Who has axion stagnation. Aksionov, Yevtushenko, Akhmadulina. Reference heroes “Taymnichoy passions. Stosunki at Sim'ї

Vidomy Russian writer Vasil Aksyonov was the last repressed by the Stalinist regime of the fathers. Vіn virіs at sim'ї tіtki by batkovі, pratіyy pracіvnikovі і less than 15 rokіv voz'dnav zі єі єір'ю, hung on Kolima. Pіznіshe Aksionov rozpovіv about his youth in the autobiographical novel “Opіk”. He graduated from the First Leningrad Medical Institute and started working as a doctor, but in 1960 he took up professional literary work. The first story of the writer "Colegs" was screened in 1961 and from that time Vasil Pavlovich became famous as a famous author. True, even before the 1970s, activity opinated under the fence through an active hromada position on the defense of dissidence. In 1988 Aksyonov's rozіhav on request to the United States, for which the writer himself and the team of Vasyl Aksyonov were relieved of the Radyansk hulkiness. Vіn zmіg turn to Russia only in 2004.

Aksionov's two friends, that history of yoga became one of the legends of Russian prosperity for a long time. Vasil Pavlovich's first ship was friendship with Kira Ludvigivna Mendeleva, the daughter of brigade commander Lajos Gavro, a girl from a good homeland. The future of friends was known in 1956, near Leningrad, and Kira hoarded the writer with her zhavistyu, in my memory to pick up foreign songs, with a familiar ringing. Vaughn also started at the Moscow Institute foreign language, and Aksionov worked at the clinic. After a second time, the stench became friends and lived in a tight kіmnattsі budinka, where there was one toilet for 50 apartments, soul to soul. In 1960, young people born son Oleksiy, and through the river - another, Aksionov becoming a popular writer. She rediscovered, spent most of her charms, Kira began to rule people's scenes of jealousy, and now the family's fortunes were happy.

In the middle of the 60s, Aksyonov was firmly established in one of the "writing" companies with Maya Carmen. Vaughn was a friend of Belli Akhmadulina, a retinue of the famous director Roman Karmen, 24 years older than her. Yaskrava is so effective, always cheerful, that sociable Maya loved to coquette, befits people and once reached out to Aksionov. A special inner strength was seen in the new man, as the woman was grafting on. If between Mayyu and Vasily an affair began, the insults were inadvertent, and they delivered a little experience to their friends. Carmen blessed Maya not to throw yoga, no matter what, Kira continued scandals. In such minds, zakokhani could win the praises of happiness at the vdryadzhennya, at parties at the friends of writers and at the secret zustriches, even though all the relatives knew about their novel. Aksyonov and Yogo Kohana traveled together to vodpochinok and settled in different hotel rooms, because the rules were suvorim.

Maya worked at the Chamber of Commerce after the completion of the Institute of Foreign Trade and often traveled overseas. Zvіdti wona brought impersonal beautiful imported speeches for herself and her friends and relatives. Vasily dressed up in fashionable scarce speech, spoiled herself with imported marvels of a kokhan and her donkey Olena, like the first, even before the union with Carmen, a slubu. In 1978, the director died, and two years later Aksionov became friends with his widow. In the late 1980s, the youngsters flew as far as France, the stars were born two months away from the USA. Tse koshtuvalo їm spend the right to turn to the fatherland. Friendship was ruled by pratsyuvati vikladachs at various American universities. Aksionov is a professor of Russian literature, Maya is a philologist. Allowed to turn to Russia, the stench was taken away only after the change of the other state changes in 2004.

The clerk appeared at the corners of his apartment in Moscow, but was not alive in it, often wandering back to his house in Biarritz. Vіn again sketched the glory of a fashionable writer and managed to enjoy it. Aksionov died in 2009, having suffered a severe ailment after suffering a stroke and undergoing an important operation. Maya Opanasivna, spent a whole day, spent a short time at home, and took a call about the death of her man. This full of love ended like this, as far back as before, even in his youth, having declared Aksionov: vіdno and vіrno loving his Maya until the very end. Vasil Aksionov's team outlived the team by five or more years.

Participants of the Metropol almanac (livoruch): Evgen Popov, Viktor Yerofiev, Bella Akhmadulina, Andriy Voznesensky, Zoya Boguslavskaya, Boris Messerer, Fazil Iskander, Andriy Bitov, Vasil Aksionov, Maya Karmen, our heroine. Photo by Valery PLOTNIKOV.

Yogo was called the founder of the "new licorice style". Good critics slandered the word "new". Evil - in the word "licorice". What is behind the novelty and licorice?

What is the person in the middle?


- Vasya, let's talk about the kohanny. Turgenev's bula Viardot, Scott Fitzgerald's Zelda, Herzen's Natasha, yakbi not bula її, the great book "Numbers and Thoughts" would not be born. What is it for a yoga woman writer? It happened in your life, what did you write for the sake of the girl, for the sake of the woman?

- So it didn’t bulo ... Ale, such a high bulo. And our main kokhannya - I don’t know how Maya marvels at me, but I marvel like this: Maya, so.

"Look Maya..."

- I remember miraculously: Budinok of creativity in Pitsundi, you sing out of a hooting whitewash, and everyone whispers, saying that, having said, Vasya Aksionov has taken the squad of the famous documentary filmmaker Roman Karmen ...

— I didn't take it. Vaughn was yogo retinue more than ten.

- Are you familiar with him?

- Ni. Once I followed him at the "Chervoniy strili" to St. Petersburg. I used to be a bank. And I'm already feeling about yoga squad. And I tell you: is it true that you have a good squad? Vіn kazhe: me fit. So having washed the wines, and, perhaps, it seemed to be deceived.

- How many fates did you have?

- Rock 32 or 33. I'm friends. Kira was my team. Kira is the mother of Oleksiy. And with her, it was as if it was nasty bulo ... In fact, we lived in a funny way. To the people of the baby, to that, like she stroked like that.

“Did everything change because of those that she stroked?” You tse became ... imagining?

- Її Tse became falsehood. At that time, I became, well, known as a writer. Shastav usyudi with our current celebrities… different people were traples in good time… the stage began to wander…

- And rozpochinavsya like a student slub?

- No, I already graduated from medical school with St. Petersburg. I went with a friend to the Karelian Isthmus, our interests are sports, jazz, te-se. And I said to me: I danced one woman ... Vaughn was staying there with her grandmother, an old lady. She sat at the prison, її only they let her in, tse buv 1956 r_k. And she sat out from 1949.

- And your mother was sitting.

- My mother was imprisoned in 1937. And Kirina’s grandmother was dragged as if to the celebration of Voznesensky ...

- Which Voznesensky?

- Not Andriy, of course, but the one who directs all party work in the Radyansk Union. Yogo was imprisoned and shot. When his nephew came, he said, as if he was sitting at the vaznitsa on his own, and writing leaves to Stalin, that he was not guilty of anything. And once in a single raptom, the Politburo, in a full warehouse, went up to the yogo cell, and vіn, after pumping them, shouting: I knew, my friends, that you would come to me! Todi Lazar Kaganovich was so deaf to you.

- Why did the stench come?

“Just marvel at the fallen enemy.

- Sadistic...

- And Kira graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and sang various foreign songs even better ...

— And your heart broke.

- Axis specifically. And then ... all sorts of things were ...

- Pieces - love zahoplennya?

- Love zakhoplennya. All the time in the house of creativity took place. І axis as if we were coming to Budinka of creativity near Yalta. Pozhenyan is there, my friend. We sit with him, and we rub our hands: oh, Carmen's squad is here ...

- You rub your hands, thinking, why will you have a romance in you at once?

- I thought that there would be a novel in the new one. Vaughn just arrived and pushed herself to the table of Belli Akhmadulina. And we were always friends with Bella. I say Bella: Vasya, Vasya, come here, you know Maya, like, you don’t know Maya! all winter she looked after him, and, if she saw him, she went to Yalta. And then she began to regotati, cheered. And in Yalta stood our steamboat "Gruziya", the steamboat of literature. So, as a captain, Tolya Garagul, he loved literature and enticed him to himself, giving us benkets. And the axis of mi z Mayyu ... Maya always twisted on the steel, well, it seemed like she was doing it, I was carrying it around like that, trying to get closer to her ...

- Did you suddenly die?

- So. And I say: bachite the axis, like a captain's cabin, and start threatening everything, and tomorrow my squad will go ... But they say: we will be closer one to one. Encourage everything and say: I'm going ... I spit on tsіy "Gruzії". And we turned to Budinka creativity. I checked Kira, and like benqueti began to spring. Bella guessed, walked and said: you know, I thought that people had buried champagne balls for us, let's joke. I knew that they knew.

- Maya's separation was important?

- There was no such separation, and it was not hard, there was such a boom. Everything was done step by step and, in a flash, already dosit out loud. We had a lot of conversations on pivdni, and in Moscow the same way. I continued to live with Kira, but we were already separated. Zvichayno, it was important, but love for Maya was even stronger ... We traveled everywhere at once. At Cheget, at Gori, at Sochi. They didn’t settle us in a sleepy place, for we didn’t have a stamp in our passport, but order. Over the cordon, obviously, she went herself, brought me like clothes ...

— The best hour of life?

- So. It all worked out with the Metropole, brought us from Mayyu, everything was spinning, everything was getting ready there. Ale after the death of Roman Lazarevich. We were in Yalta at the same time, and my daughter called and put up.

— Vin did not try to turn Maya?

- Vіn nі, but in a new friend bov, Yulіan Semyonov, vіn dovkol me walking and saying: vіdday yoma Mike.

- What do you mean vіdday? Vaughn is not rich.

- Well, well, but I myself said so.

"Vanechtsі was 26 years old ..."

- Don't you maєsh zvichki, like those of poets, attach speech to someone?

- Ni. Ale's novel "Opіk" of Maya's dedications. And the word “Ivan” is for our Vanya. Ti chula, what was trapilosa with our Vanya?

- No, but what? Vanechka is Maya's onuk?

- Їy onuk, me buv syn. Youmu was 26 years old, graduated from American University. Deer, yogo mami, had an important life in America, and I seemed to be trying to get away from her. Having gone to the state of Colorado, there were three friends: the Yankees, the Venezuelan and the wines, the three reds, and the stench could not know the robots. They were sent by mail, at the ritual stations, by the mountains. The new bula had love with a girl-nimkeney, the stench already lived at once. Ale, later on, she went off somewhere, in a rush, it didn’t work out, and the three stinks straightened up to San Francisco. All the same, and Vanya is our great. Vin had already forgotten Greta, he had a lot of women. If everyone went to the funeral before us, we were treated to a lot of warm women. Vіn is alive on the somomu version, viyshov on the balcony... All the stench hooted at the book written by a nіbito three thousand chinese sage. Tobto yoga nobody knew and didn’t know, but they knew that Imu was three thousand years old. I saved this book, according to it it was possible to find out about the share. I Vanya writing to you leaves. There, it was necessary to write as correctly as possible: dear oracle. І vіn nіbito schos vіdpovіdav. I yak bi vin Vani saying: strip from the soma on top.

- Like a sectarian story.

— Vіn nibi i not zbiravsya stribati. Ale vin mav such a zvichku - look down ...

- It seems that you do not need to look into the abyss, otherwise, look into you day after day.

— І vіn flying uni. Two students were together in a new one. The stench died to nothing, the wines were already lying on the ground, they came to you and said: I've gone through the alcohol and leaned over the railing. After what I turned on and didn’t come to you anymore.

— Did you endure Yak tse vi? Yak Maya suffered?

- Scary. Too scary. I started to feel bad.

- When did it happen?

- In 1999 roci. We were friends with him just miraculously. As if the wines were close to me. Better yoga signs. I still want to take yoga to Gotland. I, if I am alive in America, have gone to Gotland, to Sweden, there are also booths of creativity in our quarters, and there I wrote. This workhouse of creativity is on the top of the mountain, and below is the great church of St. Mary. If you climb up to the third on top, then you run into chimeras in the church, the stench peeps at the windows. I often marveled and feared that the chimera was beyond my life. And she looked up. Maya was in Moscow, I was in America. My friend Zhenya Popov phoned me and said...

- I thought that, no matter what, life in you is happy and easy.

- No, dear.

- Having written a poem about Vanechka, did you feel better? Vtіm, if a writer transforms the speech of life into prose, does it become easier?

- I do not know. Ni. Writing is good luck. But if you write about bad luck, it’s not easier. Won there in the apology, tobto Maya, zatuє: what are we now robitimemo? And I can confirm: we live in cover.

"The stinks wanted to destroy me"

- Vasya, and now you have left the country - once and again you have turned - two?

- Poїhav, to that stink they wanted to clean me up to the hands.

- Are you afraid of what you plant?

- Ni. to go down.

- Underestimate? Knowing you?

— Boow swing. Ishov 1980 rec. I left Kazan, like a father, on the Volz, a summer empty highway, and I got a KamAZ and two bikes on me. Vіnіshov directly me nazustrіch, the stench closed the road, blinded me.

- You buv for kerm? How did you get far away from the silence?

- Just a guardian angel. I didn’t say I was an ace, I just told me that I needed to work. Win saying: turn the right hand to the end, gas at once, and turn back, back, back. I jumped along the edge of the road.

- And I respected you as a lucky one ... You were so miraculously elevated to literature, mittevo, one can say, having begun to write, as if not writing to anyone. Robot svidomosti chi hand led?

- The hand drove with a zagal, zvichaino. I have seen Kataev. They were friends with him, and even wrote that we were so friendly.

— Are you talking about yoga “Diamond Crown”, “Grass of Forgetfulness”, about those who started to be called “movism”, like the French “mo” - a word, the relish of the word like that? And in me I realized that I started to shove thee, and then I changed my mind and became in a new way to write.

- Maybe booty. I will. If you say to me: old, you know, everything is so miraculous with you, but you darma care for the plot, it’s not necessary to develop the plot.

- Ti small miracle plotless rіch "Jokes to the genre" with the designated genre "Jokes to the genre" ...

- At that hour, wine rose with us. Vzhe buv "Metropol", and vin, speaking on his 80th century on TV, saying: you understand, I'm such a leader of our party, I'm such a leader of the Spiltsi writers ... Bowing. The rest of the time I passed the Kiev road and swayed yoga - I stood, so great, and marveling at the road ... Yakby would not be such a threat to my novels, I would have, maybe, not gone. Bulo is written "Opіk", "Island Krim", impersonal thoughts. Everything could not be written here and it began to be friendly at Zahodі. And at Sunset, when I began to write my great novels, such a story has become. My smut brand "Rend House" was sold to another brand. I saw my man saying: do not boast, everything is left in the old way. Ale stinks appointed a person, as if on the back of the head, and then saying: if you want to take a profit, you are to blame for all the intellectuals.

- Have you eaten up to what list? Just like ours.

- Bring income or you will perish - they have such an order. This person became the vice-president of a publishing company, and I understand that my books will not be there anymore. I am raptly understanding that I will turn to Russia, I will renew my literature. Golovne, I turned to the edge of my movie.

- Vasya, you are alive in America and in Russia. What is better for life there and here?

- I don’t feel like reading my books in America. Tse, obviously, not the ones that were in the SRSR ... But I can see less in circulation of 75 thousand, 55 thousand ...

“Ale, I’m not talking about your hissticism, so move on, rejoice, I’m talking about something else: how is the power of life in America and how is the power among us?

- In America, life is amazing in essence. Neymovirno comfortable, comfortable. France is not so handy as it is in America.

- Why is it smart? Do you care, they laugh at you, help you?

- Tsezh. There's a lot of stuff there. There, the institute takes on the greatness of your turbot and takes care of everything, to represent the formalities of life, it is even more comfortable.

- What do you like about Russia?

- Mova. I really like the language. Nothing more I can say.

- To whom and what do you see yourself goiter in life?

- I write one thing at a time about my childishness. It was terrible. And yet, miraculously, it gave me the opportunity to survive. Mother was sitting, father was sitting. If they blamed me for grabbing the information about my mother and father, they kicked me out of the Kazan Institute. Pіznіshe turned back. I instantly made up my face in essence. Pіznіshe také, far away, the 60s of the rokіv, “in the league” and all at once - it sang and swayed me.

- Have you seen yourself in the middle of a free person?

- No, I'm not a real person. Ale, I did not in any way consider myself a Russian people. I came to my mother in Magadan to settle, if I had 16 years, we lived on the outskirts of the town, and the axis of convoys fought us, I marveled at them and saw that I was not a Russian person. More categorically: not Russian. I once touched Stalin.

- How is the portrait?

- No, we live. I am with the lads from the Budіvelny Institute of Red Square. Mi yshli, and I bachiv the Mausoleum, de stinks stood, black figures right-handed, brown levoruch, and in the middle - Stalin. Meni was 19 years old. And I thought: how easy it is to aim and get far away from the sky.

“I can tell you that the yakbi in you was in your hands, so they killed you.

- Sounds great.

- Do you feel free now?

- I'm sorry, having spent on Zahid. What can I go to and fro, in some place of the earthly cool, and I can behave as I want. Meals are exclusive for pennies.

- Like we have at the same time.

- At the moment, everything is known otherwise. Everything else. Krim decide, I have two hulks.

- Like what, slapping not for a passport.

- Then I'll fix the opir.

- Turning to the cob of the head, the woman of you, like a writer, continues to be a destructive stimulus?

- My pensioners, you need to breathe in already ...

- Are you going?

- Sounds great.

- How are you robish?

- I think about it.

— Are you afraid of death?

- I don't know what will happen. Meni zdaєtsya, schos maє statisya. You can't just end up like that. Mi all the little ones of Adam, kudi vin, tudi mi, you threaten to turn to paradise, from mi after him.


Vasil Aksionov. Born on 20 September 1932 near Kazan, among the party workers. Ancestors arrested in 1937, condemned up to 10 years.

Graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute in 1956. Three fates worked as a doctor.

The Creator is close 30 novels and novels: “Colegs”, “Dawning ticket”, “Oranges from Morocco”, “Overstocked barrel”, “Job to the genre”, “Island of Krim”, “Opik”, “Say the birthmarks”, “At the jokes of the bag baby”, “Moscow Saga”, “Moscow-kva-kva”, “Voltairian and Voltairean”, “Ridkish lands” and others. Participant of the uncensored almanac "Metropol".

In the 1980s, the roci, who had reached the USA, had the relief of the Russian hobodom. Contributed to Washington, at the George Mason Institute. Gromadyanstvo turned 1990 rock.

Awarded with the French Order of Literature and Art. Laureate of the Russian Booker.


— What does miraculous old age mean?

- Did you take the chain?

- At home, but in you, is there food?

- In my opinion, є.

- How do you know?

- I don't remember.

- What about improvising?

- All the same, do not give up, but rather circle around.

- Why did you live your life without becoming a yakbi?

— I can’t reveal myself.

- What is the main power of your vdacha?

- I love to write.

- And what in other people suits you the most?

- Those who stinks do not like to write.

“Which is your current rule going out?”

- I care what I need to write. As a writer, if you write, everything can come out harmoniously with you.

20-21 spring of Budynok of the Russian Abroad im. O. Solzhenitsyn organized an evening of remembrance, an exhibition and a scientific conference until the 80th anniversary of Vasily Aksionov's birthday. Especially for "RG" the widow of Andriy Voznesensky, writer Zoya Boguslavska shares her thoughts about her friend and colleague from the "sixties".

Vіn їhav to the States on a spekot linden supper in 1980. There were a lot of people at the dacha in Peredilkino. Everyone laughed, twirled anecdotes, ale sighed hysterics at the witnesses, that, perhaps, no matter how much we didn’t care, we were all increasing. Farewell zbіglosya z vesіllyam. Vasil Pavlovich Aksionov entering a new life. In front - an uninhabited country, a new woman - Maya, having fallen in love with wine, having conquered it for a long time.

That day, everything was intertwined: holy kohannya, ochіkuvannya diva of that parting, spitting bitterness - everything was tragically unreproducible. In the air, the sign is gone, de mi s we’ll take care of Vasil, we’ll stand in an embrace on the aphids of the yogo car, all in all, everything is miraculous, that the wines are torn apart, in front of freedom, new sights, more comfort.

And for the day before, at our O. Voznesensky apartment on Kotelnitsky, we are late talking about this upcoming day. Vasil and Maya, I and Andriy with skewed guises, running around the room, mournfully and recklessly about the paths and sensations of the ninth emigration. Turn around, why not turn around? It was given to Yakby to look into the book of valleys... Yakby of the nobility... Yakby of the nobility?

You can’t be there, - bludiyuchi, pouring Andriy, - without the verses of Russian language, if the appearance, nature, smells are all in the memory. Until then, I row my own celebrities there.

Nothing of the kind, - Maya clenched his teeth, - there is something to read. Vin is not sensitive to schoden threats, telephone matyuk. Lord, just think about how prichipki ends up with a skin word, censorship censorship! Already at the same time, American vidavnitstva sperchayutsya, hto first narukuє yogo new book.

Well, - I scoff, - 40 thousand chickens alone. There won't be anything! Once the manuscript has been leathered, we have gone through an unbearably complete process of reviewing, then we will continue to stink, and check the assessments of the internal experts of the review.

Not in the right direction, Zayata (Zoya), Vasya bubbling. – It’s just that it’s impossible to do more here. Squeeze from the sides of the mouth, dihati nothing.

I knew that behind these words of Aksyonov there was a horst of prehistory, connected with the publication of the novel "Opik", which was important for the new work of the remaining ten years. The censorship of our journals has already been censored, the wines are already being demanded by the kіlkom by foreign vidavnitstv. The author's chimes were bollisnimi, vin prima taєmne listing for the drive of a possible publication "Opіka" on Zahodі. Nezabar Aksyonov was shouting at the KDB, de "in a friendly way" yogo was ahead: "Yakscho viide tsya anti-radianism behind the cordon", yogo either plant, or hang. Pom'yakshennyam zhorstkoї alternative could only be Aksyonov's year for voluntary emigration for a stretch of a month. The threat was right.

We remember well, like ten years ago N.S. Khrushchev smashed the exhibitions of abstract artists, the almanac "Taruska Storinki", and on the eve of historical news from the intelligentsia on March 8, 1963. rehearsing what Andriy Voznesensky came from the country:

Why do you advertise that you are not a party member? - zіrvatsya, waving the leader with his fist. - Bach ty yaky, understand! "I'm not a party member!" We want to create a party without a party. Here, you know, there is no place for liberalism, Pan Voznesensky. Finish it!

And here Khrushchov chimed, Aksyonov not applauding: "And why are you worthy of a move? - switching to Vasil Pavlovich. - Avenge the death of the fathers, Aksyonov?" - "Mikita Sergiyovich, my fathers are alive," Vasil Pavlovich quietly correcting Yogo.

Khrushchov cast an angry glance at the bik disinformators, who put Yogo in a blind camp, and continued his opratsyuvannya. Tsya vistava "public" flogging, perhaps, is unique in the Radian cultural history, ate two cherished idols that hour for the rest of her life.

Year after year Aksionov signed one of his books to Voznesensky: “Dear Andriy!

And Voznesensky made this moment at the top: "The first storm: / the monster blew - we were not mowed down. / Offenses stood in front of the fast-paced elements. wines in terms, in some comrades, what did the mischief - veins - rivers beat us?

Obviously, such a fierce vibe of Khrushchov against two young writers is not vipadkov. Having prepared the denunciation of the Polish writer Vandy Vasilevskaya, O. Voznesensky and V. Aksionova called O. Voznesensky and V. Aksionova in an ideological sabotage. Vaughn cited the interview, like stinks, being in Poland, they gave their leading newspapers, they dared to affirm that "socialistic realism" is not the main and not the only method of Radian art.

Thus, the historical background of the head of the state with the intelligentsia appointed a zhorst vododіl in the lives of Radian artists. Mіzh "Khrushchov's vіdligoyu" 1961 rock and "Gorbachov's glasnіstyu and perebudovoi" 1985 rock bula virita black pit, in a yak failed a whole layer of prominent creators of the generation of the 60-70s genres and directly.

After the arrest that sent I. Brodsky (1972) and O. Solzhenitsyn (1973 r_k) under the heavy pressure from the countryside vipkhali: V. Voinovich, G. Vladimov, Y. Aleshkovsky, A. Galich, S. Dovlatov, M. Barishnakov, R. Nuriev, M Shemyakin, N. Makarov, Y. Cooper, O. Tselkov, L. Zbarsky, I. Rabin, O. Ioseliani, P. Lungina and riches of other recent classics of the XX century.

Aksionovi looked forward to the 1980s, if, it seemed, the rush to Zakhid was somehow complacent. Prote stinks were recognized at the cordon of all important officials, they picked up manuscripts, paintings, tape recordings, they accompanied the impatient emigrants ...

If Aksionov had gone all the way to America, our conversation did not stop. So it was trapilos, that my arrival to New York took me to Columbia University, for two months I was requested as a "guest-writer" to work on the book "American" ... One of the most memorable for me was our translation - at the moment of great drama in the life of Aksionov. That day, I found out from the newspapers and telephone calls, which helped the Russian community.

We sit with him at the distant Columbia University for professors. In the United States, eating students and vikladachiv is fine. - Zlochintsі! - shout Aksionov, do not savagely respect your colleagues, what to chew. - You can’t spare the people of the Batkivshchyna! .. You want to re-christen my life for all the past fates, my books, father, Magadan childishness at the Kostroma litter, son of Leshka (Kita in yogo descriptions), who continues to live in Spіltsі.

I don’t have anything to rebuke, I’ll repeat it again. Then the dark embankments were fading away for a long time, the waterways of the park ruffled their faces. We were offended not to know that enormity was chosen - only an episode of the long creative life of the writer Aksionov.

I turned the axis of the wines, becoming to live in my own country with Mayya, in the same place with the children - Alyosha and Alona. They gave us an apartment near the hillside on the Kotelnitsky embankment, and now our apartment with Andriyem was just above them.

The special story, like a buva, turned in circles ...

We were witnesses to the beginning of Aksionov's novel with Mayye. The stinks came from Yalta by train, at once from Bella Akhmadulina, having fun all the way. Aksionov and Maya did not seperate, in both were sim'ї. Maya and Roman Carmen lived with us in the same booth, all in the same place on Kotelnitsky. I made friends with Maya, she often went into the heat of the situation before me. It seemed that nothing could bring about my separation from Carmen, the greatest author of documentary films. The novel Carmen was a legend in its own way, an eyewitness of the Spanish podiums, a friend of Hemingway and Castro, depicting the unique scenes of the Great Witches' War.

The golden-haired Maya called out the suffocation of the secular suspense to youth, temperament, completely penetrating mind. Vaughn went to Aksyonov at the peak of her fall, her one and only outfit for the fun of bringing her from America. From that hour on, the stinks never parted. Yogo's main heroine "beautiful" - tse zavzhd Maya in different variations. In one of his p'єs (for now, in "Kraplі") he portrayed Maya and we were like girls for all tastes.

For example, the 60s, - thinking Aksyonov, - a turning point in my svіtovіdchuttі bv chastkovy po'yazanі іz zagalіnni pokolіnni pokhmіllya (Czechoslovakia, brezhnevism, totalitarianism). It seemed to me that I had slipped up, that could show my life and my leaf. І os todі, 1970, in Yalta I saw Maya. We recognized a strong romantic lover, and then it grew into spiritual closeness. She knows me as a flaky one, I’m a smaller one, but I’m offended, especially now, in old age, it’s reasonable, on whom we can swear ...

The city of Moscow living near the friends of the Aksionovs on Zakhod was left with two working apartments - one near Washington, the other on the birch of the ocean in Biarritz, in fact the artist's master.

Rocks have gone, may we all who suffered through the Metropol, an hour later. The scribes turned all the way, the share vindicated them for revisiting the distinguished respect of the overwhelming, increased editions of books, the passionate love and demand. It seemed that justice overcame ... But whoever succumbed, thoughtfully, love and whimsicality, let me see, the joy spent of splintering that misfortune in creative ties, can emigrate to the artist?

"How to describe everything not in a sheet, which replaces everything that is selected in the mysticism, - scribble in a sheet to Aksionov at Washington Bell Akhmadulina from Moscow, - bask, talk, talk and exchange, why do you need to write a sheet to you? .. My love And ours! Vibacte the swindle of my promotions, my thought about you is my constant busyness, but I don’t know what to start, what to finish - I don’t know "... This man, the artist Boris Messerer, come, rimuyuchi: "The autumn is a new day, which I will send you / tell me about heartbreak, / if I go with snow and ice / cold forest and no day between me and you.

“Vaska, I’m giving you a happy birthday,” write Bella Akhmadulina for the second time. made her own diagnosis: "The soul - overpowered the body" ...

How do you rate the American period of your life? - I'll ask Aksyonov before turning back to Russia. - I can study at the university, see America itself.

I have given 21 years of life to the "American University", more precisely, the presentation of Russian literature and my own philanthropic concept to lads and girls (another important century) from various states and countries. The university campus is a natural middle ground for me, but at the same time I'll think about the placement. Where we spend more than an hour, I don’t know yet.

I’ll forgive our rozmova, if I’ve already spent a good hour at Biarritz and soon turned back to Moscow. Traditionally, we sit in the Central House of Writers, drinking juices and water. About those, yak Vasil Pavlovich zavyazav, there were a lot of versions. In fact, I have already repeated it more than once, as if I had especially given a certificate to my doctor, that my wife’s watering was mittevo. Today's wine is a moment to spend some wine, no more.

Aksionov gave himself, his time for a sprat of equal pieces. "We live in two huts, - explaining the wine, - near Washington and in Moscow. Just before that, a small hut arrived at the Basque Country. Maya, don't you know where my suit is, that one, the next one?"

Why do the French Biarritz write it better, lower in Moscow?

Because in Biarritz, at the writing table, I have only one companion, - Aksionov laughs. - Russia has a lot of spivrezmovniki, and I'm talking. For an hour, I can see that it’s clear that emigration is close to me.

Well, already. Aleti often looks absolutely happy. When, when do you see me?

At the process of writing a novel, Aksionov declares very seriously. - As long as I'm writing yoga, I'm absolutely happy. It’s hard to finish me if I say goodbye to him. Razumієsh, in the new novel, I create a special light and less of these characters, like less cicavi.

I don’t remember Aksyonov being ill-dressed, and wearing a rumpled suit of dressing shirts. Yogo has a brand name, a brand, a label. I explain the yogo style of suffocation with corporate style, technique, charming women, and those who are relieved in childhood, if, perhaps, with a drink of wine, standing in front of the window of the store, like heroes from fairy tales, think about those who inject wine you can buy everything. І zmіg, і having bought.

Do the special life flow into your creativity? Biographical facts, an aura of strong suffocation? Remember, Yuriy Nagibin saying: "My leather novel is my novel that has not been written." Tobi Tezh?

It’s good that the skin has a novel (at to this particular type love fortune) can become a bunch of hoary sides. Ale, add to this varto, that love is good, that you didn’t get it, maybe you can buy even more hoary sides ...

I think that the ten years after the return to Moscow were the most important ones for the lucky Aksyonov. The power engineering industry is unimpressive (when writing for a novel in rіk), it is constantly aware of the demand and awareness of that which already has no great courage ... It seemed that Aksyonov's presence in our mysticism is that life, like in the world of chronicle, not transversely. Yakby know?

There were no crippling ailments, ailments, especially nervous sights or depressions... The raptness of an important ailment, which paralyzed yoga activity, was a shock for all those who felt sick. Vіn not zmіg become old. Nature saved for new needs before creation, a wonderful privatility and charisma, the outstanding talent of the author. As early as 75, today I turned on my mode of rank jogging on the Yauzskaya embankment, strained the rhythm of a jazz fan, easily sipped a basketball cat with a ball, and today planned a few sides of the text on "macintosh".

On that fatal day, I was driven by a car, behind my editor, if my brain turned on quickly, I was unstoppable, the car skidded and a little marvelously turned the passengers in the face of a deadly stop on the roadway. The companion called out "Shvidka", Vasil Pavlovich was sent to the Taganskaya district liquor, and then to the Institute. Sklifosovsky, they removed a cerebral thrombus.

Remaining months of wine lying at the clinic of Burdenko in Academician O.M. Konovalov. Oleksandr Mikolayovich himself and the doctor, neuropathologist Volodymyr Naydin, destroyed everything, vicorist new achievements of light medicine, but everything was boisterous. A lot of months in the provinces of the Komi camp, for which there are no more viishov.

I took something new in the bunker of the Burdenka clinic for the "unremembered". It is impossible to believe that Aksionov has been lying here for so long, untidy. Calm appearance, light blush, Mayzhe unoccupied thick hair. The body of a person, which saved, was given, the strength of m'yaziv and charіvnіst. Forgotten shell of a person, for which they blamed specialness, biography, the strongest passions. I am sitting in charge, regurgitating to myself the sides of my life.

You talk to him, Zoya, talk, - Maya's daughter instructed me, as she already loved Vasil Pavlovich, Alyon. It’s not worth it to sit in order with him for a long time. Vaughn is impressed that everything is one and the same time, you will come to you and declare that you are all chuv, everything that they broadcast to you, while you are at the Komi. Inheriting її instigate, I marvel at Aksionov's spread out body, wrapped in wires, and I recognize it rest of the news. Reportedly, I report arguing about "Taєmnichoy predilection", as I could read in "Caravan of stories" at a shortened look. The boom of the flood and the bewilderment of the crying out of the recognition of the prototypes caricatured in the novel. Ale, the author did not think about it. It was written to Youmu, a policy of fantasy leading far into reality. Deyakі image trivali after the death of Vasil Pavlovich. Yogo gadki with Andriyem and I called out more than roaring.

I will guess yoga at that time, as long as yoga mother was still alive - perhaps, a found-bearing person in the formation of Aksionov-writer. As a specialty of Vasily Pavlovich, it was constructed from the first enemy of Kostroma, an abutment for children "enemies of the people", then - Magadan, where he settled at 12 roki with the hanging mother Evgeniy Semenіvna Gіnzburg. Behind the words of Vasil Pavlovich, a number of real characters in the Steep Route (who should be written by your mother) were formed from prominent people of that hour: repressed clerks, politicians, artists, who created their own "salon", with the help of such a boulli mirkuvannya on naivishchi those. Having poured tsikh mirkuvan on the child, it is important to die.

As early as in youth, - even wine, - mothers had the ability to create their own "salon" thinking people. The first such salon, until which the Trotskyist Professor Elvіv, having entered the sky to Kazan, complied with his will.

The reader of "The Steep Route" knows such a ginzburg salon near the tabor hut. In Magadan, there is one more salon, even of an international class... The Radyansky young man Vasya Aksionov simply looked at such a conspiracy: "I didn’t admit that people like that have a real Radiansky life... We had a good time with my mother. Vaughn revealed for me one of the main Radian secrets, the basis of the "Siberian Age", moreover, she made me aware of the idol of her youth, Boris Pasternak.

Until the end of school, I knew to remind you of the impersonal yogo virshiv, which nowhere else could be found in the handy look ... In addition, I learned from her, how to cunning with power, to know how to know people's drawings in "radian people".

For a short period, if I had a chance to get close contact with Evgeniy Semenivna Ginzburg. Vaughn lived in Peredilkiny at the dacha of screenwriter Josyp Olshansky. Її ganok is angry with the birches and pines of the great village. On this gank, she read to me the final section of the Steep Route, which, after his death, was filled with a document of the era ...

Tsієї pori zakokhana in the new Maya Maya came to Peredilkino today. We already knew that Evgenia Semenivna was mortally ill on herself terrible disease centenary, for stability, I will become necessary vitamins, vegetables, fruits. Maya brought fresh carrots and perhaps more that she cooked herself. The stench approached mitzno, which played an indelible role in the village.

At Aksyonov himself, there were supernaturally close stosunki with his mother. Yogo love before her, readiness to take on the most important situations - a rare gift. I, perhaps, by a great feat, sina bula yogo is more expensive than a mother in a car in Europe rest riverїї life. Prihovoyuchi rozpach, vіn zdіysniv mrіyu Yevhenії Semenіvni i vіddav those who unjustly took life into her. She passed her remaining way out of the blue, joined with friends in France, Niemechchyna, enjoyed the originals of world masterpieces at museums. The stinks vizhdzhali and turned to Paris, before that I was a hotel, de bula, - L Eglon (Eaglet), whose windows go to Montparnasse. I guarded them to remain holy and those who were offended were happy!

Її hovalied at the high grassy day of the 77th year, having hvisted the boards, the people were not rich. It fell into the eye, which was not bulo and quiet, who was obov'yazkovo buv bi present, yakbi not wood.

Aksyonov was trimmed as a husband, hour after hour, turning in the face of the mourners, clinging to the tree, his shoulders trembled. For the new one, that part of the yogo buttya went away, like a bula pov'azana z yogo sіm'єyu, sho squandered under the kovzanka of the Stalinist hour. Vin said goodbye to her mother, as she became the judge and lawyer of her life, which no one else can replace.

I’m sure that in the Fatherland, after all, I don’t know that chobit, if you gave me a stusan at the backside, I laugh.

Yakby did not write, then why did you rob bi? - I'll drink yoga.

Seemingly, I don’t show myself such a situation ...

Nina Vasilev Pavlovich would have been ten years old.

Andriy Voznesensky - about Aksionov

"For the past 20 years, our country has been listening to Aksyonov's contemplative monologue, listening eagerly - children have become fathers, villages have become cities, travelers have become highways, the skies have become trampled, "fashion" has become a classic - but the voice has lost its purity, guilt is not healthy for us, the artist , the tape recorder line of our butt - we did not change it.

Aksionov - this is a tape recorder, a recording of Mayzhe without censors today - places, people, souls. If I wrote you a vіrshi up to forty... "Falcony Vasil! / Sirin denim, an artist with goodness and strength, / Your rusty denim mouth was greeted by your ears, Vasil, / Youth zbіsuy ... / About the crowning im'ya - Vasil".

Vasil Aksyonov was born on 20 April 1932 in Kazan in the family of Pavel Aksyonov and Evgeniy Ginzburg.

If Vasilev was not five years old, the fathers were sentenced to 10 years in the camps.

The older children - sister Maya and brother Alyosha - were taken away by their relatives.

Vasya was turned into a child's house for the sick children.

Vіn bv the third, the youngest child in the family, with whom - the only sleeping child of the fathers.

Batko - Pavlo Vasilyovich Aksionov (1899-1991), head of the Kazan city

she is a member of the Bureau of the Tatar Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Russia.

Mati - Evgeniya Solomonivna Ginzburg (1904-1977), worked as a clerk at Kazansky

to the Pedagogical Institute, then to the head of culture of the newspaper "Chervona Tatariya".

Magadan, 1949

In 1938, the brothers of P. Aksyonov - Andriyan Vasilovich Aksyonov went far away

little Vasya at a ditbudinka in Kostroma and take yoga to yourself.

Vasya lives at Moti Aksenova's house (his father's relatives) until 1948,

while yoga mother Yevgeniya Ginzburg, who lived in 1947 from the camp and lived in Magadan,

I didn’t agree to allow Vasya to come to Kolima before her.

Through many years, 1975, Vasil Aksionov, describing his Magadan youth

in the autobiographical novel "Opik".

In 1956 Aksionov graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute and graduated from

to the Baltic maritime steamship, de mav pratsyuvati doctor on ships of distant navigation.

Nadali guessed that Aksionov worked as a quarantine doctor at the Last Pivnochi,

in Karelia, in the Leningrad sea trade port and in the tuberculosis clinic in Moscow

(for further tribute, he was a consultant at the Moscow Scientific and Research Institute of Tuberculosis).

Zustrich with father Pavel Aksyonov, who turned back from the message after 15 years of resignation

Yogo persha p'esa - "Colleagues" - sang the light of 1959 rock.

And since 1960, Aksionov became a professional writer.

Vershi Gennadiya Shpalikova

Film 1962 r_k

In the 1960s, the creators of V. Aksionov were often friends with the Yunist magazine.

Protyagom kіlkoh roki vіn є a member of the editorial board of the journal.

More near the birch 1963 rock on the ground with intelligence near the Kremlin Mikita Khrushchov

piddav Aksyonov at once from Andriy Voznesensky's devastating criticism.

Vasil Aksionov and Andriy Voznesensky

in Moscow, against the rehabilitative rehabilitation of Stalin, it was caught by combatants.

In 1967-1968, having signed a low leaflet for the defense of dissidents, for which he took off the dog

from the list in the special right of the Moscow department of the Compilation of writers of the SRSR.

Vasil Aksionov and Robert Rizdvyany

In the 1970s, the fates, after the end of the "in the league", Aksionov's creations cease

publishing in the Fatherland. Romani "Opіk" (1975) and "Island Krim" (1979) from the very cob

became Daedalí rіzkіshoy: zastosovuvalysya such epithets, like "non-radian" and "non-people".

In 1977-1978, Aksionov's creators began to appear there, in front of the United States.

Vasil Aksionov wrote his famous novel "Crimea Island" in 1977-1979,

chastkovo pіd hour perebuvannya at Koktebelі.

In 1978, V. Aksionov worked together with Andriyem Bitov, Viktor Yerofiev, Fazil Iskander,

Evgenom Popovim and Bella Akhmadulina, becoming the organizer and author of the uncensored

almanac "Metropol", which is never seen by the radian censored press.

The Almanac has been seen in the USA. All the participants in the almanac recognized the "prophet".

As a sign of protest against the expulsion of Popov and Yerofiev from the Union, following the Cim.

writers of the SRSR in the 1979 birth of Aksionov, as well as Inna Lisnyanskaya and Semyon Lipkin,

declared about their departure from the joint venture.

The history of the almanac was included in the novel with the key "Say "Rodzinki"".

Vasyl Aksionov, Volodymyr Visotsky and Viktor Yerofiev

Until 2004, rock is alive in the USA. Since 1981 Vasil Aksionov - Professor of Russian Literature

at various US universities: Kennan Institute (1981-1982),

George Washington University (1982-1983), Gaucher Colleges (1983-1988),

George Mason University (1988-2009).

In 1980-1991, as a journalist, he actively contributed to the Voice of America and Radio Liberty.

Spivpratsyuvav from the magazine "Continent" and the almanac "Dieslovo".

Josip Brodsky, Ellendea Proffer, Masha Slonim and Vasil Aksionov visiting Proferiv in Enn Arbor.

1975 The United States was written by Aksenov in Russia, but it was published only after his arrival

writer to America novels "Our Gold Zalizka" (1973, 1980), "Opіk" (1976, 1980),

"Island of Crim" (1979, 1981), collection of support "The Right to the Island" (1981).

Previously, after nine years of Aksionov's emigration after the Soviet Socialist Republic in 1989, roci on request

American Ambassador J. Metlock. 1990 Aksyonov's fate is turned over to Radyansk enormity.

For the rest of the hour I live from my own place near Biarritz, France, the other near Moscow.

The Moscow Saga trilogy (1992) was screened in Russia in 2004 by A. Barshchevsky in a rich series

television series.

1992 rock actively supported Gaidar's reforms.

Behind yoga whistle: "Gaidar dav stusan mother-Russia".

1993 fate, the hour of dispersal of the Verkhovna Radi, in solidarity with those who signed the sheet

to support B.M. Yeltsin.

buv hospitalizations to the hospital No. 23, de bulo was diagnosed with a stroke.

Through the doba after the hospitalization of Aksyonov buv translations to NDI named after Sklifosovsky,

De Yom underwent an operation to remove a blood clot in the carotid artery.

and pro-operations. Pіznіshe Aksyonov buv translations back at NDI named after Sklіfosovsky.

at NDI named after Sklifosovsky.

A budinok was revived near Kazan, a writer is alive at the pidlіtkovu vіtsi, and in the leaf fall of 2009

The Museum of Yoga Creativity has been created there.

Life Specialist Vasil Aksionov:

First team - Kira Lyudvigivna Mendeleva (1934-2013), daughter of a brigade commander

Layosha (Lyudvig Matviyovich) Gavro and onuk of a leading pediatrician and organizer of health care

Yuliya Aronivna Mendeleva (1883-1959), successor of that first rector of Leningradsky

pediatric medical institute (1925-1949).

Vasil Aksionov and Kira Mendeleva

Z synom Oleksiyem, 1961 рік

Another team - Maya Opanasіvna Aksionova (born Zmeul, Ovchinnikov's first love,

in another, the mother-in-law was escorted by R. L. Carmen; rd. 1930), graduated from the Institute of Foreign Trade,

worked at the Chamber of Commerce, in America she spoke Russian language.

With another squad of Mayyu

Vasily and Maya Aksionovi on the day of the wedding. With Boris Messerer and Belloy Akhmadulina.

Vasil and Maya Aksionovi are a boulder couple.

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