Cheap clothes for children with a payment. Baby clothes cheap

A child's clothes are cheap - why doesn't it sound so good? We tried to make the phrase "children's clothes cheap" not only acceptable, but beautiful and handy, like all our clothes. To your vishukan relish children's jersey 2x Russian vineyards, m.Chelyabinsk and m.Engels, as well as from the factory from Ukraine, m.Komsomolsk. Another one of our novelties is a children's outfit from Kyrgyzstan. Maizhe is all dressed up - 100% bavovna. We are only free of charge with virobniki factories, which allow us to give the lowest and best prices. And also just a majestic selection of models of a different childish robe. Tsіkavі models that zabarvlennya, Garna Yakist, And it’s great, even more pleasant prices, it’s nice to strike. Our children's clothes wholesale and in the distribution of certifications and may need all certificates of quality. Our baby clothes store will ask you to come in and check on the correctness of our words and evaluate our baby clothes!

In times of laying on the substantiation of tsikh Minds without interruption of contracts, the rules were changed to be obov'yazkovymi for the Service Oberzhuvach, as a rule, appointed at Art. 384 and 384 of the Civil Code, so that the Client was duly informed about the change without opening the agreement for 14 calendar days to give notice. As a change of Minds, I have made it up to the supply of new collections, or the improvement of the in-line Client, which is gentler, may have the right to withdraw from the contract.

The form of the call-out. I'm calm. Signature of a gentleman. Zmіst, representations at the store, ceasing to be a proposition for the zmіst of art. 66 par 1 of the Civil Code. All products in the store are brand new. Leather protection is accompanied by a fiscal check or a request.

Cheap child clothes from the online store Childhood here will please you, your child, and your family budget. Great choice baby jersey cheap to the online store Childishness-here for your success in breaking for categories and for sizes. Rosemary indicated by two numbers, for example 56/98. Well, let's take a look at them. The first number, for our mind - tse 56 - is itself expanded, and the other, through a slash - we have tse 98 - the maximum growth of the child in centimeters, until such an increase is rozmir. In this order, rozmir 56/98 means that this child is 56 rozmir, it is insurance for a child with a height of up to 98 cm. But, however, when choosing clothes, do not forget that the skin of a child has its own complexion and its own proportions. Also, the models of the same size clothes can be adjusted with some parameters, because. There may be different fabric structure and different models. The quality of our knitwear is known, the sewing of wines is all from the yakіsnyh, garnih fabrics. We appreciate your respect that you can ask you to bring speeches of some rozmiriv and articles, change into the likeness of our clothes and choose the models that you were worthy of, already on the mission. This service is absolutely cost-free.

The price indicated for the leather goods is the binding price at the time of placing the order by the client. The store retains the right to change the prices of goods, introduce new goods into the proposition of the online store, change or decline promotions on the sides of the Store or make changes to them. Changes do not stop until the earlier submission of prayers.

The store can issue a discount code, so you can give an opportunity to pay a discount or a discount on all or other positions. To remove the discount code, enter the field Discount code for the hour of the application submission process - the reduction code is included until the application is confirmed. As soon as the request is placed, the code of the discount cannot be entered. At the same time, with the lower code, the client will take back the report information about the wash of your choice and the contract.

We would like to turn your respect, that our childish clothes are cheap in bulk and in distribution all the way strictly rozmir at rozmir, and in such vipadkas to bring small peace! Tobto. if the height of the speech is 68 cm, then it will be strictly for the height of up to 68 cm, and the axis of the child with a height of 70 cm will definitely be small!

Children's knitwear in retail

So what can you know in our online store of baby knitwear?

Giving and vikonanny zamovlennya

Prices do not include delivery variance. The deputy can save 24 years for mining, 7 days for a day. Appointments will be held only during weekdays - from Monday to Friday. Confirmation is for understanding that the product is available from the store or from the supplier in the Store. If a part of the goods that are available at the appointment is not available, the client is informed about the status of the purchase and may be able to make a decision about: partial implementation, follow-up to the hour of clearing, or cancellation of the entire appointment.

Delivery options and selection of special goods

The client can make changes or ask for an order, the goods will not be remanufactured. You can take care of your specialty in Częstochowa. Before skin repair, shipping costs are included. Sum to deposit depending on the choice of the postal worker and the method of payment. The variability of internal information is covered by the client according to the table below.

  • Clothes for the little ones like before the rock, so even then, pleasing the eye with its variety of colors and styles.
  • And for children, like three older ones, for the sake of it, we will encourage children to wear t-shirts, blouses, pants, dog shoes, hats, kits for the house and "for the holidays". Come on in - don't mess around.
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  • So for girls and boys, you can buy children's T-shirts from us, in different colors, with and without appliqués, in different fabrics and different styles. You only have to choose and remember! Baby turtlenecks, shorts, jumpers, breeches, pants, panamas, panties, t-shirts - all the same you can get in our baby online store baby clothes Childishness is here!
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Are you taking a child to a child care center? Well, it’s amazingly cheap for a child’s clothes nursery? Todi obov'yazkovo come to us! Well, what else can be better for a soft 100% cotton baby clothes! Practical, handy, inexpensive!

Form of payment for a special collection - preparation. Pіd hour otrimannya zamovlenogo goods klієnt is guilty of perevіriti camp and vmіst vantage. In times of poor packaging or falsification, vantage is to blame, but it is due to the presence of the courier and to pervert your camp. Yakshcho vy commemorated be-yakі zbitki otrimanogo goods, write the protocol of filing scarga at the presence of kur'єra. Be kind, contact us yaknaishvidshe.

You can pay for the cordon - the tickets are charged individually after contact with the store. Payment for the delivered goods may be charged by the Client in such a way. Before the release of the product: prepayment for the account to the store or electronic payment. Pіd hour otrimannya goods - otіvka in the hands of the transporter at the time of delivery of the otіvkoy and otіvkoy at the time of the special collection.

Do you know how you can buy T-shirts for children without leaving home? - We kindly ask you to come to the online store for shopping! We suggest to your respect the widest range of children's clothing and at all times, including nursery jersey. We sell children's knitwear cheaply in bulk and in retail, but the most fashionable models and styles and more affordable prices will please you with the most delicious taste.

Zagalna vartіst zamovlennya - ce cіn goods and vartіst delivery. At the time of overpayment for the account or by electronic payment, delivery of the goods is paid in order, yak pennies on the account of the Magazin. If the Client fails to pay within 7 days from the date of confirmation of the reservation by the Store - the Store may have the right to claim the reservation.

Delivery of the goods is to be ordered in the specified Klієnt and ordered in the zamovlennі. The delivered goods are delivered to the address indicated on the order form by the Polish Post or the courier company. You can take care of your special appointment in Częstochowa after advance notice to the store.

I Engels.

Variant of delivery by courier Saratov- no cost when zamovlennі vіd 500 rubles

When ordering less than 500 rubles, delivery in Saratov and Engels is 120 rubles.

Upon delivery, you can reconcile.

The coming day after the resurrection of prayer

Payment: by delivery to the courier, prepayment for baggage through payment systems

Containers are fully packed and protected from time to time for transportation. At the time of the prepayment for the account, or the electronic payment for the purchase will be delivered after the payment for the goods at the account to the Store. The confirmation was entered in the remaining term for submitting the confirmation and the term of delivery by the carrier. Anything not specified in the product description otherwise, the request will be completed within 3 business days.

In order to express your right to forfeiture, you are guilty of informing the Store about your decision to comply with the contract, after signing the application. In order to save the last term of the rent, you would need to send more information about the extension of your right to leave before the end of the withdrawal period. Clients can complete the form prepared by the Store to complete the application. Get the form.

Overhead payment via Russian Post.Payment upon withdrawal by mail.

Delivery across Russia by transport companies is possible. EMC, Business lines, PEK

Goods are delivered to the address you specified.

Payment: One of the anonymous payment methods

Payment methods

At the time of exit from the purchase and sale agreement, the Store is obliged to return all payments, withdrawals from the Client, including charges for delivery, but in any case not later than 14 days from the date, comrades chi prove their turn.

The store will change the payment for additional assistance to the payment methods themselves, as they are changed by the Client at the postal transaction, as long as the Client does not see the following instructions, or it is not possible technically to accept the return of the postal payment method. The client is not responsible for the return of the payment.

Preparation upon withdrawal (imposition of payment)

Payment is due on the mail or the courier of the company

Bank card

Biggest Swedish way pay. You can pay by card directly on our website, once you place your order. Payment must be met. There are no commissions.

The client is responsible for turning the goods around in a negligent way and at any time later, as in 14 days from the date of informing the store of the return. The client bears the responsibility for returning the goods. The recipient does not accept orders sent by mail. The client bears responsibility for whether it is possible to reduce the varnosti of the subject, which is to blame for the result of the variation of yoga in a different way, lower, necessary for the restoration of the character, characteristics and functioning of the subject.

All products sold in the store are new. The store can deliver goods without defects. At different goods, the manufacturer’s warranty is expanded, the warranty card for the product is signed and marked by the retailer of the store for an hour of packaging for restocking.

Bank order

Payment for the purchase of a loan from any bank. You make out a prayer. We install the rahunok by electronic mail. You reorder the payment for the rachunk. For a stretch of two days, we overpower the prayer.


A payment service that allows you to make payments in any way: electronic pennies, by card, through a terminal, at the edge of Zv'yazkovy stores and other.

Regardless of the warranty, the customer may be entitled to a warranty against physical and legal defects of goods, which are regulated by the Civil Code. In order to file a scarga, the Client is guilty of telling the Shop about us to file a scarga by electronic mail or by phone and deliver the advertised goods to the address indicated by the Store, in order, appointed by the service of the Schovishch, at once with a description of the reasons for submitting the scarga.

The customer is not responsible for the delivery of the goods. At the time of the filing of the scarga, we will file a bill for the correction of the goods, which were tied with the scarga, by a bank order on the instructions, the number of the bank account, or we will send the order to the specified address within 7 days from the date of the filing of the scarga.


Upon delivery of the order by courier, you may be able to reconcile. Mi obov'yazkovo took a sprat of rosemary, sob a model, which fit, went for a rosemary. As a matter of fact, during the reconciliation, the river didn’t go for a rosemary, or they changed their minds about taking such a model, You can look at it.

Upon request, you will pay for the delivery rate to the courier. According to Saratov and Engels 100 rubles.

Substantiated for the scarga is proof of purchase and a warranty card for virobiv, in order to expand the guarantee of the virobnik. Warranty claims will be validated within a maximum of 14 days from the date of delivery of the product to the Store. Guarantee claims of the vibrator are examined clearly to the minds of the warranty card.

In times of scarga, the goods will be refurbished or replaced without defects and resold for a sale with a warranty service. Yakshcho repair or replacement is impossible, Shop turn buyers vartist. At the time of the guarantee, the Client may demand a reduction in the price or exit from the contract, if the Store is negligent and without any damages, it will replace the faulty goods without defects or defects. The replacement does not stop, as the defect is corrected in the replaced and repaired product.

Yakscho all the same after the exit of the courier Vi changed their minds about buying the virib. then for 7 days you can return the goods

Return of goods

You can turn around at times, for example:

  • virib not buv vvytku,
  • saved yogo commodity look (labels; tags, scho mіstyat characteristics of the product) and spozhivchі vlastivostі,

When paying for the delivery to the courier, the return can be charged by the delivery through the courier, at which time the delivery cost is paid by the buyer.

The replacement may request replacement of a proponated replacement for a defect, or replace an item without defects, as only the client cannot viconate the contract according to the procedure chosen by the Client, or he will require supranational vitrates in accordance with the method requested by the Client. score.

The client cannot withdraw from the contract, as the defect cannot be significant. Having registered with the Store, the Client will be able to process personal data by the Acceptor. The entrusted data is victorious only for the purpose of viewing your request and for submitting information about the Shop. The transfer of personal data by the Client that year to their processing is necessary for the completion of the Store.

Wartіst goods, paid bank card turn to a bank card

The return of goods is not proper

At the time of the purchase, the goods are transferred to the broken minds of the contract with the order of kіlkostі, assortment, yakostі, completeness, tari and (or) packaging of the goods, the purchaser may not be pіznіshe 20 days after the termination of the sale of the goods about cі destruction.

The client reprimands for giving untrue special data. Vіdpovіdno up to vishchezgadannogo Buyer's skin Buyer may have the right to revise their special data, correcting them and vimagati vidalennya. This Regulation is gaining authority from the date of publication on the Website and for an unspecified period of time.

The store reserves the right to change and change your mind - all changes will be published on the website of the online store. Agreements laid down before the date of making amendments to these Rules will be zdіysnyuvatisya on the submission of documents that are due on the day of the placement of the application.

The replacement of the goods is not nelezhnoї yakostі for the goods nelezhnoї yakostі is carried out for 30 days, and the return is paid ї groshovoї sumi for 10 days from the day before the appearance of the vіdpovіdnoї vymogy (if necessary, the examination is carried out for 40 days)

The return of the goods is not nenalezhnoї yakostі zdіysnyuєtsya for rahunok іnternet-magazine,

In food, which is not regulated in these rules, the provisions of the Civil Code shall be enforced. Shchoraz, if the Rules go. The information provided on the website of the Store is not intended to comply with the Civil Code. Information about the product at once with the price

The Seller has the right to change the price of the Goods, to order and take the Goods, to give discounts on the same goods, as well as to discount and redeem shares. Tse already nіyak not obmezhuє rights, nabutі Clients. Advertising sales and sales are reserved for the exchanged quantity of Goods, and the Reservations are placed in the order of commencing the Goods, stock up on the goods, store them in the form of sales, will not be exhausted.

The return of the cost is due for a period of 10 days after the withdrawal of the parcel.

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