with sufficient "aesthetic structure" and "aesthetic navmisnistyu" (for L. Ginzburg). How does A. Elistratov signify: “Robinson Crusoe” by Defoe, the prototype of an enlightened realistic novel that is still unreinforced, undifferentiated looking, in its own nameless different literary genres” .

All these terms have a grain of truth.
So, “the emblem of adventurism, write M. Sokolyansky, is often the presence of the word “adventure” (suitability) already in the name of creation.” The heading of the novel itself should be: "Life and marvelous use ...". but the very plot of the novel "Robinson Crusoe" represents an extraordinary podium. And the practical activity of Robinson has become in a primal human form of practice, which is the fantastic core of the novel and at the same time the secret of yoga especially privablivosti. Signs of spiritual autobiography appear in the novel itself as a form of rozpovid, dominating this genre: Shchodennikov's memoirs. Elements of the novel are found in Robinson's reflections and resistance to self-sufficiency.

As written by K. Atarov: “To look at the novel in its entirety, the whole state story TV breaks down into low episodes, characteristic of the fictionalized expensive (the so-called imaginaire), popular in the XVII-XVIII centuries. At that very hour, the theme of marriage and the spiritual development of the hero occupies the central place in the novel.

A. Elistratova says that: “Defoe in Robinson Crusoe is already in close proximity to the enlightened “novel of change”.

The novel can be read as an allegorical parable about the spiritual fall and the rebirth of a person in other words, as K. Atarov writes, “a description of the misguided soul, covered with original sin and through the beast to God, who knew the way to salvation”.

“Defoe did not in vain slander the 3rd part of the novel with its allegorical meaning,” says A. Elistratova. Благоговійна серйозність, з якою Робінзон Крузо вдумується у свій життєвий досвід, бажаючи осягнути його приховане значення, сувора скрупульозність, з якою він аналізує свої душевні спонукання, - все це перегукується з тією демократичною пуританською літературною традицією XVII ст., яка отримала завершення в «Шляху Pilgrim” by J. Bunyan. Robinson bachit showing divine providence at the skin under the skin of his life; prophetic dreams fall on him ... a ship accident, self-sufficiency, a deserted island, a pile of dikuniv - everything is given to him by divine punishments.

Whether it’s a frivolous podia Robinson interprets as “God’s providence”, and the vicious escapade of tragic circumstances is like a fair punishment and slander for sins. Navit zbіgi dates seem to the hero to be comprehended and symbolic: "... a sinful life and a life of self-sufficiency," dear Crusoe, the very day began for me.

According to J. Starr, Robinson speaks in a double role and is like a sinner, and like a warrior of God.

“The books, signifying K. Atarov, and interpretation of the novel, as a variation of the biblical story about the prodigal sin, are consonant with such understandings: Robinson, who is unimpressed for the sake of the father, leaving the father’s house, step by step, passing through the nayzhorstok father, Yakiy, nibi in the city for repentance, granting you salvation and prosperity in the final rahunka.

M. Sokolyansky, suggesting the thoughts of the future successors of this food, denounced their interpretation of Robinson Crusoe as a modified myth about the prophet John.

“At the beginning of literary studies, appreciating wines, especially for new practices, the plot of Robinson Crusoe is often interpreted as a modification of the myth about the prophet Jonah. With whom, the active life of the cob, the power of the hero Defoe, is ignored ... Retail is sensible in a purely plot plan. In the "Book of the Prophet John" the biblical hero appears like a prophet himself...; The hero of Defoe does not play the role of a provisnik ... ".

We don't call it that. A lot of intuitive insights of Robinson, so just like a prophetic dream, they can go for the transmission, the inspirations burn. Ale farther: “The life of life They are in full control of the All-Vishish ... And Robinson, like a rich wine does not pray, is active in his duty, and creative activity, initiative, guilt, do not allow the adoption of an old man as a modifier.”

Today's report E. Meletinsky vvazha Defoe's novel with yoga "setting on the realism of the butt," "a serious turn in the dear demifologizatsii literature" .

Tim for an hour, as if to draw parallels between Defoe's novel and the Bible, then you might be more likely to compare yoga with the book "Buttya". Robinson, in fact, creates his own world, in the light of the island world, and in the light of the world of the bourgeois world, deprived of him, of pure entrepreneurial creativity. Just as the heroes of the previous and coming “Robinsonades” are consumed at the ready, already created before them the light (really fantastic, for example, Gulliver), then Robinson Crusoe will be the light of the world, like a God. The whole book is dedicated to the report description of the creation of objectivity, and the multiplication of that material growth. The act of this creation, splitting into impersonal moments, so depressing, because not only the history of humankind, but the history of the whole world is laid on the basis of it. In Robinson, the god-likeness is opposed, it is stated above the form of writing, and the form of a life-student. Presence in the New and Reshta Arsenal of the Powerful Letter: Enchantment (Numerical Orders and Orders of Robinson from Different Leads, which are given as a parting word), Allegorical parables, Obov'yazkovі uchnі (Friday), Memorial histories, Kabbalah formulas (Zbіgi calendar dates) , timchasov breakdown (first, etc.), biblical genealogy (the place of those at Robinson's genealogy is occupied by growths, creatures, crops, miners, too). The Bible in "Robinson Crusoe" is unmistakably transcribed to an underestimated, shod, third-level equal. And it's simple and accessible for the clad, but it's smart and slick in interpreting the Holy Letter, so it's self-titled and stylistically simple, but at the same time it's plot-wise and ideologically "Robinson". Defoe himself sings that everything is useful for Yogo Robinson no more, like an allegorical acknowledgment of the dramatic vicissitudes of Yogo's powerful life.

A wealth of details make the novel look like a possible psychological novel.

“Acts of succession, write M. Sokolyansky, not without prejudice support the significance of the work of Defoe-novelist for the development of the European (and ahead of the English) psychological novel. The author of "Robinson Crusoe", depicting life in the forms of life itself, paying attention not only to the outer world, which evokes the hero, but also to the inner world of the spiritual religious people. And for the warm respect of E. Zimmerman, “Defoe in deyaky vodnosinov po'yazue Benyan with Richardson. For the heroes of Defoe... physical light is a faint sign of an important reality...”.


2.1 The novel "Robinson Crusoe" in criticism

The most famous Defoe novel is "Robinson Crusoe". On the thought of the last writer's work, without intermediary mail before writing the novel, becoming an episode from the ship's worker Captain Woods.

Year after year, for the materials of this worker, the journalist Style slandered the article about the usefulness of the Scottish sailor, who, as you know, to the singing world, was the prototype of Robinson Crusoe.

D. Defoe transferred the place of his hero's transfer to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean, and the hour of the day was about 50 years past, having himself hoarded the term of transfer of his hero to a deserted island 7 times.

Characteristics of rice enlightenment novel "Robinson Crusoe":

Ø Strong thoughts, that reason and practice are the head-ruling forces of the progress of mankind;

Ø The veracity gave the creation real history, laid the basis for the plot;

Ø Dostovirnіst rozpovidі priyala form schodennik;

Ø The introduction of descriptions of the first person, in the name of the hero himself, allowed the author to show the light of a great person and at once reveal his character, sense, morality;

Ø The image of Robinson Crusoe is filed at the rosette;

Ø At the center of respect, there is no less than the exotic of a deserted island, that hoary use, a handful of people, a lot of experience, almost, if it was left alone with nature;

Ø Robinson - the devil is that active person, right at the right time, vin shukay iznyh zasobіv vyavlennya vlasnyh zdіbnosti and prakticheskom;

Ø Robinson - new hero. You can’t see the vinyatkova specialty, not a historical fiend, not a mythical image, but great person, endowed with soul and mind. Author spivu activity ordinary people at the converted navkolishnoy action;

Ø The image of the main character is of great significance;

Ø An extreme situation becomes a criterion for designating not only physical strength, but rather the hero’s human qualities;

Ø The artistic reach of the novel is the decision of the writer to analyze his hero like those that are in the soul;

Ø Nature has given the development of the hero's moral wickedness. Zavdyaki її fast infusion. Robinson nibi go through social problems, intrigues and conflicts. Yomu does not need to be hypocritical, greedy, deceitful. Perebuvannya in the bosom of nature and the evil of her called out to life only the finest rice of nature - breadth, pracity and zdatnіst be natural;

Ø The main idea of ​​creation is to celebrate activity, labor energy, the mind and high moral qualities of a person, to help him discover the world, as well as to approve great value nature for the spiritual development of mankind;

Ø "Robinson Crusoe" is an epitome of the realistic novel of the era of Enlightenment. The plot of the bouv of delusions is in front of the interest of the English suspіlstvo to geographical references and more expensive;

New in today's literature is the topic of bula. Even before D. Defoe, there were creations, in which it was told about the share of unfortunate mandrivniki, zanedbanih from uncivilizations of the world. In 1674 p. in England they published a translation of the book of the Arabic writer of the XII century Ibn Tufayl "about the use of Haji Ben Yokdan", which is an achievement of great wisdom, living on the island of zovsim self.

After the appearance of Defoe's novel, literary scholarly science was enriched with new concepts of "robinsonade", which means a traditional plot in literature, promptings on the depicted life and testing of a character, which, having spent from an extraordinarily intelligent mind, through song causes, the relief of human conscience.

Roman - Robinsonade - characteristic of rice literature since the 18th century, and the next stages in the development of light literature. Stars of novels - robinsonade є so create: "Island of Felsenburg" I. Schnabel, "New Robinson" I. Campe, "Swiss Robinson" by Vissa, "Summer of the Pacific Ocean" by Psi Ball, "Mowgli" by Kipling, "Russian Robinson" by S. .

2.2 artistic analysis of the novel

Win not reading "Robinson Crusoe" from childhood, saying Betteredge, seeming to be himself. - Let's wonder, chi defeat Yogo "Robinson Crusoe" now!
Forks Collins. Monthly stone: “Daniel Defoe… The famous creator of the famous Robinson Crusoe, the skin child knows about the usefulness of what is on a deserted island even before she learns to read… That more sonorous, “home”, all-accessible writer, would have been, it’s important to reveal! As a prote author of "Robinson Crusoe" and as a person, as an artist, one of the most mysterious literary articles of her era. Dosi rich dark places in yoga biography. Most of the time, I want to give the people a date, but it’s definitely not installed. I didn’t understand until the end the role of Defoe in behind-the-scenes intrigues and political struggles during the biographies and at the same time reveal the latest facts.

And all the same, not ce smut. The riddle in the secret of yoga enchanting for readers. Allow me to assign these notes of great writers, articles and monographs of literary critics. Superchki about this riddle, rozpochati sche for the life of the author, do not sniff and dosi. Krishtalevo is clear, sensible, it would have been possible, if such a child's book were to fix an analytic rose, not revealing the secret of its unbelievable charm. The phenomenon of simplicity is more important than critical understanding, lower complexity, encryption, hermeticism.

At that hour, when Defoe had created his "Robinson", he was already a widely seen figure in the literary and political life of London. For the shoulders of a writer, who was a trifle short of a tenth, lost his life, lack of frailty and good fortune, the fate of the Monmouth rebels (1685) and a happy streak in the form of a crooked massacre; variegated mercantile activity, like two girls, led Defoe to bankruptcy; business trips to the country and to the continent; the fate of the political struggle and the magazine polemics of their time; proximity to the court under the hour of the reign of William of Orange and prison sentence for Queen Hanni; condescending punishment at the ganebny stovp (1703) for evil satire against the official “high” church and the taemnі znosini with the English prime ministers Harley and Godolphin ... Truly, like Defoe himself, the life of the war hero was no less .

In this ebullient life, which the activity of a businessman, a businessman, a politician, a journalist and a writer has taken away, one sphere of literature has the most to say to us. And yet, in this sphere, the genre range is even wider: Defoe is the author of more than one hundred works of satirical pamphlets on the topic of the day among prose writers, stories of prominent features (including criminal mischief), a treatise on economics, commerce, and politics.

Ale, in his broadest sense, Defoe, like a hero on a deserted island, starting, as it seems, “from scratch”. “Life and marvelous and marvelous...” appeared on the title arch of the first book, which rightfully describes the history of the English novel of the era of Enlightenment,” writes A. A. Elistratova. Can I say more broadly "history of the European realistic novel". Defoe himself is a pioneer in every genre. Filding's epics, Richardson's "psychological dramas", Smollett's satirical burlesques have not yet been created, the anatomy of human life has not been broken in Stern's works. The genre to the novel, the worship of the obvious non -elaborate. It is possible, the genialni -ichs of Defoe himself were a verse of the nature. profound art, pouchalnіst іstorichnym izznannim What hour, if it's written ", writing about the author of "Robinson Crusoe" Academician M. P. Aleksiev.

And yet Defoe, I am again like a hero, a significant world spiraling on the fruits of civilization. "Robinson" maw opedniks and in real life, and in literature.

The very addiction of the hero to the more expensive yaskrava was an example of an hour, an hour, if on the map of the world it was written here: "The city has not yet been opened." On the card, applied to the fourth vidannese “Robinzon Crusoe” (Sho Wizhel Serpni 1719 p.), Not to the man -made of the pyvniydni cordona of America, the pyvnikhi cordona of the zero namilichi, the same Interest in rozpovidei seafarers buv majestic. Books about expensive roads are the biggest reader's drink. From a whole stream of authors of road drawings and notes from the end of the XVII cob of the XVIII century. there are only two names associated with the furnishings of the Robinson’s creation, Admiral William Damp’er, who, having seen the more popular New Around the World on the Road (1697), On the Road to New Holland (1699) and On the Road to New Holland (1703) )

At the road trippers of the Pacific road trips, who saw 1712, Defoe could read the story of Oleksandr Selkirk, the prototype of the famous Robinson.

A Scotsman, a native of the small town of Largo near the county of Fife, Selkirk, as a lieutenant of Captain Stradling, took part in the waters of the Pacific expeditions of William Damp'er.

One of the Pacific Expeditions of William Damp'er. After cooking with the captain, he voluntarily abandoned the island of Massa Tierra in the Juan Fernandez archipelago, beating the coast of Chile. Selkirk rozrakhovuvav, yogo pіdbere like a ship, scho to pass later, scarlet chekat yom happened 4 rocks and 4 months. Lishé 1709 p. Yogo Bulo was taken on board the ship "Duchess" under the command of Woodes Rogers, which was the bailiff to the island to replenish the supply of drinking water. After three rocks, Selkirk turned at once with Rogers' expedition to England. Rogers and Captain Cook, who together with Rogers on the ship "Duke", and three of them later told about her to a wider readership of readers Richard Style in the magazine "England" (1713).

Rogers' discourse was also published in a pamphlet with the title "Return of the lot, otherwise Olexandr Selkirk, written by himself, will come in marvelous vision." Vіd tsієї piratskoї brochures, maybe, and take the cob of the legend about those that Defoe skoristavsya for his novel manuscripts Sіl kirk. The drunken survivors already in our capital showed other hermits in passing, as if they had spent a long time on the islands; їhnyu іstorіyu mіg also know Defoe.

However, the most recent stories are in the fact that the story of Selkirk and the like showed Defoe only an idea for a plot and some important details of an explanation.

Boules at the Robinson and a day of literary dzherel, we were before Henry Neuville's novel "Isle of Pines, or the Quarter Island near the unknown Australian mainland, recently discovered by Heinrich Cornelius von Slotten" (1668), which told about the life of the Englishman George Pines

A sing-song spit, maybe, spitting on Defoe John Bunyan's allegorical novel The Pilgrim's Way (1678-1684), which tells not about the real cost, but about the soul's misunderstanding in the jokes of the truth.

Ale, it’s less than piznishі pripuschennya, the result of new critical poshukіv. And in its time, the history of the creation of "Robinson Crusoe" was overgrown with myths and legends: they quarreled with passion about those who wrote the novel at Kent's Square at London's house in Stoke Newington; they cited the author for plagiarism, for vindicating the most significant notes of Oleksandr Selkirk himself, for arguing that he could not see the book, and navitt put the authorship of Defoe pid sumniv. April 25, 1719 The first novel of Viishov near London, in typography by William Taylor.

In London, in the typography of William Taylor. The success of the book was great, that in the same fate there were three more editions (according to the current understanding of the completion of the circulation), the crime of "pirates". After a couple of months, Defoe released the continuation of the "fashionable" book: "Come on Robinson Crusoe," which speaks about the share of the "Robinson colony" and about the hero's appreciation for China, the Far Descent and Siberia. Torishny sickle 1720 r. Defoe, having seen the third volume: “Think Seriously of Robinson Crusoe...”
A sing-song spit, maybe, spitting on Defoe John Bunyan's allegorical novel The Pilgrim's Way (1678-1684), which tells not about the real cost, but about the soul's misunderstanding in the jokes of the truth.

Ale, it’s less than piznishі pripuschennya, the result of new critical poshukіv. And in its time, the history of the creation of "Robinson Crusoe" was overgrown with myths and legends: they quarreled with passion about those who wrote the novel at Kent's Square at London's house in Stoke Newington; they complained to the author in plagiarism, in vikoristan nіbit іnbіbіtіnіchnyuchih notes оf Oleksandr Selkirk himself, zpevnіnіstyu stverdzhuvaly, schoden schoden not presto drukavat book, and navit put authorship Defoe pіd sumnіv 25 April 1719 p. The first novel of Viyshov in London, in Typography by William Taylor.

In London, in the typography of William Taylor. The success of the book was a great one, that by the same fate there were three more editions (for modern understanding - pre-drukar edition), the crime of "pirates". After a couple of months, Defoe released the continuation of the "fashionable" book: "Come on Robinson Crusoe," which speaks about the share of the "Robinson colony" and about the hero's appreciation for China, the Far Descent and Siberia. Torishny sickle 1720 r. Defoe having seen the third volume: "Serious Thinking of Robinson Crusoe..."

At once, "Robinson" migrated to the ranks of children's books, "tvir, scho calling a new era in the development of people, now becoming an important book for children's reading." Ale slіd remembrance, scho the novel was assigned to a large and well-known childish number of readers. For all its simplicity, the book is surprisingly rich in facets. About deyakі її aspects do not suspect modern lovers of English literature.

defoe novel genre criticism


The novel of the English writer Daniel Defoe "Life, unimaginable and marvelous usefulness of Robinson Crusoe ..." rightfully belongs to the most widely read works of world literature. The interest to the new one is not drawn from the side of readers, so from the side of the legacy of the English novel of the era of Proscience, which highly appreciates the contribution of the writer to the development of the national traditional genre and all Western European fiction. D. Defoe was one of the authors of the educators, who laid the foundations for rich types, genre variations and forms of the novel of the 19th - 20th centuries with their creativity. yaskrava prikmeta hour, if on the card there were unfilled months for writing type; " Unexplored lands.

Borrowing її polagaє in the adventurous, poetic nature of the plot of the main line of the novel. , "Writing by J.J. Rousseau in the pedagogical treatise "Emil, or about burying."

Defoe on the butt of "Robinson Crusoe" to bring the inevitable value of practice to the successive development and the created material and spiritual basis of the succession.


1.Atarova K.M. Secrets of simplicity // Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. M., 1990

2.Bakhtin M.M. Nutrition of literature and aesthetics. M., 1975

3.Ginzburg L.Ya. About the psychology of prose. L., 1971

4.Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. M.: "Art literature", 1992

5.Elistratova A.A. English novel doby Enlightenment. M.: "Nauka", 1966. 472 p.

6.Meletinsky E.M. Poetics of myth. M., 1976.

7.Sokolyansky M.G. Zahidnoevropeyskiy novel doby Enlightenment: Problems of typology. Kyiv; Odessa, 1983.

8.. Shalata O. "Robinson Crusoe" Defoe in light-biblical themes // Word I year. 1997. No. 5. S. 53

9.Shishmarova M. M. Defoe D. Robinson Crusoe // prov. from English: SP Leksika, 1992

10.Papsuev V.V. Daniel Defoe novelist. Before the problem of the genesis of the novel for a new hour in the English literature of the 18th century. M., 1983

11.Urnov D.M. Robinson and Gulliver M.: Nauka, 1973

12.Urnov D.M. Defoe. M: Science, 1978

13.. Shevel A.V. Lexical and structural-compositional features of the text of the English novel of the 18th century. (Based on the works of D. Defoe.) Lviv, 1987


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Date of publication— 1719

Genre- Novel

Topic- Human struggle with nature.

Povna name- “Life, extraordinary and amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived for 28 years in complete solitude on a desert island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown out by a shipwreck, during which the entire crew, s vikladennyam yogo nepodіvannogo zvіlnennya pirates; written by himself"

2. Practice theme. Pratsya herself helped Robinson to live and be deprived of people.Robinson Crusoe don't lose heart. I borrow money for myself, practice, gentrify my life. Having realized his own self-worth, the hero begins to shukati, to pragnate, to be timid. Do not sit with your hands clasped.

3. The theme of life-love, optimism, hope of salvation. Robinson Crusoe had two main everyday accessories: Vira and Diya. Robinson Crusoe to believe and follow the order, not to lose optimism, to fight for life.

4. The theme of friendship.

The life of the main character on the island has a helper that friend P'yatnitsa.With the advent of Friday, yoga life is on the rise new zmist. Robinson Crusoe becomes a friend and mentor of Friday. Vіn read Friday splkuvatisya English language, properly prepare food, eat, practice, ennoble life, land, teach different skills: reading, writing, shooting from towels. Tse help Robinson indulgence, you don’t need to worry. With the appearance of Friday, the main character has a greater chance of a streak. The stench will be chauvin at once.

If there are sixty years of journalism and publicist Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), writing in 1719 "Robinson Crusoe", he thought least about those who would write an innovative novel, the first novel in the literature of the Enlightenment. Without admitting that the very text of the title should be given the honor of 375 works, which have already been published under his signature and deserved to be honored by the name of "the father of English journalism."

Historians of literature are aware that having actually written much more, it is less easy to recognize it, having seen it under different pseudonyms, it is not easy for a wide range of English press to live at the turn of the XVII-XVIII century.

Behind Defoe's back, until the moment the novel was written, he had a great life: he left the lower class, in his youth he was a participant in the slaughter of the Duke of Monmouth, having humbled the strata, having risen in price for Europe and moving six words, having known laughter for the sake of Fortuny. His values ​​are richness, success, special viability of a person before God and himself - typically puritanical, bourgeois values, and the biography of Defoe - a barista, vikonan under the biography of the bourgeois of the era of the first award.

Vіn all life zatіv raznі pіdpriєmstva and saying to yourself: "Thirteen times I became wealthy and again I am vigilant." Politico-literary activity has brought yoga to the hromadyanskoy kari bila ganebny stovp. For one of Defoe's magazines and having written a detailed autobiography of Robinson Crusoe, the reader could believe (and believed) it.

The plot of the novel is based on a real story, like Captain Woods Rogers rose up in the news about yoga more expensive, like Defoe could read in the press. Captain Rogers rose, how the sailors took him from a deserted island in Atlantic Ocean people, yak spent five months there on their own.

Oleksandr Selkirk, captain's assistant on an English ship, who was blown away by a riotous vow, having squabbled with his captain and spent his days on the island with towels, gunpowder, a supply of tyutyun and a Bible. If the sailors of Rogers knew this, they would wear robes at the goats' coats and "looked more wild, lower horned first-haired men of the thogo's armour."

Once you have learned to speak, on the way to England, you have gone to the quiet places of the ship with biscuits, and it will take an hour to turn back to a civilized state.

A) History of creation (translate the novel)

For his long life, D. Defoe wrote a lot of books. Ale zhdna from them is not small such a success, like "Fit Robinson Crusoe." Prior to writing the novel by D. Defoe, it was written by Oleksandr Selkirn, the navigator of the ship "P'yat ports". Vіn razpovіv Defoe his wondrous story. Selkirk got married on a ship with a captain, and then hung him on a deserted island on the white coast of Chile. There they lived for a long time and for a long time, eating meat and turtles, fruits and fish. It was important for you on the back of your head, but later I learned to understand nature, having discovered and guessed a few crafts. As far as the island, the bristolian ship "Duke" under the command of Woods Rogers arrived, taking Oleksandr Selkirk aboard. Usі rozpovidі Selkirk Rogers writing down to the ship's log. When the recordings were public, Selkirk was talked about in London, as if it were a miracle.

D. Defoe spoke about the usefulness of a navigator and wrote his own novel about Robinson Crusoe. Simultaneously, the author changed the details of the life of the hero of the island. We moved the island from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic, and the hour passed by about fifty miles past. The letter also zbіlshiv termіnja perebuvannya svogo hero on the island at this time. Before that, he had given him a gift with a true friend and a helper - with a Tuber Friday.

D. Defoe wrote a follow-up to the first book - "Give the Robinson Crusoe a favor". In this book, the writer rozpovida about those, like a hero having consumed yoga to Russia. Robinson Crusoe began to get to know Russia from Siberia. There wine pobuvav on the Amur. And before that, Robinson mandruvav in the whole world, having visited the Philippines, in China, overflowing the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans. D. Defoe's novel "Fit Robinson Crusoe" made a significant contribution to the development of light literature. Vіn rozpochav new genre - "Robinsonade". Itself is so called whether it is a description of the goodies on the uninhabited land. D. Defoe's book has been seen many times over. Robinson had a lot of twins. Vіn mav different names, buv i Dutch, Greek i Scot. Readers from different countries minted in the form of writers, who are less hoary, below the book of D. Defoe. So one book gave birth to a number of other literary works.

B) Vikhovna meaning of the novel

The most famous Daniel Defoe brought the novel "Robinson Crusoe". On the thought of the last works of the writer, without intermediary postage before writing the novel, becoming an episode from the ship's workbook of Captain Woods

Rogers, published under the title "More expensively for the world from XVII08 to the XVIII rock". Year after year, for the materials of this worker, the journalist Style slandered the article about the usefulness of the Scottish sailor, who, as you know, to the singing world, was the prototype of Robinson Crusoe.

It is clear that in the hotel "Landoger Trau" the star D. Defoe and Oleksandr Selkirka became the navigator of the ship "Five Ports" in the hotel "Landoger Trau", as if for insubordination to the captain, he was sent to the deserted island of Juan - Fernandez beat the coast of Chile. There vin lived chotiri roki.

D. Defoe transferred the place of his hero's transfer to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean, and the hour of the day was about 50 years past, thereby increasing the term of transferring his hero to a deserted island by 7 times.

Considering the given literature of today, the writer gave such a name to the creation, the bula was in tune with the story: "The life and supremacy that marvelous usefulness of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived 28 rocks on a deserted island near the great American shore, not far from the birch trees after the accident of the ship, at the hour when the whole crew perished, of the Crimean, with the addition of rozpovid about no less marvelous way, how the pirates called you. Written by himself.

Characteristic drawings of the enlightened novel "Robinson Crusoe"

* Approval of the idea that reason and practice are the head-ruling forces of the progress of mankind.

* The real story gave the veracity to the creation, laid the foundation for the plot.

* The reliability of the rose was taken by the form of a student.

* The introduction of the description of the first person, in the name of the hero himself, allowed the author to show the world of a great person and at once reveal his character, almost, morally.

* The image of Robinson Crusoe offerings at the rosette.

* At the center of respect, there is not only the exoticism of a deserted island and hospitable goodies, a lot of people, yoga experience, almost, if it was left alone with nature.

* Robinson is a fiendish and active person, right at his own hour, wondering about the various benefits of revealing his own health and practicality.

* Robinson is a new hero. You can’t see the vinyatkova speciality, not the historical fiend, not the mythical image, but the great person, endowed with the soul of wisdom. The author is about the activeness of ordinary people in the converted navkolishnoi action.

* The image of the main character is of great significance;

* An extreme situation becomes a criterion for designating not only physical strength, but overthinking the human qualities of a hero.

* The artistic reach of the novel is the decision of the writer to study his hero to analyze not only those who are victorious, but also those that are in his soul.

* Nature for Robinson is a wise teacher and guide in yoga activities. Vaughn is a miraculous object for reincarnation, showing the possibilities and vitality of a person. In the English spiritual culture of the 13th century, a significant role was played by J. Locke's faith, which voted the priority of good faith in romatic activity. Dosvіd reverify the correctness of rozumov's allowances, spy the knowledge of the truth. And a person is trying to get help for the help of his feelings. The thoughts of the philosopher knew the artist's inspiration from Defoe's novel.

* Nature has given the development of the hero's moral traits. Zavdyaki її postіy infusion of Robinson nibi go through social problems, intrigues and conflicts. Yomu does not need to be hypocritical, greedy, deceitful. Perebuvannya in the bosom of nature and the evil of her called out to life only the finest rice of nature - breadth, practicality and buildingness but natural.

* The peculiarity of the novel is based on specifics with broad social and moral implications (Robinson and Ludozhery; Robinson and Friday - in the mind of educators, it was modeled in the miniature of the social history of people).

* The main idea of ​​creation is the glorification of activity, labor energy, the mind and high moral qualities of a person, which helps to discover the world, as well as the affirmation of the great significance of nature for the spiritual development of people.

* "Robinson Crusoe" - a sign of the realistic novel of Enlightenment. The plot of "Robinson Crusoe" was slandered by the interest of the English susceptibility to geographical answers and more expensive ones.

New in today's literature is the topic of bula. Even before D. Defoe, there were creations, in which it was told about the share of unfortunate mandrivniki, zanedbanih from the uncivilized world. 1674 p. in England they published a translation of the book of the Arabic writer of the 2nd century Ibn Tufayl about the use of Haji Ben Yokdan, which is an achievement of great wisdom, living on the island of zovsim self.

After the appearance of Defoe's novel, literary scholarly science was enriched with new concepts - "robinsonade", which means a traditional plot in literature, promptings on the depicted life and trying out a character, which, having spent from an extreme mind, from the singing reasons for the relief of human conscience.

The novel Robinsonade is the beginning of literature as early as the 18th century, and the next steps in the development of light literature. Stars of novels - robinsonade - so create: "Island of Felsenburg" I. Schnabel (XVII 51), "New Robinson" I. Campe (XVII79), "Swiss Robinson" by Vissa (Julio 12-XVIII 27), "Saminnik of the Pacific Ocean" balls (XVIII 24), "Mowgli" by Kipling (XVIII94-XVIII 95), "Russian Robinson" by S. Turbin (XVIII 79 ).

Modern writers also create robinsonadi. So, the Russian writing of L. Petrushevska in the work of "New Robinson" depicts almost a modern person, frightened by the absurdity and stingy world into the bosom of nature, so that it turns morally and physically.

C) The image of the main character "Robinson Crusoe"

Robinson Crusoe image not even guessing, and based on the real stories of sailors. During the hours of Defoe, the main thing is that the only type of transfer on the distant countryside was seafaring. It is not surprising that an hour at the hour of the court they suffered accidents, and quietly, that they often lived, rushed to a deserted island. Few people dared to turn around and tell their stories, for such people were, those biographies formed the basis of the work of Daniel Defoe.

The description of Robinson Crusoe looks like the first person, and when reading a book, it turns into a sympathy for the main character. For the sake of that peace, we go through the whole path with him, starting with the people and finishing turning home. A person with an enviable zazyatistyu and practicality, as if by the will of her share, alone in the unknown mіstsevost, put oneself for the meta and seriously assesses her chances of survival. Step by step, the regional life of that state, vin not wasting hope on order and reporting maximum zusil to reach the set goals. As a matter of fact, the wine went all the way from the first person to the possible peasant, moreover, one by one, without being able to enlighten that special knowledge.

In different translations, that adaptation was the main idea of ​​creation, the vision of that sequence. However, Daniel Defoe is trying to be reasonable, so as not to confuse the image of Robinson Crusoe with only butt problems. Creation is wide open spiritual light the psychology of the main character. Yogo grown up that smuzhnіnnya, old age cannot be left unmarked for a well-known reader. Starting out of an enviable enthusiasm, Robinson step by step resounds for his share, even though he doesn’t overdo it. Richly rozmirkovuchi over your reason, wine of reason, that with all the abundance of wealth, people take away satisfaction, less than what you actually need.

Sob don't forget the people's language, Robinson starts talking about his creatures, reading the Bible regularly. Less than 24 years of life on the island, you had the good fortune to talk to people from the tribe of dikunivs, whom they hid in death. Pyatnitsa, a long-term spy, having nicknamed Yogo Robinson, faithfully and vіddan helped Yomu in the state and became Yogo's only friend. Krіm pomіchnik, Friday becoming for the new one we will teach, for whom it was necessary to learn how to speak, to attach faith in God, to learn from the call of dikunіv.

Wіm, Robinson, but only radium, it's not an easy job, and even though it helped him to wake up in the midst of crazy thoughts. These were the most important fates of life on the island, as they can be called that.

Robinson's order is just as hoarsely and hoarsely, like life on the island. Zavdyaki to his friend P'yatnitsa you far away to stifle the rebellion on the ship, which zaishov likes to the island. Tim himself Robinson Crusoe ryatuy part of the team and they turn to the mainland. Rebels of wines are left on the islands on their own many volunteers, having provided them with the necessary things, and safely turn back home.

The history of Robinson Crusoe is a hooting place. Silence the happy finale and the turn, and then the trochs are summed up in order that the time has come to an end, and be separated from the main character.

Over the years, Daniel Defoe has been credited with the succession of many authors, who himself wrote the continuation of the work of Robinson Crusoe, but the other book did not exceed the popularity of yoga masterpiece.

It is possible, to understand the head idea of ​​the immortal novel by Daniel Defoe and understand everything short zmist The book "Robinson Crusoe" is supplemented by the thought of another, who lives richly, - Dr. Ravik from Remarque's "Arc of Triumph". There are words about those who would not have a share, after all, there can’t be evil of “calm masculinity” that can resist it.

Why did an adventurer and a politician, a narcissistic journalist, a pamphleteer and a conspirator of the British intelligence service, after that fall down in the 60-year-old century creating the immortal "Robinson"? How could it happen that a person who reached her taєmnіy kar'єri period pouring on the king that order ended her life with the evildoers? The author, the person is super-chliva, innocently and actively interacting with society, creating completely internally wholesome literary hero, absolutely shattered in the face of any kind of suspenseful life. Self-assessment of the days that have passed by the paradoxical method of "view of the protilege" by Defoe himself - "Robinson Crusoe" draws its short knowledge from reliable stories.

The basis for writing the book was the real story of a pirate in a bad weather with a captain on Mas-a-Tierra, stashed in the Pacific Ocean for 670 kilometers overlooking the coast of Chile. The opal corsair lived on the island for 4 years and 4 months.

About what do you tell a short story? Robinson Crusoe, a native of York, a Brazilian planter, who went after black slaves, after a ship accident appears on an Atlantic island near Orinoco. For the help of a sprouted raft, you are allowed to deliver to the shore from the wrought ship the teslar tools, I will take it, I will. Robinson has a reassessment of values. Juice, saw, lower melt for the new one, but gold, which was brought from the ship, cannot be found on the island of value.

Vіn zalishaєtsya vіch-na-vіch with the nature and climate of the island. Such a tie to the plot that rozpovіdaє short zmіst. Robinson Crusoe vibudovu his cunning fortifications, zahovaniya behind the palisade, where you can only go for help gatherings. Dali, for an hour, a bottle of goat meat, you fall to the thought of taming these creatures. Nezabar, cream of meat, the new one has both milk and sir. With the right gift of heaven, Robinson respects the grains of barley and rice, which sprouted vipadkovo, without any “rear thought” just vibrates them, as if they were smittam z mishkіv, scho zvіlnyayutsya. Having become a casual breeder, through a sprat of rocks, he managed to plant a field, like living yoga.

A pragmatic, "governor's" pidhid before his life of the main character, having zoomed in on a short logical short cut. Robinson Crusoe, the zavdyaks of the last wise practice, are transformed from the unfortunate, thrown off by the elements at the sack of the clergy. Now the new one has plenty of moles. Yogo dozvіllya brighten up three guts and a dog, like a diva they killed on a fallen ship. You begin to plan your day, seeing the hour for reading the Bible and letters. Robinson keeps his own calendar.

All the whole hour the mandriving man weaves a dream to induce the ship and splive on the new to civilization. Ale vydovbany z deck pirig yomu not vdaєtsya navit pіdshtovhnuti to the water. One thing is clear - a helper is needed. On the shores of the island, cannibals periodically appear for their rituals. The threat of the life of the headiest hero is reminiscent of short zmist notes of anxiety. Robinson Crusoe, for the help of his escort, beats from them the one who was recognized as a sacrifice on Friday, who becomes a faithful servant and friend. Together from Friday, when the stench is broken, the stench of the ludozheriv of the Spanish fight is old, the father of Friday. The stench will expand their dominion, will build a ship and send them to the continent. Nezabar on the island, the spivvіtchizniks of Robinson opine. The crew, having revolted, visadzhuє to disperse the captain, his assistant and one of the passengers. Ale Robinson, miraculously orienting on the islands, calling the English sayings and at the same time the stench rozroblyayutsya with troublemakers. Two of the most infamous bad guys had a chance to climb on a yard, but they did it humanely - deprived them of their life and transferred all the dominion of Robinson from the Volodin. Dali the ship of the Volodarka region of the sea, sailing to the native shores.

The twenty-eight-world island history of the English is finished, and it has become nominal. On the fatherland, on the new check, there is a surprise. The Brazilian plantation, cherished for the power of daylight, earned it income for the rocky daylight. Robinson makes friends, he has children. Life has been good. Classic Happy End.

Reviews about the book "Robinson Crusoe" allow you to take into account all the information about this TV. This is the famous novel by the English Daniel Defoe, who stubbornly shook the world in 1719. Yogo Head topic- morally reinvigorated people in connection with nature. The book is grounded on real grounds. In a similar situation, the Scottish boatswain Oleksandr Selkirk leaned back.

Creation of the novel

Reviews about the book "Robinson Crusoe" taken from this article. The stench allows you to find out why this novel is dedicated, which today is rich in someone respecting the first in the literature of the era of Enlightenment.

At the time of the writing of the novel, Daniel Defoe already had hundreds of works under his shoulder. Too many of them didn’t even get to recognize them, because the author often used pseudonyms.

The basis of creativity

Reviews about the book "Robinson Crusoe" often suggest that the basis of the work is based on a real story, like one British journalist told Captain Woods Rogers. Defoe well, shvidshe for everything, having read її in the newspapers.

Rogers spoke about those who, like sailors, threw on a deserted island in the Atlantic Ocean, yoga commissar Selkirk, who showed off his wild and neurotic character. Having quarreled with the captain of that team, they hung him for him, having secured a towel, a supply of gunpowder, a tyutyun, and a Bible. On the one hand, proving mayzhe chotiri with half the rock. If yogo was breathed, the goat's coats were wearing clothes, looking over the top wild.

In the old days, on the very side of the vines, I began to learn to speak, and all the way to the booth I hovav at the other places of the ship biscuits. It took a lot of time, but they still managed to turn into the camp of a civilized people.

head hero Defoe even looks at his prototype. The author, zvichayno, significantly embellished the situation, sent Robinson to a deserted island for 28 years. Moreover, for this hour of wine antrohi did not spend its human likeness, but the snake stuck to life on its own. That's why reviews about Defoe's book "Robinson Crusoe" often say that this novel is the butt of an optimistic creation, that it gives strength to readers and enthusiasm. Golovna, that this book is left for a certain hour, for rich generations, the novel has become a beloved work.

Who should read a novel?

Today is a varto to find out what kind of novel to read from a poor vice. For young people, a hoarsely good story is worth it. But it is not a trace to forget that important literary studies and cultural problems are put in the book.

In the book, the hero can virishiti impersonal moral nourishment. It’s also embarrassing that the novel should be read by itself. At the very beginning of one's life, the stench is taken away as a "split" because of the vileness and cynicism, as the hero Defoe recognizes that pennies are not a smut in his life. Adzhe plays one of the key roles in the work of the main character. Vіn іz zatyshego mandrіvnika, іѕ wіth thе bаlєmu wіth thієmu bachiv sbаgаchennya, tіkіnієєєєєєє єі dlyina, yаkіvіvsіvsіvsіvіvі nebhіdnostі pennies.

We are familiar with this plan є episode on the cob of the novel, if the hero is less than a hero on a deserted island. The ship, on which the wine was fired, crashed nearby, it is possible to reach it without special susils. The head hero stocks up on everything that youmu might need on the island. Supplies, ammunition, gunpowder, tools. On one of his trips to the ship, Robinson blew a barilo, filled with gold, and mirrored, which easily changed bi yogo into siren or other corny speech.

Characteristics of the hero

Characterizing the main character, the next thing is to say that on the cob Robinson stands before us as a bright English entrepreneur. Vіn є vіlennyam typical representative of the bourgeois ideology. Until the end of the novel, wines transform into people, as if they were the main ones in their life, they respect creativity and creativity.

Rozpovidayuchi about the youth of the protagonist, the author says that Robinson from his youth dreamed of the sea, like a rich cotton of the yogo generation. Right in the fact that England at that time was one of the leading maritime powers in the world. To that the profession of a sailor was honorable, popular and, importantly, highly paid. Warto know that in his mandrivkas Robinson is ruining all the bazhannya zbagatisya. Vіn pragne enter the ship as a sailor and learn all the wisdom of the sea. The cost of wine will rise in price like a passenger, for the first time you will become a successful merchant.

Analysis of the novel

Analyzing this novel, it should be noted that it became the first educational novel in literature. Same tsim vin uvishov to the history of art. At that hour, the bagatma was taken as a punishment for that unfortunate need. The root of which lies in a sideways interpretation of the Bible. It was also important that God himself punished Adam and Evi's naschadkiv for those who did not obey yoga's instructions.

Daniel Defoe is the first author, for whom the work becomes the basis of the activity of a person, and not just the extra work (earning) of the most necessary. It gave rise to moods at that hour, which were founded in the midst of Puritan moralities. The stench stverdzhuvali, scho pratsya - tse day of employment, such as not varto soromity chi unikati. For myself, read the novel "Robinson Crusoe".

Progression of the main character

The reader can follow the progress of the development of the main character. Leaning on a deserted island, the wines cling to him, which is practically nothing. Only an hour later, with a lot of failures, I mastered how to grow bread, to look at domestic creatures, to weave cats that would be a real life. Mustache vin osyagaє way samples and pardons.

For Robinson, the worker becomes a guardian, who helps him not only to live, but spiritually to fury.

Character traits

Nasampered Robinson Crusoe looks at other literary characters at that time during the last days of the last days. Vіn is a hero, which I will continue to lie down to the spiritual world.

Yogo at any time cannot be called a dreamer or a visionary, like Don Quixote Cervantes. This is a respectful person, because you know the price of pennies and money. Vin yak fish by the water near the practical master. When tsimu vin dosit himistichny. Ale tse rice ozumіl bolshostі chitachіv, outright bourgeois ideal - special wealth.

Why does this character suit the readers so much? Whose head is the mystery of the educational experiment, which he put on the sides of his novel by Defoe. For the author's presenters, the interest of the described situation is that of us, having changed at the vinyatkovoness of the camp, at which the leading hero leaned.

The main drawings of this novel are veracity and її maximum perekonlivіst. Daniel Defoe goes to reach the illusion of authenticity for the help of a great number of small details, as if, as it were, it is simply impossible to guess.

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