"Tobol. There are few people" Oleksiya Ivanova: like a Russian writer with the devil at home. "Tobol" Oleksiy Ivanova. Bagato ranks, ale a little obranih Tobol richly obranih

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A new book by Oleksiy Ivanov, "Tobol. Few Encountered", another part of the epic creation (the first part was called "Bagato zvonikh") about those, how the reforms of Peter I yelled over Siberia, was on sale. Kostyantin Milchin - about those, how the soul of the Ural writer ended.

As a writer Oleksiy Ivanov gulyav of Perm and zustrіv the devil. The unclean, negainally proponing to please: let Ivanov give his soul to you, and the devil's natomist will give you the talent to write brilliant prose. Ivanov, having waited a while, the stench laid down the agreement, like a leather, being satisfied with it. The devil smiled, for he knew that without a soul, writing talent is of little use. Ivanov tezh smiyuvavsya: knowing wine, like an expert from the retelling of khantyv and mansi, that there is not one soul in him, but five. One voddav, and I decide to draw some more for a long time.

The devil has finished his word. Z-pіd of Ivanov's pen one by one began to come out with lurid novels: the charming "Heart of Parmi" and "Gold of Revolt", the realistic "Geographer having drunk the globe" (successfully, before the speech, screenings), underestimations, even if not less brilliant "Fornication and mudo" ", a little less in the distance, but all the same marvelous "Negoda"

Like a resident of the Ural region, Ivanov stained his souls, which were left out, economically and pragmatically. Ale the hell, as if for evil, the same Uralian, uїdliviy and practicality appeared. And I still got to the rest of Ivanov's soul at the same time, if I started writing the novel "Tobol".

Old Ivanov, having invested in his texts all the souls that were lost in the new one, resurrecting Russia anew the Urals and, choking in the wake of the hoarding, sharing with the reader unknown episodes of the history of our country and his beloved region. Ivanov 2.0 came to this world, such a miraculous spirit of his craft, a cold, out-of-the-way novelist, who, having arrived to Siberia, marveled at her like a sovereign and lied that she was out of her pen.

Novy Ivanov happily weaves an intrigue and with an accommodating intonation tells the story in the history. Layat tsyu book hand does not rise: the devil is trying to please himself, Ivanov is so miraculous as a preacher. But to know the words buried in the address of the novel "Tobol. Few people" are not less well.

Otzhe, before us is a friend and now the rest of the great historical prose. XVIII century, Tobolsk and suburbs.

The governor of Siberia, Matviy Gagarin, was not only sneaking around, but also sneaking around with the Chinese. The Russian zagin of Colonel Buchgolds, having destroyed the conquest of Kashgar, ale ot exiles on the territory of the lowest Kazakhstan by the Dzhungars, having spent all his might, the enemy did not give up, ale zmusheniya bvdstupita. Poloneny Swedish officer Renat mrіє vkti zі his kohanoy Brigitta from the Russian full. The cunning Bukharian Kasim weaves intrigues, and the priests christen the Ostyaks. Semyon Remezov will be at the Tobolsk Fortress.

The shares of two dozen characters are intertwined with a collapsible set of sympathies and protirich, happiness for one means a painful death for others. The mustache will die, the mustache will rot on the ground, and the Tobolsk Kremlin will stand at the bottom.

I repeat, the text is even more impressive. Ivanov can in one paragraph, as if similar, retell the story and retell the story of Vasil Perov's painting "Mikita Pustosvyat. And it’s even more complicated: read the axis to the museum, and there you’ll immediately recognize the plot, figure out what’s up. Navit prooperirovaniya i vipatraniya devil Ivanov, like before, strongest in the description of nature:

"Winter has ceased to hovat: it no longer brought roses near the lyokha, on the mountain and under the fall of the comor, it did not dominate the quiet nighttime infusions, it came in the day - everywhere, widely and openly.<…>Winter strongly reminiscent of the place, like a chauvin they are looking for reserves for a long way.

But with the words of a Swede, explain how Russia and Siberia and the economy and politics are closely related to each other in any period of our history:

"Sibir forgetting the belongings of a thin one, Tobto with gold. Isa at the environment of forgetting, they can eat єvropi. tsars would have had a chance, like European monarchs, to allow the villagers to be rich and to allow manufactory. Siberia is the key to the rise of Russia ".

Vtim, rich not only in tsoma. In the old novels, dedicated to Perm and the outskirts, Ivanov transformed the normal, tsikavy, ale zagalo splendid Russian region near the miracle country. Romani buli equal or navit bigger, lower region. And the axis of Tobolsk from the city of the Kremlin is a marvel in its own right. Enlarge more, lower the novel itself.

"Tobol. Bagato ranks. Roman peplum” by Oleksiya Ivanova (M.: AST, Editorial Board of Oleni Shubino) – the first half of the epic, 700 pages of Siberian hours of Peter the Great. It was connected from Stockholm to Beijing, from Solovkiv to Lhasa. Styles of boyars, full of Swedes, merchants of Bukharts, Chinese nobles, Old Believers, taiga tribes, Chentsi of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the "new Russian" of the Petrovsky zrazka and the alarm clock of the Tobolsk Kremlin, the stacks of the "Chairs", at the book of Siberia , - Semyon Ulyanich Remezov. At some of the known places - Seeds of Dezhnev in the Pacific Ocean, in the mountains of Kamchatka and Atlasov’s Cossacks, the ruins of Mangazeya, petroglyphs on the rocks of the Irtish, Scythian gold mounds, tea and emeralds of Chinese caravans ... Oleksiy Ivanov vіdpovіv for food.

BUTLeksiy, why - Tobolsk? Are you going from the Urals to Siberia?

— Everything is more prosaic. The production company asked me to write a script for a TV series about the Tobolsk cartographer, chronicler and architect Semyon Remezov. Yogo post me for a long time in the house of that cicava. I still need to improve the format of the dramatic series - it’s as quiet as HBO or AMC, and this format gives rise to a novel of a new type, a modern novel. For the sake of the new format, I have adopted the proposition, building a script for the producers and a novel for myself. Meni, like before, the near Urals, but other regions also hoot.

- Do you "come" to Siberia "on one plot"?

- Nayimovirnishe, "I go to one story." I don’t want to sound wrong, because the plots of this novel are rich, and the whole project is trivatime 3 fates. I work hard on projects that can be laid on the same territory. "Єburg" and "Negoda" - Yekaterinburg. "Ridge of Russia" and "Girnichizavodska civilization" - Ural. "Vili" - the territory of the Pugachev region, including Orenburg, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and the Lower Volga. The specific territory always sets the parameters for the creative work, which determine the language, tempo, imagery and cultural background.

- Your "philosophy of the Urals" is spelled out in the "Ural Matrix". “Tobol” has a history of governor Gagarin, architecton Remezov and the Ostyaks Aikon, the birth of the “philosophy of Siberia”. So?

— No, I didn’t have such ambitions. At to this particular type for me, the format of the drama series is more important than the regional identity. Just on the basis of the Urals, I figured out for myself, as a way to improve regional cultural complexes, and I immediately designate this structure in the new material. So, singly, the doctor gets to know the people, for which they are chosen, for example, drink, and once intellect: "Myopia, hypertension, osteochondrosis." Having learned about the history of Siberia of the Peter's era, I will once again shake my “nerves”, understand who I carry the spirit of history: embezzlers, Swedes, pagans, missionaries, new Christians, Chinese, schismatics and jungars. Siberia at that time is made up of a bunch of "details". Choose the heroes of delusions with the specifics of the territory, and the heroes live in such a way as to lie identically.

- What do you think about today's economic idea of ​​"turning to Skhid"? How did you spy the novel with her?

- I didn’t write a novel for any idea, and if I wrote, it was less funny to bachiti raptov’s hope on China - a dumb novel came around on TV. Ale tse just zbig. I like the idea of ​​friendship, virnish, close cooperation with the Skhod. Always be good friends and always tell nasty tricks. But it’s impossible to get along with us. Tse not our mental nature, and ours won’t be in any way. I wrote about it in Vilakh, and not in Tobol. The main value in Europe is freedom, in Russia freedom is the same value, ale is a head, but in the Skhod it is a high value. Therefore, Russia is the version of Europe, and genetically we do not cross with Asia. "Zahid є Zahid, Skhid є Skhid".

- Russia and Siberia at "Tobol" Zhorstok and Suvori. Mayzhe is unbearable to live there. The unbearable path of the pilgrims and migrants, the Swedes and the Old Believers. And more importantly, do you draw into the plot the story of the indictment of the city of Baturin by Peter’s wars and the history of the oblogs of Solovkiv by the “nikonians” ... Chi part of our genetic code?

- Mabut, I can’t wait for you. Life in Siberia at that hour, obviously, was suvorim, but yoga cannot be called unbearable. Shalamov on Kolimi was richer. It was important for the migrants, the early explorers and the explorers, the protégés of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia did not go hungry in the old hours. The heroes of the novel, as if they died their death, lived to live long: Filofey - 77 years, Remezov - 78. I guess that in 1913 the export of grain from Siberia increased the export of grain from European Russia. It’s cold in Pivnochi, and the middle of the day is dark, and Siberia is not girish for Yaroslavl or Ryazan. Zagalom, “tortour” to Siberia is a myth. And the “old-fashioned atrocity” axis is stingy. However, it is not exclusive to Russia. Until the era of Enlightenment, the sounds of screeching were animals, and then, with humanism, the strain was saved.

- It seems that Russia - in the name of the British Empire and the USA - did not blame the dear indigenous people. How do you evaluate your thought? And just say in one phrase "the theme of the Ostyaks" in "Tobol" - why won't it?

- So, Russia did not blame foreigners, even though she squeezed and robbed them. And for the radian power, the number of foreigners grew. However, on the right, Russia is not in love with people. First, the month of Siberia came to everyone. In another way, Russia was zatsіkavlena in inorodtsy. They didn’t take them from recruits. The foreigners delivered cunning to Russia, and cunning was the main export commodity. To get smart, you need to lead an important way of life. Farming is still easier for trade. It is more productive, and moreover it is more profitable. The Russians were encouraged to do better and to Siberia to do what they know - farming, and let the foreigners take up the trade, whose traditional way of life is "imprisonment" on tse, they were not chipped by their ability. The Americans, for example, did not particularly need cunning; In the New World, the migrants began to start factories and a strong state, founded on a slave labor, and similarly to the American Indians? In short, the peacefulness of Russia is explained by a weak development of productive forces. Yakbi Sibir was mastered not in a rural way, but in a promiscuous way, with foreigners only fluff. And Remezov formulated the theme of ostyakіv in the novel: “Be it a strong win”.

Artistic concept for the film "Tobol": Sergiy Alibekov

- Governor Gagarin has a whole philosophy of embezzlement. Nothing can be done without in “Tobol”… Understanding Siberia of the hours of Peter the Great gave you the opportunity to understand today's Russian Federation?

- Governor Gagarin, zvichayno, zlodіy, ale vin pasionarіy. Yogo stealing from human lust, and not from banal greed. His high planting of victorious wines is not in order to put his hand to the treasury, but in order to start his own business, consciously, illegal. The treasury for the new one is just a bank, which you can see without credits. In another book, Gagarin explains to Peter, who calls yogo from the thief: “I scooped from that well, which I dug myself.” Vin similar to "tsekhoviks" radianska dobi, yakі, clear stump, zlochintsі, but not zovsіm zlodії.

"Voevodsky" and "governor" periods in the history of Siberia and Russia are different. "Voevodski" zvichaї - tse "extortion", swagger, if the leather official takes the skils possible. "Gubernator's" sounds - the system is already organized ієrarchіchno, so corruption, if the leather official gives the head of the wine-grower's winery, so that the mother can take her own skils. Corruption, vіrnіshe, steps її breadth є like a police state. Petro and having inspired the police power, having replaced the banal recklessness with a well-organized corruption. Governor Gagarin, "the bird of Petrov's nest", actively supported the future of the state, being a corrupt official. Ale wine rozumiv, that people live richer in the new system, the more active trade will be, they will take more wine. For those who are wise, the role of Gagarin is progressive. Yak Kazav Mishko Yaponchik at the film “Deja Vu”: “Mafia? I would like to, if there was a bula in us! The whole mechanics of the transitional process from governor to governor and from stealing to corruption is miraculously described in the monograph of the historian Mikhail Akishin “Police state and Siberian society. The era of Peter the Great. Also, not homegrown visnovki.

- The history of the development of Siberia is no less important than the cicava, lower "ship travel" from Columbus to Cook. Why is this geographical feat not appreciated to bring home? Why didn't Siberia give birth to Russia for a school suitable for the novel?

— And Sibir is no fault of the rule. What good novels about Pomorie? And about the conquest of Central Asia? What about Novgorod and Pskov? And about the internal wars of Russia - for example, about the crooked Orenburz expedition, what about the stingy Kuban nabig? All yakіsna rozvazhannya basically spin around the kings and emperors. All Russian servility before the government, if you succeed, then the posture of the throne is silent. And Russia itself is boring. Traplyayutsya, zvichayno, and tear. I remember, with such a fuss and suffocation, I read Fedosiev's "Evil Spirit of Yambuya" about a bear-ludozher who attacked a party of topographers. But those that are written are rich in what is morally obsolete. Zagalom Russia does not know itself ... and do not want to know. In figs, who needs the Pokhіd Pokhіd to Solvichegodsk or the life of the Dead Road - even Moscow. The Moscow-centricity of life gives birth to the cultural teeth of the region after the capital. And new genres are formed on new material. As the material is a priori considered rotten, there is nothing like a Russian western.

— What role does Semyon Remezov play in the novel "architecton"?

- Go all the lines at the main system. Remezov is the head sign of Siberia, and Siberia is a specific region. The skin hero has his own plans, so what else is tied from Siberia, and the skin hero goes to Remezov for joy or for help. Remezov is the conductor of the orchestra. Vіn is mediated by the processes of “right” Siberia, to those who know how powerful it is, and the governor Gagarin keruє by the processes of Siberia, which is being reformed, that is in the new power and passion. I see Remezov with the governor - the duel of the poet and the king, if the creators are offended. Just a climax to another part of the novel. As long as he sings, the king is less likely to exchange friendly cuffs, sympathizing with one alone.

Artistic concept for the film "Tobol": Sergiy Alibekov

- Well, the novel is more than centered. Chi is not the story of one hero, like "Gold of rebellion" and "Negoda", but a polyphony of dozens of dols? Who among them is all the same head hero? Who is the most beloved?

- So out and є. The novel has a dozen main characters, the proportions of which are mutually independent, and then intertwine, or diverge. The reason is the format itself.

I already said that the new novel is coming from the drama series. What is the essence of yoga? You can draw on the example of the most successful creation - "Game of Thrones". I'm talking about the film, and not about Martin's epic, because on the basis of the film you'll understand better. Dramserial is always composed of a number of paradigms, artistic systems, one might say - genres. Moreover, two of these paradigms are always antagonistic, so long as they did not unite. Organically eat them - the reach of postmodernity. “Gri” uses such paradigms as fantasy and historical naturalism. Fantasy - guesswork; historicity - truth. Fantasy is a high genre; naturalism - low, mayzhe trash. It would not matter if the third paradigm was foreign. In "Gri" such a paradigm appears the video sequence itself - the most beautiful nature of the world. The alien paradigm in this film can include the genre of the traveler, even if not the genre of art cinema. Literature can have such a foreign-natural paradigm: in "The Name of the Trojans" - all semiotics, in "The Code of Da Vinci" - conspiracy theories.

I in "Tobol" I have heroes from different paradigms, genres, that's enough. Pagans and missionaries - from mystics; the Chinese governor - from the political detective; officers and jungars - from the military genre, and so on. And with the foreign-natural paradigm, let's say, "alternative history" is the main collision of the novel: the governor's move with the Chinese for a "private", "unsanctioned" war against the Dzhungars.

Dramserial, as a new format, has one special feature: it changes the status of ethics. The syncretism of the format includes a vagomic moral lesson, which is typical for traditional literature. Ethics here at the status of a rose, like in the newstainment, the news are roamed like a rose. To this, all heroes make a walk, inspire villains and villains, and all believe the truth: read the light of an Orthodox, Muslim, schismatic, Protestant and pagan. However, "rich polarity" does not lead to relativism: the reader does not forget, "what is so good and what is so bad."

The new format was foreseen, surmised, not by the directors of Game of Thrones. Yogo was foreseen by the titans of culture of the other half of the twentieth century: Eko, Marquez, Fowles, Zyuskind. The directors simply shifted the reach of the titans from the mainstream. We took away the sub-bag product of postmodernity, which, it seems, does not destroy the tradition, but develops and captures the humanist essence. And those that we call postmodernism, only a transitional phase of evolution to postmodernity, are stunned by the finish.

Improve in a new format - find the artist's job. And the marvelous history of Peter the Great's reforms in Siberia provided me with miraculous material for such a work. On the right, I don’t call him the one I love more, Ural chi Sibir, mother chi tata.

- If you see another volume of Tobol?

- Until autumn 2017.

— You showed the rec to the fact that the novel is a part of the project. Will there be a documentary book that 8-episode film ... So?

- Between the first and the other books of "Tobol", tobto like the winter of that fate, vide non-fiction - the book "Debri" about Siberia Voevodskaya - the history of Russian sovereignty in Siberia during the hours of Yermak to Peter. In "The Wilds" I'll just tell you about those hypotheses, like in the novels given in riddles, so for eager boos, so to speak, a documentary context. A novel is a novel, and in the new is a revelation in history. Small, ale. For example, in the novel, Metropolitan Filofey learns about the death of Vladyka John at the missionary journey through the taiga, but in fact, at the same time, at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Don't change anything, Prote. The decisions are dictated not by the non-government of the author, but by the dramatic versatility.

In the historical genre main task the author - to create the image of the era, and the creation of this image needs dramaturgy, as soon as the kill of history enters. Nothing terrible, because history needs to be taught for assistants, and not for novels. A historical novel becomes a historical one, if the hero's inclinations are determined by the historical process, and also, if there are differences between the assistants, for example, fantasy fragments. To that, for example, "Three Musketeers" - not historical novel, but fit, shards of yoga heroes are motivated by love, friendship, honor, and why not fight the Catholics with the Huguenots and the British of England with France. And my novel “The Heart of Parmi” (if you want to speak immodestly about yourself) is historical, and not fantasy, so that the heroes do it like the era makes them, and not their special likeness and not likeness of the author. Do not understand the essence of the genre unprofessional.

The eight-episode film "Tobol" is already in production. At Tobolsk, decorations will be built - Remezov's garden, after the decorations are taken to the museum. Director - Igor Zaitsev. Not all actors have been confirmed yet, but it is known that Remezov's gratime is Dmitro Nazarov, and Peter I is Dmitro Dyuzhev. Zyomki grow up at the birch tree of 2017. Until the end of 2018, we can still prepare the film. Show the year of 2019 on one of the federal channels, having already hung up your channel on the First Channel. In addition, on the basis of the series, a full-length film will be made, such a Russian western, and will be released at the box office.

— Why do you (you know and understand church mysticism, Siberian hagiography so gently, having written the image of Vladika Philotheus so subtly)… you always write the word “God” in prose in small letters?

- Because the faith is not in the complicated spelling. I write secular texts, and “God” from the headline, in my opinion, is less common in church literature than in the texts of clergymen. In the grand environments, such a dry servility looks as if in the old way. It’s hardly like a god, if for the sake of a new one, in bows, they break their foreheads.

"Tobol. Few Obernih” is another book to the peplum novel by Oleksiy Ivanov “Tobol”. The chimerical threads of human lobes, stretched through the first book of the novel, are now tied up at the wuzli.

The reforms of Tsar Peter yelled over Siberia, and all those who were “clicking” at the city’s vilni lands believe: why “recover” the stench of Siberia? Pobіzhnі raskolniki sporudzhuyut their fiery ship - ale chi rise into the sky of the soul is quiet, who cursed the earth? Russian regiments go for gold at the distant Asian town of Yarkend - but how can the stench of the expanse of the steppe and the opir of the Dzhungar hordes rise up? The stubborn metropolitan makes his way to the sacred idol of foreigners through the evil darkness of taemnic paganism. The Tobolsk architect, behind the taєmnymi signs of the old, ryatuє z captivity of the one whom he hates with all his heart. The almighty Siberian governor opines in the paws of the sovereign, who needs virishity, what is more important: his own pride, what is the interest of the state?

… The histories of about three people unite in the common history of the country. And the history of the country is crumbling by the power of the baked struggle of the old against the new. I її glibinna energy - the voltage of the eternal superchick of the Poet and the Tsar.

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