Breaking the Shakespearean tradition in the work of Balzac: "Father Gorio" and "King Lear" Varlamova Olena Oleksandrivna. Father Goriot (Le Pere Goriot) Historical novel by Thackeray

The history of literature of the 19th century is divided into 3 periods: 1. Romanticism (1st third of the 19th century); 2. Realism (30-70s of the 19th century); 3. Literature at the turn of the 19th-20th century. (born 1871-1917). Tsei podіl maє umovny character. 30-70 years of the 19th century - the history of realistic directing. This is the hour of serious shocks in the economic, social sphere. Create the history of the era. Ser.19th century - a period of progressively increasing tension - it led to interethnic conflicts in the end of the 19th century. 19th century - beginning 1789 - 1914 (historical era). called the century of the revolution: the lime revolution (1830), the revolution in Belgium, in Germany. 19th century - the century of liberalism (the establishment of parliamentarism, it became a very expanded grammar, the appearance of a mass press). The 19th century is the century of scientific and technical progress, victories, wineries, the borders of Europe are announced. Reporting novels in an objective form reflect the efficiency.

Realism. Become direct literary and creative method. In English and French literature, the social-psychological novel has become a pan-genre. The problem of the term "realism". The nourishment of realism is ahead of the method. Create romantic and subjective. Create realistic objects. A romantic has an important point of dawn, a realist has a small point of dawn, one can only do it, but not nav'yazu її. The writer is trying to give equal respect to all looks. Realism is the method. The very term “vinik” was in the 50-60s, although the method of “vinik” was earlier. Within the framework of the French school, the term "realism" is introduced.

Realism is often called a mystic system. Realism of the 19th century: 1. Bourgeois realism is the culprit of bourgeois society. 30-40-years - becoming like a zasobu. Moved, changed to critical realism. 2. Critical realism. Criticism should be understood as an analysis (50-60 years). 3. Classic realism.

The main drawings of realism as a creative method: Typization (typical characters in typical settings. The concept of the typical does not include individualization. The creation of typical personalities. In the image of the hero - drawings characteristic of the era. 1. The evolution of the hero, the development of character. Perekhodyv of one psychologist will get to the іnshogo. Gyugo nas the drama concentrated Dzerkal (overdone) - zbilshuvalna slope, most of the clear, contrasting, dumped. Morotics do not go out of the gratings, and there is a dashing. in the hands of a writer, you can cherubate it yourself, straighten it out, but a realist writer can accurately depict a picture of life in a novel. , Richardson - heroes change for better. y light. The typical character is the character of social determinations.

Draw to realism (explained): 1. The principle of typification 2. The idea of ​​interdependence of characteristics and the medium 3. Analytical cob (critical approach to effectiveness). 4. Objectivity (rebuying the collapsible relationship with the author's position). Chi is not imposing the author's point of view. The sprat dotted around the dawn. 5. The image of the hero - a message, the author, the main character. These dots are fading away, a picture of life is being formed. The author may be attached, or he may be omniscient, lalkarem, ruhati puppets - heroes. The leading genre in realist literature is the genre of the socio-psychological novel. This genre is evolving: the destruction of psychology, the development of temperaments. The novel allows you to reveal the interplay of the characteristics of that medium. Realistic literature is more important than prose. Poetry is represented by the smaller world. Realism is straight up ambiguous. Іstotnimi show the difference between national literatures. Romans are most often called Victorian (bringing the spirit to that hour), moral and ethical manifestations of the English). One of the leading topics is the theme of a young person. Balzac is subtle to the point of description through the details reveal the character of a person, an epoch. Podії, scho are given in the thoughts of the character about what is expected. From the author's point of view, there are no filthy and good characters: 1. Іstotnі national risi 2. Є vіdmіnostі i sredinі odnієї іnієї іnіїї іnіїї іnіїнії іteratura.

Evolution of the realistic way: 1. 30-40 years - cob period. Becoming realism as a method. The theme of the realist novel is revealed. The period of molding the aesthetic program. Social Direction. Merimee, Stendhal, Balzac, Dickens . 2 . The 50-60s - realistic literature blames it on interchange with other directions: naturalism, symbolism. Flaubert, Baudelaire - French. Literature; the novels of Dickens - Eng. Literature The destruction of the psychological novel.

French Literature. 19th century - commemorates the experience of the legacy of the Great French Revolution. Formation of Napoleonic power. Yogo rout - the battle of Waterloo. 100 days under the vlady were skinned. Restoration of the monarchy. 1830 - Lipne revolution. The period of lime monarchy began.

1848–1849 - revolutionary approaches. After its completion, the monarchy of France ended. The king called the lasoshchiv. Preparing to write a constitution. Elected President: Louis Bonaparte.

2 breasts 1851 - monarchical coup. France became the 2nd empire. Ob'yazaniya z obezhennyam political rights and freedom; a period of economic success in France. All tsі podії vydbilisya in novels. The development has two stages: 1. 30-40s - Maryme ... 2. 50s-60s - Baudelaire, Flaubert.

Honore de Balzac (1799 - 1850). Born in a small provincial city. Did is a peasant, father is an official. Batko was a man of courage, thinking about a good profession for his son. Balzac is preparing to become a lawyer Finishing the school of law at 19 years. ALE want to be a writer, tell me about my father. Balzac was given 2 fates to achieve success in the field of literature. VIN write the first dramatic work, if you were not successful. From time to time I tried to get busy with one right, then another - but a businessman in the distance. Balzac is a writer, the creativity of which has a variety of texts for style. Balzac needed 10 rokіv, persh nizh vіn becoming vіdomim. Spivpratsiuє from the Parisian press. The novel “Shuani” is choking on the historical genre.

Other creations are connected with current affairs, under the influence of France in the 19th century.

In the 30s, the wines are becoming homeless. Browse with your readers. Behind the political glances, Balzac became a legitimist. Vіn buv monarchist. The monarchy seemed ideal to you state structure. The monarch appeared to you as the father of the family. For the monarchy, the triumph of political groups is impossible. Superbility between fathers and children, brothers and sisters is the reason for Balzac's suspense of trouble. The writer is a realist of the mature classical period. Zvertaetsya until today. Type furnishing, character. I create typical images.

Golovne creation - a cycle of novels "Human Comedy". The idea did not appear at once. Usy 98 works. A whole cycle of non-certifications. Kozhen split - about the life of the soul. There is no chronological sequence. The novels are riddled with problems, with deep characters. “The majestic scope of the plan, which at once stuns the history of that criticism of the suspenst, the analysis of it and the discussion of its basics, allow me, let’s give my creation that heading, as it’s supposed to be now: “a human comedy.” Having named his work that way, Balzac brought in the name of the inscription on the scale of his practice and assessment of the image, and this is an ironic twist. I will name Balzac about us in 1841. Before the "Comedy of the People" dates back to 1842, but the very idea of ​​uniting the vinyl in the author's life earlier. In 1834, Balzac wrote about his life in Hansk, depicting all social phenomena, not forgetting the type, character - the way of life, the cruelty of society, the profession.

The exercise of the great social circles, before the all-season show of the bourgeois society of France in the 1st half of the 19th century, the gigantic expanse of the "Ch.K." zoomed in. In 1842, if most of the works were written, the rest of the plan is being planned. At the front of the "Ch.K." Balzac, having recognized 3 parts, as little as possible to hoop and create and create something less than conceived - tse "Studies about Sounds", "Philosophical Studies" and "Analytical Studies". "Studies about the Sounds", which avenged most of Balzac's work, establishes "a sordid picture of supremacy, to avenge all the undertakings of that day." The author divided the great part into 6 divisions: scenes of private life, scenes of provincial life, parisian, political, military, strong. At the borders of this plan, create an offensive rank: 1. Scenes of a private life: “Business of the intestine, which plays in the ball”, “Friendship of the year”, “Some good family”, “Father Gorio”, “Gobsek” ... 2. Scenes of provincial life: "Evgenia Grande", "Museum of old-timers", "Life of a bachelor", "Vtracheni іluzії" ... 3. Scenes of Parisian life: "History of thirteen", "History of greatness and fall of Caesar Bіrot", "Bliss and evil courtesans" , "Prince god. 4. Scenes of military life: "Shuani" 5. Scenes of political life: "Dark on the right", "Z. Mark. 6. Scenes of rural life: "Silsky doctor", "Silsky priest", "Peasant".

"Philosophical studies": "shagreen shkir", "invisible masterpiece", "question for the absolute", "elixir of longevity", "forgiveness Melmoth". "Analytical studies": "Physiology of the blues", "Dribni negazii of a friendly life". The scheme of Balzac's practice shows those forms, "typical cycles", which crystallized the action of the epoch. "Not only people, but the most ignoble ones appear in typical images." Analytical studies on the call to recognize the first causes of speeches in a blur. Etude about sounds - social phenomena. Philosophical studies - causes of these social phenomena. Those who are behind the scenes and the mechanism of life is crumbling. Be sure to create "Ch.K." different. Ale may go plot-compositional organization. Balzac vvazhav, scho necessary natural pіdkhіd to the implementation of the laws of the court. It has become a method - to increase the summation not like the accumulation of various individual foundations, but rather the accumulation of social views. Seeing the wholeness of the world and its inner connection, the structure of “Ch.K.”, the author’s skin book, is just a chapter of a grandiose novel about suspility.” Yogo creations of power polycentrism. Impersonal centers, plot lines. Peretinayutsya until kakoїs point. Її role - one of the characters in the story. Create Balzac's polyphonic for the zmist, structure. Є impersonal plot lines. Balzac zastosuvav principles naskrіzno ї pobudovі v reappearance of characters, prodovzhennya deії і after the epilogue: there will be inspired in the new novel, where the heroes come to their new stage of life, creating an uninterrupted rush of life. Based on the creation of the hour, Balzac is often inspired by the chronological sequence, like, like wine vvazhav, added to the image of the past. The name is "human comedy" (speak about the Divine Comedy). Balzac's hero's journey for social stakes. Life itself appeared to Balzac as a comedy. ." in the one who brought the historical need to “marvel at the true eyes” on the nature of the vidnosin, to unite bourgeois individuals in a supple way, penetrated the dialectic of social progress and found an organic link between the negative aspects of the life of bourgeois life. "Ch.K." By its strongest sides, goiter approaches the writer until the people look at the social order, which has established itself in the aftermath of the revolutionary supremacy. modest heroes, who did not occupy the leading role in Balzac's books, but expanded their social sphere. The subject matter was inspired by democratic tendencies and yoga realism. All "Ch.K." Balzac's hospitable interest is seen to the problem: a man of that river. The more people get better, the more intelligent, the thinner, the more artistry, spirituality, the transition to material culture. At the front of the "Ch.K." Balzac tried to obstruct his literary works with the achievements of the natural sciences. I don’t have a creature, all organisms are created in the same image, and I give the opportunity to speak about the “beautiful law”: “skin for yourself.” Already in 1842, Balzac formulates the theory of "Fighting life" - in this way, typical bourgeois settings are brought to action. A person is also an organism; social view, as I see zoological In the creative method of Balzac, the development of a character overgrows in the development of the middle, and psychology is zmikaetsya from sociology. For Balzac, the greatest interest is the specialty, as he enters the fight against the outer conditions. Creating his own types, Balzac always developed an idea, they express themselves, but instilled in them predilection, as if they were connected with natural theories. Until the end of the 30s, the passion for Balzac's creativity wasted its strength, the spiritual life of the characters became more foldable, richer, the stench zhvavіshe vіdgukuєєs vіdkuєє іdkuєєє іn plіvіn sredovіs, іnіt's іnіѕ сhіlkuvannya і take іїї lessons, іnіdіdіnі іdіmіnіyа change themselves.

"Father Gorio". This is a modern bourgeois tragedy. Balzac talks about a specific historical hour and about the furnishings that shape the characters of the heroes. The Duchess of Longet tells the story of Father Gorio. But forever forget your name, then tell about the typical character of the hero. The history of Gorio is typical for modern society. This novel has a novelistic structure: Gorio's line, two daughters, Ezhen Rastignyak and John. The role of the common center is Ezhen Rastyank. Vіn aristocrat for the people, but live in a modest boarding house. Pokhodzhennya allows him to change with the greater success. The headlines are picked up at the boarding house "matus" Voke. For example, leaf fall 1819 p. here you can see these post-natal “nahlibniks”: on the other version - the young lady Victorina Taifer with her distant relative Madame Couture; on the third - the leading official Poiret and the enigmatic pan of the middle years on the name of Vautrin; on the fourth - the old diva Mademoiselle Michono, the great baker Goriot and the student Eugene de Rastignac, who came to Paris from Angouleme. The boarding house is a symbolic image of the mini-suspension. On top of the booth, they symbolize the different versions of the soul. At Paris, Rustignac comes to their provinces. Student. A hero on a rose - a folklore plot. The way for a long time does not add Rustignak - you want to win everything at once. Such a possibility is given to you by Vautrin (Jacques Colin). You live in the boarding house and try to teach young people how to live.

The lower world and the greater one were motivated by evil. Alya in the lower you will be punished, but in the higher one - no. “There are no laws, just furnish.” Vautrin proponuє Rustinyak virishiti all problems and beasts of respect for the girl Quiz. Ezhen maє play a stale shanuvalnik at Viktorina. Rostignac vagaєtsya, ale vin vіdmovlyаєєєєєєєєєєє. “Vautrin, having guessed Rastignac's thoughts, propagates young people to pay respect to Quiz Typher. The maiden lives in a boarding house, that її does not want to know the father - the richest banker. May brother: enough to clean up this scene, so that the situation has changed - Quiz will become the only recession. You will take the young Typher Vautrin on your shoulders, and Rastignac will be guilty of paying him two hundred thousand - a ruble in equal parts with a million mileage. The lad of madness knows what scary person in rude form, having said to herself what the viscountes de Beausean said. Instinctively indulgently pleasing to Vautrin, out of reach of the gracefulness of Delphine de Nucingen. In every way, tato Gorio helps you, who hates both sons-in-law and calls them to the misfortunes of his daughters. Ezhen gets to know Dolphin and suffocates in her. Won vіdpovіdaє yoma vzaєmnіstyu, more vіn having given їy tsіnnu service, having won this thousand francs: the team of the banker cannot pay off the borg - a man, having attracted the money from sim hundred thousand, having depleted її practically without a penny. Vіde the 3rd road: the way, the gifts of the distant relative Vіkontesoy - vikoristovuvat people.

Dolphin. Її a person is rich, but he doesn’t care about high adventures. Ezhen to enter її at the suspіlstvo, otzhe may yoma pay. “Young Rastignac, sleeping with the glimpse of Paris, lets go to the greater world. With the help of rich people, Ezhen can only pay for the viscountes de Beausean. Na_slavshi їy recommendation list of his old titonka, vіn otrimuє request for the ball. Yunak pragmatically approaches me as a noble lady, and the gleaming Countess Anastasia de Resto instills my respect.” The first attempt to make a worldly acquaintance turns out to be humiliation for Rustignac: he appeared before the countess pishka, calling out the unimportant grins of the servants, not knowing the wind, and Mr. Budinka clearly gave you the understanding that Maxim wanted to be deprived of the count alone. Rastignac's disillusionment takes on a wild hatred to the point of maddening redness and swears to overcome him. To complete everything, Ezhen rob a pardon, having guessed the name of Tata Gorio, which vipadkovo swayed at the yard of the count's booth. The ignorance of the young man breaks with a visit to the Vicomtesie de Beausean, but chooses the most inconvenient moment for him: an important blow is checked on his cousin - the Marquis d'Ajuda-Pinto, whom it is prejudiced to love, we may part with her for the sake of the guardian. The Duchess de Langeais, with satisfaction, reiterated the novelty of her "best friend". The viscountes quarrelly changes the theme of the conversation, and the riddle that tormented Rastignac is negligently allowed: Anastasia de Resto in her childhood bore the nickname Goriot. This zhalyugidnoy person has a daughter, Delphine, the squad of the banker de Nucingen. Offended by the beauties, in fact, they called the old father, who was the one who saw his mustache. For the sake of the viscountess, to make Rustinyak speed up with the supernity of two sisters: on the vіdmіna vіd Countess Anastasia, Baroness Delfina is not accepted at the great light - for asking to the booth of the Vicomtesi de Beauséan, the woman saw all the brood on the adjoining streets. The story of Old Man Gorio Nadali is told to the plant. Wedged on life way. At the finale - Ezhen throws a cry to Paris, howl Old Goriot for the money. Vіn pokhovovav not only Old Man Gorio, but his last tear. Speeches vyyavlyayutsya tsіnishimi, nizh people. Batko Gorio invested with his daughters just like his own factory. Ale vin did not take anything. Maniacal love for daughters leads Old Man Gorio to death. “Papa Goriot is dying of that day, if the viscountes de Boséan gives his remaining ball - he can’t survive the separation from the Marquis d’Ajuda, he’s left the light forever. Saying goodbye to this marvelous woman, Rustynyak hurries back to the old one, calling his daughters to himself. The unfortunate father is to be saved for the rest of the pennies by the students - Rastinyak and B'yanshon. Two empty carriages with coats of arms see off a string with a body on the Père Lachaise winery. From the top of the Rastinyak pagorba to marvel at Paris and give an oath to reach success for whatever the price - and for the cob break the promise to Delphine de Nucingen. Suspіlstvo is a living organism, but instead of blood, pennies circulate for him. The best light is the ocean, where you lower your toe and walk along the sea itself.

The social and historical reality of Russia in the satirical world of M.Є. Saltikov-Shchedrin: "History of one place", "Pan Golovlevi". Synthesis of "smіhovoї" poetics, psychology and social analysis.

Having been born since 1826, the fate - in the wake of the revolt of the Decembrists, that yogo strangled. The atmosphere of the tієї epoch has stuck in yoga suspіlno-političnіchnі - nepovaha to speciality, nebuvaly doti political gnіtok, pragnennya to regulate everything. Plus, the atmosphere in it stuck in. Vіn vihovuvavsya at the landlord's homeland. The main aspirations of the mother were directed towards savings. Already in childhood, the sides of the krіpatstva are wild - wild svavіllya, violence against the people. Later, he wrote: “The forte is right, important and rude in forms, brought me closer to a half-day mass. Creativity played a great role in my share. Having only just survived all the phases, I was able to develop the yoga of complete reversal. Studied at the Tsarskoil Lyceum. There I got to know Petrashevsky. Petrash vplinuv on the new one. Saltikov was enraptured by the ideals of freedom, equanimity, and justice. Just look politically formed at the mainstream of utopian socialism.

V. V. Gippius. Saltikov depicts people's posts as cartoons. The pastor saw 3 major upheavals: 1. Children instead of grown-ups; 2. Physiological processes - the replacement of the living unity of psycho-physical phenomena; in accordance with this private motive, the system of zoological images of Saltikov, the folding of human life is simplified to elementary biological processes in the support of also simplified, mostly mentally-schematic psychology. 3. Lyalka is a substitute for a living person. From tsikh vipadkіv especially commemorate the place at the satire of Shchedrіn occupies the remaining vipadok. The motif of baby can be called the motif of deadness or mechanization. In the history of literature, there are protracted motives - pozhvavlennya - ancient wines, like the very human knowledge. Just like the motive of mechanization, it can only be blamed on such a pattern for the development of science and technology, if the role of a human individual could be assigned to a machine. In Saltikov's satire, the image is most often given as finished, tobto. the process of mechanization itself is not evidence. Sometimes, the motives of death and death may be combined (in the "History of one place"). Ale lyalki, in fact, are not expected and are given not by psychology, but by the creation of such automatic movements (for example, they make sounds). Neruhoma lyalka, what collapses and speaks a puppet, an automaton, similar to a person and a person, similar to an automaton - only different elements of a single system of images, united by a satirical function that is sacred to them.

Primara in a romanian writer - this is such a form of life, as if trying to put it in one's own suttve, but in reality I would rather empty it. Such a clouding to say about the comic image, tk. rubbing between form, pretending to be authentic and correct, presenting a hilarious comic. Non-human people, after Shchedrin, change hands with the power of ghosts. Primara - this is a moral dissimilarity, which is supposed to be beautiful; empty inner, which pretends to be "beneficial" sound; tse istota is visible, that it has deadened, that it is trying to see a person for a living. Vlada mayor sprya vysuvannya on the forefront of the people of the singing warehouse. There is one principle at the basis of their life - not the foundations of everyday principles. The main idea is that the mother's everyday ideas are not followed, but the mother's discipline. People who serve as mayors will unify. The servants of the mayors bring people to the crowd. Non-human people are a growing way of life, eat, p'є, multiply, enjoy themselves, but do not think, do not create good from evil.

Shchedrin, saying: “In my literary robots, the humorous element prevails.” The pismennik will not reveal the comical essence of the characters depicted, show the laughter of their characters. The task of the writer for an hour of work on the style sounded like the one who would create the manner of the individual, in the name of which the discourse is conducted, and the one who would reveal the different, comical style of the manner. Therefore, the stylization in the works of Shchedrin sounds like it grows into parody. A parody of a modern manner does not start until the manifestation of її different comical sides. Vono vikoristovuєtsya, sob to reveal the comical truth. Tobto. a parody of movement, stylistically becomes an important way of revealing life's collisions and patterns. The great development of the TV-in Shchedrin had a parody of political, historical, legal, journalistic texts. Vіn vismіyuє rules, regulations that regulate the life of people. Parody of newspaper articles, stationery listing, business papers, financial news. Vismіyuє їhnyu stupidity, anti-human character, marnoslіv'ya that nedorіkuvatіst. For example, the history of one place - all service notes, compiled by the stupid mayors. characteristic of rice parodiyuvannya - yoga zagalnyuyuchy character. Objects of parody are typical phenomena in legislation, jurisprudence, and journalism.

The theme of self-ownership, autocracy, and serfdom was at the center of Shchedrin's respect. The servant of the mayor of the state knew his own "History of one place". The place of Glupova is the whole country as a whole. The motive of one-manhood, the independence of city governors. Golovna їhnya diyalnіst - contraction of arrears and punishment of inhabitants. The stench is like the shadows. The unpopularity is manifested in the current rosy coziness, non-government, stupidity. Two grotesque images had the most vivid artistic manifestation of these evils. Dementia Varlamovich Brodasty that Gloomy-Grumbling. The first mav at the head was the substitute for the brain, an organ, which uttered only two phrases: I will disgrace and I will not tolerate. І tsogo yomu hung out, to govern the place and to bring order to the deeds. Zavzhd Saltikov overwhelmed by ruling fools. In this way of life, the laws of life have been revealed with the greatest strength of that virility. Different city governors are different stages of the population. ale Gloomy-Murcheev having turned over everything. A new person has a sense of sensibility and emotions. Concessions are not only positive feelings, but also a little bit of dissatisfaction, anger, hatred. Mechanism and in yoga zvnishnosti (when looking at the new people, it seemed like they were fighting for human nature; they raised their strength with an absolutely silent rite, and the inevitability of their victory was confirmed by a sawy look, which a person could not blame). A lot of times vin is called an idiot, vin not recognizing the mind and respecting yoga is shkidlivy for a person. In Gloomy-Grumbling reaches its apogee not only the unpopularity of the one who emphasizes that autocratic power by himself. In one hour, the rest of the vyslovlyuvannya syagaє and the power itself. Vіn maє on the basis of ordering sovereignty and regulating all the life of fools and vzagali the whole world. Mriya Burcheev in order to turn all people into darkness, so that they were the same, so that there was an unpopular people. Tobto. Gloomy-Grumbling in a figure like borderline unhuman, but anti-human. The people gave the same name to youmu as "Satan". Whereas in Brodystoy there was no more speech (an organ to replace the brain), then Burcheev is the whole soulless automaton, which is not enough for everyone to live. Tse post as comical, and y evil, scary. Whose image has become slanderous - in the new one the image of tyranny is concentrated.

At the military mayor Borodavkin, a lot of right soldiers were called and they were replaced by tin soldiers. The grotesque-satirical image of the tin soldiers revealed the callousness of the heartlessness of the troops, as if they took part in the punishment operations against the “disaffected”. According to Shchedrin’s thought, it is necessary to be truly “tiny”, to strangle your own likeness from the zazyatty.

Parody of national history. The crisis depicted by Shchedrin the history of the bunglers can be seen widely in the moments of Russian history. For example, the fortune-tellers of the bunglers from the dry tribes and their common association in a mental form reflect the seasons in the life of the words. In "Proloz" Shchedrin shows that the voluntary request of the princes, as self-ruling rulers of the people, is the greatest historical foolishness. A small number of situations that were passed on to that request - a door of bad, comical, stupid people. The situations that served as prototypes for rich episodes and scenes, painted history of the place, did not carry anything comical in themselves, but instead they were more serious and dramatic (the struggle of the pretenders for the Russian throne in the 18th century, which was consecrated during the hour of Tsarina Peter I). In Shchedrin's episodes, they look comically over-important due to the particular pobudov plot. For example, at the distribution of "The Tale of the Six Town Governors", the struggle for kermo power is to lead the dissolution of the girls. The stinks are trying to get power for the help of drunken soldiers from the invalid army. Take one of one in full and sit at the cage on the Maidan. Come out, scho supergirls nibi "zherli" one alone.

"Pan Golovlevi". For example, the 60s - the beginning of the 70s, the birth of Saltikov-Shchedrin at the bottom of his critical work, made it necessary to appear in the Russian literature of a new "suspile" novel. Vіn vvazhav, scho old family love affair vycherpav itself. In today's life of true dramatic conflicts, more and more often, they appear not in the sphere of love, but in the "fight for infancy", in the "fight for dissatisfied vanity", "for the image and humiliation of people." "Gentlemen of the Golovlevs" (1880) At the breakup of the bourgeois family, the writer scribbled signs of an important social ailment that swept over Russian society.

Shchedrin, calling the novel “God Golovlevy” “episodes from the life of one of them”. The skin chapter is finished rozpovid about Yakus family podium. And in the press the stinks were step by step like independent drawings. The idea of ​​a single novel won't be broken. Prote tse tsіlіsny tvіr, in the basis of a rozpoіd about the catastrophe sim'ї and the death of the usіh її members. In the skin division, it is reported about the death of someone from the representatives of the Golovlov family, about “mortality”, shards, in fact, in our eyes, we see beats. "History of the Dead" tells about those who are none of them, that family ties are less visible, less form, that all members of the Golovlov family hate one and one and check for the death of their loved ones, so that they become recessions. Tse "vimorochny", tobto sayings on the vimiranya rіd.
Shchedrin called “three characteristic figures”: “non-shyness, unapproachability to be able to do it and get drunk. The first two instilled in themselves marnosliv'ya, slow-wittedness and empty womb, the rest of the bov khіba scho obov'yaskovymi way of life's nefariousness". All the buttya of the landlord's nest is unnatural and stupid, with a glance of true human interests, a guide to a creative life, creative practice, morality, gloomy and deadly hiding in the skins of this empty life. Stepan, the hero of golovlіvschiny, the dramatic death of which completes the first division of the novel. From the young Golovlyov's wines, a naytalanovitish, a nayvrazlivish and a wise man, yak got university education. Ale, the lad from childish fates, having become a constant utska from the side of his mother, having disgraced the glory with the son-blazin, "Stepka-stupid". As a result, a person with a slavish character turned out to be a good thing: be a drunkard and become a villain. Stepan's student life was hard. Days of working life, good-natured bliss among wealthy students, and then empty departmental service in St. Petersburg, post-stavka, rozguly, nareshti, suddenly trying to vryatuvatsya in the militias physically and morally scourged yogo, killed a new man, as if you were alive yak, axis-axis “die of hunger”. And in front of him was left a single fatal road - in the river, ale bewildered by Golivlyevo, de on the new one, it’s self-sufficiency, rozpach, drunk, death. For the rest of the other generation of this, Stepan appeared unstable, lifeless.

One of the most famous satirical characters of Shchedrin - Iudushka Golovlyov. Even in childhood, Styopka the dunce gives you a prize: a darling, a blood drinker, and a lad at the door. Tsі prizviska once reveal the essence of the hero. Z'ednannya "Juda" and "dushka" - those whose hero is already and those who are guilty of the truth. Mother Arina Petrivna vin demonstrates hearing, intelligence, lagness. Ale for tsim prikhovu schos (cunning, feisty, ruthless blood-drinker, for the sake of increasing his power, ready for anything). Mother could not understand what she was looking at - synovy shanoblivіst or disgust. The very same protirichchya between the visible side of the hero that yogo day in different manifestations doslіdzhuvatime the writer and the very same designate the poetics of the image. The scribe repeatedly gives an idea that Porfiry Golovlyov lie down to the light of darkness and shadows. Zoological pairing with a spider (well, weave a spider). The voice is equal to the snake. The right method of yoga is accumulation. The originality of the image lies in the fact that you can’t see yourself as a human being as a human being. Characteristic yoga rice - hypocrisy. Idushka is empty-minded and empty-minded. At your own duty of wines, it is constantly “overflowing from an empty one at a prorzhne”. By stretching a mustache novel, the udushka tries to pretend to be a human being. Really ghost wine. Shchedrin repeatedly flogged yoga from Satan.


  1. Gippius V.V. People ta lalka at Saltikov's satire // Gippius V.V. From Pushkin to Blok. M-L., 1966. S. 295-330.
  2. Mykolaiv D.P. Smikh Shchedrin: Draw satirical poetics. M., 1988.

27. Roman F.M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Punishment". Socio-philosophical and religious connotation of the novel, literary traditions, mythopoetics. "Theory" of Raskolnikov: її formation and accident. The structure of the image of Raskolnikov. "Zlochin and Punishment" was instructed first in the "Russian Visnik" in 1866. Pochatkovy conceived from guesswork I will call "P'yanenki". I conceived the novel to lie down until 1865, if the revolutionary pidyom of the 60s is behind. The defeat of democracy and the triumph of reaction did not deprive Dostoevsky of the bait. Historical terms, social and psychological accuracy are necessary for Dostoevsky, who wrote not a detective novel, but a historical-philosophical and social-moral novel. In "Evil and Punishment" thoughts about the establishment, the role of the mass, about the significance of the rights of specialty, about the political economy, about socialism, about power, about the supremacy, moral and philosophical ideal. Russia was entering a turning point, "Russia has become ill, everyone has come to their senses." The defeat of sixty fates meant for the new one an accident of ideals, in the name of some of the best blues of Russia they rose in protest, with help, recognized the victims - and achieved nothing. Russia has become ill. Dostoyevsky, if he created the story of Raskolnikov, has not yet experienced the climax of the decade, but he has already put himself up to them retrospectively, giving them his pidbags. In the social battles and political breakdowns of the sixty decades, Dostoevsky himself's "primer" utopia was also unraveled. The rise between the "illumined" classes and the people was not liquidated. All that carries a careless greatness and a clear order, Dostoyevsky looked at the life of that share of the Marmeladovs. Light of applause so that evil in the new is not less than bad luck, but guilt, vice, immorality, on the face of the official Christian setting to evil.

Sight-gazer of mature Dostoevsky.Louth,"Philosophy of mature Dostoevsky". Dostoyevsky is a profound religious philosopher, who laid the foundation for the Russian philosophical renaissance. Dostoyevsky is a prophet, who said a lot of things that happened in the past. Dostoyevsky from yoga propoviddu chelovechestvo showing the way to change the spiritual light of the people. The strongest side of Dostoyevsky is his positive philosophy, which affirms the ideal. Dostoyevsky: People have a great power of love. Not natural power, but a divine gift. Kokhannya is more like a booty, I’m turning a buttya out. In the suffering and in the lives of the people, the pragnennia of speech, love, joys of the day with the neighbors and all things do not go out. In the philosophy of Dostoevsky, the truth lies in kindness and love. Dostoyevsky develops a philosophical novel (after Siberian recognition). Vin became the founder of a new genre. All novels wrap around philosophical theories, like living and being represented in one number of characters. The bearers of philosophical ideas are trying to think over their idea and consequently to the results of their life and their behavior. Dostoyevsky maw his own original skygazer. Vіn buv occupied by the human psyche, the vlasny knowledge of that yogo comprehension led yogo to philosophy. The physical world of yoga didn’t get used, even though I was an engineer for the profession. Dostoyevsky to cackle a man. I gave special respect to the wines, adding to the behavior of the people and experiencing that ideas. Passing the symptoms of spiritual experiences of guilt with amazing accuracy, which will overturn the science of that hour. Dostoyevsky shukav the truth in the individual, in the okremіy іstotі, and the most important philosophical insights and psychological knowledge known to self-care. Having started to know the paths to the development of altruism and the “truth” of Christian love. For Dostoyevsky: Psychological causes of perekonannya in the stupidity of the butt lie at the rozcharuvannya and nudzi. When a person sees God, he often looks to himself as the essence of the omniscience. In the works of Dostoevsky, impersonal self-destruction is described. It is explained by the interest of Dostoevsky to the near-cordon situations of human life, that yoga pragnennya show nothing to stifle the soul. Dostoyevsky insists in "The Brothers Karamazov" that the tendency to the rise of specialism is easy to lead to a split and self-destruction. Weakness of life is accepted as an image, and self-destruction is accepted as a protest against the stupid world.

Biblical basis of the novel plot. Dostoyevsky recognized the majestic infusion of the Gospel, like a religious and ethical book, and like an artistic creation. The robber and the harlot are all Evangelical characters. But neither Raskolnikov nor Sonechka Marmeladova crossed over into the novel from the other side of the gospel. Sonya is holy from the very beginning, she knows what is moral and what is immoral, she will sin against her will, to fight against hunger, to fight against the virus of her loved ones. Sonya became a harlot because of the suspense for rich people.

Evil heroes, twins of Raskolnikov, universal image malicious world . The role of the “middle” in evil, the theme of “reason” and “reasonable” behavior (Raskolnikov and Razumikhin are like twins behind the furnishings, which should be diametrically opposite). Raskolnikov and Dostoyevsky are twins. "PiN" is an autobiographical novel, behind the scheme - a hoarded idea and a pay for it (4 fates of Dostoevsky's hard labor). At 1864 p. after returning from hard labor D. write “Notes from the pidpillya”. The name is the spiritual camp of the hero. Corner. the hero cannot be named. The text is the source of evidence, from which you can bring in “the right Russian person is great”, to that she is similar to us. "Pidpillya" includes 2 sides: 1-a - furnish, middle and 2-a - psychological, spiritual camp. At whom all ideas and thoughts are born. The reason for the appearance of "pidpіllya" is "nothing was sacred." People have wasted God and sense, are full of villains and marvel at the light from the hut. The hero of Pidpill is a theorist, and Raskolnikov is a practitioner. Raskolnikov viyshov from "p." and viyshov іz juice. “We are dead people”, people are like ideas. One of the favorite priyomіv - dvіyniki. "P. ta n. povnistyu pobudovanova tsomu priyomі. There is only one malice on the back - R., but there is no world of malice there: R. + Marmeladov + Katerina Ivanivna + Sonya + Svidrigailov + Luzhin + Dunya + mother R. + passer-by + Dar'ya Frantsivna + family named Svidrigailov + student and officer. Go about the evil spirits of the Evangelical meaning. Primirom, R. to say about Sonya: "You crossed over." The term “zlochintsy” is most commonly associated with Marmeladov, Katerina Ivanivna and Svidrigailov. Katerina Ivanivna - “a hot woman, proud and indestructible. In her youth, she flowed with an officer through a kohanna, seeing as she had three children. At Marmeladov himself there is the 14th river Sonechka. Sonya's voice is always thin. K.I. pounced on Sonya, the rest of her phrase was boulder: “Now take care of your belongings.” Sonya went about 6, came about 9 (the whole hour, if she accepted Christ on Golgotha ​​in her torment), put 30 silver coins on the table (payment for Yuda's health). Sonya brought to herself on the potala for children K. IV. Dunya to sacrifice himself to his brothers, climbing at the Borg bondage. This is Sonya's twin. R. chuє rozmovu student and officer in the brewery. The student tells about the old woman, as if calling on her sister “quite vagitna” (also her own Sonechka). Only a few atheistic testimonies could save the thought, what a penny, commandments to the monastery - "a penny arose for nothing." "Wonderful thought pecked." R. of hostility, that thoughts themselves were born in his head. The world is universally evil. Evil ideas hover in the wind, in the stinking, leaky Petersburg wind. In the world, in which lives R. zlochin - rіch zvichayna. R. does not see his theory, but takes it again, chooses wines.

The main character also has a twin. Tse Razumikhin, vin similar to R. in the minds of living: stench of the same age, law students. And if R. robes are at the lahmitt, then Razumikhin seems to be trying to bring his clothes to the human eye. Sounds of stench also run: R. dark-Russian and Razumikhin dark-haired. Ale physically, as well as spiritually, Razumikhin is richly strong. If Razumikhin finds out about R.'s theory, then he tries to ask. We recognize yoga right name - Vrazumikhin. Їх podіlyaє malice. Raskolnikov guards Razumikhin's road. Rozum is the lowest value, for Dostoyevsky. Vaughn is not in the power to vryatuvat people against evil spirits that spiritual self-immolation.

D. marvel at the world from the Christian point of dawn. The basic law of evil is self-destruction, self-destruction. He sent R.’s evil “as if with scissors he cut himself in the light of the world. I don’t have the right to love now the dearest people: mother and sister. R. does not repent of hard labor. Vіn shkoduє less about those who confessed. Vin, like before, ready to give up life for an idea, for a hope, for a fantasy. The healer is Christ. Win the souls of sinners. Sonya became like Christ.

Dostoyevsky yak and Tolstoy were inspired to think rationally. Razum always stikates against injustice. Only love to the light gives the fullness of life. These ideas will be continued in Idiot, but there is a pessimistic note.

D. having created a new human being in his creations, as he realizes that God is a fiction. The writer, having prophesied the apocalypse, having taken into account that such a person cannot be conceived, because he cannot live a sense of life.

Rozkolnikov's individuality is already bright. Vіn privabliy, endowment with significant zdіbnosti. I’ll be just a student, after writing an article on a philosophical and forensic topic, I’m instructed to mark it. Raskolnikov is independent, sumly, and if you want to goiter to no one, but in the hands of the rulers of the zhorst conditions, he will cope with what you do not have to force. Vіn buv crushing bіdnіst, frowning at us, swearing for pennies the rest of the stay at the new dribnichka, the apartment gentleman stopped letting you in. Raskolnikov went hungry. Raskolnikov is alive in the world and seeing his place in the world. The world is a fortune-teller, but it was impossible to get around him by the side.

Kirpotin:Raskolnikov- An individual-individualist, who, in a roaring way, was called to lay a path at the future more than once with an advanced suspenseful thought, which was importantly and equally well-looked, but one by one from the shoulder. Raskolnikov to take revenge on his own excesses of a lot of faith, and Dostoevsky wislovlyu tse bagatorazovo, in his own form, dictated by the hour and the literary life of the era. In “Notes from the Pidpill,” Dostoyevsky wrote about the theme of the resurrection of a young man, whom she fell in love with. The theme is in the verses of Dobrolyubov, in “What to work?” Chernishevsky", in the poetry of Nekrasov. Vismiyav because Dostoyevsky marvel at a public woman, as if at a “child of unhappiness”, blame evil over the hero of the ryativnik, throwing calls in the guise of youth, for those who she has healed the world, not knowing life. Rozkolnikov divide people into non-negotiables and not non-negotiables, and the practice of them - into the wrong and not the wrong. (Luzhin is a bad guy). For Svidrigailov's cynical anecdotes, for Svidrigailov's rozrahunok of the world in disarray, so as not to be deceived beforehand.

An important characteristic of Raskolnikov: « How much do you understand? I guessed the theory, it became shameful, what looked like it, what didn’t look original anymore! Wishlo something pіdlo, tse truth, that you are still not a hopeless nehіdnik! They didn’t fool themselves for a long time, at once until the rest of the days. Whom do I consider you? I consider you to be one of those, as if you want your guts to wilt, and you are worth it with a smile to marvel at the tormentors, - yakscho only believe chi know God. Well, and know, and live. (Porfiry Petrovich about Raskolnikov). Rozkolnikiv vilіpleniya from the very test, from which the Christian martyrs were vilified, and now - fearless self-confessed revolutionaries. Raskolnikov slayed the wrong right, but from the wrong motives, and the people were not wrong. A positive attitude to the world, such as wine, is a lie, respecting Raskolnikov. Ale "half compromise" wins not accepted. Raskolnikov, having decided to put himself not in a pose of the world, but against the world, so that he could put an unjust order into place, and perish at once from the light of the world, but do not sit with his hands clasped. Ale rose did not just reconcile, but even strengthened Raskolnikov's guard to the light. Vin expanding his list not only by orders of magnitude, but also by the people themselves, on whom an unforgettable seal has fallen on the world that you see. Vіn having said his own not to everything, not only to the facts, which hurt him especially, but also to the whole order of the world. Raskolnikov - the idea is strained, the will is strained, the wine is active, the wine is for the Marmeladovs, and the wine is not to be believed by anyone. At the hostile retinue of Raskolnikov - the champion of Ivan Karamazov.

Raskolnikov's idea, Meta, which cherubs vin, robbing their wickedness, it is not easy to open up in a novel. Raskolnikov - an image of ingenious creations, organic unity, internal rubbing of what to know did not bring to di, kerovanny method. Raskolnikov had long been holding his greedy idea and his greedy ideas at his head, but his gloomy fantasy was abandoned. Vin is already talking with Marmeladov, already feeling the screams of humiliation and images, but still not violating anything. From this moment, the idea of ​​transforming into a dvigun, launching into full force, like Raskolnikov’s suffocation, is a wild and abstract idea, and the whole novel is in a non-gaming big, which is no longer in the mind of soundness. Having hammered Raskolnikov into his ideas, and to him he was brought under the infusion of internal and external sponkukans to explain richly once, in whom his idea is supposed to be. “What am I, what is a mustache, what is a person? Can I step over, can't I? I dare to bend over and take it, why not? Why am I tremtyach, why am I right? The Napoleonic motif was included before the idea of ​​Raskolnikov and її zhahlivé zdіysnennya. Raskolnikov took his own butt of Napoleon, wanted to change it, to make the building wine become Napoleon, to show the building wine to the dictatorial power of the whole world and the All-world. However, the Napoleonic idea in її clean look, power for the sake of power, є zrado and zradoyu for someone important, where it’s less likely to enter as a part of chi zasіb. Likewise, the idea of ​​Raskolnikov was scooped up by Napoleonism from a pure-looking yogi, judging himself and blaming himself for his own accusations. For Raskolnikov, power is not circumscribed by anything, not an end in itself, but a mind’s mind, a form at the borders of which you can create your own ideal. Raskolnikov to put himself above the people in the order of people, because he wants to "rake" people "to the hands and then do good to them." Dostoyevsky invested in Raskolnikov's soul and swindled and looked at people, like a super-cheerful, but one idea. Having created a hero, who succumbed to diї, recognized before the Messiah and the ideas of Napoleon. Raskolnikov's idea culminates at the 4th part, the fourth part, at the stage when Raskolnikov sees Sonya and the gospel read from her. At the same time, the novel reaches its turning point here.

Psychoanalysis of the spiritual and physical deadness of a person. Dostoevsky’s mind, that drunkenness, prostitution and wickedness are not traces of original sin, but of an improperly ruled social environment. With hostile accuracy, with materialistic consistency, showing Dostoyevsky yak Sonechka Marmeladov with її purity and self-confidence become better. The image of a girl, which is sold for 30 rubles, for 30 silver coins, her innocence and beauty, gradually fill in the sides of the novel, symbolizing untruth, cruelty, all the life of the world. Raskolnikov sneers before Sonya, valuing inner purity and moral heroism її, and storming Sonya not for sins її, but for those that she “killed and sold herself for nothing”. In the light of Sonya, who has zіyshov z kolії, її obscure and confusing understandings - it is purer good - to know one's bed and close one's own in Raskolnikov. Vaughn embraced the collapse of this non-human idea.

Marmalade. Drinking is not the cause of vigilance, but a consequence, a legacy of unemployment, homelessness. Marmeladov Victim, a lemon, which is not needed by anyone, and to that the light is given to the smitnik. The death of Marmeladov - self-destruction - punishment for malice. Vіn having made his own life with his own hands => and death.

The family of Raskolnikov has a real Christian kohannya. Sisters 22 rocky, but there is no need, more without a dowry. 3 100 rubles, borne by Svidrigailov; great part.

Character system. Raskolnikov, sister - Dunya that mother. The sister chooses to “sell herself” Luzhen (through love to her brother and mother). Luzhin is a non-guy, even more compromising evidence on Svidrigailov. Svidrigailov is a foldable image, which will bring up potential and vices in oneself, ruining one's life. Sonechka Marmeladova - Marmeladov's father (p'yanitsa and zhenmark), stepmother Katerina Ivanivna (leading Sonya to the panel, a strong woman) and children of Katerina Ivanivna, one of them. Raskolnikov is a friend of Razumikhin, a law student like Raskolnikov (incorporating the “reasonable ear”, but Dostoevsky avoids Raskolnikov’s path).


  1. Bakhtin M.M. Problems of Dostoyevsky's Poetics. View. 4th. M., 1979.
  2. Lauth, Reinhard Philosophy of Dostoevsky in a systematic presentation / Ed. A.V. Guligi; Prov. with him. I.S. Andreeva. M., 1996.

28. Roman F.M. Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" as a pidbag vitvir of a writer."Great Pyatiknizhzhya" by Dostoyevsky: "Zlochin and Punishment", "Pidlitok", "Idiot", "Bisi", "Brothers Karamazov". Rozanov "About the legend of the Great Inquisitor": By referring to the characters, as shown in The Brothers Karamazov, the characters of the previous novels can be seen as a preparation: Ivan Karamazov in the past, even earlier, it was like Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, sometimes like Mikola Stavrogin (“Bisi”), often like Versilov (“Pidlitok”), Alyosha maє his prototype at Prince Mishkin (“Idiot”) and often in person , in the name of which there is a discussion about the novel "Belittled and Images"; his father “with the profile of a Roman patrician in the winter”, who people children and throw them, an amateur to talk about the butt God “for cognac”, but a brandy is an amateur to mock at the mustache, which is intimate and dear to people, completed like Svidrigailov and the old prince Valkovsky ("Belittled and depicted"). Only Dmitro Karamazov, a new special; yes, one captain Lebyadkin (“Bisi”), you can do yoga. New guise is the fourth brother Smerdyakov.

W tsіyna that spiritual and religious problems of "Legends about the great inquisitor". Social, I am spiritual, the problems of the “great izwizer”: Korinne evil in the Istorye Poleg, in the wrong spiwan, in the niy mi, the blocks: people are sown, vanished by the buckshot, throw it to Pidnіzhiy Tsivizovs, and not the same vanity. tse can be continued. Every now and then there is an idea that there are generations of people who are alive, can be sacrificed for the good of the future, for an unknown number of generations who come. Humanity is already thrown not by individuals, but by masses, by whole peoples in the name of a distant dream. If a person appears like a meta, like a lot of sacrifices have been made, we don’t know anyone. Having shown the manifestation of the final spirit, Dostoyevsky speaks out on the defense of the absolute dignity of human specialness - a person is not a single person, and for whom you can’t be more than yourself. Only religions show the importance of human specialty. The law's specialness is less of a fiction. The political economy has a certain peculiarity: there is no more working force, to the extent that a person is a necessary uncommon appendage. In religion, the specialty is as it were, as if it were alive, as absolute as the image of God and not tormented. Ivan's poem "The Great Inquisitor" is about freedom, which is given by people for "bread", in their willingness to be "hearing" and "bring to the knees" the rulers, "fuck up", come to the "herd", kerovannoy Grand Inquisitor and yogo spilniks. In the legend about the Grand Inquisitor, Dostoyevsky has a thought about the innocence of the guilty. Lyudina is a sinner, she didn’t finish through her weakness. “What is the fault of other weak people who could not tolerate what they can? What is the fault of the weak soul, who cannot contain such terrible gifts? [T.2]. A person cannot live without God in his soul, but he won’t and stand up against his God. People have laid not only the face of Christ, but the face of the Antichrist. Dostoyevsky's visceral fear of what is seen in history is evil in a slanderous way of a historically bitter life. Zvіdsi yogo divination to private changes, zvіdsi divination yoga to party progressives and zahіdnikіv.

The novel "BK" was written: 1878 - 80s. a 81 Dostoyevsky died. Artistic scope for the novel. The components of the chronotope in "The Brothers Karamazov" may at once be more real and that symbolic meaning is added to the structure of the novel by the mutual system. Often qi are symbols of the Bible for their nature. In this case, the symbolism of the novel topic is connected with the images of people and її spiritual ruins directly in the form of recognition of that self-sufficiency until the day of that brotherhood. On the equal expanse, it is marked as a break from the “kuta” - to the “road” that “space”, moreover, it’s obov’yazkovo through the “threshold” chi “crossing”, with which the situation is explained moral choice heroes Alyosha’s spiritual path goes straight to the “road” and “space” (it’s not a gift for Alyosha to go to the monastery through the crossing), then Rakityna is at the “wires” and to the “stone house in St. Petersburg, where you can let Meshkantsiv, build Kuti. Provulki is a symbolic representation of the entanglement of the soul of bagmen in the town of Skotoprigonevska.

The image of the place. Diya in "The Brothers Karamazov" is seen at a typical provincial town, naming it mayzhe until the end of the novel, she is stuck like a reader. Only in the remaining fourth part at the “Sickness of a Nizka” branch, it becomes more common – Skotoprigonjevsk (“Zi Skotoprigonievska (unfortunately, that was the name of our place, I have long ago adopted this name)”)). Named the place Skotoprigonjevsk, carrying a singing zmist in yourselves, and you yourself a bunch of people, who live in this city with a herd, who squawk, only with their own butt problems, who are mired in debauchery that sin. The very place is in the lowland, in the new rich "vulichok" and "provulkiv". Skotoprigonivsku has a lot of taverns. Drinking, roaring, wild zatsіpenіnnya - the axis of which is added to the “reminders” of the city. Everything points to people who have already perished in a guild and vice, already more like creatures. And yet the novel is not only about the vicissitudes of a particular family in a particular place, but also about the shares of the country (“spіvbuіt uє tsі chotiri charac- ters,” Dostoevsky added, “and you take away, even though the change in a thousand part, the image of our present day”). The boy Illyusha nibi intuitively perceives the unhealthy atmosphere of the place, to rot, and Ilyusha wants to vihati: “- Tatu, it seems, like our rotten place, tattoo!” - "So, I say, Ilyushechko, our place is not very good." - "Tatu, let's move to another place, it's good, it seems, the place, where they don't know about us." - “Let’s move, I’ll say, we’ll move, Illyusha, I’ll only buy a few pennies.”

Fyodor Pavlovich's Budinok, as a ethical and philosophical center of the vastness of the place. Budinok Karamazov Sr. is the ethical and philosophical center of the town of Skotoprigonyevsk. Budinok, in a panuє panuє razpustnost, blasphemy, vіdbuvayutsya postіyni orgії, є svoєridny center vsogo excesses. Chervoniy dakh - diabolical color. The presence at the booth of walks, komirchins and drabins is like a roll call with the “wirelines” of the place. The interior situation in the booth did not exude neatness and gusto: old furniture upholstery, shabby trellises, “mirrors in chimerical frames of old-fashioned carvings”. It is important to note that the lampada over innumerable icons was lit not from any kind of religious reverence, but from a number of practical mirkuvan: it was clear by the room. In this manner, the description of the outer details of Pavlovich's life points to the inner, spiritual light of his booth, like a lintel, to unravel that laying out of human specialty.

The image of the monastery. The image of the monastery in the novel is substantiated and clarifies the image of the place. To grow up in such a fine city like a monastery, one's passions, people's wadis are exposed, and super-life between the old and the new way of life (old age) is revealed. An important warehouse image of the monastery is the cell of the elder Zosimi. The cell was bula "through the forest" overlooking the monastery. Such a space for demarcation promotes discord between the old church orders and a new phenomenon - the old man. The interior decoration of the cell was like “bureaucratic”. “Under these thinnings and expensive engravings, a few leaves of the simplest Russian lithographs of saints, martyrs, saints and saints flaunted, which are sold for a penny at all fairs”. In such a rank, there will be lower and lower, spiritually and immorally. Ale from the other side, the monastery is located in the bosom of nature, on the heights, which is symbolic of being lifted to heaven.

Image of Ivan. Ivan is the middle of the Karamazov brothers, the novel has 23 fates. The story of another of Dostoevsky's heroes - Raskolnikov. Offenses and heroes are nihilistic theorists. The novel says that Ivan is engaged in natural sciences, that he also speaks out on the nihilistic strength of yoga of nature. Petro Oleksandrovich Miusov calls Ivan Karamazov a paradoxical and eccentric. So in the novel about Ivan it is said that he is arrogant and proud. It is natural to induce qiu non-transverse specialty(Early having shown the building before the wedding) to the idea of ​​a superhuman, who is accessible to all sorts of moral barriers and everything is permitted and who, in his practice, truly miraculously promotes himself. So the image of the Grand Inquisitor grows in the novel. Vіn becomes a religious impostor, taking on yourself the courage to correct the feat of Christ, to forgive a person in the form of "torments of a special and free decision." "Yak vіruєsh, chi zovsі do not vіrish", the axis of the smut, what to say Oleksiya Karamazov in brother Ivan. If you want to get to know each other better in the tavern "Stolichne Misto", Ivan Karamazov rozmirkovu about vіdmіnnu rice "Russian lads", yakі, zіyshоvіnku hvilinka іn а similar mortgage, tlumachіt not іnhere like аbout centuries of problems: "What is God, what is immortality?" Ivan himself is such a deep-minded "boy", who does not need millions, but needs to be allowed to think about the hell of honesty and vice and who suffers from the impossibility of "God's truth" for the manifestations of evil, which panuє in the world. About Yogo’s heart, the old man Zosima seems to be out there, more tormented by such torment. Through the image of Ivan Karamazov F.M. Dostoyevsky to talk about the grave consequences, which can be blamed for the people after the destruction of yoga believe in the immortality of that God. Yomu progressively worse and physically and mentally, all the soreness that grows. Everything starts with a headache, and ends with the sight of the encore. Dostoyevsky not vipadkovo plunders the symbol from the twins to Ivan - the devil. At the choice of Ivan's boroshna, the writer of the problems posed by the writer - rebellion, nihilism, permission to drive - everything leads to nothing else, like to Satan.

Ivan and Smerdyakov. Ivan and Smerdyakov - the same image. The identity of these heroes is reinforced by different phrases in the text of the novel. - You thought, why are you all so cowardly, like you? - “Probatch, thinking, what and you, how and I”- Say Smerdyakov to Ivan. Ivan, in his own calling, calls Paul brother. Smerdyakov is good in understanding Ivan, to the one who can draw on his character, observe the same controversy with him. In both heroes, the author reinforces the domineering pride and self-love. Beating Fyodor Pavlovich, in such a rank - Pavlo and Ivan at once. Ale Ivan is ideological, and Smerdyakov is factual, who inculcates his brother's idea of ​​permissiveness in practice. Smerdyakov, having killed the father, did not want Ivan, but guessed that he was a prisoner. “You have driven in, you have driven in the head and є, and I have only been your companion, the servant Licharda, and I have grown after your word.”

Similar information.

Batko Gorio. Shakespeare's motives and image.

For an hour of work on the novel, Balzac thinks less about Shakespeare. Natyak on Shakespeare. for text - All is true. (“Tsya drama is not a guess. All is true). At the 1st sight - tse epigraph.

"Father Gorio"<=>"King Lear". The tragedy of the fatherland. And yet, with all the similarity of the plot basis of these works, as well as the controversy of the moral and ethical aspirations of their creators, the very interpretation of the famous historical myth about the father and his non-daughter daughters is seen and inspired by the poet, the poet. I Balzac: the epoch of the late Renaissance and the epoch of the rise of bourgeois visions.

The description of one hero was conveyed to the cob pic. Proté, having discovered the novel, Balzac frames the history of Gorio without any additional plot lines. 1 - the plot line of Ezhen Rastignac, a Parisian student who was taken from Gorio to the boarding house of Madame Voke. The tragedy of Father Gorio is presented to himself in the brotherhood of Ezhen, who himself cannot comprehend everything that comes to him. Proto-roll the report-analyst of Rustignac's function is not intermingled. Dol theme young generation nobility that the novel has taken with him at once, the floor is important, that this hero becomes no less significant figure, lower Goriot himself.

On the face of previous works, de other characters are characterized by Balzac even superficially, in "Father Gorio" leather from the heroes in my own history, all the time that it is possible to lie in the role introduced in the plot of the novel. And if the life paths of Gorio are tragically complete here, then the stories of other characters are filled with fundamentally incomplete ones, the author transfers the “turn” of these characters to other works of the Human Comedy.

The tragedy of Father Gorio is presented in the novel as one of the most beautiful manifestations of the drama of bourgeois everyday life. The history of Gorio, with all its stingy tragedy, has been spared the rice of wine. The old daughters were adored, like, having otrimav everything, that in the moment they saw it, and finally knowing the father with their turbots and beads, they not only threw him to die alone in the zhalyugidniy buddtsі boarding house Voke, but instead they didn’t come to the funeral. The stench - people who are wildly imaginative, we don’t notice anything in particular, and, in fact, ethics, who in no way violate the unwritten laws, have established themselves in their middle ground. So the most outstanding for his middle ground is Gorio himself. Superficially less than yoga, it is stronger than the feeling of fatherhood. Win a mustache, having laid your daughters down to the knees, having seen a foreigner one - for a count, and another - for a banker. From the childhood, cherishing all their bajans and primhams, Gorio and pіznіshe allowing them to ruthlessly exploit their father's feelings. Dishonored by permissiveness, his hystical Anastasia and Delphina did not learn to be drunkards. Gorio, having lost more than a few pennies for them, and if they ran out of yogo, the father wasted interest for them. Already on the deathbed, the old nareshti sees: “For pennies you will buy a mustache, make daughters. About my pennies, de stink? Yakby, I flooded the recessions of belongings, my daughters would follow me, rejoice at me ... "

A representative of a noble noble family, a student at the Faculty of Law, who came from the provinces to the capital, to build a career, and live in the same wretched boarding house as Gorio. Ale zavdyaki old-fashioned native zv'yazkam you opened access to the greater spheres of the bourgeois-noble Paris, where Gorio himself would close forever. Rastignac and the novel reveals two contrasting social worlds of post-revolutionary France: Saint-Germain's aristocratic frontiers and the houses of the Voké, under the auspices of someone who knows one's own homes of misfortune and the famous people of the capital.

Balzac reveals the evolution of a young person, who enters the world from the best of nations, and gradually spends them all at once with youthful illusions, like breaking a bitter sense of real life.

King Lear: King Lear, who, on the rocky rock, wins the day, and divides his kingdom between three daughters. Ask the skin from them to say how much yogo kohaє is out there. The two older daughters victoriously take their chance, and the youngest - Cordelia - is inspired by flattery, seeming that she is more for the price. The angry father speaks of a young daughter. Lear divide the kingdom between the eldest and middle daughters.

Nezabarom vin razumіє, naskіlki hypocritically obachnі buli yogo older daughters with their “love”.

Earl of Gloucester and yogo son Edmund, who does not want to put up with his camp. Edmund is discussing the lawful son of Gloucester - Edgar, who knows how to get into trouble.

Two donki to fly King Lear, which is a true blaze from the steppe. Gloucester comes to them without a hitch. The son of Gloucester Edgar, a kind of rozshuku, pretends to be divine and also comes to Lear. Two daughters want to go and dad and hit yoga. To catch Gloucester, to turn your eyes, but not to see Gloucester go with his unrecognized son Edgar, who is so and continues to see himself as something else.

Cordelia is waging war on sisters. The soldiers of Cordelia are fighting the soldiers of Regan and Goneril. Ale її ta Lira to take from the crowd and sit down from the bellow.

Cordelia is strangled. Offenses to perish the sisters: Regan is tormented by Goneril, Goneril is kicking herself, stabbing herself. Lear comes out of the pit, holding the corpse of strangled Cordelia in her arms, she dies in grief. Edmond is also dead. Edgar tells about the death of his father Gloucester, who does not know the bad luck.

Philosophical studies of Balzac.

“Philosophical Studies” is the “other tier” of the grandiose artistic “argument” broken up by Balzac, a cycle of novels “The Human Comedy”, which includes “Studies about Sounds”, “Philosophical Studies” and “Analytical Studies”. The cycle of "philosophical studies" is illustrated by the novel "Shagr.shkira".

“Philosophical Studies” is not about “privacy”, but about the higher sides of life, about regularities. The most philosophic writer was available from "Analytical studies".

In 1831 p. Balzac publishes the Shagreen sheet. Philosophical formulas are revealed in the novel from the butt of the share of the main character Raphael de Valentin, who is faced with the dilemma of the century: “beg” and “might”. Infections to the ailment of the hour, Raphael, having formed a cob thorny path a great-worker, is inspired by the sight of a new one in the im'ya bliss and the pleasure of a great life. Having recognized a complete fiasco in his ambitious aspirations, slandering a woman, like a boon of suffocation, allowing elementary benefits for a foundation, the hero is already preparing to end his life with self-destruction. At the same time, it’s up to you to start yoga with a secret old man, an antiquarian, who gives Raphael an omnipotent talisman - a krokrenevu shkir, for the sackmaster, like “might” and “bazhat” z'ednani. However, the payoff for all the milestones of life is the life of Raphael, which changes at once with a cloak of crocrene shkіri, which rushes innocently. You can get out of this magical stake with just one path - strangling all the bugs. Thus, two systems, two types of buttya appear: life, outside pragn and addictions, which drive people into their overworld, and life is ascetic, the only contentment is in the passive omniscience and potential omnipotence. As if in the reflections of the old antiquarian there is a philosophical obstruction that adopts a different type of butt, then an apology for the first one is the biased monologue of the courtesan Akilina. Having let it hang on both sides, Balzac, in the course of the novel, reveals like strength, so the weakness of their principles, instilled in the real life of the protagonist, like an ice on the back without ruining himself in the sweat of addictions, and then properly dying in the liberated be-yakah bazhan and emotional growth .

"Rafael instantly did everything, but did not kill anything." The reason for this is his heroism. Having honored mothers of millions and otrimavshi them, Rafael, if obsessed with great ideas and gentry aspirations, mittevo becomes his ist.

The theme of talented, albeit young people, as if they spend the illusion of youth in the mindless soulless bourgeois-noble suspense.

Philosophical and aesthetic look at Balzac (Predmov to "The Human Comedy").

· Zamishlyayuchi creation of the "Comedy of the People", Balzac in 1834 thought plan future epic, turn on three great divisions, similar to three tiers of a colossal pyramid:

v the foundation of the pyramid - "Etudi vdach", in which B. may namir depict “all social phenomena, so life is a situation ... life is a life situation ... a character is a life ... a life is a life ... a life of misery is a life, a French province is a life, nothing to be seen ... before politics, justice, there will be no war forgotten »; “there is no place to know facts”, more will be described "Less those who are seen everywhere"

v another tier - "Philosophical Studies", more “after the consequences it is necessary to show the cause”, after “look around the court” it is necessary to “blame you virok”

v third tier (the smallest divisions) - "Analytical studies", de “Mayut buti appointed on the cob of speeches”

“Nori - tse vistava, cause - whole lashtunki and scene mechanisms. The cob is the author ... in the world of that, like a tvir reaches the heights of the thought, vin, the beginning of the spiral, squeezes and strengthens. Yakshcho for E.M. need 24 volumes, then for "F.e." more than 15 volumes would be needed, and for "A.e." - Less than 9.

· Pіznіshe B. zv'yazhe nadzhennya conceived "Cheka" with the reach of today's youmu natural sciences, zokrema, from the system "unity of organisms" Geoffroy de Saint-Ilera, for the very acquaintance with them (as well as the gains of French historiography of the 1820-30s) took the rise of yoga systems(big and rich world of "Cheka" and will be a balzac system "unity of organisms", in which everything is mutually shackled and mutually swindled)

Not included are also those that the people conceived "Cheka" pov'yazane z im'yam Shakespeare, in front of the genius of such a shy B. (critic Daven poring over the future creations of B. from speculum mundi - a mirror of the world - full-scale exposition of action, similar to Shakespearean) + guessing about the parallels between "Father Gorio" and "King Lear"

· At the very Peredmov B., he explains his right idea in this way: “Having stocked up with primal patience and courage, I, perhaps, will bring to the end a book about France in the 19th century, a book on the basis of what we all dream of!”

· leave principle- Objectivity ( “It is not enough for the historian himself to be a French suspіlstvo, I was left with only a secretary”), Prote the author of "Cheka" is not an objective copy of morality ( “The essence of a writer, those who work as a writer, I’m not afraid ... to say, to work with equal sovereign fiance, and perhaps, and more for the new, - tse pevne thought about human rights, povna vіddanіst principles ")

naming parts of their epic sketches, B. nibi stverdzhuє: the artist’s practice is similar to the practice of a scientist, relatively living the living organism of modern society - in the form of yogo rich-spherical, which is found in the post-state Russian economic structure to the high spheres of intellectual, political thought and scientific (ї “It was necessary for me to build a foundation, or one fundamental foundation ... of social phenomena, catch the attachments of a sense of majestic avarice of types, passions and podia”)

· "social mover" - in the fight against hisististic predilections and material interests, which characterize the social and private life of France in the 1st half of the 19th century; This mover was designated as the dialectic of the historical process, designated by the inevitable serpentine feudal formation that had its own century, the bourgeois formation.

· In his epic B. pragmatically, as the main process manifests itself in various spheres of social and private life, in the proportions of people who belong to various social groups, from descendants of aristocrats to working people, the place of that village ~ B. - "Doctor of Social Sciences"

· In the world, the plans of B. in the life of transferring have become more and more growing (in the catalog of 1844, up to 97, the names of the creations are added to 56 more; after the death of B., the names of 53 conceived novels and more than a hundred drawings appear in the yoga archive)

· walkers principles, zgіdno z kakoyu artist goitre “A mirror in your soul, in which the whole world is guilty of fighting”, B. to create the light of the "Cheka" by analogy with the light of the day. “My practice makes its own geography, so it’s just like its own genealogy, its own family, its own masses, the situation, its special features and facts, so its own coat of arms, its nobility and the bourgeoisie, its own workers and peasants, politicians, its own day army - in a word, the whole world ". Whose world live independent lives. And the rocks all in a new way are based on the laws of real reality, in their historical authenticity, I turn the very definition of reality. That is why regularity, which is importantly remembered (through a stream of manifestations) in the real world, gains more clarity and clear form in the world created by the artist, being instilled in typical characters that are found in typical furnishings.


Thackeray's historical novel

In the aesthetics of Thackeray, there is a connection with the tradition of Enlightenment

o XVIII century bv Thackeray's beloved centuries - often repeating that I live in the XVIII century.

· Return to history - still at an early stage of creativity

o 1842 - pamphlet "Lectures of Mr. Tіkltobі z istoriї Englії"

o official clouding of history occupies satirical understanding

"Rebeca ta Rowena" - a parody of "Ivanhoe"

· "Fairs of Marnoslavism" - not a historical novel, but a social one

· "Barry Lyndon" (1844) - the greatest of Thackeray's early works; about the middle of the 18th century.

o the great figure of Barry, an adventurer and a card sharper, was encircled by a whole bunch of singing waters of the past and today

o meta - to paint a bad man, zirvavshi z new pouring of the romanticism of the "gentry" robber

o in the center of respect, not so Barry, the life of the bourgeois society, as signified a similar character

"History of Henry Esmond" (1852)

o Bagatma is recognized by critics as the best work of a writer

o the plot is based on memoirs, notes of Colonel Henry Esmond, who moved from England to America

o arguing with Scott, propagating his own version of the historical novel

o hunt for your beloved doby - the reign of Queen Annie

o the topic of snobbery goes to another plane, and sometimes Thackeray forgets about it

§ Although the book says a lot about the sound of the past, but it’s not so much the history of the century, but the history of Esmond

o the hero tells about the days of his youth and youth

§ lykarsky vchinok Esmond, yaky vydmovivsya under the title of legitimate castlewood scum to the mischief of the children of the woman he loves

o private life the hero appears to be closely intertwined with historical and political podia

§ a participant in the war for the Spanish recession, who exclaimed an inhumane, inhuman character

o reference historical positions: for example, the pretender to the English throne, Charles Edward Stuart, and most of all in the novel of writers - diyachiv of Enlightenment (Addison, Style, Swift, Fielding)

o the novel is conveyed as if it were pobut, zvichaї tієї epochs, ale vіn spovneniy spiritual atmosphere of the 18th century

o controversy with the traditional understanding of the historical novel in tі roki

§ Esmond sues the "muse of history", as he deals with the rights of some queens

§ Esmond's super-girl with poets, embellishing the story with chic ones, idealizing the way you want your sides

o the historical novels of T. have absorbed the democratic nature of Scott's novels, but they have gained a deep and deep knowledge of people in the fire and the people of the world

· "Virgintsі" (1857-1859) - continuation of "Henry Esmond"

o about the onukiv of Henry Esmond, who made friends with Lady Castlewood and went with her to America

o George and Henry Warington are shown now in America, where they spend their youth and where they fight for independence at Vienna, then in London

o new pictures of suspіlnyh vdach

o subsidizing the provincial exchange of American helpers and greed, hypocrisy, snobbery of the English

o criticism wastes too much gostry, and gluzuvannya - its vikrivalnoe force

o typical characteristics and furnishings on the surface and weaker seat

o about the great historical fortunes, if the share of the entire country and the entire people of America was violating, go sideways, less remnants, shards in them take the fate of the hero of the novel (brothers on different sides fight)

§ rich in opportunities the situation is not broken up to the end

§ a symbolic image of two crossed swords hanging on the wall: an hour nibito erased the bitterness of the conflict, reconciling the sides

o draw rozvazhnoї fiction

§ a good hero (George), an easy-going gulvisa (Harry), a sentimental heroine and a happy kinets - all those who had previously

o form of the novel - memoirs more scribble on documents - blatantly pragnennya to realism, but really the author of the new way out

Carmen" by P. Merime.

The pismennik is talking about strong and solid characters in the middle, not tied to the European civilization. The result is yoga exotic novels.

The short story "Carmen" (1845) comes in 4 parts. The entry and the rest of the section made ethnographic and archeological drawings, which do not correspond to the main storyline. Also, the rest shared a story about the life, culture, language of the gypsies, which helps readers to get to know them better.

Acceptance of recitation of the short stories. From one side, in front of us is a message of a drunken and mandriving man, a representative of a thinned, but rather weakened European civilization. This image adds sympathy to readers. The new one has, without a doubt, autobiographical details. Guessing Merimee himself with humanist and democratic images to his svetoglyad. Ale post yoga visvitlena and light irony. It is worth remembering, if the author is doing a great deal of reporting, showing his intelligence and abstractness, or if he is guilty of a slight weakness of his hero to a calm watchfulness for a seething life drama, to boil for a long time. Appointment of these characteristic strokes - yaknayaskravishe to show deep self-confidence, bias, spontaneous mіts, domineering Carmen and Don Jose.

The short story tells about the predilection of the Basque cohan Jose to the gypsy Carmencity. The reports describe the life of the Spanish gypsies, the culture of which is known.

At the building of Carmen and Don Jose, the all-mudish power of passions and polygay dzherelo integrity of their natures, which opposes the reader, and the charm of their images. Carmen removed in herself a richly filthy look of that wicked chisel, in which she grew up. (“It is similar to those that gypsies and gypsies were born in the world only in order to be villains: in the evil stench to be born, in the midst of the villains grow, to the villainous craft ...” - “The Gypsy Girl” by M. de Cervantes).

Vaughn is ready to take the fate of any villainous adventure. Ale, in the super-sophisticated inner image of Carmen, melts and is so beautiful sincere spirits, which the representatives of the noble suspense have shrugged off. Tse schirіst and honesty in naypotaєmnіshmu їy pochutti - love. Tse proud, indestructible volition, willingness to sacrifice everything, right up to life, for the sake of saving internal independence. For the sake of being deprived of freedom, she gives herself to be beaten. Її person (rum) - The Basque peasant Jose, all the life of such an evil man with a hoary yoga can be addicted, becoming a gentry robber, like the English Robin Hood. José vimagav vіd Carmen of a new order. Ale Carmen fell out of love with yoga: “... Yak my rum, you have the right to kill your romi; but Carmen will forever be free.

Prosper Merimee is distant from the romantic idealization of savagery. Vіn shows zhorstokіst, non-dominance of their exotic heroes; However, as in a historical novel, you are forced to judge them, violating the norms of bourgeois morality.

In Carmenia, Prosper Mérimée's polemic with the Romantics is especially poignant. Vіn unique stencil picturesqueness in the image of Spain. At Seville, there are not Moorish palaces, but a Tyutyunov factory, a soldier's barracks; Spanish roads are not roamed by robbers, but by peaceful villagers; roadside venta (nichlіzhka) teem with bedbugs; zgraї smugglers have panuє zhadіbnіstі and not much camaraderie. Ale z marvelous maisternistyu Prosper Merimee sparsely details the landscape, as if explaining the blame for such characters, like Carmen and José. Tієї well, try to "recognize" romantic effects to serve and compose novels: they begin to commemorate the learned-revelation on a historical topic and end not with the death of the heroes, but with a treatise, on the whole chapter, about the language of the Spanish gypsies.

Conveying the aesthetics of French realism of the other half of the 19th century, Merimee, having changed his short stories to the point of objectivity, unique lyricism, having mastered the author's "I" - it is important to distinguish his style.

Artistic world of Balzac

“The most prominent historian of modern France, as all the whole lives in this grandiose creativity”, calling Balzac Anatole France. At the same time, French critics of the turn of the century shuffled the vadi in the balzacian picture of action. So, E. Faguet, having mentioned the image of children in the “Comedy of the People”, Le Breton, analyzing the artistic world of Balzac, writing: “Everything that is poetic in life, everything is ideal, » . F. Brunetiere was one of the first victors to create a kіlkіsny pіdhіd, zоbiv vysnovok, scho “the image of life is clearly not fresh”: only three create dedicated to the rural life, which does not support the mіstsyu of villagery and the structure of the French suspіlstva; mi may bachimo robіtnikі v velikoї promislovі (“the number of such, apparently, in the epoch of Balzac was small”, - Brunet'єr guarded); the role of lawyers and professors is little shown; then notaries, solicitors, bankers, swindlers, as well as girls of easy behavior and baked criminals, yakі "need to be already numerous in the Balzacian world." Later, the successors Serfberr and Christophe compiled a list, similar to Balzac's The Human Comedy: aristocrats - about 425 osib; bourgeoisie - 1225 (of which 788 belong to the great and middle, 437 - to the fractional bourgeoisie); domestic servants - 72; villagers - 13; other remіsnikіv - 75. However, try on the basis of tsikh pіdrahunkіv to be doubtful about the fidelity of the imagination of the artistic world of the "Comedy of the People" є bezpodstavnymi and dosit naїvnimi.

Literary scholars continue to bury the birth of the Balzacian world as a full-fledged analogue of the contemporary writer of the sospial community. The Daedalus is more strongly marked by the tendency to go beyond pure factuality, to understand the light of the "Comedy of the People" more articulated, philosophical. Danish balsamist P. Nykrog became one of the Yaskravih evangelists of such a position. "Balzac's world, which is more specific and more important, more abstract than ideas," - vvazhaє vcheniy. The food about the artistic world of Balzac has become the center of the balsacson's heritage. In the creation of the world with urahuvannyam, the principles of realistic typification are clearly recognized as the innovation of the writer. As a confirmation of this, we will induce a word about Balzac of one of the most authoritative scholars of France, Philip Van Tigem: Suspіlstva to the Restoration period), and that some of these individuals themselves are most often found in different novels. In this case, it was possible to have good innovation, as if it reminds readers to feel like it, nibi wines, as it often happens in truth, sticks with its own, well-known yoma, middle ground.

Artistic space. Tsіkavі vіdomosti, scho pokazuyut, what kind of world Balzac powerful realism gave the truthfulness of details, zokrema under the hour of creation of artistic expanse. Especially tsіnі schodo tsgogo "Balzakіvskі shorіchniki" yakі see z 1960 r. Fellowship of the birth of Balzac, organized at the Sorbonne. For example, in the article by Miriam Lebrun “The life of a student in the Latin Quarter”, published in the issue for 1978, it was established that the hotels, shops, restaurants and other houses of the Latin Quarter, guessed by Balzac, were defiantly based on the addresses indicated by the writer, which are exactly indicated prices for kіmnati, variety of sing products at the shops of this district of Paris and other details. "...Balzac having known Paris well and having placed in his work a lot of objects, life, people, etc., which they founded in the real life of the 19th century," - the contributor's work is to make a bunch of visnovoks.

Balzac often uses the style of his novels in the monasteries, in the pits and other floorings characteristic of the pre-romantic and romantic literature of the topos. You can know report descriptions monasteries, like they save the treasures of rich generations (for example, the "Duchess de Langee" depicts the monastery of Carmelites, founded by St. Teresa, who lived in the 16th century), div., for example, "Facino Canet").

Prote already at the works, which lie until the end of the 1820s, Balzac victorious pre-romantic description of the castle with a polemical method. So, the setting of the trading room in the story “The Bud of the Intestine that Plays in the Ball” (1830) and the “Gothic” castle (which is unthinkable, but the image of which mav can be merged in the memory of the moderns through similarity in the methods of description) can be esthetic meta: Balzac wants to pіdkresliti, scho trading shop, boondocks of likhvar, internal premises of the banker's booth, hotel, streets and provulki, booths of craftsmen, blacks come down not less than cicavi, not less than riddles, not less than sighing for an hour with your nimble dramas, be human gothic castle. with secret passages, animated portraits, hatches, immured skeletons and ghosts. Principal authority between pre-romantics and realists in the depiction of the mist, in that, for the first old-fashioned budinok, the rock, roaring at the hour, the atmosphere of history, enigmatic, even more so, that it’s long ago, that’s the atmosphere of mystery, then it’s another way you can unravel the mystery, reveal the historical regularity. Transitional characters. At the “Human Comedy”, the unity of the artistic world is set in front of us for the rahunok of characters, who move from creation to reality. Sche in 1927. the French interpreter E. Preston analyzed the ways, which the writer used to re-introduce his characters to the description: in order to write another one, directly sent to other novels. It is clear from what is far from the most recent retelling that Balzac in the "Comedy of the People" fold the system characters are rotated. Balzac is not the winemaker of the characters who turn around. In the midst of this uninterrupted opponent, one can name the Russoist Retif de la Bretonne, Beaumarchais with his yoga trilogy about Figaro. Balzac, who knew Shakespeare well, could know the examples of character rotation in his historical chronicles: Henry VI, Richard III, Henry IV, Henry V, Falstaff and so on. .

Arsene Guyot" P. Merime

Voznaya Misza in the Litherapy Spadeshi Mercime, to visit the novels "Arsen Gyo" (1844), the crew, in the yard of Windino, the main Idini Motivist: Zythennya Vidstechyuh, Yaskiy, the people of the bourgeois. The main character of "Arseni Guyot" is not a bagger from "exotic" lands, like the Spanish of Corsica (like in M.'s exotic novels), a bagger from the capital of France, one of the unnamed victims of bourgeois civilization, a representative of the parisian "bottom".

In the past, she was an extra of the Opera, as if she lived on the morning, fell ill in the dryness, and led the wife of the wife. Bezprosvitna need of Arsene Guillot on the way of prostitution. In the eyes of the women of the world, there is a sense of "zanepale". To measure it, show that the evil ones themselves were embarrassed by their own cochants: “I would have been honest, even if I had little such possibility,” - it seems that there is “moral” de P'єn. The life of Arseni's life is unbearably hard, but in it one moment is left, one feels like love is playing to Salini, tell me about how many happy days, the possibility of a dream. However, in this joy, I am guided by riches and a godly patron. Hypocritically calling to the laws of morality and orders of religion, Mrs. de P'єn instill Arsene with dokors, taking away in her the right to think about love. Those who did not get away with evil, complete the "philanthropy" that sanctity. Merimee ironic in relation to the hypocrisy of Pan de P'en.

The peculiarity of the plot: an extraordinary podia (Arseni's test to lay hands on himself) is given here not in the beginning, but on the cob of a novel, the main respect is given to the development of characters. A high degree of craftsmanship is within the reach of most realistic artistic details. The short story ends with this detail: “Bidna Arsen! Won to pray for us," attributed to Arseny Guyot on the tombstone of Olіv. The reader will guess after this letter about the farther share of heroes, about those who de P'yn went with Max, in spite of her sermons, not the mother of the kochants, slain before Arseni.

The vikrivalna short story of Merimee was adopted by the worldly suspense like a zukhvaliy viklik, like a big blunder. Hypocrites, saints and guardians of secular decency began to hail about the immorality and destruction of life's truth.

W. Collins

Doing yoga was swiftly translated by my Russian

Vіn Shvidko turning on at the composition of novels-feuilletons

Create with Dickens (“The Frozen Day”) with a clearly pronounced criminal cob

Wuthering Pass” by E. Bronte

18th century - mass entry of women to literature

The Brontë family = 3 sister-writers + brother-artist, interest in the homeland arose from the hours of Virginia Woolf

Emilia Bronte wrote less than 1 novel (“Wuthering Heights”), she was also a first class poet

The novel does not show it in the same way, it can sing in the same way on prose (lyrical prose)

Anatomy of passion, steel of passion

Name the sadib "Shpaki" and "Wuthering Heights" to convey the sights of families that live with them, to nature

Tension of clearing up internal and external conflicts

The closeness of the city Wuthering Pass - all the world of restlessness, anxiety ...

Svіt idilії, without drill - tse maєtok Miza Skvortsov

The light of Linton's motives is not less than the principle of reconciliation; the piece of this world is supported by yogo towers through the slope (Kathryn and Heathcliff to dance the Linton family through the slope, if they run up to them at the gardens)

The harmony of this family is destroyed after the “external element” breaks into their ideal world

Keti turns back to her booth: she’s already a lady, she succumbed to the infusion of the ideal light of the Lintons, and Heathcliff is so abandoned in the fullness of her childish complexes, she doesn’t accept the new qualities of Keti, she becomes a stranger for the new one

Chodo tsikh characters richly dramatic, theatrical; zіtknennya world of rational and irrational

Opposition: childishness, good luck - i - youth, what to bring other emotions

3 warning, the dermal one has its own story: Mr. Lockwood (excellent memory), Nelli Dean's rest (internal) + the author, who for an hour can see himself for the intensity of the experience, wanting mainly E. Bronte to have a nice touch

About the place beyond the borders sadib (like in "Jen Air") is not to be found, nothing will rise in price

Heathcliff - Byronic hero; at a new rich natural, a link with the romantic world of Shelli

The “I” is attached to the novel, here nature is the basis for the poetic kokhanny of Keti and Heathcliff

The world of the living and the dead - in one expanse: energy, memory, deprived of the house; Keti live, as long as you remember about her Heathcliff, you won’t take it like a mayor

Merimee novelist

A scribe and a professional mysticism

Like a legacy, a lot of creative work can be seen through the door of a mystical character

Yak and Stendhal, laying down until the 18th and 19th centuries

Idkriv small prose

The novelistic mastery is also manifested in novels (the main novels, how you create, from which a novelistic novel is formed)

The novels of Merimee have an ellipso-like structure (Lukiv) – 2 centers

The short stories show different places of change, because Merimee buv spravzhnim romantic and yogo cіkaviv mіstseviy coloring.

The artistic coloring is emphasized and hangs in the manner of an acknowledgment, which is known to the heroes

Vіn chooses the singing type of presentation, which can be professionally prepared, and also can be a participant in

Merimee's short stories can be divided into two types: for the purpose of the child and for the type of the main character - novels of an exotic plan and French action

Images of historical articles on the aphids of the historical past of France; depict historical characters less so, how to bachel them

In subtle ironic details, it is important for you to show the essence of nature (Ek. Medichi - nudga, monotony, etc.)

Return to the reader, dialogue from the reader; often want to defend one's position, criticism of the reader: the author's interpreter speaks, the reader of dissatisfaction with the style of the week (and in V. Scott's historical novels everything is reported)

The short stories have mystifications

State plot intrigue, prompted on an important historical and political occasion

There are a great number of details to talk about podії, about the character of the hero and about those who will become.

The first exotic novels - "Tamango" and "Mateo Falcone"

At "Venus Ilsky" - idol, mysticism, zaboboni

Merimee always has an important kintsivka, vikorist kintsy, what to say.

Etruska vase" by P.Merime

A short story by the French writer P. Merimet, first entrusted to the year 1830 at the book Revue de Paris. In 1832, my Russian mother appeared at the journal "Sin Batkivshchyna" at the translation of D. U. Grigorovich


Auguste Saint-Clair ( head hero)

· Alphonse de Temin

Jules Lambert

Matilda de Coursi (kohana of the main character)

Masin' (zakohany at the countess, on the sides are

Honore de Balzac

The headlines are picked up at the boarding house "matus" Voke. For example, leaf fall 1819 p. here you can see these post-natal “nahlibniks”: on the other version - the young lady Victorina Taifer with her distant relative Madame Couture; on the third - the leading official Poiret and the enigmatic pan of the middle years on the name of Vautrin; on the fourth - the old diva Mademoiselle Michono, the great baker Goriot and the student Eugene de Rastignac, who came to Paris from Angouleme. All the sacks unanimously despise Papa Gorio, whom they called "pan" when he settled: having settled with Pan Voke in 1813, having taken the best room on the other side, he obviously had pennies, and the lady took away her hope to leave her widow

reasons. Vaughn went up to the level of stains on the scorched stele, but the "vermicellier" did not appreciate the sussil. Disenchanted, Mother Voke began to look askance at the new one, and completely corrected the filthy eyesight: after two rocks, she reached the third on top and stopped drowning the bribe. The servants and bagmen soon guessed about the reason for such a fall: before the tata Gorio, the young charmers would come in to sweat - obviously, the old rascal had squandered the statutes on the kohanka. It's true, I tried to see them for my daughters - it's unreasonable nonsense, as it made everyone feel better. Until the end of the third year, Gorio moved a quarter on top and began to walk in cast-offs.

Time to time, the life of the Vok’s booth begins to change. Young Rastignac, with the glimpse of Paris, lied to the world. With the help of rich people, Ezhen can only pay for the viscountes de Beausean. Na_slavshi їy recommendation list of his old titonka, vіn otrimuє request for the ball. Yunak pragmatically approaches me as a noble lady, and the brilliant Countess Anastasia de Resto instills my respect. On the coming day, I tell about her to my spivtrapezniks for a snack, and I recognize marvelous speeches: it appears, old Gorio knows the Countess and, behind the words of Vautrin, having recently paid її promissory bills of likhvarev Gobsek. On the third day of the day, Vautrin begins to respectfully look after all the activities of the lad.

The first attempt to make a worldly acquaintance turns out to be humiliation for Rustignac: he appeared before the countess pishka, calling out the unimportant grins of the servants, not knowing the life at a glance, and the master of the house clearly gave you the understanding that Maxim wanted to be deprived of the count alone. Rastignac's disillusionment takes on a wild hatred to the point of maddening redness and swears to overcome him. To complete everything, Ezhen rob a pardon, having guessed the name of Tata Gorio, which vipadkovo swayed at the yard of the count's booth. The ignorance of the young man breaks with a visit to the Vicomtesie de Beausean, but chooses the most important moment for him: his cousin checks an important blow - the Marquis d'Ajuda-Pinto, whom it is prejudiced to love, we may part with her for the sake of a vigilant merriment. The Duchess de Langeais, pleased with the novelty of her “best friend.” The Vicomtes quarrelsomely changes the theme of the conversation, and the riddle that tormented Rustignac is freely allowed: Anastasia de Restaud in the girlhood bore the nickname Gorio. This zhalyugidnoy people has a daughter, Delfina - the squad of the banker de Nucingen Oba. in the wake of the old father, what a wake-up call to his mustache. For the sake of the Vikontes, Rastiniac should speed up with the supernity of two sisters: on the face of Countess Anastasia, Baroness Delphine is not

priymayut vyschomu svіtlі - for the request to the vicontesie de Beauséant's house, the woman saw all the brood on the adjoining streets.

Turning around at the boarding house, Rustynyak is deafened, that now he is taking father Gorio and his zakhist. Written a leaf for us, blessedly giving him a thousand two hundred francs - it may be an unbearable burden for the family, but a young ambitious man needs a fashionable wardrobe. Vautrin, having guessed Rastignac's thoughts, propagates young people to pay respect to Quiz Typher. The maiden lives in a boarding house, to the one who does not know the nobility, the father is the richest banker. May brother: enough to clean up this scene, so that the situation has changed - Quiz will become the only recession. You will take the young Typher Vautrin on your shoulders, and Rastignac will be guilty of paying him two hundred thousand - a ruble in equal parts with a million mileage. Yunak was embarrassed to know that this terrible person in a rude form said the very same thing that the viscountes de Beausean said. Instinctively indulgently pleasing to Vautrin, out of reach of the gracefulness of Delphine de Nucingen. In every way, tato Gorio helps you, who hates both sons-in-law and calls them to the misfortunes of his daughters. Ezhen gets to know Dolphin and suffocates in her. Vaughn vіdpovidaє yoma vzaєmnistyu, more vіn having given їy tsіnna service, having won sim thousand francs: the team of the banker cannot pay off the borg - a man, having attracted the money from sim hundred thousand, depleted її practically without a penny.

Rastignac begins to lead the life of a worldly dandy, wanting pennies from the new one, like before, he can’t, and the companion-Vautrin gradually tells you about the future millions of Victor. Prote over Vautrin itself, the gloom is thickening: the police suspect that the convict Jacques Collin is on the trail of Deception-Death - for this vikritt, additional help is needed from the “nahlibniks” of the boarding house Voke. For a solid wine city, the role of detectives will be good for the viconati Poiret and Michono: stench is guilty of z'yasuvati, chi є Vautrin has a brand on his shoulders.

The day before the fatal decoupling, Vautrin told Rustignac that his friend, Colonel Francessin, had challenged Typher-sin to a duel. At once, the young man discovers that Papa Gorio did not waste his time: having rented a charming apartment for Ezhen and Delphine and entrusted the lawyer Derville to put an end to the excesses of Nucingen - now the mother's daughter has thirty six thousand francs of river income. Tsya zvіstka puts an end to Rustynyak's colivans - you want to get ahead of your father and son Taiferiv, but the amusing Vautren drink wine from the house of a noble one. In the early morning, the same trick is played with him: Mishono pіdmіshuє yoma in kava

zilla, which calls out with a rush of blood to the head, - the baiduzh Vautrin is unleashed, and the brand stands out on the shoulders of the bavovna down.

Farther away, they sound sternly, and matusya Voke greets all her guests. On the back they come for Victor Taifer: the father calls the girl to himself, because his brother is mortally wounded in a duel. Then the gendarmes break in at the boarding house: they are ordered to kill Vautrin at the least chance to the support, but then they demonstrate the greatest cold-bloodedness and the police calmly rise. Having passed over by militant hoardings to the “genius of penal servitude”, the students, like living at the boarding house, vyganyat voluntarily spikiv - Michonneau and Poiret. And tato Goriot show Rustignac new apartment, thankful for one thing - let him live on top of the thicket, in the order of his beloved Dolphin. But all the dreams of the old are crumbling. Pressed to the wall by Derville, Baron de Nusingen knows that the squad has been invested in financial machinations. Horror with a flicker: Yogo's daughter slumped in the hands of the new government of a dishonest banker. The protist camp of Anastasia is even hotter: rallying Maxime de Tray in the borgovoi v'yaznitsa, laying down the family diamanti for the Gobsek, and comte de Restaud learns about it. He needed more than twelve thousand, and the father spent the rest of the pennies on an apartment for Rastinyak. The sisters begin to obsipati one by one with images, and in the fall of the old welding, they fall like podkosheniya - yoga sighed blow.

Papa Gorio is dying on that day, if the viscountes de Boséan gives his last ball - he cannot survive the separation from the Marquis d'Ajuda, he will leave the light forever. The unfortunate father is buried on the rest of the pennies by the students - Rustynyak and B'yanshon, two empty coaches with coats of arms see off the string with the body on the Père Lachaise, from the top of the hillock of Rastignyak to marvel at Paris and give an oath to reach be-such a price - and for the cob. Nucingen.


The main conflict is that of O. Balzac's novel "Father Gorio".

1. The plot is the composition of the novel.

2. The middle of the novel description of Paris, the boarding house of Mrs. Voke and other places.

3. Raztashuvannya images:

a) Eugene Rastignac - a call to Paris.

b) Rastignac's teachers - Vautrin and Baroness de Beauseant.

c) The image of papa Horio and її place in the novel.

d) Friends of Rustignac.

e) The parable about the Chinese mandarin is the key to the problem.

f) Other characters in the light of the main conflict.

5. Details and details of the Balzac sheet.


O. Balzac. Father Gorio.

Reziv. L., 1960.

Oblomievsky. Etapi creative way. M., 1961.

Kuchborsky Balzac. M., 1970.

Honore de Balzac - biography

Balzac, Honore de(Balzac, Honore de - May 20, 1799, Tour - August 18, 1850, Paris). Born in this service. buv dosit zamozhim city dweller, what kind of rozbagatіv pіd h napoleonіvskih campaigns. Like rich bourgeois families of quiet fates, this future writer had a stronger urge to increase capital, and to achieve the recognition of light. Why the plebeian nickname "Bals" was transformed into the gentry "Balzac", and the clerk at the future, without any particular effort, added to her an aristocratic particle of "de", on the yak not having any right. Studying at the Vendôme College, B. did not bring upon himself the respect of the successes of the students. The director of the college is fond of repeating that one homemade rice B. there were those who did not have anything miraculous in the new. having become a leading writer, I dabbled in graphology and realized that I could tell the character of a person behind the handwriting. One woman brought a yoma for analysis of school zoshit. B. zі mournfully saying to dvіduvachtsі: "Madame, sorry, your son is lazy and incompetent." The woman laughed - she brought an old zoshit of the writer himself.
The fathers agreed that B. followed in the footsteps of the father and became a notary. Ale B. plunders the other side of the field, not prihovyuchi, what is the ruin of the bazhanya to become famous and prosperous. B. tries to take up a long-term activity, after which he becomes an uncompromising fighter - with the rocks of Borg B. only grew up, after the death of the widow of a writer, he did not immediately dare to pay Yogo Borg.
The 1820s are the fates of the school of B. At the 20th anniversary, write your first tragedy "Cromwell". you see a bunch of books under different pseudonyms, vtim, stench was not small for success and the writer studied them, declaring that you only know you create with your own, as if they were signed with the nickname "Balzac". During his life, B. wrote a lot of books in various genres. It is unlikely that one of the most recent works of B. knows about the latest selections of his works. The Borg drove the scribe to a steady work. roar, like wounds of the beast, in the pain in the hands, but without pinning to write. Vіn zamikavsya in one of his booths (at B. chimed a bunch of apartments, de vin hovavsya in the name of creditors), curtained the windows, not to know, it’s daytime in the yard, putting a majestic kavnik in front of him on the alcohol and writing side by side. When I saw the newspapers, in some numbers all the articles were written by him under different pseudonyms. In the novels of B. mi zustrіchaєmo shouting stupidly - the color of the hero's cape can change, his portrait - B. without comprehending an hour to reread the written. In other books, we marvel at the empty dialogues from simple propositions - B. was paid for an irregular row, as if for a new one. Undaunted by the death, B. took away the honor of "Marshal of Literature" from his fellow students.
B. is not happy with a special life. At 1822 p. to get to know the elder rock of Mrs. de Bern, as the form of literature is not the taste of young people - you will become the prototype of the heroine of the novel "Lily of the Valley". Since 1833, Bi's long-standing novel begins. with the Polish aristocrat Evelina Hanska. It would be better for B. to legalize stosunki with a kohana for a river before death, that she was widowed.
At 1829 p. B. publishes his first novel "Chuani" ("Chuani" - tobto "owls" - the name of the British counter-revolutionaries-partisans at the rock of the Great French Revolution - they chirped among themselves in the fox, inheriting the cry of an owl). Hour of Dії - 1794 p. Romani may not have it historical evidence, But the book conveys the main conflict of the era - the struggle of the revolution and the counter-revolution. In this early novel by B., there is a strong influx of W. Scott - a large number of fictitious features, naming fit, epic report descriptions. he carried the story to Scott through all his life, richly in what he inherited yoga and to wind up, as it is not surprising, to write off from Scott with many sides. One Italian writer sings at the spogads, like B. at the reception of a friend, singing the attendants, that Scott’s image of the vdachas of the acquaintances of Scott, replacing the heroes of the Middle Ages - paladins, troubadours, vlasniks of castles, with officials, clerks.
The principles of the aesthetics of B. are formed by the stretch of the 1830s. and residually formed in the article "Predmov to the People's Comedy" (1842). b. Vin is guilty of taking the mirror from his own hands, de, following his fantasy, the world will be born. In a different mood, he sings and is simply a sign of impotence, but on the right, it’s not only that you need to remember, you need to remember, you need to show your anger at your choice of words and embellish them with the accessory of poetic intellects. /…/ Literary art and two main elements: watchfulness – viraz”. b. p align="justify"> When creating a literary character, it is necessary to take into account the impersonal aspects of a person's life - a factor of decline, a medium of vihovannia, medical displays. Literary creativity can preserve objectivity, it can be read more with facts, and not with direct instructions. B. vvazhav, that the writer is a historian of society, but a historian who expresses the philosophy of his hour. I create the history of the society, and fix the writer - "secretary of the association". A leather novel is not a story of one part, but a point between the parts. At the focus of B.'s respect, it is not an individual that appears, but a suspense. writing to F. Stendhal: “You create an Italian statue, I am painting a fresco”, so Stendhal writes a novel-biography, B. - a novel - a panorama of life.
In “Forward to the“ Human Comedy ”the names of prominent contributors to nature are mentioned, to which the life of human society, according to B., is similar to the life of nature - the axis of which B. so respectfully plays physiology. b. In order to depict prosperity truthfully, it is necessary to explain the main social driving force of life - B. vvazhє, scho addicted to accumulation.
B. attaches special respect to his creations of the subject world. "I depict people, women and speeches," - write B. at the front of the "Comedy of People". With this, the writer explains that people and women were depicted in literature up to the last, and in the images of speeches, the first. The subject light helps to reveal the psychological imagery - behind the camp of speech, behind the marks, robbed by the hands of the sackmaster, we can make visnovkas about the characters of the sackmaster. It should be noted that the word la chose (rіch) in French language is richly sensitive - it’s not just a “subject”, it’s an “idea”, so that B.’s statement appears to be such that it can be another zmist.
Depicting the suspіlstvo is required, looming the singing positions. B. depicts the world from the positions of the monarchist and the Catholic. B. having taken into account that the democratic form of government does not protect the rights of specialty, take the oskolki out to respect the interests of the minority, and the will of the sanctified monarch can protect the interests of the skin unity. Speaking about his Catholicism, B. mav is on the verge, that moral standards are hardened by the stretch of the century. B. adopting Rousseau's idea that the suspіlstvo of a person does not psuє i priyає progress of specialness, as moral podvalini are saved. The custodian of traditional morality is the Catholic Church. Ale heroes of novels Bi. spodіvayutsya not so on divine providence, less on the power of the force.
The philosophy of history is the greatest achievement of W. Scott, respecting B.; Scott, having created a new type of novel, which will combine the elements of epic, drama, lyrics. Ale Romani Scott isolated one kind of one. To B.'s thought, books about the hu- man life were followed by nasty heroes. The light will be more-less representations for sure, as before the reader, life will be revealed 2-3 yew. characters. The idea to unite one's own creation with the same heroes, with the same storylines, Bee will come. Tilki in 1841. B. know the name for his unfinished work - "The Human Comedy". The main theme of "The People's Comedy" is pennies, pouring their lives into the human soul.
Bee. buv the blue of his epoch. Vin not being a moral person - wine being a moralist. Vіn scourge of ruinous passions not to the one who stinks were strangers to you, but to the one who knew them well. Vihovne meaning of Bee's books. cannot be overestimated. Mi Bachimo, like under the pressure of capital, passion for gain, the pursuit of pure guinea morality, sim'ya, love, like the interests of the people are given by politicians, like justice is escaping from the court, like gold, the value of human life. Ignoring those who B. pragne vikonati smut head of the writer-realist of the 19th century. - "show support for yoga" - yoga books do not waste relevance even in our time, if material values ​​are most appreciated, create the human spirit more beautifully.
B. trichі buvav u Rosії (1843, 1847, 1849-50). At 1830 p. B. having published an article about the Russian historian Karamzin, he spoke about the Decembrists' revolution. His creative plans were to write a drama about the life of Peter I. The Russian princess Bagration became the prototype of Feodori from "Shagreen Shkiri". The names of Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov were known by B. by force to their own way in Russia - B. was introduced by a troubled writer, "Father Gorio" - B.'s best novel - was censored by censorship, then viyshov іz great creations. As in the first years of B.'s acquaintance, while being superciliously revolutionary in the Russian public, what you read, then with the fates of his monarchical and Catholic look, they began to seem overly conservative. Bєlinsky named B. Homer the Saint-Germain frontier, a kind of baiting the life of the aristocracy from the lackey. B. iz zakhoplennyam read at the time of Herzen, Grigorovich, Dostoyevsky, Chernishevsky, L. Tolstoy choked on him.

In 1834, if the idea of ​​"Comedy of the People" was to mature, Balzac wrote the novel "Father Gorio", which became the key to the cycle: in the new, close to 30 characters of the previous and upcoming works could come together. There is a new structure to the novel: rich-centric, polyphonic.

One of the centers of vishikovuetsya in the image of the father Gorio, whose history predicts the fate of King Lear: Gorio all his camp saw his daughters, who saw Anastasia for the noble Count de Restaud, and Delphina - for the richest banker Baron Nucingen, and on the yogo of the funeral, having given over empty carriages with coats of arms. But there is only one, low line of the plot.

Vautrin is a philosopher of his own kind. Vіn perekonuє Rastіnyak: "It's not possible to evade to the greater suspіlstva like a bomb, you need to penetrate into a new yak infection." Rostinyak cares, but does not dare to accept the proposition: this path is too unsafe. The train was caught by that Zaareshtov police, who appeared as a convict-vtikachem Jacques Collin.

Another way, which is possible for Rastignac, is the image of B'yanshon, a prominent doctor. The goal of an honest working life, but it’s good enough to lead to success.

The third way is shown to you by the viscountes de Bossean: you need to express a romantic declaration about honor, honour, gentry, love, you need to build yourself up with decency and cynicism, work through the wives of the world, and don’t splurge on them in a right way. The viscountes talk about it with sarcasm, she herself can’t live like that, she’s embarrassed to be deprived of light. Ale Rastignac chooses the path for himself.

Wonderful ending to the novel. Having buried the unfortunate old Goriot, Rustignac from the heights of the hillock, on whom the Pere Lachaise zvintar is known, throwing a cry to Paris, who is standing in front of him: “And now - who can overcome: I chi ti!” I, having thrown my cry to the suspіlstvo, leaned forward to meet Dolphin Nusingen. Whose finals have all the main storylines it is said: the very death of Father Gorio to bring Rastignac to the residual choice of his path, that's why the novel (a kind of novel choice) is naturally called "Father Gorio".

Ale Balzac knows the composition of the characters is not less than in the finale, but stretches out the whole novel, saving its polycentricity (Leon Daudet's term). Not having seen one main character, having built up the central rank of the novel, nachebto contrary to the image of the cathedral from the "Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris" by Hugo, the modern Parisian house - the boarding house of Madame Vauquet. This model is contemporary to Balzac of France. Here, on various surfaces, the characters of the novel can live up to the station they have occupied in the Suspension (in front of the financial station): on another version (the most prestigious one), the lady herself, Madame Voke, that Quiz Taifer linger; on the third version - Vautrin and Poiret (the year ended with Vautrin police); on the fourth - naybіdnіshі, father Gorio, who gave us pennies to his daughters, and Rustіnyak. Ten more people came to the boarding house of Madame Voke for more than just a meal, among them - the young doctor B'yanshon.

Balzac attaches great respect to his speeches. So, the description of the bed of Madame Voke takes up a few sides. Balzac vvazha, that at the speeches the shares of people are saved, as if they were led, behind the speeches, like before, like Kuv'є vіdnovlyuvav "on the azure - the left", you can reconstruct the whole life of their Vlasniks.

Dramaturgy. There are no doubts that Balzac was able to live, knowing the material of life in order to create mature, significant realistic dramaturgy.

Topics, ideas, problems, conflict in Balzac's p'ses often come up to the program of the "Comedy of the People". The “central picture” of the “Comedy of the People” is present in the yoga songs “Watern” (1846), “Dilec” (1845), “Machuha” (1848) and in. conceived by completing mayzhe vykljuchno tі, in which the “central picture” is created - the bourgeoisie’s appearance of the nobility and the decay of this sim’ї as the legacy of the power of penny-worthy money.

Peculiarities of the French theater of the first half of the 19th century. Balzac's opportunism was compared with the creation of realistic dramaturgy. Ale stinks were a supplementary stimulus for the writer to the novel, giving new insights into a realistic analysis of action. In the prose itself, such a world of a truthful image of a person is at hand, that many characters are created by reading people, as if they live in a real world. So the author himself leaned before them. On the 18th of September 1850, Balzac said: “Be here B'yanshon, vіn bi me vryatuvav.”

The theme of pennies in the novel, otherwise, virnish, “addiction to gold is cursed”, is continued by the writer in two main aspects: philosophical, as the reason for the disintegration of natural “natural” links, if spiritual values ​​​​are sacrificed for the achievement of material values, and socially, if the camp of a person in the household is designated as a tovshchina gamanets, and the cost of capital inevitably attaches to the waste of an individual, and even then it automatically becomes “nothing” - an empty mass.

The central figure of this artistic legacy is the main hero of the novel - Father Gorio - a typical representative of the era of Restoration and the "golden tile" urochistnosti. Even in his youth, Gorio sacredly believed through gold: everything is bought and sold. Having conquered the banal truth, becoming “sleepy, forgiving and accepting the flooring, which in 1789. having bought all the right of his master ”and mittevo pretended to be a worker-vermіshnik on a successful admission. From this moment “all the rozumovі zdіbnostі vіn having consecrated the trade in bread” and, successfully speculatively boar, shvidko rozbagatіv. Guilt, perseverance, vminnya perebachit and bud, ruthlessness in competitive struggle and fanatical self-righteousness - the axis of your vigor, as if they helped him to reach success.

However, without a break, I’m widowed and, having thought about a new friendship for a while, I’ll dedicate myself to my daughters with the taman yoma. Doing yoga was successful, and the “yangolata” burned with it didn’t look like anything. Vіn having hired him dear mentors, they taught him secular manners, the rules of the warm tone, the splendid refinement, and even not the inner nobility, kindness and splendour. Papa Gorio graciously beat down the most absurd things of his daughters. The sleep of Gorio's love to the daughters of the get-purely allowed the yoga of natural obscurity, caution and obscurity.

Tim, for an hour, took away the vihovennia and plebeian suspense of the girls’ roses, multiplied by the roaring sounds of the “hundred of gold”, which, having revealed themselves to the “golden centuries”, appointed their share away. The father's pennies made the doors of the worldly salons for him, and not without reason Goriot's older daughter Anastasia became the Countess de Restaud, and the youngest Delfina became the Baroness of Nusingen. As only Gorio's daughters "achieved" the aristocratic suspіlstva, the father's bourgeois adventure became shocking. True, for the sake of pennies, they endured for a long time, but Gorio had a chance to deprive the Boroshnyan trade, like a busy ganebne and unimportant in the svіtskomu suspіlstvі, where, vtіm, the fault of the assumptions itself is not buv. Irrespective of those that Father Gorio made a great sacrifice on the floor (the boar was for a new sense of life), the daughters gave him an unobstructed opinion that he was sitting at their table. If you want a penny, like earlier, you will need the earl, the baron, and your squads, arguing with him like a ganebna. Before Rustynyak, who penetrated the mystery of the controversy between the Count de Restaud and Father Gorio, they fix the doors of the booth, as if before an unbearable certificate of slaughter.

So tato Gorio is taken to the boarding house of Madame Voke. Razoryayuchis and step by step moving under the very mountain of the boarding house, continuing to worship their idols, sometimes adoring them from afar. “Dial-lianti, gold snuffbox, lancet, koshtovnosti - everything went one by one. Vіn parted with a hairy tailcoat, with his mustache parade, and becoming a vzimka and inlet sourdut from coarse cloth of chestnut color, a waistcoat from a goat's lining and sir_ pants from a thong bushing. Gorio, having become thinner, more and more thin, his eyes fell off, disguised ... he wrinkled superficially, folds lay on his forehead ... "Ochі yogo" became rotten, wicked, became a gray-yellow vіdtinku, ... and red blood oozed from the edge of the sky 'Yu. For some I have instilled guilt in ogid, for others I have pity. Ale z tієyu I’ll be addicted, having seen my millions of Gorio, I’ll continue to love my daughters recklessly and recklessly, like sometimes they let my dad to my house in the dark way.

"Passion" - a family of rice from the Gorio family. Prejudicedly and mercilessly having won his million batko Gorio. With the strength of his power and passion, I will satisfy my primhi yoga daughters. І for the father Gorio, and for the yogi daughters addiction is natural. The difference between them is less in the fact that Father Gorio, even if he looks sideways, but can still love his daughters. The new one still has a living law of natural bonds - the father's love for his children.

Yogo's daughters - Anastasia and Delphina - are already a product of the decay of tsikh natural "natural" links. Stink to the naїvnostі naїvnostі іnshomu - in the burning thirst of the satisfaction of their primhs. It’s natural to win in the father pennies, as it’s natural to have your own kohantsya. If Father Gorio sells his rent, prikayuchi himself on the evil grounds for the sake of furnishing Rastignac's apartment for Delphine's money - її kohantsya, the daughter comes in the wake of her father's maddened vchinka into an invisible capture. Nі tіnі acne-zenіya sovіstі... Everything is so natural and... scary. And if the eldest daughter Gorio, Anastasia, hurts her ailing father, to carry a likhvar of his leftovers, to pay the crown for the balne of the dress, she asks for it so “naturally”, like a sister. The daughters of Gorio sacredly believe that if you are a baganka, it’s only important. And if it is said that the father is already unplatform, then his interest to the new one so “naturally” arises.

And yet, on the edge of the terrible abyss, Father Gorio continues to naively believe in those that you can buy everything - to wind up your daughters. Tsya vіra get-purely zammaryuє whether you understand about human goodness, about yake, vtim, Gorio does not have a reasonable manifestation. Therefore, the tragic end of the father, deceived by his best feelings, can hardly be mentally called a tragedy. For on his deathbed, Father Gorio’s statement about human goodness comes down to one thing: all on the right in pennies! At the dying madder, thrown by his daughters, Gorio whispers: “Write to them that I am pouring millions from the recesses! Honestly word! I will go to Odessa to make vermicelli! Material from the site

The share of Father Gorio is sometimes compared with the tragedy of Shakespeare's King Lear. True, the plots of these creations are richly sleepy. But the characteristics of the leading heroes cannot be similar to each other. King Lear, having passed through the danger of his daughters, becomes tragically majestic. Having seen your forgiveness, you don’t just waste your goodness, but gain proper wisdom. Seeing through the eyes of King Lear at the cost of bitter mental anguish, this image is tragic in a high-meaningful word.

The Balzacian hero is more stingy. And inspire the summation of father Gorio in praise of enlightenment about civil law and justice, about the mother of the fatherland, terrible with their own naїvnіstyu: until the end, now you can believe in those who can protect their daughters with the power of loving father, for help! “Daughters, donki! .. I want their bachiti! Send gendarmes after them, bring them by force! Justice is for me, everything is nature for me, civil law! I protest! Let the fathers trample on with their feet, the fatherland will perish!”

Sumny pardons of Father Gorio, summary and terrible yogo kinets. The Duchess de Langeais, in the presence of the Planter, recounting the story of Father Gorio and his daughters, cold-bloodedly ends with the words: “Obviously, everything is going to be greedy, and in this hour, such vipadki us posterigaєmo leather day.”

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