Newspaper shares - Komsomol truth. Advertising campaign Komsomolskaya Pravda “School without cordons. Prizes of the Advertising Campaign Komsomolskaya Pravda "School Without Cordons"

Newspaper " Komsomolskaya Pravda»- The greatest phenomenon of the Russian press. It is one of the oldest publications in our country - newspapers 82 rocks. Vidanna was released in two political regimes- the dictatorship of the Communist Party and the lower, "democratic". The phenomenon of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is that it was popular not only for radio hours, but even today. At the beginning of the 1990s, if all Russian suspense was judging by the "old remnants", the newspaper abandoned its "radian name" and did not consider its orders. It’s not enough to talk about those that the team won to save the brand, but about those that value the wine and respect the history of the newspaper.

How did the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper manage to preserve the interest of readers? Why is she taking a leading position in the market? Chi saved her old traditions? Going back to the history of the newspaper, to the current concept, to the head task of the collective thinking, the main directives of activity, to the materials, to the audience of the newspaper, we can see that the shares are borrowed from the newspaper.

Three stories. On March 13, 1925, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) praised the decision of the bureau of the Central Committee of the RLKSM "to issue the All-Union Komsomol newspaper with a permit for the first period 1-2 times a day." On April 10 of the same year, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) confirmed the name of the All-Union Komsomol newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" All about the Communist Party // Oleksandr Slepkov, 26th, became the first editor; NEP. Taras Kostrov (24 years old) became the new editor.

“Komsomolskaya Pravda has traditionally folded stosunki with power, without respect for five orders, taken away for old hours,” Valery Simonov, the head editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, seems to be. - Orders were given, but more often for tsі 70 rokіv they “put it on the lookout”, dorikali at “vіdrivі vіd deysnostі” and “updated the kerіvnitstvo”. Leaders - from Josip Vissarionovich to Boris Mikolayovich - played no less a difference between the general line, a bit of a cocky tone and a smart headline. Ale, if you don’t mind, they didn’t vilify so ”Simonov A. With a raised head. / / Journalist No. 5, 1995 rec. S. 13.

Respectfully, the tradition of expressive headlines and ironic tone was preserved by the Donin.

The first issue of "KP" Viyshov, May 24, 1925, with a circulation of 31,000 copies. The circulation of infants is already 134 thousand. Yakovlev T. Mi started on Vagankivsky. / / Journalist No. 5, 1995 rec. Z. 13. . For comparison: at a time, the circulation of the “KP” shdenka is close to 800 thousand, the circulation of the “tovstushka” is close to 3 million.

On March 1, 1990, Komsomolskaya Pravda ceased to be an organ of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Newly identified - "All-Union Good Newspaper". The important 90s began, for newspapers, as the establishment of other sectors of the economy, the hour of the crisis has come. How did the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" surviving?

“Let’s think about it, we’ve suddenly had illusions that a kind uncle would help us, and all the efforts were sent to create a stable market model of Komsomolskaya Pravda,” the seemingly large general director of AT Komsomolskaya Pravda Viktor Shkulov. - As a result, we have re-created for ourselves the Country of Our Newspaper - SND. New sources of finance appeared.

Now, be more specific. If the Union has collapsed and the old system has fallen, the central friend has become a rapt to no one. Okrim hіba scho chitachіv. But for low objective reasons, their number fell catastrophically. Here we made a decision: to decentralize the Drukar car of the Komsomolskaya Pravda. They began to search in the regions of partners, they would like to call on themselves the turbos of a well-known newspaper and a wide range of newspapers. Obviously, on mutually vigilant minds. We give a black number from Moscow - stinks under the brand name "KP" to add to the new one your advertising tabs and various supplements, invested in the interests of your readers. This idea was given to partners even more attractive… Today, our “central-regional” newspaper is found in 38 largest places of the largest Union”…

So they pinned down on my circulation” Shkulov V. Kraina of our newspaper. / / Journalist No. 5, 1995 rec. Z. 22-23. .

To match: at the same time, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" can 74 points each other in Russia and beyond the cordon, enter 89 regions of Russia, 11 regions of the SND and 20 countries of the world. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” is the leader of the world from points to the other Mi No. 1 in Russia. // Presentation of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". //

The system of robots with files is described above, saved dosі. Although, in 90 points, they were more independent in terms of promotion to the Moscow Komsomolskaya Pravda, now a controlling stake in the Moscow office of the newspaper has a larger shareholding in the Moscow office of the newspaper. The difference between the regional sides is now little noticed in the central ones: the same principle of selection of novelties, the manner of presentation, the style of the headings.

1999 - a new milestone in history. The newspaper comes out in a new format - A3. And in 2001, Komsomolskaya Pravda began to appear in color.

February 13, 2006, is a black day in the history of the newspaper: after a fire, which had fallen into the electrical conduit, it appeared on the 6th overhead on the streets of Pravda, and the editorial office was rotting for decades. Pozhezha took away the life of the barmaid Evgenia Karpova, the unique archives of the newspaper were destroyed. Bitcoins later are available close to 2 million dollars.

The number, which was already ready to be signed, had to be rewritten again, to the one that burned all the servers and played out of tune with the computer. For many days, the editorial office took a telegram from the president: “I wish the editorial staff of Komsomolskaya Pravda would probably get in touch with the news later. To whom you, sing-song, are helped by the impression that all your readers are with you. V. PUTIN "All about the KP. // There was a lot of calls and telegrams for readers.

For a month, the Komsomolskaya Pravda team published a newspaper near a small hall, kindly given to the Russian newspaper. And s 7 birch "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - at the budіvlі kolishnoї poliklіnіk vydavnitstvа "Presa" at the address: vul. "Truth", booth 15.

Newspaper concept. Already a lot of rock "Komsomolskaya Pravda" realizes its concept of journalism of news, and a lot of things for which the beginning of its history won the love of the audience. From the flow of news, the editorial board picks up only those notes, which are practical in terms of millions of people, or so, which call for a real emotional reaction - those millions. The chief editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Sungorkin V.M., should not speak about it: “For example, if it’s like a character to get 5 million people, then we can not worry about something new, but it doesn’t matter if it’s a bad guy, what history is , it became (in Tatarstan, a nurse in a canopy booth replaced the women they didn’t care and the stench grew up to 20 years and lived in coastal villages), then such a typical Indian melodrama is read by the mothers, and it means that it’s our novelty "Skorobogatko V Peredmova. // Vasilyeva L.A. Robimo news! M., 2002. S. 4.

Another warehouse concept of novelties of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is the packaging of novelties, the supply of material. “We constantly think about those, like a novelty, - it seems Sungorkin V.M. - Sob її it was easy to digest - like a strain in a restaurant - schob to meat buv and garnish, so that the “їє” itself can look good (remember the mother heading) and the charge is a little one or a schedule, which makes it easier to understand the problem. Rozpovidaemo, for example, that the salary of military pilots is 15 thousand dollars, and the order of the plate is for sailors, for tankers it is. Laying out the news on the details, the “clip-feed” is ours ... They don’t deal with a lot of newspapers, they write in a simple way: a novelty, a great headline, a photograph ... We want to make it easier to get the news filed. Why do they bark us: you, movlyav, vulgarities, you support the population, this is how the “zhovta” press behaves. But I think that in the current situation of competition between different types of ZMI we are developing right” Skorobogatko V. Decree. Op. C.4. .

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" declares its independence from power, be it political parties, ruhіv, leaderіv. “I’m happy, now that some other newspaper is starting to position itself, let’s say, like a pro-ordinary seen in the past, oppositional, - so once indulge yourself and read an objective look at life, - it’s like Sungorkin V.M. - Mi poses in parties, poses in opposition and pro-orderliness. Tse for journalists, in my opinion, the best pidkhid. We can indefatigably watch for what is happening - explain everything to people, show everything. Well done president - commendable, here we are not worthy of guilt, as if miraculously appeared - let's hang our position. I didn’t want to live to see the hour when they raised the ensign with a cry: “Komsomolskaya Pravda” - the whole newspaper of the baked opposition, or - navpak - cheering the president on the other side. As soon as we start in such a game, we become not a newspaper, but a propaganda leaflet, which is to fool people. What is not good! Skorobogatko V. Op. Op. C.3. .

Behind the words of the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda, it was important that the newspaper was a special mass information - it told about everything, important, that for sympathies and antipathies, after looking at retail, the newspaper took the essence of our right - to inform the reader. Tse i vvazhe for yourself head managers the Komsomolskaya Pravda team.

At one time, the journalists of the newspaper try to show a kind tone in their publications. They are seen as aggressive, with a figuratively significant intonation, but “Komsomolskaya Pravda” cannot be compared to them. “We are trying to be kind to people that appear,” says Sungorkin V.M. - Why are they barking at us: you are kind, you are conformist. Ale, the readers mark and recognize our position. He hangs the lining of a newspaper with a portrait of Lyudmila Putina. Why is there a vision here? This is the first interview with L. Putin's press, and she gave it to Komsomolts. If її were asleep: “Why should we? Adzhe has the same circulation in other newspapers,” she said: “I marvel at Komsomolskaya Pravda, I’m sure, the newspaper is not evil.” It’s important for less and for our spy, obviously, it was an important factor” Skorobogatko V. Decree. Op. C.5. .

Wimogy to materials."Komsomolskaya Pravda" practice finishing and infotainment. Finishing - the whole publication plus the reaction to it from the audience - a friend, a third, a p'yat, and then the whole "serial" seems to be completed, finished. The word "information" has two words - "information" and "information" (information and recognition). Tsey priyom nazіleny on those schob sales of the newspaper zbіlshivsya. Behind the words of Sungorkin V.M., the editorial office attaches great respect to the “rozvazi іnformatsiї” Skorobogatko V. Op. Op. C.4. .

At “Komsomolskaya Pravda” it is forbidden not to publish great monolithic texts, to split the publication into impersonal small texts, decorated in a different way, at a great pace of different kinds of trust, in which additional information on the topic (“Review of “KP”, “Before the speech”, “ And how they have”, “Rating“ KP ”, experience on the site is too thin.” Even love the “Komsomolskaya Pravda” for accuracy - various graphics, tables, diagrams, maps. great value give photographs. In "Komsomoltsі" it is equal to the text, to which the images are chosen expressively, in order to attach respect. In some cases, when the photograph and the text are interchanged, it is blamed for additional changes, plans by the authors of the material and the editor.

For all the innovations that have made Komsomolskaya Pravda known, and despite the change of success, copies of other things are being copied, the newspaper does not forget even the best traditional Radian journalism. Sungorkin V.M. rozpovidaє: “For ten years already, we have not known the Radyansky Union, but we are trying to save more and more of the best of all the best efforts from the lower “Komsomolets”. Stars of radian journalism continue to be friends with us, and among the readers of the older generation the stink is super popular” Skorobogatko V. Decree. Op. C.3. .

Audience "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Following the tribute to TNS Gallup Media, in the fierce year of 2006, the audience of the largest circulation newspapers in Russia became: “From hand to hand” - 2,484.63 thousand. osib, "Life" - 2 359.97 thousand. osib, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - 2,160.68 tis. osіb ta "Moskovsky Komsomolets" - 1,417.35 tis. osib. The audience of the short edition of KP reached 6,454,990 or 11.3% of the adult population of Russia. The audience of one issue of the newspaper "Anteni-Telesim" - 13,729,000 pers. // Tobto "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is one of the leaders in terms of the size of the audience among other people.

In the spring of 2006 - fierce 2007 rock, for the tribute of TNS Gallup Media, the audience of the published issue of "KP" in Russia folded 2,918 thousand, and the spring one - 8,807 thousand copies. Vihodyachi z tsikh danikh, mi bachimo, scho for the fates the audience of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" grew up.

Who is vin, a reader of "Komsomolskaya Pravda"? For a long time it was important that it was a youth newspaper, its name said about it. But then the situation changed. “Let's think, let's say, that our newspaper is not positioned today as a youth,” says Sungorkin V.M. - We have seen it for a long time already, we respect “KP” as a newspaper for everyone, for all the motherland. Readers, as if they were young, became 50-year-old, but read us behind the star, and we can not be on the street. Obviously, we have young men and women friends, but there are materials for the middle age, for pensioners. The absence of our materials is insured for family, for older generation…Indeed, a person becomes a newspaper reader, if he is already thirty, if he has that other rhythm of life in him, lower that of a teenager. The axis of the same wine sits on the sofa and starts reading newspapers » Skorobogatko V. Decree. C.4. .

"Komsomol'ska Pravda" regularly claims to reach its audience. The results are uploaded to the site for advertisers, vindicated by both the advertising service and the editorial board.

If you marvel at the audience of the given issue, then the women will become more (59 hundred). We will come early: 35-44 years old - 25 thousand, 45-54 - 23 thousand, 25-34 - 15 thousand, 16-24 - 14 thousand, 55-64 - 12 thousand, 65 and older - 11 thousand. Tobto "Komsomolskaya Pravda" zdebіshego read people of the middle age.

With this light, the basis of the mass of readers is the middle one (63 windows). The auditorium will become 33 hundred square meters of light. Well, vtim, it doesn’t really look like a picture all over the country.

Most readers of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" are service workers and workers (1177100 copies). There were also a few among them kerіvnikіv and specialists (834 300 osіb). The portrait of the audience of a tyzhnevika is not the same as the portrait of a chitach shchodenki. So, women make up 61 hundred, so is a large proportion of people of the middle age (35-44 - 23 hundred, 45-54 - 24). Readers from the middle light - 62 vіdsotka, from the vishchoy - 33 vіdsotki. Well, I know the main part of the audience - servicemen, workers, clerks, fakhivtsi Figures behind the TNS Gallup Media tribute, spring 2006 - fierce 2007 fate. .

The main directives of editorial activity The stench is rich in what it is similar to the work of other editorial offices: the selection and processing of information, the preparation and release of the issue, the organizational-mass work, the work with editorial mail. The editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda is supported by those who give a lot of respect to social experiments (the column “Tested on oneself”: the journalist takes on himself the social role or “exposing evil” to clean water) and social bills of the and etc.).

Serious work is carried out from the sheets of readers. For whom to navit є special vіddіl. For a week before "Komsomolskaya Pravda" come close to 30 thousand sheets, up to 100 thousand per month, and do not take respect for the comments on publications on the site on the Internet. The mail is sent for the voddels. For them, a serious reference point in publications: її to read that wiggle more, often - just mood. The head of the spіvrobіtnikіv - foresee the publication, which confirms the assessment of the population. Vaughn and become ochіkuvanoy novelty.

“Kozhen came up with my own plan for publishing sheets and reviews on them,” explains V.M. Sungorkin. - We are listing with readers. Well, not with skin, but with bagatma. On Fridays, at the glider, the leaves were reminded of the post that they needed, they were reminded by those who called out to the readers for the greatest note ... We are sure to provoke the leaves. Even a newspaper like this is not small, yakby її її svіdomo did not stimulate. Signs are given, understandably, and that situation, which is rich in leaves, is different.

So, even though there is a high part of the scarg, it’s not enough just to think, to play with us in various competitions, to win the quiz. This is the name of the working mail, which is the basis for publications, accepting a decision - about a thousand leaves for the day. We can’t have a newspaper, otherwise we didn’t have any correspondence taken away by us. Tse i materials, which without intermediary pov'yazanі z postoj, scho nadіyshla ahead of the day - vіdpovіdі on zapnіkatsії, i publіkatsії, pov'yazanі z ochіkuvanniy audience. Numbers, in which you can’t move with the reader, don’t use” Skorobogatko V. Decree. C.4. .

In such a rank, we believe that the editorial office of the latest newspaper is oriented not to those who are not the journalists themselves (which is to beware of the rich editorial offices), but to those who are the audience. Closer to people – the axis can be briefly characterized in this way the work of the editorial staff of the newspaper. І navit shares, how to carry out a newspaper and about how to get ahead of the attacking distribution, “growing” out of spodіvan that nadіy audience. Readers proponuyut - "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dіє - for this principle, the shares of this newspaper are most often opened.

Shares at Komsomolskaya Pravda occupy an important place in a robot. Do not be afraid of fate, if only one chirp of great actions has passed. Moreover, this tradition goes on during the hours of planting a newspaper. It is sing-songly related to him, that seeing the back of the head was like a youth. And juveniles are an active people, they want not just to read, but to pronounce, rob, take their fate at any number of visits. Returning to the largest shares, as the newspaper carried out by stretching its foundation.

In 1927, Komsomolska Pravda's branch of the Komsomol spoke about the Komsomol virobnichesk subotniks and put food about the legitimization of the first Komsomol shock brigades, like "the opir of bureaucrats, shkіdnikіv and conservative elements in the field." Why such order No. 335 was seen and signed by Comrade Kuibishev.

In 1930, the newspaper came forward with an initiative: it advocated the establishment of sports norms and minimums for skin "ready to practice defense." So the badges "BGTO" and "GTO" were named, the All-Union Striletsky campaign was held and the badge "Voroshilovsky Strilets" was founded.

In 1942, socially important actions were carried out: "Parcels for War" and "Take of Metal Bruhtu". It dawned on me that you would come in at that difficult hour just needed. Soldiers at the front did not get speeches like that. Metal was needed for terminology of firearms.

In 1943, there was a direct propaganda campaign for Stalingrad called Komsomolskaya Pravda. Stalingrad issued 230 special editions of "KP" with a circulation of 500,000 copies.

In 1961, the first in the country "Institute of the Gromadskoy Dumka" "KP" was created, which is to conduct mass education of young people "What do you think about your generation?".

In 1971, a competition was announced for the best verses about a contemporary singer, in which 16,000 non-professional poets took part.

In 1990, the famous social experiment of “KP” was born: redemption of money from the population with a guarantee of full anonymity. Purchased: TT pistols, grenades, hand gun, Kalashnikov’s machine gun. The head office was seen by a group of occupied organs of internal affairs.

In 1995, the lists of those who perished near Chechnya in the mid-90s were instructed on the sides of "KP", then the "Book of Memory" was published as an editorial initiative.

In 1999, the campaign “Encouragement for war” (that’s the name itself, like the Great Vitchiznyanu war - continuation of the tradition) was praised nationwide, took tons of humanitarian vantage for the wars in Chechnya.

In 2002, the political journalist Uliana Skoybeda got into the party of the national Bolshevik Eduard Limonov and spoke about the essence of this fascist movement. The newspaper came out with a cry: “Shut down the Limonka!

At Birch 2003, they held a “didiv” z'izd, where they talked about the chained truth, about non-statutory women in the army. Z'izd praising the decision: denounce the sovereign war of "didivshchina".

Why did the action "Officer, don't be rude" be called for? We sent 50 sheets to officials of various equals and stripes. A month later, the pidbags were beaten and they scolded the material “Who (does not) give a damn about ordinary people”, de turned to the State Duma with the proposition to praise the necessary law, which punishes bureaucrats. The proposition was accepted by the Duma.

2003 rіk in the history of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" became famous for a series of materials that shock Yaroslava Tankova "I'm a sex slave!". The journalist, risking her life, went through the path of Russian girls, who say they are "highly paid for the work behind the cordon", but in fact they sell them at the close descent. The publications shouted a flurry of opinions, started discussions both in the courts and in state bodies. The problem was publicly announced earlier.

For some reason "Komsomolskaya Pravda" sold Luzhkov's famous cap at an auction, and the donated pennies made rules for the repair of Budin's child.

In 2004, readers of "KP" took 300,000 rubles for the jubilation of the actor Semyon Faradi. They also held in Moscow the first in the world of x-ray people, which confirmed their supranatural vibes.

“There are no Russian children in nurseries any more” - this was the title of the publication of journalists Volodymyr Vorsobin and Dmitry Steshin in 2004, as it was crushed behind a leaf of the homeland of the Pishchaevs, they arrived to Russia from the Uzbek town of Uchkuduk near Podmoskov. Fathers Pishchaev and three of their grown-up blues, not respecting the Russian trip, 2 rocks could not take away the enormity of that residence permit. After publication, justice prevailed. In 2005, a group of the International Confederation of Comrades of Relief "KP" held an action "Tell the Reagent" about the lack of reagents, which are used to collect the streets of our cities. The action and її vysnovki took away the support from the State Duma.

Why did the correspondent Volodymyr Vorsobin take part in the experiment of vikritt Grabovoi - the “new Jesus”, as he calls himself wine: he shows him a photograph of an identikit, prepared in the editorial office, and ask him to resurrect this person. The psychic asks a lot of pennies and takes up the job. Vorsobin's publications stimulate the discussion of Grabovoi's work in other publications.

In 2006, a roci was held at KP “round” style “What is Jewish food in Russia?”. The fate of the Russian patriots and representatives of the Jewish diaspora took the fate of the new one.

For some reason, they held the action "Dachna Amnesty" for the protection of summer residents, as they can spend their land plots in the wake of the new privatization rules. Readers were encouraged to fill in the leaflet or send their notification by electronic mail to the dacha plots. Thousands of leaves have come. And all the editorial office sent to the order of that State Duma. A month later, the law was adopted to the fury of summer residents. It became tse zavdyaki vtruchannyu newspapers.

The same articles to the special correspondent of "KP" Volodymyr Vorsobin became a drive for trapping the psychic Grabovoi, who promised to resurrect the children of Beslan Div for a penny. about tse All about KP. //

Visnovok to distribution 3

Otzhe, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is not vipadkovo selected for tsgogo doslіdzhennya. Seeing history with a rich history, it has survived two regimes. The phenomenon of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" lies in the fact that what they saw was popular not only in Radianska epoch, But the rest of the history of our country is left with one of the leaders of the other. The collective of the publisher did not become familiar with the old name of their newspaper, vtіm, like the old tradition of radian journalism. The newspaper publishes popular authors of many rock songs. With this team, they actively use the techniques of contemporary journalism: “finishing”, “infotainment”, “event action”, the so-called “clip” headlines, various promotions, backgrounder (streaming information).

Needless to say, the actions were carried out at Komsomolskaya Pravda for the first time ever. It’s just that for the radian hours, they were paid and paid before they were carried out, but they were less. But with all the stench, they were no less socially significant, lower than our hour. Shares have always occupied an important place in the robotic editorial office of the newspaper, and for the most part, Komsomolskaya Pravda has won the honor of readers (“the editors do not bait the people!”, “journalism is about the simple population, the solution of their problems!”). In addition, most of the materials in the newspaper are devoted to various socially important problems that praise the main part of the population. Closer to people - this is how you can characterize the activity of the newspaper. At the anniversary for Komsomolskaya Pravda 2000, the editor-in-chief Sungorkin V.N. said on the side of the newspaper: “My newspapers, if you want, have a political credo: to achieve that life in Russia is easier and better.” 'Yu . // "Komsomolskaya Pravda". 2000 rec. 24 May. 9. . Readers don’t care less in words, but on the right they see it, and it’s possible for them to love a newspaper, forgiving their easy yellowness and loyalty to Russian government.

The meta of the Action is to turn the respect of the wide circle to the best lighting practices in the field of early professional education, and also to want the students of the global lighting organizations until the day they become self-determined, until they discover the development of their strengths, strengths and talents.

Promotion period: Promotion is held from 01 April to 30 April 2018. Not later than Aug 03, 2018 the results of the competition will be published and the winners will be announced on the website

Audience of participants in the Action: before participating in the action, students from higher educational institutions - schools, gymnasiums and lyceums Russian Federation. For sub-bags of the Promotion, statistics will be given and the rating of activity of regions will be assigned, as well as winners in three nominations, which will be awarded prizes.

Wash the advertising campaign Komsomolskaya Pravda "School without cordons"

The promotion will take place in an online format; short description until then, fill in the participant's profile, indicating the name, region, school and contact details. Official hashtag for posting announcing information about the campaign in social networks - #schoolbezmezh

Description of the Action, the mechanics of the photo contest: Within the framework of the Action, among students of 1-11 grades of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, a thematic photo contest is held. Participants of the photo contest celebrate the creativity of the organizer of the photo contest with the minds of the photo contest, publishing it in the special distribution of Promotions on the federal website and in the heading "Competition" and in the special distribution of Promotions / . The creative task is to create a thematic photograph for one of the nominated nominations and entice them to the site in a special form in jpeg, jpg format. The photo is accompanied by a short description and contact details of the participant. The participant tells which region they live in, which school they study in, tell them their phone number and email address.

Nominations for the Action-photo contest

The action is held in three nominations. The choice of the nomination is up to the participant of the Action (photo contest).

Participants of the Action - students or groups of students from grades 1 to 11 of the Russian school, gymnasium, lyceum.

  1. 1st nomination: "I'm choosing a profession" The contestants, who have chosen this nomination, are encouraged to take a creative task: take a photograph, on which May a participant is depicted in the image of the chosen profession. For example, a participant is photographed in a professional suit with an attribute of the chosen profession. The participant's fantasy does not get separated, it is necessary to create a photograph, which one can designate, as a participant chooses a profession, and one should take one's own life. The photo is accompanied by a short description (no more than 1 thousand signs, 3-5 propositions), why the participant is qualified for that other profession.
  2. 2nd nomination: “My teacher is my best mentor” - Participants of the photo contest, who have chosen this nomination, entice a photograph, for which the participant is depicted together with his mentor, school teacher, or as a contributor to supplementary education. Before the photo, the contestant will add short description Like a mentor helping to choose a future profession, why did an authoritative thought put a mentor’s robot on the choice of a future profession. The number of signs for the description of the photograph is no more than 1 yew (3-5 propositions).
  3. 3rd nomination: "Territory of creativity": the contestant is capturing a photograph, on which it is depicted with a good wine, technical development or creative work, a short description of his work is added to the photograph, the number of signs is not more than 1 yew. (3-5 propositions).

Prizes of the Advertising Campaign Komsomolskaya Pravda "School Without Cordons"

In the end, 9 (nine prizes) will be awarded, the skin nomination will have three prizes per month. It is encouraged to present the next prizes to the participants of the photo contest.

  1. 1st place - Apple iPad tablet (128Gb, ​​Wi-Fi + Cellular)
  2. 2nd month - Apple iPad 2017 tablet (9.7 Wi-Fi)
  3. 3rd month – the Smart Yearbook is awarded (there will be a fall in the skin nomination – the Smart Baby Watch T58 Smart Yearbook, or the EnBe Children Watch Smart Yearbook, or the I'm Watch Smart Yearbook).

In 2010, Oktoberfest celebrates its anniversary – 200 years ago, Munich hosted the first beer festival in history. In our country, the galaslive beer sacredly came with the brand of Bavarian beer Paulaner. Traditionally, Oktoberfest celebrates at Nimechi, near the capital of Bavaria - Munich from 18 spring to 4 days. On Terezin’s puddle, their plans of breweries are roaring, as if for more than a decade they have taken the fate of the saint. At the sight of Munich, the Oktoberfest near Moscow is seen at bars and restaurants, like taking the fate of the saint. Hush, there are more daedals with skin rock. In Russia, Christmas festivities are celebrated earlier, lower in Bavaria, through the climatic features of our country - we start on 11 spring and end on 3 days.

KP.RU preach to come to the festival saints, having taken part in the competition. 15 p.m., You take away the unique opportunity to win special Christmas prizes at the Paulaner Oktoberfest, and at the same time turn over your knowledge about beer, laying down that subtlety of the right festival fun. І small tip - on the website of the sponsor of the Oktoberfest festival competition brown information how can you help when looking for the right answers.


  • "Paulaner beer tower" - six dizhok!
    We will give you the promo bags of Victory and give you two barrels of beer for the day.
  • "Oktoberfest To Go" The most active participant - an active gift - "Give Oktoberfest to friends"
    The girl, that lad in national costumes at the video studio of the VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda" to hand over Paulaner beer!
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