Aliexpress alibaba taobao what is more beautiful. Who is coolest for taobao chi aliexpress? Significant moments and principles of authority

In these articles, we’ll talk about which site is better - Taobao or Aliexpress.

For a long time already, the Chinese trade maidanchiki have been corying with the Internet popularity. How about the best of them? De varto bathe why? Here it’s easy to see clearly, to the one who has a leather shop for his own. Let's take a look at two Maidanchiks. Aliexpressі Taobao. Why do they smell and how are they best suited for shopping?

What is better - Aliexpress or Taobao?

What is better - Aliexpress or Taobao?

A skin buyer, having pobuvav on both maidanchiks, put food, as if it were better from them. A lot of people are joking around on the Internet and sticking with rubbish. Some people seem to be satisfied with shopping in Chinese stores, but they don’t sound happy otherwise. It’s crazy for them that the deaky clients can judge only by one purchase, as it could appear not far off.

Vіdpovіdno nepodvіdchenі pokuptsi can poіrit in those scho with such shops zv'yazuvatisya is not necessary and pass poz. Ale, with all the stench, to disdain a lot of troubles. That's why it's impossible to judge about Taobaoі Aliexpress in total one garny chi filthy vіdguk. Let's take a look at the report, what are the good offenses of the Maidan and the peculiarities of their work.

When will they found Aliexpress and Taobao?

Let's take a look at how and if two online stores have appeared.

  • Here the buyers will start to buy the same amount of goods.
  • Often the price of the correction is included in the price of the goods, but after the purchase it will be indicated that the delivery is cost-free.
  • The proposals are made without intermediary from the seller without any intermediaries.
  • On the clearance of parcels, you won’t get a stained-glass window for a penny, a penny only if you have overwhelmed your limits. Todi happen to pay for the mito.

What is the cost Taobao, then the stink of the price policy may have the following characteristic:

  • It is important to buy more items through the mediation, so the services cost up to 20% of the price of the goods
  • All prices are shown in Chinese currency, that is in yuan, so the bag’s wares will have to pay for it independently
  • If your goods are sent in a paid way, it is necessary to add to the price

As you can remember, the policy of both companies regarding the price of goods varies. To that, you have learned to recognize, to buy a smarter, rather, more often, protect the bag of goods of the same goods, so that you don’t have a chance to overpay.

All purchases, when choosing a free trade maidan for shopping, are covered by different moments, as they are suitable - quality, assortment, prices and such іnshe.

Irrespective of all the nuances, the Maidanchiki are ideally suited for shopping, but more so that their creators can improve them, so that the purchases will be more successful in their work. To that hand on the vlasnі ochі varto know z Aliexpressі Taobao And already we will work the whiskers, which is handy for you.

Video: What does Taobao look like to Aliexpress?

For the rest of the hour, the position of the popular AliExpress store was stolen. Two more went to the Russian sales market great graves: back to Joom, and in the fall of 2017, the Mail Group company introduced its Pandao service. Today we will try to grow up, what a better store. We will try to stick to some of the main points - the price of delivery, the cost of winning, bonuses and the quality of work.

Shop interface and convenience

Chantly, I immediately varto rose the moment. Joom, Pandao and Aliexpress are both mobile (Android, iOS) and browser versions - not the same as the standard dial. It can be said that the interface of the current versions of the stores is generally standard and similar to each other. Usі tі zh categorії varіvіv, aktsіynі і loti on the first storіntsі, special cabinet and іnshe. Schopravda, Aliexpress offers additional options, such as "Zahist purchase", multimovement and more.

Assortment and price - de cheaper?

At whom food insanely lіdiruє Alіekspres - vibіr among your product will be simply majestic. Jum and Pandao in their plan can be another direct way - practically the entire range of products can be delivered free of charge, once the sellers with a low rating were selected, and the main emphasis was placed on goods with the lowest prices.

  • I’ll definitely mention it - the most popular and the most popular Chinese sellers and brandy are present in all three stores.
  • It is also necessary to understand: the main skill and Jum and Pandao to slacken on cheap clothes, cosmetics and jewelry. It's easy to understand, looking at the main side. The very same factors form their main clientele - juveniles, most importantly girls.

Where is the best delivery?

As we have already said, as on Pandao, so there are sellers on Joom with cheap goods and free shipping. For smaller lots, you can switch on the option of courier delivery, you may have to pay for it. Zreshtoy 99% of all promises to come to the "Poshtoy Rosії", like, before the speech, it began to be richly swidshe - that's a fact.

Joom mobile store interface

Bonuses and promotions

About bonuses, promotional codes and promotions in the skin online store, you can write a lot. The whole point of the promotions is to be brought up to the point that it is necessary to keep it up - it’s true that the seller was cheating on cunning. The bonus plan has all three services seen in its own way: on Joom give coupons with discounts, Pandao sells goods for Bali, and AliExpress coupons for discounts.

On the site, there is a protocol that is not supported - how to enter

Okremo say about Panda. At the time of the launch of this store, it became possible to quickly win bali - enter the promotional code for bloggers, request friends and repost. Particularly relevant was the option of taking away points for requesting a friend - you could accumulate a lot of money and earn large sums.

As a result, the "freebie" was closed in birch, and the maximum number of balls, so you can pick up ~2000. For example, the axis of which can be pridbati for qiu vnutrishnyu currency.

Payment methods

  • Aliexpress is the world leader, which accepts almost all payment methods (electronic commerce, bank cards, PayPal, etc.).
  • Joom at the payment plan is also secure - bank cards (Visa, MasterCard), PayPal and QIWI, Yandex.Money.
  • Panda promotes Android Pay, Apple Pay and bank cards (Visa, MasterCard). Gamantsі can only win through.

Turn that super girl

The plan to protect the rights of the purchaser has all three servants to show the possibility of finding a super girl with the seller. More food, like on the new reaction of the administration of sites, like arbitrators. The Chinese Ali ce mastodon, who has long ago entered the process of submitting a dispute, returning the goods to arbіtrazhu, and "the buyer is right."

And the axis of the other two in his plan is not so garni - the results of the supercool can be checked for months, and other sellers do not marry much for the purity of their rating. Particularly seen in the Pandao plan and, perhaps, the value of the prominent “service”, which requires the correct work of the arbitration of clients.

Which store is still better?

Otzhe, the hour has come to pіdbiti pіdbags. Let's just say hello to Ali yoga, we won't do it first, and we won't eat yoga. I would recommend Joom - all the same, I still have more history, a positive rating and a large seller base. Well, for example, there is a lack of space for Pandao - it's a pity that the advertising company is actively developing and optimizing the service, as in the future, I hope it will be corrected.

Before the speech, read this article also: Poor quality of the Internet

Nasamkinets for girls - as a lover of majestic jewelry, clothing, cosmetics and goods for children, such as Jum and Pandao will be the most suitable for you. Plus, before everything else, you are welcomed by the price of lots.

Comments on the specific question “Which is better than Jum chi Pandao?” can't. Orientation assessment (range, price, payment and delivery) is the same. But focusing on the recommendations - not the price short version. For my own knowledge, I’ll say - it’s more common to be afraid of cheating skrivgeni chi oshukani clients, and so on.

Today, people are more and more likely to go shopping in online stores. Chinese stores, such as taobao, aliexpress, ebay, are especially popular. A lot of buyers-pochatkivtsiv are wondering about the food, which of these shops is in order to win. Which of them is the best, inexpensive and handy. These stores have their pluses and minuses. Schob rozіbratisya in tsmu food, sіd good vyvchiti all three stores. Then you can find your choice on ebay, taobao chi aliexpress.

Plus taobao, aliexpress and ebay.

Data from online stores may be an insignificant plus. Among them, there is one great plus, which can be reached by aliexpress and ebay stores - it is simple and intelligible interface. Here, it’s even easier to find that person, who didn’t order goods through the online store. On the Russian version of the site, the prices are indicated in rubles, so it is easy to get to know the goods for the required price. Prior to transferring these sites, you can bring in an easy search for the goods you need. For this next step, choose a different category of goods and additional parameters, so that you can sound a search. If you think about those that are better than ebay or aliexpress in terms of simplicity of design, then on the site of aliexpress it will be possible to get a little better in the interface, if on ebay everything is even simpler.

On the websites of alіekspres and ebay, the delivery rate is indicated on the side of the product in rubles. On ebay there are goods with free delivery, and on aliexpress it is practical for all goods, which allows you to save money on purchases. And if so, delivery may take 15-60 days, depending on the possibilities, the seller and the robot will be sent to Russia. Paid delivery allows you to pick up the goods for a period of 20-40 days, but then there can be tricks.

Varto is also blatant that on all three sites there is a guarantee of a penny return for non-refundable goods. In other words, if the goods are not taken away, or if they arrive in the wrong way, in which you counted the money, you can turn your pennies. When tsimu vіdsilati the goods back is not obov'yazkovo. Vіdshkodovuєtsya povna chi chastkov sum. Tse stale in the fact that the housekeeper and the seller were housed.

On the sites there is a rating of sellers and goods. It is necessary to choose goods from a wide range of positive reviews no less than 93-95%, even though you are sung by a chant. And the rating of the seller is possible for you about those, naskіlki kupets buv zavovolenij yakіstyu goods, yak shvidko nadіyshla settlement, і yak komunіkabelnіst prodavtsya. The best sound of your choice on quiet goods, how can you garniy rating, and chi is not low vartist.

If you think about those that are better for taobao or aliexpress for group purchases, then, better for everything, you need to add your choice to taobao. For shipping reasons, goods in lots on taobao appear to be very cheap. The number of products on all three sites is practically the same. Golovna, zamolyat їх at oververified sellers with a high rating.

As far as the quality of goods, then on the sites of aliexpress and taobao the stench is approximately the same. And the axis of ebay can be bought even cheaper goods for auction. Reshta goods maє vishchu vartіst, nіzh on two other sites. Sales on all three sites are regularly posted, but the situation can be saved only on aliexpress.

On all three sites, you can be different. The buyer can pay for it in such a way that it is better for you: from a card, electronic gamble, or by retelling. If you choose to pay, a small amount of money can be drawn down. Also on taobao, aliexpress or ebay you can search for a product for the same keywords. Tse znachno sproshchuє search vіdpovіdnogo goods.

Minusi taobao, aliexpress and ebay.

Still, the minuses of these sites are much less, the pluses are lower. For example, on the website of taobao, search for goods to complete the folding, so that the translation appears to be inaccurate and it is possible to have a little trouble with the one who chooses the category. Those same stosuєtsya vartosti commodities. On taobao, the stench is indicated in yuan, so that it happens to translate them into rubles and, moreover, to improve the delivery rate, so as to lie in the bag. delivery to taobao only paid.

On ebay, there is no way to buy goods in lots for a lower price. Also, the number of goods at this online store should be high in pairs with two other sites. Cost-free delivery is far from a leather product, so you will have to pay extra for it. To that, the comrades can give their mothers a decent residual vartist.

As far as the aliexpress website, then the new one has a low minus. First, delivery of goods usually takes three hours, which varies from 15 to 90 days. Thus, it is necessary to bring the comrades seriously, so as not to have mercy on the rozmir and to take away the yakіsnu rіch. From the minus point of aliexpress, you can see the fact that when buying goods in lots, you can’t spare a good sum, like on the taobao site.

Which site is better: taobao, aliexpress and ebay?

Also, if you add bags, you can show two leaders among these Internet sites. Still, aliexpress and taobao will definitely change ebay practically for all criteria. But still, it’s impossible to see a singing leader, so like Taobao, and Aliekpres have a number of pluses. What does aliexpress look like taobao? It is important to determine which site is better, according to the criteria, which are significant for the purchase.

If you choose to buy goods by the piece, and you don’t have such an important delivery period, if you want to spare, then choose the best site or express. However, if you choose to buy speeches in lots, if you want to take advantage of them and don’t waste pennies on delivery, you can safely go back to the taobao site. Therefore, before making purchases, it is necessary to think carefully about what you are checking out, please, what is coming. If it’s important for you to buy goods cheaper, then if you buy a piece, you can choose aliexpress. And if you need goods in lots, send your respect to the taobao site. If you don’t mind, which site you didn’t take, you need to be respectful and choose the seller well, from which you are going to make a request.

Taobao or aliexpress, on which site can you buy Chinese goods better and better and at lower prices? Let's try to get to know each other.

Taobao and aliexpress sites belong to one Chinese company - the alibaba company. The taobao website turned out to be the first, created as a local Chinese shopping maidan, and according to the idea of ​​​​the creators - sellers and purchases on taobao mali are only Chinese, and payment can only be made through the Chinese payment system alipay.

Previously, the buyers knew an English and mother credit card with access to foreign currency for purchases from abroad. You can re-configure the showcase and integrate it with your system with instructions. Get expert advice and a 3% discount on leather sales in foreign currencies. Everything is at the catalog of the web store.

Minusi taobao, aliexpress and ebay

The company has also become a majestic gravestone in China's scrupulous financial system. The success of Alibaba is not a secret. From a few humble ears at Hengh Jack Ma's apartment, the company has evolved and turned into a leading international electronic commerce empire. What does Alibaba itself care about, how did it allow its prosperity? The axis of this is the main reasons for this innovative success.

For this reason, the official site of taobao works only in Chinese language, prices for goods are indicated in Chinese yuan, and sellers do not send goods abroad to China.

Since the moment of creation, registration and payment on taobao has been constantly changing. We know recently, while traveling abroad to China, the buyer did not have the opportunity to register on Taobao and independently pay for the goods.

Key factor #1: unique business model. It signifies a unique business opportunity, as a result of the productive forces of small enterprises, and propagating a different choice of comfort for those who need help. Together, the stench is a complete e-commerce ecosystem.

Having gained respect for small enterprises, the great diversity of comrades hopes for a wide number of whole groups of supporters. Main factor #2: non-traditional surplus model. Tse spryaє great that nadіynіy rnkovіy chastsі, scho shoduly z postіynih clients. The other most important was the surplus - all the technical services, based on the great data about the behavior of the gentlemen. Key factor #3: A good credit model.

After that, a great number of intermediaries appeared, as if for a day the winegrower was robbed of a purchase registration on taobao and they were forced to pay for the goods, take the parcel to their address in China and send it to the end of the purchase.

At the present time, you can register and pay for goods on taobao changed - you can now register on taobao independently and without an intermediary, so taobao is connected to the international payment system, so it became possible to pay for the payment bank card visa and mastercart do not go to the services of an intermediary. For a normal purchase on the taobao website, there is only one problem - taobao sellers do not ship goods outside of China.

All sellers on the e-commerce platform must pass an online certification test to verify their identification information. In order to change illegal transactions, the merchants' shards are constantly monitored on the platform. In addition, all transactions are registered and can be carried out both by sellers and by customers.

This protects the legitimacy of skin transactions and helps customers choose the best sellers. In addition, the system is designed in such a way that an online return call is also recommended. Clients of wine are greeted for advice, if they want to bring in additional coupons for discounts - more rewards, more coupons for a discount. The advice of the buyers helps other customers to get the final confirmation of the purchase and make a decision that reduces the costs after the purchase.

If the taobao site has just launched something and let it go for a moment, it will become popular and spread far beyond the borders of China. After the great popularity of taobao, the Alibaba company thought about creating an international site where you could buy Chinese goods with delivery all over the world.

I in 2010 English language. Two years later, the version of aliexpress was released in Russia, and also for the convenience of buyers from Russia and other countries, SND added the ability to pay for the purchase through popular payment systems - Kiv, WebMoney and Yandex Groshi. At the same time, for buyers from Russia, Navit added the ability to pay for aliexpress from a mobile phone.

How to know the best prices for virib?

Subsidiary factor #1: Support services for customer satisfaction. Деякі з цих допоміжних послуг включають пропозицію онлайн-навчання бізнесу для продавців, впровадження спеціальної системи кодування для управління великою кількістю магазинів на платформі, розробка власного інструменту миттєвого обміну інформацією для кращого обміну інформацією між продавцем та покупцем та відшкодування будь-якого продукту з відшкодуванням, завершеним stretching for seven days. These support services help you create more transactions.

Chinese sellers for aliexpress show different options vіdpravki goods to buy, vartіst delivery from China is not expensive, but zdebіl vzagalі bezkoshtovna.

And so, pіdіb'єmo pіdbag! On both sites - taobao and aliexpress can be registered without any problems. It is also possible to pay for goods on the taobao site and on aliexpress independently, but on taobao it is paid for aliexpress, no great choice payment methods and payment can only be made with a bank card and alipay, but there are no problems at all, at the same time, everyone can make purchases via the Internet using bank cards.

Sellers from aliexpress send goods all over the world, on taobao call sellers do not know about international delivery, and it is still not possible to take goods from the taobao site without an intermediary, although the role of an intermediary when applying on the taobao site has become minimal.

The official site of taobao is available only in Chinese, English and Russian versions of taobao is not available. In this plan, aliexpress is richly short - it is transferred to the middle and middle ones and the Russian version of aliexpress.

Stink no longer walk to the shopping center and rarely to the supermarket. Zamovte Zhang - and check the message. On the back of Zhang Gefei, like before, I suspected. Ale potim vin shukav special drank that lesa and knew them without doing. Yak and a lot of other Chinese. It is clear that 70 thousand Chinese sheets will turn to the electronic market, pensioners and schoolchildren, migrant workers and entrepreneurs. At Zahodі vіdoma zhodna, іnsha name of the company. Ale tse change, more out of the way. The company doesn't want to take 15 billion dollars, but sells less than ten thousand dollars of its shares.

Prices on the taobao website are shown only in Chinese yuan, on aliexpress the prices are shown in rubles, and you can also choose dollars or another currency to pay for the purchase, which is more convenient for buyers from Russia and other countries of the CIS.

The selection of Chinese goods on both trading squares is of the same magnitude, but in the same way, alіekspres act taobao - ce at the selection of branded goods. The administration policy or express is such that Chinese sellers are not allowed to put on sale goods with foreign brands. Zvichajno, sellers of everything are trying to ob_iti tsyu fence, but all the same vibіr branded goods on alіekspres porіvnyano z taobao nіkchemniy.

At first glance, it’s clear that the price on taobao is less than on alіekspres, but if you want to add to the price of goods on taobao vartіst mіzhnarodnoї delivery, if on alіekspres it’s no cost, then the price on the website of taobao is no longer so welcome.

If you look for goods from foreign brands (especially clothes and clothes), don’t bang you Chinese characters, price in yuan and international delivery time, choose taobao. In other vipadkah, for the purchase of Chinese goods cіlkom pіdіyde store alіekspres.

Taobao chi Aliexpress. Who will be a helper for this difficult thing?

The buyer can send the seller to trust the wine city. Chinese online store promotes its products on different language, also on my German. It also attracts customers from Switzerland. The number of packages that are available directly from China is growing rapidly. Nіmetska, in which numerical products are promoted, in the shortest time can be called an adventurer. For example, I recommend a selection of chic blue two-sectioned selections for women to my clients:

    Vіdgukіv is still mute.

We have seen dozens of forums. Looked over hundreds of topics at Merezhya. Ale, they didn’t know the povіdі. Aliexpress chi Taobao? Where is the difference? Why does it show up and what kind of shops?

Tse is great, volume and honest article about the largest Chinese stores. And about those, yak mi began pratsyuvati.

Trade maidanchik with a great assortment

First of all, be as if you were praying. You can also get in touch with our expert stylists to help clarify the nutritional needs. Vin having named importantly “small accessories for electronics, such as charging cables or sleeves for mobile phones” in China.

More work at the post office in Switzerland

Prices for products are often unbearable. In addition, pickers are often too low, or they may not be affected by delivery rates. Bernhard Bürki Post-media interview. Prote goods are sent directly by a picker. Showing, however, that the part of the mayzhe of two millions of packages is more important to make small, even Burki.

Swiss trade is competitive

The market share of Chinese online platforms in Switzerland, as before, is insignificant. Tіz China is less than two hundreds at a time.

I remember from one story.

Few people know that comrades from China were thrown across the cordon just after the collapse of the SRSR. But the whole thing was disorganized.

Є tsіkaviy visliv: “in China, glue shoes to the skin booth”! Tse truth. Not only sneakers, but also sew a great number of clothes, pick up electronics and so on.

Tim is no less, Swiss retail traders are also more and more often involved in competition, even a consultant for online trading. Polzin: There is no internal security on the Internet. The market is no longer just international, it is global. Particularly with small accessories vіn vіg vznachiti: Goods will be shipped by airmail. In a few days you will be in Switzerland. You are unlikely to remember retail from a smaller, not better possessed Swiss store.

In the near future you are guilty buti ready

However, the Swiss dealers, like before, do not oppose the new competition. Kapelyuha also had a chance to check for six tizhniv for delivery. As a zamovny attachment, we’ve pinned down at the militant control, oskіlki virobnik, having shown a low vartіst to the goods. Schob niknuti mitnih formalities, Hutter believe. As a result, whips stick with inappropriate forms and high fees.

Drіbnі virobniks always hauled comrades through the cordon for help of transporters (mulіv). At the cordon, they were ringed by intermediaries of sellers from Russia.

Russia and the borderlands close to China are a great market. The CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma. This is how the company was born, as it created the Internet-maydanchiki - the stench became the middlemen between the pickers and purchases from all the countries of the world.

Service may be of greater significance

Other clients tell us that they had to deal with Chinese online forms. Abo scho stinks did not know the ability to turn nevіdpovіdnі chi defective goods. Here the online consultant Polzіn bachit, scho Swiss online stores can withstand the growing competition behind the cordon. The service may be of greater significance. Today, it is clear that the prayer will be delivered on the same day, or accept the coming day, - even Polzin. In this manner, Swiss dealers can also score points for additional generous guarantees and clumsy turnarounds.

Yak і be-yakі middlemen, cі maidanchiks took kіlka yuanіv іz sale of leather goods. “Kopіyka ruble cherish”, and how to pick up a billion of such kopіyok shomisyatsya?

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma – 2016 Yogo website sales growth up to $126 billion per quarter (information from

3 online stores were created:

  1. For the domestic market of China: Taobao;
  2. For the newer market: one store with the company Alibaba and another one Aliexpress.

At the first stage, everything was done to provide 1 billion people with affordable goods.

Why are there different prices for the same goods?

It is important for us to review and publish comments. For reasons no longer possible to comment on the old articles and post. About them, Chinese virobniks and intermediaries sell pobutovu electronics, clothes, accessories, as well as other evil things Pidkup on the platform: prices.

Oskіlki commodities are sent directly from China to the deputy, the products are often є supervised. The reason for this is also friendly post-taxi, but worse. Open with a Swiss mitt and with “no delivery” adhesives, a repeated sheet is served to the buyer through the date after the order was placed. The coin may have a little bit of fluff, and a little bit of damage every day. It would hardly have been possible to remember the hour of payment. Prote to the one who is trying to do this, to repair criminal mischief.

Two other shops worked for export. Here the priority is the comfort of purchasing with a cordon from incl. the one in Russia.

Ash hour. The business was developing and at that moment, companies appeared, which boosted the success of Taobao. We have become such a company and today we will tell you, what a Chinese online store is best for you.

Taobao chi Aliexpress?

The main problem of is that everything is written in Chinese language. Looking greedy.

Taobao chi Aliexpress, which is better?

Mitnytsya can't tell everything. Yakby mittnitsa v_dkrila sheet, coin, imovirno, bula would be confiscated, as if the press secretary of the Federal Police Department Lulzana Musluu. Prote, here on the coin it can be obvious that this is a copy, like Muslu.

How often do you send comrades directly to China? Mitnitsa cannot systematically filter such information. Moreover, it would be unclear if the product would be confiscated. Ale w different imitation products. All without branding, but with a Swiss cross and a deceptively similar design. However, it is not a good idea to review the copy sellers and sellers of copies, the great legal pressure will not be true. A cheap yearbook with batteries is sold for a price of 2 dollars - the price is equal, such a Swiss yearbook is not known.

The original site is only in Chinese language. Wines of creations for the domestic market. There is no sense in yoga internationally. Because there are special shops.

Prote rich of our spіvvіtchiznikіv zrozumіli that it is cheaper to buy on the domestic market and the goods there are yakіsnіshі.

The association of the Swiss fashion industry is trying to get better at such propositions. Less than a year ago, I released 1, 3 million propositions on different Internet platforms - especially obvious updates. In times of incorrect geographic statements, more propositional folding, write to IV Bugmann, certifier of the legal authority of the Association of Time Zones. The association will require a court decision in China. Bugman also complains about the reaction of Chinese Internet platforms.

Chim Taobao looks like Aliexpress

Tse chastkovo vymagalo tizhnya for vydalnya. It is pleasant to see the solution of the Amazons and the expansion of Pvdenno-Skhidnoy Asia near Singapore. The small island power already has a high online population, a rich variety of smartphones and a well-established infrastructure. At the same time, Singapore is a springboard for the Pvdenno-Skhidnoy Asia market through its geographic expansion.

Show that you are loitering at the great rich apartment booth.

Skin sіm'ya - tse virobnik. Something to wear cloth, something to wear hats, and glue sneakers to the animal. First, you need to buy sneakers. How do you know who to give a small sum of money? Zvichayno, adzhe vi yomu potіm sell cloth zі nizhkoy. I will not fool around with yakistyu.

Now, since we have been given direct thoughts, let's move on to equal prices for Taobao and Aliexpress.

Taobao chi AliExpress, de cheaper?

Taobao - sales of goods for your market. The Chinese rarely buy goods on the international Maidans of Alibaba and Aliexpress. That's why the stench of your store, which is oriented towards the domestic market.

Items on Taobao are cheaper. І tse easy to bring. Marvel.

We choose goods. Hai be blue jacket.

Unfortunately, the price is in yuan. It is necessary for us to know the dollars, so that it was by sight. Let's move on to the product card.

Vartist jacket $14.92. The price is indicated one day after the yuan.

14.92 chi 99 yuanіv - tse 964 rubles. Sob no sumnіvіv, let's wonder what Yandex will say:

The axis is like that. RMB costs 964 rubles in yuan, and 971 in dollars.

Let's go to Aliexpress. To spare us, we know a similar product very well.

And the axis is our jacket. Vaughn looks different. Tse through the color of the other boy of the model.

The same down jacket costs 1510 rubles. Ale tse zovsim does not mean that Aliexpress is more expensive! It's just that the delivery is included. Taobao delivery is not included in the var_st.

Delivery- There is a hidden treasure buried here. Vіn help you buy goods 2 times cheaper, lower on Aliexpress. Ale pro tse zgodom.

2 problems of the original "Taobao", how to make a Maidanchik an unhandy option for shopping:

  1. There is no Russian movie on the site. Here it is uncomfortable to pick goods with a bagat. That is why people know the goods, what to click, copy images and joke on the Russian Taobao sites.
  2. There is no delivery that about it is easy to house. You can contact the virobnik directly, but if you don’t know English, it’s like a sense. Deyakі virobniki vіdmovlyayutsya vіd works with private persons from іnshih kraїn - tse posilyuє camp.

How to solve the problems associated with the purchase of goods on Taobao?

Haven’t forgotten yet, how were the goods transported? "Muli" went through the cordon. The intermediaries chimed in. If the Alibaba company gained wraps in its market, it created the Aliexpress Internet Maidan.

However, only a part of the virobniks began to sell goods through Aliexpress. And the "Taobao" chat site has become the largest intermediary between virobniks and spontaneous people in China.

Hundreds of Russian Taobao sites this year. Deyakі from them rotten pratsyyut. Ale more honestly rob your right.

We are not only transferable goods from the catalog of the original store, but we solved the main problems:

  1. They took away my own bar'er - our site is Russian mine (for this, the goods are more comfortable);
  2. We proprated delivery channels to Russia.

Advantages of our Russian website "Taobao" before "Aliexpress"

  1. Viber is richer(mayzhe 50 times)

How can we prompt "Aliexpress" in the category "cloth":

Porіvnyaєmo with store number 2.

300,000 products versus 14323986? The choice is obvious.

  1. You choose from a number of pickers

Here you can find cheap pickers, middle ones and expensive ones. Remember our jacket? Axis of what you can know.

Jackets are given the same, but prices differ. The top jacket (a friend in the first row) costs 1248 rubles. Trohi lower than the jacket itself, but the price is already higher.

Why are there different prices for the same goods?

This can often be guarded. All through virobnikov. Guess the butt from a rich apartment booth.

The judge's booth also has mains. However, models of jackets can be sewn by different sellers. They have their own skin, yakist and price. That is why the same goods cost differently. The great ones are constantly competing one with one. The more you win, the cheaper you can sell - the more competitive the advantage.

Htos having spared on materials, otherwise I know the cheapest labor force. So lowering the price. Htos acknowledging the price higher. To the one who wants to earn more, I can speak in the new one by hand, and not by machine. There are a lot of options.

How to buy goods on Taobao cheaper than on Aliexpress? Delivery secret!

If you order goods on Aliexpress, then you will pay for the delivery of the skin product okremo. That is brought to the post office for leather goods.

Notice you bought:

  • vest for 1000 r.
  • jeans for 1000 UAH.
  • sneakers for 500 UAH.
  • cloth for 1500 r.

Delivery is not free, but included up to the price of the product! Qia bag is screwed to the skin product.

How to buy cheaper? It is necessary to know all the goods through the Taobao service and issue one parcel. Let the delivery of the video 700 chi 1000 rubles for everything. Ale speech koshtuvatimut 2 times cheaper! You accept goods in one parcel. The official check will be smaller.

Vin can be smaller and with one purchase. I axis good butt.

We choose the cloth on "Ali".

Variety 1467 rubles - cloth in a red frame

Take a photo of the cloth on your computer.

It is necessary to right-click the mouse and select "save like ..." in the menu.

Choose to save the image

We marvel at the result.

The result of the cloth, yak, on Aliexpress costs 1467 rubles, on our Taobao it costs 519 rubles. (Є price and in 1026 - won even lower), retail 948 rubles. Let the delivery cost 800 rubles. Your Vigoda 148 UAH

What are the results.

If you buy a large number of goods, then you will take away the lost benefit:

  1. Deyakі goods cost cheaper;
  2. For a set of 5 - 7 goods you will pay 2 times less. So pay for delivery 1 time, not 5 - 7.
  3. Dostemenno know, you pay skilki for rich, and skilki for delivery for a car.

Taobao chi Aliexpress, which is better?

Let's say you order 5 products. As intermediaries we pass the information to our representative in China. Vіn go to the postsachalnіv and pick up the parcel.

It's an hour to pick up the parcel. Therefore, the goods through our service will go further for 5-10 days.

As soon as the order was taken, the delivery price is assigned to it. Call us, we already know the delivery time is a long way off. To that it is practicable in every business from the launch of the Taobao website. In us you can.

When picking up the parcel, the goods are transferred to the ship by our intermediary. Tse your dodatkovy zahist. I have formed a favor for you.

So what better Taobao or Aliexpress? If you need to buy 1 rich and it’s important, if it came in the shortest possible term, choose “Aliexpress”. If you buy a lot of speeches in a row (type 3) and don’t want to overpay for delivery, win with this great choice.

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Belong to one and the same company - Alibaba Group, which was founded by Jack Ma in 1999 in Hangzhou, China. In addition, these sites are united with a single electronic payment system, as the company itself did in 2004 - Alipay.

Online destinations resource for great wholesalers. The site of creations for the creation of goods for the purchase and sale of factories and shops of great stores. At the stated prices, only approximate prices, minimum, available before the consignment, the seller’s price (you can pick up the goods), payment methods, as set by the seller himself, and contact the link. Vlasniki resource practically do not control the process and do not give annual guarantees for the removal of crops taken by the seller and the buyer, tobto. please no scoundrel. A lot of shakhraiv are trapped through all the resources.

As a matter of fact, this maidanchik can be called more informational, less commercial. There are no daily pluses and benefits for a great retail purchase.

The auction is the largest online shopping mall in China, targeting the end of the world. We can list the main ones, remember it was given pluses and minuses, as we see ourselves more newcomers.


  • uniquely majestic selection of goods

  • low prices

  • retail trade


  • Chinese language

  • delivery from the seller only in China

  • for sending to a foreign country it is necessary

And now let's look at the process of buying on Taobao in detail

The great choice of goods without sumnivu is even more vagomic and indisputable pluses. However, you yourself should try to search for a necessary product in such a long time and not forever productive. And if you add to the Chinese language interface, then the task of knowing the necessary speech becomes more important.

The low price is one of the main storage facilities of this trade maidan and one of the largest pardons of buyers. Since the delivery of goods from Taobao is important only in China, post a message about the intermediary. For this, you will need to add % of the intermediary to the price of the goods (in the middle vіn to become 5-10%), % for transferring pennies to the intermediary (call the victorious payment system PayPal, so I take close to 5%), the delivery rate in China (which is how it will be) + variability of delivery to your country (deposit according to the delivery method of that country). Pіslya vsіh rozrahunkіv go out, the price of goods increases by 20-50%, fallow vіd vаgi pleas.

The need to use an intermediary for purchases on Taobao does not only mean an increase in the number of bidders, but also a clear/attached method of deception. Axis of action from them:

  • purchase of goods for the purchase of goods;

  • delay in the terms of the processing and the correction of the notice, so that after an hour of disputation in paypal, the buyer could no longer return a penny for the wrong product, which did not arrive;

  • zbіlshennya vagi donations with the help of a large amount of paper and smittya.

For the sake of justice, respect that the purchase through an intermediary transfers the goods to the shlyub, if the purchase is still known from China. At the time of the wrong rozmіru, color or poshkodzhennya, rich, you can promptly correct the seller back.

Due to those who deliver within China, the processing of the goods in the warehouse of the intermediary and the delivery to the point of purchase takes more than an hour, and the protection of payments through PayPal wastes its own sense, because. the system gives less than 45 days from the moment of payment for the possibility of withdrawing money for the return of pennies.

In this way, purchases on seem to be more profitable with large and large purchases. Never forget that, regardless of the economy of the budget (and the hour of the day), the stink is still associated with a singing risk (and sometimes with a total cost of pennies from an unfortunate intermediary).

created by the company Alibaba Group as the young brother of, oriented to the international market. The retailers of the trade maidanchik did not invest money in the promotion, advertising and promotion of the resource on the Internet, and it was just a gibberish for growth in the electronic commerce market. Without adding to the popularity of the resource and the fact that earlier there were few sellers, they trade in lots (3-5 and more items of the name). However, for example, 2012 - 2013, the fate of the site took on a new one. As a result, the interface and the system for increasing the rating were reduced, the trading rules were strengthened, the Paypal payment system was replaced by a larger payment system - Escrow, and the rules for conducting disputes were gradually improved. So it’s necessary to pay tribute to the clerks of the shopping maidan for those who stink their hands on the pulse and quickly react to the situation with the terms of delivery - the maximum number of days per lichnik on the back grew up to 90, and then up to 120, on the situation there were more disputes - there were more disputes a list of reasons for filing a claim was formulated, and it was cleaned up for a break, for example, it is no longer possible to open a dispute for private compensation for a parcel that is expensive.

If you look at Aliexpress in a lighter way (before the serpen 2014 year), then you can see the advancing pluses and minuses:


  • low prices;

  • great choice of payment methods;

  • the presence of the system for the protection of buyers - escrow;

  • English and Russian language interface and search;

  • contests, sales, discounts, and visibility;

  • the ability to get reviews for goods in Russian, English, Spanish and other languages ​​and attach real photographs;


  • lower selection of sellers and goods from the port of Taobao

  • there is no consolidation of parcels (requesting from a leather seller to come to the nearest parcel, and not in a sleeping box, you will have to pay for the mail)

  • it is possible to recheck the goods for delivery

  • a number of delivery methods are exchanged (no cargo and shipped by sea) and may have a similar positive moment - low prices for goods. Let's take a look at the butt, where it's cheaper, on Taobao and Aliexpress? Fully resized pictures are shown on the click

Bag on Ali cost $7.51 with China Post Air Mail free shipping. You can turn up to 2% cashback for a purchase for an additional bonus up to that. It will cost approximately $7.36. A bag of Tao at the current exchange rate (10 CNY = 1.6 USD) will cost $ 3.15 + 15% for the intermediary and the transfer of pennies via paypal (the price becomes ~ $ 3.62) + shipping (on average for the same China Post Air Mail to Russia intermediaries charge 18 yuan for 100 grams, a bag is 400 grams, we charge $ 11.66). A taobao bag costs about $15.28.

That’s right, it’s a straight line and averaged roses “on the forehead”. Very few people are interested in one inexpensive and easy delivery from Taobao, before the leather intermediary sets its own price for delivery and offers a different method. You can choose shipping via cargo (approximately 300 rubles per 500 grams, minimum packing weight 5 kg) or delivery by sea (although with which term the payment is significantly more). Rosrahunok is less likely to show that you can buy cheap and light goods on, and important ones on

American company founded by P'er Omidyar in 1995. In 2002, the company added the PayPal payment system, for the help of which earlier payment was made at auctions. An unparalleled victory over other Maidans is the availability of different versions of sites for such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, which actually means a richly different variety of goods from other types of Chinese, de more non-verbal sellers, trade.

  • mozhlivist robiti rates and otrimuvati goods literally for kopіyki;

  • presence of original, authentic goods;

  • dependent purchase purchase (from ebay and paypal);


  • the seller himself regulates the rates;

  • the seller may not sell the goods to the buyers, which he won at the auction, as if the price was lower for the one he planned;

  • vartіst goods vіd chinese prodavtsіv vishcha, nіzh na tao chi alі;

  • part of the product is not nadsilaєtsya to Rosії, Ukraine chi іnshih kraїn near zarubіzhzhya navіt chinese sellers;

  • a small choice of delivery route (more important than the state mail);

  • kіlkіst symbolіv vіdguku commodities are surrounded by a small number, tobto. it is not possible to write a complete, open-ended comment.

I would like to explain authentic products on Sorry, keep it that way. It is not so rare to blame doubts on the originality of speech bought on eBay, so it is necessary to be extremely respectful if you take an expensive branded version. Do not forget about resellers, periodically you can sell American and European sellers with goods from Chinese sites. Just talk about those that are better than aliexpress or ebay, that it’s cheaper, I’d say b, that you can buy goods from Chinese sellers on Chinese Maidans, and ebay wins for buying European and American goods and original branded varieties. The axis of the butt stock is similar to the product in one and the same sale on and on Images are enlarged on click.

Porіvnyaєmo vishchenavedі trade maidanchiki z , and others small Chinese online stores. Auctions and online megamarkets take their own rent from the sellers, which attracts a price increase for the goods. I’ll give you a quote for the phone on the site and in the shops of which seller on

How can you make a difference at the price to make it high. However, sometimes it’s a pity for the trade maidan:

Mi Bachimo, scho on, the cloth is cheaper for the store, before that, you can get a coupon for $ 3 and $ 5. Let's look at a similar version in another popular Chinese online store -

In this way, you can buy visnovok, what other cheap goods (make-up pencils, stickers on the wall, rubber bands are thin), you can buy electronics on the same store sites on taobao .com,
Like visnovok once again I will write the main visnovki :

  • at a glance, buy about the important goods, or work wholesale and save a lot of money for cheap delivery.

  • buy goods by the piece in small lots on a regular basis. This is the best option for those who can’t or don’t want to take a lot of speeches.

  • it is better not to buy goods from Chinese sellers and remember about resellers, if you sell more expensive than those that you can buy in another place for a lower price.

  • from small okremih it is cheaper to take a piece of food, a part of electronics and technology.

Nasamkіnets hotіlosya b guess, scho need porіvnyuvati tsіni on rіznih resources, vvazhati kіtsevu vartіst goods, do not forget about dodatkovі vitrati for the services of tretіkh osіb, and marvel not only for profit, but for the safety of the purchase. I swear, the article was a corian to you. Your additional help You can remit at .
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