Skhodіv їх descriptions of Russian and radyanskys. A short note about the scientific activity of a. X. gathering. Oleksandr Khristoforovich Vostokov. Biography

Oleksandr Khristoforovich Vostokov- philologist-Slavist, paleographer, sings, translators - was born on 16 birch 1781. in Ahrensburz ( Yezel island). Being the son of a baron HM. Osten-Sacken, vin z chotiroh rokiv vykhovuvavsya in Revel, in someone else's sim'ї, Volodya in German and Estonian language and wearing a nickname Stop(at the Russian translation - Skhodiv). At the age of eight years, having entered the gymnasium Land Cadet Corps de vchitisya practically not zmіg, oskіlki, yak svіdchiv N.I. Greek, it became clear that "... a sensible, oppressive, kind-hearted lad obsessed with an illness, who crosses his rozum development: vin zaїkavsya in the other world. Insistence, like vin suffering all his life, it was so strong that vin with great toughness could take one or two, three words in order...". At 1794r. Yunak Transitions Academy of Mythology, de navchavsya on the cob at the little boy, then at the architectural class. Without revealing any particular strengths in the arts of the sciences, After the completion of the education, they went to the library. Academy of Sciences assistant librarian.

Zavdyaki to friends, students of the gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences, Vostokov, having become fond of old language, that Russian poetry and began to write poetry. In 1805-1806. wishli yoga"Let's listen to lyric and other tribni create at the verses", de, let's cover the artistic texts themselves, avenged and philological comments. Z 1801r. Skhodiv - memberVіlny comradeship of amateurs of literature, sciences and artsmiddle yogo znayomih -Radishchev, Izmailov, Born, Papug, Pnin that in.

The first philological work of Vostokov was the respected books of I.M. Born "Short help to Russian literature". At 1812r. in a magazine"St. Petersburg Visnik" veishla yoga practice "Document about the Russian Virshuvannya"assignments to the system of Russian music, organic Russian language. In the middle, the author gave the bilinear verse as a tonic system, based on the number of voices. Tsya Pratsya guessedPushkin in "Come from Moscow to St. Petersburg":"They talked a lot about the right Russian verse. A.Kh. Vostokov, having named yoga with great honor and courage".

In 1825-1827. in the almanac"Pivnichni kviti"Having descended, after having translated their own translations of Serbian songs, the reckoning of such songs was widely played in Pushkin.

At 1820r. in "Practices of the Moscow Association of Lovers of Russian Literature"viishla robot Vostokova"Mirkuvannya about the words of the English language, which serve as an introduction to the grammar of the language of the language, which is formed for the oldest yoga letters memos". For the first time, the historical-historical method of cultivating the words of the Yang language was propagated in her. The author, having presented his periodization of the history of the words of the Yang language (ancient period - IX-XIII centuries, Middle - XIV-XV centuries, New - from the XVI century. ) and having established the phonetic vіdpovіdnostі between them. The work was destroyed by the message about the old-Slovakian language of the old Bulgarian language, there was a disclaimer about those who were of the Church-Slovak language by an independent language, and not by the style of the "Slovonic language language" (against the positionsA.S. Shishkova).

Vostokov's largest contribution to science and primary linguistics at the beginning of the 19th century. steel yoga practice"Short Russian grammar for living in the lower initial mortgages" і "Russian Grammar for the Crossings of Short Grammar, More Vikladena", seen in 1831 Qi robots have become a continuation"Russian Grammar" by Lomonosovand small is of great importance for a distant development Russian Morphology and Syntaxsingularia pluraliaі tantum, as well as names swearing family, having come up with new ideas about two-storey propositions and folding awards. As a material for marriage, the author vikoristovuvav live rozmovna mova.

At 1843r. teachings"Ostromir's Gospel" , on the basis of any other warehouses"Glossary of Church Slavonic" Jansk language "(1858-1861) ta "Grammar of church-slovak language"(1863). Krym tsgogo, edited by Vostokov"Glossary of Church Slavonic and Russian language"(1847) that "Dosvid of the regional Great Russian vocabulary" (1852).

Zaїkuvatіst did not allow vchenom to actively conduct discussions. Retinue helped him to fight with the worldA.I. Galberg, and after її death, from 1855r. - on theHER. Help), as well as learning -P.I. Priceі I.I. Sreznevsky.

At 1864At the age of 83, Oleksandr Khristoforovich Vostokov died. Through the river after the death of the division of the statutes of the great man, it was seen I.I. Sreznevsky under the name"Philological caution".


Russian philologists of the 19th century: Bibliographic dictionary-doctor. M.Є. Babicheva [ta in]. - M.: Zbig, 2006. - 432 p.

Oleksandr Khristoforovich Vostokov. Biography

Born on 16 birch 1781 in Orensburz, Livonian province, roztashovanuyu on the island of Ezel. Vіn buv synom of the Ostsee nobleman Kh. I. Osten-Saken. (Like the word "Osten", which means German "skhid", after the poet's literary pseudonym, which became the official nickname.) Nothing is known about Vostokov's matir. Vikhovuvavsya wines in a foreign homeland, in a "major" Treybluth. Here, among simple, unenlightened people, the early childhood passed. Read the wines of the German Bible, and the Russian fairy tales were recognized as a garrison soldier. If the boy was swayed by this fate, he was brought, by order of the father, to St. Petersburg. The camp of Vostokov near the capital was unimportant and ambiguous, which gave him a lot of moral suffering.

A high-ranking relative of K. I. Osten-Saken, brother of Yogo Batka, guardian of the Grand Duke Kostyantin, cherubing Vostokov's share and letting him see the Winter Palace. But the boy is actually inspired by the controversy, endowing him with the nickname Ostenek. Yogo is promoted to the land cadet gentry corps, more precisely to the gymnasium at the corps, where the children of rіznochintsiv were trained, from which they prepared the future conscripts in the corps. Tim himself Skhodіv mav will be deprived of the nobility and privileges associated with him. In the first years, they were transferred to the gymnasium. Skhodіv improved their knowledge of Russian language, learned French at once, read richly and began to write Russian verses.

The creative interests of Vostokov were sown with the traditions of the corps, which wove around the walls of A. P. Sumarokov and M. M. Kheraskov.

Literary occupations of the cadets knew the pidtrim and the sideways wanderer of literature P.S.

In 1794, roci, for the decisions of K. I. Osten-Saken, Vostokov to translate from the cadet corps to the Academy of Mystics. The reason for the shift was a stronger zaїkannya, as if it crossed the Skhodov way, plant a vikladach.

In the Academy of Skhodiv, without showing great achievements in painting, or in architecture, but without engaging in interest in reading and literature. Do not break the friendship with old comrades from the gymnasium. The hoarding of literary creativity is supported by new friends of Vostokov from the Academy of Mystics - I. A. Ivanov, F. F. Repnin, A. D. Fufaev. At the glances of Vostokov, those її buddies see the rocky infusion of educational ideas. "Reading Voltaire with Yermolaevim ... Obsessed with Paul I", (Notes by A. Kh. Vostokov about his life. - "Collection of the Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences", 1901, vol. 70, No 6, p. 18. ) - write wine to your student.

After the end of the Academy (spring of 1800), he went to the depths of knowledge of the deprivations with him as a boarder, and from 1803 to the end of the year of insurance, as an academic translator and assistant librarian.

In the spring of 1801, the year of the year, he joined the Association of Lovers of the Wrinkled, later renamed in Vilna the Association of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, a sum and a jealous member of this wine, having lost over twenty years, having won the obsession of the secretary, one of the censors of the karb.

The first ledge of Vostokov was kept by the press until 1802. In the other part of the anthology compiled by P. S. Zheleznikov and the name “A shortened library for the reproach of the panams of the First Cadet Corps”, a series of works by Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Dmitriev, were instructed anonymously two verses of the young poet: “Osіnіy early” and wounds" and "Osinniy wound" or the Mountain of thinness. Vostokov's most intense creative activity was associated with the works of the Free Partnership - with the almanac "The Scroll of the Muses" (1802-1803) and "Periodical Views of the Free Partnership..." (1804), debulo included a lot of original and translated works .

In 1805-1806, the rock sings in two parts of its own "Solved the lyric and other tribni create in the verses."

At the approaching ten fates, the poetic activity of Vostokov’s idea of ​​​​extinguishing. Some okremі yoga verses are blamed on the almanac "Talia", magazines "Kvіtnik", "Sapktpeterburzkiy Vіsnik", "Sin of Batkivshchyna". The creative interests of Vostokov are importantly connected with the traditions of the 18th century, and forwarded by their educational aspirations. On the cob of the 1820s, this poetic era has come to an end. Obviously, the writer himself is sensible. In 1821, the remainder of the collection "Virsh" came out, which became a kind of result of Vostokov's literary activity. The basis of the book was the verses from "After Lyrics", "corrected" and "additional", following the words of the author, new, written after 1806.

Requiring funds for the foundation, Skhodіv is obliged to serve fast. Starting from 1804, having made bindings, transferring to the Commission for the folding of laws, and from 1811 - the same settlement in the Department of Heraldry. Step by step, you go to the service of your own philological interests. In 1815, the fate of the wine took away the place of the helper of the collection of manuscripts (later - the collection of manuscripts) from the public library. In addition, from 1824 to 1844, he made a bunch of bindings for a librarian, and then for a senior librarian and head guard at the Rumyantsev Museum (in St. Petersburg).

Infinitely more knowledge, lower poetry, otrimala Vostokov's scientific activity in the sphere of philology, which vindav richly zusil and in yakіy lost the greatest trace. Yogo pracі vrazhayut breadth of interests, smilivistyu and originality vysnovkіv.

In 1812, in the "St. Petersburg Visnik" was published "Documentary about the Russian Virshuvannya" (except for, additionally seen in 1817 roci). Returning to the folk song verse, Vostokov resolutely twisted his own metrical system. Behind yoga, the initial signs of them were not the feet and the evenness of the folds, but the number of percussive folds at the skin fold.

Another work of the scientist - "Mirkuvannya about the words of the Janskian language" (1820) - started the true scientific development of the Church Slavonic language of the language. Before Vostokov's clearness, neither the appointed historical foundation, nor the rosy stature to the Russian one. In response to Vostokov’s thought, a Church Slavonic mova, which old books were written, was a “principal of one such tribe” of words (Vostokov does not specify which one herself). I’m alive, then a book, my mother recognized her development as a low change. As if having taken into account the teachings, the best evidence about the life of the Church Slavonic language is to give ancient monuments, especially the Ostromir Gospel. Naprikintsі svoєї roboti Vostokov rozmіst description of the main grammatical features of Church Slavonic language.

Later, in 1842, roci, I saw the "Ostromirov Evangelii" itself with a parallel Greek text to the original. In addition, he published "Russian Grammar" (1831), which spanned twelve titles, and on the same basis - "Short Russian Grammar" (1833), which is small sixteen titles, as well as "Grammar of Church Slavonic Movies, published from the most recent about 1863).

SKHIDIV (pseudonym; reference name Ostenek) Oleksandr Khristoforovich, Russian philologist, paleographer, poet, translator, academician of the St. In 1794-1802, he began to study at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Secretary of the Free Association of Lovers of Literature, Science and Art (since 1802). In 1803-44 in the service in various government departments, including in 1815 in the Imperial Public Library (in 1828-44 a collection of manuscripts), in 1831 a senior librarian at the Rumyantsev Museum. Since 1820, a member of the Russian Academy. In 1839-45 he was the editor-in-chief of the Archaeographic Commission. Pratsі shdo porivnyalnoi grammatica slov'yanskih mov, grammar rosіyskoї mov, lexicography of Church Slavonic and russian mov, paleography.

The founder of historical-historical education in Russia (“Mirkuvannya pro slov'yanskomu movi...”, 1820); having seen 3 periods in the history of the words of the Yang language, having established the phonetic resemblance in the gallery of vocal sounds between the words of the Yang language as a proof of their peaceful closeness; introduced the use of nasal voices in the Old Slovak language. In the basis of the development of grammar, laying the living rozmovna mov.

Востоков висунув ряд перспективних ідей у ​​​​сфері вивчення російського синтаксису: запропонував нове розуміння найбільш уживаних типів речень як двочленних (двоскладових), поставив питання формах висловлювання складеного присудка, показав різноманіття іменних, дієслівних і прислівникових типів словосполучень, зробив цінні спостереження області словорасположений. I saw the names of the singularia tantum and pluralia tantum (marvel at the Number), the names of the spelled genus and іn.

Skhodіv pіdgotuvav ta zdіysniv n 1843 roci first scientiс vydannia Ostromirov Evangelіya. “Description of Russian and Slovenian Manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum” (1842), collections of Skhodovim, including a fundamental paleographic, archaeological and literary description of 473 memorials of old Russian language.

Debuting yak sings in 1802; the author of the collection “Solved lyric and other tribni create among the verses” (parts 1-2, 1805-06). Skhodіv, an experimentalist, sings, having gone down the middle to the ancient classics, having created Russian equivalents of the ancient logaed (“Bachennya in the grass night” and іn.). Vostokov’s other area of ​​interest is Russian “folk” rozmir: 4-foot trochaic with rhyming dactylic endings (“Pevіslad i Zorya”) and tonic tact-player (“Russian Rivers”, “Serbian Songs”). Vostokov's poetic experiments, which expanded the boundaries of poetic thought in the era, if the new canon of artistic relish was restored to a classicistic canon of artistic relish, theoretically grounded by him in "About the Russian Virshuvannya" mov vіrshuvannya and rozroblenа tonіchna theory of russian folk vіrsh.

Cit.: Russian Grammar by A. Vostokov for images of Yoga and Short Grammar, more published. SPb., 1831. 12th view. SPb., 1874; Glossary of Church Slavonic language. St. Petersburg, 1858–1861. T. 1-2; Grammar of Church-Slovak language mov, included with the oldest written memos. SPb., 1863; Philological caution. SPb., 1865 (bibl.); Vershi. M., 1935.

Karelkin N. P. A. Kh. Vostokov, yoga and literary activity // Vitchiznyany Zapiski. 1855. T. 98. No. 1; Grotto Ya. K. A. Kh. Vostokov // Slov'yansky Oglyad. 1892. No. 4; Maikov L. N. Before the biography of A. Kh. Vostokov. SPb., 1896; Orlov V. N. Russian educators of the 1790-1800s, 2nd species. M., 1953; Amirova T. A., Olkhovikov B. A., Rizdvyaniy Yu. V. Drawings from the history of linguistics. M., 1975; Zeitlin R. M. Academician Skhodiv as a Slavist // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. 1982. No. 2; Golubeva O. D. Vostokov A. Kh. SPb., 1995. Vol. 1; Kolesov U. U. The history of Russian education. St. Petersburg, 2002; Sreznevsky I. I. looking around science practices A. Kh. Vostokova. SPb., 1865.

T. A. Golikova, A. P.

Vinniknennia por_vnyalno-historical education in Russia pov'yazani z im'yam Oleksandr Khristorovich Vostokov (1781-1864). VIN VIDOMY YAK SIT-LIRIK, Author of the same Naokovikh Doslizhen of the Russian Thin Virshuvannya, Doslizlizkiki Pіsen Ta Owls, Zbreach Matereal for the Slovani Etimologic Material, the author of the Gramatika Movie, the words of the Church Movie, the gramatics of the Church of Church ancient memoirs.

Departure, having taken up only the words of the Yang language, and the first for all the old Slav'yan language, the place of which was required to be assigned to the number of the word Yan language. Introducing the root and grammatical forms of the living words of the Yan language from the data of the old Slavic language of the Yan language, the Vostoks zoom in to guess a lot of those who did not understand the facts of the Old Slavic written memos. So, Vostokov should have access to the solution of the "mystery of the yus", tobto. letters zh і a, yakі vin, denoting how the designation of nasal voices, vykhodyachi zі zastavlennya, which in live Polish language q means a nasal voice sound [x], before - [e].

Vostokov pointing out the necessity of stating the data, which lie at the monuments of dead languages, with the facts of living languages ​​and dialects, which later became the language of the intellectual robots of the minds of the historical-historical plan. The whole new word in the establishment of the development of the historical-historical method.

OH. Vostokov should prepare a theoretical and material basis for further research in the history of historical word creation, lexicology, etymology and morphonology. Fedir Ivanovich Buslaev (1818-1897), the founder of the patrimonial historical-historical method, was the author of rich works on the words of the Russian-Russian language, old-Russian literature, traditional folk art and the history of Russian image-making. This concept was formed under the strong infusion of J. Grimm. Win the facts of contemporary Russian, Old Slavic and other Indo-European language, get reminders of old Russian writing and folk sayings. F.I. Buslaev pragne to establish a link between the history of the mov and the history of the people, yogo zvichayami, zvichayami, orders and vіruvannyami. Historical and historical approach to them are distinguished as the approach of Timchasova and spaciousness.

All these works known as the founders of comparative studies are positively characterized by a softness that stinks to quit the bare theorizing, which was typical for the previous eras, and a perfection for the 18th century. The stench is obtained for scientific research of greatness and various material. And yet, it is the main merit of the field that, behind the butt of other sciences, it is necessary to introduce into the mentality a similar and historical development to the development of current facts, and at the same time to generate new concrete methods of scientific research. Porіvnyano - historical translation of mov, as to be carried out in the listing of robots on different materials (A. Kh. Vostokov on the materials of the words of the English mov, in J. Grimm - the German mov) that with a different breadth of hoarseness (the most widely in F. Bopp), It was closely related to the molding ideas about the genetic blueprints of the Indo-European language. The introduction of new methods of scientific research was also supported by concrete indications of the structure and forms of the development of Indo-European languages; actions from them (for example, J. Grimm's formulations of the law of the German transfer of voices or proponations A. X. We have a similar way of assigning the sound value of yusіv that prostration of the share in the words of the ancient words tj, dj and kt in the position the meaning of these themselves is for the inter-vivchennya of these specific mov.

It should be noted that not all appointed robots have plunged into the further development of the science of language. Written in language, insufficiently familiar with the poses of their lands, the works of A. Kh. Vostokov and R. Rask did not take away that scientific resonance, which stinks of the right to invest, just like the works of F. Bopp and J. Grimm served as a starting point for further development of the equally historical commemoration of the Indo-European language.

Skhodiv Oleksandr Khristoforovich

Place of Nation: Ahrensburg

A place of death: St. Petersburg

Oleksandr Khristoforovich Vostokov (pseudonym; reference name Oleksandr-Voldemar Ostenek nim Osteneck) (16 (27) birch 1781 (17810327) - 8 (20) fierce 1864) - Russian philologist, poet, member of the Russian Academy (1820), academician Petersburg Academy of Sciences (from 1841).

Born in Estonia (Arensburg, Ninі Kuressaare), poshlyubny blue Baron Osten-Saken.

^ Literary creativity

У Петербурзі Сходів став активним діячем Вільного товариства любителів словесності, наук і мистецтв, до цього часу відноситься поетична творчість Востокова, витримана в традиціях російського Просвітництва і відзначена експериментами в галузі народних тонічних розмірів, імітації античної метрики («Досліди ліричні та інші дрібні твори », Ch. 1-2, 1805-1806).

^ Scientific achievements and achievements

A. Kh. Vostokov - the legacy of the Russian tonic verse (“Doctrine of the Russian verse”, 1817), memoirs of ancient Slavic writing, grammar of the words of the yansk, mov, including russian, laying the foundations of the relative lexicology of yansk in Russia .

According to R. O. Jacobson,
Вже 1812 року виходить епохальна робота геніального філолога Востокова «Досвід про російське віршуванні», що представила типологію систем віршування, аналіз просодичних передумов російського вірша, огляд різних форм російського фольклорного вірша, характеристику розвитку російського літературного вірша і погляд на сучасні проблеми російського вірша.

Vostokov vvіv the term "Old Slovak language" (1820) in the work "Mirkuvannya about the word "Janian language, which serve as introductions to the Grammar of the language of the language, which is formed behind the oldest written memoirs." At the same robot, I saw three periods in the history of the words of the Yang language: ancient (IX-XIII centuries), Middle (XIV-XV centuries) I new (from the XV century). Having established regular phonetic voicings between the voice sounds of the words of the Yang language, turning the nasal voices (yusi) of the old Slavic language.

Skhodіv was also the author of the modern Russian grammar (“newly written” and “short” Russian grammar, 1831). You have to lie pershoprokhіdnitskij guarding the sphere of syntax, the problems of singularia tantum and pluralia tantum, the common genus toshcho.

Having seen the "Ostromir Gospel" (1843) before. Sklav "Description of Russian and Slovenian Manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum" (1842), described 473 notes. Editing and taking part in the compilation of the “Glossary of Church Slavonic and Russian Language” (vols. 1-4, 1847), stating the “Glossary of Church Slavonic and Russian Language” (1858-1861), Addition" to the new one (1858).

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